Middletown Borough Council Minutes September 3, 2013

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Middletown Borough Council Minutes

September 3, 2013

September 3, 2013 Middletown, PA 17057 The September 3, 2013 meeting of the Middletown Borough Council was called to order at 7 p.m. by Council President Christopher R. McNamara. Following the Invocation by Rev. James Lyles of Youth 10Xs Better and the Wesley United Methodist Church, and the Pledge of Allegiance, the following Council members answered roll call: Barbara Arnold, Donald Brooks, John Brubaker, Robert Louer, Christopher R. McNamara, Judy Putric, David Rhen and Sue Sullivan. Scott Sites was absent. Also present were Borough Manager Tim Konek and Borough Secretary Chris Courogen. Councilor Brooks moved to amend the meeting agenda to add an executive session. The motion was seconded by Councilor Louer and approved by a unanimous 8-0 vote. Council President McNamara called for a moment of silence in honor of former Borough Council member Walter Rider, who passed away recently. Following the moment of silence, Councilor Arnold made a motion to ask Mayor Reid to order flags at Borough facilities to be flown at half-staff in Mr. Riders honor. The motion was seconded by Councilor Rhen and passed by a unanimous 8-0 vote. PUBLIC COMMENT Dawn Knull asked for an update on the Nixle alert system. Council President McNamara explained the Borough is waiting for Nixle to complete the setup of the system. Knull also asked is a letter had been sent to the school district about a meeting with the Boroughs police chief regarding school bus stops. Council President McNamara explained that directive would come from Mayor Reid, not Council, so he did not know if it had been done. Mike Bowman complimented the Borough on the Labor Day weekend fireworks show and commented on the severance package that had been given to a former Borough employee who is now running for a Council seat. Councilor Louer moved to approve the minutes of Councils meetings of July 15 and 16 and August 5 and 19. The motion was seconded by Councilor Arnold and approved by a unanimous 8-0 vote. Councilor Sullivan made a motion to approve Resolution 581 of 2013:


Middletown Borough Council Minutes

September 3, 2013

STIMULATE INDUSTRIAL, COMMERCIAL, AND RESIDENTIAL IMPROVEMENTS AND PREVENT PHYSICAL AND INFRASTRUCTURE DETERIORATION WITHIN ARES OF MIDDLETOWN BOROUGH, DAUPHIN COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, UPON CERTAIN TERMS AND CONDITIONS. The motion was seconded by Councilor Rhen and approved by a unanimous 8-0 vote. Councilor Louer made a motion to approve the plan to upgrade the Boroughs information technology infrastructure. The motion was seconded by Councilor Rhen. Borough Manager Konek explained the project would modernize the Boroughs infrastructure and create needed redundancies, including an emergency backup system. It would also create a fiber optic network between Borough facilities, which would support Voice Over Internet Phone service and video monitoring. The project is what was contemplated in the Phase II of the Boroughs Early Intervention Program with the state. Councilor Brooks asked where the Boroughs match for the state grant helping fund the project would come from. Council President McNamara said it would be from the Capital

Improvement Fund.

Borough financial advisor Mark Morgan explained the project is in part a fix to problems identified during Superstorm Sandy and that the state has agreed it is a good idea and agreed to help fund the project through the EIP program. Councilor Brubaker asked about the cost of the project. Council President McNamara said approximately $132,000, with the Borough share coming to around $50,000. Councilor Brooks asked if the project involved upgrading the Boroughs voice phone service. Council President McNamara said no, just the fiber optic network , but that the improved IT network would also enable upgrades in the future to the phone system The motion was approved by a unanimous 8-0 vote. At 7:25 p.m., Council adjourned to executive session. At 8:26 Council reconvened with Council President McNamara reporting Council had discussed several matters involving personnel and matters pertaining to current and possible litigation.

NEW BUSINESS Councilor Arnold thanked the sponsors of the Labor Day weekend festivities and the volunteers who helped make the events possible. Councilor Arnold applauded the success of the events. Council President McNamara asked the record reflect the food at the community pool during the free swim was provided by the American Legion.

Middletown Borough Council Minutes

September 3, 2013

Councilor Louer said the cheers and shouts of the crowd at the boat landing for the fireworks could be heard several blocks away and complimented those who put the event together.
Councilor Brooks made a motion to adjourn. It was seconded by Councilor Arnold and approved by unanimous consent. At 8:31 p.m., the meeting was adjourned.

Borough Secretary

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