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Student Name: Placement For: Company Name: Supervisor: Job Title: 1) Your Name: mary p ellis

Victoria Avery Spring/2013 Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Mary Ellis Co-worker ~ PACU 4 month

2) Were you the student's immediate supervisor? Yes DUTIES 3) Summarize the student's duties during the co-op experience: assisted nursing in admitting patients into their PACU bay--place EKG/leads cardiac monitor on,O2 sat,BP,temp. Log pt into the PIMS system, an electronic record, print out preop and intraop record, obtain boot machine, incentive spirometer, IV and PCA or Epidural pumps.Obtain pts labs by either peripheral sticks/Phlebotomy or drawing blood from CL or Aline. Assisted nurses with pt positioning, applied CPM machine on pts, emptied Foley catheters, JP drains, Duval drains. Assisted patients with dressing, repositioning, ambulation and transferring pts to floor via bed or discharging them from the PACU to their cars via w/c. Assisted nurses by inserting Foley catheters into both male and female patients. Assisted nurses in emergencies with frequent vital signs, blood draws,gathering important equipment STAT. Stocks supplies in each Unit,check expiration dates on supplies,obtains 12 lead EKG's, and many other tasks. INTERPERSONAL ABILITIES 4) The student's ability to interact effectively with other professionals/clients/consumers and deal effectively with cultural and ethnic diversity issues: EXCEEDED STANDARD (Always worked well with people of various levels and backgrounds within the organization and interacted appropriately with external constituencies) Comments: BIDMC is a multi-cultural diverse population and Tori is accepting of patients and their family member's different life styles and cultures--there are many addicts, transgenders,special needs and non-English speaking patients and Tori is respectful, patient and kind-hearted to anyone she encounters. She is so curteous to everyone and does not gossip or partake in inappropriate conversations. She is a pleasure to be around. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION 5) The way a student communicated ideas and information in writing (e-mail, reports, correspondence and graphs): MET STANDARD (Clear and organized) Comments: Tori documented VS in chart/PACU Record; however, there was not much opportunity for Tori to have much written communication in her patient care. She always emails me as a way of communication if she has a question or is following up on an assignment I have asked her to do. If she needs to call in a work order, she writes this down in the log in each PACU Area. VERBAL COMMUNICATION 6) The way in which the student organized and communicated ideas and information appropriate to the listener and situation: EXCEEDED STANDARD (Clear, concise, appropriate language and tone) Comments: Some of the staff's responses about Tori's verbal communications: She is always kind to the patients. I always hear her introduce herself and explain what she will be doing.Tori was beyond friendly and very supportive emotionally and clinically to patients,staff and family members. She is respectful and uses appropriate language when collaborating amongst her peers, staff members and physicians. TEAMWORK / INTERDISCIPLINARITY 7) The way a student worked in groups toward common goals and needs: EXCEEDED STANDARD (Facilitated/coordinated the contribution of others in group settings to achieve common goals/needs)

Comments: Tori has the ability to take a step back and see what is needed in the room. She will sign patients in, transfer pts if transport is unavailable, asks if it is OK to empty Foleys and drains prior to pts discharged from the PACU--she will draw admission labs and do whatever else is needed to assist the nurse and provide optimal nursing care. She has mastered situational awareness that is unique for nursing student to already possess. Tori loves to be involved with a variety of patients and is willing to pitch in and help in any area. She is always finding something to do and when there is down time, she will stock, clean and ask questions about certain patients to extend her knoweldge base. PROBLEM SOLVING 8) The way a student recognized and defined problems, analyzed data, developed and implemented solutions, and evaluated outcomes: EXCEEDED STANDARD (Demonstrated an exceptional ability to identify evaluate and recommend solutions) Comments: Tori is a quick learner and eager and intuitive to learn as much as she can--she asks many questions when a patient comes into the PACU tachycardic and low BP--she is learning is it hypovolemia, bleeding, narcotic induced, etc? She builds upon previous instruction. Tori is always willing to learn new things--many times, pts need to be re-blocked, have an emergent TEE or cardioversion and Tori will be the first in the room watching and later, asking appropriate questions. CRITICAL THINKING 9) The way a student questioned logically, identified, generated and evaluated the elements of a logical argument, recognized and differentiated facts, illusions, assumptions and hidden assumptions, and distinguished the relevant from the irrelevant: EXCEEDED STANDARD (Always relevant and often thought-provoking) Comments: Many nurses think Tori has exceptional judgement and will take initiative in extremely stressful situations. We had a patient who was bleeding profusely--the surgeons and nurses were hanging transfusion after transfusion and changing the vacume drainage constantly--the bleeding was foul smelling and the entire situation was very anxiety provocking. Tori was quite proactive; she never left the patient's side, assisting cleaning and reassuring the patient that she was safe. Tori stayed calm, caring and compassionate--these attributes you cannot teach in school!! PROFESSIONALISM 10) The way in which the student exhibited professional behaviors in the workplace, and represented professionals and employers effectively (dress, reliability, time management, language, boundaries): EXCEEDED STANDARD (Exhibited professional behavior at all times, in and out of the workplace, in accordance with both written and unwritten guidelines, without specific instruction) Comments: Tori is always on time for work and very dependable. She is willing to be flexible with her schedule accommodating our units whenever possible. She knows her boundaries, will always ask before doing something for the first time--double checks if she is not sure--patient safety is her priority. Tori is a mature, extremely professional student!! Describe the student's.. 11) ATTENDANCE Regular Comments: Tori is very flexible with her schedule--if we need her to stay later or come in earlier, she is very willing and able to accomodate our Unit. Her attendance has been excellent. 12) PUNCTUALITY Regular Comments: Tori is always on time for work--there are no dependibility issues with her. USE OF TIME / RESOURCES 13) The student's ability to be organized, set priorities well, be productive, and obtain the maximum time/resources benefit from a minimum investment of time/resources: EXCEEDED STANDARD (Routinely sought out and proposed use of new resources that were useful to assigned tasks/projects)

Comments: Tori has great time management skills--never sits around. She has a strong work ethic and will multi-task easliy. If one Unit isn't busy, she volunteers to float to another Unit that would benefit from her help more--she doesn't wait to be asked, she knows enough to do the right thing! JUDGMENT 14) The way a student formed an opinion or evaluated by discerning and comparing available information: EXCEEDED STANDARD (Consistently put thoughtful judgment into beneficial action) Comments: Tori has a very sound judgement when it comes to patient care. She knows her scope of practice and is empowered to inform physicians that she can not take verbal orders, etc.. If she has not done a procedure, and knows it is in her scope of practice, she is aware she needs to be taught it, demonstrate it and provide an explanation and understanding of this before she will do it on her own--a vey mature and motivated student. LEADERSHIP 15) The way the student demonstrated the ability to give direction/guidance/training to motivate others and to manage conflict: EXCEEDED STANDARD (Consistently and effectively inspired others to deliver successfully) Comments: Tori has developed a nice relationship with the support staff and will encourage a less eager Unit Attendant to work as a team member when cleaning, stocking or transferring a pt. She has a pleasant personality; great role model for many. We have a new student who Tori has taken under her wing as she has mentored and oriented her, providing advise so she too can have a successful experience here in the PACU. WORK CONTENT / SKILL ACQUISITION 16) The student's ability to apply principles, practices and skills that are specific to the disciplines of your organization: EXCEEDED STANDARD (Regularly demonstrated knowledge and skills of the organization's particular field of discipline that were new and helpful to associates in the organization) Comments: Tori is a natural quick learner. She is always willing to do what is needed, be it drawing bloods, IV removals, transporting pts or answering the phones. One of Tori's strengths is she takes direction and instruction well. Tori is the type of student that only needs to be shown something once and she understands it and can demonstrate it perfectly next time. TECHNOLOGY LITERACY 17) The way the student learned and used technology utilized in your industry: EXCEEDED STANDARD (Demonstrated extensive knowledge/ability in use of technology beyond the scope of the job) Comments: Tori has learned the computerized record we use at BIDMC--the PIMS system-perioperative information management system. She will admit a pt into the computer--put them on the dashboard, assign a pt to a bay and nurse and provide the paper work associated to that pt. She learned the MyTime computerized payroll system easliy, as she needs to place her time in the computer daily and certify at the end of the week. Tori has also learned the new MyPATH on-line hospital-wide completncy, compliance learning tools. She completed this task the first few days it was available to complete. INITIATIVE 18) The student's ability to self-assess and self-correct, to identify need and sources of learning, and to continually seek new sources of knowledge and understanding; the ability to take on new work challenges: EXCEEDED STANDARD (Always approached tasks with equal enthusiasm; sets high standards and works to achieve them) Comments: Tori is always asking questions--she has observed in the ER, ICU and OR. She has asked to go into the OR again to shadow a CRNA to learn about anesthetics, intubations and surgeries. Tori had also suggested she see another PACU on the West Campus where there are different services and surgeries to learn. She has taken advantage of a variety of work opportunities, showing great initiative. USE OF CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM

19) The way the student identified feedback sources, sought out and responded to feedback from supervisors, and incorporated it into his or her daily performance: EXCEEDED STANDARD (Responded exceptionally well to positive/negative feedback and successfully incorporated it into daily performance) Comments: If I need to give Tori feedback, such as to remind her to certify her MyTime payroll timesheet for the week, she is very conscientious, apolgizes and remembers the next week to do it. This is a strength because she receives the feedback well and learns from it. Some staff have stated: "Tori takes constructive feedback very well. For instance, when she drew labs on a patient, she forgot to turn the BP cuff back on, I gently reminded her of the importance of needing to do so. She always makes sure the BP cuff is on the pt and is in working order after drawing bloods. She is always asking questions making sure she is doing the correct things. She also enjoys and accepts positive feedback well! RESPONSIBILITY 20) The way the student fulfilled commitments and accepted accountability for actions and outcomes: EXCEEDED STANDARD (Consistently acknowledged the contributions of others for tasks successfully completed while also demonstrating an ability to clearly acknowledge what he/she might have done better in the wake of any failure) Comments: As stated in all the other areas, Tori accepts responsibility well, will ask for feedback, will ask any question if she needs clarification. PROFESSIONAL ETHICS 21) The way the student adhered to ethical standards of the profession and the employer: EXCEEDED STANDARD (Adhered to ethical standards and followed appropriate guidelines for addressing ethical concerns) Comments: Tori has a strong sense of what is right and wrong--she is very professional with a kind demeanor. She will escalate her concerns to the appropriate level. STRENGTHS / DEVELOPMENTAL NEEDS 22) Please summarize what you believe are the student's strengths/developmental needs: Strengths; work ethic, decision-making skills with excellent customer service skills. She has a global outlook and will be an exceptional nurse. She will need to learn how to handle,juggle and prioritorize a patient assignment. I have confidence that Tori will be able to reach this goal, learn quickly and develop a level of competency and confidence. 23) I grant permission for my responses to this evaluation to be shared with employers that the student may seek work with in the future. Yes SIGNATURE 24) THANK YOU for answering these questions. Please type your name in the signature space below. Mary P Ellis, RN, BSN NEED TO VIEW OR PRINT A HARD COPY? 25) You may want to print out a hardcopy for reference, or perhaps for the student to sign for his or her employment file. Students can sign anywhere below your name on the bottom of the hardcopy page. HERE's HOW TO VIEW AND PRINT THIS EVALUATION: 1) Click "FINISH" to return to "MyPlacements"; 2) Choose the employment term again; 3) Click "VIEW" to open a printer-friendly view; 4) Click "PRINT" to print out the hardcopy.

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