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Question to Exam 1032 Cap 3 Book Foundations of Statistical Natural Language 1. Why is important Morphology to NLP?

Morphology is important in NLP because language is productive: in any given text we will encounter words and word forms that we havent seen before and that are not in our precompiled dictionary. Many of these new words are morphologically related to known words. So if we understand morphological processes, we can infer a lot about the syntactic and semantic properties of new words. 2. Exercise 3.1 What are the parts of speech of the words in the following paragraph? Sentence 1
The The AT DT lemon lemon NN NN is be VBZ An 1 AT DT essential essential JJ JJ cooking cook VBG ingredient ingredient NN NN . . words lemma Brown Tags Penn TreeBank

Sentence 2 Its sharply fragrant juice and tangy rind is added to sweet and savory dishes in every cuisine.

Its Its PP$ PRP

sharply sharply RB

fragrant fragrant JJ JJ

juice juice NN NN

and and CC

tangy tangy JJ JJ

rind rind NN NN

is be VBZ

words lemma Brown Tags Penn TreeBank

added added AT DT

to to TO

sweet sweet JJ JJ

And And CC

savory savory JJ JJ

dishes dish NNS NNS

in in IN

every every DT DT

cuisine cuisine NN NN

. words . lemma Brown Tags Penn TreeBank

Sentence 3

This enchanting book, written by cookbook author John Smith, offers a wonderful array of recipes celebrating this internationally popular, intensely flavored fruit.

This This AT DT

enchanting enchante

book book NN

, ,

written write

by by

cookbo ok cookbo ok NN

autho r autho r DT NN

Joh n Joh n NN NN

Smit h Smit h NN

words lemma Brown Tags Penn TreeBank





, ,

offers offer

a a

wonder array ful wonder array ful


of of

recip es recip e

celebra this ting celebra this te


internatio nally internatio nally


words lemma Brown Tags Penn TreeBank




popular popular

, ,

intensely intensely

flavored flavor

fruit fruit

words lemma Brown Tags Penn TreeBank

3. Exercise 3.2 Think of five examples of noun-noun compounds. Bedroom background haircut output living-room

4. Exercise 3.3 Identify subject, direct object and indirect object in the following sentence. He baked her an apple pie. He Subject Apple pie Direct object her Indirect Object

5. Exercise 3.4 What is the difference in meaning between the following two sentences? a. Mary defended her. b. Mary defended herself. In sentence a the word her is a possesive pronoun and it must refer to Mary defended another woman. In sentence b the Word herself is a reflexive pronoun anf it must Mary defended herself, not another person. . 6. Exercise 3.5 What is the standard word order in the English sentence (a) for declaratives, (b) for imperatives, (c) for interrogatives? Whole Form (declaratives): Subject + Verb + Object

Imperatives: Verb + Object Clean the kitchen now Do your homeworks Listed your father Interrogatives.

7. Exercise 3.6 What are the comparative and superlative forms for the following adjectives and adverbs?


Word Good Well

comparative gooder Better

Superlative Goodest best

Effective Big Curious bad

More effective bigger more curious badder

most effective biggest most curious baddest

8. Exercise 3.7 Give base form, third singular present tense form, past tense, past participle, and present participle for the following verbs. throw, do, laugh, change, carry, bring, dream base form Throw Do Change Carry Bring Dream third singular present tense Throws Does Changes Carryes Brings Dreams past tense Threw Did Changed Carried past participle present participle

9. Exercise 3.8 Transform the following sentences into the passive voice.

a. Mary carried the suitcase up the stairs. The suitcase was carried up the stairs by Mary b. Mary gave John the suitcase. The suitcase was given by Mary to John

10. Exercise 3.9 What is the difference between a preposition and a particle? What gramatical function does in have in the following sentences? a. Mary lives in London. In se usa para conectar el verbo vivir con el lugar donde Mary vive b. When did Mary move in? In es un particle que forma la palabra compuesta move in en este caso c. She puts in a lot of hours at work. In es un particle que forma parte de la palabra compuesta put in en este caso indica que ella spend time in her work d. She put the document in the wrong folder. In se usa para conectar el verbo poner con el lugar donde se pone el objeto 11. Exercise 3.10 Give three examples each of transitive verbs and intransitive verbs. In syntax, a transitive verb is a verb that requires one or more objects. The term is used to contrast with intransitive verbs, which do not have objects. Transitive Verbs
monotransitive: He bought a book. ditransitive: He gave her the book. complex-transitive: She found the book interesting."

Intransitive Verbs He died "Autos honked. Trees rustled." "My heart aches Do not tremble in fear but become strong and courageous instead." She forgot

12. Exercise 3.11 What is the difference between a complement and an adjunct? Are the italicized phrases in the following sentences complements or adjuncts? What type of complements or adjuncts? a. She goes to Church on Sundays. b. She went to London. c. Peter relies on Mary for help with his homework. d. The book is lying on the table. e. She watched him with a telescope.

13. Exercise 3.12 The italicized phrases in the following sentences are examples of attachment ambiguity. What are the two possible interpretations? Mary saw the man with the telescope. The company experienced growth in classified advertising and preprinted inserts.

14. Exercise 3.13 Are the following phrases compositional or non-compositional? to beat around the bush, to eat an orange, to kick butt, to twist somebodys arm, help desk, computer program, desktop publishing, book publishing, the publishing industry 15. Exercise 3.14 Are phrasal verbs compositional or non-compositional?

16. Exercise 3.15 In the following sentence, either a few actors or everybody can take wide scope over the sentence. What is the difference in meaning? A few actors are liked by everybody.

Chapter 2 Machine learning book 1. What makes a good annotation goal a. There are two main aspects of project scope that you need to consider: (1) how farreaching the goal is (the scope of the annotation), and (2) how much of your chosen field you plan to cover (the scope of the corpus).

2. Where to find related research

3. How your dataset reflects your annotation goals 4. Preparing the data for annotators to use

5. How much data you will need for your task

Chapter 3 Machine Learning Book 1. How to measure basic frequencies of word occurrence, by lemma and by token 2. How to normalize the data you want to analyze 3. How to measure the relatedness between words and phrases in a corpus (i.e., distributions) 4. Why Statistics is important in the area of Corpus Analytics? Statistics is important for several reasons, but mostly it gives us two important abilities: Data analysis: Discovering latent properties in the dataset Significance for inferential statistics: Allowing us to make judgments and derive information regarding the content of our corpus

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