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Samantha Pickens Circle Classroom Ella, 26 months ISTAR-KR Matrix: English/Language Arts Core Standard 1: Word Recognition, Fluency

and Vocabulary Development Demonstrates awareness of sounds Rating 3: Produces and blends the sounds of letter patterns into recognizable words Ella read a book. She raised her head up when she heard a teacher singing the turtle song. At the end of the song, Ella repeated the last line out loud. After that she continued repeat that line of the song. The next step for Ella is to recognize words that rhyme.

Core Standard 1: Word Recognition, Fluency and Vocabulary Development Demonstrates awareness of symbols Rating 2: Labels familiar pictures Ella responded to familiar pictures. While reading to her baby doll, Ella opened the book and saw the picture of the snake. When asked about the picture, she said, its a snake. The next step for Ella in this standard is for her to recognize the letters in her name and be able to identify common logos and signs.

Core Standard 2 & 3: Reading Informational and Literary Text Uses print for pleasure and information Rating 3: Distinguishes print from pictures Ella read a book in the book corner. She picked out a book and sat on the couch. She held the book right side up and turned each page the correct way. The next step for Ella in this standard is to point to the words in a book and tell a story.

Core Standard 2 & 3: Reading Informational and Literary Text Comprehends details, events and main ideas Rating 2: Identifies details from a story or picture Ella read a book to her baby doll. She picked a book from the bookshelf and sat down in the chair. On each page there was an insect. When asked, Ella said what each creepy crawly animal was and described it to me. She pointed to the snake and told me what it was and make the sound a snake makes.

Core Standard 4 & 5: Writing Informational and Literary Text Writing for a specific purpose and audience Rating 3: Creates writing with the intention of communicating Ella drew a picture with a marker on a piece of paper. As I observed her, I asked her what she drew. She told me that she drew her eyes and her mouth and her nose. The next step for Ella in this standard is to use writing to share an idea.

Core Standard 6: English Language Conventions Rating 3: Copies specific writing marks I asked Ella to help me with my work. I asked her to copy a line and then copy a circle. She did both. She used the pen to purposefully trace over my marks. The next step for Ella in this standard is to combine strokes and shapes to form letters.

Core Standard 7: Listening and speaking Demonstrates receptive language Rating 4: Follows an unfamiliar direction I gave Ella and unfamiliar direction for her to follow. I saw Ella playing with both the ball and the baby doll. I asked Ella to use the baby doll to kick the ball down the ramp of the climber. Ella is capable of answering what if questions and she asks about unfamiliar objects.

Core Standard 7: Listening and speaking Demonstrates expressive language Rating 4: Uses simple phrases and sentences with simple grammatical rules Ella and another child played with the class baby dolls. Ella was on the climber and the other child was on the floor. Ella said that the baby in her hands was hers and used the word mine. When asked about the other childs baby doll she used the word hers. The girls went back and forth using those words while they talked about what they were doing. The next step for Ella in this standard is producing her consonants more meaningfully and emphasizing those sounds.

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