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Chemical Bonds

Covalent (Intramolecular) - a chemical bond in which electrons are shared between two atoms. Polar Covalent 0.5 < EN < 1.7 Non-Polar Covalent 0 < EN < 0.5 Pure Covalent EN = 0 Ionic - a bond between o ositel! char"ed ions that arises #rom electron trans#er$ usuall! involves a metal atom and a non-metal atom. EN % 1.7 Metallic -the #orce o# attraction between ositivel! char"ed metal ions& and the ool o# valence electrons that moves amon" them. Intermolecular Bonds / Forces Dispersion Forces - a wea' intermolecular attractive #orce that is resent due to tem orar! di oles - e(ist between all atoms and molecules - dis ersion #orces are caused b! the tem orar! une)ual distribution o# electrons as the! randoml! move about the nuclei o# atoms - electron movement in atoms causes an instantaneous di ole in an atom *molecule+ which in turn induces a di ole in a nei"hborin" atom *molecule+ - ver! wea' between sin"le atoms or small molecules such as ,e or C,- these #orces become si"ni#icant between lar"er non- olar molecules such as octane which is a li)uid at room tem erature - the onl! intermolecular #orces between atoms o# noble "ases and between non- olar molecules - Note. non- olar molecules have non- olar bonds or olar bonds that are s!mmetrical in the molecule and cancel one another out Diagram:

Dipole - Dipole Force - an intermolecular attraction between o osite char"es o# olar molecules *di oles are ermanent in this case& not /ust instantaneous+ - the ositive side o# one molecule attracts the ne"ative side o# an ad/acent olar molecules - Note. olar molecules have olar bonds in an as!mmetrical osition so that the di ole #orces do not cancel one another out. Examples:

!drogen Bond - the stron" intermolecular attraction between molecules that contain a h!dro"en atom bonded to an atom o# a hi"hl! electrone"ative element such as o(!"en& nitro"en& or #luorine - h!dro"en is electro ositive *low electrone"ativit!+ and 0& N& or 1 are electrone"ative *hi"h electrone"ativit!+ - h!dro"en bonds are considered to be an es eciall! stron" di ole-di ole #orce o# attraction that is "iven the status o# another bond t! e Example:

"dditional #otes on "ttractive Forces Non- olar molecules onl! have dis ersion #orces. Polar molecules have both dis ersion #orces and di ole- di ole #orces Polar molecules containin" , and 0& N& or 1 have ver! stron" di ole 2 di ole #orces o# attraction called h!dro"en bonds

Bond $!pes in %rder o& Decreasing 'trength () Covalent *) Ionic +) Metallic ,) !drogen -) Dipole- dipole .) Dispersion

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