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Chapter 11 Confrontation MUM? COME ON!!! Its already five to seven.

. Were going to be late for the Information Evening! I yelled up the stairs. I heard stomping about, an exaggerated sigh and then Mum finally appeared at the top of the stairs. You know, shouting like that, the neighbours will think youre the parent! she laughed. Go on, get in the car then, she ushered. Let me just check Callum is all right with the babysitter. Our family were so notorious for being late to events it was actually ridiculous. We finally arrived at school (at ten past seven) and quietly slipped into the back of the hall. Mr Hutchinson was already speaking. ... The trip is specifically for students who want to pursue a course or career in or relating to mathem atics. It should prove to be a beneficial trip for them and we hope it will help them see the different skills that are acquired and used in these fields and open their eyes to a wider range of opportunities. The trip is tomorrow; the coach will take us there and back... I zoned out glancing around the hall. I spotted Carries auburn hair and assumed the man and woman next to her were her parents. I noticed she sat closer to her mum than her dad. She must have felt me looking at her because she also glanced around and gave me a small smile although her eyes told me she was anxious. Of what? I wondered. The talk finished and people began to stand up to leave. I managed to catch Carries eye and motioned to her to meet me outside. She nodded in response and I saw her mutter to her parents to wait for her, then she headed towards me. Her dad turned to see her go and I was right back where I was two years ago. Before he escaped, he swiftly looked around, caught my eye and held my gaze. Then he was off. He jumped in and zoomed away down the road... in a battered red Ford. He locked onto my stare and his jaw dropped. Shit. It was him. He recognised me. I panicked; turned stumbling and pushed my way against the flow of the crowd. I had to get out of there. I broke out of the doors that led outside and ran, throwing myself against the wall. I hit it, swearing. This couldnt be happening. He was her Dad? Her DAD?! I punched the wall again and pain seared through my knuckles. Will? a voice croaked. Carrie? I couldnt do this. I dont think I could even look at her. No. Will, please. A murderer, I whispered to myself. Hes a murderer. Will, let me explain? she pleaded. You know dont you? I turned confused. She was crying a little. This confused me more.

Explain what exactly? I said tightly. Her guilty expression told me everything. You... know too? I asked shocked. She began to cry more. YOU KNOW!? I yelled. OF COURSE I BLOODY KNOW. HE WAS STANDING RIGHT NEXT TO YOU! But you Your - Your Dad killed my... And you know that he... How long have you known? I spluttered. I wanted to tell you, she cried, tears spilling down her cheeks. I didnt know what to do! Hes my - - Dad? Yeah I see that now, I fumed, taking my anger out on the wall again, tears leaking from my eyes. I felt warm blood drip down my fingers and my breath clouded my already misty vision. I felt a hand on my shoulder but shook it off abruptly. Will dont do this. She tried to reach for my hand but I pulled away, clenching my bruised bloody fist. No, you dont. I cant - I cant even look at you. We were not dont talk to me Carrie. I brushed past her, leaving her crying in the dark. My chest ached as soon as I said it, but what was I supposed to do? How could I trust her after she kept that from me? Her dad?! I wouldnt get over that. We were done.

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