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DESCRIPTION Categories: Urban and Regional Planning: - community-based planning -conflict management and mediation -consultative process -localizing Agenda 21 -regional planning -regional resource planning -urban renewal Architecture and Urban esign: - affordable!ecological design -green building -landscape design -sustainable community design "nfrastructure# $ommunications# %ransportation: - communication and media -energy use# conservation and production -safe water provision -sanitation -transportation and mobility Level of Activit : &eighbourhood Ecos ste!: $ontinental 'auban is a new neighborhood of ())) inhabitants and *)) +obs , -m to the south of the town center in .reiburg# /ermany0 "t was built as 1a sustainable model district1 on the site of a former .rench military base0 $onstruction was begun in the mid2133)s# and by the beginning of 2))1# 2))) people had moved in0 4idespread community involvement in the planning and development of the 'auban district has helped it to become a sustainable and flourishing neighborhood0 %he pro+ect has been very successful in the fields of energy-saving# traffic reduction# social integration and in creating a sustainable neighbourhood0 .or e5ample: - all new houses meet low-energy# passive-house or even plus-energy standards 6)-7)8 energy of the average house in /ermany needed - respectively )-*)8 of the average new house9# - a highly efficient co-generation plant operating with wood-chips and many solar installations provide the remaining heat 6*)8 $:2 reduction estimated9 and *(8 of the electricity in an environmentally friendly way#

- the traffic-concept promotes 1living without an owned car1 67(8 car reduction9 and provides alternative forms of mobility such as car sharing and good public transportation# - streets blend into other open areas# such as playgrounds# public gardens and widened sidewal-s along the main boulevard surrounded by preserved old trees# thus becoming areas for social interaction# as the remaining cars which are allowed to travel to and from the residences# while traveling at a very slow speed# must be par-ed in multistory car par-s at the periphery of the residential areas# - more than () ma+or wor-shops were held with the local residents and appro5imately ,) co-building 6co-housing9 pro+ects were founded until 2))1 which so far provide living space for about 12)) people# - with the support of .orum 'auban being responsible for the social wor-# inhabitants started many further activities such as giving birth to 6co-operative9 shops# a farmer;s mar-et and a neighbourhood-center0 %he pro+ect;s structure integrates legal# political# social and economical participants from grassroot-level up to the city administration0

%he effords were ta-en with the preception that people in the industrialized world are responsible for <)8 of the world wide pollution and therefore also have to ta-e responsibility to find out technical solutions as well as new life style patterns which could become a model for sustainablility in the same way0 Planning for the district started in 1337 and following three development phases# the pro+ect will be completed in 2))*0 %he site 67< hectares9 will be home to more than ())) inhabitants and *)) +obs0 %he main goal of the pro+ect is to create a city district in a co2operative and participatory way# meeting ecological# social# economic and cultural re=uirements0 %he landowner# the $ity of .reiburg# is responsible for the planning and development of the site0 %his has been characterized by a ;>earning while Planning; principle allowing fle5ibility in reacting to development proposals and through e5tended citizen participation0 A ma+or achievement by the $ity of .reiburg has been to divide land into small plots and allocate it

in preference to private builders and ?augruppen 6co2housing groups90 Although the development plan included some regulations for the design and layout of the homes# a variety of structures e5ists and builders have had the freedom to design and develop the homes they aspire to0 $oherence is provided through the e5tensive use of ecological measures and the ;car2free; and ;par-ing2free; concepts of living0 Perhaps the greatest strengths of the 'auban pro+ect are the ideas# creativity and commitment of the people involved and their common goal in creating a sustainable and flourishing neighborhood0

DESIGN PROCESS @oon after the $ity of .reiburg had purchased the 'auban site# discussions on the development plan began0 %he detailed concepts were completed between 133A and 1333# and by 2))) the first section of the development was complete0 %he planning process included competitions for the urban design as well as the implementation0 %he master plan was commissioned with the ob+ective of creating a new neighborhood for ())) people based on car free# low energy principles0 %he $ity of .reiburg adopted a ;>earning while Planning; principle to 'auban# allowing fle5ibility in reacting to developments and incorporating new proposals at later stages0 %he $ity started a process of and financially supported an e5tended citizen participation that went beyond legal re=uirements and enabled citizens to participate# even in the planning process0 %he citizens; association ;.orum 'auban; applied to coordinate the ;e5tended citizen participation; process and was recognized as its legal body by the $ity of .reiburg in 133(0 %he site was originally developed as a military base in 137*# and was ta-en over after 4orld 4ar "" by the .rench forces occupying the region0 %he military left in 13320 :ver a period of some years the vacant structures were occupied by various tribes of hippies and anarchists0 .ollowing battles with the city government# s=uatters won the rights to four of the original twenty barrac-s0 At the same time a group which came to be called .orum 'auban was pressing the $ity $ouncil to develop the site in an eco2friendly way0 %he remaining 7< hectares were ac=uired by .reiburg $ity $ouncil# who delegated the mandatory communityconsultation to .orum 'auban0 %his collaboration between the $ouncil and .orum 'auban led to the masterplan with its carfree concept0 Bost of the individual plots were sold to Baugruppen 6co2housing groups9 whose bids were assessed against criteria favouring families with children# older people and .reiburg residents0 @ome ?augruppen were formed by architects# others by prospective residents planning varying elements of self2build0 @ome of the other plots were sold to private developers0 Another part of the site was developed for student dormitories for the University of .reiburg0 @ome former residents of these structures have ta-en up residence in a diverse assortment of cars# vans# and retired civil service vehicles# forming what has been named 4agenplatz0 Bore 1alternative1 pro+ects have# among other things# converted old barrac-s at a low cost# such as @0U0@0"0# a self2governed independent residential initiative that# through an alternative living concept# developed living spaces for students as well as subsidized housing0 A self2governing

1$ommunity $enter ?uilding )7A1 6/erman: Stadtteilzentrum Haus 037) has been established in one of the preserved barrac-s0 @ome former barrac-s were occupied in early 2))(# as they would have been demolished0

%he main ob+ective of the pro+ect is to implement a city district in a co-operative# participatory way which meets ecological# social# economical and cultural re=uirements such as: C @ocial: balance of social groups# integration of future building owners# primary school and -indergartens# neighbourhood centre for social interaction# cultural events etc0 C Dnvironment: priority to pedestrians# cyclists and public transport# privileges# cogeneration plant and short-distance heating system# all buildings constructed at least with improved low energy standards 6*( -4h!m2!year# preferences for building owners who reach passive house standard 61( -4h!m2!year9 in special designed areas# e5tensive use of ecological building material and solar energy# rainwater infiltration into the ground# ecological sanitary systems# public green spaces# designed together with the local residents# conservation of the old trees and the biotopes of the bordering cree-# etc0 C Dconomic: balance of wor-ing and living areas# district centre with shops for the daily needs# division of land into small lots and preferential allocation to private builders and cooperative building pro+ects# etc0 EVALUATION C"aracter %he development plan for 'auban included some regulations for the design and layout of the homes0 %hese included the prohibition of detached houses# thus leading to a compact urban building structure and the prohibition of buildings e5ceeding four storeys0 'ariety and distinctiveness have been encouraged through the preferential allocation of land to private builders and co2operative building pro+ects0 %his is illustrated by the numerous individually designed faEades which create a special atmosphere0 A diversity of building shapes has been created through the division of land into small plots and legibility is provided through the master planning of the district and the creation of a distinct mar-et place and neighborhood centre0 Roa#s$ %ar&i'g a'# %e#estria'isatio' An ecological traffic and mobility concept has been implemented at 'auban# where the principles of ;car2 free; and ;par-ing2free; living have been applied0 %hese are based on a reduced number of private cars# which are par-ed at the periphery of the site# and large parts of 'auban prohibiting the building of par-ing spaces on private property0 &early ()8 of 'auban;s households are ;car free;0 %hese households are encouraged by good public transport provision# a convenient car sharing system and a higher =uality of living0 $ar2free households save the substantial cost of a par-ing space in the community car par-# as do development companies who put up car2free apartments for rent0

Residents who +oin the car sharing organization have access to shared cars and receive a one year free pass for all public transport within .reiburg0 "n practice# some residents have reported problems on the ground with the enforcement of car free living and with visitor par-ing0 %wo bus routes connect 'auban to the city centre and the main railway station# and a tramline and suburban train line are planned for 2))*0 Desig' a'# co'str(ctio' %he energy concept at 'auban was developed through the collaboration of .orum 'auban# the $ity of .reiburg and the .reiburg Dnergy $ompany 6.D490 "n 1332 the $ity $ouncil decided that land sold by the $ity should only be available for low2energy houses0 All houses in 'auban are built to at least low2energy standard# with many e5ceeding this0 .orum 'auban has been particularly successful in encouraging developers to adopt an ecological approach0 %heir goal was to go beyond the ecological standards laid down in the development plan0 .orum 'auban arranged focused and free advice at organized information e5changes and events to help inform self builders0 %hey also ran practical "F seminars for home owners and provided information on energysaving techni=ues0 %here are over () passive houses and at least 1)) units with ;plus energy; standard 6houses which produce more energy than they need9 in 'auban# which is estimated to be one of the largest ;solar

districts; in Durope0 @olar panels and photovoltaic cells are common ;ornaments; on rooftops across all parts of the development0

%he @tudents; :rganization built 'auban;s largest single solar installation 61,7s=0m9 on one of their refurbished old buildings0 A solar power installation is also being built on the roof of the community car par-0 %ogether with the solar panels# a co2generation plant operating with wood chips and natural gas provides hot water and *(8 of the electricity for the district0 A water management system has been set up aiming to increase the rainwater infiltration and reduce the run2off0 %he streets and public spaces at 'auban have been carefully planned0 %hey are playgrounds for children and places for social interaction0 %he design of the public green spaces# streets and the neighbourhood centre at 'auban were developed during meetings and wor-shops with residents0 %here are three main green spaces in the new district: the cree- and its ban-s# the tree and shrub population along the central spine# and the undeveloped areas to the west end0 /reen corridors providing space for social activities 6playgrounds# sun bathing areas# barbe=ue areas# water basins and pumps# seating areas9 have been created between plots0 %he neighbourhood and community structures and semi public areas 6access galleries# community gardens and rooms9 were created mainly by the /enova Gousing Association and co2building pro+ects0 E'viro'!e't a'# co!!('it %he +oint building pro+ects 6around 7) groups of co2builders# the /enova co2operative# the self organised @U@"9 and .orum 'auban have aimed to create a balance in the living and wor-ing areas

and a balance of social groups in 'auban0 @ocial interaction is a -ey characteristic of the neighbourhood# and the resident participation during the development process has helped to set up a stable community and neighbourhood structure0 %his structure has also developed through the farmers mar-et and cooperative food store initiatives0 %he overall costs for buildings are much lower within a cohousing pro+ect than with a private developer0 %his has enabled people on lower incomes to become home owners0 :ne of the ob+ectives at 'auban was to be a child and family friendly district0 ?y Hanuary 2))2 more than 2)8 of the inhabitants were children under 1) years old0 %his has led to some problems with the demographic structure0 %he primary school has had to be e5panded# and 'auban will soon need its third -indergarten0 %here are also potential conflicts for the district;s social wor-ers arising out of this one2sided age structure0 A district centre has been created at 'auban with shops# a primary school# -indergartens and public green spaces0 'auban has been designed to create a ;district of shortdistances; where the schools# farmer;s mar-et# businesses# shopping centre# food coop# recreation areas and appro5imately *)) +obs will be within wal-ing and cycling distance of residents0 O(t%(t "n the fields of energy# traffic ! mobility# building and participation ! social interaction!public spaces new concepts of developing a sustainable city district were successfuly put into practice 6see 1setting new standards1# 1public dialogue190 "n .reiburg2'auban


the pro+ect;s structure integrates legal# political# social and economical actors from grassroot2 level up to the city administration 6see 1partnership structure19# all houses are!will be built at least with low energy standard plus at least 1)) units with 1passive house1 or 1plus energy1 standard 6between 1)) and 2)) more plus energy houses are planned9# solar collectors 6about ,() m2 until 2)))9 and photovoltai- 6about 12)) m2 until 2)))9 will be common 1ornaments1 on the district;s roofs# an ecological traffic!mobility concept is implemented with a reduced number of private cars 6,)2 ()89 to be par-ed in the periphery# good public transport# a convenient car sharing system and a higher =uality of life#



streets and other public spaces are!will be playground for -ids and places for social interaction# +oint building pro+ects 6about 7) groups of building owners# the /enova co2operative and the self2organized @0U0@0"02settlement initiative9 are the fertile ground for a stable district;s community and rise ecological awareness# a far2reaching participation and the social wor- organized by .orum 'auban gives voice to the people;s needs and supports their initiatives# invents innovative ecological and social concepts and sets up a communication and participation structure including meetings# wor-shops# a three2 monthly district presentations0 magazine# publications on special issues and internet-


)eas(ra*le I!%acts %he J-o2"nstitut 6institute for applied ecology9 is e5amining two development pro+ects as part of the research pro+ect 1@ustainable districts in urban conversion areas1: one of these districts is .reiburg2 'auban0 .orum 'auban is the local partner in this pro+ect which is funded by the .ederal Binistry of Dducation and Research0 %he pro+ect is e5amining ecological and economic effects0 :ne of the analytical approaches is life cycle and regional material flow analysis using the /DB" @2software0 %his is the first time that a complete urban neighbourhood is analyzed with respectto buildings# infrastructure# electricity supply# heat supply# water and waste# traffic and private consumption with a full life2cycle perspective# and using regional data0 %he implementation of local data 6from the model district9 was possible for all areas e5cept private consumption for which national average data was used0 %he determination of the positive ecological impacts used a hypothetical reference district with the same setting and the same size but without further acological effords 6e0g0 no transport policy# no passive houses etc090 %hrough this# the following impacts were found out 6all figures are provisional9:


Dnergy savings per year: 2< /H6calculated as 1$DR1# cumulative energy re=uirements90 Reduction of $:22e=uivalents per year: 21)) t0 Reduction of sulphor2dio5ide 6@:229 e=uivalents per year: , t0 @aving of mineral ressources per year: 1*)) t0

%he interim pro+ect report offers many results on the impacts of local activities to realize a more sustainable development0 %hrough this# the 'auba n2pro+ect and further development pro+ects# too# could benefit from this research0 I''ovatio' I!%act As mentioned above# .reiburg2'auban is a most innovative city developing pro+ect in the fields of energy# traffic!mobility# building and participation ! social interaction ! public space 6see 1setting new standards190 "n addition to this# the district provides some very innovative model pro+ects such as the ?augruppen 14ohnen und Arbeiten1 6new sewage system with vacuum pipes# see 1setting new standards19 and 1/Krtner ! Passivhaus1 6the first two four2storey passive houses built in /ermany# one of those completely built out of wood90 "n .reiburg2'auban with its upcoming 2))) housing units# it is possible to e5plore sustainable citydeveloping concepts implemented on a remar-able scale0 %he districtis regulary visited by groups of planners# architects# scientists and 6municipal9 representatives from different countries0 ?esides the innovative technology which also contributed to .reiburg;s DLP: 2)))2presentation 61@olar Region .reiburg19# a highly innovative aspectis the culture of planning and of the participation process0 %his leads to highly motivated actors within the process aiming to realize what is best in terms of ecology and human needs0

To +"at E,te't #i# t"e Pro-ect Reac" its O*-ectives. All ob+ectives mentioned above were put into practice0 .or a detailed discussion# it;s necessary to distinguish between different -inds of ob+ectives: 19 Participation: %he participation is much stronger than e5pected0 People really identify with 1their1 district0 %his can be seen through


the number of 7) ?augruppen!co2housing groups and community building pro+ects# the number of people ta-ing part in wor-shops# the number of people committed in local initiatives 6district festivals# farmer;s mar-et# neighbourhood center# mother;s center# private -indergarden# community gardens# the co2 operative district;s foodstore# ecumenical initiative for a church in 'auban and others9

29 Dcological @tandards:
"n the beginning# there was also a -ind of 1competition1 between the $ity of .reiburg and .orum 'auban around the 1better1 ideas0 %he ob+ectives which an integration of ideas of both partners0 :n the one hand .orum 'auban# for e5ample# wanted to built more passive houses and a new sewage concept 6combined vacuum system9 in the whole district0 %he $ity of .reiburg on the other hand wanted to implement a special urban concept and had to -eep the timetable for planning 6also because of financial reasons90 &evertheless# 'auban is 6as far as we -now9 the largest passive house settlement in /ermany0 %he initiative 1living without an own car1 is very successful0 "t completes the $ity;s approach of not having par-ing spaces at the doorstep of most houses is very successful0 &early ()8 of 'auban;s households are 1car2free10 %hey use alternative mobility concepts and save money because they don;t have to buy a seperate par-ing lot in the community car par-0 Bost of the old trees were saved and are now the 1+ewels1 of the new district0 %he public green spaces follows an attractive design0 iscussions about a co2generation plant by the year 2))7 still continue because the financial feasibility is currently threatened by the liberalisation of the Duropean energy mar-et0

79 @ocial ?alance:
4ithin ?augruppen!co2housing pro+ects the overall costs for buildings are much lower than if a building with similar =uality were bought ready from a development company0 %hrough this# even people with a lower income were able to become 1house owners10 %he supportof ?augruppen was most successful0 :n the other hand# the number of flats for rent is =uite small0 Dspecially people with very little income have problems to find appartments0 %he main reason for this is that federal and state subsidies for building so called 1social flats1 were heavily reduced0 $o2operative pro+ects in some case are able to absorb this ma+or problem0 %he ob+ective of family and children friendliness leads to a problem with the demographic balance0 'auban soon needs a third public -indergarden and the primary school has to be enlarged# too0 Although it;s most lovely to see# how -ids occupy the streets# the district;s social wor-ers already


face potential conflicts arising from the one2sided age structure0 As a result of this it can be said that in .reiburg2'auban a sustainable district can be e5perienced daily by the inhabitants0

I Dnergy: all new buildings consume *( -4h!m2!yearM 32 units were built to passive house standard consuming 1( -4h!m2!yearM 1) units of improved passive houses# so called 1plus energy houses1 6houses which produce more energy than they need9M district heating grid and co-generation plant 6powered with wood chips: <)8 and with gas: 2)89# active use of solar energy 62( 00m of photovolta ic panels and 500m of solar p anels9 ma-ing 'auban one of the biggest Duropean solar districts0 I %raffic!public transport: car usage reduction in the city district with a noticeably higher =uality of life: no par-ing at the doorstep 6for large parts of the residential area# the development plan prohibits the building of par-ing space on private property9M private cars are par-ed in a community car par- located at the outs-irts of the residential area# cars being only allowed in the residential area for pic--up and delivery0 %he speed limit on the district;s main road is 7) -m!h# whereas in the residential area it is limited to Nwal-ing speed1 6( -m!h90 @hops and services can be reached by wal-ing or cycling0 .or larger distances# residents may use a car from the car sharing association 61 ()) members90%wo lines and a tramway are connecting 'auban with the city centre# the main railway station and the 1Ge5ental1 recreation area0 I 4ater: rainwater infiltration into the ground: the system covers <)8 of the residential area0 &ew ecological sewage system within one pilot pro+ect: through vacuum pipes faeces are transported into a biogas plant0 %here they ferment anaerobically together with organic household waste# thus generating biogas# which is used for coo-ing0 Remaining waste water 6grey-water9 is cleaned in biofilm plants and returned to the water cycle0 I @ocial: e5tended citizen participation with .orum 'auban and its standards of communication# interaction and integration0 %he social wor- being part of the developing process# it helps to set up stable community and neighbourhood structures0 Bany groups of building owners and the /enova housing association have developed a sensitively balanced community life 6co-operative food store# farmer;s mar-et initiative# mother;s center# shared gardens and green spaces# schools and -indergartens# etc090

Refere'ces: /01http:!!webarchive0nationalarchives0gov0u-!2)11)11<)3(7(*!http:!www0cabe0org0u-!files!udss2))<11

carstensperling0pdf /21http:!!www0tue0nl!fileadmin!content!onderzoe-!DindhovenODnergyO"nstituteODD"!Dnergy ays!@eri eO1O2))<O2)1)!2)1)O)2O11!.reyOPart7-10pdf /31 http:!!www0securepro+ect0org!download!1<07*)a)d(*11Ac(1a2d7)<)))A<,2)!'aubanO/ermany0pdf /41 http:!!www0itdp0org!documents!)32211O"% PO&D O'auban0pdf /51 http:!!www0energy-cities0eu!"B/!pdf!@ustainableO istrictsOA DBD1O'auban0pdf



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