Style Guide For Bibliographies and Footnotes: Type of Entry References Citations

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Style Guide for Bibliographies and Footnotes

Based on Scientific Style and Format: The CBE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers, Sixth Edition [T11 S386 1994] This guide lists examples using the scientific style. If you need additional help, copies of the CBE Manual are available at the following libraries: Fisheries-Oceanography, Friday Harbor, Natural Sciences, Bothell, and Tacoma. This guide shows examples from the name-year system. For information about the citation-sequence system, consult the print CBE Manual. In the CBE style system of references, journal titles are abbreviated. The CBE Manual lists many of the standard words in journal titles with their abbreviations. Other sources to consult include the BIOSIS Serial Sources, the International Directory of Serial Publications in Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries, and the Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index (CASSI). Check the UW Libraries Catalog for detailed call number and location information.

Type of Entry
Book Single Author

Schlesinger WH. 1997. Biogeochemistry: an analysis of global change. 2nd ed. San Diego (CA): Academic Press. 588 p. Ridgway SH, Harrison R. 1999. Handbook of marine mammals. Volume 6, The second book of dolphins and the porpoises. San Diego (CA): Academic Press. [NRC] National Research Council, Committee on Protection and Management of Pacific Northwest Anadromous Salmonids, Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology, Commission on Life Sciences. 1996. Upstream: salmon and society in the Pacific Northwest. Washington: National Academy Press. 452 p. Bartlett D, Smith, J, editors. 2005. GIS for coastal zone management. CoastGIS 01 Conference; 2001 June 18-20; Halifax, Canada. Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press. 310 p.

(Schlesinger 1997)

Book Volume with Separate Title

(Ridgway and Harrison 1999)

Book Organization as Author

(NRC 1996)

Proceedings Title Different from Conference Name

(Bartlett and Smith 2005)

Type of Entry
Journal Article (continuous pagination)

Norton JE, Ashley MV. 2004. Genetic variability and population structure among wild Bairds tapirs. Anim Conserv 7:211-220.

(Norton and Ashley 2004)

Journal Article (paginated by issue)

Hamilton JB, Curtis GL, Snedaker SM, White KW. 2005. Distribution of anadromous fishes in the upper Klamath River watershed prior to hydropower damsa synthesis of the historical evidence. Fisheries 30(4):10-19.

(Hamilton and others 2005)

U.S. Government Report

Schick RS, Edsall AL, Lindley ST. 2005. Historical and current distribution of Pacific salmonids in the Central Valley, CA. Santa Cruz (CA): US Department of Commerce, National Marine Fisheries Service, Santa Cruz Laboratory. Report nr NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SWFSC-369.

(Schick and others 2005)

Electronic Journal Article

Moragues E, Traveset A. Effect of Carpobrotus spp. on the pollination success of native plant species of the Balearic Islands. Biol Conserv [Internet]. 2005 [cited 2005 May 31];122:611-619. Available from: doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2004.09.015

(Moragues and Traveset 2005)

Electronic Book

[NRC] National Research Council, Committee on Undergraduate Biology Education to Prepare Research Scientists for the 21st Century. 2003. Bio2010: transforming undergraduate education for future research biologists [Internet]. Washington: National Academies Press; 2003 [cited 2005 May 31]. Available from: Also available in paper copy from the publisher.

(NRC 2003)

Web Site

ActionBioscience [Internet]. [AIBS] American Institute of Biological Sciences; c2000-2005 [cited 2005 May 31]. Available from: http://www.actionbioscience .org/

(AIBS 2005)

Lib. Guide 42, rev. 5/05

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