Terrorism - A Threat To International Peace

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Terrorism A Threat to International Peace The riot of colours before your eyes is the flag area prepared by the

e hardwork and imaginative dexterity of the young cadets of Trichy Group. At this juncture, I would like to uote the words of !icasso, "Art is the lie that speaks the truth# and you would notice the essence of this uotation in some of its many hues of colours in this flag area. Awakening.# Good $orning %ir, I cadet &&&&.,& representing the Trichy Group '(( welcome you to our )lag Area %ir. The )lag area theme of our Group is "Terrorism * A Threat to International !eace.# $ay I have your permission to start %ir+ &&&&&..Thank you %ir,$adam. -. $odern world has become a hot bed of hatred, violence and terror. In these days, when 'ations swear by the principles of peace and co.existence, there are still elements who indulge in violent activities and who feel that solutions to problems can be achieved only through violence. They take the form of violence. /. Terrorism can best be defined as a systematic use of terror in a variety of ways as a means of gaining the desired end by force. Today, terrorism is not confined to a single state, region or a 'ation. It has now become an international phenomenon. 'ot a single day passes without a mention in the newspapers of one or more terrorist activities. About one third of the countries in the world including leading economies of the world have become unfortunate victims of this dreaded demon. The vibrant splashes of colour sing of India "a Giant

0. The well organi1ed terrorist groups like Taliban, Al 2ueada, 3aish.e. $ohammad, 4ashkar.e.Toiba, 54)A, 4TT6 and others have been the mastermind behind the homicidal attacks like -- %ep attack on 7orld Trade (enter, 89 3ul attack in 4ondon, !arliament attack in 'ew :elhi, attack on Akshardham temple, assassination of ;ajiv Gandhi, <ia.ul.=a of !akistan and so on, which are still alive in the minds of the people. As they say, age, education and knowledge cannot make a man wise, the persons involved in these violent activities are highly knowledgeable, but they are focusing in the wrong direction. >. The main causes behind these are communalism, religious fanaticism, frustration, intolerance, greed for economic and political power and above all, lack of knowledge of the sweetness and advantages of peaceful co.existence. 7hatever may be the cause, it is ultimately the innocent people who become victims of these activities. ?. It is unfortunate that a peace loving country like India has been the worst sufferer of global terrorism. $other India has lost more than @8,888 of her own sons and daughters in the course of -? years as victims of terrorism. If these activities are not checked right now, they may cause irreparable damage to mankind. Then should we wage a global war against terrorism+ 7hat should we do+ ;emember war can only be a short sighted remedy but not a permanent solution. !roblems cannot be solved through the barrels of gun. :ialogues are always essential to solve any problem which should be supplemented by stringent laws to curb these activities. )urther, we youth, who are the back bone of our

nation should take up the challenge of solving the problem of terrorism and promoting peace amongst our brethren. After all the future is ours.

@. The 'ational (adet (orps with a strength of -0.? lakhs, spread over >,AA8 colleges and A,A90 schools, has been fighting the rising challenges of terrorism by spreading the message of communal harmony, brotherhood, promoting secular outlook and national solidarity through interaction with people, holding public gatherings, through street plays, debates, painting competitions, organi1ing various expeditions, conduct of 'ational Integrations (amps and all other All India (entrally Brgani1ed (amps throughout the year in identified parts of the country. 9 %ir, this way an '(( cadet, from the very first day of joining this premier youth organi1ation, walks on the path of solidarity, thinking of oneness and a close look on secular outlook. Thus our motto is "5'ITC A': :I%(I!4I'6#. Dut above all %ir, what is needed badly at present is a change in each and every individualEs conscience. Decause, even if there is no law, there is conscience. Bnly in this lies the salvation to this critical situation.

I have finished %ir,$adam.

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