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00 00 00 00 00 00 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 05 07 10 15 20 Project Title Page Certifications Page Seals Page Table of Contents List of Drawing Sheets List of Schedules

00 11 00 Advertisements
00 00 00 00 11 11 11 11

nd Invit ti!ns

13 d!ertise"ent for #ids 1$ %n!itation to #id 1& 'e(uest for Pro)osal 53 'e(uest for *ualifications 00 "0 00 INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROCUREMENT

00 "1 00 Instr#$ti!ns
00 21 13 %nstructions to #idders 00 21 1$ %nstructions to Pro)osers

00 "" 00 S#%%&ement r' Instr#$ti!ns

00 22 13 Su))le"entar+ %nstructions to #idders 00 22 1$ Su))le"entar+ %nstructions to Pro)osers

00 "( 00 Pr!$#rement De)initi!ns 00 "* 00 Pr!$#rement S$!%es

00 2, 13 Sco)es of #ids
00 2, 13-13 Sco)es of #ids ./ulti)le Contracts0 00 2, 13-1$ Sco)es of #ids ./ulti)le1Pri"e Contract0

00 2, 1$ Sco)es of Pro)osals
00 2, 1$-13 Sco)es of Pro)osals ./ulti)le Contracts0 00 2, 1$-1$ Sco)es of Pro)osals ./ulti)le1Pri"e Contract0

00 "+ 00 Pr!$#rement Meetin,s

00 25 13 Pre1#id /eetings 00 25 1$ Pre1Pro)osal /eetings

00 "- 00 Pr!$#rement S#.stit#ti!n Pr!$ed#res

00 (1 00 Av i& .&e Pr!/e$t In)!rm ti!n
00 31 13 Preli"inar+ Schedules
00 00 00 00 00 31 31 31 31 31 13-13 13-1$ 13-23 13-2$ 13-33 Preli"inar+ Preli"inar+ Preli"inar+ Preli"inar+ Preli"inar+ Project Schedule Construction Schedule Project Phases Project Se(uencing Project /ilestones

00 31 1$ Project #udget %nfor"ation 00 31 1& 23isting Condition %nfor"ation

00 31 1&-13 /o!e"ent and 4ibration %nfor"ation

00 31 1&-1$ coustic %nfor"ation 00 31 1&-1& Traffic %nfor"ation

00 31 21 Sur!e+ %nfor"ation
00 31 21-13 Site Sur!e+ %nfor"ation 00 31 21-1$ /easured Drawing %nfor"ation 00 31 21-1& Photogra)hic %nfor"ation

00 31 2, 2n!iron"ental
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 21 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 2,-13 2,-23 2,-2$ 2,-2& 2,-33 25-1$ 25-1& 25-23 25-2$ 25-2& 2$-23 2$-2$ 2$-2& 2$-33 2$-3$ 31-13 31-1$ 31-1& 31-23 31-2$ 31-2& 32-13 32-1$ 32-1& 32-23

ssess"ent %nfor"ation

Soil Conta"ination 'e)ort 2n!iron"ental %")act Stud+ 'e)ort 2n!iron"ental %")act 'e)ort 2!aluation 'ecord of 2n!iron"ental %")act Decision 2n!iron"ental %")act /itigation 'e)ort 23isting 23isting 23isting 23isting 23isting 23isting 23isting 23isting 23isting 23isting Concrete %nfor"ation /asonr+ %nfor"ation /etals %nfor"ation 5ood6 Plastics6 and Co")osites %nfor"ation Ther"al and /oisture Protection %nfor"ation sbestos %nfor"ation Lead %nfor"ation Pol+chlorinate #i)hen+l %nfor"ation /old %nfor"ation 7a8ardous 5aste Dru" %nfor"ation

00 31 25 23isting /aterial %nfor"ation

00 31 2$ 23isting 7a8ardous /aterial %nfor"ation

00 31 31 9eo)h+sical Data
Seis"ic %n!estigations %nfor"ation 9ra!it+ %n!estigations %nfor"ation /agnetic %n!estigations %nfor"ation 2lectro"agnetic %n!estigations %nfor"ation 2lectrical 'esisti!it+ %n!estigations %nfor"ation /agnetotelluric %n!estigations %nfor"ation Subsurface Drilling and Sa")ling %nfor"ation /aterial Testing %nfor"ation 23)lorator+ 23ca!ation %nfor"ation 9eotechnical /onitoring %nfor"ation

00 31 32 9eotechnical Data

00 31 ,3 Per"it ))lication 00 *0 00 PROCUREMENT FORMS AND SUPP0EMENTS

00 *1 00 1id F!rms
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 13 1$ 23 2$ 33 3$ ,3 ,$ 53 5$ $3 #id #id #id #id #id #id #id #id #id #id #id :or" :or" :or" :or" :or" :or" :or" :or" :or" :or" :or" ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Sti)ulated Su" .Single1Pri"e Contract0 Sti)ulated Su" ./ulti)le1Pri"e Contract0 Construction /anage"ent .Single1Pri"e Contract0 Construction /anage"ent ./ulti)le1Pri"e Contract0 Cost Plus1:ee .Single1Pri"e Contract0 Cost1Plus1:ee ./ulti)le1Pri"e Contract0 <nit Price .Single1Pri"e Contract0 <nit Price ./ulti)le1Pri"e Contract0 Design=#uild .Single1Pri"e Contract0 Design=#uild ./ulti)le1Pri"e Contract0 Purchase Contract

00 *" 00 Pr!%!s & F!rms

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 13 1$ 23 2$ 33 3$ ,3 ,$ 53 5$ $3 13 21 22 23 25 2$ 33 3$ 3& ,3 73 >3 >$ &3 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 33 3$ 3& ,3 ,$ Pro)osal Pro)osal Pro)osal Pro)osal Pro)osal Pro)osal Pro)osal Pro)osal Pro)osal Pro)osal Pro)osal :or" :or" :or" :or" :or" :or" :or" :or" :or" :or" :or" ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Sti)ulated Su" .Single1Pri"e Contract0 Sti)ulated Su" ./ulti)le1Pri"e Contract0 Construction /anage"ent .Single1Pri"e Contract0 Construction /anage"ent ./ulti)le1Pri"e Contract0 Cost1Plus1:ee .Single1Pri"e Contract0 Cost1Plus1:ee ./ulti)le1Pri"e Contract0 <nit Price .Single1Pri"e Contract0 <nit Price ./ulti)le1Pri"e Contract0 Design=#uild .Single1Pri"e Contract0 Design=#uild ./ulti)le1Pri"e Contract0 Purchase Contract

00 *( 00 Pr!$#rement F!rm S#%%&ements

#id Securit+ :or" llowance :or" <nit Prices :or" lternates :or" Substitution 'e(uest :or" .During Procure"ent0 2sti"ated *uantities :or" Pro)osed Products :or" Pro)osed Subcontractors :or" /inorit+ #usiness 2nter)rise State"ent of %ntent :or" 5age 'ates :or" Pro)osed Schedule of 4alues :or" Pro)osed Construction Schedule :or" Pro)osed 5or? Plan Schedule :or" #id Sub"ittal Chec?list

00 *+ 00 Re%resent ti!ns

nd Certi)i$ ti!ns

#idder@s *ualifications Pro)oser@s *ualifications Aon1Collusion ffida!it State"ent of Dis)osal :acilit+ 5or?er@s Co")ensation Certificate Schedule Aon1Segregated :acilities ffida!it 2(ual 2")lo+"ent B))ortunit+ ffida!it /inorit+ #usiness 2nter)rise ffida!it Cor)orate 'esolutions 9o!ern"ental Certifications


00 +1 00 N!ti$e !) A2 rd 00 +" 00 A,reement F!rms
00 00 00 00 00 52 52 52 52 52 13 1$ 23 2$ 33 gree"ent gree"ent gree"ent gree"ent gree"ent :or" :or" :or" :or" :or" ; ; ; ; ; Sti)ulated Su" .Single1Pri"e Contract0 Sti)ulated Su" ./ulti)le1Pri"e Contract0 Construction /anage"ent .Single1Pri"e Contract0 Construction /anage"ent ./ulti)le1Pri"e Contract0 Cost Plus1:ee .Single1Pri"e Contract0

00 00 00 00 00 00

52 52 52 52 52 52

3$ ,3 ,$ 53 5$ $3

gree"ent gree"ent gree"ent gree"ent gree"ent gree"ent

:or" :or" :or" :or" :or" :or"

; ; ; ; ; ;

Cost1Plus1:ee ./ulti)le1Pri"e Contract0 <nit Price .Single1Pri"e Contract0 <nit Price ./ulti)le1Pri"e Contract0 Design=#uild .Single1Pri"e Contract0 Design=#uild ./ulti)le1Pri"e Contract0 Purchase

00 +* 00 A,reement F!rm S#%%&ements

00 5, 13 Su))le"entar+ Sco)e State"ent 00 5, 21 llowances Schedule 00 5, 22 <nit Prices Schedule

00 ++ 00 N!ti$e t! Pr!$eed

00 -0 00 PRO4ECT FORMS
00 -1 00 1!nd F!rms
00 $1 13 Perfor"ance and Pa+"ent #ond :or"
00 $1 13-13 Perfor"ance #ond :or" 00 $1 13-1$ Pa+"ent #ond :or"

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

$1 $1 $1 $1 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3

1$ 1& 23 2$ 11 1$ 1& 23 33 3, 3& 73 7$ 7& >3 >$ >& 13 1& 25 33 3$ ,3 ,$ ,& 53 5,

Lien #ond :or" /aintenance #ond :or" 'etainage #ond :or" S)ecial #ond :or"

00 -" 00 Certi)i$ tes

nd Ot3er F!rms

Sub"ittal Trans"ittal :or" Certificate of %nsurance :or" %nfection Control :or" Construction 5aste Di!ersion :or" Products :or" 'ec+cled Content of /aterials :or" /inorit+ #usiness 2nter)rise Certification :or" Schedule of 4alues :or" ))lication for Pa+"ent :or" Stored /aterial :or" Construction Schedule :or" 5or? Plan Schedule :or" Construction 2(ui)"ent :or"

00 $2 7$-13 Sales Ta3 :or" 00 $2 7$-1$ Consent of Suret+ to 'eduction of 'etainage :or"

00 -( 00 C& ri)i$ ti!n

nd M!di)i$ ti!n F!rms

'e(uest for %nter)retation :or" Clarification :or" Substitution 'e(uest :or" .During Construction0 Su))le"ental %nstruction :or" :ield Brder :or" 5ritten "end"ent :or" Construction Change Directi!e :or" 5or? Change Directi!e :or" 'e(uest for Pro)osal :or" Pro)osal 5or?sheet Su""ar+ :or"

00 $3 55 Pro)osal 5or?sheet Detail :or" 00 $3 57 Change Brder 'e(uest :or" 00 $3 $3 Change Brder :or"

00 -+ 00 C&!se!#t F!rms
00 $5 13 Certificate of Co")liance :or" 00 $5 1$ Certificate of Substantial Co")letion :or" 00 $5 1& Certificate of Co")letion :or"
00 00 00 00 00 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 1&-13 ffida!it of Pa+"ent of Debts and Clai"s :or" 1&-1$ ffida!it of 'elease of Liens :or" 1&-1& Consent of Suret+ to :inal Pa+"ent :or" 1&-23 cce)tance Certificate :or" 1&-2$ :inal Settle"ent Certificate :or"

00 $5 3$ 5arrant+ :or" 00 $5 73 Statutor+ Declaration :or" 00 50 00 CONDITIONS OF T7E CONTRACT

00 51 00 C!ntr $tin, De)initi!ns 00 5" 00 Gener & C!nditi!ns

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 13 1$ 23 2$ 33 3$ ,3 ,$ 53 5$ 1$ 1& 23 2$ 33 3$ ,3 ,$ ,& 53 $3 73 9eneral 9eneral 9eneral 9eneral 9eneral 9eneral 9eneral 9eneral 9eneral 9eneral Conditions Conditions Conditions Conditions Conditions Conditions Conditions Conditions Conditions Conditions ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Sti)ulated Su" .Single1Pri"e Contract0 Sti)ulated Su" ./ulti)le1Pri"e Contract0 Construction /anage"ent .Single1Pri"e Contract0 Construction /anage"ent ./ulti)le1Pri"e Contract0 Cost Plus1:ee .Single1Pri"e Contract0 Cost1Plus1:ee ./ulti)le1Pri"e Contract0 <nit Price .Single1Pri"e Contract0 <nit Price ./ulti)le1Pri"e Contract0 Design=#uild .Single1Pri"e Contract0 Design=#uild ./ulti)le1Pri"e Contract0

00 5( 00 S#%%&ement r' C!nditi!ns

%nsurance 'e(uire"ents 7ealth and Safet+ 'e(uire"ents Purchase Contracts ssigned Contracts Aon1Segregated :acilities 'e(uire"ents 2(ual 2")lo+"ent B))ortunit+ 'e(uire"ents 5age 'ate 'e(uire"ents 5age Deter"ination Schedule Labor Stabili8ation gree"ent nti1Pollution /easures Securit+ 'e(uire"ents Statutor+ 'e(uire"ents


00 61 00 Pre$!ntr $t Revisi!ns
00 &1 13 ddenda 00 &1 1$ #id 'e!isions 00 &1 1& Pro)osal 'e!isions

00 6( 00 Re$!rd C& ri)i$ ti!ns

nd Pr!%!s &s

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

&3 &3 &3 &3 &3 &, &, &, &, &, &, &,

13 1& 53 5, 57 33 3$ 3& ,3 ,$ ,& $3

'ecord 'ecord 'ecord 'ecord 'ecord 'ecord 'ecord 'ecord 'ecord 'ecord 'ecord 'ecord

'e(uests for %nter)retation Clarification Aotices Pro)osal 'e(uests Pro)osal 5or?sheet Su""aries Change Brder 'e(uests /inor Changes in the 5or? Su))le"ental %nstructions :ield Brders "end"ents Construction Change Directi!es 5or? Change Directi!es Change Brders

00 6* 00 Re$!rd M!di)i$ ti!ns


01 10 00 SUMMARY
01 11 00 S#mm r' !) 9!r:
01 11 13 5or? Co!ered b+ Contract Docu"ents 01 11 1$ 5or? b+ Bwner 01 11 1& Purchase Contracts

01 1" 00 M#&ti%&e C!ntr $t S#mm r'

01 12 13 Su""ar+ of Contracts 01 12 1$ 5or? Se(uence 01 12 1& Contract %nterface

01 1* 00 9!r: Restri$ti!ns
01 1, 13 ccess to Site 01 1, 1$ Coordination with Bccu)ants 01 1, 1& <se of Site

01 1; 00 Pr!/e$t Uti&it' S!#r$es


01 "1 00 A&&!2 n$es
01 01 01 01 01 01 01 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 2& ,3 Cash llowances Contingenc+ llowances Testing and %ns)ecting llowances %nstallation llowances Product llowances *uantit+ llowances Ti"e llowances

01 "" 00 Unit Pri$es

01 22 13 <nit Price /easure"ent 01 22 1$ <nit Price Pa+"ent

01 "( 00 A&tern tes 01 "* 00 V &#e An &'sis

01 2, 13 4alue 2ngineering

01 "+ 00 S#.stit#ti!n Pr!$ed#res

01 25 13 Product Substitution Procedures

01 25 1$ 23ecution Substitution Procedures

01 "- 00 C!ntr $t M!di)i$ ti!n Pr!$ed#res

01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 13 1& 33 3$ 3& ,3 ,$ ,& 53 5, 57 $3 'e(uests for %nter)retation Clarification Aotices /inor Changes in the 5or? Su))le"ental %nstructions :ield Brders "end"ents Construction Change Directi!es 5or? Change Directi!es Pro)osal 'e(uests Pro)osal 5or?sheet Su""aries Change Brder 'e(uests Change Brders

01 "6 00 P 'ment Pr!$ed#res

01 2& 73 Schedule of 4alues 01 2& 7$ Progress Pa+"ent Procedures 01 2& >3 Pa+"ent Procedures for Testing Laborator+ Ser!ices 01 (0 00 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS

01 (1 00 Pr!/e$t M n ,ement

nd C!!rdin ti!n

01 31 13 Project Coordination 01 31 1$ /ulti)le Contract Coordination 01 31 1& Project /eetings

01 01 01 01 31 31 31 31 1&-13 1&-1$ 1&-23 1&-33 Preconstruction /eetings Site /obili8ation /eetings Progress /eetings Preinstallation /eetings

01 31 23 Project 5eb Site

01 (" 00 C!nstr#$ti!n Pr!,ress D!$#ment ti!n

01 32 13 Scheduling of 5or? 01 32 1$ Construction Progress Schedule
01 32 1$-13 Aetwor? nal+sis Schedules

01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01

32 32 32 32 32 32 33 33 33 33 33 33

1& 23 2$ 2& 33 ,3 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 2&

Sub"ittals Schedule Sur!e+ and La+out Data Construction Progress 'e)orting Periodic 5or? Bbser!ation Photogra)hic Docu"entation Purchase Brder Trac?ing Certificates Design Data :ield Test 'e)orting Sho) Drawings6 Product Data6 and Sa")les Source *ualit+ Control 'e)orting Sustainable Design 'e)orting

01 (( 00 S#.mitt & Pr!$ed#res

01 (+ 00 S%e$i & Pr!$ed#res

01 35 13 S)ecial Project Procedures

01 01 01 01

35 35 35 35

13-13 13-1$ 13-1& 13-,3

S)ecial S)ecial S)ecial S)ecial

Project Project Project Project

Procedures Procedures Procedures Procedures

for ir)ort :acilities for Detention :acilities for 7ealth care :acilities for Conta"inated Sites

01 01 01 01

35 35 35 35

1$ lteration Project Procedures 23 Bwner Safet+ 'e(uire"ents 2$ 9o!ern"ental Safet+ 'e(uire"ents 2& 7ealth6 Safet+6 and 2"ergenc+ 'es)onse Procedures

01 35 2&-13 7ealth6 Safet+6 and 2"ergenc+ 'es)onse Procedures for Conta"inated Sites

01 35 33 %nfection Control Procedures 01 35 ,3 2n!iron"ental Procedures

01 35 ,3-13 2n!iron"ental Procedures for 7a8ardous /aterials 01 35 ,3-1$ 2n!iron"ental Procedures for To3ic /aterials

01 35 53 Securit+ Procedures 01 35 &1 7istoric Treat"ent Procedures 01 *0 00 QUA0ITY REQUIREMENTS

01 *1 00 Re,#& t!r' Re<#irements

01 01 01 01 01 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ Codes Laws 'ules :ees Per"its

01 *" 00 Re)eren$es
01 ,2 13 bbre!iations and cron+"s 01 ,2 1$ Definitions 01 ,2 1& 'eference Standards

01 *( 00 Q# &it' Ass#r n$e

01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 2& 33 3$ 3& /anufacturer *ualifications Su))lier *ualifications :abricator *ualifications %nstaller *ualifications Testing and %ns)ecting genc+ *ualifications Code1'e(uired S)ecial %ns)ector *ualifications /anufacturer@s :ield Ser!ices :ield Sa")les /oc?u)s

01 *+ 00 Q# &it' C!ntr!&
01 ,5 13 Source *ualit+ Control Procedures 01 ,5 1$ :ield *ualit+ Control Procedures
01 ,5 1$-13 Contractor *ualit+ Control

23 Testing and %ns)ecting Ser!ices 2$ Plant %ns)ection Procedures 2& Testing Laborator+ Ser!ices 33 Code1'e(uired S)ecial %ns)ections and Procedures 01 +0 00 TEMPORARY FACI0ITIES AND CONTRO0S

01 01 01 01

,5 ,5 ,5 ,5

01 +1 00 Tem%!r r' Uti&ities

01 51 13 Te")orar+ 2lectricit+

01 01 01 01 01 01 01

51 51 51 51 51 51 51

1$ 1& 23 2$ 2& 33 3$

Te")orar+ Te")orar+ Te")orar+ Te")orar+ Te")orar+ Te")orar+ Te")orar+

:ire Protection :uel Bil 7eating6 Cooling6 and 4entilating Lighting Aatural19as Teleco""unications 5ater

01 +" 00 C!nstr#$ti!n F $i&ities

01 52 13 :ield Bffices and Sheds 01 52 1$ :irst id :acilities 01 52 1& Sanitar+ :acilities

01 +( 00 Tem%!r r' C!nstr#$ti!n

01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 53 53 53 53 53 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 55 55 55 55 55 55 5$ 5$ 5$ 5$ 5$ 5$ 5$ 5$ 5$ 57 57 57 57 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 2& 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 2& 33 3$ 3& 13 1$ 1& 23 Te")orar+ Te")orar+ Te")orar+ Te")orar+ Te")orar+ Te")orar+ Te")orar+ Te")orar+ Te")orar+ Te")orar+ #ridges Dec?ing B!er)asses 'a")s 'unarounds 2le!ators 7oists Cranes Scaffolding and Platfor"s Swing Staging

01 +* 00 C!nstr#$ti!n Aids

01 ++ 00 Ve3i$#& r A$$ess

nd P r:in,

Te")orar+ ccess 'oads 7aul 'outes Te")orar+ Par?ing reas Te")orar+ 'oads Traffic Control Staging reas

01 +- 00 Tem%!r r' 1 rriers

Te")orar+ Te")orar+ Te")orar+ Te")orar+ Te")orar+ Te")orar+ Te")orar+ Te")orar+ Te")orar+ Te")orar+ Te")orar+ Te")orar+ Te")orar+

nd En$&!s#res

ir #arriers Dust #arriers Aoise #arriers #arricades :encing Protecti!e 5al?wa+s Securit+ #arriers Securit+ 2nclosures Tree and Plant Protection 2rosion and Sedi"ent Control Pest Control 2n!iron"ental Controls Stor" 5ater Pollution Control

01 +5 00 Tem%!r r' C!ntr!&s

01 +; 00 Pr!/e$t Identi)i$ ti!n

01 5> 13 Te")orar+ Project Signage

01 5> 1$ Te")orar+ %nterior Signage 01 -0 00 PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS

01 -1 00 C!mm!n Pr!d#$t Re<#irements

01 $1 13 Software Licensing 'e(uire"ents

01 01 01 01

-" -* -+ --

00 00 00 00

Pr!d#$t O%ti!ns O2ner=F#rnis3ed Pr!d#$ts Pr!d#$t De&iver' Re<#irements Pr!d#$t St!r ,e nd 7 nd&in, Re<#irements

01 $$ 13 Product Storage and 7andling 'e(uire"ents for 7a8ardous /aterials 01 $$ 1$ Product Storage and 7andling 'e(uire"ents for To3ic /aterials 01 50 00 E?ECUTION AND C0OSEOUT REQUIREMENTS

01 51 00 E> min ti!n

nd Pre% r ti!n

01 71 13 /obili8ation 01 71 1$ cce)tance of Conditions 01 71 23 :ield 2ngineering

01 71 23-13 Construction La+out 01 71 23-1$ Construction Sur!e+ing

01 71 33 Protection of

djacent Construction

01 5( 00 E>e$#ti!n
01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 73 73 73 73 73 73 7, 7, 7, 7, 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 2& 13 1$ 1& 23 ))lication 2rection %nstallation #racing and nchoring 23isting Products Cutting and Patching

01 5* 00 C&e nin,

nd 9 ste M n ,ement

Progress Cleaning Site /aintenance Construction 5aste /anage"ent and Dis)osal :inal Cleaning

01 5+ 00 St rtin,

nd Ad/#stin,

01 75 13 Chec?out Procedures 01 75 1$ Startu) Procedures

01 5- 00 Pr!te$tin, Inst &&ed C!nstr#$ti!n 01 55 00 C&!se!#t Pr!$ed#res

01 77 13 Preli"inar+ Closeout 'e!iews 01 77 1$ :inal Closeout 'e!iew 01 77 1& Closeout 'e(uire"ents

01 5; 00 C&!se!#t S#.mitt &s

01 7> 13 Co")letion and Correction List 01 7> 1& /aintenance Contracts 01 7> 23 B)eration and /aintenance Data
01 7> 23-13 B)eration Data 01 7> 23-1$ /aintenance Data 01 7> 23-1& Pre!entati!e /aintenance %nstructions

01 7> 2& :inal Site Sur!e+

01 01 01 01 01 01

7> 7> 7> 7> 7> 7>

33 3$ 3& ,3 ,$ 53

#onds 5arranties Project 'ecord Docu"ents S)are Parts 23tra Stoc? /aterials Sustainable Design Closeout Docu"entation

01 56 00 Dem!nstr ti!n

nd Tr inin,

01 ;1 00 F $i&it' Per)!rm n$e Re<#irements
01 >1 13 Sustainable Design 'e(uire"ents 01 >1 1$ :acilit+ 2n!iron"ental 'e(uire"ents 01 >1 1& %ndoor ir *ualit+ 'e(uire"ents

01 ;" 00 F $i&it' S#.str#$t#re Per)!rm n$e Re<#irements

01 >2 13 :oundation Perfor"ance 'e(uire"ents 01 >2 1$ #ase"ent Construction Perfor"ance 'e(uire"ents

01 ;( 00 F $i&it' S3e&& Per)!rm n$e Re<#irements

01 >3 13 Su)erstructure Perfor"ance 'e(uire"ents 01 >3 1$ 23terior 2nclosure Perfor"ance 'e(uire"ents 01 >3 1& 'oofing Perfor"ance 'e(uire"ents

01 ;* 00 Interi!rs Per)!rm n$e Re<#irements

01 >, 13 %nterior Construction Perfor"ance 'e(uire"ents 01 >, 1$ Stairwa+s Perfor"ance 'e(uire"ents 01 >, 1& %nterior :inishes Perfor"ance 'e(uire"ents

01 ;+ 00 C!nve'in, E<#i%ment Per)!rm n$e Re<#irements 01 ;- 00 F $i&it' Servi$es Per)!rm n$e Re<#irements
01 01 01 01 01 01 01 >$ >$ >$ >$ >$ >$ >$ 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 2& 33 :ire Su))ression Perfor"ance 'e(uire"ents Plu"bing Perfor"ance 'e(uire"ents 74 C Perfor"ance 'e(uire"ents %ntegrated uto"ation Perfor"ance 'e(uire"ents 2lectrical Perfor"ance 'e(uire"ents Co""unications Perfor"ance 'e(uire"ents 2lectronic Safet+ and Securit+ Perfor"ance 'e(uire"ents

01 ;5 00 E<#i%ment

nd F#rnis3in,s Per)!rm n$e Re<#irements

01 >7 13 2(ui)"ent Perfor"ance 'e(uire"ents 01 >7 1$ :urnishings Perfor"ance 'e(uire"ents

01 ;; 00 Ot3er F $i&it' C!nstr#$ti!n Per)!rm n$e Re<#irements

01 >> 13 S)ecial Construction Perfor"ance 'e(uire"ents 01 >> 1$ Selecti!e Construction Perfor"ance 'e(uire"ents

01 ;6 00 Site C!nstr#$ti!n Per)!rm n$e Re<#irements

13 Site Pre)aration Perfor"ance 'e(uire"ents 1$ Site %")ro!e"ents Perfor"ance 'e(uire"ents 1& Site Plu"bing <tilities Perfor"ance 'e(uire"ents 23 Site 74 C <tilities Perfor"ance 'e(uire"ents 2$ Site 2lectrical <tilities Perfor"ance 'e(uire"ents 2& Bther Site Construction Perfor"ance 'e(uire"ents 01 60 00 0IFE CYC0E ACTIVITIES 01 01 01 01 01 01 >& >& >& >& >& >&

01 61 00 C!mmissi!nin,
01 &1 13 9eneral Co""issioning 'e(uire"ents 01 &1 1$ :acilit+ Substructure Co""issioning
01 &1 1$-13 :oundation Co""issioning 01 &1 1$-53 #ase"ent Construction Co""issioning

01 &1 1& :acilit+ Shell Co""issioning

01 &1 1&-13 Su)erstructure Co""issioning 01 &1 1&-,3 23terior 2nclosure Co""issioning 01 &1 1&-73 'oofing Co""issioning

01 &1 23 %nteriors Co""issioning

01 &1 23-13 %nterior Construction Co""issioning 01 &1 23-,3 Stairwa+s Co""issioning 01 &1 23-73 %nterior :inishes Co""issioning

01 6" 00 F $i&it' O%er ti!n

01 &2 13 :acilit+ B)eration Procedures

01 6( 00 F $i&it' M inten n$e

01 &3 13 :acilit+ /aintenance Procedures 01 &3 1$ 'ec+cling Progra"s

01 6* 00 F $i&it' De$!mmissi!nin,
01 &, 13 :acilit+ Deco""issioning Procedures


0" 01 00 M inten n$e !) E>istin, C!nditi!ns
02 02 02 02 01 01 01 01 50 $5 >0 >$ /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance of of of of Site 'e"ediation <nderground Storage Tan? 'e"o!al :acilit+ 'e"ediation 7a8ardous 5aste Dru" 7andling

0" 0+ 00 C!mm!n 9!r: Res#&ts )!r E>istin, C!nditi!ns

02 05 1& 9eos+nthetics for 23isting Conditions
02 05 1&-13 9eote3tiles for 23isting Conditions 02 05 1&-1$ 9eo"e"branes for 23isting Conditions 02 05 1&-1& 9eogrids for 23isting Conditions

0" 0- 00 S$3ed#&es )!r E>istin, C!nditi!ns

02 0$ 30 Schedules for Subsurface %n!estigations
02 0$ 30-13 #oring or Test Pit Log Schedule

02 02 02 02

0$ 0$ 0$ 0$

50 $5 >0 >$

Schedules Schedules Schedules Schedules

for for for for

Site 'e"ediation <nderground Storage Tan? 'e"o!al :acilit+ 'e"ediation 7a8ardous 5aste Dru" 7andling

0" 0; 00 C!mmissi!nin, !) E>istin, C!nditi!ns

02 10 00 Unassigned 0" "0 00 ASSESSMENT

0" "1 00 S#rve's
02 21 13 Site Sur!e+s
02 21 13-13 #oundar+ and Sur!e+ /ar?ers

02 21 1$ /easured Drawings

0" "" 00 E>istin, C!nditi!ns Assessment

02 02 02 02

22 22 22 22

13 /o!e"ent and 4ibration ssess"ent 1$ coustic ssess"ent 1& Traffic ssess"ent 23 ccessibilit+ ssess"ent ssess"ent

0" "* 00 Envir!nment & Assessment

02 2, 13 Aatural 2n!iron"ent
02 2, 13-13 ir ssess"ent 02 2, 13-,3 5ater ssess"ent 02 2, 13-73 Land ssess"ent

02 2, 23 Che"ical Sa")ling and nal+sis of Soils 02 2, ,3 Transboundar+ and 9lobal 2n!iron"ental



0" "+ 00 E>istin, M teri & Assessment

02 25 1$ 23isting Concrete
02 25 1$-13 Concrete 02 25 1&-13 /asonr+

ssess"ent ssess"ent

ssess"ent Drilling ssess"ent Drilling

02 25 1& 23isting /asonr+ 02 25 23 23isting /etals


02 25 23-13 5elding %n!estigations

02 25 2$ 23isting 5ood6 Plastics6 and Co")osites ssess"ent 02 25 2& 23isting Ther"al and /oisture Protection ssess"ent
02 25 2&-13 5ater)roofing %n!estigations 02 25 2&-23 'oofing %n!estigations

0" "- 00 7 @ rd!#s M teri & Assessment

02 02 02 02 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 23 sbestos ssess"ent 2$ Lead ssess"ent 2& Pol+chlorinate #i)hen+l 33 #iological ssess"ent


02 2$ 33-13 /old

02 2$ 3$ 7a8ardous 5aste Dru" ssess"ent 0" (0 00 SU1SURFACE INVESTIGATION

0" (1 00 Ge!%3'si$ & Investi, ti!ns

02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 31 31 31 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 2& 13 1$ 1& 23 Seis"ic %n!estigations 9ra!it+ %n!estigations /agnetic %n!estigations 2lectro"agnetic %n!estigations 2lectrical 'esisti!it+ %n!estigations /agnetotelluric %n!estigations Subsurface Drilling and Sa")ling /aterial Testing 23)lorator+ 23ca!ations 9eotechnical /onitoring #efore Construction

0" (" 00 Ge!te$3ni$ & Investi, ti!ns

02 32 23-13 9roundwater /onitoring #efore Construction


0" *1 00 Dem!&iti!n
02 ,1 13 Selecti!e Site De"olition
02 ,1 13-13 Pa!ing 'e"o!al 02 ,1 13-23 <tilit+ Line 'e"o!al

02 ,1 13-33 'ailtrac? 'e"o!al

02 ,1 1$ Structure De"olition
02 02 02 02 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 1$-13 1$-23 1$-33 1$-,3 #uilding De"olition Tower De"olition #ridge De"olition Da" De"olition

02 ,1 1& Selecti!e Structure De"olition

02 ,1 1&-13 Selecti!e #uilding De"olition

02 ,1 &1 Selecti!e 7istoric De"olition

0" *" 00 Rem!v &

nd S &v ,e !) C!nstr#$ti!n M teri &s

02 ,2 &1 'e"o!al and Sal!age of 7istoric Construction /aterials

0" *( 00 Str#$t#re M!vin,

02 ,3 13 Structure 'elocation
02 ,3 13-13 #uilding 'elocation

02 ,3 1$ Structure 'aising
02 ,3 1$-13 #uilding 'aising


0" +1 00 P3'si$ & De$!nt min ti!n
02 02 02 02 02 02 51 51 51 51 51 51 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 2& Coagulation and :locculation Deconta"ination 'e!erse1Bs"osis Deconta"ination Solidification and Stabili8ation Deconta"ination /echanical :iltration Deconta"ination 'adioacti!e Deconta"ination Surface Cleaning Deconta"ination

02 51 2&-13 7igh1Pressure 5ater Cleaning Deconta"ination 02 51 2&-1$ 4acuu" Swee)ing Cleaning Deconta"ination

02 51 33 Surface 'e"o!al Deconta"ination

02 51 33-13 Surface 'e"o!al Deconta"ination b+ 9rinding 02 51 33-1$ Surface 'e"o!al Deconta"ination b+ Sand #lasting 02 51 33-1& Surface 'e"o!al Deconta"ination b+ <ltrasound

0" +" 00 C3emi$ & De$!nt min ti!n

02 52 13 Che"ical Preci)itation Deconta"ination 02 52 1$ %on Change Deconta"ination 02 52 1& Aeutrali8ation Deconta"ination

0" +( 00 T3erm & De$!nt min ti!n

02 53 13 %ncineration Deconta"ination
02 53 13-13 'e"ediation of Conta"inated Soils and Sludges b+ %ncineration

02 53 1$ Ther"al Desor)tion Deconta"ination

02 53 1$-13 'e"ediation of Conta"inated Soils b+ Ther"al Desor)tion

02 53 1& 4itrification Deconta"ination

0" +* 00 1i!&!,i$ & De$!nt min ti!n

02 5, 13 erobic Processes Deconta"ination 02 5, 1$ naerobic Processes Deconta"ination 02 5, 1& #iore"ediation Deconta"ination
02 5, 1&-13 #iore"ediation <sing Landfar"ing 02 5, 1&-1$ #iore"ediation of Soils <sing 5indrow Co")osting 02 5, 1&-1& #iore"ediation <sing #acteria %njection

02 5, 23 Soil 5ashing through Se)aration=Solubili8ation

02 5, 2$ Brganic Deconta"ination

0" ++ 00 Remedi ti!n S!i& St .i&i@ ti!n 0" +- 00 Site C!nt inment
02 5$ 13 5aste Contain"ent
02 5$ 13-13 9eo"e"brane 5aste Contain"ent

02 5$ 1& 9as Contain"ent

02 5$ 1&-13 :luid1 ))lied 9as #arrier

0" +5 00 Sin:3!&e Remedi ti!n

02 57 13 Sin?hole 'e"ediation b+ 9routing
02 57 13-13 Sin?hole 'e"ediation b+ Co")action 9routing 02 57 13-1$ Sin?hole 'e"ediation b+ Ca) 9routing

02 57 1$ Sin?hole 'e"ediation b+ #ac?filling

0" +; 00 Sn!2 C!ntr!&

02 5> 13 Snow :encing 02 5> 1$ Snow !alanche Control 0" -0 00 CONTAMINATED SITE MATERIA0 REMOVA0

0" -1 00 Rem!v &

02 02 02 02 $1 $1 $1 $1 13 23 2$ 2&

nd Dis%!s & !) C!nt min ted S!i&s

23ca!ation and 7andling of Conta"inated /aterial 'e"o!al and Dis)osal of Pol+chlorinate #i)hen+l Conta"inated Soils 'e"o!al and Dis)osal of sbestos Conta"inated Soils 'e"o!al and Dis)osal of Brganicall+ Conta"inated Soils

0" -" 00 7 @ rd!#s 9 ste Re$!ver' Pr!$esses

02 $2 13 ir and Stea" Stri))ing 02 $2 1$ Soil 4a)or 23traction 02 $2 1& Soil 5ashing and :lushing

0" -+ 00 Under,r!#nd St!r ,e T n: Rem!v & 0" -- 00 0 nd)i&& C!nstr#$ti!n nd St!r ,e


0" 51 00 Gr!#nd2 ter Tre tment 0" 5" 00 9 ter De$!nt min ti!n
02 72 13 Che"ical 5ater Deconta"ination 02 72 1$ #iological 5ater Deconta"ination 02 72 1& 2lectrol+sis 5ater Deconta"ination 0" ;0 00 FACI0ITY REMEDIATION

0" ;1 00 Tr ns%!rt ti!n nd Dis%!s & !) 7 @ rd!#s M teri &s 0" ;" 00 As.est!s Remedi ti!n
02 >2 13 sbestos bate"ent
02 >2 13-13 9lo!ebag sbestos bate"ent 02 >2 13-1$ Precautions for sbestos bate"ent 02 >2 13-1& sbestos :loor Tile and /astic bate"ent

02 >2 1$ 2ngineering Control of sbestos Containing /aterials 02 >2 33 'e"o!al and Dis)osal of sbestos Containing /aterials

0" ;( 00 0e d Remedi ti!n

02 >3 13 Lead 7a8ard Control cti!ities 02 >3 1& Lead1#ased Paint 'e"ediation
02 >3 1&-13 Lead1#ased Paint bate"ent

02 >3 33 'e"o!al and Dis)osal of /aterial Containing Lead

02 >3 33-13 Lead1#ased Paint 'e"o!al and Dis)osal

0" ;* 00 P!&'$3&!rin te 1i%3en'& Remedi ti!n

02 >, 1$ 7andling of Lighting #allasts and La")s Containing PC#s and /ercur+ 02 >, 33 'e"o!al and Dis)osal of Pol+chlorinate #i)hen+ls

0" ;+ 00 M!&d Remedi ti!n

02 02 02 02 >5 >5 >5 >5 13 1$ 1& 33 Precautions for /old 'e"ediation /old 'e"ediation Pre)aration and Contain"ent /old 'e"ediation Clearance ir Sa")ling 'e"o!al and Dis)osal of /aterials with /old

0" ;- 00 7 @ rd!#s 9 ste Dr#m 7 nd&in,

02 90 00 Unassigned


0( 01 00 M inten n$e !) C!n$rete
03 03 03 03 01 01 01 01
03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03

10 20 23 30
01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01

/aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance

30-51 30-$1 30-71 30-72 ,0-51 ,0-$1 ,0-71 ,0-72 50-51 50-$1 50-71 50-72

of of of of

Concrete :or"ing and ccessories Concrete 'einforcing Stressing Tendons Cast1in1Place Concrete

Cleaning of Cast1in1Place Concrete 'esurfacing of Cast1in1Place Concrete 'ehabilitation of Cast1in1Place Concrete Strengthening of Cast1in1Place Concrete Cleaning of Precast Concrete 'esurfacing of Precast Concrete 'ehabilitation of Precast Concrete Strengthening of Precast Concrete Cleaning Cast Dec?s and <nderla+"ent 'esurfacing of Cast Dec?s and <nderla+"ent 'ehabilitation of Cast Dec?s and <nderla+"ent Strengthening of Cast Dec?s and <nderla+"ent

03 01 ,0 /aintenance of Precast Concrete

03 01 50 /aintenance of Cast Dec?s and <nderla+"ent

03 01 $0 /aintenance of 9routing 03 01 70 /aintenance of /ass Concrete 03 01 >0 /aintenance of Concrete Cutting and #oring

0( 0+ 00 C!mm!n 9!r: Res#&ts )!r C!n$rete 0( 0- 00 S$3ed#&es )!r C!n$rete

03 0$ 10 Schedules for Concrete :or"ing and 03 0$ 20 Schedules for Concrete 'einforcing 03 0$ 30 Schedules for Cast1in1Place Concrete
03 03 03 03 03 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 30-13 30-1$ 30-1& 30-23 30-2$ Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete :ooting Schedule Colu"n Schedule Slab Schedule Shaft Schedule #ea" Schedule


03 0$ 20-13 Concrete #ea" 'einforcing Schedule 03 0$ 20-1$ Concrete Slab 'einforcing Schedule

03 0$ ,0 Schedules for Precast Concrete

03 0$ ,0-13 Precast Concrete Panel Schedule

03 03 03 03

0$ 0$ 0$ 0$

50 $0 70 >0

Schedules Schedules Schedules Schedules

for for for for

Cast Dec?s and <nderla+"ent 9routing /ass Concrete Concrete Cutting and #oring

0( 0; 00 C!mmissi!nin, !) C!n$rete


0( 11 00 C!n$rete F!rmin,
03 11 13 Structural Cast1in1Place Concrete :or"ing
03 11 13-13 Concrete Sli) :or"ing 03 11 13-1$ Concrete Shoring 03 11 13-1& :alsewor?

03 11 1$

rchitectural Cast1in Place Concrete :or"ing

03 11 1$-13 Concrete :or" Liners

03 11 1& %nsulating Concrete :or"ing 03 11 23 Per"anent Stair :or"ing

0( 1+ 00 C!n$rete A$$ess!ries
03 15 13 5atersto)s 0( "0 00 CONCRETE REINFORCING

0( "1 00 Rein)!r$in, Stee&

03 21 13 9al!ani8ed 'einforcing Steel 03 21 1$ 2)o3+1Coated 'einforcing Steel

0( "" 00 9e&ded 9ire F .ri$ Rein)!r$in,

03 22 13 9al!ani8ed 5elded 5ire :abric 'einforcing 03 22 1$ 2)o3+1Coated 5elded 5ire :abric 'einforcing

0( "( 00 Stressin, Tend!ns 0( "* 00 Fi.r!#s Rein)!r$in,

03 30 53 /iscellaneous Cast1in1Place Concrete

0( (1 00 Str#$t#r & C!n$rete

03 03 03 03 03 31 31 31 31 31 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 7ea!+weight Structural Concrete Lightweight Structural Concrete Shrin?age1Co")ensating Structural Concrete 7igh1Perfor"ance Structural Concrete Self1Co")acting Concrete

0( (( 00 Ar$3ite$t#r & C!n$rete

03 33 13 7ea!+weight rchitectural Concrete 03 33 1$ Lightweight rchitectural Concrete

0( (* 00 0!2 Densit' C!n$rete 0( (+ 00 C!n$rete Finis3in,

03 03 03 03 03 35 35 35 35 35 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 7igh1Tolerance Concrete :loor :inishing 7ea!+1Dut+ Concrete :loor :inishing Colored Concrete :inishing 23)osed ggregate Concrete :inishing 9roo!ed Concrete Surface :inishing

03 35 2& Tooled Concrete :inishing 03 35 33 Sta")ed Concrete :inishing

0( (5 00 S%e$i &t' P& $ed C!n$rete

03 03 03 03 03 37 37 37 37 37 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ Shotcrete Pu")ed Concrete Pneu"aticall+ Placed Concrete 'oller1Co")acted Concrete <nderwater Placed Concrete

0( (; 00 P!st=Tensi!ned C!n$rete
03 3> 13 Post1Tensioned Concrete Pre)aration 03 3> 1$ <nbonded Post1Tensioned Concrete 03 3> 1& #onded Post1Tensioned Concrete

0( (6 00 C!n$rete C#rin,
03 3& 13 5ater Concrete Curing 03 3& 1$ Sand Concrete Curing 03 3& 23 /e"brane Concrete Curing
03 3& 23-13 Che"ical Co")ound /e"brane Concrete Curing 03 3& 23-23 Sheet /e"brane Concrete Curing

0( *1 00 Pre$ st Str#$t#r & C!n$rete
03 03 03 03 03 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 13 1$ 23 33 3$ Precast Precast Precast Precast Precast Concrete 7ollow Core Plan?s Concrete Slabs Concrete Stairs Structural Pretensioned Concrete Structural Post1Tensioned Concrete

0( *+ 00 Pre$ st Ar$3ite$t#r & C!n$rete

03 ,5 13 :aced rchitectural Precast Concrete 03 ,5 33 Precast rchitectural Pretensioned Concrete 03 ,5 3$ Precast rchitectural Post1Tensioned Concrete

0( *5 00 Site=C st C!n$rete
03 ,7 13 Tilt1<) Concrete 03 ,7 1$ Lift1Slab Concrete

0( *; 00 Pre$ st C!n$rete S%e$i &ties

03 03 03 03 ,> ,> ,> ,> 13 1$ 1& ,3 Precast Precast Precast Precast Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete #ollards S)lash #loc?s Stair Treads Tri"

0( *6 00 G&!r$ed C!n$rete

03 ,& 13 9lass1:iber1'einforced Concrete Colu"n Co!ers 03 ,& 1$ 9lass1:iber1'einforced Concrete S)andrels 03 ,& ,3 9lass1:iber1'einforced Concrete Tri" 0( +0 00 CAST DECAS AND UNDER0AYMENT

0( +1 00 C st R!!) De$:s
03 51 13 Ce"entitious 5ood :iber Dec?s 03 51 1$ 9+)su" Concrete 'oof Dec?s

0( +" 00 0i,3t2ei,3t C!n$rete R!!) Ins#& ti!n

03 52 13 Co")osite Concrete 'oof %nsulation 03 52 1$ Lightweight %nsulating Concrete

03 52 1$-13 Lightweight Cellular %nsulating Concrete 03 52 1$-1$ Lightweight ggregate %nsulating Concrete

0( +( 00 C!n$rete T!%%in,
03 53 13 2"er+1 ggregate Concrete To))ing 03 53 1$ %ron1 ggregate Concrete To))ing

0( +* 00 C st Under& 'ment
03 5, 13 9+)su" Ce"ent <nderla+"ent 03 5, 1$ 7+draulic Ce"ent <nderla+"ent 0( -0 00 GROUTING

0( -1 00 Cementiti!#s Gr!#tin,
03 $1 13 Dr+1Pac? 9routing

0( -" 00 N!n=S3rin: Gr!#tin,

03 $2 13 Aon1/etallic Aon1Shrin? 9routing 03 $2 1$ /etallic Aon1Shrin? 9routing

0( -( 00 E%!>' Gr!#tin, 0( -* 00 In/e$ti!n Gr!#tin,

03 $, 23 2)o3+ %njection 9routing 0( 50 00 MASS CONCRETE

0( 51 00 M ss C!n$rete )!r R )t F!#nd ti!ns 0( 5" 00 M ss C!n$rete )!r D ms


0( ;1 00 C!n$rete C#ttin,
03 03 03 03 03 >1 >1 >1 >1 >1 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ :lat Concrete Sawing Trac? /ounted Concrete 5all Sawing 5ire Concrete 5all Sawing 7and Concrete 5all Sawing Chain Concrete 5all Sawing

0( ;" 00 C!n$rete 1!rin,

03 >2 13 Concrete Core Drilling

03 90 00 Unassigned


0* 01 00 M inten n$e !) M s!nr'
0, 01 20 /aintenance of <nit /asonr+
0, 0, 0, 0, 01 01 01 01 20-51 20-52 20-&1 20-&3 <nit /asonr+ /aintenance <nit /asonr+ Cleaning <nit /asonr+ 'estoration Testing and Sa")ling #ric? <nits for 'estoration

0, 01 ,0 /aintenance of Stone
0, 01 ,0-51 Stone /aintenance 0, 01 ,0-52 Stone Cleaning 0, 01 ,0-&1 Stone 'estoration


0, 01 50 /aintenance of 'efractor+ /asonr+ 0, 01 $0 /aintenance of Corrosion1'esistant /asonr+

0, 01 70 /aintenance of /anufactured /asonr+

0* 0+ 00 C!mm!n 9!r: Res#&ts )!r M s!nr'

0, 05 13 /asonr+ /ortaring
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 05 05 05 05 05 05 13-1$ 13-1& 13-23 13-2$ 13-2& 13-&1 Che"ical1'esistant /asonr+ /ortaring 2)o3+ /asonr+ /ortaring Surface #onding /asonr+ /ortaring 2ngineered /asonr+ /ortaring 'efractor+ /asonr+ /ortaring /asonr+ 'estoration /ortaring

0, 05 1$ /asonr+ 9routing
0, 05 1$-1$ Che"ical1'esistant /asonr+ 9routing 0, 05 1$-2$ 2ngineered /asonr+ 9routing

0, 05 1& /asonr+
0, 0, 0, 0, 05 05 05 05 1&-13 1&-1$ 1&-2$ 1&-2&

nchorage and 'einforcing

Continuous Coint 'einforcing /asonr+ nchors /asonr+ 'einforcing #ars Stone nchors

0, 05 23 /asonr+


0, 05 1&-13 /asonr+ Control and 23)ansion Coints 0, 05 1&-1$ /asonr+ 2"bedded :lashing 0, 05 1&-1& /asonr+ Ca!it+ Drainage6 5ee)holes6 and 4ents

0* 0- 00 S$3ed#&es )!r M s!nr'

0, 0$ 20 Schedules for <nit /asonr+
0, 0$ 20-13 /asonr+ <nit Schedule

0, 0, 0, 0,

0$ 0$ 0$ 0$

,0 50 $0 70

Schedules Schedules Schedules Schedules

for for for for

Stone sse"blies 'efractor+ /asonr+ Corrosion1'esistant /asonr+ /anufactured /asonr+

0* 0; 00 C!mmissi!nin, !) M s!nr'

04 10 00 Unassigned 0* "0 00 UNIT MASONRY

0* "1 00 C& ' Unit M s!nr'
0, 21 13 #ric? /asonr+
0, 21 13-13 #ric? 4eneer /asonr+ 0, 21 13-23 Surface1#onded #ric? /asonr+

0, 0, 0, 0, 0,

21 21 21 21 21

1$ 1& 23 2$ 2&

Cera"ic 9la8ed Cla+ /asonr+ Cla+ Tile /asonr+ Structural Cla+ Tile /asonr+ 9la8ed Structural Cla+ Tile /asonr+ Terra Cotta /asonr+

0* "" 00 C!n$rete Unit M s!nr'

0, 22 00-13 Concrete <nit 4eneer /asonr+ 0, 22 00-1$ Surface1#onded Concrete <nit /asonr+

0, 22 1& %nsulated Concrete <nit /asonr+ 0, 22 23 rchitectural Concrete <nit /asonr+

0, 0, 0, 0, 22 22 22 22 23-13 23-1$ 23-1& 23-23 23)osed ggregate Concrete <nit /asonr+ :luted Concrete <nit /asonr+ /olded1:ace Concrete <nit /asonr+ Prefaced Concrete <nit /asonr+

0, 22 23-2$ Sound1 bsorbing Concrete <nit /asonr+ 0, 22 23-2& S)lit1:ace Concrete <nit /asonr+

0, 22 33 %nterloc?ing Concrete <nit /asonr+

0* "( 00 G& ss Unit M s!nr'

0, 23 13 4ertical 9lass <nit /asonr+ 0, 23 1$ 9lass <nit /asonr+ :loors 0, 23 1& 9lass <nit /asonr+ S?+lights

0* "* 00 Ad!.e Unit M s!nr'

0, 2, 13 Site1Cast dobe <nit /asonr+ 0, 2, 1$ /anufactured dobe <nit /asonr+

0* "+ 00 Unit M s!nr' P ne&s

0, 25 13 /etal1Su))orted <nit /asonr+ Panels

0* "5 00 M#&ti%&e=9't3e Unit M s!nr'

0, 27 13 Co")osite <nit /asonr+ 0, 27 23 Ca!it+ 5all <nit /asonr+

0* "; 00 C!n$rete F!rm M s!nr' Units

0, 2> 13 Dr+1Stac?ed6 Concrete1:illed /asonr+ <nits 0, 2> 23 /ortar1Set6 Concrete1:illed /asonr+ <nits

04 30 00 Unassigned 0* *0 00 STONE ASSEM10IES

0* *1 00 Dr'=P& $ed St!ne 0* *" 00 E>teri!r St!ne C& ddin,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ ,3 /asonr+1Su))orted Stone Cladding Steel1Stud1Su))orted Stone Cladding Strongbac?1:ra"e1Su))orted Stone Cladding Truss1Su))orted Stone Cladding 9rid1S+ste"1Su))orted Stone Cladding Stone Panels for Curtain 5alls

0* *( 00 St!ne M s!nr'

0* 0* 0* 0* 0* +1 +" +( +* +5 00 00 00 00 00 F&#e 0iner M s!nr' C!m.#sti!n C3 M s!nr' C st .&e Re)r $t!r' M s!nr' Re)r $t!r' 1ri$: M s!nr' M s!nr' Fire%& $es

0* -1 00 C3emi$ &=Resist nt 1ri$: M s!nr' 0* -" 00 Vitri)ied C& ' 0iner P& te

0* 51 00 M n#) $t#red 1ri$: M s!nr'
0, 71 13 Calciu" Silicate /anufactured #ric? /asonr+

0* 5" 00 C st St!ne M s!nr' 0* 5( 00 M n#) $t#red St!ne M s!nr'

0, 73 13 Calciu" Silicate /anufactured Stone /asonr+

04 80 00 Unassigned

04 90 00 Unassigned


0+ 01 00 M inten n$e !) Met &s
05 05 05 05 05 05 01 01 01 01 01 01 10 20 30 ,0 50 70 /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance of of of of of of Structural /etal :ra"ing /etal Coists /etal Dec?ing Cold1:or"ed /etal :ra"ing /etal :abrications Decorati!e /etal

05 01 70-&1 7istoric Treat"ent of Decorati!e /etal

0+ 0+ 00 C!mm!n 9!r: Res#&ts )!r Met &s

05 05 13 Sho)1 ))lied Coatings for /etal 05 05 23 /etal :astenings 05 05 53 Securit+ /etal :astenings

0+ 0- 00 S$3ed#&es )!r Met &s

05 0$ 10 Schedules for Structural /etal :ra"ing
05 0$ 10-13 Steel Colu"n Schedule 05 0$ 10-1$ Steel #ea" Schedule

05 0$ 20 Schedules for /etal Coists

05 0$ 20-13 Steel Coist Schedule

05 05 05 05

0$ 0$ 0$ 0$

30 ,0 50 70

Schedules Schedules Schedules Schedules

for for for for

/etal Dec?ing Cold1:or"ed /etal :ra"ing /etal :abrications Decorati!e /etal

0+ 0; 00 C!mmissi!nin, !) Met &s


0+ 1" 00 Str#$t#r & Stee& Fr min,
05 05 05 05 12 12 12 12 13 rchitecturall+123)osed Structural Steel :ra"ing 1$ :abricated :ire)roofed Steel Colu"ns 23 Structural Steel for #uildings 33 Structural Steel for #ridges

0+ 1( 00 Str#$t#r & St in&ess=Stee& Fr min, 0+ 1* 00 Str#$t#r & A&#min#m Fr min,

05 1, 13 rchitecturall+123)osed Structural lu"inu" :ra"ing

0+ 1+ 00 9ire R!%e Assem.&ies

05 15 13 lu"inu" 5ire 'o)e sse"blies 05 15 1$ Steel 5ire 'o)e sse"blies 05 15 1& Stainless1Steel 5ire 'o)e sse"blies

0+ 1- 00 Str#$t#r & C .&in,

05 1$ 33 #ridge Cabling 0+ "0 00 META0 4OISTS

0+ "1 00 Stee& 4!ist Fr min,

05 21 13 Dee) Longs)an Steel Coist :ra"ing 05 21 1$ Longs)an Steel Coist :ra"ing 05 21 1& B)en 5eb Steel Coist :ra"ing

05 21 23 Steel Coist 9irder :ra"ing

0+ "+ 00 A&#min#m 4!ist Fr min,

0+ (0 00 META0 DECAING
0+ (1 00 Stee& De$:in,
05 31 13 Steel :loor Dec?ing 05 31 23 Steel 'oof Dec?ing 05 31 33 Steel :or" Dec?ing

0+ (( 00 A&#min#m De$:in,
05 33 13 05 33 23 lu"inu" :loor Dec?ing lu"inu" 'oof Dec?ing

0+ (* 00 A$!#sti$ & Met & De$:in, 0+ (+ 00 R $e2 ' De$:in, Assem.&ies 0+ (- 00 C!m%!site Met & De$:in,
05 3$ 13 Co")osite Steel Plate and 2lasto"er Dec?ing 0+ *0 00 CO0D=FORMED META0 FRAMING

0+ *1 00 Str#$t#r & Met & St#d Fr min, 0+ *" 00 C!&d=F!rmed Met & 4!ist Fr min,
05 ,2 13 Cold1:or"ed /etal :loor Coist :ra"ing 05 ,2 23 Cold1:or"ed /etal 'oof Coist :ra"ing

0+ *( 00 S&!tted C3 nne& Fr min, 0+ ** 00 C!&d=F!rmed Met & Tr#sses 0+ *+ 00 Met & S#%%!rt Assem.&ies
13 /echanical /etal Su))orts 1$ 2lectrical /etal Su))orts 1& Co""unications /etal Su))orts 23 7ealthcare /etal Su))orts 0+ +0 00 META0 FA1RICATIONS 05 05 05 05 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5

0+ +1 00 Met & St irs

05 05 05 05 05 51 51 51 51 51 13 1$ 1& 23 33 /etal /etal /etal /etal /etal Pan Stairs :loor Plate Stairs 9rating Stairs :ire 2sca)es Ladders

05 51 33-13 4ertical /etal Ladders 05 51 33-1$ %nclined /etal Ladders 05 51 33-23 lternating Tread Ladders

05 51 3$ Catwal?s
05 51 3$-13 /etal Catwal?s

0+ +" 00 Met & R i&in,s

05 52 13 Pi)e and Tube 'ailings

0+ +( 00 Met & Gr tin,s 0+ +* 00 Met & F&!!r P& tes 0+ ++ 00 Met & St ir Tre ds
05 55 13 /etal Stair Treads 05 55 1$ /etal Stair Aosings

nd N!sin,s

0+ +- 00 Met & C stin,s

0+ +; 00 F!rmed Met & F .ri$ ti!ns

05 5> 13 Colu"n Co!ers 05 5> 1$ :or"ed /etal 2nclosures 05 5> 1& 7eating=Cooling <nit Co!ers

0+ +6 00 Met & S%e$i &ties

05 5& $3 Detention 2nclosures

05 60 00 Unassigned 0+ 50 00 DECORATIVE META0

0+ 51 00 De$!r tive Met & St irs
05 71 13 :abricated /etal S)iral Stairs

0+ 5( 00 De$!r tive Met & R i&in,s

05 73 13 9la8ed Decorati!e /etal 'ailings 05 73 1$ 5ire 'o)e Decorati!e /etal 'ailings

0+ 5* 00 De$!r tive Met & C stin,s 0+ 5+ 00 De$!r tive F!rmed Met & 0+ 5- 00 De$!r tive F!r,ed Met &

05 80 00 Unassigned 05 90 00 Unassigned


0- 01 00 M inten n$e !) 9!!d8 P& sti$s8
0$ 01 10 /aintenance of 'ough Car)entr+
0$ 01 10-71 'ough Car)entr+ 'ehabilitation 0$ 01 10-&1 'ough Car)entr+ 'estoration 0$ 01 10-&2 'ough Car)entr+ Preser!ation

nd C!m%!sites

0$ 01 20 /aintenance of :inish Car)entr+

0$ 01 20-71 :inish Car)entr+ 'ehabilitation 0$ 01 20-&1 :inish Car)entr+ 'estoration 0$ 01 20-&2 :inish Car)entr+ Preser!ation

0$ 01 ,0 /aintenance of
0$ 01 ,0-51 0$ 01 ,0-$1 0$ 01 ,0-&1

rchitectural 5oodwor?

rchitectural 5oodwor? Cleaning rchitectural 5oodwor? 'efinishing rchitectural 5oodwor? 'estoration

0$ 01 50 /aintenance of Structural Plastics 0$ 01 $0 /aintenance of Plastic :abrications

0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 01 01 01 01 $0-51 $0-71 $0-&1 $0-&2 Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Cleaning 'ehabilitation 'estoration Preser!ation

0$ 01 70 /aintenance of Structural Co")osites 0$ 01 >0 /aintenance of Co")osite sse"blies

0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 01 01 01 01 >0-51 >0-71 >0-&1 >0-&2 Co")osite Co")osite Co")osite Co")osite Cleaning 'ehabilitation 'estoration Preser!ation

0- 0+ 00 C!mm!n 9!r: Res#&ts )!r 9!!d8 P& sti$s8

0$ 05 23 5ood6 Plastic6 and Co")osite :astenings

nd C!m%!sites

0$ 05 73 5ood Treat"ent
0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 05 05 05 05 05 73-13 73-33 73-&1 73-&3 73-&$ :ire1'etardant 5ood Treat"ent Preser!ati!e 5ood Treat"ent Long1Ter" 5ood Treat"ent 2radication of %nsects in 5ood ntise)tic Treat"ent of 5ood

0$ 05 >3 Sho)1 ))lied 5ood Coatings

0- 0- 00 S$3ed#&es )!r 9!!d8 P& sti$s8

0$ 0$ 10 Schedules for 'ough Car)entr+
0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 10-13 10-1$ 10-1& 10-23 10-2$ Aailing Schedule 5ood #ea" Schedule Pl+wood Shear 5all Schedule Pl+wood 5eb Coist Schedule 5ood Truss Schedule

nd C!m%!sites

0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$

0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$

20 ,0 50 $0 70 >0

Schedules Schedules Schedules Schedules Schedules Schedules

for for for for for for

:inish Car)entr+ rchitectural 5oodwor? Structural Plastics Plastic :abrications Structural Co")osites Co")osite sse"blies

0- 0; 00 C!mmissi!nin, !) 9!!d8 P& sti$s8

nd C!m%!sites

0$ 10 53 /iscellaneous 'ough Car)entr+ 0$ 10 &1 Cur!ed 5ood /e"bers

0- 11 00 9!!d Fr min,
0$ 11 13 2ngineered 5ood Products 0$ 11 1$ /echanicall+ 9raded Lu"ber

0- 1" 00 Str#$t#r & P ne&s

0$ 12 13 Ce"entitious 'einforced Panels 0$ 12 1$ Stressed S?in Panels

0- 1( 00 7e v'
0$ 13 13 Log Construction
0$ 13 13-&1 Period 7ori8ontal Log 5or?

0$ 13 1$ Pole Construction 0$ 13 23 7ea!+ Ti"ber Construction 0$ 13 33 7ea!+ Ti"ber Pier Construction

0- 1* 00 Tre ted 9!!d F!#nd ti!ns 0- 1+ 00 9!!d De$:in,

0$ 15 13 5ood :loor Dec?ing
0$ 15 13-&1 Car!el Plan?ing

0$ 0$ 0$ 0$

15 15 15 15

1$ 1& 23 33

5ood 'oof Dec?ing Ti"ber Dec?ing La"inated 5ood Dec?ing 5ood Patio Dec?ing

0- 1- 00 S3e t3in,
0$ 1$ 13 %nsulating Sheathing 0$ 1$ 23 Subflooring 0$ 1$ 2$ <nderla+"ent

0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$

1$ 1$ 1$ 1$ 1$ 1$ 17 17 17 17 17 17

2& 33 3$ ,3 53 $3 13 23 33 3$ ,3 53

coustical <nderla+"ent 5ood #oard Sheathing 5ood Panel Product Sheathing 9+)su" Sheathing /oisture1'esistant Sheathing #oard Ce"entitious Sheathing La"inated 4eneer Lu"ber Parallel Strand Lu"ber 5ood %1Coists /etal15eb 5ood Coists 'i" #oards Sho)1:abricated 5ood Trusses

0- 15 00 S3!%=F .ri$ ted Str#$t#r & 9!!d

0- 1; 00 G&#ed=0 min ted C!nstr#$ti!n

0$ 1> 13 9lued1La"inated #ea"s 0$ 1> 1$ 9lued1La"inated Colu"ns 0- "0 00 FINIS7 CARPENTRY 0$ 20 13 23terior :inish Car)entr+ 0$ 20 23 %nterior :inish Car)entr+

0- "" 00 Mi&&2!r:
0$ 22 13 Standard Pattern 5ood Tri"

0- "+ 00 Pre)inis3ed P ne&in,

0$ 25 13 Prefinished 7ardboard Paneling 0$ 25 1$ Prefinished Pl+wood Paneling

0- "- 00 1! rd P ne&in,
0$ 2$ 13 Profile #oard Paneling

06 30 00 Unassigned 0- *0 00 ARC7ITECTURA0 9OOD9ORA

0$ ,0 13 23terior rchitectural 5oodwor? 0$ ,0 23 %nterior rchitectural 5oodwor?

0- *1 00 Ar$3ite$t#r & 9!!d C se2!r:

0$ ,1 13 5ood14eneer1:aced rchitectural Cabinets 0$ ,1 1$ Plastic1La"inate1Clad rchitectural Cabinets

0- *" 00 9!!d P ne&in,

0$ ,2 13 Solid Lu"ber Paneling 0$ ,2 1$ 5ood14eneer Paneling 0$ ,2 1& Plastic1La"inate1:aced 5ood Paneling

0- *( 00 9!!d St irs
0$ ,3 13 5ood Stairs 0$ ,3 1$ 5ood 'ailings

nd R i&in,s

0- ** 00 Orn ment & 9!!d2!r:

0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 5ood 5ood 5ood 5ood 5ood Turnings Pilasters 9rilles Corbels Cu)olas

0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$

,, ,, ,, ,, ,$ ,$ ,$ ,$ ,$ ,$ ,$ ,$ ,> ,> ,> ,> ,>

2& 33 3$ 3& 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 2& 33 &1 13 1$ 1& 23 2$

5ood 5ood 5ood 5ood

:inials /antels Pedi"ent 7eads Posts and Colu"ns

0- *- 00 9!!d Trim
5ood Door and 5indow Casings 5ood )rons 5ood #ase and Shoe /oldings 5ood Chair 'ails 5ood Cornices 5ood :ascia and Soffits 5ood Sto)s6 Stools6 and Sills S)licing of 5ooden Co")onents 23terior 5ood Door :ra"es %nterior 5ood Door :ra"es Brna"ental 5ood :ra"es Stic?1#uilt 5ood 5indows 5ood14eneer :ra"es

0- *; 00 9!!d Fr mes

0- *6 00 9!!d S$reens

nd E>teri!r 9!!d S3#tters

0$ ,& 13 5ood Screens 0$ ,& 1$ 23terior 5ood #linds 0$ ,& 1& 23terior 5ood Shutters 0- +0 00 STRUCTURA0 P0ASTICS

0- +1 00 Str#$t#r & P& sti$ S3 %es

0$ 51 13 Plastic Lu"ber

nd P& tes

0- +" 00 P& sti$ Str#$t#r & Assem.&ies 0- +( 00 P& sti$ De$:in,

0$ 53 13 Solid Plastic Dec?ing 0- -0 00 P0ASTIC FA1RICATIONS

0- -1 00 Sim#& ted St!ne F .ri$ ti!ns

0$ $1 13 Cultured /arble :abrications 0$ $1 1$ Solid Surfacing :abrications 0$ $1 1& *uart8 Surfacing :abrications


-( -* -+ --

00 00 00 00

P& sti$ R i&in,s P& sti$ P ne&in, P& sti$ Sim#& ted 9!!d Trim C#st!m Orn ment & Sim#& ted 9!!d2!r: nd P& tes

0- 51 00 Str#$t#r & C!m%!site S3 %es
0$ 71 13 Co")osite Lu"ber 0$ 72 13 Co")osite Coist sse"blies

0- 5" 00 C!m%!site Str#$t#r & Assem.&ies 0- 5( 00 C!m%!site De$:in,

0$ 73 13 Co")osite Structural Dec?ing

0- ;1 00 C!m%!site R i&in,s 0- ;" 00 G&!r$ed P& sti$

06 90 00 Unassigned


05 01 00 O%er ti!n
07 07 07 07 01 01 01 01
07 07 07 07 07 07 07

nd M inten n$e !) T3erm &

of of of of Ther"al Protection Stee) Slo)e 'oofing 'oofing and Siding Panels /e"brane 'oofing

nd M!ist#re Pr!te$ti!n

07 01 10 /aintenance of Da"))roofing and 5ater)roofing

07 01 10->1 5a ter)roofing 'e)lace"ent

20 30 ,0 50
01 01 01 01 01 01 01

/aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance

50-13 50-1$ 50-1& 50-23 50-$1 50->1 50-&1

'oof /oisture Sur!e+ 'oof /aintenance Progra" Pre)aration for 'e1'oofing 'oof 'e"o!al 'oof 'e1Coating 'oof 'e)lace"ent 'oofing 'estoration

07 01 $0 /aintenance of :lashing and Sheet /etal

07 01 $0-71 :lashing and Sheet /etal 'ehabilitation 07 01 $0-&1 :lashing and Sheet /etal 'estoration 07 01 $0-&2 :lashing and Sheet /etal Preser!ation

07 01 70 B)eration and /aintenance of 'oof S)ecialties and 07 01 >0 /aintenance of :ire and S"o?e Protection 07 01 &0 /aintenance of Coint Protection
07 01 &0-71 Coint Sealant 'ehabilitation 07 01 &0->1 Coint Sealant 'e)lace"ent


05 0+ 00 C!mm!n 9!r: Res#&ts )!r T3erm & nd M!ist#re Pr!te$ti!n 05 0- 00 S$3ed#&es )!r T3erm & nd M!ist#re Pr!te$ti!n
07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 10 20 30 ,0 50 $0 70 >0 Schedules Schedules Schedules Schedules Schedules Schedules Schedules Schedules for for for for for for for for Da"))roofing and 5ater)roofing Ther"al Protection Stee) Slo)e 'oofing 'oofing and Siding Panels /e"brane 'oofing :lashing and Sheet /etal 'oof S)ecialties and ccessories :ire and S"o?e Protection

07 0$ >0-13 :ire)roofing Schedule 07 0$ >0-1$ :iresto))ing Schedule

07 0$ &0 Schedules for Coint Protection

07 0$ &0-13 Coint Sealant Schedule

05 0; 00 C!mmissi!nin, !) T3erm & 05 11 00 D m%%r!!)in,

07 11 13 #itu"inous Da"))roofing

nd M!ist#re Pr!te$ti!n


07 11 1$ Ce"entitious Da"))roofing 07 11 1& Sheet Da"))roofing

05 1" 00 1#i&t=U% 1it#min!#s 9 ter%r!!)in,

07 12 1$ #uilt1<) Coal Tar 5ater)roofing

05 1( 00 S3eet 9 ter%r!!)in,
07 07 07 07 07 13 13 13 13 13 13 2$ 52 53 5, #itu"inous Sheet 5ater)roofing Self1 dhering Sheet 5ater)roofing /odified #itu"inous Sheet 5ater)roofing 2lasto"eric Sheet 5ater)roofing Ther"o)lastic Sheet 5ater)roofing

05 1* 00 F&#id=A%%&ied 9 ter%r!!)in,
07 1, 13 7ot :luid1 ))lied 'ubberi8ed s)halt 5ater)roofing 07 1, 1$ Cold :luid1 ))lied 5ater)roofing

05 1+ 00 S3eet Met & 9 ter%r!!)in, 05 1- 00 Cementiti!#s nd Re $tive 9 ter%r!!)in,

07 1$ 13 Pol+"er /odified Ce"ent 5ater)roofing 07 1$ 1$ Cr+stalline 5ater)roofing 07 1$ 1& /etal B3ide 5ater)roofing

05 15 00 1ent!nite 9 ter%r!!)in,
07 17 13 #entonite Panel 5ater)roofing 07 17 1$ #entonite Co")osite Sheet 5ater)roofing

05 1; 00 Tr ))i$ C! tin,s
07 1> 13 Pedestrian Traffic Coatings 07 1> 1$ 4ehicular Traffic Coatings

05 16 00 9 ter Re%e&&ents
13 cr+lic 5ater 'e)ellents 1$ Silane 5ater 'e)ellents 1& Silicone 5ater 'e)ellents 23 Silo3ane 5ater 'e)ellents 2$ Stearate 5ater 'e)ellents 05 "0 00 T7ERMA0 PROTECTION 07 07 07 07 07 1& 1& 1& 1& 1&

05 "1 00 T3erm & Ins#& ti!n

07 21 13 #oard %nsulation
07 21 13-13 :oa" #oard %nsulation 07 21 13-1$ :ibrous #oard %nsulation 07 21 13-1& /ineral #oard %nsulation

07 07 07 07 07

21 21 21 21 21

1$ 1& 23 2$ 2&

#lan?et %nsulation :oa"ed1in1Place %nsulation Loose1:ill %nsulation #lown %nsulation S)ra+ed %nsulation

05 "" 00 R!!)

nd De$: Ins#& ti!n nd Finis3 S'stems

07 22 13 s)haltic Perlite Concrete Dec? 07 22 1$ 'oof #oard %nsulation

05 "* 00 E>teri!r Ins#& ti!n

07 2, 13 Pol+"er1#ased 23terior %nsulation and :inish S+ste" 07 2, 1$ Pol+"er1/odified 23terior %nsulation and :inish S+ste"

07 2, 1& 5ater1Drainage 23terior %nsulation and :inish S+ste" 05 "+ 00 9EAT7ER 1ARRIERS

05 "- 00 V %!r Ret rders

07 2$ 13 bo!e19rade 4a)or 'etarders 07 2$ 1$ #elow19rade 4a)or 'etarders 07 2$ 23 #elow19rade 9as 'etarders

05 "5 00 Air 1 rriers

13 /odified #itu"inous Sheet ir #arriers 1$ Sheet /etal /e"brane ir #arriers 1& Plastic Sheet ir #arriers 23 #oard Product ir #arriers 2$ :luid1 ))lied /e"brane ir #arriers 05 (0 00 STEEP S0OPE ROOFING 07 30 &1 Can!as 'oofing 07 07 07 07 07 27 27 27 27 27

05 (1 00 S3in,&es
07 31 13 07 07 07 07 07 31 31 31 31 31 1$ 1& 23 2$ 2&

nd S3 :es
s)halt Shingles

s)halt Shingles /etal Shingles /ineral1:iber Ce"ent Shingles Porcelain 2na"el Shingles Slate Shingles 5ood Shingles and Sha?es

07 31 13-13 :iberglass1'einforced

07 31 2&-13 5ood Shingles 07 31 2&-1$ 5ood Sha?es

07 31 33 Co")osite 'ubber Shingles 07 31 53 Plastic Sha?es

05 (" 00 R!!) Ti&es

07 07 07 07 07 07 32 32 32 32 32 32 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 2& Cla+ 'oof Tiles Concrete 'oof Tiles /etal 'oof Tiles /ineral1:iber Ce"ent 'oof Tiles Plastic 'oof Tiles 'ubber Tiles=Panels

05 (( 00 N t#r & R!!) C!verin,s

07 33 13 Sod 'oofing 07 33 1$ Thatched 'oofing 07 33 $3 4egetated 'oofing 05 *0 00 ROOFING AND SIDING PANE0S

05 *1 00 R!!) P ne&s
07 07 07 07 07 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 13 23 33 ,3 $3 /etal 'oof Panels 5ood 'oof Panels Plastic 'oof Panels Co")osite 'oof Panels :abricated 'oof Panel sse"blies

05 *" 00 9 && P ne&s

07 ,2 13 /etal 5all Panels

07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07

,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,$ ,$ ,$ ,$ ,$ ,$ ,$ ,$ ,$

23 33 ,3 $3 13 1$ 1& 23 53 5$ $3

5ood 5all Panels Plastic 5all Panels Co")osite 5all Panels :abricated 5all Panel sse"blies ggregate Coated Panels Porcelain 2na"eled :aced Panels Tile1:aced Panels Cera"ic1Tile1:aced Panels 9lass1:iber1'einforced Ce"entitious Panels /ineral1:iber1'einforced Ce"entitious Panels :abricated :aced Panel sse"blies

05 ** 00 F $ed P ne&s

05 *- 00 Sidin,
1$ lu"inu" Siding 1& Steel Siding 23 5ood Siding 2$ 7ardboard Siding 2& Pl+wood Siding 33 Plastic Siding ,3 Co")osition Siding ,$ /ineral1:iber Ce"ent Siding $3 :abricated Panel sse"blies with Siding 05 +0 00 MEM1RANE ROOFING

05 +1 00 1#i&t=U% 1it#min!#s R!!)in,

07 51 13 #uilt1<) s)halt 'oofing
s)halt 'oofing 07 51 13-13 Cold1 ))lied #uilt1<)

07 51 1$ #uilt1<) Coal Tar 'oofing 07 51 23 9lass1:iber1'einforced s)halt 2"ulsion 'oofing

05 +" 00 M!di)ied 1it#min!#s Mem.r ne R!!)in,

07 52 13 tactic1Pol+)ro)+lene1/odified #itu"inous /e"brane 'oofing 07 52 1$ St+rene1#utadiene1St+rene /odified #itu"inous /e"brane 'oofing 07 52 1& Self1 dhering /odified #itu"inous /e"brane 'oofing

05 +( 00 E& st!meri$ Mem.r ne R!!)in,

07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 53 53 53 53 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 13 1$ 23 2& 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ Chlorinated1Pol+eth+lene 'oofing Chlorosulfonate1Pol+eth+lene 'oofing 2th+lene1Pro)+lene1Diene1/ono"er 'oofing Pol+isobut+lene 'oofing Co)ol+"er1 llo+ 'oofing 2th+lene1%nter)ol+"er 'oofing Pol+!in+l1Chloride 'oofing Ther"o)lastic1Pol+olefin 'oofing Aitrile1#utadiene1Pol+"er 'oofing

05 +* 00 T3erm!%& sti$ Mem.r ne R!!)in,

05 ++ 00 Pr!te$ted Mem.r ne R!!)in,

07 55 51 #uilt1<) #itu"inous Protected /e"brane 'oofing 07 55 52 /odified #itu"inous Protected /e"brane 'oofing 07 55 53 2lasto"eric Protected /e"brane 'oofing

07 55 5, Ther"o)lastic Protected /e"brane 'oofing 07 55 5$ :luid1 ))lied Protected /e"brane 'oofing

07 55 5$-13 7ot1 ))lied 'ubberi8ed s)halt Protected /e"brane 'oofing

07 55 $3 4egetated Protected /e"brane 'oofing

05 +- 00 F&#id=A%%&ied R!!)in, 05 +5 00 C! ted F! med R!!)in,

07 57 13 S)ra+ed Pol+urethane :oa" 'oofing

05 +; 00 R!&& R!!)in,


05 -1 00 S3eet Met & R!!)in,

07 07 07 07

$1 $1 $1 $1

13 1$ 1& &1

Standing Sea" Sheet /etal 'oofing #atten Sea" Sheet /etal 'oofing :lat Sea" Sheet /etal 'oofing Tin)late and Tern)late 'oofing

05 -" 00 S3eet Met & F& s3in, nd Trim 05 -( 00 S3eet Met & R!!)in, S%e$i &ties 05 -+ 00 F&e>i.&e F& s3in,
13 La"inated Sheet :lashing 1$ /odified #itu"inous Sheet :lashing 1& Plastic Sheet :lashing 23 'ubber Sheet :lashing 2$ Self1 dhering Sheet :lashing 05 50 00 ROOF AND 9A00 SPECIA0TIES AND ACCESSORIES 07 07 07 07 07 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5

05 51 00 R!!) S%e$i &ties

07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 2& 33 13 23 2$ 33 3$ ,3 ,$ 53 $3 /anufactured /anufactured /anufactured /anufactured 'eglets /anufactured /anufactured Co)ings Counterflashing S+ste"s 9ra!el Sto)s and :acias 9utters and Downs)outs 'oof 23)ansion Coints Scu))ers

05 5" 00 R!!) A$$ess!ries

/anufactured Curbs 'elief 4ents 'idge 4ents 'oof 7atches S"o?e 4ents 'oof 5al? #oards 'oof 5al?wa+s Snow 9uards 5aste Contain"ent sse"blies

05 5- 00 R!!) P vers
07 7$ 13 'oof #allast Pa!ers 07 7$ 1$ 'oof Dec?ing Pa!ers

05 55 00 9 && S%e$i &ties


05 ;1 00 A%%&ied Fire%r!!)in,
07 07 07 07 07 07 07 >1 >1 >1 >1 >1 >1 >1 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 2& 33 Ce"ent ggregate :ire)roofing Ce"entitious :ire)roofing :oa"ed /agnesiu"1B3+chloride :ire)roofing %ntu"escent /astic :ire)roofing /agnesiu" Ce"ent :ire)roofing /ineral1:iber Ce"entitious :ire)roofing /ineral1:iber :ire)roofing

05 ;" 00 1! rd Fire%r!!)in,
07 >2 13 Calciu"1Silicate #oard :ire)roofing 07 >2 1$ Slag1:iber #oard :ire)roofing

05 ;* 00 Firest!%%in,
07 >, 13 Penetration :iresto))ing
07 >, 13-13 Penetration :iresto))ing /ortars 0> >, 13-1$ Penetration :iresto))ing De!ices

07 07 07 07 07 07

>, >, >, >, >, >,

1$ 23 2$ ,3 53 5$

nnular S)ace Protection Silicone :iresto))ing :oa"s Ther"al #arriers for Plastics :ire1'esistant Coint Sealants #uilding Peri"eter :iresto))ing :ire Safing

07 >, 5$-13 :ibrous :ire Safing

05 ;- 00 Sm!:e Se &s 05 ;5 00 Sm!:e C!nt inment 1 rriers

05 61 00 Pre)!rmed 4!int Se &s
07 07 07 07 &1 &1 &1 &1 13 1$ 23 2$ Co")ression Seals Coint 9as?ets #ac?er 'ods Coint :illers

05 6" 00 4!int Se & nts

07 &2 13 2lasto"eric Coint Sealants 07 &2 1$ 'igid Coint Sealants 07 &2 1& coustical Coint Sealants

05 6+ 00 E>% nsi!n C!ntr!&

07 &5 13 23)ansion Coint Co!er sse"blies 07 &5 53 Coint Slide #earings 07 &5 $3 #ridge 23)ansion Coint Co!er sse"blies


0; 01 00 O%er ti!n
0> 0> 0> 0> 01 01 01 01 10 11 15 1$ B)eration B)eration B)eration B)eration

nd M inten n$e !) O%enin,s

/aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance of of of of Doors and :ra"es /etal Doors and :ra"es Plastic Doors Co")osite Doors

and and and and

0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0>

01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01
0> 0> 0> 0> 0>

17 30 32 33 3, 35 3$ 3& ,0 ,1 ,2 ,, 50 51 52
01 01 01 01 01

B)eration B)eration B)eration B)eration B)eration B)eration B)eration B)eration B)eration B)eration B)eration B)eration B)eration B)eration B)eration
52-$1 52-71 52->1 52-&1 52-&3

and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and

/aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance

of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of

%ntegrated Door B)ening sse"blies S)ecialt+ Doors and :ra"es Sliding 9lass Doors Coiling Doors and 9rilles S)ecial :unction Doors :olding Doors and 9rilles Panel Doors Traffic Doors 2ntrances6 Storefronts6 and Curtain 5alls 2ntrances Storefronts Curtain 5alls 5indows /etal 5indows 5ood 5indows

5ood 5indow 'e)airs 5ood 5indow 'ehabilitation 5ood 5indow 'e)lace"ent 5ood 5indow 'estoration 7istoric Treat"ent of 5ood 5indows

0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0>

01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01

53 5, 5$ $0 $1 $2 $3 $, 70 71 7, 75 >0 >1 >, >> &0 &1 &2 &5

B)eration and /aintenance of Plastic 5indows B)eration and /aintenance of Co")osite 5indows B)eration and /aintenance of S)ecial :unction 5indows B)eration and /aintenance of S?+lights and 'oof 5indows B)eration and /aintenance of 'oof 5indows B)eration and /aintenance of <nit S?+lights B)eration and /aintenance of /etal1:ra"ed S?+lights B)eration and /aintenance of Plastic1:ra"ed S?+lights B)eration and /aintenance of 7ardware B)eration and /aintenance of Door 7ardware B)eration and /aintenance of ccess Control 7ardware B)eration and /aintenance of 5indow 7ardware /aintenance of 9la8ing /aintenance of 9lass 9la8ing /aintenance of Plastic 9la8ing /aintenance of S)ecial :unction 9la8ing B)eration and /aintenance of Lou!ers and 4ents B)eration and /aintenance of Lou!ers B)eration and /aintenance of Lou!ered 2(ui)"ent 2nclosures B)eration and /aintenance of 4ents

0; 0+ 00 C!mm!n 9!r: Res#&ts )!r O%enin,s 0; 0- 00 S$3ed#&es )!r O%enin,s

0> 0$ 10 Door Schedule
0> 0$ 10-13 Door T+)e Schedule 0> 0$ 10-1$ :ra"e T+)e Schedule

0> 0$ ,0 Schedules for 2ntrances6 Storefronts6 and Curtain 5alls 0> 0$ ,1 2ntrance Schedule 0> 0$ ,2 Storefront Schedule

0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0>

0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$

50 $0 70 71 >0 &0

5indow Schedule S?+light Schedule 7ardware Schedule Door 7ardware Schedule 9la8ing Schedule Lou!er and 4ent Schedule

0; 0; 00 C!mmissi!nin, !) O%enin,s


0; 11 00 Met & D!!rs nd Fr mes
0> 11 13 7ollow /etal Doors and :ra"es
0> 11 13-13 Standard 7ollow /etal Doors and :ra"es 0> 11 13-1$ Custo" 7ollow /etal Doors and :ra"es

0> 0> 0> 0>

11 11 11 11

1$ lu"inu" Doors and :ra"es 1& Stainless1Steel Doors and :ra"es 23 #ron8e Doors and :ra"es $3 /etal Screen and Stor" Doors and :ra"es

0> 11 $3-13 Steel Screen and Stor" Doors and :ra"es 0> 11 $3-23 lu"inu" Screen and Stor" Doors and :ra"es

0> 11 $$ /etal Screen Doors and :ra"es

0> 11 $$-13 Steel Screen Doors and :ra"es 0> 11 $$-23 lu"inu" Screen Doors and :ra"es

0> 11 $& /etal Stor" Doors and :ra"es

0> 11 $&-13 Steel Stor" Doors and :ra"es 0> 11 $&-23 lu"inu" Stor" Doors and :ra"es

0> 11 73 Sliding /etal :iredoors 0> 11 7, Sliding /etal 9rilles

0; 1" 00 Met & Fr mes

0> 12 13 7ollow /etal :ra"es
0> 12 13-13 Standard 7ollow /etal :ra"es 0> 12 13-53 Custo" 7ollow /etal :ra"es

0> 12 1$ lu"inu" :ra"es 0> 12 1& Stainless1Steel :ra"es 0> 12 23 #ron8e :ra"es

0; 1( 00 Met & D!!rs

0> 13 13 7ollow /etal Doors
0> 13 13-13 Standard 7ollow /etal Doors 0> 13 13-53 Custo" 7ollow /etal Doors

0> 0> 0> 0> 0>

13 13 13 13 13

1$ 1& 23 73 7$

lu"inu" Doors Stainless1Steel Doors #ron8e Doors Sliding /etal Doors #ifolding /etal Doors

0; 1* 00 9!!d D!!rs
0> 1, 13 Car!ed 5ood Doors 0> 1, 1$ :lush 5ood Doors 0> 1, 23 Clad 5ood Doors
0> 1, 23-13 /etal1:aced 5ood Doors 0> 1, 23-1$ Plastic1La"inate1:aced 5ood Doors

0> 1, 23-1& /olded17ardboard1:aced 5ood Doors

0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0>

1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 15 15 15 15 15 15

2& 33 $$ $& 73 7$ 13 1$ $$ $& 73 7$

Prefinished 5ood Doors Stile and 'ail 5ood Doors 5ood Screen Doors 5ood Stor" Doors Sliding 5ood Doors #ifolding 5ood Doors La"inated Plastic Doors Solid Plastic Doors Plastic Screen Doors Plastic Stor" Doors Sliding Plastic Doors #ifolding Plastic Doors

0; 1+ 00 P& sti$ D!!rs

0; 1- 00 C!m%!site D!!rs
0> 1$ 13 :iberglass Doors 0> 1$ 73 Sliding Co")osite Doors 0> 1$ 7$ #ifolding Co")osite Doors

0; 15 00 Inte,r ted D!!r O%enin, Assem.&ies

0> 0> 0> 0> 17 17 17 17 13 23 33 ,3 %ntegrated %ntegrated %ntegrated %ntegrated /etal Door B)ening sse"blies 5ood Door B)ening sse"blies Plastic Door B)ening sse"blies Co")osite Door B)ening sse"blies

08 20 00 Unassigned 0; (0 00 SPECIA0TY DOORS AND FRAMES

0; (1 00 A$$ess D!!rs
0> 31 13 0> 31 1$
0> 31 13-53 Securit+

nd P ne&s
ccess Doors and :ra"es

ccess Doors and :ra"es ccess Panels and :ra"es

0; (" 00 S&idin, G& ss D!!rs

0> 32 13 Sliding lu"inu"1:ra"ed 9lass Doors 0> 32 1$ Sliding Plastic1:ra"ed 9lass Doors 0> 32 1& Sliding 5ood1:ra"ed 9lass Doors

0; (( 00 C!i&in, D!!rs
0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 33 33 33 33 33 33 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 13 1$ 23 2$ 33 3$ 13 1$ 1& 33 3$ ,$

nd Gri&&es

Coiling Counter Doors Coiling Counter 9rilles B!erhead Coiling Doors B!erhead Coiling 9rilles Side Coiling Doors Side Coiling 9rilles Cold Storage Doors 7angar Doors %ndustrial Doors Light)roof Doors Dar?roo" Doors 'adio1:re(uenc+1%nterference Shielding Doors

0; (* 00 S%e$i & F#n$ti!n D!!rs

0> 3, ,& 'adiation Shielding Doors and :ra"es

0> 3, ,&-13 Aeutron Shielding Doors and :ra"es

0> 0> 0> 0>

3, 3, 3, 3,

53 5$ 5& $3

Securit+ Doors and :ra"es Securit+ 9ates 4ault Doors and Da+ 9ates Detention Doors and :ra"es

0> 3, $3-13 Steel Detention Doors and :ra"es 0> 3, $3-1$ Steel Plate Detention Doors and :ra"es 0> 3, $3-33 Detention Door :ra"e Protection

0> 3, 73 Sound Control Door


0; (+ 00 F!&din, D!!rs
0> 35 13 :olding Doors

nd Gri&&es

0> 35 13-13 ccordion :olding Doors 0> 35 13-23 :olding :ire Doors 0> 35 13-33 Panel :olding Doors

0> 35 1$ :olding 9rilles

0> 35 1$-13 ccordion :olding 9rilles

0; (- 00 P ne& D!!rs
0> 0> 0> 0> 3$ 3$ 3$ 3$ 13 1$ 1& 23 Sectional Doors Single1Panel Doors /ulti1Leaf 4ertical Lift Doors Telesco)ing 4ertical Lift Doors

0; (; 00 Tr ))i$ D!!rs
0> 3> 13 :le3ible Stri) Doors 0> 3> 1$ :le3ible Traffic Doors 0> 3> 1& 'igid Traffic Doors

0; (6 00 Press#re=Resist nt D!!rs
0> 3& 13 irtight Doors 0> 3& 1& 5atertight Doors 0> 3& 53 #last1'esistant Doors 0; *0 00 ENTRANCES8 STOREFRONTS8 AND CURTAIN 9A00S

0; *1 00 Entr n$es
0> 0> 0> 0> 0> ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1

nd St!re)r!nts

13 lu"inu"1:ra"ed 2ntrances and Storefronts 1$ #ron8e1:ra"ed 2ntrances and Storefronts 1& Stainless1Steel1:ra"ed 2ntrances and Storefronts 23 Steel1:ra"ed 2ntrances and Storefronts 2$ ll19lass 2ntrances and Storefronts ll19lass 2ntrances uto"atic 2ntrances

0; *" 00 Entr n$es

0> ,2 2$ 0> ,2 2&
0> ,2 2&-13 :olding uto"atic 2ntrances 0> ,2 2&-23 Sliding uto"atic 2ntrances 0> ,2 2&-33 Swinging uto"atic 2ntrances

0> ,2 33 'e!ol!ing Door 2ntrances

0> ,2 33-13 Securit+ 'e!ol!ing Door 2ntrances

0> ,2 3$ #alanced Door 2ntrances 0> ,2 3& Pressure1'esistant 2ntrances 0> ,2 ,3 %ntensi!e Care <nit=Critical Care <nit 2ntrances

0; *( 00 St!re)r!nts
0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,, ,, ,, ,, 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 2& 13 1$ 1& 2$ lu"inu"1:ra"ed Storefronts #ron8e1:ra"ed Storefronts Stainless1Steel1:ra"ed Storefronts Steel1:ra"ed Storefronts ll19lass Storefronts Sliding Storefronts

0; ** 00 C#rt in 9 &&

nd G& @ed Assem.&ies

9la8ed lu"inu" Curtain 5alls 9la8ed #ron8e Curtain 5alls 9la8ed Stainless1Steel Curtain 5alls Structural 9lass Curtain 5alls

0> ,, 2$-13 Structural Sealant 9la8ed

0> ,, 33 Slo)ed 9la8ing


0; *+ 00 Tr ns&#$ent 9 &&

nd R!!) Assem.&ies

0> ,5 13 Structured1Pol+carbonate1Panel sse"blies 0> ,5 23 :iberglass1Sandwich1Panel sse"blies 0; +0 00 9INDO9S

0; +1 00 Met & 9ind!2s

0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 51 51 51 51 51 51 52 52 52 52 13 1$ 1& 23 $$ $& 13 1$ $$ $& lu"inu" 5indows #ron8e 5indows Stainless1Steel 5indows Steel 5indows /etal 5indow Screens /etal Stor" 5indows /etal1Clad 5ood 5indows Plastic1Clad 5ood 5indows 5ood 5indow Screens 5ood Stor" 5indows

0; +" 00 9!!d 9ind!2s

0; +( 00 P& sti$ 9ind!2s

0> 53 13 4in+l 5indows 0> 53 $$ 4in+l 5indow Screens 0> 53 $& 4in+l Stor" 5indows

0; +* 00 C!m%!site 9ind!2s
0> 5, 13 :iberglass 5indows 0> 5, $$ :iberglass 5indow Screens 0> 5, $& :iberglass Stor" 5indows

0; ++ 00 Press#re=Resist nt 9ind!2s 0; +- 00 S%e$i & F#n$ti!n 9ind!2s

0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 5$ 5$ 5$ 5$ 5$ 5$ 5$ 1& ,$ ,& 53 5$ 5& $3 Pass 5indows 'adio1:re(uenc+1%nterference Shielding 5indows 'adiation Shielding 5indows Securit+ 5indows Securit+ 5indow Screens Ser!ice and Teller 5indow <nits Detention 5indows

0> 5$ $$ Detention 5indow Screens 0; -0 00 ROOF 9INDO9S AND SAY0IG7TS

0; -1 00 R!!) 9ind!2s
0> $1 13 /etal 'oof 5indows 0> $1 1$ 5ood 'oof 5indows

0; -" 00 Unit S:'&i,3ts

0> $2 13 Do"ed <nit S?+lights 0> $2 1$ P+ra"idal <nit S?+lights 0> $2 1& 4aulted <nit S?+lights

0; -( 00 Met &=Fr med S:'&i,3ts

0> 0> 0> 0> 0> $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 13 1$ 1& 23 53 Do"ed /etal1:ra"ed S?+lights P+ra"idal /etal1:ra"ed S?+lights 4aulted /etal1:ra"ed S?+lights 'idge /etal1:ra"ed S?+lights /otori8ed /etal1:ra"ed S?+lights

0; -* 00 P& sti$=Fr med S:'&i,3ts 0; -5 00 S:'&i,3t Pr!te$ti!n nd S$reens

0; 50 00 7ARD9ARE
0; 51 00 D!!r 7 rd2 re
0> 71 13 uto"atic Door B)erators 0> 71 53 Securit+ Door 7ardware 0> 71 $3 Detention Door 7ardware

0; 5* 00 A$$ess C!ntr!& 7 rd2 re

0> 7, 13 Card De+ ccess Control 7ardware 0> 7, 1$ De+)ad ccess Control 7ardware 0> 7, 1& #io"etric %dentit+ ccess Control 7ardware

0; 5+ 00 9ind!2 7 rd2 re
0> 75 13 uto"atic 5indow 2(ui)"ent 0> 75 1$ 5indow B)erators

0; 5; 00 S%e$i & F#n$ti!n 7 rd2 re 0; 56 00 7 rd2 re A$$ess!ries

0> 7& 13 De+ Storage 2(ui)"ent 0; ;0 00 G0ABING

0; ;1 00 G& ss G& @in,

0> >1 13 Decorati!e 9lass 9la8ing

0; ;( 00 Mirr!rs
0> >3 13 /irrored 9lass 9la8ing 0> >3 1$ /irrored Plastic 9la8ing

0; ;* 00 P& sti$ G& @in,

0> >, 13 Decorati!e Plastic 9la8ing

0; ;+ 00 G& @in, A$$ess!ries 0; ;5 00 G& @in, S#r) $e Fi&ms

0> >7 13 Solar Control :il"s 0> >7 1$ Safet+ :il"s 0> >7 53 Securit+ :il"s

0; ;; 00 S%e$i & F#n$ti!n G& @in,

1& 7urricane1'esistant 9la8ing 23 Cable Sus)ended 9la8ing 33 Trans)arent /irrored 9la8ing 3& Pressure1'esistant 9la8ing ,& 'adiation1'esistant 9la8ing 53 Securit+ 9la8ing 5$ #allistics1'esistant 9la8ing 0; 60 00 0OUVERS AND VENTS 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

0; 61 00 0!#vers
0> 0> 0> 0> &1 &1 &1 &1 13 1$ 1& 2$ /otori8ed 5all Lou!ers B)erable 5all Lou!ers :i3ed Lou!ers Door Lou!ers

0; 6" 00 0!#vered E<#i%ment En$&!s#res 0; 6+ 00 Vents

0> &5 13 Soffit 4ents 0> &5 1$ 5all 4ents


06 01 00 M inten n$e !) Finis3es
0& 01 20 /aintenance of Plaster and 9+)su" #oard
0& 01 20-&1 Plaster 'estoration

0& 01 30 /aintenance of Tiling

0& 01 30-&1 Tile 'estoration

0& 01 50 /aintenance of Ceilings 0& 01 $0 /aintenance of :looring

0& 01 $0-&1 :looring 'estoration

0& 01 70 /aintenance of 5all :inishes

0& 01 70-&1 5all :inish 'estoration

0& 01 >0 /aintenance of coustic Treat"ent 0& 01 &0 /aintenance of Painting and Coating
0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 &0-51 &0-52 &0-53 &0-$1 &0-&1 &0-&2 &0-&3 Paint Cleaning /aintenance 'e)ainting /aintenance Coatings 'e)ainting Paint 'estoration Coating 'estoration Paint Preser!ation

06 0+ 00 C!mm!n 9!r: Res#&ts )!r Finis3es

0& 05 13 Co""on :inishes

06 0- 00 S$3ed#&es )!r Finis3es

0& 0$ 00-13 'oo" :inish Schedule

0& 0& 0& 0&

0$ 0$ 0$ 0$

20 30 50 $0

Schedules Schedules Schedules Schedules

for for for for

Plaster and 9+)su" #oard Tiling Ceilings :looring

0& 0$ 70 Schedules for 5all :inishes 0& 0$ >0 Schedules for coustical Treat"ent 0& 0$ &0 Schedules for Painting and Coating
0& 0$ &0-13 Paint Schedule

06 0; 00 C!mmissi!nin, !) Finis3es

09 10 00 Unassigned 06 "0 00 P0ASTER AND GYPSUM 1OARD

06 "1 00 P& ster nd G'%s#m 1! rd Assem.&ies
0& 21 13 Plaster sse"blies 0& 21 1$ 9+)su" #oard sse"blies
0& 21 1$-23 9+)su" #oard Shaft 5all sse"blies 0& 21 1$-33 9+)su" #oard rea Se)aration 5all sse"blies

06 "" 00 S#%%!rts )!r P& ster

0& 22 13 /etal :urring

nd G'%s#m 1! rd

0& 22 13-13 /etal Channel :urring 0& 22 13-23 'esilient Channel :urring

0& 22 1$ Aon1Structural /etal :ra"ing

0& 22 1$-13 Aon1Structural /etal Stud :ra"ing

0& 22 2$ Sus)ension S+ste"s

0& 22 2$-23 /etal Sus)ension S+ste"s 0& 22 2$-33 Plastic Sus)ension S+ste"s

0& 22 3$ Lath
0& 22 3$-13 9+)su" Lath 0& 22 3$-23 /etal Lath

0& 22 3& 4eneer Plaster #ase

06 "( 00 G'%s#m P& sterin,

0& 23 13 coustical 9+)su" Plastering 0& 23 >2 :ire)roof 9+)su" Plastering

06 "* 00 P!rt& nd Cement P& sterin,

0& 2, 13 dobe :inish 0& 2, 23 Portland Ce"ent Stucco 0& 2, 33 Portland Ce"ent Parging

06 "+ 00 Ot3er P& sterin,

0& 25 13 cr+lic Plastering
cr+lic Plaster :inish 0& 25 13-13

0& 25 23 Li"e #ased Plastering

06 "- 00 Veneer P& sterin,

0& 2$ 13 9+)su" 4eneer Plastering

06 "5 00 P& ster F .ri$ ti!ns

0& 27 13 9lass1:iber1'einforced Plaster :abrications 0& 27 23 Si"ulated Plaster :abrications

06 "; 00 1 $:in, 1! rds

nd Under& 'ments

0& 2> 13 Ce"entitious #ac?ing #oards 0& 2> 1$ 9lass1/at :aced 9+)su" #ac?ing #oards 0& 2> 1& :ibered 9+)su" #ac?ing #oards

06 "6 00 G'%s#m 1! rd
0& 2& >2 9+)su" #oard :ire)roofing

06 (0 00 TI0ING
0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 35 35 35 35 35 35 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 2& 33 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 2& 33 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 2& 33 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 2& 33 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 2& 33 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 2& Cera"ic Tiling *uarr+ Tiling Pa!er Tiling 9lass /osaic Tiling Plastic Tiling /etal Tiling Stone Tiling Thin1Set Thin1Set Thin1Set Thin1Set Thin1Set Thin1Set Thin1Set Cera"ic Tiling *uarr+ Tiling Pa!er Tiling 9lass /osaic Tiling Plastic Tiling /etal Tiling Stone Tiling Cera"ic Tiling *uarr+ Tiling Pa!er Tiling 9lass /osaic Tiling Plastic Tiling /etal Tiling Stone Tiling Cera"ic Tiling *uarr+ Tiling Pa!er Tiling 9lass /osaic Tiling Plastic Tiling /etal Tiling Stone Tiling Cera"ic Tiling *uarr+ Tiling Pa!er Tiling 9lass /osaic Tiling Plastic Tiling /etal Tiling Stone Tiling

06 (1 00 T3in=Set Ti&in,

06 (" 00 M!rt r=1ed Ti&in,

/ortar1#ed /ortar1#ed /ortar1#ed /ortar1#ed /ortar1#ed /ortar1#ed /ortar1#ed Conducti!e Conducti!e Conducti!e Conducti!e Conducti!e Conducti!e Conducti!e

06 (( 00 C!nd#$tive Ti&in,

06 (* 00 9 ter%r!!)in,=Mem.r ne Ti&in,
5ater)roofing1/e"brane 5ater)roofing1/e"brane 5ater)roofing1/e"brane 5ater)roofing1/e"brane 5ater)roofing1/e"brane 5ater)roofing1/e"brane 5ater)roofing1/e"brane Che"ical1'esistant Che"ical1'esistant Che"ical1'esistant Che"ical1'esistant Che"ical1'esistant Che"ical1'esistant

06 (+ 00 C3emi$ &=Resist nt Ti&in,

Cera"ic Tiling *uarr+ Tiling Pa!er Tiling 9lass /osaic Tiling Plastic Tiling /etal Tiling

0& 35 33 Che"ical1'esistant Stone Tiling

09 40 00 Unassigned 06 +0 00 CEI0INGS
06 +1 00 A$!#sti$ & Cei&in,s
0& 51 13 0& 51 23 0& 51 33 coustical Panel Ceilings coustical Tile Ceilings coustical /etal Pan Ceilings
coustical Sna)1in /etal Pan Ceilings

0& 51 33-13

0& 51 53 Direct1 ))lied

coustical Ceilings

06 +( 00 A$!#sti$ & Cei&in, S#s%ensi!n Assem.&ies

0& 53 13 Cur!ed Profile Ceiling Sus)ension sse"blies 0& 53 23 /etal coustical Ceiling Sus)ension sse"blies 0& 53 33 Plastic coustical Ceiling Sus)ension sse"blies

06 +* 00 S%e$i &t' Cei&in,s

0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 33 3$ ,3 ,$ B)en /etal /esh Ceilings Lu"inous Ceilings /irror Panel Ceilings Linear /etal Ceilings Linear 5ood Ceilings Decorati!e Panel Ceilings Sus)ended Decorati!e 9rids Stretched1:abric Ceiling S+ste"s :abric15ra))ed Ceiling Panels

06 +- 00 Te>t#red Cei&in,s
0& 5$ 13 9+)su"1Panel Te3tured Ceilings 0& 5$ 1$ /etal1Panel Te3tured Ceilings

06 +5 00 S%e$i & F#n$ti!n Cei&in,s

0& 57 53 Securit+ Ceiling sse"blies

06 +; 00 Inte,r ted Cei&in, Assem.&ies

06 -0 00 F0OORING
06 -1 00 F&!!rin, Tre tment
0& $1 13 Sli)1'esistant :looring Treat"ent 0& $1 3$ Static1'esistant :looring Treat"ent

06 -" 00 S%e$i &t' F&!!rin,

0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 13 1& 23 2$ 2& 35 ,> s)haltic Plan? :looring La"inate :looring #a"boo :looring Leather :looring Cor? :looring cid1'esistant :looring coustic :looring

06 -( 00 M s!nr' F&!!rin,
0& $3 13 #ric? :looring
0& $3 13-35 Che"ical1'esistant #ric? :looring

0& $3 ,0 Stone :looring 0& $3 ,3 Co")osition Stone :looring

06 -* 00 9!!d F&!!rin,
0& $, 1$ 5ood #loc? :looring 0& $, 1& 5ood Co")osition :looring 0& $, 23 5ood Par(uet :looring
0& $, 23-13 cr+lic1%")regnated 5ood Par(uet :looring

0& 0& 0& 0&

$, $, $, $,

2& 33 53 $$

5ood Stri) and Plan? :looring La"inated 5ood :looring 'esilient 5ood :looring sse"blies 5ood thletic :looring ccessories

06 -+ 00 Resi&ient F&!!rin,
0& $5 13 'esilient #ase and
0& 0& 0& 0& 0& $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 13-13 13-23 13-2$ 13-33 13-3$ 'esilient 'esilient 'esilient 'esilient 'esilient #ase Stair Treads and 'isers Stair Aosings ccessories Car)et Transitions

0& $5 1$ 'esilient Sheet :looring

0& $5 1$-13 Linoleu" :looring

0& $5 1& 'esilient Tile :looring 0& $5 33 Conducti!e 'esilient :looring 0& $5 3$ Static1Control 'esilient :looring
0& $5 3$-13 Static1Dissi)ati!e 'esilient :looring 0& $5 3$-1$ Static1'esistant 'esilient :looring

0& $5 $$ 'esilient

thletic :looring

06 -- 00 Terr @@! F&!!rin,

0& $$ 13 Portland Ce"ent Terra88o :looring
0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ 13-13 13-1$ 13-1& 13-23 13-2$ 13-33 Sand Cushion Terra88o :looring /onolithic Terra88o :looring #onded Terra88o :looring Palladina Terra88o :looring 'ustic Terra88o :looring Structural Terra88o :looring

0& $$ 1$ Terra88o :loor Tile

0& $$ 1$-13 Portland Ce"ent Terra88o :loor Tile 0& $$ 1$-1$ Plastic1/atri3 Terra88o :loor Tile

0& $$ 23 'esinous /atri3 Terra88o :looring

0& $$ 23-13 Pol+acr+late /odified Ce"entitious Terra88o :looring 0& $$ 23-1$ 2)o3+1'esin Terra88o :looring 0& $$ 23-1& Pol+ester1'esin Terra88o :looring

0& $$ 33 Conducti!e Terra88o :looring

0& $$ 33-13 Conducti!e 2)o3+1'esin Terra88o 0& $$ 33-1$ Conducti!e Pol+ester1'esin Terra88o :looring 0& $$ 33-1& Conducti!e Plastic1/atri3 Terra88o :looring

06 -5 00 F&#id=A%%&ied F&!!rin,
0& $7 13 2lasto"eric Li(uid :looring
0& $7 13-33 Conducti!e 2lasto"eric Li(uid :looring

0& $7 1$ 2)o3+1/arble Chi) :looring 0& $7 1& /agnesiu"1B3+chloride :looring 0& $7 23 'esinous :looring

0& $7 2$ *uart8 :looring 0& $7 $$ :luid1 ))lied thletic :looring

06 -; 00 C r%etin,
0& $> 13 Tile Car)eting 0& $> 1$ Sheet Car)eting

06 -6 00 A$$ess F&!!rin,
13 'igid19rid ccess :looring 1$ Sna)1on Stringer ccess :looring 1& Stringerless ccess :looring 53 ccess :looring ccessories 5$ ccess :looring Stairs and Stringers 06 50 00 9A00 FINIS7ES 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& $& $& $& $& $&

06 5" 00 9 && C!verin,s

0& 72 13 Cor? 5all Co!erings 0& 72 1$ 4in+l1Coated :abric 5all Co!erings
0& 72 1$-13 :le3ible 4in+l 5all Co!erings 0& 72 1$-1$ 'igid1Sheet 4in+l 5all Co!erings

0& 72 1& Te3tile 5all Co!erings 0& 72 23 5all)a)ering

06 5( 00 9 && C r%etin, 06 5* 00 F&e>i.&e 9!!d S3eets

0& 7, 13 5ood 5all Co!erings 0& 7, 1$ :le3ible 5ood 4eneers

06 5+ 00 St!ne F $in, 06 5- 00 P& sti$ 1&!$:s 06 55 00 S%e$i & 9 && S#r) $in,
0& 77 13 Stretched1:abric 5all S+ste"s 0& 77 23 :abric15ra))ed Panels 06 ;0 00 ACOUSTIC TREATMENT

06 ;1 00 A$!#sti$ Ins#& ti!n

0& >1 13 coustic #oard %nsulation 0& >1 1$ coustic #lan?et %nsulation 0& >1 2& S)ra+ed coustic %nsulation

06 ;( 00 A$!#sti$ Finis3es
0& >3 13 0& >3 1$ 0& >3 22 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& >, >, >, >, >, >, coustic 5all Coating coustic Ceiling Coating coustic Dra)er+

06 ;* 00 A$!#sti$ R!!m C!m%!nents

13 :i3ed Sound1 bsor)ti!e Panels 1$ :i3ed Sound1'eflecti!e Panels 23 /o!eable Sound1 bsor)ti!e Panels 2$ /o!eable Sound1'eflecti!e Panels 33 Sound1 bsorbing 5all <nits 3$ Sound1 bsorbing Ceiling <nits 06 60 00 PAINTING AND COATING

06 61 00 P intin,

0& &1 13 23terior Painting 0& &1 23 %nterior Painting

06 6( 00 St inin,

nd Tr ns% rent Finis3in,

0& &3 13 23terior Staining and :inishing

0& &3 13-13 23terior Staining 0& &3 13-53 23terior :inishing

0& &3 23 %nterior Staining and :inishing

0& &3 23-13 %nterior Staining 0& &3 23-53 %nterior :inishing

06 6* 00 De$!r tive Finis3in,

0& &, 13 Te3tured :inishing 0& &, 1$ :au3 :inishing 0& &, 1& /ulticolor %nterior :inishing

06 6- 00 7i,3=Per)!rm n$e C! tin,s

0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& &$ &$ &$ &$ &$ &$ &$ &$ &$ &$ &$ &$ 13 23 2$ 33 35 ,3 ,$ 53 5$ 5& $3 $$ brasion1'esistant Coatings 9raffiti1'esistant Coatings /arine Coatings 7igh1Te")erature1'esistant Coatings Che"ical1'esistant Coatings :ire1'etardant Coatings %ntu"escent Painting 2lasto"eric Coatings 2)o3+ Coatings 7igh1#uild 9la8ed Coatings Te3tured Plastic Coatings ggregate 5all Coatings

06 65 00 S%e$i & C! tin,s

0& &7 13 Steel Coatings
0& &7 13-13 %nterior Steel Coatings 0& &7 13-23 23terior Steel Coatings

0& &7 23 Concrete and /asonr+ Coatings 0& &7 2$ Ce"entitious Coatings
0& &7 2$-13 %nterior Ce"entitious Coatings 0& &7 2$-23 23terior Ce"entitious Coatings


10 01 00 O%er ti!n
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 10 20 30 ,0 50 70 >0 B)eration B)eration B)eration B)eration B)eration B)eration B)eration

nd M inten n$e !) S%e$i &ties

/aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance of of of of of of of %nfor"ation S)ecialties %nterior S)ecialties :ire)laces and Sto!es Safet+ S)ecialties Storage S)ecialties 23terior S)ecialties Bther S)ecialties

and and and and and and and

10 0+ 00 C!mm!n 9!r: Res#&ts )!r S%e$i &ties 10 0- 00 S$3ed#&es )!r S%e$i &ties
10 0$ 10 Schedules for %nfor"ation S)ecialties

10 0$ 10-13 23terior Signage Schedule 10 0$ 10-1$ %nterior Signage Schedule

10 0$ 20 Schedules for %nterior S)ecialties

10 0$ 20-13 Toilet6 #ath6 and Laundr+ ccessor+ Schedule

10 10 10 10 10

0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$

30 ,0 50 70 >0

Schedules Schedules Schedules Schedules Schedules

for for for for for

:ire)laces and Sto!es Safet+ S)ecialties Storage S)ecialties 23terior S)ecialties Bther S)ecialties

10 0; 00 C!mmissi!nin, !) S%e$i &ties

10 11 00 Vis# & Dis%& ' S#r) $es
10 11 13 Chal?boards
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 13-13 13-23 13-33 13-,3 1$-13 1$-23 1$-33 1$-,3 1$-53 23-13 23-23 23-33 23-,3 :i3ed Chal?boards /odular1Su))ort1/ounted Chal?boards 'ail1/ounted Chal?boards Portable Chal?boards :i3ed /ar?erboards /odular1Su))ort1/ounted /ar?erboards 'ail1/ounted /ar?erboards Portable /ar?erboards 2lectronic /ar?erboards :i3ed Tac?boards /odular1Su))ort1/ounted Tac?boards 'ail1/ounted Tac?boards Portable Tac?boards

10 11 1$ /ar?erboards

10 11 23 Tac?boards

10 11 33 Sliding 4isual Dis)la+ <nits

10 11 33-13 7ori8ontal1Sliding 4isual Dis)la+ <nits 10 11 33-23 4ertical1Sliding 4isual Dis)la+ <nits

10 10 10 10

11 11 11 11

3$ 3& ,3 ,$

4isual 4isual 4isual 4isual

Dis)la+ Dis)la+ Dis)la+ Dis)la+

Conference <nits 'ails 5all Panels :abrics

10 1" 00 Dis%& ' C ses 10 1( 00 Dire$t!ries

10 13 13 2lectronic Directories

10 1* 00 Si,n ,e
10 1, 1$ Pla(ues 10 1, 1& Di"ensional Letter Signage 10 1, 23 Panel Signage
10 1, 23-13 2ngra!ed Panel Signage

10 10 10 10 10

1, 1, 1, 1, 1,

2$ 33 3$ ,3 53

Post and Panel=P+lon Signage %llu"inated Panel Signage Aon1%llu"inated Panel Signage Photolu" inescent Signage Traffic Signage

10 1, 53-13 Trans)ortation 'eference /ar?ers

10 1, $3 2lectronic /essage Signage 10 1, $$ :loating Signage

10 15 00 Te&e%3!ne S%e$i &ties

10 17 13 Tele)hone Director+ <nits 10 17 1$ Tele)hone 2nclosures
10 17 1$-13 Tele)hone Stalls 10 17 1$-1$ Tele)hone lco!es

10 17 1& Tele)hone Shel!ing

10 1; 00 In)!rm ti!n & Ai!s:s


10 "1 00 C!m% rtments
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 13-13 13-1$ 13-1& 13-23 13-,0 1$-13 1$-1$ 1$-1& 1$-23 1$-,0

nd C#.i$&es

10 21 13 Toilet Co")art"ents
/etal Toilet Co")art"ents Plastic1La"inate1Clad Toilet Co")art"ents Plastic Toilet Co")art"ents Particleboard Toilet Co")art"ents Stone Toilet Co")art"ents /etal Shower and Dressing Co")art"ents Plastic1La"inate1Clad Shower and Dressing Co")art"ents Plastic Shower and Dressing Co")art"ents Particleboard Shower and Dressing Co")art"ents Stone Shower and Dressing Co")art"ents

10 21 1$ Shower and Dressing Co")art"ents

10 21 23 Cubicles
10 21 23-13 Cubicle Curtains 10 21 23-1$ Cubicle Trac? and 7ardware

10 "" 00 P rtiti!ns
10 22 13 5ire /esh Partitions 10 22 1$ :olding 9ates 10 22 1& De"ountable Partitions
10 10 10 10 10 22 22 22 22 22 1&-13 1&-23 1&-33 1&-,3 1&-53 De"ountable /etal Partitions De"ountable 5ood Partitions De"ountable Plastic Partitions De"ountable Co")osite Partitions De"ountable 9+)su" Partitions

10 22 23 Portable Partitions6 Screens6 and Panels

10 22 23-13 5all Screens 10 22 23-23 /o!able Panel S+ste"s

10 22 2$ B)erable Partitions
10 10 10 10 22 22 22 22 2$-13 ccordion :olding Partitions 2$-23 Coiling Partitions 2$-33 :olding Panel Partitions 2$-,3 Sliding Partitions

10 "+ 00 Servi$e 9 &&s

10 25 13 Patient #ed Ser!ice 5alls 10 25 1$ /odular Ser!ice 5alls

10 "- 00 9 &&

nd D!!r Pr!te$ti!n

10 2$ 13 Corner 9uards 10 2$ 1$ #u")er 9uards

10 2$ 1$-13 #u")er 'ails 10 2$ 1$-1$ Protecti!e Corridor 7andrails

10 2$ 23 Protecti!e 5all Co!ering

10 2$ 23-13 %")act 'esistant 5all Protection

10 2$ 33 Door and :ra"e Protection

10 "; 00 T!i&et8 1 t38

10 2> 13 Toilet
10 10 10 10 2> 2> 2> 2> 13-13 13-1& 13-53 13-$3

nd 0 #ndr' A$$ess!ries

Co""ercial Toilet ccessories 7ealthcare Toilet ccessories Securit+ Toilet ccessories Detention Toilet ccessories

10 2> 1$ #ath


10 2> 1$-13 'esidential #ath 10 2> 1&-1$ Shower Doors 10 2> 1&-1& Tub Doors

10 2> 1& Tub and Shower Doors 10 2> 23 Laundr+ ccessories

10 2> 23-13 #uilt1%n %roning #oards 10 2> 23-1$ Clothes Dr+ing 'ac?s


10 (1 00 M n#) $t#red Fire%& $es
10 31 13 /anufactured :ire)lace Chi"ne+s 10 31 1$ /anufactured :ire)lace :or"s

10 (" 00 Fire%& $e S%e$i &ties

10 10 10 10 10 32 32 32 32 32 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ :ire)lace :ire)lace :ire)lace :ire)lace :ire)lace Da")ers %nserts Screens Doors 5ater 7eaters

10 (+ 00 St!ves
10 35 13 7eating Sto!es 10 35 23 Coo?ing Sto!es 10 *0 00 SAFETY SPECIA0TIES

10 *1 00 Emer,en$' A$$ess

nd In)!rm ti!n C .inets

10 ,1 13 :ire De)art"ent Plan Cabinets 10 ,1 1$ 2"ergenc+ De+ Cabinets

10 *( 00 Emer,en$' Aid S%e$i &ties

10 ,3 13 Defibrillator Cabinets 10 ,3 1$ :irst id Cabinets

10 ** 00 Fire Pr!te$ti!n S%e$i &ties

10 ,, 13 :ire 23tinguisher Cabinets
10 ,, 13-53 Securit+ :ire 23tinguisher Cabinets

10 ,, 1$ :ire 23tinguishers
10 ,, 1$-13 Portable :ire 23tinguishers 10 ,, 1$-1$ 5heeled :ire 23tinguisher <nits

10 ,, 33 :ire #lan?ets and Cabinets 10 ,, ,3 :ire 23tinguisher ccessories 10 +0 00 STORAGE SPECIA0TIES

10 +1 00 0!$:ers
10 10 10 10 51 51 51 51 13 1$ 23 2$ /etal Loc?ers 5ood Loc?ers Plastic1La"inate1Clad Loc?ers Plastic Loc?ers

10 51 2$-13 'ec+cled Plastic Loc?ers

10 51 33 9lass Loc?ers 10 51 ,3 5ire /esh Storage Loc?ers 10 51 53 Loc?er 'oo" #enches

10 ++ 00 P!st & S%e$i &ties

10 55 13 Central /ail Deli!er+ #o3es
10 55 13-13 Cluster #o3 <nits

10 55 1$ /ail Collection #o3es 10 55 1& 'ecei!ing #o3es 10 55 23 /ail #o3es

10 55 23-13 )art"ent /ail #o3es 10 55 23-1$ /ail #o3 Directories 10 55 23-1& /ail #o3 De+ Dee)ers

10 10 10 10

55 55 55 55

2$ 33 3$ &1

Parcel Loc?ers Data Distribution #o3es Pac?age De)ositories /ail Chutes

10 +- 00 St!r ,e Assem.&ies
10 5$ 13 /etal Storage Shel!ing
10 10 10 10 5$ 5$ 5$ 5$ 13-13 13-1$ 13-1& 13-23 2nd1Panel1Su))ort /etal Storage Shel!ing Post1and1Shelf /etal Storage Shel!ing Post1and1#ea" /etal Storage Shel!ing Cantile!er /etal Storage Shel!ing

10 5$ 1$ :abricated 5ood Storage Shel!ing 10 5$ 1& Plastic Storage Shel!ing

10 5$ 1&-13 'ec+cled Plastic Storage Shel!ing

10 5$ 23 5ire Storage Shel!ing 10 5$ 2$ /obile Storage Shel!ing

10 5$ 2$-13 /anual /obile Storage Shel!ing 10 5$ 2$-23 /otori8ed /obile Storage Shel!ing

10 5$ 2& Storage 'ac?s

10 10 10 10 10 10 10 5$ 5$ 5$ 5$ 5$ 5$ 5$ 2&-13 2&-1$ 2&-1& 2&-23 2&-2$ 2&-2& 2&-33 :low Storage 'ac?s Pallet Storage 'ac?s /o!able1Shelf Storage 'ac?s Stac?er Storage 'ac?s Cantile!er Storage 'ac?s Dri!e1%n Storage 'ac?s Dri!e1Through Storage 'ac?s

10 5$ 33 /ercantile Storage


10 +5 00 9 rdr!.e

nd C&!set S%e$i &ties

10 57 13 7at and Coat 'ac?s 10 57 23 Closet and <tilit+ Shel!ing

10 57 23-13 5ire Closet and <tilit+ Shel!ing 10 57 23-1$ Plastic1La"inate1Clad Closet and <tilit+ Shel!ing

10 57 23-1& 5ood Closet and <tilit+ Shel!ing

10 57 33 Closet and <tilit+ Shel!ing 7ardware

10 60 00 Unassigned 10 50 00 E?TERIOR SPECIA0TIES

10 51 00 E>teri!r Pr!te$ti!n
10 71 13 23terior Sun Control De!ices
10 10 10 10 10 10 71 71 71 71 71 71 13-13 13-1& 13-23 13-2$ 13-2& 13-,3 23terior Shutters 'olling 23terior Shutters Coiling 23terior Shutters Decorati!e 23terior Shutters Side17inged 23terior Shutters :i3ed Sun Screens

10 71 1$ Stor" Panels
10 71 1$-13 De"ountable Stor" Panels 10 71 1$-1$ /o!able Stor" Panels

10 5( 00 Pr!te$tive C!vers
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 73 73 73 73 73 73 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 75 75 75 75 13 1$ 23 2$ 33 ,3 13 23 2$ 2& 33 ,3 ,$ wnings Cano)ies Car Shelters 5al?wa+ Co!erings /ar(uees Trans)ortation Sto) Shelters 23terior Cloc?s Cu)olas S)ires Stee)les 5eather!anes #elow19rade 2gress 5indow 5ells

10 5* 00 M n#) $t#red E>teri!r S%e$i &ties


10 5+ 00 F& ,%!&es
13 uto"atic :lag)oles 1$ 9round1Set :lag)oles 1& Aautical :lag)oles 23 5all1/ounted :lag)oles 10 ;0 00 OT7ER SPECIA0TIES

10 ;1 00 Pest C!ntr!& Devi$es

10 >1 13 #ird Control De!ices 10 >1 1$ %nsect Control De!ices 10 >1 1& 'odent Control De!ices

10 ;" 00 Gri&&es 10 ;( 00 F& ,s

nd S$reens nd 1 nners nd D!mes

10 >2 13 23terior 9rilles and Screens 10 >2 23 %nterior 9rilles and Screens 10 >3 13 :lags 10 >3 1$ #anners

10 ;- 00 Se$#rit' Mirr!rs

10 ;; 00 S$ &es

10 90 00 Unassigned


11 01 00 O%er ti!n
11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 10 15 20 30 ,0 50 5$ $0 $5 70 >0 &0 B)eration B)eration B)eration B)eration B)eration B)eration B)eration B)eration B)eration B)eration B)eration B)eration

nd M inten n$e !) E<#i%ment

/aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance of of of of of of of of of of of of 4ehicle and Pedestrian 2(ui)"ent Securit+6 #an?6 and Detention 2(ui)"ent Co""ercial 2(ui)"ent 'esidential 2(ui)"ent :oodser!ice 2(ui)"ent 2ducational and Scientific 2(ui)"ent Bbser!ator+ 2(ui)"ent 2ntertain"ent 2(ui)"ent thletic and 'ecreational 2(ui)"ent 7ealthcare 2(ui)"ent Collection and Dis)osal 2(ui)"ent Bther 2(ui)"ent

and and and and and and and and and and and and

11 0+ 00 C!mm!n 9!r: Res#&ts )!r E<#i%ment 11 0- 00 S$3ed#&es )!r E<#i%ment

11 0$ 10 Schedules for 4ehicle and Pedestrian 2(ui)"ent 11 0$ 15 Schedules for Securit+6 #an?6 and Detention 2(ui)"ent
11 0$ 15-13 Teller and Ser!ice 2(ui)"ent Schedule

11 0$ 20 Schedules for Co""ercial 2(ui)"ent 11 0$ 30 Schedules for 'esidential 2(ui)"ent 11 0$ ,0 Schedules for :oodser!ice 2(ui)"ent
11 0$ ,0-13 :oodser!ice 2(ui)"ent Schedule

11 11 11 11

0$ 0$ 0$ 0$

50 $0 $5 70

Schedules Schedules Schedules Schedules

for 2ducational and Scientific 2(ui)"ent for 2ntertain"ent 2(ui)"ent for thletic and 'ecreational 2(ui)"ent for 7ealthcare 2(ui)"ent

11 0$ 70-13 7ealthcare 2(ui)"ent Schedule

11 0$ >0 Schedules for Collection and Dis)osal 2(ui)"ent 11 0$ &0 Schedules for Bther 2(ui)"ent

11 0; 00 C!mmissi!nin, !) E<#i%ment


11 11 00 Ve3i$&e Servi$e E<#i%ment
11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 13 1& 23 2$ 13 1$ 23 2$ Co")ressed1 ir 4ehicle Ser!ice 2(ui)"ent 4ehicle Lubrication 2(ui)"ent Tire1Changing 2(ui)"ent 4ehicle15ashing 2(ui)"ent Par?ing Par?ing Par?ing Par?ing De+ and Card Control <nits Tic?et Dis)ensers /eters :ee Collection 2(ui)"ent

11 1" 00 P r:in, C!ntr!& E<#i%ment

11 12 2$-13 Par?ing :ee Coin Collection 2(ui)"ent

11 12 33 Par?ing 9ates

11 1( 00 0! din, D!$: E<#i%ment

11 13 13 Loading Doc? #u")ers 11 13 1$ Loading Doc? Seals and Shelters
11 13 1$-13 Loading Doc? Seals 11 13 1$-23 Loading Doc? Shelters 11 13 1$-33 Loading Doc? 'ail Shelters

11 13 1& Stationar+ Loading Doc? 2(ui)"ent

11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 1&-13 1&-23 1&-2$ 1&-33 23-13 23-1$ 23-1& 23-23 Loading Doc? Le!elers Stationar+ Loading Doc? Lifts Loading Doc? Truc? Lifts Loading Doc? Truc? 'estraints Portable Portable Portable Portable Doc? Doc? Doc? Doc? Lifts 'a")s #ridges Platfor"s

11 13 23 Portable Doc? 2(ui)"ent

11 13 2$ Loading Doc? Lights

11 1* 00 Pedestri n C!ntr!& E<#i%ment

11 1, 13 Pedestrian 9ates
11 1, 13-13 Portable Posts and 'ailings 11 1, 13-1$ 'otar+ 9ates 11 1, 13-1& Turnstiles

11 1, 1$ /one+1Changing 2(ui)"ent
11 1, 1$-1& /one+1Changing /achines

11 1, 2$ Pedestrian :are Collection 2(ui)"ent

11 1, 2$-13 Pedestrian Coin :are Collection 2(ui)"ent

11 1, ,3 Pedestrian Detection 2(ui)"ent

11 1, ,3-13 2lectronic Detection and Counting S+ste"s

11 1, 53 Pedestrian Securit+ 2(ui)"ent 11 1+ 00 SECURITY8 DETENTION AND 1ANAING EQUIPMENT

11 1- 00 V #&t E<#i%ment
11 1$ 13 Safe De)osit #o3es 11 1$ 1$ Safes 11 1$ 23 4ault 4entilators

11 15 00 Te&&er
11 11 11 11 11 17 17 17 17 17 13 1$ 23 33 3$

nd Servi$e E<#i%ment

Teller 2(ui)"ent S+ste"s uto"atic #an?ing S+ste"s /one+ 7andling 2(ui)"ent /one+ Cart Pass1Through Pac?age Transfer <nits

11 1; 00 Se$#rit' E<#i%ment
11 1> 13 Deal Drawers 11 1> 1$ 9un Ports 11 1> 23 4aluable /aterial Storage

11 16 00 Detenti!n E<#i%ment
11 1& 13 Detention Pass1Through Doors 11 1& 1$ Detention 9un Loc?ers


11 "1 00 Mer$ nti&e nd Servi$e E<#i%ment
11 21 13 Cash 'egisters and Chec?ing 2(ui)"ent 11 21 23 4ending 2(ui)"ent
11 21 23-13 4ending /achines

11 21 33 Chec?roo" 2(ui)"ent 11 21 ,3 5eighing and 5ra))ing 2(ui)"ent 11 21 53 #arber and #eaut+ Sho) 2(ui)"ent

11 "" 00 Re)ri,er ted Dis%& ' E<#i%ment 11 "( 00 C!mmer$i & 0 #ndr' nd Dr' C&e nin, E<#i%ment
11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 2, 2, 2, 2, 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 33 ,3 13 1$ 1& 23 Dr+ Cleaning 2(ui)"ent Dr+ing and Conditioning 2(ui)"ent :inishing 2(ui)"ent Co""ercial %roning 2(ui)"ent Co""ercial 5ashers and 23tractors Coin1B)erated Laundr+ 2(ui)"ent 7anging 9ar"ent Con!e+ors :loor and 5all Cleaning 2(ui)"ent 7ouse?ee)ing Carts 4acuu" Cleaning S+ste"s 5indow 5ashing S+ste"s

11 "* 00 M inten n$e E<#i%ment

11 "+ 00 7!s%it &it' E<#i%ment

11 25 13 'egistration 2(ui)"ent

11 "- 00 Unit Ait$3ens

11 2$ 13 /etal <nit Ditchens 11 2$ 1$ 5ood <nit Ditchens 11 2$ 1& Plastic1La"inate1Clad <nit Ditchens

11 "5 00 P3!t!,r %3i$ Pr!$essin, E<#i%ment

11 27 13 Dar?roo" Processing 2(ui)"ent 11 27 1$ :il" Transfer Cabinets

11 "; 00 O))i$e E<#i%ment

11 11 11 11 2> 2> 2> 2> 13 1$ 1& 23 Co")uters Printers Self1Contained :acsi"ile /achines Co)iers

11 "6 00 P!st &8 P $: ,in,8

nd S3i%%in, E<#i%ment

11 2& 23 Pac?aging 2(ui)"ent 11 2& 33 Shi))ing 2(ui)"ent 11 2& 55 Postal 2(ui)"ent 11 (0 00 RESIDENTIA0 EQUIPMENT

11 (1 00 Residenti & A%%&i n$es

11 31 13 'esidential Ditchen ))liances 11 31 23 'esidential Laundr+ ))liances

11 (( 00 Retr $t .&e St irs


11 *1 00 F!!d St!r ,e E<#i%ment

11 ,1 13 'efrigerated :ood Storage Cases 11 ,1 23 5al?1%n Coolers 11 ,1 2$ 5al?1%n :ree8ers

11 *" 00 F!!d Pre% r ti!n E<#i%ment 11 *( 00 F!!d De&iver' C rts nd C!nve'!rs

11 ,3 13 :ood Deli!er+ Carts 11 ,3 1$ :ood Deli!er+ Con!e+ors

11 ** 00 F!!d C!!:in, E<#i%ment

11 ,, 13 Co""ercial 'anges 11 ,, 1$ Co""ercial B!ens

11 *- 00 F!!d Dis%ensin, E<#i%ment

11 ,$ 13 #ar 2(ui)"ent 11 ,$ 1$ Ser!ice Line 2(ui)"ent 11 ,$ 1& Soda :ountain 2(ui)"ent

11 *5 00 I$e M $3ines 11 *; 00 C&e nin, nd Dis%!s & E<#i%ment

11 ,> 13 Co""ercial Dishwashers 11 +0 00 EDUCATIONA0 AND SCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT

11 +1 00 0i.r r' E<#i%ment

11 11 11 11 51 51 51 51 13 uto"ated #oo? Storage and 'etrie!al S+ste"s 1$ #oo? De)ositories 1& #oo? Theft Protection 2(ui)"ent 23 Librar+ Stac? S+ste"s

11 51 23-13 /etal Librar+ Shel!ing

11 +" 00 A#di!=Vis# & E<#i%ment

11 52 13 Projection Screens
11 52 13-13 :i3ed Projection Screens 11 52 13-1$ Portable Projection Screens 11 52 13-1& 'ear Projection Screens

11 52 1$ Projectors
11 11 11 11 11 52 52 52 52 52 1$-13 1$-1$ 1$-1& 1$-23 1$-2$ /o!ie Projectors Slide Projectors B!erhead Projectors B)a(ue Projectors 4ideo Projectors

11 52 1& Pla+ers and 'ecorders

11 +( 00 0 .!r t!r' E<#i%ment

11 53 13 Laborator+ :u"e 7oods
11 53 13-13 'ecirculating Laborator+ :u"e 7oods

11 11 11 11 11 11

53 53 53 53 53 53

1$ 1& 23 33 ,3 53

Laborator+ %ncubators Laborator+ Sterili8ers Laborator+ 'efrigerators 2"ergenc+ Safet+ ))liances Ser!ice :ittings and ccessories #iological Safet+ Cabinets

11 ++ 00 P& net ri#m E<#i%ment

11 55 13 Planetariu" Projectors 11 55 1$ Planetariu" Pendulu"s

11 +- 00 O.serv t!r' E<#i%ment

11 11 11 11 5$ 5$ 5$ 5$ 13 1$ 1& 23 Telesco)es Telesco)e /ounts Telesco)e Dri!e /echanis"s Telesco)e Do"es

11 +5 00 V!$ ti!n & S3!% E<#i%ment 11 +6 00 E> E<#i%ment

11 -1 00 T3e ter
11 11 11 11 $1 $1 $1 $1

nd St ,e E<#i%ment

13 coustical Shells 23 :olding and Portable Stages 33 'igging S+ste"s and Controls ,3 Stage Curtains

11 -" 00 M#si$ & E<#i%ment

11 $2 13 #ells 11 $2 1$ Carillons 11 $2 1& Brgans 11 -+ 00 AT70ETIC AND RECREATIONA0 EQUIPMENT

11 -- 00 At3&eti$ E<#i%ment
11 $$ 13 23ercise 2(ui)"ent 11 $$ 23 9+"nasiu" 2(ui)"ent
11 11 11 11 11 11 $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ 23-13 23-23 23-33 23-,3 23-53 23-5$ #as?etball 2(ui)"ent 4olle+ball 2(ui)"ent %nterior Tennis 2(ui)"ent %nterior Trac? and :ield 2(ui)"ent 5all Padding /at Storage

11 $$ ,3 %nterior Scoreboards 11 $$ 53 9+"nasiu" Di!iders

11 $$ 53-13 #atting=9olf Cages

11 -5 00 Re$re ti!n & E<#i%ment

11 11 11 11 $7 $7 $7 $7 13 23 33 ,3 #owling lle+ 2(ui)"ent Shooting 'ange 2(ui)"ent Cli"bing 5alls Table 9a"es 2(ui)"ent

11 $7 ,3-13 Pool Tables 11 $7 ,3-23 Ping1Pong Tables

11 $7 53 9a"e 'oo" 2(ui)"ent

11 $7 53-13 4ideo 9a"es 11 $7 53-23 Pinball /achines

11 -; 00 P& ' Fie&d E<#i%ment

nd Str#$t#res

11 $> 13 Pla+ground 2(ui)"ent 11 $> 1$ Pla+ Structures 11 $> 23 23terior Court thletic 2(ui)"ent
11 $> 23-13 23terior #as?etball 2(ui)"ent

11 $> 23-23 23terior 4olle+ball 2(ui)"ent 11 $> 23-33 Tennis 2(ui)"ent

11 $> 33
11 11 11 11 $> $> $> $$

thletic :ield 2(ui)"ent

33-13 33-23 33-33 33-,3 :ootball :ield 2(ui)"ent Soccer and :ield 7oc?e+ 2(ui)"ent #aseball :ield 2(ui)"ent Trac? and :ield 2(ui)"ent

11 $> ,3 23terior Scoreboards 11 50 00 7EA0T7CARE EQUIPMENT

11 51 00 Medi$ & Steri&i@in, E<#i%ment 11 5" 00 E> min ti!n nd Tre tment E<#i%ment
11 72 13 23a"ination 2(ui)"ent 11 72 53 Treat"ent 2(ui)"ent

11 11 11 11 11 11

5( 5* 5+ 555 5;

00 00 00 00 00 00

P tient C re E<#i%ment Dent & E<#i%ment O%ti$ & E<#i%ment O%er tin, R!!m E<#i%ment R di!&!,' E<#i%ment M!rt# r' E<#i%ment

11 7> 13 /ortuar+ 'efrigerators 11 7> 1$ Cre"atoriu" 2(ui)"ent 11 7> 1& /ortuar+ Lifts

11 56 00 T3er %' E<#i%ment


11 ;" 00 S!&id 9 ste 7 nd&in, E<#i%ment
13 Solid 5aste #ins 1& Pac?aged %ncinerators 23 'ec+cling 2(ui)"ent 2$ 5aste Co")actors and Destructors 2& Co")osting 2(ui)"ent 11 60 00 OT7ER EQUIPMENT 11 11 11 11 11 >2 >2 >2 >2 >2

11 61 00 Re&i,i!#s E<#i%ment
11 &1 13 #a)tisteries

11 6" 00 A,ri$#&t#r & E<#i%ment

11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 &2 &2 &2 &2 &3 &3 &3 &3 &3 &3 &3 13 /il?ers 1$ Stoc? :eeders 1& Stoc? 5aterers 23 gricultural 5aste Clean1<) 2(ui)"ent 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 2& 33 7+dro)onic 9rowing S+ste"s Seeders Trans)lanters Potting /achines :lat :illers #aggers Soil /i3ers

11 6( 00 7!rti$#&t#r & E<#i%ment


1" 01 00 O%er ti!n
12 12 12 12 12 12 12 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 10 20 30 ,0 50 $0 &0 B)eration B)eration B)eration B)eration B)eration B)eration B)eration

nd M inten n$e !) F#rnis3in,s

/aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance of of of of of of of rt 5indow Treat"ents Casewor? :urnishings and ccessories :urniture /ulti)le Seating Bther :urnishings

and and and and and and and

1" 0+ 00 C!mm!n 9!r: Res#&ts )!r F#rnis3in,s

12 05 13 :abrics

1" 0- 00 S$3ed#&es )!r F#rnis3in,s

12 0$ 10 Schedules for rt 12 0$ 20 Schedules for 5indow Treat"ents
12 0$ 20-13 5indow Treat"ent Schedule

12 0$ 30 Schedules for Casewor?

12 0$ 30-13 /anufactured Casewor? Schedule

12 0$ ,0 Schedules for :urnishings and

12 0$ ,0-13 :urnishings Schedule


12 0$ 50 Schedules for :urniture 12 0$ $0 Schedules for /ulti)le Seating 12 0$ &0 Schedules for Bther :urnishings

1" 0; 00 C!mmissi!nin, !) F#rnis3in,s

1" 10 00 ART
1" 11 00 M#r &s
12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 1, 1, 1, 1, 13 1$ 23 2$ 33 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 13 1$ 1& 23 Photo /urals Scul)tured #ric? Panels #ric? /urals Cera"ic Tile /urals Tro")e lEoeil Co""issioned Paintings :ra"ed Paintings :ra"ed Prints Ta)estries 5all 7angings Car!ed Scul)ture Cast Scul)ture Constructed Scul)ture 'elief rt

1" 1" 00 9 && De$!r ti!ns

1" 1* 00 S$#&%t#res

1" 15 00 Art G& ss

12 17 13 2tched 9lass 12 17 1$ Stained 9lass

1" 16 00 Re&i,i!#s Art


1" "1 00 9ind!2 1&inds
12 21 13 7ori8ontal Lou!er #linds
12 21 13-13 /etal 7ori8ontal Lou!er #linds 12 21 13-23 5ood 7ori8ontal Lou!er #linds 12 21 13-33 Plastic 7ori8ontal Lou!er #linds

12 21 1$ 4ertical Lou!er #linds

12 21 1$-13 /etal 4ertical Lou!er #linds 12 21 1$-23 5ood 4ertical Lou!er #linds 12 21 1$-33 Plastic 4ertical Lou!er #linds

12 21 23 'oll1Down #linds 12 21 2$ #lac?1But #linds

1" "" 00 C#rt ins

nd Dr %es

12 22 13 Dra)eries 12 22 1$ Dra)er+ Trac? and

1" "( 00 Interi!r S3#tters 1" "* 00 9ind!2 S3 des

12 2, 13 'oller 5indow Shades 12 2, 1$ Pleated 5indow Shades

1" "+ 00 9ind!2 Tre tment O%er tin, 7 rd2 re

12 25 13 /otori8ed Dra)er+ 'ods 1" (0 00 CASE9ORA

1" (1 00 M n#) $t#red Met & C se2!r:

12 31 1$ /anufactured /etal Sandwich Panel Casewor?

1" (" 00 M n#) $t#red 9!!d C se2!r:

12 32 13 /anufactured 5ood14eneer1:aced Casewor? 12 32 1$ /anufactured Plastic1La"inate1Clad Casewor?

1" (* 00 M n#) $t#red P& sti$ C se2!r:

12 3, 1$ /anufactured Solid1Plastic Casewor?

1" (+ 00 S%e$i &t' C se2!r:

12 35 17 #an? Casewor? 12 35 25 7os)italit+ Casewor? 12 35 30 'esidential Casewor?
12 35 30-13 Ditchen Casewor? 12 35 30-23 #athroo" Casewor? 12 35 30-,3 Dor"itor+ Casewor?

12 35 33 <tilit+ 'oo" Casewor? 12 35 50 2ducational=Librar+ Casewor?

12 35 50-13 2ducational Casewor? 12 35 50-53 Librar+ Casewor? 12 35 50-5$ #uilt1%n Stud+ Carrels

12 35 53 Laborator+ Casewor?
12 12 12 12 35 35 35 35 53-13 53-1$ 53-1& 53-23 /etal Laborator+ Casewor? Plastic1La"inate1Clad Laborator+ Casewor? 5ood Laborator+ Casewor? Solid1Plastic Laborator+ Casewor?

12 35 5& Dis)la+ Casewor? 12 35 70 7ealthcare Casewor?

12 12 12 12

35 35 35 35

70-13 70-1$ 70-1& 70-7,

7os)ital Casewor? Aurse Station Casewor? 23a" 'oo" Casewor? Dental Casewor?

12 35 &1 'eligious Casewor?

1" (- 00 C!#ntert!%s
12 12 12 12 3$ 3$ 3$ 3$ 13 1$ 1& 23 Concrete Counterto)s /etal Counterto)s 5ood Counterto)s Plastic Counterto)s

12 3$ 23-13 Plastic1La"inate1Clad Counterto)s

12 3$ ,0 Stone Counterto)s 12 3$ 53 Laborator+ Counterto)s 12 3$ $1 Si"ulated Stone Counterto)s

12 3$ $1-13 Cultured /arble Counterto)s 12 3$ $1-1$ Solid Surfacing Counterto)s 12 3$ $1-1& *uart8 Surfacing Counterto)s


1" *1 00 O))i$e A$$ess!ries
12 ,1 13 Des? ccessories

1" *" 00 T .&e A$$ess!ries

12 ,2 13 Cera"ics 12 ,2 1$ :latware
12 ,2 1$-13 Sil!erware

12 ,2 1& 7ollowware 12 ,2 23 9lassware 12 ,2 2$ Table Linens

12 ,2 2$-13 Aa)er+

1" *( 00 P!rt .&e 0 m%s

12 ,3 13 La")s
12 ,3 13-13 Des? La")s 12 ,3 13-1$ Table La")s 12 ,3 13-1& :loor La")s

1" ** 00 1 t3 F#rnis3in,s
12 ,, 13 #ath Linens
12 ,, 13-13 #ath /ats 12 ,, 13-1$ #ath Towels

12 ,, 1$ Shower Curtains

1" *+ 00 1edr!!m F#rnis3in,s

12 ,5 13 #ed Linens
12 ,5 13-13 #lan?ets 12 ,5 13-1$ Co"forters

12 ,5 1$ Pillows

1" *- 00 F#rnis3in, A$$ess!ries

12 12 12 12 ,$ ,$ ,$ ,$ 13 sh 'ece)tacles 1$ #owls 1& Cloc?s 23 Decorati!e Crafts

12 ,$ 2$ Decorati!e Screens 12 ,$ 2& 4ases 12 ,$ 33 5aste 'ece)tacles

1" *; 00 R#,s

nd M ts

12 ,> 13 2ntrance :loor /ats and :ra"es

12 ,> 13-13 2ntrance :loor /ats 12 ,> 13-1$ 2ntrance :loor /at :ra"es

12 12 12 12 12

,> ,> ,> ,> ,>

1$ 1& 23 2$ ,3

2ntrance :loor 9rilles 2ntrance :loor 9ratings 2ntrance :loor 9rids 2ntrance Tile :loor /ats

12 ,> ,3-13 Chair /ats

12 ,> 53 'ugs
12 ,> 53-13 'unners 12 ,> 53-1$ Briental 'ugs

1" +0 00 FURNITURE
1" +1 00 O))i$e F#rnit#re
12 51 1$ Case 9oods
12 51 1$-13 /etal Case 9oods 12 51 1$-1$ 5ood Case 9oods 12 51 1$-1& Plastic1La"inate1Clad Case 9oods

12 51 1& :iling Cabinets

12 51 1&-13 Lateral :iling Cabinets 12 51 1&-1$ 4ertical :iling Cabinets

12 51 >3 Custo" Bffice :urniture

1" +" 00 Se tin,

12 12 12 12 12 52 52 52 52 52 13 1& 23 70 >3 Chairs <)holstered Seating Bffice Seating 7ealthcare Seating Custo" Seating

1" +( 00 Ret i& F#rnit#re

12 53 >3 Custo" 'etail :urniture

1" +* 00 7!s%it &it' F#rnit#re

12 5, 13 7otel and /otel :urniture 12 5, 1$ 'estaurant :urniture 12 5, >3 Custo" 7os)italit+ :urniture

1" ++ 00 Detenti!n F#rnit#re

12 12 12 12 12 12 55 55 55 55 55 55 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ >3 Detention #un?s Detention Des?s Detention Stools Detention Tables Detention Safet+ Clothes 7oo?s Custo" Detention :urniture

1" +- 00 Instit#ti!n & F#rnit#re

12 5$ 33 Classroo" :urniture 12 5$ 3& Lecterns

12 5$ ,3 Dor"itor+ :urniture 12 5$ 51 Librar+ :urniture

12 5$ 51-13 #oo? Shel!es 12 5$ 51-1$ Stud+ Carrels 12 5$ 51-1& %nde3 Card :ile Cabinets

12 12 12 12

5$ 5$ 5$ 5$

52 udio14isual :urniture 53 Laborator+ :urniture 70 7ealthcare :urniture >3 Custo" %nstitutional :urniture

1" +5 00 Ind#stri & F#rnit#re

12 57 13 5elding #enches 12 57 1$ 5elding Screens 12 57 >3 Custo" %ndustrial :urniture

1" +; 00 Residenti & F#rnit#re

12 5> 13 Couches and Lo!eseats
12 5> 13-13 :utons

12 5> 1$ 'esidential Chairs

12 5> 1$-13 'eclining Chairs

12 12 12 12

5> 5> 5> 5>

1& 23 2$ 2&

Dining Tables and Chairs Coffee Tables 2ntertain"ent Centers #eds


12 5> 2&-13 Da+beds

12 5> 33 Dressers
12 5> 33-13

12 5> 3$ Aightstands 12 5> >3 Custo" 'esidential :urniture

1" +6 00 S'stems F#rnit#re

13 Panel17ung Co")onent S+ste" :urniture 1$ :ree1Standing Co")onent S+ste" :urniture 1& #ea" S+ste" :urniture 23 Des? S+ste" :urniture >3 Custo" S+ste"s :urniture 1" -0 00 MU0TIP0E SEATING 12 12 12 12 12 5& 5& 5& 5& 5&

1" -1 00 Fi>ed A#dien$e Se tin,

12 $1 13 <)holstered udience Seating 12 $1 1$ /olded1Plastic udience Seating

1" -" 00 P!rt .&e A#dien$e Se tin,

12 $2 13 :olding Chairs 12 $2 1$ %nterloc?ing Chairs 12 $2 1& Stac?ing Chairs

1" -( 00 St di#m

nd Aren

Se tin,

12 $3 13 Stadiu" and 12 $3 23 Stadiu" and

rena #ench Seating rena Seats

1" -* 00 1!!t3s nd T .&es 1" -+ 00 M#&ti%&e=Use Fi>ed Se tin, 1" -- 00 Te&es$!%in, St nds

12 $$ 13 Telesco)ing #leachers 12 $$ 23 Telesco)ing Chair Platfor"s

1" -5 00 Pe2s 1" -; 00 Se t

nd 1en$3es nd T .&e Assem.&ies

r" Chairs

12 $7 13 Pews 12 $7 23 #enches 12 $> 13 Pedestal Tablet

12 70 00 Unassigned 12 80 00 Unassigned 1" 60 00 OT7ER FURNIS7INGS

1" 6" 00 Interi!r P& nters nd Arti)i$i & P& nts
12 &2 13 %nterior rtificial Plants 12 &2 33 %nterior Planters 12 &2 ,3 %nterior Landsca)ing ccessories

1" 6( 00 Site F#rnis3in,s

12 12 12 12 &3 &3 &3 &3 13 23 33 ,3 #ic+cle 'ac?s Trash and Litter 'ece)tors /anufactured Planters Site Seating and Tables

12 &3 ,3-13 Site Seating 12 &3 ,3-53 Site Tables


1( 01 00 O%er ti!n
13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 10 11 12 13 1, 1> 20 21 23 30 ,0 ,& 50 51 52 53 B)eration B)eration B)eration B)eration B)eration B)eration B)eration B)eration B)eration B)eration B)eration B)eration B)eration B)eration B)eration B)eration

nd M inten n$e !) S%e$i & C!nstr#$ti!n

/aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of S)ecial :acilit+ Co")onents Swi""ing Pools :ountains (uariu"s "use"ent Par? Structures and 2(ui)"ent %ce 'in?s S)ecial Pur)ose 'oo"s Controlled 2n!iron"ent 'oo"s Planetariu"s S)ecial Structures %ntegrated Construction 'adiation Protection S)ecial %nstru"entation Stress %nstru"entation Seis"ic %nstru"entation /eteorological %nstru"entation

and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and

1( 0+ 00 C!mm!n 9!r: Res#&ts )!r S%e$i & C!nstr#$ti!n 1( 0- 00 S$3ed#&es )!r S%e$i & C!nstr#$ti!n
13 13 13 13 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 20 30 ,0 50 Schedules Schedules Schedules Schedules for for for for S)ecial Pur)ose 'oo"s S)ecial Structures %ntegrated Construction S)ecial %nstru"entation

1( 0; 00 C!mmissi!nin, !) S%e$i & C!nstr#$ti!n

10 Co""issioning of S)ecial :acilit+ Co")onents 11 Co""issioning of Swi""ing Pools 12 Co""issioning of :ountains 13 Co""issioning of (uariu"s 1, Co""issioning of "use"ent Par? Structures and 2(ui)"ent 1> Co""issioning of %ce 'in?s 20 Co""issioning of S)ecial Pur)ose 'oo"s 21 Co""issioning of Controlled 2n!iron"ent 'oo"s 23 Co""issioning of Planetariu"s 30 Co""issioning of S)ecial Structures ,0 Co""issioning of %ntegrated Construction 50 Co""issioning of S)ecial %nstru"entation 1( 10 00 SPECIA0 FACI0ITY COMPONENTS 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0>

1( 11 00 S2immin, P!!&s
13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 13 23 33 ,3 ,$ ,& 53 5$ #elow19rade Swi""ing Pools Bn19rade Swi""ing Pools 2le!ated Swi""ing Pools 'ecirculating 9utter S+ste"s Swi""ing Pool ccessories Swi""ing Pool Cleaning 2(ui)"ent /o!able Pool #ul?heads /o!able Pool :loors

1( 1" 00 F!#nt ins

13 12 13 23terior :ountains 13 12 23 %nterior :ountains

1( 1( 00 A<# ri#ms 1( 1* 00 Am#sement P r: Str#$t#res

13 1, 13 5ater Slides 13 1, 1$ 5a!e 9enerating 2(ui)"ent 13 1, 23 "use"ent Par? 'ides

nd E<#i%ment

1( 15 00 T#.s

nd P!!&s

13 17 13 7ot Tubs 13 17 23 Thera)eutic Pools 13 17 33 5hirl)ool Tubs

1( 1; 00 I$e Rin:s
13 1> 13 %ce 'in? :loor S+ste"s 13 1> 1$ %ce 'in? Dasher #oards

1( 16 00 Aenne&s

nd Anim & S3e&ters

13 1& 13 Dennel 2nclosures and 9ates 13 1& 1$ Dennel :eeding De!ices 1( "0 00 SPECIA0 PURPOSE ROOMS

1( "1 00 C!ntr!&&ed Envir!nment R!!ms

13 21 13 Clean 'oo"s 13 21 1$ 7+)erbaric 'oo"s 13 21 23 %nsulated 'oo"s

13 21 2$ Cold Storage 'oo"s 13 21 2& Constant Te")erature 'oo"s 13 21 ,> Sound1Conditioned 'oo"s

1( "" 00 O))i$e S3e&ters nd 1!!t3s 1( "( 00 P& net ri#ms 1( "* 00 S%e$i & A$tivit' R!!ms
13 2, 1$ Saunas 13 2, 2$ Stea" #aths 13 2, $$ thletic 'oo"s

1( "- 00 F .ri$ ted R!!ms 1( "5 00 V #&ts

13 27 1$ /odular :ire 4aults 13 27 53 Securit+ 4aults
13 27 53-13 /odular Concrete Securit+ 4aults 13 27 53-1$ /odular /etal1Clad La"inated Securit+ 4aults

1( "; 00 At3&eti$
13 13 13 13 13 13 2> 2> 2> 2> 2> 2>

nd Re$re ti!n & S%e$i & C!nstr#$ti!n

13 %ndoor Soccer #oards 1$ Safet+ Aetting 1& rena :ootball #oards 2$ :loor Soc?ets 33 thletic and 'ecreational Court 5alls $$ De"ountable thletic Surfaces 1( (0 00 SPECIA0 STRUCTURES

1( (1 00 F .ri$ Str#$t#res
13 31 13 ir1Su))orted :abric Structures
13 31 13-13 Single15alled ir1Su))orted Structures 13 31 13-1$ /ulti)le15alled ir1Su))orted Structures

13 31 23 Tensioned :abric Structures 13 31 33 :ra"ed :abric Structures

1( (" 00 S% $e Fr mes
13 32 13 /etal S)ace :ra"es 13 32 23 5ood S)ace :ra"es

1( (( 00 Ge!desi$ Str#$t#res
13 33 13 9eodesic Do"es

1( (* 00 F .ri$ ted En,ineered Str#$t#res

13 3, 13 9la8ed Structures
13 13 13 13 13 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 13-13 13-1$ 13-1& 13-23 13-2$ 9reenhouses Solariu"s Swi""ing Pool 2nclosures Sunroo"s Conser!atories

13 3, 1$ 9randstands and #leachers

13 3, 1$-13 9randstands 13 3, 1$-53 #leachers

13 3, 1& /etal #uilding S+ste"s 13 3, 23 :abricated Structures

13 3, 23-13 Portable and /obile #uildings 13 3, 23-1$ :abricated Control #ooths

13 3, 23-1& :abricated Do"e Structures 13 3, 23-23 :abricated Substation Control 'oo"s

13 3, 5$ Bbser!atories

1( (- 00 T!2ers
13 3$ 13 /etal Towers
13 3$ 13-13 Steel Towers

13 3$ 23 5ood Towers 1( *0 00 INTEGRATED CONSTRUCTION

1( *" 00 1#i&din, M!d#&es

13 13 13 13 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 25 7os)italit+ <nit /odules 33 )art"ent <nit /odules ,3 Dor"itor+ <nit /odules $3 Detention Cell /odules

13 ,2 $3-13 Precast1Concrete Detention Cell /odules 13 ,2 $3-1$ Steel Detention Cell /odules

1( ** 00 M!d#& r Me@@ nines 1( *; 00 S!#nd8 Vi.r ti!n8 nd Seismi$ C!ntr!&

13 13 13 13 ,> ,> ,> ,> 13 23 53 $3 /anufactured Sound and 4ibration Control Co")onents :abricated Sound and 4ibration Control sse"blies /anufactured Seis"ic Control Co")onents :abricated Seis"ic Control sse"blies

1( *6 00 R di ti!n Pr!te$ti!n
13 ,& 13 Lead Sheet 13 ,& 1$ Lead #ric?s 13 ,& 1& Lead1Lined /aterials
13 ,& 1&-13 Lead1Lined Lath

13 ,& 23 /odular Shielding Partitions 1( +0 00 SPECIA0 INSTRUMENTATION

1( +1 00 Stress Instr#ment ti!n 1( +" 00 Seismi$ Instr#ment ti!n 1( +( 00 Mete!r!&!,i$ & Instr#ment ti!n
13 53 13 Solar %nstru"entation 13 53 23 5ind %nstru"entation

13 13 13 13

60 70 80 90

00 00 00 00

Unassigned Unassigned Unassigned Unassigned


1* 01 00 O%er ti!n nd M inten n$e !) C!nve'in, E<#i%ment
1, 01 10 B)eration and /aintenance of Du"bwaiters
0, 01 10-71 Du"bwaiter 'ehabilitation

1, 01 20 B)eration and /aintenance of 2le!ators

0, 01 20-71 2le!ator 'ehabilitation

1, 01 30 B)eration and /aintenance of 2scalators and /o!ing 5al?s

0, 01 30-71 2scalators and /o!ing 5al?s 'ehabilitation

1, 01 ,0 B)eration and /aintenance of Lifts

0, 01 ,0-71 Lifts 'ehabilitation

1, 01 70 B)eration and /aintenance of Turntables 1, 01 >0 B)eration and /aintenance of Scaffolding 1, 01 &0 B)eration and /aintenance of Bther Con!e+ing 2(ui)"ent

1* 0+ 00 C!mm!n 9!r: Res#&ts )!r C!nve'in, E<#i%ment 1* 0- 00 S$3ed#&es )!r C!nve'in, E<#i%ment
1, 0$ 10 Schedules for Du"bwaiters 1, 0$ 20 Schedules for 2le!ators
1, 0$ 20-13 2le!ator 2(ui)"ent Schedule

1, 0$ 30 Schedules for 2scalators and /o!ing 5al?s 1, 0$ ,0 Schedules for Lifts

1, 0$ ,0-13 Lift Schedule

1, 0$ 70 Schedules for Turntables 1, 0$ >0 Schedules for Scaffolding 1, 0$ &0 Schedules for Bther Con!e+ing 2(ui)"ent

1* 0; 00 C!mmissi!nin, !) C!nve'in, E<#i%ment

10 Co""issioning 20 Co""issioning 30 Co""issioning ,0 Co""issioning 70 Co""issioning >0 Co""issioning 1* 10 00 DUM19AITERS 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> of of of of of of Du" bwaiters 2le!ators 2scalators and /o!ing 5al?s Lifts Turntables Scaffolding

1* 11 00 M n# & D#m.2 iters 1* 1" 00 E&e$tri$ D#m.2 iters 1* 1* 00 7'dr #&i$ D#m.2 iters

1* "0 00 E0EVATORS
1* "1 00 E&e$tri$ Tr $ti!n E&ev t!rs
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 21 21 21 21 2, 2, 2, 2, 13 23 33 ,3 13 23 33 ,3 2lectric 2lectric 2lectric 2lectric Traction Traction Traction Traction :reight 2le!ators Passenger 2le!ators 'esidential 2le!ators Ser!ice 2le!ators

1* "* 00 7'dr #&i$ E&ev t!rs

7+draulic 7+draulic 7+draulic 7+draulic :reight 2le!ators Passenger 2le!ators 'esidential 2le!ators Ser!ice 2le!ators

1* "- 00 0imited=UseC0imited=A%%&i$ ti!n E&ev t!rs 1* "5 00 C#st!m E&ev t!r C .s

1, 27 13 Custo" 2le!ator Cab :inishes

1* "; 00 E&ev t!r E<#i%ment

1, 2> 13 2le!ator Doors 1, 2> 1$ 2le!ator Controls 1, 2> 1& 2le!ator 2(ui)"ent

nd C!ntr!&s

1, 2> 1&-13 2le!ator Safet+ 2(ui)"ent 1, 2> 1&-1$ 2le!ator 7oistwa+ 2(ui)"ent


1* (1 00 Es$ & t!rs 1* (" 00 M!vin, 9 &:s 1* (( 00 M!vin, R m%s
1, 33 13 /otori8ed 'a")s 1, 33 1$ Powered 'a")s 1* *0 00 0IFTS

1* *1 00 Pe!%&e 0i)ts
1, ,1 13 Counterbalanced Peo)le Lifts 1, ,1 1$ 2ndless1#elt Peo)le Lifts

1* *" 00 93ee&$3 ir 0i)ts

1, ,2 13 %nclined 5heelchair Lifts 1, ,2 1$ 4ertical 5heelchair Lifts

1* *( 00 P& t)!rm 0i)ts

1, ,3 13 Brchestra Lifts 1, ,3 1$ Stage Lifts

1* ** 00 Side2 &: 0i)ts 1* *+ 00 Ve3i$&e 0i)ts

14 50 00 Unassigned 14 60 00 Unassigned 1* 50 00 TURNTA10ES

1* 51 00 Ind#stri & T#rnt .&es
1, 71 11 4ehicle Turntables

1* 5" 00 7!s%it &it' T#rnt .&es

1, 72 25 'estaurant Turntables

1* 5( 00 E> T#rnt .&es

1, 73 5& Dis)la+ Turntables

1* 5* 00 Entert inment T#rnt .&es

1, 7, $1 Stage Turntables 1* ;0 00 SCAFFO0DING

1* ;1 00 S#s%ended S$ ))!&din,
1, >1 13 #ea" Scaffolding 1, >1 1$ Carriage Scaffolding 1, >1 1& 7oo? Scaffolding

1* ;" 00 R!%e C&im.ers

1, >2 13 /anual 'o)e Cli"bers 1, >2 1$ Powered 'o)e Cli"bers

1* ;( 00 E&ev tin, P& t)!rms

1, >3 13 Telesco)ing Platfor" Lifts
1, >3 13-13 2lectric and #atter+ Telesco)ing Platfor" Lifts 1, >3 13-1$ Pneu"atic Telesco)ing Platfor" Lifts

1, >3 1$ Scissor Lift Platfor"s 1, >3 1& /ulti1 3is Platfor" Lifts

1* ;* 00 P!2ered S$ ))!&din,
1, >, 13 5indow 5ashing Scaffolding

1, >, 23 5indow 5ashing 7oists 1* 60 00 OT7ER CONVEYING EQUIPMENT

1* 61 00 F $i&it' C3#tes
1, 1, 1, 1, &1 &1 &1 &1 13 23 33 >2 Coal Chutes 2sca)e Chutes Laundr+ and Linen Chutes Trash Chutes

1* 6" 00 Pne#m ti$ T#.e S'stems


"1 01 00 O%er ti!n nd M inten n$e !) Fire S#%%ressi!n
21 01 10 B)eration and /aintenance of 5ater1#ased :ire1Su))ression S+ste"s 21 01 20 B)eration and /aintenance of :ire123tinguishing S+ste"s 21 01 30 B)eration and /aintenance of :ire1Su))ression 2(ui)"ent

"1 0+ 00 C!mm!n 9!r: Res#&ts )!r Fire S#%%ressi!n

21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 13 1$ 1& 23 2& 33 ,> 53 Co""on /otor 'e(uire"ents for :ire1Su))ression 2(ui)"ent 23)ansion :ittings and Loo)s for :ire1Su))ression Pi)ing /eters and 9ages for :ire1Su))ression S+ste"s 9eneral1Dut+ 4al!es for 5ater1#ased :ire1Su))ression Pi)ing 7angers and Su))orts for :ire1Su))ression Pi)ing and 2(ui)"ent 7eat Tracing for :ire1Su))ression Pi)ing 4ibration and Seis"ic Controls for :ire1Su))ression Pi)ing and 2(ui)"ent %dentification for :ire1Su))ression Pi)ing and 2(ui)"ent

"1 0- 00 S$3ed#&es )!r Fire S#%%ressi!n

21 0$ 10 Schedules for 5ater1#ased :ire1Su))ression S+ste"s 21 0$ 20 Schedules for :ire123tinguishing S+ste"s 21 0$ 30 Schedules for :ire1Su))ression 2(ui)"ent

"1 05 00 Fire S#%%ressi!n S'stems Ins#& ti!n

21 07 1$ :ire1Su))ression 2(ui)"ent %nsulation 21 07 1& :ire1Su))ression Pi)ing %nsulation

"1 0; 00 C!mmissi!nin, !) Fire S#%%ressi!n "1 06 00 Instr#ment ti!n nd C!ntr!& )!r Fire=S#%%ressi!n S'stems


"1 11 00 F $i&it' Fire=S#%%ressi!n 9 ter=Servi$e Pi%in,
21 11 1$ :acilit+ :ire 7+drants 21 11 1& :ire1De)art"ent Connections

"1 1" 00 Fire=S#%%ressi!n St nd%i%es

21 21 21 21 21 12 12 12 12 12 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ :ire1Su))ression :ire1Su))ression :ire1Su))ression :ire1Su))ression :ire1Su))ression 7oses and Ao88les 7ose 'eels 7ose 'ac?s 7ose 4al!es 4al!e and 7ose Cabinets

"1 1( 00 Fire=S#%%ressi!n S%rin:&er S'stems

21 13 13 5et1Pi)e S)rin?ler S+ste"s 21 13 1$ Dr+1Pi)e S)rin?ler S+ste"s 21 13 1& Preaction S)rin?ler S+ste"s

23 Co"bined Dr+1Pi)e and Preaction S)rin?ler S+ste"s 2$ Deluge :ire1Su))ression S)rin?ler S+ste"s 2& 5ater S)ra+ :i3ed S+ste"s 3$ ntifree8e S)rin?ler S+ste"s 3& :oa"15ater S+ste"s "1 "0 00 FIRE=E?TINGUIS7ING SYSTEMS

21 21 21 21 21

13 13 13 13 13

"1 "1 00 C r.!n=Di!>ide Fire=E>tin,#is3in, S'stems

21 21 13 Carbon1Dio3ide :ire123tinguishing Pi)ing 21 21 1$ Carbon1Dio3ide :ire123tinguishing 2(ui)"ent

"1 "" 00 C&e n=A,ent Fire=E>tin,#is3in, S'stems

21 22 13 Clean1 gent :ire123tinguishing Pi)ing 21 22 1$ Clean1 gent :ire123tinguishing 2(ui)"ent

"1 "( 00 9et=C3emi$ & Fire=E>tin,#is3in, S'stems

21 23 13 5et1Che"ical :ire123tinguishing Pi)ing 21 23 1$ 5et1Che"ical :ire123tinguishing 2(ui)"ent

"1 "* 00 Dr'=C3emi$ & Fire=E>tin,#is3in, S'stems

21 2, 13 Dr+1Che"ical :ire123tinguishing Pi)ing 21 2, 1$ Dr+1Che"ical :ire123tinguishing 2(ui)"ent "1 (0 00 FIRE PUMPS

"1 (1 00 Centri)#, & Fire P#m%s

21 31 13 2lectric1Dri!e6 Centrifugal :ire Pu")s 21 31 1$ Diesel1Dri!e6 Centrifugal :ire Pu")s

"1 (" 00 Verti$ &=T#r.ine Fire P#m%s

21 32 13 2lectric1Dri!e6 4ertical1Turbine :ire Pu")s 21 32 1$ Diesel1Dri!e6 4ertical1Turbine :ire Pu")s

"1 (( 00 P!sitive=Dis%& $ement Fire P#m%s

21 33 13 2lectric1Dri!e6 Positi!e1Dis)lace"ent :ire Pu")s 21 33 1$ Diesel1Dri!e6 Positi!e1Dis)lace"ent :ire Pu")s "1 *0 00 FIRE=SUPPRESSION 9ATER STORAGE

"1 *1 00 St!r ,e T n:s )!r Fire=S#%%ressi!n 9 ter

21 21 21 21 21 21 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 2& Pressuri8ed Storage Tan?s for :ire1Su))ression 5ater 2le!ated Storage Tan?s for :ire1Su))ression 5ater 'oof1/ounted Storage Tan?s for :ire1Su))ression 5ater 9round Suction Storage Tan?s for :ire1Su))ression 5ater <nderground Storage Tan?s for :ire1Su))ression 5ater Storage Tan?s for :ire1Su))ression 5ater dditi!es

21 21 21 21 21

50 60 70 80 90

00 00 00 00 00

Unassigned Unassigned Unassigned Unassigned Unassigned


"" 01 00 O%er ti!n nd M inten n$e !) P&,
22 01 10 B)eration and /aintenance of Plu"bing Pi)ing and Pu")s

22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22

01 01 01 01 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05

30 ,0 50 $0 13 1$ 1& 23 2& 33 ,> 53 73 7$

B)eration B)eration B)eration B)eration

and and and and

/aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance

of of of of

Plu"bing 2(ui)"ent Plu"bing :i3tures Pool and :ountain Plu"bing S+ste"s Laborator+ and 7ealthcare S+ste"s

"" 0+ 00 C!mm!n 9!r: Res#&ts )!r P&,

Co""on /otor 'e(uire"ents for Plu"bing 2(ui)"ent 23)ansion :ittings and Loo)s for Plu"bing Pi)ing /eters and 9ages for Plu"bing Pi)ing 9eneral1Dut+ 4al!es for Plu"bing Pi)ing 7angers and Su))orts for Plu"bing Pi)ing and 2(ui)"ent 7eat Tracing for Plu"bing Pi)ing 4ibration and Seis"ic Controls for Plu"bing Pi)ing and 2(ui)"ent %dentification for Plu"bing Pi)ing and 2(ui)"ent :acilit+ Drainage /anholes :acilit+ Drainage Pi)ing Cleanouts

"" 0- 00 S$3ed#&es )!r P&,

22 0$ 10 Schedules for Plu"bing Pi)ing and Pu")s
22 0$ 10-13 Plu"bing Pu") Schedule

22 0$ 12 Schedules for :acilit+ Potable 5ater Storage 22 0$ 15 Schedules for 9eneral Ser!ice Co")ressed1 ir 2(ui)"ent 22 0$ 30 Schedules for Plu"bing 2(ui)"ent
22 0$ 30-13 Do"estic 5ater 7eater Schedule

22 0$ ,0 Schedules for Plu"bing :i3tures

22 0$ ,0-13 Plu"bing :i3ture Schedule

22 0$ 50 Schedules for Pool and :ountain Plu"bing S+ste"s 22 0$ $0 Schedules for Laborator+ and 7ealthcare S+ste"s

"" 05 00 P&, Ins#& ti!n

22 07 1$ Plu"bing 2(ui)"ent %nsulation 22 07 1& Plu"bing Pi)ing %nsulation

"" 0; 00 C!mmissi!nin, !) P&, "" 06 00 Instr#ment ti!n nd C!ntr!& )!r P&,


"" 11 00 F $i&it' 9 ter Distri.#ti!n
22 22 22 22 11 11 11 11
22 22 22 22 22 22

13 1$ 1& 23
11 11 11 11 11 11

:acilit+ 5ater Distribution Pi)ing Do"estic 5ater Pi)ing Do"estic 5ater Pi)ing S)ecialties Do"estic 5ater Pu")s
23-13 23-23 23-2$ 23-2& 23-33 23-3$ Do"estic15ater Pac?aged #ooster Pu")s Close1Cou)led6 %n1Line6 Sealless Centrifugal Do"estic15ater Pu")s Close1Cou)led6 7ori8ontall+ /ounted6 %n1Line Centrifugal Do"estic15ater Pu")s Close1Cou)led6 4erticall+ /ounted6 %n1Line Centrifugal Do"estic15ater Pu")s Se)aratel+ Cou)led6 %n1Line Centrifugal Do"estic15ater Pu")s Se)aratel+ Cou)led6 7ori8ontall+ /ounted6 %n1Line Centrifugal Do"estic15ater Pu")s

"" 1" 00 F $i&it' P!t .&e=9 ter St!r ,e T n:s

22 12 13 :acilit+ 'oof1/ounted6 Potable15ater Storage Tan?s 22 12 1$ :acilit+ 2le!ated6 Potable15ater Storage Tan?s 22 12 1& :acilit+ 9round1/ounted6 Potable15ater Storage Tan?s

22 12 23 :acilit+ %ndoor Potable15ater Storage Tan?s

22 22 22 22 12 12 12 12 23-13 23-1$ 23-23 23-2$ :acilit+ :acilit+ :acilit+ :acilit+ Steel6 %ndoor Potable15ater Storage Pressure Tan?s Steel6 %ndoor Potable15ater Storage Aon1Pressure Tan?s Plastic6 %ndoor Potable15ater Storage Pressure Tan?s Plastic6 %ndoor Potable15ater Storage Aon1Pressure Tan?s

"" 1( 00 F $i&it' S nit r' Se2er ,e

22 13 13 :acilit+ Sanitar+ Sewers 22 13 1$ Sanitar+ 5aste and 4ent Pi)ing 22 13 1& Sanitar+ 5aste Pi)ing S)ecialties
22 22 22 22 22 13 13 13 13 13 1&-13 1&-23 1&-2$ 1&-33 1&-3$ Sanitar+ Drains :ats6 Bils6 and 9rease Dis)osal S+ste"s 9rease 'e"o!al De!ices #ac?water 4al!es ir1 d"ittance 4al!es

22 13 23 Sanitar+ 5aste %nterce)tors 22 13 2$ Sanitar+ 5aste Se)arators 22 13 2& Sanitar+ Sewerage Pu")s
22 22 22 22 13 13 13 13 2&-13 2&-1$ 2&-23 2&-33 5et1Pit1/ounted6 4ertical Sewerage Pu")s Sub"ersible Sewerage Pu")s Sewerage Pu") 'e!erse1:low sse"blies Sewerage Pu") #asins and Pits

22 13 33 Pac?aged6 Sub"ersible Sewerage Pu") <nits 22 13 3$ Pac?aged6 5astewater Pu") <nits 22 13 ,3 :acilit+ Pac?aged Sewage Pu")ing Stations
22 13 ,3-13 :acilit+ Dr+15ell Pac?aged Sewage Pu")ing Stations 22 13 ,3-1$ :acilit+ 5et15ell Pac?aged Sewage Pu")ing Stations

22 13 53 :acilit+ Se)tic Tan?s

"" 1* 00 F $i&it' St!rm Dr in ,e

22 22 22 22 22 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ :acilit+ Stor" Drainage Pi)ing 'ainwater Leaders Su") Pu") Discharge Pi)ing Stor" Drainage Pi)ing S)ecialties :acilit+ Stor" Drains

22 1, 2$-13 'oof Drains 22 1, 2$-1$ :acilit+ rea Drains 22 1, 2$-1& :acilit+ Trench Drains

22 1, 2& Su") Pu")s

22 1, 2&-13 5et1Pit1/ounted6 4ertical Su") Pu")s 22 1, 2&-1$ Sub"ersible Su") Pu")s 22 1, 2&-1& Su")1Pu") #asins and Pits

22 1, 33 Pac?aged6 Pedestal Drainage Pu") <nits 22 1, 3$ Pac?aged6 Sub"ersible6 Drainage Pu") <nits

"" 1+ 00 Gener & Servi$e C!m%ressed=Air S'stems

22 15 13 9eneral Ser!ice Co")ressed1 ir Pi)ing 22 15 1$ 9eneral Ser!ice Co")ressed1 ir 4al!es 22 15 1& 9eneral Ser!ice Pac?aged ir Co")ressors and 'ecei!ers
22 15 1&-13 9eneral Ser!ice Pac?aged 'eci)rocating ir Co")ressors 22 15 1&-1$ 9eneral Ser!ice Pac?aged Li(uid1'ing ir Co")ressors 22 15 1&-1& 9eneral Ser!ice Pac?aged 'otar+1Screw ir Co")ressors

22 15 1&-23 9eneral Ser!ice Pac?aged Sliding14ane

ir Co")ressors

22 20 00 Unassigned "" (0 00 P0UM1ING EQUIPMENT

"" (1 00 D!mesti$ 9 ter S!)teners
22 31 13 'esidential Do"estic 5ater Softeners 22 31 1$ Co""ercial Do"estic 5ater Softeners

"" (" 00 D!mesti$ 9 ter Fi&tr ti!n E<#i%ment

22 22 22 22 22 32 32 32 32 32 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ Do"estic15ater Do"estic15ater Do"estic15ater Do"estic15ater Do"estic15ater #ag1T+)e :ilters :reestanding Cartridge :ilters Bff1:loor Cartridge :ilters Carbon :ilters Sand :ilters

22 32 2$-13 Do"estic15ater Circulating Sand :ilters 22 32 2$-1$ Do"estic15ater /ulti"edia Sand :ilters 22 32 2$-1& Do"estic15ater 9reensand :ilters

"" (( 00 E&e$tri$ D!mesti$ 9 ter 7e ters

22 33 13 %nstantaneous 2lectric Do"estic 5ater 7eaters
22 33 13-13 :low1Control6 %nstantaneous 2lectric Do"estic 5ater 7eaters 22 33 13-1$ Ther"ostat1Control6 %nstantaneous 2lectric Do"estic 5ater 7eaters

22 33 30 'esidential6 2lectric Do"estic 5ater 7eaters

22 33 30-13 'esidential6 S"all1Ca)acit+ 2lectric Do"estic 5ater 7eaters 22 33 30-1$ 'esidential6 Storage 2lectric Do"estic 5ater 7eaters 22 33 30-23 'esidential6 Collector1to1Tan?6 Solar12lectric Do"estic 5ater 7eaters 22 33 30-2$ 'esidential6 Collector1to1Tan?6 7eat123changer1Coil6 Solar12lectric Do"estic 5ater 7eaters

22 33 33 Light1Co""ercial 2lectric Do"estic 5ater 7eaters 22 33 3$ Co""ercial Do"estic 5ater 2lectric #ooster 7eaters
22 33 3$-13 Co""ercial Do"estic 5ater 2lectric #ooster 7eaters 22 33 3$-1$ Co""ercial Storage 2lectric Do"estic 5ater 7eaters

"" (* 00 F#e&=Fired D!mesti$ 9 ter 7e ters

22 3, 13 %nstantaneous6 Tan?less6 9as Do"estic 5ater 7eaters 22 3, 30 'esidential 9as Do"estic 5ater 7eaters
22 3, 30-13 'esidential6 t"os)heric6 9as Do"estic 5ater 7eaters 22 3, 30-1$ 'esidential6 Direct14ent6 9as Do"estic 5ater 7eaters 22 3, 30-1& 'esidential6 Power14ent6 9as Do"estic 5ater 7eaters

22 3, 3$ Co""ercial 9as Do"estic 5ater 7eaters

22 22 22 22 22 22 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3$-13 3$-1$ 3$-1& 3$-23 3$-2$ 3$-2& Co""ercial6 t"os)heric6 9as Do"estic 5ater 7eaters Co""ercial6 Power1#urner6 9as Do"estic 5ater 7eaters Co""ercial6 Power14ent6 9as Do"estic 5ater 7eaters Co""ercial6 7igh12fficienc+6 9as Do"estic 5ater 7eaters Co""ercial6 Coil1T+)e6 :inned1Tube6 9as Do"estic 5ater 7eaters Co""ercial6 9rid1T+)e6 :inned1Tube6 9as Do"estic 5ater 7eaters

22 3, ,$ Bil1:ired Do"estic 5ater 7eaters

22 3, ,$-13 Large1Ca)acit+6 Bil1:ired Do"estic 5ater 7eaters

22 3, 5$ Dual1:uel1:ired Do"estic 5ater 7eaters

"" (+ 00 D!mesti$ 9 ter 7e t E>$3 n,ers

22 35 13 %nstantaneous Do"estic 5ater 7eat 23changers
22 35 13-13 7eating1:luid1in1Coil6 %nstantaneous Do"estic 5ater 7eat 23changers 22 35 13-1$ Do"estic15ater1in1Coil6 %nstantaneous Do"estic 5ater 7eat 23changers

22 35 13-1& 7eating1:luid1in1<1Tube1Coil6 %nstantaneous Do"estic 5ater 7eat 23changers

22 35 23 Circulating6 Do"estic 5ater 7eat 23changers

22 35 23-13 Circulating6 Co")act Do"estic 5ater 7eat 23changers 22 35 23-1$ Circulating6 Storage Do"estic 5ater 7eat 23changers

22 35 2& Aoncirculating6 Do"estic 5ater 7eat 23changers

22 35 2&-13 Aoncirculating6 Co")act Do"estic 5ater 7eat 23changers 22 35 2&-1$ Aoncirculating6 Storage Do"estic 5ater 7eat 23changers

22 35 3$ Do"estic 5ater #ra8ed1Plate 7eat 23changers 22 35 3& Do"estic 5ater :ra"e1and1Plate 7eat 23changers 22 35 ,3 Do"estic 5ater 7eat 'eclai"ers "" *0 00 P0UM1ING FI?TURES

"" *1 00 Residenti & P&, Fi>t#res

22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 3$ 3& 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 2& 33 3$ 3& ,3 13 1$ 1& 23 3& ,3 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 2& 33 3$ 'esidential 'esidential 'esidential 'esidential 'esidential 'esidential 'esidential 5ater Closets6 <rinals6 and #idets La!atories and Sin?s #athtubs Shower 'ece)tors and #asins Dis)osers Laundr+ Tra+s :aucets6 Su))lies6 and Tri"

"" *" 00 C!mmer$i & P&, Fi>t#res

Co""ercial 5ater Closets6 <rinals6 and #idets Co""ercial La!atories and Sin?s Co""ercial #athtubs Co""ercial Shower 'ece)tors and #asins Co""ercial Dis)osers Sha")oo #owls 5ash :ountains Co""ercial Laundr+ Tra+s Co""ercial :aucets6 Su))lies6 and Tri" :lusho"eters 7ealthcare 7ealthcare 7ealthcare 7ealthcare 7ealthcare 7ealthcare 5ater Closets Sin?s #athtubs and Showers Shower 'ece)tors and #asins :aucets Plu"bing :i3ture :lusho"eters

"" *( 00 7e &t3$ re P&, Fi>t#res

"" *+ 00 Emer,en$' P&, Fi>t#res

2"ergenc+ Showers 2+ewash 2(ui)"ent Self1Contained 2+ewash 2(ui)"ent Personal 2+ewash 2(ui)"ent 2+e=:ace 5ash 2(ui)"ent 7and17eld 2"ergenc+ Drench 7oses Co"bination 2"ergenc+ :i3ture <nits 2"ergenc+ :i3ture 5ater1Te")ering 2(ui)"ent

"" *- 00 Se$#rit' P&, Fi>t#res

22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22

,$ ,$ ,$ ,$ ,$ ,7 ,7 ,7 ,7

13 1$ 3& ,3 53

Securit+ Securit+ Securit+ Securit+ Securit+

5ater Closets and <rinals La!atories and Sin?s :aucets6 Su))lies6 and Tri" Plu"bing :i3ture :lusho"eters Plu"bing :i3ture Su))orts

"" *5 00 Drin:in, F!#nt ins

nd 9 ter C!!&ers

13 Drin?ing :ountains 1$ Pressure 5ater Coolers 1& 5ater1Station 5ater Coolers 23 'e"ote 5ater Coolers "" +0 00 POO0 AND FOUNTAIN P0UM1ING SYSTEMS

"" +1 00 S2immin, P!!& P&, S'stems

22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 51 51 51 51 52 52 52 52 13 1$ 1& 23 Swi""ing Swi""ing Swi""ing Swi""ing Pool Pool Pool Pool Pi)ing Pu")s 5ater Treat"ent 2(ui)"ent 2(ui)"ent Controls

"" +" 00 F!#nt in P&, S'stems

13 :ountain Pi)ing 1$ :ountain Pu")s 1& :ountain 5ater Treat"ent 2(ui)"ent 23 :ountain 2(ui)"ent Controls "" -0 00 GAS AND VACUUM SYSTEMS FOR 0A1ORATORY


"" -1 00 C!m%ressed=Air S'stems )!r 0 .!r t!r'
22 $1 13-53 Laborator+ Co")ressed1 ir Pi)ing 22 $1 13-70 7ealthcare Co")ressed1 ir Pi)ing 22 $1 13-7, Dental Co")ressed1 ir Pi)ing

nd 7e &t3$ re F $i&ities

22 $1 13 Co")ressed1 ir Pi)ing for Laborator+ and 7ealthcare :acilities

22 $1 1& Co")ressed1 ir 2(ui)"ent for Laborator+ and 7ealthcare :acilities

22 $1 1&-53 Laborator+ Co")ressed1 ir 2(ui)"ent 22 $1 1&-70 7ealthcare Co")ressed1 ir 2(ui)"ent 22 $1 1&-7, Dental Co")ressed1 ir 2(ui)"ent

"" -" 00 V $##m S'stems )!r 0 .!r t!r'

22 $2 13-53 Laborator+ 4acuu" Pi)ing 22 $2 13-70 7ealthcare6 Surgical 4acuu" Pi)ing 22 $2 13-7, Dental 4acuu" Pi)ing

nd 7e &t3$ re F $i&ities

22 $2 13 4acuu" Pi)ing for Laborator+ and 7ealthcare :acilities

22 $2 1& 4acuu" 2(ui)"ent for Laborator+ and 7ealthcare :acilities

22 $2 1&-53 Laborator+ 4acuu" 2(ui)"ent 22 $2 1&-70 7ealthcare 4acuu" 2(ui)"ent 22 $2 1&-7, Dental 4acuu" and 2!acuation 2(ui)"ent

22 $2 23 5aste

nesthesia19as Pi)ing

"" -( 00 G s S'stems )!r 0 .!r t!r'

22 $3 13-53 Laborator+ 9as Pi)ing 22 $3 13-70 7ealthcare 9as Pi)ing

nd 7e &t3$ re F $i&ities

22 $3 13 9as Pi)ing for Laborator+ and 7ealthcare :acilities 22 $3 1& 9as Storage Tan?s for Laborator+ and 7ealthcare :acilities
22 $3 1&-53 Laborator+ 9as Storage Tan?s

22 $3 1&-70 7ealthcare 9as Storage Tan?s

"" -- 00 C3emi$ &=9 ste S'stems )!r 0 .!r t!r'

22 $$ 53 Laborator+ Che"ical15aste and 4ent Pi)ing 22 $$ 70 7ealthcare Che"ical15aste and 4ent Pi)ing 22 $$ >3 Che"ical15aste Tan?s
22 $$ >3-13 Che"ical15aste Dilution Tan?s 22 $$ >3-1$ Che"ical15aste Aeutrali8ation Tan?s

nd 7e &t3$ re F $i&ities

"" -5 00 Pr!$essed 9 ter S'stems )!r 0 .!r t!r'

22 $7 13-13 Distilled15ater Pi)ing 22 $7 13-1$ 'e!erse1Bs"osis 5ater Pi)ing 22 $7 13-1& Deioni8ed15ater Pi)ing

nd 7e &t3$ re F $i&ities

22 $7 13 Processed 5ater Pi)ing for Laborator+ and 7ealthcare :acilities

22 $7 1& Processed 5ater 2(ui)"ent for Laborator+ and 7ealthcare :acilities

22 $7 1&-13 Distilled15ater 2(ui)"ent 22 $7 1&-1$ 'e!erse1Bs"osis 5ater 2(ui)"ent 22 $7 1&-1& Deioni8ed15ater 2(ui)"ent

22 70 00 Unassigned 22 80 00 Unassigned 22 90 00 Unassigned

"( 01 00 O%er ti!n nd M inten n$e !) 7VAC S'stems
23 01 10 B)eration and /aintenance of :acilit+ :uel S+ste"s 23 01 20 B)eration and /aintenance of 74 C Pi)ing and Pu")s 23 01 30 B)eration and /aintenance of 74 C ir Distribution
23 01 30-51 74 C ir Duct Cleaning

23 01 50 B)eration and /aintenance of Central 7eating 2(ui)"ent 23 01 $0 B)eration and /aintenance of Central Cooling 2(ui)"ent
23 01 $0-71 'efrigerant 'eco!er+='ec+cling

23 01 70 B)eration and /aintenance of Central 74 C 2(ui)"ent 23 01 >0 B)eration and /aintenance of Decentrali8ed 74 C 2(ui)"ent 23 01 &0 Diagnostic S+ste"s for 74 C

"( 0+ 00 C!mm!n 9!r: Res#&ts )!r 7VAC

23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 13 1$ 1& 23 2& 33 ,> 53 $3 $$ &3 Co""on /otor 'e(uire"ents for 74 C 2(ui)"ent 23)ansion :ittings and Loo)s for 74 C Pi)ing /eters and 9ages for 74 C Pi)ing 9eneral1Dut+ 4al!es for 74 C Pi)ing 7angers and Su))orts for 74 C Pi)ing and 2(ui)"ent 7eat Tracing for 74 C Pi)ing 4ibration and Seis"ic Controls for 74 C Pi)ing and 2(ui)"ent %dentification for 74 C Pi)ing and 2(ui)"ent nti1/icrobial Coatings for 74 C Ducts and 2(ui)"ent nti1/icrobial <ltra!iolet 2"itters for 74 C Ducts and 2(ui)"ent Testing6 djusting6 and #alancing for 74 C

"( 0- 00 S$3ed#&es )!r 7VAC

23 0$ 10 Schedules for :acilit+ :uel Ser!ice S+ste"s 23 0$ 20 Schedules for 74 C Pi)ing and Pu")s

23 0$ 20-13 7+dronic Pu") Schedule

23 0$ 30 Schedules for 74 C
23 23 23 23 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$

ir Distribution

30-13 74 C :an Schedule 30-1$ ir Ter"inal <nit Schedule 30-1& ir Butlet and %nlet Schedule 30-23 74 C ir Cleaning De!ice Schedule

23 0$ 50 Schedules for Central 7eating 2(ui)"ent

23 0$ 50-13 7eating #oiler Schedule

23 0$ $0 Schedules for Central Cooling 2(ui)"ent

23 0$ $0-13 'efrigerant Condenser Schedule 23 0$ $0-1$ Pac?aged 5ater Chiller Schedule

23 0$ 70 Schedules for Central 74 C 2(ui)"ent

23 0$ 70-13 %ndoor6 Central1Station ir17andling <nit Schedule 23 0$ 70-1$ Pac?aged Butdoor 74 C 2(ui)"ent Schedule

23 0$ >0 Schedules for Decentrali8ed 74 C 2(ui)"ent

23 0$ >0-13 Decentrali8ed <nitar+ 74 C 2(ui)"ent Schedule 23 0$ >0-1$ Con!ection 7eating and Cooling <nit Schedule 23 0$ >0-1& 'adiant 7eating <nit Schedule

"( 05 00 7VAC Ins#& ti!n

23 07 13 Duct %nsulation 23 07 1$ 74 C 2(ui)"ent %nsulation 23 07 1& 74 C Pi)ing %nsulation

"( 0; 00 C!mmissi!nin, !) 7VAC "( 06 00 Instr#ment ti!n nd C!ntr!& )!r 7VAC

23 0& 13 %nstru"entation and Control De!ices for 74 C
23 23 23 23 0& 0& 0& 0& 13-13 ctuators and B)erators 13-23 Sensors and Trans"itters 13-33 Control 4al!es 13-,3 Control Da")ers

23 Direct1Digital Control S+ste" for 74 C 33 2lectric and 2lectronic Control S+ste" for 74 C ,3 Pneu"atic Control S+ste" for 74 C 53 Pneu"atic and 2lectric Control S+ste" for 74 C &3 Se(uence of B)erations for 74 C Controls "( 10 00 FACI0ITY FUE0 SYSTEMS

23 23 23 23 23

0& 0& 0& 0& 0&

"( 11 00 F $i&it' F#e& Pi%in,

23 23 23 23 11 11 11 11 13 1$ 23 2$ :acilit+ :acilit+ :acilit+ :acilit+ :uel1Bil Pi)ing 9asoline Pi)ing Aatural19as Pi)ing Li(uefied1Petroleu" 9as Pi)ing

"( 1" 00 F $i&it' F#e& P#m%s

23 12 13 :acilit+ :uel1Bil Pu")s 23 12 1$ :acilit+ 9asoline Dis)ensing Pu")s

"( 1( 00 F $i&it' F#e&=St!r ,e T n:s

23 13 13 :acilit+ <nderground :uel1Bil6 Storage Tan?s
23 23 23 23 13 13 13 13 13-13 13-1$ 13-1& 13-23 Double15all Steel6 <nderground :uel1Bil6 Storage Tan?s Co")osite6 Steel6 <nderground :uel1Bil6 Storage Tan?s Cac?eted6 Steel6 <nderground :uel1Bil6 Storage Tan?s 9lass1:iber1'einforced1Plastic6 <nderground :uel1Bil6 Storage Tan?s

23 13 13-33 :uel1Bil Storage Tan? Pu")s

23 13 23 :acilit+
23 23 23 23 23 13 13 13 13 13 23-13 23-1$ 23-1& 23-23 23-2$

bo!eground :uel1Bil6 Storage Tan?s

4ertical6 Steel6 bo!eground :uel1Bil6 Storage Tan?s 7ori8ontal6 Steel6 bo!eground :uel1Bil6 Storage Tan?s Contain"ent1Di?e6 Steel6 bo!eground :uel1Bil6 Storage Tan?s %nsulated6 Steel6 bo!eground :uel1Bil6 Storage Tan?s Concrete14aulted6 Steel6 bo!eground :uel1Bil6 Storage Tan?s


"( "1 00 7'dr!ni$ Pi%in,
23 21 13 7+dronic Pi)ing
23 21 13-13 <nderground 7+dronic Pi)ing 23 21 13-23 bo!eground 7+dronic Pi)ing 23 21 13-33 9round1Loo) 7eat1Pu") Pi)ing

nd P#m%s

23 21 23 7+dronic Pu")s
23 23 23 23 21 21 21 21 23-13 23-1$ 23-1& 23-23 %n1Line Centrifugal 7+dronic Pu")s #ase1/ounted6 Centrifugal 7+dronic Pu")s 4ertical1/ounted6 Double1Suction Centrifugal 7+dronic Pu")s 4ertical1Turbine 7+dronic Pu")s

23 21 2&

uto"atic Condensate Pu") <nits

"( "" 00 Ste m

nd C!ndens te Pi%in,

nd P#m%s

23 22 13 Stea" and Condensate 7eating Pi)ing

23 22 13-13 <nderground Stea" and Condensate 7eating Pi)ing 23 22 13-23 bo!eground Stea" and Condensate 7eating Pi)ing

23 22 23 Stea" Condensate Pu")s

23 22 23-13 2lectric1Dri!en Stea" Condensate Pu")s 23 22 23-23 Pressure1Powered Stea" Condensate Pu")s

"( "( 00 Re)ri,er nt Pi%in,

23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 13 1$ 1& 23 'efrigerant Pi)ing 4al!es 'efrigerant Pi)ing S)ecialties 'efrigerant Safet+ 'elief 4al!e Discharge Pi)ing 'efrigerants

"( "* 00 Intern &=C!m.#sti!n En,ine Pi%in,

23 2, 13 %nternal1Co"bustion 2ngine 'e"ote1'adiator Coolant Pi)ing 23 2, 1$ %nternal1Co"bustion 2ngine 23haust Pi)ing

"( "+ 00 7VAC 9 ter Tre tment

5ater Treat"ent for Closed1Loo) 7+dronic S+ste"s 5ater Treat"ent for B)en 7+dronic S+ste"s 5ater Treat"ent for Stea" S+ste" :eedwater 5ater Treat"ent for 7u"idification Stea" S+ste" :eedwater "( (0 00 7VAC AIR DISTRI1UTION 23 23 23 23 25 25 25 25 13 1$ 1& 23

"( (1 00 7VAC D#$ts

23 31 13 /etal Ducts

nd C sin,s

23 31 13-13 'ectangular /etal Ducts 23 31 13-1$ 'ound and :lat1B!al S)iral Ducts 23 31 13-1& /etal Duct :ittings

23 31 1$ Aon"etal Ducts
23 31 1$-13 :ibrous19lass Ducts 23 31 1$-1$ Ther"oset :iberglass1'einforced Plastic Ducts 23 31 1$-1& P4C Ducts

23 31 1$-2$ Concrete Ducts

23 31 1& 74 C Casings

"( (" 00 Air P&en#ms

23 23 23 23 23 23 32 32 32 32 32 32

nd C3 ses

13 :abricated6 /etal ir Plenu"s 33 ir1Distribution Ceiling Plenu"s 3$ ir1Distribution :loor Plenu"s 3& ir1Distribution 5all Plenu"s ,3 ir1Distribution Chases :or"ed b+ 9eneral Construction ,> coustical ir Plenu"s

"( (( 00 Air D#$t A$$ess!ries

23 33 13 Da")ers
23 23 23 23 33 33 33 33 13-13 13-1$ 13-1& 13-23 4olu"e1Control Da")ers :ire Da")ers S"o?e1Control Da")ers #ac?draft Da")ers

23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23

33 33 33 33 33 33 3, 3, 3, 3,

1& 23 33 ,3 ,$ 53

Duct Silencers Turning 4anes Duct1/ounting ccess Doors :le3ible Connectors :le3ible Ducts Duct Liners

"( (* 00 7VAC F ns
13 3ial 74 C :ans 1$ Centrifugal 74 C :ans 23 74 C Power 4entilators 33 ir Curtains

"( (+ 00 S%e$i & E>3 #st S'stems

23 35 13 Sawdust Collection S+ste"s 23 35 1$ 2ngine 23haust S+ste"s
23 35 1$-13 Positi!e1Pressure 2ngine 23haust S+ste"s 23 35 1$-1$ /echanical 2ngine 23haust S+ste"s

"( (- 00 Air Termin & Units

23 3$ 13 Constant1 ir14olu"e <nits 23 3$ 1$ 4ariable1 ir14olu"e <nits

"( (5 00 Air O#t&ets

nd In&ets

23 37 13 Diffusers6 'egisters6 and 9 rilles 23 37 1$ :abric ir Distribution De!ices 23 37 23 74 C 9ra!it+ 4entilators

23 37 23-13 74 C 9ra!it+ Do"e 4entilators 23 37 23-1$ 74 C 9ra!it+ Lou!ered1Penthouse 4entilators 23 37 23-1& 74 C 9ra!it+ <)blast 4entilators

"( (; 00 Venti& ti!n 7!!ds

23 3> 13 Co""ercial1Ditchen 7oods
23 3> 13-13 Listed Co""ercial1Ditchen 7oods 23 3> 13-1$ Standard Co""ercial1Ditchen 7oods

23 3> 1$ :u"e 7oods "( *0 00 7VAC AIR C0EANING DEVICES

"( *1 00 P rti$#& te Air Fi&tr ti!n

23 23 23 23 23 23 23

,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1

13 1$ 1& 23 33 ,3 ,$

Panel ir :ilters 'enewable1/edia ir :ilters 5ashable ir :ilters 23tended Surface :ilters 7igh12fficienc+ Particulate :iltration <ltra1Low Penetration :iltration Su)er <ltra1Low Penetration :iltration

"( *" 00 G s=P3 se Air Fi&tr ti!n

23 ,2 13 cti!ated1Carbon ir :iltration 23 ,2 1$ Che"icall+1%")regnated dsor)tion 23 ,2 1& Catal+tic1 dsor)tion ir :iltration ir :iltration

"( *( 00 E&e$tr!ni$ Air C&e ners

23 ,3 13 5ashable 2lectronic ir Cleaners 23 ,3 1$ gglo"erator 2lectronic ir Cleaners 23 ,3 23 Self1Contained 2lectronic ir Cleaners "( +0 00 CENTRA0 7EATING EQUIPMENT

"( +1 00 1ree$3in,s8 C3imne's8

23 51 13 Draft Control De!ices
23 51 13-13 Draft1%nduction :ans 23 51 13-1$ 4ent Da")ers 23 51 13-1& #aro"etric Da")ers

nd St $:s

23 23 23 23 23

51 51 51 51 51

1$ 1& 23 33 ,3

:abricated #reechings and ccessories :abricated Stac?s 9as 4ents %nsulated Sectional Chi"ne+s :lue19as :iltration 2(ui)"ent

23 51 ,3-13 9aseous :iltration 23 51 ,3-1$ Particulate :iltration

"( +" 00 7e tin, 1!i&ers

23 52 13 2lectric #oilers 23 52 1$ Condensing #oilers
23 52 1$-13 Stainless1Steel Condensing #oilers 23 52 1$-1$ lu"inu" Condensing #oilers

23 52 1& Pulse Co"bustion #oilers 23 52 23 Cast1%ron #oilers 23 52 33 5ater1Tube #oilers

23 52 33-13 :inned 5ater1Tube #oilers 23 52 33-1$ Steel 5ater1Tube #oilers 23 52 33-1& Co))er 5ater1Tube #oilers

23 52 3& :ire1Tube #oilers

23 52 3&-13 Scotch /arine #oilers 23 52 3&-1$ Steel :ire1Tube #oilers

"( +( 00 7e tin, 1!i&er Feed2 ter E<#i%ment

23 53 13 #oiler :eedwater Pu")s 23 53 1$ Deaerators

"( +* 00 F#rn $es

23 5, 13 2lectric1'esistance :urnaces 23 5, 1$ :uel1:ired :urnaces

23 5, 1$-13 9as1:ired :urnaces 23 5, 1$-1$ Bil1:ired :urnaces

"( ++ 00 F#e&=Fired 7e ters

23 55 13 :uel1:ired Duct 7eaters
23 55 13-13 Bil1:ired Duct 7eaters 23 55 13-1$ 9as1:ired Duct 7eaters

23 55 23 9as1:ired 'adiant 7eaters 23 55 33 :uel1:ired <nit 7eaters

23 55 33-13 Bil1:ired <nit 7eaters 23 55 33-1$ 9as1:ired <nit 7eaters

"( +- 00 S!& r Ener,' 7e tin, E<#i%ment

23 5$ 13 7eating Solar Collectors
23 5$ 13-13 7eating Solar :lat1Plate Collectors 23 5$ 13-1$ 7eating Solar Concentrating Collectors 23 5$ 13-1& 7eating Solar 4acuu"1Tube Collectors

23 5$ 1$ Pac?aged Solar 7eating 2(ui)"ent

"( +5 00 7e t E>$3 n,ers )!r 7VAC

23 57 13 Stea"1to1Stea" 7eat 23changers 23 57 1$ Stea"1to15ater 7eat 23changers 23 57 1& Li(uid1to1Li(uid 7eat 23changers
23 57 1&-13 Plate1T+)e6 Li(uid1to1Li(uid 7eat 23changers 23 57 1&-1$ Shell1T+)e6 Li(uid1to1Li(uid 7eat 23changers

23 57 33 Direct 9eoe3change 7eat 23changers "( -0 00 CENTRA0 COO0ING EQUIPMENT

"( -1 00 Re)ri,er nt C!m%ress!rs

23 $1 13 Centrifugal 'efrigerant Co")ressors
23 $1 13-13 Aon1Condensable 9as Purge 2(ui)"ent

23 $1 1$ 'eci)rocating 'efrigerant Co")ressors 23 $1 1& Scroll 'efrigerant Co")ressors 23 $1 23 'otar+1Screw 'efrigerant Co")ressors

"( -" 00 P $: ,ed C!m%ress!r "( -( 00 Re)ri,er nt C!ndensers

nd C!ndenser Units

23 $2 13 Pac?aged ir1Cooled 'efrigerant Co")ressor and Condenser <nits 23 $2 23 Pac?aged 5ater1Cooled 'efrigerant Co")ressor and Condenser <nits 23 $3 13 ir1Cooled 'efrigerant Condensers 23 $3 23 5ater1Cooled 'efrigerant Condensers 23 $3 33 2!a)orati!e 'efrigerant Condensers

"( -* 00 P $: ,ed 9 ter C3i&&ers

23 $, 13 23 23 23 23 $, $, $, $, 1$ 1& 23 2$ bsor)tion 5ater Chillers Centrifugal 5ater Chillers 'eci)rocating 5ater Chillers Scroll 5ater Chillers 'otar+1Screw 5ater Chillers
23 $, 13-13 Direct1:ired bsor)tion 5ater Chillers 23 $, 13-1$ %ndirect1:ired bsor)tion 5ater Chillers

"( -+ 00 C!!&in, T!2ers

23 $5 13 :orced1Draft Cooling Towers
23 $5 13-13 B)en1Circuit6 :orced1Draft Cooling Towers

23 $5 13-1$ Closed1Circuit6 :orced1Draft Cooling Towers

23 $5 1$ Aatural1Draft Cooling Towers 23 $5 23 :ield12rected Cooling Towers 23 $5 33 Li(uid Coolers "( 50 00 CENTRA0 7VAC EQUIPMENT

"( 51 00 T3erm & St!r ,e

23 71 13 Ther"al 7eat Storage
23 23 23 23 71 71 71 71 13-13 13-1$ 13-1& 13-23 'oo" Storage 7eaters for Ther"al Storage 7eat1Pu") #oosters for Ther"al Storage Central :urnace 7eat1Storage <nits Pressuri8ed15ater Ther"al Storage Tan?s

23 71 1$ Chilled15ater Ther"al Storage 23 71 1& %ce Storage

23 23 23 23 23 71 71 71 71 71 1&-13 1&-1$ 1&-1& 1&-23 1&-2$ %nternal %ce1on1Coil Ther"al Storage 23ternal %ce1on1Coil Ther"al Storage 2nca)sulated1%ce Ther"al Storage %ce17ar!esting Ther"al Storage %ce1Slurr+ Ther"al Storage

"( 5" 00 Air=t!=Air Ener,' Re$!ver' E<#i%ment

23 23 23 23 72 72 72 72 13 1$ 1& 23 7eat15heel ir1to1 ir 2nerg+1'eco!er+ 2(ui)"ent 7eat1Pi)e ir1to1 ir 2nerg+1'eco!er+ 2(ui)"ent :i3ed1Plate ir1to1 ir 2nerg+1'eco!er+ 2(ui)"ent Pac?aged ir1to1 ir 2nerg+1'eco!er+ <nits

"( 5( 00 Ind!!r Centr &=St ti!n Air=7 nd&in, Units

23 73 13 /odular %ndoor Central1Station ir17andling <nits 23 73 23 Custo" %ndoor Central1Station ir17andling <nits 23 73 33 %ndoor %ndirect :uel1:ired 7eating and 4entilating <nits
23 73 33-13 %ndoor %ndirect Bil1:ired 7eating and 4entilating <nits 23 73 33-1$ %ndoor %ndirect 9as1:ired 7eating and 4entilating <nits

23 73 3& %ndoor6 Direct 9as1:ired 7eating and 4entilating <nits

"( 5* 00 P $: ,ed O#td!!r 7VAC E<#i%ment

23 7, 13 Pac?aged6 Butdoor6 Central1Station ir17andling <nits 23 7, 23 Pac?aged6 Butdoor6 7eating1Bnl+ /a?eu)1 ir <nits
23 7, 23-13 Pac?aged6 Direct1:ired6 Butdoor6 7eating1Bnl+ /a?eu)1 ir <nits 23 7, 23-1$ Pac?aged6 %ndirect1:ired6 Butdoor6 7eating1Bnl+ /a?eu)1 ir <nits

23 7, 33 Pac?aged6 Butdoor6 7eating and Cooling /a?eu)


"( 5+ 00 C#st!m=P $: ,ed O#td!!r 7VAC E<#i%ment

23 75 13 Custo"1Pac?aged6 Butdoor6 Central1Station ir17andling <nits 23 75 23 Custo"1Pac?aged6 Butdoor6 7eating and 4entilating /a?eu)1 ir <nits 23 75 33 Custo"1Pac?aged6 Butdoor6 7eating and Cooling /a?eu) ir1Conditioners

"( 5- 00 Ev %!r tive Air=C!!&in, E<#i%ment

23 7$ 13 Direct 2!a)orati!e ir Coolers 23 7$ 1$ %ndirect 2!a)orati!e ir Coolers 23 7$ 1& Co"bined Direct and %ndirect 2!a)orati!e "( ;0 00 DECENTRA0IBED 7VAC EQUIPMENT 23 >1 13 Pac?aged Ter"inal ir1Conditioners 23 >1 1$ 'oo" ir1Conditioners ir Coolers

"( ;1 00 De$entr &i@ed Unit r' 7VAC E<#i%ment

23 >1 1& Self1Contained 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 >1 >1 >1 >1 >2 >2 >2 >2 >2 >2 >2 >2 >2


23 >1 1&-13 S"all1Ca)acit+ Self1Contained ir1Conditioners 23 >1 1&-1$ Large1Ca)acit+ Self1Contained ir1Conditioners

23 Co")uter1'oo" ir1Conditioners 2$ S)lit1S+ste" ir1Conditioners ,3 ir1Source <nitar+ 7eat Pu")s ,$ 5ater1Source <nitar+ 7eat Pu")s

"( ;" 00 C!nve$ti!n 7e tin,

13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 2& 33 3$ 3&

nd C!!&in, Units

4alance 7eating and Cooling <nits ir Coils :an Coil <nits <nit 4entilators %nduction <nits 'adiators Con!ectors :inned1Tube 'adiation 7eaters <nit 7eaters

23 >2 3&-13 Cabinet <nit 7eaters 23 >2 3&-1$ Pro)eller <nit 7eaters 23 >2 3&-1& 5all and Ceiling <nit 7eaters

"( ;( 00 R di nt 7e tin, Units

23 >3 13 'adiant17eating 2lectric Cables
23 >3 13-1$ 'adiant17eating 2lectric /ats

23 >3 1$ 'adiant17eating 7+dronic Pi)ing 23 >3 23 'adiant17eating 2lectric Panels 23 >3 33 2lectric 'adiant 7eaters

"( ;* 00 7#midit' C!ntr!& E<#i%ment

23 >, 13 7u"idifiers 23 >, 1$ Dehu"idifiers 23 >, 1& %ndoor Pool and %ce1'in? Dehu"idification <nits

23 90 00 Unassigned


"+ 01 00 O%er ti!n nd M inten n$e !) Inte,r ted A#t!m ti!n
25 01 10 B)eration and /aintenance of %ntegrated uto"ation Aetwor? 2(ui)"ent 25 01 20 B)eration and /aintenance of %ntegrated 2(ui)"ent 25 01 30 B)eration and /aintenance of %ntegrated uto"ation %nstru"entation and Ter"inal De!ices 25 01 &0 Diagnostic S+ste"s for %ntegrated uto"ation

"+ 0+ 00 C!mm!n 9!r: Res#&ts )!r Inte,r ted A#t!m ti!n

25 05 13 Conductors and Cables for %ntegrated uto"ation 25 05 2$ 9rounding and #onding for %ntegrated uto"ation 25 05 2> Pathwa+s for %ntegrated uto"ation
25 25 25 25 05 05 05 05 2>-2& 2>-33 2>-3$ 2>-3& 7angers and Su))orts for %ntegrated uto"ation Conduits and #ac?bo3es for %ntegrated uto"ation Cable Tra+s for %ntegrated uto"ation Surface 'acewa+s for %ntegrated uto"ation

25 05 ,> 4ibration and Seis"ic Controls for %ntegrated 25 05 53 %dentification for %ntegrated uto"ation


"+ 0- 00 S$3ed#&es )!r Inte,r ted A#t!m ti!n

25 25 25 25 25 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 11 12 13 1, 30 Schedules Schedules Schedules Schedules Schedules for for for for for %ntegrated %ntegrated %ntegrated %ntegrated %ntegrated uto"ation uto"ation uto"ation uto"ation uto"ation Aetwor? Aetwor? 9atewa+s Control and /onitoring Aetwor? Local Control <nits %nstru"entation and Ter"inal De!ices

"+ 0; 00 C!mmissi!nin, !) Inte,r ted A#t!m ti!n


"+ 11 00 Inte,r ted A#t!m ti!n Net2!r: Devi$es
25 11 13 %ntegrated 25 11 1$ %ntegrated 25 11 1& %ntegrated 25 25 25 25 12 12 12 12 13 1$ 1& 23 uto"ation Aetwor? Ser!ers uto"ation Aetwor? 'outers6 #ridges6 Switches6 7ubs6 and /ode"s uto"ation Aetwor? B)erator 5or?stations

"+ 1" 00 Inte,r ted A#t!m ti!n Net2!r: G te2 's

7ardwired %ntegration Aetwor? 9atewa+s Direct1Protocol %ntegration Aetwor? 9atewa+s Aeutral1Protocol %ntegration Aetwor? 9atewa+s Client1Ser!er %nfor"ation=Database %ntegration Aetwor? 9atewa+s

"+ 1( 00 Inte,r ted A#t!m ti!n C!ntr!&

25 13 13 %ntegrated 25 13 1$ %ntegrated 25 13 1& %ntegrated 25 25 25 25 1, 1, 1, 1, 13 1$ 1& 23 %ntegrated %ntegrated %ntegrated %ntegrated

nd M!nit!rin, Net2!r:

uto"ation Control and /onitoring Aetwor? Su)er!isor+ Control uto"ation Control and /onitoring Aetwor? %ntegration Panels uto"ation Control and /onitoring Aetwor? %ntero)erabilit+ uto"ation 'e"ote Control Panels uto"ation ))lication1S)ecific Control Panels uto"ation Ter"inal Control <nits uto"ation :ield 2(ui)"ent Panels uto"ation Software for Aetwor? 9atewa+s uto"ation Software for Control and /onitoring Aetwor?s uto"ation Software for Local Control <nits

"+ 1* 00 Inte,r ted A#t!m ti!n 0!$ & C!ntr!& Units

"+ 1+ 00 Inte,r ted A#t!m ti!n S!)t2 re

25 15 13 %ntegrated 25 15 1$ %ntegrated 25 15 1& %ntegrated


"+ (1 00 Inte,r ted A#t!m ti!n Instr#ment )!r F $i&it' E<#i%ment "+ (" 00 Inte,r ted A#t!m ti!n Instr#ment )!r C!nve'in, E<#i%ment "+ (( 00 Inte,r ted A#t!m ti!n Instr#ment )!r Fire=S#%%ressi!nS'stems "+ (* 00 Inte,r ted A#t!m ti!n Instr#ment )!r P&, "+ (+ 00 Inte,r ted A#t!m ti!n Instr#ment )!r 7VAC
25 35 13 %ntegrated uto"ation

ti!n ti!n ti!n ti!n ti!n

nd Termin & Devi$es nd Termin & Devi$es nd Termin & Devi$es nd Termin & Devi$es nd Termin & Devi$es

ctuators and B)erators

25 25 25 25

35 35 35 35

1$ 1& 23 2$

%ntegrated %ntegrated %ntegrated %ntegrated

uto"ation uto"ation uto"ation uto"ation

Sensors and Trans"itters Control 4al!es Control Da")ers Co")ressed ir Su))l+

"+ (- 00 Inte,r ted A#t!m ti!n Instr#ment ti!n )!r E&e$tri$ & S'stems
25 25 25 25 25 25 3$ 3$ 3$ 3$ 3$ 3$ 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 2& %ntegrated %ntegrated %ntegrated %ntegrated %ntegrated %ntegrated uto"ation uto"ation uto"ation uto"ation uto"ation uto"ation Power /eters D5 Transducers Current Sensors #atter+ /onitors Lighting 'ela+s <PS /onitors

nd Termin & Devi$es

"+ (5 00 Inte,r ted A#t!m ti!n Instr#ment ti!n nd Termin & Devi$es )!r C!mm#ni$ ti!ns S'stems "+ (; 00 Inte,r ted A#t!m ti!n Instr#ment ti!n nd Termin & Devi$es )!r E&e$tr!ni$ S )et' nd Se$#rit' S'stems


"+ "+ "+ "+ "+ "+ "+ "+ +1 +" +( +* ++ ++5 +; 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Inte,r Inte,r Inte,r Inte,r Inte,r Inte,r Inte,r Inte,r ted ted ted ted ted ted ted ted A#t!m A#t!m A#t!m A#t!m A#t!m A#t!m A#t!m A#t!m ti!n ti!n ti!n ti!n ti!n ti!n ti!n ti!n C!ntr!& C!ntr!& C!ntr!& C!ntr!& C!ntr!& C!ntr!& C!ntr!& C!ntr!& !) !) !) !) !) !) !) !)

F $i&it' E<#i%ment C!nve'in, E<#i%ment Fire=S#%%ressi!n S'stems P&, 7VAC E&e$tri$ & S'stems C!mm#ni$ ti!ns S'stems E&e$tr!ni$ S )et' nd Se$#rit' S'ste

25 60 00 Unassigned 25 70 00 Unassigned 25 80 00 Unassigned "+ 60 00 INTEGRATED AUTOMATION CONTRO0 SEQUENCES

"+ "+ "+ "+ "+ "+ "+ "+ 61 6" 6( 6* 6+ 665 6; 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Inte,r Inte,r Inte,r Inte,r Inte,r Inte,r Inte,r Inte,r S )et' ted A#t!m ti!n C!ntr!& ted A#t!m ti!n C!ntr!& ted A#t!m ti!n C!ntr!& ted A#t!m ti!n C!ntr!& ted A#t!m ti!n C!ntr!& ted A#t!m ti!n C!ntr!& ted A#t!m ti!n C!ntr!& ted A#t!m ti!n C!ntr!& nd Se$#rit' S'stems Se<#en$es Se<#en$es Se<#en$es Se<#en$es Se<#en$es Se<#en$es Se<#en$es Se<#en$es )!r )!r )!r )!r )!r )!r )!r )!r

F $i&it' E<#i%ment C!nve'in, E<#i%ment Fire=S#%%ressi!n S'stem P&, 7VAC E&e$tri$ & S'stems C!mm#ni$ ti!ns S'stem E&e$tr!ni$


"- 01 00 O%er ti!n nd M inten n$e !) E&e$tri$ & S'stems
2$ 01 10 B)eration and /aintenance of /ediu"14oltage 2lectrical Distribution 2$ 01 20 B)eration and /aintenance of Low14oltage 2lectrical Distribution

2$ 01 2$ /aintenance Testing of 2lectrical S+ste"s 2$ 01 30 B)eration and /aintenance of :acilit+ 2lectrical Power 9enerating and Storing 2(ui)"ent 2$ 01 ,0 B)eration and /aintenance of 2lectrical and Cathodic Protection S+ste"s 2$ 01 50 B)eration and /aintenance of Lighting
2$ 01 50-51 Lu"inaire 'ela")ing 2$ 01 50->1 Lu"inaire 'e)lace"ent

"- 0+ 00 C!mm!n 9!r: Res#&ts )!r E&e$tri$ &

2$ 05 13 /ediu"14oltage Cables
2$ 05 13-13 /ediu"14oltage B)en Conductors 2$ 05 13-1$ /ediu"14oltage6 Single1 and /ulti1Conductor Cables

2$ 05 1& Low14oltage 2lectrical Power Conductors and Cables

2$ 05 1&-13 <ndercar)et 2lectrical Power Cables

2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$

05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05

23 2$ 2& 33 3$ 3& ,3 ,$ ,> 53 73

Control14oltage 2lectrical Power Cables 9rounding and #onding for 2lectrical S+ste"s 7angers and Su))orts for 2lectrical S+ste"s 'acewa+ and #o3es for 2lectrical S+ste"s Cable Tra+s for 2lectrical S+ste"s <nderfloor 'acewa+s for 2lectrical S+ste"s <nderground Ducts and 'acewa+s for 2lectrical S+ste"s <tilit+ Poles for 2lectrical S+ste"s 4ibration and Seis"ic Controls for 2lectrical S+ste"s %dentification for 2lectrical S+ste"s B!ercurrent Protecti!e De!ice Coordination Stud+

"- 0- 00 S$3ed#&es )!r E&e$tri$ &

2$ 0$ 10 Schedules for /ediu"14oltage 2lectrical Distribution 2$ 0$ 20 Schedules for Low14oltage 2lectrical Distribution
2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 20-13 20-1$ 20-1& 20-23 20-2$ 2lectrical Switchboard Schedule 2lectrical Panelboard Schedule 2lectrical /otor1Control Center Schedule 2lectrical Circuit Schedule 5iring De!ice Schedule

2$ 0$ 30 Schedules for :acilit+ 2lectrical Power 9enerating and Storing 2(ui)"ent 2$ 0$ ,0 Schedules for 2lectrical and Cathodic Protection S+ste"s 2$ 0$ 50 Schedules for Lighting
2$ 0$ 50-13 Lighting Panelboard Schedule 2$ 0$ 50-1$ Lighting :i3ture Schedule

"- 0; 00 C!mmissi!nin, !) E&e$tri$ & S'stems "- 06 00 Instr#ment ti!n nd C!ntr!& )!r E&e$tri$ & S'stems
2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 0& 0& 0& 0& 13 23 2$ 33 2lectrical Power /onitoring and Control Lighting Control De!ices Lighting Control Panelboards Central Di""ing Controls

2$ 0& 33-13 /ultichannel 'e"ote1Controlled Di""ers 2$ 0& 33-1$ 'e"ote1Controlled Di""ing Stations

2$ 0& 3$ /odular Di""ing Controls

2$ 0& 3$-13 /anual /odular Di""ing Controls 2$ 0& 3$-1$ %ntegrated /ulti)reset /odular Di""ing Controls

2$ 0& ,3 Aetwor? Lighting Controls

2$ 0& ,3-13 Digital1Aetwor? Lighting Controls 2$ 0& ,3-1$ ddressable :i3ture Lighting Control

2$ 0& $1 Theatrical Lighting Controls "- 10 00 MEDIUM=VO0TAGE E0ECTRICA0 DISTRI1UTION

"- 11 00 ti!ns

2$ 11 13 Pri"ar+ <nit Substations 2$ 11 1$ Secondar+ <nit Substations

"- 1" 00 Medi#m=V!&t ,e Tr ns)!rmers

2$ 12 13 Li(uid1:illed6 /ediu"14oltage Transfor"ers 2$ 12 1$ Dr+1T+)e6 /ediu"14oltage Transfor"ers 2$ 12 1& Pad1/ounted6 Li(uid1:illed6 /ediu"14oltage Transfor"ers

"- 1( 00 Medi#m=V!&t ,e S2it$3,e r

2$ 13 13 /ediu"14oltage Circuit #rea?er Switchgear 2$ 13 1$ /ediu"14oltage :usible %nterru)ter Switchgear 2$ 13 1& /ediu"14oltage 4acuu" %nterru)ter Switchgear

"- 1; 00 Medi#m=V!&t ,e Cir$#it Pr!te$ti!n Devi$es

13 /ediu"14oltage Cutouts 1$ /ediu"14oltage :uses 1& /ediu"14oltage Lightning rresters 23 /ediu"14oltage Surge rresters 2$ /ediu"14oltage 'eclosers 2& /ediu"14oltage 2nclosed #us 33 /ediu"14oltage 2nclosed :use Cutouts 3$ /ediu"14oltage 2nclosed :uses 3& /ediu"14oltage /otor Controllers "- "0 00 0O9=VO0TAGE E0ECTRICA0 TRANSMISSION 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 1> 1> 1> 1> 1> 1> 1> 1> 1>

"- "1 00 0!2=V!&t ,e Over3e d E&e$tri$ & P!2er S'stems "- "" 00 0!2=V!&t ,e Tr ns)!rmers
2$ 22 13 Low14oltage Distribution Transfor"ers 2$ 22 1$ Low14oltage #uc?1#oost Transfor"ers 2$ 22 1& Control and Signal Transfor"ers

"- "( 00 0!2=V!&t ,e S2it$3,e r

2$ 23 13 Paralleling Low14oltage Switchgear

"- "* 00 S2it$3.! rds

nd P ne&.! rds

2$ 2, 13 Switchboards 2$ 2, 1$ Panelboards 2$ 2, 1& /otor1Control Centers

"- "+ 00 En$&!sed 1#s Assem.&ies "- "- 00 P!2er Distri.#ti!n Units "- "5 00 0!2=V!&t ,e Distri.#ti!n E<#i%ment
2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 27 27 27 27 27 27 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 73 2lectricit+ /etering 2lectrical Cabinets and 2nclosures /ulti1Butlet sse"blies %ndoor Ser!ice Poles 5iring De!ices Door Chi"es

"- "; 00 0!2=V!&t ,e Cir$#it Pr!te$tive Devi$es

2$ 2> 13 :uses 2$ 2> 1$ 2nclosed Switches and Circuit #rea?ers

"- "6 00 0!2=V!&t ,e C!ntr!&&ers

2$ 2& 13 2nclosed Controllers
2$ 2& 13-13 cross1the1Line /otor Controllers 2$ 2& 13-1$ 'educed14oltage /otor Controllers

2$ 2& 23 4ariable1:re(uenc+ /otor Controllers "- (0 00 FACI0ITY E0ECTRICA0 PO9ER GENERATING AND STORING EQUIPMENT

"- (1 00 P3!t!v!&t i$ C!&&e$t!rs "- (" 00 P $: ,ed Gener t!r Assem.&ies

2$ 32 13 2ngine 9enerators
2$ 32 13-13 Diesel12ngine1Dri!en 9enerator Sets 2$ 32 13-1$ 9as12ngine1Dri!en 9enerator Sets

2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$

32 32 32 32 32 32 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35

1$ 1& 23 2$ 2& 33 13 1$ 1& 23 33 ,3 ,$ 53 13 1$ 23 2$ 33 3$ ,3 ,$ 53

Stea"1Turbine 9enerators 7+dro1Turbine 9enerators 5ind 2nerg+ 2(ui)"ent :re(uenc+ Changers 'otar+ Con!erters 'otar+ <ninterru)tible Power <nits #atteries #atter+ 'ac?s #atter+ <nits Central #atter+ 2(ui)"ent Static Power Con!erters #atter+ Chargers #atter+ /onitoring Static <ninterru)tible Power Su))l+

"- (( 00 1 tter' E<#i%ment

"- (+ 00 P!2er Fi&ters

nd C!nditi!ners

Ca)acitors Cho?es and %nductors 2lectro"agnetic1%nterference :ilters 7ar"onic :ilters Power :actor Correction 2(ui)"ent Sli) Controllers Static1:re(uenc+ Con!erters 'adio1:re(uenc+1%nterference :ilters 4oltage 'egulators

"- (- 00 Tr ns)er S2it$3es

2$ 3$ 13 /anual Transfer Switches 2$ 3$ 23 uto"atic Transfer Switches "- *0 00 E0ECTRICA0 AND CAT7ODIC PROTECTION

"- *1 00 F $i&it' 0i,3tnin, Pr!te$ti!n

2$ ,1 13 Lightning Protection for Structures
2$ ,1 13-13 Lightning Protection for #uildings

2$ ,1 1$ Lightning Pre!ention and Dissi)ation

2$ ,1 1& 2arl+ Strea"er 2"ission Lightning Protection 2$ ,1 23 Lightning Protection Surge rresters and Su))ressors

"- *" 00 C t3!di$ Pr!te$ti!n

2$ ,2 13 Passi!e Cathodic Protection for <nderground and Sub"erged Pi)ing 2$ ,2 1$ Passi!e Cathodic Protection for <nderground Storage Tan?

"- *( 00 Tr nsient V!&t ,e S#%%ressi!n

2$ ,3 13 Transient14oltage Su))ression for Low14oltage 2lectrical Power Circuits "- +0 00 0IG7TING

"- +1 00 Interi!r 0i,3tin,

2$ 51 13 %nterior Lighting :i3tures6 La")s6 nd #allasts


+" +( +* ++
2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$

00 00 00 00

Emer,en$' 0i,3tin, E>it Si,ns C& ssi)ied 0!$ ti!n 0i,3tin, S%e$i & P#r%!se 0i,3tin,
Butline Lighting <nderwater Lighting 7a8ard 5arning Lighting Bbstruction Lighting Securit+ Lighting Dis)la+ Lighting Theatrical Lighting Detention Lighting 7ealthcare Lighting Lighting Poles and Standards Par?ing Lighting 'oadwa+ Lighting rea Lighting Landsca)e Lighting Site Lighting 5al?wa+ Lighting :lood Lighting 23terior thletic Lighting

55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 5$ 5$ 5$ 5$ 5$ 5$ 5$ 5$ 5$

23 2& 33 3$ 53 5& $1 $3 70 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 2& 33 3$ $>

"- +- 00 E>teri!r 0i,3tin,

26 26 26 26

60 70 80 90

00 00 00 00

Unassigned Unassigned Unassigned Unassigned


"5 01 00 O%er ti!n
27 27 27 27 27 01 01 01 01 01 10 20 30 ,0 50 B)eration B)eration B)eration B)eration B)eration

nd M inten n$e !) C!mm#ni$ ti!ns S'stems

/aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance of of of of of Structured Cabling and 2nclosures Data Co""unications 4oice Co""unications udio14ideo Co""unications Distributed Co""unications and /onitoring

and and and and and

"5 0+ 00 C!mm!n 9!r: Res#&ts )!r C!mm#ni$ ti!ns

27 05 13 Co""unications Ser!ices
27 27 27 27 27 05 05 05 05 05 13-13 13-23 13-33 13-,3 13-53 Dialtone Ser!ices T1 Ser!ices DSL Ser!ices Cable Ser!ices Satellite Ser!ices

27 05 2$ 9rounding and #onding for Co""unications S+ste"s 27 05 2> Pathwa+s for Co""unications S+ste"s
27 27 27 27 05 05 05 05 2>-2& 2>-33 2>-3$ 2>-3& 7angers and Su))orts for Co""unications S+ste"s Conduits and #ac?bo3es for Co""unications S+ste"s Cable Tra+s for Co""unications S+ste"s Surface 'acewa+s for Co""unications S+ste"s

27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27

05 05 05 05 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$

,3 ,$ ,> 53 10 20 30 ,0 50

<nderground Ducts and 'acewa+s for Co""unications S+ste"s <tilit+ Poles for Co""unications S+ste"s 4ibration and Seis"ic Controls for Co""unications S+ste"s %dentification for Co""unications S+ste"s Schedules Schedules Schedules Schedules Schedules for for for for for Structured Cabling and 2nclosures Data Co""unications 4oice Co""unications udio14ideo Co""unications Distributed Co""unications and /onitoring

"5 0- 00 S$3ed#&es )!r C!mm#ni$ ti!ns

"5 0; 00 C!mmissi!nin, !) C!mm#ni$ ti!ns


"5 11 00 C!mm#ni$ ti!ns E<#i%ment R!!m Fittin,s
27 27 27 27 27 11 11 11 11 11 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ Co""unications Co""unications Co""unications Co""unications Co""unications 2ntrance Protection Cabinets6 'ac?s6 :ra"es and 2nclosures Ter"ination #loc?s and Patch Panels Cable /anage"ent and Ladder 'ac? 'ac? /ounted Power Protection and Power Stri)s

"5 1( 00 C!mm#ni$ ti!ns 1 $:.!ne C .&in,

27 13 13 Co""unications Co))er #ac?bone Cabling
27 13 13-13 Co""unications Co))er Cable S)licing and Ter"inations

27 13 23 Co""unications B)tical :iber #ac?bone Cabling

27 13 23-13 Co""unications B)tical :iber S)licing and Ter"inations

27 13 33 Co""unications Coa3ial #ac?bone Cabling

27 13 33-13 Co""unications Coa3ial S)licing and Ter"inations

27 13 ,3 Co""unications Ser!ices Cabling

27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 13 13 13 13 13 15 15 15 15 ,3-13 ,3-23 ,3-33 ,3-,3 ,3-53 Dialtone Ser!ices Cabling T1 Ser!ices Cabling DSL Ser!ices Cabling Cable Ser!ices Cabling Satellite Ser!ices Cabling

"5 1+ 00 C!mm#ni$ ti!ns 7!ri@!nt & C .&in,

00-1$ 4oice Co""unications 7ori8ontal Cabling 00-1& Data Co""unications 7ori8ontal Cabling 00-23 udio14ideo Co""unications 7ori8ontal Cabling 00-3& Patient /onitoring and Tele"etr+ Co""unications 7ori8ontal Cabling

27 27 27 27

15 15 15 15

00-,3 Aurse Call and %nterco" Co""unications 7ori8ontal Cabling 00-,$ Paging Co""unications 7ori8ontal Cabling 00-,& %nter"ediate :re(uenc+='adio :re(uenc+ Co""unications 7ori8ontal Cabling 00-53 ntennas Co""unications 7ori8ontal Cabling

27 27 27 27

15 15 15 15

13 23 33 ,3

Co""unic ations Co))er 7ori8ontal Cabling Co""unications B)tical :iber 7ori8ontal Cabling Co""unications Coa3ial 7ori8ontal Cabling Co""unications :ace)lates and Connectors

"5 1- 00 C!mm#ni$ ti!ns C!nne$tin, C!rds8 Devi$es

nd Ad %ters

27 1$ 13 Co""unications Custo" Cable sse"blies 27 1$ 1$ Co""unications /edia Con!erters6 da)ters6 and Transcei!ers 27 1$ 1& Co""unications Patch Cords6 Station Cords6 and Cross Connect 5ire "5 "0 00 DATA COMMUNICATIONS

"5 "1 00 D t
27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 21 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 22 22 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 13 1$ 2$ 2& 33 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 2& 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 2& 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 2& 33 37 3& Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data

C!mm#ni$ ti!ns Net2!r: E<#i%ment

Co""unications Co""unications Co""unications Co""unications Co""unications Co""unications Co""unications Co""unications Co""unications Co""unications Co""unications :irewalls 'outers6 CS<=DS<6 /ulti)le3ers6 Codec@s6 and /ode"s Aetwor? /anage"ent Switches and 7ubs 5ireless ccess Points /ainfra"es Storage and #ac?u) Ser!ers Des?to)s La)to)s 7andhelds

"5 "" 00 D t

C!mm#ni$ ti!ns 7 rd2 re

"5 "* 00 D t

C!mm#ni$ ti!ns Peri%3er & D t


Printers Scanners 23ternal Dri!es udio14ideo De!ices 4irtual 'ealit+ 2(ui)"ent Disaster 'eco!er+ 2(ui)"ent

"5 "+ 00 D t

C!mm#ni$ ti!ns S!)t2 re

4irus Protection Software ))lication Suites 2"ail Software 9ra)hics=/ulti"edia Software Custo"er 'elationshi) /anage"ent Software B)erating S+ste" Software Database Software 4irtual Pri!ate Aetwor? Software %nternet Conferencing Software

"5 "- 00 D t

C!mm#ni$ ti!ns Pr!,r mmin,

nd Inte,r ti!n Servi$es

27 2$ 13 5eb De!elo)"ent 27 2$ 1$ Database De!elo)"ent 27 2$ 1& ))lication De!elo)"ent

27 2$ 23 Aetwor? %ntegration 'e(uire"ents 27 2$ 2$ Data Co""unications %ntegration 'e(uire"ents "5 (0 00 VOICE COMMUNICATIONS

"5 (1 00 V!i$e C!mm#ni$ ti!ns S2it$3in,

27 31 13 P#F= De+ S+ste"s 27 31 23 %nternet Protocol 4oice Switches

nd R!#tin, E<#i%ment nd M!dems

"5 (" 00 V!i$e C!mm#ni$ ti!ns Te&e%3!ne Sets8 F $simi&es

27 27 27 27 27 27 32 32 32 32 32 32 13 1$ 23 2$ 2& 3$ Tele)hone Sets 5ireless Transcei!ers 2le!ator Tele)hones 'ing1Down 2"ergenc+ Tele)hones :acsi"iles and /ode"s TTG 2(ui)"ent

"5 (( 00 V!i$e C!mm#ni$ ti!ns Mess ,in,

27 33 1$ 4oice /ail and uto ttendant 27 33 23 %nteracti!e 4oice 'es)onse 27 33 2$ :acsi"ile Ser!ers

"5 (* 00 C && A$$!#ntin,

27 3, 13 Toll :raud 2(ui)"ent and Software 27 3, 1$ Tele"anage"ent Software

"5 (+ 00 C && M n ,ement

13 Digital 4oice nnouncers 1$ uto"atic Call Distributors 1& Call Status and /anage"ent Dis)la+s 23 Dedicated &11 S+ste"s "5 *0 00 AUDIO=VIDEO COMMUNICATIONS 27 27 27 27 35 35 35 35

"5 *1 00 A#di!=Vide! S'stems

27 ,1 13 rchitecturall+ %ntegrated udio14ideo 2(ui)"ent 27 ,1 1$ %ntegrated udio14ideo S+ste"s and 2(ui)"ent
27 27 27 27 27 27 27 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 1$-25 1$-2> 1$-2& 1$-51 1$-$1 1$-$2 1$-$3 %ntegrated %ntegrated %ntegrated %ntegrated %ntegrated %ntegrated %ntegrated udio14ideo udio14ideo udio14ideo udio14ideo udio14ideo udio14ideo udio14ideo S+ste"s S+ste"s S+ste"s S+ste"s S+ste"s S+ste"s S+ste"s and and and and and and and 2(ui)"ent 2(ui)"ent 2(ui)"ent 2(ui)"ent 2(ui)"ent 2(ui)"ent 2(ui)"ent for for for for for for for 'estaurants and #ars Conference 'oo"s #oard 'oo"s Classroo"s Theaters uditoriu"s Stadiu"s and renas

27 ,1 1& Portable udio14ideo 2(ui)"ent 27 ,1 23 udio14ideo ccessories

"5 *" 00 E&e$tr!ni$ Di,it & S'stems

27 ,2 13 Point of Sale S+ste"s 27 ,2 1$ Trans)ortation %nfor"ation Dis)la+ S+ste"s 27 ,2 1& Public %nfor"ation S+ste"s "5 +0 00 DISTRI1UTED COMMUNICATIONS AND MONITORING SYSTEMS

"5 +1 00 Distri.#ted A#di!=Vide! C!mm#ni$ ti!ns S'stems

27 51 13 Paging S+ste"s
27 51 13-13 B!erhead Paging S+ste"s

27 51 1$ Public

ddress and /ass Aotification S+ste"s

27 51 1& Sound /as?ing S+ste"s 27 51 23 %nterco""unications and Progra" S+ste"s

27 27 27 27 27 51 51 51 51 51 23-20 23-30 23-50 23-$3 23-70 Co""ercial %nterco""unications and Progra" S+ste"s 'esidential %nterco""unications and Progra" S+ste"s 2ducational %nterco""unications and Progra" S+ste"s Detention %nterco""unications and Progra" S+ste"s 7ealthcare %nterco""unications and Progra" S+ste"s

"5 +" 00 7e &t3$ re C!mm#ni$ ti!ns

27 27 27 27 52 52 52 52 13 1$ 1& 23

nd M!nit!rin, S'stems

Patient /onitoring and Tele"etr+ S+ste"s Tele"edicine S+ste"s 7ealthcare %"aging S+ste"s Aurse Call=Code #lue S+ste"s

"5 +( 00 Distri.#ted S'stems

27 53 13 Cloc? S+ste"s 27 53 1$ %nfrared and 'adio :re(uenc+ Trac?ing S+ste"s 27 53 1& %nternal Cellular6 Paging6 and ntenna S+ste"s

27 27 27 27

60 70 80 90

00 00 00 00

Unassigned Unassigned Unassigned Unassigned

"; 01 00 O%er ti!n nd M inten n$e !) E&e$tr!ni$ S )et' nd Se$#rit'
2> 01 10 B)eration and /aintenance of 2lectronic ccess Control and %ntrusion Detection
2> 01 10-51 /aintenance and d"inistration of 2lectronic ccess Control and %ntrusion Detection 2> 01 10-71 'e!isions and <)grades of 2lectronic ccess Control and %ntrusion Detection

2> 01 20 B)eration and /aintenance of 2lectronic Sur!eillance 2> 01 30 B)eration and /aintenance of 2lectronic Detection and


2> 01 30-51 /aintenance and d"inistration of 2lectronic Detection and 2> 01 30-71 'e!isions and <)grades of 2lectronic Detection and lar"

2> 01 ,0 B)eration and /aintenance of 2lectronic /onitoring and Control

2> 01 ,0-51 /aintenance and d"inistration of 2lectronic /onitoring and Control 2> 01 ,0-71 'e!isions and <)grades of 2lectronic /onitoring and Control

"; 0+ 00 C!mm!n 9!r: Res#&ts )!r E&e$tr!ni$ S )et'

2> 2> 2> 2> 05 05 05 05

nd Se$#rit'

2> 05 13 Conductors and Cables for 2lectronic Safet+ and Securit+

13-13 CCT4 Co""unications Conductors and Cables 13-1$ ccess Control Co""unications Conductors and Cables 13-1& %ntrusion Detection Co""unications Conductors and Cables 13-23 :ire lar" Co""unications Conductors and Cables

2> 05 2$ 9rounding and #onding for 2lectronic Safet+ and Securit+ 2> 05 2> Pathwa+s for 2lectronic Safet+ and Securit+
2> 2> 2> 2> 05 05 05 05 2>-2& 2>-33 2>-3$ 2>-3& 7angers and Su))orts for 2lectronic Safet+ and Securit+ Conduits and #ac?bo3es for 2lectronic Safet+ and Securit+ Cable Tra+s for 2lectronic Safet+ and Securit+ Surface 'acewa+s for 2lectronic Safet+ and Securit+

2> 05 ,> 4ibration and Seis"ic Controls for 2lectronic Safet+ and Securit+ 2> 05 53 %dentification for 2lectronic Safet+ and Securit+

"; 0- 00 S$3ed#&es )!r E&e$tr!ni$ S )et'

2> 2> 2> 2> 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 10 20 30 ,0 Schedules Schedules Schedules Schedules for for for for

nd Se$#rit'

2lectronic ccess Control and %ntrusion Detection 2lectronic Sur!eillance 2lectronic Detection and lar" 2lectronic /onitoring and Control

"; 0; 00 C!mmissi!nin, !) E&e$tr!ni$ S )et' "; 1( 00 A$$ess C!ntr!&

2> 2> 2> 2> 2> 13 13 13 13 13
2> 2> 2> 2>

nd Se$#rit'


13 1$ 1& 2$ 33
13 13 13 13

ccess ccess ccess ccess ccess

33-1$ 33-2$ 33-33 33-3$

Control Control Control Control Control

9lobal ))lications S+ste"s and Database /anage"ent S+ste"s %nfrastructure 'e"ote De!ices %nterfaces
%nterfaces %nterfaces %nterfaces %nterfaces to ccess Control 7ardware to %ntrusion Detection to 4ideo Sur!eillance to :ire lar"

ccess ccess ccess ccess

Control Control Control Control

2> 13 ,3 ccess Control %dentification /anage"ent S+ste"s 2> 13 53 Securit+ ccess Detection
2> 2> 2> 2> 13 13 13 13 53-13 53-1$ 53-2& 53-23 Securit+ Securit+ Securit+ Securit+ ccess ccess ccess ccess /etal Detectors F1'a+ 2(ui)"ent Sniffing 2(ui)"ent 23)losi!e Detection 2(ui)"ent

"; 1- 00 Intr#si!n Dete$ti!n

2> 2> 2> 2> 1$ 1$ 1$ 1$
2> 2> 2> 2> 2>

13 1$ 1& 33
1$ 1$ 1$ 1$ 1$

%ntrusion %ntrusion %ntrusion %ntrusion

33-13 33-1$ 33-23 33-33 33-3$

Detection Detection Detection Detection

Control6 9<%6 and Logic S+ste"s S+ste"s %nfrastructure 'e"ote De!ices and Sensors %nterfaces
%nterfaces %nterfaces %nterfaces %nterfaces %nterfaces to 'e"ote /onitoring to ccess Control 7ardware to ccess Control S+ste" to 4ideo Sur!eillance to :ire lar"

%ntrusion %ntrusion %ntrusion %ntrusion %ntrusion

Detection Detection Detection Detection Detection

2> 1$ ,3 Peri"eter Securit+ S+ste"s 2> 1$ ,$ %ntrusion Detection 4ehicle Control S+ste"s "; "0 00 E0ECTRONIC SURVEI00ANCE

"; "( 00 Vide! S#rvei&& n$e

2> 2> 2> 2> 2> 2> 2> 2> 2> 2> 23 23 23 23 23 23 2$ 2$ 2$ 2$ 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 2& 13 1$ 1& 23 4ideo Sur!eillance Control and /anage"ent S+ste"s 4ideo Sur!eillance /onitoring and Su)er!isor+ %nterfaces Digital 4ideo 'ecorders and nalog 'ecording De!ices 4ideo Sur!eillance S+ste"s %nfrastructure 4ideo Sur!eillance 'e"ote Positioning 2(ui)"ent 4ideo Sur!eillance 'e"ote De!ices and Sensors 2lectronic 2lectronic 2lectronic 2lectronic Personal Personal Personal Personal Safet+ Detection S+ste"s Safet+ lar" nnunciation and Control S+ste"s Safet+ %nterfaces to 'e"ote /onitoring Safet+ 2"ergenc+ id De!ices

"; "- 00 E&e$tr!ni$ Pers!n & Pr!te$ti!n S'stems


"; (1 00 Fire Dete$ti!n nd A& rm
lar" Control6 9<%6 and Logic S+ste"s lar" nnunciation Panels and :ire Stations lar" %nterfaces
and and and and and and lar" lar" lar" lar" lar" lar" %nterfaces %nterfaces %nterfaces %nterfaces %nterfaces %nterfaces to to to to to to 'e"ote /onitoring ccess Control 7ardware ccess Control S+ste" %ntrusion Detection 4ideo Sur!eillance 2le!ator Control

2> 31 13 :ire Detection and 2> 31 23 :ire Detection and 2> 31 33 :ire Detection and
2> 2> 2> 2> 2> 2> 31 31 31 31 31 31 33-13 33-1$ 33-23 33-2$ 33-33 33-,3 :ire :ire :ire :ire :ire :ire Detection Detection Detection Detection Detection Detection

2> 2> 2> 2>

31 31 31 31
2> 2> 2> 2>

,3 ,$ ,& 53
31 31 31 31

:ire Detection Sensors S"o?e Detection Sensors Carbon1/ono3ide Detection Sensors :ire lar" %nitiating De!ices
53-13 53-23 53-33 53-,3 :ire :ire :ire :ire lar" lar" lar" lar" Pull Stations Le!el Detectors Switches :low Switches Pressure Sensors

2> 31 $3 :ire

lar" %ntegrated

udio 4isual 2!acuation S+ste"s

2> 31 $3-13 :ire

lar" 7orns and Strobes

"; (" 00 R di ti!n Dete$ti!n

nd A& rm

2> 32 13 'adiation Detection and lar" Control6 9<%6 and Logic S+ste"s 2> 32 23 'adiation Detection and lar" %ntegrated udio 2!acuation S+ste"s 23 32 33 'adiation and lar" Detection Sensors 2> 32 ,3 'adiation and lar" Dosi"eters

"; (( 00 F#e&=G s Dete$ti!n

nd A& rm

2> 33 13 :uel19as Detection and lar" Control6 9<%6 and Logic S+ste"s 2> 33 23 :uel19as Detection and lar" %ntegrated udio 2!acuation S+ste"s 2> 33 33 :uel19as Detection Sensors

"; (* 00 F#e&=Oi& Dete$ti!n

nd A& rm

2> 3, 13 :uel1Bil Detection and lar" Control6 9<%6 and Logic S+ste"s 2> 3, 23 :uel1Bil Detection and lar" %ntegrated udio 2!acuation S+ste"s 2> 3, 33 :uel1Bil Detection Sensors

"; (+ 00 Re)ri,er nt Dete$ti!n

nd A& rm

2> 35 13 'efrigerant Detection and lar" Control6 9<%6 and Logic S+ste"s 2> 35 23 'efrigerant Detection and lar" %ntegrated udio 2!acuation S+ste"s 2> 35 33 'efrigerant Detection Sensors "; *0 00 E0ECTRONIC MONITORING AND CONTRO0

"; *- 00 E&e$tr!ni$ Detenti!n M!nit!rin,

2> 2> 2> 2> 2> 2> ,$ ,$ ,$ ,$ ,$ ,$ 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 2&

nd C!ntr!& S'stems

7ard15ired Detention /onitoring and Control S+ste"s 'ela+1Logic Detention /onitoring and Control S+ste"s PLC 2lectronic Detention /onitoring and Control S+ste"s Co")uter1#ased Detention /onitoring and Control S+ste"s Discreet1Logic Detention /onitoring and Control S+ste"s Discreet1Distributed %ntelligence Detention /onitoring and Control S+ste"s

28 50 00 Unassigned 28 60 00 Unassigned

28 70 00 Unassigned 28 80 00 Unassigned 28 90 00 Unassigned


(1 01 00 M inten n$e !) E rt32!r:
31 31 31 31 31 31 01 01 01 01 01 01 10 20 ,0 50 $0 $2 /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance of of of of of of Clearing 2arth /o!ing Shoring and <nder)inning 23ca!ation Su))ort and Protection S)ecial :oundations and Load #earing 2le"ents Dri!en Piles ugered Piles
ugered Pile 'e)airs

31 01 $2-$1 Dri!en Pile 'e)airs

31 01 $3 /aintenance of #ored and

31 01 $3-$1 #ored and 31 01 70-$1 Tunnel Lea? 'e)airs

31 01 70 /aintenance of Tunneling and /ining

(1 0+ 00 C!mm!n 9!r: Res#&ts )!r E rt32!r:

31 05 13 Soils for 2arthwor? 31 05 1$ ggregates for 2arthwor? 31 05 1& 9eos+nthetics for 2arthwor?
31 05 1&-13 9eote3tiles for 2arthwor? 31 05 1&-1$ 9eo"e"branes for 2arthwor? 31 05 1&-1& 9eogrids for 2arthwor?

31 05 23 Ce"ent and Concrete for 2arthwor?

(1 0- 00 S$3ed#&es )!r E rt32!r:

31 0$ 10 Schedules for Clearing 31 0$ 20 Schedules for 2arth /o!ing
31 0$ 20-13 Trench Di"ension Schedule 31 0$ 20-1$ #ac?fill /aterial Schedule

31 0$ ,0 Schedules for Shoring and <nder)inning 31 0$ 50 Schedules for 23ca!ation Su))ort and Protection 31 0$ $0 Schedules for S)ecial :oundations and Load #earing 2le"ents
31 0$ $0-13 Dri!en Pile Schedule 31 0$ $0-1$ Caisson Schedule

31 0$ 70 Schedules for Tunneling and /ining

(1 0; 00 C!mmissi!nin, !) E rt32!r: (1 06 00 Ge!te$3ni$ & Instr#ment ti!n

nd M!nit!rin, !) E rt32!r:

31 0& 13 9eotechnical %nstru"entation and /onitoring

31 0& 13-13 9roundwater /onitoring During Construction

31 0& 1$ S)ecial :oundation and Load #earing 2le"ents %nstru"entation and /onitoring
31 0& 1$-13 :oundation Perfor"ance %nstru"entation 31 0& 1$-23 Dri!en Pile Load Tests 31 0& 1$-2$ #ored and ugered Pile Load Tests

(1 10 00 SITE C0EARING
(1 11 00 C&e rin, nd, (1 1" 00 Se&e$tive C&e rin,

(1 1( 00 Se&e$tive Tree (1 1* 00 E rt3 Stri%%in,

nd S3r#. Rem!v & nd St!$:%i&in,

nd Trimmin,

31 13 13 Selecti!e Tree and Shrub 'e"o!al 31 13 1$ Selecti!e Tree and Shrub Tri""ing 31 1, 13 Soil Stri))ing and Stoc?)iling
31 1, 13-13 Soil Stri))ing 31 1, 13-1$ Soil Stoc?)iling 31 1, 13-23 To)soil Stri))ing and Stoc?)iling

31 1, 1$ Sod Stri))ing and Stoc?)iling

31 1, 1$-13 Sod Stri))ing 31 1, 1$-1$ Sod Stoc?)iling

(1 "0 00 EART7 MOVING

(1 "1 00 O))=G ssin, Miti, ti!n
31 21 13 'adon /itigation
31 21 13-13 'adon 4enting

31 21 1$ /ethane /itigation
31 21 1$-13 /ethane 4enting

(1 "" 00 Gr din,
31 22 13 'ough 9rading 31 22 1$ :ine 9rading
31 22 1$-13 'oadwa+ Subgrade 'esha)ing

31 22 1& :inish 9rading

31 22 1&-13 S)reading and 9rading To)soil

(1 "( 00 E>$ v ti!n

nd Fi&&

31 23 13 Subgrade Pre)aration 31 23 1$ 23ca!ation

31 23 1$-13 Trenching 31 23 1$-1$ Structural 23ca!ation for /inor Structures 31 23 1$-2$ 'oc? 'e"o!al

31 23 1& Dewatering 31 23 23 :ill

31 31 31 31 23 23 23 23 23-13 23-23 23-33 23-,3 #ac?fill Co")action :lowable :ill 9eofoa"

31 23 33 Trenching and #ac?filling

(1 "* 00 Em. n:ments

31 2, 13 'oadwa+ 2"ban?"ents 31 2, 1$ 'ailwa+ 2"ban?"ents

(1 "+ 00 Er!si!n
31 31 31 31 25 25 25 25

nd Sediment ti!n C!ntr!&s

13 2rosion Controls 23 'oc? #arriers 53 Sedi"entation Controls $3 'oc? #asins (1 (0 00 EART79ORA MET7ODS

(1 (1 00 S!i& Tre tment

31 31 13 'odent Control
31 31 13-1$ 'odent Control #ait S+ste"s

31 31 13-1& 'odent Control Tra)s 31 31 13-23 'odent Control 2lectronic S+ste "s 31 31 13-2$ 'odent Control 'e)ellants

31 31 1$ Ter"ite Control
31 31 1$-13 Che"ical Ter"ite Control 31 31 1$-1$ Ter"ite Control #ait S+ste"s 31 31 1$-1& Ter"ite Control #arriers

31 31 1& 4egetation Control

31 31 1&-13 Che"ical 4egetation Control

(1 (" 00 S!i& St .i&i@ ti!n

31 32 13 Soil /i3ing Stabili8ation
31 31 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 32 13-13 13-1$ 13-1& 13-23 13-2$ s)halt Soil Stabili8ation Ce"ent Soil Stabili8ation Li"e Soil Stabili8ation :l+1 sh Soil Stabili8ation Li"e1:l+1 sh Soil Stabili8ation

31 32 1$ Che"ical Treat"ent Soil Stabili8ation

31 32 1$-13 Pol+"er 2"ulsion Soil Stabili8ation

31 32 1& 9eos+nthetic Soil Stabili8ation and La+er Se)aration

31 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 1&-13 1&-1$ 1&-1& 1&-23 9eogrid Soil Stabili8ation 9eote3tile Soil Stabili8ation 9eogrid La+er Se)aration 9eote3tile La+er Se)aration

31 32 23 Pressure 9routing Soil Stabili8ation

31 32 23-13 Ce"entitious Pressure 9routing Soil Stabili8ation 31 32 23-1$ Che"ical Pressure 9routing Soil Stabili8ation

31 32 33 Shotcrete Soil Slo)e Stabili8ation 31 32 3$ Soil Aailing

31 31 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 32 3$-13 3$-1$ 3$-1& 3$-23 3$-2$ Dri!en Soil Aailing 9routed Soil Aailing Corrosion1Protected Soil Aailing Cet19routed Soil Aailing Launched Soil Aailing

(1 (( 00 R!$: St .i&i@ ti!n

31 31 31 31 31 33 33 33 33 33 13 23 2$ 33 ,3 'oc? #olting and 9routing 'oc? Slo)e Aetting 'oc? Slo)e 5ire /esh Shotcrete 'oc? Slo)e Stabili8ation 4egetated 'oc? Slo)e Stabili8ation

(1 (* 00 S!i& Rein)!r$ement
31 3, 1& 9eos+nthetic Soil 'einforce"ent
31 3, 1&-13 9eogrid Soil 'einforce"ent 31 3, 1&-1$ 9eote3tile Soil 'einforce"ent

31 3, 23 :iber Soil 'einforce"ent

31 3, 23-13 9eos+nthetic :iber Soil 'einforce"ent

(1 (+ 00 S&!%e Pr!te$ti!n
31 35 1& 9eos+nthetic Slo)e Protection
31 35 1&-13 9eogrid Slo)e Protection 31 35 1&-1$ 9eote3tile Slo)e Protection 31 35 1&-1& Slo)e Protection with /ulch Control Aetting

31 35 23 Slo)e Protection with Slo)e Pa!ing

31 35 23-13 Cast1%n1Place Concrete Slo)e Pa!ing 31 35 23-1$ Precast Concrete Slo)e Pa!ing 31 35 23-1& Concrete <nit /asonr+ Slo)e Pa!ing

31 35 2$ Contain"ent #arriers
31 35 2$-13 Cla+ Contain"ent #arriers 31 35 2$-1$ 9eo"e"brane Contain"ent #arriers 31 35 2$-23 #entonite Slurr+ Trench

(1 (- 00 G .i!ns
31 3$ 13 9abion #o3es 31 3$ 1& 9abion /attresses
31 3$ 1&-13 4egetated 9abion /attresses

(1 (5 00 Ri%r %
31 37 13 /achined 'i)ra) 31 37 1$ Aon1/achined 'i)ra)
31 37 1$-13 'ubble1Stone 'i)ra) 31 37 1$-1$ Concrete <nit /asonr+ 'i)ra) 31 37 1$-1& Sac?ed Sand1Ce"ent 'i)ra)


(1 *1 00 S3!rin,
31 ,1 13 Ti"ber Shoring 31 ,1 1$ Sheet Piling
31 ,1 1$-13 Steel Sheet Piling 31 ,1 1$-1$ Plastic Sheet Piling

31 ,1 1& /etal 7+draulic Shoring

31 ,1 1&-13 lu"inu" 7+draulic Shoring

31 ,1 23 Pneu"atic Shoring 31 ,1 33 Trench Shielding

(1 *( 00 C!n$rete R isin,
31 ,3 13 Pressure 9routing
31 ,3 13-13 Concrete Pressure 9routing 31 ,3 13-1$ Pol+urethane Pressure 9routing

31 ,3 1$ Co")action 9routing 31 ,3 1& /echanical Cac?ing

(1 *+ 00 Vi.r!)&!t ti!n
31 ,5 13 4ibroflotation 31 ,5 1$ Densification

nd Densi)i$ ti!n

(1 *- 00 Need&e 1e ms
31 ,$ 13 Cantile!er Aeedle #ea"s

(1 *; 00 Under%innin,
13 <nder)inning Piers 1& #rac?et Piers 23 Cac?ed Piers 33 /icro)ile <nder)inning (1 +0 00 E?CAVATION SUPPORT AND PROTECTION 31 31 31 31 ,> ,> ,> ,>

(1 +1 00 An$3!r Tie. $:s

31 51 13 23ca!ation Soil nchors 31 51 1$ 23ca!ation 'oc? nchors

(1 +" 00 C!))erd ms
31 52 13 Sheet Piling Cofferda"s 31 52 1$ Ti"ber Cofferda"s 31 52 1& Precast Concrete Cofferda"s

(1 +( 00,

nd 9 &ers

31 53 13 Ti"ber Cribwor?

(1 +* 00 Gr!#nd Free@in, (1 +- 00 S&#rr' 9 &&s

31 5$ 13 #entonite Slurr+ 5alls
31 31 31 31 31 31 5$ 5$ 5$ 5$ 5$ 5$ 13-13 13-1$ 13-1& 13-23 13-2$ 13-2& Soil1#entonite Slurr+ 5alls Ce"ent1#entonite Slurr+ 5alls Slag1Ce"ent1#entonite Slurr+ 5alls Soil1Ce"ent1#entonite Slurr+ 5alls Po88olan1#entonite Slurr+ 5alls Brganicall+1/odified #entonite Slurr+ 5alls

31 5$ 1$

tti)ulgite Slurr+ 5alls

31 5$ 1$-13 Soil1 tti)ulgite Slurr+ 5alls

31 5$ 1& Slurr+19eo"e"brane Co")osite Slurr+ 5alls 31 5$ 23 Lean Concrete Slurr+ 5alls 31 5$ 2$ #io1Pol+"er Trench Drain (1 -0 00 SPECIA0 FOUNDATIONS AND 0OAD=1EARING E0EMENTS

(1 -" 00 Driven Pi&es

31 $2 13 Concrete Piles
31 31 31 31 31 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 13-13 13-1$ 13-1& 13-23 13-2$ Cast1in1Place Concrete Piles Concrete Dis)lace"ent Piles Precast Concrete Piles Prestressed Concrete Piles Pressure1%njected :ootings

31 $2 1$ Steel Piles
31 $2 1$-13 Sheet Steel Piles 31 $2 1$-1$ Steel 7 Piles 31 $2 1$-1& <nfilled Tubular Steel Piles

31 $2 1& Ti"ber Piles 31 $2 23 Co")osite Piles

31 $2 23-13 Concrete1:illed Steel Piles 31 $2 23-1$ 5ood and Cast1%n1Place Concrete Piles

(1 -( 00 1!red Pi&es
31 $3 13 #ored and ugered Test Piles 31 $3 1$ uger Cast 9rout Piles 31 $3 1& #ored and Soc?eted Piles
31 $3 1&-13 'oc? Soc?ets for Piles

31 $3 23 #ored Concrete Piles

31 $3 23-13 #ored and #elled Concrete Piles 31 $3 23-1$ #ored :riction Concrete Piles

31 $3 2$ Drilled Caissons
31 $3 2$-13 :i3ed 2nd Caisson Piles 31 $3 2$-1$ Concrete Caissons for /arine Construction

31 $3 2& Drilled Concrete Piers and Shafts

31 $3 2&-13 <ncased Drilled Concrete Piers

31 $3 2&-1$ Cased Drilled Concrete Piers

31 $3 33 Drilled /icro)iles

(1 -* 00 C iss!ns
31 31 31 31 31 31 $, $, $, $, $, $, 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 2& #o3 Caissons 23ca!ated Caissons :loating Caissons B)en Caissons Pneu"atic Caissons Sheeted Caissons

(1 -- 00 S%e$i & F!#nd ti!ns

31 $$ 13 S)ecial Piles 31 $$ 1$ S)ecial :oundation 5alls
31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ 1$-13 1$-23 1$-2$ 1$-33 1$-,3 1$-,$ 1$-53 1$-5$ nchored :oundation 5alls Concrete Cribbing :oundation 5alls /etal Cribbing :oundation 5alls /anufactured /odular :oundation 5alls /echanicall+ Stabili8ed 2arth :oundation 5alls Slurr+ Dia)hrag" :oundation 5alls Soldier1#ea" :oundation 5alls Per"anentl+1 nchored Soldier1#ea" :oundation 5alls

31 $$ 1& 'efrigerated :oundations

(1 -; 00 F!#nd ti!n An$3!rs

31 $> 13 'oc? :oundation nchors (1 50 00 TUNNE0ING AND MINING

(1 51 00 T#nne& E>$ v ti!n

31 71 13 Shield Dri!ing Tunnel 23ca!ation 31 71 1$ Tunnel 23ca!ation b+ Drilling and #lasting 31 71 1& Tunnel 23ca!ation b+ Tunnel #oring /achine

(1 5" 00 T#nne& S#%%!rt S'stems

31 72 13 'oc? 'einforce"ent and %nitial Su))ort 31 72 1$ Steel 'ibs and Lagging

(1 5( 00 T#nne& Gr!#tin,
31 73 13 Ce"ent Tunnel 9routing 31 73 1$ Che"ical Tunnel 9routing

(1 5* 00 T#nne& C!nstr#$ti!n
31 7, 13 Cast1in1Place Concrete Tunnel Lining 31 7, 1$ Precast Concrete Tunnel Lining 31 7, 1& Shotcrete Tunnel Lining

(1 5+ 00 S3 )t C!nstr#$ti!n
31 75 13 Cast1in1Place Concrete Shaft Lining 31 75 1$ Precast Concrete Shaft Lining

(1 55 00 S#.mersi.&e T#.e T#nne&s

31 77 13 Trench 23ca!ation for Sub"erged Tunnels 31 77 1$ Tube Construction .Butfitting Tunnel Tubes0 31 77 1& :loating and La+ing Sub"erged Tunnels

31 80 00 Unassigned 31 90 00 Unassigned


(" 01 00 O%er ti!n nd M inten n$e !) E>teri!r Im%r!vements
32 01 11 Pa!ing Cleaning
32 01 11-51 'ubber and Paint 'e"o!al fro" Pa!ing 32 01 11-52 'ubber 'e"o!al fro" Pa!ing 32 01 11-53 Paint 'e"o!al fro" Pa!ing

32 01 13 :le3ible Pa!ing Surface Treat"ent

32 01 13-$1 Slurr+ Seal .Late3 /odified0 32 01 13-$2 s)halt Surface Treat"ent

32 01 1$ :le3ible Pa!ing 'ehabilitation

32 32 32 32 32 01 01 01 01 01 1$-71 1$-72 1$-73 1$-7, 1$-75 Cold /illing s)halt Pa!ing s)halt Pa!ing 'euse %n Place Cold 'eused s)halt Pa!ing %n Place 7ot 'eused s)halt Pa!ing 7eater Scarif+ing of s)halt Pa!ing

32 01 17 :le3ible Pa!ing 'e)air

32 01 17-$1 Sealing Crac?s in s)halt Pa!ing 32 01 17-$2 Stress1 bsorbing /e"brane %nterla+er

32 01 1& 'igid Pa!ing Surface Treat"ent

32 01 1&-$1 Sealing of Coints in 'igid Pa!ing 32 01 1&-$2 Patching of 'igid Pa!ing

32 01 23 #ase Course 'econditioning 32 01 2$ 'igid Pa!ing 'ehabilitation

32 32 32 32 32 01 01 01 01 01 2$-71 2$-72 2$-73 2$-7, 2$-75 9roo!ing of Concrete Pa!ing 9rinding of Concrete Pa!ing /illing of Concrete Pa!ing Concrete B!erla+s Concrete Pa!ing 'euse

32 01 2& 'igid Pa!ing 'e)air

32 01 2&-$1 Partial De)th Patching of 'igid Pa!ing 32 01 2&-$2 Concrete Pa!ing 'aising 32 01 2&-$3 Subsealing and Stabili8ation

32 01 30 B)eration and /aintenance of Site %")ro!e"ents 32 01 >0 B)eration and /aintenance of %rrigation 32 01 &0 B)eration and /aintenance of Planting
32 32 32 32 32 32 32 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 &0-13 &0-1$ &0-1& &0-23 &0-2$ &0-2& &0-33 :ertili8ing "ending Soils /owing Pruning 5atering To)soil Preser!ation Tree and Shrub Preser!ation

(" 0+ 00 C!mm!n 9!r: Res#&ts )!r E>teri!r Im%r!vements

32 05 13 Soils for 23terior %")ro!e"ents 32 05 1$ ggregates for 23terior %")ro!e"ents 32 05 1& 9eos+nthetics for 23terior %")ro!e"ents
32 05 1&-13 9eote3tiles for 23terior %")ro!e"ents 32 05 1&-1$ 9eo"e"branes for 23terior %")ro!e"ents 32 05 1&-1& 9eogrids for 23terior %")ro!e"ents

32 05 23 Ce"ent and Concrete for 23terior %")ro!e"ents 32 05 33 Co""on 5or? 'esults for Planting

(" 0- 00 S$3ed#&es )!r E>teri!r Im%r!vements

32 0$ 10 Schedules for #ases6 #allasts6 and Pa!ing
32 0$ 10-13 Pedestrian 5al?wa+ Schedule

32 0$ 30 Schedules for Site %")ro!e"ents

32 0$ 30-13 'etaining 5all Schedule

32 0$ >0 Schedules for %rrigation

32 0$ >0-13 %rrigation Pi)ing Schedule

32 0$ &0 Schedules for Planting

32 0$ &0-13 Planting Schedule

(" 0; 00 C!mmissi!nin, !) E>teri!r Im%r!vements

(" 10 00 1ASES8 1A00ASTS8 AND PAVING

(" 11 00 1 se C!#rses
32 11 13 Subgrade /odifications
32 11 13-13 Li"e1Treated Subgrades 32 11 13-1$ #itu"inous1Treated Subgrades

32 11 1$ Subbase Courses
32 11 1$-13 Sand1Cla+ Subbase Courses 32 11 1$-1$ ggregate Subbase Courses

32 11 23 32 11 2$

ggregate #ase Courses s)haltic #ase Courses

32 11 23-13 Sand1Cla+ #ase Courses 32 11 23-23 #ase Course Drainage La+ers 32 11 2$-13 Plant /i3 s)haltic #ase Courses 32 11 2$-1$ 'oad /i3 s)haltic #ase Courses 32 11 2$-1& #itu"inous1Stabili8ed #ase Courses

32 11 2& Li"e Treated #ase Courses

32 11 2&-13 Li"e1:l+ sh1Treated #ase Courses

32 11 33 Ce"ent1Treated #ase Courses

32 11 33-13 Portland Ce"ent1Stabili8ed #ase Courses

32 11 3$ Concrete #ase Courses

32 11 3$-13 Lean Concrete #ase Courses 32 11 3$-1$ Plain Ce"ent Concrete #ase Courses 32 11 3$-1& 7+draulic Ce"ent Concrete #ase Courses

(" 1" 00 F&e>i.&e P vin,

32 12 13 Pre)arator+ Coats
32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13-13 Tac? Coats 13-1$ s)haltic Tac? Coats 13-1& Pri"e Coats 13-23 s)haltic Pri"e Coats

32 12 1$

s)halt Pa!ing
1$-13 1$-1$ 1$-1& 1$-23 1$-2$ 1$-2& 1$-33 1$-3$ Plant1/i3 s)halt Pa!ing 'oad1/i3 s)halt Pa!ing Cold1/i3 s)halt Pa!ing 'einforced s)halt Pa!ing :iber1/odified s)halt Pa!ing Pol+"er1/odified s)halt Pa!ing 9ranulated 'ubber1/odified s)halt Pa!ing thletic s)halt Pa!ing

32 12 1&

s)halt Pa!ing 5earing Courses

32 12 1&-13 'oad1/i3 s)halt Pa!ing 5earing Courses 32 12 1&-1$ 'esin1/odified s)halt Pa!ing 5earing Courses 32 12 1&-1& Porous :riction s)halt Pa!ing 5earing Courses

32 12 33 :le3ible Pa!ing Surface Treat"ents 32 12 3$ Seal Coats

32 32 32 32 12 12 12 12 3$-13 s)haltic Seal and :og Coats 3$-1$ Coal Tar Seal Coats 3$-1& Coal Tar Seal Coats with <n!ulcani8ed 'ubber 3$-23 :uel1'esistant Sealers

32 12 ,3 Porous :le3ible Pa!ing 32 12 73 s)halt Pa!ing Coint Sealants

(" 1( 00 Ri,id P vin,

32 13 13 Concrete Pa!ing
32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13-13 13-1$ 13-1& 13-23 1$-13 1$-1$ 1$-1& 1$-23 23)osed ggregate Concrete Pa!ing Power1Co")acted Concrete Pa!ing Prestressed Concrete Pa!ing Concrete Pa!ing Surface Treat"ent Patterned Concrete Pa!ing 'oller1Co")acted Concrete Pa!ing %")rinted Concrete Pa!ing Sta")ed Concrete Pa!ing

32 13 1$ Decorati!e Concrete Pa!ing

32 13 73 Concrete Pa!ing Coint Sealants

32 13 73-13 :uel1'esistant Concrete Pa!ing Coint Sealants 32 13 73-1$ :ield1/olded Concrete Pa!ing Coint Sealants 32 13 73-1& Co")ression Concrete Pa!ing Coint Sealants

(" 1* 00 Unit P vin,

32 1, 13 Precast Concrete <nit Pa!ing
32 1, 13-13 %nterloc?ing Precast Concrete <nit Pa!ing 32 1, 13-1$ Precast Concrete <nit Pa!ing Slabs 32 1, 13-1& Porous Precast Concrete <nit Pa!ing

32 32 32 32 32 32

1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,

1$ 23 2$ 2& ,0 ,3

#ric? <nit Pa!ing s)halt <nit Pa!ing 5ood Pa!ing 'ec+cled1'ubber Pa!ing Stone Pa!ing Porous <nit Pa!ing

(" 1+ 00 A,,re, te S#r) $in,

32 15 13 Cinder Surfacing 32 15 ,0 Crushed Stone Surfacing

(" 1- 00 C#r.s
32 32 32 32 32 32 1$ 1$ 1$ 1$ 1$ 1$ 13-13 13-1$ 13-1& 13-23 13-2$ 13-2&

nd G#tters
Cast1%n1Place Concrete Curbs and 9utters Cast1%n1Place Concrete Curbs Cast1%n1Place Concrete 9utters Precast Concrete Curbs and 9utters Precast Concrete Curbs Precast Concrete 9utters

32 1$ 13 Concrete Curbs and 9utters

32 1$ 1&

s)halt Curbs

32 1$ ,0 Stone Curbs
32 1$ ,0-13 /anufactured Stone Curbs

(" 15 00 P vin, S%e$i &ties

32 17 13 Par?ing #u")ers
32 32 32 32 32 17 17 17 17 17 13-13 13-1$ 13-1& 13-23 13-2$ /etal Par?ing #u")ers Plastic Par?ing #u")ers Precast Concrete Par?ing #u")ers 'ubber Par?ing #u")ers 5ood Par?ing #u")ers

32 17 23 Pa!e"ent /ar?ings
32 17 23-13 Painted Pa!e"ent /ar?ings 32 17 23-23 'aised Pa!e"ent /ar?ings 32 17 23-33 Plastic Pa!e"ent /ar?ings

32 17 2$ Tactile 5arning Surfacing

(" 1; 00 At3&eti$

nd Re$re ti!n & S#r) $in,

32 1> 13 S+nthetic 9rass Surfacing 32 1> 1$ S+nthetic 'esilient Surfacing

32 1> 1$-13 Pla+ground Protecti!e Surfacing

32 1> 23
32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 1> 1> 1> 1> 1> 1> 1> 1> 1> 1> 1> 1> 1>

thletic Surfacing
23-13 23-1$ 23-1& 23-23 23-2$ 23-2& 23-33 23-3$ 23-3& 23-,3 23-53 23-5$ 23-5& #aseball :ield Surfacing Aatural #aseball :ield Surfacing S+nthetic #aseball :ield Surfacing :ield S)ort Surfacing Aatural :ield S)ort Surfacing S+nthetic :ield S)ort Surfacing 'unning Trac? Surfacing Aatural 'unning Trac? Surfacing S+nthetic 'unning Trac? Surfacing 'ecreational Court Surfacing Tennis Court Surfacing Aatural Tennis Court Surfacing S+nthetic Tennis Court Surfacing

32 20 00 Unassigned (" (0 00 SITE IMPROVEMENTS

(" (1 00 Fen$es
32 32 32 32 32 31 31 31 31 31 13-23 13-2$ 13-2& 13-33 13-53

nd G tes

32 31 13 Chain Lin? :ences and 9ates

'ecreational Court :ences and 9ates Tennis Court :ences and 9ates Tennis Court 5ind #rea?er Chain Lin? #ac?sto)s 7igh1Securit+ Chain Lin? :ences and 9ates

32 32 32 32 32

31 31 31 31 31

1$ 1& 23 2$ 2&

5elded 5ire :ences and 9ates Decorati!e /etal :ences and 9ates Plastic :ences and 9ates 5ire :ences and 9ates 5ood :ences and 9ates

(" (" 00 Ret inin, 9 &&s

32 32 13 Cast1in1Place Concrete 'etaining 5alls 32 32 1$ Precast Concrete 'etaining 5alls

32 32 1& <nit /asonr+ 'etaining 5alls 32 32 23 Seg"ental 'etaining 5alls

32 32 23-13 Seg"ental Concrete <nit /asonr+ 'etaining 5alls 32 32 23-1$ /anufactured /odular 5alls

32 32 32 32 32

32 32 32 32 32

2$ 2& 3, 3$ ,3

/etal Crib 'etaining 5alls Ti"ber 'etaining 5alls 'einforced Soil 'etaining 5alls 9abion 'etaining 5alls Soldier1#ea" 'etaining 5alls

(" (* 00 F .ri$ ted 1rid,es (" (+ 00 S$reenin, Devi$es

32 35 13 Screens and Lou!ers 32 35 1$ Sound #arriers

32 40 00 Unassigned 32 50 00 Unassigned 32 60 00 Unassigned (" 50 00 9ET0ANDS

(" 51 00 C!nstr#$ted 9et& nds (" 5" 00 9et& nds Rest!r ti!n

(" ;" 00 Irri, ti!n P#m%s (" ;* 00 P& ntin, Irri, ti!n
32 >, 13 Dri) %rrigation 32 >, 23 <nderground S)rin?lers

(" ;- 00 A,ri$#&t#r & Irri, ti!n

(" 60 00 P0ANTING
(" 61 00 P& ntin, Pre% r ti!n
32 &1 13 Soil Pre)aration
32 32 32 32 32 &1 &1 &1 &1 &1 13-13 13-1$ 13-1& 13-23 13-2$ 7+dro1Punching /ulching Planting Soil /i3ing Structural Soil /i3ing Planting #eds

32 &1 1$ Planting Soil Stabili8ation

32 &1 1$-13 #lan?et Planting Soil Stabili8ation 32 &1 1$-1$ /at Planting Soil Stabili8ation 32 &1 1$-1& Aetting Planting Soil Stabili8ation

32 &1 1& Landsca)e 9rading

32 &1 1&-13 To)soil Place"ent and 9rading

(" 6" 00 T#r)

nd Gr sses

32 &2 13 7+dro1/ulching 32 &2 1$ Plugging 32 &2 1& Seeding

32 &2 1&-13 /echanical Seeding 32 &2 1&-1$ 7+draulic Seeding

32 &2 23 Sodding 32 &2 2$ S)rigging

32 &2 2$-13 Stoloni8ing

(" 6( 00 P& nts

32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 &3 &3 &3 &3 &, &, &, &, &, &$ &$ &$ &$ 13 23 33 ,3 13 1$ 33 ,3 ,$ 13 23 33 ,3 9round Co!ers Plants and #ulbs Shrubs Trees Landsca)e 2dging Landsca)e Ti"bers Planters Tree 9rates Tree 9rids 9round Co!er Trans)lanting Plant and #ulb Trans)lanting Shrub Trans)lanting Tree Trans)lanting

(" 6* 00 P& ntin, A$$ess!ries

(" 6- 00 Tr ns%& ntin,


(( 01 00 O%er ti!n nd M inten n$e !) Uti&ities
33 01 10 B)eration and /aintenance of 5ater <tilities 33 01 20 B)eration and /aintenance of 5ells 33 01 30 B)eration and /aintenance of Sewer <tilities
33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 30-13 30-1$ 30-51 30-52 30-$1 30-$2 30-71 30-72 Sewer and /anhole Testing T4 %ns)ection of Sewer Pi)elines /aintenance of Sewer <tilities Pond and 'eser!oir /aintenance Sewer and Pi)e Coint Sealing /anhole 9rout Sealing 'ehabilitation of Sewer <tilities 'elining Sewers

33 01 50 B)eration and /aintenance of :uel Distribution Lines

33 01 50-51 Cleaning :uel1Storage Tan?s 33 01 50-71 Lining of Steel :uel1Storage Tan?s

33 01 $0 B)eration and /aintenance of 7+dronic and Stea" 2nerg+ <tilities 33 01 70 B)eration and /aintenance of 2lectrical <tilities 33 01 >0 B)eration and /aintenance of Co""unications <tilities

(( 0+ 00 C!mm!n 9!r: Res#&ts )!r Uti&ities

33 05 13 /anholes and Structures
33 05 13-13 /anhole 9rade djust"ent

33 05 1$ <tilit+ Structures
33 05 1$-13 Precast Concrete <tilit+ Structures 33 05 1$-53 'ebuilding <tilit+ Structures

33 05 1& Pressure Pi)ing Tied Coint 'estraint S+ste" 33 05 23 Trenchless <tilit+ %nstallation
33 05 23-13 <tilit+ 7ori8ontal Directional Drilling 33 05 23-1$ <tilit+ Pi)e Cac?ing 33 05 23-1& /icrotunneling

33 05 23-23 <tilit+ Pi)e 'a""ing 33 05 23-2$ <tilit+ %")act /oling 33 05 23-2& Cable Trenching and Plowing

33 05 2$ <tilit+ Line Signs6 /ar?ers6 and :lags

(( 0- 00 S$3ed#&es )!r Uti&ities

33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 0& 10 20 30 ,0 50 $0 70 >0 10 20 30 ,0 50 $0 70 >0 Schedules Schedules Schedules Schedules Schedules Schedules Schedules Schedules for for for for for for for for 5ater <tilities 5ells Sanitar+ Sewerage <tilities Stor" Drainage <tilities :uel Distribution <tilities 7+dronic and Stea" 2nerg+ <tilities 2lectrical <tilities Co""unications <tilities of of of of of of of of 5ater <tilities 5ells Sanitar+ Sewerage <tilities Stor" Drainage <tilities :uel Distribution <tilities 7+dronic and Stea" 2nerg+ <tilities 2lectrical <tilities Co""unications <tilities

33 0$ ,0-13 Stor" Drainage Schedule

(( 0; 00 C!mmissi!nin, !) Uti&ities
Co""issioning Co""issioning Co""issioning Co""issioning Co""issioning Co""issioning Co""issioning Co""issioning

(( 06 00 Instr#ment ti!n
10 %nstru"entation 20 %nstru"entation 30 %nstru"entation ,0 %nstru"entation 50 %nstru"entation $0 %nstru"entation 70 %nstru"entation >0 %nstru"entation (( 10 00 9ATER UTI0ITIES and and and and and and and and

nd C!ntr!& )!r Uti&ities

Control Control Control Control Control Control Control Control for for for for for for for for 5ater <tilities 5ells Sanitar+ Sewerage <tilities Stor" Drainage <tilities :uel Distribution <tilities 7+dronic and Stea" 2nerg+ <tilities 2lectrical <tilities Co""unications <tilities

(( 11 00 9 ter Uti&it' Distri.#ti!n Pi%in,

33 11 13 Public 5ater <tilit+ Distribution Pi)ing 33 11 1$ Site 5ater <tilit+ Distribution Pi)ing 33 11 1& :ire Su))ression <tilit+ 5ater Distribution Pi)ing

(( 1" 00 9 ter Uti&it' Distri.#ti!n E<#i%ment

33 12 13 5ater Ser!ice Connections
33 12 13-13 5ater Su))l+ #ac?flow Pre!enter sse"blies

33 33 33 33

12 12 12 12

1$ 1& 23 33

5ater 5ater 5ater 5ater

<tilit+ <tilit+ <tilit+ <tilit+

Distribution 4al!es Distribution :ire 7+drants Pu")ing Stations /etering

(( 1( 00 Disin)e$tin, !) 9 ter Uti&it' Distri.#ti!n (( 1- 00 9 ter Uti&it' St!r ,e T n:s

33 1$ 13 bo!eground 5ater <tilit+ Storage Tan?s

33 1$ 13-13 Steel bo!eground 5ater <tilit+ Storage Tan?s 33 1$ 13-1$ Prestressed Concrete bo!eground 5a ter <tilit+ Storage Tan?s

33 1$ 1$ <nderground 5ater <tilit+ Storage Tan?s 33 1$ 1& 2le!ated 5ater <tilit+ Storage Tan?s (( "0 00 9E00S

(( "1 00 9 ter S#%%&' 9e&&s

33 21 13 Public 5ater Su))l+ 5ells 33 21 1$ %rrigation 5ater 5ells

(( "" 00 Test 9e&&s (( "( 00 E>tr $ti!n 9e&&s (( "* 00 M!nit!rin, 9e&&s
33 2, 13 9roundwater /onitoring 5ells

(( "+ 00 Re$3 r,e 9e&&s (( "- 00 Re&ie) 9e&&s (( "6 00 9e&& A. nd!nment


(( (1 00 S nit r' Uti&it' Se2er ,e Pi%in,
33 31 13 Public Sanitar+ <tilit+ Sewerage Pi)ing 33 31 1$ %ndustrial 5aste <tilit+ Sewerage Pi)ing

(( (" 00 9 ste2 ter Uti&it' P#m%in, St ti!ns

33 32 13 Pac?aged <tilit+ Lift Stations
33 32 13-13 Pac?aged Sewage Lift Stations6 5et 5ell T+)e

33 32 1$ Pac?aged <tilit+ 5astewater Pu")ing Stations

33 32 1$-13 Pac?aged Sewage 9rinder Pu")ing <nits

33 32 1& Public <tilit+ 5astewater Pu")ing Stations

(( (( 00 0!2 Press#re Uti&it' Se2er ,e

33 33 13 Sanitar+ <tilit+ Sewerage 33 33 1$ Co"bined <tilit+ Sewerage

(( (* 00 S nit r' Uti&it' Se2er ,e F!r$e M ins

33 3, 13 Sanitar+ <tilit+ Sewerage %n!erted Si)hons

(( (- 00 Uti&it' Se%ti$ T n:s

33 3$ 13 <tilit+ Se)tic Tan? and 2ffluent 5et 5ells 33 3$ 1$ <tilit+ Se)tic Tan? 2ffluent Pu")s 33 3$ 33 <tilit+ Drainage :ield

(( (6 00 S nit r' Uti&it' Se2er ,e Str#$t#res

33 3& 13 Sanitar+ <tilit+ Sewerage /anholes6 :ra"es6 and Co!ers 33 3& 23 Sanitar+ <tilit+ Sewerage Cleanouts (( *0 00 STORM DRAINAGE UTI0ITIES

(( *1 00 St!rm Uti&it' Dr in ,e Pi%in,

33 ,1 13 Public Stor" <tilit+ Drainage Pi)ing

(( *" 00 C#&verts
33 ,2 13 Pi)e Cul!erts
33 ,2 13-13 Public Pi)e Cul!erts

33 ,2 1$ Concrete Cul!erts
33 ,2 1$-13 Precast Concrete Cul!erts 33 ,2 1$-1$ Cast1in1Place Concrete Cul!erts

(( ** 00 St!rm Uti&it' 9 ter Dr ins

33 ,, 13 <tilit+ rea Drains
33 ,, 13-13 Catchbasins

33 ,, 1$ <tilit+ Trench Drains 33 ,, 1& <tilit+ Stor" 5ater Treat"ent

33 ,, 1&-13 %n1Line <tilit+ Stor" 5ater :ilters 33 ,, 1&-1$ Catch #asin %nsert <tilit+ Stor" 5ater :ilters 33 ,, 1&-1& <tilit+ Bil and 9as Se)arators

(( *+ 00 St!rm Uti&it' Dr in ,e P#m%s (( *- 00 S#.dr in ,e

33 ,$ 13 :oundation Drainage
33 ,$ 13-13 :oundation Drainage Pi)ing 33 ,$ 13-1$ 9eoco")osite :oundation Drainage

33 ,$ 1$ Subdrainage Pi)ing
33 ,$ 1$-13 Subdrainage Pi)ing 33 ,$ 1$-1$ 9eoco")osite Subdrainage 33 ,$ 1$-1& Pi)e <nderdrains

33 ,$ 1& <nderslab Drainage

33 ,$ 1&-13 <nderslab Drainage Pi)ing 33 ,$ 1&-1$ 9eoco")osite <nderslab Drainage

33 ,$ 23 Drainage La+ers
33 ,$ 23-1$ 9ra!el Drainage La+ers 33 ,$ 23-1& 9eos+nthetic Drainage La+ers

33 ,$ 2$ 9eote3tile Subsurface Drainage :iltration 33 ,$ 33 'etaining 5all Drainage

(( *5 00 P!nds

nd Reserv!irs

33 ,7 13 Pond and 'eser!oir Liners

33 ,7 13-13 Pond Liners 33 ,7 13-53 'eser!oir Liners

33 ,7 1$ Pond and 'eser!oir Co!ers

33 ,7 1$-13 Pond Co!ers 33 ,7 1$-53 'eser!oir Co!ers

33 ,7 1& 5ater Ponds and 'eser!oirs

33 33 33 33 ,7 ,7 ,7 ,7 1&-13 1&-1$ 1&-23 1&-33 5ater Distribution Ponds 5ater 'etainage 'eser!oirs Cooling 5ater Ponds :ire1Protection 5ater Ponds

33 ,7 23 Sanitar+ Sewerage Lagoons 33 ,7 2$ Stor" Drainage Ponds and 'eser!oirs

33 ,7 2$-13 Stabili8ation Ponds 33 ,7 2$-1$ 'etention #asins 33 ,7 2$-1& Leaching Pits

(( *6 00 St!rm Dr in ,e Str#$t#res
33 ,& 13 Stor" Drainage /anholes6 :ra"es6 and Co!ers 33 ,& 23 Stor" Drainage 5ater 'etention Structures (( +0 00 FUE0 DISTRI1UTION UTI0ITIES

(( +1 00 N t#r &=G s Distri.#ti!n

33 51 13 Aatural19as Pi)ing 33 51 33 Aatural19as /etering

(( +" 00 0i<#id F#e& Distri.#ti!n

33 52 13 :uel1Bil Distribution
33 52 13-13 :uel1Bil Pi)ing 33 52 13-23 :uel1Bil Pu")s

33 52 1$ 9asoline Distribution
33 52 1$-13 9asoline Pi)ing 33 52 1$-23 9asoline Pu")s

33 52 1& Diesel :uel Distribution

33 52 1&-13 Diesel :uel Pi)ing 33 52 1&-23 Diesel :uel Pu")s

33 52 ,3
33 33 33 33 52 52 52 52

!iation :uel Distribution

,3-13 ,3-1$ ,3-1& ,3-23 !iation !iation !iation !iation :uel :uel :uel :uel Pi)ing Connections 9rounding Pu")s

(( +- 00 F#e&=St!r ,e T n:s
33 5$ 13 bo!eground :uel1Storage Tan?s 33 5$ 1$ <nderground :uel1Storage Tan?s 33 5$ ,3 !iation :uel1Storage Tan?s
33 5$ ,3-13 bo!eground !iation :uel1Storage Tan?s 33 5$ ,3-1$ <nderground !iation :uel1Storage Tan?s

33 5$ 53 Co")ressed 9ases Storage Tan?s (( -0 00 7YDRONIC AND STEAM ENERGY UTI0ITIES

(( -1 00 7'dr!ni$ Ener,' Distri.#ti!n

33 $1 13 <nderground 7+dronic 2nerg+ Distribution 33 $1 23 bo!eground 7+dronic 2nerg+ Distribution 33 $1 33 7+dronic 2nerg+ Distribution /etering

(( -( 00 Ste m Ener,' Distri.#ti!n

33 $3 13 <nderground Stea" and Condensate Distribution Pi)ing 33 $3 23 bo!eground Stea" and Condensate Distribution Pi)ing 33 $3 33 Stea" 2nerg+ Distribution /etering (( 50 00 E0ECTRICA0 UTI0ITIES

(( 51 00 E&e$tri$ & Uti&it' Tr nsmissi!n

33 71 13 2lectrical <tilit+ Towers

nd Distri.#ti!n

33 71 13-13 Precast Concrete 2lectrical <tilit+ Towers 33 71 13-23 Steel 2lectrical <tilit+ Towers 33 71 13-33 5ood 2lectrical <tilit+ Towers

33 71 1$ 2lectrical <tilit+ Poles

33 71 1$-13 Precast Concrete 2lectrical <tilit+ Poles 33 71 1$-23 Steel 2lectrical <tilit+ Poles 33 71 1$-33 5ood 2lectrical <tilit+ Poles

33 71 1& 2lectrical <nderground Ducts and /anholes

33 71 1&-13 2lectrical /anholes and 7andholes

33 71 23 %nsulators and :ittings

33 71 23-13 Sus)ension %nsulators 33 71 23-1$ Post %nsulators 33 71 23-23 Potheads

33 71 2$ Trans"ission and Distribution 2(ui)"ent

33 71 2$-13 Ca)acitor #an?s

33 71 2$-1$ Cou)ling Ca)acitors 33 71 2$-23 Current Transfor"ers 33 71 2$-2$ Potential Transfor"ers

33 71 3$ 23tra17igh14oltage 5iring
33 71 3$-13 B!erhead 23tra17igh14oltage 5iring

33 71 3& 7igh14oltage 5iring

33 71 3&-13 B!erhead 7igh14oltage 5iring 33 71 3&-23 <nderground 7igh14oltage 5iring 33 71 3&-33 <nderwater 7igh14oltage 5iring

33 71 ,& /ediu"14oltage 5iring

33 71 ,&-13 B!erhead /ediu"14oltage 5iring 33 71 ,&-23 <nderground /ediu"14oltage 5iring 33 71 ,&-33 <nderwater /ediu"14oltage 5iring

33 71 53 Direct1Current Trans"ission 33 71 73 2lectrical <tilit+ Ser!ices

33 71 73-33 2lectric /eters

33 71 >3 Trans"ission and Distribution S)ecialties

(( 5" 00 Uti&it' ti!ns

33 72 13 Deadend Structures 33 72 23 Structural #us Su))orts
33 72 23-13 #us Su))ort %nsulators

33 72 2$ Substation #us


33 72 2$-13 lu"inu" Substation #us sse"blies 33 72 2$-1$ Co))er Substation #us sse"blies

33 72 33 Control 7ouse 2(ui)"ent

33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 33-13 33-1$ 33-23 33-2$ 33-33 33-3$ 33-,3 33-,$ 'ela+s Substation Control Panels Power1Line Carriers Substation /etering 'acewa+ and #o3es for <tilit+ Substations Cable Tra+s for <tilit+ Substations Substation #ac?u) #atteries Substation Con!erter Stations

33 72 ,3 Substation Control 5iring

(( 5( 00 Uti&it' Tr ns)!rmers
33 73 13 Li(uid1:illed <tilit+ Transfor"ers 33 73 23 Dr+1T+)e <tilit+ Transfor"ers

(( 5+ 00 7i,3=V!&t ,e S2it$3,e r
33 33 33 33 33 33 33 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 13 1$ 1& 23 3$ 3& ,3

nd Pr!te$ti!n Devi$es

ir 7igh14oltage Circuit #rea?er Bil 7igh14oltage Circuit #rea?er 9as 7igh14oltage Circuit #rea?er 4acuu" 7igh14oltage Circuit #rea?er 7igh14oltage <tilit+ :uses 7igh14oltage Surge rresters Shunt 'eactors

(( 55 00 Medi#m=V!&t ,e Uti&it' S2it$3,e r

33 77 13 ir /ediu"14oltage Circuit #rea?er 33 77 1$ Bil /ediu"14oltage Circuit #rea?er 33 77 1& 9as /ediu"14oltage Circuit #rea?er

nd Pr!te$ti!n Devi$es

33 33 33 33 33 33

77 77 77 77 77 77

23 2$ 33 3$ 3& 53

4acuu" /ediu"14oltage Circuit #rea?er /ediu"14oltage <tilit+ :usible %nterru)ter Switchgear /ediu"14oltage <tilit+ Cutouts /ediu"14oltage <tilit+ :uses /ediu"14oltage <tilit+ Surge rresters /ediu"14oltage <tilit+ 'eclosers

(( 56 00 Site Gr!#ndin,
33 7& 13 Site %")ro!e"ents 9rounding
33 7& 13-13 2lectric :ence 9rounding

33 7& 1$ Tower 9rounding

33 7& 1$-13 Co""unications Tower 9rounding 33 7& 1$-1$ ntenna Tower 9rounding

33 7& 1& <tilities 9rounding

33 7& 1&-13 2lectrical <tilities 9rounding 33 7& 1&-1$ Co""unications <tilities 9rounding

33 7& 23 <tilit+ Substation 9rounding 33 7& >3 Site 9rounding Conductors

33 33 33 33 33 7& 7& 7& 7& 7& >3-13 >3-1$ >3-23 >3-33 >3-,3 9rounding 5ire6 #ar6 and 'od Che"ical 'od Conducti!e Concrete 2arth 9rounding 2nhance"ent Dee) 2arth 9rounding

33 7& &3 Site Lightning Protection

33 7& &3-13 Lightning Stri?e Counters 33 7& &3-1$ Lightning Stri?e 5arning De!ices

(( ;1 00 C!mm#ni$ ti!ns Str#$t#res
33 33 33 33 33 33 33 >1 >1 >1 >1 >1 >1 >1 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 2& 33 Co""unications Trans"ission Towers ntenna Towers Co""unications <tilit+ Poles erial Cable %nstallation 7ardware Co""unications <nderground Ducts6 /anholes6 and 7andholes Co""unications 4aults6 Pedestals and 2nclosures Co""unications #lowers6 :ans6 and 4entilation

(( ;" 00 C!mm#ni$ ti!ns Distri.#ti!n

33 >2 13 Co))er Co""unications Distribution Cabling
33 >2 13-13 Co))er S)licing and Ter"inations

33 >2 23 B)tical :iber Co""unications Distribution Cabling

33 >2 23-13 B)tical :iber S)licing and Ter"inations

33 >2 33 Coa3ial Co""unications Distribution Cabling

33 >2 33-13 Coa3ial S)licing and Ter"inations

33 >2 ,3 9rounding and #onding for Co""unications Distribution 33 >2 ,$ Cable Pressuri8ation 2(ui)"ent 33 >2 53 Cleaning6 Lubrication and 'estoration Che"icals

(( ;( 00 9ire&ess C!mm#ni$ ti!ns Distri.#ti!n

33 >3 13 Laser Trans"itters and 'ecei!ers 33 >3 1$ /icrowa!e Trans"itters and 'ecei!ers 33 >3 1& %nfrared Trans"itters and 'ecei!ers

33 >3 23 <7:=47: Trans"itters and


33 90 00 Unassigned


(* 01 00 O%er ti!n nd M inten n$e !) Tr ns%!rt ti!n
3, 01 13 B)eration and /aintenance of 'oadwa+s 3, 01 23 B)eration and /aintenance of 'ailwa+s
3, 01 23-13 Trac? 'e"o!al and Sal!age 3, 01 23->1 Trac? Crosstie 'e)lace"ent

3, 01 33 B)eration and /aintenance of irfields 3, 01 ,3 B)eration and /aintenance of #ridges

(* 0+ 00 C!mm!n 9!r: Res#&ts )!r Tr ns%!rt ti!n

3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 05 05 05 05 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0> 0> 0> 0> 13 23 33 ,3 13 23 33 ,3 Co""on Co""on Co""on Co""on 5or? 5or? 5or? 5or? 'esults 'esults 'esults 'esults for 'oadwa+s for 'ailwa+s for ir)orts for #ridges

(* 0- 00 S$3ed#&es )!r Tr ns%!rt ti!n

Schedules Schedules Schedules Schedules for 'oadwa+s for 'ailwa+s for irfields for #ridges

(* 0; 00 C!mmissi!nin, !) Tr ns%!rt ti!n

13 Co""issioning of 'oadwa+s 23 Co""issioning of 'ailwa+s 33 Co""issioning of irfields ,3 Co""issioning of #ridges (* 10 00 GUIDE9AYSCRAI09AYS

(* 11 00 R i& Tr $:s
3, 11 13 Trac? 'ails
3, 11 13-13 Light 'ail Trac? 3, 11 13-23 7ea!+ 'ail Trac?

3, 11 1$ 5elded Trac? 'ails

3, 11 1$-13 %n1Trac? #utt15elded Trac? 'ail 3, 11 1$-1$ Pressure15elded Trac? 'ail 3, 11 1$-1& Ther"ite15elded Trac? 'ail

3, 11 1& Trac? 'ail Coints 3, 11 23 S)ecial Trac?wor?

3, 3, 3, 3, 11 11 11 11 23-13 23-1$ 23-23 23-2$ #allasted S)ecial Trac? 'ail Direct1:i3ation Trac? 'unning 'ail Precur!ed 'unning 'ail

3, 11 2$ #allasted Trac? 'ail

3, 11 2$-13 Trac? 'ail #allast 3, 11 2$-1$ Trac? 'ail Subballast

3, 11 2& 2"bedded Trac? 'ail 3, 11 33 Trac? Cross Ties

3, 11 33-13 Concrete Trac? Cross Ties

3, 11 33-1$ Ti"ber Trac? Cross Ties 3, 11 33-1& 'esilient Trac? Cross Ties

3, 11 3$ Trac? 'ail :asteners

3, 11 3$-13 Direct1:i3ation :asteners

3, 11 3& Trac? Collector Pans

3, 11 3&-13 :iberglass Trac? Collector Pans

3, 11 &3 Trac? 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 12 12 12 12 12 13 1$ 1& 23 $3

))urtenances and


(* 1" 00 M!n!r i&s

2le!ated /onorails Bn19rade /onorails #elow19rade /onorails /agle! /onorail /onorail Trac?

(* 1( 00 F#ni$#& rs
3, 13 13 %nclined 'ailwa+

(* 1* 00 C .&e Tr ns%!rt ti!n

13 erial Tra"wa+s 1& 9ondolas 2$ :unitels 33 Chairlifts 3& Surface Lifts ,$ 'o)ewa+ Tows 53 Cable Car S+ste"s (* "0 00 TRACTION PO9ER 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,

(* "1 00 Tr $ti!n P!2er Distri.#ti!n

3, 21 13 7igh Power Static :re(uenc+ Con!erters 3, 21 1$ Traction Power Substations
3, 21 1$-13 C Traction Power Substations 3, 21 1$-1$ DC Traction Power Substations

3, 21 1& Traction Power Switchgear

3, 21 1&-13 C Traction Power Switchgear 3, 21 1&-1$ DC Traction Power Switchgear 3, 21 1&-23 :re(uenc+ Changer

3, 21 23 Traction Power Transfor"er1'ectifier <nits

(* "( 00 Over3e d Tr $ti!n P!2er

3, 23 13 Traction Power Poles 3, 23 1$ B!erhead Cable Sus)ension 3, 23 23 B!erhead Traction Power Cables

(* "* 00 T3ird R i& Tr $ti!n P!2er

3, 2, 13 #otto"1Contact Third 'ail 3, 2, 1$ Side1Contact Third 'ail 3, 2, 1& To)1Contact Third 'ail


(* *1 00 R! d2 ' Si,n &in, nd C!ntr!& E<#i%ment
3, ,1 13 Traffic Signals 3, ,1 1$ Traffic Control 2(ui)"ent

3, ,1 23 'oadwa+ /onitoring 2(ui)"ent

(* *" 00 R i&2 ' Si,n &in,

3, ,2 13 'ailwa+ Signals

nd C!ntr!& E<#i%ment

3, ,2 13-13 9eneral 'ailwa+ Signal 'e(uire"ents 3, ,2 13-1$ Signal Solid State Coded Trac? Circuits

3, ,2 1$ Train Control 5ires and Cables 3, ,2 1& 4ital %nterloc?ing Logic Controllers 3, ,2 23 'ailwa+ Control 2(ui)"ent
3, 3, 3, 3, ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 23-13 23-1$ 23-1& 23-23 /ainline Train Control 'oo" 2(ui)"ent Gard Train Control 'oo" 2(ui)"ent %ntegrated Control 2(ui)"ent %nterloc?ing 'ailwa+ Control 2(ui)"ent

3, 3, 3, 3,

,2 ,2 ,2 ,2

2$ 2& 33 3$

'ail Aetwor? 2(ui)"ent Station gent 2(ui)"ent Gard /anage"ent 2(ui)"ent Su)er!isor+ Control and Data c(uisition

(* *( 00 Air)ie&d Si,n &in,

3, ,3 13 3, ,3 1$
3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3

nd C!ntr!& E<#i%ment

irfield Signals
irfield 'unwa+ %dentification Lights irfield 'unwa+ and Ta3iwa+ %nset Lighting

3, ,3 13-13 3, ,3 13-1$

irfield Landing 2(ui)"ent

1$-13 /icrowa!e irfield Landing 2(ui)"ent 1$-1$ %nstru"ent irfield Landing 2(ui)"ent 1$-1& irfield 4isual1 ))roach Slo)e %ndicator 2(ui)"ent 1$-23 irfield Short1 ))roach Lighting 2(ui)"ent 1$-2$ irfield B"ni1Directional1 ))roach Lighting 2(ui)"ent 1$-2& irfield Low1%ntensit+1 ))roach Lighting 2(ui)"ent 1$-33 irfield 7igh1%ntensit+1 ))roach Lighting 2(ui)"ent 1$-3$ irfield Precision1 ))roach Path %ndicator 2(ui)"ent

3, ,3 1& irfield Traffic Control Tower 2(ui)"ent 3, ,3 23 5eather Bbser!ation 2(ui)"ent

3, ,3 23-13 3, ,3 23-1$ uto"atic 5eather Bbser!ation 2(ui)"ent irfield 5ind Cones irfield Lighting Control 2(ui)"ent irfield Lighting PLC Control 2(ui)"ent irfield Lighting 'egulator sse"bl+

3, ,3 2$

irfield Control 2(ui)"ent

3, ,3 2$-13 3, ,3 2$-1$ 3, ,3 2$-1&

(* *; 00 1rid,e Si,n &in,

nd C!ntr!& E<#i%ment

3, ,> 13 B)erating #ridge Signals 3, ,> 1$ B)erating #ridge Control 2(ui)"ent (* +0 00 TRANSPORTATION FARE CO00ECTION EQUIPMENT

(* +" 00 Ve3i$&e F re C!&&e$ti!n

3, 52 1$ 4ehicle Tic?eting 2(ui)"ent
3, 52 1$-13 4ehicle Tic?et 4ending /achines

3, 52 2$ 4ehicle :are Collection 2(ui)"ent

3, 52 2$-13 4ehicle Coin :are Collection 2(ui)"ent 3, 52 2$-1$ 4ehicle 2lectronic :are Collection 2(ui)"ent

3, 52 33 4ehicle :are 9ates

(* +* 00 P ssen,er F re C!&&e$ti!n

3, 5, 1$ Passenger Tic?eting 2(ui)"ent

3, 5, 1$-13 Passenger Tic?et 4ending /achines 3, 5, 1$-1$ Passenger ddfare /achines 3, 5, 1$-23 Passenger %nter"odal Transfer /achines

3, 5, 2$ Passenger :are Collection 2(ui)"ent

3, 5, 2$-13 Passenger Coin :are Collection 2(ui)"ent 3, 5, 2$-1$ Passenger 2lectronic :are Collection 2(ui)"ent

3, 5, 33 Passenger :are 9ates


(* 51 00 R! d2 ' C!nstr#$ti!n
3, 71 13 4ehicle #arriers
3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 71 71 71 71 71 13-13 13-1$ 13-1& 13-2$ 13-2& 4ehicle 4ehicle 4ehicle 4ehicle 4ehicle /edian #arriers Crash #arriers Traffic #arriers 9uide 'ails #arrier :enders

3, 71 1$ %")act ttenuating De!ices 3, 71 1& 4ehicle Delineators

3, 71 1&-13 :i3ed 4ehicle Delineators 3, 71 1&-1$ :le3ible 4ehicle Delineators

(* 5" 00 R i&2 ' C!nstr#$ti!n

3, 72 13 'ailwa+ Line 3, 72 1$ 'ailwa+ Siding

(* 5( 00 Air)ie&d C!nstr#$ti!n
3, 73 13 3, 73 1$ ircraft Tiedowns irfield 9rounding
ircraft Static 9rounding 3, 73 1$-13

3, 73 1& Cet #last #arriers 3, 73 23 /anufactured irfield Control Towers 3, 73 2$ /anufactured 7eli)ads

(* 5+ 00 R! d2 ' E<#i%ment
3, 75 13 B)erable 'oadwa+ 2(ui)"ent
3, 75 13-13 cti!e 4ehicle #arriers

(* 5- 00 R i&2 ' E<#i%ment

3, 7$ 13 'oadwa+ Crossing Control 2(ui)"ent

(* 55 00 Tr ns%!rt ti!n E<#i%ment

3, 77 13 Passenger Loading #ridges
3, 77 13-13 :i3ed ircraft Passenger Loading #ridges 3, 77 13-1$ /o!able ircraft Passenger Loading #ridges 3, 77 13-23 Shi) Passenger Loading #ridges

3, 77 1$ #aggage 7andling 2(ui)"ent

3, 77 1$-13 #aggage Scanning 2(ui)"ent 3, 77 1$-1$ #aggage Scales 3, 77 1$-1& #aggage Con!e+ing 2(ui)"ent

(* ;0 00 1RIDGES
(* ;1 00 1rid,e M $3iner'
3, >1 13 Single1Swing #ridge /achiner+

3, 3, 3, 3,

>1 >1 >1 >1

1$ 1& 23 2$

Double1Swing #ridge /achiner+ Cantile!er #ridge /achiner+ Lift #ridge /achiner+ Sliding #ridge /achiner+

(* ;" 00 1rid,e S%e$i &ties

3, >2 13 #ridge 4ibration Da")ers
3, >2 13-13 4isco 2lastic #ridge 4ibration Da")ers 3, >2 13-1$ Tuned1/ass #ridge 4ibration Da")ers

3, >2 1& #ridge Pier Protection

3, >2 1&-13 #ridge Pier %ce Shields

34 90 00 Unassigned


(+ 01 00 O%er ti!n nd M inten n$e !) 9 ter2 ' nd M rine C!nstr#$ti!n
35 01 30 B)eration and /aintenance of Coastal Construction 35 01 ,0 B)eration and /aintenance of 5aterwa+ Construction
35 01 ,0-&2 Preser!ation of 5ater Courses

35 01 50 B)eration and /aintenance of /arine Construction

35 01 50-71 Channel 23ca!ation6 Cleaning and Dee)ening

35 01 70 B)eration and /aintenance of Da"s

(+ 0+ 00 C!mm!n 9!r: Res#&ts )!r 9 ter2 '

35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 05 05 05 05 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0> 0> 0> 0> 30 ,0 50 70 30 ,0 50 70 Co""on Co""on Co""on Co""on 5or? 5or? 5or? 5or? for for for for 'esults 'esults 'esults 'esults for for for for

nd M rine C!nstr#$ti!n

Coastal Construction 5aterwa+ Construction /arine Construction Da"s

(+ 0- 00 S$3ed#&es )!r 9 ter2 '

Schedules Schedules Schedules Schedules

nd M rine C!nstr#$ti!n

Coastal Construction 5aterwa+ Construction /arine Construction Da"s

(+ 0; 00 C!mmissi!nin, !) 9 ter2 '

nd M rine C!nstr#$ti!n

30 Co""issioning of Coastal Construction ,0 Co""issioning of 5aterwa+ Construction 50 Co""issioning of /arine Construction 70 Co""issioning of Da"s (+ 10 00 9ATER9AY AND MARINE SIGNA0ING AND CONTRO0 EQUIPMENT

(+ 11 00 Si,n &in,

nd C!ntr!& E<#i%ment )!r 9 ter2 's nd C!ntr!& E<#i%ment

35 11 13 Signaling 2(ui)"ent for 5aterwa+s 35 11 53 Control 2(ui)"ent for 5aterwa+s

(+ 1" 00 M rine Si,n &in,

35 12 13 /arine Signaling 2(ui)"ent

35 12 13-13 Lighthouse 2(ui)"ent

35 12 33 /arine Aa!igation 2(ui)"ent 35 12 53 /arine Control 2(ui)"ent

(+ 1( 00 Si,n &in,

nd C!ntr!& E<#i%ment )!r D ms

35 13 13 Signaling 2(ui)"ent for Da"s

35 13 53 Control 2(ui)"ent for Da"s (+ "0 00 9ATER9AY AND MARINE CONSTRUCTION AND EQUIPMENT 35 20 13 7+draulic :abrications
35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 13-13 13-1$ 13-1& 13-23 13-2$ 1$-13 1$-1& 1$-2$ 1$-33 1$-3& 1$-,$ 1$-53 1$-5& 7+draulic 7+draulic 7+draulic 7+draulic 7+draulic 7+draulic 7+draulic 7+draulic 7+draulic 7+draulic 7+draulic 7+draulic 7+draulic #ifurcation Panels #ul?heads /anifolds Penstoc?s Trashrac?s S)illwa+ Crest 9ates 7ead 9ates Sluice 9ates /iter 9ates Sector 9ates Tainter 9ates and nchorages 4ertical Lift 9ates Closure 9ates

35 20 1$ 7+draulic 9ates

35 20 1& 7+draulic 4al!es

35 20 1&-13 7+draulic #utterfl+ 4al!es 35 20 1&-23 7+draulic 'egulating 4al!es

35 20 23 Dredging
35 20 23-13 /echanical Dredging 35 20 23-23 7+draulic Dredging 35 20 23-33 %ntegrated Dredging and Dewatering

(+ (1 00 S3!re&ine Pr!te$ti!n
35 31 1$ Seawalls
35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 1$-13 1$-1$ 1$-1& 1$-23 1$-,0 1&-13 1&-1$ 1&-3$ 1&-,0 Concrete Seawalls Seg"ental Seawalls Steel Sheet Piling Seawalls Ti"ber Seawalls Stone Seawalls Sac?ed Ce"ent1Sand 'e!et"ents Concrete <nit /asonr+ 'e!et"ents 9abion 'e!et"ents Stone 'e!et"ents

35 31 1& 'e!et"ents

35 31 23 #rea?waters
35 31 23-13 'ubble /ound #rea?waters 35 31 23-1$ Precast #rea?water /odules

35 31 2$ Cetties
35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 2$-13 2$-1$ 2$-3$ 2$-,0 2&-13 2&-1$ 2&-2$ 2&-3$ Concrete Cetties Concrete <nit /asonr+ Cetties 9abion Cetties Stone Cetties Concrete 9roins Concrete <nit /asonr+ 9roins Steel 9roins 9abion 9roins

35 31 2& 9roins

35 31 2&-,0 Stone 9roins

(+ (" 00 Arti)i$i & Ree)s

35 32 13 Scra) /aterial rtificial 'eefs
35 32 13-13 Scra) Concrete rtificial 'eefs 35 32 13-1& Scra) Steel rtificial 'eefs 35 32 13-33 Sun?en Shi) rtificial 'eefs

35 32 1$ Constructed

rtificial 'eefs

35 32 1$-13 Constructed Concrete rtificial 'eefs 35 32 1$-1& Constructed Steel rtificial 'eefs


(+ *1 00 0evees
35 ,1 13 Landside Le!ee #er"s
35 ,1 13-13 Stabilit+ Landside Le!ee #er"s 35 ,1 13-1$ See)age Landside Le!ee #er"s

35 ,1 1$ Le!ee Cutoff Trenches 35 ,1 1& Le!ee 'elief 5ells

(+ *" 00 9 ter2 ' 1 n: Pr!te$ti!n

35 ,2 13 Piling #an? Protection
35 ,2 13-1& Steel Sheet Piling #an? Protection 35 ,2 13-23 Ti"ber Piling #an? Protection 35 ,2 13-2$ Plastic Piling #an? Protection

35 35 35 35 35 35

,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2

2& 3, 35 3$ 37 53

9rout1#ag #an? Protection Soil 'einforce" ent #an? Protection Slo)e Protection #an? Protection 9abion #an? Protection 'i)ra) #an? Protection 5all #an? Protection

35 ,2 53-1$ Concrete <nit /asonr+ 5all #an? Protection 35 ,2 53-1& Seg"ental 5all #an? Protection 35 ,2 53-,0 Stone 5all #an? Protection

(+ *( 00 9 ter2 ' S$!#r Pr!te$ti!n

35 35 35 35 35 35 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 2& 3, 35 3$ 37 53 9rout1#ag Scour Protection Soil 'einforce"ent Scour Protection Slo)e Protection Scour Protection 9abion Scour Protection 'i)ra) Scour Protection 5all Scour Protection

35 ,3 53-13 Concrete <nit /asonr+ 5all Scour Protection 35 ,3 53-1$ Seg"ental 5all Scour Protection 35 ,3 53-,0 Stone 5all Scour Protection

(+ *6 00 9 ter2 ' Str#$t#res

35 ,& 13 :loodwalls
35 ,& 13-13 Concrete :loodwalls 35 ,& 13-1$ /asonr+ :loodwalls

35 ,& 23 5aterwa+ Loc?s

35 ,& 23-13 Concrete 5aterwa+ Loc?s 35 ,& 23-23 Piling 5aterwa+ Loc?s


(+ +1 00 F&! tin, C!nstr#$ti!n

35 51 13 :loating Piers
35 51 13-23 :loating 5ood Piers 35 51 13-2$ :loating Plastic Piers

35 51 23 Pontoons

(+ +" 00 O))s3!re P& t)!rm C!nstr#$ti!n

35 52 13 :i3ed Bffshore Platfor" Construction 35 52 23 Se"i1Sub"ersible Bffshore Platfor" Construction 35 52 33 :loating Bffshore Platfor" Construction

(+ +( 00 Under2 ter C!nstr#$ti!n

35 35 35 35 35 53 53 53 53 53 23 33 ,3 53 $3 <nderwater <nderwater <nderwater <nderwater <nderwater 7arbor Dee)ening Pi)eline Construction :oundation Construction Structures Construction 5ater)roofing

(+ +6 00 M rine S%e$i &ties

35 5& 13 /arine :enders
35 5& 13-13 Prestressed Concrete /arine :ender Piling 35 5& 13-1$ 'esilient :oa"1:illed /arine :enders 35 5& 13-1& 'ubber /arine :enders

35 5& 23 #uo+s
35 5& 23-13 /ooring #uo+s 35 5& 23-1$ nchor Pendant #uo+s 35 5& 23-1& Aa!igation #uo+s

35 5& 2& /ooring De!ices

35 5& 2&-13 *uic?1'elease /ooring 7oo?s 35 5& 2&-1$ Laser Doc?ing S+ste"s 35 5& 2&-1& Ca)stans

35 5& 33 /arine #ollards and Cleats

35 35 35 35 5& 5& 5& 5& 33-13 33-1$ 33-1& 33-23 Cast1Steel /arine #ollards and Cleats Cast1%ron /arine #ollards and Cleats Stainless1Steel /arine #ollards and Cleats Plastic /arine #ollards and Cleats

35 5& &3 /arine Chain and


35 5& &3-13 /arine Chain 35 5& &3-1$ /arine Shac?les 35 5& &3-1& /arine Chain Tensioners

35 60 00 Unassigned (+ 50 00 DAM CONSTRUCTION AND EQUIPMENT

(+ 51 00 Gr vit' D ms
35 71 13 Concrete 9ra!it+ Da"s 35 71 1$ /asonr+ 9ra!it+ Da"s 35 71 1& 'oc?fill 9ra!it+ Da"s

(+ 5" 00 Ar$3 D ms
35 72 13 Concrete rch Da"s

(+ 5( 00 Em. n:ment D ms
35 73 13 2arth 2"ban?"ent Da" 35 73 1$ 'oc? 2"ban?"ent Da"s

(+ 5* 00 1#ttress D ms
35 7, 13 Concrete #uttress Da"s

(+ 56 00 A#>i&i r' D m Str#$t#res

35 7& 13 :ish Ladders
35 7& 13-13 Concrete :ish Ladders

35 80 00 Unassigned 35 90 00 Unassigned


*0 01 00 O%er ti!n
,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 01 01 01 01 10 20 30 ,0 B)eration B)eration B)eration B)eration

nd M inten n$e !) Pr!$ess Inte,r ti!n

/aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance of of of of 9as and 4a)or Process Pi)ing Li(uids Process Pi)ing Solid and /i3ed /aterials Pi)ing and Chutes Process Pi)ing and 2(ui)"ent Protection

and and and and

*0 0+ 00 C!mm!n 9!r: Res#&ts )!r Pr!$ess Inte,r ti!n

,0 05 13 Co""on 5or? 'esults for Process Pi)ing
,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 13-13 13-1$ 13-1& 13-23 13-33 13-,3 13-53 13-$3 13-73 13-7$ 13-&3 23-13 23-1$ 23-1& 23-33 23-,3 23-73 23-&3 Steel Process Pi)ing Lined or %nternall+1Coated Steel Process Pi)ing Stainless1Steel Process Pi)ing lu"inu" llo+s Process Pi)ing #rass6 #ron8e6 Co))er6 and Co))er llo+s Process Pi)ing Aic?el and Aic?el llo+s Process Pi)ing Ductile6 /alleable6 and Cast %ron llo+s Process Pi)ing Titaniu" and Titaniu" llo+s Process Pi)ing Plastic Process Pi)ing :iberglass1'einforced Plastic and 'esins Process Pi)ing Bther /etals Process Pi)ing Carbon Steel Process 4al!es Low and %nter"ediate llo+ Steel Process 4al!es Stainless1Steel Process 4al!es #rass and %ron Process 4al!es Aic?el and Aic?el llo+s Steel Process 4al!es Plastic and Plastic Lined Process 4al!es Bther /etals Process 4al!es

,0 05 23 Co""on 5or? 'esults for Process 4al!es

*0 0- 00 S$3ed#&es )!r Pr!$ess Inte,r ti!n

10 Schedules for 9as and 4a)or Process Pi)ing 20 Schedules for Li(uids Process Pi)ing 30 Schedules for Solid and /i3ed /aterials Pi)ing and Chutes ,0 Schedules for Process Pi)ing and 2(ui)"ent Protection *0 10 00 GAS AND VAPOR PROCESS PIPING ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$

*0 11 00 Ste m Pr!$ess Pi%in,

,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 11 11 11 11 13 1$ 1& 23 Low1Pressure Stea" Process Pi)ing %nter"ediate1Pressure Stea" Process Pi)ing 7igh1Pressure Stea" Process Pi)ing Condensate Process Pi)ing

*0 1" 00 C!m%ressed Air Pr!$ess Pi%in,

,0 12 13 #reathing Co")ressed ir Process Pi)ing ,0 12 1$ Aon1#reathing Co")ressed ir Process Pi)ing

*0 1( 00 Inert G ses Pr!$ess Pi%in,

,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 15 15 15 15 15 15 1$ 1$ 1$ 1$ 1$ 1$ 1$ 1$ 1$ 1$ 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 2& 33 &3 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 2& 33 3$ 3& ,3 ,& 53 5& $3 &3 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 2& 13 1$ 2$ 2& 33 3$ 3& ,3 ,$ ,& rgon Process Pi)ing Carbon1Dio3ide Process Pi)ing 7eliu" Process Pi)ing Dr+)ton Process Pi)ing Aeon Process Pi)ing Aitrogen Process Pi)ing Fenon Process Pi)ing /i3ed %nert 9ases Process Pi)ing #last :urnace Pi)ing #lue .5ater0 :uel 9as Pi)ing #utane Pi)ing Carbon1/ono3ide Pi)ing Chlorine :uel 9as Pi)ing Co?e B!en 9as Pi)ing 2thane19as Pi)ing 7+drogen :uel 9as Pi)ing Li(uid Aatural19as Process Pi)ing /eth+lacet+lene1Pro)adiene :uel 9as Pi)ing Aatural19as Process Pi)ing Bctane :uel 9as Pi)ing Pro)ane :uel 9as Process Pi)ing Sewage :uel 9as Pi)ing /i3ed :uel 9ases Pi)ing Co"bustion ir Pi)ing B3+gen Co"bustion S+ste" 9as Pi)ing :lue19as Co"bustion S+ste" Pi)ing 23other"ic19as Co"bustion S+ste" Pi)ing 2ndother"ic19as Co"bustion S+ste" Pi)ing Disassociated1 ""onia19as Co"bustion S+ste" Pi)ing

*0 1* 00 F#e& G ses Pr!$ess Pi%in,

,0 1, ,&-13 S+nthetic Aatural19as Pi)ing ,0 1, ,&-23 Pro)ane1 ir /i3es :uel 9as Pi)ing

*0 1+ 00 C!m.#sti!n S'stem G s Pi%in,

*0 1- 00 S%e$i &t'

nd 7i,3=P#rit' G ses Pi%in,

""onia 9as Pi)ing #oron 9as Pi)ing Diborane 9as Pi)ing :lourine 9as Pi)ing 7+drogen Sulfide 9as Pi)ing Aitrous1B3ide 9as Process Pi)ing B8one 9as Pi)ing Phos)hine 9as Pi)ing Silane 9as Pi)ing Sul)hur1Dio3ide 9as Pi)ing

,0 1$ 53 S)ecialt+ 9as /i3tures Pi)ing ,0 1$ 5$ 7igh1Purit+ 9as Pi)ing Co")onents

*0 15 00 9e&din,
,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 17 17 17 17 17

nd C#ttin, G ses Pi%in,

13 cet+lene 5elding and Cutting Pi)ing 1$ cet+lene17+drogen /i3 5elding and Cutting Pi)ing 1& /eth+lacet+lene1Pro)adiene 5elding and Cutting Pi)ing 23 B3+gen 5elding and Cutting Pi)ing 2$ %nert 9as 5elding and Cutting Pi)ing

*0 1; 00 V $##m S'stems Pr!$ess Pi%in,

,0 1> 13 Low14acuu" S+ste"s Process Pi)ing ,0 1> 1$ 7igh14acuu" S+ste"s Process Pi)ing *0 "0 00 0IQUIDS PROCESS PIPING

*0 "1 00 0i<#id F#e& Pr!$ess Pi%in,

,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 21 21 21 21
,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0

13 1$ 1& 23
21 21 21 21 21 21

#io :uels Process Pi)ing 9asoline Process Pi)ing Diesel Process Pi)ing :uel1Bils Process Pi)ing
23-13 23-1$ 23-1& 23-23 23-2$ 23-2& Ao- 2 :uel1Bil Process Pi)ing Ao- , :uel1Bil Process Pi)ing Ao- 5 :uel1Bil Process Pi)ing Ao- $ :uel1Bil Process Pi)ing Derosene Process Pi)ing Tar Process Pi)ing

*0 "" 00 Petr!&e#m Pr!d#$ts Pi%in,

,0 22 13 7ea!+1:ractions Petroleu" Products Pi)ing ,0 22 1$ Light1:ractions Petroleu" Products Pi)ing

*0 "( 00 9 ter Pr!$ess Pi%in,

,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 2, 2, 2, 2, 13 1$ 1& 23 2& 33 3$ De1%oni8ed 5ater Process Pi)ing Distilled15ater Process Pi)ing Process Plant 5ater Pi)ing Potable 5ater Process Pi)ing 'ecirculated 5ater Process Pi)ing 'e!erse1Bs"osis 5ater Process Pi)ing Sanitar+ 5ater Process Pi)ing

*0 "* 00 S%e$i &t' 0i<#id C3emi$ &s Pi%in,

13 lcohol Pi)ing 1$ 9el Pi)ing 1& Slurries Process Pi)ing 23 Thi3otro)ic Li(uid Pi)ing

*0 "+ 00 0i<#id A$ids

nd 1 ses Pi%in,

,0 25 13 Li(uid cids Pi)ing ,0 25 1$ Li(uid #ases Pi)ing

*0 "- 00 0i<#id P!&'mer Pi%in,


*0 (" 00 1#&: M teri &s Pi%in, nd C3#tes
,0 32 13 brasi!e /aterials Pi)ing and Chutes ,0 32 1$ Aonabrasi!e /aterials Pi)ing and Chutes

*0 (( 00 1#&: M teri &s V &ves

,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 2& 33 3$ 3& ,3 irloc? #ul? /aterials 4al!es #lind #ul? /aterials 4al!es #utterfl+ #ul? /aterials 4al!es Cone #ul? /aterials 4al!es Di!erter #ul? /aterials 4al!es Double or Single Du") #ul? /aterials 4al!es Dnife and Slide 9ate #ul? /aterials 4al!es Pinch #ul? /aterials 4al!es Swing #ul? /aterials 4al!es S)ecialt+ #ul? /aterials 4al!es

*0 (* 00 Pne#m ti$ C!nve'in, 0ines

,0 3, 13 Dense Phase Pneu"atic Con!e+ing Lines ,0 3, 1$ Dilute Phase Pneu"atic Con!e+ing Lines *0 *0 00 PROCESS PIPING AND EQUIPMENT PROTECTION

*0 *1 00 Pr!$ess Pi%in,
,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 13-13 13-1$ 13-1& 13-23 13-2$ 23-13 23-1$ 23-1& 23-23 23-2$ Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process

nd E<#i%ment 7e t Tr $in,
2lectrical 'esistance 7eat Tracing 2lectrical Conductance 7eat Tracing 9as 7eat Tracing Stea" 7eat Tracing Ther"al :luids 7eat Tracing 2lectrical 'esistance 7eat Tracing 2lectrical Conductance 7eat Tracing 9as 7eat Tracing Stea" 7eat Tracing Ther"al :luids 7eat Tracing

,0 ,1 13 Process Pi)ing 7eat Tracing

Pi)ing Pi)ing Pi)ing Pi)ing Pi)ing

,0 ,1 23 Process 2(ui)"ent 7eat Tracing

2(ui)"ent 2(ui)"ent 2(ui)"ent 2(ui)"ent 2(ui)"ent

*0 *" 00 Pr!$ess Pi%in,

,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 13-13 13-1$ 13-1& 13-23 13-2$ 23-13 23-1$ 23-1& 23-23 23-2$

nd E<#i%ment Ins#& ti!n

,0 ,2 13 Process Pi)ing %nsulation

Cr+ogenic Te")erature Process Pi)ing %nsulation Low Te")erature Process Pi)ing %nsulation %nter"ediate Te")erature Process Pi)ing %nsulation 7igh Te")erature Process Pi)ing %nsulation Process Pi)ing %nsulation for S)ecialt+ ))lications Cr+ogenic Te")erature Process 2(ui)"ent %nsulation Low Te")erature Process 2(ui)"ent %nsulation %nter"ediate Te")erature Process 2(ui)"ent %nsulation 7igh Te")erature Process 2(ui)"ent %nsulation Process 2(ui)"ent %nsulation for S)ecialt+ ))lications

,0 ,2 23 Process 2(ui)"ent %nsulation

*0 *- 00 Pr!$ess C!rr!si!n Pr!te$ti!n

,0 ,$ 1$ Coatings and 5ra))ings for Process Corrosion Protection ,0 ,$ ,2 Cathodic Process Corrosion Protection

*0 *5 00 Re)r $t!ries
,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,7 ,7 ,7 ,7 13 Silica 'efractories 1$ lu"ina 'efractories 1& Carbon and 9ra)hite 'efractories 23 Castable 'efractories

,0 ,7 2$ 'a""ed 'efractories ,0 ,7 2& 'efractor+ Concrete

40 50 00 Unassigned 40 60 00 Unassigned 40 70 00 Unassigned *0 ;0 00 COMMISSIONING OF PROCESS SYSTEMS *0 60 00 INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTRO0 FOR PROCESS SYSTEMS
*0 61 00 Prim r' Pr!$ess Me s#rement Devi$es
,0 &1 13 Che"ical Pro)erties Process /easure"ent De!ices
,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 &1 &1 &1 &1 &1 &1 &1 &1 &1 &1 &1 &1 &1 &1 &1 &1 &1 &1 &1 &1 &1 &1 &1 &1 &1 &1 &1 &1 &1 &1 &1 &1 &1 &1 &1 &1 &1 &1 13-13 13-1$ 13-1& 13-23 13-2$ 13-2& 1$-13 1$-1$ 1$-1& 1$-23 1$-2$ 1$-2& 1$-33 1$-3$ 1$-3& 1$-,3 1$-,$ 1&-13 1&-1$ 1&-1& 1&-23 1&-2$ 1&-2& 1&-33 1&-3$ 1&-3& 1&-,3 23-13 23-1$ 23-1& 23-23 23-2$ 23-2& 23-33 23-3$ 23-3& 23-,3 23-,$ ""onia Process /easure"ent De!ices Chlorine Process /easure"ent De!ices :luoride Process /easure"ent De!ices 9as nal+sis Process /easure"ent De!ices 9as Chro"atogra)h Process /easure"ent De!ices )7 Le!el Process /easure"ent De!ices ")eres Process /easure"ent De!ices Ca)acitance Process /easure"ent De!ices Conducti!it+ Process /easure"ent De!ices %nductance Process /easure"ent De!ices Lu"ens Process /easure"ent De!ices /agnetic :ield Process /easure"ent De!ices 2lectrical Power Process /easure"ent De!ices 'adiation Process /easure"ent De!ices 2lectrical 'esistance Process /easure"ent De!ices <ltra!iolet Sensors 4oltage Process /easure"ent De!ices Densit+ Process /easure"ent De!ices 7u"idit+ Process /easure"ent De!ices /ass Process /easure"ent De!ices Particle Counters Process /easure"ent De!ices 9as Pressure Process /easure"ent De!ices Li(uid Pressure Process /easure"ent De!ices Stress=Strain Process /easure"ent De!ices Te")erature Process /easure"ent De!ices 4a)or Pressure Process /easure"ent De!ices 5eight Process /easure"ent De!ices cceleration Process /easure"ent De!ices ngle Process /easure"ent De!ices Color Process /easure"ent De!ices Count Process /easure"ent De!ices Distance Process /easure"ent De!ices 2nerg+ Process /easure"ent De!ices :low Process /easure"ent De!ices Le!el Process /easure"ent De!ices Ph+sical 'esistance Process /easure"ent De!ices 'P/ Process /easure"ent De!ices Ti"e Process /easure"ent De!ices

,0 &1 1$ 2lectro"agnetic Process /easure"ent De!ices

,0 &1 1& Ph+sical Pro)erties Process /easure"ent De!ices

,0 &1 23 /iscellaneous Pro)erties /easure"ent De!ices

,0 &1 23-,& Turbidit+ Process /easure"ent De!ices ,0 &1 23-53 4elocit+ Process /easure"ent De!ices

*0 6" 00 Prim r' C!ntr!& Devi$es

,0 &2 13 Pri"ar+ Control 4al!es
,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 &2 &2 &2 &2 &2 &2 13-13 13-1$ 13-1& 13-23 13-2$ 13-2& 2lectricall+1B)erated Pri"ar+ Control 4al!es 7+draulicall+1B)erated Pri"ar+ Control 4al!es Pneu"aticall+1B)erated Pri"ar+ Control 4al!es Pressure1'elief Pri"ar+ Control 4al!es Solenoid Pri"ar+ Control 4al!es S)ecialt+ Pri"ar+ Control 4al!es

,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0

&2 &2 &2 &2 &2 &2 &2 &2

2& 33 3$ 3& ,3 ,$ ,& 53

Current1To1Pressure Con!erters Self1Contained :low Controllers Linear ctuators and Positioners Self1Contained Pressure 'egulators 'otar+ ctuators Saturable Core 'eactors 4ariable :re(uenc+ Dri!es 4oltage1To1Pressure Con!erters nalog Controllers
13-13 13-1$ 13-1& 13-23 13-2$ 2lectronic nalog Controllers 2lectro17+draulic nalog Controllers 2lectro1Pneu"atic nalog Controllers 7+draulic nalog Controllers Pneu"atic nalog Controllers

*0 6( 00 An &!, C!ntr!&&ersCRe$!rders
,0 &3 13
,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 &3 &3 &3 &3 &3

,0 &3 23 Chart 'ecorders

*0 6* 00 Di,it & Pr!$ess C!ntr!&&ers

,0 &, 13 Digital Process Control Co")uters
,0 &, 13-13 7ost Digital Process Control Co")uters ,0 &, 13-1$ Personal Digital Process Control Co")uters ,0 &, 13-1& Personal Digital ssistant Digital Process Control Co")uters

,0 &, 23 Distributed Process Control S+ste"s ,0 &, 33 7u"an ; /achine %nterfaces ,0 &, ,3 Progra""able Logic Process Controllers

*0 6+ 00 Pr!$ess C!ntr!& 7 rd2 re

,0 &5 13 Process Control Panels and 7ardware
,0 &5 13-13 Local Process Control Panels and 7ardware ,0 &5 13-23 /ain Process Control Panels and 7ardware

,0 ,0 ,0 ,0

&5 &5 &5 &5

20 23 2$ 33

Process Process Process Process

Control Control Control Control

Dis)la+ De!ices %n)ut=But)ut /odules %nstru"ent ir Pi)ing and De!ices Aetwor?s

,0 &5 33-13 Cabled Process Control Aetwor?s ,0 &5 33-23 :iber B)tic Process Control Aetwor?s ,0 &5 33-33 5ireless Process Control Aetwor?s

,0 ,0 ,0 ,0

&5 &5 &5 &5

,3 ,$ ,& 53

Process Process Process Process

Control Control Control Control

7ardware %nterfaces /ounting 'ac?s and Su))orts 'outers Switches

,0 &5 5$ Process Control Transfor"ers ,0 &5 $3 Process Control 5ireless 2(ui)"ent

,0 &5 $3-13 Process Control 5ireless Trans"itters ,0 &5 $3-1$ Process Control 5ireless 'ecei!ers ,0 &5 $3-1& Process Control 5ireless 'e)eaters

,0 &5 73 Process Control 5iring

,0 &5 73-23 Process Control Cable ,0 &5 73-33 Process Control Conduit6 'acewa+ and Su))orts ,0 &5 73-,3 Process Control Cunction #o3es

*0 6- 00 Pr!$ess C!ntr!& S!)t2 re

,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 &$ &$ &$ &$ &$ &$ &$ &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 10 15 20 25 30 35 ,0 10 15 20 25 30 Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Control Control Control Control Control Control Control Control Control Control Control Control Software Software Software Software Software Software Software rchitecture %n)ut=But)ut Lists %nstru"ent Lists Logic Diagra"s Loo) Diagra"s Progra""ing 'e)orts

*0 65 00 Pr!$ess C!ntr!& A#>i&i r' Devi$es

nnunciators 9ages 'ota"eters Potentio"eters Test 2(ui)"ent

*1 01 00 O%er ti!n nd M inten n$e !) M teri & Pr!$essin, nd 7 nd&in, E<#i%ment
,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 01 01 01 01 01 01 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 0> 10 20 30 ,0 50 $0 10 20 30 ,0 50 $0 10 20 30 ,0 50 $0 B)eration B)eration B)eration B)eration B)eration B)eration Schedules Schedules Schedules Schedules Schedules Schedules and and and and and and for for for for for for /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance of of of of of of #ul? /aterial Processing 2(ui)"ent Piece /aterial 7andling 2(ui)"ent /anufacturing 2(ui)"ent Container Processing and Pac?aging /aterial Storage /obile Plant 2(ui)"ent

*1 0- 00 S$3ed#&es )!r M teri & Pr!$essin,

nd 7 nd&in, E<#i%ment

#ul? /aterial Processing 2(ui)"ent Piece /aterial 7andling 2(ui)"ent /anufacturing 2(ui)"ent Container Processing and Pac?aging /aterial Storage /obile Plant 2(ui)"ent

*1 0; 00 C!mmissi!nin, !) M teri & Pr!$essin,

Co""issioning Co""issioning Co""issioning Co""issioning Co""issioning Co""issioning of of of of of of

nd 7 nd&in, E<#i%ment

#ul? /aterial Processing 2(ui)"ent Piece /aterial 7andling 2(ui)"ent /anufacturing 2(ui)"ent Container Processing and Pac?aging /aterial Storage /obile Plant 2(ui)"ent


*1 11 00 1#&: M teri & Si@in, E<#i%ment
,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 2& 33 3$ 3& ,3 ,$ ,& 53 5$ #ul? #ul? #ul? #ul? #ul? #ul? #ul? #ul? #ul? #ul? #ul? #ul? #ul? #ul? /aterial /aterial /aterial /aterial /aterial /aterial /aterial /aterial /aterial /aterial /aterial /aterial /aterial /aterial gglo"erators ir /ill Classifiers Centrifuges Crushers C+clones :luid #ed Se)arators 9rinders 7o"ogeni8ers Lu") #rea?ers /ills Pul!eri8ers Screens Shredders Sie!es

*1 1" 00 1#&: M teri & C!nve'in, E<#i%ment

,1 12 13 #ul? /aterial Con!e+ors
,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13-13 13-1$ 13-1& 13-23 13-2$ 13-2& 13-33 13-3$ 13-3& 13-,3 13-,$ 13-,& 13-53 irslide #ul? /aterial Con!e+ors uger #ul? /aterial Con!e+ors #elt #ul? /aterial Con!e+ors Container #ul? /aterial Con!e+ors Drag Chain #ul? /aterial Con!e+ors 7o))er #ul? /aterial Con!e+ors 'eci)rocating #ul? /aterial Con!e+ors Screw #ul? /aterial Con!e+ors Stac?ing and 'eclai" #ul? /aterial Con!e+ors Trough #ul? /aterial Con!e+ors Tube #ul? /aterial Con!e+ors 4ibrator+ #ul? /aterial Con!e+ors 5eigh #elt #ul? /aterial Con!e+ors

,1 12 1$ #uc?et 2le!ators ,1 12 1& Pneu"atic Con!e+ors

,1 12 1&-13 Dense Phase Pneu"atic Con!e+ors ,1 12 1&-1$ Dilute Phase Pneu"atic Con!e+ors

*1 1( 00 1#&: M teri & Feeders

,1 13 13 #in cti!ators=Li!e #in #otto"s ,1 13 23 :eeders
,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 23-13 23-1$ 23-1& 23-23 23-2$ 23-2& 23-33 irloc? #ul? /aterial :eeders )ron #ul? /aterial :eeders 'otar+14al!e #ul? /aterial :eeders Screw #ul? /aterial :eeders 4ibrator+ #ul? /aterial :eeders 4olu"etric #ul? /aterial :eeders 5eigh #ul? /aterial :eeders

*1 1* 00 1 t$3in, E<#i%ment
,1 1, 13 #ag17andling #atching 2(ui)"ent ,1 1, 1$ #atch Cars=Trans)orts ,1 1, 1& #atch 7o))ers

23 #ul? #ag17andling #atching 2(ui)"ent 2$ #lenders 2& Dru"17andling #atching 2(ui)"ent 33 /i3ers 3$ 5eigh Scales *1 "0 00 PIECE MATERIA0 7AND0ING EQUIPMENT

,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1

1, 1, 1, 1, 1,

*1 "1 00 C!nve'!rs
,1 21 13 uto"atic 9uided 4ehicle S+ste"s ,1 21 23 Piece /aterial Con!e+ors
,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 23-13 23-1$ 23-1& 23-23 23-2$ 23-2& 23-33 23-3$ 23-3& 23-,3 23-,$ 23-53 #elt Piece /aterial Con!e+ors Container Piece /aterial Con!e+ors Drag1Chain Piece /aterial Con!e+ors 7o))er Piece /aterial Con!e+ors /onorail Piece /aterial Con!e+ors Power and :ree Piece /aterial Con!e+ors 'eci)rocating Piece /aterial Con!e+ors 'oller Piece /aterial Con!e+ors 4ibrator+ Piece /aterial Con!e+ors 5al?ing1#ea" Piece /aterial Con!e+ors 5eigh1#elt Piece /aterial Con!e+ors Postal Con!e+ors

,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1

21 21 21 21 21

2$ 2& 33 3$ 3&

Piece Piece Piece Piece Piece

/aterial Di!erter 9ates /aterial 9ra!it+ Slides /aterial Transfer Cars / aterial Turntables /aterial :eeders

,1 21 3&-13 Piece /aterial 4ibrator+ :eeders

*1 "" 00 Cr nes
,1 22 13 Cranes
,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 13-13 13-1$ 13-1& 13-23 13-2$ 13-2& 23-13 23-1$ 23-1& 23-23

nd 7!ists

#ridge Cranes 9antr+ Cranes Cib Cranes /obile Cranes Tower Cranes S)ecialt+ Cranes :i3ed 7oists Portable 7oists /onorail 7oists S)ecialt+ 7oists

,1 22 23 7oists

,1 22 33 Derric?s

*1 "( 00 0i)tin, Devi$es

,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 2& 33 Cla")s 9rabs 7oo?s Lifts Slings S)reader #ars=#ea"s Tongs

*1 "* 00 S%e$i &t' M teri & 7 nd&in, E<#i%ment

,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 2& 33 3$ 3& ,3 ,$ eration De!ices #in 4ibrators Deh+drators 7+drators 7+draulic Power S+ste"s Lubrication S+ste"s /agnetic Se)arators /etal Detectors 'ailcar /o!ers Turnheads=Distributors Sorting /achines

,1 2, ,$-13 Postal Sorting /achines

*1 (1 00 M n#) $t#rin, 0ines
,1 31 13 /anufacturing Lines
,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 13-13 13-1$ 13-1& 13-23 13-2$ 13-2& 13-33 13-3$ 13-3& 13-,3 13-,$ 13-,& 13-53 13-5$ 13-5& 13-$3 sse"bl+ Lines Casting Lines Coating Lines Con!erting Lines Disasse"bl+ Lines 23trusion Lines /achining Lines /olding Lines :inishing=Painting Lines Painting Lines Pic?ling Lines Plating Lines Polishing Lines Press Lines 'olling=Calendaring Lines 5eb Processing Lines

nd E<#i%ment

,1 31 1$ Pic? and Place S+ste"s ,1 31 1& /anufacturing1Line 'obots ,1 31 23 S)ecialt+ sse"bl+ /achines

*1 (" 00 F!rmin, E<#i%ment

,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 2& 33 3$ 3& ,3 ,$ ,& 53 #ending 2(ui)"ent #low1/olding 2(ui)"ent #ra?e1:or"ing 2(ui)"ent Cold1:or"ing 2(ui)"ent Die1Casting 2(ui)"ent Drawing 2(ui)"ent 2lectrofor"ing 2(ui)"ent :orging 2(ui)"ent 23truding 2(ui)"ent /etal1S)inning 2(ui)"ent Piercing 2(ui)"ent Powder /etal1:or"ing 2(ui)"ent Pressing 2(ui)"ent

,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1

32 32 32 32 32 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33

5$ 5& $3 $$ $& 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 2& 33 3$ 3& ,3 ,$ 53 $0 $3 $$ $& 73 7$ 7&

'oll1:or"ing 2(ui)"ent Shearing 2(ui)"ent S)inning 2(ui)"ent Stretching=Le!eling 2(ui)"ent Swaging 2(ui)"ent uto"atic Screw /achining 2(ui)"ent #oring 2(ui)"ent #roaching 2(ui)"ent Drilling 2(ui)"ent 2lectro1Discharge /achining 2(ui)"ent 9rinding 2(ui)"ent 7obbing 2(ui)"ent La))ing 2(ui)"ent Lathe 2(ui)"ent Le!eling 2(ui)"ent /achining Center 2(ui)"ent /illing 2(ui)"ent /ulti1 3is /achine 2(ui)"ent Planing 2(ui)"ent 'ea"ing 2(ui)"ent 'outing 2(ui)"ent Sawing 2(ui)"ent Sha)ing 2(ui)"ent Threading 2(ui)"ent

*1 (( 00 M $3inin, E<#i%ment

,1 33 53-13 7ori8ontal /illing 2(ui)"ent ,1 33 53-1$ 4ertical /illing 2(ui)"ent

*1 (* 00 Finis3in, E<#i%ment
,1 3, 13 nodi8ing 2(ui)"ent ,1 3, 1$ #arrel Tu"bling 2(ui)"ent ,1 3, 23 Coating 2(ui)"ent
,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 23-13 23-1$ 23-1& 23-23 23-2$ 23-2& 23-33 Diffusion Coating 2(ui)"ent Di))ing Coating 2(ui)"ent :il" Coating 2(ui)"ent Phos)hati8ing Coating 2(ui)"ent Plas"a Coating 2(ui)"ent 7ardface 5elding Coating 2(ui)"ent S)ra+ Painting #ooth

,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1

3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,

2$ 3$ ,$ ,& 53 5$ 5&

Deburring 2(ui)"ent 2lectro)lating 2(ui)"ent 9rinding 2(ui)"ent 7oning 2(ui)"ent La))ing 2(ui)"ent Shot Peening 2(ui)"ent Su)erfinishing=Polishing 2(ui)"ent

*1 (+ 00 Dies
,1 35 13 Dies

nd M!&ds

,1 35 13-13 Drawing Dies

,1 ,1 ,1 ,1

35 35 35 35

13-1$ 13-1& 13-23 13-2$

23trusion Dies Press Dies 'otar+ Dies 'ule Dies

,1 35 33 /olds

*1 (- 00 Assem.&'
,1 3$ 13 ))licators

nd Testin, E<#i%ment

,1 3$ 13-13 dhesi!e ))licators ,1 3$ 13-1$ Lubricant ))licators ,1 3$ 13-1& Sealer ))licators

,1 3$ 1$ :i3tures and Cigs ,1 3$ 1& Coining 2(ui)"ent

,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 3$ 3$ 3$ 3$ 3$ 3$ 3$ 3$ 3$ 3$ 3$ 3$ 3$ 3$ 3$ 3$ 3$ 3$ 3$ 3$ 3$ 3$ 3$ 3$ 3$ 1&-13 1&-1$ 1&-1& 1&-23 1&-2$ 1&-2& 1&-33 23-13 23-1$ 23-1& 23-23 dhesi!e Coining 2(ui)"ent rc15elding 2(ui)"ent #ra8ing 2(ui)"ent 'esistance15elding 2(ui)"ent 'i!eting 2(ui)"ent Sintering 2(ui)"ent Soldering 2(ui)"ent Cutting Torches 7igh1Pressure 5ater Cutting 2(ui)"ent Laser Cutting 2(ui)"ent Plas"a Cutting 2(ui)"ent

,1 3$ 23 Cutting 2(ui)"ent

,1 3$ 2$ Process Tools
2$-13 ir Process Tools 2$-1$ 2lectric Process Tools 2$-1& 7+draulic Process Tools 2$-23 /anual Process Tools 2&-13 2&-1$ 2&-1& 2&-23 2&-2$ 2&-2& 2&-33 2&-3$ 2&-3& 2&-,3 9ages6 'ules6 and #loc?s Penetrant /easure"ent and Testing 2(ui)"ent Laser /easure"ent and Testing 2(ui)"ent /agnaflu3 /easure"ent and Testing 2(ui)"ent B)tical Co")arators Profilo"eters 'adiogra)h /easure"ent and Testing 2(ui)"ent Surface Tables <ltrasonic /easure"ent and Testing 2(ui)"ent Test 5eigh Scales

,1 3$ 2& /anufacturing /easure"ent and Testing 2(ui)"ent


*1 *1 00 C!nt iner Fi&&in, nd Se &in,
,1 ,1 13 #ul? Container :illers=Pac?ers ,1 ,1 1$ Container Ca))ers ,1 ,1 1& Container :illers
,1 ,1 1&-13 #ag :illers ,1 ,1 1&-1$ #o3 :illers ,1 ,1 1&-1& #ottle :illers

,1 ,1 23 Container Sealers

*1 *" 00 C!nt iner P $:in, E<#i%ment

,1 ,2 13 #o3 Pac?ing 2(ui)"ent

,1 ,2 13-13 #o3 /a?ers ,1 ,2 13-1$ #o3 Pac?ers

,1 ,2 1$ #ul? /aterial Loaders

,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 1$-13 1$-23 1$-2$ 1$-2& 1$-33 Container #ul? /aterial Loaders Truc? #ul? /aterial Loaders 'ailcar #ul? /aterial Loaders Shi) #ul? /aterial Loaders #arge #ul? /aterial Loaders

,1 ,1 ,1 ,1

,2 ,2 ,2 ,2

1& 23 2$ 2&

Carton Carton Carton Carton

Pac?ers Sealers Shrin? 5ra))ers Stac?ers

*1 *( 00 S3i%%in, P $: ,in,
,1 ,3 13 #anding=Stra))ing 2(ui)"ent ,1 ,3 1$ #arcode 2(ui)"ent
,1 ,3 1$-13 #arcode 'eaders ,1 ,3 1$-1$ #arcode Printers

,1 ,3 1& Labeling 2(ui)"ent ,1 ,3 23 Pallet Stac?ing=5ra))ing 2(ui)"ent *1 +0 00 MATERIA0 STORAGE

*1 +1 00 A#t!m ti$ M teri & St!r ,e

,1 51 13 uto"atic Storage= uto"atic 'etrie!al S+ste"s

*1 +" 00 1#&: M teri & St!r ,e

,1 52 13 #ins and 7o))ers
,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 52 52 52 52 52 13-13 13-23 13-33 13-,3 13-53 :i3ed #ins and 7o))ers Portable #ins and 7o))ers #ul? /aterial Containers 'eturnable #ins and 7o))ers Throwawa+ #ins and 7o))ers

,1 52 1$ Silos
,1 52 1$-13 Concrete Silos ,1 52 1$-1$ Concrete /asonr+ <nit Silos ,1 52 1$-1& Steel Silos

,1 52 1& /aterial Storage Tan?s

,1 52 1&-13 7ori8ontal /aterial Storage Tan?s ,1 52 1&-23 4ertical /aterial Storage Tan?s ,1 52 1&-33 Portable /aterial Storage Tan?s

*1 +( 00 St!r ,e E<#i%ment
,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 53 53 53 53 53

nd S'stems

13 Storage Cabinets 1$ Container Storage S+ste"s 1& :lat :iles 23 Storage 'ac?s 2$ /e88anine Storage S+ste"s *1 -0 00 MO1I0E P0ANT EQUIPMENT

*1 -1 00 M!.i&e E rt3 M!vin, E<#i%ment

,1 $1 13 #ac?hoes ,1 $1 1$ #ulldo8ers

,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1

$1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3

1& 23 2$ 2& 33 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 2& 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 2&

Co")actors 23ca!ators 9raders Pa+loaders Trenchers Ce"ent /i3er Truc?s Du") Truc?s :latbed Truc?s :or?lift Truc?s Pic?u) Truc?s Tan? Truc?s #ic+cles Carts /aintenance 4ehicles <tilit+ 4ehicles 4ans 5agons

*1 -" 00 Tr#$:s

*1 -( 00 Gener & Ve3i$&es

*1 -* 00 R i& Ve3i$&es
,1 $, 13 Loco"oti!es
,1 $, 13-13 Diesel Loco"oti!es ,1 $, 13-23 2lectric Loco"oti!es

,1 $, 1$ /obile 'ailcar /o!ers

*1 -+ 00 M!.i&e S#%%!rt E<#i%ment

,1 $5 13 /obile ir Co")ressors ,1 $5 1$ /obile 9enerators ,1 $5 1& /obile 5elders

*1 -- 00 Mis$e&& ne!#s M!.i&e E<#i%ment

,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 $$ $$ $$ $$ $7 $7 $7 $7 $7 13 1$ 1& 23 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ /obile /obile /obile /obile Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant #oring and Drilling 'igs Lifts and Cherr+)ic?ers Pa!ing 2(ui)"ent Swee)ers=4acuu"s

*1 -5 00 P& nt M inten n$e E<#i%ment

Lube Bil S+ste" :all Protection 2(ui)"ent Safet+ 2(ui)"ent /aintenance Tools /aintenance 5ashing 2(ui)"ent

41 70 00 Unassigned 41 80 00 Unassigned 41 90 00 Unassigned

*" 01 00 O%er ti!n nd M inten n$e !) Pr!$ess 7e tin,8 C!!&in,8 nd Dr'in, E<#i%ment

,2 01 10 B)eration and /aintenance of Process 7eating 2(ui)"ent ,2 01 20 B)eration and /aintenance of Process Cooling 2(ui)"ent ,2 01 30 B)eration and /aintenance of Process Dr+ing 2(ui)"ent

*" 0- 00 S$3ed#&es )!r Pr!$ess 7e tin,8 C!!&in,8

,2 0$ 10 Schedules for Process 7eating 2(ui)"ent ,2 0$ 20 Schedules for Process Cooling 2(ui)"ent ,2 0$ 30 Schedules for Process Dr+ing 2(ui)"ent

nd Dr'in, E<#i%ment

*" 0; 00 C!mmissi!nin, !) Pr!$ess 7e tin,8 C!!&in,8

,2 0> 10 Co""issioning of 7eating 2(ui)"ent ,2 0> 20 Co""issioning of Cooling 2(ui)"ent ,2 0> 30 Co""issioning of Dr+ing 2(ui)"ent *" 10 00 PROCESS 7EATING EQUIPMENT

nd Dr'in, E<#i%ment

*" 11 00 Pr!$ess 1!i&ers

,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 13 1$ 1& 23 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 2& 33 Low1Pressure Process #oilers %nter"ediate1Pressure Process #oilers 7igh1Pressure Process #oilers S)ecialt+ Process #oilers 2lectric Process 7eaters :uel1:ired Process 7eaters Ther"oelectric Process 7eaters Solar Process 7eaters S)ecialt+ Process 7eaters

*" 1" 00 Pr!$ess 7e ters

*" 1( 00 Ind#stri & 7e t E>$3 n,ers

%ndustrial %ndustrial %ndustrial %ndustrial %ndustrial

nd Re$#%er t!rs

9as1to19as 7eat 23changers Li(uid1to19as=9as1to1Li(uid 7eat 23changers Li(uid1to1Li(uid 7eat 23changers 9as 'adiation 7eat 23changers Solar 'adiation 7eat 23changers

*" 1* 00 Ind#stri & F#rn $es

nnealing :urnaces t"os)here 9enerators %ndustrial #a?ing :urnaces %ndustrial #ra8ing :urnaces %ndustrial Calcining :urnaces %ndustrial 7eat1Treating :urnaces %ndustrial /elting :urnaces

,2 1, 33-13 Cera"ics and 9lass /elting :urnaces ,2 1, 33-1$ :errous /elting :urnaces ,2 1, 33-1& Aon1:errous /elting :urnaces

,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2

1, 1, 1, 1, 1,

3$ ,3 ,$ 53 5$

Pri"ar+ 'efining :urnaces 'eactor :urnaces %ndustrial 'eheat :urnaces %ndustrial Sintering :urnaces %ndustrial 4acuu" :urnaces

*" 1+ 00 Ind#stri & Ovens

,2 15 13 %ndustrial Dr+ing B!ens

,2 15 1$ %ndustrial Curing B!ens ,2 15 1& %ndustrial S)ecialt+ B!ens *" "0 00 PROCESS COO0ING EQUIPMENT

*" "1 00 Pr!$ess C!!&in, T!2ers

,2 21 13 B)en1Circuit Process Cooling Towers ,2 21 1$ Closed1Circuit Process Cooling Towers

*" "" 00 Pr!$ess C3i&&ers

,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 22 22 22 22 22 13 1$ 1& 23 2$

nd C!!&ers

Centrifugal Process Chillers and Coolers 'eci)rocating Process Chillers and Coolers 'efrigerant Process Chillers and Coolers 'otar+ Process Chillers and Coolers Ther"oelectric Process Chillers and Coolers

*" "( 00 Pr!$ess C!ndensers

nd Ev %!r t!rs

,2 23 13 Process Condensers ,2 23 1$ Process Cooling 2!a)orators ,2 23 1& Process 7u"idifiers *" (0 00 PROCESS DRYING EQUIPMENT

*" (1 00 G s Dr'ers
,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 31 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 13 1$ 1& 23 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 2& 33 3$ 3& ,3

nd De3#midi)iers

Dr+ing 2!a)orators Desiccant 2(ui)"ent 'egenerati!e Dr+ers 'efrigerant Dr+ers Centrifugal /aterial Dr+ers Con!e+or /aterial Dr+ers :lash /aterial Dr+ers :luid1#ed /aterial Dr+ers /aterial 'oasters 'otar+1Diln /aterial Dr+ers S)ra+ /aterial Dr+ers Tower /aterial Dr+ers 4acuu" /aterial Dr+ers S)ecialt+ /aterial Dr+ers

*" (" 00 M teri & Dr'ers

42 42 42 42 42 42

40 50 60 70 80 90

00 00 00 00 00 00

Unassigned Unassigned Unassigned Unassigned Unassigned Unassigned

*( 01 00 O%er ti!n nd M inten n$e !) Pr!$ess G s nd St!r ,e E<#i%ment
,3 01 10 B)eration and /aintenance of 9as 7andling 2(ui)"ent

nd 0i<#id 7 nd&in,8 P#ri)

,3 01 20 B)eration and /aintenance of Li(uid 7andling 2(ui)"ent ,3 01 30 B)eration and /aintenance of 9as and Li(uid 7i1Purification 2(ui)"ent ,3 01 ,0 B)eration and /aintenance of 9as and Li(uid Storage

*( 0- 00 S$3ed#&es )!r Pr!$ess G s E<#i%ment

,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 10 20 30 ,0 Schedules Schedules Schedules Schedules for for for for

nd 0i<#id 7 nd&in,8 P#ri)i$ ti!n8

nd St!r

9as 7andling 2(ui)"ent Li(uid 7andling 2(ui)"ent 9as and Li(uid 7i1Purification 2(ui)"ent 9as and Li(uid Storage

*( 0; 00 C!mmissi!nin, !) Pr!$ess G s nd St!r ,e E<#i%ment

,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 0> 0> 0> 0>

nd 0i<#id 7 nd&in,8 P#ri)i$ ti!n8

10 Co""issioning of 9as 7andling 2(ui)"ent 20 Co""issioning of Li(uid 7andling 2(ui)"ent 30 Co""issioning of 9as and Li(uid Purification 2(ui)"ent ,0 Co""issioning of 9as and Li(uid Storage *( 10 00 GAS 7AND0ING EQUIPMENT

*( 11 00 G s F ns8 1&!2ers
,3 11 13 9as 7andling :ans

nd P#m%s

,3 11 13-13 3ial 9as 7andling :ans ,3 11 13-1$ Centrifugal 9as 7andling :ans

,3 11 23 9as 7andling #lowers ,3 11 2$ 9as 7andling Cet Pu")s ,3 11 2& 9as 7andling 4acuu" Pu")s

*( 1" 00 G s C!m%ress!rs
,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ Centrifugal 9as Co")ressors Piston 9as Co")ressors Positi!e Dis)lace"ent 9as Co")ressors 'otar+1Screw 9as Co")ressors 4ane 9as Co")ressors

*( 1( 00 G s Pr!$ess E<#i%ment
13 Process 9as #lenders 1$ Process 9as /eters 1& Process 9as /i3ers 23 Process 9as Pressure 'egulators *( "0 00 0IQUID 7AND0ING EQUIPMENT

*( "1 00 0i<#id P#m%s

,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 2& 33 3$ 3& ,3 ,$ Centrifugal Li(uid Pu")s Dia)hrag" Li(uid Pu")s Dis)ensing Li(uid Pu")s Dru" Li(uid Pu")s 9ear Li(uid Pu")s /etering Li(uid Pu")s Piston=Plunger Li(uid Pu")s Positi!e Dis)lace"ent Li(uid Pu")s Sub"ersible Li(uid Pu")s Su") Li(uid Pu")s 4ane Li(uid Pu")s

*( "" 00 0i<#id Pr!$ess E<#i%ment

,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 2& 33 3$ 3& ,3 Li(uid eration De!ices Li(uid gitators Li(uid #lenders Li(uid Centrifuges Li(uid Deaerators Dru" 7andling Li(uid Process 2(ui)"ent Li(uid 2"ulsifiers Li(uid 2!a)orators Li(uid :eeders Li(uid :ilters

,3 22 ,3-13 C+clonic Li(uid :ilters ,3 22 ,3-1$ /edia Li(uid :ilters ,3 22 ,3-1& Press Li(uid :ilters

53 Li(uid Process / eters 5$ Li(uid Process /i3ers 5& Li(uid Process Pressure 'egulators $3 Li(uid Se)aration Towers $$ Li(uid 5eigh S+ste"s *( (0 00 GAS AND 0IQUID PURIFICATION EQUIPMENT

,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3

22 22 22 22 22

*( (1 00 G s
,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 13-13 13-1$ 13-1& 13-23 13-2$ 13-2& 13-33

nd 0i<#id P#ri)i$ ti!n Fi&tr ti!n E<#i%ment

cti!ated Carbon19as and Li(uid Purification :ilters 9as and Li(uid Purification :ilter Presses 7igh1Purit+ Cartridge 9as and Li(uid Purification :ilters /e"brane Dia)hrag" 9as and Li(uid Purification :ilters /ulti"edia 9as and Li(uid Purification :ilters Pretreat"ent Cartridge 9as and Li(uid Purification :ilters <ltrafilter <nits

,3 31 13 9as and Li(uid Purification :ilters

*( (" 00 G s

nd 0i<#id P#ri)i$ ti!n Pr!$ess E<#i%ment

,3 32 13 9as and Li(uid Purification Process #eds

,3 32 13-13 nion19as and Li(uid Purification Process #eds ,3 32 13-1$ Cation19as and Li(uid Purification Process #eds

,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3

32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32

23 2$ 2& 33 3$ 3& 53 5$ 5& $3 $$ $& 73

9as and Li(uid Purification Process Clarifier S+ste"s 9as and Li(uid Purification Decarbonators 2lectronic De1%oni8ation Purification <nits 23ternal 'egeneration S+ste"s /i3ed1#ed %on123change 4essels 9as and Li(uid Purification /i3ed #eds Pac?ed1#ed %on123change 4essels 'e!erse1Bs"osis Purification <nits 9as and Li(uid Purification Scrubbers <ltra!iolet Sterili8ers 4acuu" Degasifiers Che"ical :eed S+ste"s B8onation 2(ui)"ent

,3 32 3&-13 23ternall+ 'egenerable 9as and Li(uid Purification /i3ed #eds ,3 32 3&-1$ %n1Situ 'egenerable 9as and Li(uid Purification /i3ed #eds

,3 32 7$ Chlorination 2(ui)"ent *( *0 00 GAS AND 0IQUID STORAGE

*( *1 00 G s

nd 0i<#id St!r ,e E<#i%ment

,3 ,1 13 9as and Li(uid Pressure 4essels

,3 ,1 13-13 :errous 9as and Li(uid Pressure 4essels ,3 ,1 13-1$ Aonferrous 9as and Li(uid Pressure 4essels ,3 ,1 13-1& :iberglass 9as and Li(uid Pressure 4essels

,3 ,1 1$

t"os)heric Tan?s and 4essels

,3 ,1 1$-13 7ori8ontal t"os)heric Tan?s and 4essels ,3 ,1 1$-1$ 4ertical t"os)heric Tan?s and 4essels

43 43 43 43 43

50 60 70 80 90

00 00 00 00 00

Unassigned Unassigned Unassigned Unassigned Unassigned


** 01 00 O%er ti!n
,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, 01 01 01 01 0$ 0$ 0$ 0$ 0> 0> 0> 0> 10 20 ,0 50 10 20 ,0 50 B)eration B)eration B)eration B)eration Schedules Schedules Schedules Schedules

nd M inten n$e !) P!&&#ti!n C!ntr!& E<#i%ment

/aintenance /aintenance /aintenance /aintenance of ir Pollution Control of Aoise Pollution Control of 5ater Treat"ent 2(ui)"ent of Solid 5aste Control

and and and and

** 0- 00 S$3ed#&es )!r P!&&#ti!n C!ntr!& E<#i%ment

for ir Pollution Control for Aoise Pollution Control for 5ater Treat"ent 2(ui)"ent for Solid 5aste Control

** 0; 00 C!mmissi!nin, !) P!&&#ti!n C!ntr!& E<#i%ment

10 20 ,0 50 ** 10 00 AIR ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, 11 11 11 11 11 11 Co""issioning of ir Pollution Control Co""issioning of Aoise Pollution Control Co""issioning 5ater Treat"ent 2(ui)"ent Co""issioning Solid 5aste Control PO00UTION CONTRO0

** 11 00 Air P!&&#ti!n C!ntr!& E<#i%ment

13 C+clonic Se)arators 1$ %ndustrial Dust Collectors 1& ir Pollution :ilters 23 :ugiti!e Dust Control 2$ ir Pollution Control Preci)itators 2& ir Pollution Scrubbers

,, 11 2&-13 Dr+1 ir Pollution Scrubbers ,, 11 2&-1$ 5et1 ir Pollution Scrubbers

,, 11 33 Ther"al B3idi8ers ,, 11 3$ 4acuu" 23traction S+ste"s ** "0 00 NOISE PO00UTION CONTRO0

** "1 00 N!ise P!&&#ti!n C!ntr!& E<#i%ment

,, 21 13 Aoise bate"ent #arriers
,, 21 13-13 :i3ed Aoise bate"ent #arriers ,, 21 13-1$ :le3ible Aoise bate"ent #arriers ,, 21 13-1& Portable Aoise bate"ent #arriers

,, 21 23 Aoise Pollution Silencers ,, 21 2$ :re(uenc+ Cancellers ** *0 00 9ATER TREATMENT EQUIPMENT

** *1 00 P $: ,ed 9 ter Tre tment

,, ,1 13 Pac?aged 5ater Treat"ent Plants
,, ,1 13-13 Che"ical Pac?aged 5ater Treat"ent Plants ,, ,1 13-1$ #iological Pac?aged 5ater Treat"ent Plants ,, ,1 13-1& Ther"al Pac?aged 5ater Treat"ent Plants

** *" 00 Gener & 9 ter Tre tment E<#i%ment

,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 2& 33 3$ 3& ,3 ,$ ,& 53 5$ 5& $3 $$ $& 73 eration 5ater Treat"ent 2(ui)"ent "erican Petroleu" %nstitute Se)arators 5ater Treat"ent #lowers 5ater Treat"ent Clarifiers 5ater Treat"ent Co""inutors 5ater Treat"ent Co")ressors 5ater Treat"ent Digesters 5ater Treat"ent Dissol!ed ir :lotation 2(ui)"ent 5ater Treat"ent 9rit Collectors 5ater Treat"ent %nduced ir :lotation 2(ui)"ent 5ater Treat"ent /i3ers 5ater Treat"ent Bil=9rease %nterce)tors 5ater Treat"ent Bil=5ater Se)arators 5ater Treat"ent Pu")s 5ater Treat"ent 'eactors 5ater Treat"ent Sedi"ent 'e"o!al 2(ui)"ent 5ater Treat"ent S?i""ers 5ater Treat"ent S)ra+ 2(ui)"ent 5ater Treat"ent Tan?s=Tan? Liners

** *( 00 9 ter Fi&tr ti!n E<#i%ment

,, ,3 13 5ater :ilters
,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 13-13 13-1$ 13-1& 13-23 13-2$ #ag 5ater :ilters Cartridge 5ater :ilters :abric 5ater :ilters /ulti"edia 5ater :ilters Pac?aged 5ater :ilters

,, ,, ,, ,, ,,

,3 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,3

23 2$ 2& 33 3$

5ater :ilter Presses 'otar+1Dru" 5ater :iltration 2(ui)"ent 5ater :iltration Sand 5ater :iltration Screens 4acuu" 5ater :iltration 2(ui)"ent

** ** 00 9 ter Tre tment C3emi$ & S'stems E<#i%ment

,, ,, 13 5ater Treat"ent Che"ical :eed 2(ui)"ent ,, ,, 1$ 5ater Chlorinators

,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,

,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,

1& 23 2$ 2& 33 3$ 3& ,3 ,$ ,& 53 5$ 5& $3 $$ $& 73

5ater Coagulators 5ater Dechlorinators Dissol!ed1Solids 5ater Treat"ent 2(ui)"ent 5ater 2"ulsifiers 5ater 2"ulsion Crac?ers 5ater :locculators 5ater :louridation 2(ui)"ent 5ater 7ea!+ /etals Treat"ent 2(ui)"ent 5ater 7+drother"al 2(ui)"ent 5ater Bils Treat"ent 2(ui)"ent 5ater B3idation='eduction 2(ui)"ent 5ater B8one 2(ui)"ent 5ater )7 djust"ent 2(ui)"ent 5ater Pol+"ers 2(ui)"ent 5ater Preci)itators 5ater Pretreat"ent 2(ui)"ent 5ater <ltra!iolet 'adiation 2(ui)"ent

** *+ 00 9 ter Tre tment 1i!&!,i$ & S'stems E<#i%ment

,, ,5 13 5ater #iofilters ,, ,5 1$ 5ater #ubble / e"brane Diffusers

** *- 00 S&#d,e Tre tment

,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,$ ,$ ,$ ,$ ,$

nd 7 nd&in, E<#i%ment )!r 9 ter Tre tment S'ste

13 Sludge Con!e+ors 1$ Sludge Dewatering 2(ui)"ent 1& Sludge Digesters 23 Sludge %ncinerators 2$ Sludge Thic?eners ** +0 00 SO0ID 9ASTE CONTRO0

** +1 00 S!&id 9 ste C!ntr!& E<#i%ment

,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 2& 33 Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid Solid 5aste 5aste 5aste 5aste 5aste 5aste 5aste Co")actors #aling 2(ui)"ent :luffing 2(ui)"ent Li(uid 23traction 2(ui)"ent Containers Transfer Trailers Transfer Stations

44 44 44 44

60 70 80 90

00 00 00 00

Unassigned Unassigned Unassigned Unassigned


*+ 0; 00 C!mmissi!nin, !) Ind#str'=S%e$i)i$ M n#) $t#rin, E<#i%ment *+ 11 00 Oi& nd G s E>tr $ti!n E<#i%ment
,5 11 01 B)eration and /aintenance of Bil and 9as 23traction 2(ui)"ent ,5 11 0$ Schedules for Bil and 9as 23traction 2(ui)"ent ,5 11 10 thru

,5 12 && User Defined Bil and 9as 23traction 2(ui)"ent

*+ 1( 00 Minin, M $3iner'
,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 13 13 13 1, 15 15 15 1$ 17 17 17 1> 1& 1& 1& 20 21 21 21 22 23 23 23 2, 25 25 25 2$ 27 27 27 2> 2& 2& 2& 30 01 0$ 10 && 01 0$ 10 && 01 0$ 10 && 01 0$ 10 && 01 0$ 10 && 01 0$ 10 && 01 0$ 10 && 01 0$ 10 && 01 0$ 10 &&

nd E<#i%ment

B)eration and /aintenance of /ining /achiner+ and 2(ui)"ent Schedules for /ining /achiner+ and 2(ui)"ent thru User Defined /ining /achiner+ and 2(ui)"ent B)eration and /aintenance of :ood /anufacturing 2(ui)"ent Schedules for :ood /anufacturing 2(ui)"ent thru User Defined :ood /anufacturing 2(ui)"ent

*+ 1+ 00 F!!d M n#) $t#rin, E<#i%ment

*+ 15 00 1ever ,e

nd T!. $$! M n#) $t#rin, E<#i%ment

B)eration and /aintenance of #e!erage and Tobacco /anufacturing 2(ui)"ent Schedules for #e!erage and Tobacco /anufacturing 2(ui)"ent thru User Defined #e!erage and Tobacco /anufacturing 2(ui)"ent

*+ 16 00 Te>ti&es

nd A%% re& M n#) $t#rin, E<#i%ment

B)eration and /aintenance of Te3tiles and ))arel /anufacturing 2(ui)"ent Schedules for Te3tiles and ))arel /anufacturing 2(ui)"ent thru User Defined Te3tiles and ))arel /anufacturing 2(ui)"ent

*+ "1 00 0e t3er

nd A&&ied Pr!d#$t M n#) $t#rin, E<#i%ment

B)eration and /aintenance of Leather and llied Product /anufacturing 2(ui)"ent Schedules for Leather and llied Product /anufacturing 2(ui)"ent thru User Defined Leather and llied Product /anufacturing 2(ui)"ent B)eration and /aintenance of 5ood Product /anufacturing 2(ui)"ent Schedules for 5ood Product /anufacturing 2(ui)"ent thru User Defined 5ood Product /anufacturing 2(ui)"ent B)eration and /aintenance of Pa)er /anufacturing 2(ui)"ent Schedules for Pa)er /anufacturing 2(ui)"ent thru User Defined Pa)er /anufacturing 2(ui)"ent

*+ "( 00 9!!d Pr!d#$t M n#) $t#rin, E<#i%ment

*+ "+ 00 P %er M n#) $t#rin, E<#i%ment

*+ "5 00 Printin,

nd Re& ted M n#) $t#rin, E<#i%ment

B)eration and /aintenance of Printing and 'elated /anufacturing 2(ui)"ent Schedules for Printing and 'elated /anufacturing 2(ui)"ent thru User Defined Printing and 'elated /anufacturing 2(ui)"ent

*+ "6 00 Petr!&e#m

nd C! & Pr!d#$ts M n#) $t#rin, E<#i%ment

B)eration and /aintenance of Petroleu" and Coal Products /anufacturing 2(ui)"e Schedules for Petroleu" and Coal Products /anufacturing 2(ui)"ent thru User Defined Petroleu" and Coal Products /anufacturing 2(ui)"ent

*+ (1 00 C3emi$ & M n#) $t#rin, E<#i%ment

,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 31 31 31 32 33 33 33 3, 35 35 35 3$ 37 37 37 3> 3& 3& 3& ,0 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,2 ,3 ,3 ,3 ,, 01 0$ 10 && 01 0$ 10 && 01 0$ 10 && 01 0$ 10 && 01 0$ 10 && 01 0$ 10 && 01 0$ 10 && B)eration and /aintenance of Che"ical /anufacturing 2(ui)"ent Schedules for Che"ical /anufacturing 2(ui)"ent thru User Defined Che"ical /anufacturing 2(ui)"ent

*+ (( 00 P& sti$s

nd M n#) $t#rin, E<#i%ment

B)eration and /aintenance of Plastics and 'ubber /anufacturing 2(ui)"ent Schedules for Plastics and 'ubber /anufacturing 2(ui)"ent thru User Defined Plastics and 'ubber /anufacturing 2(ui)"ent

*+ (+ 00 N!nmet &&i$ Miner & Pr!d#$t M n#) $t#rin, E<#i%ment

B)eration and /aintenance of Aon"etallic /ineral Product /anufacturing 2(ui)"en Schedules for Aon"etallic /ineral Product /anufacturing 2(ui)"ent thru User Defined Aon"etallic /ineral Product /anufacturing 2(ui)"ent B)eration and /aintenance of Pri"ar+ /etal /anufacturing 2(ui)"ent Schedules for Pri"ar+ /etal /anufacturing 2(ui)"ent thru User Defined Pri"ar+ /etal /anufacturing 2(ui)"ent B)eration and /aintenance of :abricated /etal Product /anufacturing 2(ui)"ent Schedules for :abricated /etal Product /anufacturing 2(ui)"ent thru User Defined :abricated /etal Product /anufacturing 2(ui)"ent B)eration and /aintenance of /achiner+ /anufacturing 2(ui)"ent Schedules for /achiner+ /anufacturing 2(ui)"ent thru User Defined /achiner+ /anufacturing 2(ui)"ent

*+ (5 00 Prim r' Met & M n#) $t#rin, E<#i%ment

*+ (6 00 F .ri$ ted Met & Pr!d#$t M n#) $t#rin, E<#i%ment

*+ *1 00 M $3iner' M n#) $t#rin, E<#i%ment

*+ *( 00 C!m%#ter

nd E&e$tr!ni$ Pr!d#$t M n#) $t#rin, E<#i%ment

B)eration and /aintenance of Co")uter and 2lectronic Product /anufacturing 2(ui Schedules for Co")uter and 2lectronic Product /anufacturing 2(ui)"ent thru User Defined Co")uter and 2lectronic Product /anufacturing 2(ui)"ent

*+ *+ 00 E&e$tri$ & E<#i%ment8 A%%&i n$e8

nd C!m%!nent M n#) $t#rin, E<#i%

,5 ,5 01 B)eration and /aintenance of 2lectrical 2(ui)"ent6 ))liance6 and Co")onent /anufacturing 2(ui)"ent ,5 ,5 0$ Schedules for 2lectrical 2(ui)"ent6 ))liance6 and Co")onent /anufacturing 2(ui) ,5 ,5 10 thru ,5 ,$ && User Defined 2lectrical 2(ui)"ent6 ))liance6 and Co")onent /anufacturing 2(ui)

*+ *5 00 Tr ns%!rt ti!n M n#) $t#rin, E<#i%ment

,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,7 ,7 ,7 ,> 01 0$ 10 && B)eration and /aintenance of Trans)ortation /anufacturing 2(ui)"ent Schedules for Trans)ortation /anufacturing 2(ui)"ent thru User Defined Trans)ortation /anufacturing 2(ui)"ent

*+ *6 00 F#rnit#re
,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,& ,& ,& 50 51 51 51 52 01 0$ 10 && 01 0$ 10 &&

nd Re& ted Pr!d#$t M n#) $t#rin, E<#i%ment

B)eration and /aintenance of :urniture and 'elated Product /anufacturing 2(ui)" Schedules for :urniture and 'elated Product /anufacturing 2(ui)"ent thru User Defined :urniture and 'elated Product /anufacturing 2(ui)"ent B)eration and /aintenance of Bther /anufacturing 2(ui)"ent Schedules for Bther /anufacturing 2(ui)"ent thru User Defined Bther /anufacturing 2(ui)"ent

*+ +1 00 Ot3er M n#) $t#rin, E<#i%ment

45 45 45 45

60 70 80 90

00 00 00 00

Unassigned Unassigned Unassigned Unassigned


*; 01 00 O%er ti!n nd M inten n$e )!r E&e$tri$ & P!2er Gener ti!n
,> 01 10 B)eration and /aintenance of 2lectrical Power 9eneration 2(ui)"ent ,> 01 70 B)eration and /aintenance of 2lectrical Power 9eneration Testing

*; 0+ 00 C!mm!n 9!r: Res#&ts )!r E&e$tri$ & P!2er Gener ti!n *; 0- 00 S$3ed#&es )!r E&e$tri$ & P!2er Gener ti!n
,> 0$ 10 Schedules for 2lectrical Power 9eneration 2(ui)"ent ,> 0$ 70 Schedules for 2lectrical Power 9eneration Testing

*; 0; 00 C!mmissi!nin, !) E&e$tri$ & P!2er Gener ti!n *; 06 00 Instr#ment ti!n nd C!ntr!& )!r E&e$tri$ & P!2er Gener ti!n


*; 11 00 F!ssi& F#e& P& nt E&e$tri$ & P!2er Gener ti!n E<#i%ment
,> ,> ,> ,> ,> 11 11 11 11 11 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ :ossil :ossil :ossil :ossil :ossil :uel :uel :uel :uel :uel 2lectrical 2lectrical 2lectrical 2lectrical 2lectrical Power Power Power Power Power Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant #oilers Condensers Stea" Turbines 9as Turbines 9enerators

*; 1" 00 N#$&e r F#e& P& nt E&e$tri$ & P!2er Gener ti!n E<#i%ment
,> 12 13 Auclear :uel 'eactors
,> 12 13-13 Auclear :uel :ission 'eactors ,> 12 13-1$ Auclear :uel :usion 'eactors

,> ,> ,> ,>

12 12 12 12

23 2$ 2& 33

Auclear Auclear Auclear Auclear

:uel :uel :uel :uel

2lectrical 2lectrical 2lectrical 2lectrical

Power Power Power Power

Plant Stea" 9enerators Plant Condensers Plant Turbines 9enerators

*; 1( 00 7'dr!e&e$tri$ P& nt E&e$tri$ & P!2er Gener ti!n E<#i%ment

,> 13 13 7+droelectric Power Plant 5ater Turbines ,> 13 1$ 7+droelectric Power Plant 2lectrical Power 9enerators

*; 1* 00 S!& r Ener,' E&e$tri$ & P!2er Gener ti!n E<#i%ment

,> 1, 13 Solar 2nerg+ Collectors

,> 1, 13-13 "or)hous Solar 2nerg+ Collectors ,> 1, 13-1$ Plate Cell Solar 2nerg+ Collectors ,> 1, 13-1& 4acuu" Tube Solar 2nerg+ Collectors

*; 1+ 00 9ind Ener,' E&e$tri$ & P!2er Gener ti!n E<#i%ment

,> 15 13 5ind"ills ,> 15 1$ 5ind 2nerg+ 2lectrical Power 9enerators

*; 1- 00 Ge!t3erm & Ener,' E&e$tri$ & P!2er Gener ti!n E<#i%ment

,> ,> ,> ,> 1$ 1$ 1$ 1$ 13 1$ 1& 23 9eother"al 9eother"al 9eother"al 9eother"al 2nerg+ 2nerg+ 2nerg+ 2nerg+ 7eat Pu")s Condensers Stea" Turbines 2lectrical Power 9enerators

*; 15 00 E&e$tr!$3emi$ & Ener,' E&e$tri$ & P!2er Gener ti!n E<#i%ment

,> 17 13 2lectrical Power 9eneration #atteries

*; 1; 00 F#e& Ce&& E&e$tri$ & P!2er Gener ti!n E<#i%ment

,> 1> 13 2lectrical Power 9eneration :uel Cells ,> 1> 1$ 7+drogen Control 2(ui)"ent

*; 16 00 E&e$tri$ & P!2er C!ntr!& E<#i%ment

,> ,> ,> ,> ,> 1& 1& 1& 1& 1& 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 2lectrical 2lectrical 2lectrical 2lectrical 2lectrical Power Power Power Power Power 9eneration 9eneration 9eneration 9eneration 9eneration #atter+ Charging 2(ui)"ent %n!erters Solar Trac?ing 2(ui)"ent Transfor"ers 4oltage 'egulators

48 20 00 Unassigned 48 30 00 Unassigned 48 40 00 Unassigned 48 50 00 Unassigned 48 60 00 Unassigned *; 50 00 E0ECTRICA0 PO9ER GENERATION TESTING

*; 51 00 E&e$tri$ & P!2er Gener ti!n Test E<#i%ment
,> ,> ,> ,> ,> 71 71 71 71 71 13 1$ 1& 23 2$ 2lectrical 2lectrical 2lectrical 2lectrical 2lectrical Power Power Power Power Power 9eneration 9eneration 9eneration 9eneration 9eneration Corona Test 2(ui)"ent Current Test 2(ui)"ent Power Test 2(ui)"ent 'esistance Test 2(ui)"ent 4oltage Test 2(ui)"ent

48 80 00 Unassigned 48 90 00 Unassigned


nated Sites




c15ater Pu")s 5ater Pu")s

"estic15ater Pu")s


e F $i&ities

e F $i&ities

re F $i&ities




al De!ices

6 and /ode"s

r+ Control n Panels








d Se$#rit' S'stems

E<#i%ment n, E<#i%ment %ressi!n S'stems

& S'stems ni$ ti!ns S'stems



ntal Cabling

and /ode"s


usion Detection

%ntrusion Detection n Detection

lar" Dosi"eters

ol S+ste"s

nd /onitoring



nd Chutes





, E<#i%ment



7 nd&in,8 P#ri)i$ ti!n8


nd St!r ,e

#ri)i$ ti!n8

Tre tment S'stems


ring 2(ui)"ent

g 2(ui)"ent

cturing 2(ui)"ent

g 2(ui)"ent

ufacturing 2(ui)"ent

g 2(ui)"ent

facturing 2(ui)"ent

turing 2(ui)"ent

/anufacturing 2(ui)"ent

#) $t#rin, E<#i%ment

nd Co")onent

anufacturing 2(ui)"ent

anufacturing 2(ui)"ent

nufacturing 2(ui)"ent


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