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J Appl Phycol (2013) 25:1331–1340

DOI 10.1007/s10811-013-9989-3

Compensatory abilities depending on seasonal timing

of thallus excision of the kelp Undaria pinnatifida cultivated
in Matsushima Bay, northern Japan
Xu Gao & Hikaru Endo & Makoto Yamana &
Kazuya Taniguchi & Yukio Agatsuma

Received: 15 November 2012 / Revised and accepted: 10 January 2013 / Published online: 23 January 2013
# Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013

Abstract Improved cultivation technology for the kelp physiological parameters compared with control kelps.
Undaria pinnatifida is greatly needed to increase production These results suggest that U. pinnatifida sporophytes
to meet increasing commercial demand. A previous cultiva- exhibited great compensation when excisions were con-
tion trial indicated that the crop yield of U. pinnatifida ducted during the growing phase in January and February
sporophytes could be increased greatly by thallus excision but not in March and April when the maturation phase had
in late February due to compensatory growth of the remain- started. The regulation of resource allocation to growth and
ing tissues. To develop this potential new cultivation tech- maturation after thallus excisions in January and February
nology, it is essential to identify the time period during likely results in prolongation of the growth phase and mat-
which this kelp can compensate and its physiological uration phase in excised kelps.
responses to thallus excision. In this study, U. pinnatifida
sporophytes were excised at about 30 cm above the meri- Keywords Compensation . Cultivation . Thallus excision .
stem at the beginning of January, February, March, and Resource allocation . Undaria pinnatifida . Phaeophyta
April, respectively. Morphological features, photosynthesis,
nutrient uptake, and carbon and nitrogen contents of excised
kelps were measured and compared with these parameters in Introduction
control kelps grown without excision. Both experimental
and control kelps were farmed together in Matsushima Compensatory growth appears to be a common tolerance
Bay, northern Japan. The kelps excised in January and strategy of terrestrial and aquatic plants against damages
February showed significant increases in the lengths and (Strauss and Agrawal 1999; Stowe et al. 2000; Thomson
dry weights of the blade, photosynthetic rates, nutrient up- et al. 2003; Vergés et al. 2008; Cerda et al. 2009). Plants
take rates, and carbon and nitrogen contents compared with have evolved a diverse suite of tolerance traits including
the control kelps, and the growth phase was prolonged for at compensatory growth, increasing photosynthesis, activation
least 1 month. No significant increases were found in dry of dormant meristems, and changes in reproductive strate-
weights and carbon and nitrogen contents of sporophylls gies and resource allocation patterns (Strauss and Agrawal
until early April, which indicated that the maturation period 1999; Tiffin 2000). The ability to tolerate damages is known
was delayed. At the end of this experiment, the nitrogen to be influenced by the timing of the damage (Maschinski
contents of sporophyll tissues formed after excisions were and Whitham 1989; Trumble et al. 1993; Paige 1994;
significantly lower than those of tissues formed before exci- Simons and Johnston 1999) or, more precisely, by the de-
sions. In contrast, the kelps excised in March and April velopmental stage at which damage occurs (Bergelson et al.
showed no significant increases in morphological and 1996). Many higher plants are more likely to compensate for
damage that occurs early in the growing season, before the
X. Gao : H. Endo : M. Yamana : K. Taniguchi : Y. Agatsuma (*) reproduction phase has started (Maschinski and Whitham
Laboratory of Marine Plant Ecology, Graduate School of
1989; Lehtila and Syrjänen 1995; Lennartsson et al. 1998).
Agricultural Science, Tohoku University, Sendai, Miyagi
Prefecture 981-8555, Japan In seaweeds, experimental studies of compensation are
e-mail: rare, and little is known about how these plants compensate
1332 J Appl Phycol (2013) 25:1331–1340

for damages and how damage may affect future fitness by Materials and methods
altering their internal organization. Although some research-
ers have given increasing attention to the compensatory Seedling production and cultivation trial
ability of seaweeds in recent years (Littler et al. 1995;
Steinberg 1995; Honkanen and Jormalainen 2002; Vergés Gametophytes of U. pinnatifida were obtained by induction of
et al. 2008; Cerda et al. 2009; Hay et al. 2011), no studies zoospores from parental plants farmed in Matsushima Bay
have focused on the effect of the timing of damage on (38°32′ N, 141°31′ E) in the early summer of 2008. After
compensation. Likewise, little information is available about zoospores were released into tanks filled with filtered seawater,
the compensatory ability of large commercial species and its the water was stirred to a homogeneous consistency to make
possible application to increase aquaculture production. the zoospores attach to 2-mm diameter plastic fiber threads at
The annual kelp Undaria pinnatifida (Harvey) Suringar similar initial settlement densities. The seedlings culture was
is one of the most important and popular commercial sea- first conducted indoors under controlled environmental con-
weeds endemic to cold temperate coastal regions of Japan ditions (18 °C, irradiance of 40 μmol photons m−2 s−1, and a
(Akiyama and Kurogi 1982). As an invasive species, U. photoperiod of 12:12 h light/dark). The culture medium con-
pinnatifida has spread to other coastal waters of the world sisted of sterilized seawater with additional nitrate (PESI;
where populations are now well established (Sanderson Tatewaki 1966), to which GeO2 (20 μg mL−1) was added to
1990; Casas and Piriz 1996; Campbell et al. 1999; Silva et inhibit the growth of protozoa and diatoms. Aeration was used
al. 2002; Aguilar-Rosas et al. 2004). This kelp has been to mix the nitrate and seawater evenly. The medium was
extensively cultivated on a large scale in Asian countries renewed every 15 days. After several months, the seedlings
(Yamanaka and Akiyama 1993), and it was intentionally grew to 1–2 cm long (on average). The threads on which the
introduced recently for commercial cultivation in European young sporophytes had attached were cut into 4-cm sections.
countries due to its excellent taste and nutritional value (e.g., For field cultivation trials, 50 thread sections were individually
ICES 2007; Peteiro and Freire 2011). In Japan, the crop tucked into five 50-m long, 15-mm diameter ropes at intervals
yield of this species has not been able to satisfy increasing of 1 m. Five ropes prepared in this manner were deployed at
commercial demand in recent years. Therefore, the devel- the sea surface with floats at intervals of 3 m in Matsushima
opment of new cultivation technology that can increase Bay in October. In order to standardize the cultivation con-
production is greatly needed. ditions, cultivation density was adjusted to 15 plants per thread
A previous cultivation trial reported that U. pinnatifida section in late December. One 4-cm section was considered to
sporophytes excised in late February showed marked com- be one bunch. For experimental groups, thalli were excised at
pensatory growth compared with control kelps without ex- about 30 cm above the meristem at the beginning of January,
cision, and therefore, the harvest period was prolonged (Gao February, March, and April, respectively (Fig. 1). For the
et al. 2012). To improve this potential new cultivation tech- control group, no excision was conducted during cultivation.
nology, it is essential to identify the time period during
which this kelp can compensate for thallus excision and Measurements of morphological features
the physiological responses that support compensatory
growth. Gao et al. (2012) also indicated that the maturation To examine the changes in morphological features, three
period of this kelp was delayed markedly after excision due bunches of each of the four experimental groups were collect-
to the elongation of its growth phase. Therefore, the alloca- ed randomly every 2 weeks beginning 2 weeks after thallus
tion of resources to growth and maturation may have excisions and continuing into late May. Three bunches of
changed after thallus excision, but this hypothesis requires control kelps were collected every 2 weeks from early
testing. January to late May. These plants were immediately trans-
In the present study, we examined seasonal changes of ported to the laboratory and then were initially hung for at
morphological features of farmed U. pinnatifida sporo- least 15 min to drain excess seawater. Next, measurements of
phytes excised during the growing phase (January and blade length were taken from 15 plants in sequence starting
February) and maturation phase (March and April) to iden- with the largest one. Plants then were carved into midrib,
tify the time period during which this kelp can compensate blade, and sporophyll, and each part was weighed after drying
for excision. In addition, physiological parameters (photo- in a convection oven (Yamato DX400, Yamato Scientific Co.)
synthesis, nutrient uptake, and resource contents) of the at 60 °C for 1 week.
kelps excised at different times were measured and com-
pared with those of control kelps grown without excision. Measurements of photosynthesis and nutrient uptake
Changes in resource allocation between growth and
maturation in response to thallus excisions were also One bunch from each experimental group was collected
investigated. 2 weeks after each excision, and one bunch from the control
J Appl Phycol (2013) 25:1331–1340 1333

Table 1 The four initial concentrations (μg L−1) designed of NH4–N,

NO3–N, and PO4–P

Combination NH4–N NO3–N PO4–P

1 0 400 80
2 100 400 80
3 200 400 80
4 400 400 80

environments, and the oxygen evolution they produced was

then measured every 3 min six to ten times. Eight replicates
were used for photosynthesis measurement.
The uptake rates of NO3–N and NH4–N were obtained
from the differences between the concentrations analyzed by
the auto-analyzer (TRAACS 800; Bran–Luebbe, Japan) af-
Fig. 1 Picture of mature U. pinnatifida sporophyte showing exci- ter a 60-min incubation of the discs and those in the con-
sion site trols. Eight replicates were used for nutrient uptake
measurements. To examine the effect of thallus excision
group was collected at the same time. The eight largest on nutrient uptake rates more closely, the initial concentra-
plants on each bunch were used to measure photosynthesis tions of NH4–N were set to four levels (Table 1) and mea-
and nutrient uptake. Five discs with a surface area of about sured respectively. After incubations, the fresh and dry
2.0 cm2 were cut from each plant using a cork borer (1.6 cm weights were measured. Nutrient uptake rates were estimat-
in diameter) from the margins of the meristem. These discs ed using the following equation:
were incubated in flowing seawater for 12 h before measure-
ments, to allow recovery from cutting damage. VN; P ¼ ðSt  StþT Þ  0:01=ðA  T Þ
An improved differential gas-volumeter called “Product–
meter” (Yokohama et al. 1986) was used to measure photo- where VN,P =uptake rates of NO3–N and NH4–N (micrograms
synthesis and nutrient uptake. The discs were placed in a per square centimeter per hour); t=time (hours); T=time in-
reaction vessel containing 10 mL of filtered seawater (GF/F, terval (hours); St =initial concentration at time t (micrograms
Whatman,, UK) while the control vessel contained only per liter); St+T =final concentration at time t+T (micrograms
10 mL of filtered seawater. The reaction and control vessels per liter); and A=area of the disc (2.0 cm2).
were attached to Product-meters, immersed in a water bath
with a thermostat (Taitec CL–150 F, Koshigaya, Japan) to Analysis of carbon and nitrogen contents
maintain a constant water temperature and shaken using a
motor drive at 150 rpm min−1. The vessels were illuminated One bunch from each experimental group was collected
from below by projector lamps with light reflected by mir- 4 weeks after each excision, and one bunch from the
rors placed under the water bath. Photo slide projectors control group was collected at the same time. The eight
(Elmo S–300, Japan) with incandescent lamps (Philips largest plants on each bunch were used to analyze
KP–10s 100V, 300 W; Japan) were used as the light carbon and nitrogen contents of blade tissues. One disc
source. Irradiances were regulated by using neutral den- with a surface area of about 2.0 cm2 was cut from each
sity glass filters (Toshiba TND–50, 25, 12.5, Japan) and plant using a cork borer (1.6 cm in diameter) from the
measured with a quantum photon meter (LI–COR LI– margin of the meristem.
192S, USA). One bunch from each experimental group in addition to
To measure photosynthetic rate, the discs were incubated those for morphological measurements was collected every
at six temperatures (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 °C) with a 2 weeks beginning 2 weeks after each excision date and
photon flux intensity of 180 μmol photons m−2 s−1. The continuing until late May, and one bunch of control kelp
initial nutrient concentrations of the sterilized seawater were was collected every 2 weeks from early January to late May.
set to 400 μg L−1 for NO3–N and NH4–N, and 80 μg L−1 The eight largest plants on each bunch were selected to
for PO4–P. The nutrient concentrations in seawater were determine the seasonal changes of carbon and nitrogen
almost below the limit of detection. The discs were incubat- contents of sporophyll tissues. One disc with a surface area
ed for 30 min to allow them to adapt to the experimental of about 2.0 cm2 was cut from each plant using a cork borer
1334 J Appl Phycol (2013) 25:1331–1340

(1.6 cm diameter) from the middle part of sporophyll with Statistical analysis
the maximum width.
On the final day of this experiment, one bunch from Differences in morphological features and carbon and nitro-
each experimental group that had never been previously gen contents of sporophyll tissues among months were ana-
sampled was collected, and the eight largest plants on lyzed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). All of
each bunch were used to compare the carbon and nitro- the variables were tested for normality and homogeneity prior
gen contents of sporophyll tissues formed before and to conducting ANOVA. When a significant difference was
after excision. One disc with a surface area of about identified by ANOVA, Tukey’s multiple comparison test was
2.0 cm2 from each part was cut from each plant using a used for comparison of means. Significant differences in
cork borer (1.6 cm diameter). morphological and physiological features between each ex-
After drying, the dry weight of each sample was perimental group and the control, and significant differences
measured, and the discs then were mashed up and in carbon and nitrogen contents between sporophyll tissues
analyzed for carbon and nitrogen contents using an formed before and after excision were analyzed using
Elemental Analyzer (EAGER200, Fisons Instruments, the Student’s t test. Differences were considered to be
USA). significant at a probability of 5 % (P<0.05).

Table 2 Seasonal blade length,

dry weights of blade, and sporo- Time C JE FE ME AE
phyll of U. pinnatifida sporo-
phytes excised in January, Blade length, cm
February, March, April, and Early January 89.5±10.7a
control kelps cultivated in
Late January 117.4±16.8b 58.4±12.6a*
Matsushima Bay
Early February 146.2±14.3c 75.9±11.3b*
Late February 143.1±15.5c 109.3±14.4c* 61.5±12.6a*
Early March 141.0±14.1c 139.7±12.2d 91.0±13.5b*
Late March 142.4±12.4c 138.7±15.4d 120.6±14.6c* 29.3±5.3a*
Early April 139.5±13.3c 135.8±10.8d 117.9±13.3c* 27.9±5.4a*
Late April 122.9±11.2b 116.0±11.5c 100.1±10.7b* 24.6±4.3a* 29.6±4.4a*
Early May 120.1±13.6b 113.3±14.8c 93.8±13.1b* 25.7±3.1a* 26.7±3.4a*
Late May 115.9±11.5b 109.1±16.7c 95.5±13.8b* 22.1±4.5a* 23.5±4.1a*
Dry weights of blade, g
Early January 20.4±3.7a
Late January 31.0±5.8b 19.4±2.5a*
Early February 45.7±5.3c 31.5±4.0b*
Late February 60.7±6.9d 44.8±5.4c* 18.2±3.1a*
Early March 56.8±5.2d 56.5±5.3d 30.7±4.3b*
Late March 58.3±5.8d 60.3±6.6d 42.5±4.8c* 10.0±1.3a*
Early April 57.2±5.3d 57.7±4.3d 45.0±4.1c* 11.5±2.0a*
Late April 43.8±5.0c 42.1±4.1c 31.6±3.0b* 9.6±1.2a* 10.5±1.1a*
Early May 45.2±4.6c 45.9±4.8c 29.7±3.8b* 10.3±1.4a* 9.8±1.2a*
Late May 42.8±4.1c 40.4±5.4c 27.9±3.5b* 7.4±1.5a* 7.1±1.0a*
Dry weights of sporophyll, g
Early January 5.7±0.67a
Late January 6.0±0.58a 4.8±0.56a
Data are the means±SE. Values Early February 10.2±1.73ab 5.9±0.63a
with different letters in the same Late February 14.8±2.59b 6.4±0.43a* 9.9±0.56a
column are significantly differ-
Early March 15.5±2.53b 6.1±0.23a* 10.9±1.45a
ent from each other (P<0.05);
N=15 for all kelps Late March 29.8±3.48c 7.2±0.92a* 9.8±0.68a* 23.6±2.56a
c b a
JE January, FE February, ME Early April 26.9±4.34 15.8±2.83 * 9.5±0.71 * 26.8±2.49a
March, AE April, C control kelps Late April 25.1±3.52c 23.1±3.45c 20.0±2.27b 24.4±3.33a 24.0±2.45a
*P < 0.05 indicates difference Early May 27.7±3.36c 33.3±4.58d 31.7±3.71c 25.7±2.41a 22.3±2.40a
level between each excised kelp Late May 24.9±4.51c 28.5±2.29cd 29.4±2.58c 21.5±2.50a 20.1±1.93a
and control
J Appl Phycol (2013) 25:1331–1340 1335

January 146.2 cm in early February (P<0.05). No significant changes
60 * in blade length were found from early February to early April
50 (P>0.05), but it decreased significantly thereafter (P<0.05).
* *
40 * The blade length of kelps excised in January increased signif-
30 icantly from 58.4 cm in late January to 139.7 cm in early
20 March (P<0.05). From late January to late February, blade
10 length differed significantly between kelps excised in January
and control kelps (P<0.05), but significant differences were
not detected from early March to late May (P>0.05). The
February blade length of kelps excised in February increased signifi-
* cantly from 61.5 cm in late February to 120.6 cm in late March
50 * (P<0.05), but they had significantly lower values than those
40 * of the control kelps until the end of the experiment (P<0.05).
Oxygen evolution (µLO2 cm–2 h–1)

30 No significant variations occurred in blade lengths of kelps

20 excised in March and April (P>0.05), and excised kelps had
10 significantly lower values than control kelps until the end of
0 the experiment (P<0.05).
The dry weight of blade of control kelps increased signif-
March icantly from 20.4 g in early January to 60.7 g in late February
(P<0.05). No significant changes in blade weight occurred
50 from late February to early April (P>0.05), but it decreased
40 significantly thereafter (P<0.05). The dry weight of blades of
30 kelps excised in January increased significantly from 19.4 g in
20 late January to 60.3 g in late March (P<0.05). From late
10 January to late February, blade weight differed significantly
between kelps excised in January and control kelps (P<0.05),
but this difference did not exist from early March to late May
April (P>0.05). The dry weight of blades of kelps excised in
60 February increased significantly from 18.2 g in late February
50 to 45.0 g in early April (P<0.05), but the weights were
40 significantly lower than those of the control kelps until the
end of the experiment (P<0.05). In contrast, no significant
changes were found in kelps excised in March and April
(P>0.05), and excised kelps had significantly lower values
10 than control kelps until the end of the experiment (P<0.05).
0 The dry weight of sporophylls of control kelps increased
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 significantly from 5.7 g in early January to 29.8 g in late March
Temperature ( C) (P<0.05), but no significant variation occurred thereafter
(P>0.05). There was little change in dry weight of sporophyll
Fig. 2 Gross photosynthetic rates of blade discs taken from near the tissues of kelps excised in January from late January to late
meristem in each excised kelp (open circles) and control kelp (filled
circles) at different temperatures 2 weeks after excisions. Asterisks March (P>0.05), but dry weights increased significantly from
indicate a significant difference at P<0.05 between excised and control 7.2 g in late March to 33.3 g in early May (P<0.05). From late
kelps. N=8 for all kelps. Black bars indicate standard deviations February to early April, sporophyll weight differed significant-
ly between kelps excised in January and control kelps
(P<0.05), but such differences were not found from late
Results April to late May (P>0.05). Similarly, few changes in dry
weight of sporophyll of kelps excised in February occurred
Morphological features from late February to early April (P>0.05). However, the kelps
excised in February showed a significant increase in dry
Seasonal morphological features in all excised and control weight of sporophylls from 9.5 g in early April to 31.7 g in
kelps are shown in Table 2 (seasonal blade length, dry weights early May (P<0.05). In late March and early April, sporophyll
of blade, and sporophyll). The blade length of control kelps weight differed significantly between kelps excised in
increased significantly from 89.5 cm in early January to February and control kelps (P < 0.05), but significant
1336 J Appl Phycol (2013) 25:1331–1340

NH4 N January Febuary March April
1.5 *
* *
* *
Uptake rates (µg L–1 cm–2 h–1)


* * * * *
* *


0 100 200 400 0 100 200 400 0 100 200 400 0 100 200 400
Initial concentration of NH4–N (µg L–1)

Fig. 3 Uptake rates of NH4–N and NO3–N of blade discs taken from 2 weeks after excisions. Asterisks indicate a significant difference at
near the meristem in each excised kelp (open columns) and control kelp P<0.05 between excised and control kelps. N=8 for all kelps. Black
(filled columns) at four different initial concentrations of NH4–N bars indicate standard deviations

differences did not exist from late April to late May (P>0.05).
In contrast, no significant changes were detected in dry weights 2.5
of sporophylls of kelps excised in March and April (P>0.05). Carbon
Photosynthesis and nutrient uptake *
Two weeks after excisions, the gross photosynthetic rates of
blade tissues of kelps excised in January and February were
Resource contents (mg cm–2)

significantly higher at temperatures of 10–30 °C than those
of control kelps (P<0.05) (Fig. 2). However, no significant 0.5
differences in gross photosynthetic rates were observed at
each temperature in kelps excised in March and April com- 0
pared with the control kelps (P>0.05).
The uptake rates of NH4–N increased with an increase in 0.25
initial concentration of NH4–N in all excised and control kelps *
(Fig. 3). The uptake rates of NH4–N in kelps excised in *
January and February were significantly higher than those of
the control kelps at initial concentrations of 100–400 μg L−1 0.15
(P<0.05). Similarly, the uptake rates of NO3–N in kelps
excised in January and February at all initial concentrations 0.1
of NH4–N were significantly higher than those of the control
kelps (P<0.05). In contrast, the uptake rates of both NH4–N 0.05
and NO3–N of kelps excised in March and April were lower
than those of the control kelps (P>0.05). 0
Carbon and nitrogen contents Fig. 4 Carbon and nitrogen contents of blade discs taken from near the
meristem in each excised kelp (open columns) and control kelp (filled
Four weeks after excisions, the carbon and nitrogen contents columns) 4 weeks after excisions. Asterisks indicate a significant
difference at P<0.05 between excised and control kelps. N=8 for all
of blade tissues of kelps excised in January and February kelps. Black bars indicate standard deviations. JE, FE, ME, and AE
were significantly higher than those of control kelps represent four experimental kelps excised at the beginning of January,
(P<0.05) (Fig. 4). However, no significant differences were February, March, and April, respectively
J Appl Phycol (2013) 25:1331–1340 1337

7 0.8

c C
6 c C 0.7 c C
c C

Nitrogen content (mg cm–2)

Carbon content (mg cm–2)

C c
c c

b b B
A* A*
5 A* A* 0.6
b A* B*
A* A* A*
B* A* B A*
B* A*
a a B ab
a ab
A* A* c A* A
A* a A A A* a
4 A A B 0.5 a
A* B A* A
A* A A A* B
A* A* A* B

3 0.4
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May

Fig. 5 Seasonal carbon and nitrogen contents of sporophylls of U. large letters indicate a significant difference at P<0.05 among
pinnatifida excised at the beginning of January (filled squares), months. Asterisks indicate a significant difference at P<0.05 be-
February (open squares), March (filled triangles), April (open tween excised and control kelps. N=8 for all kelps. Black bars
triangles), and control kelps (open circles). Different small and indicate standard deviations

found between control kelps and kelps excised in March and 0.5
April (P>0.05).
The carbon and nitrogen contents of sporophylls of 0.4
control kelps increased significantly from early January
to late March (P<0.05), and then no significant varia- 0.3
tions occurred until early May (P>0.05) (Fig. 5). From
late January to late March, no significant changes in 0.2
Resource contents (mg mg–1)

carbon and nitrogen contents of sporophylls of kelps

excised in January were detected (P>0.05), but from 0.1
late March to early May, significant increases occurred
(P<0.05). For kelps excised in February, no significant 0
changes in carbon and nitrogen contents of sporophylls 0.05
were observed from late February to early April, but * *
they increased significantly thereafter until early May. In 0.04
contrast, no significant changes in carbon and nitrogen
contents of sporophyll of kelps excised in March and 0.03
April were detected from the time of excision to early
May (P>0.05). All excised and control kelps showed a 0.02
significant decrease in carbon and nitrogen contents in
May (P<0.05). 0.01
The carbon and nitrogen contents of sporophyll tissues
formed before and after excisions are shown in Fig. 6. The 0
carbon contents of new tissues of all excised kelps were JE FE ME AE
slightly higher than those of the old tissues (P>0.05). The Fig. 6 Carbon and nitrogen contents of sporophyll discs taken from
nitrogen contents of new tissues of kelps excised in January tissues formed before (filled columns) and after (open columns) exci-
and February were significantly lower than those of the old sions in each kelp at the end of the experiment. Asterisks indicate a
significant difference at P<0.05 between excised and control kelps.
tissues (P<0.05). No significant differences between old N=8 for all kelps. Black bars indicate standard deviations. JE, FE, ME,
and new tissues were detected in kelps excised in March and AE represent four experimental kelps excised at the beginning of
and April (P>0.05). January, February, March, and April, respectively
1338 J Appl Phycol (2013) 25:1331–1340

Discussion external environmental conditions but also to internal physio-

logical regulation. Plant hormones play a critical role in stim-
This study is the first to evaluate the influence of the timing ulating or inhibiting many physiological processes in
of damage on the compensatory capability of large seaweed. seaweeds (Bradley 1991; Basu et al. 2002; Nimura and
U. pinnatifida exhibited quite different compensatory Mizuta 2002; Stirk et al. 2003; Tarakhovskaya et al. 2007;
responses to thallus excision at different developmental Wiesemeier et al. 2008) including U. pinnatifida (Abe et al.
stages. As an important method for increasing production, 1972; Yan 1984). Kai et al. (2006) reported that growth and
this finding may have a great potential for wide application reproduction of Laminarian species are regulated by internal
in commercial cultivation of this kelp in Japan and other auxin level, as is true for terrestrial plants. Therefore, we
parts of the world. propose that the compensatory responses to thallus excision
In the present study, the blade length and dry weight of in U. pinnatifida may be due to the stimulation of plant
kelps without excision increased significantly by early and hormones. In future studies, the variation of plant hor-
late February, respectively, but then did not increase there- mone levels should be compared between excised kelps
after (Table 2, seasonal blade length and dry weights of and the control.
blade). These results indicate that U. pinnatifida sporo- In this study, the kelps without excision exhibited a
phytes cultivated in Matsushima Bay stop vegetative growth significant increase in sporophyll growth from January to
in late February. The reproductive phase of sporophytes of late March (Table 2, sporophyll). In the kelps excised in
Laminariales starts after growth has stopped (Markhan January and February, this rapid sporophyll development
1973; Kain 1975). Thus, this kelp starts to enter the matu- was markedly delayed. However, these sporophylls grew
ration phase after late February. The kelps excised at the significantly thereafter, which likely was due to the rapid
beginning of January and February exhibited a marked increase of carbon and nitrogen contents (Fig. 5). By the end
increase in morphological features, which agrees with the of this experiment, there were no significant differences in
previous finding that the growth of this kelp was promoted carbon content between sporophyll tissues formed before
greatly by thallus excision in late February (Gao et al. 2012). and after excisions in January and February; however, the
In contrast, morphological features of the kelps excised at nitrogen contents of new tissues formed after excisions were
the beginning of March and April did not increase signifi- significantly lower than those of old tissues formed before
cantly. These results suggest that U. pinnatifida sporophytes excisions (Fig. 6). In contrast, there were no significant
farmed in Matsushima Bay are not capable of great com- variations in dry weight and resource contents of sporo-
pensatory growth in response to thallus excisions conducted phylls of kelps excised in March and April. These results
after March when the maturation phase has begun. Similar indicate that a large shift in resource allocation to growth
results have been reported in some terrestrial plants, indi- and maturation occurred following the thallus excisions that
cating that plants damaged early in the growing season tend took place before the vegetative growth had stopped.
to compensate better than plants damaged late in the repro- Almost all accumulated resources might be allocated to the
ductive season (Maschinski and Whitham 1989; Paige blade to compensate for the mass loss of reserved resources,
1994; Lennartsson et al. 1998). therefore resulting in compensatory growth of the blade
The photosynthetic capacity of kelps excised in January and delay of sporophyll development. Similarly, the
and February was greater than that of the control kelps (Fig. 2). compensatory response is achieved through the modular
This response may be partially due to the enhanced external structure of terrestrial plants, which is efficiently inte-
light environment, as happens with higher plants (Jãremo et al. grated through specialized tissues for long-distance in-
1996; Mabry and Wayne 1997). Photosynthesis in the remain- ternal translocation of stored and photo-assimilated
ing tissues was stimulated by greater light penetration, which compounds (Trumble et al. 1993; Taiz and Zeiger
may have resulted in an increase in pigment concentration and 2002). Thus, plants can quickly re-allocate resources to
photosynthesis efficiency. Intracellular nitrogen content great- damaged parts when required.
ly influences pigments such as chlorophyll (Chapman et al. Due to changes in resource allocation after thallus exci-
1978; Bird et al. 1982; Lingnell and Pedersen 1987; Lapointe sion, the growth phase of the kelps excised in January and
1981) and photosynthetic activity (Levy and Gantt 1990). The February was prolonged for at least 1 month, which resulted
greater capacity for nutrient accumulation may also partly in extension of the harvest period. This means that the
increase the concentration of pigments and support increased harvest of high-quality blade and sporophyll tissues will
photosynthesis and compensatory growth (Figs. 3 and 4). become possible during periods when they previously were
However, there were no significant increases in photosynthe- unavailable. Compared with kelps without excision, the
sis, nutrient uptake, and resource contents of kelps excised in kelps excised in January and February experienced an al-
March and April. Therefore, compensatory responses of ex- most 50 % increase in biomass production because of their
cised kelps may be due not only to the improvement of strong compensatory abilities. These conclusions provide
J Appl Phycol (2013) 25:1331–1340 1339

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Acknowledgments We sincerely thank Mr. M. Ise of the Shiogama
Daiichi Fisheries Cooperative Association for providing the seedlings
Jãremo J, Nilsson P, Tuomi J (1996) Plant compensatory growth:
used in the present study and for his kind cooperation with kelp
herbivory or competition? Oikos 77:238–247
cultivation and collection; the staffs of the Miyagi Prefecture Fisheries
Kai T, Nimura K, Yasui H, Mizuta H (2006) Regulation of sorus
Technology Institute and Akita Prefecture Fisheries Promotion Institute
formation by auxin in Laminariales sporophyte. J Appl Phycol
for using seawater for culture experiment; Professor O. Nishimula and
Mr. Chiba for helping with the analysis of nutrient concentration; and
Kain JM (1975) The biology of Laminaria hyperborea. VII.
assistant professor K. Ito for helping with the measurement of carbon
Reproduction of the sporophyte. J Mar Biol Assoc UK 55:567–
and nitrogen content.
Lapointe BE (1981) The effects of light and nitrogen no growth,
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