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Hatchet Test
Part A: Multiple Choice (1 point each) Circle the best answer 1. How did Brian make his shelter? ! ! A. He took pieces of the plane and made a shelter. ! ! B. He found a small cave and made a branch wall to ! ! cover the front of it. ! ! C. He found a broken down cabin and xed it up. ! ! D. He found a large hollowed out log to live in. 2. How did Brian nally make a bow and arrow? ! ! A. He used a wire and a willow stick. ! ! B. He used a shoe lace and a branch. ! ! C. He used a shoe lace and a willow stick. ! ! D. He used a shoe lace and a bone. 3. What in the survival kit ended up saving Brian? ! ! A. The matches ! ! B. The emergency transmitter ! ! C. The sleeping bag ! ! D. The food 4. How did Brian discover re? ! ! A. He never did discover re. ! ! B. He found matches. ! ! C. Lightening hit a tree. ! ! D. He threw his hatchet at a porcupine. 5. What attacked Brian in the woods? ! ! A. Flies, a sh, a moose, a bear, and a skunk ! ! B. An Indian, a bear, a porcupine, ies, and a moose ! ! C. A bear, mosquitoes, a moose, a porcupine, and ies ! ! D. Mosquitoes, ies, a moose, a porcupine, and a skunk 6. What was the most important thing to Brian in the woods? ! ! A. Fire ! ! B. Food ! ! C. Shelter ! ! D. Water

7. What genre is Hatchet? ! ! A. Science ction ! ! B. Fantasy ! ! C. Non-ction ! ! D. Realistic ction 8. Why did Brian freak out when he dove down into the plane? ! ! A. He saw the pilot's skeleton. ! ! B. He got stuck and couldn't get out ! ! C. A beaver scared him. ! ! D. A sh attacked him. 9. Where did Brian see his mother kissing the strange man? ! ! A. In a car ! ! B. Outside the mall ! ! C. In his house ! ! D. At the library 10. What caused the airplane to move to the top of the lake? ! ! A. A tornado ! ! B. A hurricane ! ! C. A drought ! ! D. Brian pulled it to the top 11. How did Brian store his food? ! ! A. He had a cooler from the plane. ! ! B. He couldn't store food because he didn't have a refrigerator. ! ! C. He dug a hole in the ground. ! ! D. He found a ledge and wove a door for it 12. Where did Brian crash the plane? ! ! A. In a lake ! ! B. In a meadow ! ! C. In the forest ! ! D. In the ocean 13. How old is Brian? ! ! A. 11 ! ! B. 14 ! ! C. 13 ! ! D. 12 14. What was the most important thing that Brian found in the survival kit? ! ! A. The emergency transmitter ! ! B. The knife ! ! C. The rie

! ! D. The shing lures 15. Who is the author of Hatchet? ! ! A. Mark Twain ! ! B. C.S. Lewis ! ! C. J.K. Rowling ! ! D. Gary Paulsen 16. What did Brian rst make to help him catch something to eat? ! ! A. Bow and arrow ! ! B. Gun ! ! C. Spear ! ! D. Snare 17. What was the rst food that Brian ate after the crash? ! ! A. Bread ! ! B. Berries ! ! C. Bugs ! ! D. Fish 18. What changed in Brian's life as a result of his adventure? ! ! A. His parents got back together. ! ! B. He became famous. ! ! C. Nothing ! ! D. He had a lot of nightmares. 19. What did Brian miss the most the rst few days after the crash? ! ! A. His father ! ! B. Meat ! ! C. His friend Terry ! ! D. His mother 20. Where is Brian going in the beginning of the story? ! ! A. To Hampton ! ! B. To Canada ! ! C. To California ! ! D. To New York Part B: True/False (1 point each) Circle the correct answer 21.True / False! Brian is going to visit his father for the summer. 22.True / False! Brian builds his rst re with a watch crystal. 23.True / False! Brian is scared away from the raspberries by the moose.

24.True / False! Brian learns that self pity is useless. 25.True / False " Brians mother gave him a pocket knife before he " " " went to see his father. 26.True/False! 27.True/False! 28.True/False! ! ! ! 29.True/False! 30.True/ False! ! ! ! 31.True/ False! ! ! ! 32.True/ False! 33.True/ False! ! ! ! 34.True/ False" " " " 35.True/ False" 36.True/ False" 37.True/ False! 38.True/ False! 39.True/ False! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " " " ! ! ! Brian is an expert at ying the Cessna 409. Brian is troubled by the secret. Brian got sick from eating the berries the birds led him to. An alligator left the tracks to the water. Brian saw a plane when he was making his bow and arrow. When the plane turns and leaves Brian cuts himself with his hatchet. Brian took 1 bath to get rid of the skunk odor. Brian decided to store the food he caught in a bowl shaped rock. Brians shelter was sticking out of the water after the tornado. Brian named his raft The Great Escape Brian tells his dad the secret Brian is from Minneapolis, MN A coyote saved Brian from the bear. Brian was in the Canadian Wilderness for 22 days.

Part C. Short Answer (1 point each) 40. What happened to the pilot? __________________________________________________________________ 41. What was the only weapon Brian had? __________________________________________________________________ 42. What was the skunk looking for in Brians shelter? __________________________________________________________________ 43. How did Brian know how many days he had been in the Canadian wilderness? __________________________________________________________________ 44. What was inside the survival pack? Name 3 items. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 45. What did Brian build to get into the plane after the tornado? __________________________________________________________________ 46. What does Brian decide to do after nding the dried food packs in the survival pack? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 47. How does the rescue plane nd Brian? __________________________________________________________________ ! !

Part D: Vocabulary (1 point each) Choose a word above that matches each denition below telegraphed visualize naturalist hummocks pulverized viciously gorge kindling comprised infuriating sulfurous exasperated streamlined stymied incessant drone Cree gingerly dormant

48. __________________ to draw back or tense the body 49. __________________ to recall or form mental pictures 50. __________________ to pound, crush, or grind 51. __________________ unpleasantly severe 52. __________________ to stuff or ll (with food) 53. __________________ one who studies nature 54. __________________ elevated land rising in a marsh 55. __________________ material used to start a re; small pieces ! ! ! ! of dry wood 56. __________________ in a state of rest or inactivity 57. __________________ to include or contain 58. __________________ to broadcast, indicate to opponent 59. __________________ causing anger or outrage 60. __________________ containing sulfur, rotten-egg smell 61. __________________ to irritate or provoke to a high degree 62. __________________ designed to have the least possible ! ! ! resistance 63. __________________ with great caution or care 64. __________________ a situation of difculty 65. __________________ continuing without interruption 66. __________________ an unchanging sound 67. __________________ Native tribe from Canada

Part E: Essay (5 points) Answer the essay question below. Include lots of detail. Throughout the story, Brian is faced with survival problems. Think back to the story and pick two events that you feel were the most exciting or interesting. Retell the events and then tell me what made it special to you.

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ANSWER KEY Hatchet Test

Part A: Multiple Choice (1 point each) Circle the best answer 1. How did Brian make his shelter? ! ! A. He took pieces of the plane and made a shelter. ! ! B. He found a small cave and made a branch wall to ! ! cover the front of it. ! ! C. He found a broken down cabin and xed it up. ! ! D. He found a large hollowed out log to live in. 2. How did Brian nally make a bow and arrow? ! ! A. He used a wire and a willow stick. ! ! B. He used a shoe lace and a branch. ! ! C. He used a shoe lace and a willow stick. ! ! D. He used a shoe lace and a bone. 3. What in the survival kit ended up saving Brian? ! ! A. The matches ! ! B. The emergency transmitter ! ! C. The sleeping bag ! ! D. The food 4. How did Brian discover re? ! ! A. He never did discover re. ! ! B. He found matches. ! ! C. Lightening hit a tree. ! ! D. He threw his hatchet at a porcupine. 5. What attacked Brian in the woods? ! ! A. Flies, a sh, a moose, a bear, and a skunk ! ! B. An Indian, a bear, a porcupine, ies, and a moose ! ! C. A bear, mosquitoes, a moose, a porcupine, and ies ! ! D. Mosquitoes, ies, a moose, a porcupine, and a skunk 6. What was the most important thing to Brian in the woods? ! ! A. Fire ! ! B. Food ! ! C. Shelter ! ! D. Water

7. What genre is Hatchet? ! ! A. Science ction ! ! B. Fantasy ! ! C. Non-ction ! ! D. Realistic ction 8. Why did Brian freak out when he dove down into the plane? ! ! A. He saw the pilot's skeleton. ! ! B. He got stuck and couldn't get out ! ! C. A beaver scared him. ! ! D. A sh attacked him. 9. Where did Brian see his mother kissing the strange man? ! ! A. In a car ! ! B. Outside the mall ! ! C. In his house ! ! D. At the library 10. What caused the airplane to move to the top of the lake? ! ! A. A tornado ! ! B. A hurricane ! ! C. A drought ! ! D. Brian pulled it to the top 11. How did Brian store his food? ! ! A. He had a cooler from the plane. ! ! B. He couldn't store food because he didn't have a refrigerator. ! ! C. He dug a hole in the ground. ! ! D. He found a ledge and wove a door for it 12. Where did Brian crash the plane? ! ! A. In a lake ! ! B. In a meadow ! ! C. In the forest ! ! D. In the ocean 13. How old is Brian? ! ! A. 11 ! ! B. 14 ! ! C. 13 ! ! D. 12 14. What was the most important thing that Brian found in the survival kit? ! ! A. The emergency transmitter ! ! B. The knife ! ! C. The rie ! ! D. The shing lures

15. Who is the author of Hatchet? ! ! A. Mark Twain ! ! B. C.S. Lewis ! ! C. J.K. Rowling ! ! D. Gary Paulsen 16. What did Brian rst make to help him catch something to eat? ! ! A. Bow and arrow ! ! B. Gun ! ! C. Spear ! ! D. Snare 17. What was the rst food that Brian ate after the crash? ! ! A. Bread ! ! B. Berries ! ! C. Bugs ! ! D. Fish 18. What changed in Brian's life as a result of his adventure? ! ! A. His parents got back together. ! ! B. He became famous. ! ! C. Nothing ! ! D. He had a lot of nightmares. 19. What did Brian miss the most the rst few days after the crash? ! ! A. His father ! ! B. Meat ! ! C. His friend Terry ! ! D. His mother 20. Where is Brian going in the beginning of the story? ! ! A. To Hampton ! ! B. To Canada ! ! C. To California ! ! D. To New York Part B: True/False (1 point each) Circle the correct answer 21.True / False! Brian is going to visit his father for the summer. 22.True / False! Brian builds his rst re with a watch crystal. 23.True / False! Brian is scared away from the raspberries by the moose.

24.True / False! Brian learns that self pity is useless. 25.True / False " Brians mother gave him a pocket knife before he " " " went to see his father. 26.True/False! 27.True/False! 28.True/False! ! ! ! 29.True/False! ! ! ! ! ! Brian is an expert at ying the Cessna 409. Brian is troubled by the secret. Brian got sick from eating the berries the birds led him to. An alligator left the tracks to the water. Brian saw a plane when he was making his bow and arrow. When the plane turns and leaves Brian cuts himself with his hatchet. Brian took 1 bath to get rid of the skunk odor. Brian decided to store the food he caught in a bowl shaped rock. Brians shelter was sticking out of the water after the tornado. Brian named his raft The Great Escape Brian tells his dad the secret Brian is from Minneapolis, MN A coyote saved Brian from the bear. Brian was in the Canadian Wilderness for 22 days.

30.True/ False! ! ! ! ! ! 31.True/ False! ! ! ! ! ! 32.True/ False! 33.True/ False! ! ! ! 34.True/ False" " " " 35.True/ False" 36.True/ False" 37.True/ False! 38.True/ False! 39.True/ False! ! ! ! ! " " " " ! ! !

Part C. Short Answer (1 point each) 40. What happened to the pilot? He had a heart attack and died __________________________________________________________________ 41. What was the only weapon Brian had? Hatchet __________________________________________________________________ 42. What was the skunk looking for in Brians shelter? turtle eggs __________________________________________________________________ 43. How did Brian know how many days he had been in the Canadian wilderness? made notches with his hatchet on a piece of wood __________________________________________________________________ 44. What was inside the survival pack? Name 3 items. sleeping bag, pad, cookset, matches, lighters, a knife, compass, rst aid kit, cap, rie, shing kit __________________________________________________________________ 45. What did Brian build to get into the plane after the tornado? a raft __________________________________________________________________ 46. What does Brian decide to do after nding the dried food packs in the survival pack? make a feast __________________________________________________________________ 47. How does the rescue plane nd Brian? He hears the distress call through the emergency transmitter __________________________________________________________________ !

Part D: Vocabulary (1 point each) Choose a word above that matches each denition below telegraphed visualize naturalist hummocks pulverized viciously gorge kindling comprised infuriating sulfurous exasperated streamlined stymied incessant drone Cree gingerly dormant

48. wincing! ! 49. visualize ! ! 50. pulverize ! ! 51. viciously! ! 52. gorge ! ! ! 53. naturalist! ! 54. hummocks! ! 55. kindling! ! ! ! ! ! 56. dormant! ! 57. comprised! ! 58. telegraphed! ! 59. infuriating! ! 60. sulfurous! ! 61. exasperated! ! 62. streamlined! ! ! ! ! 63. gingerly! ! 64. stymied! ! 65. incessant! ! 66. drone ! ! ! 67. Cree! ! !

to draw back or tense the body to recall or form mental pictures to pound, crush, or grind unpleasantly severe to stuff or ll (with food) one who studies nature elevated land rising in a marsh material used to start a re; small pieces of dry wood in a state of rest or inactivity to include or contain to broadcast, indicate to opponent causing anger or outrage containing sulfur, rotten-egg smell to irritate or provoke to a high degree designed to have the least possible resistance with great caution or care a situation of difculty continuing without interruption an unchanging sound Native tribe from Canada

Part E: Essay (5 points) Answer the essay question below. Include lots of detail. Throughout the story, Brian is faced with survival problems. Think back to the story and pick two events that you feel were the most exciting or interesting. Retell the events and then tell me what made it special to you.

Answers will vary. Likely answers would be: the plane crash the moose attack the tornado starvation

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