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1. In a chart, describe the advantages and disadvantages of using technology in your professional development taking into account Blended Learning, Education 2.0, Web 2.0 and IT.

In the next chart, it will be describe some advantages and disadvantages about Technology especially in Education.



WEB 2.0


We can count with personalized information. The best interaction with another people.

1- Most of the people are avoiding this kind of Tech. 2- It has to be with a good profile.


1- Students have the option to attend the classes online. 2- Multiple Learning Students can participate in multiple learning modalities in addition to online learning.

1- It has a strong dependence on the technical resources. 2- Discipline by the students it is not good and they cannot adapt to this kind of technology


1- New revolution Technology.


1- Most of the person who are using Technologies has not the information enough about it. 1- It can not replace the human touch. 2- Many professors will require retraining in how to apply technology.


2- New ways of creating knowledge, 1- Speeds learning 2- Boosts reading skills 3- Improves motivation and attendance

2. Explain how you are going to design a lesson plan online by using Web Quest and what are the real propose using this kind of technology in your professional development.

Lesson plan

A Web Quest is an inquiry-oriented lesson format in which most or all the information that learners work with comes from the web.[1] These can be created using various programs, including a simple word processing document that includes links to websites. (WIKIPEDIA)

Firstly 1- Brief explanation about the Web quest. 2- What are the benefic using Web quests Using Web quest allows the students to be in touch not only with another people in order to learn not only in that way , the main purpose of Wed quest is that we can have the easy access to share the information that we have and make a discussions , get a personalize information for a another writer , at the same time the uses of Wed quest moves the students motivation to create their own information without feel afraid to share it with the internet and some person that can be interesting in , for example the Wed quest that we as a group have created , has become as tool in order to learn because we were looking for right information that could be interesting and reliable information to share it into the wed . A Web quest is an assignment which asks students to use the World Wide Web to learn about a specific topic at they can be interesting in and at the same time can give their own points of view making an active interaction with the Technology and giving contributions to change the way to teach and the way to learn , nowadays is very important not only count with the Technology , which is fine but at the same time is very important know and learn how use it and what are we actually doing to get a right knowledge .

3. Explain how you are going to deal if you want to use technology in a school or place of work but there is not Tech in the classroom. What are you going to do? How are you going to solve the problem? Provide resources that you will use and the procedures

How to resolve the problem of Technology in the school, work or place First of all as I have mentioned before the excessive use of Technology can make us feel stuck sometime because, we are making a wrong uses of Technology, in that case I would like to teach to my students how we can make interaction with the information that I got without those resources even that they take part of that process. I could share the information through a pamphlet or giving some explanations about it making the environment more practicing , sharing the information that I got ,listening what they think about all those kind of Tech that they may know , how they could manipulate it if one day could have the opportunity to get them . I would like try to resolve the problem making a groups of people to integrate into the Technology and try to bring the necessary things access to the internet , computers for the students , call the attention and show to the people how the technology can be used as a tool in order to the students can be updating and can be into the process to learn with all the information that I have shared before and that can brings a new life opportunities , get a better job and may be make a change in this places always keeping on mind that uses of Technology can be good in the way we use it. Because as everybody know Technology has becomes a tool that allows to develop the human knowledge in order to learn and be part of the new Technology generation ,through the time all this kind of theories of Technologies has changed , but as we know they are actually changing because Technology is getting better.

4. Choose digital resources you will include and describe how those digital resources you are going to improve you PLE and PLN.

Everybody wants to be is updating with Technology nowadays and as a students we must be into this because the right information that we can add to our knowledge is going to be the correct one to improve our abilities in order to learn, nowadays Technology are giving changes to improve our knowledge and giving the opportunity to get a personalized knowledge. Firstly the resources that I would like to take about it. SLIDESHARE: In order to learn Slideshare allows me to share some information that I would like to be part in the web with the purpose to make an interaction and revise point of view from another people. (PLN) YOUTUBE: Most of the time YouTube becomes as a tool in order to get a very good vocabulary but in order to learn some of people use it as a space to listening to music and read lyrics.(PLN) DUOLINGO: This is a very good resources with the purpose to have a totally interaction with the English entertainment in order to learn at the same time that you are having fun you are learning through it.(PLE) OXFOR DICTIONARY: One of the best resources in order to get a really good vocabulary, with this Dictionary we can make our own questions about the English because as we know we can get Grammar points, phonetics, etc. (PLE)

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Trabajos citados
WIKIPEDIA. (s.f.). wikipedia. Recuperado el 2 de 12 de 2013, de wikipedia:

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