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University of Edinburgh


Stage: Acceptance Deployment Checklist


Doc$ment %e&sion: ['('] Date: [))*mm*yy]

Information Services - Template Revised June 20 2

Acceptance: Deployment Checklist [%e&sion: '(']

[P&o+ect Name]


, DOC!MENT MANA EMENT((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((1.1 Contributors...........................................................................................................3 1.2 Version Control......................................................................................................3 . DEP"O/MENT(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((0 2.1 Deployment Strategy..............................................................................................4 2.2 Dependencies..........................................................................................................4 2.3 Communication......................................................................................................4 2.4 Deployment Checklists...........................................................................................5 2.4.1 Application check..............................................................................................5 2.4.2 Infrastructure.....................................................................................................8 2.4.3 Support............................................................................................................10 - TRA1N1N (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((,3.1 Deli ery.................................................................................................................13 3.2 !raining "aterials...............................................................................................13 0 DOC!MENT S1 N O22(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((,-

!age 2 of "

Acceptance: Deployment Checklist [%e&sion: '(']

[P&o+ect Name]


, Doc$ment Management
The #eployment $hec%list is produced during the &cceptance stage to assess 'hether the applications or other IT services developed by the pro(ect are ready to be deployed in the )I*E environment+ This assessment ta%es the form of several chec%lists covering different aspects of the application and the environment into 'hich it 'ill be delivered+ ,hen completing this document- please mar% any section that is not re.uired as /01&2+ & brief description of 'hy the section is not re.uired should also be included+

,(, Cont&i3$to&s
Please provide details of all contributors to this document. Role !roduction 3anagement $oordinator 45'ner6 !ro(ect 3anager 7usiness &nalyst Systems &nalyst #esigner Technical &rchitect !ro(ect Sponsor 7usiness &rea 3anager Other document contributors !nit Name

,(. %e&sion Cont&ol

Please document all changes made to this document since initial distribution. Date %e&sion A$tho& Section Amen)ment

!age " of "

Acceptance: Deployment Checklist [%e&sion: '(']

[P&o+ect Name]


The deployment of a new system or enhancement to an existing one is a significant milestone in the delivery of the project. It is critical however that the deployment is achieved successfully with minimal disruption to current production services. To try to ensure this it is essential that adequate preparation take place. This eployment !hecklist highlights the key elements that need to be in place before the project deliverables can be accepted for deployment via the "cceptance #ign Off $eview. %or "gile projects this document will be completed in two stages& the first part at $elease ' and the second at the (andover stage )prior to !losure*.

.(, Deployment St&ategy

Please include details of the deployment strategy& which could include the following+ Proposed deployment date The user groups involved& with reasoning for selection #taged rollouts , how is the system to be released to the user community )for "gile projects this should include the $elease Plan* "ssessment of risk to existing services and measures to mitigate these Timeframes and checkpoints -se of project plans etc Post deployment actions

.(. Depen)encies
Please identify any dependencies that could impact the deployment strategy.

.(- Comm$nication
Please detail how the deployment will be communicated& both to participants and to the wider community , staff and students where applicable. The groups that need communicated too should be identified as part of the eployment #trategy and the necessary communications directed to them through the options below. #ervice "nnouncement)s* .mandatory/ 0y1d "nnouncement)s* Other 2usiness "rea communication

If the system has an impact on other applications& specific communication should be made to the affected #ervice Owners to highlight the level of disruption and timeframes.

!age 8 of "

Acceptance: Deployment Checklist [%e&sion: '(']

[P&o+ect Name]


.(0 Deployment Checklists

Please use these checklists to ensure that required actions have been complete. Please provide links to any relevant documentation.

.(0(, Application check

Component Implementation Plan Implementation $isk "ssessment #ystem esign #pecification )# #* #ystem escription ocument #calability56oad Testing Success Criteria %eedback from previous test implementations completed and successful full implementation undertaken for -"T " risk assessment has been undertaken for the Implementation Plan and selected deployment dates. )e.g. roll back* ocument complete and accurate. "ction+ The ocument must be copied to the 4iki ocument complete and accurate. "ction+ The ocument must be copied to the 4iki "dequate load testing has taken place. The results have been recorded and analysed to ensure that the application will cope with the anticipated load. The application has been tested against stated performance criteria. Performance has been assured by user and support staff testing. Project Stage Required (Agile) #O$ )$elease '3n* "#O$ )$elease '3n* "#O$ )%inal $elease 5 (andover* "#O$ )%inal $elease 5 (andover* "#O$ )%inal $elease 5 (andover* Ok (Y/N) Revie ed !" (#ate) Outstanding Actions ($%o)


"#O$ )%inal $elease 5 (andover*

!age 9 of "

Acceptance: Deployment Checklist [%e&sion: '(']

[P&o+ect Name]


Component #ource !ode #ource control must be checked out till go3live and checked3in after go live !onfiguration 0anagement atabase !hange !ontrol)s* Test 6og $eview

Success Criteria #ource code has been secured with 7## or other source control tool. 4here code is provided by a third party )e.g. supplier* it has been established who is responsible to maintain source code The relevant details regarding new or changed infrastructure components have been added to the configuration management database )This is currently maintained in the !hange !ontrol #ystem* " change control entry has been created for the 6I71 implementation request. " review of the test log )8I$"* has taken place to ensure all required actions have been completed. If this is not the case& then confirmation on criticality of outstanding issues and action plan for resolution is required. (andover to Production 0anagement is completed and the team are in are in position to support the application post deployment. $ead access accounts or update current read access accounts have been set up for support staff)requires business owner approval* Info9eep has been updated with all relevant account details including external supplier accounts

Project Stage Required (Agile) #O$ )%inal $elease 5 (andover*

Ok (Y/N)

Revie ed !" (#ate)

Outstanding Actions ($%o)

"#O$ )$elease '3n*

"#O$ 5 )$elease '3n* "#O$ )%inal $elease 5 (andover*

Production 0anagement (andover #upport "ccounts

"#O$ )%inal $elease 5 (andover* "#O$ )%inal $elease 5 (andover* "#O$ )$elease '3n*

Password 0anager )Info9eep*

!age : of "

Acceptance: Deployment Checklist [%e&sion: '(']

[P&o+ect Name]


Component 1nvironment comparison !lient requirements

Success Criteria atabase comparison between T1#T and 6I71 )might be required before and after go3live* oes the application have specific client requirements& such as 87058$1 versions& 8Initiator: If so have these requirements been raised with esktop services 4iki pages to be updated+ .'/!or porate;applications;with;client;based;req uirements .</!lie nt;side;requirements;for;corporate;applic ations Is there any new software or technologies involved: )=5>* If yes state any additional actions taken to ensure adequate handover to the production support team 2y default all web based applications are accessible outside -niversity without use of 7P> etc 4iki list If not accessible from outside -niversity this needs to be approved by Production 0anagement.

Project Stage Required (Agile) "#O$ )%inal $elease 5 (andover* "#O$ )$elease '3n*

Ok (Y/N)

Revie ed !" (#ate)

Outstanding Actions ($%o)


"#O$ )$elease '3n*

"ccess outside -niversity

"#O$ )$elease '3n*

!age ; of "

Acceptance: Deployment Checklist [%e&sion: '(']

[P&o+ect Name]


Component !ertificates

Success Criteria "ll changes to certificates or new certificates for this service have to be added to the certificate master list. The certificate master list is being managed by "pplications 0anagement This includes T1#T and 6I71 certificates and records type of certificate and expiry dates.

Project Stage Required (Agile) "#O$ )%inal $elease 5 (andover*

Ok (Y/N)

Revie ed !" (#ate)

Outstanding Actions ($%o)

.(0(. 1n4&ast&$ct$&e
Component Technical "rchitecture ocument)T" * Operational ocument Success Criteria ocumentation complete and accurately reflects the environment subjected to -"T. "ction+ T" needs to be copied to 4iki escribes fully operational tasks and ongoing maintenance.This document should be fully populated and any missing sections or issues should be highlighted. "ction+ T" needs to be copied to 4iki "ll security requirements& e.g. ##6 encryption& IP based restrictions firewall requirements have been specified& tested and implemented in 6I71 Project Stage Required (Agile) "#O$ )$elease '3n* Ok (Y/N) Revie ed !" (#ate) Outstanding Actions ($%o)

"#O$ )$elease '3n*


"#O$ )$elease '3n*

!age < of "

Acceptance: Deployment Checklist [%e&sion: '(']

[P&o+ect Name]


Component Patching

Success Criteria 1nsure that all applications have an agreed patching schedule and this schedule is agreed with service owners. ifferent technologies have different patching strategies+ Oracle& 4indows& 6inux "ll infrastructure diagrams are updated with newest server and infrastructure detail+ er;6ayout;?<@-nix?<A and er;6ayout;?<@4indows?<A "re #erver #tart3up5#hutdown scripts in place: Including start3up procedure documented& enabled and tested. Port allocation file been updated+ ;"llocation;on;-nix;#ervers "ll backups as noted in the T" need to be confirmed operational. " test recovery of user data needs to be done to validate the integrity of the recovery mechanism and process. $ copy to 1dBell configured and tested)unless existing database which is already setup*.

Project Stage Required (Agile) "#O$ )%inal $elease 5 (andover*

Ok (Y/N)

Revie ed !" (#ate)

Outstanding Actions ($%o)

Infrastructure diagrams

"#O$ )$elease '3n*

#tart5#top scripts

"#O$ )$elease '3n*


"#O$ )$elease '3n*

2ackup and $ecovery

"#O$ )$elease '3n*

$ !opy


!age = of "

Acceptance: Deployment Checklist [%e&sion: '(']

[P&o+ect Name]


Component 6ogs

Success Criteria %or all logs the following is in place+ 6ogs are rotated and old logs are archived or deleted to ensure server space is not reached In production only minimal levels of logging is switched on )debug may be adequate on 17& but not on Production*

Project Stage Required (Agile) "#O$ )$elease '3n*

Ok (Y/N)

Revie ed !" (#ate)

Outstanding Actions ($%o)

.(0(- S$ppo&t
Component #upport "greement )including any charging arrangements* Success Criteria " support agreement )#6" or O6"* is in place for any new applications , including any hosting or support charges. "ction+ #6" moved to wiki+" ;repository;3;"pplications;0anagement " Time $ecording code for the application& if required& has been confirmed and set up. "ppropriate $52! provision is in place and has been fully tested. "pplication $52! details have been transferred to the $ Portfolio and $ level )'& < or C* has been agreed Project Stage Required (Agile) "#O$ )%inal $elease 5 (andover* Ok (Y/N) Revie ed !" (#ate) Outstanding Actions ($%o)

Time $ecording !ode isaster $ecovery and 2usiness !ontinuity

"#O$ )%inal $elease 5 (andover* "#O$ )$elease '3n*

!age 0 of "

Acceptance: Deployment Checklist [%e&sion: '(']

[P&o+ect Name]


Component Test 1nvironment

Success Criteria "n adequate T1#T environment has been established for the application which may be used by support to test future changes prior to releasing these in the 6I71 environment. "ll required licensing is in place including maintenance5support arrangements with external suppliers. 2rowser compatibility has been tested and compatibility information updated #ee departments5information3 services5services5computing5application3 development5application3support5supported3 web3browsers5browser3application for details Portal compatibility& where required& has been confirmed the Portals #ervice Owner. The new application is recognised with the -ni esk )" business contact queue is defined where initial calls are raised with* "ppropriate documentation has been produced for users of the new application. Training material& if required& has been produced and is of an appropriate standard. emonstration or walkthrough of the new application has taken place for other stakeholder. "greed date has been confirmed that allows adequate time for completion of "cceptance #ign Off $eview.

Project Stage Required (Agile) "#O$ )$elease '3n*

Ok (Y/N)

Revie ed !" (#ate)

Outstanding Actions ($%o)

(ardware and #oftware 6icensing 2rowser !ompatibility

"#O$ )%inal $elease 5 (andover* "#O$ )%inal $elease 5 (andover*

Portal !ompatibility (elp esk

"#O$ )%inal $elease 5 (andover* "#O$ )%inal $elease 5 (andover* "#O$ )%inal $elease 5 (andover* "#O$ )%inal $elease 5 (andover* "#O$ )%inal $elease 5 (andover* "#O$ )%inal $elease 5 (andover*

-ser Duide ocumentation Training 0aterial emonstration or 4alkthrough eployment ate)s*

!age of "

Acceptance: Deployment Checklist [%e&sion: '(']

[P&o+ect Name]


Component eployment $esources eployment Ownership

Success Criteria I# and business area resources required for deployment& including those needed for post implementation checking and sign off have been secured. $esponsibilities for managing the go3live& including+ comms with service owner and end users& ensuring go live timescales are met& managing issues arising and managing comms between all teams involved in go live. " #ervice announcement has been raised with the agreed deployment date on the alert system+ #ervice announcements should be raised by Project 0anager 'E days before go live& but no later than F days. 1xternal and internal web sites have been reviewed to ensure that all application references are present& correct and up to date.

Project Stage Required (Agile) "#O$ )%inal $elease 5 (andover* "#O$ )%inal $elease 5 (andover*

Ok (Y/N)

Revie ed !" (#ate)

Outstanding Actions ($%o)

#ervice "nnouncement)s*

"#O$ )$elease '3n*

4eb #ites and Other ocument #ources

"#O$ )%inal $elease 5 (andover*

!age 2 of "

Acceptance: Deployment Checklist [%e&sion: '(']

[P&o+ect Name]


- TRA1N1N -(, Deli5e&y

Please detail how the training will be delivered& including the following+ Type , !lassroom& #elf Trained& On36ine etc Identification of Trainer )if required* 6ocation of training

-(. T&aining Mate&ials

Please provide details of any training materials that will be required. 1.g. -ser Duides& Training 2ooklet etc

0 Doc$ment Sign O44

Please add other sign off roles where required:
P&o)$ction Management Coo&)inato& P&o+ect Manage& P&o+ect Sponso& #$siness A&ea Manage& #$siness Analyst Systems Analyst Designe& Technical A&chitect >ame >ame >ame >ame >ame >ame >ame ate ate ate ate ate ate ate

!age " of "

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