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DO ONE HEALING MEDITATION EVERYDAY! Before meditating, ensure that your body is relaxed and comfortable.

Let go of all emotions, be calm, and ask all thoughts to leave you for a while. Meditation 1 Sit. Breathe. Relax. Sense energy entering the crown. Touch your tongue to the roof of your mouth. Send the energy down your cheeks into the throat. It enters with ripples like a pebble thrown in a pond, opening the throat. Let the energy ooze down to the heart. It enters with ripples like a pebble thrown in a pond, opening the heart. Let the energy ooze down to the solar plexus. It enters with ripples like a pebble thrown in a pond, opening the solar plexus. Let the energy ooze down to the navel centre. It enters with ripples like a pebble thrown in a pond, opening the centre. Let the energy ooze down to the pelvis. It enters with ripples like a pebble thrown in a pond, opening the pelvis. Let the energy ooze down to the perineum (base). It enters with ripples like a pebble thrown in a pond, opening the base. Let the energy flow down to the legs into the earth. Connecting you to the earth. Live open with your head connected to the sky and feet rooted into the earth, making the union of heaven and earth a more joyous one. Meditation 2 Lying on your back in a relaxed position, inhale from the toes up to the top of the head. Then follow with your attention from the crown to the feet as you exhale. Dont force the breath, it should be relaxed and gentle -- it's the energy-flow that you want to allow to maximize, not the muscular exertion of the chest. Imagine as you exhale that you are throwing out all your troubling thoughts and feelings. As you inhale, you are taking in light, clarity and serenity. Meditation 3 (Tong Len). Breathe in all the pain, suffering and darkness that exists in the universe into your heart. Breathe out pure white light to heal all beings. Meditation 4 (Energy Healing) Breathe. Take your attention to the part of your body that has problems. Sense the energy there. Move energy in and out of that place. Visualize the universal energy entering there to heal you. Spread it around. Let it spread in ripples. Meditation 5 (Sun/ Moon Healing) Visualize the Sun or a fountain of light and energy. Mentally lift your consciousness from the body and go "in spirit to the sun itself... Have the sun send a tremendous energy-flow through your entire being, invigorating and strengthening every particle... After a few minutes, return your awareness to your body rise and go on with your daily tasks, always aware of the light the universe has to offer. The same exercise should be repeated with the moon.

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