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Online Engineering Mechanics Test - Engineering Mechanics Test - Random

Determine the design angle FAB = 321 lb, FAB = 383 lb, FAB = 171.1 lb, FAB = 215 lb,

<90) bretween the two struts so that the 500-lb horizontal force has a

component of 600lb directed from A toward C. That is the component of force acting along member AB? A. B. C. D. = 40.0 = 36.9 = 20.0 = 52.7


If F1 = F2 = 30lb, determine the angles


so that the resultant force is directed along the

positive x axis and has a magnitude of FR = 20 lb. A. B. C. D. = = = = = 70.5 = 41.4 = 19.47 = 18.43




Online Engineering Mechanics Test - Engineering Mechanics Test - Random

Force F acts on peg A such that one of its components, lying in the x-y plane, has a magnitude of 50 lb. Express F as a Cartesian vector. A. B. C. D. F = (43.3 i + 25.0 j + 25.0 k) lb F = (43.3 i + 25.0 j + 28.9 k) lb F = (43.3 i - 25.0 j + 25.0 k) lb F = (43.3 i - 25.0 j + 28.9 k) lb


Determine the force in members GF, CF, CD of the symmetric roof truss and indicate whether the members are in tension or compression. A. B. C. D. CD = 1.783 kN C, CF = 0, GF = 1.427 kN T CD = 3.48 kN C, CF = 00904 kN T, GF = 1.783 kN T CD = 2.79 kN C, CF = 0.723 kN T, GF = 1.427 kN T CD = 2.23 kN C, CF = 0, GF = 1.783 kN T




Online Engineering Mechanics Test - Engineering Mechanics Test - Random

Determine the force in members FF, FB, and BC of the Fink truss and indicate whether the members are in tension or compression. A. B. C. D. BF = 693 lb T, FG = 1800 lb C, BC = 1212 lb T BF = 8660 lb C, FG = 3600 lb C, BC = 1212 lb T BF = 3810 lb T, FG = 3600 lb C, BC = 1212 lb T BF = 1732 lb T, FG = 2400 lb C, BC = 1212 lb T


A uniform beam has a mass of 18 kg and rests on two surfaces at points A and B. Determine the maximum distance x to which the girl can slowly walk up the beam before it begins to slip. The girl has a mass of 50 kg and walks up the beam with a constant velocity. A. B. C. D. x = 0.678 m x = 0.508 m x = 1.005 m x = 0.712 m




Online Engineering Mechanics Test - Engineering Mechanics Test - Random

The dragster has a mass of 1.3 Mg and a center of mass at G. If a braking parachute is attached at C and provides a horizontal braking force FD, determine the maximum deceleration the dragster can have upon releasing the parachute without tipping the dragster over backwards (i.e., the normal force under the wheels and assume that the engine is disengaged so that the wheels are freely rolling. A. B. C. D. a = 16.35 m/s 2 a = 8.46 m/s 2 a = 2.75 m/s 2 a = 35.0 m/s 2


Determine the moment of force F2 about point A on the beam. A. B. C. D. M2 = 800 ft-lb M2 = 50 ft-lb M2 = 600 ft-lb M2 = 37.5 ft-lb



Online Engineering Mechanics Test - Engineering Mechanics Test - Random


Determine the moment of the force at A about point P. Use a vector analysis and express the result in Cartesian vector form. A. B. C. D. MP = (160 i+240 j+40 k) N-m MP = (380 i+160 j+400 k) N-m MP = (280 i+200 j+400 k) N-m MP = (40 i+80 k) N-m


Determine the magnitude and direction of the couple shown. A. B. M = 1200 N-m CW M = 400 N-m CCW


Online Engineering Mechanics Test - Engineering Mechanics Test - Random

C. D.

M = 400 N-m CW M = 1200 N-m CCW



The composite cross section for the column consists of two cover plates riveted to two channels. Determine the radius of gyration k with respect to the centroidal axis. Each channel has a crosssectional area of Ac = 11.8 in.2 and moment of inertia (I A. B. C. D. k = 7.74 in. k = 6.29 in. k = 5.44 in. k = 4.25 in.

)c = 349 in.4 .


Determine the tension in the supporting cables BC and BD and the components of reaction at the balland-socket joint A of the boom. The boom supports a drum having a weight of 200 lb. at F. Points C and D lie in the xy plane. A. B. Ax = 0, Ay = 150 lb, Az = 562 lb, TBC = 300 lb, TBD = 212 lb Ax = 0, Ay = 150 lb, Az = 456 lb, TBC = 150 lb, TBD = 212 lb


Online Engineering Mechanics Test - Engineering Mechanics Test - Random

C. D.

Ax = 0, Ay = 267 lb, Az = 843 lb, TBC = 533 lb, TBD = lb Ax = 0, Ay = 150 lb, Az = 500 lb, TBC = 212 lb, TBD = 212 lb


A stunt driver in car A travels in free flight off the edge of a ramp at C. At the point of maximum height he strikes car B. If the direct collision is perfectly plastic (e = 0), determine the required ramp speed vC at the end of the ramp C, and the approximate distance s where both cars strike the ground. Each car has a mass of 3.5 Mg. Neglect the size of the cars in the calculation. A. B. C. D. vC = 25.9 m/s, s = 10.99 m vC = 22.4 m/s, s = 9.52 m vC = 25.9 m/s, s = 10.99 m vC = 25.9 m/s, s = 10.99 m


The projectile having a mass of m = 3 kg is fired from a cannon with a muzzle velocity of vO= 500 m/s. Determine the projectile's angular momentum about point O at the instant it is at the maximum height of its trajectory. A. B. C. D. H0 = 15.11(10 6 ) kg- m2 /s CCW H0 = 6.76(10 6 ) kg- m2 /s CCW H0 = 15.11(10 6 ) kg- m2 /s CW H0 = 6.76(10 6 ) kg- m2 /s CW




Online Engineering Mechanics Test - Engineering Mechanics Test - Random

Arm ABCD is printed at B and undergoes reciprocating motion such that

= (0.3 sin 4 t) rad, where t is

measured in seconds and the argument for the sine is in radiaus. Determine the largest speed of point A during the motion and the magnitude of the acceleration of point Dat this instant. A. B. C. D. vAmax = 0.0600 m/s, a D = 1.002 m/s 2 vAmax = 0.300 m/s, a D = 0.960 m/s 2 vAmax = 0.0600 m/s, a D = 0.916 m/s 2 vAmax = 0.300 m/s, a D = 0.288 m/s 2


If the rim of the wheel and its hub maintain contact with the three stationary tracks as the wheel rolls, it is neccessary that slipping occurs at the hub A if no slipping occurs at B. Under these conditions, what is the speed at A if the wheel has an angular velocity ? A. B. C. vA = (r2 -r1 ) vA = r1 vA = (r2 -r1 )



Online Engineering Mechanics Test - Engineering Mechanics Test - Random


vA = r1


A ball having a mass of 2 kg slides without friction within a vertical circular slot. If it is released from rest when = 10, determine the force it exerts on the slot when it arrives at points A and B. A. B. C. D. NA = 38.6 N, NB = 96.6 N NA = 30.9 N, NB = 61.8 N NA = 30.9 N, NB = 81.2 N NA = 38.6 N, NB = 77.3 N


A car travels up a hill with the speed shown in the graph. Compute the total distance the car moves until it stops at t = 60 s. What is the acceleration at t = 45 s? A. B. C. D. s = 400 m, a 45 = -3.00 m/s 2 s = 450 m, a 45 = -0.333 m/s 2 s = 400 m, a 45 = -3.00 m/s 2 s = 450 m, a 45 = 0.333 m/s 2
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Online Engineering Mechanics Test - Engineering Mechanics Test - Random


A car is traveling along the circular curve of radius r = 300 ft. At the instant shown, its angular rate of rotation is = 0.4 rad / s , which is increasing at the rate of = 0.2 rad / s 2 . Determine the magnitude of the acceleration of the car at this instant. A. B. C. D. a = 108.0 ft/s 2 a = 60.0 ft/s 2 a = 48.0 ft/s 2 a = 76.8 ft/s 2

20. A particle is moving along a straight line through a fluid medium such that its speed is measured as v = (2 t) m/s, where t is in seconds. If it is released from rest at s = 0, determine its positions and acceleration when t = 3 s. A. B. C. D. s = 9 m, a = 2 m/s 2 s = 2 m, a = 18 m/s 2 s = 18 m, a = 2 m/s 2 s = 2 m, a = 9 m/s 2


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