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Chemical Engineering Department




Heinrich, after careful study of 75,000 lost time accident cases from insurance files, found that 98% of the accidents were caused either unsafe action or unsafe mechanical or physical condition of both and that they could be prevented by correction of the unsafe acts and the conditions.


ACCIDENT SEQUENCE. The basic theory of accident occurrence may be briefly stated as !"# $ personal in%ury occurs only as the result of an accident. !&# $n accident occurs only as a result of an unsafe actions or e'posure to an unsafe mechanical or physical condition or both. !(# )nsafe actions or unsafe mechanical or physical conditions e'ist only because of faults on the part of persons. !*# +aults of person are inherited or ac,uired from the environment and the reasons or causes for the faults are, i# -mproper attitude. ii# .ac/ of /nowled0e or s/ill.

Accident & its prevention

Chemical Engineering Department iii# 1hysical unsuitability. iv# -mproper mechanical or v# 1hysical environment. [C] THE FOUR ULTIMATE CAUSE FOR THE FAULTS OR PERSON MAY BE DECDITED AS UNDER.

(a I!"#$"%# a&&'&()%: 2isre0ard of dan0er, rec/less, la3y, disloyal, uncooperative, fearful, oversensitive, e0oistical, %ealous, impatient, absentminded, e'citable obsession, phobia, inconsiderate, intolerant, and mentally unsuited in 0eneral. (* La+, $- ,.$/0%)1% $# 2,'00: -n sufficiently informed, misunderstands, not convinced of need, indecision, ine'perienced, etc. (+ P342'+a0 (.2('&a*'0'&4: Hearin0, si0ht, a0e, se', hei0ht, ill, aller0ic, slow reaction, crippled, into'ication, physically handicapped in 0eneral. () I!"#$"%# !%+3a.'+a0 $# "342'+a0 %.5'#$.!%.&: 4pace, li0ht, heat arran0ement, ventilation, materials, tools, e,uipments, procedures, company policy, routin0 etc. ma/e it aw/ward difficult, inconvenient, embarrassin0 or impossible to follow safe practice rules. [D] UNSAFE ACTIONS:5lassification, causes and prevention These are 0enerally classified under the followin0 heads. !"# 6peratin0 without authority failure to warn. !&# 6peratin0 or wor/in0 at unsafe speed. !(# 7a/in0 safety devices inoperative. !*# )sin0 unsafe e,uipment, hands, instead of e,uipment, or e,uipment unsafely. !5# )nsafe loadin0, placin0, mi'in0, combinin0, etc8 !9# Ta/in0 unsafe position or posture. !7# :or/in0 on movin0 or dan0erous e,uipment. !8# 2istractin0, teasin0, abusin0 startlin0 etc. and !9# +ailure to use safe attire or personal protective devices.

Accident & its prevention

Chemical Engineering Department [E] UNSAFE MECHANICAL6PHYSICAL CONDITIONS. )nsafe mechanical or physical conditions are 0enerally classified under the followin0 heads. !"#-nade,uately 0uarded. !&#)n0uarded a. )n0uarde !(# 2efective condition ;rou0h, sharp, slippery, decayed, corroded, frayed, 5rac/ed, etc. !*#)nsafe desi0n or construction. !5#Ha3ardous arran0ement, process, etc. !pillin0, stora0e, aisle space, e'its, layout, overload, misali0nment# !9#)nsafe illumination !inade,uate or unsuitable#. !7#)nsafe dress or apparel and !8#-nherent ha3ard in the process. !9#)nsafe ventilation !inade,uate or improperly distributed# [F] PREVENTION METHOD. The well /nown prevention methods mentioned earlier can be summari3ed as < !"# =n0ineerin0 revision. !&# -nstruction, persuasion and appeal. !(# 1ersonal ad%ustment and !*# 2iscipline.

Accident & its prevention

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