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Kolb, [1]

Lenny Kolb English 1101 Dr. Hinnant 10-15-2013

Man in the Form of a Bike [Title]

The Trek XO-2 was designed for the ideal man. The ideal man today is expected to be multifaceted and be able to react well to every situation. He should be determined, selfsufficient, and sophisticated. The Trek XO-2 was designed for the ideal man. He should be determined, self-sufficient, and sophisticated. This bikeThe Trek XO-2 bicycle personifies this model of a man in many a few ways. The color scheme was chosen to speak to the customer the second they look at it. It draws their attention and brings forthinspires ideas thoughts of success and self-improvement. The styling of the bike combines multiple varieties to create a package that is perfectly appropriate for any and every occasion. The bike speaks also about its creators and lives up to the its expectations put on it. This The design of the Trek XO-2 bike was designed for manyprepares it for dual-uses.; Iit is a combination of a road bike and a dirt bike. The snap-in pedals require special cycling shoes, typical of road has snap in pedals which require special cycling shoes not often found on dirt bikes, yet the frame is straighter so the rider sits more upright like when riding a dirt bike. It has the signature curved handlebars of a road bike,. which allows the rider to aerodynamically lean into the bike to gain see on straighaways. They are curved so when the rider is on a straight path they can lean into the bike to become more aerodynamic and gain speed. Road tires provide a smooth surface to glide on pavement without causing unnecessary

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friction, however Tthere is a spare set of dirt tires with more grip that can be switched out to accommodate when the rider plans to go on trails and rough terrain., along with road tires that provide a smooth surface to glide on pavement without causing unnecessary friction. There are also two bottle holders which may imply that the rider will be travelling very long distanes; this touring aspect bike is used for touring where very long distances are traveled which is more customary on ato road bikes. the frame is straighter to put the rider in the upright common to dirt bikes. The Trek XO-2 bike is also advertised as being perfect for racing. as well as commuting. A key factor in competitive cycling is the weight. Bike designers search for the best material and design for each part to reduce weight as much as possible. Many of the parts on this bike have are printed with the weight in grams printed on them. These parts can be switched out to for lower weight parts ro reduce the overall weight of the bike. The rims are the companies wellknown Rrace Llight brand. Many words of the bike areMuch of the text printed on the bike is in italics, which hintsing at movement and speed. The saddle is very slim with no excess cushioning, placing performance over comfort. The brand name alone The gears and pedals have the brands name, -Rival-, imprinted on them bringing upelicits thoughts of competition and dominationng; this name is printed on the gears and pedals. The saddle is very slim with no excess cushioning, placing performance over comfort. While there are many racing features on this bike it is not decked out with everything. That is what makes it attractive for commuting as well. It has anBecause of its aluminum frame, the Trek XO-2 is much more affordable than a higher performance carbon-frame racing bike. not carbon frame. The cost is must lower than a higher performance racing bike. There is aA phone mount on the center post allows commuters to access GPS, or one of the many apps designed for

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to . There are many apps that made for cycling that have GPS and track speed, time, elevation, and other statistics that many be important to an advanced rider. This The phone mount also has a rain cover. The Additionally, the bike has a headlight, taillight, and lights on the ends of the handlebars. These as well as the rain coverfeatures suggest that the bike is used appropriate for commuting where the rider would have to be ready for any sort ofprepared for traffic or weather. Just as this bike is designed for many purposes, the targeted owner is also expected to have many faces. Again, this bike is designed to embody the model manappeal to the idea of the ideal man. Men today are expected to, and often do, have multiple sides to themembody many roles:. They are expected to be a businessman as well as a humorist; a family manladies man and a familyladies man; strong and confident and, yet sensitive and caring. This The Trek XO-2 bike appeals to the lifestyle of this ideal man; for example, could be ideal for a businessman who to commutes to work during the week (professional), and then go mountain biking on the weekends (recreational). Just as men should have a professional and recreational side, so too does this bike. The designers of this bike had their target audience in mind when working on itduring the design. As stated previously tThe bike wasis designed for an adult male who is a more advanced rider and has a bit of extra cash around tohas expendable income-the Trek XO-2 comes with a twent-five hundred dollar price tag spend three grand* on a bike. Really, though, the bike was designed with the ideal man in mind. The bike is black and white with red accents. These colors were no accident. Each color brings about certain feelings to the customers mind that would entice him to make the purchase. The black and white color scheme, accented with red, combines to entice the ideal rider: Rred symbolizes action, ambition, determination, and energy;ization. All of these are feelings or attitudes a successful man would be thought to have to be able to take control of his life. Wwhite implies newness or pristineness, and thoughts of being self-

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sufficiencyt;. Bblack denotes strength, sophistication, protection, mystery, power, and control. These are characteristics that the ultimate man would embody, and that all men would strive to attain. The Trek XO-2, therefore, appeals to men seeking these characteristics. White also implies new beginnings and simplicity. Black suggests comfort. These ideas would attract a man who is turning over a new leafperhaps try to become more physically fit, or be motivated to take control of his life. All of these are characteristics that the ultimate man would have or be thought to have. Another buyer the salesperson may have in mind would be anyone wanting to have these characteristics. If a man is working to improve his life these same thoughts would attract him to this bike. White also implies new beginnings and simplicity. Black suggests comfort. These ideas would attract someone trying to turn over a new leaf. Maybe they are trying to get in shape or be motivated to take better control of their life. Other than personifying the ideal man, this bike has some other statements to make. It says quite a bit about the company that made it. The Trek XO-2 bike makes bold statements with language as well. Many of the words printed on the bike imply that this bike is better thant the competitors. Alpha Aluminum is printed on the side of the frame. Aluminum is a very light metal, but the upgraded but their aluminum alloy formula used for the Trek XO-2 claims superiority over other aluminum somehow upgraded to be best. Alpha brings up thoughts of suggests animal packs with alpha males, again, reinforcing that the ideal man would own this bike.promoting the idea of power and domination. The shifters have the brands name, Ultegra, stamped on them. The base word, ultra, again implies superiority. Finally, in the name of the bike itself: it is an XO-2, suggesting that this isits an updated model and better than previous bikes made by the same company.
Comment [L1]: Talk about oher companies and how their bikes are sub par

Kolb, [5]

They The Trek XO-2 makes these claims for good reason. Trek is a very well-known cycling company along with their sub-brand Bontrager, which sells cycling components and accessories. For the price, this bike is the best you can get. When compared with the Focus 2011 cyclocross model, the MARES CX 1, which sold for about four thousand, and Scotts 2011 cyclocross model, the CX Comp, which sold for around fourteen hundred, the Trek model still came out on top with more sales and higher review ratings. Focus and Scott are also very good bike manufacturers but simply cannot compare with Treks unwavering quality of their products. Living up to expectations is another pressure put on men today. If their father or grandfather goes into a profession they are encouraged to follow in their footsteps. They are pushed to live up to, and earn, their family name. The fact that this bike earns it name encourages the buyer that, if purchased, it can help them do the same. Everything Every consumer item -- advertisements, clothes, and even bikes.-- today sends out two messages; from advertisements, to clothes, to even bikes. The first message is from the producer to the customer. They Producers load their product with color, design, and features to lure in the customer to make the purchase. They try to get the buyer to think that with this product will in some way their life would be complete his life. Once the purchase is made, tThe second message is from the customer to the world. Every purchase we make or every object we use or consume sends out a message about who we are. Many Most purchases are made solely for this purpose. The Trek XO-2 is no different. It is loaded with attributes to draw in the customer and make convince them him think that this bike is ready for anything and anyonewill improve his life and help him attain his goals. The second message, from the buyer, is that by owning the Trek XO-2 this bike over other bikes, they are somehow enhanced and on their way to becoming the ideal man.
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Kolb, [6]

*Note: I bought this bike used and spent nowhere close to three grand on it.

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