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Artificial Insemination and Establishing a Veterinary Medical Shop in a Village Introduction

In order to increase the production of Milk under White Revolution in India the process of Artificial Insemination got high importance, Artificial insemination is the technique in which semen with living sperms is collected from the male and introduced into female reproductive tract at proper time with the help of instruments. Through this scientific process a high productive and disease resistance breeds will be developed systematically. By this the next generation breeds will gradually get the characteristics of high productivity of the male breed and the disease resistance of the local breed. But the sad issue is that in many of the villages in India there is no knowledge about this AI and even if they have the knowledge about this, the availability of the technician and the quality of sperm to be infused is abysmal. In most of the villages in Rural India the availability of veterinary doctors became a wonder and most of the cattle, sheeps and goats, including small poultry farmers who had their livelihoods based on these animals are suffering a lot. As the people doesnt have the knowledge about the diseases which are affecting the animals and there is no availability of veterinary medical shop near their villages they are unable to provide the best medicines to the animals when they are diseased and by that they either losing their animals or the productivity of the animals and by this eventually the life time of the animals is decreasing. In some areas the veterinary doctors are being hired at the time of seasonal change but most of the villagers are unable to afford the money to hire the experts hence they are continuously losing.

Project Identification
As we have discussed the problems which are being faced by the villagers hence the scope of setting up an artificial Insemination (AI) unit and a medical shop is high in a village. Because villagers cannot afford to hire the private veterinary specialists and most of the villages even if they have the veterinary hospital in their village there is no availability of the doctors sometimes even if the doctors are available, lack of required medicines in the hospitals making them ineffective, because of this the villagers are going to the nearby towns they are mostly more than 20kms from their villages, Because of negligence and poor maintenance in most of the veterinary hospitals in the villages, they are failed to support the process AI hence the villagers are depending on the local breeds at the time of mating which results in producing the same local low productive breeds and this is sometimes costly too. In order to avoid the problems like developing high productive breeds and availability of veterinary medicines in the village I decided to start a up an AI Unit along with a small medical shop in the village by this not only the villagers who are residing in that village but also the nearby villagers are also benefitted. Screening and Scoring of Alternative projects:
Developing the disease resistant and high productive breeds locally Poor(1) Fair(2) Good(3) V.Good(4) Excellent(5) Weight Cost * 50% Risk * 20% Return * 20% Hazard * 10% Score (5*0.5)+(2*0.2)+(2*0.2)+(1*0.1)=3.4

Poor(1) Cost Risk Return Hazard

Hiring the veterinary Doctors Fair(2) Good(3) V.Good(4) Excellent(5)


S.NO Alternates 1 Hiring the veterinary Doctors Developing the disease resistant and high 2 productive breeds locally Mobile veterinary facilities than setting up 3 in a room Setting up a veterinary clinic with govt. 4 Interaction. Setting up a AI Unit and veterinary medical 5 shop.

Cost Effictiveness 0 4 5 3 5 4 1 4 5 5

Implementaion 1 1 3 2 4

Time 3 0 4 0 3

Benefit to the Society 1 1 4 3 4

Total 9 8 18 15 20

Very Poor=0, Poor=1, Fair=2, Average=3, Good=4, Very Good=5 Cost= Low cost or free of cost=0, Very costly=5 Effectiveness= Highly Effective=5, No Effectiveness=0 Time-> Taking more time=0, Taking Least Possible time=5

Mind Map


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