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Publishing Collective Manchi Pustakam Sangatya Sahitya Bhandar Ba Sahiti Sahitya Chayana Shishu Mi a!

The Teacher and Child Labour Author T! "i#a$endra %ear &''( Price Rs! )'!'' Co*ies +)'' O Co*$ Le,t All Rights Reversed Publishing Collective Manchi Pustakam C/o Wassan, 12-13-450, Street No. 1, Tarnaka, Secunderabad 500 017, A. P. Contact !. Sures", #$a%& kosara'u.sures"()$a%&.co$ P". 040 2701 *+52 Ce&& ,-1 -440* 04*+0 Sangatya Sahitya Bhandar 7-+7 P, .a/adur)a Co$0ound, Te$0&e 1oad, !annar0ad/, 2d%0% 57+ 103, !arnataka Contact T. 3%'a/endra, #$a%& t.4%'a/endra()$a%&.co$ P". 0*25* 205340 Ce&& ,-1 -4-07 05+34 Sahitya Chayana +, Saras5at% Ca$0, 1. !. Pura$, Sector 3, 6700os%te .N2 7&d Ca$0us8 Ne5 9e&"% 110 022 Contact 3%na :"at%a, #$a%& 4%nab"at%a15()$a%&.co$ Ce&& ,-1 --+*- 22-04 Ba Sahiti C/o 3;AP, SC< 1*/1, Sector 10-9, C"and%)ar" 1+0 011 Contact =an =o"an S"ar$a, #$a%& 4"a0un'ab()$a%&.co$ P". 0172 50+755* Shishu Mi a! 1, Sr%"ar% A0art$ents, :e"%nd #>0ress ;ote&, A&ka0ur%, :aroda 3-0 007 Contact S. Sr%n%4asan, #$a%& sa"a'?s$200+(/a" P". 02+5 234253Printer C"ar%ta @$0ress%ons, ;/derabad P". 040 27+7 *411


1. 2nderstand%n) C"%&d Aabour 2. T"e Teac"er and C"%&d Aabour 3. Peda)o)/ oB t"e Poor 4. ;o5 to @$0ro4e ;and5r%t%n) 5. :e)%nn%n) %n t"e =%dd&e 6. <&at-:ed 9u0&%cator C A Too& Bor 9e$ocrat%c Pr%nt =ed%a 7. :ooks on #ducat%on

*. 3anka

.ORE/ORD T"ese art%c&es 5ere de4e&o0ed dur%n) $/ %nteract%on 5%t" = 3 <oundat%on, Secunderabad, and t"e )o4ern$ent sc"oo& teac"ers oB 1an)a 1edd/ d%str%ct, And"ra Prades" dur%n) t"e n%neteen n%net%es. T"e on&/ e>ce0t%on, D2nderstand%n) C"%&d AabourD, 5as 0ub&%s"ed %n 1-*0. T"e/ "a4e been 0ut to)et"er %n t"%s book&et Bor$ at t"e reEuest oB =. 3. <oundat%on Bor use %n t"e%r teac"er tra%n%n) 0ro)ra$$e. @ 5%&& be "a00/ %B %t ser4es t"e 0ur0ose. #ac" 5as 5r%tten on d%BBerent dates se0arated b/ /ears, "ence %s co$0&ete %n %tse&B. ;o5e4er, %n book Bor$, t"e/ endan)er so$e re0et%t%on. @ "a4e not c"an)ed t"%s, Bor @ Be&t, $an/ readers $a/ 5%s" to use t"e$ %n t"e%r %nd%4%dua& Bor$ dur%n) tra%n%n) 0ro)ra$$es. T"e ear&%er 4ers%on 5as 0ub&%s"ed %n Te&u)u $an/ /ears a)o and used e>tens%4e&/ b/ =. 3. <oundat%on %n t"e%r tra%n%n) 0ro)ra$$es. No5 t"ere a00ears to be a de$and Bor an #n)&%s" ed%t%on. <or one, =. 3. <oundat%on "as reac"ed outs%de And"ra Prades" bot" 5%t"%n t"e countr/ and abroad. Second&/, se4era& 0ro)ra$$es a&& o4er t"e 5or&d see$ to "a4e ado0ted a s%$%&ar a00roac". <or t"e #n)&%s" ed%t%on, @ "a4e u0dated t"e art%c&e, F2nderstand%n) C"%&d &abourG. @ "a4e a&so e>0anded t"e art%c&e F:ooks on #ducat%onG. T"e or%)%na& art%c&e F<&at :ed 9u0&%catorA Too& Bor 9e$ocrat%c Pr%nt =ed%aG b/ 2s"a 1ao, %n %ts ed%ted essence Bor$, %s a ne5 add%t%on. @n t"e end @ "a4e %nc&uded a s"ort stor/ b/ Anton C"ek"o4. T"e stor/ 4er/ beaut%Bu&&/ and eBBect%4e&/ descr%bes t"e s%tuat%on oB a bonded c"%&d 5orker %n n%neteent" centur/ 1uss%a. @ Be&t t"at a )reat aut"or &%ke C"ek"o4 s"ou&d be %ntroduced to ne5 readers. @n add%t%on to =. 3. <oundat%on and t"e )o4ern$ent sc"oo& teac"ers, @ "a4e rece%4ed cons%derab&e "e&0 %n Bor$u&at%n) t"ese %deas Bro$ 2s"a 1ao, 0art%cu&ar&/ %n t"e art%c&es, DPeda)o)/ oB t"e PoorD and D:e)%nn%n) %n t"e =%dd&eD. S"e %s t"e co-aut"or oB t"e art%c&e F:ooks on #ducat%onG. Need&ess to sa/, @ a&one a$ res0ons%b&e Bor a&& s"ortco$%n)s and errors. T"e #n)&%s" ed%t%on "as beneB%ted Bro$ co$$ents b/ 2s"a Sr%ra$. T"e on&/ 0ur0ose oB 0ub&%s"%n) a book %s t"at, %t be read. To t"%s end, @ "a4e rece%4ed $uc" "e&0 Bro$ N/&a Coe&"o %n $ak%n) t"e book readab&e. Sures" at =anc"% Pustaka$ "as taken tota& res0ons%b%&%t/ Bor t"e des%)n and 0ub&%cat%on oB t"e book. Subba//a at C"ar%ta @$0ress%ons "as done t"e 0r%nt%n) 'ob 5%t" "%s usua& 0ro$0tness and e/e Bor Eua&%t/. W"%&e 5ork%n) on t"e #n)&%s" ed%t%on, @ "a4e been sta/%n) at an or)an%c Bar$ co&&ect%4e %n t"e Western H"ats. @ 5ou&d &%ke to e>0ress $/ )rat%tude to t"e $e$bers oB t"e co&&ect%4e. T"e book %s be%n) 0ub&%s"ed 'o%nt&/ b/ se4era& )rou0s t"at "a4e been %n4o&4ed %n act%4%t%es oB t"%s nature. <or a &ar)e )eo)ra0"%ca& area &%ke @nd%a, 5%t" a t"%n&/ s0read readers"%0 t"at can %&& aBBord to 0a/ 0r%ces oB co$$erc%a& 0ub&%s"%n) "ouses, t"%s "as 0ro4ed a 0ract%ca& so&ut%on. .une 5, 200T. 3%'a/endra

UNDER-TANDIN0 CHILD LABOUR This article" was first published in 1980. In the present one, old data has been replaced with recent figures. The reasons for persistence and increase in the extent of the problem appear to be: a) a greater awareness of the problem and therefore better access to data and b) the political econom of capitalism in India has not changed significantl and hence, the problem persists in spite of go!ernment and non go!ernment efforts. 2nderstand%n) c"%&d &abour %s 5rou)"t 5%t" se4era& %$0ed%$ents 5ork%n) c"%&dren "a4e no 4o%ceI t"e/ are e$0&o/ed %n t"e unor)an%sed sector oB t"e econo$/ - 5"%c" rare&/ "a4e trade un%onsI soc%et/ %s sens%t%sed to t"e e>%stence oB c"%&d &abour on&/ %n t"e e4ent oB an atroc%t/ - 5"en %t beco$es 5ort"/ oB ne5sJ A)a%n, s%nce %t occurs %n t"e %nBor$a& sector, c"%&d &abour re$a%ns %n4%s%b&e. T"e %n4%s%b%&%t/ %tse&B occurs %n $an/ 5a/s 7ne %s t"e 0"/s%ca& %n4%s%b%&%t/. T"e/ 5ork %n Ba$%&/ un%ts oB 0roduct%on so one doesnDt see t"e$. @B t"e/ 5ork as 5a)e &abourers - 5"ere oBten, t"e FBactor/G %s s%tuated %n d%n)/ s&u$s or %n base$ents oB bu%&d%n)s - t"e/ are rendered %n4%s%b&e Bro$ t"e e/e oB t"e 0ub&%c and t"e &a5. T"e ot"er as0ect oB %n4%s%b%&%t/ %s t"at soc%et/ does not 5ant to see t"e$. C"%&d"ood %s so )&or%B%ed and 0ut %n suc" 4e&4et/ cus"%ons %n t"e $%nds oB t"e &%bera& t"%nkers t"at t"e/ 'ust 5ant to 5%s" a5a/ c"%&d &abour b/ abo&%s"%n) t"e$ %n t"e &etter oB t"e &a5. <%na&&/, 5"%&e %n t"e 5r%t%n)s oB =ar>, 0o%)nant 0%ctures oB e$0&o/$ent oB c"%&dren are a4a%&ab&e, &atter da/ =ar>%sts and trade un%on%sts "a4e 0a%d scant attent%on to t"e 0rob&e$. So, 5"at %s &eBt %s a certa%n a$ount oB Ho4ern$ent and non )o4ern$ent stat%st%ca& data and so$e 4er/ )ood accounts oB 5ork done b/ $an/ 4o&untar/ or)an%Kat%ons - bot" %n e>0os%n) t"e 0rob&e$ and %n atte$0t%n) to so&4e %t. T"e s$a&& atte$0ts at ana&/K%n) t"e s%tuat%on t"at are $ade suBBer Bro$ t"e co$$on %nBerence oB F=ar>%stG stud%es on &abour a8 t"at %t %s a &e)ac/ oB t"e Beuda& 0ast and as ca0%ta&%s$ ad4ances c"%&d &abour 5%&& auto$at%ca&&/ be abo&%s"ed, 6b8 e>%stence oB c"%&d &abour %s due to t"e )enera& e>0&o%tat%4e c"aracter oB ca0%ta&%s$ 5"%c" e>0&o%ts &abour %n e4er/ 0oss%b&e Bor$. T"e $a%n 0rob&e$ 5%t" bot" t"e abo4e a00roac"es %s t"at %t does not )%4e an/ d%rect%on Bor act%on. So not"%n) can be doneJ T"%s %n turn &%$%ts t"eoret%ca& atte$0ts to understand t"e s%tuat%on. @t $ere&/ ends u0 conde$n%n) %t - 4er/ $uc" %n tune 5%t" &%bera& b&eed%n) "eartsJ W"at Bo&&o5s %s a 0re&%$%nar/ and sketc"/ atte$0t to art%cu&ate t"e status oB c"%&d &abour, ra%se Euest%ons rat"er t"an 0ro4%de sat%sBactor/ ans5ers. The E1tent o, the Proble2 C"%&d &abour %s essent%a&&/ a T"%rd Wor&d 0"eno$enon 5%t" @nd%a, :an)&ades" and ABr%ca account%n) Bor $ost oB t"e c"%&d &abourers %n t"e 5or&d. <or @nd%a, %t %s %$0oss%b&e to ascerta%n %ts rea& e>tent because oB t"e areas oB e$0&o/$ent, t"e $et"od oB co&&ect%n)

Pub&%s"ed %n "#$, Ne5 9e&"%, 7ctober, 1-*0


oBB%c%a& stat%st%cs and %ts or)an%sat%on, and t"e )enera& att%tude to5ards t"e %ssue %tse&B. A&& t"e sa$e, t"e 0%cture t"at e$er)es %s bot" start&%n) and )r%$. @n 1-71, oB a tota& oB 230 $%&&%on c"%&dren 60 - 14 /ears8, 10.7 $%&&%on 5ere recorded as 5orkers. To5ards t"e end oB t"e sa$e decade 61-7*-7-8 t"e est%$ated B%)ure stood at 1+.5 $%&&%on. =an/ or)an%Kat%ons "a4e been en)a)%n) 5%t" t"%s %ssue a&be%t 4ar%ed a00roac"es. Ca$0a%)n A)a%nst C"%&d Aabour 6CACA8 Euotes data Bro$ d%BBerent sources %n ran)es Bro$ 20 $%&&%on to 111 $%&&%onJ Probab&/, a rea&%st%c est%$ate %s be to 0e) %t at "a&B t"e 0o0u&at%on oB out oB sc"oo& c"%&dren bet5een t"e a)es oB 5-14 tota&%n) to about *0 $%&&%on JL :ased on t"e nu$ber oB non-sc"oo& )o%n) c"%&dren and Ba$%&%es &%4%n) %n dest%tut%on, CACA est%$ates t"at t"ere are 70 to *0 $%&&%on c"%&d &abourers %n @nd%a.LL @nter0o&at%on oB census B%)ures b/ t"e Nat%ona& Aabour @nst%tute %nd%cate - out oB 203 $%&&%on c"%&dren bet5een t"e a)es oB 5 - 14, 11+ $%&&%on are %n sc"oo&, 12.+ $%&&%on are %n Bu&&-t%$e e$0&o/$ent, and t"e status oB 74 $%&&%on %s unkno5n. =ost %B not a&& oB t"e *7 $%&&%on c"%&dren not %n sc"oo& 5ork %n t"e "ouse, on Ba$%&/ Bar$s, a&on)s%de t"e%r 0arents as 0a%d a)r%cu&tura& &abourers, as do$est%c ser4ants or are ot"er5%se e$0&o/ed.LLL @nd%a "as t"e d%st%nct%on oB us%n) a &ar)er c"%&d &abour Borce t"an an/ ot"er countr/ and accounts Bor near&/ one t"%rd oB t"e 5or&dGs tota&. Tab&e 9%str%but%on oB c"%&d &abour 6a)es 5-148 %n d%BBerent sectors oB t"e econo$/ +(3( M
1. Cu&t%4ators/ A)r%cu&tura& Aabour 2. "unt%n), 0&antat%on and orc"ard 5ork

&''4 M 54 15.5

7*.7 *.2 +.0 +.0 1.1

3. Construct%on
4. =anuBactur%n) and 0rocess%n) 'obs 5. ;ouse"o&d and ot"er %ndustr%es 6. Trade, co$$erce, trans0ort etc.

5 1* *

W"at %s t"e nature oB 5ork t"ese c"%&dren doN An o4er5"e&$%n) $a'or%t/ oB t"e$ are un0a%d Ba$%&/ 5orkers &%4%n) %n rura& areas. ;%stor%ca&&/ %t "as 4est%)es oB t"e 0ast, 5"ere a&& $e$bers oB t"e )rou0 contr%buted t"e%r &abour to t"e sur4%4a& and sustenance oB t"e )rou0 as a 5"o&e. @n suc" a s%tuat%on, t"e 5ork ass%)ned to c"%&dren 5as a centra& as0ect oB t"e%r soc%a&%sat%on and tra%n%n). T"e econo$%c act%4%t/ 5as not se0arate Bro$ t"e%r ot"er re&at%ons"%0s 5%t" k%n, co$$un%t/ and ne%)"bour"ood. ;o5e4er, toda/, a 4er/ s$a&& sect%on oB rura& Ba$%&%es are de0endent on se&B-cu&t%4at%on. Near&/ "a&B t"e rura& 0o0u&at%on %s co$0r%sed oB a)r%cu&tura& &abourers. ;ere 5ork b/ c"%&dren %s %n t"e nature oB su00&e$ent%n) Ba$%&/ %nco$e as adu&t 5a)es are %nsuBB%c%ent. @n case oB bonded &abourers, t"e%r c"%&dren beco$e 0art oB t"e bonda)e and 0ut %n 5ork 5%t"out )ett%n) an/t"%n) $ore t"an a $ea&. @n centra& @nd%aGs tr%ba& be&ts one $a/ B%nd t"e$ "unt%n) rats 6Bor t"e cook%n) 0ot8, co&&ect%n) $%nor Borest 0roduce, B%re5ood etc.

#4en a$on) Ba$%&%es t"at o5n so$e &and, Eu%te oBten, t"e 5ork oB t"e c"%&d %s %n &%eu oB an adu&t 5"o $ost &%ke&/ 5%&& "a4e )one to t"e c%t/ seek%n) e$0&o/$ent to $ake u0 Bor subs%stence. T"us, %n $ost cases, c"%&dren re0&ace adu&t &abourers and t"e%r 5ork %s not about soc%a&%sat%on and tra%n%n), but t"at oB 0ro4%d%n) essent%a& su00&e$ents to Ba$%&/ earn%n)s. T"%s, %n a s%tuat%on 5"ere %n %$0o4er%s"$ent e>tends to a &ar)e sect%on oB t"e 0o0u&ace. A&so t"e "u$%&%at%n) c%rcu$stances %n 5"%c" c"%&dren oB a)r%cu&tura& &abourers "a4e to contr%bute to t"e Ba$%&/ %nco$e are a Bar cr/ Bro$ t"e soc%a&%K%n) and tra%n%n) act%4%t/ oB t"e 0ast. And /et, t"ese c"%&dren, 5"o $ana)e to sur4%4e t"e deat" kne&& oB c"%&drenDs d%arr"ea and ot"er Bor$s oB %nBant d%seases %n t"e a)e )rou0 oB 0-5, &%4e %n a Bar "ea&t"%er 0"/s%ca& en4%ron$ent t"an t"e c%t/ c"%&d 5orkers en)a)ed %n $anuBacture. :ut a&& $anuBacture %s not carr%ed on %n c%t%es. T"e $atc" Bactor%es oB S%4akas%, car0et 5ea4%n) %n !as"$%r and b%d% $ak%n) s0read a&&o4er t"e countr/ %s &ar)e&/ a rura& enter0r%se. Ou%te oBten, t"ese un%ts re0&%cate urban )"ettos. Aon) "ours oB 5ork %n conB%ned and un"/)%en%c 0&aces are t/0%ca& oB t"e s%tuat%on. T"e aut"or%tat%4e att%tude so$et%$es resu&t%n) %n Datroc%t%esD 6brand%n) b/ "ot %ron8 kee0s c"%&dren %n a 0er$anent state oB terror. T"e $ore c%t/ based 5orkers - brass 5orkers %n =oradabad, ass%stants at )ara)es and $ac"%ne s"o0s - t/0%ca&&/ %n ;o5ra" - are so$e5"at d%BBerent. ;ere c"%&dren are re&at%4e&/ &ess coerced, but 5ork%n) cond%t%ons are tou)"er, $ak%n) t"e$ %&& and o&d Baster. @n $ost cases, %n $anuBacture, t"e c"%&d %s t/0%ca&&/ an ass%stant or an a00rent%ce. So$et%$es t"e 0"/s%ca& attr%butes - deBt B%n)ers %n car0et 5ea4%n), s$a&& s%Ke Bor na4%)at%n) t"rou)" -0 cent%$eters 5%de trenc"es %n t"e $%nes %n Assa$, $ake c"%&d &abour D%nd%s0ensab&eD %.e. %nd%s0ensab&e at t"e &e4e& oB tec"no&o)/ and 0roB%ts des%red b/ e$0&o/ers. <%na&&/, t"ere are t"e &ar)e nu$ber oB "ote& bo/s, do$est%c "e&0, 0ett/ 4endors etc. en)a)ed %n back break%n) 5ork Bor &on) "ours Bor 5"at a$ounts to 'ust subs%stence 5a)e. T"e d%st%n)u%s"%n) c"aracter%st%c %s t"at, "ere, t"e/ do not &earn an/ 0roduct%4e sk%&&s but are 'ust $en%a& 5orkers 5ork%n) Bor e>tre$e&/ &o5 5a)es. /h$ Does Child Labour E1ist5 #>tens%4e &e)%s&at%on e>%sts %n t"e countr/ Bor abo&%s"%n) c"%&d &abour and Bor c"%&d 5e&Bare. St%&& t"e 0re4a&ence oB c"%&d &abour %s 5%de s0read and %s %ncreas%n). @n 5"at areas do e$0&o/ers B%nd %t 0roB%tab&e to e$0&o/ c"%&d &abour and d%sobe/ &a5sN And 5"/ do c"%&dren a)ree to 5orkN C"%&d &abour t/0%ca&&/ e>%sts %n t"e unor)an%sed sector. @t %s necessar/ to understand t"at t"e unor)an%sed sector %s not a carr/ o4er oB t"e 0ast nor %s %t a trans%tor/ 0"eno$enon. Ne%t"er t"e a)rar%an s%tuat%on, nor t"e Ba$%&/ un%ts oB 0roduct%on %n 5ea4%n) or brass5are 5ork are DBeuda&D or Dse$%-Beuda&D. Ca0%ta& takes o4er e>%st%n) $odes oB 0roduct%on, e>tracts 0roB%ts b/ $ak%n) &abourers 5ork "arder Bor &on)er "ours at $%n%$u$ 5a)es 5a)es t"at are not suBB%c%ent to su00ort a Ba$%&/. @t t"us Borces 5o$en and c"%&dren %nto t"e 5orkBorce %n a $anner t"at 5as not kno5n ear&%er. W"%&e %ndustr%a& e$0&o/$ent %n @nd%a %s t/0%ca&&/ $a&e, %t does not )%4e t"e 5orker a Ba$%&/ 5a)e. ;ence "%s &%nks 5%t" "%s 4%&&a)e 0ers%st %n a 4ar%et/ oB 5a/s. ;e Eu%te oBten &ea4es "%s Ba$%&/ be"%nd, and t"e rura& end oB t"e "ouse"o&d does not sur4%4e on "%s re$%ttance a&one. As a conseEuence, at t"e rura& end, "%s Ba$%&/ and c"%&dren are 0ressed to 5ork Bor sur4%4a&.

7n t"e ot"er "andI de4e&o0$ent %n a)r%cu&ture- t"e )ro5t" oB a r%c" 0easant c&ass "as &ed to %ncreased $ar)%na&%sat%on as 5e&& as a )ro5%n) 0ro&etar%at 5%t"%n t"e rura& 0o0u&at%on. ;o5e4er, t"%s sect%on %s not be%n) absorbed %n t"e %ndustr%a& sector, but $an%Bests %n c%t%es %n s&u$s and %n t"e %nBor$a& sector. Ca0%ta&%s$ %n %ts T"%rd Wor&d a!atar "as not 0roduced &%near econo$%c )ro5t" and d%sso&ut%on oB a&& Beuda& Bor$s oB ser4%tude. W"at see$s to "a4e "a00ened %s t"at a 4er/ s$a&& sector oB t"e econo$/ %s under t"e or)an%sed sector. T"e rest oB t"e econo$/ %s transBor$ed %nto t"e %nBor$a& sector, %n a $anner 5"%c" $eans %ncreas%n) 0o4ert/ and $%ser/ Bor t"e 0o0u&at%on. T"e 0ercenta)e oB 0eo0&e &%4%n) be&o5 0o4ert/ &e4e& "as r%sen Bro$ so$e 30M %n ear&/ 1-50s to $ore t"an 50M toda/, bear%n) test%$on/ to t"%s 0"eno$enon. Toda/, $an/ %n4est%)ators be&%e4e t"%s B%)ure to be abo4e 70 M Bor rura& areas. So, 5"en ca0%ta& B%nds suc" c"ea0 &abour a4a%&ab&e abundant&/, 5"/ 5ou&d %t %n4est $ore %n ne5 tec"no&o)/N @t sees c"%&dren as a doc%&e 5ork Borce 5ork%n) at c"ea0 rates 5%t"out un%on 0rob&e$s, 0roduc%n) sa$e or )reater 0roB%ts. And t"ere are $ore Bro$ 5"ere t"e/ co$eJ T"ere %s a s$a&& or)an%sed Bor$a& sector, 5"ere c"%&d &abour %s abo&%s"ed. ;o5e4er t"e DBor$a&%sat%onD oB an %ndustr/, %.e. ne5 tec"no&o)/, re)u&ar e$0&o/$ent, 0ro4%dent Bunds, un%on, and abo&%s"%n) oB c"%&d &abour, %s a co$0&e> 0rocess. @t does not $ere&/ occur because ca0%ta& d%sco4ers a ne5 tec"no&o)/ and B%nds %t $ore 0roB%tab&e and t"en B%nds t"at 0a/%n) Ba$%&/ 5a)es %s $ore 0roB%tab&e %n t"e &on) run as %t creates tra%ned $an0o5er. Suc" a t"eor/ oB ca0%ta& and oB t"e state 6%n %ts ro&e as &e)%s&ator8 %s one s%ded. @t %s t"e stru))&e oB 5orkers Bor t"e%r r%)"t to Bor$ a un%on, an e%)"t "our 5ork%n) da/, de$ocrat%c r%)"ts, Ba$%&/ 5a)es etc. t"at s%)n%B%cant&/ contr%butes to t"e Bor$a&%sat%on oB a sector oB %ndustr/. @n t"at sector, c"%&d &abour too )ets abo&%s"ed. T"e "%stor/ oB Bor$a&%sat%on oB te>t%&e %ndustr/ %n @nd%a bears 5%tness to t"%s 0rocess. :ut, under cond%t%ons oB $ono0o&/ and %$0er%a&%s$ suc" a 0rocess %s s&o5 and takes 0&ace $ar)%na&&/ %n areas oB tec"no&o)/ t"at are 0assed on to T"%rd Wor&d countr%es 5"%c" "a4e beco$e obso&ete or obso&escent. ;o5e4er, t"e e>0&o%tat%on oB t"e T"%rd Wor&d )&oba&&/ and t"e 0rocesses set %n 5%t"%n t"e T"%rd Wor&d countr%es )enerate $ass %$0o4er%s"$ent. Hreater nu$bers oB 0eo0&e co$e under t"e s5a/ oB ca0%ta& at &o5er &e4e& oB 5a)es. T"%s $ass 0o4ert/ %n turn "as a 0u&&%n) do5n eBBect on t"e 5a)e structure oB e4en t"e or)an%sed sector. Aar)e sect%ons oB t"e$ do not )et Ba$%&/ 5a)e e%t"er. @t %s t"ese co$0&e> Bactors t"at Borce a&$ost t"e ent%re @nd%an 5ork%n) c&ass, d%BBerent%ated and 4ar%ed as %t %s, to send %ts 5o$en, c"%&dren and t"e a)ed to 5ork under de"u$an%s%n) cond%t%ons. T"%s tenuous e>%stence oB t"e @nd%an 0oor %s not 5%t"out %ts stren)t". T"e rura&-urban &%nks and t"e econo$%c su00ort t"at c"%&dren and 5o$en )%4e to t"e adu&t $a&e 0o0u&at%on not on&/ a&&o5s sur4%4%n) 5%t" so$e "u$an d%)n%t/ but a&so 0ro4%des cruc%a& su00ort %n t"e%r stru))&es. Str%k%n) 5orkers der%4e stren)t" Bro$ t"e%r rura& &%nks oB subs%stence a)r%cu&ture $a%nta%ned b/ 5o$en and c"%&dren. <a$%ne str%cken rura& 0oor oBten B%nds cruc%a& su00ort %n t"e%r c%t/ k%t" and k%n. T"e Ca&cutta s&u$s "a4e 0ro4%ded 0rotect%on to rad%ca& act%4%sts Bro$ attacks b/ t"e state 0o&%ce. Work%n) c"%&dren "a4e 0&a/ed a cruc%a& ro&e %n t"e C"%nese re4o&ut%on and $ore recent&/, %n t"e stru))&e a)a%nst 5"%te re)%$e %n Sout" ABr%ca, c"%&dren "a4e been %n t"e BoreBront.

The Role o, the La6 @B suc" 0ress%n) econo$%c co$0u&s%on e>%sts Bor c"%&d &abour t"en 5"/ are &a5s abo&%s"%n) or &%$%t%n) c"%&d &abour 0assed at a&&N @s %t s%$0&/ a "oa> to Boo& t"e 0oor and assua)e t"e Bee&%n) oB sent%$enta& educated 5o$en &e)%s&atorsN Suc" a 4%e5 5ou&d be s%$0&%st%c and assu$e t"e State to be s%$0&/ a "and$a%den oB ca0%ta&. As "as been noted %n t"e case oB Bor$a&%sat%on oB t"e te>t%&e %ndustr/, t"e de$ocrat%c stru))&e oB t"e 5orkers too 0&a/s a s%)n%B%cant ro&e %n $ak%n) t"e State act. @n t"e case oB c"%&d &abour, "o5e4er, %t %s $ore co$0&e>. T"e abo&%s"%n) oB c"%&d &abour %n &a5 )%4es sanct%t/ to t"e conce0t oB 0atr%arc"a& Ba$%&/ and $arr%a)e. @t %s %$0ortant to reta%n and stren)t"en t"e %deo&o)/ oB t"e 0atr%arc"a& Ba$%&/ because %t %s at t"e root oB 0ro0ert/ and t"e State e4en t"ou)" t"e Ba$%&/ $a/ be break%n) under ca0%ta&%s$. @t %s t"e 0atr%arc"a& Ba$%&/ 5"%c" u&t%$ate&/ %s res0ons%b&e Bor 5o$en and c"%&dren beco$%n) doc%&e. @t s"ou&d be re$e$bered t"at a &ar)e nu$ber oB t"ese c"%&d 5orkers are )%r& c"%&dren 5"o are $ost %n"u$an&/ e>0&o%ted. T"e/ )ro5 %nto d%sc%0&%ned and e>0&o%ted adu&t 5orkers oB ca0%ta&. Parents oB t"ese c"%&dren t"e$se&4es be&%e4e %n t"e %deo&o)/ oB t"e 0atr%arc"a& Ba$%&/ - act%n) as an a&&/ to t"e abuse oB c"%&dren and 5o$en b/ ca0%ta&. T"e stru))&e a)a%nst ca0%ta& %s a s"a$ un&ess %t %s an %nc&us%4e stru))&e a)a%nst t"e aut"or%tar%an 0atr%arc"a& Ba$%&/ s/ste$. <or t"en, %t 5%&& not on&/ re&ease creat%4e ener)%es oB $ore t"an "a&B t"e e>%st%n) &abour%n) 0eo0&e %n t"e stru))&e, but 5%&& a&so be t"e $ost cruc%a& e&e$ent %n creat%n) a 'ust and e)a&%tar%an soc%et/ to$orro5. L"tt0 //555.)&oba&$arc".or)/5orstBor$sre0ort/5or&d/%nd%a."t$& **CACA, PAn A&ternat%4e 1e0ort on t"e Status oB C"%&d Aabour %n @nd%aP, sub$%ss%on to t"e 2N C1C, Se0te$ber-7ctober 1--LLL2S 9e0t oB State, Countr/ 1e0orts on ;u$an 1%)"ts Pract%ces - 1---, 25 <ebruar/ 2000

THE TEACHER AND CHILD LABOUR In India, half the children in the age group of % to 1& do not go to school. 'oes this in an wa affect the school and the teacher( )n attempt to understand this is being made in the following essa de!eloped while wor*ing with the Teachers+ ,nion. -. .. /oundation in mid nineties was wor*ing with the teachers+ union in 0anga 0edd district to get their help in enrolling children who had dropped out or ne!er went to school. It underlines the role of a teacher in abolishing child labour and has been used in training for go!ernment school teachers. )lthough one will find the data dated, the argument remains rele!ant for a significant percentage of children are e!en toda engaged as child labour. @n And"ra Prades", eac" d%str%ct %s d%4%ded %nto =anda& Panc"a/ats. S"ankar0a&&/ $anda& oB 1an)a 1edd/ d%str%ct co$0r%ses oB 3+ 4%&&a)es and "a$&ets. @n t"ese 4%&&a)es t"e tota& nu$ber oB c"%&dren %n t"e a)e )rou0 oB 5 to 14 /ears %s 10,310. 7B t"ese, 74-3 )o to sc"oo& and 2*17 are out oB sc"oo&. T"at %s, so$e 30M oB t"e c"%&dren are out oB sc"oo&. T"e s%tuat%on "ere %s a &%tt&e better t"an t"e rest oB t"e d%str%ct due to eBBorts $ade b/ a 4o&untar/ or)an%sat%on to send c"%&dren to sc"oo&. 7B t"e 2*17 non sc"oo& )o%n) c"%&dren, 1-+4 are %n t"e a)e )rou0 oB --14 /ears. A$on) t"e$ 1251 are )%r&s and 14* oB t"e 713 bo/s are bonded &abourers. ;o5e4er, a&& c"%&dren are do%n) so$e 5ork connected 5%t" a)r%cu&ture or at "o$e. @n a )enera& sense, one can sa/ t"at so$e 30M are 0otent%a& or actua& c"%&d 5orkers and about 20M can deB%n%te&/ be ca&&ed c"%&d 5orkers. ;o5 do t"ese c"%&dren aBBect t"e 4%&&a)e sc"oo& and t"e 4%&&a)e sc"oo& teac"erN 7Bten a teac"er Bee&s res0ons%b&e on&/ to5ards c"%&dren 5"o are ad$%tted to sc"oo&. So 5"/ s"ou&d s/"e 5orr/ about c"%&dren 5"o are not e4en ad$%tted to sc"oo&N T"e e>%stence oB c"%&d 5orkers %n s%)n%B%cant nu$bers )%4es %t &e)%t%$ac/. @t a&so 0ro4%des a 0otent%a& $arket Bor ne5 c"%&d 5orkers. So no one Bee&s uneas/ about %t. @B a c"%&d %s not )o%n) to sc"oo&, s/"e can 5ork %n t"e Bar$ or at "o$e or beco$e a co5"erd or a)r%cu&ture &abour. @n S"ankar0a&&/ area, t/0%ca&&/ )%r& c"%&dren 0%ck B&o5ers round t"e /ear Bor t"e $arket %n ;/derabad and bo/s 5ork as co5"erds. At sc"oo&, %t $eans, %B a c"%&d %s not do%n) 5e&& %n stud%es or Ba%&s s/"e "as )ot a 0&ace %n t"e 5ork Borce as c"%&d &abourJ T"e $arket beckons t"e c"%&d a&& t"e t%$e. @t acts as 0u&&out 0ressure. 7Bten %t be)%ns as seasona& 5ork 6dro0out8 Bor t"e 0oor c"%&d 5"o %s not do%n) 5e&& %n stud%es. T"en s/"e Ba%&s - &ead%n) to 0er$anent&/ dro00%n) out. T"%s a&so &eads to &essen%n) oB 0ressure on t"e sc"oo&, t"e teac"er and t"e c"%&d to do 5e&& %n stud%es. @t %s a&r%)"t %B t"e absentee%s$ %s b%). @t %s a&r%)"t %B t"e c"%&dren do not stud/ and t"e teac"ers do not teac". @t %s a&r%)"t %B t"e "%)" sc"oo& resu&ts Bor t"e =anda& as a 5"o&e %s be&o5 20MJ T"%s &o5ers t"e standard oB t"e 4%&&a)e sc"oo& on t"e 5"o&e. @B *0M Ba%&, t"en t"e best student $a/ )et on&/ 40M or 50M $arks. Sc"oo& &oses %ts re&e4ance. W%t" t"%s t"e 0rest%)e oB t"e sc"oo& and t"at oB t"e teac"er Ba&&s. W%t" t"e 0rest%)e )oes t"e $ot%4at%on and t"e $ora& Borce oB t"e teac"er. A 4%c%ous c%rc&e e$er)es. Ao5


0erBor$ance resu&ts %n &o5er%n) t"e 0rest%)e and $ora&e oB t"e teac"ers &ead%n) Burt"er to t"e &o5er%n) 0erBor$ance oB t"e sc"oo&. @n suc" a s%tuat%on, no one 0a/s an/ attent%on to t"e teac"erGs and t"e sc"oo&Ds 0rob&e$s. T"e teac"ersD un%on $ost&/ concerns %tse&B 5%t" %ssues oB sa&ar/ and 'ob secur%t/. 7t"er )&ar%n) $atters oB a teac"erDs s%tuat%on suc" as teac"er student rat%o, unB%&&ed 4acanc%es, &ack oB sc"oo& roo$s, t"e 0oor cond%t%on oB bu%&d%n)s, a &ack oB b&ackboards and sc"oo& Burn%ture and so on, are %)nored. T"%n)s &%ke a decent sc"oo& &%brar/, sc%ence &aborator/ and s0orts Bac%&%t%es "ard&/ e4er )et a $ent%on a$on) t"e de$ands. No one "as an/ $ot%4at%on to de$and better sc"oo&s, to en&%st co$$un%t/ su00ort, c"ar%t%es etc. to %$0ro4e t"e sc"oo& at t"e &oca& &e4e&. A&& suc" ener)%es co$e Bro$ Bar oBB )reen 0astures oB urban $%dd&e c&ass sens%t%4%t%es, en&%)"tened )o4ern$ent secretar%es and %nternat%ona& Bund%n) a)enc%es. T"e %n%t%at%4es $ust co$e Bro$ t"e co$$un%t/ and t"e teac"er Bor an/ s%)n%B%cant success. T"e teac"er and t"e sc"oo& $ust )a%n back t"e%r 0rest%)e. <or t"%s, t"e teac"er and t"e sc"oo& $ust 0erBor$. No 0ressure on c"%&dren to be 0us"ed out oB t"e sc"oo& s"ou&d be 0er$%tted. T"ere s"ou&d be no o0t%on oB beco$%n) a c"%&d 5orker. T"%s a&one can re4erse t"e d%rect%on oB t"e 0ressure. T"en c"%&dren and t"e co$$un%t/ 5%&& $ake a de$and on t"e sc"oo&. T"%s 5%&& trans&ate %nto a de$and Bor $ore sc"oo&s, $ore teac"ers, $ore sc"oo& roo$s, better roo$s 5%t" b&ackboard and Burn%ture, 0&a/)round and s0ort Bac%&%t%es, &%brar/ and &aborator/. <or t"%s to "a00en, so$e %n%t%at%4e $ust a&so co$e Bro$ outs%de t"e sc"oo&. @t s"ou&d be ensured t"at no one e$0&o/s c"%&dren. @n t"%s, t"e educated /out" %n t"e 4%&&a)e can 0&a/ a 4%ta& ro&e. T"e/ can 0ersuade 0arents to send t"e%r c"%&dren to sc"oo&. 3ar%ous &abour &a5s suc" as - t"e abo&%t%on oB bonded &abour &a5 can be enBorced. @n s"ort, t"ere s"ou&d be no 0u&&out 0ressure on t"e c"%&d. Abo&%t%on oB c"%&d &abour and un%4ersa&%sat%on oB e&e$entar/ educat%on %s t"e ke/ to break%n) t"%s 4%c%ous c%rc&e. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pub&%s"ed %n /rontier, !o&kata, 9ece$ber 23, 1--5


PEDA0O0% O. THE POOR This paper was presented at a wor*shop for organisations in India wor*ing towards abolishing child labour. )s a rule, purists and great educationists li*e Tolsto , Tagore and -ontessori belie!ed in running their own model school. 1ome belie!e in demanding from the welfare state e2ual rights. $hile e!er one agrees that discrimination against the poor exists in the school s stem the do not agree on a solution to this problem. This essa tries to resol!e the issue b suggesting a pedagog that explicitl addresses the situation of the poor T"e 0oor are 0oor because t"e/ are o00ressed and e>0&o%ted. T"e 0oor are a&so 0oor because t"e/ are 0oor. T"e 0oor stru))&e to sur4%4e and to &%berate t"e$se&4es Bro$ o00ress%on and e>0&o%tat%on. @n bot" t"e eBBorts, educat%on 0&a/s a 4%ta& ro&e. :/ and &ar)e, t"e 0oor "a4e to de0end on t"e State Bor educat%on. ;o5e4er, educat%on 0ro4%ded b/ t"e State %s structured b/ t"e Borces 5"%c" e>0&o%t and o00ress t"e 0oor and kee0 t"e$ 0oor. T"ereBore, to e4o&4e a strate)/ Bor t"e 0oor, 5e "a4e to B%rst understand t"e strate)/ oB State. The Pro#ect o, the -tate T"e strate)/ oB t"e State %n educat%on can be understood %n ter$s oB 618 Sc"oo&%n). 628 Cert%B%cat%on and 638 Aearn%n). 618 @n sc"oo&%n), t"e modus operandi ado0ted b/ t"e State sends a $essa)e t"at on&/ t"ose 5"o "a4e educat%on t"rou)" sc"oo& "a4e an/ kno5&ed)e and sk%&&. So t"ose 5"o do not )o to sc"oo& or Ba%& %n sc"oo& are %)norant and use&ess 0eo0&e. T"us t"e State under$%nes t"e sk%&& and kno5&ed)e base t"at 0eo0&e )a%n Bro$ &%Be and 5ork. T"e/ $ake B%rst )enerat%on educated c"%&dren as"a$ed oB t"e%r 0arents and t"e%r back)round. :/ not 0ro4%d%n) resources Bor educat%on oB a&& c"%&dren, t"e State kee0s $ore t"an "a&B oB t"e$ out oB sc"oo&. T"%s sends a $essa)e t"at t"e/ are not )ood enou)" Bor sc"oo&. 628 T"e ob'ect%4e oB cert%B%cat%on %n sc"oo&s %s to underscore t"e d%4%de bet5een t"e r%c" and t"e 0oor. ;ere t"e State Ba%&s 0oor c"%&dren. #>a$%nat%ons are not used as a $et"od oB assess%n) c"%&dren - 0ro4%d%n) t"e$ an o00ortun%t/ and c"a&&en)e to 0ro4e t"e$se&4es, but 0r%$ar%&/ to t"ro5 t"e$ out oB t"e educat%on 0rocess. At a "%)"er &e4e&, t"e 0o&%c%es oB reser4at%on are used to Burt"er under$%ne t"e 0oor. 1eser4at%on %s not seen as an ac"%e4e$ent oB t"e 0oor %n t"e%r stru))&e - a 0o&%c/ oB 0os%t%4e d%scr%$%nat%on to correct an "%stor%ca& %$ba&ance. @t %s seen as a concess%on, an act oB $erc/ to5ards t"e undeser4%n) d%sad4anta)ed. T"e 0eo0&e 5"o ac"%e4e so$et"%n) %n t"e%r &%Be t"rou)" reser4at%on 0o&%c/ are seen as second )rade 0eo0&e 5"o do not deser4e 5"at t"e/ "a4e ac"%e4ed. T"e/ are oBten %nsu&ted and "u$%&%ated.
(3) @n teac"%n) and &earn%n), t"e StateDs ob'ect%4e %s to create a $ode& oB a D)oodD

0erson as t"at be&on)%n) to urban econo$%ca&&/ sound c&asses. T"e content oB educat%on $ater%a& 0ro4%ded b/ t"e State %s Bu&& oB d%rect and %nd%rect $essa)es t"at te&& t"e 0oor t"at t"e%r &%Be, kno5&ed)e, sk%&&s, &an)ua)e, be&%eBs etc, are not )ood enou)". T"e educat%on $ater%a& 0ro4%ded t"us $akes sc"oo&%n) an a&%en endea4our, d%scoura)%n) t"e$ Bro$ attend%n) sc"oo&. @B and 5"en t"e/ do attend,


%t tends to Ba%& t"e$. And B%na&&/, t"ose 5"o do 0ass and succeed are $ade to Bee& as"a$ed oB t"e%r back)round. Pedagog$ o, the O**ressed A&& t"at "as been sa%d abo4e "as been sa%d b/ a &ar)e nu$ber oB educat%on%sts, notab&/ b/ @4an @&&%c", Pau&o <re%re, T"e c"%&dren oB t"e sc"oo& oB :arb%ana and, %n @nd%a, b/ 9r. !r%s"na !u$ar and ot"ers. @n t"e 0resent set u0 oB soc%et/, a )enu%ne&/ )ood educat%on %s not 0oss%b&e Bor an/one ne%t"er Bor t"e r%c" nor Bor t"e 0oor. 7n&/ a )enu%ne&/ Bree, de$ocrat%c soc%et/ t"at treats a&& %ts c%t%Kens eEua&&/ - Bree Bro$ )ender, c&ass, caste and et"n%c b%ases can 0ro4%de suc" an educat%on. =ean5"%&e, se4era& strate)%es are a4a%&ab&e to counter t"%s s%tuat%on. T"e/ ran)e Bro$ $ode& e>0er%$enta& sc"oo&s to 0ro'ects t"at tr/ to enro&& a&& c"%&dren %n sc"oo& and create a &obb/ %n t"e state educat%on 0rocess Bor correct%n) t"e s%tuat%on. 7odel -chools T"e 5ork oB $ode& sc"oo&s %s e>tre$e&/ %$0ortant. :/ concentrat%n) on a Be5 c"%&dren t"ese sc"oo&s "a4e )%4en us 0ract%ca& e>a$0&es oB 5"at )ood educat%on can be and s"ou&d be. T"ere "a4e been "undreds oB suc" sc"oo&s %n t"e &ast 150 /ears a&& o4er t"e 5or&d. T"e $ost Ba$ous ones are t"ose t"at 5ere run b/ To&sto/, Ste%ner and =ontessor%. @n @nd%a, Ta)ore, H%'ub"a% :ad"eka and se4era& bas%c sc"oo&s run b/ Hand"%ans stand out. =ore recent&/, 9a4%d ;orsbur)"Gs sc"oo& C Nee& :a)", sc"oo&s run b/ t"e !r%s"na$urt"/ <oundat%on and a &ar)e nu$ber oB e>0er%$enta& sc"oo&s run a&& o4er t"e countr/ are )ood e>a$0&es. ;o5e4er, 5"%&e t"e/ can %ns0%re, )roo$ and create 0resent and Buture educat%on%sts, t"e/ cannot be $ode&s Bor $ass oB t"e c"%&dren. <or t"e$, a&& c"%&dren are t"e sa$e. T"e/ do not take %nto account caste, c&ass, )ender, et"n%c%t/, and 0o4ert/ etc. - a rea&%t/ oB t"e rea& 5or&d. The Pro#ect o, the Poor T"e 0ro'ect oB t"e 0oor %n t"e B%e&d oB educat%on cannot be deB%ned %n ter$s oB &earn%n) a&one. @t "as to enco$0ass a&& t"ree as0ects oB t"e educat%on 0rocess, t"at %s - sc"oo&%n), cert%B%cat%on and &earn%n). T"e t"ree as0ects "a4e to be %nte)rated so as to $a>%$%se t"e%r )a%ns %n t"e &ar)er 0ro'ect oB sur4%4a& and &%berat%on. T"us sc"oo&%n) %$0&%es Bor t"e 0oor- sc"oo&%n) Bor a&& c"%&dren. @ts ob'ect%4es 618 To &%berate t"e$se&4es Bro$ a s%tuat%on oB c"%&d &abour. T"%s %n turn "e&0s to )enerate $ore e$0&o/$ent Bor adu&ts and %ncrease t"e%r 5a)es. 628 To o0en a 0at" Bor t"e$se&4es Bor Breedo$ Bro$ caste bonda)es. T"e co&&ect%4e oB t"e sc"oo& 5"ere d%BBerent caste c"%&dren co$e to)et"er o0ens t"%s 0at". Aater, 5"en t"e/ succeed %n 0ass%n) e>a$%nat%ons, %t o0ens to t"e$ 0at"s Bor e$0&o/$ent ot"er t"an t"e%r caste trade/e$0&o/$ent. T"us %t co$b%nes t"e t5%n ob'ect%4es oB sur4%4a& and &%berat%on.


Certi,ication Pur%sts oBten sa/ t"at one )oes to sc"oo& to &earn and not 'ust to 0ass e>a$%nat%ons. :ut %n t"e rea& 0ro'ect oB educat%on %t %s 0ass%n) t"e e>a$%nat%on t"at cruc%a&&/ deter$%nes 5"et"er t"e 0ro'ect oB t"e e>0&o%t%n) c&asses %s succeed%n) or t"e 0ro'ect oB t"e 0eo0&e %s succeed%n). T"e 0r%4%&e)ed "a4e a&& sorts oB ad4anta)es %n 0ass%n) an e>a$%nat%on. T"e ent%re conte>t oB t"e e>a$%nat%on %s c&ass or%ented %n ter$s oB &an)ua)e, %$a)es, and contents. T"e 0oor "a4e to resort to a&& sorts oB $et"ods to co0e 5%t" t"%s s%tuat%on. 7Bten t"e/ take recourse to s%$0&/ co0/%n) and c"eat%n). @t s"ou&d be noted t"at e4en t"e 0r%4%&e)ed oBten take recourse to t"%s. ;o5e4er, rote &earn%n) 60o0u&ar&/ kno5n as Qb/-"eart%n)R %n And"ra Prades"J8 Bro$ )u%des and )uess 0a0ers %s t"e $ost co$$on $et"od. 3er/ oBten, 0oor c"%&dren "a4e to 5ork e>tra "ard 'ust to 0ass t"e e>a$%nat%on. T"ere %s a &ot oB sco0e Bor us%n) a 'ud%c%ous $%> oB 0ract%ca& 4%s%on and 0r%nc%0&es oB 0eda)o)/ Bro$ t"e )reat $asters. We can ca&& t"%s t"e 0eda)o)/ oB t"e 0oor. :e&o5 are so$e %deas t"at "a4e been tr%ed out %n =. 3. <oundat%on ca$0s 5%t" )reat success. Pedagog$ o, the Poor 618 A&& e>a$%nat%ons are 5r%tten e>a$%nat%ons. ;ence to 0ass e>a$%nat%ons, 5r%t%n) 0ract%ce %s t"e $ost %$0ortant e>erc%se. Wr%t%n) a&so "e&0s %n $e$or%s%n) better. Co0/%n) ans5ers Bro$ )ood )u%de books cou0&ed 5%t" so$e understand%n) oB t"e sub'ect )oes a &on) 5a/ %n "e&0%n) students 0ass e>a$%nat%ons. 628 @n 5r%t%n), t"e Eua&%t/ oB "and5r%t%n) can $ake t"e d%BBerence bet5een 0ass%n) and Ba%&%n). 1%c"ard :. Hre)), a Hand"%an econo$%st, 5"o 5rote a 4er/ 0ract%ca& book on educat%on, s0e&&ed out t"e 0r%nc%0&es oB )ood "and5r%t%n). @t "as been used 4er/ successBu&&/ %n =. 3. <oundat%on ca$0s. 638 =odern &an)ua)e teac"%n) $et"ods sa/ t"at t"e B%rst book a c"%&d s"ou&d use s"ou&d be "er/"%s o5n book. T"%s "as been sa%d %n t"e conte>t oB c"%&drenDs dra5%n)s and t"e%r o5n ca0t%ons. @n =. 3. <oundat%on ca$0s, t"%s 5as transBor$ed %nto 0roduc%n) books oB c"%&drenDs o5n son)s and teac"%n) t"e$ read%n) 5%t" t"e "e&0 oB t"ese books. 648 @n $at"e$at%cs teac"%n), t"e &o)%ca& seEuenc%n) oB to0%cs %s abso&ute&/ cruc%a&. And 5%t"%n t"e to0%c, 0ract%ce e>erc%ses are to be arran)ed as 0er s$a&& %ncre$enta& r%se %n d%BB%cu&t/ oB so&4%n). T"e #ducat%on P&ann%n) Hrou0 oB 9e&"% "as done e>ce&&ent 5ork %n t"%s area and t"e sa$e "as been used %n =. 3. <oundat%on ca$0s. =ore recent&/, so$e oB t"e %nno4at%4e $et"ods oB P. !. Sr%n%4asan "a4e a&so been used. 658 A%brar%es 0ro4%de a source oB se&B &earn%n) and enterta%n$ent. @n educat%on, t"e &%brar/ %s t"e $ost de$ocrat%c %nst%tut%on. ;ere kno5&ed)e %s a4a%&ab&e on ta0 and not Bro$ to0J @n ca$0s, t"e &%brar/ %s t"e $ost 0o0u&ar 0&ace. @t %s ke0t o0en at a&& "ours so c"%&dren can read at an/ t%$e. A careBu& se&ect%on 5%t" t"e ass%stance oB $an/ kno5&ed)eab&e 0ersons "as a&&o5ed t"e$ to "a4e a )ood co&&ect%on at a Ba%r&/ &o5 cost. T"ese are 'ust so$e oB t"e e>a$0&es oB 0eda)o)/ used. ;ere t"e 5ord 0eda)o)/ %s used %n %ts narro5 tec"n%ca& sense oB t"e ter$.


T"ere %s a &ar)er sense %n 5"%c" 0eda)o)/ "as been used. @n =. 3. <oundat%on ca$0s, %t reBers to t"e co$$%t$ent to teac"%n) and &earn%n) and creat%n) a &earn%n) s%tuat%on. @n t"e ca$0s, c"%&dren are brou)"t Bro$ t"e%r 4%&&a)es b/ educat%on act%4%sts. So$e oB t"ese act%4%sts a&so beco$e Dteac"ersD %n t"e ca$0. No5 t"e act%4%st Bee&s t"at %t %s "%s/ "er res0ons%b%&%t/ t"at t"ese c"%&dren are successBu&&/ enro&&ed %n sc"oo&s. @n t"e ent%re 0rocess oB con4%nc%n) t"e 0arents, tak%n) care oB c"%&dren 5"o are "o$es%ck %n t"e be)%nn%n), s/"e beco$es attac"ed to t"e c"%&dren. 7r rat"er, c"%&dren 5%t" t"e%r natura& aBBect%on transBor$ an ord%nar/ /out" %nto a res0ons%b&e 0erson. A&so, once t"e c"%&dren are sett&ed do5n, t"e/ beco$e 4er/ dee0&/ co$$%tted to &earn%n) because t"e/ kno5 t"at %t %s t"e%r one c"ance oB )ett%n) out oB t"e drud)er/ oB c"%&d &abour. T"e ca$0 %tse&B, 5%t" read/ Bood, e&ectr%c%t/, 0&a/, dance and $us%c 0ro4%des a &earn%n) s%tuat%on %n 5"%c" a &ot oB se&B and $utua& &earn%n) occurs. T"e ca$0 a&so creates a 0&atBor$ Bor teac"er tra%n%n). @t %s oBten asked - "o5 do ord%nar/ /out" succeed %n beco$%n) )ood teac"ers and ac"%e4e suc" resu&tsN T"e ans5er %s, t"e ca$0 %tse&B 0ro4%des a se&B &earn%n) s%tuat%on Bor c"%&dren as 5e&& as Bor /out" act%4%sts. <%rst, t"e reEu%re$ent oB a )ood teac"er %s t"at t"e teac"er s"ou&d &o4e c"%&dren and 4%ce 4ersa. Second, t"e teac"er s"ou&d 0ro4%de t"e s0ace Bor se&B and $utua& &earn%n) b/ t"e c"%&dren. :ot" occur %n t"e ca$0 s%tuat%on. 7ne can sa/ c"%&dren tra%n teac"ers. :ot" reEu%re$ents are oB course su00&e$ented b/ 0ro4%d%n) teac"ers 5%t" read%n) $ater%a&s suc" as 9%4as5a0na, Aetter to a Teac"er, Tottoc"an. =an/ ot"er 5orks oB H%'ub"a% are a4a%&ab&e %n Te&u)u. =/ron We%nerDs &ecture, =/t" S 1ea&%t/ about C"%&d Aabour b/ CACA "a4e been 4er/ "e&0Bu&. 9r. !r%s"na !u$arDs books "a4e been trans&ated %nto Te&u)u and =/ron We%nerDs &ar)er 5ork %s a&so a4a%&ab&e %n Te&u)u. Conclusion Peda)o)/ oB t"e 0oor "as to be conce%4ed as a 0art oB a &ar)er 0ro'ect oB t"e 0oor Bor sur4%4a& and &%berat%on. T"%s a&so "as to be conce%4ed %n contrad%st%nct%on 5%t" t"e 0ro'ect oB t"e o00ress%n) c&asses %n t"e B%e&d oB educat%on %n ter$s oB sc"oo&%n), cert%B%cat%on and &earn%n). Abstract %dea&s oB educat%on and &earn%n) 5"ere c&ass, caste, )ender and et"n%c%t/ are not cons%dered a&one cannot $eet t"e s%tuat%on. Nor 5%&& s%$0&e enro&&$ent and c"eat%n) %n e>a$%nat%on do t"e tr%ck. A 'ud%c%ous $%> oB &earn%n) Bro$ t"e )reat $asters oB educat%on and 0ract%ca& 5%sdo$ can "e&0 t"e 0oor. T"e =. 3. <oundat%on ca$0s 0ro4%de one suc" e>a$0&e. Pub&%s"ed %n /rontier, !o&kata, Au)ust -, 1--*


HO/ TO I7PRO"E HAND/RITIN0 #$rm is an ush%r t$ c$nt%nt & Ma$ Ts% Tung This essa was de!eloped to train teachers in the summer camps run b /oundation. -. ..

@n t"e sc"oo& s/ste$, t"e 0oor Bace a &ot oB d%BB%cu&t%es. T"e%r sc"oo&s "a4e 0oor resources %n ter$s oB 5e&& tra%ned teac"ers, &%brar/ s0ace and t"e nu$ber oB teac"ers. @n suc" c%rcu$stances, t"e 0oor can ado0t a nu$ber oB 4a&%d strate)%es 5"%c" can )%4e t"e$ so$e ad4anta)e %n 0ass%n) e>a$%nat%ons. A&& our e>a$%nat%ons are 5r%tten e>a$%nat%ons. So 0resent%n) onese&B %n t"e 5r%tten Bor$ %s an %$0ortant sk%&&. T"e 5r%tten Bor$ "as so$e ad4anta)es and so$e d%sad4anta)es. T"e Bact t"at /ou cannot use /our 4o%ce, Bac%a& e>0ress%ons and bod/ &an)ua)e $akes t"e de$and on t"e 5r%tten Bor$ $ore se4ere. 7n t"e ot"er "and, na$e 6usua&&/ t"ere %s 'ust a nu$ber8, caste, dress, co&our, )ender do not co$e %nto t"e 0%cture. 3er/ oBten, e>a$%ners "a4e 0reconce%4ed not%ons and b%ases about t"ese $atters, and %t aBBects t"e%r 'ud)$ent. T"ese cons%derat%ons )enera&&/ do not 5ork %n Ba4our oB t"e 0oor. T"us, on t"e 5"o&e Bor t"e 0oor - %n t"e 0resent s%tuat%on - t"e ad4anta)es oB a 5r%tten e>a$%nat%on are $ore t"an t"e d%sad4anta)es. So %n educat%on, t"e 0oor $ust concentrate on 5r%t%n) re)u&ar&/. #4en %B t"e/ "a4e to co0/ ans5ers Bro$ )u%debooks, %t %s better t"an 'ust read%n) t"e$. @n t"e B%na& ana&/s%s oB course, rea& understand%n) oB t"e sub'ect %s 4er/ %$0ortant. ;o5e4er "and5r%t%n) %s oB no &ess conseEuence. @t 0ro4%des t"e B%rst %$0ress%on. 3er/ oBten, an e>a$%ner on see%n) a beaut%Bu&&/ 5r%tten ans5er 0a0er stra%)"t a5a/ dec%des t"at t"e student ou)"t to )et )ood $arks or at &east 0assJ Hand6riting @n %$0ro4%n) "and5r%t%n) 5e "a4e to understand t5o t"%n)s t"e B%rst - 5"at %s t"e 0ur0ose oB 5r%t%n), and second - 5"at %s )ood "and5r%t%n). Wr%t%n) can "a4e $an/ 0ur0oses. @t "e&0s us to t"%nk, c&ar%B/ t"ou)"ts and co$$un%cate t"ou)"ts to ot"ers. @t %s t"e &ast 0ur0ose 5e are %nterested %n. 7ur "and5r%t%n) s"ou&d be suc" t"at ot"ers can read %t eas%&/. @t s"ou&d be &e)%b&e. So 5"at %s )ood "and5r%t%n)N @t %s t"at 5"%c" ser4es t"%s 0ur0ose best, t"at %s - %t %s 4er/ eas/ to read, c&ear and &e)%b&e. =an/ c"%&dren, 5"en unsure oB t"e s0e&&%n), de&%berate&/ 5r%te %n unc&ear scr%bb&es. T"e%r, a, e and % can a&& &ook s%$%&ar. ;o5e4er, an e>a$%ner %s not Boo&ed, and so, unc&ear "and5r%t%n) ne4er ser4es an/ 0ur0ose. <or &e)%b%&%t/, t"e best e>a$0&e %s t"e 0r%nted book. T"ere are s%> e&e$ents to %ts "%)" &e)%b%&%t/. 1. T"e 0r%nted 0a)e "as $ar)%ns at t"e to0, botto$, &eBt and r%)"t. T"ese are at B%>ed s0aces %n a book.

2. T"e &%nes are stra%)"t and 0ara&&e& and d%stance bet5een t"e$ B%>ed. 3. #ac" &etter %s 5r%tten se0arate&/ or D0r%ntedD. 4. T"e d%stance bet5een &etters and 5ords are B%>ed. 5. T"e %nk%n) %s un%Bor$. +. T"e &etters are beaut%Bu&&/ Bor$ed and reta%n t"e sa$e s"a0e and s%Ke no $atter "o5 $an/ t%$es re0eated. 7B t"e s%> e&e$ents oB )ood "and5r%t%n) Bour are about or)an%s%n) s0ace and on&/ t5o are about actua& 5r%t%n), %.e. about %nk%n) and about Bor$%n) /our &etters n%ce&/. T"us, t"e $a'or 0art oB %$0ro4%n) &e)%b%&%t/ %s to or)an%se t"e s0aces on t"e 0a)e correct&/. #4en %B t"e "and5r%t%n) %s bad, &e)%b%&%t/ can be %ncreased to $ake %t a&$ost 100M &e)%b&e b/ or)an%s%n) s0aces correct&/. 7B course t"ere %s a need to 0ut %n eBBorts to %$0ro4e %nk%n) and &etter s"a0es. T"e B%rst %s re&at%4e&/ s%$0&e. No5ada/s 5%t" ba&& 0ens and )ood Eua&%t/ 0ens %t %s not $uc" oB a 0rob&e$. <or %$0ro4%n) s"a0e oB &etters, "and5r%t%n) needs to be ana&/sed. <%rst, ensure t"e re&at%4e s%Ke oB a&0"abets %.e. t"e "e%)"t, 5%dt" are correct and un%Bor$. T"en stud/ t"e %nd%4%dua& &etter. <%nd out 5"%c" a&0"abets &ook bad. Ask Br%ends/0eers to %dent%B/ and %$0ro4e u0on t"e$. T"en concentrate on t"e$ one &etter at a t%$e. @n a Be5 da/s t"e "and5r%t%n) 5%&& %$0ro4e dra$at%ca&&/. Rough 8 .air /or9 =an/ 0eo0&e B%rst 5r%te a Prou)"P 5ork 4ers%on and t"en co0/ %t out to a Ba%r 4ers%on. 7Bten %n t"e%r Drou)"D 5ork t"e/ 5r%te %n a "urr/, %n 0oor "and5r%t%n), s"ort "and, do not Bo&&o5 an/ oB t"e 0r%nc%0&es oB )ood "and5r%t%n). T"us, t"e%r rou)" 5ork &ooks bad, %&&e)%b&eI so$et%$es e4en to t"e aut"or. @t 0a/s to "a4e neat 5ork e4er/5"ere, %nc&ud%n) %n Drou)"D 5ork. T"%s %s a )ood "ab%t. @B t"e rou)" 5ork %s neat, one can $ake correct%ons on %t neat&/ and t"ere $a/ not be an/ need to co0/ %t out a)a%n. 7ne can DcutD S F0asteG t"at %s, cut a 0ara)ra0" and 0aste %t on a Ba%r co0/ 5%t"out need%n) to co0/ out t"e 5"o&e 5ork. @n $at"e$at%cs rou)" 5ork, students oBten $ake $%stakes because t"e 5ork %s not done neat&/. 7n t"e ot"er "and, so$e e>a$%ners c"eck t"e rou)" 5ork a&so and %B t"e 5ork %s neat and $et"od correct, near Bu&& $arks are a5arded e4en %B t"e B%na& ans5er %s %ncorrect. E1ercises ,or 0ood Hand6riting Ti*s to -tudents E1ercise + Wr%te us%n) a ba&& 0en. C"oose /our 0a0er or notebook 5%t" care. @t s"ou&d be ru&ed. A co$Bortab&e s0ac%n) oB &%nes %s about * $$ or 1/3 oB an %nc". 9ra5 $ar)%ns. T"e &eBt and to0 $ar)%n s"ou&d be 25$$ or one %nc". T"e r%)"t and botto$ $ar)%ns s"ou&d be 1+ $$ or 2/3 oB an %nc". T"ou)" not B%>ed, t"e/ s"ou&d be sa$e on a&& 0a)es.


E1ercise & Co0/ a 0a)e Bro$ an/ book or ne5s0a0er on to t"e 0a)e $arked 5%t" $ar)%ns. C"eck Bor %$0ro4e$ent %n &e)%b%&%t/. H%4e %t $arks on a sca&e oB 1-10. Tou $a/ ask /our teac"er, a Br%end or 0eer to )rade %t. 1e0eat 5 t%$es. E1ercise : Co0/ anot"er 0a)e. T"%s t%$e, 5r%te eac" &etter se0arate&/. Hrade %t. 1e0eat 5 t%$es. E1ercise ; Co0/ one 0a)e. Pr%nt eac" &etter se0arate&/. !ee0 t"e d%stance bet5een 5ords as one &etter 5%dt". Tr/ to 5r%te eac" &etter 5%t" un%Bor$ "e%)"t and 5%dt". 1e0eat 5 t%$es. E1ercise ) :/ no5 /our "and5r%t%n) 5%&& "a4e %$0ro4ed a )reat dea&. No5 %t %s t%$e to e>a$%ne 5"%c" &etter /ou 5r%te bad&/. Seek "e&0 to %dent%B/ t"ese &etters. C"oose one &etter to %$0ro4e. Co0/ %t 100 t%$es. Co0/ a 0a)e Bro$ a book kee0%n) t"%s &etter %n $%nd. 1e0eat 5 t%$es. E1ercise 4 1e0eat e>erc%se 5 5%t" t"e ne>t 0oor &etter. Ho on t%&& /ou "a4e B%n%s"ed 5%t" a&& &etters. No5 co$0are /our or%)%na& 0a0er and )rade /ourse&B B%na&&/. Con)ratu&ate /ourse&BJ


BE0INNIN0 IN THE 7IDDLE B%gin in th% midd % and g$ $n ti y$u r%ach th% '%ginning. ( Chin%s% Pr$)%r' This paper was presented at a conference of 34#s wor*ing for elimination of child labour. It argues for the importance of middle school or ,ni!ersalisation of 5lementar 5ducation as against mere ,ni!ersalisation of 6rimar 5ducation. A&& kno5 t"e @nd%an Const%tut%on )u%des states to 0ro4%de Bree and co$0u&sor/ educat%on u0 to t"e a)e oB 14. ;o5e4er, 5"en %$0&e$ent%n) t"%s 0o&%c/, t"e e$0"as%s %s a&5a/s on 0ro4%d%n) sc"oo&%n) u0 to t"e a)e oB 11 on&/ or 5"at %s )enera&&/ kno5n as 2n%4ersa&%sat%on oB Pr%$ar/ #ducat%on 62P#8. T"%s "as been t"e 0ract%ca& )oa& oB a&$ost a&& state Ho4ern$ents and oB %nternat%ona& a)enc%es suc" as 2N@C#<. T"e ar)u$ent "as been t"at, B%rst t"%n)s co$e B%rst and one cannot e>tend sc"oo&%n) u0to a)e 14 un&ess 2P# "as been ac"%e4ed. T"e ar)u$ent 0ut Bort" "ere %s t"at bot" %n t"eor/ and 0ract%ce t"%s 5%&& &%$%t educat%on to t"e 0r%$ar/ &e4e&, t"at too, oB a 4er/ 0oor Eua&%t/. <urt"er, "undred 0ercent ca0ac%t/ bu%&d%n) Bor $%dd&e sc"oo& &e4e& educat%on %s a $ust to ac"%e4e 2P# and abo&%s" c"%&d &abour. C"%&dren "a4e been kno5n to start 5ork%n) as ear&/ as t"e a)e oB t"ree. A s%)n%B%cant nu$ber oB )%r& c"%&dren start 5ork Bro$ t"e a)e oB s%> or se4en. ;o5e4er, t"e )reat $a'or%t/ oB c"%&d 5orkers be&on) to t"e a)e )rou0 oB 11-14. So, e4en %B sc"oo&%n) u0to t"e 0r%$ar/ &e4e& %s a4a%&ab&e to a&& c"%&dren, $a'or%t/ oB 5ork%n) c"%&dren cont%nue to 5ork because t"ere %s no $%dd&e sc"oo& Bor t"e$. T"e ca0ac%t/ oB t"e @nd%an sc"oo& s/ste$ at 4ar%ous &e4e&s %s rou)"&/ as Bo&&o5s @nsta&&ed ca0ac%t/ Bor 0r%$ar/ sc"oo& - 50M @nsta&&ed ca0ac%t/ Bor $%dd&e sc"oo& - 25M @nsta&&ed ca0ac%t/ Bor ;%)" Sc"oo& - 10M T"e 0ercenta)e oB c"%&dren 0ass%n) out oB "%)" sc"oo& %s 50M. T"ese oB course are a4era)e B%)ures and a )reat dea& oB 4ar%at%on e>%sts )%4en - re)%ona&, urban, rura&, )ender, soc%a& )rou0%n) cons%derat%ons. W"at %t %nBers %s t"at, 75M oB c"%&dren %n t"e a)e )rou0 oB 11 , "a4e no o0t%on but to beco$e a c"%&d 5orker. H%4en t"%s, ta&k%n) about abo&%s"%n) c"%&d &abour %s $ean%n)&ess. T"e s%tuat%on %s e4en 5orse %B one &ooks at 0r%$ar/ sc"oo& educat%on %n t"%s conte>t. T"e Bact t"at t"ere %s no $%dd&e sc"oo& a4a%&ab&e Bor 75M oB t"e c"%&dren "as a tendenc/ to &o5er t"e 0ass 0ercenta)e oB t"e 0r%$ar/ sc"oo&. @n Bact %t 5%&& tend to eEua&%se seats a4a%&ab&e %n t"e $%dd&e sc"oo&. T"%s oB course 5%&& not "a00en on&/ at c&ass 3 &e4e&, but 5%&& be seen do5n &%ne. T"at %s 5"/ t"ere %s suc" a "%)" dro0out rate at c&ass @@ and c&ass @@@ &e4e&s. T"%s $akes 0r%$ar/ sc"oo& %tse&B a token aBBa%r, 0art%cu&ar&/ %n rura& and 0oor co$$un%t%es. T"e tota& enro&$ent dr%4e at c&ass @ %s a&so $ean%n)&ess as e4er/one kno5s t"at b/ c&ass @@ and @@@ $ost oB t"e$ 5%&& dro0 out. T"e Bact oB t"e $atter %s bot"


enro&$ents and dro0outs are on 0a0er on&/. As e&%c%ted %n t"e ear&%er art%c&e, DT"e Teac"er and C"%&d AabourD, t"%s &o5ers t"e Eua&%t/ oB t"e 0r%$ar/ sc"oo& and t"e stand%n) oB t"e 0r%$ar/ sc"oo& teac"er %n t"e co$$un%t/. <or an/ sc"oo& educat%on to be 0oss%b&e, sc"oo&%n) Bor 11-14 /ear o&ds or at $%dd&e sc"oo& %s an abso&ute $ust and not so$et"%n) t"at $a/ or $a/ not Bo&&o5 0r%$ar/ sc"oo&. @n Bact, %t %s ent%re&/ 0oss%b&e to conce%4e oB s%)n%B%cant se&B-&earn%n) tak%n) 0&ace at "o$e and %n t"e co$$un%t/ u0 to t"e a)e oB 11. :ut %t $a/ be rat"er d%BB%cu&t Bor sc"o&ast%c &earn%n) to occur 5%t"out t"e ass%stance and su00ort oB a Bor$a& %nst%tut%on &%ke sc"oo&, &%brar/, or ot"er &earn%n) Bac%&%t%es be/ond a)e 11 or 12. Start%n) sc"oo& at an ear&/ a)e %s re&at%4e&/ ne5 %n t"e "%stor/ oB educat%on. T%&& t"e 1-t" centur/ $ost sc"oo&%n) be)an aBter t"e a)e oB -, 10 or 11. @n @nd%a, c"%&dren 5ent to a 4uru*ul around t"%s a)e Bor a 0er%od oB 7 /ears. S%>teen /ears oB sc"oo&%n) %s a 0"eno$enon oB t"e 20t" centur/. T"e B%r$%n) oB t"%s 0"eno$enon %s %n a round about 5a/ a&so &%nked to t"e e$er)ence oB nuc&ear Ba$%&%es %n urban areas. ;ere t"e reEu%re$ent oB 'obs and )o4ern$ent 'obs at t"at, %n t"e co&on%a& conte>t, )a4e r%se to ear&/ sc"oo&%n). Present&/ t"e s/ste$ "as &%tt&e to do 5%t" t"e reEu%re$ent oB &earn%n) b/ c"%&dren. <or e>a$0&e, c"%&dren &earn &an)ua)e and co$$un%cat%on sk%&&s $a%n&/ %n t"e co$$un%t/. #4en 0ract%ca& ar%t"$et%c %s &earnt %n s"o0 transact%ons. ;o5e4er, t"e e$er)ence oB 0r%$ar/ sc"oo&s beca$e a ro&e $ode& and de$and Bor ear&/ sc"oo& beca$e a un%4ersa& de$and. @n Bact t"e ca$0s run b/ =. 3. <oundat%on %&&ustrate t"%s 4er/ 5e&&. ;ere -, 10, 11 /ear o&ds 0%ck u0 t"e 0r%$ar/ sc"oo& curr%cu&u$ reEu%re$ents 5%t"%n a $atter oB $ont"s. T"%s %s 0oss%b&e because t"ese c"%&dren "a4e been de4e&o0%n) t"e%r &earn%n) ab%&%t%es outs%de sc"oo&s. T"e =. 3. <oundat%on ca$0s a&so under&%ne t"e Bact t"at %B Bor$a& sc"oo& %s not $ade a4a%&ab&e to c"%&dren be/ond t"%s a)e )rou0, t"e/ 5%&& end u0 as 5ork%n) c"%&dren 5%t" &%tt&e sco0e oB %$0ro4%n) t"e%r kno5&ed)e base. A Bor$a& $%dd&e sc"oo& %s a $ust 5"et"er one )oes Bro$ a Bor$a& 0r%$ar/ sc"oo& c"anne& or Bro$ a 0r%$ar/ sc"oo& &e4e& sk%&& base &earnt %n an %nBor$a& sett%n). T"e absence oB $%dd&e sc"oo& %s $a%n&/ a Euest%on oB resources. A $%dd&e sc"oo& reEu%res a bu%&d%n) 5%t" se4era& roo$s, tra%ned teac"ers 5%t" 0ro0er sa&ar%es etc. T"e state %s re&uctant to a&&ocate resources Bor c"%&dren oB t"e 0oor un&ess t"ere %s 0ressure Bro$ t"e 0eo0&e as de$onstrated b/ !era&a. T"ereBore, t"e ad4ocac/ 0ro)ra$$e Bor e&%$%nat%on oB c"%&d &abour t"rou)" educat%on $ust %nc&ude un%4ersa&%sat%on oB e&e$entar/ educat%on 62##8 %nstead oB un%4ersa&%sat%on oB 0r%$ar/ educat%on 62P#8. W%t"out t"%s t"ere %s a dan)er t"at t"e 0ro)ra$$e 5%t" a&& )ood %ntent%ons, $a/ not succeed.


.LAT BED DUPLICATOR < A TOOL .OR DE7OCRATIC PRINT 7EDIA This essa describes the experience of the author -s. ,sha 0ao, in the use of low cost print media. 1he herself has mo!ed on to organic farming and 6hilip 7 rne, who manufactured these machines, has mo!ed to 5ngland.

7$ ,irst e1*erience 6ith the .lat=Bed Du*licator >.BD? @t started as an %nterest%n) ne5 t"%n) to tr/ out. @ &%ke to &earn ne5 t"%n)s and @ &%ke to use $/ "ands and see 5"et"er %t co$es out 5e&&. W%t" )reat e>c%te$ent and sense oB ac"%e4e$ent @ 5atc"ed t"e B%rst 0r%nt C oB t"e %&&ustrated nonsense r"/$e, co$e out C c&ear and dark C oB t"e "o$e-$ade &o5 cost <:9. Post creat%on, $an/ t"%n)s "a00ened. P"%&%0 :/rne 5orked on an %$0ro4ed con4en%ent des%)n and 0roduced t"e$ %n nu$bers. @ "e&0ed se4era& )rou0s to &earn %ts o0erat%on, to 0ut %t to use, %n $an/ d%BBerent s%tuat%ons. A&& %n a&&, %t 0ro4ed to be e>tre$e&/ useBu&. The .lat=Bed Du*licator :as%ca&&/ %s a subst%tute Bor t"e c/c&ost/&%n) $ac"%ne. 70erat%ona&&/ %t %s &%ke screen0r%nt%n) $%nus a&& t"e c"e$%ca& 0rocesses. @nstead, an ord%nar/ stenc%& %s used. T"e 0r%nc%0&e on 5"%c" t"e <:9 5orks %s 4er/ s%$0&e. So a&so %s t"e construct%on oB t"e du0&%cator.

T"e bas%c structure cons%sts oB a 5ooden Bra$e C *R > 15R on t"e %ns%de. T"e 5ooden 0%eces are 3/4R 5%de and UR t"%ck. Screen c&ot" %s B%tted to t"e Bra$e. T"e Bra$e %s t"en "%n)ed 6Bro$ t"e outs%de8 to a B&at board s&%)"t&/ b%))er t"an t"e Bra$e. T"e Bra$e $o4es u0 and do5n on t"e "%n)e &%ke t"e &%d oB a bo>. W"en at rest, t"e c&ot" surBace Baces t"e board. T"ere %s an arran)e$ent to B%> t"e stenc%& be&o5 t"e screen c&ot". W"en %nked, t"%s st%cks to t"e c&ot". T"e 0a0er %s stacked be&o5 on t"e board. A sEuee)ee or ro&&er %s used to 0ress out 0r%nts. 9u0&%cat%n) %nk Bro$ t"e tube %s sEueeKed onto t"e screen c&ot". W"en 0ressed 5%t" a sEuee)ee, %t s0reads o4er t"e &en)t" oB t"e c&ot", )oes t"rou)" t"e 0orous c&ot" and t"rou)" t"e cuts %n t"e stenc%&, $akes "o$e %n t"e 0a0er be&o5 to )%4e us our 0r%nt. T"e Bra$e %s &%Bted to re$o4e t"e 0r%nt and Beed t"e ne>t s"eet oB 0a0er.


.BD at 7! "! .oundation =. 3. <oundat%on %s co$$%tted to e&%$%nat%on oB c"%&d &abour, and be&%e4es t"e best 5a/ to do %t %s b/ ensur%n) a&& c"%&dren are %n sc"oo&. Co$e su$$er and t"e/ are bus/ conduct%n) res%dent%a& ca$0s Bor )%r&s and bo/s 5"o ot"er5%se 5ork at "o$e, )raKe catt&e, 5ork as a)r%cu&tura& &abourers etc. @n 3 C 4 $ont"s t"ese c"%&dren %n t"e a)e )rou0 oB + to 15 are "e&0ed to 'o%n $a%nstrea$ sc"oo&s Bro$ c&ass 2 to c&ass + de0end%n) on t"e sc"o&ast%c co$0etence acco$0&%s"ed. A&& t"ese c"%&dren are B%rst )enerat%on &earners and t"ere are $an/ t"%n)s about stud/%n) and sc"oo&%n) t"at are a&%en to t"e$ and t"e%r Ba$%&%es. =. 3. <oundat%onGs ca$0s "a4e succeeded %n br%n)%n) t"e$ %nto sc"oo&. 7ne oB t"e $et"ods "as been t"e use oB c"%&drenGs o5n &an)ua)e 5%t" content dra5n Bro$ t"e%r &%4es - Bor t"e %n%t%a& t5o $ont"s - t"en )radua&&/ $o4%n) onto standard 0rescr%bed te>ts. A )reat a$ount oB &earn%n) $ater%a& - stor%es, son)s, r%dd&es, and anecdotes - a&& art%cu&ated b/ t"ese c"%&dren are 0r%nted and used as educat%on $ater%a&. To 0r%nt t"ese %n re&at%4e&/ s$a&& nu$bers Bor %$$ed%ate use, t"e B&at-bed du0&%cator 5as used. A to0%c d%scussed %n c&ass on a 0art%cu&ar da/ 5as a4a%&ab&e on t"e Bo&&o5%n) %n 0r%nt C as 5orks"eets, as read%n) $ater%a&, as 0art oB t"e c"%&dGs o5n )ro5%n) te>tbook - a co&&ect%4e creat%on oB t"e ent%re c&ass. T"%s "e&0ed tre$endous&/ %n creat%n) a &%4e, %nteract%4e teac"%n)-&earn%n) en4%ron$ent. #4en c"%&dren )%4en to roa$%n) Bree and 5%&d Be&t at "o$e 5%t" a "%t"erto a&%en act%4%t/ oB d%sc%0&%ned a00&%cat%on. C$clost$ling 7achine vs! .lat=Bed Du*licator W"at does t"%s du0&%cator "a4e to reco$$end Bor %tse&B as a)a%nst t"e c/c&ost/&%n) $ac"%neN
1. @n4est$ent A 4er/ bas%c and Bunct%ona& du0&%cator oB t"%s k%nd can be se&B $ade

at a 4er/ &o5 cost

2. Pr%nt 7rder @ "a4e $ana)ed to 0r%nt 200 co0%es oBB a stenc%&. ABter 5"%c", t"e

stenc%& de4e&o0ed 5r%nk&es. A co$$erc%a& s"o0 %n ;arda "as used %t to 0r%nt 1000 co0%es oBB a s%n)&e stenc%& 6"ats oBB to t"e$J8. T"at s0eaks oB t"e ran)e and sco0e Bor de4e&o0%n) t"e sk%&&.
3. Work%n) to)et"er T"e best 0art @ &%ke about us%n) t"%s du0&%cator %s t"at %t

0ro4%des a 4er/ n%ce o00ortun%t/ to c"at 5%t" a Br%end. @t takes t5o to 0r%nt 5%t" t"e <:9 eas%&/. At a 0%nc", one can do %t a&one


4. 2ser contro& :etter a&%)n$ent ad'ust$ents are 0oss%b&e 5%t" <:9. T"ere %s &ess

sco0e Bor $ak%n) t"at k%nd oB a s"%Bt %n t"e c/c&ost/&%n) $ac"%ne.

5. 9es%)n%n) accord%n) to need T"ere %s sco0e Bor $ak%n) 4ar%at%ons %n t"e des%)n

and %$0ro4%n) t"e des%)n. P"%&%0 "as tr%ed a Be5. As $ore 0eo0&e use %t and 5ork on %t t"e des%)ns 5%&& )et better. A Drea2 7nce, 5"%&e 5ork%n) 5%t" an NH7, @ "ad a drea$ t"at e4er/ co$$un%t/ 5orker, 5ork%n) 5%t" 5 4%&&a)es, s"ou&d "a4e a du0&%cator and 0r%nt a ne5s&etter Bor t"e B%4e 4%&&a)es %n t"e &oca& &an)ua)e 5%t" t"e %n4o&4e$ent oB &oca& 0eo0&e. =ost NH7s br%n) out t"e%r ne5s&etter %n #n)&%s". @t %s sad t"at t"e e>0er%ences t"e/ )a%n b/ %nteract%n) 5%t" 0eo0&e are 5r%tten %n anot"er &an)ua)e and $ade %naccess%b&e to t"e$. T"e B&at-bed du0&%cator "as )reat 0otent%a& %n $ak%n) 0r%nt%n) de$ocrat%c. Tou $a/ 5r%te to $e %B /ou need "e&0 %n &earn%n) to use t"e B&at-bed du0&%cator.

Post -cri*t This article was written in the mid nineties. Technologicall , computers and photocopiers are common place toda . "owe!er, its rele!ance ma reestablish as application of low cost appropriate technologies could become a necessit in the near future. 8T. 3%'a/endra. Re,erence Ao5-Cost Pr%nt%n) Bor 9e4e&o0$ent, 3o&. 2., :/ .onat"an Ve%t&/n, Pub&%s"ed b/ Cend%t, C1 Soa$% Na)ar, Ne5 9e&"% 110 017


BOO@- ON EDUCATION 9co8author 8 ,sha 0ao) These lists of boo*s were de!eloped during the post 19:: enthusiasm. Toda , on the internet, se!eral such lists are a!ailable. ,nfortunatel , the are not selecti!el annotated 8 lea!ing a new education enthusiast bewildered. This article is a product of cooperation of se!eral enthusiasts who ha!e *nown, used and promoted these classics on education for ears. ABter t"e Second Wor&d War, t"e 1-+0s sa5 a ne5 k%nd oB u0"ea4a&. A$on) ot"er e4ents, %t %nc&uded t"e 3%etna$ War 0rotests %n t"e 2SA, student $o4e$ents a&& o4er t"e 5or&d, t"e S%no-So4%et debate, Cu&tura& 1e4o&ut%on %n C"%na and t"e Na>a&%te $o4e$ent %n @nd%a. @n %ts 5ake ca$e a 4%)orous cr%t%Eue oB t"e educat%ona& s/ste$ 6a&on) 5%t" %ssues oB race, )ender and "ea&t"8. :ooks &%ke D9an)er Sc"oo&D, D;o5 C"%&dren <a%&D, and FAetter to a Teac"erD 5ere 0ub&%s"ed dur%n) t"%s t%$e. T"ere 5as a searc" Bor a&ternat%4es %n educat%on. Peo0&e sou)"t to kno5 about ear&%er educat%ona& e>0er%$ents and eBBorts &%ke t"at oB To&sto/ and =ontessor%. @n @nd%a Ta)oreDs and Hand"%Ds e>0er%$ents 5ere stud%ed 5%t" %ncreased %nterest. T"ere 5as concern t"at, t"ou)" const%tut%ons 5ere e)a&%tar%an and )uaranteed educat%ona& o00ortun%t%es Bor a&&, t"e :&ack c"%&dren %n A$er%ca or 5orkersD c"%&dren %n @ta&/, &%ke t"e SC/ ST c"%&dren %n @nd%a 5ere dro00%n) out or Ba%&%n) %n &ar)e nu$bers. #ducat%on s/ste$ ser4ed to $a%nta%n and re0roduce t"e c&asses. @n @nd%a, %nno4at%4e educat%ona& eBBorts bur)eoned %n t"e 1-70s - s%)n%B%cant&/ %n =ad"/a Prades" and 1a'ast"an and a&so %n ot"er 0arts oB t"e countr/, and $ore recent&/ %n :%"ar. #ducat%ona& 'ourna&s &%ke DNa/a S"%ks"akD and FPa&as"D brou)"t to t"e Bore and $ade access%b&e $uc" oB t"e 0ro)ress%4e t"%nk%n) %n educat%on. !r%s"na !u$arGs F1a', Sa$a' aur S"%ks"aD 5as 5r%tten dur%n) t"%s 0er%od. =an/ books on educat%on 5ere read, re4%e5ed, d%scussed dur%n) t"%s 0er%od. 74er t%$e, so$e 25 oB t"e $ost d%scussed books 9see )ppendix) 5ere se&ected. :ecause oB t"%s 0rocess, $an/ oB t"ese books 5ere a4a%&ab&e %n ;%nd% e%t"er %n t"e Bor$ oB books or 'ourna&s. A )rou0 oB %nd%4%dua&s "a4e been 0ers%stent&/ 0ro$ot%n) t"e s0read oB t"ese books and educat%ona& %deas. =an/ oB t"e books are a4a%&ab&e and be%n) read %n #n)&%s" - 0art%cu&ar&/ %n t"e Sout". @n And"ra Prades" too, because oB t"e &e4e& oB 0o&%t%ca& act%4%t/ and an a5areness oB t"ese %ssues, $an/ oB t"e books "a4e been trans&ated and 0ub&%s"ed %n Te&u)u. =an/ ot"ers are %n t"e 0rocess oB be%n) trans&ated and 0ub&%s"ed b/ 4ar%ous %nterested 0ub&%s"ers. @n Bact, so$e 4er/ )ood books &%ke, DAetter to a Teac"erD, D9an)er Sc"oo&D, DPre0arat%on Bor 2nderstand%n)D and Ta)oreDs DS"%ks"aD "a4e been out oB 0r%nt Bor Eu%te so$e t%$e. T"e/ need to be 0r%nted ur)ent&/. So$e )ood books &%ke D;o5 C"%&dren <a%&D, To&sto/Ds D7n #ducat%onD need to be trans&ated. A%ke5%se, so$e or%)%na& 5orks %n Te&u)u are 4er/ )ood e.). Na$%n%Ds @sc"oo&u P%&&akaa/a&a !at"a. -elect Boo9 List T"e &%st %s %n t"ree )rou0s Po&%t%cs oB #ducat%onI C"%&d Centered #ducat%onI 3%s%on oB #ducat%on. #4%dent&/ t"e contents oB t"ese books 5%&& not str%ct&/ Bo&&o5 t"ese d%4%s%ons. To&sto/ Bor e>a$0&e 5as a 4%s%onar/, dee0&/ a5are oB t"e 0o&%t%cs oB educat%on and


contr%buted s%)n%B%cant&/ to c"%&d centered educat%on. @n Bact "e "as been ca&&ed t"e Bat"er oB c"%&d centered educat%on. A&& t"e sa$e, t"e broad d%4%s%on %s %nd%cat%4e oB content. @n eac" sect%on t"ere %s an atte$0t to order t"e &%st %n ter$s oB eas/ access to t"e reader. T"us %n t"e sect%on FPo&%t%cs oB #ducat%onG t"e B%rst book ALetter to a TeacherB %s actua&&/ 5r%tten b/ e%)"t @ta&%an 0oor c"%&dren 5"o Ba%&ed and &ater stud%ed %n a sc"oo& Bor dro0outs. T"e B%rst 0ara)ra0" oB t"e book announces t"e an)r/ and e&oEuent tone oB t"e re$a%nder oB t"e te>t Q9ear =%ss, Tou donGt re$e$ber $e or $/ na$e. Tou "a4e Ba%&ed so $an/ oB us. 7n t"e ot"er "and, @ "a4e oBten "ad t"ou)"ts about /ou, and t"e ot"er teac"ers, and about t"e %nst%tut%on 5"%c" /ou ca&& Fsc"oo&G and about t"e k%ds t"at /ou Ba%&. Tou Ba%& us r%)"t out %nto t"e B%e&ds and Bactor%es and t"ere /ou Bor)et us.R T"e book %s a 0o5erBu& cr%t%c oB t"e $a%nstrea$ sc"oo& s/ste$ and %s 5r%tten %n a stra%)"t Bor5ard s%$0&e st/&e. @n Bact, %t %s a $ode& oB "o5 to 5r%te and "and&e stat%st%csJ Danger -chool %s a book 5%t" %&&ustrat%ons and %s a cr%t%c oB t"e sc"oo& s/ste$ %n Nort" A$er%ca. Cohn HoltBs AHo6 Children .ailB %s a c&ass%c oB c&ass roo$ 0o&%t%cs. ;o&t %s a&so a 0o5erBu& ad4ocate oB out oB sc"oo& educat%on. !r%s"na !u$ar %s a B%ne sc"o&ar oB educat%on %n @nd%a and "%s books "a4e educated a&& oB us about t"e @nd%an educat%on scene. =/ron We%nerGs 5r%t%n)s "a4e %nB&uenced $ost c"%&d &abour erad%cat%on endea4ours. T"e/ $ake a 0o5erBu& case Bor state run co$0u&sor/ educat%on s/ste$. T"e second book, ACo2*ulsor$ Education and Child LabourB b$ 7$ron /einer %s a &ecture and "ence s$a&& and eas/ to read. A.acts against 7$thBD is b$ ACa2*aign against Child LabourBD 5"%c" de$/st%B%es $ed%a created $/t"s about c"%&d &abour. @t %s a s$a&& 0a$0"&et, 4er/ eas/ to read. @n t"e sect%on FC"%&d Centered #ducat%onG t"e &%st be)%ns 5%t" a B%ct%ona& but 4er/ c"ar$%n) account oB a sc"oo& - Divas6a*naB b$ 0i#ubhaiD t"e 0%oneer oB =ontessor% educat%on %n @nd%a. @t %s Bo&&o5ed b/ an eEua&&/ c"ar$%n) account oB a sc"oo&, ATottochanB b$ Tetsu9o @uro$angi %n .a0an. T"ese t5o books to)et"er "a4e so&d $ore co0%es t"an a&& t"e books %n t"e &%st. @t 5as Ar4%nd Hu0ta 5"o 0ersuaded t"e Nat%ona& :ook Trust to 0ub&%s" t"e$ %n #n)&%s" and se4era& @nd%an &an)ua)e ed%t%ons. :ut e4en beBore N:T ca$e %nto t"e 0%cture, se4era& ed%t%ons %n se4era& &an)ua)es 5ere c%rcu&at%n). =an/ readers, on read%n) t"e book, ordered se4era& co0%es to d%str%bute to t"e%r Br%ends. A!- NeillEs -u22erhill -choolD a co-educat%ona& board%n) sc"oo& %n SuBBo&k, #n)&and, %s t"e or%)%na& a&ternat%4e DBreeD sc"oo&. <ounded %n 1-21, %t cont%nues to be an %nB&uent%a& $ode& Bor 0ro)ress%4e de$ocrat%c educat%on around t"e 5or&d. Pre*aration ,or Understanding %s actua&&/ based on a book 5r%tten b/ Richard B! 0reggD a Hand"%an econo$%st, 5"o ran a sc"oo& %n ;%$ac"a& Prades". @t %s a 4er/ useBu& co$0end%u$ oB teac"%n) too&s Bor s$a&& c"%&dren us%n) $ater%a& a4a%&ab&e %n t"e 4%&&a)e. Teacher b$ -$lvia Ashton /arner %s a)a%n a c&ass%c oB &an)ua)e teac"%n) Bor s$a&& c"%&dren. T"e book descr%bes $et"ods %n 5"%c" c"%&dren dec%de 5"at t"e/ 5ant to &earn. AChildBs Language and the TeacherB b$ @rishna @u2ar br%n)s out t"e best %n &an)ua)e teac"%n) %n t"e 5or&d Bor an a4era)e %nterested reader. To Children I 0ive 7$

Heart b$ "! -u9ho2l$ns9$ %s a r%c" 1uss%an book about c"%&dren and "as %ns0%red $an/. T"e t"ree books The O*en Classroo2 b$ @! 7argaretD Ho6 to Use the Blac9board b$ David Horsburgh and The Blac9board Boo9 b$ Eleanor /atts descr%be e>0er%ences oB t"e conte$0orar/ @nd%an a&ternat%4e sc"oo& $o4e$ent, oBBer%n) a r%c" content oB 0ract%ca& e>0er%ences. T"e sect%on on 3%s%ons oB #ducat%on bas%ca&&/ dea&s 5%t" 5orks oB Tolsto$D TaogreD 0andhi and t"e So4%et educat%on%st Anton 7a9aren9o. 2nBortunate&/ To&sto/Gs 5orks %n #n)&%s" are not eas%&/ a4a%&ab&e, a&t"ou)" on t"e net /ou can )et so$e on F:ooks 7n&%neG. So a&so, a&& oB Ta)oreGs 5r%t%n)s are not a4a%&ab&e %n #n)&%s". :ot" To&sto/ and Ta)ore 5ere )reat aut"ors and contr%buted to 5or&d &%terature %n a b%) 5a/. :ot" a&so t"ou)"t t"at t"e%r 5ork %n educat%on 5as t"e $ost s%)n%B%cant as0ect oB t"e%r 5ork. :ot" ran sc"oo&s and contr%buted to c"%&drenGs &%terature. Hand"% on t"e ot"er "and "ad a $ora& and econo$%c 0ro)ra$$e %n educat%on. 7ul9 Ra# Anad %n "%s s$a&& book AOn EducationB cr%t%ca&&/ e>a$%nes %t and co$b%nes %t 5%t" Tao)oreGs a00roac" oB art educat%on. =akarenkoGs e>0er%ence 5as $a%n&/ 5%t" t"e so ca&&ed F'u4en%&e de&%nEuentsG, but "e %s a 0roBound t"%nker and 0ract%t%oner and "as a 5onderBu& understand%n) oB c"%&dren. ;%s ABoo9 ,or *arentsB %s a 4er/ "eart 5ar$%n) book. W"%&e a&$ost a&& aut"ors a)ree on d%scr%$%nat%on a)a%nst t"e 0oor t"at e>%sts %n t"e sc"oo& s/ste$ t"e/ do not a)ree on a so&ut%on. As a ru&e, t"e &%bertar%ans or anarc"%sts be&%e4e %n runn%n) t"e%r o5n sc"oo&s, 5"ereas ot"ers be&%e4e %n de$and%n) Bro$ t"e 5e&Bare state eEua& r%)"ts. T"%s debate runs r%)"t t"rou)" %n a&& t"e sect%ons abo4e. @n educat%on, t"e &%bertar%an or anarc"%st trend "as been 4er/ %nB&uent%a& because t"e %dea oB Breedo$ %s at t"e core oB $ost educat%on t"%nkers. To&sto/, .o"n ;o&t and A. S. Ne%& "a4e been art%cu&ate about %t. A 4er/ )ood re4%e5 oB t"%s trend %s a4a%&ab&e %n AThe Underground and EducationB b$ 7i9e -2ith! T"%s book %s not %nc&uded %n t"e &%st because @ "a4e bou)"t %t se4era& t%$es %n t"e second "and book $arket but "a4e ne4er seen %t %n bookstores. Anot"er book not %nc&uded %n t"e &%st %s Deschooling -ociet$ b$ Ivan Illich $a%n&/ because t"e &an)ua)e %s 4er/ d%BB%cu&t. Availabilit$ 7ne oB t"e B%rst Euest%on 0eo0&e ask %s about t"e a4a%&ab%&%t/ oB t"ese books. @ a$ aBra%d, at no t%$e are a&& a4a%&ab&e at one )o. =ost 0eo0&e co&&ect t"e$ o4er t%$e. Nat%ona& :ook Trust "as 0ub&%s"ed 9%4as5a0na and Tottoc"an %n $an/ @nd%an &an)ua)es and %n #n)&%s". T"ere are t5o bookstores 5"%c" "a4e tr%ed to $ake $an/ oB t"ese books a4a%&ab&e. T"e/ are t"e 7t"er @nd%a :ookstore, =a0usa, Hoa, 555.ot"$ and #art"care :ooks, !o&kata, www.earthcareboo* :ot" su00&/ books b/ 0ost and take orders on&%ne. Ar4%nd Hu0ta oBBers $an/ oB t"ese books as Bree do5n&oads on "%s 5ebs%te 555.ar4%nd)u0tato/$ So$e or)an%sat%ons %n4o&4ed %n educat%on a&so se&& se&ect books on educat%on. T"e/ are #k&a4/a, :"o0a&, Sa"%t/a C"a/ana, Ne5 9e&"%, :a& Sa"%t%, C"and%)ar" and S"%s"u =%&a0, :aroda.


-ELECT LI-T O. BOO@- ON EDUCATION Politics o, Education 1. Aetter to Teac"er b/ Sc"oo& oB :arb%ana 2. 9an)er Sc"oo& b/ @9AC 3. ;o5 C"%&dren <a%& b/ .o"n ;o&t 4. Soc%a& C"aracter oB Aearn%n) b/ !r%s"na !u$ar 5. Po&%t%ca& A)enda oB #ducat%on b/ !r%s"na !u$ar +. T"e State and t"e C"%&d %n @nd%a b/ =/ron We%ner 7. Co$0u&sor/ #ducat%on and C"%&d Aabour b/ =/ron We%ner *. <acts a)a%nst =/t"s - C"%&d Aabour b/ =. !a$at Child Centered Education -. 9%4as5a0na b/ H%'ub"a% 10. Tottoc"an b/ T. !uro/an)% 11. Su$$er"%&& b/ A. S. Ne%& 12. Pre0arat%on Bor 2nderstand%n) b/ !e%t" Warren 13. Teac"er b/ S. A. Warner 14. C"%&dGs Aan)ua)e and t"e Teac"er b/ !r%s"na !u$ar 15. To C"%&dren @ H%4e =/ ;eart b/ 3. Suk"o$&/nsk/ 16. T"e 70en C&assroo$ b/ !. =ar)aret 17. ;o5 to 2se t"e :&ackboard b/ 9a4%d ;orsbur)" 18. T"e :&ackboard :ook b/ #&eanor Watts "ision o, Education
19. 7n Po0u&ar #ducat%on b/ Aeo To&sto/ 20. Ta)ore - P%oneer %n #ducat%on b/ #&$"urst 21. :as%c #ducat%on b/ =. !. Hand"% 22. T"e Stor/ oB Na% Ta&%$ b/ =ar'or%e S/kes 23. 7n #ducat%on b/ =u&k 1a' Anad 24. 1oad to A%Be b/ Anton =akarenko 25. :ook Bor Parents b/ Anton =akarenko


"AN@A Anton Che9hov 3AN!A V;2!73, a bo/ oB n%ne, 5"o "ad been Bor t"ree $ont"s a00rent%ced to A&/as"%n t"e s"oe$aker, 5as s%tt%n) u0 on C"r%st$as #4e. Wa%t%n) t%&& "%s $aster and $%stress and t"e%r 5ork$en "ad )one to t"e $%dn%)"t ser4%ce, "e took out oB "%s $asterDs cu0board a bott&e oB %nk and a 0en 5%t" a rust/ n%b, and, s0read%n) out a cru$0&ed s"eet oB 0a0er %n Bront oB "%$, be)an 5r%t%n). :eBore Bor$%n) t"e B%rst &etter "e se4era& t%$es &ooked round BearBu&&/ at t"e door and t"e 5%ndo5s, sto&e a )&ance at t"e dark %con, on bot" s%des oB 5"%c" stretc"ed s"e&4es Bu&& oB &asts, and "ea4ed a broken s%)". T"e 0a0er &a/ on t"e benc" 5"%&e "e kne&t beBore %t. P9ear )randBat"er, !onstant%n =akar%tc",P "e 5rote, P@ a$ 5r%t%n) /ou a &etter. @ 5%s" /ou a "a00/ C"r%st$as, and a&& b&ess%n)s Bro$ Hod A&$%)"t/. @ "a4e ne%t"er Bat"er nor $ot"erI /ou are t"e on&/ one &eBt Bor $e.P 3anka ra%sed "%s e/es to t"e dark %con on 5"%c" t"e &%)"t oB "%s cand&e 5as reB&ected, and 4%4%d&/ reca&&ed "%s )randBat"er, !onstant%n =akar%tc", 5"o 5as n%)"t 5atc"$an to a Ba$%&/ ca&&ed V"%4are4. ;e 5as a t"%n but e>traord%nar%&/ n%$b&e and &%4e&/ &%tt&e o&d $an oB s%>t/-B%4e, 5%t" an e4er&ast%n)&/ &au)"%n) Bace and drunken e/es. :/ da/ "e s&e0t %n t"e ser4antsD k%tc"en, or $ade 'okes 5%t" t"e cooksI at n%)"t, 5ra00ed %n an a$0&e s"ee0sk%n, "e 5a&ked round t"e )rounds and ta00ed 5%t" "%s &%tt&e $a&&et. 7&d !as"tanka and #e&, soca&&ed on account oB "%s dark co&our and "%s &on) bod/ &%ke a 5ease&Ds, Bo&&o5ed "%$ 5%t" "an)%n) "eads. T"%s #e& 5as e>ce0t%ona&&/ 0o&%te and aBBect%onate, and &ooked 5%t" eEua& k%ndness on stran)ers and "%s o5n $asters, but "ad not a 4er/ )ood re0utat%on. 2nder "%s 0o&%teness and $eekness 5as "%dden t"e $ost .esu%t%ca& cunn%n). No one kne5 better "o5 to cree0 u0 on occas%on and sna0 at oneDs &e)s, to s&%0 %nto t"e store-roo$, or stea& a "en Bro$ a 0easant. ;%s "%nd &e)s "ad been near&/ 0u&&ed oBB $ore t"an once, t5%ce "e "ad been "an)ed, e4er/ 5eek "e 5as t"ras"ed t%&& "e 5as "a&B dead, but "e a&5a/s re4%4ed. At t"%s $o$ent )randBat"er 5as, no doubt, stand%n) at t"e )ate, scre5%n) u0 "%s e/es at t"e red 5%ndo5s oB t"e c"urc", sta$0%n) 5%t" "%s "%)" Be&t boots, and 'ok%n) 5%t" t"e ser4ants. ;%s &%tt&e $a&&et 5as "an)%n) on "%s be&t. ;e 5as c&as0%n) "%s "ands, s"ru))%n) 5%t" t"e co&d, and, 5%t" an a)ed c"uck&e, 0%nc"%n) B%rst t"e "ouse$a%d, t"en t"e cook. P;o5 about a 0%nc" oB snuBBNP "e 5as sa/%n), oBBer%n) t"e 5o$en "%s snuBB-bo>. T"e 5o$en 5ou&d take a sn%BB and sneeKe. HrandBat"er 5ou&d be %ndescr%bab&/ de&%)"ted, )o oBB %nto a $err/ c"uck&e, and cr/ PTear %t oBB, %t "as BroKen onJP T"e/ )%4e t"e do)s a sn%BB oB snuBB too. !as"tanka sneeKes, 5r%))&es "er "ead and 5a&ks a5a/ oBBended. #e& does not sneeKe, Bro$ 0o&%teness, but 5a)s "%s ta%&. And t"e 5eat"er %s )&or%ous. T"e a%r %s st%&&, Bres", and trans0arent. T"e n%)"t %s dark, but one can see t"e

5"o&e 4%&&a)e 5%t" %ts 5"%te rooBs and co%&s oB s$oke co$%n) Bro$ t"e c"%$ne/s, t"e trees s%&4ered 5%t" "oar Brost, t"e sno5dr%Bts. T"e 5"o&e sk/ s0an)&ed 5%t" )a/ t5%nk&%n) stars, and t"e =%&k/ Wa/ %s as d%st%nct as t"ou)" %t "ad been 5as"ed and rubbed 5%t" sno5 Bor a "o&%da/. . . . 3anka s%)"ed, d%00ed "%s 0en, and 5ent on 5r%t%n) PAnd /esterda/ @ "ad a 5%))%n). T"e $aster 0u&&ed $e out %nto t"e /ard b/ $/ "a%r, and 5"acked $e 5%t" a boot-stretc"er because @ acc%denta&&/ Be&& as&ee0 5"%&e @ 5as rock%n) t"e%r brat %n t"e crad&e. And a 5eek a)o t"e $%stress to&d $e to c&ean a "err%n), and @ be)an Bro$ t"e ta%& end, and s"e took t"e "err%n) and t"rust %ts "ead %n $/ Bace. T"e 5ork$en &au)" at $e and send $e to t"e ta4ern Bor 4odka, and te&& $e to stea& t"e $asterDs cucu$bers Bor t"e$, and t"e $aster beats $e 5%t" an/t"%n) t"at co$es to "and. And t"ere %s not"%n) to eat. @n t"e $orn%n) t"e/ )%4e $e bread, Bor d%nner, 0orr%d)e, and %n t"e e4en%n), bread a)a%nI but as Bor tea, or sou0, t"e $aster and $%stress )obb&e %t a&& u0 t"e$se&4es. And @ a$ 0ut to s&ee0 %n t"e 0assa)e, and 5"en t"e%r 5retc"ed brat cr%es @ )et no s&ee0 at a&&, but "a4e to rock t"e crad&e. 9ear )randBat"er, s"o5 t"e d%4%ne $erc/I take $e a5a/ Bro$ "ere, "o$e to t"e 4%&&a)e. @tDs $ore t"an @ can bear. @ bo5 do5n to /our Beet, and 5%&& 0ra/ to Hod Bor /ou Bor e4er, take $e a5a/ Bro$ "ere or @ s"a&& d%e.P 3ankaDs $out" 5orked, "e rubbed "%s e/es 5%t" "%s b&ack B%st, and )a4e a sob. P@ 5%&& 0o5der /our snuBB Bor /ou,P "e 5ent on. P@ 5%&& 0ra/ Bor /ou, and %B @ do an/t"%n) /ou can t"ras" $e &%ke S%dorDs )oat. And %B /ou t"%nk @D4e no 'ob, t"en @ 5%&& be) t"e ste5ard Bor C"r%stDs sake to &et $e c&ean "%s boots, or @D&& )o Bor a s"e0"erd-bo/ %nstead oB <edka. 9ear )randBat"er, %t %s $ore t"an @ can bear, %tDs s%$0&/ no &%Be at a&&. @ 5anted to run a5a/ to t"e 4%&&a)e, but @ "a4e no boots, and @ a$ aBra%d oB t"e Brost. W"en @ )ro5 u0 b%) @ 5%&& take care oB /ou Bor t"%s, and not &et an/one anno/ /ou, and 5"en /ou d%e @ 5%&& 0ra/ Bor t"e rest oB /our sou&, 'ust as Bor $/ $a$$/Ds.P P=osco5 %s a b%) to5n. @tDs a&& )ent&e$enDs "ouses, and t"ere are &ots oB "orses, but t"ere are no s"ee0, and t"e do)s are not s0%teBu&. T"e &ads "ere donDt )o out 5%t" t"e star, and t"e/ donDt &et an/one )o %nto t"e c"o%r, and once @ sa5 %n a s"o0 5%ndo5 B%s"%n)-"ooks Bor sa&e, B%tted read/ 5%t" t"e &%ne and Bor a&& sorts oB B%s", a5Bu&&/ )ood ones, t"ere 5as e4en one "ook t"at 5ou&d "o&d a Bort/-0ound s"eat-B%s". And @ "a4e seen s"o0s 5"ere t"ere are )uns oB a&& sorts, aBter t"e 0attern oB t"e $asterDs )uns at "o$e, so t"at @ s"ou&dnDt 5onder %B t"e/ are a "undred roub&es eac" ... And %n t"e butc"ersD s"o0s t"ere are )rouse and 5oodcocks and B%s" and "ares, but t"e s"o0 $en donDt sa/ 5"ere t"e/ s"oot t"e$.P P9ear )randBat"er, 5"en t"e/ "a4e t"e C"r%st$as tree at t"e b%) "ouse, )et $e a )%&t 5a&nut, and 0ut %t a5a/ %n t"e )reen trunk. Ask t"e /oun) &ad/ 7&)a @)nat/e4na, sa/ %tDs Bor 3anka.P 3anka )a4e a tre$u&ous s%)", and a)a%n stared at t"e 5%ndo5. ;e re$e$bered "o5 "%s )randBat"er a&5a/s 5ent %nto t"e Borest to )et t"e C"r%st$as tree Bor "%s $asterDs Ba$%&/,


and took "%s )randson 5%t" "%$. @t 5as a $err/ t%$eJ HrandBat"er $ade a no%se %n "%s t"roat, t"e Borest crack&ed 5%t" t"e Brost, and &ook%n) at t"e$ 3anka c"ort&ed too. :eBore c"o00%n) do5n t"e C"r%st$as tree, )randBat"er 5ou&d s$oke a 0%0e, s&o5&/ take a 0%nc" oB snuBB, and &au)" at BroKen 3anka. T"e /oun) B%r trees, co4ered 5%t" "oar Brost, stood $ot%on&ess, 5a%t%n) to see 5"%c" oB t"e$ 5as to d%e. W"ere4er one &ooked, a "are B&e5 &%ke an arro5 o4er t"e sno5dr%Bts . . . . HrandBat"er cou&d not reBra%n Bro$ s"out%n) P;o&d "%$, "o&d "%$ . . . "o&d "%$J A"J t"e bob-ta%&ed de4%&JP W"en "e "ad cut do5n t"e C"r%st$as tree, )randBat"er used to dra) %t to t"e b%) "ouse, and t"ere set to 5ork to decorate %t WT"e /oun) &ad/, 5"o 5as 3ankaDs Ba4our%te, 7&)a @)nat/e4na, 5as t"e bus%est oB a&&. W"en 3ankaDs $ot"er Pe&a)e/a 5as a&%4e, and a ser4ant %n t"e b%) "ouse, 7&)a @)nat/e4na used to )%4e "%$ )ood%es, and "a4%n) not"%n) better to do, tau)"t "%$ to read and 5r%te, to count u0 to a "undred, and e4en to dance a Euadr%&&e. W"en Pe&a)e/a d%ed, 3anka "ad been transBerred to t"e ser4antsD k%tc"en to be 5%t" "%s )randBat"er, and Bro$ t"e k%tc"en to t"e s"oe$akerDs %n =osco5. P9o co$e, dear )randBat"er,P 3anka 5ent on 5%t" "%s &etter. P<or C"r%stDs sake, @ be) /ou, take $e a5a/. ;a4e 0%t/ on an un"a00/ or0"an &%ke $eI "ere e4er/one knocks $e about, and @ a$ BearBu&&/ "un)r/I @ canDt te&& /ou 5"at $%ser/ %t %s, @ a$ a&5a/s cr/%n). And t"e ot"er da/ t"e $aster "%t $e on t"e "ead 5%t" a &ast, so t"at @ Be&& do5n. =/ &%Be %s 5retc"ed, 5orse t"an an/ do)Ds W @ send )reet%n)s to A&/ona, one-e/ed Te)orka, and t"e coac"$an, and donDt )%4e $/ concert%na to an/one. @ re$a%n /our )randson, @4an V"uko4. 9ear )randBat"er, do co$e.P 3anka Bo&ded t"e s"eet oB 5r%t%n)-0a0er t5%ce, and 0ut %t %nto an en4e&o0e "e "ad bou)"t t"e da/ beBore Bor a ko0eck W ABter t"%nk%n) a &%tt&e, "e d%00ed t"e 0en and 5rote t"e address To )randBat"er %n t"e 4%&&a)e. T"en "e scratc"ed "%s "ead, t"ou)"t a &%tt&e, and added !onstant%n =akar%tc". H&ad t"at "e "ad not been 0re4ented Bro$ 5r%t%n), "e 0ut on "%s ca0 and, 5%t"out 0utt%n) on "%s &%tt&e )reatcoat, ran out %nto t"e street as "e 5as %n "%s s"%rt W T"e s"o0 $en at t"e butc"erDs, 5"o$ "e "ad Euest%oned t"e da/ beBore, to&d "%$ t"at &etters 5ere 0ut %n 0ost-bo>es, and Bro$ t"e bo>es 5ere carr%ed about a&& o4er t"e eart" %n $a%& carts 5%t" drunken dr%4ers and r%n)%n) be&&s. 3anka ran to t"e nearest 0ost-bo>, and t"rust t"e 0rec%ous &etter %n t"e s&%t W An "our &ater, &u&&ed b/ s5eet "o0es, "e 5as sound as&ee0 W ;e drea$ed oB t"e sto4e. 7n t"e sto4e 5as s%tt%n) "%s )randBat"er, s5%n)%n) "%s bare &e)s, and read%n) t"e &etter to t"e cooks W :/ t"e sto4e 5as #e&, 5a))%n) "%s ta%&.


EPILO0UE <ro$ N%neteent" centur/ 3anka to T5ent/ <%rst centur/ @nd%a %s a &on) 5a/ bot" %n t%$e and d%stance. And /et, 3anka touc"es us, not 'ust because a )reat aut"or "as 5r%tten a 4er/ "eart rend%n) stor/. T"e Bact %s, t"ere are $%&&%ons oB 3ankas %n toda/Gs @nd%a. C"%&d &abour toda/ %s not &%ke t"e Beuda& )u%&d a00rent%ce descr%bed %n 3anka. @n $an/ 5a/s %t %s $uc" 5orse. @t 0ers%sts $a%n&/ %n ABr%ca and %n As%a - e>ce0t C"%na and As%an T%)ers countr%es. T"ou)" 0ract%ca&&/ abo&%s"ed %n t"e ad4anced ca0%ta&%st and soc%a&%st countr%es, %n s$a&&er nu$bers %t 0robab&/ e>%sts e4er/ 5"ere. A&so, bes%de &abour, t"ere are c"%&d so&d%ers and c"%&d 0rost%tutes. @n a&&, %t st%&& re$a%ns a $a'or 0rob&e$. C"%&d &abour abo&%t%on 0ro)ra$$es a&& o4er t"e 5or&d 5%&& not be ab&e to abo&%s" %t, but can certa%n&/ $ake 0eo0&e a5are oB t"e 0rob&e$. T"e eBBorts oB br%n)%n) c"%&dren back to sc"oo& and $a%nstrea$ 5%&& re)a%n t"e%r %$0ortance 5"en ot"er Borces oB soc%a& c"an)e 'o%n "ands. T"%s &%tt&e book %s a s$a&& contr%but%on to t"%s 0rocess. W%t" t"e current cr%s%s t"at ca0%ta&%s$ B%nds %tse&B 5or&d o4er, 5%nds oB c"an)e a)a%n are ra)%n). A ne5 )enerat%on oB act%4%sts 5%&& soon be tak%n) u0 a&& t"ese %ssues, once a)a%n, 5%t" ne5 ener)%es. T"%s book %s addressed to t"e$ and ded%cated to t"e$.


About the author T. 3%'a/endra 61-43- 8 %s a :. Tec". 6#&ectron%cs8 Bro$ @. @. T. !"ara)0ur 61-++8. ;e "as been en)a)%n) 5%t" t"e trade un%on $o4e$ents, a&ternat%4e 'ourna&%s$, &%brar%es, books"o0s and 0ub&%s"%n), researc", "ea&t", educat%on and en4%ron$ent Bor Bour decades no5. ;e &%4es on an or)an%c Bar$ %n t"e Boot"%&& oB t"e Western Hnats, 5atc"%n) b%rds, 5r%t%n) occas%ona&&/ - $a%n&/ Bor act%4%st educat%on %n t"e 'ourna& /rontier, Bro$ !o&kata. ;e "as 0ub&%s"ed scores oB suc" art%c&es %n ;%nd%, :en)a&% and #n)&%s" %n 4ar%ous a&ternat%4e 'ourna&s. ;as 0ub&%s"ed book&ets on occu0at%ona& "ea&t" oB t"e 5orkers oB te>t%&e %ndustr/ and coa& %ndustr/ 6%n ;%nd% and 2rdu8, "o5 to run "obb/ &%brar%es and books"o0s 6;%nd% and Te&u)u8, T"e Teac"er and C"%&d Aabour 6Te&u)u8 and T"e Aosers S"a&& @n"er%t t"e Wor&d 6#n)&%s"8. About the boo9 T"%s book conta%ns art%c&es on educat%on and c"%&d &abour. @t %s $a%n&/ addressed to act%4%sts 5ork%n) Bor e&%$%nat%on oB c"%&d &abour t"rou)" un%4ersa&%sat%on oB e&e$entar/ educat%on. T"e book 5%&& a&so be oB %nterest to a&& t"ose %nterested %n educat%on oB t"e 0oor and 5ork%n) 0eo0&e and t"ose %n4o&4ed %n a&ternat%4e educat%on. 7r%)%na&&/ 0ub&%s"ed %n Te&u)u, t"e 0resent #n)&%s" ed%t%on "as been co$0&ete&/ re4%sed. A0art Bro$ t"e e0on/$ous &ead art%c&e, t"e ot"er t"eoret%ca& art%c&es are, 2nderstand%n) C"%&d Aabour, Peda)o)/ oB t"e Poor and :e)%nn%n) %n t"e =%dd&e 6e$0"as%K%n) t"e %$0ortance oB $%dd&e sc"oo&8. T"e book co4ers 0ract%ca& sub'ects &%ke %$0ro4%n) "and5r%t%n) and t"e use oB t"e <&at :ed 9u0&%cator. T"ere %s an annotated b%b&%o)ra0"/ oB t"e best books %n a&ternat%4e educat%on. T"e book ends 5%t" a "eart rend%n) s"ort stor/ b/ C"ek"o4 about an a00rent%ce c"%&d 5orker %n n%neteent" centur/ 1uss%a.


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