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Question Bank for M.

Tech Program Soft skills

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS (1 mark each) Define automotive passion. What is the best camera in the world? What are the advantages of yoga? How can a person look confident although he may not be feeling confident from inside? The tasks are segregated on the basis of _________ & ____________ in Time Management Matrix. Which of the following is/are associated with death and should not be given as gifts in the Chinese culture? A. Clocks B. Straw sandals C. Handkerchief D. Stork or a crane E. All of the above.

7. Which is the best computer in the world? 8. Name the criteria for review of technical papers. 9. While writing SAE papers give an example of how to give reference of old SAE paper. 10. What is the purpose of QFD? 11. Write formula for Product Power. 12. What is Lessons Learnt? 13. In DFMEA how is RPN arrived at? 14. Name types of Design Reviews? 15. Define Confidence. 16. Who is Karina Kapoors favorite in the movie Jab We Met? 17. Expand Acronyms: ATM and 3SRB in Dynamic yoga? 18. Which one will go high in the sky: The blue balloon as the red balloon? 19. Name 6 types of body languages while dealing with people? 20. What do you understand by 'Circadian Rhythms'? 21. What is 86,400? 22. What are the major benefits of Time Management, from organizations perspective? 23. Solve all ten Quizzes (10x1) i. man board ii. stand i iii. iv. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. M.Tech Ph.D. knee light ground Feet /r/e/a/d/i/n/g/ He's x himself cycle, cycle, cycle death ... life ababaaabbbbaaaabbbb ababaabbaaabbbb...

24. What the three steps of Powerful Presentation?

Question Bank for M.Tech Program Soft skills

25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. What are 5Ws and 1H? How is a Group Discussion initiated? What is the amount of clutch pedal free play in a vehicle with cable operated clutch? Which tire will give better handling: 145/70 R12 or 145/80 R12? During Vehicle Behavioral Feel, the effect of tire pressure on vehicle handling is such that Tyre will behave like _____________ or _____________. What comes next in the sequence: 0 7 26 63 ? What is the next letter: b f j p ? You are in a race and you overtake the person who is in second place. What is your position now? Six drinking glasses stand in a row, with the first three full of juice and the next three empty. By moving only one glass can you arrange them so empty and full glasses alternate? A man is asked what his daughters look like. He answers, "They are all blondes, but two; all brunettes, but two; all redheads, but two. How many daughters does he have? Add a single line to this equation in order to make it true: 105 + 2 + 5 = 350. You begin reading a book 240 pages long. If you read half of the remaining book each day, how long would it take you to finish the book? What is the product of the following series: (x-a), (x-b), (x-c), .....(x-z) ? What is it that goes with an automobile and comes with it; is of no use to it, and yet the automobile cannot move without it? If: 2 + 3 = 10 7 + 2 = 63 6 + 5 = 66 8 + 4 = 96 Then: 9 + 7 = ?? What is 80/20 Rule? What is interpersonal communication? How does receiving feedback increase blind area? What is SWOT Analysis? What is QFD?

41. 42. 43. 44. 45.

Question Bank for M.Tech Program Soft skills

ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS (5 marks each) 1 . Match the following for a Case Study related to types of speech/body languages i Raju, the mechanic is giving a speech a Persuasive speech ii iii iv v 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Balasaheb Purandare to Chatrapati Shivaji Karthik, the salesman is trying to sell his product Ashwin, the Engineer is demonstrating a product Ajit is attending a Condolence meeting b c d e Speech for informing Inspirational speech Facial Expressions Gestures

Explain five learnable components for multiplying your confidence. How do we assess ourselves and how do we set Goals? Explain Johari Window with a neat sketch. Explain Balanced Score Card Perspective with a neat sketch. What are the desired qualities of a team player? Distinguish between Leaders and Managers. What are the major reasons of procrastination? What do you understand by term Communication? Explain various elements of communication process. 9. Expand the following Acronyms (10 x 0.5) i. APQP ii. CFT iii. DFMA iv. DFMEA v. DVP&R vi. FTA vii. PCF viii. PFMEA ix. SAM x. VOC xi. ASAP xii. AWOL xiii. CYM xiv. FFCS xv. FOC xvi. FYIP xvii. FYEO xviii. IDLI xix. LOL xx. TTYL

Question Bank for M.Tech Program Soft skills

10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Explain the Vehicle Development Cycle with a neat sketch? Explain the process of Benchmarking with a neat sketch? What are 5 Ws and 1H? Explain how this can be used in failure investigation? Write a short note as Knowledge Management? You have been asked to conduct Design of Experiments (DoE) for on engine for lower emissions. Draw a Table to explain how weighted selection of parameters is done? 15. You have been asked to conduct a session of a Conference, where Technical Papers are to be presented. Prepare a check list for the same? 16. How do people process information? How will you use these facts to make you Presentation powerful? 17. Derive Function, Quality and Quality Elements of a Refrigerator for QFD

18. .Match the following for a Case Study related to Group Discussion i ii iii iv v Gautami accused other candidate for being a male Chauvinish Vijaya interrupted every opportunity other candidates at b Low confidence level Self-centered She is not a team player Confident leader Lost objectivity and made personal attack.

Aditi used statistical data like 20.56%, c 24.27%, etc. frequently Aruna was nervous and only nodded her d head to support others. Sumukhi had clarity of thoughts and was e listening & probing other to provide more information. Finally, summarized all what was spoken at the end.

19. 20. 21. 22.

Draw all Round Skills Triangle for achieving success. Explain auto passion and its levels with examples? Why do we need to set Goals? What are the key factors for Goal achievements? What are the barriers in effective inter-personal communications and illustrate actions for their elimination.

Question Bank for M.Tech Program Soft skills

23. Why have Teams become popular? Define Team and explain different stages in Team Development, 24. What are the desired qualities of a leader 25. Explain typical stages of interview and write 5 questions the interviewer should ask. 26. Why is training necessary? An engineer is not a team player and creates problem in the team what are your recommendations? 27. Expand the following Acronyms 1. SAE 2. AWIM 3. SIAT 4. DoE 5. PFMEA 6. SAM 7. VOC 8. SWOT 9. PIP 10. RNTBCI 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. During Vehicle Behavioral Feel, what type of conversation can the operator and vehicle have? What are the various static & dynamic tests conducted for Vehicle Evaluation? Make a template of SAE paper? Explain Explicit and Tacit Knowledge? You have been asked to organize a Seminar from scratch. Prepare a check list for the same. How are technical papers evaluated? Explain the process of QFD. How is RPN evolved in DFMEA? Discuss three levels of passion. Explain the characteristics of a Confident person. How do we assess ourselves and how do we set Goals? Give examples of Aggressive, Passive and passive-aggressive Behaviour. Explain the concepts "Urgent" & "Important". How will you prioritize you work with the help of the "Time Management Matrix"?

41. What the skills observed in a Group Discussion? 42. Draw DFMEA Table and explain various ratings.

Question Bank for M.Tech Program Soft skills

43. Pick-up the correct answer from Multiple Choice (5 x 1)
Sr. No. I Question A B C D

An organized and disciplined approach to problem solving in most Six Sigma organizations follows which of the following steps? Who is known as 'Father of Six Sigma'?






Deming Financi al Benefits General electric Project Sponsor

Taguchi Market share growth Motoro la Yellow Belt

Bill Smith Defect reduction s Allied Signal Green Belt

Juran Custome r focus

III What has been the principal motivating factor for Top Management in deploying Six Sigma Approach? IV In which of the companies, Six Sigma was first implemented? V Who has the most skills in Six Sigma?


Black Belt

44. Name the company based on Logos (10 x 0.5)








Question Bank for M.Tech Program Soft skills

ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS (10 marks Each) 1. Add signs to solve the following Quizzes (09 x 1) (No unequal sign allowed. If all the answers are correct here, you get 10/10) (10)

2. Solve the following Quizzes i. What comes next in the sequence: 0 3 8 15 24 ? ii. What comes next in the sequence: ST ND RD ? iii. What is the next letter: O T T F F S S E ? iv. Which is the only whole number which written out as a word, has its letters in alphabetical order? v. I do not like those people leaving ____________scattered everywhere. a. Fill in the blank with right vegetables: peas, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, beet. i. How can you get the two rows to add to the same total by moving just one of the cards? 3. 1 8. 4 4. 2 9. 5 B A 5. 3 10. 6 6. 7 11. 9 7. 8 12. 0

C D a) Divide unshaded portions of A in 2 equal & identical parts.

Question Bank for M.Tech Program Soft skills

b) Divide unshaded portions of B in 3 equal & identical parts. c) Divide unshaded portions of C in 4 equal & identical parts. d) Divide unshaded portions of D in 7 equal & identical parts. ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS (50 marks) Give a presentation on a Vehicle Model in a group of two, based on the following task: (50)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Visit to any Automotive Dealership Showroom in Pune Select any model of Car/ Vehicle (No repetition of models allowed) Find out all Technical & Non-Technical details of that Vehicle model. Talk to the dealer, sales person, driver, mechanics, etc. and find out the peculiarities of the car. Take a demo drive and talk & feel the vehicle. Understand all positive & negative sides of the model. Describe your observations, criticism, suggestions, etc. of the model. Prepare a Word Document Report and submit before Soft Skill Practical Exam. Prepare a Power Point presentation and deliver during Soft Skill Practical Exam

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