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Using AIXs MPIO with DataCore Servers

Technical Bulletin #6
June 16, 2011

SANsymphony 6.0 PSP2 Update 3 and greater SANmelody 2.0 PSP4 Update 2 and greater
Overview This technical bulletin provides information on how to configure AIX Application Servers to use AIXs MPIO high availability software with DataCore Servers using Fibre Channel HBAs. Important: SANsymphony-V R8 is not currently qualified with AIXs MPIO
Technical Bulletin #6 Cumulative Change Summary Modified to reflect changes made in SSY & SMY for App Server type and note about HACMP. AIX 5.3 TL6 and above now supported with SSY & SMY Included references to AIX 5.2 TL10. Minor layout and style changes. Added info about fast fail and dynamic tracking This is not longer applicable to AIX 5.3 TL6 and above to be used with SSY and higher or SMY and higher Reworded Application Server and Storage Server Requirements section to make things clearer, added information for AIX 6.1 and latest versions of SANsymphony and SANmelody throughout document where applicable Removed references to end of life SANsymphony and SANmelody versions. Simplified statements of what versions of AIX O/S, DataCore Support for AIX MPIO, SANsymphony and SANmelody are compatible. Added AIX MPIO high availability over iSCSI is not supported. Emphasized IBM support native AIX MPIO and this document complements native AIX MPIO. Added commands to check Fast I/O Failure and Dynamic Tracking. Changed order of Procedure to configure DataCore Disk Types to AIXs Operating System. Layout and style changes only. No new information. Note: As of this version of the document, SANsymphony-V R8 is not currently qualified. Added AIX 7.1 as qualified host version Date

February 5, 2009

March 30, 2009 April 7, 2009 June 15, 2009 July 31, 2009

June 24, 2010

April 4, 2011 June 16, 2011

COPYRIGHT Copyright 2011 by DataCore Software Corporation. All rights reserved. DataCore, the DataCore logo, SANsymphony, and SANmelody are trademarks of DataCore Software Corporation. Other DataCore product or service names or logos referenced herein are trademarks of DataCore Software Corporation. All other products, services and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective owners. ALTHOUGH THE MATERIAL PRESENTED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS BELIEVED TO BE ACCURATE, IT IS PROVIDED AS IS AND USERS MUST TAKE ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE USE OR APPLICATION OF THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED AND THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT. NEITHER DATACORE NOR ITS SUPPLIERS MAKE ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED REPRESENTATION, WARRANTY OR ENDORSEMENT REGARDING, AND SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY FOR, THE USE OR APPLICATION OF ANY DATACORE OR THIRD PARTY PRODUCTS OR THE OTHER INFORMATION REFERRED TO IN THIS DOCUMENT. ALL SUCH WARRANTIES (INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON-INFRINGEMENT, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND AGAINST HIDDEN DEFECTS) AND LIABILITY ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW. No part of this document may be copied, reproduced, translated or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form without the prior written consent of DataCore Software Corporation

Technical Bulletin 6: Using MPIO With DataCore Servers

DataCore Server requirements

SANsymphony 6.0 PSP3 Update 1 and greater, SANmelody 2.0 PSP4 Update 2 or greater. AIX 7.1 is only supported with SANsymphony 7.0 PSP 4 Update 2 or greater Note: The above versions are minimum requirements and users should always refer to the latest release notes for SANsymphony and SANmelody for any new fixes or enhancements specific to AIX. Choose the correct Application Server type: For Hosts running AIX 5.2 ML9 and earlier or AIX 5.3 ML5 and earlier, must use IBM AIX Native MPIO Legacy" Application Server type. For Hosts running AIX 5.2 TL10 and greater, AIX 5.3 TL6 and greater and AIX 6.1 and greater (including AIX 7.1) must use the IBM AIX Native MPIO TL6+" Application Server type. Always refer to the latest Qualified Lists for the latest information regarding Fibre Channel and iSCSI requirements. Please see: Answer Title: List of all DataCore Qualified Products Answer Link: For Fibre Channel HBAs, change the properties from Target / Initiator' to 'Target' only for all AIX Target Ports (DataCore iSCSI connections are always only 'Target') and make sure that the Disable Port While Stopped option is set to 'yes'. Virtual Volumes configured for Highly Available Mirroring, must use the 3 Party AP type. Virtual Volumes configured as Standard Mirrors are only accessible via the Primary Storage Server and are considered the same as Linear Virtual Volumes having no High Availability. No other mirror type should be used. Any type of Virtual Volume that is mapped to more than one AIX Host must use the same LUN number for all Target Mappings to all Storage Servers. Note: Target LUN numbers used for mirror mappings between Storage Servers do not have to match as they are not seen by the AIX hosts.

AIX Host requirements

AIX versions 5.2, 5.3, 6.1 and 7.1 only. However read through the document carefully as there are different requirements for each version of AIX (including Maintenance Levels) that may or may not be appropriate for your own AIX Hosts. Use only Fibre Channel connections to DataCore Servers. iSCSI connections from AIX Hosts are not supported. AIXs MPIO require a healthy LUN 0 in order for it to detect and be able to use other LUNs assigned to a specific initiator channel from a DataCore Server. Therefore, create and map a small Linear Volume as a dummy LUN 0 from each DataCore target to each AIX initiator that you intend to use. Note: Do not set this LUN 0 as a mirror as while it is unhealthy or in recovery no other LUNs from the same DataCore Server will be detectable until it is healthy again. As this LUN 0 is not actually used for data, setting it as a mirror is unnecessary.

Technical Bulletin 6: Using MPIO With DataCore Servers

AIX iSCSI connections are only supported for Linear Virtual Volumes or Standard Mirrors and are not supported rd with 3 Party AP Mirrors or any other type of mirror. All AIX application servers with AIX 5.2 any version or AIX 5.3 TL5 and earlier must use the section on page 3 entitled Procedure to configure DataCore Disk Types to AIXs Operating System. Do not install DataCore Support for AIX MPIO binaries with these versions of AIX. Note: the Procedure to configure DataCore Disk Types to AIXs Operating System complements native AIX MPIO on AIX application servers and does not replace it.

All AIX application servers with AIX 5.3 TL6 and greater or AIX 6.1 and greater (including 7.1) must use DataCore Support for AIX MPIO binaries on the AIX servers which can be downloaded directly, free of charge, from the DataCore Support website FAQ 1214 (for either SANsymphony or SANmelody SANs). Do not use the information in the section entitled Procedure to configure DataCore Disk Types to AIXs Operating System on page 3 when DataCore Support for AIX MPIO is installed. Note: DataCore Support for AIX MPIO complements native AIX MPIO on AIX application servers and does NOT replace it.

Please review the Release Notes for DataCore Support for AIX MPIO which is on DataCore Support website FAQ 1214 before installing DataCore Support for AIX MPIO. If the previous (now end of life) DataCore AIX Path Failover driver is installed, see the Release Notes for DataCore Support for AIX MPIO for transitioning from this to native AIX MPIO and DataCore Support for AIX MPIO. If previously using native AIX MPIO with the Procedure to configure DataCore Disk Types to AIXs Operating System on page 3, see the Release Notes for DataCore Support for AIX MPIO for transitioning from this to native AIX MPIO and DataCore Support for AIX MPIO.

All IBM AIX commands that are used to configure and display MPIO devices on an AIX application servers are still the same and are still relevant. Please refer to IBM documentation and IBM support for any questions about configuring native AIX MPIO or MPIO devices or displaying path or device information on an AIX application server.

Configuring DataCore Disk Types to use with AIX

Do not use this procedure for Application Servers with AIX 5.3 TL6 and greater or AIX 6.1 and greater (including 7.1) Steps 1 4 only have to be run once the first time the AIX Host received Virtual Volumes. Steps 5 7 must be run every time a new Virtual Volume is presented to the AIX Host.

1. Enable Fast IO Failure and Dynamic Tracking on all FC controllers on the AIX application server, by running:

chdev -l fscsiN -a fc_err_recov=fast_fail -a dyntrk=yes

(where N is the FC controller number). Repeat the above for all fibre controllers. Note: There is no need to reboot at this point. If the fscsiN device is in use, the above command will fail. If this occurs, you will need to run the same command but with a -p option:

chdev l fscsiN a fc_err_recov=fast_fail a dyntrk=yes P

and then reboot the AIX system.
Technical Bulletin 6: Using MPIO With DataCore Servers 3

The P flag changes the device's characteristics permanently in the Customized Devices object class without actually changing the device. 2. To check Fast IO Failure and Dynamic Tracking is set correctly run:

lsattr El fscsiN
(where N is the FC controller number). Repeat the above for all fiber controllers. You should now see:

dyntrk fc_err_recov

yes fast_fail

Dynamic Tracking of FC Devices FC Fabric Event Error RECOVERY Policy

True True

3. Now run the following AIX shell script.

#!/bin/ksh odmadd << \! PdAt: uniquetype = "disk/fcp/mpioosdisk" attribute = "mpio_model_map" deflt = "0808DataCore" values = "041480" width = "" type = "R" generic = "" rep = "s" nls_index = 0 !

Important: If you use DataCore LUNs in an HACMP configuration with AIX 5.2 TL10 and greater you must edit

and add the line:



Important: Make sure there is a [TAB] space. 4. Now run the command

bosboot a
This will create a new boot image containing the DataCore MPIO definition. Important: You must now reboot your AIX server.
Technical Bulletin 6: Using MPIO With DataCore Servers 4

5. On your AIX system run cfgmgr to discover the new virtual volumes. 6. List the currently discovered hdisks. For example:

# lsdev -Cc disk hdisk0 Available hdisk1 Available hdisk2 Available hdisk3 Available

10-60-00-8,0 20-60-01 20-60-01 20-60-01

Other SCSI MPIO Other MPIO Other MPIO Other

Disk Drive FC SCSI Disk Drive FC SCSI Disk Drive FC SCSI Disk Drive

7. After your hdisks are discovered use the chdev command to change and optimize the hdisk attributes:

chdev -l hdiskN -a hcheck_interval=60 -a hcheck_cmd=inquiry -a \ queue_depth=16 a rw_timeout=70

(where N is the hdisk number) Repeat the above for all DataCore hdisks.

It is very possible that after an upgrade to a new Maintenance Level (ML), Technology Level (TL) or even Program Temporary Fix (PTF), AIXs Object Data Manager (ODM) configuration may be overwritten. It is therefore important to verify that the DataCore ODM entry still exists, run this command:

odmget -qattribute=mpio_model_map PdAt

If the DataCore string does not exist in the list, then ODM has been overwritten in this case steps 3 and 4 will need to be re-run (and a reboot of the AIX server will be needed as well). After the reboot, verify that the DataCore string exists by re-running the above command.

Technical Bulletin 6: Using MPIO With DataCore Servers

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