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A. Prepare your trip to Malaysia 1.

Visa and Travel Permit: For Commonwealth countries nationalities, Entry visa shall be granted at port of entry. For Non Commonwealth countries nationalities, entry visa should be applied at your home countries before you leave . (Please call the Malaysia Embassy in your country to obtain the latest or confirmed information if necessary) All visa application should mention for eeting purpose and no other reason is allowed. !n case, who need to stay in alaysia more than "# days $e%ceed the allowed staying duration&, please get ready for '!(A E)*EN(!+N application to be done in alaysia $, -## processing fee&. Passport validity: Every visitor to alaysia must possess an !nternational passport or any recogni.ed travel document of AT LEAST 6 MONTHS VALIDITY. Return air ticket: /lease do not issue +/EN tic0et although you are not sure when the return date is. 1. Invitation letter: /lease bring along your invitation letter along in case of immigration chec0ing. ". Foreign exchange: 2ue to the implementation foreign e%change control, ,inggit alaysia $, & can only be e%changed in alaysia3 you may e%change your local currency to ,inggit alaysia at airport, ban0s and money changers. 4. Attire: 5ight, cool and smart casual clothing is recommended all year round. For more formal occasions, 6ac0et and tie or long sleeved bati0 for men and dresses for women. alaysia is a tropical country with average temperature of between 11C to "1C. 7umidity is high with level of about 8#9.

:. Pocket Money: 2aily living e%penses in alaysia will be estimated around , :#.## per day, which is roughly e;uivalent to <(21:.## per day, includes lunch and dinner and some groceries, but e%cludes transportation charges and your own shopping e%penses. 7owever, the *a%i fare from hotel to =uala 5umpur city center will be around , 1#.## to , 1:.## per way. -. Laptop: /lease bring along your laptop for training purpose. >. Passport si e photo: /lease bring along at least 1 passport si.e photo for registration purpose.
2006-08-04 1 , 6

8. Airport Pickup: Airport pic0up arrangement will not be provided ? arranged by A/ *raining Center.

!. Training center and hotel location +ur training center is located in C / *ower, which is strategically located in relation to the main transport arteries of the =lang 'alley, with the toll entrance of North (outh E%pressway and the North =lang 'alley E%pressway a mere : minutes away 7ere is the address of 7uawei *raining Center $Asia /acific&: "#A$%I TRAI&I&' (%&T%R )A*IA PA(IFI(+ <nit 1.1, 5evel 1, C / *ower, 11, @alan 1-?11, /usat 2agang (e0syen 1-, 4-":# /etaling @aya , (elangor 2arul Ehsan, alaysia. *el: A-#" B >C:- #818 Fa%: A-#" B >C:4 #C1C Dou will be accommodated in Eastin 7otel $4 stars rated& on a single sharing basis, within wal0ing distance to 7uawei *raining center at C / *ower $6ust right behind our 7uawei *raining Center&3 its address is as below: %astin "otel 1", @alan 1-?11, /usat 2agang (e0syen 1-, 4-":# /etaling @aya , (elangor 2arul Ehsan, alaysia. *el : A-#" E >--: 1111 Fa%: A-#" B >--: 8888 All e%penses such as mini bar, laundry, !nternet access and !22 calls shall be on your own e%penses. IMP,RTA&T &,T%2eposit will be collected upon chec0Ein $room rateFno. of nite stay&, thus please bring sufficient money before leaving for alaysia. Your may request to collect the deposit on weekly basis.


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Trainees please make sure the information in hotel official receipt are correct "efore the# $ent "ack to their ori!in countr#%

!uest folio

A& Trainin! 'enter $ill not responsi"le on helpin! of an# chan!es on the hotel official receipt !uest folio once the# $ent "ack to their ori!in countr#% 'ancellation (ee $ill "e char!e) on cancellation make * )a#s "efore the check+ in )ate% 'ancellation fee , - room nite hotel rate%

"otel Rates and Reservations For those who wish to ma0e hotel arrangement and settle the hotel bill by their own $not through 7uawei&, the hotel rate will be , 1>: per room per night, with complimentary brea0fast. For reservations, please call to Eastin 7otel at: *el: A-#" B >--: 1111 Fa%: A-#" B >--: 1111 Email: "o. to get to %astin "otel 1. Hy cab, fare to travel from =uala 5umpur !nternational Airport $=5!A& to Eastin 7otel is around , C# per way. 1. Hy =5!A E%press which lin0s =5 (entral (tation and =5!A, the train 6ourney ta0es only 18 minutes. *he fare for (tandard (ingle *rip for adult is , ": and , -: for (tandard ,eturn *rip. +nce you arrive in =5 (entral (tation, you may ta0e the 5ight ,ail *ransit $5,*& to Asia @aya (tation. *here is a bus shuttle service from Asia @aya (tation, lin0ing the building and its surrounding area to C / *ower. *he shuttle present operates from - am to midnight. +r, you may ta0e cab from =5 (entral (tation directly3 the ta%i fare will be around , 1:.## per way.


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/lease print out this road map and show it to the ta%i driver.


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/. ,thers 0. Meal- 2uring your training duration, lunch and dinner will be on your own arrangement. Dou are easily access to restaurants ne%t to Eastin 7otel and C/ *ower, all within wal0ing distance. *here are varieties of local and western cuisines available, including uslims foods, !ndian foods, Chinese foods and Iestern foods, to name a few. 1. Friday Prayer- For uslims who wish to go for Friday /rayer, the nearest os;ue will be at: !slamic <niversiti, @alan <niversiti. For normal daily prayer, there is s prayer room located in the *raining center building. 2. $eekend activities- Iee0end activities are on your own e%penses, and there is shuttle bus service provided by the hotel on wee0end days.


Dept./Product/ Position Manager ice Manager ice Manager& 'enior () in*+ruc+or /raining !oor0ina+or /raining !oor0ina+or 30min 3**i*+an+ /raining !oor0ina+or 'ecre+ary 7roa01an0 8n*+ruc+or 7roa01an0 8n*+ruc+or 9a+acomm 8n*+ruc+or 9a+acomm 8n*+ruc+or Phoe1e 'iao 3.y**a ,ee 'aman+ha 'wee ,ai ui "oong5 ane**a #oo !hau Fah Ya*o+a 9&( Munu*amy Ya*o+a 9&( Munu*amy !han #wai Fun5 !haro. :ain Fui /*in5 :race 26062 +6012-2223$-2 8$$62 +6016-2096698 26060 +6012-2892220 ya* 4Y-232 26060 +6012-3868922 +6012-2892220 ya* 0022---00203210 '4Y3228 00203211 +6012--$26001 +6012-6389631 +6012-32$9633 +6016-2-00$22 6ane** Feng Yu Ping !hua "ooi #him ,ee #uan Peng 9262 81128 81129 +6012-3080823 +6016-33$39$0 +6012-22993-8 Name ID Cellphone E-mail


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