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crescent shape, dark blue, dark red. What parasite found? A. Macrogemetocyte of vivax Macrogemetocyte of malariae Macrogemetocyte of falciparum Mature schizont of vivax Mature schizont of falciparum

2.Masa exoerythrocytic P. vivax B. A. B. C. D. 48 hours C. 36 hours D. 24 hours E. 72 hours

6-8 days 7. 3.

4.Diagnosis of the case (case 1) A. B. C. D. E. Malaria Ovale Malaria Falciparum Malaria Vivax Malaria Malariae Filariasis

8.How long is erythrocytic cycle of parasite that was found in the above case (case no.2) <48 hours 60 72 84 90

9.How long erythrocytic cycle (P. falciparum). <48 hours 60 84 72 96

5.What cause the case 1. (erythrocyte enlarge) A. B. C. D. E. Anopheles Mansoni Culex Culicoides Aedes

6.26 years old woman come to health care fever n chills in erythrocyte found parasite,

31 years old male, bilateral lower limb edema with inflammation of previously existed skin plaques distributed in his 4 limbs and in the trunk almost 2 months after he began receiving MDT. He also developed neuropathic pain in the lower limb. No thickened peripheral nerve. Bacteria index (BI)=2. Multiple lesion with defined edge slightly raised, scaly all over the face, limbs, and trunk, anaesthetic and dry. 1-5cm.

9.Diagnosis C. A. B. C. D. E. Tuberculoid D. BB E. RR ENL Lucio phenomenon 13. If the metabolic rate of this patient is increasing, then there is an increasing of blood cholesterol A. 10.Which fat given to this patient B. A. B. C. D. E. SFA C. MUFA D. PUFA E. MCT CCT 14. Hemoglobin Heart rate Albumin in urine Blood glucose Blood cholesterol Intolerance Hypermetabolism Hypometabolism

11.A patient new erythema nodule (1-2cm), neutrophil infiltration no tenderness. What type of this. Patient: A. B. C. D. E. LL BL BB RR ENL


16.The need of vit.B for this patient (case 11) kasus HIV? improve body nitrogen Fulfill the requirement replace macronutrient function balance fat status improve carbohydrate requirement

12.Patient with HIV suffer from diarrhea and decrease in body weight. What are the causes of decrease in body weight? A. B. Hypoexcretion Hyperexcretion

Female 70 year old in patient in internal medical ward. She was diagnosed thyphoid fever. 17.What type of food A. Liquid food

E. B. C. D. E. Semi liquid food Clear liquid food Full liquid food Soft diet

Food preference

22.A 35 years old man come to the dermatologist with toe finger infection. At physical examination, found yellow lesion with irregular edges. First appear at the end of the nail. Patient given pulse therapy. Therapy given to the patient is: Fluconazole griseolfulfin Itraconazol ketoconazol Terbinafin

18.Type of dietary that will give this patient is: low fiber high fiber high fat low fat low carbohydrate

23.How many pulse therapy can be given for this patient 19.What energy required: A. 15-20 kkal/wb/day 20-25 kkal/ wb/day 25-30 kkal/ wb/day 30-35 kkal/ wb/day 35-40 kkal/ wb/day 40-45 E. 20.What cause cachexia: decrease catabolic hormone decrease consumption of orange decrease anabolic hormone increase catabolic hormone 5 pulse therapy B. C. D. 1 pulse therapy 2 pulse therapy 3 pulse therapy 4 pulse therapy

24.How many doses of this days for pulse therapy A. B. 100 mg 250 mg 200 mg 400 mg 500 mg

21.Objective assessment from patient and care giver A. B. C. D. Food recall Food taboo Food model Food item

C. D. E.


20 years old man came to the dermatologist with chief complaints of itching on the upper trunk. Physical examination: brown scaling. Microscopic examination: Oval budding cell and short hyphae. 26. What is the treatment? A. B. C. D. E. Fluconazole 280mg/day Griseofulvin 280mg/day Ketoconazole 200mg/day Itraconazole 100mg/day (not sure) Terbinafin 800mg/day



31.Subcutaneous infection: Trichophyton spp. Piedra hortae M. furfur phealloyes werneckii Sporothnchi sche

32. Before the treatment of dermatophyte. What is the exam should been going 27. Side effect of the drug? A. A. B. C. D. E. .. B. .. C. .. D. .. E. .. IFA Culture KOH PCR ELISA

Azospermia, gynecomastia,hair loss,menstrual irregularities 28. a man works as labor complaint macule hypopigmentation, itch during day, lesions dry N scale, 3-6mm... a. b. pitiriasis versicolor c. d. tinea corporis e.

33.Properties of HIV A. B. C. D. E. DNA n envelop virus Retroviradae Can not penetrate vagina n skin Only have 2 enzymes Killed at 50 degree in 10 minutes


Major gene product HIV adalah.. A.Gen gp160, p17,p55, dan p31 utuk involved in infection procc. B.Gen GaG, Pol, dan ENV adalah gen untuk membedakan HIV dgn retroviral lainnya C.Gen yang berlokasi pada gag-pool junction untuk enzim protease D.Negative expressiom factor (nef) meningkatkan protein 16 E.Transactivator of transcription untuk protein 19

38.Properties of polio A. B. Acid non stable Small 30-40nm

C. Polio replicates in human cells respiratory tract D. E. Fecal-oval infection Stable in pH7

39.Properties of mumps 35.Regulatory gen for HIV A. Negative expression factor A. Hemaglutini and neuromidaseon different spike B. Only salivary gland Cannot infected testes and ovarium C. Only one antigenic type is known and man is natural host D. E. Pol gene E. ssRNA (+) sense genome Naked helical symmetry

B. Regulator expression for transcription process C. D. Transactivator of viral protein Gag gene

36. 40. Properties of varicella zoster A. 37. Properties of DHF A. Icosahedral symmetry B. Replication cytoplasm, bud from nuclear membrane C. Different time, macula, papule, vesicle, crust D. Sub family alpha herpes viridae Helical symmetry

B. A albocpictus more predominant than aegypti C. Viral replication take place in target dendritic cells D. E. Male aedes feed daytime Genotype ss(-)RNA

E. Dormant in the spinal dorsal root ganglia

40. A boy 7 yrs old, complaint hair loss & itchy, dry & scaly, hair loss at level of scalp, hyphae & anthrospores found A. B. C. D. E. Tinea capitis kerion Tinea capitis gray patch type Tinea capitis black dot type Tinea Alopecia areata

C.betametason ointment D.TER E.bedak salisil

44.The right dose and regiment of the systemic therapy to diagnosis A. B. Griseofulvin 1x500mg/day Itrakonazol 2x400mg/day Amoxicillin 3x500mg/day Ketoconazole 1x200mg/day Acyclovir 5x200mg/day

41. Sistemic treatment for diagnosis C. A. B. C. D. E. cotrimazole D. griseofulvin E. amphotericin . ketoconazole 35 years old male complaints of white patches at the back for two weeks. A few may itch sometimes. 45. Lab test: 42.Diagnosis kasus di atas adalah... A. A.Morbus Hansen B. B.Tinea Korporis C. C.Pitiraisis versikolor D. D.Kandida kutis E. E.Pitiriasis alba . Test Niasin test Culture KOH Gram staining

43.Terapi topikal yang dapat diberikan pada kasus di atas adalah.. A.Hidro 2,5% cream B.Selenium Sulfida 1%

A 40 y/o man complain about tumor on his left feet from more a month and getting bigger. He once got injured at the same site while doing his activities as a farmer. From physical exam showed nodul soliter with verucous surface. Culture fonsasea pedrosoi was grow.

46. What is the possible diagnosis: A. B. C. D. E. Chromoblastomycosis Lobomycosis 50.What is the classical chest x-ray found Pheohipomycosis Mycetoma Histoplasmosis A. A glass ground appearance with pneumatoceles B. C. 47.Treatment for this case A. B. C. D. E. Compress with PK 1/10000 Wide excision Myconazole cream 51.Manifestation for infection diseases in CNS Clobetasol cream A. Gentamycin . B. C. 48. Therapy of case above: D. E. Woman , 67 years old, weak and short of breath. Advanced examination of doctor, cough. Chest x-ray, homogeny covering in the right upper lobe with shift the trachea to the right. 49. What is the possible radiology diagnose of this patient? A. B. C. D. E. SARS Lung TB HIV Anthrax Avian influenza Brain tumor Intracerebral hematoma Ventriculomegaly Cerebritis Infarction D. Cavity and air fluid level Classification of upper lobe Hyperluscent avascuter A man 36 years old was diagnosed by his doctor with HIV. He is asked to do chest x-ray.

E. Homogeny covering at lower hemi thorax

52. a man came to hospital and the doctor diagnose that he got dengue. that doctor suggest to make an x-ray for thorax.the position should be: PA AP RLD oblique 53. A man 45 years old accompanied by his family to ER. GCS:8, diagnosis: encephalitis. What is the brain CT-scan appearances a.

diffuse non focal inflammation b. c. d. A. mefloquine B. Primakuine A 29 y/o man has just returned from a short curse trip. Over 24 hours he has developed shaking, chills, temp up to 39 o C. blood smears reveals P. vivax. 54.What drug you would prescribed to eradicated extra-erythrocytes of organism A. B. C. D. E. chloroquine proguanil primaquine A. quinine B. sulpho C. D. 55. E. . Mefloquine Chloroquine Primaquine Arthesunate 59. X, shaking (+), P. falciparum (++++), Diagnosis as severe malaria and suspect cerebral malaria. Therapy? C. Proguanil D. Tetracyclin E. Sulphadoxin Pyrimptamin 58. 25 years old pregnant women have fever, shaking and chills. hasil blood smear = P.Vivax. which one is the safe drugs for her?

56. a man 20 y/o wanna go to kalimantan west which is endemic area for malaria. as a doctor which medicine is for short from prophylaxis a. artesunate b. doxyciclin c. primiquine d.qunine e. suphadoxin pyremetrim


61. In a rapid immunochromatographic test for the simultaneous detection og IgM & IgG antibodies to dengue virus in human serum, a test showing only control (C) & IgM line indicate: a. prior exposure to dengue virus b. primary dengue infection c. secondary dengue infection

57. d. recurrent dengue infection

e. invalid test

B. Anti HIV C. Routine blood test


D. Blood culture E. BTA


64. Test malaria only IgG A. B. C. D. E. Expose dengue virus

68. before therapy, what examination should be done for case above: A. CD4

Primary infection B. Anti HIV Secondary infection C. Routine blood test Recurrent D. Blood culture Invalid E. BTA


66. secondary line treatment for malaria. a. klotrimoxazole b. doxycycline c. primaquine d. pirimetamin e. ceftrixone

69. if CD4 < 320cell/mm3, what should be given first? a. infusion b. c. antiretroviral d. e.

67. A woman 27 y.o. came with fever, weight loss 8kg in one month. Found oral candidiasis in her mouth. What is the examination that we should do? A. CD4

70.Man 32 years old complaints of cough, myalgia, anorexia, fever for 35 days. BW 55 become 40kg. A. B. Malaria Typhoid fever

C. D. E.

HIV/AIDS DHF Ascariasis

C. D. E.

Filariasis Typhoid DHF

71.What are the additional sign that u need A. abdominal sign

74. For further examination, what are the next step to do in order to diagnose A. Blood routine Urine routine Thick blood smear Widal Leptodipstick

B. eye sign B. C. oral candidiasis C. D. ... E. ... D. E. Woman, 29 years old (pregnant 12 weeks) come with complaint shivering for 4 days, followed by sweating and fever, headache and nausea. Exam BP 110/70, pulse rate 98x/min, RR 20x/min, WBC 3600, Hb 12%, platelet 65 000. Diagnosis plasmodium ovale. 72. The best treatment A. Klorokuin 300mg single dose

75. What are the appropriate treatment for the case above? A. B. C. D. E. .. .. .. Doxicyclin Cotrimoxazole

B. Sulfodextran- primetamin 25mg/ BB single dose C. D. E. Ha.. Klorokuin 25mg/BB 3 days Primaquin 15 mg/BB 14 days

76. A man 41 years old come to the hospital with chief complain present hypopigmented patches in hand with hipostesi and thickened nerve of neck sinistra.There are no thicked nerves on the other location. A. rifampicin 600mg monthly, DDS 100mg/day or 1-2mg/kg B. rifampicin 600mg, ofloxacin 400mg, minociklin 100mg single dose

73. A man 50 years old, farmer. Come with complaint fever for a week. Accompanied by myalgia at calf (pain when touch).. A. B. Malaria Leptospirosis

C. rifampicin 600mg monthly, DDS 100mg/day, 83. High evidence in m. leprae, except: D. rifampicin 600mg, ofloxacin 400mg A. occasional m. leprae in placentae n cord blood human B. C. 77. D. E. 78. high IgG in young infant e. baby infected through breastfeeding b. c.

E. ofloxacin 400mg, minosiklin 100mg single dose

79. Highest sellular immunity in Leprae is: 84. TT BL BB BT LL

85. A 7 years old girls was brought by his mother to the hospital. She have fever, diarrhea, and chill. The drug should be avoid for this patient are A. B. Mefloquine Choloroquine Quinine Tetracyclin .

80. Titer antibody yang paling tinggi ditemukan pada kusta tipe TT BT BB BL LL

C. D. E.

81. Antigen spesifik pada penderita kusta tipe Lipopolisacharida Lipoarabinomannan Phenolic glycolipid-L Fatty acid Muramic acid


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