DRUG Study

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CLASSIFICATION Antituberculotic

INDICATION All forms of tubercolosis in which organs are susceptible Prophylaxis in specific patients who are tuberculin reactors ,household members of those recently diagnosed

SIDE EFFECT Seizures Toxic encephalophathy Memory impairment Nausea and vomiting Agrunolocytosis Metabolic acidosis Hepatitis Jaundice Fever Skin eruptions Hyperglycemia Bilirubinuria Aplastic anemia

NURSING CONSIDERATION History Allergy to drug Drug associated adverse reactions Acute hepatic disease Renal impairment Lactation and pregnancy

Physical Skin color Lesions Orientationreflexes Opthalmogic examination liver evaluation CBC,LFTS Renal function test Blood glucose


Antibiotic Antituberculotic(1st line )

Treatment of tuberculosis Treatment of other infectious diseases such as in the eradication of meningococci from healthy carriers Infections caused by staphylococcus

Headache Drowsiness Fatigue Rash Pruritis Heartburn Acute renal failure Flulike symptoms Decreased HBG eigastric disease thrombocytopenia

History Allergy to any related drug and drug Acute heatic disease Pregnancy and lactation Physical Skin color Lesions Gait Muscle strength Orientation Reflexes Ophthalmologic examination Liver evaluation


PYRAZINAMI DE Antituberculotic Initial treatment of active TB when combined with other TB drugs Treatment of active TB after treatment failure with primary drugs Rashes Photosensitivity Hepatotoxicity Nausea and vomiting diarrhea sideroblastic anemia thrombocytopenia adverse effects on clotting mechanism/vascular integrity Flushing Taste alterations Dyspnea Hypotension Anaphylaxis with rapid IV (has resulted in death) Hyperbilirubinemia (premature neonates Pregnancy and breastfeeding. Kidney disease. Liver disease

CBC Renal function test urinalysis

Fat soluble vitamin Anti fribonolytic agent FOLIC ACID Folic acid

History Allergy to drug Gout Hepatic disease Diabetes mellitus Pregnancy and lactation Physical Skin color Joint status Lesions Serum and urine uric acid levels Blood and urine glucose CBC


Coagulation disorders Treating and preventing vitamin K deficiency. Preventing certain bleeding or blood clotting problems. Reversal of warfarin anticoagulant effects Treatment of

History Allergy to drug Physical Hypesensetivity to drug Syncope Deep vein thrombosis

Allergic reactions



Vitamin supplement

megaloblastic anemias due to sprue ,nutritional deficiency Pregnancy Infancy and childhood

Pain and discomfort at injection site

Allergy to folic acid preparations Pernicious Applastic Lactation Normocytic anemias Physical Skin lesions Color CBC Hematocrit Serum folate levels Schillings test History Systemic administration Dermatologic solution allergy to drug and related drugs Hepatic or renal impairment Pregnancy and lactation Physical Site of infection Adventitious sounds Liver evaluation Bowel sounds Urinalysis BUN Renal function test Dermatologic ointment Site of infection



indicated in infections caused by the following microorganisms: Rickettsiae (Rocky Mountain spotted fever, typhus fever and the typhus group, Q fever,rickettsialpox and tic k fevers), Mycoplasma pneumoniae (PPLO, Eaton Agent), Agents of psittacosis and ornithosis, Agents of lymphogranuloma venereum and granuloma i nguinale, The spirochetal agent of relapsing fever (Borrelia recurrentis

anorexia nausea and vomiting diarrhea glossitis dysphagia Enterocolitis inflammatory lesions maculopapular and erythematous rashes Exfoliative dermatitis Urticaria angioneurotic edema Hemolytic anemia Thrombocytopenia neutropenia eosinophilia


). The following gramnegative microorganisms: Haemophilus ducreyi (chancroid), Pasteurella pestis, and Pas teurella tularensis, Bartonella bacilliformis, Bacteroides species, Vibrio comma and Vibrio fetus, Brucella species (in conjunction with streptomycin). emphysema with bronchitis pneumoconiosis chronic inflammatory pulmonary conditions tracheobronchitis (respiratory tract inflammation) Bronchiectasis bronchitis with bronchospasm asthma. Mild gastrointestinal effects runny nose and allergic reactions.



History Asses for allergy to drug or related drug Monitor for S&S of aspiration of excess secretions Bronchospasm withhold drug and notify physician immediately if either occur

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