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Ulje za motor: RN0700 -- Renault "0" level tests + ACEA A3/B4 or A5/B5; benzin, at os!

ers"i;n#r$ %4R -- &$0 '() otor RN07'0 -- Renault "'" level tests + ACEA A3/B4 *0-5+40,; turbo -C. non %A/ *-/%,; turbo benzin0i;n#r %12 -- '$1-C. ili %4Rt RN07&0 -- Renault "&" level tests + ACEA C4 *0-5+30/0-5+40,; turbo -C. %A/ *-/%,; n#r$ 31Rb -&$0 -C. otor Mjenjai: Ru4ni 5 75+60 7 A/. 5 895 Auto ats"i 5 Renault ati0 -3 :;N 7 -E<R=N ... :ervo 5 Renault ati0 -& 5 -E<R=N .. >o4ni0e 5 -=? 4 * #re#oru"a -=? 5$' u auti a sa E:/-o

i ?C-o

Softwer: Renault Dialogys 3.79 portable


INTRODUCTION This technical bulletin deals with a common problem encountered on Renault Laguna II vehicles by the helpline staff over the last few months. This problem has been re-occurring during this time, and the following topic details the reasons and where possible the solutions to the problem.


The tyre pressure monitoring system displays errors after replacing or rotating tyres on vehicle.


The Renault Laguna II models in question are all fitted with the Renault tyre pressure monitoring system, fitted either as standard or as an option on the vehicle. The tyre pressure monitoring system incorporates tyre pressure sensors located as part of the tyre pressure valve assembly.

The tyre pressure sensors are coded to the tyre pressure monitoring system for location on each wheel on the vehicle, and if a wheel is swapped around on the vehicle or the tyre pressure sensors are replaced, the tyre pressure monitoring system detects an incorrect signal from the swapped wheels and displays errors on the instrument cluster.


M !el Renault Laguna II

Yea" 2 ! onwards

E#$i#e c !e

"ll models fitted with the tyre pressure monitoring system.

S%ste& 'e"ati # a#! "ecti(icati # ( (aults

The Renault tyre pressure monitoring system consists of the following # components$

" tyre pressure sensor built into the tyre pressure valves %one per tyre& to monitor the pressure of each tyre on vehicle %not fitted to the spare wheel&. " tyre pressure monitor control module %'()& which is used to decode and process the signals from each of the tyre pressure sensors, and outputs the required message to the instrument cluster assembly.

" display either built into the instrument cluster or as a separate assembly on base models with tyre pressure monitoring system fitted as an option

"n under body aerial %receiver& to pic* up and boost signals from tyre pressure sensors.

S%ste& 'e"ati #

The tyre pressure sensors are activated after about one minute of driving faster than !+ ,-) %. *m/h&. 0hen the vehicle is stationary the tyre pressure sensors send out a signal the to the '() appro1imately once every 2 minutes on normal operation

If the pressure measured inside one or more tyres changes by more than +# mbar %!.2psi& between two tyre pressure signals, the tyre pressure sensors will send out a signal every ! seconds to allow the '() control module to quic*ly detect if a tyre is deflating.

The '() control module is programmed with the following warning messages$

3O)e" i#(lati # *he# c l!+ , recommended tyre pressure 4 5 cold starts

mbar %! psi& during eight

3O)e" i#(lati # *he# h t+ , recommended tyre pressure 4 +6 mbar %!2 psi&

3U#!e" i#(lati # *he# c l!+ , recommended tyre pressure 7 # cold starts

mbar %2psi& during eight

3Ma- " u#!e" i#(lati #+ , recommended tyre pressure 7 2

mbar %8psi& mbar

3I&.ala#ce+ , pressure difference between the left hand and right hand wheels on the same a1le e1ceeding 6 mbar %5 psi&

3U#suita.le '"essu"e ( " s'ee!+ , at least one wheels pressure when cold is less than the recommended high speed pressure 7 # mbar %2psi& and the vehicle is driven faster than the ! ,-) %!2 *m/h& for at least three minutes.

N te/ The tyres are considered as being 3cold3 after appro1imately ! hour and #6 minutes after the vehicle has stopped.

T%"e '"essu"e se#s "s

9ach tyre pressure sensor is mar*ed with a ring of a different colour. 0hen a tyre pressure valve or tyre is being replaced, the colour of the sensor should be noted and fitted to the correct side of the vehicle as follows$

Tyre pressure sensor coloured green : ;ront left location

Tyre pressure sensor coloured yellow : ;ront right location

Tyre pressure sensor coloured red : Rear left location

Tyre pressure sensor coloured blac* : Rear right location

N te/ If the tyre pressure sensor is damaged or fitted to the incorrect side of the vehicle, the '() control module will detect the fault and either require the correct tyre pressure sensor to be fitted to the correct wheel on the vehicle or the '() control module can be reprogrammed

using suitable page %where possible&. In addition, on the inside frame of the driver<s door, there is a decal detailing the colour of each ring and its location for each wheel.

The '() control module is also programmed for two sets of tyres 7 summer / winter tyres for regions of 9urope where it is common practise to have a separate set of tyres for harsh winter conditions. ;or these applications, the first time the tyres are changed between summer / winter, the '() control module must be programmed by using suitable diagnostic equipment to enter that two sets of tyres %summer/winter& are in use for the vehicle.

Then, when the tyres are changed, the '() control module automatically selects the proper set %summer/winter& based on the coded signals produced by the tyre pressure sensors in each wheel for the set.


The '() control module has been designed with # configurations which can be ad=usted / programmed using suitable diagnostic equipment connected to the vehicles !2 pin 9>?@ diagnostic plug %usually located under the front ashtray in the centre console on the vehicle&.

T%"e '"essu"e se#s " c #(i$u"ati #

9ach tyre pressure sensor is matched to the correct wheel during production and the '() control module is programmed with the identification codes for each tyre pressure sensor. This is done to ensure that the correct tyre %wheel& can be identified when a pressure drop is detected by the pressure sensor.

It is not recommended to change the wheels around on the vehicle without reprogramming the '() control module using suitable diagnostic equipment. If the wheels have been rotated, after reprogramming the '() control module, the coloured rings on each tyre valve must be put bac* in position as described below$

F" #t le(t G"ee#2 F" #t "i$ht Yell *2 Rea" le(t Re!2 Rea" "i$ht Blac3

If the driver wants the wheels to be swapped over, there are two possible methods. Meth ! 4 Remove the tyre pressure sensors from each swapped wheel and replace the tyre pressure sensors in their original position on the vehicle. Meth ! 5 using suitable diagnostic equipment program the '() control module with the new tyre pressure sensor locations %remembering to move the coloured rings so that they are in the correct position as detailed above&. P" $"a&&i#$ #e* t%"e '"essu"e se#s " t UC0 c #t" l & !ule 9ach tyre pressure sensor transmits a message which includes a unique sensor identity code, tyre pressure measurement and status condition %stationary / driving&. If a new tyre pressure sensor is fitted to the vehicle, the tyre pressure sensor identity code must be programmed into the '() control module, before the '() can recognise the new tyre pressure sensor. There are two methods to find out the tyre pressure sensor identity codes. Meth ! 4 if the tyre pressure sensor is new$ the new sensor comes with a two part label, one part of which is detachable. The tyre pressure sensor code is written on both sections. The detachable section can be *ept by the driver as a reminder of the code once the tyre pressure sensor has been fitted %it is advisable to temporarily stic* the label on the wheel containing the sensor&. Meth ! 5 if the tyre pressure sensor has already been mounted on the wheel and no label can be seen$ In this case either the tyre can be removed from the wheel and the tyre pressure sensor identity number can be read directly of the body of the tyre pressure sensor, or the tyre pressure sensor identity codes can be obtained by using suitable diagnostic equipment. N te/ It is difficult to read the tyre pressure sensor identity code using diagnostic equipment due to the fact that the tyre pressure sensor only transmits a signal once every hour when the vehicle is stationary. In addition, if more than one new tyre pressure sensor is fitted to the vehicle, it is not possible for the '() control module to determine which tyre pressure sensor is transmitting the signal. In this case, either turn the wheel at a speed above !2 ,-) %2 *m/h& so that the tyre pressure sensor transmits its signal more frequently for the '() control module to detect %with only one new tyre pressure sensor fitted& or force the sensor to transmit its signal by allowing some air to escape %drop the tyre pressure by atleast ! bar %!6 psi&. Ma#ual &eth ! ( '" $"a&&i#$ t%"e '"essu"e se#s " i!e#tit% c !e i#t UC0 c #t" l & !ule 'sing suitable diagnostic equipment, connect to the !2 pin* 9>?@ diagnostic plug %usually located under the front ashtray In the centre console on the vehicle& and select 3tyre pressure monitoring system3 in the diagnostic equipment menu. Then, in the diagnostic equipment menu, select 3manual tyre pressure sensor code programming3. 9nter the applicable code for the tyre pressure sensor and then select which

wheel the new tyre pressure sensor is located in. The new tyre pressure sensor identity code should then be programmed into the '() control module. N te/ The actual menu and selection of the tyre pressure sensor identity code and selection of wheel location will vary between diagnostic equipment. "lways follow the instructions supplied with the diagnostic equipment. Aut &atic &eth ! ( '" $"a&&i#$ t%"e '"essu"e se#s " i!e#tit% c !e i#t UC0 c #t" l & !ule If the new tyre pressure sensor identity code is not *nown, connect suitable diagnostic equipment to the !2 pin 9>?@ diagnostic plug %usually located under the front ashtray in the centre console on the vehicle& and select 3tyre pressure monitoring system3 in the diagnostic equipment menu. Then, in the diagnostic equipment menu, select 3automatic tyre pressure sensor code programming3, and wait for the code to be transmitted from the new tyre pressure sensor. N te/ The tyre pressure sensor transmits a signal to the '() control module, which includes its identity code, its pressure reading and its status. 0hen the vehicle is moving, the tyre pressure sensor transmits this information every minute if there is no lea*, and every ! seconds if a lea* %pressure drop& is detected. 0hen the vehicle is stationary, the tyre pressure sensors transmit this information once every hour if there is no lea* and every !6 minutes if a lea* %pressure drop& is detected. To manually send the tyre pressure sensor identity code to the '() control module %without having to wait one hour&, allow some air to escape %reduce the tyre pressure by at least ! bar to change the status of the tyre pressure sensor&. This can be done with the vehicle stationary and after appro1imately !6 minutes %or drive the vehicle in e1cess of !2 ,-) and after appro1imately ! minute& the new tyre pressure sensor identity code should be transmitted to the '() control module and displayed on the diagnostic equipment. S*a''i#$ *heels To swap wheels on the vehicle and prevent warning messages being displayed in the instrument cluster requires suitable diagnostic equipment to be connected to the type pressure monitoring system to program the '() control module to accept the tyre pressure sensor identity codes for each new position on the vehicle. ;ollow the screen menus for the applicable diagnostic equipment, which will allow the user to select the location of the wheel to be swapped and then to select the new location for the wheel on the vehicle. In this way the '() control module will identity that the tyre pressure sensor identity code for each applicable wheel has been moved to a different location on the vehicle. N te/ "fter reprogramming the '() control module it is recommended to remove the coloured rings on the tyre pressure sensor valve assembly and refit to its correct locations on the vehicle as detailed below$

F" #t le(t G"ee#2 F" #t "i$ht Yell *2 Rea" le(t Re!2 Rea" "i$ht Blac3 6heel set selecti # To select the wheel set for the vehicle %summer / winter& and prevent warning messages being displayed In the instrument cluster when changing from summer to winter tyre sets requires suitable diagnostic equipment to be connected to the tyre pressure monitoring system to program a '() control module to automatically accept that the set of tyres has been changed. 0hen the new set of tyres is fitted to the vehicle %either summer or winter set&, follow the screen menus for the applicable diagnostic equipment that will allow the user to select the 3wheel set3 selection menu. Then the menu should provide the option to select either 3summer3 or 3winter3 for the new set of tyres for the vehicle. Aelect the applicable option and the new set of tyres with its set of tyre pressure sensor identity codes will be programmed into the '() control module. Then, in future when the tyre sets are swapped from summer to winter and bac* again the '() control module will switch between the summer and winter sets automatically.

Rec &&e#!e! '"essu"e "ea!i#$s

The tyre pressure reading parameter settings allow the user to select the correct pressure values for both the front and rear wheels for both low speed and high speed driving to ad=ust the tyre pressure settings requires suitable diagnostic equipment to be connected to the tyre pressure monitoring system to reprogram the '() control module. Aelecting the tyre pressure parameter setting in the diagnostic equipment allows the user to change the front wheel tyre pressure and rear wheel tyre pressure tolerances for both low speed and high speed driving. I.e. motorway driving in comparison to lower pressures for low speed driving i.e. town driving. The differences between high speed and low speed tyre pressure differences can be as much as .. bar for both the front wheels and rear wheels. It is recommended to always refer to vehicle handboo* %if available& or vehicles wor*shop manual for correct tyre pressures to be programmed into the '() control module. N te/ In addition, on Renault Laguna<s ,BII<s up to Canuary 2 2, it has been noted that the pressure alarm tolerances initially programmed into the '() control module were too tight. This resulted in false alarms being recorded by the tyre pressure monitoring system. Renault designed an additional configuration for the '() control module to modify / raise the pressure warning system threshold to prevent false alarms. If this is available on the diagnostic equipment, an additional item on the menu should show 3activation threshold modification3 when this option is selected, the '() control module will

reset to a slightly higher tolerance for pressure drop readings, and therefore prevents false warning messages being displayed in the instrument cluster. UC0 c #(i$u"ati # 'ti # If the '() control module has been replaced on the vehicle, the '() control module may require programming to accept that the vehicle is fitted with a tyre pressure monitoring system. N te/ It has come to our attention that there may be two types of tyre pressure monitoring systems fitted to the Renault Laguna vehicles. There may be a more basic version of the tyre pressure monitoring system available which =ust notifies of a pressure drop in either the front or rear a1les wheels, and does not provide actual pressure values to the '() control module for each wheel tyre pressure. Therefore, when a new '() control module is purchased, it requires reprogramming. This involves connecting suitable diagnostic equipment to the tyre pressure monitoring system to program the '() control module. If available on the diagnostic equipment, a menu will allow the user to select 3'() configuration3 menu. >n selecting this option, the menu will usually allow the user to select one of two options for 3tyre pressure monitor system fitted 7 yes/no3 If this option is not available on the diagnostic equipment, and the new '() control module does not operate correctly and the tyre pressure monitoring warning system on the instrument cluster is also not operating, this indicates that the '() module requires programming, and the vehicle will need to either be returned to the Renault dealer for programming or connected to a different item of diagnostic equipment that has the '() control module configuration menu in its software.


The '() control module can detect and store diagnostic fault codes for common problems that can occur on the tyre pressure monitoring system. The diagnostic fault codes can be retrieved by using suitable diagnostic equipment. (onnect to the !2 pin 9>?@ diagnostic plug %usually located under the front ashtray in the centre console on the vehicle& and select 3read diagnostic trouble codes3 in the diagnostic equipment menu. Refer to the following table for a list of the diagnostic fault codes for the '() control module$

;ault code @; @; @; @; @; 7 @; 7 @; 7 @; 7 @; 7 ! 2 . # 6 2 5 + 8

;ault code description ;ront a1le imbalance 7 difference in tyre pressures between both front tyres Rear a1le imbalance 7 difference in tyre pressures between both rear tyres Left front tyre pressure sensor 7 incorrect coding or faulty tyre pressure sensor Right front tyre pressure sensor 7 incorrect coding or faulty tyre pressure sensor Right rear tyre pressure sensor 7 incorrect coding or faulty tyre pressure sensor Left rear tyre pressure sensor 7 incorrect coding or faulty tyre pressure sensor 'nder body aerial %receiver& 7 wiring or aerial fault Aummer set tyre pressure sensor valve code fault 7 reprogram for summer set 0inter set tyre pressure sensor valve code fault 7 reprogram for winter set Do vehicle speed information 7 from "?A / 9ngine management systems '() control module internal fault

@; 7 !! @; 7 !.

N te/ Each fault code can be displayed on the diagnostic equipment as being "present" or "stored". 3-resent3 diagnostic fault codes are for faults that are still present on the vehicle at the time of using the diagnostic equipment. 3Atored3 diagnostic faults are for faults that are not on the vehicle at this time but have been a problem in the past. 3Atored3 diagnostic fault codes can be erased out of the '() control module using diagnostic equipment but 3present3 diagnostic fault codes cannot be erased until the fault has been repaired on the vehicle. In addition to retrieving and clearing the diagnostic fault codes, some items of diagnostic equipment may also be able to retrieve component parameters and operate the warning display %actuator test& from the '() control module. Aome of these parameter values that can be display include$ Tyre pressure values and status for each wheel tyre pressure sensor Atatus warning for high inflation / low deflation / deflation / puncture conditions. Atatus for service lamp / stop lamp conditions Atatus for set of wheels %summer / winter& ?attery voltage value '() control module ignition >D status Refer to the manufacturers diagnostic equipment instructions for details of component parameters and status conditions. Usi#$ the B sch F "ci#$ t l t &a3e the #e* se#s " se#! its i! #u&.e"/

0hen using the ?osch forcing tool to get the tyre pressure monitoring sensor to send its signal ma*e sure the forcing tool is put on the tyre very close to the valve. Dot on the wheel or on top of the valve. The tool only sends a lower power signal to the sensor and signal wont go thought the metal wheel rim. If you haven<t got a forcer you can program the cars computer with the serial number of the sensor. The new sensor should have a label on it with 8 digits on it. The ?osch BTA can be set to this number. 0e have found that the first digit is a Eero and this must be omitted and the + digits then entered.

Torque the new valve to ,#6daD.m

-recautions when changing tyres on vehicles fitted with tyre pressure monitoring systems

>n vehicles fitted with tyre pressure sensors, e1treme care and precautions should be ta*en when removing / refitting tyres to ensure that the tyre pressure sensors are not damaged. If damage occurs to any of the tyre pressure sensors, it will be necessary to fit new tyre pressure sensors and program the '() control module %see information detailed earlier in this bulletin&. T%"e "e& )al7 t%"e .ea! se'a"ati # # the e8te"#al si!e ( the t%"e 0hile separating the tyre bead from the wheel rim, it is advised to start with the side of the tyre opposite to the tyre pressure sensor %!+ degrees from the tyre valve&. ?e careful that the tyre bead does not push on the tyre pressure sensor, as the bead on the e1ternal side of the tyre does not press down on the tyre pressure sensor. T%"e "e& )al7 t%"e .ea! se'a"ati # # the i#te"#al si!e ( the t%"e It is recognised that the tyre bead removal on the internal side of the tyre does not present a ma=or difficulty, providing that, once again, the tyre bead on the e1ternal side of the tyre does not press down on the tyre pressure sensor. T%"e "e& )al7 "e& )al ( e8te"#al t%"e .ea! To remove the e1ternal tyre bead, it is recommended to place the tyre lever at appro1imately !6 cm from the tyre pressure sensor and remove the tyre bead finishing by the side of the tyre pressure sensor in the wheel. @uring the e1ternal tyre bead removal it is important to ma*e sure that the tyre bead does not push down on to the tyre pressure sensor. T%"e "e& )al7 "e& )al ( i#te"#al t%"e .ea! To remove the internal tyre bead it is recommended to place the tyre lever at appro1imately !6 cm from the tyre pressure sensor to remove the tyre bead finishing by the side of the tyre pressure sensor in the wheel during the internal tyre bead removal it is important to ma*e sure that the e1ternal tyre bead does not push down on to the tyre pressure sensor. T%"e "e(itti#$ #t *heel To assemble the tyre onto the wheel rim, the tyre beads and the wheel rim must be properly lubricated. Inset the internal tyre bead at appro1imately !6 cm from the tyre pressure sensor in

the wheel. "ssembly the tyre over the wheel rim finishing by the tyre pressure sensor. "t the same time, ma*e sure not to push on the tyre pressure sensor. Repeat the same operation for the e1ternal tyre bead, whilst ma*ing sure no force is e1erted on to the tyre pressure sensor. Re-inflate the tyre to appro1imately ..6 bar and then ad=ust the tyre pressure according to manufacturer<s data.

Renault Laguna II Key Remote Control Programming

LAGUNA II .N%RA RE- RE:;NC@R=N.:.N8 '$ ?urn tAe .Bnition =%%$ &$ /ress tAe 0entral Coor lo0"inB button !or unlo0"$ ore tAan 5 se0onCs$ Note5 tAe Coor sAoulC lo0" tAen

3$ +Aen tAis Aa##ens '5 se0onCs is alloDeC anC tAe i

obiliser DarninB liBAt illu inates$

4$ /oint tAe 'st "eE at tAe re0eiver anC #ress tAe button on0e, tAe Coors sAoulC lo0" anC unlo0"$ 5$ /oint tAe &nC "eE at tAe re0eiver anC #ress tAe button on0e, tAe Coors sAoulC lo0" anC unlo0"$ ($ CAe0" tAe re ote 0ontrol unlo0"s anC lo0"s tAe Coors$

LAGUNA II R% RE:;NC@R=N.:.N8 '$ ?urn .Bnition =%%$ &$ /ress tAe 0entral Coor lo0"inB button !or unlo0"$ ore tAan 5 se0onCs$ Note5 tAe Coor sAoulC lo0" tAen

3$ +Aen tAis Aa##ens, '5 se0onCs is alloDeC anC tAe i

obiliser DarninB liBAt illu inates$

4$ /ress tAe re ote 0ontrol on0e, tAe Coors sAoulC lo0" anC unlo0"$ 5$ /ress tAe se0onC re ote 0ontrol on0e, tAe Coors sAoulC lo0" anC unlo0"$ ($ CAe0" tAe re ote 0ontrol unlo0"s anC lo0"s tAe Coors$

4/ Re7 RENAULT La$u#a II 4/9 !Ci 45: KS ; 3a3)a su )asa isust)a <
#&a"3 #i 22 >*t 2 8 !8$62 AeFate li se one priGe sa pal=en=em automobila na dugme AT"RT/AT>- sa *rat*im i dugim drHan=emI 9, Jta sam =a primetio od *ad sam regilisao naGin pal=en=a na *rat*o - automats*o pal=en=eK na*on toga su mi se regulisale dve sporne stvari od rani=e. Avetlo u *abini *od sredn=eg retroviEora =e *onaGno poGelo normalno da radi a ne da ostane upal=eno u sred bela dana pa ga =a gasim na dugme, pa noFu ne vidim nego ga palim. @rugo,

regulisalo se automats*o gaJen=e radi=a *o=i =e rani=e radio *a*o *ad. Lasio se automats*i ili sam ga =a morao gasiti posle *rat*og nerviran=a. >bEirom da sam u ceo Eahvat uloHio . min, =ednu *ap super lep*a i da sam rasturio =ednu deGi=u igraG*u da bih od plasti*e napravio ta= =eEiGa* *o=i odrad=u=e tu automati*u, vrlo sam Eadovol=an postignutim. DaroGito ovim MMpost-operativnim rea*ci=amaMM *o=e nisam oGe*ivao.

5/ Re7 RENAULT La$u#a II 4/9 !Ci 45: KS ; 3a3)a su )asa isust)a <
A## % . >*t 2 8 2 $#8

SerbianHero je napisao: Annoy je napisao:-oEdrav svimaN @anas sam video pre*o net-a da moEe da se po*rene *ao ne*i system chec* pre startovan=a auta drEeci dugme sa *o=im se men=a=u podaci na bord *omp=uteru i ubacivsi *articu.)teo bih da pitam da li ne*o Ena sta Enace oEna*e *od one sli*e a*umulatora %battery chec* ili ta*o nesto pise& gde treba da sto=e # Ena*a - - - -%barem ta*o pise na netu&,meni sto=i - - - h.Cel Ena ne*o *a*va =e to gres*a ili Ebog cega mi se po=avilo to slovoI Ca prvi put cu=em Ea to, *o=e =e to tacno dugme, ono na pre*idacu Ea brisacI Ceste,ono dugme na pre*idacu Ea brisac,drEi ga pritisnuto i ubaci *articu pa ce se po=aviti ta= test.-roverava ti *oli*o imas goriva,stan=e a*umulatora i =os ne*e sitnice..

Fi$u"e 4

=/ Re7 RENAULT La$u#a II 4/9 !Ci 45: KS ; 3a3)a su )asa isust)a <
s$h(>?: !! Dov 2 8 !2$!#

pajica12 je napisao:evo i =a sam *onaGno odluGio da popravim to automats*o pal=en=e na dugme.. ali *ada sam iEvu*ao ta= GitaG *artice , nisam nigde naJao ta= deo plasti*e *o=i =e poloml=en evo sli*a dole. da li =e to gde treba da bude ta plasti*a oEnaGeno bro=em !I i da li ta plasti*a treba da iEgleda *ao i ova oEnaGena bro=em 2I moHe li se ne*a*o improviEovati poJto se poloml=ena plasti*a negde Eagubila i nema =e ..

druHe,moraFeJ na Halost da otvoriJ ceo GitaG *artice%sa strana posto=i neJto *ao Habice& a poloml=ena plasti*a se nalaEi unutra, ona =e veliGine GaG*alice Ea Eube i n=eno lepl=en=e ni=e baJ toli*o prosto%mora=u da budu ti iEvanredno mirne ru*e prili*om lepl=en=a =er =e mesto na *o=e treba da se Ealepi odloml=eni deo man=i od 2mm& ali *a*o vidim uspeli smo s*oro svi mi *o=i smo i po*uJali. na *ra=u *ra=eva ne moHeJ niJta da po*variJ,moraFeJ =oJ =ednom da ispratiJ sve sli*e na =ednom od ne*ih rani=ih postova,sreFno Orh

>/ Re7 RENAULT La$u#a II 4/9 !Ci 45: KS ; 3a3)a su )asa isust)a <
Tau#us L !! Dov 2 8 !.$ 8 pajica12 je napisao:evo i =a sam *onaGno odluGio da popravim to automats*o pal=en=e na dugme.. ali *ada sam iEvu*ao ta= GitaG *artice , nisam nigde naJao ta= deo plasti*e *o=i =e poloml=en evo sli*a dole. da li =e to gde treba da bude ta plasti*a oEnaGeno bro=em !I i da li ta plasti*a treba da iEgleda *ao i ova oEnaGena bro=em 2I moHe li se ne*a*o improviEovati poJto se poloml=ena plasti*a negde Eagubila i nema =e .. Boli*o sam =a shvatio uputstvo do odloml=enog di=ela plasti*e dolaEis *ad otvoris *uti=u citaca *artice. -osto=i mogucnost da ta= dio plasti*e ni=e odloml=en nego =e napu*ao i opet nema svo=u fun*ci=u. ' sva*om sluca=u moras otvoriti citac *artice da bi vidio u cemu =e stvar. 9vo uputstvo u slici i ri=eci *o=e sam s*upio sa ovog foruma %word document, pravio Ea =ednog pri=atel=a *o=i =e imao isti problem&. Bod$ >beleHi sve


@/ Re7 RENAULT La$u#a II 4/9 !Ci 45: KS ; 3a3)a su )asa isust)a <
Ca" !! Dov 2 8 2!$ 2

Ppa=ica!2. Aamo treba paEl=ivo otvoriti ta= citac *artice, t=. paEiti na Eabice i plasti*u, da se nesto ne slomi. -osle toga =e la*o - stampanu plocu drEi samo =edan mali sraf, i *ad =e s*ines doci ces do tog dela gde treba Ealepiti mali plasticni deo *o=i se polomio. 'poredi sa sli*ama iE uputstva gde ta= mali plasticni deo treba da sto=i, a*o se ne snad=es sam. Auper lepa* 4 o=acan=e ne*om elasticnom plasti*om, i *ra= price. Da to= plastici od citaca *artice pise da =e Oaleo proiEvod=ac %a*o se dobro secam&. Atrasno *a*o =e lose napravl=eno i isfusareno *ad mi sami moramo da o=acavamo plasicne delove.

A/ Re7 RENAULT La$u#a II 4/9 !Ci;is3ust)a i 3)a" )i

&i#$e 22 Dov 2 8 !6$2.

Cedno pitan=e, na *o=e =e pretpostavl=am la*o odgovoriti, ali eto mene napati. Rec =e o Laguni II phase b, 2 2 godiste, oprema initiale. Da *o=i nacin mogu da resetu=em board racunar, da *rene ponovo da mi meri prosecnu potrosn=u i ta*o to....IIII Lde pritisnutiI )vala minge (?( Glan P st )i7 28 Bla# !7 !5 Aep 2 L 3aci-a7 RA Ga"aCa7 auto $& 8 8$#



D/ Re7 RENAULT La$u#a II 4/9 !Ci;is3ust)a i 3)a" )i

ci3a- *a 22 Dov 2 8 !2$#! EadrEis ono dugme na rucici brisaca gde men=as informaci=e na boardu, par se*undi

?/ Re7 RENAULT La$u#a II 4/9 !Ci;is3ust)a i 3)a" )i

Se".ia#0e" 2. Dov 2 8 !.$#6 !sidor je napisao:@a li ne*o moEe da mi pomogneI -rili*om ubacivan=a *artice %i reEervne&, imam *onta*t pri prvom stepenu, a *ada =e ubacim do *ra=a nemam *onta*t, samo crvena lampica *o=a se nalaE na tabli iEmed=u s*ale Ea gorivo i temperaturu, blin*a =os brEe. De mogu ni da upalim ni da slepam auto, =er =e volan blo*iran, nista. )vala, unapred Imao sam slican problem , procita= =edan od rani=ih postova... isto mi se desilo s tim sto nisam imao ni *onta*t, resio sam problem na cudan nacin, =edan moma* na frumu, Eaboravio sam *o=a tema bese%nesto u veEi sa *articama& uE iste simptome *ao mo=e, uEo i Eamenio =e ispravan osigurac ured=a=a *o=i se Eove '() ci=a =e i =edna od fun*ci=a veEana Ea citac *ratica, i sve mu =e proradilo, ta*o i meni i od tada sve radi *a*o treba.......

9/ Re7 RENAULT La$u#a II 4/9 !Ci;is3ust)a i 3)a" )i

'assat 2. Dov 2 8 !8$!8

Ta crvena lampica trebalo bi da te obavestava da nesto ni=e u redu-*ada spo=is racunar na odred=eno mesto,odnosno dEe*,i pogledas situaci=u,pisat cedelomicna ili *ompletna blo*ada motora i *ompa pre*o imobila=Eera,a to se Ena desiti cisto beEveEe,cove* bacio *articu na sto sa malo vece visine,unutra se *od pobr*ao,citacu podata *o=i =e negde ispod instrumental*e bilo sumn=ivo,odnosno ni=e dobro ocitao *od i onda haos...dobar ma=stor to napravi la*o ali DIB"@ Q" DIB"@ D9 ?"("CT9 B"RTI(' ILI BLC'( B>CI I," B>@,=a sam sa pasatom imao isti problem Ebog *l=uca...toli*o od mene sto sam uspeo Eapamtiti *od ma=stora

4:/Re7 RENAULT La$u#a II 4/9 !Ci;is3ust)a i 3)a" )i

$ $i44 25 Dov 2 8 8$!. gboban je napisao:-oEdrav l=udi, evo =os =ednog *o=i se opasno naloEio na lagunuN Oideo sam iE posta gogi!! da =e moguce proveriti pravu *ilometraEu, pa me Eanima *oli*o =e to pouEdano i da li to moEe samo u ovlascenom servisuI (uo sam da su se iEvestili i da ponistava=u i tu ne*u memori=u *o=a bi trebalo da cuva stvarnu *ilometraEu. Pgogi!! a=de molim te napisi mi gde si radio servis i gde su te cene *o=e si naveo, *oli*o sam u*apirao to ti radi ne*i pri=atel=. =a sam u DA-u pa bi voleo da imam ne*og i da mi proveri auto pre *upovine. Daravno saveti Ea *upovinu polovn=a*a su uve* dobrodosli, na sta obratiti paEn=u itd. u*apirao sam da gledam turbinu da li =e masna, ovo o*o dugmeta start/stop, osvetl=en=a *lime. TraEim !.8 d(i 2 ! ili 2 2 godiste. -oEdrav svima =os =ednomN @ruEe evo ova*o, proveru *ilometraEe vrsisi u ovlascenom servisu, =a sam istu proverio u R9D> A9B'LI( Oeterni*. De mogu da ti *ilometraEu potvrde autodi=agnosti*om t= pri*l=ucivan=em *omp=utera na racunar automobila %=er tu upravo vraca=u *m a i moEda =e *omp=uter-auta men=an *ao sto =e sluca= *od mene &vec to vrse u baEi podata*a R9D"'LT" pre*o interneta.Qnaci potrebna im =e samo saobraca=na oda*le uEima=u bro= shasi=e na osnovu *o=e dobi=a=u sve podat*e o*o *ilometraEe i servisa u*oli*o =e auto servisiran u ovlascenom servisu u inostranstvu %i onda ti potvrde *ilometraEu i *aEu ti sta =e sve rad=eno na autu posto su serviseri u inostranstvu obaveEni i da podat*e o poprav*ama unose u baEu&. 9vo recimo mo=a laguna =e posledn=i put servisirana-popravl=ana . septembra 2 8 u Aervisu u "n*oni -=evl=en =e *var na *omp=uteru-standardno Ea

Lagunu tada =e imala na satu !. .2 *m- auto =e uveEen u Arbi=u mesec dana *asni=e 6 o*tobra i ocarin=en sledeci dan. Bupio sam ga pre*o poEnani*a *re=em proslog meseca i proverio *ilometraEu *od Ae*ulica gde su mi potvrdili *m % =a sam ga *upio sa !. .6. *m& i redovno odrEavan=e. Recimo $ ,en=an =e *omp=uter 2 + g -82 evra, pa =e men=an ne*i deo ispod papucice gasa 2 evra u martu 2 8 , vodena pumpa 2 + cena !2 evra, nove gume u ma=u 2 8 6. *omada 8+ e ... servisni interval Ea ul=e =e na !6. *m. Inace Ea vecinu ovih poprav*i sam uE do*umentaci=u o voEilu dobio i racune o ovim poprav*ama gde =e ta*od=e navedena *m ali sam hteo da budem ! R siguran. ,o=a laguna =e iE prve seri=e 2 ! godiste, odrEavana lepo, ni=e unistena, ima par ogrebotina ali ni=e strasno. Qa diEela nisam imao para a i bo=ao sam se bas Ebog *ilometraEe i cene odrEavan=a %mada ni beEinac ni=e =eftin&, ma lep =e auto ali sve ovo sto si procitao potvrdice prva voEn=a-raspametices se %poEitivno& . Bao i vecina na ovom forumu recicu ti da obratis paEn=u na unutrasn=ost =er se tu =asno vidi *o =e i *a*o voEio i odrEavao auto sto ne Enaci da ne otvaras haubu Bada pronad=es auto Eamoli prodavca Ea proveru u servisu, a*o =e tebi pre svega bitna *m onda moEes u servis da odes i sa bro=em shasi=e i motora ali

=e ipa* na=bol=e da odveEes auto. "*o te ubed=u=e da =e to sigurno toooo nema potrebe da proooveravasss itd ...

sam odluci...

'Emi probne tablice %o*o !2 din Ea ! dan& ili poEoves slep da te odveEu na proveru %o*o !6 din&. >*o 2 din =e *ompletna provera stan=a auta sa *ilometraEom NNN "*o *upis lagunu cimni me na p.p pa ti sal=em bro= od odlicnog ma=stora -ugrad=u=e originalne delove ali =e povol=ni=i od ovlascenih servisera gde inace on i radi pa posle radnog vremena nastavl=a *uci De mo= da te buni a*o odmah vidis nove papuchice , recimo *od mene su men=ane cim =e auto uveEen ali eto proverio sam *m i to =e to ni=e nista srivano, unutrasn=ost beE Eamer*i , ni=e puseno volan ni=e iEliEan motor %naravno opran& cist ali evo Ea !6 *m *oli*o sam presao nema cur*an=a ul=a ili sl. Aledi mi us*oro *ompletan servis t*E veli*i servis o*o 22. .din. Cavi sta si resio pa ti sal=em na pp *onta*te a*o ti treba=u naravno.

44/Re7 RENAULT La$u#a II 4/9 !Ci;is3ust)a i 3)a" )i

#&a"3 #i 2+ Dov 2 8 2!$22

Qnate li ono *ad smo priGali o pritis*an=u dugmeta na ruGici Ea brisaGe i =ednovremenom stavl=an=u *artice u svo=e leHiJteINI %tada se pravi ona= efe*at o*retan=a *aEal=*i i tada moHeJ da vidiJ npr. *oli*o goriva imaJ =oJ u reEervoaru& @anas sam ustanovio pra*tiGnu primenu o *o=o= Fu vam priGati i preneti vam mo=e is*ustvo. @a*le, *ao uvod prvo neJto o potroJn=i. 'stanovio sam da na bordu *ada se u*l=uGi Huta lampa sa upoEoren=em da ste na reEervi viJe ne radi odbro=avan=e *oli*o =oJ moHete da pred=ete *ilometara sa raspoloHivom *oliGinom goriva. Ta po=ava se *od mene deJava iEmed=u !!6*m i !26*m. Bada se =ednom u*l=uGi ta lampica viJe se ne gasi do* ne svratite na obliHn=u pumpu. -re ne*ih mesec dana sam u trenut*u pal=en=a lampice stao, ugasio auto, iEvu*ao *articu, pritusnuo dugme na palici Ea brisaGe i ubacio *articu. Is*li*tao sam to dugme i na disple=u mi =e pisalo da imam =oJ 5 litara %Jto otprili*e i odgovara proseGno= potroJn=i obEirom da se lampica upalila na !!8*m *oli*o =e po*aEivao bord da se moHe =oJ voEiti&. -oJto mogu pre*o firme da se Gastim punim reEervoarom, otiJao sam da natan*am do Gepa. >pet odradio istu proceduru i na disple=u =e pisalo 5 litara&. - >O> C9 ?I> 'O>@ @anas, posle mesec dana upali mi se lampica i na*on samo +-! *m svarim po na=veFem pl=us*u na pumpu da sipam Ea !,6 dindHi. -rethodno odradim =oJ na pumpi test meren=a *oliGine preostale *oliGine na reEervi i na disple=u =e pisalo 6 litara. -rivatna pumpa, deG*o *o da =e na roc* *oncertu, *aHem mu da Fu euro diEela Ea !6 din i saGe*am ga pored *ase =er sam uJao i da *upim flaJicu vode Ea *lince. @am mu uredno 2 . din, deG*o mi vrati 6 din, i =a ga l=ubaEno Eamolim da mi da fis*alni. ,a=stor mi otcepi fis*alni Ea flaJicu vode na . din, i tu mi potegne Hivce. Da*nadno mu traHim Ea gorivo, on mrEovol=no otcepi raGun *o=i =a ponesem sa onih 6 dindHi i sednem u auto. -od=em, u*l=uGim se u ulicu i imam Jta da vidimN BaEal=*a Ea gorivo malo iEnad reEerve .

I tada nastupa Serlo* na scenu. -ar*iram se, ponovim proceduru provere *oliGine I I,", ST" @" OI@I,N Da disple=u piJe da imam !# litara u reEervoaru. -ogledam ona= fis*alni, *ad tamo piJe !#,#2 litara. I naravno o*renem se po ono= *iJi, vratim se *od mangupa i sa vrata dis*retno poludim. -omin=ao sam potrebu da se upoEnam sa Jefom smene a *ada sam EatraHio da saEnam bro= gaEde pumpe, deG*o =e brHe bol=e predloHio da dospe Ea =oJ 6 dinara %Ea toli*o me =e ili on hteo Eavrnuti ili =e aparat ta*o nameJten da EavrFe sam&. Daravno da sam is*oristio svo=ih 6 dinara =er mi =e dosta da me na sva*om moguFem mestu EavrFu Ea sitne pare a da =e mene sramota da to i glasno primetim. ?lago reGeno, poludeo samN "li sam vrlo ponosan na svo=u Lagunu *o=a ima i tu moguFnost provere trenutne *oliGine goriva pre dolivan=a. -osle svega, na disple=u =e pisalo 2 litara u

reEervoaru u Jta se i sam deG*o uverio svo=im oGima. Sta reFi na *ra=u, hvala a*o ste imali strpl=en=e da Gitate ovo do *ra=a, ali vas smatram *ao drugare pa sam morao ovo da vam ispriGam

Fi$u"e 5

Laguna 2 restajling, ro!lem ma senzor

poslato: 21.01.2010. - 20:28

!"i gore

raCi se o

otoru ',1C0i %A/ *%12 756, B84AB(,, euro 4 ''0 "s *6'"D,$ Auto ubrizBavanFe$ G #rvi

i Fe staFao #etnaesta"

Cana i #o #alFenFu izba0io Fe na borCu Ca #roveri u#ozorenFe i auto Fe raCio nor alno Co

inuta a raCa niFe #alio

o enta "aCa se u#ali #oru"a na borCu$ /alFenFe zute ot"azivanFu overboost ventil Fe oC$ Hvao sa ne"oli"o oCela senzor Fe

la #i0e za servis i #oru"e za #roveru CovoCilo Fe Co "zatvaranFa" turbine i auto Fe isao "ao Ca i a "(0" "s$ Na CiFaBnosti0i Fe #o"azao Ca Fe u "varu 3A/ senzor i #o nFeBovo oCraCFivao svoFe na turbini to Fest is"lFu0ivao Fe i stavlFao sa tri #ina a "oC ovoB oB Fe sa 0etiri #ina$ G FeCno otor u ne"i sa!e

s#e0iFalizovaniA #roCavni0a auto Celova i nisu i ali taF senzor toB broFa$ >oC stariFiA servisu u :a#0u trazili su nabave taF senzor a nasao sa 0ove"a #re 0is0enFa$$$$ Ba za ''600 sa Costavo

i '5000 Cinara Ca otor,

na "u0nu aCresu u 3aster Brou# u Novo

saCu$$$$$$$$$$$)alFalo bi #one"aC i o0istiti taF 3A/ senzor$ /oBleCaFte "a"o izBleCa "oC *I?-

oglas fotogaleri#a

Autodijagnostika dijagnostika RENAULT CAN CLIP

bro# oglasa: $11937

cijena: 6.19


%b#a&l#en: 10.03.2010 u 18:'2 Do iste(a #e #o): 9 "ana* 11 +* '$ ,in %glas pri(a-an: $.8 puta

R/01234 510 53!6 - "i#agnosti7(i ure8a# i software na na)e, #e-i(u9 Soft&er #e ot(l#u7an i ne,a &re,ens(o ograni7en#e9 :1R1:4/R!S4!:/ Renault 510 ;lip &a, "opu)ta: <i"#eti s&e infor,a;i#e o &o-ilu i po"r=ani, siste,i,a 4estiran#e i a(ti&iran#e s&i+ fun(;i#a po"r=ani+ u &o-ilu 1uto,ats(o testiran#e s&i+ (o,p#utera u &o-ilu Reprogra,iran#e ;entrale 4est -ra7ni+ #astu(a S(eniran#e gre)a(a na siste,i,a >%?D tests@ ?a-a "o(u,enata - te+ni7(i po"at;i i infor,a;i#e A#eran#a =i&i+ para,etara na &o-ili,a Aulti,etar 2re8a# (o#i (oriste o&la)teni ser&isi te sa n#i, ,o=ete (ontrolirati * progra,irati ;entrale * ra"iti prilago"be * (o"irati in#e(tore i s&e ostale fun(;i#e (o#e po"r=a&a#u R/01234 &o-ila B20:5!C/ 2R/D1C1 6%DRE10/ S2 S3C/D/F/ B20:5!C/: po&eGa# sli(u

!D/04!B!:15!C/ !spis (o,pletni+ infor,a;i#a o ;entralno# #e"ini;i * seri#s(i, bro#e&i,a* progra,s(a i +ar"wares(a &er-i#a po proi-&o8a7u 7!410C/ :%D%<1 !s7ita&an#e s&i+ stalni+ i trenutni+ gre)a(a sa (o,pletni, opiso, gre)(e 6rogra, po"r=a&a )ta,pan#e i (opiran#e gre)(e "a bi se (li#enti,a ,oglo opisati proble, . ?R!S10C/ HR/)1:1 %&a fun(;i#a o,oguGa&a brisan#e s&i+ gre)a(a po+ran#eni+ u ,e,ori#u &o-ila t# ;etnralne #e"ini;e 124%-4R1E/0C/ >(o,pletno s(eniran#e susta&a na &o-ili,a s;anItest@ Sa,ostalno s(eniran#e s&i+ siste,a u &o-ili,a i is7ita&an#e gre)a(a AC/R/0C1 6rogra, po(a-u#e s&e trenutne &ri#e"nosti &o-ila * ?r-ina (retan#a * napon a(u,ulatora * 3a,b"a sen-or stan#e * te,perature * ,oguGe #e pri(a- grafi7(i * (o,para;i#a re-ultata * spre,an#e po"ata(a i-7itani+ -a (asni#u obra"u . 1:4!<15!C/ 1(ti&a;i#e u(l#u7u#u * -a pri,#er - pal#en#e pu,pe gori&a * -a(l#u7a&an#e &rata * pal#en#e po(a-i&a7a pra&;a * pal#en#e &entilatora * pre(i" "o&o"a gori&a i s&e ostalo )to &o-ilo po"r=a&a B20:5!C/ 6R%HR1A!R10C1 ! 1D164!R10C1 %&a fun(;i#a &a, o,ogu7u#e &eli( bro# a"aptiran#a i progra,iran#a -a pri,#er - (o"iran#e no&o ,ontiranog ra7unala &o-ila * (o"iran#e (l#u7e&a i,,obili-era * Jra7ni #astu;i * 1lar, * ?o"y (ontolne #e"ini;e * (o"iran#e in#(etora it"... Ce"ino sa o&i, ure8a#e, ,o=ete ,#en#ati ra7unala u &o-ili,a t# ;entralne #e"ini;e . R1K2013% J1 R1D S1 2R/D1C/A A%R1 J1D%<%3C1<14! S3C/D/F/: !ntel 5eleronI6entiu, !!! .00 AL-* 128 A? R1A* '0A? free LDD spa;e 2S? 1.1 port >2S? 2.0 re;o,,en"e"@ Ai;rosoft Min"ows 98 SR2I2000IN6 ser&i;e pa;( S63 instaliran. 2 (o,plet #e u(l#u7en: - 510 5lip !nterfa;e - 2 (abela -a 510 5lip >%?D i stari 1' pins(i@ - 2S? (abel - Soft&er &.8$ 6ogle"a# ostale oglase :alelarga9


772.. ?osans(a %to(a Tel: 387 O387$11''173 Tel": 00387-$1-1''-173 :onta(tira#te ogla)i&a7a S&

Fi$u"e =

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