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Space Sizing The Final Frontier

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The Space Problem how much to quote Terms and Concepts
Space Guarantees Snap Reserve Fractional Reserve Vol Autogrow and Snap Autodelete

Possible configurations Recommendations

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The Problem

Customer asks for 20TB of usable storage for a SAN. How much storage do you configure in your quote?

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The Problem
Why is this a problem?

Why is this a problem?


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The Problem
So, youve had the snapshot conversation with the customer.and you configure the 20TB usable quote with how much storage? 2x plus delta? i.e. ((2x20)+(20%)) = 44TB usable Why?

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Terms and Concepts

Snapshots taken on a NetApp storage array are stored in the same volume as the primary data Snapshots taken on other vendors arrays are stored in a separate snapshot area On NetApp if you fill your volume with snapshot data all writes to your LUNs stop and your host keels over On other vendors arrays if you run out of snapshot space the snapshot is failed

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Terms and Concepts FlexVol Guarantees

Default guarantee for any new volume Space is reserved from the aggregate at volume creation time This space is not available to other volumes regardless of how much is really used Fractional Reserve settings can only be changed using Volume guarantees

No space is reserved from the aggregate at volume creation time Space is taken from the volume as data is written Allows multiple volumes to use available space from an aggregate Any individual volume still is not allowed to take more space than its specified size Permits thin provisioning at the volume level

The same as none but allows individual LUNs (or files) to set space reservations to ensure they unless have adequate space Stick with guarantee=Volume you have good reason to do otherwise
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Flexible Volume Space Management

Space Guarantees
= claimed space = unclaimed space = full space




NOTE: The blue blocks represent space not disks

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Space Guarantees Set to volume

= claimed space

= unclaimed space Aggr = full space

NOTE: Blocks represent space not disks

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Space Guarantees Set to none

= claimed space = unclaimed space


= full space

NOTE: In reality, particular blocks are not claimed. The volume is simply given a space limit, and space is filled at random.
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Space Guarantees Set to file

= claimed space


= unclaimed space = full space

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Space Guarantees at FlexVol Creation

To specify a space guarantee at the creation of a FlexVol:
Step Action 1. Enter the following command:
vol create flexvol_name aggr_name s [volume|file|none] size [k|m|g|t]


Confirm settings, enter the following command: vol options flexvol_name

vol create sample_vol sample_aggr s file size 10g
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Space Guarantees Change or Update

To change the space guarantee for an existing FlexVol volume:
Step Action 1. Enter the following command:
vol options flexvol_name aggr_name guarantee [volume|file|none]


Confirm settings, enter the following command: vol options flexvol_name

vol options sample_vol guarantee none
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Terms and Concepts - LUN Reservation

Determines when the space is taken out of the volume
At LUN creation (i.e. fully provisioned) When data is written to the LUN (i.e. thin provisioned)

Equivalent of guarantees for LUNs

enable = volume disable = none

Enabled by default

Only to be disabled for thin provision of LUNs lun set reservation enable/disable lun create o noreserve (creates a thin provisioned LUN)
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Terms and Concepts - Snap Reserve

Set at the volume level ONTAP removes the defined percentage from the volume

Does not allow LUNs to be created or files to grow into the snap reserve space

Snapshot data fills this space Traditionally set to 0 for volumes used with block protocols, but does not have to be zero in SAN environments.

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Snap Reserve

Figure 1 - DEFAULT

Figure 2
Volume 1 Space Reservation
Snapshot Reserve Snapshot Overflow

Volume 1 Space Reservation

Snapshot Reserve



Historically recommend setting Snap Reserve to 0 for block storage, but there are now reasons to reconsider this policy
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Terms and Concepts - Fractional Reserve

Set at the volume level (default is 100%), can only be altered if space guarantee = volume, can be set between 0% and 100% Allows thin provisioning of snapshot space Independent of Snap Reserve Determines amount of space ONTAP reserves for snapshot data for LUNs Space is reserved when the first snapshot is taken. Space reserved = used space in LUN(s) Fractional Reserve Space is only used if no other space in the volume is available
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Fractional Reserve - Default Example

Create the space reserved LUN

lun create s 100gb t aix /vol/vol1/lun1
Fractional Reserve = 100 %
guarantee = volume space reservation = enable = 25 GB 100 GB = LUN1 = LUN1 = vol1 = reserved =full

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Fractional Reserve - Default Example (cont.)

Fill the LUN

guarantee = volume space reservation = enable = 25 GB 100 GB = LUN1 = LUN1 = vol1 = reserved =full

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Fractional Reserve - Default Example (cont.)

Take the Snapshot

snap create lun1 snap1

Space is Reserved
guarantee = volume space reservation = enable = 25 GB 100 GB = LUN1 = LUN1 = vol1 = reserved =full

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Fractional Reserve - LUN Not Filled (cont.)

What happens if the LUN is not full when the snapshot is taken?
Only the amount of space filled is reserved
guarantee = volume space reservation = enable = 25 GB 100 GB = LUN1 = LUN1 = vol1 = reserved =full

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Fractional Reserve 25 Percent Example

Set Fractional Reserve

vol options vol1 fractional_reserve 25
Fractional Reserve = 25 %
guarantee = volume space reservation = enable = 25 GB 100 GB = LUN1 = LUN1 = vol1 = reserved =full

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Fractional Reserve 25 Percent Example (cont.)

Take Snapshot Space is reserved

guarantee = volume space reservation = enable = 25 GB 100 GB = LUN1 = LUN1 = vol1 = reserved =full

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Fractional Reserve - LUN Not Filled (cont.)

What happens if fractional reserve is 25 percent and the LUN is 50 percent full when the snapshot is taken?
12.5 GB are reserved
guarantee = volume space reservation = enable = 25 GB 100 GB = LUN1 = LUN1 = vol1 = reserved =full
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Terms and Concepts - Snapshot Auto Delete

Set on a per volume basis Determines when (if) snapshots will be automatically deleted Makes NetApp like competition but better snap autodelete <vol-name> [on | off | show | reset | help] | snap autodelete <vol-name> <option> <value>... Supported options and corresponding values: commitment try, disrupt trigger volume, snap_reserve, space_reserve target_free_space 1-100 delete_order oldest_first, newest_first defer_delete scheduled, user_created, prefix, none prefix <string> Snapshots locked by clones, cifs or restores will not be deleted change planned for 7.3
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Terms and Concepts - Volume Autosize

Set on a per volume basis Determines if a volume should grow when nearly full Possible settings
ON - Maximum size (default 120% of initial size) - Increment size (default 5% of original size) OFF

vol autosize <vol-name>

[-m <size>[k|m|g|t]] [-i <size>[k|m|g|t]] [ on | off | reset ]

Try_first option determines whether auto_grow or auto_delete is attempted first The possible try_first values are: snap_delete volume_grow e.g. vol options try_first snap_delete
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Space Management Default Configuration

Default Configuration:
Guarantee LUN reservation Fractional_reserve Snap_reserve = 0% Auto_delete Auto_grow Try_first = volume = on = 100% = off = off = NA
Available space


Fractional Reserve



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Space Management Default Configuration

Easy to manage/monitor space
Running out of space only results in no additional snapshots being created SnapShots and active LUNs will always be available

Volumes are independent of each other

Requires 2X + space Puts us at a cost disadvantage versus competition

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Thin Provisioning Snapshot Space Autodelete

Auto Delete Configuration:

Guarantee = volume LUN reservation = on Fractional_reserve = 0% Snap_reserve = 20% Auto_delete = snap_reserve Auto_grow = on Try_first = snap_delete
Preferred Configuration #1


Snapshot Available (Snap Reserve)


Available space



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Thin Provisioning Snapshot Space Autodelete

Easy to monitor/understand space just volume (and .snapshot) Sacrifices snapshots before active LUNs Volumes are independent of each other Looks like the competition

Doesnt use shared space from the aggregate (unless auto_grow is also used) Until ONTAP 7.3 have to be cautious with using FlexClones
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Filling Volume without autodelete

Snapshot #2 #1

100% - 20 GB

Starting state - 100GB Volume - 2 x 40GB LUNs - snap_reserve = 20% - fractional_reserve = 0% Writing data to LUNs
LUN #2 40GB

Create snapshot #1 Create snapshot #2 Volume is 100% full Writes to LUNs are returned with out of space error messages

LUN #1 40GB

Application crashes!!

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Filling Volume with autodelete

Snapshot #2 #1

98% - 19.6GB

Starting state - 100GB Volume - 2 x 40GB LUNs - snap_reserve = 20% - fractional_reserve = 0% - trigger = snap_reserve - delete_order = oldest_first Writing data to LUNs Create snapshot #1 Create snapshot #2 Snapshot #1 is autodeleted Snapshot #2 is autodeleted

LUN #2 40GB

LUN #1 40GB

Snapshots are lost but application continues running

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Thin Provisioning Snapshot Space Vol Auto Size

Auto Grow Configuration:

30GB Guarantee = volume LUN reservation = on Fractional_reserve = 0% Snap_reserve = 0% (or X%) Auto_delete = volume Auto_grow = on 70GB Try_first = auto_grow
Available space


Preferred Configuration #2

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Thin Provisioning Snapshot Space Auto Size

Uses shared free space from the aggregate for possible growth Sacrifices snapshots before active LUNs Can tune amount of thin provisioning per volume Works even with a smaller number of volumes

Volumes are not completely independent of one another
Always the case when using shared free space Growth in one volume can limit growth of another
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Volume autosize Example

vol autosize vol1 m 800gb i 150gb on
The current volume is 500GB There are 2 LUNs (160GB) So with these 4 Snapshot copies, the volume is 98% full

Snapshot 4 65GB Snapshot 3 60GB Volume is 98% full Snapshot 2 75GB Snapshot1 100GB LUN2 95GB LUN1 - 95GB
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Volume autosize Example (cont.)

vol autosize vol1 m 800gb i 150gb on
Now vol1 is 650GB, leaving 25 percent free space

Snapshot 4 65GB Snapshot 3 60GB Snapshot 2 75GB Snapshot1 100GB LUN2 95GB LUN1 - 95GB
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Volume autosize Example (cont.)

vol autosize vol1 m 800gb i 150gb on
Snapshot5, 145GB is added to the volume

Snapshot 5 145GB Snapshot 4 65GB Snapshot 3 60GB Snapshot 2 75GB Snapshot1 100GB LUN2 95GB LUN1 - 95GB
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Volume autosize Example (cont.)

vol autosize vol1 m 800gb i 150gb on
Vol1 = 800GB Max Growth

Snapshot 5 145GB Snapshot 4 65GB Snapshot 3 60GB Snapshot 2 75GB Snapshot1 100GB LUN2 95GB LUN1 - 95GB
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Configuration Options
Guarantee: Volume fractional reservation: 0% snap reserve: Y% Trigger: volume Comment: Probably doesn't make sense unless NAS data being written into the same volume -Recommended config for auto delete - Easy to monitor free space - Use fractional reserve >0% if using SME or SMSQL - Meaningless - it will immediately delete every snapshot - Probably doesn't make sense unless NAS data being written into the same volume - Easy to monitor amount of snapshot data - Provides some time if autodelete/autogrow can't provide needed space - Snapshot creation will be disabled when the volume is full Default configuration for blocks space overhead is very expensive - Recommended config for auto_grow - Having fractional_reserve set > 0% would provide some time if autodelete or autogrow can't provide needed space, but can be confusing. Make fractional reserve >0% if SME or SMSQL is used. Having SnapReserve set to 20% would also allow a trigger setting of snap_reserve for snapshot deletes (if they were enabled but not for SQL or Exchange) and provide some snapshot buffer space. - Meaningless - it will immediately delete every snapshot - Allows the use of the volume full warnings before snapshot deletion starts - Allows preference to newer snapshots by allowing new snapshots to be created while deleting older - Allows prefrence to newer snapshots by allowing new snapshots to be created while deleting older - Meaningless - since fractional_reserve is 100%

Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume

0% (or X%) 0% X% X% X% 100%

Y% (or 0%) Y% Y% Y% Y% 0%

snap_reserve space_reserve volume snap_reserve space_reserve N/A

Volume Volume Volume File File File

0% (or X%) X% X% NA-100% NA-100% NA-100%

0% (or Y%) 0% 0% 0% Y% Y%

volume snap_reserve space_reserve volume snap_reserve space_reserve

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Recommendations Method #1 AutoDelete First

Make sure you include adequate PS resourcing Target snapshot space at 20%-70% Set fractional reserve to 0, volume guarantee = volume. Set Snap Reserve at default 20% Enable snap auto delete (trigger=snap_reserve or trigger=space_reserve) and vol auto size Set try_first = snap_delete Change default setting of wafl_reclaim_threshold to 90 (default 98) if trigger=snap_reserve, or lower if space_reserve Put the remainder of your free space in your aggregate (this becomes global free space) and will equate to about 50% but may vary on a volume-by-volume basis Vol auto size is used as a last resort in case the snapshots I have cannot be deleted Over time I may manually reallocate some of my global space into selected volumes to increase LUN sizes or provide more snap reserve

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Recommendations Method #2 Auto_Grow First

Make sure you include adequate PS resourcing Target snapshot space at 20%-70% Set fractional reserve to 0, volume guarantee = volume.. Set Snap Reserve to 0 Enable snap auto delete (trigger=volume or trigger=space_reserve) and vol auto size Set try_first = volume_grow Change default setting of wafl_reclaim_threshold to 90 (default 98) remember the trigger for autogrow is always volume. Keep between 20% and 40% spare space in your volume (this is used for snapshot data but is not reserved for that purpose) Put the remainder of your free space in your aggregate (this becomes global free space) Snap delete is used only when the volume reaches max size or there is no more space in aggregate.

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Recommendations - Exceptions
Size for performance first Beware effects on performance if disk space reduced DO NOT use snap auto delete
Instead use SME and SMSQL equivalents

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