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Top 10 Changes in NEC-2008

by Michael J. Johnston

Because new technologies are entering the market continually and code rules must be developed or revised to address electrical safety concerns related to these emerging products, systems, methods, and equipment, the NE development process is dynamic!a vital, ever" moving force. #he $%%& process demonstrated that revisions are inevitable and very necessary. 'ere are ten of the most important changes. 1. Article 100 and Entire Code: Definitions 2008 NEC Products $%%& NE (oft over $%%& NE 'andbook $%%& NE )"*+M More $%%& NE ,roducts #hroughout the entire NE "$%%&, revisions have been made to numerous ode rules where grounding and bonding terms are used. (everal terms have been redefined and simplified for accuracy. Effectively grounded has been deleted and a new definition of ungrounded has been added. #he terms affected by this revision are as followsbonding (bonded) . revised grounding electrode conductor . revised grounding conductor, equipment . revised grounding electrode . revise ground . revised grounding (grounded) . revised grounded, effectively . deleted ungrounded . new /ppropriate ode"wide usage has been ensured, and grounding and bonding terms are used more consistently with their defined meaning. *ules throughout /rticle $0% and the NE have been revised to be more specific and prescriptive where rules related to grounding and bonding requirements were inconsistent with what is intended to be accomplished from a performance perspective and what is required by the actual te1t used in the ode . 2. 110.26(C)(3) Personnel Doors #he second sentence in 22%.$34 54$5 was relocated to become item 465 and revised to address specific requirements relating to personnel doors. ,ersonnel access doors less than $0 feet from the working space are to open outward with simple pressure. (imilar revisions were made in 22%.66 to the personnel door requirements for equipment rated over 3%% volts.

Egress doors less than 25 feet from the working space (from page !) 3. 210.4( ) !ulti"ire ranc# Circuits 7nformation about conductors of multiwire branch circuits originating from the same panelboard or distribution equipment has been relocated to $2%.84/5. Now $2%.84B5 addresses disconnecting means for simultaneously disconnecting all ungrounded conductors of all multiwire branch circuits. (imultaneously disconnecting all conductors of multiwire branch circuits is now e1panded to all multiwire branch circuits, not 9ust those that supply more than one device mounted on the same yoke or mounting strap.

"ultiwire branch circuits (from page 5 ) 4. 210.8(A)(2) and (A)($) D"ellin% &nits #he :; 7 protection requirements for receptacles in basements, garages, and accessory buildings have been e1panded to all 2$0"volt, single"phase, 20" and $%"ampere receptacles regardless of accessibility or movability of an appliance from one location to another. ;our e1ceptions were deleted- the two from $2%.&4/54$5 and Nos. 2 and $ to 4/5405. /dditional te1t added to $2%.&4/5405 indicates that any receptacles installed under the e1ception to $2%.&4/5405 shall not be considered as meeting the requirements of $2%.0$4:5. / new ;,N refers users to <3%.824B5 and <3%.2$24B5 for fire alarm system supply"circuit requirements.

#$%& protection is required for receptacles in basements, accessory buildings, and garages of dwellings unless e'empted by remaining e'ceptions. (from page 5!) $. 210.12( ) D"ellin% &nits ombination"type /; 7"protective devices are now required in all dwelling unit rooms, e1cept for kitchens, bathroom, garages, basements, and rooms or areas not specified in this section. #his continues the incremental migration to provide whole"house /; 7 protection for dwelling units that was the ob9ective of the original proposals in the 2=== NE development cycle. #his section was revised to include a list of rooms and areas where the serving branch circuits are to be protected by arc"fault circuit"interrupter protection. Essentially, the requirements for this protection are e1panded to most areas and rooms in the dwelling unit with the e1ception of those named above and other areas or rooms not specifically identified in this section. #he /; 7"protective devices must be listed combination types.

(ocations of )$%& protection in a typical dwelling (from page * ) 6. 2$0.32( ) and E'ce(tion) *rounded +,ste-s Equipment grounding conductors are required to be installed with all branch circuits and feeders supplying separate buildings or structures. #he e1ception applies to e1isting premises wiring systems only. #his change should help reduce the number of designs that purposely invite the possibilities of inappropriate neutral"to"ground connections that can and often do happen in later renovations, which is uncontrollable by any NE rule. E1isting installations meeting the requirements of $0%.6$4B54$5 in previous editions of the NE would be allowed to remain operational. #he restrictive conditions of the new e1ception >former $0%.6$4B54$5? still have to be met and are sub9ect to approval of the applicable authority having 9urisdiction.

Equipment grounding conductors in branch circuits and feeders supplying separate buildings (from page ++ ) .. 310.1$( )(2)(c) and /a0le 310.1$( )(2)(c) Conduits E'(osed to +unli%#t on 1oofto(s onductors and cables installed in conduit or tubing e1posed to direct sunlight on rooftops are sub9ect to temperature ad9ustment factors in accordance with the values in #able 62%.204B5 4$54c5 based on distance above the roof surface. #he temperature values in the table shall be added to the ambient temperature and applied to the temperature correction factors provided in #able 62%.20 and #able 62%.2&. / new requirement in subdivision 4c5 has been added to 62%.204B54$5. 7n addition to the new te1t in subdivision 4c5, a new companion #able 62%.204B54$54c5 has been added. #o correlate with this change, the e1isting ;,N to 62%.2% has been deleted.

%onduits e'posed to sunlight on rooftops (from page +5 )

%onduits e'posed to sunlight on rooftops (from page +55)

8. 406.11 /a-(er21esistant 1ece(tacles in D"ellin% &nits @isted tamper"resistant receptacles are required for 2$0"volt, 20" and $%"ampere receptacles in dwelling units in areas specified in $2%.0$. (ubstantiation provided by #he A.(. onsumer ,roduct (afety ommissionBs National Electronic 7n9ury (urveillance (ystem indicated that during a 2%"year period, from 2==2 to $%%2, over $8,%%% children in the Anited (tates were in9ured when they inserted foreign ob9ects into electrical receptacles. Every year, at least $,8%% children, on average, are in9ured when tampering with electrical receptacles. #he number of in9uries is significant and demonstrates the need for more protection.

,amper-resistant receptacles in dwelling units (from page 22!)

,amper-resistant receptacle (from page 22!) 3. Ne" Article 626 Electrified /ruc4 Par4in% +(ace /rticle 3$3 provides installation requirements for truck stops that will supply electrical and communications services so that truck engines will be shut off for a time to lessen carbon emissions and to reduce fuel consumption. +ver the past several years, the attention of regulatory agencies and environmental groups has focused on means to reducing truck idling, thereby reducing emissions and fuel consumption. More than twenty states and cities have already adopted legislation to reduce the number of hours a truck idles. #his article includes provisions similar to those already e1isting in /rticles 00% and 002 that also include requirements for permanent power facilities. *equirements for standardiCed wiring methods, materials and configurations will result in uniform electrified truck parking spaces throughout the country. 7t will also ensure that all truck fleets will have the ability to connect to Dshore powerE to run cab amenities 4hotel loads5 and the heating, ventilation and air"conditioning systems.

Electrified truck parking space (from page .2!) 10. Ne" Article .08 Critical 5(erations Po"er +,ste-s ritical operations power systems 4 +,(5 provide requirements for facilities that are designated as mission critical and vital for national security such as =22 operations center, hospitals, telecommunications centers, air traffic control, water pumping stations, some fueling facilities and petrochemical plants. #his list is not e1haustive. #he requirements in this article target electrical power continuity for systems and circuits that are vital to national security, the economy, or public health and safety. (ome of the rules call for hardened electrical circuit wiring, specific power sources and source location designs, overcurrent protection operational characteristics and locations, and system performance and analysis.

%ritical operations power system (from page .*/)

Entrance to a critical operations power system (from page .*0) +u--ar, #here were 63&& proposals and $68= comments resulting in many significant and interesting revisions in NE -$%%&. ;our new articles and two new anne1es have been added for this cycle along with rules that address electrified truck parking space equipment and critical operations facilities. Each edition of the NE e1periences revisions necessary to keep up with

the dynamics of the electrical field. NE -$%%& has been revised to enhance protection against arcing faults in dwellings, thus increasing electrical safety for dwellings and occupants. #he e1pansion of ground"fault circuit"interrupter protection requirements in dwellings and other occupancies increases protection against electric shock and electrocution for persons. #his article provides only a small review of some of the more significant changes in NE "$%%&, but many more revisions resulted in improved code"wide clarity and usability. #he 7nternational /ssociation of Electrical 7nspectors is actively involved in the ode development process and provides detailed coverage of over 8%% of the $%%& ode revisions in 7/E7Bs )nalysis of %hanges 1E%-222/. ontact 7/E7 at 2"&%%"<&3"8$68 for your copy today. #he $%22 NE development process is already underway with over $%% proposals already submitted. :et involved in the process. /fter all, it is our ode, publicly developed and improved each cycle through open consensus, resulting in enhanced electrical safety for persons and property, the bottom line.

2008 NEC Changes (Part 1)

NE )igestF, +ctober $%%3 (necdigest3, 1ational Electrical %ode3, and 1E%3 are registered trademarks of the 1ational $ire 4rotection )ssociation, &nc., 5uincy, ") 22+*0) By James (tallcup, (r. and Mark +de Editor6s note7 8ames 9tallcup 9r. and "ark :de, two of the most knowledgeable and wellrespected e'perts in the electrical industry, have teamed up to write a series of special %ode &ssues articles giving us the scoop on the most important upcoming changes for 1E% 222/. #his issue of the $%%& 1E% changes covers the $0 most important changes to /rticle 2%%. Gords that have been deleted are indicated by strikethroughs, while words that have added are underlined to help simply and clarify each change. 200$ NEC 2 Article 100 Bonding 4Bonded5. #he permanent 9oining of metallic parts to form an electrically conductive path that ensures electrical continuity and the capacity to conduct safely any current likely to be imposed. 2008 NEC 2 Article 100 Bonded 4Bonding5. onnected to establish electrical continuity and conductivity. /uthorBs (ubstantiation- #his revision has been written to apply generally throughout the 1E% and simply describe the purpose and function of bonding. #here are conditions in the 1E% where specific bonding is required solely to minimiCe the difference of potential 4voltage5 between conductive components.

2008 NEC 2 Article 100 Branch" ircuit +vercurrent )evice. / device capable of providing protection for service, feeder, and branch circuits and equipment over the full range of overcurrents between its rated current and interrupting rating. Branch circuit overcurrent protective devices are provided with interrupting ratings appropriate for the intended use but no less than 0,%%% amperes. /uthorBs (ubstantiation- / new definition has been added to clarify that a branch circuit overcurrent device is capable of providing protection for a service, feeder, and branch circuits. 2008 NEC 2 Article 100 lothes loset. / non"habitable room or space intended primarily for storage of garments and apparel. /uthorBs (ubstantiation- / new definition has been added to clarify what constitutes a Dclothes closet.E 200$ NEC 2 $$0.2 Manufactured 'ome. / structure, transportable in one or more sections, that is $.0 m 4& body ft5 4$.0m5 or more in width or 2$m 48% body ft5 42$ m5 or more in length in the traveling mode or, when erected on site, is 6% m$ 46$% ft$5 or moreH which is built on a chassis and designed to be used as a dwelling, with or without a permanent foundation, when connected to the required utilities, including the plumbing, heating, air conditioning, and electrical systems contained therein. alculations used to determine the number of square meters 4square feet5 in a structure will be based on the structureBs e1terior dimensions, measured at the largest horiContal pro9ections when erected on site. #hese dimensions include all e1pandable rooms, cabinets, and other pro9ections containing interior space, but do not include inside bay windows. ;or the purpose of this ode and unless otherwise indicated, the term mobile home includes manufactured homes. ;,N No. 2- (ee the applicable building code for definition of the term permanent foundation. ;,N No. $- (ee ,art 6$&%, Manufactured 'ome onstruction and (afety (tandards, of the ;ederal )epartment of 'ousing and Arban )evelopment, for additional information on the definition. 2008 NEC 2 Article 100 Manufactured 'ome. / structure, transportable in one or more sections, that, in the traveling mode, is & body"ft 4$.8 m5 or more in width or 8% body"ft 42$.$ m5 or more in length or, when erected on site, is 6$% ft$ 4$=.< m$5 or more and that is built on a permanent chassis and designed to be used as a dwelling, with or without a permanent foundation, when connected therein. #he term manufactured home includes any structure that meets all the provisions of this paragraph e1cept the siCe requirements and with respect to which the manufacturer voluntarily files a certification required by the regulatory agency, and e1cept that such term shall not include any self"propelled recreational vehicle. alculations used to determine the number of square feet 4square meters5 in a structure are based on the structureBs e1terior dimensions, measured at the largest horiContal pro9ections when erected on site. #hese

dimensions include all e1pandable rooms, cabinets, and other pro9ections containing interior space, but do not include bay windows. ;,N No. 2- (ee the applicable building code for definition of the term permanent foundation. ;,N No. $- (ee ,art 6$&%, Manufactured 'ome onstruction and (afety (tandards, of the ;ederal )epartment of 'ousing and Arban )evelopment, for additional information on the definition. /uthorBs (ubstantiation- #his definition has been relocated from 00%.$ to /rticle 2%% to assist the user by providing consistent meaning of defined terms throughout the National ;ire odes. 200$ NEC 2 Article 100 )welling Anit. / single unit, providing complete and independent living facilities for one or more persons, including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, cooking, and sanitation. 2008 NEC 2 Article 100 )welling Anit. +ne or more rooms arranged for complete, independent housekeeping purposes, with space for eating, living, and sleepingH facilities for cooking, and provisions for sanitation. /uthorBs (ubstantiation- #his revision simplifies and clarifies what a dwelling unit is and meets the needs of the 1E%, N;,/ 2, N;,/ 2%2, and N;,/ 0%%%. 2008 NEC 2 Article 100 Electrical ,ower ,roduction and )istribution Network. ,ower production, distribution, and utiliCation equipment and facilities, such as an electric utility system that delivers electric power to the connected loads, that is e1ternal to and not controlled by an 7nteractive (ystem. /uthorBs (ubstantiation- / new definition has been added to correlate with the definition in section $.82 of Anderwriter @aboratory (tandard 2<82 . 7nverters, onverters and ontrollers for Ase in 7ndependent ,ower (ystems. 200$ NEC 2 Article 100 Equipment. / general term including material, fittings, devices, appliances, luminaires 4fi1tures5, apparatus, and the like used as a part of, or in connection with, an electrical installation. 2008 NEC 2 Article 100 Equipment. / general term including material, fittings, devices, appliances, luminaires 4fi1tures5, apparatus, machinery, and the like used as a part of, or in connection with, an electrical installation. /uthorBs (ubstantiation- DMachineryE has been added to the definition to ensure that electrical machinery is included in the definition for electrical equipment.

(ection 22%.$ requires conductors and electrical equipment required or permitted by the 1E% to be only acceptable if approved. /dding machinery will now make it clear that industrial equipment installations are covered by the 1E%. 200$ NEC 2 Article 100 :round. / conducting connection, whether intentional or accidental, between an electrical circuit or equipment and the earth or to some conducting body that serves in place of the earth. 2008 NEC 2 Article 100 :round. #he earth. /uthorBs (ubstantiation- #he definition of ground has been simplified by deleting the intentional or accidental connection to earth or to some body serving in place of the earth. 200$ NEC 2 Article 100 :rounding Electrode. / device that establishes an electrical connection to the earth. 2008 NEC 2 Article 100 :rounding Electrode. / conducting ob9ect through which a direct connection to earth is established. /uthorBs (ubstantiation- #he present definition for grounding electrode was rewritten to better describe its function. #he grounding electrode establishes and maintains a direct connection to earth. 200$ NEC 2 Article 100 :rounding Electrode onductor. #he conductor used to connect the grounding electrode4s5 to the equipment grounding conductor, to the grounded conductor, or to both, at the service, at each building or structure where supplied by a feeder4s5 or branch circuit4s5, or at the source of a separately derived system. 2008 NEC 2 Article 100 :rounding Electrode onductor. #he conductor used to connect the grounding electrode4s5 to a system conductor or to equipment. /uthorBs (ubstantiation- #here are times where a grounding electrode conductor is connected to equipment, such as permitted where a supplementary electrode is installed in accordance with $0%.08. 200$ NEC 2 Article 100 :rounding onductor, Equipment. #he conductor used to connect the non"current"carrying metal parts of equipment, raceways, and other enclosures and to the system grounded conductor or to grounding electrode conductor , or both, at the service equipment or at the source of a separately derived system . 2008 NEC 2 Article 100

:rounding onductor, Equipment. #he conductive path installed to connect normally non" current"carrying metal parts of equipment together and to the system grounded conductor or to grounding electrode conductor. ;,N No. 2- 7t is recogniCed that the equipment grounding conductor also performs bonding. ;,N No.$- (ee $0%. & for a list of acceptable equipment grounding conductors. /uthorBs (ubstantiation- #his revision has been written to apply generally throughout the 1E% and simply describe the purpose and function of the equipment grounding conductor. 2008 NEC 2 Article 100 7ntersystem Bonding #ermination. / device that provides a means of bonding communications equipment at the service equipment or the disconnecting means for any additional buildings or structures. /uthorBs (ubstantiation- #his new definition describes a device used to connect the communications equipment to the service equipment or the disconnecting means for additional buildings or structures in accordance with ,art 77 in /rticle $$0. 200$ NEC 2 Article 100 @uminaire. / complete lighting unit consisting of a lamp or lamps, together with the parts designed to distribute the light to position and protect the lamps and ballast 4where applicable5 connect the lamps to the power supply. 2008 NEC 2 Article 100 @uminaire. / complete lighting unit consisting of a light source, such as a lamp or lamps, together with the parts designed to position the light source and connect it to the power supply. 7t may also include parts to protect the light source, ballast, or distribute the light. / lampholder itself is not a luminaire. /uthorBs (ubstantiation- #he rewording of the definition clarifies the issue that a lampholder is clearly not a luminaire and the remainder of the te1t was for clarification. 2008 NEC 2 Article 100 Neutral onductor. #he conductor connected to the neutral point of a system that is intended to carry current under normal conditions. Neutral point.#he common point on a wye"connection in a polyphase system or midpoint on a single"phase, 6"wire system, or midpoint of a single"phase portion of a 6"phase delta system, or a midpoint of a 6"wire, direct current system. ;,N-/t the neutral point of the system, the vectorial sum of the nominal voltages from all other phases within the system that utiliCe the neutral, with respect to the neutral point, is Cero potential. /uthorBs (ubstantiation- /dded two new definitions to provide information on what constitutes a neutral and a neutral point. $%%0 1E% " /rticle 2%% Iualified ,erson. +ne who has skills and knowledge related to the construction and operation of the electrical equipment and installations and has received safety training on the haCards involved. 2008 NEC 2 Article 100

Iualified ,erson. +ne who has skills and knowledge related to the construction and operation of the electrical equipment and installations and has received safety training on to recogniCe and avoid the haCards involved. /uthorBs (ubstantiation- /dding the phrase Dto recogniCe and avoidE to the definition of qualified person provides a reason for the safety training. 2008 NEC 2 Article 100 (hort" ircuit urrent *ating. #he prospective symmetrical fault current at a nominal voltage to which an apparatus or system is able to be connected without sustaining damage e1ceeding defined acceptance criteria. /uthorBs (ubstantiation- /dding this definition provides a definition for the phrase used in 22%.2% and various other locations in the ode. 2008 NEC 2 Article 100 (urge ,rotective )evices 4(,)s5. / protective device for limiting transient voltages by diverting or limiting surge currentH it also prevents continued flow of follow current while remaining capable of repeating these functions and designated as follows#ype 2 ",ermanently connected (,)s intended for installation between the secondary of the service transformer and the line side of the service disconnect overcurrent device. #ype $ " ,ermanently connected (,)s intended for installation on the load side of the service disconnect overcurrent deviceH including (,)s located at the branch panel. #ype 6 ",oint of utiliCation (,)s. #ype 8 " omponent (,)s, including discrete components, as well as assemblies. ;,N No. 2-;or further information on #ype 2, #ype $, #ype 6, and #ype 8 (,)s, see A@ 288=, (tandard for (urge ,rotective )evices. /uthorBs (ubstantiation- / new definition has been added to replace the term transient voltage surge suppressor used in $&0.$. 2008 NEC 2 Article 100 Angrounded. Not connected to ground or a conductive body that e1tends the ground connection. /uthorBs (ubstantiation- #he word DungroundedE is used e1tensively in the 1E%, previously without a definition. 2008 NEC 2 Article 100 Atility"7nteractive 7nverter. /n inverter intended for use in parallel with an electric utility to supply common loads and sometimes deliver power to the utility. /uthorBs (ubstantiation- #he purpose of this change is to add a new definition of Atility" 7nteractive 7nverter that will be used in /rticle 3=%, 3=$, and /rticle <%0. ode Making ,anel 26 should be given authority for this definition to appear in /rticle 2%%. #he definition is the same as the definition in (ection $.8 of Anderwriter @aboratory (tandard <8, &nverters, %onverters and %ontrollers for ;se in &ndependent 4ower 9ystems . #his new definition will be used in the definition of 7nteractive (ystem used in /rticle 2%%, 3=%, 3=$ and /rticle <%0. #his change is being proposed as part of a rewrite of /rticle 3=%, 3=$ and /rticle <%0 with

respect to the interconnection of systems and equipment for use with distributed energy resources. A@ <8 is currently under revision with a title change from &nverters, %onverters, and %ontrollers for ;se in &ndependent 4ower 9ystems to &nverters, %onverters, %ontrollers and &nterconnection 9ystems Equipment ;se with <istributed Energy =esources . 'owever the definition of Atility" 7nteractive 7nverter remains unchanged. 200$ NEC 2 110.12 4/5 Anused +penings. Anused cable or raceway openings in bo1es, raceways, au1iliary gutters, cabinets, cutout bo1es, meter socket enclosures, equipment cases, or housings shall be effectively closed to afford protection substantially equivalent to the wall of the equipment. Ghere metallic plugs or plates are used with nonmetallic enclosures, they shall be recessed at least 3 mm 42J 8 in.5 from the outer surface of the enclosure. 2008 NEC 2 110.12 4/5 Anused +penings. Anused openings other than those for the operation of equipment or for mounting purposes shall be closed to afford protection substantially equivalent to the wall of the equipment. Ghere metallic plugs or plates are used with nonmetallic enclosures, they shall be recessed at least 3 mm 42J 8 in.5 from the outer surface of the enclosure. /uthorBs (ubstantiation- #he change indicates all unused openings should be closed e1cept for those required for the functional operation of the equipment or enclosure or for the proper mounting of such equipment or enclosure. 200$ NEC 2 110.16 ;lash ,rotection. (witchboards, panelboards, industrial control panels, meter socket enclosures, and motor control centers that are in other than dwelling occupancies and are likely to require e1amination, ad9ustment, servicing, or maintenance while energiCed shall be field marked to warn qualified persons of potential electric arc flash haCards. #he marking shall be located so as to be clearly visible to qualified persons before e1amination, ad9ustment, servicing, or maintenance of the equipment. 2008 NEC 2 110.16 ;lash ,rotection. Electrical equipment, such as switchboards, panelboards, industrial control panels, meter socket enclosures, and motor control centers that are in other than one" and two"family dwelling occupancies and are likely to require e1amination, ad9ustment, servicing, or maintenance while energiCed shall be field marked to warn qualified persons of potential electric arc flash haCards. #he marking shall be located so as to be clearly visible to qualified persons before e1amination, ad9ustment, servicing, or maintenance of the equipment. /uthorBs (ubstantiation- +ne" and two"family dwellings do not normally have high enough flash haCards to require marking so this is a reasonable point of demarcation. Many multifamily dwellings have services that are large enough or are supplied from utility company power sources with high enough inrush current that a flash haCard e1ists and should be required to be field marked to indicate a flash haCard. /dding the words Delectrical equipmentE now requires flash protection marking for large fusible switches and similar electrical equipment where a flash haCard may e1ist, such as a 23%% fusible wall mounted switch.

2008 NEC 2 110.20 Enclosure #ypes. Enclosures 4other than surrounding fences or walls5 of switchboards, panelboards, industrial control panels, motor control centers, meter sockets, and motor controllers, rated not over 3%% volts nominal and intended for such locations, shall be marked with an Enclosure #ype number as shown in #able 22%.$%. /uthorBs (ubstantiation- #able 86%.=2, covering motor controller enclosure types, has been used by many ode users for enclosures for numerous kinds of equipment, even though it is stated in 86%.=2 that it only applies to motor controller enclosures. Moving the requirements of 86%.=2 and #able 86%.=2 into a general application area of the ode and specifically stating the kinds of equipment to which they apply, will add clarity. 200$ NEC 2 110.22 7dentification of )isconnecting Means. Each disconnecting means shall be legibly marked to indicate its purpose unless located and arranged so the purpose is evident. #he marking shall be of sufficient durability to withstand the environment involved. Ghere circuit breakers or fuses are applied in compliance with the series combination ratings marked on the equipment by the manufacturer, the equipment enclosure4s5 shall be legibly marked in the field to indicate the equipment has been applied with a series combination rating. #he marking shall be readily visible and state the following/A#7+N " EN:7NEE*E) (E*7E( +MB7N/#7+N (K(#EM */#E) L /M,E*E(. 7)EN#7;7E) *E,@/ EMEN# +M,+NEN#( *EIA7*E) ;,N- (ee $8%.&34B5 for interrupting rating marking for end"use equipment. 2008 NEC 2 110.22 7dentification of )isconnecting Means. Each disconnecting means shall be legibly marked to indicate its purpose unless located and arranged so the purpose is evident. #he marking shall be of sufficient durability to withstand the environment involved. Ghere circuit breakers or fuses are applied in compliance with series combination ratings selected under engineering supervision and marked on the equipment as directed by the engineer, the equipment enclosure4s5 shall be legibly marked in the field to indicate the equipment has been applied with a series combination rating. #he marking shall be readily visible and state the following/A#7+N " EN:7NEE*E) (E*7E( +MB7N/#7+N (K(#EM */#E) L /M,E*E(. 7)EN#7;7E) *E,@/ EMEN# +M,+NEN#( *EIA7*E) ;,N- (ee $8%.&34B5 for interrupting rating marking for end"use equipment. /uthorBs (ubstantiation- #he addition of the te1t in 22%.$$ for series"combination ratings selected under engineering supervision in e1isting installations provides coordination between (ections 22%.$$ and $8%.&34/5, where permission for series rated systems selected by calculation was added in the $%%0 NE . 200$ NEC 2 110.26(C) Entrance to 6or4in% +(ace 4$5 @arge Equipment. ;or equipment rated 2$%% amperes or more that contains overcurrent devices, switching devices, or control devices, there shall be one entrance to the required working space not less than 32% mm 4$8 in.5 wide and $.% m 43 2J $ ft5 high at each end of

the working space. Ghere the entrance has a personnel door4s5, the door4s5 shall open in the direction of egress and be equipped with panic bars, pressure plates, or other devices that are normally latched but open under simple pressure. / single entrance from the required working space shall be permitted where either of the conditions in 22%.$34 54$54a5 or 4 54$54b5 is met. 2008 NEC 2 110.26(C) Entrance to and E%ress fro- 6or4in% +(ace 4$5 @arge Equipment. ;or equipment rated 2$%% amperes or more and over 2.& m 43 ft5 wide that contains overcurrent devices, switching devices, or control devices, there shall be one entrance to the required working space not less than 32% mm 4$8 in.5 wide and $.% m 43 2J $ ft5 high at each end of the working space. Ghere the entrance has a personnel door4s5 that is less than 2.& m 43 ft5 from the working space, the door4s5 shall open in the direction of egress and be equipped with panic bars, pressure plates, or other devices that are normally latched but open under simple pressure. / single entrance to and egress from the required working space shall be permitted where either of the conditions in 22%.$34 54$54a5 or 4 54$54b5 is met. /uthorBs (ubstantiation- #he previous ode te1t appeared to only address the entrance into a working space. By adding Degress from the working spaceE there will be equal emphasis on permitting sufficient room leave the electrical equipment work space. #he new te1t clarifies that the personnel door4s5 requirement for panic bars and similar hardware and the opening in the direction of egress applies to personnel doors that are less than 3 feet from the equipment working space. #his requirement would not apply to doors located 3 feet or more from the working space. #his change effectively returns the requirement for large equipment to be considered over 3 foot in width, as well as being 2$%% amperes or more. #he over 3 foot requirement had been deleted for the $%%0 NE . 200$ NEC 2 110.33 Entrance and Access to 6or4 +(ace. 4/5 Entrance. /t least one entrance not less than 32% mm 4$8 in.5 wide and $.% m 43 2J $ ft5 high shall be provided to give access to the working space about electric equipment. Ghere the entrance has a personnel door4s5, the door4s5 shall open in the direction of egress and be equipped with panic bars, pressure plates, or other devices that are normally latched but open under simple pressure. 2008 NEC 2 110.33 Entrance to Enclosures and Access to 6or4in% +(ace. 4/5 Entrance. /t least one entrance to enclosures for electrical installations as described in 22%.62 not less than 32% mm 4$8 in.5 wide and $.% m 43 2J $ ft5 high shall be provided to give access to the working space about electric equipment. Ghere the entrance has a personnel door4s5 that is less than 6.< m 42$ ft5 from the working space, the door4s5 shall open in the direction of egress and be equipped with panic bars, pressure plates, or other devices that are normally latched but open under simple pressure. /uthorBs (ubstantiation- #he change in this section requires at least one entrance to provide access to the working space for a high voltage enclosure as described in (ection 22%.62. #he new te1t clarifies that the personnel door4s5 requirement for panic bars and similar hardware

and the opening in the direction of egress applies to personnel doors that are less than 2$ feet from the equipment working space. #his requirement would not apply to doors located 2$ feet or more from the working space. 2008 NEC Changes: Chapter 2 (Part 2) NE )igestF, )ecember $%%3 (necdigest3, 1ational Electrical %ode3, and 1E%3 are registered trademarks of the 1ational $ire 4rotection )ssociation, &nc., 5uincy, ") 22+*0) By James (tallcup, (r. and Mark +de 7n the second of a series discussing proposed changes to the $%%& 1ational Electrical %ode3 4NE F5, the authors cover important changes to hapter $. #o help simplify and clarify each change, words that have been deleted are shown with a strike through and words that have been added are underlined. 200$ NEC 210.4 !ulti"ire ranc# Circuits 4/5 :eneral. Branch circuits recogniCed by this article shall be permitted as multiwire circuits. / multiwire circuit shall be permitted to be considered as multiple circuits. /ll conductors shall originate from the same panelboard or similar distribution equipment. ;,N- / 6"phase, 8"wire, wye"connected power system used to supply power to nonlinear loads may necessitate that the power system design allow for the possibility of high harmonic neutral currents. 4B5 )evices or Equipment )isconnecting Means. Ghere a multiwire branch circuit supplies more than one device or equipment on the same yoke, a means shall be provided to disconnect simultaneously all ungrounded conductors supplying those devices or equipment at the point where the branch circuit originates. 2008 NEC 210.4 !ulti"ire ranc# Circuits 4/5 :eneral. Branch circuits recogniCed by this article shall be permitted as multiwire circuits. / multiwire circuit shall be permitted to be considered as multiple circuits. /ll conductors of a multiwire branch circuit shall originate from the same panelboard or similar distribution equipment. ;,N- / 6"phase, 8"wire, wye"connected power system used to supply power to nonlinear loads may necessitate that the power system design allow for the possibility of high harmonic neutral currents. 4B5 )isconnecting Means. Each multiwire branch circuit shall be provided with a means that will simultaneously disconnect all ungrounded conductors at the point where the branch circuit originates. Aut#or7s Co--ent: #here were two reasons for the changes to the te1t in this section. #he first reason was to clarify that all conductors of a multiwire branch circuit must originate from the same panelboard or distribution equipment. #he change in 4B5 was done to emphasiCe the safety concerns associated with unintentional voltage being present on

multiwire branch circuits during maintenance. )eleting the te1t that applied simultaneous disconnecting requirements for a multiwire branch circuit to a single device or equipment on the same yoke will require simultaneous disconnect of all ungrounded conductors on any multiwire branch circuit at its origin. 200$ NEC 210.$ 8dentification for ranc# Circuits 4 5 Angrounded onductors. Ghere the premises wiring system has branch circuits supplied from more than one nominal voltage system, each ungrounded conductor of a branch circuit, where accessible, shall be identified by system. #he means of identification shall be permitted to be by separate color coding, marking tape, tagging, or other approved means and shall be permanently posted at each branch"circuit panelboard or similar branch"circuit distribution equipment. 2008 NEC 210.$ 8dentification for ranc# Circuits 4 5 Angrounded onductors. Ghere the premises wiring system has branch circuits supplied from more than one nominal voltage system, each ungrounded conductor of a branch circuit shall be identified by system at all termination, connection, and splice points. #he means of identification shall be permitted to be by separate color coding, marking tape, tagging, or other approved means. #he means of identification shall be documented in a manner that is readily available or shall be permanently posted at each branch"circuit panelboard or similar branch"circuit distribution equipment. Aut#or7s Co--ent: #he current wording in the $%%0 1E% requires marking of the conductors at every conduit fitting and pull bo1 or any other location where the branch circuit is accessible. #he locations where the branch circuit is terminated, connected or spliced are the critical locations where the marking is needed. #he revised wording would account for branch circuits installed as cables and branch circuits installed as single conductors in raceways. #he change also e1pands the methods that can be used for identification to permit documentation that is readily available or permanent posting at the panelboard or distribution equipment. 200$ NEC 210.8 *round29ault Circuit28nterru(ter Protection for Personnel 4/5 )welling Anits. /ll 2$0"volt, single"phase, 20" and $%"ampere receptacles installed in the locations specified in 425 through 4&5 shall have ground"fault circuit"interrupter protection for personnel. 4$5:arages, and also accessory buildings that have a floor located at or below grade level not intended as habitable rooms and limited to storage areas, work areas, and areas of similar use E1ception No. 2 to 4$5- *eceptacles that are not readily accessible. E1ception No. $ to 4$5- / single receptacle or a duple1 receptacle for two appliances located within dedicated space for each appliance that, in normal use, is not easily moved from one place to another and that is cord"and"plug connected in accordance with 8%%.<4/5435, 4/54<5, or 4/54&5. *eceptacles installed under the e1ceptions to $2%.&4/54$5 shall not be considered as meeting the requirements of $2%.0$4:5.

405 Anfinished basements!for purposes of this section, unfinished basements are defined as portions or areas of the basement not intended as habitable rooms and limited to storage areas, work areas, and the like E1ception No. 2 to 405- *eceptacles that are not readily accessible. E1ception No. $ to 405- / single receptacle or a duple1 receptacle for two appliances located within dedicated space for each appliance that, in normal use, is not easily moved from one place to another and that is cord"and"plug connected in accordance with 8%%.<4/5435, 4/54<5, or 4/54&5. E1ception No. 6 to 405- / receptacle supplying only a permanently installed fire alarm or burglar alarm system shall not be required to have ground"fault circuit"interrupter protection. *eceptacles installed under the e1ception s to $2%.&4/5405 shall not be considered as meeting the requirements of $2%.0$4:5. $2%.& :round";ault ircuit"7nterrupter ,rotection for ,ersonnel 4/5 )welling Anits. /ll 2$0"volt, single"phase, 20" and $%"ampere receptacles installed in the locations specified in 425 through 4&5 shall have ground"fault circuit"interrupter protection for personnel. 4$5 :arages, and also accessory buildings that have a floor located at or below grade level not intended as habitable rooms and limited to storage areas, work areas, and areas of similar use 405 Anfinished basements!for purposes of this section, unfinished basements are defined as portions or areas of the basement not intended as habitable rooms and limited to storage areas, work areas, and the like E1ception to 405- / receptacle supplying only a permanently installed fire alarm or burglar alarm system shall not be required to have ground"fault circuit"interrupter protection. *eceptacles installed under the e1ception s to $2%.&4/5405 shall not be considered as meeting the requirements of $2%.0$4:5. Aut#or7s Co--ent: #he two e1ceptions permitting receptacles that were not readily accessible and single or duple1 receptacles for two appliances within a dedicated space for each appliance to not have :; 7 protection for personnel in garages and unfinished basements were deleted. #he substantiation in the proposal and the discussion during the panel deliberation indicated that the present generation of :; 7 devices do not have the problems of nuisance tripping that plagued earlier devices. 2008 NEC 210.8 *round29ault Circuit28nterru(ter Protection for Personnel 4B5 +ther #han )welling Anits. /ll 2$0"volt, single"phase, 20" and $%"ampere receptacles installed in the locations specified in 425 through 405 shall have ground"fault circuit" interrupter protection for personnel465 *ooftops 485 +utdoors

E1ception No. 2 to 465 and 485- *eceptacles that are not readily accessible and are supplied from a dedicated branch circuit for electric snow"melting or deicing equipment shall be permitted to be installed in accordance with the applicable provisions of /rticle 8$3. E1ception No. $ to 485- 7n industrial establishments only, where the conditions of maintenance and supervision ensure that only qualified personnel are involved, :; 7 protection shall not be required on receptacles that are limited to use with equipment qualified under an assured equipment grounding conductor program as specified in 0=%.34B54$5. Aut#or7s Co--ent: #his revision requires :; 7 protection for all 20" and $%"ampere, 2$0"volt single"phase receptacles installed outdoors, rather than 9ust those in public spaces. /n e1ception was added to e1empt those receptacles in industrial establishments only, where the conditions of maintenance and supervision ensure that only qualified personnel are involved, that are limited to use with equipment qualified under an assured equipment grounding conductor program as specified in 0=%.34B54$5. 200$ NEC 210.8 *round29ault Circuit28nterru(ter Protection for Personnel 4B5 +ther #han )welling Anits. /ll 2$0"volt, single"phase, 20" and $%"ampere receptacles installed in the locations specified in 425 through 405 shall have ground"fault circuit" interrupter protection for personnel4$5 ommercial and institutional kitchens!for the purposes of this section, a kitchen is an area with a sink and permanent facilities for food preparation and cooking 2008 NEC 210.8 *round29ault Circuit28nterru(ter Protection for Personnel 4B5 +ther #han )welling Anits. /ll 2$0"volt, single"phase, 20" and $%"ampere receptacles installed in the locations specified in 425 through 405 shall have ground"fault circuit" interrupter protection for personnel4$5 ommercial, institutional, and other nonresidential kitchens!for the purposes of this requirement, a kitchen is defined as an area with a sink and permanent facilities for food preparation and cooking Aut#or7s Co--ent: /n office Dbreak areaE with a sink and permanent facilities for food preparation and cooking does not really qualify as either commercial or institutional, but the break area or room with a sink and permanent cooking facilities has the same shock haCard potential. #his change clarifies that these break rooms or areas fall under the requirements of this section for ground"fault protection. 7n the third of a series discussing proposed changes to the $%%& 1ational Electrical %ode3 4NE F5, the authors cover more important changes to hapter $ . #o help simplify and clarify each change, words that have been deleted are shown with a strike through and words that have been added are underlined. 200$ NEC

22$.18 Clearance fro- *round. +verhead spans of open conductors and open multiconductor cables of not over 3%% volts, nominal, shall have a clearance of not less than the following- >*emainder unchanged?. 2008 NEC 22$.18 Clearance for 5:er#ead Conductors and Ca0les.M +verhead spans of open conductors and open multiconductor cables of not over 3%% volts, nominal, shall have a clearance of not less than the following- >*emainder unchanged?. /uthorBs omment- #he term DgradeE was too sub9ective, as suggested in the proposal, since there is initial grade at time of construction, there is intermediate grade during construction, and then final grade at the end of construction. D:radeE could ultimately be changed at any future time. #he title change uses the actual te1t within the section itself. 200$ NEC 22$.33 1atin% of Disconnect. #he feeder or branch"circuit disconnecting means shall have a rating of not less than the load to be supplied, determined in accordance with ,arts 7 and 77 of /rticle $$% for branch circuits, ,arts 777 or 7N of /rticle $$% for feeders, or ,art N of /rticle $$% for farm loads. 7n no case shall the rating be lower than specified in $$0.6=4/5, 4B5, 4 5, or 4)5. 2008 NEC 22$.33 1atin% of Disconnect. #he feeder or branch"circuit disconnecting means shall have a rating of not less than the load to be supplied, determined in accordance with ,arts 7 and 77 of /rticle $$% for branch circuits, ,arts 777 or 7N of /rticle $$% for feeders, or ,art N of /rticle $$% for farm loads. Ghere the branch circuit or feeder disconnecting means consists of more than one switch or circuit breaker, as permitted by $$0.66, combining the ratings of all the switches or circuit breakers for determining the rating of the disconnecting means shall be permitted. 7n no case shall the rating be lower than specified in $$0.6=4/5, 4B5, 4 5, or 4)5. /uthorBs omment- (ince a disconnect is a device or group of devices, permission is inherent to add each device to reach a total rating in compliance with this section. #he new revised te1t will eliminate any confusion that there is inherent permission for breakers to be additive in calculating the rating of a disconnect means. 200$ NEC 230.24 Clearances. 4B5 Nertical learance from :round. (ervice"drop conductors, where not in e1cess of 3%% volts, nominal, shall have the following minimum clearance from final grade425 6.% m 42% ft5 . at the electric service entrance to buildings, also at the lowest point of the drip loop of the building electric entrance, and above areas or sidewalks accessible only to pedestrians, measured from final grade or other accessible surface only for service"drop cables supported on and cabled together with a grounded bare messenger where the voltage does not e1ceed 20% volts to ground

4$5 6.< m 42$ ft5 . over residential property and driveways, and those commercial areas not sub9ect to truck traffic where the voltage does not e1ceed 6%% volts to ground 465 8.0 m 420 ft5 . for those areas listed in the 6.<"m 42$ ft5 classification where the voltage e1ceeds 6%% volts to ground 485 0.0 m 42& ft5 . over public streets, alleys, roads, parking areas sub9ect to truck traffic, driveways on other than residential property, and other land such as cultivated, graCing, forest, and orchard 2008 NEC 230.24 Clearances. 4B5 Nertical learance for (ervice"drop onductors. (ervice"drop conductors, where not in e1cess of 3%% volts, nominal, shall have the following minimum clearance from final grade425 6.% m 42% ft5 . at the electric service entrance to buildings, also at the lowest point of the drip loop of the building electric entrance, and above areas or sidewalks accessible only to pedestrians, measured from final grade or other accessible surface only for service"drop cables supported on and cabled together with a grounded bare messenger where the voltage does not e1ceed 20% volts to ground 4$5 6.< m 42$ ft5 . over residential property and driveways, and those commercial areas not sub9ect to truck traffic where the voltage does not e1ceed 6%% volts to ground 465 8.0 m 420 ft5 . for those areas listed in the 6.<"m 42$ ft5 classification where the voltage e1ceeds 6%% volts to ground 485 0.0 m 42& ft5 . over public streets, alleys, roads, parking areas sub9ect to truck traffic, driveways on other than residential property, and other land such as cultivated, graCing, forest, and orchard /uthorBs omment- #he term DgradeE was not specific enough, as proposed, since there is initial grade at time of construction, there is intermediate grade during construction, and then final grade at the end of construction. D:radeE could ultimately be changed at any future time. #he title change uses the actual te1t within the section itself. 200$ NEC 230.44 Ca0le /ra,s. able tray systems shall be permitted to support service"entrance conductors. able trays used to support service"entrance conductors shall contain only service"entrance conductors.. E1ception- onductors, other than service"entrance conductors, shall be permitted to be installed in a cable tray with service"entrance conductors, provided a solid fi1ed barrier of a material compatible with the cable tray is installed to separate the service"entrance conductors from other conductors installed in the cable tray.

2008 NEC 230.44 Ca0le /ra,s. able tray systems shall be permitted to support service"entrance conductors. able trays used to support service"entrance conductors shall contain only service"entrance conductors. E1ception- onductors, other than service"entrance conductors, shall be permitted to be installed in a cable tray with service"entrance conductors, provided a solid fi1ed barrier of a material compatible with the cable tray is installed to separate the service"entrance conductors from other conductors installed in the cable tray. able trays shall be identified with permanently affi'ed labels with the wording >9ervice-Entrance %onductors.? ,he labels shall be located so as to be visible after installation and placed so that the serviceentrance conductors may be readily traced through the entire length of the cable tray. /uthorBs omment- #e1t has been added to the e1ception for conductors, other than service entrance conductors, to be installed in cable trays with service entrance conductors. Ghere these other conductors are added, they must be separated by a fi1ed solid barrier but, now, in addition, labels must be installed so as to be readily visible after installation and placed so the service entrance conductors can be readily traced through the entire length to the cable tray. 200$ NEC 230..1 !a'i-u- Nu-0er of Disconnects. 4/5 :eneral. #he service disconnecting means for each service permitted by $6%.$, or for each set of service"entrance conductors permitted by $6%.8%, E1ception Nos. 2, 6, 8, or 0, shall consist of not more than si1 switches or sets of circuit breakers, or a combination of not more than si1 switches and sets of circuit breakers, mounted in a single enclosure, in a group of separate enclosures, or in or on a switchboard. #here shall be not more than si1 sets of disconnects per service grouped in any one location. ;or the purpose of this section, disconnecting means used solely for power monitoring equipment, transient voltage surge suppressors, or the control circuit of the ground"fault protection system or power"operable service disconnecting means, installed as part of the listed equipment, shall not be considered a service disconnecting means. $6%.&$ Equipment onnected to the (upply (ide of (ervice )isconnect. +nly the following equipment shall be permitted to be connected to the supply side of the service disconnecting means485 7nstrument transformers 4current and voltage5, impedance shunts, load management devices, and arresters 4&5 :round"fault protection systems or transient voltage surge suppressors, where installed as part of listed equipment, if suitable overcurrent protection and disconnecting means are provided $6%.=8 *elative @ocation of +vercurrent )evice and +ther (ervice Equipment. #he overcurrent device shall protect all circuits and devices. E1ception No. $- 'igh"impedance shunt circuits, surge arresters, surge"protective capacitors, and instrument transformers 4current and voltage5 shall be permitted to be connected and installed on the supply side of the service disconnecting means as permitted in $6%.&$.

2008 NEC 230..1 !a'i-u- Nu-0er of Disconnects. 4/5 :eneral. #he service disconnecting means for each service permitted by $6%.$, or for each set of service"entrance conductors permitted by $6%.8%, E1ception Nos. 2, 6, 8, or 0, shall consist of not more than si1 switches or sets of circuit breakers, or a combination of not more than si1 switches and sets of circuit breakers, mounted in a single enclosure, in a group of separate enclosures, or in or on a switchboard. #here shall be not more than si1 sets of disconnects per service grouped in any one location. ;or the purpose of this section, disconnecting means used solely for power monitoring equipment, surge protective devices, or the control circuit of the ground"fault protection system or power"operable service disconnecting means, installed as part of the listed equipment, shall not be considered a service disconnecting means. $6%.&$ Equipment onnected to the (upply (ide of (ervice )isconnect. +nly the following equipment shall be permitted to be connected to the supply side of the service disconnecting means485 7nstrument transformers 4current and voltage5, impedance shunts, load management devices, surge arresters and #ype 2 surge protective devices 4&5 :round"fault protection systems or #ype $ surge protective devices, where installed as part of listed equipment, if suitable overcurrent protection and disconnecting means are provided $6%.=8 *elative @ocation of +vercurrent )evice and +ther (ervice Equipment. #he overcurrent device shall protect all circuits and devices. E1ception No. $- 'igh"impedance shunt circuits, surge arresters, #ype 2 surge protective devices, surge"protective capacitors, and instrument transformers 4current and voltage5 shall be permitted to be connected and installed on the supply side of the service disconnecting means as permitted in $6%.&$. /uthorBs omment- Anderwriters @aboratories is combining the categories of (urge /rresters 4/rticle $&%5 and #ransient Noltage (urge (uppressors 4/rticle $&05 into one category and (tandard, A@ 288=, renamed (urge ,rotective )evices 4(,)s5. A@ 288= will include (,) designations #ype 2 and #ype $ for permanently connected devices for use on circuits not e1ceeding 3%% N. #he technology of both low voltage (urge /rresters and #N((s is now basically the same, thereby 9ustifying coverage under one (tandard, A@ 288=, and one test program with consideration given to the installation location on the line side 4#ype 25 or load side 4#ype $5 of the service disconnect overcurrent protection. #he (urge /rrester designation will only be retained for devices used in circuits of 2 kN and over and evaluated to 7EEE 3$.22"2===. 200$ NEC 230.20$ Disconnectin% !eans. 4/5 @ocation. #he service disconnecting means shall be located in accordance with $6%.<%. 2008 NEC $6%.$%0 )isconnecting Means. 4/5 @ocation. #he service disconnecting means shall be located in accordance with $6%.<%.

;or either overhead or underground primary distribution systems on private property, the service disconnect shall be permitted to be located in a location that is not readily accessible. /uthorBs omment - #here are many installations where the service point is at the edge of the property and a high voltage switch is the actual service disconnect for the distribution system, which then becomes a feeder for multiple buildings on the propertyH the disconnect requirements in $$0 would apply to the buildings. 200$ NEC 240.4 Protection of Conductors. 4)5 (mall onductors. Anless specifically permitted in $8%.84E5 or 4:5, the overcurrent protection shall not e1ceed 20 amperes for 28 /G:, $% amperes for 2$ /G:, and 6% amperes for 2% /G: copperH or 20 amperes for 2$ /G:, and $0 amperes for 2% /G: aluminum and copper"clad aluminum after any correction factors for ambient temperature and number of conductors have been applied. 2008 NEC 240.4 Protection of Conductors. 4)5 (mall onductors. Anless specifically permitted in $8%.84E5 or 4:5, the overcurrent protection shall not e1ceed the following after any correction factors for ambient temperature and number of conductors have been applied. 425 2& /G: opper. < amperes for 2& /G: copper provided all the following conditions are met2. ontinuous loads do not e1ceed 0.3 amperes $. +vercurrent protection is provided by one of the followinga. wire b. c. Branch"circuit rated fuses listed and marked for use with 2& /G: wire lass , lass J, or lass # fuses Branch"circuit rated circuit breakers listed and marked for use with 2& copper /G:

4$5 23 /G: opper. 2% amperes for 23 /G: copper provided all the following conditions are met2. ontinuous loads do not e1ceed & amperes $. +vercurrent protection is provided by one of the followinga. wire b. c. Branch"circuit rated fuses listed and marked for use with 23 /G: wire lass , lass J, or lass # fuses 465 28 /G: opper or 2$ /G: /luminum. 20 amperes for 28 /G: copper or 2$ /G: aluminum and copper"clad aluminum. 485 2$ /G: opper. $% amperes for 2$ /G: copper. Branch"circuit rated circuit breakers listed and marked for use with 23 copper /G:

405 2% /G: /luminum and opper"clad /luminum. $0 amperes for 2% /G: aluminum and copper"clad aluminum. 435 2% /G: copper. 6% amperes for 2% /G: copper. /uthorBs omment- (mall conductors in 2& /G: and 23 /G: siCes were added to correspond to the permission to use these smaller conductors based on N;,/ <=, A@ 0%&, A@ 0%&/, and various small conductors specified and permitted in /rticle 8%% for fle1ible cords and cables, as well as control circuits in /rticles <$0, <3%, and communications circuits in hapter &. 7n the fourth of a series discussing proposed changes to the $%%& National Electrical odeF 4NE F5, the authors cover the remainder of the important changes to hapter $. #o help simplify and clarify each change, words that have been deleted are shown with a strikethrough and words that have been added are underlined. 200$ NEC 240.32 ;ocation in Circuit. /n overcurrent device shall be connected in each ungrounded circuit conductor as required in $8%.=$4/5 through 4)5. 4/59eeder and ranc#2Circuit Conductors.;eeder and branch"circuit conductors shall be protected at the point the conductors receive their supply as permitted in $8%.$2 or as otherwise permitted in $8%.=$4B5, 4 5, or 4)5. 4B5/ransfor-er +econdar, Conductors of +e(aratel, Deri:ed +,ste-s. onductors shall be permitted to be connected to a transformer secondary of a separately derived system, without overcurrent protection at the connection, where the conditions of $8%.=$4B5425, 4B5 4$5, and 4B5465 are met. 2008 NEC 240.32 ;ocation in Circuit. /n overcurrent device shall be connected in each ungrounded circuit conductor as required in $8%.=$4/5 through 4)5. 4/59eeder and ranc#2Circuit Conductors.;eeder and branch"circuit conductors shall be protected at the point the conductors receive their supply as permitted in $8%.$2 or as otherwise permitted in $8%.=$4B5, 4 5, 4)5, or 4E5. 4B59eeder /a(s.;or feeder taps specified in $8%.$24B54$5, 4B5465, and 4B5485, the tap conductors shall be permitted to be siCed in accordance with #able $8%.=$4B5. #able $8%.=$4B5 #ap onductor (hort" ircuit urrent *atings. #ap conductors are considered to be protected under short"circuit conditions when their short"circuit temperature limit is not e1ceeded. onductor heating under short"circuit conditions is determined by 425 or 4$5425 (hort" ircuit ;ormula for opper onductors 4$5 47$J/$5t O %.%$=< log2% >4#$ P $6854#2Q J(AB M P $685? 4$5 (hort" ircuit ;ormula for /luminum onductors

47$J/$5t O %.%2$0 log2% >4#$ P $$&5J4#2 P $$&5? where7 O short"circuit current in amperes / O conductor area in circular mils t O time of short"circuit in seconds 4for times less than or equal to 2% seconds5 #2 O initial conductor temperature in degrees elsius. #$ O final conductor temperature in degrees elsius. opper conductor with paper, rubber, varnished cloth insulation, #$ O $%% opper conductor with thermoplastic insulation, #$ O 20% opper conductor with crosslinked polyethylene insulation, #$ O $0% opper conductor with ethylene propylene rubber insulation, #$ O $0% /luminum conductor with paper, rubber, varnished cloth insulation, #$ O $%% /luminum conductor with thermoplastic insulation, #$ O 20% /luminum conductor with cross"linked polyethylene insulation, #$ O $0% /luminum conductor with ethylene propylene rubber insulation, #$ O $0% 4 5/ransfor-er +econdar, Conductors of +e(aratel, Deri:ed +,ste-s. onductors shall be permitted to be connected to a transformer secondary of a separately derived system, without overcurrent protection at the connection, where the conditions of $8%.=$4 5425, 4 5 4$5, and 4 5465 are met. /uthorBs omment- #he panel action will increase the enforceability needed by the inspection community and limit the application of e1panding feeder tap conductors for supervised industrial installations. #his action recogniCes the performance of the overcurrent device as a factor in determining the tap conductor siCe. 200$ NEC 240.21 ;ocation in Circuit 4 5/ransfor-er +econdar, Conductors. Each set of conductors feeding separate loads, shall be permitted to be connected to a transformer secondary, without overcurrent protection at the secondary, as specified in $8%.$24 5425 through 4 5435. #he provisions of $8%.84B5 shall not be permitted for transformer secondary conductors. ;,N- ;or overcurrent protection requirements for transformers, see 80%.6. 2008 NEC 240.21 ;ocation in Circuit 4 5/ransfor-er +econdar, Conductors./ set of conductors feeding a single or each set of conductors feeding separate loads, shall be permitted to be connected to a transformer secondary, without overcurrent protection at the secondary, as specified in $8%.$24 5425 through 4 5435. #he provisions of $8%.84B5 shall not be permitted for transformer secondary conductors.

;,N- ;or overcurrent protection requirements for transformers, see 80%.6. /uthorBs omment- #he panel has added wording to clarify that more than one set of conductors often supply the same load when installed as parallel sets of conductors. #he intent of the $%%0 ode change was to clarify that these secondary conductor rules are not limited in their application to one set per transformer and intended to clarify that more than one set of conductors is permitted to be connected to a transformer secondary so long as the provisions of 4 5425 through 4 5435 are complied with. 2008 NEC $8%.=2 ,rotection of onductors. onductors shall be protected in accordance with $8%.8, unless otherwise permitted in $8%.=24/5. 4/5De:ices 1ated o:er 800 A-(eres.Ghere the overcurrent device is rated over &%% amperes, the ampacity of the conductors it protects shall be equal to greater than =0R of the rating of the overcurrent device defined in $8%.3, where the conductor is protected within recogniCed time vs. current limits for short circuit currents of up to 2%%% seconds duration. /uthorBs omment- #he proposal introduces the equivalent of a Dne1t standard siCeE e1ception for large conductors in (upervised 7ndustrial 7nstallations. 7n these installations, conductors are protected against overload by load calculation and by monitoring, and against short circuit by selection of the overcurrent device as part of an overcurrent coordination study. +vercurrent protection of conductors in supervised industrial installations will be permitted to e1ceed the &%%"ampere level rating permitted in $8%.84B5, where the conductor is rated for =0R of the overcurrent device rating based on standard siCes in $8%.3. #he time duration of the short circuit current cannot e1ceed a 2%%% second duration. 200$ NEC 2$0.8 Connection of *roundin% and ondin% E<ui(-ent. :rounding conductors and bonding 9umpers shall be connected by e1othermic welding, listed pressure connectors, listed clamps, or other listed means. onnection devices or fittings that depend solely on solder shall not be used. (heet metal screws shall not be used to connect grounding conductors or connection devices to enclosures. 2008 NEC 2$0.8 Connection of *roundin% and ondin% E<ui(-ent. 4/5,ermitted Methods.:rounding conductors and bonding 9umpers shall be connected by one of the following means425 listed pressure connectors 4$5 terminal bars 465 pressure connectors listed as grounding and bonding equipment 485 the e1othermic welding process 405 machine screw"type fasteners that engage not less than two threads or are secured with a nut

435 thread"forming machine screws that engage not less than two threads in the enclosure 4<5 onnections that are part of a listed assembly 4&5 +ther listed means 4B5Methods Not ,ermitted. onnection devices or fittings that depend solely on solder shall not be used. /uthorBs omment- (ection $0%.& has been revised by deleting the specific prohibition of sheet metal screws since there are many other types of screws that are also prohibited, such as drywall screws, self tapping tech screws with less than two threads into an enclosure, and similar screws that may not provide an acceptable ground return path. onnections that are part of a listed assembly where part of the listing process, are acceptable since the grounding connections have been tested. Machine screws with at least two threads or secured with a nut are acceptable plus any self"tapping screw where at least two threads are formed are acceptable. 7t has also been changed into a list format for ease of use. 2008 NEC 2$0.14 Continuit, of *rounded Conductors./#e continuit, of a %rounded conductor s#all not de(end on a connection to a -etallic enclosure) race"a,) or ca0le ar-or. /uthorBs omment- #his new section is intended to prohibit the connection of a grounded conductor to an equipment ground bar within service equipment or a separately derived system where the metal enclosure, raceway, or cable armor is used as a neutral path for current flow. / busbar or conductor must be used to make the connection between the neutral bar and the equipment ground bar, not the metal of the enclosure. 200$ NEC 2$0.28 !ain ondin% =u-(er and +,ste- ondin% =u-(er. 4)5+i>e.Main bonding 9umpers and system bonding 9umpers shall not be smaller than the siCes shown in #able $0%.33. Ghere the supply conductors are larger than 22%% kcmil copper or 2<0% kcmil aluminum, the bonding 9umper shall have an area that is not less than 2$ 2J$ percent of the area of the largest phase conductor e1cept that, where the phase conductors and the bonding 9umper are of different materials 4copper or aluminum5, the minimum siCe of the bonding 9umper shall be based on the assumed use of phase conductors of the same material as the bonding 9umper and with an ampacity equivalent to that of the installed phase conductors. 2008 NEC 2$0.28 !ain ondin% =u-(er and +,ste- ondin% =u-(er. 4)5+i>e. Main bonding 9umpers and system bonding 9umpers shall be siCed in accordance with $0%.$&4)5425 through 4)5465. 425 Main bonding 9umpers and system bonding 9umpers shall not be smaller than the siCes shown in #able $0%.33. Ghere the supply conductors are larger than 22%% kcmil copper or 2<0% kcmil aluminum, the bonding 9umper shall have an area that is not less than 2$ 2J$ percent of the area of the largest phase conductor e1cept that, where the phase conductors and the bonding 9umper are of different materials 4copper or aluminum5, the minimum siCe of

the bonding 9umper shall be based on the assumed use of phase conductors of the same material as the bonding 9umper and with an ampacity equivalent to that of the installed phase conductors. 4$5 Ghere a service consists of more than a single enclosure as permitted in $6%.<24/5, the main bonding 9umper for each enclosure shall be siCed in accordance with $0%.$&4)5425 based on the largest ungrounded service conductor serving that enclosure. 465 Ghere a separately derived system supplies more than a single enclosure, the system bonding 9umper for each enclosure shall be siCed in accordance with $0%.$&4)5425 based on the largest ungrounded feeder conductor serving that enclosure or a single system bonding 9umper shall be installed at the source and siCed in accordance with $0%.$&4)5425 based on the equivalent siCe of the largest supply conductor determined by the largest sum of the areas of the corresponding conductors of each set. /uthorBs omment- New 4$5 and 465 provide direction on how to siCe main bonding 9umpers for services with more than one enclosure and to siCe system bonding 9umpers for separately derived systems with more than one enclosure. $0%.$&4)5425 would apply to either services or separately derived systems with only one enclosure.

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