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Revisiting the Concept of Self-translation: Elif afak as a Self-translating Writer AKBAT R!

Ar"# Yeditepe University/Boazii University Translation Studies, as every other discipline, can obviously be enriched with new perspectives, and one such perspective can be built upon the use of certain existin ter!s with an ai! to provide an insi ht into alternative usa es infor!ed by particular interdisciplinary approaches" #uite a ne lected topic in the field, the ter! $self%translation& has conventionally referred to $the act of translatin one's own writin s into another lan ua e& ()rut!an, *++,, p" -./0 and in this re ard the literal sense of the ter! has confined this translational practice to the wor1s of bilin ual writers who have been their own translators" Self%translation, however, is also closely tied to !inority writin since the author, beco!es a translator in several respects" The author, !ainly writin in 2n lish, !ay opt for certain $translational& strate ies includin , but are not li!ited to, providin cultural explanation and bac1 round, usin paratextual !aterials to fill in the cultural ap, and caterin the text in perspective of a tar et audience unfa!iliar with the cultural context (Ty!ocz1o, -33/0" 4ne of the !ost popular Tur1ish authors, 2lif 5afa1 and her writin in 2n lish can be also considered a $self%translation& in a conceptual sense" #uestions raised with respect to the writers' practice of translatin their own wor1 also apply to 2lif 5afa1's self%translation while (re0writin in 2n lish" 6 $tric1y& 7uestion accordin to 8ainier )rut!an (*++,0, for exa!ple, is whether $second versions 9are: produced so!e ti!e after the first versions have been published or 9whether: they evolve !ore or less si!ultaneously, cross%fertilizin each other as it were;& <n 5afa1's case, the 2n lish =ori inals' of her novels > The Saint of Incipient Insanities (-33?0, The Bastard of Istanbul (-33/0, The Forty Rules of Love (-3*30, and Honour (-3*-0 > ca!e out so!e ti!e after the publication of their Tur1ish versions, which !i ht have allowed the writer to !a1e chan es in the 2n lish versions" So, there can be a cross%textual process as the writer revisits the 2n lish =ori inal' and rewrites it" That's also to say, there is a dyna!ic lin1 between the Tur1ish and 2n lish versions as there is between the source and tar et cultures in ter!s of reception" 6ccordin ly, the case study on The Bastard of Istanbul ai!s to de!onstrate how 5afa1's $self%translation& infor!s the representation of her novel and investi ate the i!pact of such representation on the reception of the author and her wor1 by the tar et culture(s0" Ke$ %or&s: Self%translation, !inority writin , 2lif 5afa1, cross%fertilizin versions, representation"

'eviri&e (eni (or#)*ili)sel +ara&ig)anin 'eviri S,recine Baki-i .e (a*ancila-tir)a (/nte)inin (eni&en (or#)lan)asi AK01! A$la Sa1arya @niversitesi a1inAsa1arya"edu"tr Beviri alanCnda evirinin 1ayna1 !etnin yoru!u olduu ve 1ayna1 !etni yansCttCC DrEFE, ere1 oda1lC 1ura!lar tarafCndan ErEtElere1, eviride yoru! 1arFCtlCCna dayalC bir ere1 o1ur ve 1EltEr paradi !asC yerleF!iFtir" 2re1 oda1lC paradi !a, iFlevsel ve a!a oda1lC bir ya1laFC!la ere1 1EltErE evirinin !er1ezine oturt!uFtur" Beviribili! alanCnda EnE!Ezde ortaya C1an yeni ba1CF aClarC, ere1 ve o1ur oda1lC ya1laFC!larCn evirinin 1ayna1 1EltErle iliF1isini zayCflattCCnC Dne sEr!eye baFla!CFlardCr" Gayna1 1EltErE di11ate al!ayCp yalnCzca ere1 1EltErE ve ere1 o1urunun be1lentilerini di11ate alan ve o1ura uy un eviri anlayCFCnC savunan DrEFEn zayCf yDnE, ere1 1EltEr ve o1urunun far1lC 1EltErlerle tanCFC1lCCnC, 1endi seviyesini eviriler aracClCCyla yE1selt!esini ve 1endi 1EltErEnde ol!ayan yeni ba1CF aClarCnC Dren!esini ar1a plana it!esidir" 41ur ve ere1 oda1lC ol!a1, ere1 o1urun eviri !etinde 1endisini bul!asC anla!Cnda 1ullanCldCCnda, o1ur far1lC ve yabancC olanC tanCyara1 yeni ufu1lara aCl!a ve 1EltErEnE eniFlet!e FansCnC ya1alaya!a!a1tadCr" Schleier!acher'in yabancClaFtCr!a 1ura!CnCn bu EnEn eviribili!i iin yeni bir yoru! etir!e1te olduu ve yeniden yoru!lan!asC ere1tii DrEFE son za!anlarda popElerli1 1azan!a1tadCr" Hzelli1le Iawrence Jenuti'nin son yCllarda Schleier!acher'in yDnte!ine yaptCC vur u, evirinin toplu!sal et1isinin yeniden Dzden eiril!esi iin eviri 1ura!sal anla!da yeni ba1CF aClarCna ere1sini! olduunu Dster!e1tedir" Schleier!acher ve )ada!er'in yoru!bili!sel ya1laFC!larCnCn eviri sEreci iin yeniden yoru!lanara1, eviri alanCnda 1ayna1 ve ere1 1utbu yeniden ele al!anCn yeni bir 1ura!sal ba1CF aCsC salayacaC bir ere1tir" Bevir!enin prati1 eyle!elerinden yol C1!a1 yerine prati1 eyle!lere yDn veren ve prati1 eyle!leri yDnlendirebilece1 olan tarihsel ve toplu!sal et1ileri bir bEtEn ierisinde di11ate alan bir felsefi dEFEnceden hare1et eden 1ura!sal bir ba1CF aCsCna ere1sini! vardCr" Schleier!acher'le baFlayan felsefi ve yDnte!sel yoru!bili! arasCnda1i ayrC! asCndan ba1CldCCnda eviribili!in yDnE bu anla!da yine felsefi yoru!bili!e dDnEF olara1 DrEn!e1tedir" Anahtar keli)elerK yoru!bili!, eviri, yabancClaFtCr!a, yerelleFtir!e, anla!a

Challenges of Theatrical Translation AK01! A$lin Ba$rakceken Bil1ent University a1esi!Abil1ent"edu"tr Lra!a translation is challen in as the !ain purpose of translatin , especially a conte!porary play, is to have it perfor!ed well" 6 translator !ust consider audience response" There is no space $to loss, explain puns or a!bi uities or cultural references, nor transcribe words for the sa1e of local colour& (6 Textboo1 of Translation */-0" Mhile a novelist can explain and describe feelin s, ideas and thin s in several lines, a dra!atist has to be concise" Neter Oew!ar1 affir!s that $the i!!ediate co!!unicative i!portance of dra!a is usually reater than that of poetry or of serious fiction& (6pproaches to Translation ?.0" Mhile co!!unication is of vital i!portance, the tar et text !ust see! li1e an ori inal wor1 rather than a translation" The ai! of this paper is to explore so!e practical observations based on experience durin !y direction of dra!a translation classes" The course is research based, that isP students do research on the playwri ht, read his other plays, learn about the specific literary !ove!ents, chec1 the specialized lan ua e and re isters etc", read the script watch it sta ed%both the ori inal and the translated version, refer to dictionaries for vocabulary, ne otiate possible synony!s, translate, retranslate and finalize the translation while chec1in both source and tar et texts in collaboration" 8ead the translated version aloud, wal1in throu h it over and over without the source text for !inor chan es" This ti!e theatrical lan ua e !ust !eet tests of $spea1ability, tautness of expression and style& (Mellwarth *?30" <n conclusion, a vibrant theatrical lan ua e, an attractive title, spea1able dialo ues, differentiation of voices, bein whole, re isters, cultural aps, son s, !ultilin ual a!es, settin , proper na!es all pose proble!s and re7uire special treat!ent while translatin dra!a which !a1e theatrical translation challen in but always excitin " Ke$%or&sK Ian ua e, re ister, title, spea1able dialo ues, voices, cultural aps, !ultilin ual a!es, son s"

The Role of +rag)atic Co)petence in Translator Training A23S! 4#lieta #atar University Qulieta"6losA7u"edu"7a This paper is an investi ation into the pra !atic co!petence of 2n lish%6rabic trainee translators, as represented by their inferential ability to interpret i!plied discourse relations in an 2n lish source text" Lrawin on research into second lan ua e pra !atics ac7uisition, as well as the 8elevance%Theory approach to utterance co!prehension, the study e!ploys a thin1%aloud protocol to !onitor the participantsR translation process" Lifferent patterns of inferential processin are identified as re ards the interpretation of discourse relations, which both de!onstrate the proble!atic nature of this aspect of pra !atic co!petence, as well as hi hli ht the role of classroo! instruction in the develop!ent of such pra !atic abilities" This proQect ai!s to contribute to existin research in the fields of second lan ua e pra !atics ac7uisition and process%oriented translation studies" The study also sets out to !a1e an e!pirically%based contribution to the area of research concerned with the application of second%lan ua e% ac7uisition concepts to translator trainin " Ke$%or&sK Nra !atic co!petence, 8elevance Theory, discourse !ar1ers, 6rabic

5etarepresentation an& interpretive rese)*lance in translation: a relevance-theoretic acco#nt &ra%ing on translation process &ata A2.ES! 6a*io Sederal University of Tinas )erais (UST)0, Brazil fabio%alvesAuf! "br 8elevance Theory (Sperber and Milson *+,U, *++.0 has introduced a co nitive core that appears to be central to all hu!an co!!unication efforts and, therefore, !a1es hu!an co!!unication across lan ua e and cultural boundaries possible" 6ccordin to )utt (-3330, in his insi htful application of 8elevance Theory to Translation Studies, one of the !ost si nificant contributions of the theory is to provide the discipline with a cause%effect fra!ewor1 fro! which translation relevant aspects can be accounted for" )utt (-33?0 also ar ues that translation is a hi her order act of interpretation and elaborates on the concepts of !etarepresentation and interpretive rese!blance to Qustify his clai!" Lrawin on )utt, this paper loo1s at translation fro! the perspective of translation process research and provides an e!pirically rounded relevance%theoretic account of how translators arrive at instances of interpretive rese!blance" Translation process data fro! translators with disparate profiles are analysed while they rendered into Brazilian Nortu uese an extract fro! $The 4rton Liaries& edited by Vohn Iarr" The passa e under scrutiny deals with a lo entry in the diaries of the 2n lish screenplay writer Voe 4rton which contains instances of wit, irony and sarcas!" 2ach of the translators has chosen a different strate y to deal with such instances" The data analysis shows that these different strate ies can be explained in relevance%theoretic ter!s on the basis of the !etarepresentations the translators had of the ori inal text and their envisa ed audience which allowed the! to arrive at the instances of interpretive rese!blance conveyed in their respective tar et texts" 6s a way of conclusion, the paper advocates in favour of what )utt (-3330 calls W48T, na!ely, a co!petence%oriented research of translation, ai!ed at understandin and explicatin the !ental faculties that enable hu!an bein s to translate in the sense of expressin in one lan ua e what has been expressed in another" Ke$%or&s: Translation and relevance, interpretive rese!blance in translation, !etarepresentation in translation, translation process research, co!petence in translation"

(a7 T#l#)#: Bir 8/n,-,) 9$k,s, BAT ! Elif YCldCz Te1ni1 @niversitesi elifbatuAwindowslive"co! Bu bildiride SransCz ere1i ve doalcClarC arasCnda 2!ile Xola' dan sonra yapCtlarC en o1 bas1C yapan i1inci yazar )uy de Taupassant' Cn *,,3 yClCnda yayCnlanan il1 baFyapCtC Boule de Suif isi!li Dy1EnEnP TEr1ede1i il1 adCyla Tombalak'Cn -3*3 yClCnda iz i ro!an Ya Tulumu na nasCl dDnEFtEE ele alCnaca1tCr" Yazara ve esere iliF1in enel bil i a1tarCldC1tan sonra i1i aFa!alC olan sunu!un birinci bDlE!Ende bir Dster elerarasC eviri Drnei teF1il eden yapCtCn Dy1Eden iz i ro!ana nasCl dDnEFtEEnEn Dster ebili!sel incele!esine yer verilece1tir" Y1inci bDlE!de sDz 1onusu deiFi!in neden ve han i 1oFullarda ere1leFtiinin sosyoloQi1 yoru!una deinilece1tir" Sonu olara1, bu bildiri he! Dster ebili!sel he! de sosyoloQi1 anla!da Tombalak Cn nasCl Ya Tulumu olduunu Dsterere1, *Z3 yCl Dnce 1ale!e alCnan yapCtCn bu En tEr deiFtirece1 1adar vaz eil!ez ol!asCnCn nedenlerine ve onu evrensel 1Clan ol ulara di11at e1!eyi a!ala!a1tadCr" Anahtar S/"c,kler: )uy de Taupassant, Boule de Suif! Tombalak! Ya Tulumu! Dster elerarasC eviri, eviri sosyoloQisi, evrensel yapCt"

2ing#isti:#e contrastive et Tra&#ctologie: ne relation &$a&i:#e BE1A0SSA! Tarek Universit[ de B[char,6l [rie B2O6<SS6T68G3,333Ayahoo"co! Iors de cette co!!unication, Qe ferai porter !a r[flexion sur les rapports entre la lin uisti7ue contrastive et la traductolo ie" #uatre 7uestions retiendront particuli\re!ent l'attentionK *] les diver ences 7ui s[parent la lin uisti7ue contrastive et la traductolo ie, -] l'interd[pendance entre la lin uisti7ue contrastive et la traductolo ie, Z] l'utilisation des traductions ^ des fins contrastives, ?] l'utilisation des [tudes contrastives ^ des fins traductolo i7ues" 5ots cl;sK Iin uisti7ue, contrastive, traductolo ie, diver ence, traduction

+rati:#e r;fle<ive en tra&#ction en T#r:#ie= 2es turbo-acadmiciens! no#vea# &esign> B3?E1' 8E5@RE2, E)ine Universit[ techni7ue de YCldCz%Ystanbul e!ine"bode!A !ail"co! Ie !ilieu universitaire si nale de plus en plus un chan e!ent d'univers porteur de nouveaux r[f[rentiels de perfor!ance tels les i!p[ratifs de co!p[titivit[ et de rentabilit[ ^ court ter!e des entreprises" 6vec l'[cono!ie de la vitesse, les nouveaux sch[!as d'or anisation du travail et les principes cl[s sont adopt[s au syst\!e de la for!ation universitaire, y co!pris la ratification des acad[!iciens en Tur7uie, des a ents indispensables de l'activit[ traductive" I'acade!icien 7ui se croit ind[pendant alors 7u'il est li[ aux nor!es, aux obli ations, est fra !ent[ dans ce !onde en !asse entre ce 7u'il a envie de faire et ce 7u'il doit faire pour avoir son rade" I'acad[!icien est nota!!ent dans un positionne!ent passif pour ce 7u'il a envie de faire !ais un turbo"acad#micien pour ce 7u'il doit faire pour avoir son cadre" 6lors o_ est l'en a e!ent en faveur de l'option r[elle de valorisation et d'un d[veloppe!ent durable d'un acad[!icien; Ie proQet de !e concentrer ^ !on tour sur la prati7ue r[flexive est n[ des retours et co!!entaires de !es exp[riences aussi bien acad[!i7ues 7u'ad!inistratives aupr\s des [tudiant%e%s/coll\ ues/bureaucratie universitaire, !Rencoura eant ^ for!aliser et ^ diffuser ce processus" <l sRinspire des diff[rents apports 7ue QRai reus tout au lon de !a vie professionnelle" LRo_ lRi!portance de ce 7ue Nierre Bourdieu appelle une obQectivation participante (Bourdieu, *++? K -,0, un travail d'auto%socio%analyse et une radio raphie du !onde universitaire, nota!!ent de notre universit[ et de notre d[parte!ent" I'a!bition du pr[sent travail est de synth[tiser dans une !`!e r[flexion les 7uestions institutionnelles et [pist[!olo i7ues 7ue pose auQourd'hui encore la pr[sence des acad[!iciens dans le !onde universitaire" Nour ce faire diff[rentes notions sont e!prunt[es ^ la sociolo ie de la traduction plus particuli\re!ent ^ Nierre Bourdieu (cha!p, habitus, positionne!ent, r[flexif, relationnel, circulationa0 Wependant, diff[rents axes de r[flexion sont discut[s K #uels sont les a ents consid[r[s 7ui produisent des effets dans le cha!p du pouvoir acad[!i7ue; #uelle est l'[toffe de l'acad[!icien; 2st%ce une construction enr[e; #uels sont les diff[rents enQeux concernant l'acc\s des Qeunes ^ la recherche et ^ l'ensei ne!ent sup[rieur; #uels sont les obstacles sp[cifi7ues aux7uels les acad[!iciens se heurtent; S'a it%il d'une sorte d'ali[nation ou encore d'h[donis!e; #uels !oyens ont [t[ envisa [s pour les sur!onter; Nour une reconnaissance professionnelle et un nouvel public acad[!i7ue, 7uels sont les diff[rents para!\tres/dyna!i7ues et enQeux [thi7ues, d[ontolo i7ues au bon sens; 6insi co!!ence l'obQectif de ce travail 7ui va au%del^ des seules responsabilit[s acad[!i7ues pour r[ussir son rble d'acad[!icienne%![diatrice entre le !arch[ traductif en Tur7uie, des diff[rentes activit[s sociales/institutionnelles et la for!ation universitaire" 5ots cl;s : Nierre Bourdieu! homo academicus! !asse, r[flexivit[, ali[nation, h[donis!e, [thi7ue, bon sens, turbo%acad[!icien, acad[!icien durable, r[seaux sociaux, Tur7uie"

2ing#isti:#e contrastive! tra&#ction! );&iation 2Ae<e)ple &# );&iatif B3TTE.A! Silvia Universit[ de Sofia $#diation [tant un ter!e vrai!ent polys[!i7ue, nous ne nous r[f[rons 7u'^ deux de ses acceptions" Ia pre!i\re acception concerne le rble d'inter![diaire 7ue la lin uisti7ue contrastive devrait assu!er lors du processus de traduction afin d'or aniser et de structurer le transfert parfois chaoti7ue ou tout au !oins intuitif effectu[ par le traducteur et allant de la lan ue % source ^ la lan ue % cible" Ies conclusions aux7uelles aboutit l'analyse contrastive peuvent s'av[rer particuli\re!ent i!portantes en cas de diff[rences typolo i7ues entre les deux lan ues" 4n peut citer, par!i d'autres exe!ples, celui de la m#diation #nonciative" Wette deuxi\!e acception du ter!e a un cha!p d'application beaucoup plus sp[cifi7ue puis7u'elle se rapporte ^ l'[nonciation lin uisti7ue" Ia partie propre!ent analyti7ue de notre co!!unication porte sur les !ar7ueurs du ![diatif en bul are et en franais" Ie fait 7ue le bul are poss\de une cat[ orie ra!!aticale appropri[e et le franais non, en endre des probl\!es d'ordre th[ori7ue et prati7ue" I'obQectif de l'analyse de l'[7uivalence fonctionnelle dans ce do!aine (ce 7ui repr[sente un aspect novateur0 c'est de proposer un cadre th[ori7ue ad[7uat, ^ savoir la th[orie des cat[ ories fonctionnelles % s[!anti7ues, arantissant la fiabilit[ des r[sultats obtenus" Les recherches pareilles r[v\lent d'une !ani\re [vidente l'i!pact notable des donn[es contrastives sur la traduction et la traductolo ie" 5ots cl;s : lin uisti7ue contrastive, traduction, [nonciation, ![diatif, cat[ ories fonctionnelles c s[!anti7ues, !odalit[

0snAt 0t So! Sa)et>: 6avo#ritis) an& Tea) 5e)*ership in Consec#tive 0nterpreting B 2 T! Alev <stanbul University bulutAistanbul"edu"tr Sports is a field li1e politics in the sense that it has fans/followers to persuade in order to o on winnin (physically and !aterially0 which !a1es the sports discourse a very slippery round even without interpretin " Mhen interpretin is involved in the covera e of sports in the !edia due to lin uistic barriers of the related parties, the situation ets considerably co!plex and ideolo ical" Mhat is !ore, it is nearly always the case that interpreter ets to be bla!ed when a conflict occurs as it is the case in interpretin in political settin s !ore than other settin s" <n Tur1ey, it has been very co!!on to e!ploy forei n !ana ers for football tea!s includin the national tea! (bas1etball and voleyball tea!s also see! to do so !ore and !ore nowadays0" < have already loo1ed at the nature of sports discourse to show what !a1es it pra !atically and lin uistically ideolo ical in the process of interpretin throu h earlier wor1s (Bulut -33,, -3*3, -3**0" The theoretical fra!ewor1 of the current presentation will also derive fro! the functional% pra !atic approaches and i!partiality/ obQectivity issues in Translation Studies, inclusive of <nterpretin Studies" <n the proposed presentation, < will be ivin exa!ples fro! the news covera es of the press conferences of forei n football !ana ers and players in Tur1ey which involved conflict, the bla!e havin been put on the interpreter at the end of each" Ty exa!ples will show the proble!s of decision !a1in and professionalis! in consecutive sports interpretin as well as sheddin li ht to the co!!on issues of interpretin process where the interpreter is put into a vulnerable position where it is easy to bla!e the inter!ediatin a ent rather than the spea1er/ source" < believe that the analysis of specific cases in sports interpretin in an effort to syste!atise this sub%cate ory and settin of consecutive interpretin sheds li ht to the proble!atic nature and the conflicts of decision !a1in in translation in eneral via the i!!ediacies of natural/ spo1en process of interpretin as an act of inter!ediation"

TRA8 0RE 2A 8B53CRAT0E 'A?2A! Cengi" YCldCz Te1ni1 @niversitesi cca la-33-Ayahoo"co! We travail consiste ^ une [valuation des concepts $r[publi7ue& et $d[!ocratie& dans la culture politi7ue tur7ue et aux chan e!ents de leur sens dans la p[riode de !odernisation et de l'2urop[anisation" 4n re ardera bri\ve!ent ^ la p[riode tardive otto!ane o_ on d[couvre des [le!ents int[ressants dans le vocabulaire politi7ue de l'[po7ue" Oous ad!ettons 7ue l'usa e du concept $d[!ocratie& co!par[ ^ la $r[publi7ue& et l'assi!ilation des connotations !odernes de ces ter!es sont assez nouveau" Ies dictionnaires franais%otto!an et franais%turc des periodes successives proposent des entr[es 7ui varient dans le te!ps" 2n suivant ces d[finitions, on essaiera de !ontrer co!!ent la traduction exerce son effet, co!!ent $la parole de l'[tran er& est reue et co!!ent elle habite $la lan ue de l'autre& "

3s)anlC K,lt,r,n&e 'eviri Kavra)C D"erine 8E50RC03E2 ! Ce)al 41an @niversitesi ce!al"de!ircio luAo1an"edu"tr Son yCllarda El1e!izde, Dzelli1le a1ade!i1 evrelerde, 4s!anlC eviri tarihi araFtCr!alarCnCn belirli bir popElarite 1azandCC DrEl!e1te" Bu alanda1i alCF!alar FEphesiz, birer %eviri tarih%eleri / tarihya&'m' Drne1leri olara1 e!iFi!izin !odern te!sillerini sunuyor bizlere" Bu bala!da 4s!anlC eviri tarihi 1onusunda yapClan bu tEr alCF!alarCn, birer an'msama etkinlikleri olara1 e!iFle olan balarC!Cza ve 1avrayCFlarC!Cza Fe1il verdiini sDyle!e1 pe1 yanlCF ol!az" Tersinden ifade ederse1, e!iF eviri et1inli1leri!iz Ezerine 1ur ulanan !odern te!siller, e!iFi hatCrla!a bii!leri!izi yeniden $tasarlayan& bir iFlev DrEyorlar" Wu!huriyetin 1EltErel Dte1isi olara1 dEFEnebilecei!iz ve GEE1 6sya'da yEzyCllar boyu 6rap%Sars elene1leriyle alCFveriF ve re1abet halinde eliFen 4s!anlC eviri et1inliinin !odern te!silleri, bu 1D1lE eviri elenei ile eviri uy ula!alarCnCn Dz En yDnlerini 1avra!a!Cza ne DlEde yardC!cC oluyor, olabiliyor; Bu bildiri, tarihsel, beti!leyici, aC1layCcC ve yoru!layCcC eviribili! ba1CF aCsCyla ve DncEl araFtCr!alarCn CFCCnda 4s!anlC eviri et1inliinin Dz En yDnlerine di11at e1!eyi, !odern araFtCr!acClarCn sDyle!lerini irdeleyere1, 4s!anlCda1i $eviri& 1avra!C ve bu 1avra! ardCnda1i episte!oloQi1 yDnleri tartCF!ayC a!ala!a1ta"


S/"l, Feviri 'alC-)alarCn&a An&a- 'eviri 83EA1! A$)il dacettepe @niversitesi ay!ildo anA !ail"co! SDzlE evirinin 1onferanslarda 1ullanClan tErE olara1 andaF eviri Dzelli1le E nedenden DtErE zorlu bir sEretirK *" 6nCnda oluF (i!!ediacy0K Bevir!en her tErlE irdiye anCnda yanCt ver!e1 duru!undadCrP -" 6ynC anda oluF (si!ultaneity0K )ere1 eviri sErecinin etirdi1leri ere1se bu sEre iinde1i zihinsel dina!i1ler aynC anda ere1leF!e1 duru!undadCrP Z" Belle1te biri1en bil i !i1tarCnCn itti1e artara1 yCCl!a yap!asC (incre!entality0K Belle1, sEre sCrasCnda bil i !i1tarCnC iFle!le!e aCsCndan belirli bir 1apasite ile alCFCrP bu 1apasite andaF eviri sCrasCnda zorlanabilir" Baba !odelinde de belirtildii Ezere, eviri sErecinde 1ullanClabilir topla! 1apasite, ere1en topla! 1apasiteden fazla ol!a1 zorundadCr 1i evir!en 1arFCsCna C1an ElE1lerle baF edebilsin" 6ynC duru! dinle!e, belle1, Ereti! ve eF EdE! 1apasiteleri iin de eerlidir" 6nca1, 1apasitenin en Est dEzeyde 1ullanClabil!esi ve yu1arCda belirtilen para!etrelerde sorun yaFan!a!asC iin evir!enin altyapCsCnCn ElE tesis edil!iF ol!asC ere1ir" Bunun bir bDlE!E douFtan etirilen izil Elerde bulunurP 1i!isi eiti!le Elendirilen bil i ve becerilerle ere1leFtirilebilirP Drnein, sDzel yetinin he! douFtan bir boyutu vardCrP bazC 1iFilerin sDzel yetileri baF1alarCna 1Cyasla daha douFtan ElEdEr" 6nca1 bu, sDzlE eviri iin yeterli deildir" Ystendi1 davranCFlarCn ere1leFtirilebil!esi iin 1asCtlC, bilinli, hedefe yDneli1 bil i ve becerilerin yaFantC yoluyla edinil!esi ve Dzelli1le de sEre1li alCFtCr!alar yapCl!asC o1 Dne!lidir" SDzlE eviride zihinsel alt yapC alCF!alarC dedii!iz za!an FunlarC 1astet!e1teyizK *" zihinsel yapClan!a K sinirdilbili!sel boyutta yapClan!a, belle1 te1ni1leri, di11atin yDneti!i, ibi yetilerin ere1leFtiril!esi, o1lu Drev strateQilerini ere1leFtirebiliyor ol!a1P -" biliFsel yapClan!a K biliFsel alanCn analiz, sentez ve deerlendir!e dEzeylerinde evirisi yapClaca1 1onularCn alan bil isi ve ter!inoloQi bil isi, bala! oluFtur!a, di11at oda1larCnCn yDneti!i, bil i iFle!le!e strateQileri ibi bil i ve becerilerin eliFtiril!esiP Z" duyuFsal yapClan!a K be1len!edi1 duru!lara ve deiFi1li1lere 1arFC aC1 oluF, far1CndalC1, seici dDnE1lE1, eviriden zev1 al!a, adan!CFlC1, bu 1onuda yaFa!CnC Dr Etleyebil!e, stres yDneti!i, !eslei ile 1endini nitelendirebil!eP ?" devinsel yapClan!a K sDzel ol!ayan boyutta o1lu Drev strateQilerini devinsel olara1 ere1leFtirebil!e, duyusal ve !otor a1tiviteler aCsCndan hazCr ol!a ve ere1tiinde bu becerileri iFe 1oF!a" Bu altyapC alCF!alarC ere1tii ibi ere1leFtirilebilirse baFta sayClan E para!etrenin etirdii ElE1ler aFClabilir" SDzlE evirinin bu Dzelli1leri, araFtCr!acClarC eFitli boyutlarda alCF!alarla sEreci DzE!le!eye, anla!aya ve bDyleli1le eiti!e 1at1Cda bulun!a abalarCna yDnelt!iFtir" SDzlE eviri alCF!alarC, DlElebilirli1 ve Dzlenebilirli1 1oFullarCnda1i ElE1ler nedeniyle dier disiplin ve dallarda1i alCF!alara Dre daha ba1ir 1al!CF bir alandCr, El1e!izde bu 1onuda a1ade!i1 alCF!a yapanlar o1 az sayCdadCr, uy ulayCcClar da iF younluu nedeniyle doal olara1 a1ade!i1 alCF!alara eile!e!e1tedirlerP eiti! pro ra!larCnda yazClC eviri 1ura!larCnCn oldu1a eniF bir yer tutuyor ol!asCna 1arFCn sDzlE eviri alCF!alarCna pe1 yer veril!e!e1tedir" LolayCsCyla, bu bildiride sDzlE eviri alCF!alarC yazCnC 1apsa!Cnda1i alCF!alar, Dzelli1le andaF eviri oda1lC ol!a1 Ezere izleyicinin di11atine sunulaca1tCr" Anahtar s/"c,kler: sDzlE eviri, ardCl eviri, andaF eviri, sDzlE eviri alCF!alarC, bil i iFle!le!e

T,rk K/kenli G Al)an (a"arCn Eserleri ve T,rkFe 'evirileri D"erine Bir @ncele)e 8 R8AE0! A= 1#rsen Sa1arya @niversitesi Bir dDne! 6l!anya'nCn e1ono!isini canlandCr!a1 Ezere bu El1eye a1Cn eden TEr1ler, !isafir iFi tanC!CnC he! 1endileri unuttular, he! de 6l!anlara unutturdular" Birinci 1uFa1 !isyonunu ta!a!ladC der1en i1inci ve EEncE 1uFa1lar yeni Drevlerini 1endileri edindiler" Hzelli1le Z" GuFa1tan bilhassa yazarlCa soyunanlar, al!an edebiyatCnC zen inleFtir!e, ren1lendir!eye 1endilerini ada!CF duru!dalar" Birinci 1uFa1 TEr1ler arasCnda da 6l!anca yazan edebiyatClar yo1 deil anca1 EEncE 1uFa1 ses etir!iF, DdEller al!CF ve Dzelli1le al!an o1uyucularC arasCnda o1 o1unanlar listelerine e!iF duru!dadCrlar" Ylerinden bir 1aC ise anavatanlarCna yurt dCFCnda bu ses etiren, o1 satan eserlerinin evirisiyle dDn!EF bulun!a1tadCrlar" Ta!a!en !era1tan yaptCC! bir araFtCr!a sonucu TEr1 1D1enli 6l!an yazarlarCnCn sayCca epey o1 oldu1larCnC ve son yCllarda eserlerinin de ardC ardCna piyasaya C1!asCyla, nasCl 1endilerinden sDz ettirdiini DrdE!" BasCnda ta1ip ettii! bu yazarlar ve eserleri ha11Cnda1i DrEFlerden et1ilenip, 6l!an edebiyatCna etirilen ren1, zen inli1 iddialarCnCn ardCna dEFere1, doru !u yo1sa hybrid edebiyat !C sadece; Bu DrEFlerin sala!asCnC yap!a1 Ezere bir1a yazara ait eserlerini o1udu!" 2n fazla eseri satClan, DdEl alan bu yazarlardanP Seridun Xai!olu, 2!ine Sev i Hzda!ar ve Yad[ Gara bu yazarlardandCr" 6l!ancalarCnC o1ur1en 1i!inde Eslup, 1i!inde anlatC! te1ni1leri enelde ise 1onularCn ren1 1attCCnC, bizzat Dzle!le!e olanaC buldu!" @l1e!izde evirilerinin satCFa C1tCCnC bildii! bir1a 1itabC bDylece 1arFClaFtCr!a1 Ezere alCp o1udu!" Benzer ren1 ve zen inli1 1at1CsCnCn anadile yansCyCp yansC!adCCnCn izini sErdE!" Hzelli1le de 6l!ancalarCnC o1ur1en bende oluFan $Bu 6l!anca, TEr1e dEFEnEp yaz!anCn dCFCnda bir Fey deil& dolayCsCyla erisin eri yazarlarCn anadillerine eviri yapClCr1en nasCl bir yDnte! izlendiini, bunun evir!en iin 1olaylC1 !C saladCCnC, yo1sa baF1a sorunlar !C C1ardCCnC, incele!e1 arzusu, bu bildiriye 1onu oluFtur!uF oldu" 6ynC 1EltErde yetiFen anca1 baF1a dilde yazan bir yazarCn eserini evir!e1 duru!unda olan evir!enin sanClanCn a1sine soru!luluu daha fazla !CdCr; Bevir!ene etirdii e1 yE1E!lElE1ler nelerdir; GolaylC1larC nelerdir; 41u!alarC!dan edindii! izleni!leri bu 1olo1yu!da sizlerle paylaF!a1, bir tEr evirinin evirisi !i, anadilde fiyas1o !u, her i1i dilde, edebiyatta da 1azanC! !C; Bu 1azanC!C salayan evirinin bir !ucizesi !idir; Sor ula!alarCnC tartCF!aya a!a1 istiyoru!" Anahtar S/"c,kler: TEr1 GD1enli 6l!an Yazarlar%evirinin evirisi%eviri !ucizesi%hybrid edebiyat


6arklC 'eviri TanC)larCnCn E&e*i$at 'evirisi $g#la)asCna (ansC)alarC ECE! A$-e Ystanbul @niversitesi ayseeceAhot!ail"co! YnsanlarCn far1lC diller 1onuF!aya baFladCC dDne!den beri eviri et1inlii yeryEzEnde varlCCnC sErdEr!e1tedir" LeiFen toplu!sal, tarihsel, 1EltErel ve siyasi 1oFullar 1EltErlerarasC bir et1inli1 olan evirinin doasCnC dDnEFtEr!e1le 1al!a!CF, ona yeni a!alar da yE1le!iFtir" SEre1li deiFen bu et1inlii anla!a1 ve yoru!la!a1 Ezerine o1 sayCda 1ura!sal ba1CF aCsC da eliFtiril!iFtir" Sar1lC 1EltErlerin birbirlerini tanC!alarCnda ve birbirleriyle iliF1iye ir!elerinde Dne!li bir rol oynayan edebiyat evirisi alanC, sDz 1onusu 1ura!sal ya1laFC!larCn 1i!ilerinin oluFturul!asC iin ere1li olan incele!e alanCnC yarattCC ibi 1endisi de onlardan beslen!iFtir" 2debiyat evir!enleri, yaptC1larC iFi tanC!a1 ve onun Ezerine dEFEnce eliFtir!e1 iin 1ura!sal ya1laFC!lara baFvurdu1larCnda eviri iin oluFturul!uF far1lC tanC!larla 1arFClaFCrlar" Malter BenQa!in, )ideon Toury, Theo der!ans, U!berto 2co, 6ntoine Ber!an ile Vean%8en[ Iad!iral 1ura!sal yazClarCnda eviri et1inliini far1lC bii!lerde tanC!la!CFlardCr" Bu alCF!ada 1ura!sal alanda eliFtirilen far1lC eviri tanC!larCnCn El1e!izde EnE!Ezde yapCl!a1ta olan edebiyat evirisi uy ula!alarCna nasCl yansCtClabilecei tartCFClaca1tCr" Bevir!enin 1ayna1 !etni alC!la!a / anla!a / yoru!la!a / eleFtir!e aFa!asCndan ere1 !etnin ere1 1EltEr diz esinde yer al!asC aFa!asCna uzanan edebiyat evirisi et1inliinde han i eviri tanC!larC han i Dzelli1leriyle evir!enler iin yol Dsterici ve ufu1 aCcC olabilir; 2debiyat evir!enleri han i eviri tanC!larCnCn rehberliinde yaptC1larC iFin 1ar!aFC1 niteli1lerinin ve 1arFClaFtC1larC sorunlara etirdi1leri DzE!leri savun!a yDnte!lerinin onlara yE1ledii soru!lulu1larC ve saladCC Dz ErlE1leri al Clayabilirler; Bu sorularCn EnE!Ezde yayCn dEnya!Czda e e!en olan eviri anlayCFlarC bala!Cnda evir!en, editDr ve eviri eiti!cisi pencerelerinden tartCFCl!asC, edebiyat evirisi uy ula!asCnCn 1ura!sal ya1laFC!larla dEFEnsel aCdan zen inleF!esine yDneli1 bir aba olara1 deerlendirilebilir" Anahtar s/"c,klerK edebiyat evirisi, edebiyat evir!eni, eviri tanC!larC, evir!en soru!lulu1larC, evir!en Dz ErlE1leri"


Borges As A +ro)ising 6ra)e%ork 6or Translation Research E2?D2! Ce$&a Boazii University ceyda"el ulAboun"edu"tr 6!on the !ost influential fi ures of the twentieth century Mestern literature, Vor e Iuis Bor es enriched his writin via adherin the notion of translation a central position in his literary fra!ewor1" Today acade!ic studies discuss Bor es within post!odern boundaries a!on such fi ures as Walvino and 2co, while re ardin his conte!poraries !odernP li1ewise, in ter!s of his definition of translation, Bor es is far ahead the translation debates of his ti!e" 2stablishin a sound correlation between the pheno!enon of translation and the notions of ori in, ori inality and artistic creation, Bor es i!plicitly su ests research on his literature adopt translation as a !aQor co!ponent to be focused on" <n his fra!ewor1, Qust as translation !i ht be defined as a !otivation behind creative writin , which the studies on Bor es have done so far (i"e" Gristal, Meis!an0, the author's co!pact and direct ar u!ents on translation !i ht be developed as a !ethodolo y specifically applicable to research on post!odern and postcolonial" 4n these rounds, the present study explores the notions of ori in, ori inality, and artistic creation 6r entinian author Vor e Iuis Bor es proble!atizes in his (non%0fiction with a special e!phasis on post%colonial translation theory and the discussions on the fictional turn" Sirstly, it portrays the author whose wor1s date bac1 to the first half of the twentieth century as a foreseeer of the conte!porary approaches in translation" <n doin so, the study refers to how the translational i!plications Bor esian corpus bears and todayRs !ostly discussed and utilized theoretical tools such as Rrewritin R (Iefevere *++-0, Rassu!ed translationR (Toury *++.0, RinvisibilityR (Jenuti *++,0, and RhybridityR (Bhabha *++?0 correspond" The way Bor es passed beyond the traditional binaries aroused by the notions of fidelity and e7uivalence is included to the findin s of this first part of the research" Secondly, the study ta1es a step forward and refor!ulates Bor es' literary ar u!ents that head for a post%!odern era of translation in order to display how his co!pact dictation can be re arded as an alternative !odel for future translation theories" Throu hout the study, the ar u!ents are supported by selected wor1s with a discussion on their RindicativeR and Rfor!ativeR roles (der!ans *+++0" Ke$%or&s: fictional turn, Iatin 6!erican tradition, hybridity, rewritin , ori inality


The Translation of the H#rAan into English: Target Rea&ersA E<pectations Eli)a)! Ah)e& Saleh asaleh**Ahot!ail"co! The #ur'an is the holy Boo1 of <sla!, the reli ion of *"U%*", billion people around the world" The translation of the #ur'an is crucial both for Tusli!s, since less than one sixth of all Tusli!s are 6rabs, and therefore the !aQority of Tusli!s access the #ur'an throu h translation, and for non%Tusli!s, since there is a rowin interest in <sla! and, conse7uently, in the #ur'an in the wider population" The #ur'an is believed by Tusli!s to be the literal word of )od, revealed to the Nrophet Tuha!!ad between U** and UZ? W2" Tusli! scholars therefore unani!ously a ree that any translation of the #ur'an cannot replace the #uran itself, since the word of )od cannot be substituted for by the word of !an" They ar ue that any translation of the #ur'an can only have an explanatory and descriptive function for elucidatin its !eanin s" Scholars also ar ue that translatin the #ur'an into other lan ua es is i!perative for deliverin the !essa e of )od, na!ely <sla!, to other peoples and nations" 6lthou h the overwhel!in !aQority of Tusli!s are non%6rabic spea1ers and depend on translations of the #ur'an to access the !eanin of the text in their respective lan ua es, their preferences and expectations have not been syste!atically surveyed so far" Tar et readers' expectations can no doubt uide the translation process with respect to the approach and strate ies the translator proposes to opt for" This research, the first of its 1ind in the area of #ur'an translation, is based on a survey which < have desi ned specially and conducted in order to establish what readers of #ur'an translations prefer, in ter!s of layout (e" " or anisin the edition fro! ri ht to left or left or ri ht, presentation of ayahs and their correspondin translation0 and translation strate ies (e" " translation versus transliteration of <sla!ic ter!s0" The survey also ives the respondents the opportunity to offer their reco!!endations for future #ur'an translations"


2Aevol#tion &e la lang#e &es notes en phase &Aapprentissage &e lAinterpretation consec#tive : cas &# t#rc et &# franFais ERS9I 8E5@R8AE! Jan&e YCldCz Te1ni1 @niversitesi Ia prise de notes en cons[cutive est un suQet ayant fait l'obQet d'abondantes publications dans la litt[rature sur l'interpr[tation de conf[rence" Tous les auteurs se!blent s'accorder sur la fonction des notes et sur les principes de base de la prise de notes, tels 7ue la clart[, le synth[tis!e etc" Toutefois, il n'existe pas d'id[e consensuelle sur la lan ue des notes" Wertains auteurs reco!!andent une notation en lan ue d'arriv[e, en souli nant 7u'elle co!porte l'avanta e d'assurer une !eilleure r[flexion sur le sens et 7u'elle per!et d'[viter les interf[rences lin uisti7ues" L'autres souli nent l'int[r`t d'une notation en lan ue de d[part 7ui per!et une [coute plus effective car l'attention n'est pas partielle!ent prise par la n[cessit[ de trouver tout de suite une refor!ulation en lan ue d'expression" <l existe des [tudes e!piri7ues sur la prise de notes r[alis[es dans le cadre conceptuel Tod\les d'2fforts de Laniel )ile, 7ui pr[sentent de possibles reto!b[es des besoins en !ati\re de ressources attentionnelles" I'[volution de la lan ue de notation avec la paire de lan ues concern[e est un suQet peu [tudi[ sur le plan e!piri7ue" I'obQectif de notre co!!unication sera alors d'exa!iner % ^ l'aide des [l[!ents conceptuels des Tod\les d'2fforts % les notes des [tudiants en phase d'apprentissa e de l'interpr[tation cons[cutive ^ l'Universit[ techni7ue de YCldCz, afin de pr[senter les ph[no!\nes identifi[s et leur [volution entre deux [tapes de la for!ation" Oous discuterons [ ale!ent dans 7uelle !esure elles constituent des donn[es fructueuses tant pour la recherche 7ue pour la p[da o ie" 5ots clefs : 2nsei ne!ent de l'interpr[tation, <nterpr[tation cons[cutive, Nrise de notes, Tod\les d'2fforts, 6pproche orient[e processus"


2Aintrig#e &A#ne tra&#ction par)i les fe))es: #n *est seller histori:#e! Les femmes de Dictateur ERTA1! Elif YCldCz Te1ni1 @niversitesi elifertanAyahoo"fr $War sa ch\re $J[la&, loin de se contenter de lui offrir un soutien !oral, a un v[ritable plan pour propulser Benito sur le devant de la sc\ne politi7ue& ou $Ton SEhrer, Q'ai [t[ co!bl[e de savoir 7ue vous aviez reu !on !iela&, ces phrases ont [t[ prononc[es par des fe!!es de dictateur, dans un livre extr`!e!ent riche d'indices s[!iolo i7ues" Les femmes de dictateur !'a d'abord !otiv[e pour en faire la traduction et puis effectuer une [tude s[!iolo i7ue dans le processus de traduction" W'est une intri ue par!i les fe!!es, puis7ue fe!!e et auteur Liane Lucret a !is des fe!!es au ceur de la probl[!ati7ue de la dictature ^ travers les fe!!es des tyrans, !oi%!`!e en tant 7ue traductrice, Yelda Wu!alColu, directrice de la !aison d'[dition Leste1, les fe!!es Qournalistes 7ui ont parl[ du livre et enfin une [tudiante 7ui a effectu[ des recherches sur la traduction" Un cercle et un !ythe exclusive!ent f[!inins" Femmes de dictateur a fait plus de *33"333 exe!plaires avec ses -3 traductions" #uelle est son [lixir !a i7ue pour aboutir ^ ce succ\s; Ie suQet est%il attirant parce 7u'il s'a it de l'a!our, du pouvoir de l'distoire et des fe!!es; Narce 7u'il [vo7ue ditler, Tao, Tussolini, Stalinea; Ve tenterai d'[lucider ces probl[!ati7ues au cours de notre recherche" Lans cette [tude, Qe vais essayer de d[finir les [tapes de la traduction en partant du coup de foudre pour le livre, puis la recherche docu!entaire, la traduction elle%!`!e, la r[daction, enfin l'aventure [ditoriale et celle de la post%[dition" <nspir[e de $ytholo(ies de 8oland Barthes, en prenant co!!e fi ures de !ythe les fe!!es des dictateurs, l'[tude sera uid[e par la s[!io%analyti7ue de la traduction propos[e par SEndEz HztEr1 Gasar" Le 7uelle !ani\re !ener ^ bien cette intri ue; 2n tant 7ue traductrice, en partant de !es propres exp[riences, Qe vais parta er les d[cisions prises au cours du processus" 2t Qe tacherai ^ donner les propositions pour avancer dans le processus de la traduction en conclusion" 2t pour finir nous allons reco!!encerf 6u deuxi\!e tour du cercle, au deuxi\!e tour d'intri ue avec la deuxi\!e to!e de Femmes de )ictateur*


2e )oi scin&; entre ;crit#re et tra&#ction : 1anc$ J#ston sAa#to-tra&#it! r;-;crit son K#vre L8olce AgoniaM 6AK03E2 ! B#rFak Bil1ent @niversitesi Oancy duston, [crivaine canadienne d'expression an laise et franaise poss\de ainsi une double identit[ et Qoue ^ la fois le rble de l'auteur et de traductrice de ses euvres" Oous nous proposons, dans cette [tude, d'es7uisser 7uel7ues pistes d'analyse de l'auto%traduction de Oancy duston, ^ travers son ro!an )olce +(onia! cr[[ en an lais puis re%cr[[ en franais, pourtant publi[ en an lais (-33-0 apr\s la parution de la version franaise (-33*0" Toute en poursuivant le parcours traductif de duston nous nous proposons de discuter du processus auto%traductif dans le cadre des ='localisations'' sur le plan lexical, s[!anti7ue, socioculturel, tonal, voire discursif" Oous essaierons [ ale!ent de voir co!!ent est assur[ l'[7uilibre culturel et social lors du processus de d[coda e et de transcoda e car le !ilieu socioculturel dans le7uel est publi[ cet ouvra e et la lan ue de ce !ilieu socioculturel sont des facteurs 7ui Qouent [nor!e!ent sur l'approche adopt[e par la traductrice" 5ots cl;s : ,ancy Huston! )olce +(onia! auto"traduction! socioculturel, cr#ation! re"cr#ation! roman an(lais! roman fran%ais*


+laces an& 1on-+laces in translation 6ERRARES0! 5a#ro <UIT University Mhat are the places of !eanin ; <n what areas and se!antic spaces !ust !ove the translator to understand the correct path of a translation; Undoubtedly places of !eanin in translation often consist of lo ical% ra!!atical ele!entsK for exa!ple the lexicon, the syntax, the !orpholo y, but there are also places of !eanin related to the context and the co%text, as there are places of !eanin related to the expression, na!ely the poetic co!ponent" Sor exa!ple, in the passa e of Sha1espeareK g6bsence doth sharpen love, presence stren thens it, the one brin s fuel, the other blows it till it burns clear,g it is the poetic ele!ent that distin uishes the <talian translation n" *K $I'assenza esalta l'a!ore, la presenza lo rafforza, la pri!a accende il fuoco, la seconda soffia sulla fia!!a"&, fro! the <talian translation n" -K $I'assenza !ette a fuoco l'a!ore, la presenza lo accende" Ia pri!a lo ali!enta, la seconda ci soffia sopra fino a farlo bruciare forte"& Both translations convey the !essa e and !aintain rou hly the sa!e text construction of the ori inal 2n lish" <n the first sentence, however, the presence of analo y of love with fire is evident only in the second part of the phrase" <n the second translation the presence of this analo y is continuous" <n addition, in the first translation the rhyth! see!s closer to that of the ori inal 2n lish text, while the second translation see!s to be ainin in precision what it loses in !etric" Sollowin the fa!ous Tarc 6u [ distinction between Nlaces and Oon%Nlaces, the Sha1espeare's passa e see!s an ganthropolo icalgtext or, better to say, a place translational te-t" Nlaces, in 6u [ definitions, are anthropolo ical sites or locations, so all those spaces that have the prero ative to be identity, relational and historical" 4n the other hand, his concept of the non% place refers to those spaces typically one encounters when travellin , such as airports, bus ter!inals, hotels and so on, which one only re!e!bers often in very eneric ter!sK non% anthropolo ical and non%historical That places do not hold enou h si nificance to be re arded as gplacesg" Would we define the sa!e the Qob of the translator; There are co!plexes places fro! an anthropolo ical point of view, as for exa!ple the passa e of Sha1espeare and, instead, so to spea1 transit places, non identity places" The literature in translation distin uishes between ghi hg texts texts and glowg texts, !ar1ed the first by a ratio difficilis and the latter by a ratio facilis" <t Rs the ratio facilis, i"e" few lin uistic alternatives! that allows you to si!ply translate for exa!ple the <talian word carburatore in carburettor, Jer aser, carburateur" 6nd the sa!e oes for the italian word spintero eno, translated into distributor, Jerteiler, distributeur" The non%places, !oreover, are not to be understood si!ply as texts non translated" The non%place translation is not the non%translationK itRs !ore than that" Me 1now that certain ter!s as for exa!ple benchmark are hardly even translated into <talian, as well as su1, tsnuna!i, to brin so!e further exa!ple" There are also <talian ter!s li1e spa hetti and pizza that re!ain the sa!e in the various lan ua es" These are the fa!ous realia !entioned by Jlahov and Slorin, divided into cate ories and subcate ories" Me also 1now that for exa!ple the slo an )er!anK .olks/a(en )as +uto re!ains unchan ed also in <talian (than1s to the easy word auto, the sa!e both in <talian and in )er!an0, but these are pheno!ena that have !ore do with the increasin lobalization of !ar1ets and cultures, and in so!e cases with the econo!ically and politically powerful en lish lan ua e"

<t re!ains to be deter!ined whether the 7uestion of the place%no place is lin1ed to the typolo y of text or si!ply deal with the auctoritas and, as it the ganthropolo ical sedi!ent g by the text / author" Ke$ %or&s: Se!iotic, se!iotic of interpretation, se!iosis, episte!olo y of translation, co!!unity of in7uiry, e7uivalence in translation, translaction, true and translation, translation !ove!ent or action"


Are A#&io&escriptions of +aintings 1e#tral> A 8escription of A S)all Corp#s 0n English via Appraisal Theor$ 602J3! +e&ro Jenri:#e 2i)a +ra<e&es Universidade 2stadual do Wearh%U2W2 pedpraxAterra"co!"br 5A?A2JNES! C;lia 5aria Universidade Sederal de Tinas )erais%UST) celia!a A !ail"co! Mithin 6udiovisual Translation%6JT, this study deals with the description, fro! the viewpoint of neutrality as a co!pulsory characteristic, of audiodescriptions%6Ls of paintin s produced for the blind and visually i!paired" The ai! was to investi ate the presence/absence of interpretation/evaluation, on the part of the audiodescriber, as forK the feelin s elicited by the paintin sP her/his position relative to what they say in the 6Ls and to what others say in the widespread real! of intertextualityP the a!plification%reduction of the de ree of her/his interpretations/evaluations, if any" The description was !ade fro! a syste!ic%functional perspective by way of 6ppraisal Theory%6T" 6T ta1es account of the syste! of evaluative choices within three subsyste!sK 6TT<TUL2 (e!otive, ethical, and aesthetic feelin s0, 2O)6)2T2OT (!ono lossic and hetero lossic stances0, and )86LU6T<4O (force and focus of evaluations0" )iven that the neutrality prescription is still a consensus a!on !ost researchers and practitioners involved with 6Ls, few wor1s have been published" Me 1now of only twoK dolland (-33+0 is an essay, based upon his experience, about the i!possibility of neutrality in 6Ls for the visual artsP Vi![nez durtado (-33/0 is a report on a study that ai!ed at describin the new enre =fil!ic 6L', fro! an interpretative viewpoint, but solely under the li ht of e!otive feelin s" dence, the relevance of the present study lies in the fact that it was the first that investi ated neutrality in 6Ls of paintin s fro! the perspective of a co!prehensive theoretical fra!ewor1" Tethodolo ically, it was a 7uantitative study, and the cate orization was done !anually at word, roup, clause, and clause co!plex ran1sP the cate ories were the ter!s of the subsyste!s conte!plated by 6T" The corpus was for!ed by the scripts of six 6Ls of different paintin s, rendered by different 6!erican audiodescribers under the prescription of neutrality" The analysis led to the findin that all appraisal subtypes are present, bein thus distributedK Z3"/i of 6TT<TUL2 (?"/i%6SS2WT, Z"/i%VUL)2T2OT, --"Zi%6NN82W<6T<4O0, *?"Ui of 2O)6)2T2OT (3"3i%T4O4)I4SS<6, *?"Ui%d2T284)I4SS<60, .?"/i of )86LU6T<4O (?U"3i%S48W2, ,"/i%S4WUS0" Such results certainly corroborate dolland's (-33+0 intuition e!pirically" Besides, a tentative evaluative style of the set of studied 6Ls is that there see!s to be a tendency for the predo!inance of attitudinal appraisals of aesthetic appreciation and raduation appraisals of the force of those appreciations" Sinally, it is our i!pression that 6T, even bein a novelty within the wider field of Translation Studies, !ay becapable of offerin 6JT%6L the !eans with which to cross neutrality off its set of para!eters" Ke$-%or&sK 6udiovisual Translation, 6udiodescription of paintin s, Oeutrality, 6ppraisal Theory%6T


8;fis &e la tra&#ction participative ?A5B0ER! (ves niversit$ of T#rk# $ves"ga)*ierA#t#"fi Nendant lon te!ps, la traduction a eu une place subordonn[e, secondaire, sinon invisible, par rapport ^ d'autres prati7ues de r[daction" 6uQourd'hui, un nouvel environne!ent de travail op\re des transfor!ations dans l'[v[ne!ent et l'acte de traduction" Ia traduction participative ou collaborative (crowdsourcin 0, e!ploy[e par exe!ple pour localiser des lo iciels, des sites web, ou pour traduire des articles, des expos[s, des interviews, des fil!s, etc", bouscule certaines conceptions bien [tablies ou !`!e th[oris[es ces 7uatre derni\re d[cennies, co!!e la traduction co!!e co!!unication, co!!e vis[e, co!!e contextualisation, etc" Oous nous interro eronsK sur cette prati7ue et ceux 7ui la !ettent en euvre (leur identit[, leur profil0 sur les notions d'a!ateur et de professionnel dans un ![tier 7ui n'a Qa!ais [t[ prot[ [ sur les i!plications dans la perception de la traduction sur les nouvelles co!p[tences induites par le d[veloppe!ent des technolo ies actuelles de traduction auto!ati7ue sur les cons[7uences possibles ^ en tirer dans les for!ations de traducteur sur le futur contrast[ de la traduction, avec analo ie au devenir du Qournalis!e, confront[ aussi ^ l'infor!atisation et ^ l'a!ateurisation" <l ne s'a it pas de plaider n[cessaire!ent pour la traduction participative !ais de poser des Qalons sur les tenants et aboutissants de cette nouvelle prati7ue et de son i!pact [ventuel ^ la fois sur les conditions de travail, le processus !`!e de traduction et la th[orisation du do!aine" 5ots-cl;s: acte de traduction, a!ateur, co!p[tences, traduction auto!ati7ue, traduction participative (crowdsourcin 0


Ki&nappe& .oices: The *ig *#siness of plagiaris) in LreMtranslation ?DRSES! Sa*ri Iiterary translator, writer s ursesAceviribili!"co! AJ01! 5eh)et <z!ir University of 2cono!ics rbs!sahinA !ail"co! A.AR3E2 ! 5erve <z!ir University of 2cono!ics !erveavsaro luA !ail"co! <n Tur1ey, within the last Z3 years a new type of literary pla iaris!, $translational pla iaris!& has been a co!!on practice and a new pheno!enon such as $fa1e retranslations& have beco!e very widespread in the literary !ar1et" 6s these $fa1e translations& have !ostly concentrated on classical boo1s which have been included in school curricula as co!pulsory readin s, their i!pact on the culture is li1ely to be enor!ously devastatin " These boo1s are enerally produced in bi nu!bers, with cheap prices, under different co!pany trade!ar1sP so it is hard for the eneral reader to choose between the real and the fa1e translation" Ta1in Tur1ey's case as a basis, the current study focuses on the retranslation practice with two specific ai!sK (a0 to outline distinctive characteristics of a enuine retranslation, and (-0 to discuss pla iaristic for!s of retranslation which result in renderin the translator voiceless" The study will try to identify the i!petuses for retranslation and in7uire the validity of the rationale for the retranslations" 6nd usin the concept of $translator's voice& as a co!!on round, we will try to catch the distinctive voice in translation and fa1e translation" Me believe that $translator's voice& is also a social and historical concept which is defined sociolo ically and le ally in the literary space" So an overview of the (translational0 copyri ht law in force will be iven, with a particular focus on its application to and effect on the current practices of translation and retranslation" The cate ories of $fa1e retranslations& or $pla iaristic translations& as outlined by )Erses (-33/0 will be discussed in detail with exa!ples" The clear distinction between a enuine retranslation and a fa1e retranslation will be substantiated throu h analyses of a sa!ple of classical boo1s which were recently distributed by a national newspaper, a practice which so!eti!es can be, in itself, a for! of pla iaris!" These exa!ples will be analyzed to see the translator's voice across different texts%paratexts%contexts" The article will conclude with proposals for ways to trace and protect the voice of translators in both translations and retranslations and to find !eans of dis!issin all pla iaristic for!s of retranslations as a violation of intellectual property ri hts"


2Aa#to-tra&#ction a# sein &es c#lt#res &iglossi:#es O #n &;fi po#r lAas$);trie > ?311E! 5a#& Universit[ Watholi7ue de Iouvain !aud" onneAarts"1uleuven"be Ia prati7ue auto%traductive, lon te!ps !ar inalis[e par les [tudes litt[raires et traductolo i7ues, suscite un re ain d'int[r`t depuis bientbt deux d[cennies (Sitch, *+,, P )rut!an, *++,, -33/, -33+ P 0uimera, -33- P +telier de traduction, -33/, do1enson j Tunson, -33/ etc"0" Wependant, l'[tude des auto%traductions dans les cultures asy![tri7ues de!eure une entreprise d[licate, trop souvent cantonn[e aux seuls enQeux co!!erciaux, id[olo i7ues, ou !`!e [thi7ues" Ia valeur de la prati7ue auto%traductive en tant 7u'activit[ de transfert interculturel, d'une part, et le d[fi 7u'elle pose pr[cis[!ent ^ l'asy![trie du cha!p litt[raire, d'autre part, sont lar e!ent sous%esti![s" Nuis7ue l'auto%traduction, de par sa nature !`!e, esto!pe les cat[ ories binaires traditionnelles (auteur vs traducteur, texte%source vs texte%cible, lan ue%source vs lan ue%cible0, envisa er l'auto%traduction uni7ue!ent co!!e une revendication id[olo i7ue (lan ue !aQeure vers lan ue !ineure0 ou un acte co!!ercial (lan ue !ineure vers lan ue !aQeure0 ne rend pas bien co!pte de la particularit[ de l'activit[" 2n effet, il est n[cessaire de consid[rer l'auto% traduction co!!e un espace d'intersections et de chevauche!ents et l'auto%traducteur, 7ui contrble et !anipule lui%!`!e le passa e du produit discursif d'une co!!unaut[ lin uisti7ue ^ l'autre, co!!e un ![diateur privil[ i[ au sein de cultures h[t[ro \nes" Nar exe!ple, en Bel i7ue, au tournant du kki\!e si\cle, l'auto%traduction, du n[erlandais (lan ue do!in[e0 vers le franais (lan ue do!inante0 et vice versa, est prati7ue courante, bien 7ue rel[ u[e dans la p[riph[rie de la sph\re litt[raire de la nation en constructionK les enres non%litt[raires (la criti7ue d'art0 ou !oins presti ieux (le ro!an feuilleton0" )rlce ^ sa situation p[riph[ri7ue, l'auto% traduction se!ble avoir constitu[ un espace sensible ^ l'exp[ri!entation et ^ toutes sortes d'activit[s de transferts culturels (adaptation, h[t[rolin uis!es, pla iat, historio raphie, criti7ue artisti7ue etc"0" 6insi, des intellectuels bilin ues ont utilis[ l'auto%traduction en !ar e du proQet litt[raire national, for!ant des ponts discursifs (ou creusant des foss[s0 entre les diff[rentes co!!unaut[s lin uisti7ues du pays" We fut le cas de )eor es 2e1houd (6nvers, *,.?% Bruxelles, *+-/0 officielle!ent un auteur bel e consacr[ [crivant exclusive!ent en franais, et officieuse!ent, un feuilletoniste r[alisant des auto%traductions sous pseudony!e dans l'espace di lossi7ue de la capitale bel e"2n r[su![, s'illustrant des prati7ues auto%traductives de )eor es 2e1houd, la co!!unication tlchera *0 d'approcher l'auto%traduction co!!e une prati7ue de transfert interculturel privil[ i[e P -0 d'[tudier la fi ure de l'auto%traducteur en tant 7ue ![diateur interculturel dans la confi uration asy![tri7ue 7ui le produit P Z0 d'envisa er la possible i!plication de l'auto%traduction en tant 7u'activit[ de transfert dans le processus de construction d'une culture nationale" 5ots Cl;s: 6uto%traduction c cultures asy![tri7ues% activit[ de transfert c p[riph[rie % ![diation interculturelle% )eor es 2e1houd (*,.?%*+-/0


Sov$et 8/ne)i 'evir)enlerinin AnClarCn&a S/"l, 'eviri Etkinli7i ve Sor#nlarC ?D1E! Sa&ri$e YCldCz Te1ni1 @niversitesi sadriye unesA !ail"co! 8usya eviri tarihinde Sovyet dDne!inde ere1leFtirilen eviri alCF!alarC Dzel bir yere sahiptir" Sovyetler Birlii'nin balede olduu ibi eviri alanCnda da dEnyada il1 sCralarda yer aldCC DrEFE 8us evir!enler arasCnda yay CndCr" YazClC eviri et1inlii Giev Gnezlii dDne!ine dayanCr, anca1 si!ultane eviri Sovyetler Birlii'nin 1urul!asCndan sonra ortaya C1!CFtCr" Sovyetler'de si!ultane eviri, il1 1ez Go!Enist 2nternasyonal'Cn *+-, yClCnda yapClan U" Gon resinde 1ullanCl!CFtCr" Bu tarihten Dnce ise uluslararasC toplantClarda 1ulaa fCsClda!a yoluyla ya da ardCl eviri yapCl!CFtCr" *+?. yClCnda Y1inci LEnya SavaFC sona erdiinde OErnber ve To1yo'da 6l!an ve Vapon as1eri sulularCn yar Clan!asC sErecinde yay Cn olara1 si!ultane eviri 1ullanCl!aya baFla!CFtCr" Yar Cla!aya iliF1in eviri alCF!alarCnda en ve tecrEbesiz Sovyet evir!enleri Drev yap!CFlardCr" *+?/ yClCnda ta!a!lan bu alCF!alar sonucunda Sovyet evir!enleri uz!anlaF!CF ve El1elerine eri dDndE1lerinde tecrEbelerini en ar1adaFlarCna a1tar!CFlardCr" SDzlE eviri alanCnda zorlu bir sEreten een Suhodrev ve BereQ1ov ibi bazC Sovyet evir!enleri efsane haline el!iFtir" Bevir!enin DrEn!ezlii/ DrEnErlEE tartCFCla dursun, Sovyet Birlii'nde devlet sCrrC teF1il eden toplantClarda eviri yap!CF olan evir!enlerin yaFa!a ha11C var !CdCr; Sorusunun aC1 bir Fe1ilde ol!asa da Ende!e eldii dDne!ler ol!uFtur" Sovyet dDne!inde alCFan evir!enlerden bazClarC yCllar sonra anClarCnC yaz!CFlardCr" Bu alCF!ada, Sovyet evir!enlerinin anClarCndan yola C1ara1 sDzlE eviri et1inlii ve sorunlarC ele alCnaca1tCr" SCrasCyla 1onferanslarda il1 si!ultane evirinin ere1leFtiril!e bii!i, yararlanClan te1ni1 donanC!, evir!enlerin eiti!i ve tecrEbesi, alCF!a dEzeni ve dilleri, alCF!a 1oFullarC, BatClC ve Sovyet evir!enlerin duru!larC arasCnda yapClan 1arFClaFtCr!alar, sDzlE% yazClC eviri arasCnda1i ayrC! a1tarClaca1tCr" Sovyet sDzlE evir!enlerin baFlCca iFvereni Sovyet i1tidarC ol!uFtur" Bu nedenle devlet proto1olE ve eviri, Sovyet liderlerinin 1ara1terleri ve eviri sErecine et1ileriP sDzlE eviride zorlu1 C1artan Deler ve yaFanan il in deneyi!ler ele alCnaca1tCr" Anahtar s/"c,kler: 8usya eviri tarihi, sDzlE eviri, si!ultane eviri, Sovyet evir!enleri


K,lt,rel AktarC) Ba7la)Cn&a Etno)eto&oloPi AracClC7C$la Bir 'eviri @ncele)esi 8ene)esi JA2E.A! Beki YCldCz Te1ni1 @niversitesi be1ihalevaAhot!ail"co! Beviribili! baF1a disiplinlerden elen ya1laFC!lar, 1onular, yDnte!lerle beslen!iF Drece en bir bili! dalCdCr" 6ntropoloQiden psi1olin uistie, 1EltErlerarasC alCF!alardan Dster ebili!e, yoru!bili!den dil bili!lerine 1adar biro1 alandan beslen!iF ol!asCyla eviribili!, eviriyi ister bir ErEn, ister bir sEre, ister eyleyenlerin bir iFle!i olara1 DrsEn, disiplinlerarasC bir 1onu!dadCr ()a!bier, -33U, Z-0" Beviribili!in Dzel duru!una iFaret eden bu savdan yola C1ara1, biz de bu alCF!a!Czda eviri incele!esi bala!Cnda yeni bir ba1CF aCsC eliFtir!eyi hedefledi1" Bu a!ala yazCnsal !etin evirisi 1apsa!Cnda, 1EltErel Delerin a1tarC!Cna yDneli1 olara1 yapacaC!Cz incele!ede etno!etodoloQinin aralarCnC 1ullan!ayC deneyeceiz" 6!acC!Cz bir eviri eleFtirisi yap!a1 deil, etno!etodoloQi1 bir ba1CF aCsCyla dilsel dEzeyde dizinler oluFturara1, C1CF !etnin iinde yer alan ve 1EltErel far1lClC1larC ortaya C1aran Deleri ve bu Delerin varCF !etnine nasCl a1tarCldCCnC sapta!a1, bDylece etno!etodoloQi1 DzE!le!enin eviri edi!ine nasCl 1at1Cda bulunabileceini ortaya C1ar!a1tCr" Yncele!e nesnesi olara1, TEr1 ve Yahudi 1EltErlerine yDneli1 1EltErel Delerin aCrlC1ta olduu, etni1 1D1enlerin elene1 ile Drene1lerine dayalC bir yaFantCnCn beti!lendii ve etno!edoloQi1 bala!da olaylarCn Endeli1 yaFantCnCn !er1ezinde eliFtii bir ro!anC se!eyi uy un buldu1" Bu dorultuda Bri itte Nes1ine'in Les eau- douces d 1urope baFlC1lC ro!anCnCn 2ll )Ente1in tarafCndan Istanbul da Bir Yahudi +ilesi baFlCC altCnda ere1leFtirilen evirisini ele alacaCz" BalCF!a!Czda doal dil 1ullanC!CnC C1CF ve varCF bala!larCnda 1arFClaFtCr!alC olara1 !erce1 altCna alacaCz" Bu a!ala, !etnin 1ahra!anC iin sCradan ibi DrEnen anca1 ar1a planda ait olduu toplu!un $saduyusu&yla DrtEFen, onun bir uzantCsC olara1 da Endeli1 ve toplu!sal yaFantCsCnC dEzenleyen elene1% Drene1leri ortaya C1aran 1esitlerden Drne1lere younlaFacaCz" Anahtar s/"c,klerK eviri incele!esi, 1EltErel a1tarC!, etno!etodoloQi,


ne CollectCon &e 2Cterat#re nCverselle en Bas:#e! 8estCn;e A H#C> Anal$se &e la r;ception la collection Literatura Unibertsala 0BAR2 IEA! 5iren Universit[ Tichel de Tontai ne !irenmibarluzeaAhot!ail"co! Ia collection des traductions des ouvra es de litt[rature universelle en bas7ue Literatura 2nibertsala a d[Q^ un parcours de -3 ans" 4n esti!e ce parcours assez int[ressant pour 7u'on puisse analyser la r[ception de cette collection (et en 7uel7ue sorte, la r[ception de la litt[rature traduite0 au sein du syst\!e litt[raire bas7ue" <l faut souli ner 7ue les caract[risti7ues de ce syst\!e sont [troite!ent li[es ^ la nor!alisation de la lan ue et de la culture bas7ues" 2n fait, la collection elle%!`!e port[e ^ l'attention est une collection issue d'un accord entre le )ouverne!ent Bas7ue (L[parte!ent de la culture et la lan ue bas7ue0 et 2<X<2 (6ssociation des traducteurs, correcteurs et interpr\tes bas7ues0 P par ailleurs, les enQeux principaux de la collection sont la cr[ation du corpus des textes en bas7ue de bonne 7ualit[ et la valorisation du travail des traducteurs litt[raires" Ie but de notre analyse est de faire une description en d[tail de la collection et de !ontrer 7uels sont ses effets, ses reflets et ses fonctions" Nour cela, on expli7uera les caract[risti7ues et l'histoire du parcours de la collection, et ensuite, on re ardera le profil des traducteurs et leur relation avec la reconnaissance institutionnelle via les prix de traduction" Le plus, on fera 7uel7ues re!ar7ues paratextuelles (couvertures, pa es de cr[dits, pr[faces, articles de presse et blo s portant sur la collection0 et on !ontrera 7uelle est la place de la collection dans les clubs de lecture, dans les [coles, dans les encyclop[dies [n[ralistes et dans les corpus litt[raires" Nour cette [tude on se base sur les th[ories syst[!i7ues P 7uand on parle de la n place de la traduction o, on parle de sa position au sein de l'institution litt[raire" Selon les th[ories syst[!i7ues, pour analyser la r[ception de la traduction (sa conception et son acceptation0, il faut expli7uer co!!ent est ce 7ue les traductions sont pr[sent[es et si les traductions ont obtenu les buts pr[vus" 2n appli7uant la ![thodolo ie du )ideon Toury (Toury, -33?0 ce enre d'[tudes nous !ontrent non seule!ent ce 7u'est la traduction en [n[ral, !ais aussi d[crivent ce 7u'elle est en r[alit[" Bien spr, il y a des r\ les, des nor!es, des idiosyncrasies, en QeuP Toury les appelle n Translation nor!s o" Wes nor!es chan ent d'une soci[t[ ^ l'autre, d'une culture a l'autre" Lans ce cadre, il faut faire attention non seule!ent aux traductions elle !`!es, !ais aux sources extra textuelles, car rlce ^ ces sources on peut tirer les cons[7uences des nor!es de traduction" I'apport de cette [tude vise ^ d[crire la r[ception de la traduction litt[raire dans un contexte sp[cifi7ue, dont la lan ue est !inoris[e, pour une co!paraison ult[rieure des nor!es de traductions dans diff[rents contextes sociaux et culturels" 5ots Cl;sK Traduction et litt[rature bas7ue c r[ception de la traduction % Th[ories syst[!i7ues"


'i"gi ve Feviri$i *#l#-t#ran Tintin @1A2! TanP# Bil1ent @niversitesi inalAbil1ent"edu"tr KA(A! 5,)ta" Bil1ent @niversitesi !u!tazAbil1ent"edu"tr 6rdCFC1 anlatC diz elerinin iz ilerle bEtEnleF!esi olan ve <k" sanat yapCtC olara1 adlandCrClan iz i ro!anCn 6vrupa'da1i DncElerinden Tenten'in dEnyada ve TEr1iye'de yayCn ve eviri sErelerinin deiFi1 evrelerini irdeleyeceiz" Beli1alC izer/yazar )eor es 8[!i'nin (der [0 bir azete !uhabiri ve DzEpe1 !era1lC bir ez in olara1 yarattCC Tenten'in serEvenlerinin ere1 ve sanal corafyasC o1 eniF" Nanellerde1i 1onuF!a balonlarCnCn iinde1i anlatC!larCn 1EltErel, sosyal ve siyasal Ende!i o1 zen in" Yl1 basC!Cndan EnE!Eze uzun yCllar e!esine 1arFCn bu DncE iz i ro!anCn ierii , iz ilerin Drsel iFlevleri ve evirileri hlll tartCF!alarCn odaCnda" Tenten'in TEr1 o1urlarC ile buluF!a serEveni, basC!, uyarla!a, oriQinal iz i ve 1opyalarC ile uzun bir sErece yayClCyor" Oiteli1li ve sadC1 Tenten eviri ciltlerine, yerli !alC Tenten'lerden (*+.30 uzun bir sEre sonra, Dnce To ay 5enalp'Cn, Sev i )EcE!'En ve ounluu BarCF GClCbay'Cn evirileri ile ulaFCyoruz (YapC Gredi YayCnlarC *++?0" Laha sonra da ta! seri olara1 2da )Ente1'in yap!CF olduu i1inci eviriler, 1arFClaFtCr!alC bir eviri alCF!asCnC olana1lC 1ClCyor (Tandolin YayCnlarC -33,0" Y1i bDlE!den oluFan alCF!a!CzCn birinci bDlE!Ende, iz i ile anlatC!Cn Dzelli1lerini, Tenten'in dEnyada ve Dzelli1le El1e!izde basC! serEvenini, i1inci bDlE!de de Tenten'in TEr1iye'de evril!e sErecini ve dili!ize a1tarCl!a bii!lerini irdeleyeceiz" Bu bala!da, SransCzca'dan TEr1e'ye doru yapCl!CF far1lC eviriler, 1ayna1 !etnin TEr1e'ye a1tarCl!asCnda ElE1ler olara1 varsaydCC!Cz Dzel ad ve adlandCr!alarCn, deyi!lerin, Enle!lerin, ses yansC!alarCnCn (ono!atop[e0, 1aba sDz ve ha1aretlerin, diyale1tlerin, 1eli!e oyunlarCnCn ve 1onuF!a balonlarCnda1i !orfoloQi1 1ur ularCnCn TEr1eye a1tarC!larC, dilsel ve 1EltErel eFdeerlili1leri, -? cildi bulan 1ayna1 !etin ve far1lC evirilerinden oluFan veri 1aynaCndan alacaC!Cz Drne1lerle sunulaca1tCr" Anahtar Keli)eler: Tintin, Biz i ro!an, o1 dillili1, Dzel dil 1ullanC!larC, eviri sEreci, 1EltErel eFdeerlili1, dilsel eFdeerlili1"


Ethno-tra&#ctologie : reno#velle)ent &e perspective 4AB0? E13.A! ?o#lnara Universit[ nationale 2urasiati7ue Iev )u!iliov oulnaraQZ*A!ail"ru Ie but de cette co!!unication est d'exposer les principes de ce 7ue l'on pourrait appeler une sous discipline de la traductolo ie ou ethno%traductolo ie en op[rant un renverse!ent de perspective" Vus7u'alors on partait de la lan ue pour aller vers le sens et la philosophie, la s[!ioti7ue P d[sor!ais, il faut partir de la philosophie vers la lan ue, outil fonda!ental 7ui aide ^ la conceptualisation pour r[aliser une traduction contextualis[e 7ui fasse sens dans la culture cible co!!e dans la culture source" <l s'a it de d[passer la tentation positiviste de la lin uisti7ue et de r[int[ rer la subQectivit[, l'historicit[, et autres variables pour redonner une a!bition anthropolo i7ue ^ la science du lan a e" Traduire [tait avant une sous discipline de la lin uisti7ue" Taintenant, les sciences du lan a e s'ouvrent ^ une pluralit[ ![thodolo i7ue et per!ettent aux sciences de l'ho!!e d'appr[hender l'ho!!e dans sa lobalit[ et dans son rapport ^ la philosophie" We 7ui per!et de faire une distinction fonda!entale entre texte source et texte cible, de faire exister un texte source dans la lan ue cible et surtout d'[viter les distorsions de sens souvent li[e ^ la ![connaissance de la culture source ou ^ une forte id[olo isation des contenus" We fut le cas de toute une [n[ration de traducteurs" <l convient donc de couvrir la distance ori inelle 7ui s[pare les deux textes en privil[ iant le sens en vue de r[pondre aux nouvelles attentes des publics conte!porains K authenticit[ des sources, recherche de la sp[cificit[ et de l'universalit[ de cha7ue culture" Ies prota onistes de cette approche tentent de relever les d[fis pos[s au !od[le !ultuculturaliste" We 7ue nous proposons donc ici est de faire une articulation novatrice entre lin uisti7ue, litt[rature et di!ension ethno%culturelle" 2n privil[ iant le sens 7ue le texte source peut avoir dans le texte cible, nous faisons le postulat 7ue ce sens peut%`tre erron[ si le traducteur n'a pas connaissance du contexte d'ori ine du texte source K d'o_ l'i!portance pour le traducteur d'une connaissance !ini!u! de la culture d'ori ine du texte source" W'est $ce saut p[rilleux du sens d'une culture ^ une autre&, et souvent !`!e auQourd'hui ^ l'int[rieur d'une !`!e soci[t[, ainsi 7ue la construction de passerelles universalisantes 7ui focalisent l'attention de la co!!unaut[ scientifi7ue des traductolo ues auQourd'hui" Wette citation est de V8 Iad!iral, [!inent traductolo ue et philosophe franais sous l'i!pulsion de 7ui et avec 7ui nous tentons de r[aliser ce renouvele!ent traductolo i7ue" 5ots cl;s: co!plexit[ traductolo i7ue, co!p[tences ethnolo i7ues, ethno%traductolo ie, s[!anti7ue


The Challenges of Translating 8eontic 5o&alit$ in English-Ara*ic +olitical 8isco#rse: A Se)antic Anal$sis KA8J05! Kais A= University of Talaya 1aisa!ir-33+Ayahoo"co! The focus of this research is in the area of a very specific enre of discourse which is BBW news texts" <t see1s to exa!ine how 2n lish and 6rabic express deontic !odality in a text and to deter!ine the nature of the !essa e in both texts" Such a study is i!portant in order to provide so!e insi hts into the characteristics of 2n lish and 6rabic in denotin !odality in !ass !edia, and !ost i!portantly to arrive at a better understandin of the function of deontic !odality in the enre of news infor!ation texts" The research approach adopted in this study includes a descriptive analysis of a sa!ple of *3 textsP each text provides the sa!e version in two lan ua esK 2n lish and 6rabic" The findin s fro! this research provide evidence that each of the two hi hli hted lan ua es has its own structures, styles and preferences in expressin deontic !odality in transferrin infor!ation and that the use of deontic !odality in these texts is intentionally !eant to present infor!ation in a fuzzy and va ue way" This study will !a1e use of Iyon's notion on Todality and Leontic Todality" The !ain findin drawn fro! this study areK despite the re!ar1able differences and preferences specific to each of the two lan ua es, these lan ua es tend to use expressions of deontic !odality as a !anipulatin instru!ent to chan e the attitude of news texts Ke$ %or&s: deontic, Oews, pra !atic, verbs, and function


Three para)eters in affecting shifts in the position of te<ts on the %ritten-spoken lang#age contin##): 5o&es of 0nterpreting! 8irectionalit$ an& Te<t T$pes KA1S (ETK@1ER! 1eslihan Yz!ir University of 2cono!ics neslihan"yet1inerAieu"edu"tr Syste!ic Sunctional Iin uistics (SSI0 (dalliday *++Z, *++?P Tatthiessen, *++.P a!on others0 as a social theory of lan ua e, provides researchers with uni7ue constructs, tools, and insi hts for followin the traces of translation universals" 2xplicitation, as one of the assu!ed universals of translation, inspires heated debate a!on translation scholars in ter!s of their reasons, availability and varieties" The notion of ra!!atical !etaphor ,!ainly developed by dalliday (*++?0, presents an ori inal, innovative and concretely perceptible si n that identifies and describes the fact that people so!eti!es, in writin and in spea1in , are functionally oriented to acco!plishin =obQectification' and =abstraction' of their discourse" They achieve this functional oal throu h the lin uistic !eans of ra!!atical !etaphor, a resource that condenses infor!ation by expressin experiences and events in an incon ruent for!, as contrasted with the !ore custo!ary con ruent for! that prevails in everyday lan ua e use" The level of !etaphoricity affects the de ree of i!plicit or explicitness of the !eanin s construed in lan ua e, because in syste!ic functional perspective, the concept of ra!!atical !etaphor is closely associated with no!inalizations which are denoted to be the !ain source of incon ruency leadin text co!plexity and abstraction (dalliday and Tartin *++Z, Billi -33,, Menyan -3*-0" <n other words, level of ideational !etaphoricity, i"e" the density of no!inalization as the $sin le !ost powerful resource for creatin !etaphor& (dalliday *++?K Z.-0 is inversely proportional to the level of explicitness of a text (6lves et al" -3**0" dence, a nu!ber of researches on instances of explicitation in interpreted texts (Shlesin er *++.P <shi1awa, *+++P )u!ul -33U, -33/, Bau! arten et al" -33,, a!on others0 have pleaded the hypothesis of (de0!etaphorization as a process dwellin upon the perceived differences between non%translated and translated text" The pri!ary ai! of this paper is to analyze the way of or anizin ideas at the level of discourse fro! an incon ruent !anner to con ruent !anner for the purpose of explicitation" Oa!ely, translator's de!etaphorization process will be focused durin the three different !odes of interpretin (si ht interpretin , consecutive interpretin , and si!ultaneous interpretin 0, considerin different text types and directionality" Based on the interplay of factors related to both the lan ua e pairs and the context in which it is created, we hypothesize that alon a continuu! fro! si ht interpretin to si!ultaneous interpretin , interpreters !ove alon the way exertin a shift fro! written lan ua e to spo1en lan ua e" dence, characteristic differences between spo1en and written lan ua e (dalliday *+/,0 considerin three different !odes of interpretin are analyzed in sense of lexical density and nu!ber of no!inalizations" <n this study, a corpus was !ade up of -?3 recordin s enerated by -3 under raduate senior students attendin Yz!ir University of 2cono!ics, 2n lish Translation and <nterpretin pro ra!" The recordin s were based on ? sets of desi ned, nonidentical, but si!ilar in content, style variable texts produced both in 2n lish and Tur1ish (q/%(-.0 ..3 words each0" Two different versions of an infor!ative text about econo!ics focusin on inflation and une!ploy!ent and two different versions of expressive political speech on election ca!pai n (one in Tur1ish/Speeches addressed by Tur1ish Nri!e Tinister, 8ecep Tayyip 2rdoan and one in 2n lish/Speeches addressed by US6 Nresident, 4ba!a0 were produced"

Ke$ %or&s: <nterpretin Spo1en Ian ua e"

Studies, Syte!ic Sunctional )ra!!ar, 2xplicitation, Mritten and

T,rki$eQ&eki 'eviri 97rencilerinin K#ra)sal Alana BakC- AFCsC .e 5,fre&atCn Etkisi KARA8E1@I! Jakan dacettepe @niversitesi Bu !a1alede TEr1iyeRde1i !Eterci!%tercE!anlC1 ve eviribili! Drencilerinin 1ura!sal ereveye ba1CF aClarC, il ili bDlE!lerin !EfredatlarCnCn bu ba1CF aCsCna olasC et1isi ba1C!Cndan irdelenece1tir" BalCF!a 1apsa!Cnda Drne1le! rubu olara1 -3** Hss puan sCrala!asC aCsCndan eviri alanCnda Dnde elen E Eniversite (dacettepe, Boazii, Bil1ent0 ele alCnaca1 ve alCnan eiti!in 1ura!sal alana yDneli1 tutu!da herhan i bir deiFi1li1 yaratCp yarat!adCCnCn anlaFClabil!esi iin bu Eniversitelerde1i *" sCnCf ile ?" sCnCf Drencilerine eviribili!e ve bu alanda1i 1ura!sal bil ilere yDneli1 ba1CF aClarCnC deerlendiren bir an1et uy ulanaca1tCr" Nilot alCF!asC 1apsa!Cnda -3*- yClC Tart ayCnda dacettepe @niversitesi, Yn ilizce TEterci! % TercE!anlC1 bDlE!E *" ve ?" sCnCf Drencilerine nicel bir tutu! Dl!e an1eti uy ulan!CFtCr" @ Eniversiteyi 1apsayan asCl an1et alCF!asC ve bunlarCn deerlendiril!esi elece1 yCl 5ubat ayCnda sonulandCrClaca1 ol!a1la birli1te !EfredatCn Drenci tutu!larC Ezerinde1i et1isinin de incelenebil!esi iin dacettepe, Boazii ve Bil1ent @niversitelerinde1i eviri bDlE!lerinin !EfredatlarC incelenip 1ura!sal ierie sahip derslerin sayCsC, saat younluu ve ders tanC!larC 1arFClaFtCrCl!CFtCr" BalCF!aya $TEr1iye'de1i Eniversitelerde eviri eiti!inin 1ura!sal alana yDneli1 ba1CF aCsCnda bir deiFi1li1 yarat!adCC& DnvarsayC!Cyla baFlanCl!CF olup asCl an1et alCF!asCnCn sonularCna balC olara1 bu varsayC! Dzden eirilece1tir" Son olara1 tE! bu ol ular CFCCnda Drenci perspe1tifinden 1ura!sal alanCn anlaFClabilirliini ve say CnlCCnC arttCr!aya yDneli1 ne ibi uy ula!alarCn beni!senebilecei tartCFClaca1tCr" Anahtar S/"c,kler: eviribili!, eviri eiti!i, 1ura!sal alan, tutu! Dl!e, !Efredat, sosyal bili!ler"


Translation! censorship! regi)e: so)e 0talian %riters translate& into B#lgarian KARA+ETK3.A! 8aria Sofia University St" Wle!ent of 4hrid dm1arapet1ovaAyahoo"it 6s an i!portant !eans of refresh!ent and innovation, translation ives to every national literature reasons for i!prove!ent and enrich!ent" Oot less than the ori inal texts, the translated ones can be considered as an assault on co!!unity or ideolo y, or !oral" <n the conditions of a political re i!e !any unexpected features can be treated as dan erous" Lurin the totalitarian socialist period in recent Bul arian history !any translations of <talian authors ave reasons to reco nize the translators' activity as a heroic and co!plicated a!e of deceivin the official criteria for $acceptable& forei n infiltration" The period itself isn't unifor! and includes various phases in which the choices, the lan ua es and the policies in translation fro! <talian chan ed subtly" That's why Bul arian destiny of authors such as 6lberto Toravia, Salvatore #uasi!odo, )ianni 8odari, <talo Walvino, U!berto 2co suffered the conse7uences of an intransi ent publishin syste!" 2ach case is particular, but the conclusion confir!s the dissident role of translators within the networ1 of otherwise%thin1in intellectuals" Translators as public fi ures and lin uists had to deal with censorship and create in enious tric1s in order to !a1e possible the appearance in Bul arian of their favorite texts" <t was not always possible to avoid !isinterpretations or errors, but this is not the point" The present contribution atte!pts a Qourney throu h the difficult years of activity of a brave eneration that added to the concept of translatin a precious patina of i!portant new !eanin s which help realizin the future tas1s and responsibilities of this silent but vi orous way to influence culture" Ke$ %or&sK translation, censorship, re i!e, <talian writers, Bul aria

T#ri") Reh*erlerin&e K,lt,re 9"g, 9gelerin AktarC)C K9KSA2! Sev&i$e 8eha Tidilli Soa Turiz! YFlet!ecilii ve 4telcili1 YE1se1o1ulu sevdiye"1o1salA !ail"co! Turiz! rehberleri, bir tatil yerinin bE EnE ve tarihesini, doal Ezelli1lerini, ezilece1 ve alCFveriF yapClaca1 yerlerini, !utfaCnC, 1EltEr%sanat et1inli1lerini tanCt!a a!acC Eden !etinlerdir" TanCtC!Cn yanC sCra turistin il isini e1!e1 iin re1la! ve arC iFlevi olan bu !etinler, youn bir ierii DzlE bir anlatC!la a1tar!a1tadCrlar" Bu tEr !etinlerin evirisinde yerel 1EltErEn ren ini ver!e1 ve ierii anlaFClCr bii!de a1tar!a1 1uF1usuz o1 Dne!lidir" Bevirilerin nitelii, tanCtClan yerin, o yerin bulunduu bDl enin, hatta El1enin i!aQCnC et1ileyebil!e1tedir" Bu alCF!anCn a!acC, Yz!ir ve evresini tanCtan rehberlerin far1lC dillerde1i ( 6l!anca, 8usa, Yn ilizce0 evirilerinde 1EltEre Dz E D elerin nasCl a1tarCldCCnC irdele!e1 ve !etnin iFlevi aCsCndan tartCF!a1tCr" Anahtar s/"c,kler: turiz! rehberi, turiz! !etninin iFlevi, 1EltEre Dz E D elerin evirisi"


T,rki$eA&e 'alC-an 'evir)enlerin @nternet K#llanC) AlC-kanlCklarC K 5C ! Alper dacettepe @niversitesi alper1u!cuAhacettepe"edu"tr JASTDRK3E2 ! ?/kFen 6tClC! @niversitesi o1cenhastur1o luA !ail"co! Ynternet eriFi!i olanaC sunan cihazlarCn eFitlen!esi, balantC Ecretlerinin dEF!esi ile 1ullanCcC ierii ve et1ileFi!ini Dn plana C1aran Meb -"3 te1noloQisinin douFu ibi eliF!elerle birli1te tE! dEnyada olduu ibi El1e!izde de Ynternet 1ullanC!C son yCllarda idere1 yay CnlaF!CF ve younlaF!CFtCr" Bu sErecin sonucu olara1 ortaya C1an eFitli bil i eriFi! 1anallarC ve bEyE1 veri, araFtCr!a alCF1anlC1 ve davranCFlarCnC 1D1lE Fe1ilde deiFtir!iFtir" 6raFtCr!a, he! sEre Dncesi ve he! de sEre iinde yazClC ve sDzlE evirinin tanC!larC erei ol!azsa ol!az bileFeni olara1 1abul edil!e1tedir" Bu bala!da Ynternet 1ullanC!CnCn eviri et1inliinin de doasCnC ve dina!i1lerini et1iledii ve deiFtirdii her1ese bilinen bir ere1tir" Bevir!enler web tabanlC sDzlE1lerden faydalan!a1ta, ara!a !otorlarC Ezerinde sDzcE1 sC1lC1 1arFClaFtCr!asC yap!a1ta, sosyal !edya ve tartCF!a ruplarCnda bil i ve iF paylaFC!Cnda bulun!a1ta ve idere1 artan bir sC1lC1la web tabanlC bil isayar deste1li eviri aralarCnC 1ullan!a1tadCr" Bununla birli1te TEr1iye'de han i tEr evir!enlerin Ynterneti nasCl, ne a!ala, han i sC1lC1 ve be1lentilerle 1ullandCC 1apsa!lC bir alCF!ayla henEz ortaya 1onul!a!CFtCr" Bu alCF!ada 1apalC ve aC1 ulu sorularla yapClandCrCl!CF web tabanlC an1et uy ula!asC aracClCCyla TEr1iye'de alCFan yazClC ve sDzlE evir!en popElasyonundan Ynternet 1ullanC! alCF1anlC1larCna yDneli1 nitel ve nicel veri toplan!CFtCr" 6n1et sorularC (*0 yaF, cinsiyet, eiti!, yer vb" ibi de!o rafi1 deiF1enlerP (-0 eviri tErE, alCF!a Fe1li, alCFClan 1uru!/Fir1et, alCF!a dilleri, eviri yDnE, eviri 1onularC, eviri yE1E vb" ibi !esle1i deiF1enler ve (Z0 Ynternet eriFi!i iin 1ullanClan cihaz, ziyaret edilen web sayfalarC ve tErleri, eri bildiri! ve et1ileFi! davranCFlarC, tercih edilen web tabanlC sDzlE1ler ve eviri aralarC vb" ibi Ynternet deiF1enleri te!elinde hazCrlan!CFtCr" Toplanan veri istatisti1i yDnte!lerle analiz edilere1, benzer alCF!alarla 1arFClaFtCrCl!alC olara1 yoru!lanaca1 ve sunulaca1tCr" BalCF!anCn evir!enlerin Ynternet 1ullanC! alCF1anlC1larCna olduu 1adar evirinin araFtCr!a ve et1ileFi! ere1sini!lerine, dolayCsCyla tanC! ve doasCna da far1lC bir aCdan CFC1 tut!asC be1len!e1tedir" Buna e1 olara1, alCF!anCn sonularCnCn yazClC ve sDzlE evir!enlerin be1lenti ve ihtiyalarCnC 1arFClayaca1 bEtEnleFi1 web platfor!larC oluFturul!asCna da 1at1C salayacaC dEFEnEl!e1tedir" Anahtar s/"c,kler: Beviri, internet 1ullanC! alCF1anlC1larC, web deste1li araFtCr!a, web tabanlC sDzlE1ler, eviri te1noloQileri


Eski K/$e (eni A&et K RT 2! Ka)il 1urtul1a!ilA11u"edu"tr aanlam bir metnin belirleyici! ba3at unsuru! bile3eni deilse! o metinden (eriye ne kal'r4 S5& m6! s5yleme tar&' m'! ifade bi%imi mi4 diye sorar M" BenQa!in (*+-*0 ve bu no1tada o1 es1i bir ideal eviri for!ElEne, 1endisinden o1 Dnce ideal eviri for!ElE olara1 1abul Dr!EF bir 1abule iFaret eder ve es1iler iyi eviri iin anla! a1tarC!Cnda Dz ErlE1, sDze sada1at for!ElEnE eliFtir!iFlerdir der" 4ysa bu 1endi ierisinde eliFi1 bir Dner!edir, zira evir!en eer anla!C istendii ibi ver!e1 1onusunda Dz Erce hare1et edebilece1se, sDze sadC1 1al!asC zordur, En1E sDz Dz En dilde, anla!la, ieri1le hep far1lC bir iliF1i ierisinde olur" Bu iliF1i dier dilde aynC bii!de 1urula!ayabilir, yani her sDz her dilde aynC anla!a el!ediinden, sDze sada1at zaten anla!a en baFtan sCrt evir!e1 olaca1tCr" (2ner W", -33-0" Bevrilen !etnin nitelii ya da !etinselliinin, Dz En !etne Dre DlEldEE Dn1abulE, bir dilsel toplulua ait !etnin, bir dier dilsel topluluun diline de !etin olara1 evril!esini ere1tirir" Bu duru!, eviriye iliF1in 1ura!sal bir erevenin he! 1ayna1 he! de hedef dilde1i !etinselli1 Delerini aC1layabilen bir Dzelli1 taFC!asCnC zorunlu 1Clar" Tetnin birbirine dilbil isel olara1 balC birli1ler ve birbirleriyle tutarlC 1avra!lardan oluFtuunu belirten Le Beau rande ve Lressler (*+,*0'e Dre, !etnin $!etinsellii&ni belirleyen yedi te!el DlEt tutarl'l'k! bada3'kl'k, amaca uy(unluk, kabul edilirlik, duruma uy(unluk! metinleraras'l'k ve bil(iselliktir* TutarlClC1 !etnin alt yapCsCnda yer alan bir tEr 1avra! ve baCntClar aCdCr ve !etnin anla!sal yapClarCnC ortaya 1oyar" BadaFC1lC1, !etinde1i dilsel, dilbil isel uyu!, yani bEtEnlE1tEr ve dilbil isel baC!lClC1 Ezerine 1urulur" TutarlClC1 ve badaFC1lC1 !etin%ii dEzle!de, dilbil isel ve sDzcE1sel iliF1ileri 1apsadC1larCndan, $!etin oda1lC DlEtler& olara1 1abul edilseler de !etnin iletiFi!sel iFlevini salayan ve !etin%dCFC Delere iliF1in olan dier beF DlEt de !etin Ereticisi ve o1uru arasCnda var olan iletiFi!i et1iler" @reti! sErecinde !etni Ereten dil 1ullanCcCsC, tutarlC ve badaFC1 bir !etin Eret!e a!acCndadCr ve Erettii !etni o1ura iletir" Tetni o1uyan alCcCysa bunu 1abul et!e ya da reddet!e seene1lerine sahiptir" Tetnin 1abul edilirlii pe1 o1 far1lC et!ene balCdCr" Hrnein, o1ur duru!a uy unluu, yani !etnin bala!a uy un olup ol!a!asCnC 1abul ya da reddedece1tir" Bir dier Dzelli1 olan bil iselli1, sunulan bil inin o1ur iin ne DlEde yeni ya da be1len!edi1 olduuna iliF1indir" Son Dzelli1se !etinlerarasClC1tCrK o1urun bir !etni anlayabil!esi iin onu baF1a !etinlerle iliF1ilendir!e zorunluluu vardCr" Beviri 1ura!C he! Dz En !etnin he! de hedef dilde1i !etnin !etinselliini aC1la!a1 duru!undadCr" BaF1a bir deyiFle, evrilen bir !etnin !etinsellii, Dz En !etnin !etinselliine ba1Clara1 analiz edil!elidir" Hzetle, eviri biri!i olara1 sDzcE1 ve tE!ce dEzeyinin Dtesine eere1, !etni ve !etni oluFturan bEyE1 Dle1li yapClarC beni!seyen !etindilbili!sel eviri ya1laFC!Cyla, eviri !etin ve 1ayna1 !etnin ne DlEde den1li1 ser iledi1leri, eer aralarCnda tutarsCzlC1lar / 1ay!alar varsa, bunlarCn dil%ii ya da dil%dCFC Delerden !i 1ayna1landCCnC ortaya 1oy!a1 !E!1EndEr" Gayna1 dilde o1ur, hedef dilde yazar olara1 i1i far1lC role sahip olan evir!en aCsCndan !etindilbili!sel eviri ya1laFC!C FEphesiz ufu1 aCcC olaca1tCr" Anahtar S/"c,kler: Feviri! Fevir)en! Fevir)enin g/revi! )etin&il*ili)! )etinsellik


+rofessionalis) an& Translation 20+01?! Bai The Whinese University of don Gon bailipin Acuh1"edu"h1 This article analyzes the concept $professional& in the literary syste! as well in the $translation syste!&" The definition of $professional translator&, other related issues, e" " specialization of translation and translation studies, certification of translators, etc", and different situations involvin professionals, e" " a translator as a professional in other fields, a person as a professional and a patron at the sa!e ti!e, etc", are also investi ated" The study de!onstrates that the definition of $professional& !ay include two factors c the factor of econo!y and that of 7ualification or expertise" 6 $professional translator& is so!eone who ta1es translation as a career, or who has expertise c either obtained throu h trainin or his/her experiences c to be a 7ualified translator" 6 professional translator !ay not necessarily include two factors at the sa!e ti!e" There is no clear%cut de!arcation between a professional translator and a non%professional translator" 6 non%professional translator can beco!e a professional one throu h his/her own experiences or throu h trainin " Nrofessionals, especially the influential ones, or the pioneers, or leaders within a professional class, !ay have !ore power or !ore influence in for!in professional nor!s" Nrofessionalis! is also related to the issues of specialization and certification" There is an e!er ence of specialization of translation and translation studies with the professionalization of translation activities" There are now not only professional translators but also professional translation critics or researchers who do not translate, but only write on translation, Qust li1e so!e literary critics who do not write literary wor1s but only write on the!"The past decades has also witnessed an e!er ence of certification of translation in various countries" There are different situations involvin the status of a professional" 6 translator !ay be a professional in translation or in other fields, and a person can be a professional and a patron at the sa!e ti!e" <n ter!s of professional nor!s, there !ay not be only one accepted !ethod and strate y, and different professionals !ay not necessarily a ree with each other" So!eti!es there can be clashes of opinions a!on professionals, even a!on those within the sa!e professional or anization" <n short, the issues involvin professionals are co!plicated" Oew insi hts could be achieved if the relationship between translators and professionals is investi ated not only within the literary syste! but also within the $translation syste!&" Ke$ Wor&sK professional, professional translator, specialization


Tra&#ire le te<te philosophi:#e : entre sens et signifiance 5A 8 0T-+E0R! S#sana 2S<T, universit[ de Naris Z c Sorbonne Oouvelle 2n tant 7ue discipline riche et co!plexe, la traduction ne cesse de soulever de no!breuses interro ations 7ui ouvrent autant de voies ^ la recherche" Si la r[flexion porte le plus souvent sur la 7uestion centrale du sens, la traduction philosophi7ue, en particulier, constitue une sorte de paradi(me o_ la di!ension s[!anti7ue, aussi essentielle 7u'instable, rev`t une port[e 7u'il convient auQourd'hui d'approfondir" I'[tude des corpus de textes philosophi7ues traduits !ontre souvent, surtout dans le cas des lan ues structurelle!ent proches, co!!e dans la traduction des lan ues ro!anes entre%elles, la pr[do!inance d'une d[!arche litt[ralisante 7ui ne per!et pas, ^ notre sens, de rendre co!pte de la richesse conceptuelle des textes" 6 partir de 7uel7ues exe!ples extraits de la traduction des rands textes de la philosophie franaise en espa nol, cette intervention se propose de !ettre en [vidence les raisons susceptibles d'expli7uer ce ph[no!\ne, son [ventuelle Qustification ou, au contraire, l'int[r`t d'une re!ise en cause salutaire per!ettant [ventuelle!ent de pr[parer, pour reprendre la r[flexion de Ber!an, l'espace d'une nouvelle traduction pour certains textes consid[r[s auQourd'hui, ^ tort ou ^ raison, co!!e n intouchables o" #uelles 7ue soient les conclusions ^ d[ a er de ce positionne!ent, une [vidence de!eure, ^ savoir K la fra(ilit# des concepts et la difficult[ d'en pr[server l'intelli ibilit[, dans un do!aine o_ la !ultiplicit[ des interpr[tations possibles est souveraine" Si Ber!an et Teschonnic d[nonaient, dans le do!aine de la litt[rature, les traductions ethnocentri7ues et n effaantes o, au profit d'une litt[rarit[ cens[e pr[server le souffle pur de l'[criture, la traduction philosophi7ue semble au8ourd hui r#clamer! sinon le mouvement inverse! du moins un r#e-amen des d#rives de l e-c9s de litt#ralisme" 6ussi se!ble%t%il souhaitable de revoir, ^ la lu!i\re d'une r[flexion nouvelle sur la 7uestion du sens et des ac7uis de la traductolo ie, le statut canoni7ue de certaines traductions, 7ui pourraient d\s lors [voluer vers n de nouvelles destinations o" 5ots cl;s: traduction philosophi7ue, sens, fra ilit[ conceptuelle, litt[rarit["


S 2a tra&#ction &# &isco#rs &e v#lgarisation scientifi:#e : S;&#ction et scientificit; T= 5ERJ(! 2a$al Universit[ Stendhal, )renoble, Srance layal!erhyAhot!ail"co! Lans le cadre du collo7ue n Traduction K nouvelles destinations o, nous nous proposons d'aborder le discours de vul arisation scientifi7ue ![diatis[ ^ l'aide d'outils pr[conis[s par l'analyse de discoursP l'analyse [tant conue co!!e l intrication d un mode d #nonciation et d un lieu social d#termin# (L" Tain ueneau, *++. K ,0" Lans une opti7ue pra !ati7ue, et ^ la lu!i\re du contrat de communication tel 7ue pr[sent[ par Natric1 Wharaudeau (*++?0, notre analyse vise les interactions [!otivo%co nitives dans les textes de vul arisation v[hicul[s par les ![dias (de sp[cialit[ ou de [n[ralit[s0" I'obQectif [tant d'analyser les path\!es discursifs 7ui !odulent le texte, et de d[!ontrer 7ue dans le cadre d'une ![diatisation de la science, le lexi7ue [!otif prend la rel\ve face ^ la ter!inolo ie et aux concepts scientifi7ues et l'infor!ation est !ise en sc\ne avec, ^ la base, des crit\res socio%discursifs susceptibles de toucher le r[cepteur" 6ussi, !anifestons%nous un int[r`t particulier pour la traduction interlin uale de ce discours 7ui se caract[rise par deux [l[!ents principaux K la !obilisation des [!otions et les contenus co nitifs sp[cialis[s" Weci nous !\ne ^ nous interro er sur les difficult[s aux7uelles fait face le traducteur au niveau de la trans!ission des effets de la s[duction et au niveau des transferts lin uisti7ue et culturel de la ter!inolo ie sp[cialis[e" Oous r[su!ons alors 7uel7ues pistes de r[flexion ^ ce suQet et synth[tisons nos propos ^ partir d'exe!ples ter!inolo i7ues 7ui concr[tisent les difficult[s de la traduction scientifi7ue vers la lan ue arabe" Sera [ ale!ent abord[ le probl\!e de transfert des ter!es scientifi7ues vers une lan ue cible prati7u[e dans des pays non%producteurs de sciences" 6insi, nous nous situons ^ la crois[e des che!ins entre diffusion du savoir et ter!inolo ie sp[cialis[e" <l est co!!un[!ent ad!is 7ue l'[7uivalence dyna!i7ue (2u \ne Oida, *+U?0 se traduit par la production, dans la lan ue cible, d'un effet discursif [7uivalent ^ celui de la lan ue source, en for eant le !essa e confor![!ent aux sp[cificit[s de la lan ue cible et de la culture d'accueil" Tais, 7uelle approche choisir pour r[ussir la trans!ission de l'infor!ation scientifi7ue d'une lan ue ^ l'autre et d'une culture ^ l'autre ; <l sRa it pour nous de !ontrer 7ue le lexi7ue des path\!es discursifs dans le texte source ne peut touQours `tre repr[sent[ par son [7uivalent litt[ral dans le texte cible, il serait sou!is ^ des chan e!ents d'ordres s[!anti7ue, [!otionnel et culturel, afin 7ue le !`!e effet path[!i7ue soit obtenu ^ l'issue de l'op[ration traduisante" Nour illustrer nos propos, nous nous basons sur l'analyse lobale d'un corpus bilin ue franais%arabe co!pos[ de revues et d'articles de vul arisation publi[s dans le Tonde 6rabe (entre -33* et -3*30 et 7ui pr[sentent [ventuelle!ent diff[rentes caract[risti7ues culturelles dont les expressions idio!ati7ues et fi [es 7ui pourraient poser des contraintes ^ la traduction" Ies textes [tudi[s portent sur le th\!e [n[ral de la [n[ti7ue (biotechnolo ie, h[r[dit[, biolo ie !ol[culaire, etc"0 en raison de l'i!portance et du pro r\s continu de cette science Qeune 7ui influence et !od[lise le 7uotidien (et l'avenir0 des citoyens du !onde"


8ile))e &A#ne tra&#ctrice: a#thenti:#e o# sensationnaliste> 5A2ET-+ETERS31! C;cile Universit[ de Bil1ent V'ai entrepris de raconter la sin uli\re histoire de Vean )renier, petit ber er de 7uatorze ans de la r[ ion de Woutras, conda!n[ ^ !ort en *U3Z pour lycanthropie et !eurtre" Ton narrateur est un personna e fictif, t[!oin de ces [v[ne!ents" I'histoire de Vean nous parvient rlce ^ son Qournal et sa correspondance, et int\ re [ ale!ent les personnes connues et les sources de son te!ps (trait[s sur la sorcellerie, et la lycanthropie en particulier, oeuvres de rands d[!onolo ues et ho!!es de loi, transcription du proc\s, etc"0" <l !'a alors se!bl[ indispensable de choisir la lan ue de Tontai ne pour donner au texte l'authenticit[ 7u'il ![rite !ais surtout lui donner vie" T`!e si ce choix de!ande un travail de recherche [nor!e et une pr[cision infi!e, il !e se!ble 7ue le r[sultat %% du !oins d'apr\s !es pre!iers lecteurs %% est convaincant" Une discussion r[cente avec une !aison d'[dition a![ricaine a r[v[l[ 7ue si le choix de la lan ue de Tontai ne surprend 7uel7ue peu, il est attendu avec curiosit[ et tout ^ fait acceptable pour publier en Srance" Nar contre, il est inad!issible pour le !arch[ a![ricain en particulier %% le lecteur britanni7ue [tant un peu plus flexible, curieux et aventurier" Une fois le livre achev[ en franais, il !'est reco!!and[ de le traduire !oi%!`!e en an lais, puis7ue Qe suis bilin ue" Tais voil^ le dile!!e au7uel Qe fais faceK puis%Qe rester fid\le au texte d'ori ine et ^ !on a!bition pre!i\re 7ui est de redonner vie ^ cette tra i7ue p[riode de l'histoire de Srance le te!ps d'une lecture; 4u vais%Qe devoir r[%[crire Le Loup":arou de :uienne et vendre !on l!e au Liable pour !e faire publier aussi aux 2tats%Unis; Lois%Qe profiter de la popularit[ actuelle des va!pires, zo!bies et autres cr[atures terrifiantes d[riv[es de notre i!a inaire et prendre pour cible un public avide de sti!ulation, frissons et violence; Lois%Qe c[der au sensationnalis!e avec une couverture de la7uelle l'h[!o lobine coule ^ rosses outtes et des descriptions crues 7ui ne laissent plus rien ^ l'i!a ination; Tels sont les d[fis 7ue Qe dois relever""" 5ots-Cl;s : 6uto%traduction, auteur/traducteur/r[dacteur, [criture, r[[criture, recr[ation, dile!!e, authenticit[, sensationnalis!e


Tra&#ction &es ;l;)ents le<ica#< v#lgaires 5EUK3.V! W#&)ila Universit[ TateQ Bel de Bans1h Bystrica, Slova7uie lud!ila"!es1ovaAu!b"s1 We dernier te!ps, on peut constater 7ue les dialo ues des fil!s doubl[s, donc traduits avant tout de l'an lais et du franais sont caract[ris[es d'une vul arit[ plus !ar7u[e 7u'il y a vin t ans" Le lon ues ann[es d'exp[riences en tant 7u'universitaire for!ant de futurs traducteurs ^ la traduction et en !`!e te!ps en tant 7ue traductrice de la T[l[vision slova7ue nous a!\nent ^ la r[flexion sur la traduction des vul aris!es (!ots rossiers, ar oti7ues0 des dialo ues de fil!s franais vers d'autres lan ues" Tout ce 7ui est vul aire dans une lan ue n'est pas touQours vul aire dans une autre et vice versa" Wertains [l[!ents lexicaux vul aires n'attei nent pas le !`!e niveau de vul arisation dans une autre, leur perception est diff[rente" Ia vul arit[ des !ots rossiers varie selon l'e!ploi individuel" Oous allons le !ontrer sur les [l[!ents lexicaux si!ples tr\s utilis[s et connus et pourtant souvent !al traduits (pute! putain! merde, con"""0, sur les phras\!es ou expressions fi [es idio!ati7ues (casser les couilles ; 77n! <tre dans la merde! s en foutre***0" <l arrive 7ue le traducteur n'est pas capable de discerner l'intensit[ de la vul arit[ et de bien choisir l'[7uivalent appropri[" <l e!ploie ainsi l'[7uivalent le plus rossier 7ui sonne bizzare!ent dans la lan ue cible" W'est le rble de l'ensei nant de sensibiliser de futurs traducteurs ^ la traduction 7ui respecte les nor!es de la lan ue avec toutes ses nuances possibles" Ie fait 7ue le traducteur influence le public vis[ au niveau national n'est pas n[ li eable" Ie traducteur devient ainsi l'instru!ent i!portant de transfer de la lan ue et de ses aspects culturels avec toutes ses nuances" Ia lan ue est un ph[no!\!e dyna!i7ue, la perception de tout ce 7ui est vul aire chan e au fil du te!ps" Un autre probl\!e se pose K les li!ites de la perception de ce 7ui est vul aire ne sont plus les !`!es dans les deux lan ues co!par[es ; 2st%ce 7u'il y a des !oyens pour prot[ er la lan ue diffus[e par les ![dias de !asse des vul aris!es d[plac[s ou souvent inappropri[s lors du processus de traduction; Wo!!ent y parvenir ; Oous allons essayer d'y r[pondre" 5ots cl;s: traduction, !ots rossiers, ar ot, re istre de lan ue, ![dias de !asse"


4e#< &e )ots! e<pressions fig;es &;to#rn;es O lAo*stacle est-il infranchissa*le> 5ETE.A-R3 SSE.A! Elena Universit[ de Sofia e!etevaAabv"b Ies Qeux des !ots, les expressions fi [es, d'autant plus 7uand elles sont d[tourn[es, se ran ent par!i les probl\!es les plus s[rieux aux7uels se heurte un traducteur" Ies Qeux de !ots !anient ce 7u'il y a de plus difficile ^ rendre dans une lan ue [tran \re K la polys[!ie des si nes lin uisti7ues, 7ui ne corncide 7ue tr\s rare!ent dans les diff[rentes lan ues, les connotations 7ui y sont associ[es et 7ui diver ent aussi d'une lan ue ^ l'autre, les rapports intralin uisti7ues entre les si nes (ho!ony!ie, ho!ophonie, allit[rations, assonances, affinit[s entre les !ots, etc"0 7ui se perdent enti\re!ent lors du passa e dans une autre lan ue" Ies expressions fi [es, de leur part, sont souvent cit[es co!!e ar u!ent en faveur de la th\se 7ue les lan ues sont intraduisibles" Ie probl\!e 7ue leur traduction pose se co!pli7ue encore 7uand l'auteur, pour obtenir un effet co!i7ue, intervient pour chan er soit la for!e, soit le contenu de l'expression" <l en enl\ve ou y aQoute des [l[!ents, les re!place par des synony!es, des antony!es, chan e l'ordre des !ots, croise deux locutions phras[olo i7ues, etc" Ies auteurs renvoient, en plus, souvent ^ des !ots 7ui flottent dans l'air, puisent dans le ba a e culturel et lin uisti7ue du public cible" Traduit, leur texte devra faire face ^ un nouveau public, dont le fonds lin uisti7ue et culturel, la vision du !onde seront tout ^ fait diff[rents" Si ce facteur extralin uisti7ue est un d[fi ^ relever par toute traduction litt[raire, le co!i7ue en est forte!ent conditionn[" <l recherche la connivence du suQet au7uel il s'adresse, co!pte sur sa r[action" 2t cette r[action ris7ue de se perdre, si le clin d'eil de l'auteur, les Qeux avec le lan a e restent inco!pr[hensibles" Ies exe!ples analys[s seront tir[s des traductions bul ares des pi\ces de Toli\re 7ui r[servent une place i!portante aux Qeux avec le lan a e et 7ui, ^ notre connaissance, n'ont pas [t[ [tudi[es de ce point de vue" 5ots cl;s : Qeux de !ots, expressions fi [es d[tourn[es, co!i7ue, traduction, Toli\re


Tra&#ire lAespace O transgresser les frontiXres: );&iate#rs interc#lt#rels en conte<te )#ltiling#e 5E(2AERTS! Reine Gatholie1e Universiteit Ieuven reine"!eylaertsAarts"1uleuven"ac"be Lepuis touQours les contextes !ultilin ues sont le lieu de contacts interculturels intensifi[s" Les processus de transfert co!plexes et !ultifor!es portent le poids d'un territoire et d'une histoire parta [s !ais [ ale!ent disput[s" 6 l'int[rieur de cet espace (citadin, r[ ional, national0 !ultilin ue souvent conflictuel, les activit[s co!plexes de transfert sont incarn[s par les ![diateurs interculturels" L[veloppant un lar e [ventail d'activit[s de transfert, ceux%ci sont, beaucoup plus 7ue les fi ures canonis[es par l'histoire litt[raire et culturelle !onolin ue traditionnelle, les v[ritables architectes de cette histoire" Nourtant leur profil et leurs fonctions restent lar e!ent inexplor[s" Wo!!ent la rencontre 7uotidienne des lan ues et cultures en contexte !ultilin ue prend% elle for!e et sens dans les activit[s de transfert de ![diateurs actifs en Slandre au d[but du -3e si\cle; Ioin de se li!iter ^ une seule for!e de ![diation culturelle, ils d[veloppaient un [ventail de techni7ues de transfert discursives K traduction, auto%traduction, [criture plurilin ue, adaptation, r[su![, pla iat, a <ls [taient en outre actifs dans une vari[t[ de r[seaux interculturels, inter%artisti7ues plus ou !oins institutionnalis[sK correspondance, co!it[s [ditoriaux, salons, acad[!ies litt[raires, artisti7ues, !usicales, """ #uelles [taient les fonctions et les effets de toutes ces activit[s sur les relations entre les co!!unaut[s 7u'elles repr[sentaient ; L'un point de vue conceptuel, il s'a ira d'illustrer co!!ent les prati7ues de transfert litt[raires brouillent les fronti\res entre [crire et traduire, donnant lieu ^ de nouvelles for!es d' n [criture traductionnelle o (Si!on -3*-, ,0 et !ettant ^ l'[preuve les li!ites de l'expression litt[raire et traductionnelle" 2n litt[rature, plus 7ue dans d'autres do!aines, le choix d'une lan ue, l'h[t[rolin uis!e, l'auto%traduction, la traduction, etc" refl\tent des forces sociales, histori7ues et id[olo i7ues anta onistes et co!p[titives" <ls sont li[s ^ l'identit[, la ![!oire, l'affection !ais aussi au conflit et ^ la friction" I'[tude des ![diateurs interculturels invitera en outre de red[finir la traduction, de repenser les relations entre transfert et traduction (L'hulst -3*-0, ainsi 7ue les relations entre les concepts d'auteur et de traducteur"


The 0)portance of the 2ogic of Constraints in the Assess)ent of Translators 1A44AR! J;la University of Bala!and


6 translation of any 1ind ta1es place in particular conditions and involves the contribution of various ele!ents" These ele!ents appear to the translator as constraints, accordin to which he should act to !a1e his choices and acco!plish his translation" These constraints are !ore li1e obstacles so!eti!es, difficulties that !i ht lead the translator to untranslatability" Mhile so!e other ti!es they act li1e nor!s and lead hi! to a ood adaptation and therefore a successful translation" <s the role of constraints in translation different fro! other fields or are there any si!ilarities; Loes the reasonin by constraints or the eneral theory of constraints apply to the field of translation; 6nd are there any advanta es in applyin this theory; <t is indeed a 1nown fact that we apply this particular lo ic of constraints in different fields (!ana e!ent, finance, pro ra!!in , !athe!atics, and othersa0 in order to reach a better result or to !axi!ize our chances of success" The lo ic of constraints is a lo ic which ta1es into consideration all constrainin iven of a situation and tends to satisfy the!, with the purpose of opti!izin the result within available possibilities" To apply the lo ic of constraints to translation is to be able to identify these constraints, !easure their de ree of influence and study their behavior" <t is also to be able to !ana e these constraints in a way that would enable us to reach a better result, which would be in our case a better translation" <t would be interestin to apply this principle on the assess!ent of translators, and try to chan e or isolate different constraints and then co!pare the obtained results" This way we can define the de ree of i!portance of a constraint and also the wea1nesses of the translator hi!self" <t will also help evaluate two very i!portant issues, which areK the de ree of freedo! facin these constraints and the de ree of loss, entropy or alteration" < will try in this paper to show up the i!portance of this lo ic in the assess!ent of translators and therefore in their trainin " The ai! of this reasonin is to teach the translator, in the fra!e of the translation process, how to apply the lo ic of constraints in order to find the best translation possible by satisfyin the constraints and resolvin all proble!s and obstacles descendin fro! the!" Ke$%or&s: =onstraints! lo(ic of constraints! assessment! obstacles! freedom! optimi&ation*


A82AB! A E#ropean +roposal for A#&io 8escription ?#i&elines 3RER3! +ilar Universitat 6utsno!a de Barcelona pilar"oreroAuab"cat The basic !otivation for the launchin of 6LI6B was the need to define and create, in cooperation with industrial partners and service providers, a series of effective and reliable, practical and educational uidelines, usable throu hout 2urope, for the practice of 6L to !a1e !ost audiovisual products (e" " fil!s, television pro ra!!es, docu!entaries, advertise!ents, but also such audiovisual pheno!ena as art alleries, !useu!s, dance perfor!ances, city tours, live events0 available to the blind and visually i!paired co!!unity" The ai! of the research which will be presented at this conference was to create a co!!on list of issues which affect draftin audio descriptions, and several options were presented to ather a corpus for analysis" 4ne possibility was to analyse the $who, what, when, etc"& as pointed out by Jercauteren -33/" 6nother su estion was to ather a corpus of audiovisual content fro! different enresK cine!a, theatre, opera, !useu!s, etc" <n these two approaches we were facin far too !any variables to !a1e a valid co!parison, and ti!e was also a factor that deter!ined the co!plexity of the proposed analysis" The fact that !ost enres can be contained in a fil! was one of the decisive factors to opt for one !ovie, also the possibility of wor1in with one fil! in its ori inal version fro! different lan ua es and translation !odalities tilted the scale for this $botto! up& !ethodolo y" <n this presentation we shall present the results fro! the botto! up analysis within six 2U countriesK Bel iu!, )er!any, <taly, Noland, Nortu al, Spain" Ke$%or&sK 6udio Lescription, 6ccessiblity, )uidelines, Standards"


1or)lar 0-C7Cn&a TarafsC"lCk Kavra)C 9IKA(A SA2T3?2 ! Esra Ystanbul @niversitesi esra"oz1ayaA !ail"co! Sranz NDchhac1er'e (-33U0 Dre $9a: sDzlE evir!en anlayCFlar, fi1irler ve deerler arasCnda herhan i biriyle bir tarafta iliF1ili ol!a1sCzCn aracClC1 yapar" LolayCsCyla sDzlE evir!enin =arada1i' 1onu!u baF1a bir te!el 1ara1teristi1 Dzelli1le balantClCdCrK tarafsCzlC1 1avra!C, iletiFi! taraflarCndan herhan i birinin niyetleri ya da eyle!lerinde sDzlE evir!enin bir payCnCn bulun!a!asC&" SDzlE eviri literatErEnde tarafsCzlC1 1avra!CnCn sC1lC1la toplu! evir!enlii (!ah1e!e evir!enlii, salC1 evir!enlii, !Elteci evir!enlii0 bala!Cnda ele alCndCC DrEl!e1tedir" 6nca1 sDzlE evirinin far1lC bir alanC olan 1onferans evir!enliinde tarafsCzlC1 1avra!CnCn aynC DlEde ve younlu1ta ele alCnan bir alCF!a 1onusu ol!adCC Dze arp!a1tadCr" dalen deva! et!e1te olan $Gonferans Bevir!enliinde Oor!lar <FCCnda TarafsCzlC1 Gavra!C& baFlC1lC do1tora tezinin bir parasC olan bu alCF!a, sDzlE eviride nor!lar CFCCnda 1onferans evir!enliinde tarafsCzlC1 nor!unu ele al!a1ta ve ideal duru! ile ere1 duru!lar ve bala!lar arasCnda herhan i bir far1lClC1 olup ol!adCCnC ortaya 1oy!ayC a!ala!a1tadCr" Yn ilizce 1arFClCC $impartiality& olan tarafsCzlC1 teri!inin aynC ya da benzer bir anla! e!beri ierisinde bulunan $ob8ectivity&, $neutrality& vb ibi 1avra!lardan far1CnCn ne olduu bu no1tada Dne! taFC!a1tadCr" Bu alCF!ada tarafsCzlC1 1avra!CnCn teri! anla!Cnda 1arFClCC ve 1avra!sal boyutu ile al Clan!asC da tartCFClaca1tCr" Sar1lC dil iftlerinden profesyonel 1onferans evir!enlerinin yanCt verdii an1et sorularCndan hare1et edece1 olan bu alCF!a, sDzlE eviride tarafsCzlC1 1avra!CnCn ne dereceye 1adar bir nor! olduu sorusu te!elinde, sDz 1onusu do1tora alCF!asCnda elinen no1taya 1adar elde edilen DncEl verileri paylaF!ayC hedefle!e1tedir" Jerilen yanCtlar erevesinde, a1tif ve profesyonel olara1 alCFan 1onferans evir!enlerinin tarafsCzlC1 1avra!Cna ya1laFC!larC ve bu 1avra!Cn sDzlE eviri nor!larC arasCnda1i yerine CFC1 tutul!aya alCFClaca1tCr"


+ro)o#voir les co)p;tences interc#lt#relles &# tra&#cte#r +ERA280! San&rine <S<T s"peraldiAisit%paris"fr Ia pr[sente co!!unication vise ^ d[crire la r[alisation du proQet europ[en N<WT (Nro!otin <ntercultural Wo!petences in Translators0" We proQet d'une dur[e de trois ans, et financ[ dans une lar e !esure par l'Union europ[enne, est !en[ par un consortiu! dRuniversit[s europ[ennes et diri [ par lRUniversit[ de Mest!inster" <l a pour obQectif de d[velopper et dRopti!iser les co!p[tences interculturelles chez les traducteurs, nota!!ent en facilitant l'introduction syst[!ati7ue de !odules de co!!unication interculturelle dans les pro ra!!es de Taster en traduction" 2n effet, en raison de la !ondialisation et des interactions de plus en plus no!breuses entre les diff[rentes cultures, il est d[sor!ais fonda!ental de se r[f[rer ^ l'id[e de n co!p[tences interculturelles o et non plus seule!ent ^ celle de n co!p[tences culturelles o" Ia notion d'n interculturel o se rattache ^ la fois aux r[ponses et aux co!porte!ents, ^ l'interpr[tation et ^ l'attribution du sens (Norter et Sa!ovar *++?0" Ie lan a e Qoue un rble d[ter!inant dans ces interactions interculturelles intensifi[es, !ais co!!e le souli ne Bennett (*++/0, il n'est pas suffisant de parler coura!!ent une lan ue au sens phonolo i7ue, ra!!atical, lexical, etc", autre!ent dit `tre un si!ple n fluent fool o" I'acte de traduire ne consiste Qa!ais uni7ue!ent ^ transposer un !essa e dans une autre lan ue, !ais il s'a it de n traduire o d'une culture vers une autre" W'est pour7uoi le traducteur est avant tout un ![diateur interculturel" <l est celui 7ui associe sa connaissance d'une lan ue [tran \re ^ une connaissance et une co!pr[hension de l'environne!ent culturel, histori7ue, social et soci[tal de l'6utre" 2n d'autres ter!es, il doit `tre capable de !ettre en euvre un certain no!bre de connaissances, d'aptitudes et d'attitudes dans les sph\res th[ori7ue, textuelle et interpersonnelle (Norter j Sa!ovar *++? P Byra! *++/0" <l est d[sor!ais ad!is 7ue le co!posant interculturel ne doit pas `tre peru co!!e un in r[dient ind[pendant, !ais li[ aux ac7uis et ^ la perfor!ance des [tudiants tant dans leur capacit[ d'analyse 7ue de !ise en prati7ue" 6ussi est%il particuli\re!ent i!portant d'aider les ensei nants ^ d[velopper ces co!p[tences interculturelles chez les futurs traducteurs, et ce, ^ travers la cr[ation d'un cadre de pro ra!!es co!!un flexible 7ui d[finirait un ense!ble d'obQectifs d'apprentissa e ^ atteindre et aux7uels seraient associ[s des exe!ples de supports et d'activit[s p[da o i7ues ainsi 7ue les ![thodes d'[valuation correspondantes" Oous proposons donc, dans le cadre de cette co!!unication, de pr[senter de !ani\re plus approfondie les obQectifs initiaux de N<WT, les ![thodolo ies de conception e!ploy[es et enfin les derni\res avanc[es du proQet" 5ots cl;s : traduction, co!p[tences interculturelles, cadre de pro ra!!es, obQectifs p[da o i7ues, aptitudes, attitudes, ![diateur interculturel, proQet europ[en


+o#r #n &isco#rs g;ographi:#e S h;t;ro-c#lt#rel T L2es g#i&es to#risti:#es : ;t#&e &e cas &A#n &isco#rs g;ographi:#e S ho)oling#al TM +0ERRE-5A?1A10! C;line Universit[ Naris * Nanth[on%Sorbonne celine"p!/A !ail"co! #u'est%ce 7ue traduire ; 8endre intelli ible dans un contexte B, un !essa e issu d'un contexte 6" 4r, la richesse des lan ues est irr[ductible" Toute exp[rience de traduction est avant tout le constat d'un [chec" Traduire, c'est touQours renoncer ^ l'[7uivalence" Ia traduction peut `tre intra%lin uale, interlin uale !ais aussi inters[!ioti7ue, co!!e le th[orise Va1obson" 2n faisant de la traduction une r[flexion sur le passa e d'un syst\!e de si nes ^ un autre, elle ouvre des perspectives dans bien d'autres disciplines" Bien au%del^ de la si!ple r[flexion sur le transfert d'une lan ue ^ l'autre, elle d[veloppe une co!pr[hension de l'entre%deux, des ![canis!es en Qeux lors du transfert" Ia culture est ^ l'i!a e de la lan ue K un ense!ble de si nes li[s les uns aux autres ayant une coh[rence d'ense!ble" Ia culture est elle%aussi un syst\!e, 7ui pourrait ou devrait faire l'obQet d'une traduction avant d'`tre n interpr[t[e o dans d'autres syst\!es culturels" 4r, les avatars de la lobalisation, le pr[tendu av\ne!ent d'une culture !ondiale voilent les diff[rences" Lans un !onde de plus en plus interconnect[, le (lobal en(lish rend invisible l'op[ration de transfert entre les diff[rents contextes" 6 l'i!a e d'une lan ue, la culture doit faire l'obQet d'une interpr[tation (cf" Wlifford )eertz, The interpretation of culture0" Ia [o raphie, la [o raphie sociale, la [o raphie culturelle en particulier, ont au ceur de leur recherche une tentative de co!pr[hension de l'6utre" Si la science se veut universelle, sa production et son [nonciateur sont touQours localis[s" <l se!ble n[cessaire de [n[raliser le principe de n traduction culturelle o dans le discours [o raphi7ue" 6 l'instar de Oao1i Sa1ai en traduction lin uisti7ue, nous soutiendrons aussi l'option n infid\le o en traduction culturelle" Ie succ\s du n traduire o r[siderait avant tout dans le !aintien d'un 7uotient d'n extran[it[ o" 6 partir des concepts d'n ho!olin ual address o / n heterolin ual address o 7u'il propose, nous proposerons une analyse d'un discours n ho!o% culturel o par excellence, le discours des uides touristi7ues (franais et recs0" Nar la !ise en [vidence des ressorts de ce type de discours, nous essaierons de fournir des [l[!ents de rep[ra e des discours ho!o%culturels" 5ots-cl;s K traduction litt[raire, traduction culturelle, science du transfert, 7uotient d e-tran#it#, )[o raphie/)[o raphie sociale/)[o raphie culturelle, localit[, s[!iolo ie de l'espace, repr[sentations, anatopisme, Tur7uie, Srance, )r\ce, discours [o raphi7ue h[t[ro%culturel"


2ang#age attrition an& translation: T#rkish an& 0talian in contact +R30ETT0 ER?D1! Anna 2ia Yildiz Technical University anna"basarAisban1"net"tr Ian ua e attrition is typically described as the non patholo ical loss of the native lan ua e (I*0 under the effect of do!inant second lan ua e (I-0 in !i ration settin (Sch!id et al" -33?P GDp1e et al" -33/0" So!e feature of the lan ua e see!s to be !ore affected than other, 8esearches see! to indicate that attrition affects only features that are interpretable at the interface levels ( Tsi!pli et al", -33?, Tsi!pli, -33/0 as null subQect distribution or pronoun anaphora in <talian (I*0 2n lish (I-0 contact (Sorace, -33.0" <talian I* and Tur1ish I- attrition has been little researched but data see!s to underline the effect of attrition in the do!ain of overt distribution and subQect ri ht dislocation (Nroietti, -3**0" 8ecently Wardinaletti (-33.0 has proposed that attrition could account for so!e features of translated lan ua e, analyzin 2n lish to <talian Translations she carried out the hypothesis that the source text affects the translator's tar et lan ua e in the do!ain of pro%drop para!eter" Socus of this study in the analysis of three Tur1ish novels translated in to <talian by three different <talian native spea1er translators" The analysis has been conducted to understand if there is any variation in the <talian of those translations and if attrition can account for those variations" Tore specifically the research has been carried out on interpretable features of <talian Ian ua e (null subQect distribution and subQect ri ht dislocation0, assu!in that those feature are !ore vulnerable to lan ua e attrition (Sorace -33., Tsi!pli et al"-33?0"


2a fort#ne &es Misrables &e .ictor J#go en ?rXce +R3.ATA! 8espina Universit[ d'6th\nes dprovataAfrl"uoa" r <l y a *.3 ans paraissaient les $is#rables 7ui ont aussitbt [t[ traduits dans plusieurs lan ues et diffus[s ^ travers le !onde" Ia )r\ce ne fit pas exception ^ la r\ le et r[serva au ro!an fleuve de du o une fortune exceptionnelle" Lans la pr[sente co!!unication nous nous proposons d'[tudier ce 7ui a pu en )r\ce pr[disposer ^ la r[ception des $is#rables" Ieur traduction s'inscrit en effet dans le cadre de la r[ception de l'i!a e de du o dans le pays" 8econnu dans la ![!oire collective co!!e le philhell\ne franais le plus ardent, du o ac7uiert aux yeux des )recs une valeur sy!boli7ue, 7uasi !ythi7ue" Ie ro!an de du o connut plusieurs for!es de publication K feuilletons, [ditions int[ rales, [ditions illustr[es populaires sans oublier les adaptations destin[es ^ la Qeunesse, ces versions sont la preuve de la fascination 7u'exercent les $is#rables de !ani\re pres7ue ininterro!pue aupr\s d'un lar e public" Ootre point de d[part est la traduction !onu!entale de <oannis <ssidoridis S1ylitsis" Narue en *,U-, l'ann[e !`!e de la publication de l'ori inal, elle fournit une version n canoni7ue o du ro!an et nourrit plusieurs [n[rations, y co!pris celles des pre!i\res d[cennies du kke si\cle, rlce ^ ses [ditions successives" We n'est 7u'^ partir de *+-7ue d'autres traducteurs vont se pencher sur le ro!an" I'histoire des traductions rec7ues des $is#rables per!et de d[finir les passa es entre les deux cultures" 6 ce titre nous nous int[resserons au rble des traducteurs en tant 7ue passeurs culturels et aux conditions de la traduction" 2nfin, nous analyserons le discours criti7ue 7u'ont suscit[ les diverses traductions du ro!an et nous exa!inerons l'i!pact social et politi7ue de cette euvre" 5ots-cl;s K Jictor du o" $is#rables" Traductions" Sortune" Transferts culturels"


1e% 2iterar$ Tra&itions an& 3l& Translations: The Cases of Kanna&a an& Tel#g# RE88(! Srinivas <ndian <nstitute of Technolo y )andhina ar srinivasAiit n"ac"in Tradition holds that the courtly vernacular literary cultures of Gannada and Telu u both be an with translations" Unli1e Lante's Wo!edia that ushered in a new phase of <talian literature with an ori inal wor1 e!bodyin creative the!es and a novel narrative, the South <ndian poets Na!pa and Oannaya both choice to further their inchoate literary vernaculars by =translatin ' the epic Tahabharata of Sans1rit into the Lravidian lan ua es of Gannada and Telu u respectively" 6nd althou h the core story was fa!iliar and 1nown to all, both poets were indubitably creatin so!ethin new by refashionin so!ethin old" <n this sense, these early poets anticipated a co!!on notion held by !any !odern literary translators that any ood translation is a new ori inal" These powerful, se!inal texts that would beco!e the foundations for over a !illenniu! of classical literary production spo1e to new vernacular audiences in profoundly !eanin ful ways" The old !yths and le ends that were pan%<ndic in purview were now re ionalized, recontextualized and refor!ulated with a distinctive South <ndian ethos" The uni7ue localization of the transre ional cultural co!plex of Sans1rit provided a sense of le iti!acy to these e!er ent traditions" <n this re ard, the novelty of Na!pa and Oannaya was not what they wrote but how they wrote it" Their new destinations were un!apped literary cultures traveled to via =translations' of old narratives" This paper see1s to explore why these !edieval poets choice translations to inau urate new literary traditions" <f their endeavors were truly bold and unprecedented, as indeed they were, why didn't they co!pose ori inal stories; Mhat does the act of translation i!ply for a newly for!ed tradition; Loes it ive it validity or does it dele iti!ize its authenticity; 6nd lastly, how and why do literary traditions construct their own bio raphies; Mhy do both Gannada and Telu u literary historio raphers see1 to connect the!selves to the he e!onic cos!opolitanis! of Sans1rit; 6nd how does this privile e so!e and !ar inalize other for!s and enres of literary production; Ke$ Wor&s: translation, le iti!ization, vernacular, classical, Gannada, Telu u, Sans1rit


Bvol#tion c#lt#relle et tra&#ction: :#elles approches! :#elles perspectives > RE?ATT01! 6a*io Universit[ de Bolo ne fabio"re attin-Aunibo"it Tout en [tant une caract[risti7ue pri!ordiale de l'`tre hu!ain, l'existence d'une culture co!plexe n'a [t[ [tudi[e co!!e un obQet n naturel o 7u'^ partir des ann[es /3, avec la constitution de plusieurs courants th[ori7ues issus de l'h[rita e darwinien (sociobiolo ie, psycholo ie [volutionniste, [tholo ie hu!aine, literary dar/inisma0" Lans la plupart des cas, les travaux se r[cla!ant de ces approches se sont e!ploy[s ^ d[voiler les !obiles biolo i7ues 7ui sous%tendent les actions hu!aines (voir Milson *+/., Nin1er *++? ou Warroll -33?0" Wertains th[oriciens (Law1ins *+/U, Wavalli%Sforza et Seld!an *+,*, Sperber *++U, 8icherson et Boyd -33.0 s'[loi nent toutefois de cette approche K ils consid\rent 7ue le d[veloppe!ent de la culture n'est pas diri [ par la biolo ie, et 7ue la culture constitue un syst\!e autono!e, dont les co!posants sont sou!is ^ des ![canis!es [volutifs se!blables, encore 7ue non identi7ues, ^ ceux 7ui se retrouvent chez les `tres vivants (on parlera d'[volution culturelle ou de co%[volution biolo ie%culture, selon 7ue les int[ractions entre les deux syst\!es sont ou non prises en co!pte0" Wes n obQets culturels o sou!is ^ une pression s[lective ont tour ^ tour [t[ appel[s n !\!es o (Law1ins0, n repr[sentations !entales o (Sperber0, n infor!ation culturelle o (8icherson et Boyd0 ou tout si!ple!ent n id[es o (Wavalli%Sforza et Seld!an0" Oous ne prendrons pas position, ici, dans cette lutte ter!inolo i7ue P bien 7ue notre r[f[rence th[ori7ue principale reste le concept de n !\!e o, introduit en traductolo ie par 6" Whester!an (*++U, *++/, -333, -33., -33+0 et d" Jer!eer (*++/, *++,0 entre autres, nous verrons 7ue ce ter!e n[cessite avant tout une red[finition capable de le rendre plus souple, et d'unifier les diff[rentes approches conte!poraines" Une fois cette op[ration ter!inolo i7ue acco!plie, nous essayerons de !ontrer des applications possibles d'une vision n [volutionniste o des obQets culturels, per!ettant d'expli7uer (a posteriori0 certaines prati7ues traductives telles 7ue l'auto%traduction, la retraduction, le rapport traduction sourci\re/traduction cibliste c prati7ues s[lectionn[es puis7u'elles per!ettent une !eilleure diffusion des n !\!es o 7u'elles v[hiculent" 5ots-cl;s : ![![ti7ue, [volution culturelle, traduction"


A +arate<t#al 2ook at the ?reek TranslatCons of T#rkCsh 1ovels R380TAK0S! Ar"# Eker 6ristotle University of Thessaloni1i arzu"e1erA !ail"co! Tur1ish literature in )ree1 translation is a subQect which hasn't received enou h attention fro! translation studies scholars so far and thus offers a lot for translational research, especially now that there see!s to be !ore cultural exchan e between the two countries" 6lthou h there has recently been a considerable decrease due to the econo!ic crisis in )reece, there still see!s to be considerable de!and for translated Tur1ish literature in the )ree1 boo1 !ar1et, which indicates that focus on these translations fro! a translation studies perspective is worthwhile" This study, therefore, will present a critical, interpretative and descriptive analysis of the paratextual ele!ents of Tur1ish novels in )ree1 translation, which went into print in recent years" <n eneral, the study of paratextual aspects of translations has indeed contributed to the field by revealin the dyna!ics of the lar er socio%cultural context surroundin translations" <n this respect, the paratexts of a translated text are endowed with a double functionK they are specially desi ned to influence a readership's reception of a text and at the sa!e ti!e they !irror that reception" The study of paratexts is also worthwhile fro! a !etony!ical perspective introduced by Taria Ty!ocz1o, who ar ued that translations have the power to $for! i!a es of whole cultures and peoples& (*+++K *,0" Then paratexts, especially the covers of translations, are the co!ponents endowed with the !ost i!!ediate !etony!ical power" The present study will loo1 at what 1ind of construction of Tur1ish culture and society is presented in the paratexts con the boo1 covers, to be exact% of Tur1ish novels in )ree1 translation, and will try to explore the cultural and social dyna!ics and ideolo ies which are at wor1 in that construction, which, it will be revealed, is far fro! bein !onolithic" The study will also show that the boo1 covers do not only !irror the i!a e of a society in the hostin one, but also ive hints about how Tur1ish literature travels throu h 2urope" Ke$ %or&s: paratexts, boo1 covers, Tur1ish fiction in )ree1 translation, world literature"


E-.oice Translation of Chengyu fro) Chinese to 5ala$ SA1? SE31?! ?oh Universiti Sains Talaysia ohssAus!"!y This paper discusses the translation of Whinese chen(yu (idio!s0 into Talay usin an e%voice translation software developed fro! the co!bination of translation and co!puter science theories" =hen(yu are fixed phrases in the Whinese lan ua e that are usually !ade up of four characters" The usa e of chen(yu is popular and co!!on in the both spo1en and written for!" =hen(yu not only creates aesthetic value in a lan ua e and in lin uistic ter!s, it also represents the civilization of a race throu h discovery of reasonin , philosophy and socioculture" The translation of chen(yu not only encoura es interlan ua e and intercultural interactions, it also enriches the treasures of 1nowled e and literature in the Talay lan ua e" Oevertheless, users often face proble!s such as for ettin or not 1nowin the for! of a particular chen(yu" This results in failure to et the correct chen(yu to describe a certain representation or !essa e in their !inds" Therefore, an aid that can assist users in findin the for! of chen(yu that can truly describe the representation or !essa e they have in !ind is !uch needed" Based on this need, an e%voice translation software was developed" This software enables users to find si!ilar chen(yu !atches in Talay Qust by enterin 1ey words" The 1ey words here refer to any word that is related to a subQect that crosses the users' !ind" <f the representation or !essa e that the users have in !ind also exists in the for! of a chen(yu, then the chen(yu and its !atch, to ether with infor!ation about that chen(yu and its related translation will be displayed and also heard" This software is very suitable for the purpose of enrichin user's writin and speech styles, as well as a tool to the study for lan ua e co!parison especially between Whinese and Talay world" <t is also beneficial to the learnin and teachin process, and the Whinese%Talay translation process as well" 6t the sa!e ti!e, users too can also learn the pronunciation of Whinese chen(yu and its Talay translation with its speech synthesis functionality" Ke$ %or&: chen(yu, Whinese%Talay translation, e%voice translation, speech synthesis


YTo Beat or not to BeatA: the Reception of the Beat ?eneration in 6rancoAs Spain an& the H#estion of ?en&er SA1T3S! Sergio 2o*ePZn University of Wantabria, Spain" ser io"lobeQonAunican"es 6fter the Spanish Wivil Mar, official censorship was enforced by Sranco's re i!e as a !eans to 1eep written texts free fro! any ideas contrary to its funda!ental tenets" 6n initial period of intense repression was followed by a certain de ree of relaxation of censorship standards, which allowed conte!porary forei n poetry to be translated into Spanish" 6!on these, the first translations of the poetic production of the Beat )eneration were published in Spain durin the *+/3s" The reception of these wor1s, in view of their subQect !atter and their politically and sexually char ed lan ua e, which had already been controversial in their ori inal lan ua e, would prove to be 7uite proble!atic" Mhile official censors tried to !ini!ize the ne ative i!pact of those texts on the i!a e of the re i!e by enforcin textual alterations or bannin boo1s, publishers and translators, in turn, would oftenti!es e!ploy various !ethods to preserve textual inte rity" This paper deals with the various ways in which publishers and translators tried to circu!vent the effects of official censorship on their texts" 6t the sa!e ti!e, a discussion of the various !echanis!s applied by the censors will ensue, focusin on the different !ethods they would use to ne ate the potential da!a e those texts !i ht have on the re i!e" Lata fro! actual censorship files will be e!ployed in order to provide a clear picture of the different sta es those texts went throu h as part of the censorship process" Special e!phasis will be placed on ender% related issues, which are central to these authors' wor1s" Ke$%or&s: poetry, censorship, Beat )eneration, Sranco's Spain, ender"

2a sociologie &e la tra&#ction : #n no#vea# &o)aine &e recherche SA+0R3! ?isXle Wentre europ[en de sociolo ie et de science politi7ue sapiroA!sh%paris"fr Ia traduction est une prati7ue sociale 7ui peut `tre [tudi[e sous diff[rents an lesK celui des traducteurs co!!e roupe professionnel ou en voie de professionnalisation P celui des conditions de production et la circulation des biens sy!boli7ues P celui du rble 7uRelle Qoue dans les [chan es culturels internationaux P celui de la chatne des acteurs 7ui sont i!pli7u[s dans le transfert ([diteurs, traducteurs, auteurs, criti7ues, universitaires, repr[sentants [tati7ues0" 2lle constitue [ ale!ent un apport ^ lR[pist[!olo ie des sciences hu!aines et sociales" 2n retour, la traduction contribue au renouvelle!ent des 7uestionne!ents sociolo i7ues dans ces diff[rents do!aines"


Research into 0nterpreting 8i&actics SAR08AK0S! 0oannis E= University of 6thens iesarida1isA !ail"co! Translation and <nterpretin , i"e" two facets of a co!!on underlyin cross%lin uistic and cross%cultural co!!unicative activity (darris *+,*K *,?P Iad!iral *++?K *-, see Gostopoulou -3*-0, are not e7ually developed as pertinent research sub%fields and, to date, scarcely enQoy an e7ual status in acade!ic settin s (cf" NDchhac1er -3*3K *.+0" Toreover, while translation has benefited lar ely fro! the advent of the infor!ation a e and the extensive e!pirical research of textual evidence throu h corpora (Ba1er *++U, cf" Sarida1is -3*30, with conco!itant benefits for translation didactics, the particularities of oral discourse with re ard to interpretin , re!ain a co!paratively under%researched area of study (Straniero Ser io j Salbo -3*-K +0" This is not surprisin , iven the difficulties in, and the particularities of desi nin and explorin interpretation corpora (Straniero Ser io j Salbo -3*-K Z.ff0, co!pared to the use of translation corpora, and of course the late acade!isation of the sub%field, co!pared to translation (NDchhac1er -3*3K *U3%*U*0, and the resultin lower interest in researchin interpretin nor!s" Ootwithstandin the above li!itations, our paper posits that expandin the utility of a didactic translation corpus (Sarida1is -3*-0, initially ai!ed to study the product and the process of trainee translatorsR perfor!ance, is well within the reach of the interpretin trainer/educator" Tore specifically, and havin charted the !ap of the prevalent translational nor!s (standardisation and interference, sensu Toury *++.P see Sarida1is -3*-0, it is posited that usin a specially desi ned and !eta%textually focused (dalliday *+/,0 didactic interpretation corpus, we can easily start explorin the trainee interpretersR lexico ra!!atical options, in ter!s of field, tenor and !ode, and co!binin such results with findin s fro! an analo ous translation trainin study (cf" Sarida1is -3*-0" This, in turn, would enable the researcher (a0 to !a1e an infor!ed account of the influence of the aspect of orality (cf" Sella%Tazi -33,0 in the processes and !echanis!s of standardisation and interferenceP and (b0 to further syste!atise co nitive%pra !atic aspects of trainee interpreter co!petence and perfor!ance (Gohn j Galina *++U, in NDchhac1er -3*-K*U/P Whernov -33?0, and therefore of interpreter trainin " Ke$%or&s: Translation and <nterpretin Studies, Worpus Iin uistics, <nterpretin Lidactics


A propos &e no#vea#< aspects &# ro)an S 2e che)in &AA*a[ T &e 5o#khtar Ao#;"ov &ans sa tra&#ction en franFais SARS0KE(E.A! ?#lnar Universit[ nationale 2urasiati7ue Iev )u!iliov, v" d'6stana, G6X6GdST6O sarsi1eievaAyahoo"fr Ia pr[sente co!!unication va se centrer sur l'analyse co!par[e de la traduction la t[tralo ie de Tou1htar 6ou[zov 7ui s'appelle n Ie che!in d'6bar o, pre!i\re oeuvre litt[raire 1aza1he traduite ^ partir de sa version russe vers le franais" Nubli[e d'abord en russe dans la collection n Iitt[ratures sovi[ti7ues o diri [e par I"6ra on, elle fut pri![e par Staline" Ies traducteurs I[onide Sobolev et 6ntoine Jitez ont d[pos[ ^ l'i!pri!erie le pre!ier livre intitul[ n Ia Qeunesse d'6bar o en *+?- dont la -e [dition a paru le . nove!bre *+., et le -e livre intitul[ n 6bar o en *+U3" W'est ^ partir de cette traduction russe 7u'on a traduit le ro!an dans d'autres -. lan ues [tran \res" I'i!pr[ nation id[olo i7ue est l'une des vuln[rabilit[s [pist[!i7ues de cette oeuvre" 4n ne peut pas co!prendre cette oeuvre sans le contexte 7ui l'a produite" Ia t[tralo ie de Tou1htar 6ou[zov n Ie che!in d'6bar o est non seule!ent une oeuvre litt[raire, !ais elle constitue aussi un nouveau tournant de la pens[e scientifi7ue et sociale dans la !oiti[ du kks" W'est par la lan ue de T" 6ou[zov 7ue parle la )rande steppe 1aza1he dans ce ro!an selon les [crivains 1aza1hs" Ie prota oniste 6bar, po\te, philosophe du u<us, penseur, civilisateur, Sa e de la )rande Steppe et le successeur de ses id[es, Tou1htar 6ou[zov, [crivain et dra!atur e, traducteur et universitaire, par !iracle, rescap[ de la r[pression stalinienne sont les deux no!s ins[parables de l'histoire du peuple 1aza1h ont Qalonn[ le kke si\cle par leurs chef%d'oeuvres" <l est d[sor!ais i!possible d'envisa er le pr[sent du Gaza1hstan sans se r[f[rer ^ son pass[ histori7ue" >$*+ou#&ov #tait le t#moin et le catalisateur de tous les #v#nements histori7ues de son #po7ue et en y intervenant a r#ussi ; surmonter toutes les p#rip#ties de cette histoire (#ante et terrifiante ? % souli ne ^ ce propos S[d[rico Tayor" Ie fil conducteur associ[ ^ l'id[e de l'ind[pendance de son pays i!pr\ ne toute la cr[ation de T"6ou[zov" Ootre [tude de traductolo ie co!par[e entend revisiter les fonctions actuelles de la traduction, en !ontrant, nota!!ent 7ue celle%ci doit `tre l'un des vecteurs de la culture et 7u'elle doit transcender le te!ps tout en restituant le contexte histori7ue d'une [po7ue" Toute une s[rie de 7uestions en d[coule K l'[cho des di!ensions d'histoire et de litt[rature du texte source dans le texte%cible, le rapport du n pass[ o et du pr[sent o ^ la culture et dans la lan ue, les cons[7uences de la priorit[ donn[e au texte%cible et au sens au sein de celui%ci, 7ui est l'une des tendances fortes et novatrices dans l'[cole franaise (V%8" Iad!iral0" 5ots cl;s : traductolo ie, di!ensions d'histoire et de litt[rature, tendances novatrices, les cons[7uences de la priorit["


+a)#kAs 5#se#) of 0nnocence: A 2iterar$ 5#se#) as a +roPect of C#lt#ral Translation TEK?D2! 8#$g# Yeditepe University" duy ute1 ulAhot!ail"co! 8ecent wor1 on intercultural co!!unication has brou ht Translation Studies and Wultural Studies closer, both in subQect !atter and in !ethodolo y" Translation always involves cultural !ediation, but the act of cultural translation, as perfor!ed by professionals and institutions of the creative industries, poses interestin and productive 7uestions on the concept of identity and representation" This paper discusses the various aspects of cultural translation at the Tuseu! of <nnocence in <stanbul, a literary !useu! based on the epony!ous novel by the Tur1ish author 4rhan Na!u1" 6t the entrance to the Tuseu!, visitors are reeted by a 7uote fro! Sa!uel Taylor Wolerid e, the literary theorist who coined the ter! $suspension of disbeliefK& $<f a !an could pass thro' Naradise in a Lrea!, and have a flower presented to hi! as a pled e that his Soul had really been there, and found that flower in his hand when he awo1ev6ye; and what then;& <n this vein, this paper ai!s to explore the potentials of a 7uasi%ethno raphic !useu! based on fictional reality, drawin fro! discussions on cultural translation in Translation Studies, realis! in Iiterary Studies, and theories of !aterial culture in Wultural 6nthropolo y" <t addresses the 7uestions of value and authenticity in doubly !ediated representation in a venue of literary touris!" Mhile en a in literary !inded consu!ers of culture as a novel%the!ed !useu!, the Tuseu! of <nnocence also invites Tur1ish and international visitors to apply the tourist aze to obQectified and spectacularized display arran e!ents that are supple!ented by auto% ethno raphical excerpts fro! the novel" Nri!ary research !ethods for this piece of research include content and discourse analysis in the novel, The $useum of InnocenceP and the !useu! catalo ue, The Innocence of @b8ects, and a field trip to the !useu!" The paper points out parallels between the two texts and the !useu!, analyzin issues such as !ediation and representation fro! a Wultural Studies perspective" Ke$%or&s: Tuseu! of <nnocence, cultural translation, intercultural co!!unication, literary touris!


2e cos)opolitis)e en tra&#ction! &e )ontr;al a 0stan*#l S0531! Sherr$ Woncordia University si!onAalcor"concordia"ca Lans les villes o_ lRespace lin uisti7ue est contest[, la traduction est une cl[ pour co!prendre lRhistoire culturelle" 6 partir de plusieurs exe!ples (Tontr[al, Trieste, Barcelone, Walcutta, <stanbul0, Qe proposerai 7uel7ues concepts pour explorer la traduction dans lRespace urbain%% tout en pr[sentant des traducteurs et traductrices 7ui servent de uides privil[ i[s"

The 8o#*le +assage Translation of postcolonial literat#re as ret#rn vo$age fro) the )i&&le passage S363! ?i#seppe Universit[ dR6vi non et des Nays de Jaucluse Iaboratoire de recherche <dentit[ Wulturelle" Textes" Th[ltralit[" $< !a1e !y peace with the Tiddle Nassa e to settle on that side of the sea the white !an call a world that was west of another world"& )eor e Ia!!in , In the =astle of $y Skin" The postcolonial writer Sal!an 8ushdie, in his essay <!a inary do!elands, has defned !i rants as $translated !en& (*++*K */0, $borne%across hu!ans& (ibide! -/,0, but he is also convinced that so!ethin can be ained in translation, and not only lost" <f we analyse !i ration as a for! of translation, it see!s even easier to do the opposite, and to analyse translation as a !i ration" Sro! a lan ua e to another, fro! a culture to another, fro! a reality to another" The !iddle passa e, the foundin !i ration of !ost postcolonial peoples, and therefore of postcolonial literature, is a translatin !i ration, which turned free !en into slaves, 6fricans into Waribbean, and we cannot for et that lan ua e and translation have played a funda!ental role in the colonial proQectP if a lot has been written already on the postcolonial lin uistic confict, we also need to ad!it that $translation has indeed been used as a tool of colonial do!inance& (8obinson *++/K ,,0" Mhat < call $the double passa e& is the voya e of return of postcolonial literatures" Their translation in the for!er !otherlands, the issue of writin in the lan ua e of the colonizer or the colonized, the i!a e postcolonial literatures have iven of the for!er colonies across the ocean, and how the translation of these wor1s has infuenced the perception of these (is0lands" < will especially focus on 6i![ W[saireRs $Une te!p`te&, rewritin of Millia! Sha1espeareRs $The Te!pest& and on its 2uropean translations, to help outline strate ies of translation that would better represent postcolonial literature in Srench" Ke$ Wor&s translation, postcolonial literature, ai![ c[saire, !i ration, !iddle passa e, the te!pest"

3s)anlC ve C#)h#ri$et T,rki$esi Topl#)larCn&a (eni&en 'evril)i- Eserlere 8air Bir 9n Bi*li$ograf$a 'alC-)asC: @lk Son#Flar ve (/nte)sel (akla-C)lar TAJ@R ?DR'AE2AR! ehna" Boazii @niversitesi Sunu!u!uz, Boazii @niversitesi 6raFtCr!a NroQeleri 1apsa!Cnda deste1lenen 4s!anlC ve Wu!huriyet TEr1iyesi Toplu!larCnda Yeniden Bevril!iF 2serlerK Bir Hn Bibliyo rafya BalCF!asC baFlC1lC proQenin il1 bul ularCnC ve proQenin yErEtEl!esi sCrasCnda beni!senen baFlCca yDnte!sel il1eleri ele alaca1tCr" Hzel bir bil isayar yazClC!C 1ullanClara1 oluFturulan bibliyo rafyaya, -3*Z Oisan ayCna 1adar deva! eden il1 dDne!de ya1laFC1 *."333 eviri 1aydedil!iF, bDylece El1e!izde ve dEnyada il1 1ez 1apsa!lC bir yeniden evril!iF eserler bibliyo rafyasCnCn oluFturul!asCnda il1 adC! atCl!CFtCr" -3** Oisan ayCndan bu yana yErEtEl!e1te olan proQe, far1lC Eniversitelerden Beviribili!, TEr1 Lili 2debiyatC ve Tarih bDlE!lerinin iFbirlii ile yErtEl!e1tedir" Bu aCdan eviri tarihine o1disiplinli bir ba1CFCn nasCl eliFtirilebilecei ve far1lC disiplinlerin etirdii uz!anlC1 ve yDnte!sel ya1laFC!lardan nasCl yararlanClabileceini ortaya 1oy!asC aCsCndan il in bir Drne1tir" Sunu!u!uzda 1apsa!lC bir eviri bibliyo rafyasCnCn oluFturul!asC sErecinde ortaya C1an yDnte!sel sorular tartCFClaca1, bu bibliyo rafyanCn eviri tarihine etirecei 1at1Clar ele alCnaca1tCr" 6yrCca i1i yCllC1 bir sEre iinde bibliyo rafyada oluFturulan veri tabanCna iliF1in sonular paylaFClaca1tCr"


Asteriks Fi"gi ro)anlarCnCn Fevirisin&e $erelle-tir)e $/nte)i$le he&ef o&aklC Feviri $akla-C)larCnCn incelen)esi TA1B@! (ase)in Bil1ent @niversitesi tanbiAbil1ent"edu"tr 8en[ )oscinny tarafCndan 1ale!e alCnan ve 6lbert Uderzo tarafCndan izilen :alyal' +steriks in !aceralarCnC anlatan iz i ro!anlar il1 1ez *+.+ yClCnda Sransa'nCn en Dne!li iz i ro!an der isi olan Ailote'ta yayCnlandC" SransCz o1uyucularCnCn, ocu1larCn ve yetiF1inlerin, he!en beenesini 1azanan ve EnE!Eze 1adar uzanan Z? !aceraya i!za atan )alyalC 6steri1s'in !aceralarC o1 1Csa bir sErede dEnyaca bir Ene 1avuFtu ve *3/ dile evrildi" TEr1eye *+U. yClCnda il1 1ez B6c6r ve daha sonra +ster adC altCnda ayri res!i bir Fe1ilde tanCtClan bu )alyalCnCn il1 res!i evirisi Gervan yayCnlarC tarafCndan *+/Z yClCnda yapCldC" Gervan yayCnlarCnCn son evirisinden *3 yCl 1adar sonra, baF1a bir deyiFle *++3'lC yCllarCn baFCnda, 8e!zi 1itabevi eviri ha1larCnC devralCp 6steri1s'in !aceralarCnC te1rar evirip yeni 1uFa1 TEr1 o1uyucularCna 1azandCrdC ve 1azandCr!aya deva! ediyor" 4tuz yCldan o1 daha 1Csa bir sEre ierisinde i1i 1ere evrilen 6steri1s iz i ro!anlarCnCn evirisi birbirinden oldu1a far1lCdCr" 6nca1 her i1i eviri de beeniyle o1un!uF, o1un!a1tadCr" Sransa'nCn tarihine, tarihi olaylarCna, tarihi do1usuna ve 1ale!e alCndCC tarihte1i olaylara Dnder!ede bulunan, bu nedenle de o1 1EltErel De ier!esine ra!en TEr1 o1uyucusunun 6steri1s iz i ro!anlarCnC o1 beni!se!esinin nedenlerinden biri 6steri1s ve ar1adaFlarCnCn !aceralarCnda DrEntE, tarihsel veya 1EltErel olara1 TEr1 o1uyucusundan o1 far1lC olsa da ii!izden baF1a bir deyiFle bizden biri haline etiren yerelleFtir!e yDnte!iyle hedef oda1lC eviri ya1laFC!CnCn 1ullanCl!asCdCr" Bu yerelleFtir!e Dzelli1le isi!ler, Far1Clar, tarihi olaylara Dnder!eler, deyi! ve deyiFler, nidalar ve benzeri Delerde 1ullanCl!CFtCr" *+/3'lerde ve daha sonra baF1a bir 1uFaa hitap edece1 Fe1ilde *++3'lardan sonra TEr1eye yapClan evirilerin i1isinde de yerelleFtir!e yDnte!i 1ullanCl!CFtCr" GullanCnan bu yDnte! ile TEr1 o1uyucusu da bu 1EE1 )alyalCnCn !aceralarCnC sev!iF, ocu1larCna da o1ut!uFtur" 6steri1s'in !aceralarCnCn Yn ilizce ve TEr1e evirilerinden yola C1ara1 iz i ro!an evirilerini ele alan do1tora alCF!alarC! sCrasCnda, her ne 1adar tez daha eniF 1apsa!lC olsa da iz i ro!an evirilerinde yerelleFtir!enin youn olara1 1ullanCldCCnC Dzle!ledi!" Bu tespit dorultusunda, bu alCF!anCn a!acC benzer iz i ro!anlarCnC EnE!Eze taFCyan evir!enle yerelleFtir!e yDnte!iyle hedef oda1lC ya1laFC!larCn 1i!i za!an 1ayna1 !etni fa1irleFtir!ediini, ta! tersine 1ayna1 !etinde Dte1ileFtir!eden belirtilen anla!C ve duy uyu daha aC1a ifade eden eseri beni!set!e1 iin ve tE! derinliiyle 1avrat!a1 iin 1ullanClabilece1 et1ili bir yDnte! olduunu Drne1le!e1tir" Anahtar s/"c,kler: YerelleFtir!e, hedef oda1lC eviri, yerelleFtir!e yDnte!iyle hedef oda1lC eviri, ciz i ro!an, iz i ro!an evirisi


Ces#r (eni 8,n$aAnCn 5etinler 9rg,s,n&e Bir 'evir)en: Shakespeare ile Kar-Cla-)ak $a &a Kar-Cla-)a)ak TA! Se&a Oa!C1 Ge!al @niversitesi Bu alCF!anCn Dnceli1li a!acC, 6ldoux duxley'in distopi1 ya da ne atif Etopya olara1 nitelenebilen B=esur Yeni )6nya CDEFGHI adlC 1ur!aca yapCtCna, bir evir!enin !etinlerarasClC1 DzlEEyle nasCl ya1laFabileceini sor ula!a1tCr" YapCt, o1ura duxley'in dehasCnCn inFasCnC yansCtan ve post !odern dDne!in ruhunu taFCyan ironi1 bir resi! sun!a1tadCr" Bir yandan yapCtta 1endini tE1eti!e ve te1noloQinin hCzCna ada!CF insanCn, doaya ve 1endine yabancClaF!asCnCn traQi1 bir serEveni ser ilen!e1tedir" Lier yandan ise, distopi1 dEnyanCn Sha1espeare'in eserleriyle ipli1 ipli1 DrEldEE ve !etnin Dr EsEnde anahtar Drevi Estlendii DrEl!e1tedir" Hyle 1i, bu anahtar ile !etinin dEE!E DzEl!e1te, o1ura her Feyin !odern olduu a!a insanlarCn 1DleleFtii bir dEnya da $insanlCCn& ve ona ait $deerlerinin& Dne!i hatCrlatCl!a1tadCr" Bu bala!da, Sha1espeare'in varlCC duy ularCn, ruhun ve insanlCCn te!silini Estlen!e1te ve cesur yenidEnya o1uruna yol Dster!e1tedir" Sa1at o1ura 1arFC soru!luluu olan bir evir!en bu varlCC Dr!e1sizin nasCl evirebilir; Sha1espeare ile 1arFClaF!adan evirir ise, o1ur yapCttan ne alCr 1endi payCna; Bevir!en, dier !etinlerle 1arFClaFabil!e1 ve bunu evirisinde Dsterebil!e1 iin nasCl bir o1ur ol!alCdCr; Bu sorunlarC yanCtlayabil!e1 iin, $metinleraras'l'ktanI ve Dzelli1le Barthes'Cn do1u!a, DzE!le!e, yeniden dEzenle!e, !etin Ereti!i ve !etin Dr EsE ibi 1avra!lar Ezerine 1urul!uF olan $metin kuram'ndanI yararlanClaca1tCr" Bu alCF!anCn dier bir a!acC da, yapCtta yer bulan !etinlerarasC unsurlarCn evir!ene ve eviri sErecine nasCl CFC1 tutabileceini ayrCntClC olara1 beti!ler1en, 1ayna1 !etin yazarCnCn niyetini anla!anCn ve sezdiri!lerin ayrC!Cna var!anCn bir evir!en iin ne 1adar Dne!li olduunu Dster!e1tir" Bu nedenle, )utt'un $ba'nt' kuram'I Ezerinde durulara1 eviride yeterli balantCyC ve bala!sal et1iyi yarat!asCnCn ere1lilii tartCFClaca1tCr" Anahtar S/"c,kler: Listopya, TetinlerarasClC1, Tetin Gura!C, BaCntC Gura!C,Bevir!e


S;)ioti:#e et tra&#ction: po#r #n no#vea# )o&Xle &escriptif TR3HE! Rovena Sacult[ de traduction et d'interpr[tation, )en\ve Oous exa!inons l'obQet d'[tude n traduction o dans le cadre de la s[!ioti7ue [n[rative rei!assienne P plus pr[cis[!ent nous appli7uons le dispositif [pist[!olo i7ue et ![thodolo i7ue du Narcours [n[ratif du sens" Nre!i\re!ent, nous [tablissons les valeurs fonda!entales du concept de traduction, articul[es dans la structure [l[!entaire de si nification, le carr# s#mioti7ue de la traduction" Leuxi\!e!ent, nous proposons un mod9le descriptif r[unissant les caract[risti7ues constantes et essentielles du ph[no!\ne de la traduction" Ia traduction d[coule de la notion d'[7uivalence K 7u'elle soit for!elle, dyna!i7ue, co!!unicative, pra !ati7ue, s[!anti7ue, lexico raphi7ue ou fonctionnelle, l'[7uivalence constitue une pr[!isse et une cons[7uence de l'<tre et du faire traductif" Selon le carr[ s[!ioti7ue de 6l irdas V" )rei!as, toute valeur, pour `tre d[finie, fait appel ^ son contraire K #7uivalence et diff#rence constituent les ter!es oppos[s d'une cat[ orie s[!anti7ue 7ue nous appelons identit# K dans ce sens toute traduction est l'[!er ence du ter!e n !oi o par rapport au ter!e n autre o" Ia surd[ter!ination du carr[ de l'identit[ par les cat[ ories v[ridictoires r[unit les conditions lo ico%s[!ioti7ues [l[!entaires du concept Traduction dans le carr# s#mioti7ue de la traduction*Ie carr[ s[!ioti7ue de la traduction est susceptible d'`tre investi par une di!ension hu!aine 7ui r[alise, dyna!ise les conditions abstraites, [l[!entaires et virtuelles" Sur la base du sch[!a narratif canoni7ue et du concept de narrativit[ ()rei!as, Wourt[s *+/+, -??%-.30 nous [laborons un mod9le descriptif" We !od\le se co!pose d'actants 7ui r[alisent deux pro ra!!es et 7ui sollicitent des !odalit[s s[!ioti7ues K le pro(ramme traductif! 7ui se fonde sur un contrat stipul[ entre l'actant Traducteur (SuQet0 et l'actant Wo!!anditaire (Lestinant/Lestinataire0 P le pro(ramme traductolo(i7ue! 7ui d[crit le faire [pist[!olo i7ue de l'actant Writi7ue% Traductolo ue" Lans le pro ra!!e traductif, la !anipulation du Traducteur de la part du Wo!!anditaire s'or anise autour des !odalit[s s[!ioti7ues du devoir faire, pouvoir faire et vouloir faire K ces !odalit[s explicitent les aspects nor!atifs et [thi7ues de la traduction P la perfor!ance du Traducteur r[alise les !odalit[s s[!ioti7ues du pouvoir et savoir faire (les co!p[tences0 et le faire <tre et le faire savoir (les pr[suppositions d'#7uivalence et de diff#rence0" Oous retraons enfin dans les deux pro ra!!es trois actes [pist[!i7ues K l'acte [pist[!i7ue du Wo!!anditaire 7ui fonde le contrat traductif (devoir <tre, devoir non <tre0, l'acte [pist[!i7ue du Traducteur appli7u[ aux instructions contractuelles (non devoir <tre et non devoir non <treH J l'acte [pist[!i7ue du Writi7ue%Traductolo ue, en tant 7ue analyse et reconnaissance des conditions prototypi7ues de cha7ue texte traduit et per!et d'aQouter (affirmer! refuser! admettre! douter0 sanctionner les conditions lo ico%s[!ioti7ues du carr[ de la traduction" 5ots-cl;sK s[!ioti7ue [n[rative, [pist[!olo ie de la traduction, carr[ s[!ioti7ue de la traduction, narrativit[, !od\le descriptif de la traduction, !odalit[s s[!ioti7ues"


'eviri&e $/nte)sel $akla-C)lar ve ekinsel sor#nlar L6ransC"ca *ir $a"Cnsal eserin T,rkFe Fevirisi ,"erineM RAS (025AI! Ars#n Ystanbul @niversitesi TA10K(A1! Ar)en Ystanbul @niversitesi
Bu alCF!a!CzCn a!acC, Vean%Whristophe 8ufin'in $Sept histores 7ui reviennent de loin& adlC Dy1E 1itabCnCn eviri sErecinde 1arFClaFtCC!Cz eFitli 1EltErel, tarihsel, bie!sel, bala!sal sorunlarC ortaya 1oy!a1 ve bu sorunlarC far1lC eviri yDnte! ve 1ura!lar CFCCnda deerlendir!e1tir" Lo1tor, yazar ve diplo!at olara1 far1lC alanlarda faaliyetler Dsteren aydCn bir 1iFi ve -33, yClCnda 1atCldCC $6cad[!ie Sranaise&in (SransCz Lil 61ade!isi0 en en Eyesi olan Vean%Whristophe 8ufin'in bu Dy1E 1itabCnda yap!CF olduu yolculu1lardan ve hayat tecrEbelerinden ilha! aldCC DrEl!e1tedir" 4rta1 no1talarC hareket olan Dy1Elerde, Naris'te FC1 bir otelden, Taurice adasCna, oradan Ytalyan 6lplerine, Toza!bi1 ve Sri Ian1a'ya, bir anla!da 6vrupa'dan 6sya'ya, 6fri1a'dan dint 6dalarCna 1adar uzanan bil ilendirici tablolar beti!len!e1tedir" Yazar, tarih, !acera ve incele!e tarzCnda ele aldCC / far1lC Dy1Ede, 1endi Dz deneyi!lerinden anlatClar ve ziyaret ettii El1elerde Dzle!ledii sosyoloQi1, 1EltErel, politi1 yapClara balC yaFa! tarzlarC ser ile!e1tedir" Bevirisini yaptCC!Cz, far1lC bie!sel ya1laFC!lar ieren / Dy1Ede, bala!sal, bie!sel ve anla!sal deerlerin ere1 !etne a1tarClabil!esi a!acCyla, dilsel%1EltErel Deler ere1 1itlenin sDz edi! nor!larCyla har!anlanara1 yoru!lan!aya alCFCl!CFtCr" der eviri iFle!i i1i far1lC toplu! arasCnda bir 1EltErel a1tarC! ol usu ierdiinden, 1ayna1 !etnin iinde ounlu1la Dnder!eler aracClCCyla ifade edilen bDl esel ve tarihsel bil ilerin ve yazarCn 1ayna1 1itleye hissettirdii duy ularCn eFdeerini ere1 1itleye yansCtabil!e1 eviri sErecinde 1arFClaFtCC!Cz en bEyE1 sorunlardan biridir" Bevir!en soru!luluu!uz erevesinde, Dnceli1le Wicero'dan EnE!Eze tartCFClan 1aynaa sada1at 1onusunda, yazarCn yansCt!a1 istedii anla! ve iFleve sadC1 1al!a, 1EltErel%dilsel bala!da iletiFi!i sala!a, ere1 1EltEr nor! ve sDzdizi!sel yapCyC ta1ip et!e a!acCyla alCnan 1ararlar !etin ierisinden Drne1lerle aC1lanaca1tCr" BalCF!a!Czda Dnceli1le 1ayna1 !etnin bie!ini ve iFlevini 1oru!aya yDneli1 sorunlarC ve DzE! yDnte!lerini, sonrasCnda da eviri sErecinde 1EltErel Delerin a1tarC!Cnda 1arFClaFClan sorunlar ve DzE! Dnerilerini 1ayna1 ve eviri !etinlerden alCntClarla yoru!layara1 sunacaCz" Bu erevede, 1ayna1 dilde1i anla! ve bil i yiti!ine neden ol!adan ere1 dilde iFlevsellii Dzet!e1 a!acCyla baFvurulan belirti1 eviri, aC!la!a, e1silt!e ve dip not 1ullanC!C ibi eviri yDnte!leri de ele alCnaca1tCr" Bu erevede, eviri sErecinde 1arFClaFtCC!Cz sorunlara DzE! yollarC Eret!eye alCFCr1en, Jer!eer'in a!aca dayanan S1opos teorisi, dilbili!ci Va1obson'un eviride1i sDyle!in Dster esel boyutu ve iletiFi! tablosu esaslarC, dilbili! ve eviri 1ura!cCsC Oida'Cn devin en eFdeerli1 1avra!C ve Nopovic'in yazCn tErE !etinlerin evirisi sErecinde deyiF 1ay(dCr0!a yDnte!i, Iederer'in eviride anla!C yoru!la!a esaslarC Dz DnEnde bulundurulaca1tCr" Bu alCF!a!Czda ele alacaC!Cz 1EltErel, tarihsel, bie!sel, bala!sal ol ularCn a1tarC!C ba1C!Cndan evir!enin yazCnsal !etinle olan iliF1isini, )D1tEr1 (*+/, K U?%U.0 Fu Fe1ilde beti!le!e1tedirK $YazCnsal !etinlerde %evirmen kaynak dildeki metnin okuru! ama% dilde olu3acak metnin de ya&ar' 1onu!undadCr" YaratCcC yazarCn yapCtCnda dile elen dEnyanCn niteliini, baF1a bir dilde yeniden yazabil!e1 9a": tE! Drenilenlerin Dtesinde evir!enin, kar3's'ndaki ya&'nsal metinle s5yle3meye ba3lad'' yerde ba3lar&" Anahtar S/"c,kler: Beviri, Beviribili!, Bie!, YFlev, YletiFi!, GEltEr, 2Fdeerli1, Oor!, 6nla!, SDyle!"


n Essai 8estine \ 2Aapplication 8es Te<tes 8# 4o#rnal 8e 2Aapproche +rocess#s 8ans 2a Tra&#ction D1SA2! ?,lhanC) GCrC11ale Universitesi ulhani!unsalA !ail"co! W'est une opinion [n[rale!ent ad!ise 7ue l'l e de l'apprenant est un facteur tr\s i!portant dans l'ac7uisition d'une lan ue [tran \re" Wollier (*+,,0, (cit[ par )D!le1siz, -33*K -*,0 expri!e 7ue l'ac7uisition de la lan ue r[ussie d[pend de l'l e" I'hypoth\se de l'l e criti7ue est un type diff[rent de celle de la p[riode criti7ue" Selon cette hypoth\se, la li!ite d'apprendre une lan ue [tran \re ou la deuxi\!e lan ue (I%-0 avec l'effort le plus facile et nor!al est Qus7u'^ la fin de *- ou *Z ans ou de l'adolescence (Grashen, *+,,K /U0" 4n dit 7u'en consid[rant la structure flexible du cerveau, l'l e d'apprendre la I%- de faon plus si!ple est les dix pre!i\res ann[es de la vie (Le!irezen, -33ZK /0" Selon l'hypoth\se de l'l e criti7ue, l'apprentissa e du franais seconde lan ue [tran \re (I%Z0 est trop tard pour un apprenant de *, ans 7ui co!!ence ^ l'[tudier ^ l'universit[ sans l'avoir d[Q^ appris ^ l'[cole secondaire" <l se!ble tr\s difficile d'ac7u[rir les 7uatre co!p[tences lin uisti7ues et par ailleurs de traduire" Nourtant, nous avons besoin des ![thodes, des approches et des strat[ ies plus efficaces" W'est pour cette raison 7ue nous pouvons nous adresser ^ l'approche centr[e sur le processus" 2t tout d'abord, nous pouvons expli7uer les concepts ainsi 7ue la traduction, le processus et l'approche centr[e sur le processusK Ia traduction co!!ence par le texte de d[part" 2lle constitue un nouveau texte [7uivalent ^ ce texte%ci en analysant sa structure s[!anti7ue et !orpholo i7ue du texte" W'est une op[ration no!![e =le processus de traduction'" Ia traduction se co!pose des principaux processus co!!e la pr[paration, l'analyse, le transfert, la pre!i\re es7uisse, l'[tude de nouveau de la pre!i\re es7uisse, l'[valuation de la traduction, le d[veloppe!ent de la traduction, la pr[paration du !anuscrit ^ lR[diteur (GD1sal, -33.K **/0" We 7ui est i!portant, c'est l'applicabilit[ de ces processus aux cours de traduction" I'approche processus dans la traduction si nifie la reconnaissance du te!ps aux apprenants pour planifier leur travail, refl[ter, discuter, r[viser et corri er" 2t nous pensons 7ue l'approche centr[e sur le processus peut `tre appli7u[e ^ la traduction des textes du Qournal" 2t le texte du Qournal, par essence, est court et concis" War, cela n[cessite exacte!ent ^ toucher la cible" <l contient le principal rensei ne!ent concernant les probl\!es fonda!entaux du Qournalis!e (Bulut, -33,K /U0" Ies obQectifs du travail sont d'abord d'appli7uer l'approche processus aux textes du Qournal en franais facile de la 8adio%Srance <nternationale (8S<0P ensuite de constater les difficult[s de traduction due aux [7uivalences et aux co!p[tences lin uisti7uesP de discuter ces probl\!es dans la di!ension de l'ensei ne!ent de la I%Z et de la traduction p[da o i7ueP et enfin d'en faire prendre conscience et d'encoura er les apprenants ^ utiliser toutes les possibilit[s dans les deux lan ues au plus haut niveau" 2t la population du travail est constitu[e des apprenants du L[parte!ent de Traduction et d'<nterpr[tation en Sranais ^ l'Universit[ de GCrC11ale lors de l'ann[e acad[!i7ue -3*-%-3*Z" I'[chantillon vis[ est co!pos[ de Z. apprenants en troisi\!e ann[e de leurs [tudes, 7ui ont choisi la !ati\re de nTraduction de Nresse wcriteo dans l'Unit[ de 8echerche et de Sor!ation de Traduction et d'<nterpr[tation en Sranais" 5ots-Cl;s: ac7uisition du lan a e, processus de traduction, approche centr[e sur le processus, traduction de presse [crite"

What &oes theoretical kno%le&ge serve for in Research Techni:#es class> (AI0C0! 5ine <stanbul University !ineyazA !ail"co! Translation is no lon er an a!ateurish activity perfor!ed by those who li1e des1wor1 P on the contrary , as a co!!unicative service it re7uires to fulfill the de!ands of not only the co!!issioner, or the client, but also the i!plied reader who are expected to construct the sense of the co!!unication " This !eans that the translator ai!s to activate the reader in such a way as to elicit the intent of it in a different situation and at a different ti!e" The 7uestion or the conflict here is on behalf who! the translator will act in transferrin the text" 4n the one hand he should provide the relationship between the two texts , on the other hand it is expected to fulfill a function in the co!plex networ1 of translation syste!" This conflict arises fro! the dile!!a between the concept of translation in the past and todayK in the past the ele!ents of translation were $the texts& with a fixed !eanin , and the expectations fro! it was li!ited to the exact of copy of ori inal as an i!port" dowever, today syste! theories expand not only the definition of the text as a livin or anis!, but also 7uestion their function in the society since translations can survive in co!plex networ1 of relations only if they respond to the expectations" 6t this point one !ay as1 whose expectations the translator should !eet"in the trian le of the co!!issioners, the receivers, and the senders" <n spite of this controversial relations, <t is this tension that 1eeps the syste! wor1 since it ur es not only the !aintenance of co!!unication between the a ents of the translation syste!, but also leads the! to et into contact with other syste!s dealin with translation to identify their expectations" These dyna!ic interactions within, and outside the syste! on the one hand contribute to the self reproducin and self referencin of disciplines, on the hand contribute to the for!ation of the !etalan ua e of the syste! as in the field of TS" <n consideration for the above !entioned dyna!ic relations , this paper discusses co!!unicative aspect of translation within the fra!ewor1 of translator trainin and trainers awareness in puttin theoretical 1nowled e into practice in applied classes settin out fro! an exa!ple of research techni7ues class" Ke$ %or&sK translation notion, syste! theory, speech acts, technical brochures, research techni7ues, translation proble!s"


A Co)parative St#&$ into the Research an& 0nstr#)ental S#*co)petences of T#rkish Trainee Translators: A +reli)inar$ Atte)pt to Tap the Translation +rocess (0280I! 5eh)et <stanbul University yildizmideAyahoo"co"u1 The present study atte!pts to provide a preli!inary insi ht into the $research& and $instru!ental& subco!petences of Tur1ish trainee translators" 4ver the last two decades, !ental activities of translators and interpreters, be it novice or professional, have increasin ly been a shared concern a!on the translation and interpretin scholars" Since then, althou h a reat !any individual researchers (e" " IDrscher, *++- and *++UP Sraser, *++UP 2hrensber er%Low and Nerrin, -33+P0 and so!e research roups (e" " N6WT2 and TransWo!p0 have conducted a ood deal of research on translation process, and accordin ly a considerable a!ount of research data has been accu!ulated, it is stri1in to observe that !ost of these have been achieved outside the Tur1ish acade!ic !ilieu" <t is clear fro! these studies that this new paradi ! (na!ely, co nitive0 has accordin ly entailed the use of new or adopted data collection !ethods and instru!ents" $Wa!tasia Studio&, bein one of these newly%introduced tools, is a screen recordin software pro ra!" <n the study, it will be utilized to !onitor the on%screen activities of trainee translators who will be invited to use such software products as office pro ra!s, internet and offline/online dictionaries, etc" to translate the assi ned texts" The subQects are intended to be the first% and fourth%year students of Translation and <nterpretin Lepart!ent at <stanbul University" The sa!plin will cover around ?3 Tur1ish students in total" Their recorded on%screen translation activities will be analyzed, described and evaluted to reveal the develop!ental steps and the nature of their $research& and $instru!ental& subco!petences" Ke$%or&sK translation co!petence, research subco!petence, instru!ental subco!petence, Tur1ish trainee translators, process research, Wa!tasia Studio


2a pro*l;)ati:#e &e lA;:#ivalence st$listi:#e &ans la tra&#ction litt;raire: Le em!le de la traduction en turc dun roman d"mile #ola (025AI, Seli) Tar!ara @niversitesi seli!yil!azA!ar!ara"edu"tr Lans cette [tude, nous nous proposons d'aborder 7uel7ues points lin uisti7ues au niveau de la traduction du franais vers le turc conte!porains" Ootre corpus d'[tude sera un ro!an naturaliste co!!e enre litt[raire K $Ia confession de Wlaude& d'2!ile Xola et sa traduction en turc intitul[e $Wlaude'un itiraflarC& (YCl!az, -3**0" I'int[r`t particulier de cette [tude r[side sur le fait 7ue l'analyse criti7ue porte sur une traduction r[alis[e par nous%!`!e" Ootons d'e!bl[e 7u'il s'a it ici d'une [tude de cas 7ui ne pr[tend pas ^ `tre exhaustive puis7u'elle se fonde sur un seul corpus relevant de la litt[rature franaise" Lans cette traduction, nous [vo7uerons la probl[!ati7ue traductive des structures lin uisti7ues 7ui pr[sentent un aspect assez contrastif [tant donn[ 7u'elles se r[alisent diff[re!!ent dans deux lan ues !orpholo i7ue!ent oppos[es" 6 titre d'exe!ple, nous pouvons citer les [nonc[s contenant des e-pressions propres au franais et certaines fi(ures de style co!!e structures discursives" L'autre part, dans le cadre du ph#nom9ne d adaptation co!!e fait traductif, il convient d'[vo7uer les probl\!es de correspondance et d'#7uivalence entre les deux lan ues" 8appelons toutefois 7ue le concept d'[7uivalence est d[crit par des notions ter!inolo i7ues si!ilaires telles 7ue l'ad[7uation et l'appropriation" 6 ce propos, [tant donn[ 7ue le franais et le turc fonctionnent diff[re!!ent au niveau de leur syst\!e !orphosyntaxi7ue, le choix lexical et la for!ulation syntaxi7ue r[alis[s dans le processus de traduction, ris7uent de r[v[ler des discussions ^ l'encontre du traducteur" 2n effet, dans son travail de traduction, il arrive souvent 7ue le traducteur se trouve face ^ des alternatives par!i les7uelles il sera forc[ de choisir la plus appropri[e et ad[7uate ^ la lan ue et la culture cible, et cela sans d[for!er, voire nuire le vouloir dire et le messa(e de l'auteur" Le ce fait, il est [vident 7ue certains choix lexicaux et for!ulations syntaxi7ues pr[sentent un caract\re discutable aux yeux des lecteurs co!!e r[cepteurs du !essa e" Ie principal obQectif de ce travail est de !ettre en lu!i\re les probl\!es lin uisti7ues des [7uivalences stylisti7ue dans l'op[ration traduisante, afin de pouvoir apporter une contribution dans le do!aine de la traduction d'un enre litt[raireK Ia traduction en turc d'un ro!an franais ^ caract\re classi7ue et naturaliste" 6u ter!e de cette [tude, nous serons en !esure d'expliciter le caract\re probl[!ati7ue et l'aspect co!plexe de l'activit[ traduisante tant sur le plan stylisti7ue 7ue rh[tori7ue" Wo!!e on le sait de sa fonction relationnelle [tablissant le contact des lan ues et cultures (nota!!ent diver entes0, cette activit[ lin uisti7ue est consid[r[e co!!e un travail de haute responsabilit[ 7ui porte souvent des ris7ues ^ l'[ ard du traducteur" W'est pour cette raison 7ue le traducteur doit touQours `tre conscient de cette responsabilit[ ris7u[e avant !`!e de se lancer dans son travail de traduction" 2n outre, il doit [ ale!ent `tre pr`t ^ confronter et ^ sur!onter par la suite les re!ar7ues et criti7ues les plus s[v\res 7ui lui seront adress[es ult[rieure!ent" Wes criti7ues seront touQours in[vitable!ent pr[sentes une fois 7ue la traduction, en tant 7ue production, aura [t[ acco!plie et adress[e aux consid[rations des lecteurs de la culture cible" 6u niveau du cadre th[ori7ue et ![thodolo i7ue de cette recherche, nous nous r[f[rerons principale!ent aux ouvra es de lin uisti7ue et de traductolo ie tels 7ue ceux de Tain ueneau, Tazi\re, Wary et Iederer" 5ots-cl;s: 27uivalence stylisti7ue, franais, rh[tori7ue, traduction litt[raire, turc, Xola"

1e% 8estCnatCons 3f The Te<t An& 0nterte<t#alCt$ 0n TranslatCon St#&Ces Thro#gh ElectronCc 2Cterat#re: $oc: % Med&a-'ovel (025AI! Sevcan YCldCz Technical University sevcanyil!az-33?Ayahoo"co! $Text& is one of the indispensable concepts of Translation Studies" The conceptualization of $text&, its boundaries, assu!ptions about its relation with its context have been chan in fro! ti!e to ti!e and fro! paradi ! to paradi !" Noststructuralis! and the poststructuralist branch of intertextuality have 7uestioned the hierarchy between source and tar et text" <n practice, hypertexts of electronic literature set an exa!ple for this discussion" dowever, the perception of $text& concept has also a dyna!ic/chan in nature in theories of translation studies" Translation is not Qust an interlin ual, intercultural, interdisciplinary process and product but an intertextual, even transtextual and hypertextual one" 2lectronic literature creates chan es in definin ter!s of $translation& and $translator& and it also re7uires new s1ills and techni7ues to be ained by translators" <n this new paradi !, translation can be a product of a roup consistin of not only translators but also en ineers, pro ra!!ers and experts on localization" Thus, translation studies is to et in contact with new nei hbours" The recent theories we have !ay lead us to see this new text Qust as a new version of the old one" But this hyper!edia needs to be analyzed with new theoretical fra!ewor1s" This paper is to analyze the chan es, !utations of the concept $text& cwhich is one of the 1ey obQects of study in Translation Studies% with theories of intertextuality, poststructuralist approach and electronic literature and also their present and future reflections on Translation Studies, especially on text%author%reader%translator relations" The paper consists of four !ain chaptersK $text& in theories of intertextuality, $text& in paradi !s of Translation Studies, $text& in the new approaches of Translation Studies and $text& renewed with electronic literature and its translationK T@=K + $edia ,ovel" T@= is a hybrid enre, a $ i antic !osaic& of texts, !edias and collaborators in which $reader& turns into a powerful $user& and $author's& role $shifts fro! one of writer to conductor, or producer, or director, or rant writer, and so!eti!es !ediator, !usic and art director, and pro ra!!in director, really all of the above& (To!asula in Tarnaws1y, -3**, Z0*" Ke$ %or&s: translation studies, text, intertextuality, electronic literature, poststructuralis!"


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