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Adams, John, Woman, Sketches of the History , 196 n. 14, Was Trayvon Martin Worried He Might be Raped?, 205 n. 61 Ahmed, Leila, Women and Gender in Islam , 94 Ahmed, Sara, 11, 76, 15777 Queer Phenomenology , 62, 159 The Cultural Politics of Emotion, 157 The Promise of Happiness, 159, 163, 1667, 175, 176 Akin, Todd, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106 Alcoff, Linda Martin, 34 APA address 2012, 224 n. 2 Dangerous Pleasures , 217 n. 25 Epistemologies of Ignorance , 35, 367, 40, 201 nn. 30, 31 Metaphysics of Gender and Sexual Difference, 218 n. 2, 220 n. 20 Phenomenology, Post-structuralism , 217 n. 25 The Problem of Speaking for Others, 6970, 225 n. 12 Visible Identities , 225 nn. 6, 10 Whos Afraid of Identity Politics?, 225 nn. 5, 8 Why I Do Philosophy, 181 Alexander, Sadie Tanner Mosell, 14, 18, 19 Negro Women in our Economic Life, 19 Ambady, Nalinni, et al., Stereotype Susceptibility in Children , 214 n. 16 American Negro Academy, 22 American Philosophical Association, 334 Data on Women in Philosophy, 193 n. 40 Andler, Daniel, 222 n. 39

Baartman, Sarah, 154, 219 n. 12, 222 n. 44, 224 n. 73 Baer, John M., Freinds Rape-Pregnancy Theory Refuted, 214 nn. 24, 25 Bailey, Alison, On Intersectionality and the Whiteness of Feminist Philosophy, 191 nn. 1, 1314, 192 nn. 26, 28 Balibar, Etienne, What is Political Philosophy , 84 Barad, Karen, 66, 210 n. 5 Barnett, Ferdinand L., 18 Bartky, Sandra, Femininity and Domination , 186, 213 n. 8, 215 n. 46 Bates, Ruby, 1523 Bazelon, Emily Charmaine Yoests Cheerful War on Abortion, 213 n. 5 Myth that Rape Rarely Causes Pregnancy , 213 n. 5, 214 nn. 24, 27 Beale, Frances M., Double Jeopardy , 47, 49, 51 Beauvoir, Simone de, 134, 149, 194 n. 4, 200 n. 24, 201 n. 30, 223 n. 58 Belleau, Marie-Claire, Lintersectionalit: Feminisms in a Divided World, 191 n. 2 Bennett, William, 223 n. 57

Anthias, Floya, Intersectional What? , 67, 206 n. 11 Anthony, Susan B., 17 Arendt, Hannah The Human Condition, 180, 1845 The Life of the Mind, 1845 Aristotle, Politics, 74 Astell, Mary, 231 n. 51 aversive racism and intersectionality, 6870



Why Race and Gender Still Matter Brancusi, La Princesse (statue), 13940, 141, 142 Breines, Wini, The Trouble Between Us, 30 Brewer, Rosa M., Theorizing Race, Class and Gender , 199 n. 8 bridge-building, theory-building as, 1835 Bridges, Khiara M., Reproducing Race , 213 n. 10, 215 nn. 35, 40 Brown, Elsa Barkley, Polyrhythms and Improvisation , 47 Bunch, Charlotte, 228 n. 21 Butler, Judith, 76, 119, 120, 1245, 1478, 149, 150, 151, 153, 185, 189 Gender Trouble, 66, 119 Precarious Life, 185, 186, 188, 231 n. 49 Byrd, Rudolph P., and Beverly Guy-Sheftall, Traps: African American Men on Gender and Sexuality, 20 Calderoli, Roberto, 222 n. 49 Carastathis, Anna, ix Basements and Intersections, 45, 204 n. 54, 206 n. 34 Reinvigorating Intersectionality, 10, 5970 The Concept of Intersectionality in Feminist Theory, 207 n. 47 Carrillo Rowe, Aimee, 15777 Power Lines, 1589, 160, 1623, 167, 169, 1704, 1757 Chambers, Samuel, 72, 83, 209 n. 13 A Queer Politics of the Democratic Miscount, 83 Chanter, Tina, ixx Big Red Sun Blues, 10, 7185 Chess, Simone, et al., Calling All Restroom Revolutionaries, 122 Chicago Worlds Fair, 18 Cho, Sumi, Kimberl Crenshaw and Leslie McCall, Toward a Field of Intersectionality Studies , 13, 4, 56, 44, 213 n. 6 Cilliers, Paul, Complexity, Deconstruction and Relativism, 65 Cities Against Islamisation, 93 cisgender, cisgendered, 54, 56, 81, 118, 1278, 130, 161, 166, 1725, 177, 216 n. 5, 217 n. 13, 225 n. 9, 226 n. 22 Clare, Eli, The Mountain, 166


Berger, Michelle Tracy, and Kathleen Guidroz (eds), The Intersectional Approach , 199 n. 7, 207 n. 63 Berry, Wendell, 188 Bettcher, Talia Appearance, Reality, and Gender Deception , 124 Evil Deceivers and Make-Believers , 124 Beyonc, 144, 153, 154 Bhattacharjee, Anannya, 76 Bilge, Sirma, Developing Intersectional Solidarities , 206 n. 24 biopolitical population management, 12730 biopolitics of the real, 11731 biopower, bodies, identities and, 1257 black feminism, early, and proto-intersectionality, 1419 black genocide claims, 103, 104, 108, 10913 black nationalism, early, and proto-intersectionality, 1924 bodies, identities and biopower, 1257 Bolkestein, Frits, 92 Bomberger, Ryan and Lisa, 10910 Bonilla-Silva, Eduardo, Racism Without Racists , 215 n. 44 Bornstein, Kate, 119 Bracke, Sarah, 93 From Saving Women to Saving Gays , 92 Brady, Anita, Could This Womens World Champ Be a Man?, 221 n. 25, 224 n. 71 Brah, Avtar, and Ann Phoenix, Aint I A Woman? , 194 n. 4 Braidotti, Rosi, 10, 878, 91 and socio-political circumstances, 914 and Gabriele Griffin, Whiteness and European Situatedness, 211 n. 21 intersectional interventions, 948 Becoming-World, 96 Identity, Subjectivity and Difference , 95, 96 In Spite of the Times , 97 On Flexible Citizenship, 96, 211 n. 23 Response to Dick Pels, 94, 95 Transpositions: On Nomadic Ethics, 95, 96, 97

Index CNN Piers Morgan Live: Interview with Rachel Jeantel, 205 n. 59 Trayvon Martin Shooting Fast Facts, 204 nn. 556 coalitional resistance, 1301 Code, Lorraine, What Can She Know? , 38 Colbert, Stephen, 104, 105 The Word Color-Blind, 153 Cole, Elizabeth, Coalitions as a Model for Intersectionality , 65 Collins, Patricia Hill, 34, 76 Black Feminist Thought , 102, 199 n. 8, 200 n. 16, 201 n. 31 Fighting Words, 289, 30, 36, 52, 201 n. 31 Its All in the Family , 213 n. 7 Looking Back, Moving Ahead , 60 On Intellectual Activism, 401 Piecing Together a Genealogical Puzzle , 13 COLORLINES, 108 Combahee River Collective, A Black Feminist Statement, 467, 48, 4953, 72, 76, 83, 84, 1601, 207 n. 43 Conaway, Carol B., and Kristin Waters, Black Womens Intellectual Traditions , 195 nn. 6, 11 Congress of Representative Women 1893, 21 Connell, R., Transsexual Women and Feminist Thought , 218 n. 40 Continental feminist philosophy and intersectionality, 8799 Cooper, Anna Julia, 14, 1617, 21, 27, 31 A Voice from the South, 16, 30 My Racial Philosophy, 17 The Status of Women in America, 17 The Voice of Anna Julia Cooper , 203 nn. 7, 13 Woman Versus the Indian, 17, 46, 51 Womanhood: A Vital Element , 24 Cooper, Valerie C., Word, Like Fire , 195 n. 9, 196 n. 17 Coppin, Frances Jackson, 21 Cortina, Lilia M., and Sheryl Pimlott Kubiak, Gender and Post-traumatic Stress , 214 n. 29


Covey, Edward, 20 Crenshaw, Kimberl Williams, 13, 59, 68 Demarginalizing the Intersection , 3, 13, 29, 445, 47, 51, 60, 88, 205 n. 1, 213 n. 11 Mapping the Margins , 35, 13, 60, 623, 215 n. 49 Postscript, 87, 89 Crummell, Alexander, 14, 20, 223, 24 The Black Women of the South , 22, 23 cult of true womanhood, 195 n. 6 Currah, Paisley, and Lisa Moore, We Wont Know Who You Are , 1289, 131 Cuvier, Georges, 224 n. 73 dangerous discourse, 10913 Davidson, Maria del Guadalupe, Kathryn T. Gines and Donna-Dale L. Marcano (eds), Convergences, 201 n. 28 Davidson, Maria del Guadalupe, 34 Davies, Carole Boyce, Black Women, Writing and Identity, 51 Davis, Angela Y., Women, Race and Class, 29, 102, 197 n. 29, 215 n. 40 Davis, Kathy Intersectionality as Buzzword, 68, 69, 89, 205 n. 2 Intersectionality in Transatlantic Perspective, 87, 90 de Beauvoir, Simone, Le Deuxime Sexe, 223 n. 58 de Leeuw, Marc, and Sonja van Wichelen, Please, Go Wake Up! , 211 n. 32 Deadmeat GA, Caster Semenya Gets a Makeover , 220 n. 24 Deleuze, Gilles, 66, 87, 94, 97 Derrida, Jacques, The Truth in Painting, 1878 Descartes, Rn, 231 n. 51 Dhamoon, Rita Kaur, Considerations on Mainstreaming Intersectionality, 205 n. 8 difference, affect, relation, as philosophys others, 1648 Dill, Bonnie Thornton, and Ruth Enid Zambrana, Emerging Intersections , 1314



Why Race and Gender Still Matter of ignorance, 30, 345, 38, 40, 201 nn. 29, 30, 31, 202 n. 44 standpoint, 34, 367, 72, 201 n. 30 epistemology and intersectionality, 334 Epstein, David, Inside Track and Field, 135, 136 Essed, Philomena, 89 and Sandra Trienekens, Who Wants to Feel White? , 211 n. 21 essentialism, provisionality, disorientation, 615 Europe intersectionality, 8891 racial debates, 91 Evans, Mary, 87, 90 Preface, 211 nn. 17, 22 familial frames, 16875 Fanon, Frantz, 72 Black Skin, White Masks, 834 Fausto-Sterling, Anne, 147 Feinberg, Leslie, 119 Fekete, Liz, The Muslim Conspiracy Theory , 93 Fellows, Mary Louise, and Sherene Razack, The Race to Innocence , 134 Feminist Philosophers blog, 193 n. 41, 228 n. 16 Festle, Mary Jo, Playing Nice , 220 n. 23 Foucauldian frameworks, 11731 trans questions, 1215 Foucault, Michel, 87, 95, 119, 120, 162 Discipline and Punish, 11718, 121, 123, 125 Security, Territory, Population, 1256, 129 Society Must Be Defended, 125 The History of Sexuality, Volume I, 121, 124, 125, 126 Frankfurt, Harry, On Bullshit, 1045, 215 n. 41 Freind, Stephen, 214 n. 24 Fricker, Miranda, 231 n. 51 Friedman, Marilyn, What Are Friends For? , 216 n. 50 Frye, Marilyn, 186 The Politics of Reality , 181, 1824, 204 n. 39, 213 n. 8, 215 n. 47, 227 n. 7 Fuentes, Marisa, 223 n. 64

Early, Sarah Jane Woodson, 21 Society for Women in Philosophy Eastern Division, vii, xii El-Tayeb, Fatima, 89, 93 Gays Who Cannot Properly Be Gay , 94, 210 n. 9, 211 nn. 30, 33 Enke, Anne F., The Education of Little Cis , 225 n. 9 epistemology, epistemologies feminist, 34, 36, 224 n. 73

disability, xii, xiii, 5, 6, 7, 90, 122, 158, 166, 16970, 1724, 177, 192 n. 38, 218 n. 37, 226 n. 19 disciplining bodies, 1215 disorientation, provisionality, and essentialism, 615 Doeuff, Michle Le, 231 n. 51 Dolphijn, Rick, and Iris van der Tuin, A Thousand Tiny Intersections , 66 Dotson, Kristie, x How is this Paper Philosophy?, 227 nn. 10, 12, 228 n. 18 Knowing in Space , 205 n. 6 Making Sense , 10, 4357 Tracking Epistemic Violence , 63 Douglas, Stacey, et al., Liabilities of Queer Antiracist Critique, 206 n. 24 Douglass, Frederick, 14, 18, 201, 24, 27, 31, 323 Give Women Fair Play, 20 I Am a Radical Woman Suffrage Man, 201 The Rights of Women, 20 Draz, Marie, x Transitional Subjects, 11, 11731 Dreger, Alice, 147 Dries, Kate, Black Babies Cost Less , 215 n. 37 Du Bois, W. E. B., 1314, 20, 234 The Color Line Belts the World, 146 The Damnation of Women, 234 Duggan, Lisa, The Twilight of Equality , 225 n. 7 Durkee, Jackson, Steel Bridge Construction, 184 Duster, A. M. B., Introduction, 197 n. 32 Dweck, Carol, 231 n. 48

Index Garrison, William Lloyd, 15 Garry, Ann Intersectionality, Metaphors , 25, 30 Who Is Included? , 61 gender and race, why they still matter, 69 -based violence, Trayvon Martin tragedy, 44, 537 identity, race-sex-, 13355 race and the biopolitics of the real, 11731 Gendered Conference Campaign, 228 n. 16 Gibson, Althea, 137, 146 Gilligan, Carol, In a Different Voice , 199 n. 2 Gines, Kathryn T., x, 34, 36 Black Feminism and Intersectional Analyses , 194 n. 4 Race Women, Race Men and ProtoIntersectionality, 1830s1930s, 9, 1325 Sartre, Beauvoir, and the Race/Gender Analogy , 194 n. 4, 200 n. 24, 201 n. 30 Glymph, Thavolia, 223 n. 64 Goff, Phillip Atiba, et al., Aint I a Woman? , 138, 143, 146 Gordon, Lewis R. Bad Faith and Antiblack Racism, 199 n. 3 Disciplinary Decadence , 401 Goswami, Namita, xxi, 145, 219 n. 10 Introduction, 112 Thinking Problems, 181, 182 Green, Jamison Becoming a Visible Man, 119, 123 The Art and Nature of Gender, 119 Grewal, Inderpal, and Caren Kaplan, Introduction , 225 n. 11 Griffith-Joyner, Florence, 221 n. 25 Guerrero, Marie Anna Jaimes, 76 Gunnarsson, Lena, A Defense of the Category Wommen, 203 n. 11 Guy-Sheftall, Beverly (ed.), Words of Fire, 16, 197 n. 41, 205 n. 6 Halberstam, Jack, In a Queer Time and Place , 124 Hallward, Peter, Staging Equality , 85



Halperin, David, Saint Foucault , 118 Hammonds, Evelynn, 760 Hancock, Ange-Marie Intersectionality as a Normative , 191 n. 1 Solidarity Politics for Millennials, 205 n. 5 When Multiplication Doesnt Equal Quick Addition , 205 n. 3 Harbin, Ami, Bodily Disorientation and Moral Change, 206 n. 22 Harding, Sandra, 34 Sciences from Below , 201 n. 30 Starting Thought from Womens Lives , 36, 37 The Science Question in Feminism, 201 n. 30 Whose Science? Whose Knowledge? , 201 n. 30 Harlem Renaissance, 18 Harris, Angela, 60 Race and Essentialism , 63, 64 Harris, Duchess, Black Feminist Politics , 203 n. 29 Harris-Perry, Melissa, Sister Citizen , 11213 Harvey, PJ, Is That All There Is?, 77 Haslanger, Sally Changing the Ideology , 8, 1801, 193 n. 42, 227 n. 11 Women In Philosophy , 193 nn. 40, 41 You Mixed? , 141, 143, 2212 n. 36 healing possibilities, 1868 Heidegger, Martin, 162, 1878 Herzog, Hal, Why Are Rape Victims More , 214 n. 26 Heyes, Cressida Feminist Solidarity after Queer Theory , 216 n. 1 Self-Transformations , 119, 216 n. 1 Higgenbotham, Evelyn Brooks, African American Womens History , 133 Hirsi Ali, Ayaan, Submission: Part 1, 93, 94 holistic conception of oppression, 4950 Holloway, Karla F. C., Private Bodies, Public Texts, 2234 nn. 689 Holmes, Melisa M., et al., Rape-related Pregnancy , 212 n. 3


Why Race and Gender Still Matter interventions, 912 methodology, logical structure, 334 non-racism, aversive racism and, 6870 recent literature survey, 1923 n. 39 strong or weak, 28 intervention ethos construction, 17989 Irigaray, Luce, 87, 91 Islamophobia and anti-immigration sentiment, Netherlands, 914 Jagger, Alison M., Feminist Politics and Human Nature, 199 n. 9 James, Joy, Profeminism and Gender Elites, 24 Jeantel, Rachel, 545 Jones, Janine, xi, 34 Tongue Smell Color Black, 39, 201 n. 31 Caster Semenya: Reasoning Up Front with Race, 11, 13355 Jones, Rachel K., et al., Characteristics of US Abortion Patients , 215 n. 34 Jordan, June, 72 Report from the Bahamas, 778, 208 n. 1 Joseph, Gloria, 2930 Joyner-Kersee, Jackie, 221 n. 25 Jusov, Iveta, xi, 10 Continental Feminist Philosophy Meets Intersectionality, 8799 European Immigration and Continental Feminism , 95 Hirsi Ali and van Goghs Submission , 93, 210 n. 9 King, Deborah K., Multiple Jeopardy , 47, 51, 64, 199 n. 8 King, Katie, 183 Kozma, Melissa M., xixii and Schroer, Purposeful Nonsense, 11, 10115 Kyenge, Cecile, 222 n. 49 Kyl, Jon, 103, 104, 105, 1067, 108 Lamont, Michle, and Patricia White, Workshop for Interdisciplinary Standards , 199 n. 2 Langton, Rae, Feminism in Epistemology , 179, 181, 186 legitimate rape notion, 101, 1046, 107

hooks, bell, 76 Belonging , 188, 228 n. 13 Choosing the Margin , 231 n. 56 Teaching to Transgress , 182, 183, 185, 227 nn. 1, 56, 229 nn. 36, 38 Horton, James O., Free People of Color , 196 n. 17 Hoskinson, Jim, Colbert Report Truthiness, 214 nn. 17, 21 HRSA, Womens Health USA, 222 n. 40 Huffington Post, Trayvon Martins Friend Rachel Jeantel, 205 n. 58 Hull, Gloria T., Patricia Bell-Scott and Barbara Smith, All the Women are White , 199 n. 8, 204 n. 53 Hunter, Margaret L., Buying Racial Capital , 222 n. 45 Huratos, Aida, The Color of Privilege, 1945 n. 5 Hurst, Mike, Caster Semenya , 219 n. 6 identities and biopower, 1257 identity politics, 7185 ignorance, denial wilful, 30, 34, 35, 201 n. 30 Ihde, Don Experimental Phenomenology , 204 n. 37 Postphenomenology and Technoscience , 204 n. 36 inhuman to inhumane treatment, 1524 Intemann, Kristen, 34, 36 25 Years of Feminist Empiricism , 201 n. 30 International Amateur Athletics Federation (IAAF), and Semenya, 134 intersectionality academic receptivity, 56 and Continental feminist philosophy, 8799 and epistemology, 334 and mission to save black babies, 10115 and multistability of oppression, 537 approaches, obstacles, 401 as critique of representation, 657 as praxis, 13 Europe, 8891 history, 35 beginnings, 1325 nineteenth century, 313 recent history, 2831


Index Leiter, Brian, Leiter Reports: A Philosophy Blog, 185 Levinas, Emmanuel God, Death, and Time, 228 n. 13 Otherwise than Being , 186, 228 n. 13 Time and the Other , 227 n. 4 Levy, P., Gods Little Shield , 212 n. 4 LGBTQ studies, 5, 6 Liberator, 15 Limbaugh, Rush, Rachel Jeantel , 55 Locke, Alain, Survey Graphic, 1819 Locke, Mamie E., From Three-Fifths to Zero , 200 n. 24 Lorde, Audre Sister Outsider, 29 The Masters Tools , 227 n. 8 The Uses of Anger, 164 There is No Hierarchy of Oppression, 51 Lowenberg, Bert James, and Ruth Bogin, Black Women in Nineteenth-Century , 1415, 198 n. 48 Lugones, Maria Heterosexualism , 66, 1945 n. 5 Pilgrimages/Peregrinajes , 170 Playfulness , 229 n. 28 Purity, Impurity, and Seperation, 1945 n. 5 Toward a Decolonial Feminism, 150, 1945 n. 5, 219 n. 10 Lutz, Helma, 87, 90 Lykke, Nina, 87, 90 Intersectional Analysis , 87, 956, 97, 98 Maafa 21: Black Genocide in the 21st Century, 103, 1089 McCall, Leslie, The Complexity of Intersectionality, 13, 44, 205 n. 4 McDougald, Elise Johnson, 14, 1819 The Double Task , 1819 The Struggle of Negro Women for Sex and Race Emancipation, 19 McGinn, Colin, 229 n. 34 McIntosh, Peggy, White Privilege , 182 MacKinnon, Catharine, Intersectionality as a Method: A Note, 191 nn. 1, 4 McWhorter, Ladelle Bodies and Pleasures, 217 nn. 19, 23 Racism and Sexual Oppression , 171



Mani, Lata, 76 Mann, Anika Maaza, 34 Race and Feminist Standpoint Theory, 36, 201 n. 30 Marcano, Donna-Dale L., 34 The Difference that Difference Makes , 36, 201 n. 31 Martin, Trayvon, xi, 44, 536 Martinot, Steve, The Machinery of Whiteness, 148, 149, 151 May, Todd, Rancire in South Carolina, 72, 7980, 81, 84, 209 n. 13 May, Vivian, Speaking into the Void? , 456, 50, 204 n. 54 Mecklenburg, Fred, 214 n. 24 Memphis Free Speech, 18 Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, 136 Mikkola, Mari, Gender Concepts and Intuitions, 612 Mills, Charles W., 34, 229 n. 29 Blackness Visible , 151 But What Are You Really? , 151, 215 n. 47 Philosophy Raced/Philosophy Erased, 28, 40 The Racial Contract, 30, 35, 80, 215 n. 47, 219 n. 11 Minnich, Elizabeth, 182 Mohanty, Chandra Talpade, 76, 229 n. 30 et al. (eds), Third World Women and the Politics of Feminism, 1945 n. 5 Moore, Lisa and Currah, We Wont Know Who You Are , 1289, 131 Rep. Todd Akin: Legitimate Rape Statement and Reaction, 212 n. 2, 214 nn. 223 Moraga, Cherrie, and Gloria Anzaldu (eds), This Bridge Called My Back , 1945 n. 5, 202 n. 1, 207 n. 43, 225 n. 7 Morgan, Jennifer, 1501 Laboring Women , 223 nn. 5961 Morrison, Toni, 76 Moses, Wilson Jeremiah Classical Black Nationalism, 195 n. 9, 196 n. 16, 197 nn. 389 The Golden Age of Black Nationalism , 1920


Why Race and Gender Still Matter Obama, Michelle, 137, 154, 220 n. 14, 221 n. 24 obstacles to intersectional approaches, 401 oppression holistic conception, 4950 multistability, 43, 467, 513 systems-based conception, 478 Outlaw, Lucius T. Jr, 34 Painter, Nell, on Sojourner Truth, 16 Parker, Frances Ellen Watkins, 21 Pateman, Carole, and Charles Mills, Contract and Domination, 25 Paur, Jasbir K., Terrorist Assemblages , 225 n. 6 Penn, Irvine Garland, 18 People in Search of Safe and Accessible Restrooms (PISSAR), 122 Peralta, Eyder, Sen. Jon Kyl Corrects Erroneous Statement , 213 nn. 1213 Prez, Miriam Zoila, Past and Present Collide , 21314 n. 15, 215 n. 35 Perkov, Kayleigh, To Know a Hottentot Venus , 224 n. 73 Peterson, Carla, Doers of the Word, 512 phenomenology of oppression, 3840 philosophers, and intersectionality methodology, 401 philosophical happiness, 157, 15877 philosophical spaces, relational production, 15777 philosophy as discipline, and intersectionality, 69 philosophys others, affect, relation, difference, 1648 Phoenix, Ann, and Pamela Pattynama, Intersectionality, 202 n. 2 Planned Parenthood, 103, 104, 105, 1067, 108, 10911 Plato, Republic, 745 police order, identity politics, 7185 population management, biopolitical, 12730 Price, Victoria, 1523 Prins, Baukje, 92 Beyond Innocence , 210 n. 9, 211 nn. 2930

mothers, motherhood, 15, 16, 23, 33, 53, 112, 14852, 210 n. 8 racializing sex-gender identities through, 14852 Moya, Paula M. L., and Michael R. HamesGarcia (eds), Reclaiming Identity , 225 n. 7 multistability of oppression, 43, 467, 513 and intersectionality, 537 Munro, Brenna, Caster Semenya: Gods and Monsters, 134, 135, 1367, 143, 1468, 151, 224 n. 72 Murray, Pauli, The Liberation of Black Women, 51 Najmanovich, Denise, From Paradigms to Figures of Thought, 65 Namaste, V. Invisible Lives , 11819, 216 n. 1 Undoing Theory , 123, 216 n. 1 Narayan, Uma, 76 Nash, Jennifer C. Home Truths on Intersectionality, 205 n. 6 On Difficulty , 64, 205 n. 7 Rethinking Intersectionality, 64, 191 n. 2, 206 n. 10, 207 n. 44 National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 17 National Institutes for Health, 27 National Science Foundation, 27 neo-liberalism, 88, 92, 95, 161, 164, 165 Netherlands backlash against womens studies, 90 Islamophobia and anti-immigration sentiment, 914 New Negro movement, 18, 19 nineteenth-century intersectionality, 313 non-racism, aversive racism and intersectionality, 6870 nonsense, purposeful, 10115 North Star, 20, 32 Notre Dame of Maryland University, vii, xii Nye, Andrea, Its Not Philosophy, 227 n. 10, 229 n. 28 ODonovan, Maeve M., xii Introduction, 112


Index Prosser, Jay, Second Skins , 11920, 1234, 1245 proto-intersectionality, 1325 and early black nationalism, 1924 early black feminism and, 1419 provisionality, disorientation and essentialism, 615 Puar, Jasbir, 76 Terrorist Assemblages, 126 purposeful nonsense, 10115 and the social imaginary, 1067 dangerous discourse, 10913 purpose, 1079 truthiness and bullshit, 1046 queer feminist theory, 11720 queer/feminist/trans tensions, 11820 race and gender, why they still matter, 69 race, gender and the biopolitics of the real, 11731 race-sex-gender identity, 13355 racial debates, Europe, 91 racializing sex-gender identities through motherhood, 14852 racism, aversive, non-racism and intersectionality, 6870 Radiance Foundation, 103, 10913 RAINN, Reporting Rates, 214 n. 28 Rakes, Heather, xii Philosophical Happiness , 1112, 15777 Rancire, Jacques, 10, 71, 734, 7985 Disagreement: Politics and Philosophy, 745, 81 Dissensus: On Politics and Aesthetics, 74 Raymond, Janice, The Transsexual Empire , 119 Razack, Sherene, How Is White Supremacy Embodied? , 133, 13840, 141, 216 n. 51 relation, affect, difference, as philosophys others, 1648 representation, intersectionality as critique, 657 research methodology, and intersectionality, 278 resistance, coalitional, 1301


Revil, Lisa, Photos de Beyonc au Super Bowl , 222 n. 41 Richardson, Marilyn (ed.), Maria W. Stewart, Essays and Speeches, 1516, 31 Ross, Kristin, Historicizing Untimeliness, 84, 85 Rowe, Aimee Carrillo, 11 Said, Edward, Orientalism, 211 n. 25 Salamon, Gayle, Assuming a Body, 1245, 216 nn. 12 Sargent, Lydia, Women and Revolution , 29 Saul, Jenny, Women in Philosophy, 231 n. 48 Savinova, Mariya, 135, 136 Scherer, Steve, Roberto Calderoli , 222 n. 49 Schott, Robin May, Introduction, 227 n. 9, 228 n. 15 Schroer, Jeanine Weekes, xiixiii and Kozma, Purposeful Nonsense, 11, 10115 Schuessler, Jennifer, A Star Philosopher Falls , 229 n. 34 Scuro, Jennifer, xiii, 12 Theory Can Heal , 12, 17989 Second Wave feminists, 30 Semenya, Caster, 11, 13355 Seneca Falls Womens Rights Convention, 20, 32 Serano, Julia, Performance Piece, 119, 218 n. 40 sex-gender identities and race, 13448 racializing through motherhood, 14852 Simien, Evelyn M. Black Feminist Voices in Politics, 33 Charting a Course for Black Womens Studies , 200 n. 26 Sims, James Marion, 152, 153, 154, 101 Smith, Valerie, Not Just Race , 52, 203 n. 26 social imaginary, 1067 social sciences, and intersectionality, 69 Society for Women in Philosophy (SWIP), vii Solomon, Akiba, The Missionary Movement , 103, 104, 1089



Why Race and Gender Still Matter Sunday, Julie, Racist Anti-Abortion Campaign Comes to Austin, 21314 n. 15 Sundstrom, Ronald R., The Browning of America , 25 Supik, Linda, 90 systems-based conception of oppression, 478 Taylor, Charles, Modern Social Imaginaries, 106 theory-building as bridge-building, 1835 Tomlinson, Barbara, To Tell the Truth and Not Get Trapped , 6 Toussaint, Laura, Diversity, Activism, and Global Concerns in the U.S. Peace Movement, 191 n. 1 trans questions, Foucauldian frameworks, 1215 transgender claims to the real, 11720 transitional subjects, 11731 transphobic feminism, 11819 Trayvon Martin tragedy, 44, 537 Truth, Sojourner, 14, 16, 23, 24, 137, 146 truthiness and bullshit, 1046 Tubman, Harriet, 23 Tyson, Mike, 137, 220 n. 14 United States Constitution, 14th/15th amendments, Douglass and, 323


Son Hing, Leanne, et al., Exploring the Discrepancy , 69 Spade, Dean Documenting Gender, 12930, 131 Normal Life , 117, 1268, 129 Spencer, Steven J., et al., Stereotype Threat and Womens Math Performance, 214 n. 16 Spillers, Hortense, 76 All the Things You Could Be by Now , 210 n. 8, 212 n. 56 Interstices: A Small Drama of Words, 47 Mamas Baby Papas Maybe , 150, 219 n. 10 Spinoza, Baruch, 97 Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty, Can the Subaltern Speak?, 75, 76, 194 n. 5, 210 n. 8, 212 n. 42 Springer, Kimberly, Living for the Revolution, 52 Srivastava, Sarita, Youre Calling Me a Racist? , 68 standpoint epistemologies, 367 Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 32 Steele, Claude M., Whistling Vivaldi , 214 n. 16, 216 n. 51 Stewart, James W., 15, 37, 39 Stewart, Maria W., 13, 14, 1516, 24, 312, 33 Farewell Address, 41 Franklin Hall Lecture, 27 Religion and the Pure Principles of Morality , 15, 31 Essays and Speeches, 35, 37, 3940 Stoler, Ann, 150 Stone, Sandy, The Empire Strikes Back, 130 Stowe, Harriett Beecher, Libyan Sibyl, 16 Strange Fruit [Amsterdam], 94 Strasser, Annie-Rose, GOP Congressman , 215 n. 43 strong or weak intersectionality, 28 Stryker, Susan and Stephen Whittle, The Transgender Studies Reader, 119, 218 n. 45 Transgender History, 216 nn. 1, 5 Sullivan, Shannon, 34 and Nancy Tuana (eds), Race and Epistemologies of Ignorance, 201 n. 29

Valentine, David, Sue E. Generous , 120, 216 n. 3 van Gogh, Theo, Submission: Part 1, 93 Van Gogh, Vincent, 187 Vivar, M. T. Herrerra, 90 Vossen, Koen, Classifying Wilders , 92, 93 Walby, Sylvia, Complexity Theory, Systems Theory , 192 n. 37 Walker, David, 15, 35, 37, 39 Appeal to the Coloured Citizens of the World, 31 Walsh, Margaret, et al., Influence of Item Content , 214 n. 16 Warren, Karen, An Unconventional History of Western Philosophy, 1812, 189 Washington, Harriet, Medical Apartheid , 152, 213 n. 10, 215 nn. 36, 39

Index Waters, Kristin, xiii and Carol B. Conaway (eds), Black Womens Intellectual Traditions , 200 n. 17 Crying Out for Liberty , 201 n. 36 (ed.), Women and Men Political Theorists, 200 nn. 17, 223 Past as Prologue , 9, 2741 Wayne, Matt, Who Is the Most Feminine , 221 n. 25 weak or strong intersectionality, 28 Wekker, Gloria, 93 Charting the Terrain , 210 n. 7 Still Crazy After All Those Years, 8990, 92, 211 n. 21 Wells, Ida B., 14, 1718, 24 A Red Record, 18 Crusade for Justice, 197 nn. 30, 32 Mob Rule in New Orleans, 18 Southern Horrors: Lynch Law in All its Phases, 18 et al., The Reason Why the Colored American Is Not in the Worlds Columbian Exposition , 18, 21 Wheatley, Phyllis, 23 Wiegman, Robyn, Object Lessons, 70 Wilders, Geert, Fitna, 93 Williams, Fannie Barrier, 21 The Colored Girl, 46, 51 Williams, Lucinda, 76, 84 Williams, Patricia J., 34 The Alchemy of Race and Rights , 38, 201 n. 31 Williams, Serena, 137, 146, 150, 220 n. 19 Williams, Venus, 146 Willoughby-Heralds, T., South Africas Poor Whites , 2234 n. 68


Wilson, Julee, Serena Williams Rolling Stone Magazine , 220 n. 19 women of colour, and proto-intersectionality, 1419 Women Against Islamisation, 93 women in philosophy, viii, 8, 171, 189, 193 nn. 40, 41, 228 n. 16, 230 n. 47, 231 n. 48 white, 171 Women in Philosophy Task Force, 228 n. 16 Womens Rights Convention, Seneca Falls, 20, 32 Worlds Columbian Exposition 1893, 18 Yancy, George, 34 Black Bodies, White Gazes , 389, 201 n. 31 and Janine Jones, Pursuing Trayvon Martin , 204 n. 57 Yaniv, Oren, Caster Semenya , 219 n. 7 Young, Iris Marion, 34 Justice and the Politics of Difference, 213 n. 8, 215 n. 48 On Female Body Experience , 39, 201 n. 31 Yount, Lisa, xiii Introduction, 112 Yuval-Davis, Nira, 89 Intersectionality and Feminist Politics, 65, 901, 207 n. 48, 210 n. 3 Zack, Naomi Can Third Wave Feminism be Inclusive?, 89 Inclusive Feminism , 203 n. 11 Zimmerman, George Michael, 536


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