2-Sample T-Test - Independent Samples: Dataset: Cloud Seeding Experiment

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2-Sample t-test Independent Samples

Dataset: Cloud Seeding Experiment

Dependent Variable: Rain-gage Depth (mm) of rainfall in cloud-seeded test area Independent Variable: Seeded/Not seeded on that day (Seed=1 if Yes, if No)

SPSS Instructions:
!nter data in t"o columns# $ne for Seed, and other for Depth %sing &aria'le &ie", NA E the (aria'les (e)g) Seed, Depth) %sing &aria'le &ie", assign VA!"ES to the Seed (aria'le (e)g) 1 Seeded, %nseeded) Return to Data &ie", and Select ANA!#$E C% PA&E EANS INDEPENDEN' SA P!ES t-'ES' Select a 'est Variable (e)g) Depth) Select a (rouping Variable (e)g) Seed) Define (roups (e)g) (1, ))

Source# *)+eit,n, -)-oodley, *) .luec/ (1012)) 3!4ploration of !4tended-5rea 6reatment !ffects in .57!-8 %sing Satellite 9magery,: Journal of Climate and Applied Meteorology, pp);<-==

Paired t-test Dependent Samples

Dataset: )otox *or igraine +eadac,es

Dependent Variable: >eadache .re?uency per +onth Independent Variable: @oto4 7ondition (Are/Aost 6reatment)

SPSS Instructions:
!nter data in < columns# one for su'Bect id, one for pre-treatment headache fre?uency, and one for post-treatment headache fre?uency %sing &aria'le &ie", Name the (aria'les (e)g) id, Are, Aost) Return to Data &ie", and Select# ANA!#$E C% PA&E EANS PAI&ED SA P!ES t-'ES' Select 8 Paired Variables (e)g) Are and Aost)

Source# R) @ehmand, 6) 6uc/er, and @) Cuyuron (8 <)) 3Single-Site @otulinum 6o4in 6ype 5 9nBection for !limination of +igraine 6rigger Aoints:, Headache, &ol) 2<# 1 1D1 10)

-is,er.s Exact 'est

Dataset: Antiseptic as 'reatment *or Amputation /In Contingenc0 'able -orm1
Dependent Variable: $ccurrence of Death among upper lim' amputees (1=Death, =Sur(i(e) Independent Variable: Aeriod of Surgery (1=Aost-Disco(ery of 5ntiseptic, =Are)

SPSS Instructions:
!nter data in < columns (Death status, antiseptic status, num'er of cases) %sing &aria'le &ie", NA E the (aria'les (e)g) Death, 5ntiseptic, 7ases) %sing &aria'le &ie", assign VA!"ES to the Death and 5ntiseptic &aria'les (aria'le (e)g) 1 Yes, No) Return to Data &ie" and Select# DA'A 2EI(+' CASES 7lic/ on 2eig,t Cases b0 Select the (aria'le Cases ANA!#$E DESC&IP'IVE S'A'IS'ICS C&%SS'A)S Select Antiseptic as Ro"s Select Deat, as 7olumns 7lic/ on Statistics and clic/ on C,i-S3uare

Source# *) Eister (11F )) 3!ffects of the 5ntiseptic System of 6reatment on the Salu'rity of a Surgical >ospital:, The Lancet, 1#2-;,2 -28

cNemar.s 'est
Dataset: Silicone )reast Implant &uptures /In Contingenc0 'able -orm1
Dependent Variable: Rupture/Eea/ Reporting Status in surgery on silicone gel 'reast implants (1=Yes, =No) Independent Variable: Reporter (1=Self Report, 8=Surgical Record)

SPSS Instructions:
!nter data in three columns (Self Report, Surgical Record, Num'er of cases) %sing &aria'le &ie", Name the &aria'les (e)g) Self, Surgical, 7ases) %sing &aria'le &ie", 5sssign Values to the le(els of the (aria'les (e)g) 1 Yes, No) Return to Data &ie" and Select# DA'A 2EI(+' CASES 7lic/ on 2eig,t Cases b0 Select the (aria'le Cases ANA!#$E DESC&IP'IVE S'A'IS'ICS C&%SS'A)S Select Sel* as Ro"s Select Surgical as 7olumns 7lic/ on Statistics and clic/ on cNemar

Source# @ro"n and Aennello (8 8)) 3Replacement Surgery and Slicone @reast 9mplant Rupture:, Journal of Womens Health & Gender- ased Medicine, &ol) 11, pp8DD-8;2)

C,i-S3uared 'est *or Independence

Dataset: "nion Arm0 Deat,s b0 &an4 and Dut0 /In Contingenc0 'able -orm1
Dependent Variable: +ortality status for %nion troops during 7i(il -ar (1=Died during "ar, =sur(i(ed "ar) Independent Variable: Ran//Duty staus (1=Ari(ate/9nfantry, 8=Ari(ate/Noninfantry, <=$fficer/9nfantry, 2=$fficer/Noninfantry)

SPSS Instructions:
!nter data in < columns (ran//duty status, mortality status, num'er of cases) %sing &aria'le &ie", Name the &aria'les (e)g) ran/duty, Death, 7ases) %sing &aria'le &ie", 5sssign Values to the le(els of the (aria'les Return to Data &ie" and Select# DA'A 2EI(+' CASES 7lic/ on 2eig,t Cases b0 Select the (aria'le Cases ANA!#$E DESC&IP'IVE S'A'IS'ICS C&%SS'A)S Select ran4dut0 as Ro"s Select Deat, as columns 7lic/ on Statistics and clic/ on C,i-S3uare 7lic/ on Cells and clic/ on# Expected, Column Percentages (7onditional/+arginal Distri'utions of Death/Sur(i(e for each ran//duty group), Ad56 Standardi7ed &esiduals (adBusted residuals for each cell))

Source# 7) Eee (1000)) 3Selecti(e 5ssignment of +ilitary Aositions in the %nion 5rmy# 9mplications for the 9mpact of the 7i(il -ar:, !ocial !cience History, &ol) 8<, pp) ;F-0F)

easures o* Association *or %rdinal Variables

Dataset: Price and 8ualit0 &atings /In Contingenc0 'able -orm1
Dependent Variable: @eer drin/erGs assessment of 'eer taste ( =undrin/a'le, 1=Aoor, 8=.air, <=Cood, 2=&ery Aleasant) Independent Variable: Arice condition assigned to 'eer pre-tasting# (1=Eo", 8=+edium, <=>igh)

SPSS Instructions:
!nter data in < columns (Arice 7ondition, 6aste Huality, num'er of cases) %sing &aria'le &ie", Name the &aria'les (e)g) Arice, 6aste, 7ases) %sing &aria'le &ie", 5ssign Values to the le(els of the (aria'les Return to Data &ie" and Select# DA'A 2EI(+' CASES 7lic/ on 2eig,t Cases b0 Select the (aria'le Cases ANA!#$E DESC&IP'IVE S'A'IS'ICS C&%SS'A)S Select price as Ro"s Select taste as columns 7lic/ on Statistics and clic/ on %rdinal easures: (amma and 9endall.s 'au-b

Source# +c7onnell (10;1)) 35n !4perimental !(aluation of the Arice-Huality Relationship:, The Journal of usiness, &ol) 21, pp2<0-222)

Simple !inear &egression

Dataset: 'ombstone 2eat,ering
Dependent Variable: 6om'stone Surface Recession Rate Independent Variable: 1 -Year +ean S$8 concentration

SPSS Instructions:
!nter data into 8 columns (S$8 7oncentration, 6om'stone Recession Rate) %sing &aria'le &ie", Name the (aria'les (e)g) so8, recrate) Return to Data &ie" and Select# (&AP+S (6o o'tain Alot "ith .itted !?uation) IN'E&AC'IVE SCA''E&P!%' +o(e recrate to (ertical (up/do"n) a4is +o(e so2 to horiIontal (right/left) a4is 7lic/ on -it ta' Select &egression as et,od ANA!#$E (6o fit +odel) &E(&ESSI%N !INEA& 9dentify recrate as Dependent Variable 9dentify so2 as Independent Variable '&ANS-%& (6o ma/e log transformation on recrate) C% P"'E Select a name for 'arget Variable (e)g) logrrate) Ci(e instructions# (e)g) logrrate=log(logrrate)) Repeat Arocess for Craph and +odel fit

Source# +eierding (100<), 3+ar'le 6om'stone -eathering and 5ir Aollution in North 5merica:, Annals of the Association of Geographers, &ol)1< J2) pp) D;1-D11

ultiple !inear &egression

Dataset: :apanese Emigration to Paci*ic Nort,;est <==>-<?<@
Dependent Variable: J !migrants per 1 million residents Independent Variables: K land tenant farmers, K change in ratio of tenant farmlands, a(erage farm area, go(ernment la'orers in >a"aii, e4istence of pioneer immigrants

SPSS Instructions:
!nter data into ; columns (emigrants, K tenant farmers, change tenant farmlands, a(erage farm area, go(ernment "or/ in >a"aii, pioneer immigrants) %sing (aria'le (ie", Name the (aria'les (e)g) emigrant, pctfarm, chgfarm, farmarea, go(ha", pioneer) Return to Data (ie" and select ANA!#$E (6o o'tain descripti(e statistics) DESC&IP'IVE S'A'IS'ICS DESC&IP'IVES !nter (aria'le names of interest (e)g) emigrant, pctfarm, chgfarm, farmarea, go(ha", pioneer) ANA!#$E (6o o'tain pair"ise (simple) correlations) C%&&E!A'E )IVA&IA'E !nter (aria'le names of interest (e)g) emigrant, pctfarm, chgfarm, farmarea, go(ha", pioneer) ANA!#$E (6o fit regression model) &E(&ESSI%N !INEA& !nter dependent Aariable (e)g) emigrant) !nter independent Aariables (e)g) pctfarm, chgfarm, farmarea, go(ha", pioneer) S'A'IS'ICS (6o o'tain Aartial 7orrelations) 7lic/ on Part and Partial Correlations ANA!#$E /'o obtain Partial correlations directl01 C%&&E!A'E PA&'IA!

!nter correlation (aria'les (e)g) pctfarm, chgfarm, farmarea, go(ha", pioneer) !nter (aria'le(s) to control for (e)g) emigrant)

Source# +urayama (1001)) 39nformation and !migrants# 9nterprefectural Differences of *apanese !migration to the Aacific North"est, 111 -101D:, The Journal of "conomic History# &ol) D1, J1, pp 18D-12F)

<-2a0 Anal0sis o* Variance

Dataset: ollusc NerAous Impulse &ates
Dependent Variable: +ollusc 9mpulse Rate Independent Variable: Species (D le(els)

SPSS Instructions:
!nter data into t"o columns (species num'er, impulse rate) %sing (aria'le (ie", Name the (aria'les (e)g) species, impulse) %sing (aria'le (ie", gi(e Values to the le(els of species Return to data (ie" and select ANA!#$E C% PA&E EANS %ne-2a0 AN%VA !nter Dependent Aariable (e)g) 9mpulse Rate) !nter -actor (e)g) Species num'er) %nder Post ,oc select method of multiple comparisons (e)g) @onferroni, 6u/ey, Scheffe)

Source# *en/ins and 7arlson (10 <)) 36he Rate of the Ner(ous 9mpulse in 7ertain +olluscs,: American Journal of $hysiology, &ol) 1, pp 8D1L8;1)

2-2a0 Anal0sis o* Variance

Dataset: ',alidomide *or 2eig,t (ain in +IVB Patients ;it, and ;it,out ')
Dependent Variable: 81-day "eight gain in >9&M patients -actor A: 6@ Status (1=Aositi(e, =Negati(e) -actor ): 6reatment (1=6halidomide, =Alace'o)

SPSS Instructions:
!nter data into three columns (e)g) "eight gain, t', treatment) %sing (aria'le (ie", Name the (aria'les (e)g) "tgain, t', t4) %sing (aria'le (ie", gi(e Values to the le(els of t' and t4 Return to data (ie" and select ANA!#$E (ENE&A! !INEA& %DE! "NIVA&IA'E !nter Dependent Variable (e)g) "tgain) !nter -ixed -actors (e)g) t', t4) %nder post ,oc, select factors "hose le(els are to 'e compared (e)g) t', t4)

Note t,at t,e de*ault is to *it t,e C*ull *actorial /interaction1 modelD6 'o *it t,e CadditiAe e**ects modelD: Select: %DE! C"S'% E >ighlight the model factors (e)g) t', t4) %nder @uild terms, choose AIN E--EC'S6 !nter them into model "ith arro"

Source# Nlausner, +a/on/a"/eyoon, 5/arase"i, et al (100;)) 36he !ffect of 6halidomide on the Aathogenesis of >uman 9mmunodeficiency &irus 6ype 1 and M%

tu&erculosis 9nfection,: Journal of Ac'uired (mmune )eficiency !yndromes and Human *etro+irology) 11#82F-8DF)

&andomi7ed )loc4 Design

Dataset: Ca**eine and Endurance
Dependent Variable: !ndurance time on @icycle -actor A: 7affeine Dose (.i4ed .actor) -actor ): 5thlete (Random .actor)

SPSS Instructions:
!nter data into three columns (e)g) time, dose, athlete) %sing (aria'le (ie", Name the (aria'les (e)g) time,dose,athlete) Return to data (ie" and select ANA!#$E (ENE&A! !INEA& %DE! "NIVA&IA'E !nter Dependent Variable (e)g) time) !nter -ixed -actor (e)g) dose) !nter &andom -actor (e)g) athlete) %nder post ,oc, select factors "hose le(els are to 'e compared (e)g) dose) Select %DE! Select C"S'% E >ighlight the model factors (e)g) dose, athlete) %nder @uild terms, choose AIN E--EC'S6 !nter them into model "ith arro"

Source# -)*)Aasman, +)5)(an @aa/, 5)!)*eu/endrup, and 5)de >aan (100D)) 36he !ffect of Different Dosages of 7affeine on !ndurance Aerformance 6ime:, 9nternational *ournal of Sports +edicine, &ol)1;, pp88D-8< )


easures Design / ultiAariate Approac,1

ultiAariate &esponses on

Dataset: &ogaine Clinical 'rial in 2omen 'ime

Dependent Variable: >air "eight at target site -actor A /2it,in sub5ects1: Aeriod of e(aluation ("ee/s 1, 1;, 82, <8) -actor ) /)et;een sub5ects1: 6reatment (1=+ino4odil, =Alace'o)

SPSS Instructions:
!nter data into ; columns (e)g) treatment, su'Bect J, period1, O, period2) %sing (aria'le (ie", Name the (aria'les (e)g) t4,su'Bect,"t1,"t8,"t<,"t2) Return to data (ie" and select ANA!#$E (ENE&A! !INEA& %DE! &EPEA'ED EAS"&ES Ci(e a name to the 2it,in-Sub5ect -actor (e)g) hair"t) Specify the num'er of le(els (e)g) 2), clic/ on De*ine >ighlight the (aria'les ;t<-;tF and select them as the le(els of the 2it,insub5ect *actor Select the )et;een Sub5ect -actor (e)g) t4) %nder Post ,oc, you can re?uest comparisons among le(els of the 'et"een su'Bects factor, ho"e(er they "ill only 'e computed if there are < or more groups (e)g) t4)

Source# &)>) Arice and !) +enefee (100 )) 3Huantitati(e !stimation of >air Cro"th 9) 5ndrogenetic 5lopecia in -omen# !ffect of +ino4idil:, The Journal of (n+estigati+e )ermatology 0D#;1<-;1F)

Anal0sis o* CoAariance
Dataset: +ead Si7e and )rain 2eig,t
Dependent Variable: @rain "eight (grams) Independent Variables: Cender (.i4ed .actor), >ead siIe(co(ariate, in cm<)

SPSS Instructions:
!nter data into < columns (e)g) gender, head siIe, 'rain "eight) %sing (aria'le (ie", Name the (aria'les (e)g) gender, headsI, 'rain"t) %sing (aria'le (ie", gi(e Values to any categorical (aria'les Return to data (ie" and select ANA!#$E (ENE&A! !INEA& %DE! "NIVA&IA'E Select the Dependent Variable (e)g) 'rain"t) Select the -ixed -actor (e)g) gender) Select the CoAariate (e)g) headsI) 9f the fi4ed factor has more than 8 le(els, can select Post ,oc tests Note this fits the model ;it,out interaction 'et"een grouping (aria'le and co(ariate 6o fit model ;it, interaction# Select odelE Custom >ighlight the model factors (e)g) gender, headsI) %nder @uild terms, choose AIN E--EC'S6 !nter them into model "ith arro" %nder @uild terms, choose IN'E&AC'I%N !nter them into model "ith arro" 6o o'tain Ad5usted eans: Select %ptions

7lic/ on grouping (aria'le (e)g) gender) and clic/ arro" /ey 7lic/ on Compare main e**ects and select a con*idence interAal adBustment if more than 8 le(els (e)g) @onferroni)

Source# R)*) Cladstone (10 D)) 35 Study of the Relations of the @rain to the SiIe of the >ead:, iometri,a &ol)2, pp1 D-18<

!ogistic &egression /8uantitatiAe andGor Dumm0 Predictors1

Data: N-! -ield (oal Attempts 2>>H
Dependent Variable: .ield Coal 5ttempt $utcome (1=Success, =.ailure) Independent Variable: Distance (Yards)

SPSS Instructions:
!nter data into 8 columns (e)g) field goal outcome, yards) %sing (aria'le (ie", Name the (aria'les (e)g) outcome, yards) %sing (aria'le (ie", gi(e Values to any categorical (aria'les Return to data (ie" and select ANA!#$E &E(&ESSI%N )INA&# !%(IS'IC 5ssign the Dependent Aariable (e)g) outcome) 5ssign the Independent Aariable/s1 a/a CoAariates (e)g) yards) Probit models can 'e fit in a similar manner (use the P&%)I' option under &E(&ESSI%N)

Sources# """)Bt-s")com and !SAN)7$+

!ogistic &egression /8ualitatiAe Predictors1

Data: "nion Arm0 Deat,s b0 &an4 and Dut0 /*rom contingenc0 table1
Dependent Variable: Sur(i(al outcome of ci(il "ar soldiers (1=Die, =Sur(i(e) Independent Variables: Ari(ate (1=Ari(ate, =Non-pri(ate) 9nfantry (1=9nfantry, =Non-infantry)

SPSS Instructions:
!nter the data in 2 columns (e)g) Death status, pri(ate, infantry, num'er of soldiers) %sing Variable Aie;, assign Names to (aria'les and Values to le(els of categorical (aria'les Return to Data Aie;, 7reate a (aria'le that is the cross-product of Ari(ate and 9nfantry# '&ANS-%& (6o create a ne" independent (aria'le) C% P"'E Select name for 6arget (aria'le (e)g) pri(inf) Ci(e instructions e)g# Ari(inf=pri(atePinfantry -eight the cases, 'y selecting# DA'A 2EI(+' CASES 7lic/ on 2eig,t cases b0 and select the (aria'le representing the num'er of cases 6o fit the model, select# ANA!#$E &E(&ESSI%N )INA&# !%(IS'IC Select the Dependent Aariable (e)g) Death) Select the CoAariates (e)g) Ari(ate, 9nfantry, Ari(inf)

Source# 7) Eee (1000)) 3Selecti(e 5ssignment of +ilitary Aositions in the %nion 5rmy# 9mplications for the 9mpact of the 7i(il -ar:, !ocial !cience History, &ol) 8<, J1, pp ;F0F)

Dataset: PoAert0 and
Variable <: Ao(erty (1=Yes, =No) Variable 2: .emale (1=Yes, =No) Variable H: -hite (1=Yes, =No)


igration /In *orm o* a 2x2x2 Contingenc0 'able1

SPSS Instuctions:
!nter the data in 2 columns (e)g) po(erty, female, "hite, num'er of cases) %sing Variable Aie;, assign Names to (aria'les and Values to le(els of categorical (aria'les -eight the cases, 'y selecting# DA'A 2EI(+' CASES 7lic/ on 2eig,t cases b0 and select the (aria'le representing the num'er of cases 6o fit the model, select# ANA!#$E !%(!INEA& (ENE&A! Select all (aria'les in model for -actors Select %DE! 7lic/ Custom >ighlight all < (aria'les (e)g) po(erty, female, "hite) %nder )uild 'erms, select ain E**ects and hit arro" 'utton %nder )uild 'erms, select All 2-;a0 Interaction and hit arro" 'utton 7lic/ Continue Select %P'I%NS

7lic/ Estimates

Source# D) -en/ and 7) >ardesty (100<)) 36he !ffects of Rural-to-%r'an +igration on the Ao(erty Status of Youth in the 101 s:, *ural !ociology, D1(1), F;-08

CumulatiAe !ogit

odel /%rdinal &egression1

Dataset: Price and 8ualit0 &atings /In Contingenc0 'able -orm1

Dependent Variable: Huality Rating of @eer ( =%ndrin/a'le, 1=Aoor, 8=.air, <=Cood, 2=&eryAleasant) Independent Variable: Aercei(ed Arice (Eo", +edium, >igh) $perationaliIed 'y 8 Dummy &aria'les (+edium and >igh)

SPSS Instructions:
!nter the data in 2 columns (e)g) ?uality, medium, high, num'er of cases) %sing Variable Aie;, assign Names to (aria'les and Values to le(els of categorical (aria'les -eight the cases, 'y selecting# DA'A 2EI(+' CASES 7lic/ on 2eig,t cases b0 and select the (aria'le representing the num'er of cases 6o fit the model, select# ANA!#$E &E(&ESSI%N %&DINA! Select the Dependent Variable (e)g) ?uality) Select the -actor/s1 (e)g) medium and high)

Note that SASS fits the model# log = M M H H 1 - $ (. - Q Ar ice)

$ (. - Q Ar ice)

Source# +c7onnell (10;1)) 35n !4perimental !4amination of the Arice-Huality Relationship:, The Journal of usiness, 21(2) 2<0-222)

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