Sample GM Diet Plan For Day 1

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How to Prepare Your Body for GM Diet Day 1?

On the first day, you should only eat fruits and nothing else. However, these fruits should not contain any form of potassium, starch or carbohydrates. This implies that you should completely avoid Bananas from your diet as your body is subject to detoxification on the first day.All you can have is fruits and water ! to "# glasses per day$.%o, it is advised to eat whatever you want on the day before your &ay ", so that your body would be pac'ed with enough energy that lasts until the next morning. (ou)ll also need to drin' a lot of water in order to stay hydrated. %o, you should better practice drin'ing lots of water before head in order to get accustomed to the diet plan. *et us now see what foods you)ll need to eat on the &ay". +ruits to ,at - Apple, Oranges, .apaya, /ater 0elons, 1iwi. +ruits to Avoid - Banana

Sample GM Diet Plan for Day 1

Brea'fast - !.2# to 3 A0 &o have " cup of diced Apples 4 5 glasses of water. This will 'eep you get started for the day ahead of you.0orning %nac' - "#.2# to "" A0 " bowl raw .apaya or 1iwi 4 5 glasses of water. *unch - "5 to ".2# .0 " bowl of /atermelon 4 5 glasses of water. 0id6noon %nac' - 7 to 7.2# .0 " bowl of raw .apaya or Oranges 4 5 glasses of water. ,vening %nac' - 8 to 8.2# .0 " glass 9oconut water. &inner - ! to 3 .0 " bowl of /ater 0elon or Oranges 4 5 glasses of water. Points to be remembered :f you)re bored of drin'ing water the whole time, then you can replace it with orange juice (2 glasses max per day) and coconut water.

Foods to Eat on Day 2 of t e GM Diet

Brea'fast; %tart your brea'fast with a large boiled .otato and it would 'eep your stomach full as well as the body gets energi<ed for the rest of the day. .eople who live in the tropical countries may consider 9assava or %weet .otato instead of the regular .otato. However, they should be careful not to add any sugar to the meal. *unch; This should be lighter. (ou can have vegetable salads made of 9ucumber, lettuce and 9abbage. (ou can also dress your salads with =inaigrette or Olive oil but not to use 0ayonnaise as it would add some extra fat. &inner; (ou can have fresh greens that include Broccoli, 9abbage, *ettuce, Asparagus and 9ucumber. Additionally, you can have boiled beets but many feel beets to be heavier on their stomach.sample >0 &iet .lan for &ay 5 Brea'fast - ! to 3 A0

1 cup of boiled Potato + 1 or 2 glasses of water. 1 bowl of Cabbage or red lettuce (raw) + 2 glasses of water 1 Tomato, 1 Cucumber and boiled beet + 2 glasses of water

0orning %nac' - "#;2# to "" A0 *unch - "5 to " .0

0id6noon %nac' - 7 to ? .0

2 Tomatoes or 1 cup Cherr Tomatoes and drin! 2 glasses of water. "oiled "roccoli, Cauliflower and #sparagus with salt and spices and drin! at least 2 glasses of water.

&inner - @ to ! .0

Points to be remembered Ao fruits at all. As you already have sugar from your &ay" diet, you don)t want to add any more. &on)t add oil for coo'ing as much as possible. :n case if you still want it, try to use "##B natural butter.

How to Prepare Your Body for GM Diet Day !? (ou should also say goodbye to .otatoes on &ay 2 because you)ll get the carbohydrates your body needs from the fruits. Aow, your system is fully prepared to shed those excess calories from &ay 2 onwards. (ou)ll still have light food cravings on the &ay 2 as well but those will be diminished by the time you reach to &ay 7. Also, try to perform breathing exercises li'e .ranayamam in the morning on &ay 2. &oing so will help you get rid of those tensions you gained from &ay " and 5.

GM Diet Meal Su""estions for Day !

Brea'fast; (ou can choose between Apples and /atermelons but remember not to have both at a time. 9hoose any one. *unch; Try to repeat the same lunch plan from &ay 5 and mix some fruits to ma'e your stomach happy. &inner; (ou can consume any combination of boiled vegetables which include *ettuce, Broccoli, 9arrots, 9ucumbers, boiled beets etcC followed up with some fruits li'e Apple or 0elon. %nac's; (ou can have tomatoes, fruits, greeny veg stuff all day without any issues. But remember to drin' at least ! to "# glasses of water per day.

Sample GM Diet Plan for Day !

Brea'fast - ! to 3 A0 ,ither of these. " Apple or " 9up of diced 0elon along with 5 glasses of water. 0orning %nac' - "# to "" A0 " bowl of 9antaloupe mixed with .apaya and try to drin' at least 5 glasses of water. *unch - "5 to " .0 " bowl of mixed cucumber, lettuce and tomato with D boiled beet and 5 glasses of water. Afternoon %nac' - 7 to ? .0 " Orange or ripe mango and consume 5 glasses of water. &inner - @ to ! .0 " bowl of boiled Broccoli, fresh greens and raw papaya and 5 glasses of water. Points to remember Aever drin' fruit juices until &ay @ as they)ll contain more sugar and you don)t need it now. At this stage, you)ll already notice that your body has become 5 to 7 pounds lighter which are the positive results of the >0 diet.

,nsure you vary the consumption of fruits and vegetables for getting better results. How to Prepare Your Body for GM Diet Day #? :t is very easy to prepare your body for the day 7. %ince your body has a sustained appetite, it no longer responds to the taste of Bananas and so you can easily survive on liEuids. As you already have enough energy for the day, you can see a lot of changes in your activities and you)ll feel a livelier attitude towards life.

$ at to Eat on Day # of GM Diet?

Brea'fast; (ou can start your day with a banana supplemented with a glass of mil' warm$. Aote that you can also use %'im mil' instead of the fat mil' throughout this day for better results. *unch; Try to have vegetable soups such as tomato soup and cabbage stew. These soups would savor your taste buds for sure. &inner; (ou can have a vegetable soup along with a mil' sha'e. :f you feel vegetable soup itself is enough to fill your stomach, you may s'ip the sha'e. %nac's; Aothing except bananas and mil' sha'es.

Sample GM Diet Plan for Day #

Brea'fast - ! to !;2# Have a large Banana paired with " glass of warm mil' 5?#ml$. 0orning %nac' - "# to "" A0 Banana sha'e 5?#ml mil' 4 5 bananas$ *unch - "5 to ";2# .0 ,at a large bowl of vegetable soup. 9onsider either the soup made from Tomatoes or 9abbage. Afternoon %nac' - 7;2# to ? .0 Banana sha'e 5 bananas 4 5?#ml mil'$ &inner - @;2# to ! .0 >et yourself a vegetable soup 4 " banana. Points to remember /henever you)re having the food cravings hungry$, try to eat a banana or have a glass of banana sha'e in between the meals li'e said in the sample diet.

%e&ipes for GM Diet Day #

1' (abba"e Soup %e&ipe :ngredients; %hredded 9abbage; " 9up %liced 9elery; " 9up " Onion %liced >reen .eppers; 5 .reparing 9abbage %oup; Boil together all the ingredients such as cabbage, onion, peppers and celery in water along with some salt, pepper and herbs to add some flavor #B fat$. (ou can also add a few other vegetables except beans as they could add up extra calories. %tir the mixture and serve hot. 2' Banana S a)e %e&ipe :ngredients; %liced Bananas; 5 %'im mil'; 5 >lasses 9rushed ice; 5 >lasses

.reparing Banana %ha'e; Ta'e a blender and mix up all the above said ingredients until you see a creamy, frothy sha'e. &on)t add sugar to the sha'e as it is already sweet in nature.

$ at to Eat on Day * of GM Diet?

Brea'fast; %tart your day with braised beef and tomato soup. /hile the meat gives your proteins, iron and fiber, soup on the other end provides energy. *unch; (ou can have a homemade hamburger made with beef. :t may be either ba'ed or fried but remember not to add too much fat as it already contains fat. At this stage, your body will produce excess uric acid and so it is advised to have lots of water 267 glasses$ so that the urine will be flushed out naturally. &inner; (ou can have another hamburger during the dinner. However, health experts suggest that you should have beef soup and tomatoes in order to energi<e your body. Another advantage of having a soup is that it supplements the loss of water during the day. %nac's; On this day, you shouldn)t eat any snac's or have fruit juices. The only beverage you)ll be having on &ay ? >0 diet is water. &rin' at least "7 glasses of water today so that it will detoxify your system as well as get rid of those unwanted nutrients that were contributed by meat.

(an $e %epla&e Beef wit ( i&)en in GM Diet?

Of course, (esF Aot many people will li'e the red meat although they)re non6vegetarians. %o, those people can eat either 9hic'en or ground tur'ey instead of beef. But ensure that it should be s'inless as s'in contains a lot of fat. :f you)re a vegetarian, then you can replace the beef with .aneer :ndian cheese$.

%e&ipes for GM Diet Day *

(ou can try the below recipes on the day ?. These are very easy to prepare and they don)t ta'e too long. 1' Grilled Beef Sli&es +repla&e by ( i&)en if you want, :ngredients; Beef Tenderloin %trips; " cup *emon Gest; " %alt and .epper; As needed 9oriander .reparation; Ta'e the meat and season it completely with lemon <est, salt, pepper and coriander. .ut it aside to rest for "# minutes. Aow, place these seasons strips on a hot grill and coo' it until golden brown. That)s itF Ta'e the slices out and serve them with sliced tomatoes. 2' Beef Bur"er +( i&)en, :ngredients; Beef patty; " "H! pound %alt and .epper .reparation;

Ta'e out the beef patty and apply salt and pepper on its surface. Then, place it on a hot grill and occasionally baste it with butter until it becomes tender and reddish brown in color. Once done, serve it with either tomatoes or cucumbers. How to Prepare Yourself for GM Diet Day -? As your body is already in an auto6mode of losing the extra fat through increased metabolic processes, all you need to give your body is some protein and fiber. (ou can get the protein from beef while fiber can be achieved eating vegetables. Apart from this you should also push your body to pursue lively activities or exercises, as this is the exact point where you need to test whether the diet has made any improvements to your immune system or not.

$ at Foods to Eat on Day - of GM Diet?

Brea'fast; %tart with a bowl of mixed vegetables or vegetable soup with beef cutlets. =egetables will give you a lot of fiber while beef will give you proteins. *unch; (ou can choose any Asian food at this period which is because most of the Asian food is made with vegetable and beef. But remember not to include potatoes or bread. &inner; :f you feel tiresome, you can have a vegetable soup and a tasty hamburger made with beef or chic'en. %nac's I Beverages; (ou can continue to eat meat and vegetable even during the snac' period. However, it is advised to eat greens for mid morning snac's and beef during afternoon snac' time. The reason here is simple - your appetite should be at normal levels so that it wouldn)t crave for other foods. Apart from these /ater is your best friend. 9oconut water may also be ta'en during midnoon but it may spoil your appetite by dinner.

GM Diet Day - %e&ipes

1' Beef and .e"etable /ebab :ngredients; Beef cubes - 8 you can substitute it with chic'en or .aneer$ Jed Tomato - " (ellow Bell .epper - " Onion - " .reparation; %lice all the mentioned vegetables into Euarter inches and together with beef cubes 5 or 2 per stic'$, s'ew them on barbecue stic's. Baste them with butter and also season with salt and pepper as needed then grill on open fire until beef is tender and soft. :t is for 2 servings. Points to remember0 Ao juices or potatoes in your diet on &ay 8. :f you)re a vegetarian or don)t li'e Beef, you can substitute it with other items such as chic'en, roasted tur'ey, .aneer :ndian cheese$. &rin' enough water "#6"7 glasses$. How to Prepare for GM Diet Day 1? All you need to do is to stac' the fresh fruits for &ay @. (ou can eat fruits at any time of the day starting with brea'fast to snac's and dinner without any limitations. Apart from fruits you should also have brown rice in combination with boiled of stewed vegetables.

A few people may not li'e the brown rice but it is advised not to s'ip it because it gives you energy as well as fiber.

$ at to Eat on Day 1 of GM Diet?

Brea'fast; %tart with a bowl of brown rice for your brea'fast. Brown rice gives you energy and carbohydrates for the whole day. However, you can s'ip the rice for brea'fast and eat either papaya or melon followed by 5 glasses of water. *unch; :f you s'ip the brown rice during the brea'fast, then try to have it now along with coo'ed vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage and asparagus. (ou can then have a slice of mango or melon to satisfy your appetite. :n case if you had brown rice for brea'fast, then replace lunch with any two different fruits 4 5 glasses of water. &inner; Again with brown rice 4 green vegetables or only vegetables of your choice. Aote that you should drin' 5 glasses of water before going to sleep. %nac's I Beverages; (ou can have raisins, strawberries, other fruits during the snac' time. 9oming to beverages, you can drin' water or fruit juice only during midday snac's$.

Sample GM Diet for Day 1

Brea'fast - !.2# to 3A0 " bowl or brown rice or " bowl oatmeal without sugar$ 0orning %nac' - "#.2# to ""A0 " cup raisins *unch - "5.2# - ".0 " bowl or brown rice along with some coo'ed vegetable 4 slice of mango or melon to satisfy appetite. Afternoon %nac' - 2.2# - 7.0 " bowl strawberries or sprouts ,vening %nac' - 8 to 8.2#.0 " bowl of strawberries or sprouts or fruits of your choice. &inner - ! to 3.0 " bowl of brown rice 4 vegetables of your choice.

Points to remember &rin' more water on &ay @ compared to previous days. ,xercise more today so that it helps in boosting your metabolism even more, thus it burns a lot of calories than normal. &oing so will also help you not gain weight immediately in the following days while you)re not on the diet.

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