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Processing Accolades
Melissa McHugh Melissa McHugh




Support Team


An accolade is any communication praising our company, made to any employee by any client. Employees in the home offices follow a policy for collecting these and delivering them as online images to a central Inbox that that is monitored weekly. Note: The collection of accolades is documented separately in the Collecting Accolades policy. This processing policy ensures that the collected accolades are properly converted to marketing communications. Sales management will approve the best accolades, and a support specialist will process them using the following procedure.


Support Specialist
The support specialists will: Monitor the central email Inbox where patient accolades are emailed and the collection bins in house where employees deposit mailed accolades. Process the selected accolades into a template, printed on the designated paper and laminated. These are then mailed out to the client. The account manager will also receive a digital copy. Monitor and report on the resulting client activity.

In order to comply with HIPAA regulations, accolades are not to be used or shown to anyone other than the client and account manager without a signed media release.

PROCEDURE The support specialist follows these steps: Selecting accolade s for Processing 1. Each Friday, collect accolades from the collection bins and review the inbox. a) If the accolade was received via email, edit the subject line of the email to describe the accolade it contains (client name), close the email and then move it to the accolade folder for future use. This folder can be found at Public\Marketing\Client Accolades

b) If the Accolade was received via mail, scan the document and save it in the Accolades folder under the client name. This folder can be found at Public\Marketing\Client Accolades\!Accolade Images c) If the accolade was received via the Mindshare Survey Site, a supervisor will send this accolade to the Accolades Inbox and will be treated the same as emailed accolades. 2. Select the best accolades for publishing. 3. Obtain your managers approval for the selections. 4. Use a screen capture utility (e.g., Snag-it) to make the accolade presentable. Place in pre-created template. 5. Update database (on Public drive) with appropriate information and fields. 6. Merge client letter in accordance with database information. 7. Print the accolade document, using preprinted accolade paper in the printer. 8. Laminate the accolade document only. 9. Send the patient the thank you letter from the CEO in a business reply envelope. Please print the address directly onto the envelope- no labels. 10. In large white folder send the thank you letter as well as the finished, laminated accolade. Merge the clients contact/address onto our corporate label, and affix the label with the folder lying horizontally (landscaped.) 11. Send assigned Account Manager the canned email, along with one PDF attachment with the following: Client letter Copy of actual accolade Letter to patient 12. Monitor the referral activity for the referral source for four weeks after the mailing, and report the results to the Sales Manager and account manager in accolade database on public drive.

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