6 Months Live Project Training in Java, Dot Net and PHP

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6Months Project

Based Traning in Java

Core Java
INTRODUCTION TO JAVA o What is Java and why it is important. o Requirement of Internet Programming and how java meets them. o Platform Independence and Security o Java Virtual Machine Architecture o Class loading Process by Class loaders o Role of just in Time Compiler (JIT) o Execution Engine Getting Started With Java o Installing JDK and JRE o Compiling and Executing a Simple Java Program o Data Types, Variables and Arrays o Operators o Control Statements o Command Line Arguments JAVA CLASSES AND OOP IMPLEMENTAION o OOPs Fundamentals o Defining and Initializing Classes o Constructors and Anonymous block o Overloading and Overriding of Methods o Understanding of Access Controls (Private, Public and Protected) o Learning Nested and Inner Classes o Dynamic method Dispatching o Abstract Classes o Using final to prevent Overriding & Inheritance o Garbage Collection PACKAGES AND INERFACES o Defining a Package o Understanding CLASSPATH o Access Protection o Importing Packages o Interfaces and their Role o Defining and implementing an Interface o Abstract classes Vs Interfaces o Adapter Classes o Anonymous Classes
EXCEPTION HANDLING o Fundamentals of Exception handling o Type of Exceptions o Learning exception handlers o Try and catch o Multiple catch clauses o Nested try statements o Throw, throws and finally o Creating custom exceptions o Assertion STRING HANDLING o Learning String Operations o Learning Character Exception o Learning String Comparison o Understanding of StringBuffer Class o StringBuilder Class NEW IN JDK 5 o Generics o Annotations o Vargs o Static-import o For-each o Enum WINDOWS PROGRAMMING o SWING Introduction to JFC Controls o Event Delegation Model Event Classes Event Listeners o Applet Applet Basics Architecture and Skelton Simple Applet Display Methods The Html Applet Tag MULTITHREADED PROGRAMMING o The Java Thread Model o Creating a Thread: Extending Thread, o Implementing Runnable o Creating Multiple Threads and Context Switching

Email: query@techmentro.com Website: www.techmentro.com

6Months Project
Based Traning in Java

I/O STREAMS o File Handling o Binary Streams o Character Streams o Serialization o Scanner o Stream Tokenizer o String Tokenizer NETWORKING o URL, InetAddress o Socket and Server Socket o Datagram Socket, URL Connection o Socket Factories REFLECTION API o Representation of Meta Data of Classes, Interfaces, Packages, Modifiers, Methods etc by the JRE. o Obtaining Meta Data of a class in two ways. o Loading and Instantiating a dynamically introduced class in an application. o Invoking Methods of class indirectly. o Changing access permission of members at runtime. SYSTEM PROPERTIES & INTERNATIONALIZATION o Usage of Property file o Define the Locale o Resource Bundle o Fetching text from Resource Bundle DATABASE PROFRAMMING USING JDBC o JDBC Drivers o Statements o Metadata o Scrollable & Updatable ResultSet o Batch Updates o Data Source & Connection Pooling o Rowsets INTRODUCTION TO J2EE o Need and Advantage of J2ee o J2ee Architecture o J2ee Containers o J2ee Services INTRODCTION TO XML o Document Type Definition(DTD) o Schemas JAVA SERVLET o Introduction to Web Programming o Advantages of Servlet o Servlet Lifecycle o Request Dispatching & Session Tracking o Web Application Events JAVA SERVER PAGES (JSP) & JSTL o JSP Architecture,vJSP Elements o JSP Objects & Custom Tags, JSTL o Expression Language REMOTE METHOD INVOCATION (RMI) o Distributed Applications o RMI Architecture&Implementation o Call-back Mechanism Enterprise Java Beans 3.0 o EJB 2.x overview o Session Bean (EJB 2.x) o Java Messaging Service (JMS) Architecture

J2EE(Advance Java)

COLLECTION FRAMEWORK o The Collection interfaces (List, Set, Sorted Set) o The Collection Classes ( Array List, LinkList, HashSet, TreeSet) o Accessing a Collection via an Iterator o Working with Maps o Working with Comparators o The Collection Algorithms o The Legacy Classes and Interfaces o Generics and Application of Generics in Collection Framework

Email: query@techmentro.com Website: www.techmentro.com

6Months Project
Based Traning in Java

o JMS Programming API o Steps for Developing JMS Clients (Sender & Receiver) o JMS & Message Driven Bean (MDB EJB 2.x) o Introduction to Java EE 5 o Introduction to Java Annotations o Session Bean (EJB 3.0) o Message Driven Bean (EJB 3.0) o JPA (Java Persistence API) Overview JAVA MAIL o Email System & Protocols o Architecture o Sending mails&Receiving malls o Handling attachments o Replying & Forwarding PACKAGING & DEPLOYEMENT USING ANT INTRODUCTION TO WEB SERVICES o A Conceptual overview of Web Services o Web Services Requirements o SOAP, WSDL, UDDI UTILITIES o My Eclipse 6.0 WEB SERVER o Apache Tomcat 6.0 APPLICATION SERVER. o Oralces Weblogic Server o Glassfish Server
Configuring Struts 2 Actions, results and interceptors o Categorizing requests with namespaces and packages o Exploiting zero configuration conventions Setting the default features o Inspecting out-of-the-box functionality o Building dependencies with Inversion of Control Implementing Struts 2 Actions, Controlling application flow o Utilizing the ActionSupport base class o Eliminating redundant code with ModelDriven actions Simplifying the development process o Best practices for unit testing your actions o Improving maintainability through message localization Gathering and Validating User Input, Building Struts 2 views o Defining an improved approach to page generation with Struts 2 tags o Leveraging the Struts 2 On-Demand model for data access o Gathering user data effortlessly o Controlling page flow with model data Struts 2 validation architecture o Positioning the Struts 2 validation model o Exploring the built-in validation rules o Applying validation interceptors o Efficiently handling validation failures Adding Functionality with Interceptors o The role of interceptors o Processing requests with the interceptor chain o Working with the default interceptor stack o Customizing request processing with prepackaged interceptor stacks

Setting the Landscape o Defining the need for a Struts 2 architecture o Specifying the application structure o Preparing the development environment Getting started with Struts 2 o Identifying key application components o Implementing the request processing cycle o Linking the flow by configurations

Email: query@techmentro.com Website: www.techmentro.com

6Months Project
Based Traning in Java

Extending built-in interceptor functionality o Implementing application specific interceptors o Simplifying interceptor configuration with annotations Object Graph Navigation Language (OGNL) o Reading and writing object properties o Accessing complex types: lists, sets and maps Manipulating data on the Value Stack o Navigating complex graphs with OGNL operators o Invoking non-property methods Generating Dynamic Views, Dispatching the request o Selecting the correct output page o Combining multiple actions in a logical sequence o Considering presentation technology alternatives o Enabling other result types with the plug-in architecture Enhancing the User Experience, Struts 2 presentation tags o Improving application response with lightweight presentation tags o Reducing developer effort through user interface tags Specifying the layout o Eliminating repetitive code with templates o Choosing the look and feel using Struts 2 themes

Live Project o Project Introduction and Specification. o Setting up Development Environment o Understanding and Implementing Design Patterns to be used in the project. o Setting up Database. o Coding assigned modules. o Unit Testing and Debugging. o Alpha testing of the combined modules. o Deployment of the project. o Completing Project Report.

Email: query@techmentro.com Website: www.techmentro.com

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