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Kristy Slaughter Understanding By Design Collaborative Unit on Digital Citizenship

UbD Stage 1
Title of Internet Safety Unit Curriculu Advisement m Area Grade 11th Level Time 1 class period Fram e

Stage 1 Identify Desired

Content Standards!
!"#S Standard $% Digital Citizenship Students understand human& cultural& and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior% a% Advocate and practice safe& legal& and responsible use of information and technology b% !'hibit a positive attitude to(ard using technology that supports collaboration& learning& and productivity c% Demonstrate personal responsibility for lifelong learning d% !'hibit leadership for digital citizenship


Students "ill understand t#at!
Students (ill recognize ris)y online behaviors% Students (ill evaluate their o(n safety in an online environment%

elated $isconce%tions!
*+y profile is private%,- Students may not realize ho( many other people are able to vie( their online information% *I can be anonymous online%,- .eople do not al(ays realize ho( things they say online can be traced bac) to them% *If I change my mind about something I posted& I can /ust delete it%,- Students may not be a(are of ho( others can copy or store things that could be embarrassing or harmful later on% "hey need to learn to thin) before they post%

&ssential 'uestions
(verarc#ing 'uestions!
0hat are safety issues in an online environment1

To%ical 'uestions!
Are you practicing safe habits online1 2o( do your behaviors compare to other teens1 Are there things you should do differently1

)no"ledge and S*ills )no"ledge

Students "ill *no"! 3ocabulary related to internet& social media& and safety issues online% Appropriate online behaviors%

Students "ill be able to! +a)e appropriate choices in an online environment% !valuate their current online behaviors for safety concerns% Compare their e'periences (ith those of other teens%

Stage + , &vidence -erformance Tas*.s/

Students "ill! Ans(er 4uestions about their online behaviors% 3ie( statistics on the behaviors of other teens% 5ead about ris)y behaviors% 3ie( video clips about poor choices% Discuss (hat they could change about their online presence% Complete a survey about their thoughts and behaviors online%

(t#er &vidence
6e%g% tests& 4uizzes& (or) samples& observations7
8ral Discussion 8nline Survey 9ollo(-up (ith counselors& if needed%

Student Self,Assessment and


Students (ill reflect on their o(n behavior throughout the lesson% "hey (ill evaluate their online presence and discuss (ays to improve it%

UbD Stage 0 -lan Learning &1%eriences

Stage 0! -lan Learning &1%eriences

Students "ill discuss "#at t#ey t#in* contributes to t#eir online %resence and "#at security issues mig#t arise2 Students "ill vie" statistics t#at are sometimes sur%rising about teens and t#eir online #abits2 Students "ill e1%lore t#e dar* side of #aving an online %resence t#roug# stories and videos t#at describe "#en t#ings #ave gone "rong for teens2 Students "ill ret#in* t#eir online activities3 evaluate "#at t#ey could do differently3 and %lan c#anges t#at could im%rove t#eir online safety2 Students "ill com%lete a follo",u% survey2

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