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Math 220: Lecture 10 3.

Professor Nicholls
Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science University of Illinois at Chicago

Math 220: Lecture 10

Professor Nicholls (UIC)

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Chapter 3: Mathematical Models and Numerical Methods Involving First Order Equations

As we have commented, DE are very effective modeling tools and rst order ODEs are no exceptions:
Compartmental Analysis [ 3.2]: Mixing and populations! Heating and Cooling of Buildings [ 3.3, not in this class]. Newtonian Mechanics [ 3.4, today]. Electrical Circuits [ 3.5, not in this class].

Numerical Methods are a crucial tool in the study of DE and there are many improvements to Eulers Method. For rst order ODE these include:
Improved Eulers Method [ 3.6]. Taylor and RungeKutta Methods [ 3.7].

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Newtonian Mechanics

Newtonian mechanics focuses on the motion of objects and the effects of forces. It is appropriate for very large and very slow objects. Question: How slow? Answer: Fast means close to the speed of light (Relativity). Question: How large? Answer: Small (typically) means on the scale of nanometers (Quantum Mechanics). Clearly, nearly all of our daily experience is well within the realm of applicability of Newtonian Mechanics so it is incredibly useful. We must use care to always work in an Intertial Reference Frame.

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Newtonian Mechanics: Modeling

The key to our analysis is Newtons Second Law: The rate of change of the momentum is equal to the sum of the forces on an object: dp = F (t , x , p). dt Recall that momentum and velocity are equivalent up to the constant mass, m: p(t ) = mv (t ). Acceleration is the time rate of change of velocity so a (t ) = dv 1 dp = dt m dt

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Newtonian Mechanics: Modeling, cont.

Typically one must use the position, x (t ), velocity x (t ), and acceleration x (t ) as unknowns. However, is this section it sufces to use velocity v (t ) and acceleration v (t ). Thus we obtain a rstorder ODE! In situations where the forces are independent of position we have mv = F (t , v ).

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Example # 1

Example: (NSS 3.4 # 5): An object of mass 5 kg is given an initial downward velocity of 50 m/sec and then allowed to fall under the inuence of gravity. Assume that the force in newtons due to air resistance is 10v , where v is the velocity of the object in m/sec. Determine the equation of motion of the object. If the object is initially 100 m above the ground, determine when the object will strike the ground. Remark: We will use the books convention that down is the positive direction.

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Example # 1, cont.
Solution: We use Newtons second law with F (t , v ) = 5(9.81) 10v , Thus, we must solve the IVP 5v = 5(9.81) 10v , v (0) = 50. m = 5, v (0) = 50.

We begin by solving the ODE which is linear: v + 2v = 9.81. The Integrating Factor is ( t ) = e Using this, our solution is v (t ) = e2t
Professor Nicholls (UIC)

2 dt

= e2t .

e2s 9.81 ds + C .
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Example # 1, cont.
Solution: Recall that our solution formula is v (t ) = e2t so that v (t ) = e2t (9.81/2)e2t + C Now, the initial condition gives 50 = v (0) = (9.81/2) + C , so C = 50 (9.81/2), and v (t ) = (9.81/2) + [50 (9.81/2)]e2t = 4.905 + 45.095e2t .
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e2s 9.81 ds + C

= (9.81/2) + Ce2t .

Example # 1, cont.
Solution: Finally, to recover the position we simply integrate the velocity:

x (t ) = =

v (s) ds + K (4.905 + 45.095e2s ) ds + K

= 4.905t (45.095/2)e2t + K = 4.905t 22.5475e2t + K . Using the initial condition, x (0) = 0, we nd 0 = 4.905(0) 22.5475(1) + K , so K = 22.5475, and, x (t ) = 4.905t 22.5475e2t + 22.5475.
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Example # 1, cont.

Finally, we wish to nd the T such that x (T ) = 100: 100 = x (T ) = 4.905T + 22.5475(1 e2T ) 4.905T + 22.5475, so T (100 22.5475)/4.905 15.79.

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Comment: Solving Mechanics Problems

We point out that the canonical problem we wish to solve in Newtonian Mechanics is mv = mg bv , This is a linear ODE v + (b/m)v = g , which is linear with Integrating Factor ( t ) = e With this, the exact solution is v (t ) = e(b/m)t
t Rt (b/m) ds

v (0) = v0 .

= e(b/m)t .

e(b/m)s g ds + C .

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Comment: Solving Mechanics Problems, cont.

Continuing, v (t ) = e(b/m)t

e(b/m)s g ds + C

= e(b/m)t ((mg )/b)e(b/m)t + C = (mg )/b + Ce(b/m)t , which is the limiting velocity with an exponentially decaying correction. Using the initial condition v0 = v (0) = (mg )/b + C , we nd v (t ) = (mg )/b + [v0 (mg )/b]e(b/m)t . Finally, if we set the initial position to be x (0) = 0 we nd x (t ) = (mgt )/b + (m/b)[v0 (mg )/b] 1 e(b/m)t .
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Example # 2

Example: (NSS 3.4 # 12): A shell of mass 2 kg is shot upward with an initial velocity of 200 m/sec. The magnitude of the force on the shell due to air resistance is |v | /20. When will the shell reach its maximum height above the ground? What is the maximum height? Remark: We will use the books convention that down is the positive direction. Remark: Notice that when the velocity is negative (upwards), the drag force is positive (downwards), so we can use F = v /20. Remark: Also, when the velocity is positive (downwards), the drag force is negative (upwards), so, again, we can use F = v /20.

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Example # 2, cont.
Solution: While the shell moves upwards we use Newtons second law with F (t , v ) = 2(9.81) v /20, Thus, we must solve the IVP 2v = 2(9.81) v /20, v (0) = 200. m = 2, v (0) = 200.

We begin by solving the ODE which is linear: v + (1/40)v = 9.81. The Integrating Factor is (t ) = e Using this, our solution is v (t ) = et /40
Professor Nicholls (UIC)

(1/40) dt

= et /40 .

es/40 9.81 ds + C .
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Math 220: Lecture 10

Example # 2, cont.
Solution: Recall that our solution formula is v (t ) = et /40 so that v (t ) = et /40 (40)9.81et /40 + C Now, the initial condition gives 200 = v (0) = 392.4 + C , so C = 592.4, and v (t ) = 392.4 592.4et /40 .
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es/40 9.81 ds + C

= 392.4 + Cet /40 .

Example # 2, cont.

Solution: Finally, the shell reaches it maximum when the velocity equals zero. Seek T such that 0 = v (T ) = 392.4 592.4eT /40 , or 392.4 = 592.4eT /40 , so that T = 40 ln(392.4/592.4) 16.47.

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Example # 2, cont.
Solution: The height of the shell at this time can be found by integrating the velocity to give the displacement:

x (t ) =

v (s) ds + K (392.4 592.4es/40 ) ds + K

= 392.4t + 40(592.4)et /40 + K . Setting the initial height to be x = 0 we can solve for K : 0 = x (0) = 392.4(0) + 40(592.4) + K , giving K = 40(592.4) = 23, 696. Finally, x (16.47) = 392.4(16.47) + 23, 696 e16.47/40 1 1534.81 which is 1534 meters above the initial position since downwards is positive.
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Example # 3

Example: (NSS 3.4 # 9): An object of mass 100 kg is released from rest from a boat into the water and allowed to sink. While gravity is pulling the object down, a buoyancy force of 1/40 times the weight of the object is pushing the object up (weight = mg ). If we assume that water resistance exerts a force on the object that is proportional to the velocity of the object, with proportionality constant 10 N-sec/m, nd the equation of motion of the object. After how many seconds will the velocity of the object be 70 m/sec. Remark: We will use the books convention that down is the positive direction.

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Example # 3, cont.
Solution: We use Newtons second law with F (t , v ) = mg (1/40)mg 10v , Thus, we must solve the IVP 100v = 100(9.81) (1/40)100(9.81) 10v , We begin by solving the ODE which is linear: v + 0.1v = 0.975(9.81). The Integrating Factor is (t ) = e Using this, our solution is v (t ) = e0.1t
Professor Nicholls (UIC)

m = 100,

v (0) = 0.

v (0) = 0.

0.1 dt

= e0.1t .

e0.1s (0.975)9.81 ds + C .
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Example # 3, cont.
Solution: Recall that our solution formula is v (t ) = e0.1t so that v (t ) = e0.1t 0.975(9.81/0.1)e0.1t + C Now, the initial condition gives 0 = v (0) = 95.6475 + C , so C = 95.6475, and v (t ) = 95.6475 1 e0.1t .
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e0.1s (0.975)9.81 ds + C

= 95.6475 + Ce0.1t .

Example # 3, cont.

Finally, we seek T such that v (T ) = 70: 70 = 95.6475 1 e0.1T = T 13.162.

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