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Life 0

Part 1
Good day, everyone. I am Hyoudou Issei. I started as a devil in the spring; its summer now. The seasons feel like they are moving by fast... I was trying to stop the blood from gushing out of my nose with my fingers. ra, sia your skin is beautiful. I am !ealous." #$#o way. %u&hou, your skin is white and the te'ture is smoother." (fufu, your words make me happy." )hile speaking in front of me, the &rimson and golden haired bisho!o were standing and washing themselves, &overed with foam from the body soap. *es+ %u&hou and sia were naked+ ,ight in front of my eyes+ These two girls+ Is this -hangri$.a/ 0r is this an illusion/ This dreamy situation was o&&urring right in front of me. I felt like tears would &ome out of my eyes+ #o, in reality tears were &oming out. I &ouldnt be more happier than this+ situation in the bath+ I knew that there was no God in this world, but how &ould there not be a God there/ )hat am I thinking/ This is a gift from the heavens themselves+ #o no, this situation is a gift from 1aou$sama. )ait...1aou$sama is %u&hous big brother+ To better e'plain the situation, when I went to the shower, I met sia while she was in the middle of undressing. -orry+" fter apologi2ing, while I was trying to go outside3 Ise, youre going to bathe as well/ ra, sia as well/4 I met %u&hou who was trying to enter the bath. -in&e you two seem like you want to bathe together, it would be mu&h faster if all three of us entered" 3)as %u&hous unbelievable proposition. nd !ust like that, we entered the bath. #ormally this would be an impossible situation. However, even after I stared at their naked bodies, they didn5t seem to be embarrassed. It was progress like a mira&le and a dream &ombined together. 6ven I, who had been &alled the in&arnation of a pervert, was disturbed about how to handle this fortune of good lu&k in front of me+ I tried as mu&h as possible not to stare at them. In reality I wanted to see+ I wanted to look at them+ I wanted to engrave their bodies into my eyes and brain+ I wanted to use them for my personal fantasies in the night+ However, if I did that, my nose bleed would keep gushing forth until the bathtub would be&ome dyed red. I dont want suspi&ious things like that to happen in this situation+ I wanted this atmosphere to &ontinue as mu&h as possible+ 6ven though looking at them straight in the fa&e was a deadly poison, I didn5t feel that atmosphere in this bathroom+ I wanted this to &ontinue as mu&h as possible. This situation is definitely pre&ious+ 6ven if I !ust have to hear the two girls5 &onversation+ )hile staring at the &eiling of the bath, after having made my de&ision, I heard the voi&e of someone entering into the &hanging room3 )ith a splash I heard something entering. 78la&k9

)eight was pressing on my body and the finest, softest sensation was stimulating my skin. :earfully trying to &onfirm it3%u&hou was inside the bathtub leaning on my body. (ooooooooooooooooooooooooooh+ I$I w$was in the bath with girls, and to top it off I was in &onta&t with their bodieeeeees+ I wanted to enter the bath with Ise like this on&e". )ith a smile on her fa&e %u&hou was pressing her body even more+ (oooooh+ :rom %u&hous hair the smell of shampoo was &oming out+ The tou&h from %u&hous body is too stimulating and my brain has rea&hed its limit+ (ggh+ It &ant &at&h up with this situation+ Hey, Ise. ;o you hate entering the bath with me/" Thats not the &ase+ Its the best+" However, its also true that my body &annot withstand it+ I am e'tremely happy but, at this rate, Ill die from e'&essive blood loss+ #o wait, isnt that the deepest desire as a man/ .ooking at sia, she seemed to be working on washing her body, but sometimes she would send sharp glan&es towards me. Is sia mad/ <ust by hearing that I am happy. I want to bathe with Ise$kun like this everyday." s if spoiling me, %u&hou presses further onto me+ (oooh+ Gush+ bit of blood gushed out+ I wont be able to hold it in like this+ %ut it seems like your body wont be able to withstand it. 6veryday seems impossible. How about on&e every = days/ 0r on&e every > days/ I wont like it if it5s only on&e a week." %u$%u&hou is selfishly trying to rewrite my s&hedule+ I feel %u&hou is selfish+ Thank you very mu&h+ 8rap+ -in&e sia is here as well I &ant make bold movements+ If only I was more &ourageous and had a more perverted nature, then I would3 ;o you want to atta&k me/" %u&hou spoke as if she had seen through my heart. s usual it seemed like my thoughts were easy to read. If sia wasn5t here, I may have been atta&ked3 seems like during our time alone3" 70pen9 )hile %u&hou was saying that, something vigorously entered the bathtub. -?uee2e+ -omething was embra&ing me+ I remember this soft sensation+ .ooking at it, sia was embra&ing me+ I hate being left out+ 6$6ven though I want to enter the bath together as well+" sia/ )hat big things you are saying+ (ooooh+ I am being &aressed by two girls in the bathtub, help meeeee+ %u&hous fa&e &hanged into a sharp e'pression. -he raised her eyebrows. Get away sia; sin&e its this situation I will say it &learly. This boy is mine. 1y family and my servant. Hes my Ise. (nderstood/" Thats right. I am %u&hous servant. :or %u&hou, I e'ist solely as a pet. <ust as a pet, she puts in ?uite the effort but it might be that all devil girls are like this. bove all, %u&hou hates her things being

tou&hed by others. -he may forgive another devil for tou&hing me on the outside, but on the inside, I have heard that she &ant bear it, espe&ially if it is a girl. It goes above her limits. I guess I am !ust part of her best &olle&tion. -in&e I possess a power beyond rare, she probably wants to treat me pre&iously. It seems like she used to treat me more like a pet but now3It must be my imagination. *eah. %e&ause I want to think like that, I feel that way. That may be true. %ut hes my Ise$san as well+" sia was adoring me as well. )hen I was taking an afternoon nap in my room, without me reali2ing it, she sneaked in and slept soundly ne't to me. )hen I woke her up and told her Go ba&k to your room and sleep", she said with a sleepy fa&e 8arry me to my room3". That5s how mu&h she adores me. I thought I was going to die at that time+ *es, I &arried her to her room+ However, while I am talking to other girls, she would often puff put her &heeks. I guess its be&ause she doesnt want her 0nii$&han to be taken by others. In manga and anime there are &hara&ters with attitudes like that. The problem is that that it is diffi&ult for it to es&alate to a love relationship. )ell, I swore to prote&t sia as my mission so I dont want that to happen that way. I am more than happy by being spoiled like this by her+ h, its awesome being adored by a golden haired bisho!o+ (pon hearing sias words, %u&hou narrowed her eyes. 0nee$sama, I am s&ared+ )erent they intimate friends until !ust a moment ago+ )hy did it have to be&ome like this+ The small bathtub was be&oming a war 2one for the two girlsss+ sia its be&ause youre normally adored by Ise. t least hand over these times to me. I am healed !ust by being with Ise. It takes away my daily e'haustion too." %u&hou was trying to slightly separate sia from me but sia was stubbornly &linging to me+ (waa, sias boobs are soooo soooooooooft+ #o, #o+ I am holding it in too+ I also want to be with Ise$san+" sia shook her head sideways and hugged me tightly+ h, )hatever+ #o$#ose bleed3+ sia looked at me with ha2y eyes as if she wanted to tell me something. ;ont look at me with those eyes. I will only want to &are for you even more. 3" 6ven though she didnt say anything, %u&hous fa&e twit&hed. -uddenly she took my hand and3 7%oing9 -he pla&ed my hand on her boobs. 1y fingers and palm felt an e'treme softness+ )hile my hand was asleep, it was massaging her boobs, but %u&hou wasnt &omplaining+ Has sia done su&h a thing/ 1ine and Ise5s relationship is su&h that we &an do these things." -&ary+ )hile speaking in a plain manner, %u&hou was hiding thorns in her words+ )ait, %u&hous boobs boobs booooooobs+ )hile wat&hing this s&ene, sia5s whole body was shaking. Her &heeks swelled and puffed as her temper rea&hed its limit+

sia also took my other hand3 7%oing9 -he pla&ed it on her breasts too+ siaaaaaaaaa/ )hat a wonderful person you are3. #o, you are doing something that you shouldnt+ )hat a perverted girl you have be&ome+ This must be %u&hous and keno$san5s influen&e without a doubt+ 6ven though you were su&h an inno&ent girlllll+ T$To have grown this mu&h+ Ise$san, between mine and %u&hous, whose breasts are better/ I lose in si2e but I wont lose in anything else+" ra, Ise loves bigger ones. He has said a lot of times that he loves my breasts, right Ise/" )hile I held my hands on their breasts, those two were sending sparks off at ea&h other. 33. @;rip@ Its impossible. :rom within my nostrils it felt like something had ruptured. ;rip drip drip. 3. nd that was it. lot of blood was spilling out of my nostrils and the bathtub was be&oming dyed red. )ith blood everywhere, I started losing &ons&iousnesses. Hey, Ise+" Ise$san, hold on+" 3 I am satisfied. However my body &ould no longer withstand it. If these girls dont remember how to stop the bleeding soon, I am going to die+ I want a resour&eful person+

Part 2
The ne't day, I was hurrying towards a &lient on my bi&y&le late in the night performing the duties of a devil. I was in the middle of great work+ ;uring the day, my blood was low and that was problemati&. 1y life with %u&hou and sia was fun but the stimulus was too mu&h. If I had been more like a playboy, I would have satisfied them both at the same time and pla&e. %ut those two &ame from a world with different values from ea&h other. The developments during that bath might have led to se'. If I had laid a hand on them with se'ual motives then I think the household would have been destroyed and there would have been no tra&es of our des&endants. %u&hou likes to attend to me like she does to her servants and sia must think of me as her family3 and she adores me like an elder brother. I shouldnt lay my hands on family living under one roof+ %ut abroad theyre more progressive towards matters of body relations. However the stimulus is way too strong3 If I &an5t even get used to this, then I5ll never be able to make a Harem+ In this situation, I won5t even be able to dream of be&oming a Harem Aing+ The dream is still far off+ 1eh, its fine. ,ight now I have to work inno&ently for my !ob+ If I keep doing my !ob, I will in&rease in rank+ .ets first get a position+ Ill work hard aiming to be a high &lass devil+ ,ight now I am moving by bi&y&le, but I have gotten used to the devil business like this, and my servi&e to the &ustomers is going well too. *o, ;evil$kun. -orry for today as well." fter looking at the &lient, I let out a sigh. The &lient was a bla&k haired man with a 4bad guy4 appearan&e. .ooking at him, I would have guessed that he was around BC. h, this person is a foreigner so I &ant tell what his true age is. 6ven though he is a foreigner, he only wears yukata. 1eh, its been hot re&ently. I think hes a handsome guy. 1aybe his fa&e is more attra&tive than The Handsome Drin&e" Aiba. However, the atmosphere from his entire body feels like a 4bad guy4, whi&h is definitely different from Aibas, but girls who like bad guys would fall for him at first sight. nd, I am summoned by this person everyday. ,ight now I am in his room inside his mansion. nd the person he de&ided upon was me. -omehow he seems to like me. I dont know why he likes me and even though he never has large re?uests, he &alls me everyday. *esterday he made me go buy bread in the night+ nd before that, he said .ets go fishing" and had me a&&ompany him to a nearby fishing spot+ nd before that3.+ I dont want to remember it anymore+ )ait, is it that big of a thing for you to even &all a devil/ #o, our business is to fulfill human re?uests. I shouldnt be &omplaining. 1y master ,ias %u&hou would s&old me, and in order to fulfil my goal as Harem Aing, I will have to live through this stri&t business+ ;evil$kun, would you play a game with me/ I bought a ra&ing game in the afternoon and I5m lonely without an opponent."

Heeeeey+ It5s that sort of re?uest again+ )ait, &omplaining is bad. *es, I would love to." Honestly, this is a good &ustomer for &ontra&ts. He gives ba&k more than what we demand. He started from a painting that looked high &lass, and then !ewels, and then even gold nuggets. 6ven %u&hou and the others were surprised. Thanks to him, its no doubt that my value is growing as well+ )ell, I guess I am thankful to him for that. lright, lets handle this easily today as well and go one step further on the road to be&oming Harem Aing+ The &lient was setting up the game. 0h yeah, he hasn5t even told me his name yet. 1aybe Ill be his favourite &ustomer from now on as well. .earning his name is obvious then. lright, I have set up the game. Its great to have so many items to waste time on in <apan. It isnt a bad pla&e. Here, take the &ontroller." h, thanks. *ou know I am good in these types of games." Heh, in that &ase its going to be fun. I am a beginner so please go lightly on me." *es, I am good at ra&ing games. Top speed legend Ise. I have played at every game &enter+ :ufufu, Ill show him+ The power that I honed in the war 2one known as the game &enter+ G0+" nd although I started off well, my lead began to fall short as the ra&es &ontinued. In the beginning, I had developed my overwhelming advantage but3 I briefly remember now. I should be &at&hing up to you soon." )hat &rap was he sprouting while thinking that3 (oooh, no way+" 1y &ar was slowly being surpassed+ )hat an unbelievable situation+ To be beaten like this by a beginner+ )I#+" He easily made it to the goal+ He must have been a master in short ra&es+ -eems like its my vi&tory, ;evil$kun." #ot yet+" 0h+ *our fighting spirit seems to be growing. )ant to do another ra&e, hm, ;evil$kun3 no, -ekiryutei." 33.6h/ 3333.. <$<ust now, what did he say !ust now3../ The words that &ame out of the mans mouth. (pon hearing that, a &hill went down my whole body. This guy, who the hell is he3/ )hy does he know that3./ He5s not human/ I swallowed and fearfully asked him. 3.)ho are you/" The man only opened his mouth a bit. )hile wat&hing the TE, he revealed... 2a2el, leader of the fallen angels. #i&e to meet you, the -ekiryutei, Hyoudou Issei.

)I#+" :ar away from the goal, the mans &ar easily &aught up with my stopped &ar and went past the goal while in his se&ond lap. That instant, FB !et bla&k wings e'panded from the mans ba&k...

Life 1 Its Summer! Its swimsuits! I am in trouble?

Part 1
This isnt a !oke+" The &rimson haired bishou!o$sama had her eyebrows raised with an angry e'pression on her fa&e. ,ias Gremory %u&hou. -he is my master and a high &lass devil onee$sama. t s&hool, she is the president of the 0&&ult ,esear&h 8lub. -he is a very stri&t yet also very kind person. -he5s !ust what I longed for+ nd, that bishou!o$sama that I longed for was giving me a lap pillow3 s usual, %u&hous lap pillow was soft and it made me emotional !ust like before+ %y the way, we have &hanged into our summer uniforms and they5re short$sleeved. It is a wonderful season when we are lightly dressed+ Indeed, even though it was de&ided that the meeting of the leaders of the devils, angels, and fallen angels would be held in this town, to think that suddenly the Governor of the fallen angels would intrude in my territory and interfere with our business3.+" %u&hou was trembling with rage. 0oh, she was s&ary3 few days earlier, be&ause of the event that o&&urred in this &ity between devils, angels, and fallen angels, the relations between the three fa&tions had been affe&ted to a &ertain e'tent. s a result, the leading members of ea&h fa&tion would gather together and dis&uss the future. )e got involved in that in&ident... but to top it off, we would have to be present at that meeting and report on the details of the in&ident. %efore the meeting date, 2a2el suddenly &onta&ted us. *es, he too was my &ontra&t &lient. He hid his identity and presen&e when he &ame into &onta&t with us. It5s &orre&t to say that it was an interferen&e in other peoples business. #ot to mention, sin&e it was the governor of the fallen angels, the topi& es&alated to an entirely different level. It wouldn5t end with !ust mis&hief. However, %u&hous family seemed like they werent bothered by the event. nd to top it off, to try and lay a hand on my &ute Ise, the pri&e is death+ I had heard that 2a2el was e'tremely interested in the sa&red gears. Its definitely be&ause my Ise possesses the %oosted Gear that he &ame in &onta&t with us3 Its going to be alright Ise. I will definitely prote&t you, Ise." %u&hou said what while patting my head. %u&hou was a high &lass devil that adored her servants and treated them as part of her family. -he hated her possessions to be tou&hed or hurt by others. 6spe&ially be&ause %u&hou treats me ?uite adorably, she is overly sensitive towards that sort of story. I5m happy, but its kind of &ompli&ated, be&ause I yearn for %u&hou, but %u&hou probably doesnt think about me the same way. Its a master$servant relationship between devils, right/3 The owner and the dog. Haa3.If %u&hou gets a boyfriend, then shell probably lose interest in me and throw me away3 If I dont be&ome a Harem Aing before that, Ill be lonely.

-eems like 2a2el is eyeing my -a&red Gear after all. He5s the governor of the fallen angels, right/" I let my worries out. If I am &aught by 2a2el, what will happen to me/ I am s&ared beyond my imagination3 fter hearing about my worries, the other male member of the &lub, the handsome prin&e Aiba opened his mouth. I heard from someone that 2a2el had deep knowledge about the -a&red Gears. I also heard that hes gathering &apable sa&red gear holders. %ut its going to be alright." s he &ontinued, Aiba looked at me as if he was going to lose me. I will prote&t you." 3Aiba, that feels disgusting. 3#o, um, I am happy but3how should I put this... if I hear su&h things from a man with a straight fa&e then Ill be troubled on how to respond3" Its obvious that Ill say that with a straight fa&e. *ou saved me. *oure my pre&ious &omrade. If I &ant save a &omrade from &risis then I &ant &all myself a Anight of the Gremory household." *eah, I understand that but... you know. *our tone isnt to be used towards a &omrade, a friend, and not to mention the male me. Its obvious you said that to a heroine. )ithout &aring about that, Aiba &ontinues. Theres no problem. 1y sa&red gear that attained balan&e breaker and Ise$kuns boosted gear, if we &ombine these two, then I feel we &an surpass even dangerous &rises. 3:ufu, I wasnt the type to say su&h things before. fter hanging out with you, my readiness for &omrades also &hanged as well. %ut I dont know why I dont dislike that3 Its hot around my &hest region" 3;$;isgusting. *ou3 ;ont &ome near me+ ;ont tou&h me+" -eriously, leave me alone+ *ou and I are !ust gonna be spreading around inde&ent rumors among a parti&ular group of girls. I dont want to be any more involved with you and the development of %.+ nd anyways, this guy, after the episode of the invasion of the fallen angel leader was resolved, his attitude towards me has been weird+ )hat do you plan doing by sweetening me+ ;o it with your &lients+ #$#o way, Ise$kun3" *ou sure get down easily, unne&essary feelings are bad for you+ nd, why do you really want to be here/ However, I wonder what happened3 %esides not knowing their movements, its diffi&ult to move here as well. The other side is the Governor of the fallen angels. )e &ant even &ome in &onta&t with him.4 %u&hou is pondering. )e &ant break down the relationship between devils and fallen angels any further on our whims. -in&e %u&hou is ?uite stri&t about that topi&, if there is no big movement from their side, then we wont move as well. 2a2el has always been like that, ,ias." -uddenly, we heard a voi&e that belonged to nobody among us. 6verybody looked at the dire&tion the voi&e &ame from and3 a &rimson haired male was smiling pleasantly. I remember this fa&e. )ait, keno$san and the others were kneeling in their pla&es, sia and I were the

only ones having trouble &oping with the situation. The new&omer, Genovia as well had a &onfused e'pression. %am+ 0u&h+ )hile dropping my head, %u&hou stands up. 0$0$0$0nii$sama+" -he let out a surprised voi&e. *es, he is %u&hous onii$sama and the &urrent 1aou of the devil so&iety, H-ir2e&hs .u&ifer$sama, hes that person+ 0oh, to meet 1aou$sama again at a pla&e like this+ 2a2el wont do anything like Aokabiel did a few days ago. He may do a prank like last time, though. The Governor will &ome earlier than the planned date." Is what 1aou$sama said. %ehind 1aou$sama there was the silver haired 1aid, Grayfia$san as well. Its obvious sin&e shes 1aou$samas ?ueen. I also hurriedly, like keno$san and the others kneeled down. fter looking at my a&tions, sia also &opied it. Dlease rela', I &ame for private business today." ,aise your heads, its okay to not be so respe&tful, is what he was suggesting. 6veryone obeyed that and stood up. Hey, my little sister. This room seems like a murder s&enery. I wonder how it is possible for this pla&e to be full of magi& &ir&les even though young girls gather here." )hile surveying the room, 1aou$sama is giving a bitter smile. 1eh, its indeed true. I got used to it but this really is a weird room after all. 0nii$sama, w$why are you here/" %u&hou asked doubtfully. )ell, that was a given. It was not really possible for the 1aou$sama who &arries the devil so&iety to show up in the human world in a s&hools &lub room. fter she said that, 1aou$sama handed over a unfilled printed form. )hat are you saying. 8lassroom visits are &oming soon, right/ I am also thinking to parti&ipate. %y all means I want to see my little sister working hard in studies from up &lose.4 h, now that you mention it, the s&hools visit was really &lose. 1y father was also in high spirits, so mu&h that he was even planning on taking a paid leave to &ome visit. )hatever, he seems to want to see sias &lass life more than mine. fter getting a daughter, my parents have been making a ru&kus like its a festival every time something o&&urs. Grayfia, right/ *oure the one who told 0nii$sama/" )ait a minute, Grayfia$san responds to the troubled looking %u&hou immediately. *es, the reports from the s&hool &ome to me who has been entrusted with the s&hedule of the Gremory household. 0f &ourse I am -ir2e&hs$samas Iueen as well, thus I reported it to my master." fter hearing that %u&hou sighed. Huh/ %u&hou isnt interested in &lass visit/ ;oes she dislike her family &oming to look at her/ 6ven if my 1aou duties are hard, even if I have to take a day off from my work, I wanted to parti&ipate in my little sisters &lass visit. ;ont worry. 0tou$ue will &ome over as well" 0ooh+ %u&hous 0tou$san as well+ I have looked at his fa&e on&e before. In the previous engagement party when I !umped in. He seemed like a dandy devil.

T$Thats not true+ Isnt onii$sama the 1aou/ To leave your !ob and &ome here+ The 1aou &ant treat a single ;evil in a spe&ial way+" I see, sin&e %u&hous 0nii$san is the 1aou, no matter if they are blood relatives, she &ant take it ni&ely that shes being treated spe&ially. However, 1aou turns his head sideways. #o no, this is my work as well, ,ias. &tually I thought about &ondu&ting the &onferen&e between the = fa&tions in this s&hool. I &ame to inspe&t the meeting pla&e." )$)$)haaaat/ -eriously/ I &ouldnt hide my surprise. #o, not only me, everyone looked sho&ked. *oull do it here+ In this s&hool, ;evils, ngels and :allen ngels, youll hold their meeting here/ 3Here/ ,eally/" %u&hou has her eyes wide open as well. )ell if you hear that you5ll try and &onfirm on&e more. h, This s&hool somehow seems to have fate tied to it. 1y little sister, you, the legendary sekiryutei, the holy devil sword user, the holy sword ;urrandals wielder, 1aou -erafall .eviathans little sister is atta&hed to this pla&e, Aokabiel and Hakuryuukou atta&ked this pla&e. This is a phenomenon you &an5t label as &oin&iden&e. -trong powers keep mi'ing in, its like wave motion. I think the person a&&elerating this wave motion is Hyoudou Issei$kun$$$the sekiryutei." 1aou$sama glan&es to me. If the 1aou$sama looks at me then I get nervous3 re you the devil. #i&e to meet you, I am Genovia." The one who intervened in the &onversation, the girl with the green haired mesh, is the new&omer devil, Genovia. t first glan&e shes a proper bisho!o but even though she looks like this shes the wielder of the legendary holy sword, ;urrandal, shes %u&hous newest family member and another Anight. Good day to you, Genovia. I am -ir2e&hs .u&ifer. I got the report from ,ias. The holy sword wielder of ;urrandal got rein&arnated as a devil, not to mention she be&ame my sisters family3 Truth be told, I was doubting my ears when I heard it the first time." I also didnt think that I would be&ome a devil. To be rein&arnated into the side I kept on killing, even if I say so myself, I sometimes regret it and that it was ?uite a bold move. 3*eah, thats it. )hy did I be&ome a devil/ ;esperation/ However, at that time, truthfully, anything was fine3 %ut, was it really fine to be a devil/" 3 h, shes on&e again thinking deeply with her head in her arms. This girl says bold things but she ends up regretting it later on. -hes a hard to understand girl like always. Hahaha, its great that my little sisters family has a lot of interesting people. Genovia, sin&e you !ust got rein&arnated you wont understand your own way but I want you to support the Gremory household as ,ias family. Ill be &ounting on you." If I am asked by the .egendary 1aou written in the %ible to do it, then Ill have no &hoi&e but to do it. I dont know how mu&h Ill be able to do but allow me to do whatever I &an in my &apability." fter hearing Genovias words, 1aou$sama smiles. That smile was e'a&tly the same as %u&hous. Thanks." fter hearing 1aou$samas thanks, Genovias &heeks also be&ame a bit red. #ow then, lets &ontinue the diffi&ult &onversation somewhere else. Hm, however, even though I &ame to the human world, its night time. )ould a lodging institution be open right now/"

)hat would a lodging institution be 3It may be open but it would take time to sear&h for su&h a thing. Hm, then3the thing I was thinking in my mind, I raised my hand and said it. h, if thats the &ase then3"

Part 2
I see. I am relieved that my sister wasnt &ausing you any trouble." #o way, 0nii$san+ ,ias$san is a really good girl." *es, ,ias$san is su&h a wonderful girl that Ise doesnt deserve it." In my houses living room, the legendary 1aou$sama and my parents were e'&hanging greetings. %u&hou was besides 1aou$sama. %ehind him was Grayfia$san waiting on standby. fter that, I gave a suggestion. If thats the &ase, would you stay in my house"3 is what I said. t first 1aou$sama was &ir&ling his eyes but maybe after remembering that %u&hou was living in my house, Thats fine with me. I wanted to greet the &ouple whose pla&e my sister was boarding in," is what he said and readily &onsented. #o+ #o+" %u&hou was resisting &utely but theres no way you &an stop both 1aou$sama and Grayfia$ san; after the devil business was &ompleted, we &ame here to the Hyoudou household. *our red fa&e is so &ute. *ou would naturally be s&ared of what your brother, who5s also the 1aou, would say. :or the time being, regarding -ir2e&hs$sama5s personal info, we made it that hes %u&hous 0nii$san, and is the heir to the &ompany %u&hous father runs. Hes -ir2e&hs Gremory. fter using the name he threw away long ago on&e more, -ir2e&h$sama seemed to be having fun. The maid$san over there is3" *es, shes Grayfia." 1aou$sama answers my fathers ?uestion. &tually shes my wife." 6eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh/" 6veryone e'&ept %u&hou let out gasps, but Grayfia$san while being e'pressionless was pin&hing 1aou$ samas &heek. I am the maid, Grayfia. I apologi2e for my master speaking su&h boring !okes." It huwts, It huwts, Grayfia." The angry yet ?uiet Grayfia$san and the teary eyed smiling 1aou$sama. %u&hou who was beside them &overed her fa&e with her hands from embarrassment. h, %u&hous family seems to be interesting. )ho would have thought that the 1aou$sama would say !okes like this. -in&e Grayfia$san seems to be a&&ustomed to this as well, 1aou$sama must be doing mis&hief fre?uently. )ell then, Gremory$san, would you be attending the &lass visit as well/" 1other asks 1aou$sama. )ithout shame, her &heeks were dyed red. 1other, were you fas&inated by 1aou$samas beautiful fa&e/ )ell its a given sin&e hes %u&hous male version, he would be &ool. I &ant say anything after seeing him rubbing his &heek where he was pin&hed3 *es, I have taken a break from work, so I thought I &ould use this &han&e to see my little sisters

s&hool and also how she looks in &lass. 0n the day of the visit, my father should be &oming as well." h, ,ias$sans 0tou$san as well." :ather helped in the establishment of Auou Gakuen, like me, it seems this was a good &han&e for him to &ome visit as well. lthough frankly I think he !ust wanted to see ,iass fa&e." Gremory$san+ )ould you like some sake/ )e have some deli&ious sake of <apan." 0tou$san brings out a treasure$bottle$like$sake from the kit&hen. Heey+ 0tou$san+ -uddenly taking out the sake+ Isnt that rude+ However, in response to my an'ieties, 1aou$sama lets out a smile. That is e'&ellent+ .ets drink it by all means+ -in&e <apanese al&ohol goes down well with a &apable mouth+ 1aou$sama was mu&h more friendlier than you would imagine.

Part 3
#o$#o way3 I &ant sleep together with Ise/" The fun party was over, and it was time to sleep. In front of my room, %u&hou was approa&hing 1aou$sama with a stri&t fa&e. I wanted to talk with him a bit while being on the bed. -orry, ,ias, but !ust for tonight lend me Hyoudou Issei$kun." I see. 1aou$sama wants to sleep while talking with me, hes already pla&ed the futon for guests in the room. %u&hou who sleeps with me every night in my bed. -he seems to be &ompletely sad from not being able to sleep with me. *eah, like her love to her servant ends here. It seems like its mean to %u&houJ like a little girls stuffed doll whi&h she uses when sleeping gets taken. Its too &ute. Theres something keno$san said to me. It seems %u&hous degree of dependen&e towards me is in&reasing by the day. -he said I am really &ute to her, on the other hand I am s&ared whether I, myself &an be able to answer her e'pe&tations or not3 %y the way, even now I am sleeping with %u&hou and sia together. 6very night we slept like the kan!i for river. %ut you know, if we = sleep together every time, strangely I have be&ome relieved. I understood it as husband and wife always sleep together. If I had an elder and younger sister, would it be like this/ I get used by %u&hou as a hugging pillow, sia too not wanting to be defeated hugs me as well, I have been making wonderful memories every night but3 beyond that it hasnt developed3 1aybe be&ause it feels like its family love/ %u&hou says that she has an illness, that if she doesnt sleep with me shell die. sia says if she doesnt have me by her side like usual she gets sad and hates it. ;oes hugging me feel good/ That reminds me, re&ently 1atsuda told me, amidst shedding tears, I smell sia$&han5s s&ent from Ise+ )hats the meaning of this/" )ell thats a given. %e&ause we sleep together everyday. Its not strange even if I give out sias s&ent. I reply ambiguously to that but, wouldnt strange rumours be spreading amongst some boys/ :ufufu, no doubt the boys from my &lass think I have graduated from my virginity. Its best you think that+ It isnt bad that they think that+ Though I havent been able to graduate+ If this was Aiba or some other guys, would they have already slept with %u&hou/ #o no, thats not true+ 6ven though its this wonderful situation, there is a proper order for things. :or me to skip the order and atta&k %u&hou is3 7If you look at it from guts, youre not the ,ed ;ragon 6mperor but the ,ed Eirgin 6mperor, Dartner.9 -uddenly, the one who says that is ;draig. -haddup+ .eave me alone+ In the meantime I will do e&&hi things with %u&hou and you !ust keep on looking from there+ Ise3" The one who hugs me is %u&hou+ (oooooh+ I am happy but in front of two people having this done, I

am seriously embarrassed+ t s&hool shes the &old and &ool %u&hou but, re&ently at home shes like this. It resembles an offi&e lady who &an a&&omplish anything &almly but when she goes ba&k home, in front of her pet she be&omes like a kid. 8an you sleep alone/ re you alright with me not being beside you/ I am not alright though. <ust by you not being beside me3" 0!ou$sama, now lets return ba&k to our room. I will be there in your room as well. )ell then, -ir2e&hs$sama, good night." Grayfia$san takes away %u&hou who was saying something. %u&hou went away from my body. I know, Grayfia3" %u&hous shape seems as if shes regretting it. That s&ene looks like a s&ene where the parent and &hild have to get separated. h, (m, Ise$san, good night. I also think its unfortunate but tonight Ill sleep in my room." -lightly bowing her head, sia headed off towards her room while keeping her smile on. The only two left were me and 1aou$sama. #ow, shall we enter inside/" *$*es+" <ust by him entering my room I am nervous+ 1aou$samas posture is elegant, the aura surrounding demons is ?uiet around him but even an amateur like me &an sense the terrifying &on&entration of magi& power in my skin. Drobably !ust by &on&entrating a bit of his power I would be redu&ed to dust. %ut I &an feel his splendor. %e&ause this person is at the highest of the devils, we &an &ontinue on our devil !obs with pea&e like usual. This is the 1aou... <ust by inhaling the same air as him you &an tell that he is of an entirely other &lass. )hile I was trying to prepare myself to sleep together with him while having never had a proper &onversation before, the lights were swit&hed off and I was beside him. I heard you met 2a2el." 1aou$sama said that to me. 3...*es." I a&knowledge to that obediently. I hear he did nothing to you but did he say something to you/" 35I5ll meet you again ne't time,5 is what he said." I see. 3... 2a2el has a strong interest in the -a&red Gears. *our boosted gear is no e'&eption. &tually, same as you, a person possessing the .onginus has gathered alongside him.4 3..:or what purpose/"

I dont know that. %ut, 2a2el is the Governor of an organi2ation with the power to affe&t Heaven, (nderworld and the human world. If he uses that, it will span a lot of digression. However, he doesnt like war like Aokabiel does. Its be&ause of that that the fallen angels were the first to withdraw from the great war of the past." *eah, to be honest, I dont want to have another owner other than %u&hou. I mean, I &ant even go to that pla&e. If I get for&ibly brainwashed, then what will I do3 s if reali2ing my &on&ern 1aou$sama speaks in an en!oyable tone. ;ont worry. I guarantee your safety. :inally the legendary dragon &ame to the devil side so Ill have them give you a good treatment. $$$$ nd also my little sister treats you dearly. I5ve never seen ,ias have so mu&h fun, even in the underworld. I am sure she must be having fun everyday. I feel that it is thanks to you." This person must really &are for %u&hou from his heart. I felt his words !ust now were overflowing with deep affe&tion. Hyoudou Issei$kun. Take &are of my sister, of ,ias, from now on too." *es." Thats obvious, 1aou$sama. I will prote&t %u&hou from now on as well. lways. 6ven if I be&ome alone, it wont &hange the fa&t that I am %u&hous family. 6ven if I be&ome the Harem Aing, if %u&hou gets in trouble I will &ome rushing for her. I3 no, I am %u&hous3 ,ias Gremory$samas pawn." Thanks. $$$$0h yeah, Hyoudou Issei$kun. Is it alright for me to &all you Ise$kun like my little sister does/" 0$0f &ourse+ Its an honor+" I see. Then, Ise$kun, wont you &all me by my name/ 0nii$san is fine as well." 0$0nii$san/ )$)hat are you thinking, are you my onii$san3/ I dont get it but I think its a very high honor. Its rude after all is what I feel, would &alling you -ir2e&hs$sama be alright/" Then, let5s do it that way. *eah, however, its a pity. I wanted to be &alled 0nii$san by the legendary dragon3.. 1eh, it will be&ome that before long, so it should be fine with this for now." / H$Huh3." -eems like -ir2e&hs$sama somehow &ame to a self &on&lusion. I dont get what hes thinking but sin&e hes the 1aou$sama it must be a high level anguish. %y the way Ise$kun." *$*es/" The boosted gear &an transfer the in&reased power to someone else." *es, thats true." The topi&s different but you seem to like the big breasts of girls, right/" *es+ I love them+" h, I affirmed it in a loud voi&e in front of -ir2e&hs$sama+ )hat a rude thing+ I am so embarrassed+

However, I sure am obedient to my desires+ 6ven as her brother I think that ,ias breasts are bountiful." *es, %u&hous$$$1asters breasts are the best is what I feel+" 0nii$san+ %u&hous boobs are the best+ They really are the best+ Thank you very mu&h for raising them up+ I5m giving thanks from my side as well+ This is a Hwhat if ?uestion but3.. if you transfer your in&reased power from your boosted gear to ,ias breasts, what will happen/.. 1eh, dont worry about it." $$$$$$$$$$$/" That moment, a sho&k never before felt in me was born. 33(se boosted gear on %u$%u&hous boobs3../ #o way, that thing3.. is possible3../ #o, but+ That &on&ept wasnt present+ Gift to boobs+ To transfer the power of -ekiryutei on boobs+ Th$ That is, what e'a&tly would happen if that o&&urs/ I &ant imagine it+ I &ant predi&t it+ ;ammit+ 1aou$samas thought level is far above mine+ )hat &on&eptuali2ing power+ 3..)ould the si2e simply in&rease/ It &ant be, that beautiful pair would be able to even wrap around national treasure level items/ #o no, would they shine while stret&hed/ (h,uhhhhh+ I dont know+ 1y brain was howling as if my e'panding thoughts were raging. 0ver here, Ill rotate my head so mu&h that itll be the largest rotation done in re&ent times. %oth of my hands fingers were twit&hing un&ons&iously fa&ing the sky like they were s?uee2ing boobs. 1$1y eyes are be&oming &lear+ #ot good+ I &ant sleep+ I &ant sleep+ If I gift it to %u&hous breasts, what will happen/ Good night, Ise$kun." )hile -ir2e&hs$sama went to sleep beside me, I was endeavoring the whole night with my delusions without getting an answer.

Part 4
-everal days after -ir2e&hs$samas visit. -ir2e&hs$sama and Grayfia$san left my house the day after they stayed over at my pla&e. -eems like they are investigating the &ity but if you look at it from my perspe&tive who attended to -ir2e&hs$sama for several days, you &ould only think of it as sightseeing3 #o, sin&e its 1aou$sama, no doubt hes per&eiving it from a point of view I &ould never imagine+ He &ompeted with me in game &enters Kseems like he wants to establish game &enters in the underworldL, at the hamburger shop tested out all the flavours Khe said he wanted to open &hains of restaurants in the underworld3L, we went to the -hinto shrine Kwith 1aou$samas absolute demoni& power the shrines holy power was driven away, so we &ould go inside. 1aou$sama is &apable of anything+L, even though at first glan&e it seemed his a&tions were all travel and en!oyment, I feel he was serious in everything. I am a devil la&king in training to even think of that+ %y the way, if I give the gift to %u&hous boobs then what will happen, I havent got an answer to that yet3 1ight as well ask her/ #o, I &ant ask for that+ %u&hou+ 8an I use boosted gear on your boobs/" Idiooooooooooot+ *ou &ant say this stupid line+ %ut, it bothers me+ )hat will really happen/ %u&hous boobs3 )hile thinking that sin&e the morning, the holiday be&ame a work day. )ere leaving." )e three go to s&hool from the house. Today is a holiday but, be&ause there is something to do, we head towards the s&hool. Guuh+ This is the most awaited day of all days+ h, my heart is dan&ing+ 1y hearts beating loudly+ ;rip drip drip, my drool kept &oming out one after another. person &alls to me who had a lowly smile on her fa&e. 1orning." The one meeting us in between is Genovia. -he is living alone in an apartment near my house. -he who be&ame a devil under various &ir&umstan&es doesnt want to go ba&k to the land of the Eati&an. :or that purpose she started living in this &ity, but seems like she didnt like sleeping in the old s&hool building so she rented an apartment. lthough that apartment also has an aura of devils hanging about. -he lives in our neighbourhood be&ause her master, %u&hou and same as her, sia both live in my house. If theres something she doesnt understand while living there, she &an &ome to our house easily sin&e it5s &lose by. 1eh, if she suddenly starts living in a different &ulture and living standard, there are a lot of things she wont understand. 0h yeah, sia and Genovia as well were both surprised at the opening of umbrellas during rainy days. -eems like over there they dont open their umbrellas even on rainy days. fter looking at the vinyl umbrellas and getting e'tremely s&ared, the impression would be deep. ,eally, their &ulture is different. sia, were you able to finish last nights homework/"

*es. )hat about you, Genovia$san/" )ell, I dont know some things that are in <apanese. )ould you tea&h me/" *es+ Dlease leave it to me+..... %ut, Aan!i is still a bit3" 1e too. Its really s&ary that the <apanese learn these &omple' &hara&ters. I am &at&hing a glimpse of a part of a ma!or e&onomi& power." The two &hatting are sia and Genovia. Initially when they met it was really bad but somehow the fa&t that these two were dis&iples of 8hristianity was probably the main reason their relationship deepened. 6ven among the boys, The ?uiet sia", the energeti& Genovia" are &alling the two foreign bishou!o by those names. I see. This is also the .ord5s guidan&e." *es, it is the .ord5s guidan&e." men3 0u&h+" .ike this, while doing something they pray, and at the same time both of them take damage. )hat the hell are you two doing3" How many times have I done this straight man a&t. )hile &hu&kling in a low voi&e, %u&hou says. )ell then, you all. It will be the opening of restri&ted use pool." *es+ Today is pool+ The day I have been waiting for the most, the pool day+ (s 0&&ult ,esear&h &lub members were ordered by the -tudent 8oun&il to &lean the pool. Its already summer and the s&hool has to open the pool. %u&hou already gave her &onsent to &leaning with the &ondition of us having the very first use of the pool, we eagerly took out the moss leftover from taking out the water. few days ago, %u&hou bought a swimsuit. -he showed us in the house how it was but even though she wasnt wearing it, !ust by looking at it my nosebleed wouldnt stop. %e&ause, its ama2ing+ It was e&&hi+ Ill show it to you when we go to the pool this time," Is what %u&hou said, I waited eagerly for this day+ h, I have been living for the sake of this day+ I may be e'aggerating but maybe I &an be&ome skillful in this years summer+ The lonely summers till now were probably for this day+ If you talk about summer va&ation, its the season where a lot of boys graduate from their virginity. I too, in this summer3 Guuah+ (nlike last year, this summer I will be surrounded by girls+ If I have my first se'ual e'perien&e with %u&hou, its gonna be the best+ #o, keno$san is good too+ I &ant bear it+ I am burning with !ust my delusions+ I will en!oy Aibas share as well who &ant &ome today due to some work. Ise$san, are you thinking some perverted stuff/" sia pulls my &heeks with teary eyes but she &ouldnt stop my frightful fa&e.

Part 5
;ear Grandfather in heaven. Its the beginning of summer. The shining sun is giving us warm sunlight. I &ant stop my tears in front of this s&enery before my very eyes. 1y tears are worth it is what I feel. Hey, Ise. How does my swimsuit look/" Duh+ %lood is spilling out from my vigorous selfs nose. %u&hous white skin+ Her swimsuit design is showing too mu&h+4 The small red fabri& that is her brasserie+ Her %$%oobs+ This is not !ust a level where you &an see the lower part of her breasts+ The &aptivating leg lines are wonderful as well+ ra ara. %u&hou, you sure are fired up. (fufu, you really wanted to show it to Ise$kun. %y the way Ise kun, how does mine look/" )ith that keno san enters as well+ (nlike %u&hou, shes wearing an e'treme swimsuit of pure white+ .ike her the &loth is small+ ah, if the two onee$sama with eroti& bodies wear that, a lot of young boys will start slou&hing+ Ise$san. I$I &ame after &hanging as well." fter turning around I saw sia standing while fidgeting. sia is wearing the s&hool swimsuit. *eah, if a blonde haired bishou!o wears <apanese swimsuit then you will feel an in&redible power+ The name H sia written on her breast is wonderful as well+ sia, youre looking &ute+ *our onii san is deeply moved+ It suits you really well+" sia lets out a smile and is in a good mood. 6hehe. I am happy that Ise$san said that. Aoneko$&han is wearing a s&hool swimsuit as well." 0oh+ Aoneko$&hans wearing a swimsuit like sia, huh+ The name &ard HAoneko is &ute and wonderful as well+ *eah, its the birth of the lovely mas&ots+ 3#ot being looked at by obs&ene eyes is also a bit of a &omple' feeling I am getting." It seems like shes grumbling with a disappointed feeling3../ Huh/ %u&hou pla&es a hand on Aoneko$&hans shoulders, and while letting out a smile says, )ith that, Ise, sorry but..." *es/"

Part 6
*es, F, B. F, B." I was holding Aoneko$&hans hand and helping her out with feet pedaling e'er&ises. fter &oming to the pool the first thing I was made to do was tea&h Aoneko$&han who &ouldnt swim. Ise, help Aoneko out by being her partner." Is what %u&hou ordered me to do. The person in ?uestion Aoneko$&han is taking small breaths in between with a Duwa$ sound and pedaling her feet with her utmost effort. -omehow, seeing her trying her best is &ute. Aeep it up, Aoneko$&han+" sia is &heering for Aoneko$&han from the side. %y the way, sia &ant swim either. I have to help out in sias swimming pra&ti&e as well. )ait, I am not that good in swimming either. *eah, for me, I !ust want to stare at %u&hous swimsuit and worship her figure swimming in the water. I feel like while %u&hou is swimming in the pool her boobs will sway and something ama2ing will happen+ Duwa$. 3. -enpai, sorry for making you help me out3." Aoneko$&han says it in an apologeti& manner. #o no, its fine. Helping out with a girls swimming pra&ti&e is fun, I dont really mind." Its true. I would rather help out with a girls swimming pra&ti&e than to pra&ti&e with a brat. nd espe&ially if the partner is the &ute sia and the kouhai Aoneko$&han, then Ill do it for the whole day. 0ops, we have rea&hed the end." 8ompletely pedaling for B> metres and still having energy left, Aoneko$&han &ollides with me. 6ven though it was a &oin&iden&e, the general per&eption would be were hugging ea&h other. waawa, if it remains like this then as usual then 3. Dlease dont tou&h me." I might get hit with a pun&h like usual+ I was being vigilant, but Aoneko$&hans rea&tion was different. 3.Ise$senpai, youre une'pe&tedly gentle. 6ven though youre a pervert." 3I dont know whether I was being praised or not. Is it !ust my imagination that Aoneko$&hans &heeks seem a bit red/ )$)ell, I also want to do something for my kouhai. I am always &ausing trouble for Aoneko$&han so in su&h times I definitely want to help.4 I say it while patting Aoneko$&hans head. I tried what %u&hou does to me a lot. If you look at it from the point of view of a person below, I would be happy to be done something like this by a senpai of the opposite se'. )ait, I dont know if Aoneko$&han is fine with being patted on her head or not. -plash+ I hear the sound of someone !umping in the pool. In the other &ourse %u&hou was swimming elegantly+ (oooooh+ This is my &han&e+ I dived hurriedly into the water, and a&tivate my boosted gear+ I put the gauntlet on my left hand to my fa&e, and transferred the power that was doubled. 7Transfer++9

Dower flows in both my eyes, my eyesight suddenly in&reased+ 1y field of vision in&reased. I &aught a sight of %u&hou swimming far away+ I believe that my -a&red Gear is meant to be used in su&h times+ :a&ing the water resistan&e, with boun&ing movement %u&hous boobs are swaying uni?uely+ h, this is it, this+ The resistan&e born in water+ nd the swaying of boobs born from that+ I yearned for this+ That voluptuous bust was moving freely in the water+ )hat a whimsi&al method of swaying+ -hit+ %u&hou+ Thank you very mu&h+ Those things of yours today are too bountiful+ lright, after going ba&k Ill do it > times+..... storage in the brain, memory storage. Guh, inside of my head unforgivable sho&k is being infli&ted. Guh+ 1y breath is es&aping inside the water+ -uddenly looking up, I found Aoneko &han having her hand in the form of a &hop. 33)ont you look at sia$senpais swimming ne't/" Aoneko$&han seemed to be sullen. In the side sia was teary eyed. (h, even I, even I3..+" h, somehow even sia looked sullen. )hile I was &oughing, I on&e again said to sia. lright, ne't is sia. re you ready/" 3..*es. Ill be under you &are." .ike this, we moved ne't onto sias swimming lesson.

Part 7
3.. aaaaah, I am tired." %eside the poolside sia was going to sleep on the vinyl sheet spread out. I helped her out with pedaling pra&ti&e by grabbing her hand but maybe be&ause she was pumped up beyond e'pe&tation, we &ompleted the &ourse many times. Dool e'er&ises re?uire more energy than ground e'er&ises after all. :or sia who isnt really good at e'er&ise, it must have been e'hausting. Aoneko$&han is also by the poolside under the shadow resting while reading a book. :uu. I also let out my breath and sat down beside sia. I thought that after be&oming a devil my physi&al strength improved ?uite a bit, but this time I was tired. Dra&tising on your own and helping out in another persons pra&ti&e are like two different things after all. #ot to mention the partner was a girl. 723.2223.9 -ound of sleeping/ .ooking at the side, sia was sleeping due to being tired. 1an, thats a &ute sleeping fa&e. I definitely wont send her for marriage. red bat &omes flying towards me who is being healed by sias sleeping fa&e. Its %u&hous familiar bat. fter suddenly feeling someones ga2e on me, I turned my head around, on the other side of the pool was %u&hou. There was something that looked like a small bottle in her hand. Is that$$$$oil/ 8ream/ )hile smiling, she was be&koning me. Her mouth moved silently. $$$8ome here. (ooooooooooooooooooooh+ I$It &ant be+ :eeling something by intuition, I ran towards %u&hous side with God like speed+ There was only F thing that I was e'pe&ting in my mind+ Thats it, right+ Theres nothing e'&ept that+ $$0iling in mid summer+ I$It &ant be anything else other than oiling %u&hous body+ *ou &an even say that the oil massage is what you imagine in your dreams+ :or the unpopular me its like an illusion+ To think that I &an use both my hands on %u&hous soft body as mu&h as I want+ (oooh+ <ust by my delusions blood is gushing out from my nose+ Hyo$Hyoudou Ise has arrived+" .ooking at the e'&ited servant who appeared in front of her, %u&hou showed a surprised e'pression for a moment but immediately smiles strangely. -heesh, you really are. I !ust be&koned you here, you know/" )h3." 1y heart was seen through by her. I immediately blushed. (waah, I am embaraaaaaaaaaased+ I$I was

&ertain that she would say that I oil her+ This is a bit sad. #o this doesnt do. -in&e I was &alled by %u&hou, I want to a&&omplish some order of hers. -in&e I am %u&hous pawn. 3..%ut, oiling33 ;ont make su&h a fa&e Ise. The reason I &alled you is !ust that." Huh/" 1y voi&e &ame out in the pause. )hi&h means/ ;evils wont be sunburned. %ut, sunlight is a foreign enemy." %u&hou handed me the small bottle in her hand. Thats a spe&ial beauty oil. )ould you apply it on my ba&k/" *es+ )ith pleasure+" I replied without even a hairs breadth+ Thats obvious+ 1y brain understood the situation in !ust a moment+ I did it+ 0iling e'ists+ I thought it was a situation that was in my dreams but it really e'isted after all+ 1y tears wont stooooooop+ Then, shall we get ready immediately/" Gently. )ithout any hesitation %u&hou removes the bra of her bikini in front of me. Durun+ s the thing holding them wasnt present, the naked boobs showed themselves+ Good afternoon+ How many times does this make it that I have &onta&ted these boobs$sama / )ait, thats not it+ %u&hou+ Is it really alright to remove your bra without hesitation in daytime in front of me whos a boy/ The stream of blood thats pushing down. %y pressing my nose I somehow managed to stop it but maybe be&ause of my perverted nature, my ga2e is &on&entrating on the boobs+ ah, %u&hou+ Those are some pretty pink nipples+ %u$%u&hou+ If you remove your bra without hesitation like that then even my hearts readiness would be3+ )ait, at this pla&e+ Infront of a boy+ Is it alright remove it/" *eah, sin&e theres no other boy other than you here, I am alright with it." %u&hou answers ba&k with a smile+ ah, if you say it like that, I am deeply moved+ )ait, does she think of me as a boy/ I am a boy but its alright sin&e I am her servant/ (h, I dont understand. %ut looking at the situation its a big reward+ %u&hou lay with her front on the vinyl sheet, moved away her &rimson hair and had her ba&k fa&ed towards me. aaaaah, that white skin is da22ling+ -in&e she was front side down, those voluminous boobs were spreading out through the sides. wesome+ I want to press my fingers on those boobs that have spread out+ )ait, if theres a &han&e wont I be able to use my boosted gears double power and transfer it+/ #ow, go on." D$Dermission to tou&h %u&hous body !ust &ame out+ Its alright to tou&h that soft white skin with my hands+ 1aybe I was born for this day+ 1other, :ather, thank you very mu&h+ I am on&e again going one step ahead+

1atsuda, 1otohama+ I am &limbing the steps to adulthood more and more+ *ou guys &an &rawl on the ground+ I am going to fly today+ %y tou&hing %u&hous body my wings will grow out+ fter obs&enely moving the fingers of both hands, I went to tou&h %u&hous white skin. (waah, its ama2ing, it feels soft and slippery3. I am sure if I rub it, it would go boing boing3 I put the spe&ial formula oil of the devils on my hands, and rub it on my hands many times. #ow, towards the mystery of the female body+ Dito, nyuruuuuuu. fter tou&hing her, while spreading the oil I try and spread it on her entire skin. h+ ;amn+ %u&hous skin is ama2ing after all+ fter slipping so mu&h my hands feel that even they would be&ome slippery+ #ot to mention on tou&hing, everywhere is so soft that it would stret&h in my hands+ )hile pressing her skin with my fingertips, the nerves in my fingertips feel like they are over!oyed by having the high &lass elasti&ity between them+ pplying uniformly on the ba&k, I am doing it thoroughly enough to be &alled futile+ I &ouldnt tou&h the side boobs be&ause I was la&king in &ourage+ )hile saying my hand slipped if I tou&hed them, if its %u&hou she would forgive me. %ut, thinking about the feelings of guilt that would be born from doing that, I &ouldnt do it. (h+ I want to tou&h those boobs that have been spread ooooooooooooout+ lthough I plan on running my fingers on %u&hous ba&k to su&h an e'tent that it had no meaning behind it,but if I do it too &onspi&uously, shell probably get mad. %ut, I want to tou&h %u&hous skin forever+ Hey, Ise." *$*es+" 0n my body, theres no pla&e that you havent tou&hed now. -omehow this body seems to be &ontrolled by Ise." $$$$$$$+" )ith %u&hous stimulating and fas&inating line my brain got beaten+ )hy &an %u&hou speak su&h <apanese that &an ti&kle a perverts heart/+ ;o you want rub oil on my breasts as well/" ........ %u&hous beautiful <apanese is penetrating my ears+ 1y tears started overflowing+ *$*es+ 0f &ourse+ %$%ut is it alright/" I asked to &onfirm on&e but %u&hou responded while smiling with a nod. Its fine. ;o it &arefully later. (fufu, Ise really likes girls breasts right/" *es+ I really love them+" I affirm it while tears are flowing down+ I really like them+ I really love them+ Its the thing that I love the most in this world+ %oobs are !usti&e+ I want to rub them+ I want to su&k them+ h, my 0nee$sama+ I am being really spoiled by %u&hou+ Its the best, 1aster+

Ise$kun M, would you apply oil on me as well/" 7-?uee2e9 -omething soft, elasti& is sti&king to my ba&k+ T$This feeling+ I remember this+ fter turning ba&k my head, une'pe&tedly keno$sans fa&e appeared over my shoulder. #uaaaah+ $ keno$san+ )hen did you+ -?uee2e. -he spreads her arms around my body even more, and is hugging me from behind+ (waaaah+ The sensation of her boobs hitting my ba&k is being &onveyed from skin$$$$$. )ait, &loth$$$$$theres no sensation of a swimsuit &oming from my ba&k/+ I$It &ant be3. dire&t tou&h/+ keno$san, did you take of your swimsuiiiiiiiiiit+/ ra ara, its unfair that its !ust %u&hou." keno$san says to %u&hou as if shes &riti&i2ing her. )hile pressing her boobs against my ba&k+ 0n my ba&k the soft ob!e&t is moving as it wants+ Auh+ Its purposeful+ -hes pressing it purposefullyyyyyyy+ )ait, its not !ust the pointed tip, this stiff swelling feeling as well+ 1y hands stopped without doing mu&h+ #aturally+ If you have this done to you, even if youre in the middle of your hearts desire of applying oil, you will stop+ aaaaaaaaah+ keno$sans boobs, the elasti&ity is good, the softness is good, I am feeling a definite e'isten&e, its really ama2ing+ <ust by having big boobs being pressed on your ba&k, you &an feel the differen&e in thi&kness and heaviness+ H$Hey, keno. *ou know my oiling isnt over yet/ $ nd also I told you not to tempt my Ise like that, right/" %u&hou !ust lifts up her upper half, her eye balls were looking fier&e. Its &lear that shes displeased+ )ait+ %u$%u&hou+ If you lift your upper half while your bra was off3. Its &ompletely visible+ I &an see everything of your boobs+ In front of my eyes, her nipples are swaying in mid aiiiiiir+ ma2ing+ <ust by %u&hou moving a bit they shake in small &uts+ 7Dita9 keno$san pla&es her fa&e on my shoulder. <ust like that, our &heeks sti&k with ea&h other, and rub ea&h other+ In my whole body something unknown ra&es around+ Hey, Ise$kun. %u&hou is s&ary. I normally run around and get tired out, I !ust want to release the built up thing in my &ute Aouhai." God. Guh+ I am being bitten on the ear by keno$san, meeeeeeeee+ keno$san is too eroti&, as e'pe&ted I &ouldnt even ?uiver+

This person is really eroti&, I am an eroti& devil so my movements are being sealed+ I want to try to make sure that my nosebleed doesnt start gushing out+ %ut its strange+ ;rip by drip from my nostril it sometimes leaks out+ ,eally, Ise$kun is &ute. %u&hou, wont you give Ise to me/ In the future, when I am standing under %u&hous orders alone, I want to take this boy along with me after all." #o+ That boy is mine+ I definitely wont give him to you+" Theres no other boy as wonderfully &ute as him. $$$$Then, its alright for me be affe&tionate to him with e&&hi ways o&&asionally, right/" Thats prohibited+ I dont want the Ise of right now to know any girls other than me. )$)ell, if its sia then it &ant be helped but3.. %ut, if the partner is you, Ise will really be&ome a beast." ra ara, thats an e'treme way of sayng it. ;ont you think that boys are best when theyre beasts/ )hile %u&hou is hesitating3.Ises &hastity, IllJ" I wont give him+ That isnt a !oke+" (oooooh+ Its a struggle between the Aing and Iueen for me who is a pet+ aaaaaah, I am fine being a pet+ Dlease &all me a vulgar &ur+ Drin&ess, Iueen$sama+ %y the way, Ise$kun." keno$san+ ;ont speak &lose to my ears+ Her breath is hitting$$$$$$me+ ;ont blow upon me+ )hy is this person so eroti&+/ ;id you su&k %u&hous breasts/" #$#o, I &ouldnt su&k them+" ra ara, poor you. ,eally %u&hou, even though you pamper Ise but those points of yours, your guard is really stiff." keno$san says it &hallengingly. )hile talking to me, she a&tually is dire&ting towards %u&hou+ %u&hous fa&ial e'pression also gradually starts &hanging down towards a grim look+ -$s&ary+ If thats the &ase, in repla&ement I will let you su&k m$i$n$e." 33.. In that instant, my thoughts flew away. 336h/ <ust now, what did you say33/ %efore even &oming to an understanding of keno$sans words, 6roti& Iueen resumed her sensual temptation. ,ight now, the thing thats sliding on Ise$kuns ba&k, Ill allow you to hold it in your mouth. Is what I said, right/ ;o you get it/" 0n my ba&k keno$sans nipples are dan&ing+ I understood that my whole body &heered up. #o matter how mu&h keno$san teases her kouhai, me, i$if she does this3.. )hile moving your tongue, roll the pointed tip, you &an sti&k like a kid, su&k wildly with your instin&ts as an animal3.. Its my first time having a boy su&k my boobs so I &ant imagine what might happen3.." 1aybe its be&ause of keno$sans rough breathing, its atta&king &lose to my ears+ I$I am being atta&ked by wordsssss+ Is this keno$sans - side/ Its too stimulating that my minds blown away+

Hyu+ %on+ -omething passes beside me, in the ba&k I hear something &ra&kling to pie&es. :earfully looking ba&k, one of the pools diving boards had disappeared. Taking a glan&e at %u&hous dire&tion, in the palm of her pro!e&ted hand is an aura of demoni& power+ ;id you destroy it/+ :a&ing this dire&tion/+ keno. rent you going too overboard/ *ou, arent you forgetting that youre my servant/" %u&hou lets out a voi&e that worked on ;0-. H$Her eyes are looking dowwwwwn+ -&ary+ ra ara, if you be&ome like that then Ill be troubled. $$$$$,ias, I wont ba&k down/" 6eeeeeeeeek+ )hile smiling keno$san &loses her eyes, then reopens her eyeeees+ #ot to mention her tone is overflowing of anger+ -he surrounds her whole body with a gold aura, sparks are running with &ra&kles+ %u&hou lifts her body, keno$san also moves away from my body and stands+ The two bishou!o senpai with their boobs fully e'posed while developing magi& power in their full bodies are glaring at ea&h other while &lose to ea&h other+ (waaaaaah+ girls fight+/ I wont give you Ise. $$$$$$$$$Eulgar priestess of thunder$san." Isnt it fine to be affe&tionate. $$$$$$$$8rimson virgin prin&ess$sama" rent you a virgin yourself+" ra, if youre going to say that, Ill have Ise$kun take my virginity right now." #o+ Ise said he would take my virginity+" Immediately following that, destru&tive sounds started reverberating, %u&hou and keno$san flew towards the sky and started a girls fight that wouldnt be &alled the level of a fight. *oung girls shouldnt say Eirgin virgin"+ In the first pla&e keno, you hated men+ )hy of all people did you only take interest in Ise+" If you say it like that, even you ,ias have no interest in men, you said they all looked the same to you+" Ise is spe&ial+ Hes &ute+" 6ven for me Ise$kun is &ute+ I finally met a boy of whom I felt like that so it should be fine to pass Ise$ kun !ust a bit and let me understand men+" aaaaaaaah+ I somehow dont understand it but it turned into a big fight+ nd wait, without even minding that I am here, theyre letting out dangerous masses of demoni& poweeer+ %am+ (wah+ ;emoni& power &ame flying really &lose to me+ The poolside got smashed up+ This is bad+ If I stay here, Ill die+ Ill be killed+ I want to stop them but, I &ant stop them, the fight of those girls+ If I get mi'ed up in a battle beyond my level, Ill be annihilated+ )hile desperately apologi2ing in my heart, -orry, %u&hou, keno$san+", I ran away hastily inside the pool e?uipment room.

Part 8
7Dant3.Dant3.9 fter over&oming the verge of death, I was breathing heavily inside the pool e?uipment room. I barely es&aped alive+ Those two onee$sama5s are seriously s&ary+ If I had the ability, I would be rubbing both of them simultaneously while saying something like :ufufu, by my fa&e, stop this fight, my honeys." However, in reality it is futile. I &urled up in fear, and ran away !ust like that. )ell, for those two, I would be more like a &at or dog that theyre raising in their &lub room. -in&e I am only one, it ended up with them &ompeting against ea&h other for me. However, %u&hous and keno$sans way of showing affe&tion for their devil family is beyond my imagination. 33The road to Harem Aing is way too steep. )ait, in my world, are there really only s&ary girls/ I took in a deep breath but suddenly I felt someones presen&e. Genovia appears from the inside. 0h my, is it Hyoudou Issei. )hat happened/ nd, the outside seems a bit noisy/" Its better not to go outside right now. nd, you as well, what are you doing here/" *eah. Its my first swimsuit so it took time to put it on. ;oes it suit me/" 6ven though theres a girls &hanging room, she &ame all the way here to &hange/ It isnt an eroti& swimsuit like those of %u&hou or keno san but it was a bikini that was emphasi2ing the body &urves. h, after all, this girl has a good body as well. tight body. %ut its protruding where it should be. Her boobs are on the bigger side too, and her sleek hair as well. $ ah, I think it suits you. )hat, it5s the first time you5ve worn a swimsuit/ Is it be&ause of the &hur&hs rule being so stri&t, that offensive stuff like this is prohibited after all/" )ell thats right. Though before saying that, I, myself didnt have interest in stuff like this. Though the girls learning around me, the female soldiers let out their dissatisfa&tion at not being able to tou&h things like that." I see. #o matter how you see it :ighting seems to fit my nature," shes the type to say that sort of thing. %ut, not only did my future &hange, even if its !ust a bit, I want to e'perien&e the entertainment befitting girls, that5s how I feel. That5s what I have started feeling re&ently." Huh, is that so. <ust don5t get any weird ideas/ $$$$$is what Genovias solemn e'pression was showing. Hyoudou Issei. Theres something I wanted to talk about." Ise is fine. *oure also my &omrade." Then, Ise. I will say it again, wont you make a &hild with me/" 3333..

Hm/ Hmmm/ )hat did this girl !ust say right now/ Genovia in&lines her head dubiously and says ;idnt you hear it/ lright." and on&e again speaks rapidly. Ise, lets make &hildren together." 33.. 33.Hm/ Hmm/ )ere my ears broken/ ,ight now something that &ould really make any male happy, &ame flying to my ears but3. Genovia says it a third time to me who was doubting my ears. Ise, lets make &hildren together." 6eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh+/ $$$$$$$,e+" Genovia &loses my mouth whi&h was letting out a loud howl. -hh. ;ont let out su&h a loud voi&e. )ell be noti&ed." To be said not to let out a loud voi&e, thats impossible+ )hat the hell are you thinking+ 1$1$1$ 1aking &hildren+ *$*ou, suddenly saying that3." -he nods to the fluttering me. *eah, lets talk in turns." Genovia talks. I was born and brought in the head?uarters of the &hur&h, ,ome, so that the element to be able to wield holy swords would be born, from &hildhood, for God, for religion, I endeavored in my training and studies$$$$$$is what she said. :rom &hildhood, while saying that, dreams and ob!e&tives, everything was entwined with God and faith. :or e'ample, defeating devils was for the sake of the .ord, and the one propogating that, the Eati&an, while believing that, I5ve never doubted it. Thats why, after be&oming a devil now, you &an say that my dreams and ob!e&tives have disappeared." h, I understand that but3.. )$)hy is it that to m$m$make 8hildren3.." I think the &onversation leaped a lot, but what is this girl thinking about that part. *eah, while serving God, I had thrown away the part of me, a womens happiness. 1y body, my heart, I sealed everything for the sake of faith. However, like this, I am &urrently a devil. )hat should I do, initially I didnt understand. fter asking my present master, ,ias %u&hou$$$" ;evils are beings that possess greed, fulfill greed, award greed, and desire greed. Try living as you wish. That was what %u&hou said. Thats why, I felt free to release, what was sealed inside me, and be&ome skillful in that." ,elease a girls happiness33./ nd then, my new ob!e&tive, dream is$$$$$to bear &hildren." *$*ou want to do something that a girl &an do, is what youre saying/ Till now, under your religion, your sense of virtue was strong so you &ouldnt do it/" Genovia nods.

*es. I want to bear &hildren. :or that purpose you need a man as well, but its great, right/ 8hildren and at the same time we &an get to know ea&h other better." #o no no. I$I understood the story but why me/" re you dissatisfied/ 6ven if I am like this, I have a bit &onfiden&e in my body as a woman. 1y breasts wont be as big ,ias %u&hous but they5re bigger than sias/ I think theyre worth seeing, are they not/" (h, she says that while stroking her breast+ Indeed I think hers are on the bigger side+ )ait, its true that I want to rub them+ .ike massaging them+ )$)ell, even I want to do things like that with a girl. )ait, upon hearing that you will allow me to do it, I feel like Ill spring upon you+ %$%ut is it fine with me/ I am not your boyfriend, and I havent thought of having &hildren at this age+" 8hildren33 -omeday maybe even I will have them. (ntil a while ba&k it felt like I had no lu&k with ladies, I had given up at that time but after rein&arnating as a devil, my dreams and my aspirations &ame ba&k, I started thinking about the future as well. fter my &onfirmation, Genovia nods. Ise is fine. I think you dont reali2e it yourself, but you have the aura of a dragon on your body, probably be&ause youre &arrying the sekiryutei. I5ve felt it ever sin&e we met for the first time, its !ust a bit, but your dragon spirit is in&reasing." I$Is that so. I didnt reali2e it myself. 1ore than making &hildren, I want them to be&ome strong kids. spe&ial power in the fathers genes, or otherwise I want greater strength. nd thats where I think that Ise is the most suited one. The power of the legendary sekiryutei. 6ven if the kids dont inherit the sa&red gear, maybe the kids will inherit the aura/ This is a good &han&e. ;efinitely, this is the .ords guidan&e$$$$(h+ 33.I unintentionally prayed and re&eived damage, but thats how it is. nd theres perfe&tly no presen&e of humans here. .ets try it out on&e right now. If anything, the faster the better." %urun+ -uddenly without any hesitation at all Genovia starts removing her swimsuit infront of my eyes. Genovias breasts are getting e'pooooooooooooooosed+ They5re springing like %oing %oing+ Th$Th$The nipple33 The nipple is a beautiful pink. -in&e she had offered herself to God means that no one has tou&hed them, right33./ In repla&ement of God, will you offer them to me, huh, this girl+ ;rip33.. -in&e I started getting weird delusions, my nose bleed started flowing. Today, it5s fine no matter how many liters of blood I spirts out today+ #ot &aring about that, she &ontinued speaking. I know about the birth of devils as well. It seems its ?uite diffi&ult to make kids. 6spe&ially both being pure blooded, it5s diffi&ult but lu&kily both me and you are rein&arnated devils. The base is human5s, and your se'ual desire is strong as well. I e'pe&t if we do it every day, then within FC years I should be able to &on&eive. #o, if its your strong se'ual desire, then within a day, a number of times should be possible/ If you in&lude that then I think its possible within > years. ah, theres no problem from the side of the &hildren as well. %asi&ally I will raise them. However, if the &hildren desire love from their father, then only at those times I want you play with them. fter all, for &hildren the both, father and mother, are re?uired." 6eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh+ *oure already &arrying a pi&ture of an e'pe&ted future on you+

(nfortunately I dont have any e'perien&e with men. I plan on memori2ing it from now on, but for now I5ll learn with Ise who seems to be abundant with knowledge about se'." -hes a virgin after all+ )hy is that around me all the girls are voluptuous and without any e'perien&e/+ $$$$$$Hold me. If you do the pro&edure for making kids properly I dont mind you doing it as you like." Genovia &lings to me+ ($uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah+ 0n my &hest, theres b$b$b$oobs hitting on it+ T$Theyre soft+ -hit+ Is it fine to push her down+/ Is it fine to prepare myself+/ 1y first time is not %u&hou, but Genovia+/ Theres no one here+ #o, &an we finish it satisfa&torily/+ I am a virgin as well+/ If a man gets hugged here, hell go out of his mind+ Has it finally &ame, my graduation &eremony+ ah, 1atsuda, 1otohoma+ I am going far away+ Ill do e'treme things with girls in summer+ Is it for this purpose that a lot of high s&hool students &an finish their first se'ual e'perien&e+ .ets go+ .ets gooooooooooooooooo+ Dreparing myself mentally, I apologi2ed to %u&hou in my heart, while pushing Genovia down$$$$$$. 8li&k. ll of a sudden the e?uipment rooms door opens up. .ooking ba&k$$$$$. Ise/ )hats the meaning of this/" )hile showing a for&ed smile, %u&hou was standing there e'hausted. %u&hous body was &overed by a thin red demoni& power layer. ra ara, thats unfair, Genovia$&han. It was planned that I would take Ises &hastity/" keno$san is smiling, but somehow a s&ary aura is surrounding her+ -ob, Ise$san3 *oure mean3. 6$6ven I said it33" sia as well seems like she wants to say something while fidgeting, shes angry+ 33#o negligen&e nor any opportunities to atta&k." Aoneko$&han says that with a half opened eye+ )hats wrong/ Ise, now, lets make kids." said Genovia who had an oblivious e'pression. Heeeeeey+ This situation, read this atmosphere a biiiiiiiit+ .ets make kids." after hearing those words, the &olors on all the girls fa&es &hanged. Gah+ I get both my arms &aught by %u&hou and keno$san, and I5m getting dragged towards the pool+ Theres power surging in the hands holding my arms though+ %u&hou+ Theres a reason for this+" I know. Its my mistake. Its my fault for letting my eyes off you, who has an e'&ess of se'ual desire, for even a bit. %ut you know, Ise. I wonder whats the meaning of making kids/" %u&hous smiling sweetly+ -&ary+ -hes too s&ary+ .ets see. I want to hear about a mans heart about that a bit. )hat &ir&umstan&es would there be for it turn into a &onversation about kids I wonder/" Its keno$sans usual smiling fa&e, but her intensity is terrifying+

Gun+ -uddenly, a fleeting feeling atta&ks me, looking at my feet, a small girl with great power, Aoneko$&han raised my legs up and started dragging me+ 3..Taking the suspe&t." Aoneko$&han+ )hat do you plan on doing to me+ Huh+/ .ooking &losely, I am being &arried by the girls+/ *es. I see, :irst I have to win against %u&hou, Ei&e %u&hou, sia. This is a very diffi&ult task. However, if you have more rivals, then you burn more." Heeeeeeey+ )hy the hell are you rousing yourself all aloneeeeeeeeee+ 6ver sin&e before, Genovia runs her mouth speaking strange things but$$$$$. #o, theres also the part where I responded too3. Ise, if theres a &han&e then I want to make &hildren with you so remember that well. Drepare yourself as well." Genoviaaaaaaaaaaaaa+ ;rop me, -ave meeeeeeeeeee+" .ike this I got elements from Genovia that &reated further fri&tion. 6ven if I say so myself, my perverted spirit &ouldn5t refuse her.

h, it was a stimulating day3. fter leaving from the pool I was walking towards the &ampus. 8omparing it to the days when I had no lu&k with girls, this is heaven, seriously. However, whats this feeling of fatigue/ The nude bodies of the girls I &raved for+ #ot to mention, the skin of %ishou!o$sama+ %oobs+ The memory of those e'posed boobs swaying is stored in my brain but I wonder why the things that o&&urred after that let my e'haustion rea&h its peak. I playba&k the image of %u&hou and keno$sans boobs in my head after &losing my eyes. 3..Its wonderful but after that, %u&hou and Ei&e %u&hous de&isive battle at the top+" is replayed as well and I &url up at on&e. The angry onee$sama are s&ary3.. *eah, I dont want to disobey only those two, ever. Genovia is a problem as well. )ho &ould have thought that she would be that bold3. *ou &ant grasp her but after &oming here, her initiative has in&reased even further. %ut its &ute, Genovia as well. )hile leaving the s&hool building a glint of silver &ame into my eyes. Its at the s&hool gate. 33.." 33. :or a moment I had mistaken it as a s&ene from a movie. n ama2ing %ishounen is looking up at the s&hool building. -ilver haired. Grayfia$san was silver haired as well but that %ishounen$kuns was denser, more like, dark &olor was stronger. Hes a foreigner so I &ant estimate his age by looking at him but maybe around the same age as me/ *ounger than me/ #o33. <ust that hes looking up at the s&hool building, !ust that a&t was visible to me like an illusion. :uto, he

must have reali2ed my presen&e, his eyes are looking towards me. Those blue eyes were so transparent that one would be drawn in. )ith a smile like an angel he spoke to me while &oming towards me. Hey, its a good s&hool." (m3.. well sorta." I made a for&ed smile and replied refreshingly. )hos he/ There are a lot of overseas students at our s&hool so maybe he maybe transferring to our s&hool this time. I &ant let my s&hools impression look bad either. )hile I was pondering about how I would reply to ?uestions he would ask regarding the s&hool, he let out a single word whi&h I &ouldnt even have imagined. I am Eali. The Hakuryuukou$$$$ Eanishing dragon." 333 3336h/ )hat did this guy say$$$$$$$$$. This is the se&ond time we meet here, huh, )elsh ;ragon $$$$$-ekiryutei. Hyoudou Issei." T$This must be a lie. I felt like my left hand was burning. I &an understand that ;draig residing in me is responding. Hey hey, ;draig. Is this really him+/ )ill you unfold your Hrival showdown at this pla&e/ )ait, my heart isnt properly ready for this. If we fight here, %u&hou and the others might be hurt as well. I dont feel pressure. However, what is this premonition of death I am feeling/ If we did it, it wouldnt !ust be finished with this, not only my fa&e but my body is rea&ting as well. re the things that previous generations of senpais felt being &onveyed from ;draig and the sa&red gear/ Is this the thing &alled as Hdestiny+ ;ont fu&k with me+ I still havent done e&&hi stuff with %u&hou+ If I am gonna die Ill die after sleeping with %u&hou+ $$$)hat should I do/ )hile I was being &on&erned the vanishing dragon gives an inappropriate smile. Thats right. :or e'ample, if I begin to do something magi&al to Hyoudou Issei here$$$$ t the moment when the Eanishing dragons hand was &losing in front of my nose$$$$. Naaa+ Two swords were thrust towards Eanishing ;ragons ne&k. Aiba and Genovia were the ones who appeared in that instant. They were holding their Holy$demoni& sword and the holy sword ;urrandal towards the Eanishing dragon. I didnt feel their presen&e at all. )ith the Anights God like speed they &ame running to me who was in trouble/ Holy demoni& sword, Holy sword, together they were emitting an intense aura. %$%oth of their eyes are pointed, to the point of being s&ary. I dont know what you plan to do but dont you think your !oke went too far/" I &ant let you start your rival showdown with the sekiryutei here, Hakuryuukou." Aiba and Genovia as well speak in voi&es that worked on ;0-.

However, without moving even a bit, he$$$$. Its better if you stopped that. $$$$ rent your hands shaking." .ike the vanishing dragon said, Aiba and Genovias hands were shaking. The swords whi&h &ould be &alled tremendous, while grasping the holy demoni& sword and holy sword tightly, their e'pressions were stiffening. Its fine to boast. #ot knowing the differen&e between your opponents strength is strong eviden&e. $$$$%etween me and you there is a de&isive differen&e in power. *ou who &ouldnt win against the likes of Aokabiel wont be able to win against me." gainst the likes of Aokabiel$$$$$$. Hes the leader of the fallen angels who even though we Gremory family &ombined as one &ouldnt win against. <ust remembering that battle gives me the &reeps and sweat &omes. He was an opponent I didnt know if I &ould have won against even if I went into %oosted Gear s&ale mail mode. He must be possessing a lot of power to look down on him if he says the likes of". Hyoudou Issei, what rank do you think your strength is in this world/" -uddenly he asks me. 3-trength/ 1ine/ I dont know. I have been told that -ekiryuteis power is abnormal, its been often feared but I dont know the a&tual strength. Theres also the fa&t that I myself am way too ine'perien&ed. 8ounting from the top in your &ondition of the in&omplete balan&e breaker, it would be a O digit number$$$$ between FCCC to F>CC. #o, for the perverted owner, it should be even lower/" I kept on dubiously thinking about the opponent whose real motive I didnt know. )hat does he want to say/ There are a lot of strong people in this world. 6ven the 8rimson -atan, -ir2e&hs .u&ifer wont fit in the top ten." There are so many people stronger than -ir2e&hs$sama/ Honestly the me right now I &ant imagine it. Eanishing ;ragon raises one finger. However, the first pla&e is de&ided. $$$$Its a fi'ed e'isten&e." / )ho is this about. re you saying you5re the first/" He shrugs his shoulders to my ?uestion. *oull know it anyhow. However, its not me. $$$$Hyoudou Issei, youre a valuable e'isten&e. Its better if hes raised well, ,ias Gremory." Eanishing dragon looks in the dire&tion behind me. :ollowing his ga2e, %u&hou was standing. 0oh, its a seriously displeased e'pression. round %u&hou, there was sia, keno$san and Aoneko$ &han as well. 8orrespondingly sia was troubled and in &ontrast keno$san and Aoneko$&han looked ready to fight. Hakuryuukou, whats the meaning of this/ If youre having ties with the fallen angels then &onta&t more than re?uired is$$$$$" $$$$5The two heavenly dragons,5 the dragons &alled that way. )elsh ;ragon and Eanishing ;ragon. In the past those related didnt live a satisfa&tory life. $$$$How will you end up/" $$$$$" (pon that guys words %u&hous words were stopped.

%u&hou, what happened/ -he must be &on&erned about me probably33 I didnt &ome here to fight today. I !ust wanted to see the s&hool I visited last time. I &ame to <apan while es&orting 2a2el, but I was bored. I wont fight the )elsh dragon here, not to mention$$$$$ I have a lot of work to do." fter saying that, the Eanishing ;ragon turns his heels, and starts to leave this pla&e. 6ven though that guy leaves, a single thread of nervousness doesnt go away. Aiba and Genovia sheathed their swords but there was no relief to their e'pression. sia who &ame and nestled to me, without any words grasps my hands. Thanks, sia. -eems like my nervousness loosened !ust a bit. 2a2el and also Eanishing dragon. Deople who I never wished for keep gathering.

333" fter &oming ba&k to my room, I sat on the floor with my ba&k on the bed. .....Hakuryuukou. Eanishing ;ragon, the pair e'isten&e of the )elsh ;ragon residing in my left hand3.. is what I hear. %eing destined rivals, my %oosted Gear and the ;ivine ;ividing hes holding, fighting is their destiny it seems. The moment we met, ;draig rea&ted. nger3..not that. I think its a simple battle impulse. t on&e I understood something burning inside me. t that pla&e, if the opponent &ame &hallengingly, ;draig probably would have for&ibly made me go into the in&omplete %alan&e %reaker mode. few days ago, during the fight with Aokabiel when I met him, I didnt feel any hostility but, this time was different. He approa&hed me with interest. I think ;draig also felt that. 3Things like destiny, honestly I dont understand them. It seems I !ust randomly got the %oosted Gear, my senpais of the past who harbored him, following their fate, kept on the fight between the )elsh ;ragon and the Eanishing ;ragon, ;draig e'plained me that. 1y surrounding &olleagues also appeared that they somehow felt that they would alongside me with the other one, the Eanishing ;ragon. I dont get it. )hat the he&k is up with that/ I am Hyodou Issei and a mere devil. )hy am I getting involved in su&h dangerous things/ Theres no relation+ .ike I &are about things like fate+ lthough I felt that, I &ouldnt overturn that part. 6ventually, do I have to fight him/ #o. I hold no parti&ular grudges. ,ather, I feel grateful he defeated Aokabiel. h, but, hes a &omrade of the fallen angels, he took away the reason for me to su&k %u&hous boobs. I &ant forgive him for that+.....I wonder what happened. :or me to be&ome a high &lass devil, seems like there are going to be a lot of obsta&les. To raise my status to a high &lass devil, if you divide it broadly, there are = ways. :irst is, &ontinuing to take &ontra&ts with humans and steadily get more value. Its what I am always doing. 6ven those good at it arent able to do it, raising up your level from this &ontra&t is ?uite diffi&ult in my first impression. Its ?uite diffi&ult if you &ant take &ontra&ts from a lot of humans. :or e'ample, the president et&., &ontra&ts from those who left their mark in history. )ith an element of lu&k, and depending on the master they say, leaving aside the 1aster, I dont feel the presen&e of many bigshots in this &ity3 6ven under normal &ir&umstan&es, the business world of &ontra&ts is going in a lean period. %ut sin&e its a tradition of the devils, we &ant !ust stop it. -e&ond is, to perform a noteworthy deed of arms. This is like going to a battle like the in&ident that happened a few days ago with the leader of the fallen angels invading. .ast time as well, I was valued by %u&hou. -eems like there were lots of a points 3 )ell, he was the leader &lass of the enemies. 6ven if I defeat a fallen angel leader as a !oke, I will be valued. However, there are not many people who be&ome high &lass devils like this. Thats a given. To fight important people of fallen angels is more or less impossible due to the status ?uo of the = fa&tions. Its even said a battle will not o&&ur on&e more, so thats a very rare e'perien&e. The third way is to be a&tive in rating games. In reality this is the shortest way, a&&ording to what I

heard from %u&hou before. 1ore like, I was told that if I am aiming to be a high &lass devil, I should raise my name via games. In the underworld, it seems with these rating games, the business world e&onomy of the devils is livened up. #o matter what, merit in the game de&ides it. 6very distinguished familys rank is &onne&ted dire&tly to the merit in the game. That roasted fowl guy, ,ai2er Dheoni's family is also one that raised their name through the game. Those that were rein&arnated like me as well, a lot of them were through the a&tivity of the rating game valued and were let into the group of high &lass devils, and stood on the same level as their master. nd it seems then, from the 1aou$sama they get their 6vil pie&es to use for their servants. t that time, they be&ome Aings. )ell, there is a rule where they have to &ome parti&ipate as the pie&e of the 1aster in battle who theyre at the same level as. In devils, for the master, the fa&t that they are their family devils never &hanges. 6ven if lets assume I be&ome a Aing in the future, for %u&hous game I shall still be a pawn. 1e and my &omrades as well, in the near future shall definitely start parti&ipating in this formally. If I remember &orre&tly, I had heard that immediately after %u&hou graduates highs&hool, shell start earnestly preparing for parti&ipating, theres not even F year left. Its soon. If we assume I be&ome a high &lass devil, theres no meaning to it if I am not strong at the game. -in&e doing the game is like a high &lass devils likes. nd even if I be&ome a Harem king, if I dont have a&tual strength, Ill be laughed at by the people around me, Ill &ause trouble for my master %u&hou as well. -o I have to get strong somehow. 6ven if I be&ame a devil, I &ant be inviting an'iety all the time in the future3 However, all the more be&ause of that my happiness would be all the more when I be&ome a Harem Aing I think. lso those who value you are the 1aou$samas, Great Aing$samas, r&hduke$sama et&., the really important people. To on&e again put it together, my ob!e&tive is first to be&ome a high &lass devil. :or that, I have to keep doing everything I &an, and keep on in&reasing my value in the games were going to parti&ipate in starting ne't year. There are a lot of things I must do. nd within those I have to do my mat&h with Hakuryuukou3.. h, but, if I defeat Hakuryuukou will my value in&rease/ #o3, %ut thats an obvious thing as the sekiryuutei, so I have to finish it3 Eanishing ;ragon, you seriously are a pain33 re you still thinking/" -uddenly, before my eyes %u&hous fa&e appears inverted. %u&hou was reading a maga2ine lying hori2ontally on my bed. -he looked into my fa&e from the bed it seems. If %u&hou has any free time, she spends it in my room. h, no, how should I put it3." I s&rat&h my &heeks. %u&hou des&ends from the bed and sits beside me. I believe in you. 6ven if something happens. nd also if its you, I believe you &an win against Hakuryuukou." $$$$$" %u&hou says it with a smile.

%u$%u&hou3 1y 0nee$samas thankful words and smile that &lear away all thoughts in my heart. %u&hou+ (h, my fa&e started heating up+ 1y tears also started to &ome out. %u&hou &laps her thighs. This signal is3..+ 8ome here." 3.%u$%u&hou+ %u&hous thigh pillow+ 1y healing spa&e+ )hile letting out tears of gratitude, I immediately laid down and was pampered by %u&hou. %u&hou gently pats my head. ah, my 0nee$sama+ -orry that the afternoon was like that. I thought of &heering you up but I instead ended up frightening you." %u&hou was worried about it, huh. #$#o way. 1e too, I wasnt able to meet up to %u&hou and keno$sans e'pe&tations3. %$%ut, I am satisfied I was able to apply oil to %u&hou+" Thats true. 1ore like, thanks to you I was I satisfied in a lot of ways. I am happy. Ill ask you to oil me again then. -in&e summers are long." *es+ Dlease leave it to me+" lright+ lriiiiiight+ Ill be able to apply oil on %u&hous body again+ Theres no other happiness like this+ I was thinking about the meeting with Hakuryuukou so mu&h but thanks to pervertedness &ontrolling my mind, I am refreshed. 1aybe &ause I was relieved, gradually I started feeling drowsy3. %u&hous thigh pillow is3feeling good3 nd like that, my &ons&iousness went far away to the world of sleep.

Life 2! "lass #isit $e%ins

Part 1
Ise. sia$&han. Ill &ome later with 0tou$san." 1y mother is full of spirit sin&e morning. Its alright even if you dont say these things in front of the entran&e but more than me she seems to want to see how sia is. -he said that even father took a paid va&ation. )ell, sin&e my parents adore sia like their own daughter, theyll want to see her. The person in ?uestion, sia replies with a *es+" and a smile on her entire fa&e. The :amily" living with you will &ome but sia has been so happy and waiting for this day. nd like that, it is the day of the visit. They say its a &lassroom visit but in a&tuality it is more of a open house display. Its natural that its alright for parents to &ome, but its also alright for students of middle s&hool to visit and see how the &lasses are. Its possible that the guardians of those 1iddle s&hool students will also &ome to visit; its ?uite an open event. #ot only our parents, but also be&ause Auou &ademys 1iddle s&hool divisions Aouhais will &ome to visit, we of the highs&hool division are e'&essively nervous, sin&e we dont want to wrongly answer infront of the kouhais. 7F F9. 33 I am not interested." )hile sighing %u&hou says that. -he somehow seems to dislike &lassroom visit. Though her father and -ir2e&hs$sama are visiting, it seems even %u&hou hates for her family to see what her &lass is like. If two &rimson haired men visit the &lassroom, it5ll be&ome a hot topi& of dis&ussion. I sympathi2e with you from my heart. This time for my parents, beyond me its sia as well so Ill be attending &lass like normal. )e head for our &lassroom after parting ways with %u&hou at the s&hool entran&e. s soon as I sat on my seat, 1atsuda and 1otohama approa&hed. re your parents &oming, Ise/" *eah. 1ore like, both mom and dad said they are &oming to see sia." 1atsuda nods strongly on my reply. h, I understand. If sia$&han is ones daughter then you would want to &ome see her by all means." Thats true. If I had a little sister like sia, I would be doting on her. #o, in essen&e shes like a sister. nd I am doting on her as well. This sort of thing is a first for me so I am really e'&ited." sia seems to be &ompletely e'&ited from her heart. *eah, if I &an see sia e'&ited, that alone is enough. Ise."

%efore I knew it, Genovia had approa&hed us gathered. To be honest, Genovia is popular among boys as well. -in&e shes ?uite a bishou!o as well. 1aybe be&ause her physi&al abilities were good, so shes popular among girls as well. )hats wrong, Genovia." Genovia lowers her head on my response. -orry for saying that sort of thing suddenly the other day." That sort of thing, h, its about that. bout making &hildren. -o she &ame to apologi2e for that. I kept on speaking without thinking about you." *eah, as a matter of fa&t I was s&ared. -uddenly talking about making &hildren. #o, if I &an do e&&hi stuff, then please let me do it. Having Genovia as my partner, I am totally fine+ %ut the order is all wrong. -uddenly doing that kind of thing is diffi&ult after all, I think." *es, yes. .ike that, !ust like that. :or the time being, we should improve our relations to the point we &an do e&&hi stuff. Thats why$$$$ Genovia takes out something from her po&ket$$$$wait thats+/ :irst we should pra&ti&e using this." Genovia opens in front of my eyes a thing pa&ked in a small pou&h$$$$$a &ondom. ll of the &lass eyes were gathered on the thing Genovia was holding. 33... I$Idioooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo00000T+ )$)hat are you taking out in front of the publi&+/" I am troubled. I$Its obvious, this sort of a situation+ That is, she is+ Its an e'tremely intense item to show it to high s&hool students who are in a sensitive time+ 1ore like, its totally bad to take it out at s&hool+ Immediately the &lass was noisy. Hey, they saw that+ 1ore like, I am basking in all that attention+ In the world I was in, there was dispute in the use of this but putting it on in <apan would be more &onvenient following the &ountrys pattern after all." That doesnt matter+ ;o something about this atmosphere+ 6veryone in the &lass is looking at me and you with strange looks, you know+/ To be looked at in that way, me and you3 It isnt bad for me I think, but think about the time and plaaaaaaaaaaaaaa&e+" To my reply, Genovia tilts her head, she seems to not understand it ?uite well. #ot good+ -hes !ust like sia at first, shes living in a separate world from this so&iety+ Its good for sia to use it as well. (nplanned se'ual inter&ourse would hurt both of you. The relationship between men and women is diffi&ult." )ith that Genovia handed over a pie&e to sia. /" sia had a ?uestioning look but the perverted glasses Airyuu, without letting a single hair es&ape, kept whispering to sia.

-uddenly sia started blushing. 3...(uh." h+ sia fainted after her head be&ame pure red+ )hat what/ Is Hyoudou going to be&ome something ama2ing again/" )ith full interest, while shining her glasses, the eroti& girl Airyuu asks. %ut, I wonder if its alright. If you sleep with Genovia then sia will$$$$." Airyuu$saaaaan+ Dlease stoooooooop+" 0oh+ The suddenly revived sia &overs Airyuus mouth. -omehow, she seemed to be in a ma'imum hurry level, but about what/ Gee2, sia. I told you right/ If you dont start moving soon, Hyoudou will be&ome something troublesome. There are a lot of formidable enemies around him, you know/ If you keep dilly dallying, before you know it he may be eaten. *ou wont like that, right/ man with the s&ent of another woman." 0u&h+ )hy does Airyuu$san keep on giving me e'plosive blasts like that3" I am worried. *oure fine with me being your only ally, right/ I am fine with a &lean mood as well but you gotta do what you gotta do at times+ 6ven you, sia are ripe enough for eating+" m I r$ripe enough for eating/" Is what sia asked me. (m3 seriously whats this about/ I dont understand the meaning of their &onversation3/ *e$*eah. 1aybe youre ripe enough for eating/" I answer it while pu22led. Isnt that great, sia+ *oull be eaten+" Airyuu is filled with a deep emotion. )hat/ )hat/ Hey, dont leave me behind and &ontinue the &onversation+ ;ammmmmit+ sia$&han will be eaten+" This will be something great3.. sia$&han of the &ommittee" we have to do an emergen&y meeting with our &omrades and make &ounter measures+" %oth 1otohama and 1atsuda also looked strange. They were shaking strongly+ -omething is wrong with the world if Ise5s popular+" 1atsuda shouts that out. Gee2, I dont get it. -how me your hand a bit." Airyuu takes my hand and shines her glasses. 3...Its good enough, you &ut your fingernails ?uite deep." I$Is that so/" )hy do you &are about my nails so mu&h/ Those men who &ut their fingernails ?ui&kly play intensely with women is what I hear. $$$$*es, to grope a womens body, if you have long fingernails then its ?uite in&onvenient."

T$Thats a false a&&usation+ This is !ust by &han&e$$$$." )hile saying that I remember. Thats it, I had my fingernails taken &are of by %u&hou. %u&hou said it was pra&ti&e of fingernails or something33 1aybe the meaning may be deep but I !ust did some un!ust suspi&ion. Ise, you shitty bastaraaaaaaard+" Go get some disease or something+" -&ary. s e'pe&ted of a beast. In the &ru&ial moment !ust dont transfer the disease to sia. sia will be sullied." 1atsuda, 1otohama and Airyuu tease me+ (uh, bullies+ 6ven though I dont have even a single girlfriend, whats the meaning of this+/ )hat sort of magi& is this, it makes me feel like I am a &ontaminated person+ 3... )ait, am I re&ently be&oming popular3/ I dont really get it. -tarting from 1atsuda and 1otohama, the surrounding guys have also started looking at me with !ealousy. %ut, its not like I have a girlfriend. I &an understand why %u&hou and keno$san adore me but, it seems to me theyre simply having fun teasing their servant and their Aouhai, me. Its definitely the feeling of pets. -in&e they got a good toy, its like those two fighting over it33 Genovia is3... sin&e shes uni?ue I &ant &ount her. If you ask why, it seems shes only interested in the would be thing residing within me. sia. )ere living together, shes the girl who has the best relationship with me. I &ome in &onta&t with her in a more or less family like way. Thats obvious. If you start living under the same roof, itll be&ome like that. I think of her as a &ute younger sister as well. I am happy that shes depending on me from the bottom of her heart. 8ould you &all shopping together a date/ )e go shopping together for dry goods a lot to dis&ount stores but its ?uite different from the showiness of a date. It would be strange if Aoneko$&han yearns for me. 3...*eah, after all, more than being popular, its !ust that girls have in&reased from my previous life. Isnt it totally different from the Harem life that I desire/ Harem is, to do as mu&h as you like with the above previously mentioned girls and indulge in them as mu&h as I want; that is what I think it is. If I was able to do an e'periment, as my daily spe&ial meal, it would be to ad!ust the people wat&hing me+ However this life, &ompared to my previous life of not having a single breath of girls, is like a totally different life; like the differen&e between heaven and earth+ )ith this big of a differen&e, I am en!oying it !ust by being able to talk with girls. I am satisfied with this lifestyle. #o, with this preparedness I wont be able reali2e my dream Harem+ lright+ .ets get the power to be able to take girls in hordes+ 330n the &ontrary, after I loved someone sin&erely, its now diffi&ult to even e'tend my hands towards girls even a bit. ,eynalle, my first girlfriend, was a fallen angel who killed me after de&eiving me. 1aybe be&ause that happened, even the perverted me would be like this. Its not like I am afraid of

girls but, somewhere within my heart, I have a feeling that maybe in the end of the end I will be repudiated by them. %u&hou, sia, I know that the girls of the &lub wouldnt do su&h a thing. However, the more I start liking, the more I am worried. 3... m I being hated by %u&hou and the others/ -ometimes I ask that to myself. The girls I got on good terms with after su&h a long wait. I dont want to be hated. Thats why, in the end of the end, I dont want to anything weird and be hated by them. I dont want that to happen on&e more$$$$$$. 6veryone, Ise$san isnt a bad person. Dlease dont bully him." sia stands in front of me and prote&ts me from 1atsudas staggering. (uh, siaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa+ Its only you who is my ally+" I will believe in Ise$san forever and ever." )hat a good girl+ -hes obstinately believing in me+ ah, our sia$&han is my ally+ I am seriously happy, sia+ 33 sia, to &onfess amidst the &onfusion3... not bad3" Airyuu muttered something, I am sure it must5ve be something bad about me. Thats it. #o matter how inde&ent Ise is, Ise is a frank person. Its !ust that his se'ual desire is also as frank as him, surely." Genovia also follows up with that3/ -omehow, I feel like I was slightly made fun of but from this girls perspe&tive it would probably be a top &lass follow up. nd with that, its time for the se'ual inter&ourse but3" Thats why, dont say that stuff in front of people3" I wrapped my hands around my head and hit the table in response to Genovia, whom seemed to not have understood anything up till now.

Part 2
-omehow the &lass starts, and from the open door in the ba&k, parents of my &lassmates keep &oming in. The &lass is 6nglish. The male tea&her who was pumped up more than usual, for some reason was distributing a re&tangular ob!e&t wrapped in a bag to the students. Huh/ )hats this/ ;oes this sort of thing happen in 6nglish/ :or the devils who &an speak in all languages, 6nglish is the best pla&e to show it. :ufufu, today as well lets do it profi&iently and fluently. %ut, give me a break in writing words. That is impossible. )hile thinking that, looking at the ob!e&t &losely$$$$$$um, this is DE8 &lay/ The tea&her gleefully says to me who was dubiously thinking that. Got it, try making something you like with the DE8 &lay I handed you !ust now. n animal is fine as well. person is fine as well. house is fine as well. )hatever image youre thinking about in your mind right now, try making it into a shape. That sort of 6nglish &onversation is also there." Theres no su&h thing+ I dont get what you mean, -ensei+ .ets do a usual 6nglish &lass+ llow me to show my 6nglish 8onversation skills to my parents+ I dont want to make DE8 &lay+ Lets Try! Its not .ets Tryyyyyyyyyyyyyy+ In whi&h world is there an 6nglish &lass with DE8 &lay+ I$Its diffi&ult." Huh+/ sia$&han, shes already making it+/ s usual her adaption to su&h sort of things is fast+ sia$&han, keep going+" sia$&han, youre looking &ute+" )hile turning my head to the voi&es I re&ogni2e, my parents were turned fa&ing sia and yelling. 0oh, )hen did you enter the room. 1ore like, while their son is over here, theyre fa&ing their video &amera towards sia. ;ad3 ,eali2ing father and mothers voi&e, she turned ba&k and did it happily. rent they perfe&tly like a parent$&hild. #o, with that I am also more than happy enough. 1y little sister, sia$&han. Its the best. nd, surveying the surrounding, everyone was relu&tantly kneading the DE8 &lay. Is it alright with this, everyone of the &lass+ 7Anead Anead9 I also started kneading with no way out. )hat did he say we should make/ He said its fine to make anything that you image in your mind. )hile twisting the &lay, I &lose my eyes and start having wild ideas. The very first thing that I imagine is3.. Ise M" It was a nude %u&hou who was smiling at me. ah, %u&hou. 1y 0nee$sama. To imagine you firstly, my devotion, my wholehearted thought is the real thing. :ufufu, I even remember the breasts and the nipples perfe&tly. I remember perfe&tly in my memory about %u&hous boobs, the si2e, the elasti&ity and the softness.

%u&hou said that theres not many parts of her body that I havent tou&hed. Indeed thats true. I may have somehow or other tou&hed %u&hous every point. Its slippery and soft, even then its full of elasti&ity. )hile noti&ing my oo2ing a red thing of desire from my nose, I reprodu&ed %u&hous body from my mind. )hile my eyes are &losed, only from my image in my mind I move my hands. ah, %u&hous boobs+ %u&hous &onstri&ted waist+ %u&hous butts whi&h are meant for an easy delivery+ %u&hous thi&k thighs perfe&t for me+ The vision of everything is burned in the memory of my brain+ I remember it vividly+ Its natural. 6veryday, I remember it during that time+ Hyo$Hyoudou$kun3." #oti&ing, there is someones hand on my shoulder. 0pening my eyes and turning my fa&e I found it was -ensei. :or some reason, with an astonished e'pression he was shaking his whole body. )hat/ -omehow, it seems looking at my hands hes astonished. I also look at my hands and$$$$ there was a magnifi&ent statue of %u&hou present. 0oh+" Theres an e'&ited &heer from the &lass. 1ore like, looking at me they let out a breath of admiration 0oh+". ma2ing. Its surely a mini %u&hou+ The shape of the boobs, the shape of the butt, the lines of the thighs are perfe&t as well. I$I made this33/ 1oving my hands based on the image of %u&hou I had burned in my brain, a mira&le o&&urred+ )$)onderful3 Hyoudou$kun. To think that you had this sort of talent3 This &lass was the right &hoi&e after all. 0n&e again I was able to draw out a students hidden ability3" -ensei says that while his eyes are soaked with tears. Indeed, to think that this power was hiding inside me3. 6ven if I say so myself, its easy to bloom a talent related to my pervertdness. T$That is ,ias$senpai/ -hit+ s I thought, Ise you ras&al+ )ith senpai33.+" #o way+ ,ias onee$sama with that beast33+" -omehow I &an hear s&reams nearby as well but the moment someone in the &lass said >CCC+", the &lass started &hanging. #o, PCCC+" Ill pay QCCC+ Ill be skillfull with Gremory$senpais body+" ;ont !oke with me+ Ill buy it+ Tonight she5ll keep me &ompany+ RCCC+" The 6nglish &lass whi&h used the DE8 &lay did a &omplete &hange, it &hanged into an au&tion house for the statue of %u&hou I made.

Part 3
It was lun&h break. It is well made." Is what %u&hou said smiling while tou&hing the statue made of DE8 &lay during the &lass. In the end, I didnt sell the statue to my &lassmates. I &ouldnt sell it, sin&e it was %u&hous statue. )hen sia and I went outside to buy something to drink, we en&ountered %u&hou and keno$san &oin&identally in front of the vending ma&hine. ra ara, as e'pe&ted of Ise$kun who looks and tou&hes %u&hous body everyday." keno$san was also smiling, surprised by the ?uality of the statue. #o, I wasnt doing those things every day with %u&hou as you were e'pe&ting33 )hen I personally e'perien&ed the valuable body, I burned it into my brain. )ould you make one for me as well ne't time. If you want to reprodu&e my body I will remove my &lothes. *ou &an tou&h me." -eriously, keno$san+/" Thats the best+ %y all means+ )hile trying to say that, %u&hou and sia pull my &heeks. ;ont do it." ;ont do it." The girls of my house were harsh. %y the way, %u&hou. ;id -ir2e&hs$sama &ome/" 0n my ?uestion, %u&hou puts a hand on her forehead and let out her breath. *eah, he &ame along with my father." -o her father &ame as well. )hat kind of &lass visit was it, I was &urious. h, %u&hou. 1oreover everyone &ame as well." Aiba appeared there. Hm/ ;id Aiba also &ome to buy a drink/ ra, *uuto. Tea/" (pon %u&hous ?uestion, Aiba pointed with his finger ahead of the &orridor. #o, for some reason I heard a wit&h was doing a photography event so I thought to see it a bit." 0n Aibas reply, %u&hou and I while e'&hanging glan&es tilted our head. 7Aa&&ha Aa&&ha+9 :lashes kept going off, the men who were holding &ameras were photographing something at a &orner of the &orridor. -in&e there was a &rowd present, I didnt know what they were taking pi&tures of. &&ording to Aibas story wit&h" was present but3 I somehow &ame out of the &rowd and fa&ed in the front dire&tion. *eah, I &ould see it in a glan&e. s I progressed further, a re&ogni2able outfit &ame !umping in my eyes.

Iuite a good bishou!o$&han was wearing a &ostume of an anime &hara&ter. If I remember &orre&tly it was 1agi&al Girl, 1il kiss Eiral Q alternative". Heart of a maiden, body of a male, the spe&ial 1iru$ tan" was engrossed in this anime. h, when looked &losely she resembled 1il Aiss. -he was spinning her sti&k or whatever round and round as well. The &amera$men were taking photographs e'&ited like a youngster, I also wanted to take F pi&ture. Her skirt was short so her panties were intermittently being e'posed33. %u&hou arrived beside me after &oming out of the &rowd; as soon she looked forward to the 1agi&al Girl 1il kiss, she pani&ked. )h$+" %e&ause of her e'&essive &onfusion I got surprised as well. :or %u&hou to be surprised in this way3.. Hey hey+ *ou, whos doing a photography shoot on a publi& path+" )hile saying that, my friend from the student &oun&il, -a!i &ame !umping through the &rowd. Girls who looked like members of the student &oun&il as well &ome following -a!i towards the photography s&ene. Hey hey, disperse disperse+ Todays the day for displaying &lasses to the publi&+ ;ont make a ru&kus at this kind of pla&e+" -a!i, he was doing his !ob properly, huh. That big of a &rowd was disappearing like spiders &hildren dispersing. The young men with the &ameras who were photographing were also leaving relu&tantly due to -a!is pushing. The remaining people were our group and -a!is group, and the &osplay girl. *ou too, please dont wear that kind of &ostume. )ait, would you be a parent perhaps/ 6ven if thats the &ase, you know theres a dress &ode a&&ording to the pla&e. This is troublesome." 6h, but this is my uniform" -a!i pressed his warning but 1il Aiss while posing in &ute poses didnt pay heed. -a!i grinded his teeth but as soon as he re&ogni2ed %u&hou he lowers his head. 0h, its ,ias$senpai. *ou &ame at the right time. I was !ust guiding 1aou$sama and senpais 0tou$ san." s -a!i turned his head towards the ba&k, under the guidan&e of -ona -itri Aai&hou, the &rimson haired males approa&hed. )hats this/ -a!i, I always tell you to settle things &on&isely$$$$$$$." The stri&t Aai&hou said that, but as soon as she saw 1il Aiss, she stopped speaking. -ona$&han+ :ound you " fter finding Aai&hou, 1il Aiss happily &linged to Aai&hou. 0oh. n a&?uaintan&e of Aai&hou/ s e'pe&ted, even -a!i was having an e'pression like he was having trouble dealing with this. 33...Hm/ I !ust noti&ed this then but, Huhuh/ Huh/ -omehow, I felt like Aai&hou and that &osplay girl seemed to resemble33 I doubtfully thought this. )ithout minding, -ir2e&hs$sama &alled out to the &osplay girl. ah, its you, -erafall. -o you &ame here as well."

33-erafall$$$33/ I$I seem to have heard of this name before33 Its .eviathan$sama." 333 :or a moment, I &ouldnt understand %u&hous words. %u&hou said on&e more to me who didnt get it. That person is F of the &urrent O ;ai$1aous, -erafall .eviathan$sama. nd also, -onas onee$sama." 6eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee+/" 1y s&ream e&hoes in the &orridor+ #aturally+ *ou serious+ It must be a lie+/ The super beauty 1aou$ sama that I even saw in my dreams was this person+/ #o, indeed shes a super beauty+ 6ven though she was Aai&hous onee$sama, her beauty was something that wont lose to %u&hou+ However, I was imagining a more fas&inating onee$sama with more hormones floating around+ nd Glamorous+ %oobs huge as well+ )hile showing her thighs from a slit+ I imagined a female 1aou$sama who would speak sensual words from her glossy lips+ 33I didnt think it would be a girl wearing a &osplay uniform speaking in a &ute way33 lthough it was true that she was beautiful33

-erafall$sama, its been a long time." ra, ,ias$&han. .ong timeSHave you been doing well/" )hat a &ute tone+ %u&hou was also a bit troubled+ *$*es. Thanks to you. ;id you &ome today for -onas &lass visit/" *eah-ona$&han is really mean. -he didnt tell me about today+ Gee2+ %e&ause of the sho&k, 0nee$ &han was going to atta&k Heaven" <ust &ause of that you would atta&k Heaven+/ I dont know if she was !oking or being serious+ Ise. Greet her." .ike %u&hou said, I lower my head and greet her. #$#i&e to meet you, I am Hyoudou Issei. I am ,ias Gremory$samas servant, pawn+ Ill be under your &are+" #i&e to meet you. I am the 1aou -erafall .eviathan . 8all me .evi$tan" )hile turning sideways, she makes a pea&e sign, the &osplay girl$$$$#o, 1aou .eviathan$sama. 333)$)hats with this, this super light developmentttttttttt+ Hey, -ir2e&hs$&han. Is this boy the rumored ;ragon$kun/" -he &alled -ir2e&hs$sama with a H&han+/ 8an you forgive her+ #o, sin&e theyre both 1aou$samas it was ok333/ *es, hes the person in whi&h the )elsh ;ragon resides, Hyoudou Issei$kun." -ir2e&hs$sama also doesnt say anything about adding H&han. -o he must be &alled like that always/ ra ara, (n&le Gremory." *es, -erafall$dono. This is another novel uniform. I somewhat think as a 1aou how it is but33"7F O9 ra, un&le;ont you know/ This is the fashion in this &ountry, you know/ Heh, was that so. It seems this was my ignoran&e." Hahaha, Tou$ue, dont believe it." 6t&., are what Gremory family and .eviathan$sama are &onversing. %u$%u&hou, its a light mood far surpassing my imagination but, -erafall$sama is33" %u&hou also apologi2es -orry" on seeing my bewildered state. I forgot to say it$$$$#o, I didnt want to say it but the &urrent O 1aou$sama, everyone of them is like this. ;uring private times, they are light mooded, to a severe e'tent." )hile letting out a sigh %u&hou said that. Impossible+ )as it fine for the 1aou$samas of the devils to be like that+/ .ooking at it, Aai&hous fa&e was also &ompletely red+ It was like looking at her elder sister, her spee&h and &ondu&t, she was &ompletely feeling embarrassed+ #oti&ing that, .eviathan$sama looked into Aai&hous fa&e with worry. -ona$&han, whats wrong/ *our fa&e is &ompletely red, you know/ -in&e its the long awaited reunion with your onee$sama, me, I think it would be better if you were a bit more happy/ 50nee$sama+5 5-o$

tan+5, &alling like that and embra&ing ea&h other in a yuri way, that sort of development is fine with me as well, 0nee$&han+" 33That was e'tremely diffi&ult. )as this .eviathan$sama+/ Aai&hou said with an unsatisfied e'pression. )hile twit&hing near her eyes. 330$0nee$sama. This is my s&hool and I am entrusted with the !ob of the student &oun&il president here33 #o matter how &lose relatives we are, 0nee$samas behaviour is, too mu&h33 I &ant approve of that sort of outfit." #o way, -ona$&han+ If I am told that by -ona$&han, your 0nee$&han will be sad+ -ona$&han doesnt know that her onee$&han is admired as the 1agi&al girl+ -in&e with the glittering sti&k, I erase angels and fallen angels ." 0nee$sama, Dlease be prudent. If my onee$sama, the 1aou glitters, then this small &ountry would be destroyed many times over." -he isnt a 1ahou shou!o, but more like a 1aou shou!o+ 1aou shou!o, -erafall .eviathan$sama is s&ary+7F >9. Hey, -a!i. )hen one of the leaders of the fallen angels invaded, Aai&hou didnt &all her 0nee$san3 .ooking at this, are they not on good terms/" Its the opposite. The opposite. -in&e in &onversation -erafall .eviathan$sama dotes on her little sister so mu&h, if she would have been &alled, it would have be&ome something terrible. It seems if she found out that her little sister was in!ured by the fallen angel, we didn5t know how she would have rea&ted. It would have probably been instant war. It was the &orre&t de&ision to not &all -erafall$sama, and rather &all .u&ifer$sama. However, I am meeting her the first time as well, but this is33" h, I see. )ait, was 1aou$sama okay with that+/ h, -a!i is also bewildered. (uh, I &ant bear it+" That &alm and &omposed Aai&hou had her eyes wet, and ran away from that pla&e. )ait+ -ona$&han+ )here are you going leaving your 0nee$&han behind+" 1aou$shou!o$sama ran behind her. Dlease dont follow me+" #oooooo+ ;ont abandon your 0nee$&haaaaaaan+ -o$taaaaaan+" I have asked you so many times not to add Htan+" 33The 1aou sisters &hase. Its my re?uest, please dont erase this s&hool with some rhythm of yours. *eah. The -itri household is pea&eful. ;ont you think so, ,ia$tan." 0nii$sama, dont add a Htan to my pet name and &all me please33" This time the embarrassing &onversation started in the Gremory household. Heh, %u&hou was &alled ,ia in her home, huh. #o way3,ia$tan. 6ven though in the past you followed me everytime while saying H0nii$sama 0nii$ sama33 Its the rebellious age, huh33" -ir2e&hs$sama took a sho&k. I felt some banter was involved as well.

Gee2+ 0nii$sama+ )hy do you remind me of my &hildhood$$$$$$." 7:lash9 %u&hous 0tou$sama took %u&hous pi&ture when she was mad. It was an e'pression filled with emotion. Thats a ni&e fa&e, ,ias. Its good, to raise you so splendidly3... I will fill my wifes share of enthusiasm as she &ouldnt &ome here today." 0tou$sama+ Gee2+" 1aou$samas family is full of this, huh. 1ore than pea&eful, there isnt mu&h differen&e from the relations between parent and &hild of humans. )ell, if the s&ale be&omes that of a fight, this small &ountry may be erased. 1aou$sama and, 1aou$samas family have interesting &ommon features." keno$san says that happily from the bottom of her heart with a smile. 8ommon feature/" 1aou$sama and everyone are all !ust amusing. nd also, your sister, without e'&eption is a serious person. (fufu, definitely be&ause her free natured brother be&ame the 1aou$sama, she &ouldnt not be&ome serious." They must be both having hardships, %u&hou and Aai&hou as well, and also 1aou$samas family as well. nd, over there$$$$$. 0h my, Ise." 0$0tou$san." 1aybe they were touring the s&hool, dad and mom appeared with their hands raised. Hyoudou Issei$kun, are those people your parents/" %u&hous 0tou$sama asks me that. *$*es. Theyre my parents." I see. *eah." %u&hous father stood in front of my mother and father33/ #i&e to meet you, I am ,ias father." )hile seeking to handshake, %u&hous father e'tends his hand to my father. Getting to know that the gentleman with &rimson hair was %u&hous 0tou$sama, my father and mothers e'pression does a &omplete &hange from an en!oying e'pression to a dark &olor of nervousness. )ell that was a given. If they suddenly meet %u&hous father, they would be&ome like that. T$T$TTTTTTTTTTTThis is, thank you+ h, um, I am Hyoudou Isseis father+ )ere being taken &are of by ,ias$san, um, that is3.." 0tou$san+ This is our home+ I &ant see this+ Its an ama2ing temperament+ #o, same here. Thanks for taking &are of ,ias. I thought to &ome greet you anyhow, anyway, -ir2e&hs and I were busy with work so werent easily able to get an opportunity. It seems this o&&asion was blessed by good lu&k. Its an honour to meet you today."

#o$#o way+ I too also said to greet you on&e to Isseis father $$$$ #o no, I talked to my husband about it." 1other+ *our words are weird+ -in&e you are not used to using these words usually, its be&ome like this+ (wah, I am seriously embarrassed+ %u&hous fa&e was red as well+ -he was !ust like me+ after all+ meeting of parents is way too embarrassing

*eah. I want to talk at a &almer pla&e. This pla&e is a bit &onspi&uous. bove all, our &hildren are embarrassed, right." 0oh, as e'pe&ted of %u&hous 0tou$sama+ He &an read the atmosphere+ 8ompared to him, isnt my father nervous+ %u&hous father e'tends his hand towards Aiba. Aiba$kun." *es." -orry but &ould you lead us to a &almer pla&e/" *es. Then, please follow me." Aiba bows to my father and mother and started walking in the &orridor. )ell then ,ias, Hyoudou Issei$kun. Ill &ome ba&k after talking a bit. -ir2e&hs, &an I leave the rest to you/" *es, 0tou$ue." -ir2e&hs$sama will remain here, huh. )ell, they !ust re&ently e'&hanged greetings. This time its between parents. Ise, me and your mother will &ome ba&k after talking a bit." ah, 0tou$san, dont say anything weird, okay/" .eave it to me." I am doubting if he really gets it but, on Aibas guidan&e, 0tou$san and 0kaa$san and %u&hous 0tou$ sama left this pla&e. ,ias." )hat is it, 0nii$sama/" Theres something I wanted to talk about for a bit. -orry, Ise$kun. Ill be borrowing my little sister for a bit. keno$kun, would you mind &oming along with us/" Is what -ir2e&hs said. *es." keno$san also affirmed. )hat will they talk about/ )ell, I guess it would be something important to both the high &lass devils. They wont &all a lower &lass devil like me, right. *$*es. Its fine with me3..." -ir2e&hs$sama takes %u&hou and keno$san, and disappeared somewhere. sia and I were left alone. sia and I e'&hanged glan&es. *eah, shall we return to our &lass/"

*es." .ike this, sia and I returned to the &lassroom at on&e.

Part 4
ra, sia$&han, youre looking good in the video+ 1y mother was in a tran&e looking at sia on the TE. Hahahaha+ Daying attention to a daughters blossoming is a parents duty, after all+" )hile drinking sake, %u&hous father was heartily laughing. That person, after drinking sake be&omes a different &heerful person all together3 6ven though he was that mu&h of a dandy person before+ fter dinner at the Hyodou house, the admiration meeting for todays &lassroom visit had begun. The parti&ipants were, my mother and father, %u&hous father and -ir2e&hs$sama. )hile gulping down sake, they were &omparing the video they shot mutually. The girls in ?uestion were at the end of living room with their fa&es red and were praying 6nd ?ui&kly, end ?ui&kly+". This was like being half dead. They had &heekily shot me as well+ ;ont take shots of me working on my DE8 &lay+ I dont know what my parents and %u&hous father talked about in s&hool but its &ertain they hit off well and had be&ome &lose. ,eally, what happened/ This is3 hell, the likes of whi&h hasn5t been seen before...3" %u&hou was shaking her whole body while blushing to the ma'imum limit. Dlease look+ 0ur ,ia$tan is raising her hand and answering -enseis ?uestion+" -ir2e&hs$sama+ Hes &ommenting on his little sisters blossoming with a high tension+ 0oh+ %u&hou &overed her fa&e with her hands+ I &ant bear it+ 0nii$sama, you idiot+" ah+ %u&hou ran away not being able to bear it anymore+ 7-upan+9 -ir2e&hs$sama is kno&ked down by Grayfia$sans paper fan+ %u&hou+" I be&ame worried and &hased after %u&hou.

Part 5
%u&hou was sitting in front of my room. -he was puffing her &heeks as if in displeasure. I wonder whats wrong. %u$%u&hou. )ould you like to enter my room/" %u&hou nodded without any words. -omehow, she be&ame a normal girl. fter entering the room, %u&hou !umped on the bed, and was ?uiet while lying upside down. It was a situation where it was diffi&ult to say anything. I sat on the floor and was sear&hing for some sensible words in my brain. 1y mother, father and your family sure got along well." 333..." (h, no words. #o, I felt that a silent room was more displeasing, so without worrying I &ontinued. This meeting is3 I feel it is good. ;ad and mom also seem to be en!oying it. *our father and the others as well3...theres also the point that they were too upbeat but3" 33...I know. I am happy too that my father and Ises father were talking happily." h, I got a reply. Thats good. Hey, Ise." *es." re you happy to have met me/" $$$$ I didnt imagine that ?uestion. %u&hou &ontinues on. I am happy to have met Ise. life without you is impossible. Think of it as an honour. *ou hold a lot of spa&e in my heart, you know/" *$*ou were that affe&tionate for me, huh3... I have got her favor as a servant+ Its an honour+ I am also happy to have met %u&hou+ I &an de&lare this positively+..... %ut, when I think that someday %u&hou will also get a boyfriend, I, &ant take it3... thinking that you might go somepla&e far away." %u&hou raises her head, and tells me. ra, I, wont get myself a boyfriend, you know/ 1ore than that, for you to say that stuff, its a bit of a sho&k." 6h/ %$%ut, dont you have to get yourself a husband/" Thats true. :or the &ontinuation of the house, getting a son$in law for the house is important." .../ #o, on&e more I didnt get it. I de&ided to model the son$in$law of my house, myself. If I have to do it anyways, Ill rear him a&&ording to my own ideals. That way is faster. Hey, Ise." Haah, I see."

I didnt get it mu&h but %u&hou raising the son in law herself, huh. If I were to wish, I want to be in that pla&e but that itself was very hard. The future husband of %u&hou3... )hat kind of husband will be born after being reared by %u&hou/ #ooo, I want to be in that pla&e after all+ 3...%ut, I wonder if its impossible. I have thought about my marriage &eremony as well, you know/ <apanese style would be good. :or the re&eption, somepla&e in <apan would be good. If you talk about a pla&e with beautiful s&enery then$$$$." %u&hou already had imagined it till there, huh. #o, I want to marry %u&hou+ $$$$$$$" 1y mouth was suddenly &losed. -he had her arms around my ne&k, with a &huu3 I re&eived %u&hous kiss+/ (oooooooh+ I$I am kissing %u&hou on&e againnnnnnn+ T$This, sensation of lips+ To be able to taste it again+ Its a soft and sensual &onta&t+ It5s my se&ond kiss with %u&hou+ I did it+ I re&eived %u&hous se&ond kiss+ (m, for what thing is this a reward for/ #$#o, lets leave the small details out+ I$I want to be profi&ient in this sensationnnnn+ )ith that, while I was moved, abruptly %u&hous tongue was tasting my lips+ .ike that itll enter my mouth$$$$. Guh+ 1ine and %u&hous tongues interwined a bit and doing that I was pulled ba&k by my ne&k, and the kiss that I felt would go deeper had ended+ thread of saliva was going though mine and %u&hous mouth, %u&hou seemed to be making an e'pression of regret. (hiiii+ :or a thread of saliva to form from mine and %u&hous mouth+ I feel like Ill die after being moved so mu&h+ #o, its alright to die+ h, as I thought, no+ If I had to die then I want to die after doing more tongue a&tion with %u&hou+ 1ore like, I dont want to ever forget the sensation of %u&hous li&king+ It was really ama2ing+ 3(h" The one who had pulled my ne&k ba&k was sia. -hes teary eyed. Hey sia. ;ont interrupt me when I am being affe&tionate with Ise. 6ven though he seemed to be en!oying his long awaited deep kiss that he was desiring3 Its ?uite diffi&ult to &reate opportunities, you know/" %$%u&hou+ *our method of being affe&tionate with your servant is es&alating+ I am happy+ Thank you very mu&h+ %ut, due to the stimulation being too strong everytime my brain is going numb+ 3<ust... %u&hou$san is unfair." The early bird gets the worm. I learned it in my battle against keno." )hat did you learn, %u&hou+ (oooooh+ %u&hou and sia are glaring at ea&h otheeeeeeer+ 0n&e again in my room a battle of girls is+ ,e&ently, its happening a lot here+ $$$$)hile I think that, the silver haired 1aid$san intervenes. *ou two, fighting isnt good. I think espe&ially in front of Issei$sama, its unwise."

-he separates the two who are glaring at ea&h other, Grayfia$san &alms them down. Thats true, fighting isnt good." 1oreover, -ir2e&hs$sama also enters my room. Is the admiration meeting over/ I slipped out a bit. Theres something that I need to talk about again. ,ias, its the &ontinuation of the talk from daytime." Talk/ )hat would it be/ h, %u&hou and keno$san were &alled by -ir2e&hs$sama. To me who was ?uestioningly thinking that, -ir2e&hs$sama said something whi&h was beyond my imagination. .ets talk about the other %ishop." $$$$$. That was, about the mysterious %ishop who was already present before me and sia were rein&arnated.

Part 6
The ne't day after s&hool. I was standing on the ground floor of the old s&hool buildings room that had been made the -ealed &lassroom". 6veryone from the &lub was gathered. 6ven from the outside, this room was se&urely &losed so we &ouldnt see inside of the room. )hat was it used for, the e'planation was without e'&eption but3it seemed a&&ording to the &onversation, the the other %ishop was here. The other %ishop$$$$$. :or a long time, it was a mystery &lub member for both sia and me. .ikewise, e'&ept for new&omer Genovia, the rest of the members knew about it. He e'isted before I be&ame a devil but, due to various &ir&umstan&es, he &ouldnt parti&ipate in the ,ating Game between the Dhene' household and the battle against Aokabiel. &&ording to the &onversation, it seemed his ability was regarded as dangerous, and be&ause %u&hou wasnt able to &ompletely &ontrol him with her powers, he was ordered to be sealed by the higher$ups. )hat e'a&tly was he/ )as he that dangerous/ .ast night, -ir2e&hs$sama e'plained it in my room, it seems %u&hou re&eived a high evaluation by the O 1aous, the Great Aing %ael house, the r&hduke gares house, and the great devils due to her fight with the Dhene' house and the fight against Aokabiel. The sealing &ondition of the other %ishop was lifted while thinking that maybe she &ould &ontrol him now. nd with that were in front of the -ealed 8lassroom" but3 tape with A66D 0(T" written on was heavily pasted with magi&al seals &arved on. The kid is over here. ll day, that bishop lives here. :or the time being, his powers are loosened deep in the night, and if its !ust in the old building, he &an e'it the room but, the kid inside refuses to do that." )as what %u&hou said. :or some reason, she kno&ked on the door, and then started e'panding her magi& &ir&le. -hes releasing the seal/ If one was sealed in this &ramped spa&e for even half a day, wouldnt one go insane/ It was impossible for me. If I was told that I was free to do anything in the old s&hool building only in the night, I would have happily run out. I$is the person a hikikomori/" 0n my ?uestion %u&hou nodded while letting out a sigh. )as that so/ The kid inside has been the biggest earner among the servants." keno$san said that. -eriously+ %iggest earner3.. How does that person earn/ keno$san &ontinued as if replying to my ?uestion. Through a &omputer, the kid takes spe&ial &ontra&ts from humans. :rankly, its a person who doesnt want to meet us. Those type of people negotiate in a different way, and make relations differently. They solve things through the &omputer. In the dealings through &omputers, amongst the new devil servants, this kid grabs enough numbers like those of a superior rank." ma2ing+ #egotiating through a &omputer+ nd with that, this kid took &ontra&ts from humans, huh+ $$$$$$#ow then, I am opening the door." hikikomori, huh. Aiba removed the tape, keno$san also helped out alongside %u&hou in removing the seal.

The magi&al seals &arved on the door also disappeared, it be&ame a simple door. %u&hou opened the door$$$$$. #oooooooooooooooooooooooo+" $$$$$$$+ n outrageously high s&ream emitted from inside+ )$)hat was it/ %u&hou wasnt even surprised, rather while sighing, entered alongside keno$san. Good day to you. Its ni&e to see you all energeti&." )$)$)hyyyyyyyy/" The e'&hange happening inside was heard. <udging from the voi&e, it &ould have been a middle s&hooler but3 a girl/ 0r was it a younger male/ I &ouldnt say for sure yet. Though I &ould say that the person was e'tremely &onfused. raara, the seal got removed, you know/ *ou are able to go out now. #ow, lets all go out together/" keno$sans gentle voi&e. I sensed sympathy. I felt she was gently trying to &onne&t. However$$$$$ #oooooooooooooooooo+This pla&e is gooooooooooood+ I dont want to go outside+ I dont want to meet peopleeeeeee+" 333)$wasnt that a serious &ase of hikikomori3.../ sia and I e'&hanged glan&es, and tilted our heads. Genovia also let out a ?uestioning look. 0nly Aiba and Aoneko$&han understood the &ir&umstan&es, huh, Aiba was smiling bitterly and Aoneko$&han was letting out a sigh. I strengthened my resolve, and timidly peeked in. )alking in !ust a bit, I glan&ed in the room. The &urtains were tightly shut &lose. ;im. The room was de&orated une'pe&tedly in a&ute manner, it looked like a girls room. -tuffed dolls were present as well. $a &offin/ There was a single &offin present in one &orner that seemed to be used in funerals abroad. %u&hou and keno$san were in the interior. )as the bishop present past them/ pproa&hing further, the one present there was$$$$$a bishou!o with noble looks, golden hair and red eyes who looked like a doll. -itting down on the floor, with a pose that looked as if wanting to es&ape from %u&hou and keno$san. -he was shaking a lot. )ait, she was dressed in Auou &ademys girls uniform. 1ore like, she was e'tremely &ute+ 0oh+ girl+ #ot to mention a foreigner+" )onderful+ nother golden haired bishou!o after sia, huh+ I am happy+ There would be two blonde bishops+ There was no greater !oy that that+ I was happy like that but %u&hou turned her head sideways. ppearan&e$wise, this kid looks like a girl but without a doubt he is a boy." 3336h/ :or a moment, I doubted my ears. Dlainly absurd words entered my ears. %$%u&hou, please stop with the !okes. )$wasnt that kid looking su&h a bishou!o+ #o no no, no matter how you look at it. Its a girl, %u&hou+ 336h/ -eriously/" He has a hobby of dressing in female &lothes."

keno$san said that &almly. 33Hobby of dressing in female &lothes/ T$Then this kid was not wearing his uniform be&ause hes a girl but$$$$$$be&ause of a hobby/ 6eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh+/" I gave out a large shriek due to my big sho&k. 6eeeeeeeeeek+I am sorry, I am sorryyyyyyyyyyy+" The golden haired bishou!o$$$$$no, the golden haired girl &lothing guy let out a shriek due to my voi&e. -eriously+ Hes a boy even like this+/ #o no, no matter how you look at it, that part of him was more like a %ishou!o than even girls+ I seriously didnt get it+ 6ven the voi&e was like a girl+ His height was small as well+ (waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah+" I held my head with my arms, and &rou&hed down in that pla&e+ This is irrational+ :or him to be a boy even though he was so &ute+ )as God mer&iless+/ )ait, God wasnt present then+ It was mer&iless+ He definitely got his gender wrong+ )hile inside his mother, he got something e'tra stu&k on him+ (waaaaaa, I &ant take it+ Is it alright to have su&h a &ruel story3... He perfe&tly looks like a bisho!o3for him to be a man33 for him to have a penis on him3..." 33Talking about vulgar words is prohibited." uh+ %efore I knew it Aoneko$&han had entered the room+ -orry, Aoneko$&han. %ut, this is a &ruel story+ Its an even more painful story that he has a hobby for wearing girls &lothes+ -in&e it suits him, when I heard the unne&essary truth, the sho&k was too huge+ 6ven though hes a hikikomori, hes got a hobby of wearing girls &lothes+ re the girls &lothes to show to someone+/" 0n my words the girl &ross$dressing young boy refutes. %$%$%$%ut, girls &lothes are super &ute." ;ont say things like super &uteeeeeeeeeee+ -hit+ 6ven though youre a guuuuy+ *ou shattered my dream in a instanttttttttt+ I$I was a&tually dreaming about you and sia, the double blonde bishou!o bishops, you know+/ Give it ba&k+ Give ba&k my dream+ 33)ritings and dreams of people are transient." Aoneko$&haaaaaaaaan+ That didnt sound like a !oke+" However, that was &ruel+ I thought of him as a girl, but it was a girl5s &lothing guy+ %$%$%$%y the way, who is this person/" The girls &lothing guy asked %u&hou. %u&hou said it while pointing to me, sia and Genovia. 4These are new servants who &ame while you were here. The pawn, Hyoudou Issei; The knight, Genovia; and like you, the %ishop, sia." )e said ni&e to meet you" be&ause we were introdu&ed but, girls &lothing$kun only fearfully said 6eeeek, the members in&reased by a lot+" #o, is he phobi& to humans/ This is terrible. Dlease, &an we go out/ 0kay/ Its alright for you not to be sealed anymore, you know/" %u&hou said it gently but$$$$.

#oooooooo+ :or me the outside world is impossibleeeeeeee+ I am s&ared+ I am s&ared of the outside+ In any &ase, even if I go outside it would only &ause trouble for otherssssss+" -omehow, I got angry. I &ouldnt also forgive him for being a male with that fa&e+ I approa&hed him, and pulled his arms. Hey, %u&hou said to go outside$$$$$." It was the moment I was trying to pull him. 6eeeeek+" long with the girl &lothing$kuns s&ream, the s&enery in front of me be&ame white$$$$$. 33 333Hm/ Huh/ 6ven though I should have been holding his arms right then, girl5s &lothing$ kun wasnt there. .ooking at it, he was shaking in one &orner of the room. Huh/ )hy/ I was definitely !ust then pulling his arm33 This is strange. -omething in this moment3..." 3...Its &ertain something happened." sia, Genovia and I were surprised by the mysterious phenomenon but the rest of the members were only letting out sighs. Aiba and the others of &ourse knew about it. ;ont get angry+ ;ont get angry+ Dlease dont hit meeeeeeeee+" s usual, the girl5s &lothing$kun was !ust shouting. )hat did this guy do/ #oti&ing my doubt keno$san e'plained. That kid possesses a sa&red gear that when hes e'&ited, the time of everything in his field of vision &an get stopped for a fi'ed interval of time." 33)ait, stopping time/ -eriously/ That idiot looking kid had a powerful ability sa&red gear+ He possess that gear. Thats why, for a moment we felt mali&e. He stopped us and ran away, huh. 6ven though I said running away, I thought he possessed a serious illness of not being able to go out from this room. That was, tolerable. %e&ause he &ant &ontrol his sa&red gear, by the orders of the r&hduke and 1aou, -ir2e&hs$sama, he was sealed." I understood that thanks to keno$sans supplementary e'planation. He &ould stop time. That was an e'tremely fearful power. If he &ouldnt &ontrol it, then hell probably hurt his &omrades as well. )as that the reason/ %u&hou hugged girl5s &lothing$kun from behind, and said to us. This boy is Gasper Eladi. Hes my bishop. :or the time being, hes Auou &ademys Fst year. $$$$$$ lso, before being rein&arnated he was half human, half vampire."

Life 3! I %ot a &ou'ai (bo)*

Part 1
:orbidden %alor Eiew/" %u&hou nods to my ?uestion. *es. Thats the name of the -a&red Gear Gasper possesses. Its very powerful." To stop time, isnt that &lose to breaking the rules/" (pon my words %u&hou responds. *es, thats true. %ut your doubling power and Hakuryuukous halving power are both against the rules too, you know/" T$Thats true but3 even then, to be able to stop time, you &an only ignore rules so mu&h. The problem is that hes not able to handle it. %e&ause of that Gasper had been sealed till now. (n&ons&iously a&tivating his -a&red Gear was seen as a problem." <ust like I thought, huh. However, you sure were able to make a guy with su&h a powerful gear into your servant, %u&hou. #ot to mention, to be able to do it with !ust one pie&e." 0n my words %u&hou brings out a book in her hands from mid air, flips the pages of the book, and presents it to me opened. .ooking at it, it was the e'planation page for 6vil Die&es. $$$$$$$Its a mutation pie&e." 3331utation pie&e/" Aiba answers to my ?uestion. Its different from the usual evil pie&e, bodies that &learly re?uire more than one pie&e to be rein&arnated &an be rein&arnated in one pie&e, its a pie&e that &an make su&h a phenomenon o&&ur." %u&hou possessed that pie&e." Is what keno$san says. Aiba &ontinues further. (sually, for high$&lass devils, F in FC devils possesses a single pie&e. Its an irregularity born when the evil pie&e system was &reated, its kind of like a bug but it seems like it was kept for fun. Gasper$kun is the one who used that pie&e." 0h, meaning %u&hou used a rare pie&e on Gasper, huh. The problem is Gaspers ability." %u&hou, what do you mean/" He possess a rare ability and it seems his -a&red Gears power in&reases when hes un&ons&ious. 1aybe be&ause of that, every day his power is in&reasing. $$$$$$:rom the previous &onversation we &an say, in the future, theres a possibility he may attain balan&e breaker." $$$$$$$$+

%$%alan&e breaker/ That is, even in the best of times a dangerous thing, right/ If the guy whos in&apable of &ontrolling his own power attains it3... #ot to mention, a -a&red Gear that stops time+ 1aybe be&ause she understood from looking at my surprised appearan&e, %u&hou also put her hand on her forehead with a troubled fa&e." *es. Its a &riti&al situation. However, be&ause my evaluation was a&&epted, it seems I was !udged that I may be able to &ontrol Gasper now by the people that evaluated me. 1aybe be&ause I made Ise and *uuto attain balan&e breaker." .eaving Aiba aside, mine is limited with &onditions atta&hed, and that too is in&omplete, you know/ h, I heard that I too was valued ?uite a lot when I defeated that bastard ,ai2er. 1y master %u&hou would have been valued even more I guess. 6ven though vanishing ;ragon intervened, we were able to defend without any large destru&tion in the in&ident with Aokabiel. Thats why, if its the &urrent %u&hou, she may be able to handle Gasper, is what the big people !udged, huh. 33(h, e$e$even though I dont want you to talk about me3..." Theres a big &ardboard bo' pla&ed beside me. He was speaking from there. I ki&k it silently. 6eeeeeeeeek+" shout was heard. )hose is it/ 0f &ourse, its Gasper$kun. %e&ause hes e'tremely s&ared of the outside world, it seems hes entered a &ardboard bo'. This guy is33 *ou hate it that mu&h, pla&es outside of this room. <udging by ability, maybe after keno he would be ne't. 6ven though I say half vampire, hes from a pureblooded vampire family with a good lineage, and has a powerful -a&red Gear be&ause of his human half. Hes well endowed with the abilities of vampires, and he e'&els in human magi& wielded by wi2ards as well. If not so, then he probably wouldnt have been made a bishop with !ust one evil pie&e." Is what %u&hou says. )ow, hes that ama2ing, huh, this hikikomori vampire$kun. h, but, is he alright with daylight and et&./ %u&hou, vampires are weak against the sun, right/ Is he fine/" %u&hou nods to my ?uestion. He possess the blood of a spe&ial vampire known as ;ay walker whi&h &an move in the day, so theres no problem. However, he may dislike it." ;ay walker/ Heh, there was a vampire like that, huh. I hate daylighttt+ Its better if the sun disappeareeeeeed+" I see, I see. 6ven for devils, the sun is like a natural enemy. However, sin&e were students of this s&hool, its not good if we dont attend s&hool during the day, you know/ *ou dont attend &lass, right/ If you dont &ontrol your power and open yourself up then it isnt good, you know/" I say that but he !ust s&reams. #o+ I am fine inside this &ardboard bo'+ The air and light of the outside are a natural enemy to

meeeee+ Dlease let me remain a boy who lives in a &ardboard boooooo'+" 3...This is terrible. I wonder whats wrong. lso, doesnt he need blood/ Hes a vampire, right/" %u&hou responds to my ?uestion. -in&e hes a half vampire, he doesn5t thirst for blood as often. If you supply the blood for him on&e every FC days then theres no problem. Though it seems he originally didnt like drinking blood." I hate blooooood+ I hate fish tooooooo+ I hate liver as welllllll+" If youre a vampire with intense likes and dislikes then what the hell will you do+ 33 good$for$nothing vampire." Aoneko$&han spews out those words. s e'pe&ted, she doesnt show mer&y. (waaaaaaah+ Aoneko$&han is a meanieeee+" Is it be&ause theyre first year &lass &omrades, she wont be mer&iful/ Huh/ 6ven though I am of a higher &lass , she doesnt go easy on me/ :or the time being, till I &ome ba&k, Ise, sia, Aoneko, Genovia, Ill leave Gaspers training to you. keno and I will be going to the meeting pla&e for the top of the = fa&tions. nd *uuto, it seems 0nii$ sama wants to hear in detail about your %alan&e %reaker so a&&ompany us." *es, %u&hou." %u&hou has it tough too. )ait, Aiba was &alled by 1aou$sama. bout that Holy$demoni& sword/ h, if I remember &orre&tly, that sword is, sin&e originally that balan&e breaker was an impossible phenomenon, so it is an irregular form for a -a&red Gear. )ell, wanting to investigate would be natural. Ise$kun, sorry but, Ill leave Gasper$kun to you." *eah, leave it to me, Aiba. )ell, sin&e sia, Aoneko$&han and Genovia are here too, well do something. Drobably." To be honest, I am a bit uneasy33 The hikikomori vampire. I am very worried about the future. Gasper$kun, you should start getting used to the outside, you know/" keno$san speaks a&ross the &ardboard bo'. keno onee$samaaaaaaa+ Dlease dont say stuff like thaaaaaaaat" ra ara, thats troubling. Ise, Ill leave it to you." *es, if I am re?uested by keno$san, then Ill do my best as well+" I &ant betray %u&hou and keno$sans e'pe&tations+ *eah. Then, Ise, shall I thoroughly dis&ipline him/ weak man is no good. nd also I wanted to fa&e off with a vampire sin&e &hildhood. .eave his treatment to me." )ith that Genovia pulled on to the rope atta&hed to Gasperins$8ardboard bo'. )anted to fa&e off against, wait3 ;o you want to destroy Gasper33/ 6eeeeeeeek+ #$#$#$#o way, I don5t want to fight against the user of the holy sword ;urrandaaaaal+ I$ Ill be destroyeeeeed+" ;ont s&ream, Gaspair. If you like, shall I prepare a &ross and holy water, and also atta&k you with

garli&/" 6eeeeeeeeek+ Garli&, noooooooooo+" It may have been his misfortune to have met Genovia. Is what I thought. 1ore like, Genovia$san. If a devil e'or&ises, then youll re&eive damage as well. I am worried about the future33

Part 2
Hey, start running. If youre a ;aywalker then you should be able to run in the day." 6eeeeeek+ ;ont &hase me while swinging the ;urandaaaaaaal+" s we approa&hed evening, the vampire was being &hased by the holy sword wielder. .ooking from an outsiders perspe&tive, it was &ompletely a vampire hunt. ;urandal was also letting out a dangerous sound while emitting a holy aura. Gasper was also desperate in running away. )ell thats &ause if she &at&hes up, hell be destroyed in an instant. It seems that Genovia is training him starting from physi&al strength on the prete't of healthy spirit starts from a healthy body." -hes a lively lady as usual. This lady whos swinging the legendary weapon and &hasing him seems to be happy as well. #ow that I think about it, after shes be&ome used to living here, Genovia said that from what she does and what she has to do, everything is en!oyable. That part is probably the same as when sia got used to living in this &ity. -in&e they lived their lives in a simple fashion as believers, <apan with almost no religion, its workings would be fresh to them. 6ven though it was an honor to have met the %ishop$san !ust like me, we havent even properly seen ea&h others fa&es33...@sob@." sia seems regretful. -hes also a bit tearful. t my house she used to say it a lot I want to meet the other %ishop$san", she was anti&ipating her meeting. 6ven though its their long awaited en&ounter, sin&e hes a ma' level human hater, it &ant be helped. )ell, we all are devils. 1ore like, not even seeing our sias fa&e3... -hit+ I &ant forgive that part. However, I have to bear with it. lthough hes a senpai as a devil, hes a !unior in s&hool. Theres also the part where I have to guide him as his senpai as well. Aoneko$&han was &hasing Gasper alongside Genovia while holding garli&. 33Gya$kun, if you eat garli&, youll be&ome healthy." #ooooooo+ Aoneko$&han is bullying meeeeeee+" re these two Fst years getting along well33/ I had heard that Aoneko$&han &ould be a uni?ue irritating &hara&ter but33 is she bullying/ 1ore like, Aoneko$&han is &alling him Gya$kun". 0h oh, theyre at it." )ith that, the student &oun&il member -a!i appears as well. 0h, its you, -a!i." *o, Hyoudou. fter hearing that there was a hikikomori servant whose ban had been lifted, I &ame to see it a bit." h, Hes over there. He5s the one getting &hased by Genovia." Hey hey, Genovia$san, shes swinging the legendary sword heartily, you know/ Is it alright/, huh. 0h+

)ait, its a girl, huh+ #ot to mention blond haired+" -a!i seems happy. *ou would think that right. -orry to say this, but thats a guy &ross dressing." Hearing that, -a!i seemed to be &ompletely de!e&ted. Hes heartbroken. )ell, this is swindling. 1ore like, sin&e hes wearing girls &lothing, it would be to show it to someone, right/ nd sin&e hes a hikikomori, its too mu&h of a &ontradi&tion. Its ?uite diffi&ult." Thats right. Its an in&omprehensible &ross dressing habit. lso I &ant say anything about it suiting him. nd, what are you doing -a!i/" -a!i is wearing a !ersey, army &otton gloves and was also holding a small shovel for flower bed use. Its as you see. Its the maintenan&e of the flower bed. Its been Aai&hous orders sin&e a week ago. Hey, re&ently the events in the s&hool have been many right/ nd also, ne't time 1aou$sama and the others are &oming here as well. Its the !ob of the pawn of the student &oun&il, me, to make the s&hool look beautiful."

He puffs out his &hest and a&ts magnifi&ently, but doesnt that mean hes in &harge of odd !obs3../ 1eh, I &ant break his sentiments so best keep ?uiet. 7Na Na3..9 fter that &onversation, there was a presen&e of someone &oming near us. )hen I moved my ga2e to the dire&tion$$$$$ I doubted my eyes. Heh. The servants of 1aous familys devils are playing over here." n evil looking male wearing a yukata$$$$. I re&ogni2ed him. 2a2el33.+" *o, -ekiryutei. Its been some time sin&e that night." 6veryone is dubiously staring at him who appeared suddenly, )ith my single word the atmosphere &ompletely &hanges. Giii+ Genovia has her sword at the ready. 1aybe be&ause she sensed the atmosphere, sia hides behind me, I made my boosted gear appear as if prote&ting her. )hy is the Governor of the fallen angels at a pla&e like this+/ -a!i also while sho&ked brings out the fa&e of a deformed li2ard on his right hand. Its -a!is -a&red Gear. Hy$Hyoudou, by 2a2el you mean$+" I am serious, -a!i. I have &ome in &onta&t with this guy plenty of times." 1aybe &ause of my serious response he understood, -a!i made a battle position as well. 2a2el smiles bitterly on our postures. .et alone thirst for blood, I didnt even feel the presen&e of him trying to do a battle. I dont feel like fighting. Hey, thaw your postures, .ow 8lass devil$kun. *ou should somehow know that even with the bun&h gathered here, you wouldnt win against me, right/ 6ven I dont plan on bullying low &lass devils. -in&e I was taking a stroll, I &ame to visit the devils pla&e. Is the holy demoni& sword wielder present/ I &ame to see him." 6ven though this is what he says, nobody thawed their posture. .ike well believe something a fallen angel says+ 1ore like, your aim is Aiba, huh+ If its Aiba, then he isnt here+ If youre aiming for Aiba, then I wont let you do it+" -in&e Aiba be&ame a rare balan&e breaker, does he plan on making him an offer/ 33.-eriously. 6ven though you werent able to win against Aokabiel, theres no way you &an win against me. $$$$I see, the holy demoni& sword user isnt present. This is boring." )hile s&rat&hing his head, 2a2el approa&hes. Theres no hostility at all. %e&ause of that, its s&ary. %e&ause of the fear my hands are trembling. gainst one of the leaders, Aokabiel, we &ouldnt do anything. If more than that, a top level opponent &omes3.even instant annihilation is possible. I dont want to go on to the ne't world as soon those bla&k wings unfurl3..If I have to die, then at least let me die after doing e&&hi things with %u&hou+ 2a2el points to a &ertain tree.

The vampire hiding over there." Gasper hiding in the tree shade gets pani&ked. )hile approa&hing Gasper, the fallen angel Governor says. *oure the possessor of the :orbidden %alor Eiew, right/ If you &ant use it properly, then it will be&ome a thing that &auses harm to others. s a support type -a&red Gear, if you &an supplement the defi&ient aspe&ts, it should be fine but3.. #ow that I mention it, the resear&h of sa&red gears by devils didnt progress mu&h. If you invoke it via the > senses, if the sa&red gears owners &apa&ity is insuffi&ient then, it will move naturally, and it will be e'tremely dangerous. s if peering into Gaspers fa&e$$$$$, more like 2a2el is peering into both his eyes. Gasper himself was trembling from the top head of the fallen angels approa&h. I think its an obvious rea&tion. However, I dont feel anything strange or an evil mali&e from 2a2el. His e'pression looks like hes full of interest. 1aybe be&ause the others also sensed it, they didnt know how to respond. .ooking at him, Gasper is looking like hes being atta&ked by the fallen angel but3. 2a2el turns around towards us, and points to -a!i. )hile s&ared, -a!i makes a posture as well. However$$$$$ Is that bsorption .ine/ If youre pra&ti&ing, try using it. 8onne&t it to this vampire, if he invokes it while youre absorbing the sa&red gears e'&ess, it would probably run less wildly." 0n 2a2els e'planation, -a!i shows a &omple' e'pression as well. 33..1$1y -a&red Gear, it &an su&k the power of the opponents -a&red Gear as well/ I thought it simply absorbs the opponents power and weakens them3.." Hearing that, 2a2el had an ama2ed e'pression. -eriously, its be&ause of this, that re&ently the sa&red gear owners dont try to know the power of their sa&red gears well enough. The bsorption .ine holds the power of one of the legendary > dragon kings, the Drison dragon, Eritra. )ell, this was found out thanks to re&ent resear&h. That thing &an &onne&t to any ob!e&t, and &an s&atter that power. If its a short time, its possible to separate the line from the owners side, and &onne&t it to some other person or ob!e&t." The$, then, the line on my side3.for e'ample I &an &onne&t it to Hyoudou or some other person/ nd then the power will flow into Hyoudou/" *eah, if you grow, the number of the lines will also in&rease. If you do that the output of absorption will in&rease many times as well." 333.." -a!i be&ame ?uiet. 1ore like, about -a!is -a&red Gear, if 2a2els e'planation is true then isnt it ?uite an ama2ing thing/ #o no, this guy is the Governor of the fallen angels, you know/ The boss of the old enemy of the devils+ Its obvious that hes a bad guy+ 33..I think that but, I dont feel any hostility after all. I worry about what Aokabiel said. His sa&red gear &olle&tion hobby is abnormal." $$$is what he said. Is this related to that/ In improving the sa&red gear, the fastest way would be to drink the blood of the host of the -ekiryutei. If you let a vampire drink blood, then theyll gain power. )ell, do the rest yourselves." The fallen angels Governor$san says !ust that mu&h, and with a single look turns to leave the pla&e.

However, only on&e he stopped, and turned his fa&e towards me. -orry for Eali$$$$$0ur hakuryuukou for &oming into &onta&t with you on his own a&&ord. I am sure you would have been surprised, right/ )hJat, hes an unusual guy but he doesnt think of settling the rivalry between red and white immediately." Is what 2a2el says but3. )hat about you, wont you apologi2e for &oming in &onta&t with me repeatedly without informing about your identity/" I un&ons&iously &omplained as well. However, I was seriously surprised. :or the &lient to be the Governor of the fallen angels, there are limits to even bad !okes. %ut, 2a2el shows a mis&hievous smile and says a few words. )ell, thats my hobby. I wont apologi2e." -aying that, he left the pla&e. 33 )e were left behind. )e e'&hanged glan&es and were troubled on how to rea&t but -a!i after sighing moved. 33:or the time being, shall I use my sa&red gear on the new fa&e$kun over there. In that state, lets try using his sa&red gear and pra&ti&e. In e'&hange for that, ne't time, I will have you help me out with the flower bed." 0n -a!is suggestion, everyone nodded, and Gaspers sa&red gear training got started. -a!i &onne&ted the tongue of the bsorption .ine on Gasper, and su&ks the e'&ess power. s 2a2el said, absorption was possible. 3.-eriously, hes well informed about the sa&red gears, that Governor$ san. fter that, the volleyball that we threw, the moment it &ame into Gaspers field of vision, it got stopped. The ob!e&ts &an be only stopped &ompletely for a few minutes interval. If it was a ball, it was stopped in mid air and stayed like that. If its a living thing, its movements were stopped and remained in the same posture. The people that got stopped, in that interval, they were &ompletely stopped, to the point of &ons&iousness, they dont have any memory of the interval when they were stopped. I e'perien&ed it as well so I know. I &an feel some mali&e but not to the point of knowing what happened. Theres no problem with things entering his field of vision but its no doubt that its a powerful sa&red gear. The &loser you enter his field of vision, the longer you get stopped, the farther you are the bigger the range of vision but the time of stoppage gets shorter. %e&ause Gasper is unable to effe&tively use his sa&red gear, only &ertain things within his field of vision &an be stopped. I feel like &on&luding the present situation. -in&e its still impossible for him to invoke it &ons&iously, there were also a&&idental &ases when the moment he glan&ed towards someone and a part of their body be&ame lightly stopped. -eriously, pardon me from the un&ons&ious invoking. ;uring those times, Gasper would yell out apologi2ing -orryyyyyyy" and try to run away. 8at&hing him and trying to bring him ba&k is troublesome as well. It would be good if he would only stop the ball &oming in his dire&tion, but its very diffi&ult. This may

be33more diffi&ult than I thought. The sa&red gears ability is one thing, but the training of the owner, Gasper himself, is diffi&ult. However, be&ause I was asked by %u&hou, I have to a&&ompany this guy. I will make this guy into a magnifi&ent time user+ Is what I was saying to pump myself up. How is it/ Is the pra&ti&e making progress/" %u&hou &ame to see us after making sandwi&hes for us. -eems like she was worried about Gasper after all. The person in ?uestion, is having his power su&ked &ontinuously and saying 56ek 6ek5. )e eat the sandwi&hes during rest time. Auh+ The mira&ulous spi&e does its work and its super tasty+ %u&hou, its tasty+" :ufufu, Thanks. The ingredients werent a lot so I was only able to make simple ones." 6ven then its really deli&ious+ -a!i also groaned Tasty+" keno$san and Aiba who are not here are with -ir2e&hs$sama or somewhere. %u&hou is surprised to hear about 2a2el but %u&hou says, I hear 2a2el has substantial knowledge about -a&red Gears. dvi&e about -a&red Gears3. 1aybe he had spare time to give advi&e to another person." :or some reason, she started to ponder. ,ias$senpais ba&k, I will be going ba&k to working on my flower bed." fter taking in B, no, = sandwi&hes %u&hou made in his mouth, he says that. -a!i$kun. Thanks for going out of your way to keep my servants &ompany. *ou have my thanks." The bastard -a!i, after making %u&hou say her thanks, goes red in the fa&e. I$Its alright. *oure Aai&hous pre&ious friend and I saw some new possibilities regarding the -a&red Gear. %ut I have to work on the flower bed as well, so..." -a!i is a good guy after all. His mouth is bad but he kept us &ompany for ?uite some time. .ater, Hyoudou. )ork hard." *eah, thanks." fter I said my thanks as well, -a!i left the pla&e. fter sending -a!i off, %u&hou said to Gasper who was resting in the shade of a tree. Gasper, you &an still &ontinue on right/ fter getting su&ked by -a!i$kun, your power has been regulated to a perfe&t level, for the remaining time I will also keep you &ompany in the training." 0oh+ %u&hou, this is promising+ %u&hou treats her servants pre&iously after all. bove all, shell properly keep &ompany in the training+ -hes doing it for me even now. I$Ill do my besttttttt." 0n %u&hous voi&e, while e'hausted, Gasper stood up as well. lright. Ill keep him &ompany to the end as well today+ .ike this, Gaspers -a&red Gear pra&ti&e &ontinued till the night.

Part 3
The night the ne't day. I was doing my devil work. 6ven now I &ant teleport via the magi& &ir&le to the human &lients pla&e but the !ob itself is going flawlessly. The meeting of the top = for&es is approa&hing as well but us servants have to keep on doing our !ob properly. -in&e two 1aou$samas who are at the top of the industry are in the same &ity, we &ant do our !obs as we please. Huh/ Its you today, Ise$kun/" Is what the young man who is the &lient tonight$$$$$$1orisawa$san says in a disappointed manner while dropping his shoulders. Hes a Aoneko$&hans &ustomer and my &ustomer as well. Tonight its my turn. 1orisawa$sans ga2e suddenly turns downwards. It seems hes worried about the ob!e&t kept on my side. $$$$$$$ large &ardboard bo' was kept besides me. )hats that/" This is a talking &ardboard bo'." 7%am.9 If I ki&k the &ardboard bo' lightly then from the inside you &an hear a s&ream 6eeeeeek.". *es, its Gasper the bo' habitating boy. -in&e %u&hou and the rest said to take him alongside for the devil !obs for the time being, I brought this spe&ially by fastening it on my bi&y&les ba&k seat and pedaling till here, you know/ I feel like &rying. To be honest, hell be of use in only a subtle way but, as long as he doesnt interfere, then its alright. Ill keep the &ardboard bo' here$$$$$. )hat what, whats inside it/" Is what 1orisawa$san said while having &ome &lose before I noti&ed it+ -uddenly, he opens the lid of the &ardboard bo'$$$$. Idiot. 33" 33" Gasper and 1orisawa$sans eyes meet. :ue3" Deople with nthropophobia, if theyre stared at by people then they be&ome teary eyed, right. Gasper, bear with it a bit. It appears a bishou!o looking at it, but in fa&t hes a boy. He has a hobby of wearing girls &lothes." I also give a follow up e'planation for the time being. If he knows that its a boy beforehand then the damage he gets would be less as well. 1orisawa$san grabs both of my shoulders strongly and saysT This &ute a kid, theres no way it &an be a girl+ Its the best that hes a booooooooooooooooooy+" $$$$$$+ )hats with that insisting voi&e+ 6h/ Its alright with him being a boy/ -eriously+ His eyes are glittering+

#ow, &ome out+ 0nii$san isnt s&ary, you know/ .ets do fun things together+" 1orisawa$san talks to Gasper with his breath from nostrils rough. His spee&h and &ondu&t are that of a pervert+ (uuuwaaaaaah3 -ob3..." The person in ?uestion, Gasper is trembling. He seems s&ared. Thats natural. 6ven I am s&ared of the 1orisawa$san right now+ Hes twit&hing all > fingers of both hands, 1orisawa$sans hands rea&h towards Gasper$$$$. #ooooooooooooooo+" Gaspers s&ream$$$$. :or a moment, my senses get stopped$$$$$. 3333 )hen I reali2ed it, the &ardboard bo' ne't to me had disappeared. //////" 1orisawa$san also &ouldnt understand what had happened to him. Its the stoppage of time. Gasper must have gotten e'&ited and invoked his sa&red gear un&ons&iously. 1e and 1orisawa$san both had our times stopped for a fi'ed interval. -urveying the room, the &ardboard bo' had moved to the &orner. *ou ran over there, huh. I approa&h him, and talk to the &losed &ardboard bo'. Gasper, sorry. 1orisawa$san was a bit s&ary, right." -ob33 :ueeeeee." He &ried. Im beaten. .ike this he wont be of use in the !ob. I stopped it again3... Idiot idiot idiot idiot33 I am an idiot. -topping isnt good3... even though I dont want to stop3..." Gasper33 sin&e you were entrusted to me by %u&hou, I have to do something. However, on&e Gasper be&ame frightened, he wasnt able to do anything. 1e too, I &ouldnt say anything to him at that point.

Part 4
Gasper, please &ome out. Its my fault for pushing you into going with Ise." %u&hou was apologi2ing in front of the door of Gaspers room. I thought that if you worked with Ise, it may be for your benefit as well3.." :ueeeeeeeeeeeeeeee+" Gasper who had lo&ked himself in the old s&hool building &ould be heard &rying loudly to the point of dying. He hates people, he &ant &ontrol his sa&red gear and &auses trouble to people, it seems his worries are &omple'. #o, before that, 1orisawa$san was s&ary. Thats for sure. I heard from %u&hou. Gaspers father is from a noble family of vampires but sin&e his mother was a human mistress, he wasnt pure blooded. I heard they hate those who are non pure bloods more than devils, the vampires who s&orn, even if its their sibling, their treatment is dis&riminating. Gasper was bullied by his siblings sin&e &hildhood, even when he went to the human world, he was treated as a monster, he had no pla&e he &ould &all home. However, he possesses the uni?ue abilities of vampires, and the ability as a human$$$$$ a spe&ial sa&red gear, sin&e he was born with both of them, even if he didnt want to, as he grew older, I hear his powers also be&ame greater. 6ven if he wants to be&ome friends, by some &han&e his sa&red gear gets a&tivated, and stops the other person. Hey, Ise. How would you feel if you &ould stop time/" I am asked that by %u&hou. 33.I, am a bit s&ared." 6ven if I imagine it, theres only bad images. If I stop time, what will I do/ )hile my time was stopped, what happened to me/ It will definitely bug me. 6ven if the other person doesnt think about it. The people who were stopped by Gasper must have thought that. If suspi&ion gets born on&e inside the heart, then &ompanionship be&ame impossible, and they must have started to fear Gasper. Gasper e'perien&ed that time and again. Its the unhappiness that is tasted by those who obtain -a&red Gears. sia was the same as well. :rom being &alled a holy maiden to a wit&h$$$$$$ It seems the sa&red gears are a gift from God but33. I hear that even though God isnt here, but sin&e the -a&red Gear program God left is still living and operating, the sa&red gears wont die out. Indeed they are powerful as weapons but &orresponding to that it has the power to make the user unhappy as well.

I$I3..dont need su&h a sa&red gear+ %$%e&ause I stop everyone+ I s&are them+ I make them dislike me+ 6ven I dislike it+ I dont want to stop my f$friends and &$&omrades3. ny more of having to look at the fa&e of my &herished ones stopped3.. I$I dont want that33" Gasper is sobbing inside the room. He was &hased out of his house as well, in any world Gasper wasnt able to live, he was troubled by the roadside. t that time he was targeted by vampire hunters and lost his life on&e. It seems he was pi&ked up by %u&hou there. However, in those days, Gasper who was endowed with a powerful power &ouldnt be &ontrolled by %u&hou, and was ordered to be sealed by the higher ups. nd then, his seal has been lifted now. )hat a ?uandary3.. :or making this kid to on&e again shut himself in3.. I am a failure as a Aing." %u&hou is depressed. %u&hou isnt wrong. Gasper isnt wrong either. ,ather the one who is wrong is me. 6ven though they pla&ed their hopes on me and made him a&&ompany me to work, I wasnt able to do anything. %u&hou, isnt your meeting with -ir2e&hs$sama and the others in a short while from now/" *es, but I will e'tend the time a bit more. I have to make sure of Gasper is alright first$$$$." Dlease leave the rest to me. I will do something about it." 0n my suggestion %u&hou also &ouldnt ob!e&t strongly. -in&e the meeting is important as well. The bosses of the three great powers are going to assemble. That setting is important. If something in&onvenient o&&urs on the same day, with !ust that the gap between them may in&rease mu&h more. Its alright. I finally got a male kouhai+ I will do something about it+" Is what I pro&laim while puffing out my &hest. Its a bluff. Truthfully, I dont have mu&h &onfiden&e. This sort of deli&ate type isnt my forte. %ut in front of %u&hou I will make myself look &ool. Ise. lright, I got it. 8an I &ount on you/" *es+" fter hearing my vigorous response, %u&hou nodded with a smile. s if regretfully and worrily, %u&hou glan&ed at Gaspers room on&e and left this pla&e. fter seeing %u&hou off, I took a deep breath, and sat in front of the door. Till you &ome out, I wont move one step from here+" I thought of a lot but for me who is an idiot, I &an only do this+ -it down+ Dlain and simple+ I think that sin&e an&ient times this is the best thing that works against people who shut themselves in+ Drobably+ 333.. Its a battle of enduran&e. )ith that I furiously remained seated for an hour, but there is no &hange. There is no sign of him &oming out either. 33<ust sitting ?uietly like this isnt going to help, huh. )hile feeling that, I tried talking to him. 33 re you s&ared/ 0f the sa&red gear33and of us/" 3333.." I talk a&ross the door.

I also possess a sa&red gear in whi&h the strongest dragon resides in. However, my life was not as ama2ing as yours who was a vampire, or like Aiba. I was a normal male high s&hool student." I dont know how mu&h rea&hes him. However, lets speak my honest feelings. I33 to be honest, am s&ared. )hile using the dragons powers, I feel that some part of my body is &hanging into something else. I dont know mu&h about devils right now either, nor about what a dragon is. However, I feel I want to pro&eed further." -in&e there isnt anything else for me. )hy/ 1$1aybe, you may lose something important, you know/ )hy do you senpai, want to live su&h a straight forward life so mu&h333/" 0h, he replied. Thats good. Hes hearing my story then. %ut, that ?uestion is troubling33 33#o33 -in&e I am an idiot, I dont get the diffi&ult stuff. <ust that$$$$." <ust that/" $$$$$I dont want to see %u&hous tears on&e more. ;uring the time we did the rating game, we all lost. I was defeated hollow to the point where I dont have any memories of when I was defeated. I wont be patheti&33 even then, I only remember %u&hou &rying." I &losed my fist tightly. That time$$$$$even remembering it now is mortifying. 33It was intense. Its deeply et&hed onto the interior of my brain. #ot to mention, my &omrades kept getting defeated one after another. In the end, only I remained33 6ven now I see it in my dreams. Its a dream where I am running around on the battlefield alone. I finally found %u&hou but, she was &rying and I was unable to do anything33" 7Giii9 )ith a dull sound the door opened up a bit. 33I wasnt present during that time." Gaspers profile appeared from behind the door and he looked like he was earnestly holding ba&k his tears. h, I understand. I am not blaming you for that. %ut, from now its going to be different, right/" 33I, I will !ust &ause trouble33 I am a hikikomori, I am intensely shy3..I &ant properly use my sa&red gear3.." s I tou&h Gaspers head, I peer into both his eyes. His sa&red gear is present here, huh. The ability to stop time. I dont hate you. s your senpai Ill always look after you. 3.)ell, as a devil you would be a senpai. %ut, in real life I am your senpai so leave it to me." $$$$$ Gasper blinks in surprise but I &ontinue. .end me your power. .ets support %u&hou together. If youre s&ared of something then Ill send it flying away. 6ven if I am like this I house the legendary dragons power, you know/" I give out a smile but Gasper was troubled by my &omment. )ould you like to drink my blood/ If what that bastard 2a2el said is true then if you drink my blood

then you may be able to &ontrol your sa&red gear." That time, he said that. If it &an be done with this then I think its a &heap pri&e3..)ill I be&ome a vampire/ I have heard that if youre a virgin and are bitten by a vampire then you be&ome one but3.. However Gasper shook his head hori2ontally. 33 I am s&ared. 0f drinking blood dire&tly from living beings. I am even s&ared of my own power3..If anything more happens than this then3.. I will3.. I will3.." *eah. *ou dont like being used by your -a&red Gear, huh. However I am !ealous of your ability you know." $$$$$$$." <ust by a few words from me Gasper showed a surprised e'pression from the bottom of his heart. 6h/ )hats with that rea&tion3.. ;id I say something weird/ %e&ause, isnt it the best to be able to stop time/ If I possessed that sa&red gear then, it would be terrifi&. I would definitely use it on the &lass girls, no, on the s&hools girls to do inde&ent things. I &an affirm this. I would be &rawling on the &orridor and peeking at girls panties I guess. h, if its that sa&red gear then, I would stop %$%u&hou and use it on her b$boobs3.+ h, !ust thinking about that I would be able to do as I wish with those boobs, my drool isnt stopping+ Thats it+ $ $ keno$sans boobs are good too+ ,ather, peeking at her panties is good too+ (wah, my wild ideas arent stopping+" $$$$$)ait, this isnt the time to be saying su&h stuff with drool hanging on me+ ah, Gasper would definitely be sho&ked of me and$$$$$. I thought that but he was smiling as if happy. Ise$senpai, youre a kind person." He said that with the finest ?uality smile. (h, even though hes a male my heart !ust skipped a beat for a moment. This is dangerous. Its the first time I5ve been told that. I wasnt ever told by people that they were !ealous of me. #ot to mention even giving &on&rete e'amples33 Ise$senpai, youre a funny person." That may be true. -orry for being a le&her. Got it, listen &losely, Gasper. $$$$I want to transfer the power of the -ekiryutei onto %u&hous boobs." 0n hearing my straightforward feelings, Gasper let out a surprised e'pression but gradually his eyes moistened. 33 ma2ing, Ise$senpai. )hile possessing a powerful -a&red Gear, to be able to fa&e forward with inde&en&y that mu&h33. Its a thought pro&ess that wont rea&h me, I dont know why but I sensed a bit of your dreams and your wishes. Ise$senpai, your lusts are overflowing with &ourage, right." Hahaha, I feel like I am being made fun of, maybe its my imagination+ *eah that must be it+ Its a powerful sa&red gear+ I &an use it+ I will use my sa&red gear in order to satisfy my se'ual desires+ I have de&lared it to the dragon residing in my gauntlet as well+ Ill su&k %u&hous breasts+ nd then, as a new ob!e&tive Ill transfer the gift onto %u&hous breasts+ #o, its fine to transfer it to keno$sans boobs as well+ (wah+ 1y dreams are in&reasingggggggggggg+" 0h, not good. I un&ons&iously made a spee&h fervently and my drool is hanging. #ot good. I$I also feel that I got a bit of &ourage flowing in me. In reality its only a bit though33."

Good good, youre a ni&e kid. Here, look at my right hand. I have rubbed %u&hous breasts with this hand, you know/" Gasper looked with astonished eyes onto my right hand upon hearing my spee&h. :ufufu, this is my prideful story. -a!i also bit on this story. I am happy that Gasper also bit on this story. Hes a male after all. ,$,eally/ #$#o way33 To be able to tou&h your master who is a high &lass devil33 )ith Ise$ senpai there are only surprising things o&&urring33." lso, about the story of transferring it to boobs, its 1aou$samas idea. I have thought of following 1aou -ir2e&hs$sama for my entire life. That person is ama2ing+ Hes drawing out my abilities+" %$%oob be able to use the possibilities of the longinus beyond the general domain3.. 1aou$sama is the strongest after all." %efore I knew it I had entered his room and was &onversing deeply with Gasper. s e'pe&ted of Ise$kun. To be able to have a friendly &hat with Gasper immediately." )hile me and Gasper were talking to ea&h other unreserved, the one who appeared was Aiba. He entered the room as if peering into it. )as he worried/ s always hes a good guy. Thats right, perfe&t timing. -in&e all the male &lub members have gathered Ill begin my important announ&ement. Aiba, I have something to talk about." )hat is it, Ise$kun." 1e, you and Gasper are males." Thats right. %ut suddenly hearing about that, what happened/" I have thought about an allian&e between the male members of the Gremory team." That has3. ,oused my interest. )hat do you mean/" 0h, Aiba bit it as well. lright, lets talk about my plan. :irstly, I gather up power. Then, after transferring it to Gasper, stop the time of the surroundings. t that time, I tou&h the girls who are stopped as mu&h as I want." $$$$$$. 3333*ou on&e again thought some e&&hi ideas. )ell thats that but if its !ust that mu&h then there isnt any duty of mine, is there/" 0n my plan Aiba let out the words lightly but3.. I e'plain more &almly. #o, there is. *ou go to balan&e breaker mode, and prote&t me. 1aybe while I am doing e&&hi stuff the enemy may atta&k. This is an important &ooperation." Ise$kun, if its for you then Ill do anything but33lets talk about the future seriously. $$$$$$$your method of using your power is too e&&hi. ;draig will &ry, you know/" 7Aiba is a good guy.9 ;ont say it in a teary voi&e, ;draig+ -in&e I am your possessor, assist me in my eroti& ideas+ Aiba, you bastard+ ;ont look at me with that pitiful look+ *ou handsome bastard+ *ou have it good+ *ou &an eat girls all you want+ I &ant even eat a single one+" 3..-in&e its you, on&e you reali2e it, youll be addi&ted to it, %u&hou and the others seem to pamper

you as well so stop what youre saying33They do say that self reali2ation is a terrifying thing." Aiba says something with a profound meaning but, meh, its alright. lright, male &omrades, lets speak frankly. $$$$$$:irst round 7The best part that you like about a girl9+ :irst is me+ I like looking at girls boobs and legs+" Aiba and Gasper are smiling bitterly but werent disliking it. %ut I didnt miss out the fa&t that Gasper had been shaking his hands from the start to the end. Hes s&ared probably I think. #ot of us, but of stopping us$$$$$$$. Hes s&ared of his time stopping -a&red Gear whi&h may invoke any time from the bottom of his heart. 0f the &on&lusion that that -a&red Gear brings about. If he stops the other person, hell be hated. %e&ause of that fear his body and mind are driven into a &orner. However, lets en!oy it even if its for now. #o, I want to make him en!oy it. -orry but is it alright if I am inside the &ardboard bo'/ 33I wont &lose the lid. <ust, when I talk to people, I &an &alm down inside the &ardboard bo'." Is what Gasper says apologeti&ally. Its regrettable but I allowed it. Theres no helping it sin&e its the first time. :or&ing him isnt good either. .ets bring him out from his &ardboard bo' gradually. h, this is &almingS. This is itS. The &ardboard bo' is my hearts oasis3.." Is it that mu&h+ Is the &ardboard bo' that &omforting for you+ 33.However, this guy, the &ardboard bo' suits him33. 1ore like I am used to seeing him inside it. The &ardboard bo' vampire. -in&e its an e'tremely new development I am troubled by how to rea&t33. If you dislike meeting eye to eye with people that mu&h, then how about this$$$$$$." I made two holes in a paper bag kept in the room and pla&ed it on top of Gaspers head. T$This is3.." The &ross dressing young boy wore a paper bag on his head in the dimly lit room. his eyes is &oming from the part where I had opened holes+ H$How is itS/ ;oes it suit meS/" Hes sluggishly &oming &loser to the path of a 2ombie+ )hat intensity+ #o matter how you look at it. its a degenerate+ I am seriously s&ared+ h, but, this33 Its good right. It may suit me33." Gasper, for the first time I have felt that youre ama2ing." ,$,eally33./ If I wear this then my value as a vampire may in&rease33.." *eah. 1ore than a vampire, its a pervert at full power. I am beaten. These people around me are all weird. .ike this, the inde&ent talk of males only through the night began. I knew it but Aiba was surprisingly a le&her himself. red glint made by

Part 5
The ne't day, I was headed to a &ertain pla&e. I was &alled by keno$san. 1ore like, %u&hou said that on&e she also finishes her work, shell &ome later. )hat work is it/ The first things that &ome are e&&hi delusions but sin&e %u&hou is also &oming later, that possibility is nil. 1e who is in between them is happy but its &ompli&ated. )ith something as a impetus, it seems it would turn into a big fight33 struggle for me, whom is a pet. I am getting more than I deserve as a pet+ Its &ompli&ated as a man though. I &ontinue to walk out of the &ity. 3...)ait, there is only one important thing ahead. $$$$$*es, the shrine. (waaah. %y -hrine, isnt that a bad pla&e for us devils+ I still havent stepped inside a shrine but I had heard that you &ant enter that easily. 1ore like, I feel like I had heard from %u&hou about it in the pla&es not to enter33 )hile thinking that, my eyes &aught the shadow of a human on the stone steps. -training my eyes and looking$$$$its the fa&e of a person I re&ogni2e. )el&ome, Ise$kun." h, keno$san+/" It was the figure of keno$san &lad in a shrine maidens outfit. I am &limbing the steps. keno$san who is moving forward says it without stopping. -orry, Ise$kun. -uddenly &alling you out like this." h, its no problem. I was also free with no work. %ut what kind of work is this/ nd also %u&hou says she will also &ome later3..." *es, I know. ,ias has to do a final meeting with -ir2e&hs$sama regarding the &onferen&e matter." #o, but, keno$sans shrine maiden outfit is the best. Its suiting her pretty good. -hes surely a *amato #adeshiko+ Derhaps, her other name, HThe Thunder Driestess &ame from here/ 1ore like, is it fine for devils to be in a shrine/ 1y ?uestions arent running out but why is keno$san over here/ Is it alright not going to the meeting along with %u&hou/ I was thinking that the ?ueens power may be re?uired3" Grayfia$sama will follow up over there, not to mention if it advan&es by a &ertain degree, then even without me it will be alright. 1ore than that, I have to meet the person whos upstairs waiting."

Is what keno$san says and looks far off up the stairs. Huh/ Is someone &oming/ The ar&h drew nearer. If devils try to &ross this then they re&eive damage; they say not to &ome &lose to a shrine but3.. This pla&e is fine. n agreement was rea&hed under the table, even devils &an enter." )hile saying that keno$san passed through the ar&hway without anything happening. 0oh, so its alright, huh. I also fearfully pass through. h, its seriously alright. In front of my eyes theres a splendid main shrine present. I sense oldness but it doesnt betray any damaged parts at all. keno$san, do you live here/" *eah, the priest of the last generation passed away, ,ias se&ured this shrine whi&h had no people remaining for me." Is he the sekiryutei/" $$$$$$, I be&ame aware of a third persons voi&e, turning that side, the person there was$$$$$$. Golden &olored wings to the point of da22ling are fluttering in front of me. handsome fa&e was sending glan&es at me. young man with a

His body is wrapped in an e'travagant white robe$$$$$above his head a golden &olored halo is floating. )ait, a halo+/ The young man gives a gentle looking smile, and &omes for a handshake. #i&e to meet you, -ekiryutei, Hyoudou Issei$kun." $$$$. He knows my name. )ho is he/ -ensing my doubt, in front of my eyes FB wings appear from the young mans ba&k. I am 1i&hael. I am the leader of the angels. I see, this auras ?uality, its surely ;draig. This brings ba&k memories." Its a super big shot33..+

Part 6
)ith keno$san leading, me and 1i&hael33.san headed to the main shrine. halo is the proof of an angel. I heard this from %u&hou before. :or angels, their identifying features are the halo above their head and their white feathers, fallen angels feature is that they dont have a halo and their wings are bla&k. 1i&hael$san had golden wings. He has the aura of a big person floating around him. Inside the ?uite large main shrine there were a number of huge pillars. :rom the &enter, I felt an unknown surge of power, and it tingled my skin. This aura, what is it/ Its full of danger signals. Truth is, I thought of awarding you this." Huh/ )ill he be giving me something/ I send my ga2e towards the dire&tion 1i&hael$san is pointing at with his fingers, over there a sword was floating oo2ing out a holy aura. 33.(wah, this must be a holy sword+ 6ven the ignorant me knows this surge very well. -in&e I have &ome to see 6'&alibur, ;urrandal, I know what a holy aura means. This is Georges$$$$if I say -aint George then would it be better introdu&ed/ Its the dragon slayers holy sword, s&alon, he possessed." #o, I dont know anything about any George or saint George at all you know. 7Its a famous dragon slayer. )ell, you should also study a bit more.9 -hut up+ nd, whats up with that ;ragon -layer. ;oesnt it have a dangerous smell !ust from the name itself/ 7 group of people who made slaying dragons their !ob$$$$$$and also the term used for the weapon they used.9 33. ssassins spe&iali2ing in dragons, huh. -&ary. ;oes that mean I am also a target/ I dislike this more and more33. 4 s a spe&ial &ourtesy, sin&e I am giving this, even you a devil who has the power of the dragon &an handle it. %efore you &an possess it, do you think you &an assimilate it into the boosted gear/4 Is what 1i&hael$san is saying but is it possible/ 7It depends on you. The sa&red gear answers on your feelings. If you wish for it, it should be possible.9 Is that so. *eah, how should I do it. 1ore like, listen to my ?uestion. )hy, give it to me/" #o matter how mu&h I think I ask him that. )hy is this seemingly valuable thing being given to me/ I am the old enemy for the angels, not to mention, I am housing the dragon who &aused trouble during the war a long time ago. I think I am the worst e'isten&e for them. 1i&hael$san answers while smiling. This times meeting, I think theres a huge opportunity to &ooperate between the = great powers. I hear you already know it so I am saying this but, we lost our &reator$$$$$God during the last war. 0ur enemies also lost the old 1aous in battle. The leaders of the fallen angels are reti&ent. 2a2el also has his offi&ial stand of not wanting to &reate wars. This is a &han&e. &han&e order to get rid of the useless battles. If small s&ale battles &ontinue like this intermittently then anyhow the = great powers will be destroyed. 6ven if that isnt the &ase, from the side other powers may invade. That sword is a present from me to the 1aou side. 0f &ourse, I also sent presents to the fallen angel side. I got the rumoured

holy demoni& swords from the devil side as well, our side is very grateful as well." Haa. 1i&hael$san is saying ?uite diffi&ult things. 1eaning, this times meeting is important, and he wants to make pea&e with us ;evils and fallen angels. However, other powers/ )hats with that/ Is there something else besides the three great powers/ 7 bout that. 0ther than powers written in the holy s&riptures, other mythologi&al systems e'ist as well.9 33)hats that/ ;draig, thats the first time I have heard of that33./ 70rdinarily, they dont walk over from their territory. -in&e an impli&it anti$war agreement was present. However, we dont know if the others will move when they find out that the God of the holy s&riptures has died. This talk is also about making sure that the three great powers dont utter the non$e'isten&e of the God of the holy s&riptures outside.9 ////// I dont get it. I dont get what ;draig is saying at all. 1y mind is full of ?uestions. I dont know about the deep internal &onditions between the devils, angels and fallen angels, you know/ 1i&hael$san &ontinues on his talk to me whose ?uestions werent solved. )e heard that the one who opposed us, the )elsh dragon had be&ome a devil. s a greeting, and alongside as a present were giving you that sword . :rom now on youll probably be targeted by ;ragon &lass opponents and the vanishing dragon. I thought that for the rumored HThe weakest host in history, it may be&ome a supporting weapon." -orry for being the weakest+ 6ven like this I am working hard, you know+ Its all things I dont know but I understood that hes giving me this sword. #o, but why me/ Is giving it to me alright/ 1ore like, why me/" 0nly on&e have the three great powers held hands together. Thats during the time they defeated the red and white dragon. -in&e the two dragons who trespassed into our battlefield and threw the battlefield into disarray." I have heard that story from ;draig before. nd so, master ;draig, hes saying something. 733)ho knows.9 -o youll play dumb, huh. 1eh, its alright. )ishing that we hold hands together like that time, I am pla&ing my hopes in you$$$$$$in the sekiryutei. Its typi&al <apanese right/" I thought of something but33 sin&e the top of the angels is saying it with a smile on his fa&e, Ill believe it is the truth. I turn myself towards the above mentioned sword. %ut, &an I tou&h it/ Isnt a holy sword dangerous for devils/ #ot to mention, isnt it the worst &ase for it to be a ;ragon slayer+ keno$san says to me who was having diffi&ulty in e'tending his hand. There were final ad!ustments done on that sword in this shrine. 1aou$sama, 2a2el$sama, and 1i&hael$samas &amps &eremonies have been performed so even if a devil houses the power of the dragon, he &an tou&h it." -eriously/ If keno$san says it then it must be true. If its keno$san saying it then I &an believe it+

I fearfully took the holy sword floating in mid air in my hand. 33#othing happened. I feel the holy aura but no damage or bad power is flowing into me. It seriously seems fine/ 7Dartner, fo&us your &ons&iousness on the boosted gear. Ill follow up after that. $$$$$$Try making the sword in your hand &ombine with the surge of the sa&red gear.9 *ou say that but even if I am told that33 :or the time being I fo&us on invoking my sa&red gear, and made the red gauntlet appear. I try &ombining the surge of %oosted Gear with surge of the holy sword in my hand. 33.The holy aura flows into the sa&red gear. It passes through the sa&red gear and the sensation of a bad surge flows into my body but33.. slowly it be&omes familiar, and a sensation as if it is being taken in by ;draigs power atta&ks me. Aah+ fter running the red flash$$$$$$a gauntlet e'isted with a blade growing out of the front portion of the ba&k of my left hand. 33.It seriously &ombined." ma2ing. The sa&red gear and the holy sword integrated. The sa&red sword grew out of the boosted gear+ fter &onfirming it 1i&hael &lapped his hands. nd, its time. I have to go soon." Huh/ *oure already leaving/ $$$$$$ h. There was something I wanted to say if I met the angel side. ($(m, I, want to say something to you." Time to visit the &onferen&e, lets hear it after the &onferen&e. Ill definitely hear it. ;ont worry." fter saying that, 1i&hael$sans whole body is wrapped by light, after a flash of a light for a moment, the big shot of the ngels had disappeared from this pla&e.

Part 7
Heres some tea." h, thanks a lot." )ere in the shrine after 1i&hael$san left. I am intruding on the grounds that keno$san lives in. fter passing through a <apanese style room, I was having tea in a room that looks like a tea &eremony room. If I remember &orre&tly, you drink it after turning the &up = times, right/ F time, B times, = times. Its bitter. keno$san is looking at my rea&tion and laughing with a low voi&e. ;id keno$san work with 1i&hael33.san on the sword present here/" *es, in this shrine the spe&ifi& modifi&ation &eremony was held for s&alon." The setting of the = great powers &onferen&e, and also this sword; %u&hou and keno$sans work is ?uite a lot and must be he&ti&33 Is this the mission of the Aing and Iueen/ I have to work so that I dont get in their way and be the partner of Gasper like I was asked. 33)ere finally alone. .ets try asking keno$san about the things I wanted to ask while were like this. I prepared myself and asked about the thing I have been worried about sin&e the battle with Aokabiel. 8an I ask one ?uestion/" *es, of &ourse." 33 re you the daughter of one of the leaders of fallen33" 0n my ?uestion, keno$sans e'pression &hanges to a slightly &loudy one. 33Thats right. 0riginally I was born between the leader of the fallen angels, %arakiel, and a human." 33-o its true after all. Aokabiel did say to keno$san The one having the power of %arakiel". keno$san stares at me, and talks. 1y mother was a daughter of a &ertain shrine of this &ountry. I heard that on a &ertain day, my mother saved %arakiel who had &ollapsed from in!uries and from the fate of that day I was born." )as that the &ase. keno$san had &ompli&ated household &onditions33 -omehow, my house is too normal, huh. (h, I asked her myself, now I am troubled by how to respond. )hile I was sear&hing my brain on what words to say ne't, keno$san e'panded her wings from her ba&k. $$$$$$$. ;ifferent from the usual two wings of devils, one wing was of a devil, the other one was the bla&k wing of a fallen angel. Theyre dirty wings3..The wing of a devil and the wing of a fallen angel, I possess both of them." s if despising the bla&k feathers of fallen angels, she grabbed them with her hand. )hile hating these feathers, I met ,ias and be&ame a devil. $$$$but what was born was the feathers of

a fallen angel and devil, a more disgusting &reature who possessed both. :ufufu, this may suit me who has dirtied blood flowing in her veins." keno$san is in self derision. #o way, keno$san. Dlease dont say that3.. 33How do you feel, Ise, after hearing that/ *ou hate fallen angels, right/ They killed you and sia$ &han on&e, and tried to destroy this &ity on&e, theres no way you &an hold good thoughts about them." I say whats in my heart &learly. -in&e I feel lying wouldnt be good. *es. I hate fallen angels." Hearing that, keno$sans e'pression seemed to be&ome sad. However, without &aring I &ontinued on speaking. %ut, I like keno$san." $$$$$$$$." keno$san had a surprised e'pression at my statement. I wont ask for any more details about your birth. I only wanted to &onfirm it so33. a&tually, I am thinking I asked a bad thing so I am regretting it now33 I am really sorry. I have insensitive points so3." Thats not the &ase, I have the blood of a fallen angel in me, you know/ 8an you forgive me/ lthough I rein&arnated into a devil, the fa&t that I have the blood of a fallen angel in me doesnt &hange. 33. I may have approa&hed you wanting to get hated, you know/.....#o, thats definitely the &ase. I am the worst kind of woman33" It has no relation. h, how do I say it, keno$san, youre a kind senpai. #o, um, I definitely hate fallen angels but, I think that keno$san is different, even if you have the blood of fallen angels in you, keno$san is keno$san, and you are the vi&e president of the 0&&ult resear&h &lub, I have never on&e had thoughts of dislike towards keno$san. 6ven after hearing that keno$san has the blood of fallen angels I &annot &ome to hate you. I like you even now so, theres no problem right/ Huh/ )hat the hell am I saying/ -orry, no more sensitive words are &oming to me33" Hearing my words, keno$san was$$$$$&rying. #ot good. ;id I somehow hurt her/ )$)hat should I do+ I made a girl &ry+ However, keno$san floats out a smile, and wipes her tears. 33..*ou said some killing words. 33 fter hearing that33.wont I really really get serious33" Huh, I didnt hear the se&ond half &learly but, my words were killing words."/ ;id I maybe say something bad/ fter keno$san got up, she &ame towards me$$$$$$and &lung to me+/ $ keno$san33../" keno$san whispers in my ear who was troubled on how to rea&t. I have de&ided. I, have de&ided. Ise$kun, do you like ,ias/" 6h+/ ($um, y$yes, of &ourse I like her+" 33..Thats a given, right, shes serious as well so legal wife is impossible. Theres a possibility of sia$&han being the legal wife as well so33. The first and se&ond position &ant be shaken I guess33"

:irst position/ -e&ond position/ )hat ranking would this be for/ To me who had ?uestions &ontrolling my fa&e, while &linging to me keno$san says. )ait, keno$san+ I wont be able to hold it if you do too stimulative things to your !unior+ Hey, Ise$kun." *$*es+" I wont mind being =rd position." 3..=rd position/" T$Third position/ Is it &onne&ted to the Fst and Bnd position of before/ I$I dont get it+ *es, =rd position. I think its a &omparatively good position. bove all theres the feeling of unfaithfulness so itll be burning. (fufu, Ise$kun. Is it fine if I spoil you more/ Ill even give you lap pillow instead of %u&hou." $$$$$$. Its all words whose meaning I dont understand but I at least got the part about the lap pillow+ 6h/ ,$,eally+/" re you serious+ $ keno$sans lap pillow+ (waaaah, !ust by imagining it my e'&itement isnt dying+ Hey, Ise$kun, &an you &all me H keno/" 6h/ I &ant &all my senpai in that overly$familiar way+" 33.Then, !ust on&e is fine. Dlease." If I am asked with those bleary eyes then33. I swallowed in my spit, and murmured it after de&iding. $ keno33" 33.I am happy. Ise3.." 7Gyu9 -he hugs me further. (wah, that voi&e right now, it wasnt the usual keno$sans dignified H ra ara, ufufu but the voi&e of a normal girl+ voi&e as if fawning over someone. -hes not the HEi&e Dresident Hime!ima keno, but she be&ame a normal female high s&hooler. That does something to my brain. 1ore like, keno$san is &uteeeeeeeee+ )ait, this feeling of boobs pressing on me+ keno$san is soft as e'pe&ted+ .ike that, I was lead onto keno$sans laps, the preparations for a lap pillow+ (ooooooooooooh, to think I would have a third time in my life+ -in&e it is the beloved keno$san, its an ine'pressible feeling+ keno$san pats my head. Its a different feeling from %u&hou too+ (fufufu, I stole one of ,ias spe&ial rights, -omehow, I feel like I am doing something bad. Ise$kun, does it feel good/" *$*es+ Its the best+" h, keno$sans thighs are soft as well+ Its the best sleeping pla&e3.. (m, I wonder what it is but33 if this s&ene is seen by %u&hou$$$$$$$." )hat about3..%u&hou/ Hey, Ise/" 3333333 This voi&e is33.

I felt like my body had fro2en in an instant. I brought my body up from that pla&e and stiffly turned by head ba&kwards. nd there, my master, who was emitting the worst possible e'panding &rimson aura, was standing, like the two guardian deva kings. $$$$$$Ill be killed+ I intuitively thought and felt that+ %e&ause, no matter how you look at it shes wearing the power of destru&tion+ %$%$%$%u$%u$%u$%u&hou+/ T$This is um+" %u&hou presses her hand on her forehead, lets out a huge sigh. Theres no unpreparedness or &hink3... To have a lap pillow from a lap other than me333+" Nun Nun+ :eeling anger in her footsteps %u&hou approa&hed me. 1un2u+ It hurts+ 1y &heeks are being pulled by %u&hou as hard as she &an+ 0oooooou&h+ %u&hou asks me in a low intensity voi&e. )hat about the sword/" I$I got it+" )hat about 1i&hael/" H$He left+" Then, theres no business left here+ )ere going ba&k+" I hurriedly follow %u&hou who had turned on her heels. I bow to keno$san. -orry, really. I am really !ealous of the number F &andidate ,ias %u&hou." keno$san murmured something from behind. It had returned to the voi&e of the usual keno$san. I didnt hear it properly but %u&hou stopped for a while, then starts pulling my arm and leaves. Its like she wants to ?ui&kly get me away from this pla&e.

Part 8
7tap tap tap tap tap9 The sound of %u&hous footsteps des&ending the shrines stone steps were full of anger. I, who was following behind her said nothing, and !ust tried not to be left behind. %u&hou hates her servant, me to be tou&hed by other girls. It seems sia and Aoneko$&han are ok but girls other than that, even if its keno$san, she hates it. #o, sin&e its keno$san whos &losest to her, she hates it/ #o, I dont get my masters heart about that. %ut, if you look at it from my master, %u&hous perspe&tive, it may look like betrayal. )hat should I do+ Theres no other way than to apologi2e+ %ut, how do I apologi2e+/ I really dont get it+ If I am hated by %u&hou then Ill die of sadness+ I am thinking of this and that with my small brain. -uddenly %u&hou stops. )ithout turning towards me, %u&hou asks. 33.Hey, Ise." )hat will she ask/ I am s&ared+ How should I answer her+/ I &ant find an answer+ *$*es." However, I didnt e'pe&t %u&hous words. keno is33.. keno." *es/" keno is fuku$%u&hou. However, she is H keno33.. 333and I am/" Huh333/ )hat do you mean/ I think keno$san is H keno$san but333./ Thats why, %u&hou is$$$$$$. %u&hou33am I wrong/" )hen I answered H%u&hou, I felt that %u&hou shrugged her shoulders. 3333.Thats right. I am %u&hou. $$$$$%ut, H,ias." )$)hat is it. Her tone was really despondent. ;id I say something wrong/ #ot being able to find the answer %u&hou wants, I respond normally. *es, %u&hou is my master and a high &lass devil, ,ias, %u&hou/" Turning ba&k, her e'pression seemed very sad. 33.)hats that H#umber F &andidate33. m I not the only one whos far off33.+" That voi&e wasnt the usual %u&hous voi&e brimming with elegan&e, but a normal33 girls voi&e found anywhere.

Life 4! +'e meetin% of t'e ,IP starts!

Part 1
6arly morning. 1e and Gasper were doing time stopping training in the forest surrounding the old s&hool building. Guuuuu33.. Ise$senpai33 I$I am tireeeeed." Gasper was rubbing his eyes. ;ont let out a weak voi&e+ )e have to fulfill our dreams+" )ithout minding I kept on throwing the balls. Ise$san, here are the balls." sia who was a&&ompanying us early in the morning was passing on the balls to me. s usual it was a training where I threw the ball to Gasper and he stopped it mid air. He was now able to su&&eed on&e every BC times. Dersisten&e pays off. 8ompared to the first time, it was ?uite a huge progress. I had to somehow make him be able to use his -a&red Gear. If I didnt, then my ob!e&tive wouldn5t be fulfilled+ I wanted to make him be able to use time stoppage at will as soon as possible, and tou&h the stopped girls body+ lready the s&hools girls5 good value has been determined. I had already made the s&hedule for the pla&e to stop time, and the time period was made to be a minute+ I also knew the time when theyre alone+ ll thats left was to stop+ 0nly stopping you knoooooooow+ %y the way, the target girls were all s&hool beauties with big ra&ks. fter all, sin&e I was stopping then it would be girls with big boobs. fter pra&ti&ing with him, I &ouldn5t sleep at night. #ot being able to stop my delusions of time stopping, I was worrying endlessly through the day. 6ven if sia and %u&hou were sleeping besides me, that was that, and this was this. In reality I wanted to hug %u&hou from behind and rub her boobs but33it seemed sia would get mad at me3. 1ore like, after that in&ident, the ne't day, till after s&hool %u&hou didnt hear me as if she was pondering over something. Thinking that I was truly hated by her, I was sad from the bottom of my heart. fter that, without in&ident, she returned to the usual %u&hou but, I only made %u&hou sad. Huh/ I feel some dis&omfort in my arm. 0nly my arm was unable to move. -omehow, it seemed Gasper a&&identally stopped my arm. 6, 6ek, -$-orryyyyyy+" He leaned on the ground and &urled up. I said it while smiling bitterly.

Thats why, didnt I say not to mind it even if you stop me/ )ere in the middle of training, and youre a novi&e so its fine. )ell, if my whole body gets stopped then Ill be in trouble. The number of times thats o&&urred has also gone down, right/ .ets &ontinue this pa&e." )ithout &hallenging Gasper, I followed up. However, Gasper said with a &ompli&ated like e'pression. 33-$-in&e I am in&omplete both as a human who has a sa&red gear, and as a vampire as well, I only &ause trouble to everyone33 I$I have to &ontrol my power more33.. )$)hat a half way in&omplete e'isten&e I am33..sob" ah, he &ried again. 333Thinking about it, he and keno$san as well were halves born from different spe&ies. :eeling doubt in their own e'isten&e, they probably hate their e'isten&e33. It was something deep that was diffi&ult to understand but I knew at least that these two were burdened with something all the time. nd be&ause of that they were probably suffering. %ut, I$$$$$. Gasper+ I like you+ ;ont mind it+ %efore you start brooding, &ome strike me+ If you think, youll lose+ I also dont know mu&h about that, so its fine+" I &ould only say that. 1y true thoughts. #o matter what keno$sans true identity was, no matter who Gasper was, I didnt have any reason to hate them. )$)ell, Gasper was a bit hesitant and was irritating at times, but I didnt hate him. )ere both members of the same &lub, and ,ias %u&hous servants and &omrades+ 8ome at me with a bam+" I said it like usual while puffing out my &hest. I &ouldnt say anything that worked on the heart but, no matter what, I think it was best to say it. If I be&ame uneasy, then this guy would be&ome no good. I was that guys senior. I had to guide him+ )ell, as a devil he was the senior though. -eeing that, Gasper wiped his tears and stood up. Ise$senpai, I$Ill do my best333+" *eah+ Till s&hool starts Ill be throwing FCC balls+" (nderstood+ Th$Then, Ill wear this paper bag and do a power up$$$$$$$ -top it+ If sia sees that shell &ry+" sia and Gasper both let out ?uestioning looks. I wont ever show the paper bag Gasper to sia+ I am alright being over possessive+ ;o your best+ Ise$san, Gasper$kun+" Gasper+ -in&e the bishou!o, sia$senpai is &heering you on as well, &heer up+" *$yesssss+ Thank you very mu&h, sia$senpaiiiiii+" .ike this, we resumed pra&ti&e. Gasper+ .ets do it together+ nd then, well stop girls+ However, I think. $$$$$$$our master, I want a person wholl be our tea&her. %eing an e'pert in -a&red Gears, furthermore, knowledgeable about dragons, isnt there a person like that/

(ne'pe&tedly, the bla&k winged man &ame into my mind but33 I immediately shook my head sideways and renewed my thoughts. #o way+ That person is our bitter enemy. .......However, I think his knowledge is the real deal. If there is a Htea&her, then well definitely be&ome stronger as well.

Part 2
$$$$$$#ow then, were leaving." 6veryone of the 0&&ult ,esear&h &lub has gathered in the &lub room. )e nodded to %u&hous words. Thats right, today is the day of the &onferen&e of the three great powers. The day has finally arrived. The lo&ation will be Auou Gakuens new s&hool buildings staff meeting room. Todays a holiday. The time is late at night. It seems ea&h fa&tions top are on standby in the new buildings lounge already. lso, above all, this s&hool was enveloped &ompletely by a strong barrier, and no one was able to enter. 0f &ourse, till the meeting is over, no one &an e'it as well. 0utside the barrier, angels, fallen angels, and devils troops are surrounding the whole s&hool. .ooking at the atmosphere whi&h seems like a &riti&al situation, Aiba said. If by &han&e something happens in todays &onferen&e, if the &onferen&e breaks down, this pla&e might be&ome a battlefield3.." -$-&ary+ Its be&ome something ama2ing. The sense of reality isnt ?uite strong but, its an important day. I have to be proper as well+ )e follow %u&hou out of the &lub room. 7%$%u&hou+ 6$6veryoneeeeeeeee+9 The &ardboard bo' was left in the room. 0f &ourse, the hikikomori vampire is inside it. Gasper, todays &onferen&e is important so, sin&e you &annot &ontrol your time stopping sa&red gear, you &ant parti&ipate, you know/" Is what %u&hou informed gently. Indeed, if Gasper who &ant &ontrol his sa&red gear even now hinders everyone present in the meeting due to some sho&k, it will be&ome terrible. ;ue to this, this guy will be wat&hing over the &lub room. Gasper, be a good boy, okay/" *$*es, Ise$senpai3.." I have left my portable game in the &lub room so you &an play with that, there are sweets as well, you &an have them too. I have left the paper bag as well so if you be&ome lonely, wear it to your hearts &ontent." *$*essssss+" Good. I nodded and followed %u&hou who had left the room. Aiba murmurs to me while smiling. Ise$kun, youre &aring after all." .eave it to me, I will do something about this single male kouhai of mine$$$." I said that brimming with &onfiden&e but, that was a bluff. I am uneasy about how long I &an do it, even this. 6ven then, I want to do something for Gasper.

Part 3
Ano&k Ano&k. %u&hou kno&ks on the meeting rooms door. 6'&use us." %u&hou opens the door, and there is$$$$$ gorgeous and pompous looking table. nd as if surrounding it, people who I re&ogni2e are sitting. The air is enveloped by ?uietness and everyone had a serious fa&e. Gulp. I also swallowed my spit due to the feeling of nervousness. sia also grabbed the end of my &lothes as if uneasy. I lightly &lasped her hand to ease her. ;evil side. -ir2e&hs$sama, .eviathan$sama. h, the waitress is Grayfia$san. -he was on standby besides the tea preparing &art. ngel side, the golden feathered 1i&hael$san and a unknown girl ngel$san. #ormal angels have white wings after all. 1ore like, shes an ama2ing beauty. The beauty surely is ngel &lass+ h, shes an ngel, huh. :allen ngel side, 2a2el with his FB wings unflurled and Eanishing ;ragon, Eali. Glan&ing at me, 2a2els lips end rose as if happily. 0oh, today he isnt wearing a yukata but a bla&k robe elaborated with ornaments. s e'pe&ted he wont be wearing a yukata in this pla&e. -ir2e&hs$sama and .eviathan$sama as well are wearing &lothes with ornaments de&orating them. 1y younger sister, and her family." -ir2e&hs$sama introdu&es %u&hou to the EID of the other fa&tions. %u&hou also bows. In the atta&k of Aokabiel a few days ago, they were a&tive during the raid." I have heard the report. I give my thanks on&e more." 1i&hael$san says his thanks to %u&hou. %u&hou &ondu&ts herself &oolly, and on&e more bows. -orry, Aokabiel of my side &aused you trouble." )ithout a timid e'pression, 2a2el says it. )hat an attitude. %u&hou also twit&hed her mouth. -it on the seats over there." Taking -ir2e&hs$samas dire&tion, Grayfia$san urges us to the &hairs near the wall. -ona$Aai&hou was already sitting on one of those seats . %u&hou sits besides Aai&hou. %u&hou makes me sit besides her, after that is keno$san, Aiba, sia, Genovia and Aoneko$&han sat in turn. fter &onfirming that, -ir2e&hs$sama says. #ow that everyone has arrived, Ill say the pre&onditions for the meeting. The people present here a&knowledge the most important event and forbidden sub!e&t, i.e. The #on$e'isten&e of God." Huh/ Aai&hou knows about it as well/$$$$$$$$I glan&ed towards Aai&hou but she didnt have a parti&ularly surprised e'pression. )as she informed about it beforehand by %u&hou or her onee$san, .eviathan$sama/

s if ordinary, Grayfia$san looked like she knew about it as well. Then, a&knowledging that, lets &ontinue the &onversation." .ike this, with -ir2e&hs$samas senten&e the &onferen&e between the great powers began$$$$. The &onferen&e is progressing smoothly. .ike that, we ngels$$$$$$$." 1i&hael$san says that. Thats true. That way would be better. If its like now, &ertainly the = great powers will go down the road of destru&tion$$$$$." -ir2e&hs$sama also says that. )ell, we dont have any parti&ular thing to fuss over." There were instan&es when this pla&e would free2e when 2a2el said a senten&e o&&asionally as well but I thought that the Governor of the fallen angels was purposely making that atmosphere and en!oying it. 0oh, the EIDs are doing a fastidious &onversation but honestly the sub!e&t to me is !argon. -in&e my devil history is too shallow. I dont know whats happening. ;evils, angels, fallen angels, it may be a valuable &onversation for them but I dont understand it at all. #o, no matter whats o&&urring it would be better to keep my mind here but my brain &ant pro&ess3.. *eah33sin&e I &ant help it, I looked at %u&hous boobs who was beside me. ah, %u&hous boobs33. They sure are big. 1y body whi&h knows their feeling, I should soon know its taste as well but33 stepping up is &onsiderably diffi&ult. %u&hou reali2es my ga2e on her breasts, and let out a bitter smile. -he takes my hand, and &lasped it. %u&hous hands were shaking a little. $$$$$$$Is she nervous/ Darti&ipating in this important meeting, and she has to report as well, it may be natural. 6ven %u&hou will be nervous. -in&e it seems its being said that this &onferen&e may be written down in history. I also &lasped %u&hous hands without saying anything. %u&hou, if this is alright with you then Ill lend you my strength anytime. K ra ra, %u&hou and Ise$kun are lovey dovey in the middle of the &onferen&e.L keno$san says it in a small voi&e while smiling. KI am drawing &ourage from Ises hands. This is the most effe&tive after all.L %u&hou+ Its an honour+ If my &ourage is alright with you, then take it as mu&h as you want+ 1ore like, before I knew it %u&hou and keno$san have made up, thats good. )oah, I was going to stroke her breasts. The &onferen&e &ontinues, and its finally %u&hous turn. #ow then, ,ias. 8ould you speak about the in&ident a few days before/" *es, .u&ifer$sama." fter being urged by -ir2e&hs$sama, %u&hou, Aai&hou and keno$san stood up, they talked about a part &ontinuously, about the re&ent Aokabiels atta&k. nd everyone belonging to the = great powers hear about it. %u&hou talked about the summary of the in&ident she e'perien&ed herself plainly in a &alm manner.

1aybe due to ma'imum level nervousness, those hands were shaking after all. ;ue to her spee&h, something with the = great powers may &hange. #o matter how &ourageous %u&hou is, this pla&es atmosphere would be very painful. %esides, %u&hou is around the same age as me$$$and a girl. 6a&h of the fa&tions EIDs who heard the report were, letting out a sigh, s&owling, smiling$$$$$$ea&h person had a different rea&tion. $$$$$$$That is all. The report whi&h I, ,ias Gremory and the household devils over there e'perien&ed." %u&hou who had said everything had finally seated on -ir2e&hs$samas Good work, sit down". Good work, %u&hou+ Thanks, ,ias$&han " .eviathan$sama also sent a wink towards %u&hou. #ow then, 2a2el. fter hearing this report, I want to hear the opinion of the Governor of the fallen angels." (pon -ir2e&hs$samas ?uestioning, everyones ga2e &on&entrates on the bla&k haired Governor. 2a2el started talking after letting out an intrepid smile. ,egarding the in&ident a few days ba&k, Aokabiel, a leader of our 8entral 0rgani2ation, Grigori, kept ?uiet to the other leaders, as well as to me, the Governor, and a&ted independently. His disposal was done by Eali. fter that, in the organisations &ourt martial his punishment was enfor&ed. His punishment is eternal free2ing in the 8o&hytes. He &ant &ome out anymore. The e'planation for that, everything was written in the material that was forwarded to you, right/ That is all." 1i&hael$san says while sighing. s the e'planation, it is the worst &ategory but$$$$$$ I know about the story of you personally not wanting to make anything big o&&ur against us. Is that true/" ah, I dont have any interest in wars. )hen Aokabiel also disparaged me, dont you have the report for that as well." *es, as 2a2el said, Aokabiel said ?uite a lot of bad stuff about his bosses. Hes a person whos passive about wars, and only has an interest in sa&red gears$$$$$. This time -ir2e&hs$sama asks 2a2el. 2a2el, I want to ask one thing but, why have you been gathering owners of -a&red Gears for the past de&ades/ t first I thought you were gathering humans, and attempting to augment your battle potential. I even anti&ipated you to wage war against heaven or us but33." *es, no matter how mu&h time passed, you didnt wage a war against us. )hen I heard you got hold of the Eanishing ;ragon, I was enveloped by a strong wariness." 1i&hael$sans opinion was the same as -ir2e&hs$samas Hearing the twos opinion, 2a2el smiles bitterly. Its for the sake of -a&red Gear resear&h. If thats the &ase, should I send a part of the resear&h materials to you as well/ 6ven if I did resear&h, I wouldnt wage a war against you or anything. I dont have any interest in war at this late of an hour. I am perfe&tly satisfied with the world right now. I have strongly ordered my subordinates, H;ont interfere with the human worlds politi&s, you know/ I have no intention of intervening in religion either, nor to influen&e the business of the devils. $$$$$;amn, is

my trust in the = fa&tions the least/" Thats true." Thats right." Thats e'a&tly it" -ir2e&hs$samas, 1i&hael$sans and .eviathan$samas opinion &oin&ided. How far is he not trusted, the Governor of the fallen angels33 (pon hearing that, 2a2el uninterestedly pe&ked at his ears. 8he. I thought you were better than God or the last generations .u&ifer but, you guys are troublesome guys yourselves. -neakily resear&hing doesnt get along well with you, huh. h, I got it. $$$$$then, lets make pea&e. 0riginally wasnt that the intention as well/ ngels and ;evils as well/" $$$$$$$. Dea&e. )ait, doesnt that mean they desire pea&e together/ 0n 2a2els senten&e, ea&h fa&tion was surprised for a small interval. %u&hou beside me, and even Aai&hou besides her are &onsiderably surprised. It seems like 2a2els pea&e spee&h was ?uite a thing to be surprised at. It &ant be, it seems $$$$$$if its presented by him. )ell, even to me who is not informed about the situation, I think if the boss of one of the powers proposes that, then its an ama2ing thing. 1aybe, am I witnessing a histori&al moment/ 1i&hael$san who was surprised by 2a2els proposal smiled. *es, I also planned to propose pea&e to the ;evil side and Grigori. 6ven if we &ontinue the relationship of the = fa&tions like before, then it will be&ome damaging to the world right now. I, the leader of the angels say it sin&e$$$$$$$$$the original &ause of the war, God and 1aou$sama have been annihilated." 1i&hael$san said that he wants pea&e in this interval. 2a2el burst our laughing on 1i&hael$sans words. Ha+ That stubborn 1i&hael has started to speak. 6ven though he was about God, God, God before." 33.I have lost a lot of things. However, theres no helping seeking for things that arent present. It is our duty to guide humans. )e members of the -eraph have the same opinion that the most important thing is to wat&h over the &hildren of God from now on as well, and to guide them." Hey hey, with your spee&h !ust now, youll Hfall you know/ $$$$$I thought that but you took over the system, right. Its be&ome a good world. Its &ompletely different from the time when we Hfell." -omehow, due to all those spe&ial terms, I dont get it but, it seems like an advan&ed dimensions !oke. -ir2e&hs$sama also says the same opinion. )e are the same. 6ven if the 1aou isnt here, in order to &ontinue the spe&ies, ;evils too have moved forward as well. 6ven we wouldnt want war. $$$$$$$$If we do another war, the devils will be destroyed." 0n -ir2e&hs$samas words, 2a2el nodded as well. *es. If we do another war, the = fa&tions will definitely be mutually destroyed. nd then, it will affe&t the human world as well, and the world will end. )e &ant do wars now."

-ometime ago 2a2el had a !oking mood, but its done a &omplete &hange and he has a serious e'pression. ;o you think a world without God is wrong/ ;o you think a world without God would de&ay/ I am sorry to say but that isnt the &ase. 1e and you as well are both healthily living like this." 2a2el said that while opening his arms. $$$$$$$The world moves even without a God." $$$$$$I felt that I somehow understood only those words. 6ven without a God I lived in this world. I feel that other peoples lives dont have a parti&ular &hange either. In between all the diffi&ult talk, I sensed that 2a2els words The world moves even without a God" were engraved strongly in my brain. fter that, the &onversation moved to hereafters war potential et&. :or some reason, the &urrent military for&es and ea&h fa&tions intera&tion, are talking about the power pi&ture from now on. 8ompared to sometime ago, the feeling of nervousness has redu&ed. 1aybe they understood that no power wants war/ $$$$$$ nd, is this it/" 0n -ir2e&hs$samas senten&e, the EIDs let out a huge sigh. -omehow or other, it seems the usual important &onversation is finished. Has it been around maybe F hour sin&e the &onferen&e began/ It sure feels long. I am bad at su&h long things. Its more fun to move around. )hile Grayfia$san is serving tea as the waitress, 1i&hael$san turned his ga2e towards me. #ow then, the dis&ussion has &onsiderably been solved in a good dire&tion, is it alright if we hear about the matter of -ekiryutei$dono soon." 6veryones ga2e &on&entrated towards me. 0wah+ )$)ont I be nervous. 1ore like, he properly remembers about the re&ent thing at the shrine. s e'pe&ted of the leader of the angels+ The thing that I wanted to ask 1i&hael$san $$$$$$$$$I turn my head towards sia, and prepared myself. %efore &oming here, I had taken sias prior &onfirmation. sia. Is it alright if I ask 1i&hael$san about you/" sia was surprised but she &onsented. If Ise$san wants to ask about it, then I dont mind. -in&e I trust Ise$san." )hile smiling sia gave permission. Thats why, I have to ask him. )hy did you e'ile sia/" 0n my ?uestion to 1i&hael$san, everyone had the astonished e'pression )hy is he talking about it now/" -orry. However, no matter what I wanted to ask the ngel side about it on&e. $$$$$$$$$ sia who trusted God that mu&h, why was she e'iled from the &hur&h/ 0ther than the :allen ngels who killed sia, I felt there were unforgivable parts to the ngel side as well. 1i&hael$san replied in an earnest manner.

I &an only apologi2e for that. 33.. fter God had been annihilated, only the system to govern divine prote&tion, mer&y and mira&les remained. This system was, if I e'plain it simply, the system to perform the mira&les et&. God did. God made the system, used it to bring about mira&les above ground. To bring about the effe&t of holy things like e'or&ism, &rosses et&. these too are the systems powers." I see, the damage we devils take when we tou&h the &ross are the effe&ts of the system, huh. nd lets try to hit the boss of the angels with more ?uestions. fter God died, in that33 system some trouble o&&urred33 is what youre saying/" 0n my ?uestion, 1i&hael$san nods. To be honest, it takes a big toll on anyone who uses it with the e'petion of God. )ith me as the &enter, everyone of the -eraph was able to somehow start up the system but3.. &ompared to the time God e'isted, the divine prote&tion and mer&y to those who believe in God is not &omplete. $$$$$$$$Its an unfortunate thing but, those who &an be granted salvation are limited." #ow that you mention it, Aokabiel may have said it as well. -omething about sin&e God isnt here, theres a limit to how many people &an be saved. :or that, there was a need to keep away those people related to the &hur&h who &ould posibly &ause an influen&e on the system. s an e'ample of those who &an &ause influen&e on the system, a part of the -a&red Gear$$$$$$$ sia rgentos Twilight Healing is in&luded as well. *our %oosted Gear and also ;ivine ;ividing as well." sia is in&luded be&ause she &an heal ;evils and :allen ngels as well/" 0n my ?uestion, 1i&hael$san on&e again nodded. *es. If there is a person who &an heal ;evils and :allen ngels present within the followers, it will influen&e the faith of the ones around her. The sour&e of us living in heaven is the faith of belivers. %e&ause of that, Twilight healing is a forbidden sa&red gear whi&h &an &auses influen&e on the system. nd also, as an e'ample of influen&e on the system$$$$$$." Genovia interrupts 1i&hael$san and &ontinues. The people who know about the non$e'isten&e of God, right/" *es, thats right, Genovia. To lose you is a serious wound even for us but if apart from us, -eraph and a part of the higher rank angels, a fair amount of people who know about the non$e'isten&e of God approa&h the pla&e with a dire&t &onne&tion then theres a huge effe&t on the system. $$$$$$$I apologi2e. There was no other way but to make you and sia rgento hereti&s." 1i&hael$san bowed his head to sia and Genovia$$$$$.

0oh, the top of the ngels is apologi2ing to sia and Genovia+ The two in ?uestion also stared in wonder. Indeed theyll be troubled on how to respond. However, immediately Genovia shakes her ne&k sideways, and smiles. #o, 1i&hael$sama, please dont apologi2e. 6ven like this, till I rea&hed this age I was brought up by the &hur&h. I somehow felt it a bit irrational but if you know the reason then theres nothing su&h as asking why." The fa&t that you rein&arnated as a devil, that is our &rime." Its alright. 33..I regretted a bit but the things that I &ouldnt do when I was serving the &hur&h, the things that were sealed from me are now brilliantly &oloring my everyday life. If I say these words, I may anger the other believers but33.. 6ven then I am satisfied by my &urrent life." Genovia thought that way of her life with us33. Theres also the part of her being a bit too otherworldly but she isnt a bad girl. sia also says it with her hands together. 1i&hael$sama, I also feel I am happy. -in&e I now have a lot of important people. nd also I have met and talked with the 1i&hael$sama who I admired, its an honour+" 0n sias and Genovias words 1i&hael$san showed an e'pression of relief. -orry. I am grateful for your forgiving hearts. I leave ;urandal to you, Genovia. -in&e its the family of the -ir2e&hs sister then I am at ease that it wont be used by those who do as they please." 2a2el is looking at sia. sia also noti&ed it, and her body trembled. It seems my subordinates killed her while keeping ?uiet about it. I re&eived that report as well." I said it to 2a2el &learly. Thats right, sia died on&e. 6$even I was killed by :allen ngels but above that sia+ It may be something that o&&urred in a pla&e you dont know but the :allen ngel girls who admired you killed sia for your sake." I know that I have no right to say anything in this &onferen&e. )hat happened earlier was 1i&hael$ sans measure. ,ight now its &ompletely from my own personal grudge. %u&hou is also trying to warn me by saying 8alm down, Ise." -orry, %u&hou, but no matter what I have to33 Its true we :allen ngels are eliminating those -a&red Gear users who may &ause harm to us. s an organi2ation its obvious right/ -ensing that a person may be&ome a threat in the future, then if we know about it beforehand, youll want to eliminate him. nd be&ause of that you died. The reason is, the human with no talent, you, &ould have run wild with the power of the -ekiryutei without being able to &ontrol it, and have a bad effe&t on us or the world." Thanks to you I am a ;evil." ;o you dislike it/ t the very least, those around you are happy that you be&ame a ;evil." Its true that %u&hou, -ir2e&hs$sama as well and my &omrades too are happy that I be&ame a devil. s 2a2el said, if ;draigs power would have been with a me who remained a human, then I dont know what would5ve happened. 6ven after be&oming a devil, I &ant &ontrol it properly but, if it was when I was alive, then it would have been bad. I$I dont dislike it+ 6veryone is a good person and I know that I am getting a favourable treatment.

However+" 6ven if I apologi2e now, its too late. Thats why, I am thinking of doing something that only I &an do to make you stand on both your legs." / I dont understand 2a2els true intention. )hat does he mean/ #ow then, its time we hear the opinion of people other than us, those who seem like they &an influen&e the world. :rom the invi&ible ;ragon$sama. :irstly, Eali. )hat do you want to do to the world/" 0n 2a2els ?uestion, the Hakuryuukou, Eali smiles. If I &an fight strong guys, then its fine." 333.. re you alright with that reply, you. *ou seriously only like &ombat/ That seems like a nuisan&e to others though. 2a2els ga2e this time turns to me. Then, -ekiryuutei, what about you/" 6ven if you ask that33. I reply while s&rat&hing my &heeks. To be honest, I dont understand it well. -omehow due to all the fastidious stuff my head is in &haos. In addition to that, I am desperate about looking at my !unior devil, so even if I am told what I think about the world, how should I say it, I dont have feelings gushing forth." Its my honest thoughts. 6ven if I am asked what I think about the world, I dont ?uite have any feelings about it. However, you are one of those who has the power to move the world. If you dont make your &hoi&e then it would be diffi&ult for those standing on top of ea&h of the powers su&h as me to move." 6ven if I am told that by 2a2el, I am troubled. Hyoudou Issei, then let me e'plain it in a very simple manner. If we fight, then there will be a need for you to also fight at the front stage. If that happens, you wont be able to sleep with ,ias Gremory." $$$$$$$+" )$)hat3.did you33say/ If we make pea&e, then there wont be a need to fight. If that happens, then whats left that is the most important is &ontinuation of the spe&ies and prosperity. *ou may be able to endeavour in making &hildren with ,ias Gremory everyday. Hows that/ Is it easy to understand/ If theres a fight, then theres no se'. If theres pea&e then you &an have se' all the time. )hi&h will you &hoose/" :or the first time I understood 2a2els language from the bottom of my heart+ I see+ If theres pea&e then I &an do e&&hi things with %u&hou all the time+ #o, &an I do e&&hi things with %u&hou/ )as I in that position/ However+ If pea&e &ontinues then Ill someday be able to do e&&hi things with %u&hou+ That wish is huge+ I would like to have the pea&eful one please+ *es+ Its pea&e, alright+ Dea&e is the best+ I want to do e&&hi things with %u&hou+" I said my desires as is. I didnt mind %u&hou who was beside me. %u&hou had her fa&e &ompletely flushed. Ise$kun, -ir2e&hs$sama is present here you know/"

Aiba says it with a 0h boy" and a bitter smile. h33. Thats right. -ir2e&hs$sama laughed in a low intensity. This is bad. I have to hurry up and give an e'&use+ I have to give a serious story+ (m33 I, sin&e I am an idiot, the meaning of the UCV &ontents of this &onferen&e are obs&ure. However, what I &an say is, the power residing in me is strong then Ill use it for my &omrades. %u&hou, sia, keno$san and also the other members as well, if theyre e'posed to trouble then Ill prote&t them+.......)ait, I am still ?uite weak though. However what I &an do is about that. 6ven if I have to risk my life, I will live alongside my &omrades$$$$$$." )hile I fire the words with all my might, that sensation atta&ks. $$$$$$$$1y bodys fun&tions stop for a moment. Thats right, this is the sensation when I re&eived Gaspers time stopping.

Part 4
3 ra/" )hen I noti&ed it, the interior of the staff meeting room had &hanged !ust a little. 1i&hael$san was looking outside from a window, and -ir2e&hs$sama and 2a2el were deep in talk looking serious for some reason. 0h, the -ekiryutei has &ome ba&k." 2a2el saw me and said this. ;$;id something happen/" .ooking around, people were divided between those that &ould move and those that were stopped. ll the big$shots were moving. -ir2e&hs$sama, .eviathan$sama, Grayfia$san, 1i&hael$san and 2a2el, as well as the Eanishing ;ragon, seemed to be able to move. The &lub members wereJ It seems only me, Ise, *uuto, and Genovia are able to move from my family." )ait, %u&hou+ Im so glad, you &an move+ 8onversely, sia, keno$san, Aoneko$&han, and the Aai&hou were all stopped. :or even keno$san to have been stopped3 It would appear the reason youre safe is be&ause Ise is the possessor of the -ekiryutei and be&ause *uuto has an irregular holy demoni& sword that has attained %alan&e %reaker. Genovia invoked ;urandal !ust before it happened." <ust as %u&hou said, Genovia was holding the really dangerous sword that kept giving off a holy aura. -he seemed to be putting it away right at that moment, and the holy sword was returned to the spa&e$ time warp. The sense of time stopping was somehow remembered by my body. J)hen time was on the verge of stopping, I thought I &ould use ;urandals power to prote&t myself, it seems I was &orre&t." This girl remembered the instant of time being stopped with her body+/ s usual, her bodys spe&s are frightening3 %e that as it may. %u&hou, what happened/" It seemsJ" To be a terrorist atta&k." Interrupting %u&hous words as she seemed to answer my ?uestion, 2a2el said this. J)ait+ ,ather, a terrorist attaaaaaaaaaaa&k+/ ;uring this important &onferen&e that will something$ something the future of the words state of affairs+/ )ould you like to look outside/" 2a2el gestured at the window with his &hin. I approa&hed the meeting rooms glass window andJ. Aah+ :lashes suddenly spread out in front of my eyes+ 0wah+ )hat+/ This new s&hool building seemed to be subtly shaking3 )ere under fire. In any era where a power tried to form pea&e with other powers, there will also be a

gathering of those who dislike it and try to disturb it." 2a2el pointed outside. )hen I turned my eyes in the dire&tion he pointed, there were human$like silhouettes that had arrived in the s&hoolyard and in the air. .ooking &losely, these mage$like guys dressed in bla&k robes seemed to be firing atta&ks at us that were similar to magi& bullets. .u&kily, these atta&ks didnt look to be doing any damage to the new s&hool building. %ut, I also &ouldnt see any sign of the atta&k relenting. re those the terrorists/ )hat was their goal3,ather, it was obviously to interfere with this meeting, right/ 2a2el, who was standing ne't to me before I noti&ed, gave a fearless smile. Those guys are so$&alled magi&ians. Its a kind of magi& that was originally interpreted from the magi& system of devils by the legendary magi&ian 1erlin mbrosius" and re&onstru&ted as sor&ery3 :rom the power of the magi& theyre emitting, Id guess that they ea&h possess the magi& power of a mid$&lass devil." -o its a fa&t that those guys in the s&hoolyard are stronger than the weak me+ Theres a lot+ In short, it means that humans &an use powers like those of devils. Though, of &ourse, it also seems to be possible that they &ant be&ome devils themselves. Its espe&ially troublesome when a -a&red Gear possessor learns magi&. )ell, their atta&ks arent &apable of damaging this s&hool building. %e&ause the strongest prote&tive barrier by me, -ir2e&hs and 1i&hael is enveloping this pla&e. Though, thanks to that, we &ant leave here." This Governor knew a lot of things. It was natural for him to be a person at the top, but he was also able to e'plain things in plain words, too. T$Then, what about when time seemed to stop before/" 1ost likely, they used a -a&red Gear or magi& that transfers power on the half$vampire kids -a&red Gear and for&efully made it go into %alan&e %reaker state. Its only a temporary %alan&e %reaker state, even then, to think that it even affe&ts people present in the interior of ob!e&ts in the field of vision3-o that half$vampires potential ability was this high. )ell, it seems that he la&ks the output to stop us top$ position guys, though." #o way+ Then, Gasper who was in the &lubroom in the old s&hool building has been &aptured and is being used/ %ut, they transferred power/ There are other -a&red Gears with that kind of ability/" %oosted Gear &ombines together both the nearly endless doubling ability and the transfer ability. There e'ist independent -a&red Gears with either of these respe&tive powers. The doubling -a&red Gear and transfer -a&red Gear. ll the .onginus are !ust a &ombination of one ability with another. 6ssentially, they &ombine powerful abilities that arent supposed to be &ombined. 1aybe the 7.onginus9 are born be&ause of a kind of bug, errors in the 7-a&red Gear program9 &onstru&ted by God", thats one of the opinions of us 5Grigori5. If I had to say it in an easy$to$understand way to you, its a fa&t that there are other powers that &an transfer." Thank you very mu&h for your rather easy$to$understand e'planation+ J0r rather, so Gasper is being used like I thought+/ %u&hou &ame to my side. Gasper has been made into a terrorist weapon at the old s&hool building3<ust where did they get information on my servant31oreover, for them to use his power to go after this important meeting3+ #ever have I been so insulted like this+" 0ooh+ 0nee$sama was making a red aura gush out from her entire body+ -$-&ary+

%y the way, the armies of the fallen angels, angels and devils outside of this s&hool building all seem to be stopped as well. Gee2, ,ias Gremorys family is !ust dreadful." 2a2el put a hand on %u&hous shoulder with a tap, but %u&hou mer&ilessly brushed the hand away. His hand pushed away, 2a2el turned that hand to the window with a sigh. Then, a &ountless number of spears of light appeared in the sky outsideJ. %aa+ The spears of lights rained down all at on&e at the same time as 2a2el lowered his hand, and they were showered down upon the magi&ians. The terrorists also made prote&tive barriers, but they went through without any trouble and the magi&ians were eradi&ated+ (wah+ In&redibleeeeeeeeeee+ In an instant+ The magi&ians &ountless stiff &orpses s&attered about the s&hool grounds+ It suddenly turned into a gruesome s&ene+ 0r rather, hes seriously strong, this Governor+ Is he a one$hit annihilation monster+/ He finished it all with a single a&t without seeming to make any parti&ular preparation+/ This s&hool is enveloped in a barrier. %ut, despite this, they appeared within the barrier. There must be a transfer$use magi& &ir&le or a person &onne&ting with a gate to the inside of the premises. 6ither way, if they in&rease the effe&t of 7:orbidden %alor Eiew9 any more than this, theres a &on&ern that theyll be able to stop even people like us too. %y stopping us here with their fier&e atta&k, they intend to annihilate ea&h s&hool building the instant our time is stopped. They seem to be using &onsiderable military power." Dre&eding 2a2els ga2e, magi& &ir&les appeared at various pla&es in the s&hool grounds, and started shining ominously. :rom the magi& &ir&les appeared forms that were the same as the magi&ian group that 2a2el had defeated !ust now. 0r rather, they were magi&ians !ust like before+/ There were more appearing+/ There were a lot of them still appearing+ Its a repeat from !ust now. Theyll keep appearing even as we kno&k and kno&k them down. However, even if the timing and terrorist te&hni?ue is good, it may be that they have a knowledgeable person who has inside information. Is there une'pe&tedly a traitor here/" 2a2el said something sho&king. 8ant we es&ape from here/" 2a2el shook his head at my ?uestion. )e &ant es&ape. s long as the barrier en&losing the entire s&hool isnt dissolved, we &ant go outside. %ut, if the barrier is dissolved, damage may be taken in the human world. )e have to wait for the enemy boss to appear. If we shut ourselves in here for a while, theyll get tired of waiting and show their fa&e. Id like to know who the mastermind is ?ui&kly. %esides, if we go out and rampage imprudently, we may !ust do e'a&tly as the enemy wishes." H$How &omposed. -o we !ust need to wait until the enemy shows their true form+ That said, we leaders &ant move while making preparations. However, our first goal is to take ba&k Gasper from the old s&hool building whi&h has be&ome the terrorists base." nd so says -ir2e&hs$sama. I see, so the present situation has made him KGasperL to return to being the number one dangerous person/ If we fall under fire while the top 1aou$samas are time$stopped, itll be serious+ 0nii$sama, Ill go. Gasper is my servant. Its my responsibility to take him ba&k." %u&hou sent out a strong will in her eyes as she proposed this. -ir2e&hs$sama suddenly laughed. traitor/ Dlease dont say su&h a s&ary thing.

I thought I said it before. I understand my younger sisters personality. JHowever, how will you go to the old s&hool building/ Its filled with magi&ians outside this new s&hool building. The usual transfer is also blo&ked by magi&." The old s&hool buildingJmy bases &lubroom has a remaining unused rook" pie&e being safe kept within it." I see, 78astling9, huh. -in&e they would usually e'pe&t us to go take him ba&k, this &ould &at&h the opponent off$guard. Theyll anti&ipate some kind of tri&k." Ive heard of this. 8astlingJa te&hni?ue to instantly swit&h the lo&ations of the king" and rook". It was said to be one of the spe&ial te&hni?ues of the ,ating Games. In other words, %u&hou &an transfer over to the old s&hool building in an instant+ ma2ing+ s e'pe&ted of %u&hou+ If its teleportation, we dont need to go outside+ n instant &harge at the enemys &enter+ The enemy will also be surprised by this+ 1aybe the mastermind that 2a2el mentioned will also be surprised and &ome out+ lright. However, its re&kless to go alone. Grayfia, is it possible to transfer more than one person through 78astling9 with my magi& sytem/" *es, it seems we &an only deploy a simple te&hni?ue &eremony here, but its possible to transfer o!ou$ sama and one other." -o ,ias and someone else3" -ir2e&hs$sama, Ill also go+" I raised my hand and volunteered. It was my important kouhai. Ill save him together with %u&hou+ -ir2e&hs$samas eyes turned towards me for a moment, but then ?ui&kly moved in 2a2els dire&tion. 2a2el, a&&ording to a rumor, youve been resear&hing how to freely handle -a&red Gears for a fi'ed time, right/" *eah, thats true, but what about it/" Is it possible to &ontrol the -ekiryutei/" 33" 2a2el fell silent in response to -ir2e&hs$samas ?uestion. However, the Governor of the :allen ngels groped in his breast po&ket andJ. 0i, -ekiryutei." 2a2el &alled out to me. I$Im Hyoudou Issei+" Then, Hyoudou Issei. Take this." 2a2el threw something at me. I &aught it and lookedJthey seemed to be wide rings to put around the hand. 1ultiple layers of strange &hara&ters were &arved into them. &&essories/ s I thought doubtfully, 2a2el spoke to me. Those are bra&elets with the power to &ontrol a -a&red Gear to some degree. If you find the aforementioned half$vampire, put one on him. Itll help him &ontrol his power somewhat." %ut, there are two of them3/"

*es, there were two bra&elets. 0ne for Gasper. nd the otherJ. The other one is for you. *ou havent mastered the power of the 7)elsh ;ragon9, right/ If so, put it on. If its for a short time, itll be possible to go into the %alan&e %reaker state without paying any pri&e. This will be used in pla&e of the pri&e." JHey+ -$-eriously+/ If I put this bra&elet on my arm, Ill be able to go into %alan&e %reaker/ s a side effe&t, youll also temporarily undo the seal thats been applied on you. *our 7pawn9 power has been blo&ked, right/" )here did you get that information/ I was a 7pawn9 that had &onsumed eight pie&es, but sin&e I didnt yet possess the strength to &ope with that power, my power was being suppressed by %u&hou. This is only my personal opinion, but in terms of pie&e distribution, ;draig is seven and youre one, right/ #o, it may be Q.U and C.F. 7Dromotion9 also builds the ne&essary foundation for the sake of manifesting ;draigs true power. 6ither way, its a fa&t that releasing ;draigs power will release the seal as well, right, ,ias Gremory/" %u&hou !ust narrowed her eyes in response to 2a2els ?uestion and gave no parti&ular answer. (se that ring as a last resort. -in&e it &ant regulate its &onsumption of stamina, youll !ust e'haust yourself wastefully if you a&tivate it suddenly. It will &onsume an intense amount of stamina and magi&al power while in 7armor9$e?uipped mode." nd that was 2a2els supplementary e'planation. I see. -in&e I dont know what will happen, its better to transform myself when its a serious pin&h. 2a2el spoke again to reinfor&e his point. ,emember this well. The &urrent you is a devil that was originally born as a human. 6ven if one possesses a powerful -a&red Gear, theres no meaning if the host is useless. If the opponent against the &urrent you is ine'perien&ed, you &an !ust sprinkle ;draigs power to win, but its a tra&table thing regarding those with greater power and those who understand your ability. t any rate, you yourself are your -a&red Gears weak point. JThe &luster of your weakness is assuredly your inability to master it. *oull eventually die if you &ant tame your power." I$I understand." *es, I understand that all too painfully well. However, saying it again gouged terribly at my heart. *eah, I re&ogni2e it. Im not the one whos ama2ing. Its ;draig thats ama2ing. However, this fallen angel 2a2el speaks in an easily understandable manner and put things into a new light. )ouldnt he be suitable as a tea&her or le&turer/ 2a2el, !ust how far did you resear&h -a&red Gears/" 1i&hael$san asked 2a2el while sighing, but the fallen angel Governor !ust smiled fearlessly. Its fine, isnt it/ God, the one who made the -a&red Gears, isnt here, right/ Isnt it better if theres someone who &an e'plain about -a&red Gears at least a little/ I heard there are all kinds of things that even you dont know, right/" I think the problem is that youre the one whos resear&hing it3" nd so these big$shots kept talking together like this, but I !ust felt a little !oy at the e'isten&e of these bra&elets. 3)ith this, I &an be useful to %u&hou3+ %u&hou re&eived the so$&alled spe&ial te&hni?ue formula from her forehead by Grayfia$san.

0!ou$sama, please wait a little while." Dlease hurry, Grayfia." )hile we were inside getting ready, 2a2el and the Hakuryukou were deep in talk. Eali." )hat is it, 2a2el/" *ou go &at&h the enemys attention outside. If the Hakuryukou &omes out at the front, itll disrupt their strategy a little. lso, something may move." -o that person will also be&ome aware of me being here/" If you do that, they wont e'pe&t for the -ekiryutei to transfer over to the &enter using 78astling9. Itll also have the effe&t of attra&ting their attention a little." )ouldnt it be faster to blow away all the terrorists in the old s&hool building and the half$vampire who has be&ome a problem/" nd so lbion said all naturally. )hat the hell is he saying, this bastard+ Iuit that, at a time where weve united in pea&e. In the worst &ase s&enario, well do that, but if we &an save a member of the 1aous family, saving him will be of benefit for us in the future." (nderstood." Eali agreed to 2a2els suggestion while letting out a breath. Aah+ )ings of light unfolded on Ealis ba&k. -o thats his -a&red Gear. J%alan&e %reak." 7Eanishing ;ragon %alan&e %reaker++++++++9 fter that sound, a snow$white aura &overed Ealis form+ )hen the light stopped, his body was wrapped in a whole$body armor that emitted a white radian&e. J-o this is his %alan&e %reak. This guy who3 seems to be my rival &an enter %alan&e %reaker so easily. I still &ant do this. 6ven if I enter it, I still have to pay a pri&e. fter glan&ing at me, Eali opened the meeting rooms window and rushed out into the sky. t that instantJ. ;odododododododon+ sho&k wave was &reated outside+ )hen I looked, the group of magi&ians were trampled down by the guy in white armor. He plunged into the enemy group while drawing a path of light in the night sky, and the aspe&t of a great warrior was seen. 3-trong. 6ven I &ould immediately understand how insanely strong he was. He dan&ed in the air without worrying about the &on&entrated bullets of the magi&ians at all, and a large mass of surge bullets hit the s&hool grounds. )ithout a&&omplishing anything, the magi&ians were annihilated, but magi& &ir&les appeared right afterwards and a new group of magi&ians appeared. They really are endless+

2a2el, &ontinuing the talk from before." -ir2e&hs$sama ?ueried 2a2el. *eah, what about it/" )hat are you trying to do by &olle&ting -a&red Gears/ *ouve been &olle&ting 7.onginus9 owners too, right/ ;o you intend to kill God even though God no longer e'ists/" 2a2el shook his head at that ?uestion. Its to prepare." Drepare/ Thats some uneasiness$in&iting talk, even though you re!e&t war." 1i&hael$san said this in ama2ement. I said so, right/ I wont go to war against you people. I also wont make war here. JHowever, means of self$defen&e are ne&essary. ,ather, should I say were not !ust preparing for an atta&k from you/" Then/" JThe 78haos %rigade9." 38haos, %rigade/" It was a name I hadnt heard before, but it seemed -ir2e&hs$sama didnt know either from his furrowed eyebrows. I only &onfirmed the organi2ations name and ba&kground re&ently, but my Ei&e Governor -hemha2a has also had his eye on this suspi&iously a&ting group from before that. Its said that theyre gathering dangerous members from all three big powers. -ome -a&red Gear$possessing humans who have attained %alan&e %reaker also seem to be in&luded. Ive also &onfirmed a number of 7.onginus9 possessors among them." Their goal is/" 1i&hael$san asked that. ;estru&tion and mayhem. Its that simple, you know/ They dont like this worlds pea&e. Theyre terrorists. 1oreover theyre ill$natured to the e'treme." Then, &ould it be that this terrorist atta&k is3/ The organi2ations leader is the powerful fiendish dragon besides the 7)elsh ;ragon9 and 7Eanishing ;ragon9." 7J+9 6veryone besides me be&ame spee&hless at 2a2els &onfession. 6h/ )hat is it/ 3I see, so that person has moved. The 70uroboros ;ragon9 0phisJ. The dragon feared by God3 The one who kept reigning over with the position of the strongest sin&e the world began." -ir2e&hs$sama also wore a grim e'pression. )hat, what/ 6veryones fa&es were gloomy. 0r, rather, are they awed/ Is this 0urobo$something dragon really that ama2ing/ The position of the strongest, the strongest guy that Eali mentioned before/ s I was troubled by everyones rea&tion, a voi&e that I wasnt used to hearing leaped into my ear. 7*es, 0phis is the leader of the 8haos %rigade".9

Gah+ magi& &ir&le emerged on the floor of the meeting room at the same time as the voi&e+ This is, a devil+/ magi& &ir&le Ive never seen before+ 0r rather, Im not very knowledgeable about other devils, but+ I see. -o youve &ome+ The mastermind this timeJ" -ir2e&hs$sama &li&ked his tongue. 6h/ )hy did he do that all of a sudden/ Grayfia, transfer ,ias and Ise$kun ?ui&kly+" *es+" Grayfia$san urged me and %u&hou to go to a &orner of the meeting room, and a small magi& &ir&le was &reated on the floor. It was the e'a&t si2e to fit only about two people in it. 0!ou$sama, I wish you the fortunes of battle." )$)ait, Grayfia+/ 0nii$sama+" 1e and %u&hou were enveloped in the light of transferJ.

"'aos $ri%a-e
Part 1
s %u&hou and Ise$kun ?ui&kly disappeared in the transfer magi& &ir&le, an unbelievable development o&&urred before myJAiba *uutos eyes. The magi& &ir&le that appeared on the floor of the meeting room. s they saw it, all the leaders of the three great powers were sho&ked. #o, 2a2el laughed, and -ir2e&hs$sama made a sour e'pression. JThe magi& &ir&le of .eviathan." 6h3/ I &ouldnt believe my ears as I heard -ir2e&hs$samas words. t least as far as I knew, this wasnt the pattern of -erafall .eviathan$samas magi& &ir&le. Then, what the he&kJ. 1y ?uestion was ?ui&kly resolved. Its something seen in the books of the Eati&an. Thats the magi& &ir&le of the original 1aou .eviathan." 3I see, Id heard the rumours. -o then it really still e'ists. single woman appeared from the magi& &ir&le. -he was wearing a dress that was e'tremely low$&ut and had a high slit on it. How do you do, &urrent 1aou -ir2e&hs$dono/" The woman greeted -ir2e&hs$sama with a fearless tone. The one des&ended from the blood of the previous .eviathan. 8attleya .eviathan. )hat is the meaning of this/" -ir2e&hs$sama said this. s I thought, its the family of the original 1aou+ Id heard talk about it. )hen the old four 1aou died and they were trying to ere&t new 1aou, they say they raised a desperate resistan&e right till the end, the people des&ended from the old 1aou. I heard that the post$war devils, whose fighting power had already been e'hausted, drove off all the families of the hardline old 1aous army to a &orner of hell with the last of their power. fter that, it was said the matter &ontinued by having a new administration established in the &enter. That was the &urrent :our Great 1aou$samas. The womanJ8attleya .eviathan, who was des&ended from the original .eviathan, gave a defiant smile and spoke. The members of the old 1aou fa&tion have nearly all de&ided to &ooperate with the 78haos %rigade9." J)hat+ )hat a thing to say. 8oming here, the old 1aou fa&tion haveJ. -o its a feud between the new and old 1aou sides that has be&ome full$s&ale. ;evils are also diffi&ult." 2a2el !ust smiled like it was someone elses problem. 8attleya, is it okay to interpret those words literally/"

-ir2e&hs, its e'a&tly as I said. )e are also taking &harge of this atta&k right now." J-o its a &oup dWtat, huh/" *es, this was a &oup dWtat. rebellion by the old 1aou fa&tion against the new 1aou fa&tion. To de&lare this at su&h a time and pla&e31oreover, they were lending a hand to the terrorist group. 38attleya, why/" -ir2e&hs, weve only arrived at the e'a&t opposite idea of this meeting today. )eve &on&luded that, sin&e God and the original 1aou are gone, this world should be reformed." -o they did this &oup dWtat after learning everything about the non$e'isten&e of God and the pea&e &onfren&e of the three great powers. 1oreover, they really have taken the opposite path, &oming here while &onsidering all this. Has that 0phis seen that far ahead into the future/ Though that doesnt seem likely." 8attleya !ust let out a breath in response to 2a2els ?uestion. side from being a symbol of power, he !ust bears the position for the sake of gathering power. )eve asked for his help to destroy the world and rebuild it again. J)e will be the ones to manage the new world." J)hat+ :or su&h a thing to o&&ur. -o the magi&ians rampaging outside must be those who endorse these people. If 2a2els story from before was true, then in addition to the old 1aou fa&tion and the magi&ians, rebels from the fallen angels and angels have appeared as well. 3;o they really hate pea&e so mu&h/ -ir2e&hs$sama smiled very sar&asti&ally. 3-o youre a gathering of angel, fallen angel, and devil rebels who want their own world and a new 6arth that they rule over. The mediator of that is the 70uroboros9 0phis." The strongest dragon at the top even feared by GodJ. I had heard that it was stronger than the 7)elsh ;ragon9 and 7Eanishing ;ragon9, a&&ording to legend. If its the dragon that has infinite power similar to GodJ. 8attleya$&han+ )hy are you doing su&h a thing+/" 8attleya showed a hateful e'pression at -erafall$samas shout. -erafall, how dare you a&t so shamelessly, as the one who stole the position of 7.eviathan9 from me+ Im des&ended from the original .eviathan+ I was the one suited to be 1aou+" 8attleya$&han3I$I+" ;ont worry, -erafall. Today, Ill kill you at this pla&e and take the title of 1aou .eviathan for myself. Then, 0phis will be&ome the god of the new world. Its fine if hes !ust a symbol. The 7system9 and laws, the do&trine will be &onstru&ted by us. 1i&hael, 2a2el, and .u&iferJ-ir2e&hs, your era is over." The e'pressions of -ir2e&hs$sama, -erafall$sama and 1i&hael$sama all darkened at 8attleyas words. HoweverJ. There was !ust one person who seemed pleasant and was smiling. Au3Aukukukuku." 0nly that person$J.

-eemed &ompletely strange$J. He showed a wi&ked smile like that of a bad boy. 2a2el, whats so funny/" nger &learly saturated 8attleyas e'pression and words. Hahaha. -o youJno, you people will reform this world all together, huh/" Thats right. Thats e'a&tly right, 2a2el. This world isJ" In de&ay/ Humans are foolish/ The 6arth will be destroyed/ 0i, oi, oi, arent things prospering nowadays/" 2a2el held his stoma&h as he laughed. 8attleyas eyes twit&hed. 2a2el, youre the same as ever. 6ven though you have so mu&h power, youre satisfied with the &urrent world3" .et me tell you. *our goal is too &li&hWd and harsh. nd yet, people like that are limited to those who are e'&essively strong. Gee2, its really a nuisan&e for others. ;es&endant of .eviathan, your words are !ust like those of a villain whos about to die, you know that/" 2a2el+ *ou would ridi&ule us this far+" 8attleya was enraged, and a magi& aura was gushing out of her entire body. It was the atmosphere of an e'plosive situation. -ir2e&hs, 1i&hael, Ill take &are of it. ;ont help, okay/" 2a2el stood upJ. The Governor of the fallen angels began releasing a gloomy aura, similar to doing a battle enhan&ement. 38attleya, do you have no intention of surrendering/" That was -ir2e&hs$samas final warning. 8attleya shook her head. That is &orre&t, -ir2e&hs. *ou were a good 1aou. However, you werent the best 1aou. Thats why we are aiming to be the new 1aou." I see. Thats too bad." -eeing that &onfirmation, 2a2el pointed at the window with his hand. ;on+ The whole area at the window was blown off by a blast of light+ )hat a thing+ 2a2el unfolded twelve bla&k wings. Their feathers were darker than endless darknessJ. ;es&endant of the former 1aou .eviathan. 0ne of the 71onsters of the 6nd9. #ot a bad opponent. 8attleya .eviathan, are you dressed up for a bout of rmageddon with me/" 8attleya responded to 2a2els intense &hallenge with a fearless smile of her own. I was !ust wishing for that, Governor of the angels who fell." ;oh+ 2a2el and 8attleya .eviathan flew out of here, and a battle of light and devil began to unfold in the distant skies above the s&hoolyard. %oth of them had a tremendous mass of aura. It was a different dimension from us. I was an'ious about support, but now that its gone this far, should I assist 1aou$sama or should I &hase after %u&hou/

s I was like this, -ir2e&hs$sama said to me, Aiba *uuto$kun. 1e and 1i&hael will keep strengthening the barrier &overing this s&hool. #ow that 2a2el and 8attleya are running wild, the damage may be&ome big. -orry about this, but until Grayfia finishes her analysis of the magi&ians transfer$use magi& &ir&le, &ould you deal with the magi&ians outside/" *oure ordering me to subdue the magi&ians. *es, sir." Thank you. Im glad that youre my sisters knight. Dlease use that %alan&e %reaker for the sake of my sister and your &omrades." *es+ Genovia, please &ome with me+" *eah, Im also ,ias Gremorys 7knight9. Aiba *uuto, I think were two similar blades. #ow, lets go." fter me and Genovia nodded at ea&h other, we plunged into the s&hoolyard and started sli&ing. dire&t order from 1aou$sama. The highest honor+

Part 2 Hah+" 1y holy demoni& sword &leared through ea&h magi& prote&tion barrier and into the magi&ians body. How many did this make/ Ive &ut down a &onsiderable number of magi&ians, but a new assassin would always be summoned from the magi& &ir&le right after. Theyre endless." Nubaaaaaaah+ wave along with a slashing atta&k was fired from the holy sword ;urandal and gouged out the s&hoolyard left and right. The atta&k slaughtered the magi&ians in large numbers. Genovia, please treat the s&hool building with a bit more &are. )as ;urandal really so diffi&ult to handle/ Aah+ ;oh+ ;ooooooooooooooh+ :rom the sky, a roaring sound &ould be heard, as well as a da22ling light. )hen looking above, 2a2el and 8attleya .eviathan were atta&king and defending intensely. 2a2el made multiple thi&k and heavy spears of light easily e'&eeding his own height appear, and threw them at 8attleya. 8attleya laid out several layers of defensive magi& &ir&les and blo&ked the light atta&ks. The s&hoolyard had re&eived great damage here and there from the after$effe&ts of those atta&ks and defenses. If 1aou$sama and the others hadnt been prote&ting the new s&hool building, signifi&ant &rumbling would probably have happened to the building. It was also fortunate that the entire s&hool site was enveloped in a strong barrier. If not, the surrounding residential area would have also taken damage. It was &hilling ea&h time a ma'imum atta&k that 2a2el or 8attleya avoided &ollided with the prote&tive barrier. I think that 2a2el was greater in real power, but 8attleya was hanging on beyond my e'pe&tations. %y all rights, it wouldnt be strange if 8attleya had household servant devils with her as well. However, I had heard that she and the old 1aou fa&tion re!e&ted the 7evil pie&es9 introdu&ed by the &urrent devils. 8attleya had neither a lieutenant 7?ueen9 nor a 7knight9 that prote&ted her person. That 8attleya took a small bottle out from her breastJ$$-he swallowed what seemed like a small bla&k snake that was present inside/ t that instantJ. ;on+ -pa&e vibrated intensely, and a wave of power surged throughout the whole king pie&e s&hoolyard. The magi& power given off by 8attleyas body swelled up, and gave off an ominous aura. mass that was near that of -ir2e&hs$sama and -erafall$sama3<ust what on earth was that snake she !ust swallowed3/ 2a2el fired &ountless spears of light at her, but they easily vanished !ust by 8attleya &almly moving her right hand sideways. -u&h power+ 6ven though you &an say the fallen angel Governor 2a2els power is the first or se&ond most powerful of those here today+ n even more astonishing event o&&urred before my eyes.

2a2el, who was fighting with 8attleya in the air. n unforeseen blow hit the Governor of the fallen angels from the sideJ.

Life 5! .els' /ra%on an- ,anis'in% /ra%on

Part 1
)hen I noti&ed it, we were in the &lub room. It had made a lot of noise, but the transfer had su&&eeded. HoweverJ. J+ Impossible, theyve transferred here+" ;amn devils+" The interior was o&&upied by magi&ians wearing those weird robes+ Heeeeeey+ s I thought, this is the enemys &enter+ %$%u&hou+ I$Ise$senpai+" Gaspers voi&e+ )hen I turned my eyes in the dire&tion where I heard the voi&e, the &ross$dressing boy Gasper was there tied to a &hair with rope. The &ut$off pie&e of paper bag was on his head+ -$-o he wore it3 %u&hou &onfirmed Gaspers safety and was relieved as well. Gasper+ Im so glad that youre safe." %u&hou3Its already too late3" However, Gasper !ust broke into tears then. Its better if3I die. Dlease, %u&hou, senpai. Dlease kill me3%e&ause of these eyes, I &ant make friends with anyone3Im only a bother3and a &oward3" Gasper raggedly shed tears. 8aptured and being used by the enemy, he thought he was being a bother to us. %u&hou kindly smiled at that Gasper. ;ont say su&h a stupid thing. I wont abandon you, you know/ )hen I transferred you into my family, I said it, right/ ThatJnow that youve been reborn, you will live for me, and also find a way of life that &an satisfy you." %ut %u&hous words didnt get through to Gasper, and he shook his head. 3I !ust &ouldnt find it. :or me, who !ust &auses trouble3to have value in living is3" *oure my servant and part of my family. I wont abandon you so easily. 6ven though it was finally possible for you to be free+" Thats right, Gasper+ 1e and %u&hou wont abandon you+" Thats right+ 1y kouhai+ 6ven if you &ant use your -a&red Gear well, well stop youJ. Gan+ ,ight before my eyes, Gasper was stru&k by a female magi&ian. The magi&ian sei2ed Gaspers hair and gave a sneer. #ow that I looked, all the magi&ians here were female+ )it&hes/ )it&hes are good too+ *ou people are so stupid. Its foolish how you treat su&h a dangerous half vampire normally. Its !ust as the old 1aou fa&tion says. The Gremory family are as dumb as they are deeply affe&tionate and overflowing with power."

The magi&ian assessed %u&hou with a &ontemptuous look. 1aybe you would have gotten more value if youd ?ui&kly brainwashed this half$vampire and used him effe&tively as a tool/ If you had made his -a&red Gear run out of &ontrol while throwing this &hild into the territory of the opposing fallen angels, he might even have taken out one of their leaders as well. )hy havent you done that/ 8ould it be that you intend to treat a servant as a &lose friend/" T$ThisJ" I tried to strike ba&k at that offensive remark, but %u&hou restrained me with her hand. )hy, %u&hou+/ 6ven though she doesnt understand anything about %u&hou, she said nothing but bad things+ I &ant forgive her+ #o matter how mu&h of a girl she is, there are things you &an say and things you &an5t+ ;amn it+ I3treasure my servant." %u&hou retaliated ba&k &almly. Dlease get angry+ Theres no merit in behaving &almly with a person like this+ Hyuh+ %on+ The magi&ian fired a small magi& bullet at %u&hou+ %u&hous uniform was partly blown away, and white skin peeked out3H$Her breasts &ould be seen !ust a little. )hat a &heeky mouth you have. lso, I dont like how youre beautiful even though youre a devil, daughter of Gremory." The magi&ians words were &overed in !ealousy. The magi&ian put a blade at Gaspers ne&k. *ou move and this &hild dies. .et5s have some fun." The magi&ian stu&k out a hand, and started releasing even more magi&+ %u&hou isnt showing any sign of avoiding it+ ;amn it+ The moment the magi& bullet is fired again, Ill stand in front of %u&hou and be&ome a shield+ %on+ The bullet gra2ed the lower part !ust a little from my ne&k. 0ww+ %ut, if its !ust this mu&h+ ,ather, that lo&ation+ -he aimed for %u&hous fa&e+/ ($(nforgivable+ To aim for %u&hous fa&e+ I was angry in both heart and mind, but %u&hou &ame forth from behind me and spoke to Gasper kindly. Gasper, please &ause me a lot of trouble. Ill s&old you over and over again+ Ill &omfort you+ JIll never let you go+" J+ %$%u&hou+ (uh, even though it isnt being said to me, Im in&redibly moved+ s e'pe&ted, my master is the best+ #ow then, Gasper+ *ouve made %u&hou say this mu&h+ How will you respond+/ %$%u&hou3I3I+" Gasper broke into tears. %ut, it was from neither fear nor sadness. $$J6ven I &ould tell that he was &rying out of happiness. lright. lright+ In that &ase, Gasper. #e't is a present of fighting spirit from me. Gaspeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer+" I raised my voi&e whi&h rang within the room+ Gasper+ 1y feelings+ Ill &onvey them through words and deliver them all the way to your soul+

;ont run way+ ;ont be afraid+ ;ont &ry+ 1e+ %u&hou+ keno$san+ sia+ Aiba, Aoneko$&han and Genovia as well+ )ere all your friends+ )e will absolutely never abandon you+ )e wont do something like leave you out+" I put up my left arm high+ &tivate, my -a&red Gear+ %oosted Gear+" 7%oost+9 red gauntlet was e?uipped on my left arm. #e't, Dromotion+ %u&hou+ Im promoting to Iueen+" %u&hou nodded, and my power was raised+ :urthermore, there was one more thing left+ s&alon+" 7%lade+9 long with a new voi&e, my new weapon s&alon e'tended from the shell of my -a&red Gear+ The female magi&ians &autiously wat&hed me. However, I pointed the tip of the sword away from the enemy and at my own hand. Nashu. I temporarily suppressed the swords power and personally &ut the palm of my right hand with the blade3It hurts. %ut+ %lood flowed out of my right hand. Ise3/" %u&hou looked at my a&tion dubiously. Dlease be at pea&e of mind. This is a present for Gasper+ However, Gasper+ Its no use if you dont get up on your own, you know/ fter re&eiving en&ouragement by a girl, ne't is standing up+ ;on5t you have a wonderful pair of balls on youuuuuuuuuuuuuu+ I stu&k out my left hand and e'tended out s&alon that had my blood on it in Gaspers dire&tion+ :aster than the magi&ians &ould rea&t, the blood, whi&h had been on s&alon, &lung to Gaspers mouth. $$J;rink it. The blood of me who harbors the strongest dragon. nd show us that youre a man+" Gasper nodded at my words with a strong look. Gasper tasted my blood that had arrived at his mouth with his tongue. The instant that Gasper swallowed my blood, the atmosphere within the room suddenly &hanged. n indes&ribable &hill eerily rang through my whole body. )hen I turned my eyes to Gasper who was tied to the &hairJ. He wasnt there+ Gasper wasnt sitting on the &hair+/ He had disappeared+/ 0nly the rope that had been tying Gasper to the &hair was left. The female magi&ians were also sho&ked that Gasper had suddenly disappeared, and looked around. They spread their ga2es over the interior of the room andJ. 8hi&hi&hi&hi&hi&hi. weird &hirping was heard. 8ountless bats were flying near the &eiling of the room. The group of red$eyed bats swooped down on the female magi&ians all at on&e. Auh+ -o he transformed, that damn vampire+" %astard+"

The &ursing women pointed their hands at the bats and tried to fire magi& bullets, but they were pulled down by something and greatly lost their balan&e. $J8ountless bla&k hands were e'tending out from the female magi&ians5 shadow+ The hands from the shadows tried pulling the girls inside the shadows. -o this is the ability of a vampire+" Take this+" ;on+ They fired magi& bullets at the shadows, but the shadow hands !ust dispersed uneventfully. ;uring that, the bats wrapped around the forms of the magi&ians and bit at various parts on their bodies. *ou intendJto su&k our blood+/" #o, our magi& power is also being absorbed+" The magi&ians were having a hard time. They were at the mer&y of the bats and the hands e'tending from the shadows. This was$J. Gasper/ Gaspers vampire power/ Ise, thats a part of the power that Gasper was originally hiding. It must have been released from drinking your blood." nd so said %u&hou. I see, as I thought, thats Gaspers power+ Auh+ In that &ase, we &an only do this+" The magi&ians turned their aim towards this dire&tion+ -o they intend to aim at me and %u&hou+ ;oshu+ The &ountless magi& bullets they fired were aimed at me and %u&hou, butJ. They all stopped in mid$air. 7Its useless. I &an see all of your movements and atta&ks.9 Gaspers voi&e e&hoed within the interior of the room. The red eyes of the bats glowed bla2ingly. I see, so he invoked his -a&red Gear from the eyes of the bats+ 1oreover, he was brilliantly stopping only the magi& bullets+ -o he &an &ontrol his -a&red Gear thanks to the effe&t of drinking my blood+ 7Im stopping you people+9 Aah+ 8ountless numbers of bats made their red eyes shine, and they made the time of all the female magi&ians in the room stop. 7Ise$senpai+ The finishing blow+9 .eave it to me+" I started running and tou&hed the magi&ians+ Then, while striking a &ool pose in the &enter of the room, I &ried out+ ;ress %reak+" %ababah+ The &lothes of the wit&hes who were time$stopped were brilliantly blown off+ trade fair of naked woman unfolded before my eyes+ I &an look as mu&h as I like, tou&h as mu&h as I like+ %uh+ s a nosebleed spurted out, I gave a smile of vi&tory.

Gasper, together were invin&ible." 7*es+9 1y kouhai stops the enemy, and I blow off their &lothes. )ere the strongest. )ere invin&ible+ )ith this, the dream Ive yearned for &an &ome trueJ. De&hi. Is that really so/" %u&hou poked my forehead while sighing.

Part 2
%y the way, ;draig, who is 0phis/" I asked this while I was working to tie up the magi&ians and pla&e them on the rooms magi& &ir&le. 7J0phis. Thats a nostalgi& name.9 -o, who is he/ That guy/ 7Hes the strongest of the ;ragon tribe.9 -tronger than ;draig and the Eanishing ;ragon/ 7*eah, be&ause hes stronger than God as well. Hes the only e'isten&e that God &ouldnt take on &arelessly. Hes a true monster with power e?ual to infinite.9 -eriously+/ -o there was still a dragon stronger than you and lbion+" 7Hes the only one. The only one who e'&eeds us. Hes the strongest e'isten&e in this world.9 Hah, thats, how should I put it31oreover, he seems to be the boss of the terrorists. %u&hou deployed the magi& &ir&le and sent the magi&ians off to a publi& offi&e in the underworld. -he said that they would then be arrested and put in prison. In&identally, %u&hou had already &hanged into a spare uniform. The reason was so we &ould get the terrorists as living witnesses !ust in &ase. %ut, to tie up girls with rope like this was3Gufufu. I thought of all kinds of vulgar things. (!* -enpai, is your hand okay/" Gasper, who had returned from the bats and shadows to his true form, asked this. %e&ause he was wearing the ring I had gotten from 2a2el, his -a&red Gear also wouldnt run out of &ontrol. *eah, Im used to in!uries of this e'tent. 6ven though I look like this, Ive also had a hole in my stoma&h from the atta&k of a fallen angel." (eeeeeeeh/ ,$,eally3/ -$-empai has really e'perien&ed a lot of violen&e3" I$Is that so/ Thinking about it, ever sin&e I be&ame a devil, I seem to be living &onsiderably violent days3I havent worried about it sin&e Ive been living happily with %u&hou and the others, but are the &han&es of me going to the !aws of death surprisingly high/ (u, its my imagination, my imagination. Ill try not to think about it too deeply+ How was drinking my blood/" *es, my power temporarily welled up from the bottom, but3I have returned to normal now." I see. -o it in&ludes a time limit. 6ven so, he be&omes plenty powerful when drinking my blood. *es. ll of them have been transferred over there+ #ow then, Ise, Gasper+ .ets return to 1aou$ sama+" That was %u&hou. Thank you for your hard work+ 7*es+9 1e and Gasper responded, and followed behind %u&hou. )e left the room and moved to the entran&e of the old s&hool building31eanwhile, Gasper was still

sti&king to my ba&k3There seem to be a lot of &hildren who hide behind my ba&k somehow. Theres sia, and this one too. In any &ase, I also have to fi' this guys hikikomori disposition. <ust as we were e'iting the entran&eway while I thought that. ;oggaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan+ -omething fell down right in front of us+ fter the &loud of dust whi&h enveloped it vanished, there was J. 3T&h. -o youre betraying me under these &ir&umstan&es, Eali." It was the Governor of the fallen angels who was gravely in!ured. Thats right, 2a2el." )hile giving off a da22ling radian&e, the Hakuryuukou stood before us. There was a lady who I didnt know at his side as well. The instant you de&ided on pea&e, arrangements were made to invoke the -a&red Gear of the kidnapped half$vampire and begin the terrorist atta&k. The Hakuryuukou ran wild along with me on&e we saw a good time. Itd be good if we &ould bury any one of the leaders of the three great powers. It was fine if the meeting was broken be&ause of that." 0oh+ )hat se'y &lothes+ 8lothes that e'pose the breasts so mu&h+ -$-u&h a ris?uW thing that also has a deep slit, its the best+ -he has su&h ni&e legs, oi+ I feel vulgar eyes. JIs this kid the -ekiryutei, Eali/" *eah, while regrettable, its true. He truly is a most regrettable host." ;ont keep saying regrettable, regrettable+ 6ven Im living through every day doing my best+ 30r rather, why are you and 2a2el &onfronting ea&h other/ 0r rather, who is this onee$&han/" The onee$san looked at the babbling me with pitying eyes. I see. He really does seem to be a regrettable &hild. Eali, will you kill him/" 1y feelings are wavering on what to do. To be honest, I wasnt e'pe&ting for him to be there." Heh/ I didnt understand at all. )hats happening/ Gee2, Ive also lost my edge. :or one of my followers to do this3" 2a2el laughed at himself. 6h/ Then, the Hakuryuukou is seriously the terrorists &omrade/ That nee$ san there is also an enemy/ Eali stored away his mask on his helmet with a &lang, and showed his fa&e. )hen/ )hen did you de&ide to do this/" I got the offer while I was en$route returning Aokabiel to head?uarters. -orry, 2a2el. This side seems to be interesting." Eali, has the 7Eanishing ;ragon9 &apitulated to 0phis/" #o, Im !ust &ooperating stubbornly. They gave an attra&tive offer. 5)ouldnt you like to fight against the sgard/5 )hen they said that, as someone who wants to test my power, I &ouldnt de&line. 2a2el, you dislike the idea of fighting with EalhallaJthe sgard, right/ *ou dislike war." I told you to 5be&ome strong5, but I should have also said 5dont only make fa&tors that will destroy the world5." Thats unrelated. I !ust want to fight eternally."

3I see. #o, I may have anti&ipated somehow in my heart that you would leave my side. J-in&e the time we met till now, you wanted to fight with strong people." The preparations and information outlet for this were thanks to the Hakuryuukou. Its unusual of you to have left him alone even though you understood his true nature. s a result, youve wrung your own ne&k." nd so the lady sneered at 2a2el. Ignoring 2a2el who gave a bitter smile, Eali hit his hand against his &hest and spoke to me. 1y real name is Eali. JEali .u&ifer." 33)$)hat/ 3.u&ifer/ Im a des&endent of the previous generations 1aou .u&ifer who died. However, Im a &hild of mi'ed blood born from a father who was the old 1aous grandson and a human mother. JI obtained the 7Eanishing ;ragon9s -a&red Gear be&ause Im half$human. It was !ust by &han&e. However, I, who is a true blood relative of .u&ifer and is also the 7Eanishing ;ragon9, was born. If there really is su&h a thing as fate and mira&les, I may be that. J<ust !oking." s he said that, several folds of devil wings grew from his ba&k along with his wings of light. JJ. ;$;evil/ The Hakuryuukou is3/ )hats more, he said .u&ifer3)asnt that the old 1aou+/ #o way3that &ant be3" %u&hou also wore an astonished e'pression on her fa&e. However, 2a2el &onfirmed it. Its true. If there is su&h a ridi&ulous e'isten&e, its him. Hell be&ome the strongest Hakuryuukou of among those I knew in the past and present, and probably of all time as well." 36$6ven if you say that3-$-o hes really the strongest3(!* -omehow, I &ant &at&h up with various arrangements happening that I dont know about lately+ 0r rather, there are a lot of halves around me like keno$san, Gasper and this guy. Have you resolved yourself, 2a2el/" The lady still sneered at 2a2el. )ho is this person/ 6ven I &an grasp that her killing intent is tremendous. 3T&h, that volume of aura that swelled up earlier, what did you get from that bastard 0phis/" The lady smiled at 2a2els ?uestion. *es, he who is the dragon that possesses infinite power. :or the sake of the worlds reformation, I borrowed a little of his power. Thanks to that I &an fight against you. Theres even a &han&e that I &an beat -ir2e&hs and 1i&hael. Theyre su&h foolish Governors. -o are you." 3-o I am. I may be foolish. I &ant do anything without -hemha2a. Im !ust a -a&red Gear enthusiast. J%ut you know, do you really think to the e'tent that -ir2e&hs and 1i&hael are idiots/ t least they5re far superior than someone medio&re like you." The ladys fa&e twisted at 2a2els words. )hat nonsense+ Eery well, Ill deal the finishing blow right here and now. I will destroy you, the Governor of the fallen angels, as the first step of the &reation of a new world+"

The lady spoke in a strong tone. However, 2a2el !ust seemed pleased. 2a2el took out something whi&h looked like a dagger from his po&ket. ThatsJ" 2a2el pointed the tip of the dagger at the lady who was looking at it suspi&iously. 3I have gone beyond being a -a&red Gear enthusiast. I also produ&e them myself. Ive built repli&as. )ell, almost all of them are garbage. God, the one who developed the -a&red Gears, was ama2ing. Thats the only thing I respe&t him for. JHowever, theyre in&omplete. Its be&ause God and 1aou died while leaving behind 5bugs5 whi&h &an !ust upset the worlds balan&e like the 7.onginus9 and 7%alan&e %reaker9. )ell, thats why -a&red Gears are interesting though." %e at pea&e of mind. Things like -a&red Gears absolutely wont be made in the new world. 6ven without su&h things, the world fun&tions. J6ventually, we5ll make #orthern 6uropes 0din move as well and then the world will have to &hange." fter deliberately raising the gossip with a &ompla&ent smile, 2a2el spit out. The more I hear the more I feel like vomiting at your goals. Ealhalla+/ The 6arth Gods+/ -o you intend to snat&h everything through 0din from the side. ,ather than that, the person who steals my pleasureJ&an go and disappear." The dagger that 2a2el had &hanged shape+ Its parts separated and light gushed out. J+ I$Impossible+ 2a2el, you+" In front of the later who had grasped something, the Governor of the fallen angels uttered words with power+ %alan&e %reak3+" The vi&inity was wrapped in a momentary flash. fter the light faded, there was a person there wearing gold plate armorJ. It had a golden sparkling radian&e and a form like that of a &reature. J<ust like that of a dragon. %ah+ s many as twelve !et$bla&k wings unfolded from its ba&k. %la&k feathers fluttered about the surroundings. The ;ragon$imitating gold armor made its bla&k wings flap. I thought it was a little &ool. 2a2el was e?uipped with dragon armor+ huge spear of light was in his hands+ I studied the 7Eanishing ;ragon9 and other dragon$series -a&red Gears and produ&ed this, my masterpie&e artifi&ial -a&red Gear. This is 7;ownfall ;ragon -pear9, in its pseudo$%alan&e %reaker state 7;ownfall ;ragon -pear rmor9." I &ould feel a dragons surge from beyond the armor. It wasnt ordinary+ top$&lass powerful aura to the point of overwhelming was being emitted from his entire body that was above what I had felt up until now. It easily beat Aokabiels+ (oooh+ Its like a bargain sale of %alan&e %reaker+ )asnt that a rare phenomenon+/ 7#o, that isnt a true %alan&e %reaker.9 )hat do you mean, ;draig/ 7He made the -a&red Gear go into a %urst state and did a for&ed awakening. kind of running out of &ontrol. The -a&red Gear will break after a battle with that. ;oes he intend to use that so$&alled artifi&ial -a&red Gear as a disposable/9

-o its a disposable artifi&ial -a&red Gear+ 6ven so, what I dont understand is how it &ould be emitting a dragon aura. However, 2a2els development of -a&red Gears was une'pe&ted+ In&identally, unless the owner of a real in&arnation$type -a&red Gear died, it &ould regenerate no matter how many times it broke. 8onversely, if you stole a -a&red Gear through a spe&ial &ourtesy method, they seem to die. The !ewel in my left arms gauntlet and the multiple !ewels that e'isted in my %alan&e %reaker armor didnt have !ust a single fun&tion and &ould be regenerated even if destroyed. If he is an opposing e'isten&e, then the Hakuryuukou should be the same. Hahaha+ s e'pe&ted of 2a2el+ *ou really are in&redible+" Eali laughed. He laughed in the fa&e of someone so strong+ Is he fearless/ #o, hes &ra2y+ 2a2el turned to fa&e Eali. Eali, Id also like to be your opponent, but3)ell, please get along with the 7)elsh ;ragon9." ;ont !oke around+ I dont want to get along with someone like him+ %ut, fighting with 2a2el seems fun." Eali also said that. Then, please do that+ I have no interest in something like a rival showdown+ 3Its based on a ;ragon endowed with power, right/" *eah, I !ust sealed the 7Gigantis ;ragon9 :afnir in this artifi&ial -a&red Gear. I &opied it from the -a&red Gears of the two Heavenly ;ragonsJthe 7)elsh ;ragon9 and 7Eanishing ;ragon9. Ive yet to see if it su&&eeded or not." (!* He &opied %oosted Gear/ ,ather, he mentioned the name of a ;ragon I dont know3 7Hes one of :ive Great ;ragon$Aings". 2a2el talked about Eritra the other day, right/ In additions, theres the 8haos Aarma ;ragon" Tiamat, the 1is&hievous ;ragon" *u$.ong, and the -leeping ;ragon" 1idgardsormr. Though I say that, Eritra was eliminated long ago and sealed somewhere. If what 2a2el says is true, then :afnir was also sealed. Though originally, there were si' ;ragon$Aings.9 h, somehow, Ive be&ome &onfused. I wont understand even if you tell me something like that all of a sudden. Ive heard about Tiamat somewhere before. The others I dont know at all. 7(ne'pe&tedly, you might meet them soon. -in&e Tiamat hates me.9 (wah, I !ust heard su&h an in&onvenient talk. Gee2, Ive had enough of meeting these something or other dragons+ h, so thats why 1i&hael gave a ;ragon$-layer sword to me. 2a2el+ 6ven though you possess that mu&h power, you+" J8attleya, you yourself said that you made a pa&t with the 70uroboros ;ragon9." 3The resear&h of -a&red Gears shouldnt have developed to that e'tent3" :rom that look, it seems that the group that betrayed my organi2ation took out some of the -a&red Gear resear&h. However, its pointless. 0nly I and -hemha2a know a portion &lose to the truth." bluish$bla&k aura &overed the ladys body as she &li&ked her tongue. I am one who is des&ended from the great true .eviathan+ 8attleya .eviathan+ I wont lose to an

annoying fallen angel like you+" The lady shouted+ 0r rather, this person is .eviathan$sama/ )$)ell, shes &ertainly &loser to the .eviathan$sama that I imagined. 2a2el be&koned to the lady who introdu&ed herself as 8attleya. 8ome." ;ont look down on me+" The lady wore an e'tra$large aura, and flew out at an e'treme speed+ Nan++ It was an instantaneous event. The lady &alled 8attleya dived at 2a2el, and 2a2el also responded with the spear he held. In an instantJ. %ushu+ :resh blood gushed out from the ladys body. -he feebly fell down to her knees on the spot. )hen I looked, the ground was split even far behind the lady. The ground had been gouged out from the aftersho&k of 2a2els atta&k. In&redible, what power+ The atta&k and defen&e had happened in the world of &omma, and had &ome to an end. JIt isnt over+" 8attleya &hanged her arm into a tenta&le$like thing and wrapped it around 2a2els left arm. suspi&ious pattern emerged on the ladys body+ That is a self$destru&t$use te&hni?ue formula+" %u&hou said that. -eriously+/ Thats for self$destru&tion/ -o thats this ladys dying will+ 2a2el tried to tear the tenta&le away, but there was no sign of it &oming off at all. 2a2el+ 6ven if you try to kill me while in this state, its useless+ #ow that youre &onne&ted with me, this strong magi& will also a&tivate and kill you too when I die+" J. -o youll deal great damage to me with self$sa&rifi&e resolution. Its a tawdry way of thinking, but the result is an enormous reason." Ise, Gasper+ Get some distan&e+ s it is, well get &aught up in the blast+" %ut, %u&hou+ )hat about 2a2el/" If hes the Governor of his organi2ation, hell deal with it somehow+ However, well get &aught up in it and die+" Thats serious+ It would be lovely to die together with %u&hou, but I dont want to die in su&h a pla&e, and moreover while wrapped up in someone elses battle+ )e ?ui&kly got some distan&e. 6ven as we got away by a &ertain e'tent, %u&hou deployed several layers of defensive barriers and started preparing for the e'plosions aftersho&ks. )ah+" Gaspers s&ream+ )hen I looked, some kind of magi&al pattern was engraved on Gaspers eyes. -orry, but Ill be sealing that. Its annoying if time is stopped." JIts Eali+ %ut you know, if youre aware of its ability and a&tivation &onditions, that -a&red Gear really isnt that

great a wonder. Its full of weak$points. There are many te&hni?ues like those that seal ones vision. lso, if his magi& is drained, it &hanges into a double$edged sword that submits damage to allies as well." That guy was flying in the air. Thats the best+ 0r rather, it was !ust as he said, Gasper in his &urrent state is full of weak$points !ust like me. 7 powerful -a&red Gear X -trength9 was !ust an illusion inside of me+ 2a2el, it was !ust as you said. 6ven if a -a&red Gear is strong, its all useless if the host is useless+ 0r rather, I still &ant fly in the air+ ;amn it+ Im not able to say anything about Gasper either+ I have insuffi&ient training+ )e wat&hed 2a2els situation from the pla&e we es&aped to. 2a2el still &ouldnt remove the tenta&le. It seemed to retain no damage even when he tried to &ut it with the spear. That tenta&le is a spe&ial$make that absorbed my life. It wont break." The lady laughed fearlessly. Giving up on &utting it, 2a2el shrugged his shoulder. The ne't instantJ. %ashu+ The tenta&le was &ut off along with his left arm+ (wah+ -eriously+/ He &ut his own arm off+ :resh blood gushed out from the wound of 2a2els left arm. The &ut$off pie&e of his arm turned into dust. +/ *ou &ut off your own arm+/" 8attleya was sho&ked, however her abdomen was pier&ed by a spear of light that 2a2el threw. Ill give you an arm at least." -huwa. 8attleyas body blew up, then turned into dust and vanished into the sky. %e&ause she re&eived large damage from a light atta&k, she was annihilated. -in&e to demons, light was a deadly poison. nd there seemed to be no e'&eptions for this. Aah+ 2a2els armor was released. The Governor of the fallen angels didnt seem to regret the arm hed lost, he !ust &li&ked his tongue. T&h. -o this is the limit of an artifi&ial -a&red Gear. Theres still mu&h room for improvement3 s long as the &ore !ewel is safe, I &an remake it again. Ill have you keep me &ompany a little while longer, 7Gigantis ;ragon$kun9 :afnir." nd he lightly kissed a !ewel$like ob!e&t in his hand. 3That was the &on&lusion between that lady who &alled herself .eviathan and 2a2el. ll that was left wasJ. The white$armored Eali des&ended from the night sky. s e'pe&ted of 2a2el. However, your armor has been released. -o your artifi&ial -a&red Gears still re?uire more study." 2a2el pointed at Eali. #ow then, Eali. )hat will you do/ -hall I go at it again/ 6ven if I have no armor and am one$handed, I &an fight with you ade?uately." 2a2el made a spear of light appear in his hand and pointed the blade at the Hakuryuukou. *oull still

fight even with that in!ury/ )hat fighting spirit+ Eali glan&ed at 2a2el who took a fighting stan&e, and then asked us a ?uestion. %ut dont you think that destiny is &ruel/" 33/ )hats that, all of a sudden. )hat is he talking about/ 0n one hand, there is the strongest e'isten&e that one &an think of with a 1aou Y a legendary dragon like me, and on the other hand, there is a mere human like you whi&h possesses a legendary dragon as well. -ay what you like, but I think that this a&&ident of fate is &ruel. Though were rivals with the same dragon$type -a&red Gears, the gap between the two owners is too great." (!* *$*ou mean me/ I pointed at myself. Eali nodded amusedly. I investigated you a little. *our father is an ordinary offi&e worker. *ou mother sometimes goes out to a part$time !ob as an ordinary full$time housewife. The blood relatives of both your parents are &ompletely ordinary. There are also no ability$users or pra&titioners who possessed power among your an&estors. 0f &ourse, your an&estors had nothing to do with devils or angels either. *ou really are ordinary. *our friends arent spe&ial either. *ou were a &ompletely ordinary male high s&hool student until you were reborn as a devil as well. J)ith the e'&eption of %oosted Gear, youre nothing." That guy laughed with a pitying e'pression. %oring. )hen I learned about you, who was so e'&essively boring, I laughed out of disappointment. 5 h, so this is my rival. I give up.5 If your parents had at least been magi&ians, than maybe the story would &hange a bit. Thats right+ How about this kind of setting/ *ou &an be&ome an avenger+" 33/ I had no idea what hes talking about. How to say it, I felt like this guy was smart in a different way. I &ouldnt understand him at all. I &ould understand that he was different from keno$san and Gasper, that he didnt hate his upbringing. #o doubt, he was proud of his lineage. If there are those who suffer from their birth, there are also those who take delight in it. The world was so &ompli&ated that it &ouldnt be pro&essed by my brain. %ut even I understood his ne't words. Iuite &learly. Ill kill your parents. If I do that, your personal history will be&ome a little more interesting. If youre parents are killed by a valuable e'isten&e like me, dont you think youll be able to openly devote yourself to a solemn destiny/ *eah, Ill do that. fter all, your parents will, from now on as well, live ordinarily, grow old ordinarily, and die ordinarily. The setting I spoke of is mu&h more brilliant than su&h a boring life+ ,ight/" 33 I &ouldnt e'press it. I &ouldnt e'press this feeling that was born in my heart. feeling of a degree I had never felt before was starting to be born within me. I &ould only say this. Im going to kill you, you bastard." I ?uietly let that out of my mouth. t that moment, my head finally understood. h, so this is what they &all killing intent". 3<ust as you said, my father is an ordinary offi&e worker who works from morning to evening for our family. 1y mother is an ordinary housewife who makes deli&ious food for our family morning, noon and evening. However, they raised me up to this point. To me, theyre the best parents."

)hy should my parents have to be killed by this kind of bastard/ Thats also a stupid reason. 1y father and mother have nothing to do with you. 3Aill them/ 1y father and mother/ )hy should they have to be mi'ed up in the situation of someone like you and be killed/ s if I know anything about things like valuable or destiny+" He is the one person I &ant forgive. Eali .u&ifer. s if Ill let you do it." He is the one person I absolutely &annot forgive+ Ill be damned if I let my parents be killed by the likes of yooooooooooooou+" 7)elsh ;ragon 0ver %ooster++++9 s if responding to my anger, my -a&red Gear started to release a strong bright red aura. )ith the ring I got from 2a2el also a&ting on it, I e?uipped 7%ooster Gear -&ale 1ail9 without having to sa&rifi&e anything. However, a &ountdown$like thing appeared on the !ewel of my left arms gauntlet. Time$wise, I didnt have even fifteen minutes. Though it was still better than the mere ten se&ond of my in&omplete %alan&e %reaker. J. .ook, lbion. Hyoudou Isseis power went up by an in&omparable amount. The plain and simple reason &alled rage was the trigger, but this is3Hahahaha, what a dragons surge." 7-a&red Gears simply use strong emotions as food for power. Hyoudou Isseis rage is at its genuine limit, and is turned towards you. 0nly straightforward people &an draw out the dragons power.9 I see. -o his greater affinity with his dragon is also e'plained through this reason." s if I know+ In any &ase, if I dont do something about this guy, my surroundings will be&ome a disaster+ I wont allow that+ However+ *ou still arent &lever+ Hyoudou Issei+ *our intelligen&e is insuffi&ient to &ontrol ;draig+ That is a sin." -top &hattering and talking about things I dont understaaaaaaand+" *es+ That is e'a&tly why youre &alled an idiot+" -pouting an aura from the magi& power !ets on my ba&k, I rushed towards Eali+ Eali &overed his fa&e with his mask. -o hes prepared to fight+ It was only my se&ond time using %alan&e %reaker, but a failed atta&k wasnt permitted like that time with ,aiser+ However, Eali easily avoided and dodged my ta&kle+ #ot yet+ I regained my balan&e in mid$air and dived again at Eali who had !ust dodged+ I e'tended s&alon from my gauntlet and unleashed an atta&k with my unskilled weapon+ However, I &ouldnt manage to land a single hit with only my mere swinging slashes on Eali as he dodged with light movements. 7Eali, that sword &arries dragon$slaying powers. If it hits !ust on&e, youll undeniably re&eive great damage.9 Is that so, lbion. %ut theres no meaning if it doesnt hit+" <ust as he says, I wont be able to even gra2e him with my skill. ;amn it+ If its like this, I should have

learned more swordplay from Aiba+ #e't time Ill train seriously+ In this %alan&e %reaker state, its temporarily possible to use my doubling ability whenever and however I want. 7However, every time you use it your stamina or magi&al power will be &onsumed. The doubling ability will proportionally take away stamina to how high it is. Thats my original %alan&er %reaker ability. lthough this is a temporary %alan&e %reaker state, wouldnt you !ust be &ommitting an a&t of folly by e'hausting the power that maintains your armor with !ust one use/ 6ven the bra&elet you got from 2a2el has its limits. 6very time you use it, the time for using %alan&e %reaker will de&rease.9 -o even !ust maintaining this state uses up stamina+ Ealis side must have a lot of surplus+ 7*our opponent Eali seems to have a tremendous amount of magi& power. s a paired e'isten&e, the Hakuryuukou will also shave off power every time he uses his ability, but if the hosts stamina is great, then the time in whi&h he &an use it will also be enormous.9 T&h3+ )hat an unpleasant reality+ The differen&e in power between me and Eali is de&isive+ s I thought, Im a lot weaker+ Thats obvious. He has a &omplete %alan&e %reaker. I on the other hand got a lot of help and have a %alan&e %reaker that is severely limited. #o, before that, me and that guyJour basi& spe&s are too different+ ;on+ Guhah3+ t that instant, I &hoked. heavy$fisted blow hit me in the &hest+ Heavy+ ,ather, it was too fast for me to see. )hat a shot+ 1y legs trembled from !ust this+ T$There was also a &ra&k in my armor+ If I re&eive many of these kinds of hits, it5ll abruptly be over+ -o this is my rival+ Hahahaha+ How embarrassing+ )eak+ Too weak+" Eali harshly made fun of me. %ut, I really did feel that way. Ise+" %u&hou seemed worried as she wat&hed me. I dont want to show an un&ool appearan&e in front of the woman I fell in love with+ I was born between parents from ordinary families, was reborn as a devil, and by &han&e obtained the power of a dragon. He was born with the lineage of the 0ld 1aou and got the power of a legendary dragon. There is no talent in me. nd in him, there is an overflowing amount of talent. The strongest host that &an &ontrol the power of his -a&red Gear, the ideal e'isten&e. That is &ertainly Eali. 7;ivide+9 I heard a voi&e from the Hakuryuukous gauntlet, and my power instantly vanished. ;id he have my power+/ )as it a&tivated from the blow I re&eived to my &hest before+/ 7%oost+9 However, I also a&tivated my own -a&red Gear and my power was restored. 7Dartner, the power that was halved was restored by my power, butJ. The 7Eanishing ;ragon9s other ability is troublesome.9 ;draig, what do you mean/

7That guy halves his opponents power and then adds the de&reased portion of power to himself. In other words, youre power is taken away and turned into his own power. -tamina &ant be re&overed. Its only power to the end.9 T$Then, even if I reset from the minus, that guy will be&ome plus+/ 7Thats right. However, no matter how ama2ing the host is, he has a limit. Dower that goes beyond his &apa&ity is released from the wings of light on his ba&k and he keeps maintaining his power limit without destroying his body.9 -o then he always kept his power at its peak without bursting and destroying himself3 8ome on, &ome on+" -eeming to en!oy himself, Eali fired a seemingly endless number of magi& bullets. I &ouldnt run away as I wished either. The rounds after rounds of bullets he lightly fired left heavy damage. I &ould easily imagine that I had be&ome &ompletely &overed in bruises. Auh3Id like to shower him with my own blows somehow. If not, I wont be able to restrain this dark thing that has been born in my heart3+ s Eali &ontinued atta&king, he resumed his irritating tone. *our atta&ks are also dull. *ou !ust plunge in. Its meaningless in that &ase. )hat a waste of a treasure. *our use of your power is also unskillful." h, is that so/ Im unskilled, am I/ If its that, I know. t this rate the rival showdown between the Hakuryuukou and the -ekiryutei will beJ" Gooooooooooooooooon+ %efore he &ould finish talking, I made magi& power suddenly spout from the !ets on my ba&k and plunged into the barrage of bullets. The magi& bullets entirely stru&k various pla&es on my body. It hurts+ %ut, so what+ <ust one shotJ. <ust one shot is fine+ I strongly &lut&hed my left hand. Dower on !ust this single point here is enough. %esides, I dont need any power to turn+ Ill also throw away all defen&es now+ The magi& bullets were shot at my armor, and my armor was destroyed little by little. 1y fa&e area was also hit and the mask part was also shattered. -o youre &harging/ He that knows little really does often repeat it. -omething like thatJ" Eali deployed what seemed to be a shield of light in front of him and tried to defend, butJ. ;draaaaaig+ Transfer power to the stored s&alon+" 7(nderstood+9 7Transfer++9 ;okun+ surge of massive power flowed into my left arm. fter all, I dont have any sword knowledge. In that &ase, I &an only lodge the power into my fist while the sword is still stored in my gauntlet+ If its !ust hitting, even I &an do it+ Gon+

1y fist destroyed his shield of light with no trouble and I made his fa&e eat a sharp blow. J/////////" )hether it was be&ause he re&eived an une'pe&ted blow or not, that guys posture was violently bent. %aki3 8ra&ks spread from the edges of the mask on the Hakuryuukous helmet, and part of Ealis fa&e peeked through the &rumbling portion. JThis is it+ I grasped my hand around the base of the Hakuryuukous wings of light that were said to gush out e'&ess power. pparently the effe&t of your -a&red Gear &omes from here. In that &ase+" 7Transfer++9 I transferred my power to the Eanishing ;ragon -&ale 1ail before it was in e'&ess. t that instant, I was stru&k by the feeling that power had suddenly been removed from my body. -o it &onsumed a fair amount of stamina and magi& power+ %ut, its fine like this+ Ill raise the power you absorb and the power you emit all at on&e+ To the e'tent that you &ant deal with it+" Auh+" %iiiiiiin+ ll of the Eanishing ;ragon -&ale 1ails !ewels started to nonsensi&ally glow white, red, blue and yellow over and over again. s it did so, the dragon power that I had felt from his body, to the e'tent of being absurd, vanished. (!* I had for&ed him to a&tivate the spe&ial ability of his -a&red Gear. His ability stole the opponents power and used it as his own fuel. However, sin&e the limit of the power he adds was already de&ided, it depended on the &apa&ity of the host. Dower that goes beyond the limit was gushed out from his wings of light and disposed of. Then, what happened if you a&&elerated his stealing power and gushing$out power at the same time/ He stole so mu&h power that he &ouldnt pro&ess it, and at the same time he spat out power by the time it was e'&ess. s a result, the Eanishing ;ragon -&ale 1ail stopped its fun&tions+ 7J+ )hat a thing3+ Eali, regain your posture at on&e+9 Eali rea&ted to lbions voi&e and tried to defend by &rossing his arms, butJ. %agan+ I &losed my left fist that was filled with s&alons power and easily destroyed Ealis defenses in&luding the gauntlets of both his arms, and thrust a blow to this abdomen. The white$shining Eanishing ;ragon -&ale 1ail was not enough and shattered. Is this the dragon$slaying power+/ It was as if the opponents armor were made of paper+ Goboh3 :resh blood flew out from Ealis mouth. He stepped ba&k unsteadily while holding his abdomen. s blood poured down from the edge of his mouth, Eali smiled as if in !oy.

3Hahaha, ama2ing+ 1y -a&red Gear was blown off+ -o you &an do it if you try+ <ust what I would e'pe&t, my rivalJ" Gan+ 1y mer&iless straight entered into that guys fa&e. 3I made it rea&h and hit you. *oure the only one I wont be satisfied with if my fist &an5t hit you." (!* lright+ :or now, Ive paid him ba&k for that stupid thing about my parents. However, ;draig &li&ked his tongue. %e&ause while I was doing this, Ealis armor on&e again returned to its previous state. #o way, the broken part was fi'ed+ Impossible, so I &an never beat him no matter how many times I break it+/ 7The battle doesnt end until the host is made in&apable of fighting. Its no use at this rate. *oull make no progress. Its ne't to impossible for you to defeat him within the limited time of the &ontrol unit. The best plan would be to run away, but you &ant do that, &an you/9 0f &ourse+ Theres no way I &ould leave %u&hou behind+ 0r rather, where &ould I es&ape to within this barrier+/ 7Then, what will you do/ The differen&e in power is still wide. *ou &ould do something thanks to the &ontrol unit, but with the limited time its out of the ?uestion. J)ill you surrender/9 33)hat do I do/ t that time, something within my field of vision refle&ted in the ba&kground. t that instant, an idea appeared in my mind3-hall I test it/ #o, this thing is a test. nyhow, my time will run out and Ill lose at this rate+ I have to do something before that+ Hey, ;draig. The -a&red Gear responds to feelings and evolves, right/" 7*eah, thats right, but3)hy/9 I pi&ked up the thing lying at my feetJa !ewel of the 7Eanishing ;ragon9. 6arlier, when I hit him, his armor was damaged and this thing flew out. His bodys armor seems to have restored the destroyed se&tion in&luding the !ewel, though. s far as Eali is &on&erned, this !ewel will turn to trash as time passes, so its in&onse?uential. However, there should be at least a little of the Hakuryuukous power lodged in it. Im transmitting my image to you. J.ets try it+" I transmitted the thing I imagined in my brain to ;draig who was inside me+ I imagined hard+ If this image is possible, IJ. 7J. 3Dartner, youve sent me ?uite a dangerous image. %ut, its interesting+ )e may die, but do you have the resolve/9 I &ant die. I havent taken %u&hous virginity yet. JIf it hurts, Ill endure it+ If I &an !ust e'&eed this damn bastard in front of me with that+" 7:uhahahahahahahahahahahahahaha+ #i&e resolve+ In that &ase, Ill also resolve myself+ This isnt a notifi&ation of my &hara&ter, butJI am the ,ed ;ragon 6mperor that was &alled a mass of power+ .ets show them that well live and e'&eed them together, Dartner+ #o+ Hyoudou Issei+9 *eah+" )hat do you intend to do/"

Eali asked that, seeming interested. 7Eanishing ;ragon9+ lbion+ Eali+ Ill be taking your power+" I smashed the -ekiryutei !ewel that was on the ba&k of my right hand into pie&es, and drove into it the 7Eanishing ;ragon9 !ewel that I pi&ked up before+ J*our power of vanishing+ Ill transplant it into my -a&red Gear+ )hile fighting, I had remembered a s&ene within my mind. It was the battle with Aokabiel the other day. In that battle, Aiba had a&hieved the so$&alled impossible fusion of holy and demoni&. silver aura sprang forth from my right hand and wrapped around the right side of my body. phenomenon from the !ewel/ ;okun. -omething throbbed inside me, !ust as a diffi&ult$to$des&ribe pain &ir&ulated throughout my body from my !ewel$implanted right hand in an instant3+ Guh3 h3 (gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa+" It hurts+ It hurts+ It hurts+ ;amn it+ )hat is this+/ #ugaaaaaaaaaaaah+ h, ah, ah, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah+ 1y thoughts soared in overwhelming pain.

0wowowowowowow+ 8ompared to this, the damage from the spear of light before was3Guh, ah, gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah+ $$$+ *ou intend to take in my power/4 ,eali2ing what I was trying to do, Eali showed a sho&ked e'pression. 7)hat a re&kless thing to do. ;draig, we are e'isten&es that oppose ea&h other. That is nothing more than an a&t of self$destru&tion. J;o you intend to annihilate yourself by doing su&h a thing/9 lbion spoke indifferently. 7Guooooooooooooooooh+9 ;draig was also leaking out agony. -o the dragon emperor lodged in my -a&red Gear also tasted pain/ However, while ;draig let out a s&ream, it &ontained laughter as well. 7 lbion+ *oure as infle'ible as always+ 0ver &ountless eons, weve lodged in hosts and &ontinued to fight ea&h other+ Its a repeat of the same thing ea&h and every time+9 7Thats right, ;draig. That is our destiny. 6ven if our respe&tive hosts are different, the way we fight is the same. *ou raise power, I steal power. The side that skillfully uses its -a&red Gear deals the finishing blow and it ends. This is how it always has been, and always will be.9 ;draig gave a fearless laugh at lbions words. 7-in&e meeting with this hostJwith Hyoudou Issei, I have learned one thing+ JThat anything is possible with determined stupidity+9 (!* -tupidity is fine+ If I &ant win with ability anyway, Ill e'&el through stupidity+ ,espond to my feeliiiiiiiiiiings+" 7Eanishing ;ragon Dower is taken++9 1y right hand was wrapped in a da22ling white light+ ThenJ. white gauntlet appeared on my right arm. 3Hehehe, so this is 7;ividing Gear9/" Though, having only white up till my right arms elbow on my red armor looked awkward. 7Impossible+ -u&h a thing is impossible+9 lbion let out an astonished voi&e. #o, its only little, but its possible. 1y friend fused together holy and demoni&, and produ&ed things like holy demoni& swords. It seems it was possible to a&hieve it be&ause balan&e has &ollapsed from the non$e'isten&e of God. )ell, if I borrow the words of the leader guys, it is a state where there are things like system errors or program bugs/ I !ust utili2ed it a little." 73-o you mean you nudged the imperfe&tions of the -a&red Gear program" and a&hieved this/ #o, but su&h a thing is36ven if you think of that, to a&tually do it is !ust foolish. #o one knows what will happen with the fusion of opposing powers. )hen that is something &on&erning dragons, you might die, you know/ #o, it would be natural for you to die.9 lbion still &ouldnt seem to believe it. )ell, to be honest though, I was also desperate. *eah, it was re&kless. J%ut, I survived." ;draig sighed at my words. pure white aura surrounded my right arm+

7However, it &ertainly made your lifespan shorten. Its a lot even for devils that live almost endlessly.9 I have no intention to live for ten thousand years. %ut, sin&e there are a lot of things I want to do, Id like to live for at least a thousand years, though." Da&hipa&hipa&hi. Eali &lapped his hands at me. )hats your intention/ Interesting. Then, Ill also get a bit serious+ If I e'&el, Ill halve all of you and everything that surrounds you with the Hakuryuukous power+" Eali floated into the air and opened his arms wide. His wings of light also grew huge. Halve/ Its different with my power, but what do you mean by halving my surroundings/" That guy let out a laugh to my ?uestion. Ignoran&e is s&ary+ It might not be bad for you to die without knowing+" -omehow I feel offended+ That guy harshly makes me sound like an utter idiot+ 7Half ;imension+9 -urrounded by a da22ling aura along with a voi&e from his !ewel, Eali pointed his hand at the trees spread out below him. Guban+ The thi&kness of the trees was halved in an instant+ 0oh+ They were seriously halved+/ Gubababababan+ 1ore of the surrounding trees were &ompressed and halved. ;ont ruin the s&enery of the old s&hool building+ -ekiryutei, Hyoudou Issei. .et me &learly e'plain it to you." 2a2el spoke. 0oh, Governor. Dlease do. In a way even the stupid me &an understand. That ability halves everything in his surroundings. In other words, if the Hakuryuukou be&ame serious, then ,ias Gremorys bust will also be halved." 33 JJ. 33 *es/ 1y thoughts soared more than they ever had before, and my mind was full of only ?uestion marks. (!* I &ouldnt understand. This talk that destroyed my worldview from its entire base. I &ompletely &ould not understand it. However, an e'traordinary fury arising from the bottom of my heart suddenly ruled my entire body. %reasts will be halved. %u&hous breasts will be halved.

I moved my head me&hani&ally and turned my ga2e towards %u&hou. fter %u&hou saw my e'pression, she shuddered !ust a little in fear. *eah, %u&hous breasts. Those fantasti& breast. The breasts I love. 1y everything. 1y world. 1yJ. Theyll be halved3/ %u&hous breasts/ 33 ;ont$$$" *eah. Ive de&ided. ;ont fu&k with meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee++" Ill kill EaliJ. Ill absolutely kill EaliJ+ *ou bastard+ %u&hoooooous+ -o you intend to halve the si2e of my %u&hous breeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeasts++" 7%oost%oost%oost%oost%oost%oost++++++9 Eoi&es from !ewels on various pla&es of my armor repeatedly resounded. I wont forgive you+ *oure the one person I absolutely wont forgive+ Ill kno&k you down+ Ill destroy you+ Ealiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii+" 7%oost%oost%oost%oost%oost%oost%oost%oost%oost%oost%oost%oost%oost%oost%oost%oost%oost%o ost%oost%oost%oost%oost%oost%oost%oost%oost%oost%oost%oost++++++++++9 1y surroundings flew off+ The ground I was standing on was also greatly gouged out and &hanged into a &rater. The windows of the old s&hool building &ompletely &ra&ked, and the outer wall was &ollapsing. 1y whole body was wrapped in the greatest mass of aura it had ever had. hahaha+ )hat the he&k is that+/ -eriously+ His dragon power sprang up be&ause his masters breasts might be&ome smaller+" 2a2el guffawed and burst out laughing. It isnt a laughing matter+ This really isnt a laughing matter+ :or me, its more serious than heaven and earth being inverted+ *eah, s&ramble+ This is the greatest possible &risis+ Thats why its unforgivable+ Halve my %u&hous breasts/ Thats unforgivable+ Those breasts are mine+ s if Id let them be&ome small+ I still havent rubbed them enough+ I still havent su&ked them yet+ I still havent held them between my fingers yet+ (!* ;ont take away my dreams, you bastaaaaaaaard+ I reali2ed it on&e again. He and I &an never understand ea&h other+ I felt my dream to double %u&hous breasts+ *et he said that this guy will halve %u&hous breasts+ I thrusted my finger at Eali+ The far$off trees in the ba&kground were blown away from the for&e of the aftersho&k of thrusting that finger. <ust try to make a move on ,ias Gremory+ Ill thoroughly destroy you to the point where you wont be able to rein&arnate agaaaaaaain+ *ou halving maniaaaaaaaaaaaa&++" The &louds in the night sky were broken apart from my e'&lamation. The full moon whi&h had been hidden appeared. Today is full of surprises. )ho would have thought that this mu&h power would e'plode be&ause of a

womans breasts. %ut, its interesting+" The Hakuryuukou flew out at me. JI didnt feel slow. %ah+ I got away from that spot and ki&ked Eali in the side as he flew+ :ast+ Have you e'&eeded me in speed+/" .ike I know+ %e surprised as you please+ s if Ill forgive+ s if Ill forgive this guy+ If I leave him alone, not only %u&hou, but also keno$sans breasts will be halved+ Auh+ <ust imagining it makes me shudder+ Its an unforgivable a&t even for God to halve those fantasti& breasts+ I &aught up with Eali who was moving at the speed of light with no trouble. This is for %u&hous breasts+" hit to Ealis abdomen with my right fist+ In my mind, %u&hous breasts shook+ 7;ivide++9 t the same time I a&tivated the Hakuryuukou power I had !ust transplanted and felt the aura &overing Eali de&rease sharply. Guha+" Eali spat out bile from his mouth+ I &ontinued atta&king like that without interferen&e+ This is for keno$sans breasts+" hit to the fa&e+ lright+ I &ompletely broke his helmet+ In my mind, keno$sans breasts boun&ed+ This is for sias still growing breasts+" The !ets on his ba&k from whi&h his wings of light originated were destroyed+ In my mind, sias breasts grew+ This is for Genovias breasts+" I vigorously ki&ked him high into the air+ In my mind, Genovias breasts were pleased+ :inally+ This is for Aoneko$&hans breasts that would disappear if they were halveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed+" I ta&kled him with e'treme speed+ In my mind, Aoneko$&hans breasts &ried+ Gahah+" Eali vomited blood from my e'treme ta&kle. *eah, serves you right+ ;agan+ Eali stru&k against the ground. 1y anger hadnt &almed down, and I approa&hed him and de&lared. Aoneko$&han+ -he worries about her small breasts, you know+/ *oull halve it+/ I wont allow it+ ;ont take away anymore breasts from that &hild+ 8an you understand that pain+/ *ou damn halving mania&+" ;amn it+ 1y anger still isnt &alming down+ -hould I hit him one more time+/ In &ontrast to me who had gotten angry, Eali !ust gave a seemingly happy smile. Its si&kening+ 3Interesting. Truly interesting." 7Eali, I finished analy2ing his halving power. )hen &ompared with the &ontrol method of your power, you &an handle it.9

I see. Im not afraid of him with this." #o way. Its not showing any effe&t anymore+ 6ven though I thought I delivered that mu&h pain+ lbion, do you think hes worthy enough to show the Hakuryuukous 7<uggernaut ;rive9 if its the &urrent Hyoudou Issei/" 7Eali, its not a good &hoi&e in this pla&e. If you re&klessly enter <uggernaut ;rive", ;draigs &urse may be removed.9 Itll all work out, lbion. J7I, who am about to awaken, in supreme !usti&eJ9" )hat/ That damn Eali was &hanting somethingJ. 7;ont a&t rashly, Eali+ Is it your desire to be at the mer&y of my power+/9 lbion was angry/ I dont know whats going on, but Ill take him down before he prepares his new atta&k+ )hen I tried to deliver a hit as a finishing blow to EaliJ. )ith the moon floating within the night sky in the ba&kground, a single silhouette swooped down to our lo&ation. It swiftly &ame into the spa&e between Eali and me. It was a man wearing armor that would be worn by a military &ommander of the ,oman&e of the Three Aingdoms. Eali, Ive &ome for you." It was a young man with a refreshing$looking fa&e. He spoke to Eali &heerfully. -o its %ikou. )hat have you &ome for/" Eali stood up while wiping away the blood from his mouth. Isnt that &ruel/ I made a long !ourney and &ame all the way to this island &ountry be&ause my partner is in a pin&h, you know/ The other guys were making a fuss at head?uarters, you know/ %e&ause were !oining together to fight the northern &ountry gods, you were supposed to flee and return right away if the mission failed, right/ 8attleya failed to assassinate 1i&hael, 2a2el, and .u&ifer, right/ In that &ase, your observation role is also over. 8ome ba&k with me." 3I see, so its already time." )hat are they talking about as they please/ )ho are you/" I pointed at the person who had !ust appeared and asked that. JHes the des&endent of the Ei&torious :ighting %uddha." The one who answered was 2a2el. Huh/ That isnt familiar at all, though/ .et me say it with a name that you &an grasp. Hes -on Goku. The famous damn monkey in the <ourney to the )est." 36h/ 6eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh/ -$-$-on, Gokuuuuuuuu+/" I was so sho&ked that all my anger till now was blown away+ %e&ause, hes the one from that famous story+ To say it &orre&tly, he is a monkey youkai that has inherited -on Gokus power. However, it really is the end of the world if even you have !oined the 78haos %rigade9. #o, youre the -on Goku to the 7Eanishing ;ragon9. *oure also well$mat&hed."

That guy laughed at 2a2els words with a &a&kle. Im different from the first$generation that be&ame a %uddha. I !ust live doing as I like. 1y name is %ikou. #i&e to meet you, -ekiryutei." He &asually greeted me. The youkai &alled %ikou spun around a &ane that had appeared in his hand, and then pier&ed it into the ground. Instantly, a bla&k darkness spread over the ground. It sei2ed Eali and %ikou, and made them &ompletely sink into it. -o they intend to es&ape+ ;ont kid around+ I still have to give him my breast do&trine one more time+ )ait+ s if Ill let you es&ape+" I tried to &at&h him, but3 Aah+ 1y -a&red Gear was released. 1y armor vanished, and the ring whi&h helped my power also &rumbled away. The %alan&e %reaker state that was reinfor&ed by the ring has been removed+ 2a2el+ ;ont you have more of those rings+/ I &ant let him es&ape+" It takes a tremendous amount of time to purify those things. I &ant mass$produ&e them. nd even if I &ould, the possibility of attaining &omplete %alan&e %reaker fades if used too mu&h. JTo the end, its an emergen&y$use measure." 4,ight now is for emergen&y$use+ I was made a fool of by him+ s if Ill let him get away+4 3-uddenly, I was sei2ed by intense fatigue3I &ouldnt put any strength into my feet. I &ouldnt grasp my fist either. If you e'plosively emit that mu&h power in an instant, your stamina will be&ome empty. s you are now, what you are able to store is limited and long battles are impossible." That was 2a2els e'planation3 %ut wasnt Eali armored for the whole time/ J. I see, thats the de&isive gap between me and Eali, as e'pe&ted. Theres no meaning if I &ant maintain that period of time where I temporarily surpass him for a long time. 4I as the Hakuryuukou was o&&upied by the blood relative of the old 1aou. The enemy isnt !ust angels, fallen angels, and devils. 6ventually well fight again, but at that time it will be even more intense. )ell ea&h get strongerJ.4 -topping mid$senten&e !ust there, the Hakuryuukou vanished into the darkness along with -on Goku.

+'e 0esti#al 1n-s

)hen we set foot on the s&hool grounds, the armies of the three big powers had &ome in and &arried out the pro&essing after the battle. They &arried away the &orpses of the dead magi&ians, and looked to be &leaning up after the battle. )hen we advan&ed to the &enter of the s&hool grounds, the forms of -ir2e&hs$sama, -erafall .eviathan$ sama, and 1i&hael$san &ould be seen giving orders to people who seemed to be subordinates. )hen -ir2e&hs$sama &aught sight of us, he raised his hands. -o you were safe. Thank goodness. J 2a2el, what happened to that arm/" -eeing the one$armed 2a2el, -ir2e&hs$sama gestured his hand at sia. sia responded to that and applied her re&overy -a&red Gear on the opening of 2a2els wound. Dale green light healed the wound on 2a2els arm, but the lost arm wasnt fi'ed. I was &aught by 8attleya and nearly self$destru&ted along with her. I had no &hoi&e but to &ut it off." I see. Her matter was a problem on the devils side. bout that woundJ" -ir2e&hs$sama tried to say words to make up for it in another form, but 2a2el held him ba&k with his hand and showed that it wasnt ne&essary". I also3&aused trouble with Eali." 3-o he betrayed you." :rom the start, he was a guy that poured into only power. If you look at it from the results, its possible to understand and say 7 h, I see9. JHowever, its my responsibility that I didnt stop it from happening." 2a2els eyes seemed lonely somehow. ;id he feel something for the time he was with Eali/ 1i&hael$san &ame between -ir2e&hs$sama and 2a2el. #ow then, Im returning to heaven at on&e and will work on a plan for the matter of pea&e and &ountermeasures against the 78haos %rigade9." Im sorry, I had arranged things this time. )e who set up the pla&e of this &onferen&e feel ashamed." -ir2e&hs, please dont feel so responsible. s for me, Im !ust glad that the three great powers are walking on the path to pea&e together, you know/ )ith this, useless ?uarrels should also de&rease." )ell, subordinates who dont agree with that will also leave." 2a2el made that sar&asti& remark. That is inevitable. %e&ause weve been hating ea&h other for a long time. However, it should &hange even a little from now on. JThe problem is the 78haos %rigade9 that we &ant assume is good." Then lets &ooperate and dis&uss from now on regarding that matter." 2a2el and 1i&hael$san nodded at -ir2e&hs$samas idea. Then, Ill return to heaven at on&e. Ill &ome ba&k immediately, so well &on&lude the formal pea&e agreement at that time."

nd then, I spoke out to 1i&hael$san who would try to be here later, though it was rude. ($(mm. 1i&hael$san+" )hat is it, -ekiryutei boy/" Theres !ust one thing Id like to ask of you." Eery well, there isnt time, but Ill hear this one thing." There was a wish that I wanted to be granted at any &ost. Its be&ause of the 7system9 that sia and Genovia re&eive damage when they pray to God, right/" The two of them were former believers. -ometimes, they would pray as old habits didnt fade and they would re&eive damage. *es. If ;evils or :allen ngels pray to God, the 7system9 moves and de&ides to give them light damage. %e&ause this was in&luded in the system with or without Gods presen&e, it moves naturally. )hat about it/" 8ant you make it so that there is no damage when only sia and Genovia are praying/" That was my wish. I was always wat&hing them for&e a smile, but they wanted to pray like normal as e'pe&ted. Theyre devils, but I think they should be free to have something they believe in. J" Hearing my wish, 1i&hael$san showed a surprised e'pression. )as my re?uest strange/ sia and Genovia who were on either of my sides were also surprised. However, 1i&hael$san gave a small laugh and nodded in agreement. I understand. If its only two people, I may be able to do something about it. The two of them are already devils and &ant get near &hur&h head?uarters. sia, Genovia, let me ask you. *ou know God is absent, right/ 6ven so, will you still pray/" t 1i&haels ?uestion, the two of them shook their head and then nodded. *es, I want to pray even if there is no .ord." 1e too. Ill give thanks to the .ordJto 1i&hael$sama." (!* 1i&hael$san smiled at both of their responses. Eery well. Ill do that right away when I return to head?uarters. :ufufu, it should be fine if there are only two devils who dont re&eive damage when praying. How interesting." lright+ He said it+ )ith this, you &an pray to God without problems, sia+ 3Though he doesnt e'ist." sia be&ame teary$eyed and embra&ed me. Ise$san+" There, there. I held her gently. Im happy for you, sia. I5ll e'ert myself for the sake of sias happiness from now on as well. Ise, thank you." Genovia also voi&ed her gratitude. I gently stroked the heads of both sia and Genovia. Its fine. *ou &an pray without restraint from now on."

;id Genovias &heeks turn slightly red be&ause she was embarrassed/ Hahaha, dont worry about it+ 1i&hael$sama, about the aforementioned matter, please do as you said." Aiba re?uested something to 1i&hael$san. :ollowing your advi&e, I swear on the Holy ;emoni& -word you gave us that I will not allow Holy -word resear&h to produ&e any more vi&tims. It was a huge error for us to flatly re!e&t important believers to this e'tent." (!* 0oh, 1i&hael$san+ -o you would also go that far+ ,ather, !ust when did Aiba have su&h a talk with 1i&hael$san/ Thats great+ Aiba+" *eah, thank you, Ise$kun." 2a2el spoke to 1i&hael as they pleasantly wat&hed our e'&hange. 1i&hael, Ill leave the e'plaining to the Ealhalla guys to you. -in&e it would be problemati& for me to move imprudently. fterwards, youll have to &onvey what happened today to 1t. -umeru as well." *eah, sin&e there would be no persuasive power if either the Governor of the fallen angels or the 1aou e'plained, Ill have to tell them. Im a&&ustomed to reporting to 7God9, after all." .eaving it at that, 1i&hael$san took a great number of his subordinates and flew to heaven. 2a2el de&lared ahead to the :allen ngel troops. I have &hosen pea&e. The :allen ngels wont fight with the ngels and ;evils at all from now on. Those who are dissatisfied with this may leave. However, Ill kill you without reservation the ne't time we meet. 0nly those who want to follow &ome with me." 7)e will live for the sake of Governor 2a2el till the day we die+9 The subordinates loyalty be&ame a roar. 2a2el saw this and e'pressed his gratitude with a small Thank you". )hat in&redible &harisma. fter 2a2el issued orders to his troops, the :allen ngels deployed magi& &ir&les and returned. The ;evil troops also seemed to be transferring from magi& &ir&les. The s&hool grounds that had been &rowded with all those troops be&ame rapidly desolate, and then only the few people gathered with us were left. 2a2el, the only :allen ngel left, let out a big breath and left in the dire&tion of the s&hool gate. Ill leave the &leaning up to -ir2e&hs. Im tired, so Im heading ba&k." He tried to wave his hand and head ba&k, but he stopped !ust on&e and pointed his finger at me. Thats right, -ekiryutei. -in&e I plan to stay here for a little while, Ill help that 7%ishop9 of ,ias Gremory. %e&ause I &ant stand it, to see a -a&red Gear whi&h &ant be &ontrolled." 6h/" That was my idioti& voi&e. )hat did you say !ust now, 1r. Governor/ :or the red, its women. :or the white, its power. J6ither one is so purely simple that it5s sho&king." -aying !ust that, 2a2el then left while whistling. t that time, I thought 2a2els words were !ust a !oke.

<uly BCGG ;J Heavens representative Head ngel 1i&hael, Governor 2a2el of the fallen angel &entral organi2ation 7Grigori9, underworlds representative 1aou -ir2e&hs .u&ifer, with these representatives of the three great powers, a pea&e treaty was signed. Thereafter, disputes between the three great powers were prohibited, in the framework of &ooperation J. This treaty adopted its name from our s&hool whi&h be&ame its stage, and was &alled the Auou Treaty".

2ew Life
nd so, from today on Ill be the advisor of this o&&ult resear&h &lub. Dlease &all me 2a2el$sensei. 0r Governor is fine too." )earing a worn out suit, 2a2el was in the &lubroom of the o&&ult resear&h &lub. 3)hy are you here/" Tou&hing her forehead with her hand, %u&hou was in a perple'ed state. Hah+ I was re?uested to take this position by -erafalls little sister+ )ell, its be&ause Im a super$&ool guy. I s&ore even with s&hoolgirls+" Thats forbidden+ 0r rather, why would -ona do su&h a thing/" *oure so stubborn, ,ias Gremory. I was told by -erafalls sister that this was re?uested by -ir2e&hs. Thats why she re?uested me." *ou were re?uested as an advisor for su&h a thing+/ The Dresidents intentions &ant be understood+ )ait, what about that arm/ ;idnt you lose one of them/" I pointed at 2a2elsJat senseis arm. Im sure that it was &ut off that time. h, this. Its a genuine artifi&ial arm that I produ&ed while resear&hing -a&red Gears. Its an all$ purpose arm that &an be loaded with light power$style laser beams and tiny missiles. I wanted to be e?uipped with su&h a thing on&e. I e?uipped it in &ommemoration of my lost arm." %ashu+ 2a2elsJ-enseis hand flew out. It also did several rotations as it spun on its side. 0oh, its me&hani&al+ The &ondition for me staying at this s&hool is that I make the immature -a&red Gears possessed by the ;evils of the Gremory family grow. )ell, my knowledge as a -a&red Gear enthusiast is useful, after all. *ou guys have also heard about it, but there is a weird organi2ation &alled the 78haos %rigade9. s a future deterrent against them, the 7)elsh ;ragon9 and your family have be&ome famous. ,ather than that, Im an e'pert on the opposing 7Eanishing ;ragon9. :rom the information I got on him, I know that Eali has his own team. )ere temporarily &alling it the 7Hakuryukou Team9. -everal people are gathering around the ones who5ve been identified at present, Eali and -on Goku." re Eali and the others going to atta&k here again/" The Governor shook his head at my ?uestion. They wont atta&k here again. It was a rare &han&e for an assassination on the leaders of the three great powers at the &onferen&e, but that also failed. Their &urrent opponents are Heaven and the (nderworld. In the (nderworld, all the :allen ngels under my orders have !oined together with the ;evils. The (nderworld wont fall so easily. The -eraph guys in Heaven also wouldnt remain silent. lso, there are the freeloading strong sa&red beasts in heaven and demoni& beasts as well." 3-o its a war/" #o, its still at the skirmish level. *ou &ould say both they and us are in a preparatory period. ;ont worry, something like war wont o&&ur until you people graduate from university, let alone this s&hools high s&hool division. 6n!oy your s&hool life fully. JHowever, it is the long$awaited preparatory period. -o youll be doing various preparations, right/" )ell3"

Tilting my head in pu22lement, I s?uee2ed inside my mind and tried to think of something to say, but nothing spe&ial &ame to mind. (!* -ekiryutei, dont think about it too hard. 6ither way, sin&e you la&k brains, youll make no progress if you worry too mu&h. *our enemy is Hakuryukou Eali to the bitter end. <ust dont forget that single fa&t." I see. -o my enemy is that guy. Its better if I understand !ust that &learly. #ot only did he look down on me and those around me, he also made a fool of me+ #e't time we meet, Ill hit him hard with my own power+ *ou were only able to repel Eali be&ause you &ombined the dragon$slaying sword you got from 1i&hael with %oosted Gears power. lso, Eali didnt go all out. If it werent for that you would have lost. ,ather, you &ould only fight thanks to the &ompatibility this time. If it was another opponent that wasnt a ;ragon and possessed power of Ealis level, you would have been killed." It was e'a&tly as 2a2el said, I &ouldnt have fought so well if I didnt have this sword. ;ragon$slayer is varied. nd, &an you use the Hakuryukous power be&ause of that/" 2a2el asked this. #o, it doesnt fun&tion at all." I had obtained the power to halve my opponent" at great pains, but the gauntlet that had been lodged in my right arm hadnt appeared sin&e then. )as it a one$time use only/ s I thought. *ou &ant handle something that strong so easily. Its benefi&ial to take in another dragons power. Its an entirely different matter whether you &an freely &ontrol it or not. If used unskillfully, it may be an ability that is more diffi&ult than attaining %alan&e %reaker. However, the power you took in on&e should have been re&orded into ;draigs soul. The rest depends on training. J In addition, youll first have to &omplete hellish training in the long term. If youre weak but in absurdly high spirits, youll die." Im sorry that Im fundamentally weak, Governor+ ;amn it, even if I stole lbions power, theres no point if I &ant use it freely. )ell, I also &ant &ontrol even ;draigs power. Its still impossible for the &urrent me. *our -ekiryutei power is also too unstable. Its e'plosive power is tremendous, but thats also only temporarily. lower rank opponent would instantly be brought down with that, but it would be suppressed by a higher rank opponent. If youre also going to parti&ipate in the ,ating Games as a ;evil from now on, you must stabili2e the -ekiryuteis mighty power. :or all that, you first need to attain %alan&e %reaker. Having said that, ,ating Games arent straightforward either. -omething like a 7Dawn9 that &onsumed only one pie&e taking down the 7Aing9 also happens. 6verything depends on how you fight. Ill have to tea&h you all about that as well." *ou seem well$informed about ,ating Games." ;evils arent the only fans of the game, you know/ Thanks to the pea&e pa&t, there are also a lot of ngels and :allen ngels going out to wat&h the games unreservedly." -ooner or later, wont all the ngels and :allen ngels be giving parti&ipation re?uests+" as well/ Therefore, for the time being, well build up your body so that it &an fight for long periods of time." 3*es."

Thats e'a&tly right. 1y power really is something temporary. If I parti&ipate in the games in the future, Ill need to fight for long periods of time. Ill have to maintain that power for longer than a tenth of a se&ond. ,ather, &an I really attain the perfe&t %alan&e %reaker/ -in&e Ive only for&efully a&hieved it until now with borrowed power, I &ant imagine attaining it with my own power. %e&ause Im fundamentally weak. Im a former human. Eali is a 1aou des&endent3These are the ba&kgrounds weve had from birth, huh. 8an I be&ome strong/" That was my ?uestion. It was a straightforward ?uestion. 8an I really be&ome strong/" Ill make you strong. -in&e Im a :allen ngel with free time." 2a2el showed a &ompla&ent and mis&hievous smile. I guess I have no &hoi&e but to believe in this Governor. )ell, my power depends on my training from now on. Then, I pointed at Gasper. If, for e'ample, were atta&ked another time, &ant we do something with Gaspers time$stopping/" K#oteT Im only UCV sure of this one, sin&e it seems a bit out of &onte't.L -$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$-enpai+ )$)$)$)$)$)$)$)hat are you sayiiiiiiing+/ Hiiiiii+" Gasper &ried and shouted at my suggestion. Its not worth &onsidering if hes alone. )e dont know what kind of people are in the 78haos %rigade9." rara, how pier&ing. 8ertainly, Eali was also saying that Gasper was full of weak points. Im sorry+ Im sorry Im so useless+ Im not useful at all+ Im garbage+ Im pig food+ Im seriously refle&ting deeper than the sea, and I possess a target higher than 6vereeeeeeeeeest+ -o please dont abandon meeeeeeeee+" Gasper took refuge in his &ardboard bo' while &rying. Hey, hey, you need to graduate from the &ardboard bo'+ Thats right, holy demoni& sword kid. How long &an you fight in %alan&e %reaker/" Aiba answered 2a2els ?uestion. 8urrently, one hour is my limit." Thats not good. t the very least, you need to make sure that youre able to &ontinue using it for = days." 0oh, how stri&t. Aibas e'pression also be&ame fired up from the words !ust now. I$I &an only do it for FC se&onds under restri&ted &onditions3" The Governors eyes be&ame half$&losed as I timidly spoke. *oull have to retrain from s&rat&h. The Hakuryukou &an stay in %alan&e %reaker for one month. That5s the differen&e between you." 0ne monthJ. Its a &learly and overwhelming differen&e from my FC se&onds. %ut now that I &an see my ob!e&tive, its easy to understand.

#e't 2a2els ga2e turned towards keno$san. ;o you still hate usJno, %arakiel/" J. Thats the name of keno$sans fatherJ. I see, so keno$sans father is 2a2els subordinate. keno$san answered with a stern e'pression. I have no intention of forgiving him. -in&e its that persons fault that my mother died." keno, when you fell down to being a ;evil, he said nothing." #aturally. That person isnt in a position where he &an say something to me." Thats not what I meant. #o, well, it might be thoughtless of me to enter into the spa&e of you parent and &hild." I dont &onsider that person as my father+" keno$san de&lared that &learly. I see. %ut, I dont think its bad that you !oined the Gremory family. If things were otherwise, what would %arakiel think, I wonder/" 33" keno$san did not respond to 2a2els words. -he !ust silently showed a &ompli&ated e'pression. Then, 2a2els eyes turned to me this time. Hey, -ekiryuteiJis Ise fine/ Ise, your dream is to make a harem, right/" *eah, thats right3" *es, a harem is my final goal+ 1y dream+ 3However, re&ently, I feel like that dream is ?uite far away. -in&e I dis&overed that Im bad at handling girls3 -hall I tea&h you about harems/ 6ven though I look like this, Im a man who has formed hundreds of harems in the past, you know/ *ou wont lose anything by hearing about it." 3.)hat+ Governor+/ -$-$-$-$-$-$-$-eriously+/" *eah, seriously. re you a virgin/" *$*es+" lright, Ill also tea&h you about women. Its better to be&ome a man that properly ensnares even beautiful women. The story of how I fell like this was be&ause I rubbed the breasts of human women. I dont &ompromise when it &omes to ero." *$*ou fell for su&h a thing+/ 6h/ -eriously+/" %u&hou nodded at my ?uestion with a fed$up fa&e. ,eally. &&ording to legend, the leaders of the Grigori were tempted by human women and fell for tea&hing them valuable knowledge from heaven." 2a2el smiled as he heard that. )e were young ba&k then too. )e blindly believed that God was great+" and God was wonderful+" with our virginity standing out. Hahaha, after we lost to temptation in the end and had se' with women, we lost our virginity and also lost our pla&e in heaven."

ma2ing+ The leaders of the :allen ngels were all lewd people+ That goes beyond being bad people+ h, somehow, I5m suddenly sympatheti& for the :allen ngels." 0oh, you really are sensible, arent you/ Thats right, if youre a man, live in a state of desire. ;evour woman+ If you sleep with them and have se', strength will follow along with &onfiden&e. JI shall produ&e your graduation &eremony. Ill introdu&e you to some of the beautiful :allen ngel women among my subordinates. Theyd also probably be happy to have se' if their partner is a legendary ;ragon." %eautiful :allen ngel women+/ I suddenly remembered ,eynalle3#o, no, there wouldnt be any more bad women like that+ 0r, thats what I want to believe+ J%ut, I dont think su&h a thing will happen again. (ooooo+ -eriously+/ I &an graduate+/ I will follow you, sensei+" Thats right+ This person is my tea&her+ 2a2el$sensei+ 1y tea&her+ The great tea&her who will tea&h me about -a&red Gears and women+ The tea&her I wanted+ 0h, I see. lright, then well go out on a virginity$graduation tour." )hat is that, that dream$like$sounding tour+/ Thats way more fas&inating than an all$you$&an$eat$&rab tour+ Ill parti&ipate+ Ill &ertainly parti&ipate+ If there is an annual parti&ipation fee, Ill &olle&t and pay it+ Dlease let me parti&ipate on that tour for eternity+ -eeing my eyes light up, %u&hou be&ame flustered. D$Dlease wait a moment, 2a2el+ Dlease dont give Ise strange ideas+" Gyuh. %u&hou embra&ed me and made sure I didnt &ome into &onta&t with 2a2el. Its fine, isnt it/ t this age, its perfe&tly healthy to be a&?uainted with one or two women. 0r is there something wrong with your servant being a&?uainted with women/" Im the one who manages Ises &hastity+ Ise, what do you mean by getting rid of your &hastity at another pla&e after you prote&ted someone elses &hastity+/" -eriously+/ 1y virginity is being managed by %u&hou+/ Ise$san, do you mean to leave me and go somewhere far away3/" sia$&han+/ re you misunderstanding the tour/ Ill always be with sia+ ra, ara, Ise$kun, Ill be lonely if you parti&ipate on the tour." keno$san+ Dlease dont have su&h a sorrowful e'pression+ I wont be able to go+ 3Ise$senpai is the worst." u+ Im sorry, Aoneko$&han+ %ut, Aoneko$&han isnt angry. -hes laughing+ If %u&hou is managing, it wont be easy to produ&e a &hild31uu." Genovia, youre seriously worrying about it+/ *ou sure are popular, Ise$senpai+ s a hikikomori, I admire you+" #o, you &ant speak ill of me anymore, &an you/" -o said Gasper and Aiba. I dont really understand it, but Gasper, please graduate from your &ardboard bo'. The good$looking guy &an die+ )at&hing this s&ene, 2a2el$sensei laughed heartily.

Hahaha+ )hats with this+ I see, I see. Thats right, ;ragons naturally form polygamies. -o you dont re?uire my tea&hing. )ell, this pla&e has be&ome a lo&ation for representatives from the three$way allian&e. The Governor of the :allen ngels, the 1aous little sister, ba&kup from the ngels side, and a legendary ;ragon. .ets all get along from now on. The &urrent ob!e&tive is for the -ekiryutei to perfe&t %alan&e %reak. nd for all of you to power up. *ou should train and a&hieve that during summer va&ation." -ummer va&ationJ. Thats right, the first s&hool term is ending soon. 6ven so, its s&ary how this :allen ngel Governor has fitted in normally before we noti&ed it. 6ven though he was the leader of an enemy organi2ation until now. The future really doesnt look so bad. )e also have to be&ome stronger too." 2a2el also agreed with %u&hous words. It doesnt hurt to be&ome stronger. -o, a&&ording to talk, theres going to be a meeting of young ;evils in a few days, right/ I heard ,ias Gremory was in&luded among the names of promising young ;evils that are &lose to debuting." *es, noble families and old families meet together with several young devils. It seems to be a &ustom." Is it fine to think about games at a time when a terrorist atta&k o&&urred/" That was my ?uestion. )as it really fine, even though a strange organi2ation had &ome/ -ensei was the one who answered that. I in fa&t re&ommend it. %attles in the games will be good e'perien&e for &urrent young devils without previous battle e'perien&e. Its be&ause the present devils are &rowded together with rein&arnated ;evils of humans, :allen ngels and ;emoni& %easts. They are troubled by their opponents. bundant battlefields have been established and fighting methods have &ome in an infinite variety responding to that. There isnt a favorable environment for training young people like this. (ne'pe&tedly, -ir2e&hs and the others have looked at the &urrent situation with the future in mind when they &reated these games. They make them &ompete with other ;evils and the ?uality of power is raised. -in&e theyre a greedy group, it fits them. J)hat &rafty guys they are." (!* I dont really understand it well, but basi&ally hes saying that they gain battle e'perien&e in the games so as not to lose to terrorism either, huh. 8ertainly, itd be a problem if the ine'perien&ed were suddenly thrown onto the battlefield. ;ont worry, Ill drive into you how to use your personal power and your -a&red Gears power. nd there are plans for the mat&hes to be set during your training &amp as well. I believe theyre doing it in ,ating Game style. Ive already finished probing -ir2e&hs about it." 2a2el$sensei, you seriously seem to like preparing for this3Is it really that fun/ (!* Aukuku, theres the %oosted Gear whi&h has begun an unknown evolution. nd theres also the holy demoni& sword. :urthermore, theres the 7:orbidden %alor Eiew9. Ill drive my resear&h results into them and e'plore their original evolved forms." (wah+ -ensei is giving out a dangerous laugh and thoughts+ re we e'perimental bodies+/ )ith so many diffi&ulties ahead, I fear for the future3 )hat will happen to Auou &ademy and the o&&ult resear&h &lub/

&uou 34a-em)5 1n- of 0irst Semester

Auou &ademy -enior High -&hool, 0&&ult 8lub dvising Tea&herT 2a2el K:allen ngel GovernorL DresidentT ,ias Gremory KAingL, Third *ear -tudent, ,emaining Die&es, F 7,ook9 Ei&e$DresidentT Hime!ima keno KIueenL, Third *ear -tudent 8lub 1embersT Tou!ou Aoneko K,ookL, :irst *ear -tudent Aiba *uuto KAnightL, -e&ond *ear -tudent Genovia KAnightL, -e&ond *ear -tudent sia rgento K%ishopL, -e&ond *ear -tudent Gasper Eladi K%ishopL, :irst *ear -tudent Hyoudou Issei KDawnL, -e&ond *ear -tudent

-orry for &onta&ting you like this, -hemha2a. -o thats why Ill be staying here for a while." 7(nderstood. However, 2a2el. There are also subordinates who dont think kindly of you for this pea&eJ9 Its fine. It doesnt matter. .eaving that aside, its you that Im worried about. J*our kid will be born, right/" 73 2a2el. I3I+9 Take good &are of that devil wife of yours. -hes a good woman. 8oming this far to be with you even though she may be killed. *our &hild will be&ome the bridge between ;evils and :allen ngels." 7I would have been happy if I alone had been resented3+ :$:or you to be so3+9 ;ont &ry, my &omrade. Im used to being resented. .eave the matter of keno to me as well. Ill shoulder everything with these twelve bla&k wings, so !ust be silent and follow me, -hemha2a+" J+ *es, my master+"

J nd that is the report from 1i&hael$dono, 0din$sama." These youngsters have sprung ba&k up. Its a bold thing to pretend to be God, that damn 1i&hael." (!* )hat shall we do/ It was une'pe&ted that the God re&orded in the 7Holy %ible9 has died." ,eally, with that youngster 1i&hael, that fake .u&ifer and that naughty kid 2a2el, its a play gathering of little brats." Then, shall we tea&h those youngsters what we the sgard, the true Gods", are like/" :reyr, I wont be able to respond to a war engulfing the world after so long with my old body. However, the earnestness of these youngsters is interesting. Ill go wat&h the ,ating Games of the ;evils." They do seem interesting, dont they/" It does seem fun. The struggling of these youngsters who have lost their God. #ow then, what will they do from now on/"

S8e4ial Life
The day before we entered summer va&ation. That is, after the &losing &eremony had ended. Hello." Hi. Ill be imposing on you from today on." keno$san and Genovia &ame to my house &arrying some big luggage. ,ight after keno$san greeted me, Ise$kun+" -he embra&ed me+ 0wah+ -o suddenly+ I, keno have arrived here at your side !ust now. Ise$kun3" D$Dlease dont look at me with su&h teary eyes3 1y &hest tightened+ 3 $ keno and Genovia will also be living together with us in this house3I$It was 0nii$samas suggestion. Aoneko also plans to &ome later." -o said %u&hou who somehow seemed to feel regretful about it.

&&ording to the story, -ir2e&hs$sama apparently proposed this for the sake of improving the physi&al relationship of our family. It was said that %u&hou resisted it till the end, but my parents had &onsented to it, and the moving$in of keno$san and Genovia had been arranged. -o, as soon as keno$san arrived at my house, she &lung to me like glue and wouldnt let go. (u, Im happy, but the looks that %u&hou and sia are giving me are painful3or perhaps I should say s&ary3 keno$san, arent you en!oying this situation/ The feeling of your breasts is wonderful, but3 Ise$kunM Ill sleep together with you tonight. (fufuM I want to do things with Ise$kun in bed all night !ust on&e." -eriously+/ (ooooo+ #$#osebleed+" sia, is it fine if I share the same room as you/" Genovia tried to &onfirm this, but that sia was looking at me and keno$san with watery eyes. 0oh, it seems Ill be s&olded by sia later+ %u&hou sighed while pin&hing my &heek. It hurts, onee$sama3 However, this house has rather be&ome small, hasnt it/ Ive de&ided. Ill re&onstru&t it during summer va&ation. Ill get in tou&h with my brother." 6eeeeh+/ )hat will happen to the Hyoudou household from now on3/ )ith this and that, the first s&hool semester &ame to a &lose. #e't is summer va&ation+ Dlaying all day$long as mu&h as I like+ -in&e Im living together with %u&hou and the others, various things are sure to happen to meJ &&ording to the plan. This plan may not &ome to be, probably3 fter all, I am %u&hous servant, keno$sans pet kouhai, and sias big brother. ;amn it+ 6ven though summer is the important season where its possible for male high s&hool students to graduate from being a virgin+ I dont want to hear the bragging of my &lass boys who have graduated after summer ends+ I dont think its possible, but if Im beaten to the pun&h by 1atsuda and 1otohama, Ill have no &onfiden&e in living. h, that mufufu" pink life3Its re&eding be&ause of my training+ However, I have to be&ome strong. I have to get &loser to Eali by even a little, and if Im going to survive as a devil from now on, powering$up is re?uired. If I want a harem, first I need physi&al strength. JHowever+ ;uring summer va&ation, I want to have se' with %u&hooooooooooou+

3fterwor%reasts &ome in various shapes and si2es, and the demands for them are also &onse?uently varied." utumn reading+ Theres for e'ample book reports. I might be &alled to the tea&hers offi&e. Its been a while. Its Ishibumi. The hikikomori vampire Gasper has finally appeared+ The mysterious 7%ishop9 that was foreshadowed in the first volume has appeared here. %eing a &ross$dresser, hikikomori and vampire, hes full of materials. The :allen ngel Governor 2a2el has be&ome the advisor of the o&&ult resear&h &lub+ I put him in be&ause I wanted a strong and &ool e'planation &hara&ter. In the end, he has the role of a &oa&h, so he wont be parti&ipating in the ,ating Games. The An@ght :ig@rehead" tea&her position. Hes for the few female readers along with Aiba. The rival Eali. Hes a &hara&ter that ama2ingly blows away the settings &ommon sense, but thats e'a&tly why he be&omes a &ontrast with the ordinary high s&hool student Ise. This time, he got beaten up be&ause he tou&hed a taboo KbreastsL for Ise. )ell, Eali is at fault for that. keno also seriously entered into the &ompetition for Ise in this fourth volume. ,ias &ant be &areless either. %oth onee$samas will do this and that around Ise+/ nd Genovia too+/ sia will also feel an'ious. The dream of living together is stormy and full of drama. In this volume the first s&hool semester story ended, ne't volume is the summer va&ation story, and in the volume after that the se&ond s&hool semester story will begin. :rom now on, Ise will fight his rival Eali, and %u&hou will &ompete with the other young devils in the ,ating Games. I think Ill draw their forms growing together. s written in the afterword of the first volume, I had planned from the beginning to introdu&e #orse mythology. The 78haos %rigade9 and Ises group will rarely &ome into dire&t &onta&t with ea&h other, they will mainly &ome into &onta&t with those of Hakuryukou Ealis family. The )hite side has legendary e'isten&es besides -on Goku as &omrades+/ The )hite side is full of guys that blow away the settings &ommon sense. #ow for the thanks. The fourth volume has &ome out at last. 1iyama$2ero$sama, my main editor H$ sama, please take &are of me from now on as well+ The ne't volume will be a Aoneko story Y training Y hot springs Y ,ating Game. fter winning over keno, the loli is ne't+/ -in&e there were few battles in the fourth volume, Id like to mi' in the Games and have a lot of battles in the ne't one. The fifth volume is planned to be released in winter. Its before the winter holidays, but please e'pe&t a warm and hot summer battle. Then, till the fifth volume.

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