Import An Object From Blender To Unity

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Import an Object From blender To Unity

blender is a free open source 3d design, animation and game engine. Unity can also be used to create multi-platform game freely for PC, Mac & Linux Standalone and Web Player. Lets make a little hut and texture it for using in Unity later.

From the default cube, lets extrude top face and make it look like a roof We have 2 textured materials, one for walls and another is for roof:

Do not forget to choose Blender Render internal engine. Assign the materials and UV unwrap them. I will not be going deeper for doing these. As we should care that z dimension is up direction in blender but y is up in Unity. Dont worry about it and save your blend file to a specified location. Now lets open a new/existing Unity project and import our blend file with the little hut. For importing you dont have to convert and export like FBX file type. Leave it as *.blend.

Right click in your Assets panel and Import New Asset. Select your blend file. My file is ue.blend, so you see a ue there

What about the 2 texture files? You also need to give Import New Asset command to import into your project:

A good trick: at your Assets panel make folders to be more organized! For example: Materials folder would be nice for textures, myObjects folder would be nice for you imported objects

Our Object is in the Unity scene screen! Surely you will need your object to be collidable. Select your hut and click Add Component*Physics*Mesh Collider

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