Mae 252 Syllabus

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MAE 355, Aerodynamics I

Fall 2013
Course Outline
Dr. Hong Luo
3236 Engineering Building III
(919) 513-3898
Office hours: 9:30 am-11:00am Mondays
9:30 am-11:00 am Wednesdays
Open Door Policy other times
Teaching Assistant
8:05am-9:20am Mondays and Wednesdays
2201 Engineering Building III
Course web page
John D. Anderson, ``Fundamentals of Aerodynamics,'' 5th Edition, McGraw Hill.
Course overview
Aerodynamic forces, moments, coefficients. Center of pressure (Chapter 1)
Fundamental principles and equations in aerodynamics (Chapter 2)
Incompressible, inviscid flow. Elementary flows and super position (Chapter 3)
Incompressible flow over airfoils (Chapter 4)
Incompressible flow over finite wings (Chapter 5)
By the end of this course, the students should:
Be able to explain the generation of lift, drag and pitching moment on a body from pressure and
shear stresses. Be able to integrate the pressures on an airfoil to compute the lift and pitching
moment. Be able to explain the connection between center of pressure and pitching moment. Be
able to discuss the difference between form drag and skin friction drag.
Be able to explain and write down the continuity, momentum, and energy equations. Be able to
apply the momentum equation to compute the drag of a two-dimensional body from wake
measurements. Be able to define streamlines. Be able to define vorticity, rotational and
irrotational flows, and circulation.
Be able to define Bernoulli's equation for rotational and irrotational flows. Be able to associate
pressure and velocity in incompressible flow. Be able to write down the conditions on
streamfunction and velocity potential for potential flow. Be able to describe the elementary
flows in the book and combine them to generate different simple physical flows. Be able to

explain the Kutta-Joukowski theorem of lift.

Be able to discuss the lift, drag, and pitching moment coefficients for an airfoil. Be able to use
the XFOIL code to analyze an airfoil. Be able to explain Kutta condition. Be able to derive the
thin-airfoil theory (TAT) equations using the Fourier-series method. Be able to write a
computer program for analysis of camber lines using TAT.
Be able to explain the fundamental differences between airfoil and wing flows. Be able to
explain the evolution of trailing vortices. Be able to use the Fourier-series method to analyze the
characteristics of a finite wing.

Assignments, Grading, Projects, Attendance, etc.

Approximately 6-8 homework assignments will be handed out. They will need to be completed
in 1-1.5 weeks as per the deadline provided in the homework. Late homework will not be
accepted. (15%)
In-class midterm examinations are tentatively scheduled on 25 September and 6 November.
(15% + 15%)
Class attendance is not required. However, pop quizzes might be given at the beginning or the
end of classes. No make-ups for pop quizzes. (5%)
Project I: Airfoil analysis project using XFOIL. Dates to be decided (TBD). (10%)
Project II: Programming assignment related to the vortex panel method. Dates to be decided
(TBD). (10%)
A comprehensive final examination on Monday, December 16, 2013, 8:00am-11:00am. (30%)
Attendance compulsory on all examinations. No make-up examinations except for a certified
medical reason.
Grading Scheme:









Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and will be dealt with as per the NCSU Code of
Student Conduct. The Honor Pledge: I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on
this test or assignment will be in effect for all homeworks, exams, and computer project.
Email will frequently be used for sending messages to students regarding coursework.

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