How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in The UK

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How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

Final Report to UK Film Council, Scottish Screen, ! !edia, ast !idlands Tourism, Screen ast, South "est Screen, Film #ondon and $isit #ondon

August %&&'

How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

Ta(le o) Contents
1. Key Points .............................................................................................................................................................4 2. Executive Summary .............................................................................................................................................7 2.1 Introduction....................................................................................................................................................7 2.2 The Assignment.............................................................................................................................................8 2. !esearch Strategy...........................................................................................................................................8 2.4 "indings.........................................................................................................................................................1# 2.$ The %onsu&ting Team.................................................................................................................................12 . %haracteristics o' Tourism(Inducing Screen Products ................................................................................1 .1 Setting and )ocation....................................................................................................................................1 .2 *istorica& %haracters+ P&aces and Stories.................................................................................................14 . "i&m and Te&evision Ada,tations o' )iterature.......................................................................................1$ .4 Studio vs. Inde,endent...............................................................................................................................1.$ .enre and Tone...........................................................................................................................................1.- %u&t Screen Products and Persistence......................................................................................................17 .7 /rand Association and Persistence...........................................................................................................18 .8 Tourism(Inducing Te&evision Products...................................................................................................18 .0 )andsca,e Triggers......................................................................................................................................10 .1# Screen Products and the 1/ritish1 /rand................................................................................................10 .11 Screen Products ( The .enera&ised E''ect ...........................................................................................2# .12 Success "actors..........................................................................................................................................21 4. %ase Study Ana&ysis 2y !egion ................................................................................................................24 4.1 East o' Eng&and %ase Studies....................................................................................................................24 4.2 East 3id&ands %ase Studies.......................................................................................................................24 4. )ondon %ase Studies...................................................................................................................................2$ 4.4 Scot&and %ase Studies..................................................................................................................................24.$ South 4est %ase Studies............................................................................................................................2$. Key Issues in Screen Tourism 3ar5eting ......................................................................................................28 $.1 Screen Tourism 3ar5eting Initiatives......................................................................................................28 $.2 6se o' 3ar5eting Initiatives in %ase Studies........................................................................................... # $. %on'&icting Timesca&es................................................................................................................................ 4 $.4 !e&ationshi, /ui&ding.................................................................................................................................. 4 $.$ Im,ortance o' Ear&y 7egotiations............................................................................................................ 4 $.- Im,act on )oca& %ommunities ................................................................................................................. -. !ecommendations .............................................................................................................................................. 7 -.1 6K Screen Tourism Strategy .rou,........................................................................................................ 7 -.2 Too&5it 'or Intervention............................................................................................................................. 8 -. Economic Im,act o' "i&mma5ing Tourists............................................................................................. 0 -.4 Screen Tourism Trac5ing 82servatory.................................................................................................... 0 -.$ %a&cu&ating the 8vera&& Economic 9a&ue to the 6K ............................................................................4# -.- Pu2&ic Sector "unding and Screen Tourism............................................................................................4# -.7 /o&&y:ood Tourism Strategy.....................................................................................................................4# A,,endix; %ase Studies ...............................................................................................................................42 A2so&ute&y "a2u&ous <1002(100$=....................................................................................................................42 /a&amory <2##2 ( 2##$=.....................................................................................................................................44 /end it )i5e /ec5ham <2##2=...........................................................................................................................4/raveheart <100$=...............................................................................................................................................48 8&s2erg>SPI 2

How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

/ride and Pre?udice <2##4=...............................................................................................................................$2 %&oser <2##4=.......................................................................................................................................................$4 A %oc5 and /u&& Story <2##$=..........................................................................................................................$$ The @a 9inci %ode <2##-=................................................................................................................................$7 @adAs Army <10-8 ( 1077=................................................................................................................................-1 @oc 3artin <2##4 ( Present=............................................................................................................................Eastenders <108$ ( Present=..............................................................................................................................-"our 4eddings and a "unera& <1004=.............................................................................................................-8 "oy&eAs 4ar < 2##2 ( Present=...........................................................................................................................71 .os'ord Par5 <2##1=..........................................................................................................................................74 *arry Potter <2##1 B Present=..........................................................................................................................7Ka2hi Kushi Ka2hie .ham <2##1=.................................................................................................................8# )oca& *ero <108 =..............................................................................................................................................8 3atch Point <2##$=............................................................................................................................................87 8nce 6,on a Time in the 3id&ands <2##2=...................................................................................................88 3onarch o' the .&en <2### ( 2##$=................................................................................................................0# 3rs /ro:n <1007=..............................................................................................................................................0 7otting *i&& <1000=.............................................................................................................................................0$ Pea5 Practice <100 (2##2=.................................................................................................................................08 Pride and Pre?udice <2##$=..............................................................................................................................1## Pride and Pre?udice B T9 <100$=...................................................................................................................1#4 !ic5 Stein <100$ ( 2##4=..................................................................................................................................1#!osamunde Pi&cher Ada,tations <100$ B Present=.....................................................................................1#0 Sha5es,eare in )ove <1008=............................................................................................................................112 Trains,otting <100-=........................................................................................................................................114 The Truth A2out )ove <2##4=.......................................................................................................................117 The 4or&d is 7ot Enough <1000=.................................................................................................................118


How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007


Key Points

Key Findings
,verview /ritish 'i&ms and te&evision ,rogrammes have a signi)icant, positive e))ect on tourism.

/oth 'i&m and te&evision contri(ute to a wider .(randing. o) UK ,eo,&e+ society and cu&ture :hich has a very strong in'&uence on creating a desire to trave&. *istorica& 'i&ms and ,rogrammes+ :hether 2ased on 'ictiona& or rea& events rein)orce an overall (rand )or the UK as a country stee,ed in history. The e''ect can 2e persistent and long/lasting as is the case :ith Four Weddings and a Funeral and the te&evision ada,tation o' Pride and Prejudice. The e''ect is &i5e&y to 2e most ,ersistent :hen the ,roduction achieves cult status+ such as ocal Hero and A!solutel" Fa!ulous# or :hen the ,roduction is ,art o' a wider historical, literary or cinematic (rand+ such as $rs %rown+ &ha'es(eare in ove or )otting Hill. Ty,ica&&y+ it is the associated sites+ rather than shooting &ocations+ :hich 2ene'it the most+ as is the case :ith %raveheart. Historical and religious (uildings such as+ A&n:ic5 %ast&e <Harr" Potter= and !oss&yn %ha,e& <*a +inci ,ode-+ and rural villages+ such as To2ermory <%alamor"= or Stam'ord vi&&age <the //%1s Pride and Prejudice=+ ,rove to 2e the most success'u& in inducing tourism. Strong+ emotionally resonant productions+ connecting characters :ith ,&ace+ are high&y success'u&+ as is the case :ith ocal Hero or *oc $artin. 1Sunday night. television drama+ such as $onarch o. the /len+ is ,rime materia& 'or generating the tourist e''ect.

Key characteristics o) tourism/inducing screen products Pro?ects :hich have some or a&& o' these characteristics are &i5e&y to have the greatest tourism ,otentia&; Strong narratives i.e. story andCor character(driven 'i&ms and ,rogrammesD

High/visi(ility screen ,roducts :ith a very 2road a,,ea& B i.e. high(2udget+ star( driven studio 'i&ms :ith a very 2road a,,ea&D A positive, upli)ting tone 'or mainstream audiencesD "i&ms :hich &in5 in to a :ider+ esta(lished .(rand.D "i&ms using historical (uildings andCor rural village landscapes as &ocationsD "i&ms in :hich 1place1 B :hether rea& or 'ictiona& B ,&ays a 5ey ro&e in the story andCor 4


How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

ex,erience o' the characters.

Key characteristics o) the screen tourism phenomenon Screen tourists1 visits are not ?ust &imited to those s,eci'ic &ocations associated :ith the 'i&ms or ,rogrammes they have seen. Screen ,roducts can a&so generate a wider locus o' in'&uence 'ar 2eyond such &ocations; in'&uencing 1associated1 sites+ such as the 4a&&ace 3onument in Stir&ing <associated :ith %raveheart=+ and a&so increasing a:areness o' the 6K in genera&+ such as %end it i'e %ec'ham.

It is usua&&y sites associated with the setting or story+ rather than the actua& ,roduction or shooting &ocation+ :hich see an increase in visitors+ 'or exam,&e )inco&nshire+ @er2yshire and the Pea5 @istrict as a resu&t o' Pride and Prejudice <the 'i&m=. In ,articu&ar+ historica& dramas+ or those 2ased on &iterature+ o'ten see an impact at sites unrelated to the screen product 2ut :hich are connected to the historica& era+ characters or author such as the Eane Austen %entre in /ath or Po&&oc5 *ouse in .&asgo: as a resu&t o' /os.ord Par'. Screen ,roducts associated :ith existing 2rands+ :hether historica&+ &iterary or screen(2ased+ create a longer lasting impact in :hich FassociatedA sites and sometimes actua& shooting sites 'ee& the im,act &ong a'ter the screen ,roduct :as 'irst sho:n. This is the case 'or 8s2orne *ouse <$rs %rown=+ the %orn:a&& and @evon area <as a resu&t o' the !osamunde Pi&cher te&evision ada,tations=+ Porto2e&&o !oad <)otting Hill= and Padsto: <0ic' &tein=.

Key Strategic Recommendations

SPI recommends the 'o&&o:ing strategic initiatives are ,ut in ,&ace to enhance screen tourism in the 6K; A 6K Screen Tourism Strategy .rou, to esta2&ish a net:or5 'or communication 2et:een the di''erent entities across ,u2&ic and ,rivate sectors. Issues to 2e addressed cou&d inc&ude;

/est ,ractice in using screen ,roducts to mar5et &ocations and in negotiating mar5eting rights 'rom ,roductionsD Identi'ying s,eci'ic mar5ets andCor territories 'or screen tourism mar5eting cam,aignsD %reating nationa& screen tourism cam,aigns around s,eci'ic 'i&ms or ,rogrammesD @ata gathering 'rom visiting ,roductionsD Agreeing terms 'or ,u2&ic 'unding o' screen ,roducts to maximise screen tourismD 8rganising events on screen tourism to raise a:areness and encourage re&ationshi,s 2et:een ,ractitionersD Identi'ication o' the most tourism(e''ective screen ,roductsD $


How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

6sing tourism ,otentia& as a means o' 'aci&itating &ocation access 'or screen ,roducersD %o(ordinating tourism ,romotion :ith the internationa& distri2ution o' the screen ,roductD "aci&itating the o,tima& timing o' negotiations 2et:een ,roductions and ,u2&ic 2odies to maximise the tourism e''ectD Pre,aring communities 'or unex,ected screen tourism.

A Too&5it 'or Intervention 'or use 2y 2oth audiovisua& and tourism ,ro'essiona&s+ ,roviding su,,ort 'or mar5eting strategies and in negotiating 2usiness and &ega& issues re&ated to screen tourism. A Screen Tourism Trac5ing 82servatory to co&&ect data and research on an ongoing 2asis. A 'u&& economic study on the va&ue o' 'i&m and te&evision(induced tourism to the 6K economy to 2e conducted 2y sta5eho&der agencies. Pu2&ic 'unders o' 'i&m ,ro?ects to ensure that rights 'or tourism mar5eting are ,rovided in return 'or ,roduction 'unding. A s,eci'ic /o&&y:ood Tourism Strategy 2e deve&o,ed in order to ta, into this su2stantia& 2ut current&y under(ex,&oited mar5et.


How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007


0ecutive Summary

"i&m and te&evision tourism <or Gscreen tourismH 'or the ,ur,oses o' this re,ort= is a ,henomenon :hich has &ong 2een ac5no:&edged and re,orted+ 2ut 'e: in(de,th studies o' it have 2een ,u2&ished. The evidence that has 2een ,ut 'or:ard to date has most&y 2een anecdota&+ ,ointing to:ards the a2i&ity o' ,o,u&ar 'i&ms and te&evision ,rogrammes to attract tourists+ in the 'orm o' ardent 'ans and interested audience mem2ers. Some o' these anecdotes re&ate to ma?or 2&oc52usters+ :hi&st others are s,eci'ic to sma&&er 1cu&t1 screen ,roducts. /ut des,ite the anecdotes and certainty that screen tourism does indeed exist+ a num2er o' Iuestions a2out the nature o' this e''ect remain to 2e adeIuate&y ans:ered. These inc&ude; :hat 5inds o' 'i&mCte&evision ,rogrammes success'u&&y convert audiences into touristsJ ho: &ong does this e''ect &ast B on&y as &ong as the 'i&mC,rogramme is ,o,u&ar+ or does it have a more ,ermanent im,act on tourismJ :hich &ocations 2ene'it 'rom the tourism e''ectJ The shooting &ocations or associated sitesJ ho: can screen tourism 2e e''ective&y encouraged and managed in a strategic+ ?oined(u, mannerJ 4hat shou&d 2e considered 2est ,ractice 'or 'i&m and tourism ,ro'essiona&s :or5ing togetherJ .iven the existence o' screen tourism and the ,otentia&&y signi'icant economic va&ue o' this strand o' tourism to the economy+ understanding the drivers o' screen tourism and harnessing its e''ect are crucia& issues to understand. This re,ort ans:ers a num2er o' 5ey Iuestions and ,rovides a stronger insight into the nature o' ,roductions :hich induce screen tourism and recommends :ays in :hich the 6K can strategica&&y maximise the economic ,otentia& o' the ,henomenon. 4hy does the tourism e''ect o' 'i&m and te&evision need to 2e studiedJ "i&ms and te&evision ,rogrammes are made 'or a variety o' ,ur,oses :hich rare&y inc&ude attracting tourists to a ,articu&ar area. *o:ever+ understanding ho: audiovisua& content dra:s audiences as tourists can he&, us to understand the ,osition o' 'i&m and te&evision in the 2roader &andsca,e o' cu&tura& attraction. The 6K is de,endent on its &anguage+ history and cu&ture to maintain its ,resence on the :or&d stage as a ma?or tourist destination. This 'its :e&& :ith one o' the 5ey 'indings o' this study on the nature o' screen tourism. Sim,&y ,ut+ it is a connection :ith story <:hether in the 'orm o' characters+ historica& ,eriod+ &iterature+ themes or narrative= that attracts tourists+ rather than ?ust the ,hysica& attractiveness o' the &ocations used in a 'i&m or ,rogramme. As more and more visua& e&ements o' 'i&m and te&evision are generated 2y %.I+ the story(driven nature o' screen tourism :i&& 2ecome even c&earer. "i&m and te&evision+ o' a&& media+ has the greatest a2i&ity to touch u,on so many cu&tura& characteristics. Screen ,roducts can in'orm and excite audiences+ in the same instance+ a2out /ritish &anguage+ history+ &iterature+ society+ &andsca,es and ,ersona&ities. This a&& ha,,ens in the 'orm o' a narrative 'rame:or5 :hich gives the audience an emotiona&+ as :e&& as inte&&ectua&+ connection to the country. The &onger( term and :ider(reaching im,act o' a 'i&m or te&evision ,rogramme can out&ast and s,read 'ar 2eyond the &i'etime o' the 'i&m itse&'+ re&easing messages :hich contri2ute to a 2roader consciousness o' /ritish cu&ture among internationa& audiences.


How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

This is a ,o:er'u& com2ination+ and one :hich dra:s su2stantia& num2ers o' tourists to s,eci'ic sites and destinations across the 6K


The Assignment

8&s2erg>SPI <GSPIH= :as retained 2y the 6K "i&m %ounci& and a num2er o' nationa& and regiona& sta5eho&ders <Scottish Screen+ E3 3edia+ East 3id&ands Tourism+ Screen East+ South 4est Screen+ "i&m )ondon+ 9isit )ondon= to conduct a study <Gthe AssignmentH= revie:ing the nature o' 'i&m and te&evision tourism in the 6K. /road&y s,ea5ing+ the Assignment has 2een divided into t:o overarching aims. 7ame&y+ to; descri2e the nature o' screen ,roducts :hich induce screen tourism and identi'y their success'u& characteristics ,rovide strategic recommendations :hich+ in the 'uture+ :i&& a&&o: the 6K to maximise the economic 2ene'it o' ,roductions :hich induce tourism.


Research Strategy

%+2+* Research Approach

SPI initia&&y &aunched the Assignment :ith a discovery ,eriod o' extensive des5 research to understand the extent and nature o' existing re&ated studies and 'indings. SPI then carried out an integrated methodo&ogy o' sta5eho&der consu&tation and case study ana&ysis. There :ere t:o ,rinci,a& aims o' this integrated research B to identi'y :hat+ i' any+ tourism im,act the se&ected case study ,roductions had had+ and to identi'y :hat issues exist in encouraging the screen and tourism sectors to :or5 more c&ose&y together.

%+2+2 Sta3eholder Consultations

SPI carried out a tota& o' 77 consu&tations :ith a range o' individua&s 'rom the screen and tourism industries and ,u2&ic sector 2odies. The ,ur,ose o' these consu&tations :as ,rimari&y to enhance SPI1s understanding o' the ,henomena and test emerging ideas. The consu&tations :ere a&so used to gather in'ormation 'or the case studies re'erred to 2e&o:. SPI consu&ted :ith; 'i'teen tourism ,ro'essiona&sD seven mar5eting tourism ,ro'essiona&sD one tourism trade 2odyD t:enty(t:o re,resentatives o' s,eci'ic &ocations used in+ or associated :ith+ screen ,roductsD t:e&ve tourist attraction re,resentativesD 'our 'i&m ,ro'essiona&s :ho have 2een invo&ved in a ,roduction :ith recognised tourist dra:D 'ive city counci& re,resentativesD 'our re,resentatives o' historic ,reservation entities such as the 7ationa& TrustD one mar5eting ,ro'essiona& in the screen industriesD one academicD 'ive re,resentatives o' ,u2&ic 'unding 2odies. 8' the 77 consu&tees+ 1- :ere 'rom Scot&and+ 12 'rom the South 4est+ 1# 'rom )ondon+ 0 'rom the South East+ 0 'rom the East 3id&ands+ 7 'rom the East o' Eng&and and 2 'rom Kor5shire and *um2erside. SPI a&so consu&ted :ith 11 organisations :or5ing across the 6K and one internationa& organisation. 8&s2erg>SPI 8

How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

%+2+4 Case Studies

In co&&a2oration :ith the Pro?ect Steering .rou,+ SPI se&ected thirty one case studies o' 'i&m and te&evision ,roductions re&evant to the 7ations and !egions invo&ved in the ,ro?ect. "or a&& the case studies a num2er o' tourist &ocations associated :ith the ,roductions :ere identi'ied. In each o' the case studies the aim :as to; record changes :here visitor num2ers existed identi'y the nature o' the screen tourism e''ect on that &ocation understand the &eve& o' ,u2&ic agency intervention to encourage the gro:th o' screen tourism in that &ocation. In many cases num2ers had not 2een systematica&&y co&&ected and registered and there'ore a Iuantitative assessment :as not ,ossi2&e. This re'&ects the nascent a:areness o' the im,ortance o' screen tourism. In these cases SPI recorded any e''ect on enIuiries or interest 2ased around the 'i&m noticed 2y those :or5ing or &iving there+ in order to get as c&ose to an understanding o' the e''ect as ,ossi2&e :here Iuanti'ication o' the e''ect had not ta5en ,&ace. "ina&&y SPI undertoo5 a 2enchmar5ing exercise to identi'y the 5ey characteristics o' ,roductions :hich had most success'u&&y generated screen tourism :ithin the 6K. The 1 case studies+ :hich can 2e 'ound in 'u&& in A,,endix ,.42+ &oo5ed in(de,th at a :ide variety o' 5inds o' ,roduction+ identi'ying the tourism(re&ated initiatives :hich :ere ,ut in ,&ace in association :ith the ,roduction <2oth 'rom the ,u2&ic and ,rivate sectors=+ and ho: success'u& each ,roduction :as 'rom a screen tourism ,ers,ective.

%+2+5 #iterature Review

4hi&e there exists a su2stantia& amount o' &iterature on screen(induced tourism+ there have 2een very 'e:+ i' any+ com,rehensive and nationa&(&eve& revie:s o' the economic im,act o' screen(induced tourism to date. The existing &iterature ty,ica&&y 'a&&s into one o' 'our main categories. These are as 'o&&o:s; 6ournalistic material+ :hich tends to 2e ,romotiona& in nature+ and :hose assessment o' a &ocation shoot1s im,act on &oca& tourism is 'reIuent&y anecdota&. This ty,e o' materia& inc&udes artic&es such as GThe 3iss Potter E''ectH+ ,u2&ished in The /uardian in @ecem2er 2##-+1 or G/raLi& 'ears 'or tourism in :a5e o' &atest *o&&y:ood horrorH+ in The /uardian+ @ecem2er 2##-D2 local reports+ :hich ty,ica&&y inc&ude surveys and statistics 'or individua& cases+ rather than ,roviding an overvie: o' the &arger ,henomenon o' screen(induced tourism. An exam,&e o' this ty,e o' &iterature is the GEconomic Im,act Assessment 'or the "i&ming o' the )ast Samurai in Tarana5iH+ commissioned 2y 9enture Tarana5i and ,artners 'o&&o:ing the conc&usion o' 'i&ming in the regionD other reports+ :hich 2enchmar5 ,redominant&y &arge and high(visi2i&ity internationa& ,roductions+ as in the case o' 3inte&1s 8cto2er 2## re,ort on GThe /eachH 'or instanceD4
1 4ain:right+ 3artin+ GThe 3iss Potter e''ect; 9isitors head 'or the )a5es on the trai& o' /eatrixD Economic 2oom ex,ected as &andsca,e stars a&ongside actors on the 2ig screenH+ in The /uardian+ 4 @ecem2er 2##-+ avai&a2&e 'rom; htt,; -#4+##.htm& 2 Phi&&i,s+ Tom+ G/raLi& 'ears 'or tourism in :a5e o' &atest *o&&y:ood horrorH+ in The /uardian+ 4 @ecem2er 2##-+ avai&a2&e 'rom; htt,; $+##.htm& GEconomic Im,act Assessment 'or the 'i&ming o' The ast &amurai in Tarana5iH+ re,ort commissioned 2y 9enture Tarana5i in ,artnershi, :ith Investment 7e: Mea&and and 7e: Mea&and Trade and Enter,rise+ "e2urary 2##4. 4 G"i&m Tourism Internationa&; %ase Study o' the /eachH+ 3inte& Internationa& .rou, )td+ 8cto2er 2## .


How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

academic papers and pu(lications+ ty,ica&&y in the 'orm o' theoretica& ,a,ers 2ased on ongoing research into drivers o' tourism. 4hi&e these might inc&ude surveys+ these are ty,ica&&y geared to:ards su,,orting or dis,roving a ,articu&ar theoretica& ,ers,ective+ rather than ,roviding concrete assessments o' tourism1s economic im,acts on a 2road sca&e. Exam,&es o' such academic materia& inc&ude G3ateria& .eogra,hies o' "i&mma5ing and the !ura&H+$ G!e( Imaging Austra&ia; %rocodi&e @undee 8verseas+H- Film12nduced Tourism7 or G4hatAs the Story in /a&amoryJH; The Im,acts o' a %hi&drenAs T9 Programme on Sma&& Tourism Enter,rises on the Is&e o' 3u&&+ Scot&andH8 'or instance.



%+4+* Case Study Findings


Screen ,roducts have the a2i&ity to generate a :ider &ocus o' in'&uence 'ar 2eyond the shooting &ocations. 9ia raising a:areness and accumu&ating imagery+ screen ,roducts can encourage visitation to 2oth 1associated1 sites and the 6K in genera&. In genera&+ tourists are attracted to sites :hich are strong&y associated :ith the story seen in a 'i&m or ,rogramme+ rather than mere&y sites :hich are used as &ocations 2ut have &itt&e connection to the story. This is ,articu&ar&y c&ear :here the story is 2ased on historica& or rea& characters or ,&ace )ocations used as ,ure 12ac5dro,1+ :hich have no connection to the story+ or :hich are di''icu&t to identi'y 'rom the 'i&m or ,rogramme+ sho: &itt&e evidence o' tourism im,act. 4here a 'i&mC,rogramme 'eatures a strong+ rea&+ historica& character+ tourists visit ,&aces associated :ith the rea& character as o,,osed to the &ocations used 'or 'i&ming. The tourism im,act o' &iterature(re&ated 'i&ms is o'ten 'e&t in sites :hich ,&ay a rea& ro&e in the story T:o 2road grou,s o' &ocation ty,es emerge as 2eing the most ,o,u&ar among success'u& tourism(inducing 'i&ms. These are historicCre&igious 2ui&dings and state&y homes and rura& vi&&age &andsca,es

%randing The 5ey 2ene'it o' historica& 'i&msC,rogrammes+ :hether 2ased on 'ictiona& or rea& events and ,eo,&e+ is that they 2oth ta, into+ and rein'orce+ an overa&& 2rand 'or the 6K as a country stee,ed in history. The 12roader1 e''ect o' historica& 'i&ms and ,rogrammes is extreme&y ,ositive+ since it can raise a:areness o' a ,&ace :e&& 2eyond the &i'es,an o' the 'i&m. As a resu&t the im,act can 2e &onger( &asting+ and 2e 'e&t in more visitor sites than sim,&y those associated :ith the 'i&m. 8vera&&+ it :ou&d a,,ear that ada,tations o' the 1c&assics1 is &i5e&y to create a more ,ersistent e''ect+ since they ta, into a more enduring ready(made 12rand1.
$ Pratt+ Andy %.+ G3ateria& geogra,hies o' 'i&mma5ing and the rura&H+ in ,inematic ,ountr"sides+ "ish+ !. <Ed=+ <3anchester; 3anchester 6niversity Press+ 2##$=. - %ro'ts+ S.+ G!e(imaging Austra&ia; %rocodi&e @undee 8verseasH+ in ,ontinuum3 The Australian 4ournal o. $edia and ,ulture D 2<2= 1080. 7 /eeton+ Sue+ G"i&m Induced TourismH+ o' the As(ects o. Tourism 25 series+ %hris %oo,er+ 3ichae& *a&&+ N @a&&en Timothy <Eds.=+ <%&evedonD /u''a&oD Toronto; %hanne& 9ie: Pu2&ications+ 2##$=. 8 %onne&&+ Eoanne+ GF4hatAs the Story in /a&amoryJA; The Im,acts o' a %hi&drenAs T9 Programme on Sma&& Tourism Enter,rises on the Is&e o' 3u&&+ Scot&andH+ in 4ournal o. &ustaina!le Tourism+ 1 < = 2##$.



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

Production ,haracteristics In the exam,&es o' success'u& tourism(inducing 'i&m ,roductions+ the 2udgets tend to 2e medium to high+ o'ten re'&ecting the use o' ma?or star ,o:er. *o:ever+ it is ,ossi2&e 'or &o:( 2udget 'i&ms to have a very strong+ ,ositive tourism im,act+ a&though this might :e&& 2e a &o:( intensity+ &ong(term im,act. The recurrence o' a dominating narrative in the &ist o' tourism(inducing ,roductions re'&ects the need 'or the ,roduction to have a strong emotiona& resonance :ith the audience+ either through the story or through a ,articu&ar character+ in order to generate a tourism e''ect. It is nota2&e that many o' the most success'u& tourism(inducing 'i&ms and ,rogrammes tend to have a ,ositive+ u,&i'ting tone+ :hi&e some grittier+ inde,endent ,roductions have &ess o' an im,act. Persistence Screen ,roducts :hich tend to induce a very ,ersistent tourism im,act+ in :hich the e''ect is c&ear&y evident 'or many years a'ter the re&ease o' the 'i&m+ are those :hich have 2ecome 1cu&t1 c&assics. 3any o' the case studies+ 2ene'iting 'rom a ,ersistence o' e''ect+ :ere ,roductions :hich :ere a2&e to 1ta, into1 or 2ui&d on a 2roader+ ,re(existing 12rand1+ ena2&ing an a:areness o' the ,roduction 2eyond ?ust those :ho have vie:ed it. %enchmar'ing /ased on SPI1s research+ it :ou&d a,,ear that ,ro?ects :hich have some or a&& o' these characteristics are &i5e&y to have the greatest tourism ,otentia&. 1. Strong narratives in screen ,roducts B i.e. story andCor character(driven 'i&ms and ,rogrammes :hich are ,articu&ar&y emotiona&&y resonant+ as o,,osed to genres :ith greater 1,ure entertainment1 va&ue such as actionCadventure 2. High/visi(ility screen ,roducts B i.e. high(2udget+ star(driven studio 'i&ms :ith a very 2road a,,ea& and6or . A positive, upli)ting tone+ rather than gritty+ de,ressing 'i&ms or those :hich are cha&&enging 'or a mainstream audience 4. "i&ms :hich &in5 in to a :ider+ esta(lished .(rand.+ :hether &iterary+ historica& or cinematic $. "i&ms using historical (uildings andCor rural village landscapes as &ocations -. "i&ms in :hich 1place1 B :hether rea& or 'ictiona& B ,&ays a 5ey ro&e in the story andCor ex,erience o' the characters

%+4+% Strategic Recommendations

/ased on its research and consu&tations+ SPI has made a num2er o' recommendations 'or strategic initiatives+ :hich it 2e&ieves :i&& enhance and ,rotect screen tourism in the 6K. These are discussed in 'u&& in Section -+ and in 2rie' are descri2ed 2e&o:;

The creation o' a 6K Screen Tourism Strategy .rou,+ to esta2&ish a net:or5 'or communication 2et:een the di''erent sectors+ across ,u2&ic and ,rivate entities. %urrent&y e''ective ,artnershi,s ta5e ,&ace on&y on an ad hoc 2asis+ and are to a &arge extent inhi2ited 2y di''erences in :or5 ,ractices 2et:een the 'i&m and tourism industries. *o:ever+ these ,ro2&ems are not insurmounta2&e+ and ,roviding a 'orum 'or regu&ar discussion o' screen tourism issues 11


How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

:i&& 2oth increase understanding o' each sectors1 ,ractices+ as :e&& as ,rovide an o,,ortunity 'or esta2&ishing s,eci'ic ,artnershi,s.

The ,u2&ishing o' a Too&5it 'or Intervention 'or use 2y 2oth screen and tourism ,ro'essiona&s+ ,roviding detai&ed in'ormation+ advice and su,,ort in negotiating 2usiness and &ega& issues re&ated to screen tourism+ and in maximising the 2ene'it <to 2oth sectors= o' screen tourism. The esta2&ishment o' a Screen Tourism Trac5ing 82servatory to co&&ect data and research on an ongoing 2asis a2out screen tourism. S,eci'ica&&y+ this :ou&d record changes to visitor num2ers at gated sites :hich are used as &ocations in screen ,roducts+ as :e&& as in any sites :hich may 2e associated :ith screen ,roducts. In ,articu&ar+ and re&ated to the Screen Tourism Trac5ing 82servatory+ there is a need 'or sta5eho&der agencies to conduct a 'u&& economic study on the va&ue o' 'i&m and te&evision( induced tourism to the 6K economy. Across the 7ations and !egions o' the 6K ,u2&ic 'i&m 'unds exist to 'und ,roduction o' audiovisua& ,roducts+ s,eci'ica&&y 'i&m. "unding 2odies shou&d 2e made a:are o' the im,ortance o' screen tourism as a direct resu&t o' ,roduction in their area and shou&d there'ore ensure that ,romotiona& rights 'or tourism initiatives are o2tained in return 'or ,roduction 'unding. Pu2&ic tourism agencies+ &i5e:ise+ shou&d 2e made a:are o' the va&ue o' visiting ,roductions to the &oca& tourism economy. 7ot on&y does a visiting ,roduction create many more hote& nights than most con'erences <:hich are o'ten attracted to an area 2y ,u2&ic su2sidies=+ 2ut 'i&m:or5ers o'ten 2ecome strong advocates 'or an area :hich they have visited :ith a ,roduction. @eve&o,ment o' a s,eci'ic /o&&y:ood Tourism Strategy+ to he&, 2oth screen and tourism agencies ta, into this su2stantia& 2ut current&y under(ex,&oited mar5et. 7um2ers o' visitors to Scot&and driven 2y /o&&y:ood ,roductions have a&ready 2een recorded as su2stantia& and gro:ing+ 2ut the o,,ortunity needs to 2e met across the rest o' the 6K+ ,articu&ar&y :here /o&&y:ood 'i&ms are made.


The Consulting Team

SPI is a strategy consu&tancy+ 2ased in )ondon+ :hich s,ecia&ises in the internationa& 'i&m+ te&evision and re&ated media industries. 4ith 'ourteen yearsA ex,erience ,roviding high va&ue strategic advice to c&ients in the 6K+ Euro,e and around the :or&d. SPI has a strong trac5 record in advising on ,u2&ic ,o&icy 'or nationa& and regiona& media 2odies+ inc&uding studies measuring the economic im,act o' ,o&icy measures. The SPI team consisted o'; Eonathan 8&s2erg+ Pro?ect )eader Kate *o:ard @avies+ Pro?ect 3anager @r )i22ie 3cOui&&an+ Ana&yst %orinne !anara?a+ !esearcher Ste,hanie Porras+ !esearcher )ottie 3oggach+ !esearcher



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007


Characteristics o) Tourism/1nducing Screen Products

SPI1s ,rogramme o' des5 research+ consu&tations and case studies has generated a num2er o' c&ear characteristics :hich descri2e the characteristics o' tourism(inducing 'i&m and te&evision ,rogrammes+ s,eci'ica&&y in re&ation to; setting vs. ,roduction &ocation historica& screen ,roducts &iterature(2ased screen ,roducts genre 2randing sca&e and ,rovenance o' ,roduction ty,es o' &ocation These characteristics are descri2ed 2e&o:+ :ith s,eci'ic exam,&es 'rom and re'erences to the 1 case studies underta5en. The case studies are ,rovided in 'u&& in the A,,endix.


Setting and #ocation

The evidence o' SPI1s research indicates that+ in genera&+ tourists are attracted to sites :hich are strong&y associated :ith the story seen in a 'i&m or ,rogramme+ rather than mere&y sites :hich are used as &ocations 2ut have &itt&e connection to the story. This is ,articu&ar&y c&ear :here the story is 2ased on historica& or rea& characters or ,&aces+ :hen it can 2e seen that visitor num2ers increase at sites :hich are connected to the story 2ut :ere not used in the 'i&m+ :hi&e no im,act :as seen at the rea& 'i&ming &ocations. %raveheart+ 'or exam,&e+ generated a 2oom in tourism to Scot&and as a :ho&e and Stir&ing in ,articu&ar+ :hi&e the im,act on the 'i&ming &ocations+ such as .&en 7evis+ :hich had no historica& connection to the story or character+ has not 2een as signi'icant or ,ersistent. Simi&ar&y+ the im,act o' Trains(otting has c&ear&y 2een seen in Edin2urgh+ :here the story is set+ des,ite the 'act that the 'i&m :as shot ,rinci,a&&y in .&asgo:+ :hich has recorded &itt&e visitor interest in the 'i&m1s shooting &ocations. The exce,tion to the ru&e that tourists are dra:n to story(&in5ed sites rather than 'i&ming(&in5ed sites is :here the setting o' the 'i&m or ,rogramme is 'ictiona& 2ut is ,ortrayed as having a s,eci'ic in'&uence on a character. In such cases the 12ac5dro,1 or 1&andsca,e1 in e''ect 2ecomes ,art o' the story itse&'+ :hich a,,ears to generate a ,articu&ar&y strong emotiona& &in5 :ith audiences and ,otentia& visitors to the &ocations. This e''ect is seen most c&ear&y in the tourism im,act o' the cu&t 'i&m ocal Hero. The vi&&age o' Pennan :as used as the &ocation 'or the vi&&age in the story+ a vi&&age :hich sym2o&ises a :ay o' &i'e that trans'orms the 'i&m1s main character. As a resu&t+ and des,ite not 2eing the &ocation used 'or the 'i&m1s 'amous 12each1 scene+ Pennan has 2een inundated :ith 'ans o' the 'i&m. The same e''ect can 2e seen in Port Isaac+ used as a &ocation 'or IT91s *oc $artin in :hich a )ondon doctor re&ocates to a sma&& %ornish vi&&age+ :hich has seen a huge in'&ux o' day visitors. )ocations used as ,ure 12ac5dro,1+ :hich have no connection to the story+ or :hich are di''icu&t to identi'y 'rom the 'i&m or ,rogramme+ sho: &itt&e evidence o' tourism im,act. Ei&ean @onan %ast&e in Scot&and re,orts very &itt&e tourism e''ect 'rom The World 2s )ot 7nough+ :here it :as sim,&y a 8&s2erg>SPI 1

How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

2ac5ground to action+ com,ared to the e''ect the same &ocation 'e&t 'rom Highlander+ in :hich the main character had an emotiona& &in5 to the &ocation. The &atter e''ect is a&so seen in the tourism im,act o' the ord o. the 0ings 'i&ms <not inc&uded in our case studies=+ in :hich the 'ictiona& 13idd&e Earth1 as a F,&aceA ,&ayed a 5ey ro&e in the story B tourism to 7e: Mea&and increased mar5ed&y 'o&&o:ing the 'i&ms.


Historical Characters, Places and Stories

The 6K has a rich and :e&& 5no:n history+ and a &arge num2er o' houses+ 2ui&dings and sites 'rom di''erent eras sti&& standing as testament to ,ast times. The 6K1s history not on&y serves as ins,iration 'or 'i&m and te&evision drama en?oyed the :or&d over+ 2ut at the same time acts as a ,o:er'u& 1hoo51 'or tourists+ 2oth domestic and in2ound+ to visit s,eci'ic sites across the 6K. 8vera&&+ the 6K1s history is ,ossi2&y the most ,otent and e''ective mechanism 'or ,romoting the country1s 2rand and image+ and one :hich is easy to use in the :idest variety o' contexts. Severa& o' the case studies &oo5ed at :ere essentia&&y 1historica&1 dramas+ :hether 2ased on rea& events and ,eo,&e+ or sim,&y set in 2ygone eras. These inc&ude %raveheart+ *ad8s Arm"# Fo"le8s War# /os.ord Par'# $rs %rown# Pride and Prejudice# and &ha'es(eare in ove. As mentioned a2ove+ the case studies revea& that visitors a,,ear to 2e dra:n to sites :hich are associated :ith the story rather than &ocations used as mere 2ac5dro,+ and this e''ect is even more ,ronounced :ith historica& drama. 4here a 'i&mC,rogramme 'eatures a strong+ rea&+ historica& character+ tourists visit ,&aces associated :ith the rea& character as o,,osed to the &ocations used 'or 'i&ming. The 4i&&iam 4a&&ace 3onument and Stir&ing %ast&e+ neither o' :hich ,artici,ated in the ,roduction o' %raveheart+ sa: su2stantia& and ,ersistent visitor num2er increases 'o&&o:ing the 'i&m1s re&ease. Simi&ar&y+ 8s2orne *ouse+ the rea&(&i'e ho&iday home o' Oueen 9ictoria+ sa: a massive im,act 'o&&o:ing the re&ease o' $rs %rown+ :hi&e non(authentic &ocations used 2y the ,roduction re,ort &itt&e e''ect. Another 2ene'it o' such 'i&ms and ,rogrammes is that their im,act may 2e easier to measure and trac5+ since &ocations used are o'ten 1gated1 sites such as historic houses. 9isitor num2ers to such s,ots are more &i5e&y to 2e regu&ar&y counted than in &ocations such as rura& or ur2an &andsca,es. The 5ey 2ene'it o' historica& 'i&msC,rogrammes+ :hether 2ased on 'ictiona& or rea& events and ,eo,&e+ is that they 2oth ta, into+ and rein'orce+ an overa&& 2rand 'or the 6K as a country stee,ed in history. In many cases the e''ect o' this is seen in a :ider(reaching im,act o' a 'i&m+ :here an increase in interest is seen in a ,articu&ar era through inIuiries a2out sites+ houses and tours :hich are in no :ay &in5ed s,eci'ica&&y to the 'i&m 2ut are re&ated to the 1era1 o' the 'i&m. An exam,&e o' this :as seen in the im,act o' /os.ord Par'+ :hich a,,ears to have s,ar5ed a rene:ed interest in 9ictorian and Ed:ardian era historic houses+ ,articu&ar&y those :ith a 'ocus on servants Iuarters and &i'e 12e&o: stairs1. This 12roader1 e''ect o' historica& 'i&ms and ,rogrammes is extreme&y ,ositive+ since it can raise a:areness o' a ,&ace :e&& 2eyond the &i'es,an o' the 'i&m. As a resu&t the im,act can 2e &onger(&asting+ and 2e 'e&t in more visitor sites than sim,&y those associated :ith the 'i&m. 3oreover+ in a genera& :ay it can he&, to create recognition o' destinations :hich might other:ise 2e &e't o'' the tourist trai&. To return to the exam,&e o' ,erha,s the most success'u& historica& 'i&m 'rom a tourism ,ers,ective+ %raveheart+ the story and ,&ace o' 4i&&iam 4a&&ace and Stir&ing in Scot&and1s history continues to 2e a 'ascinating 1hoo51 'or tourists. This is seen in visitor num2ers to the 4i&&iam 4a&&ace 3onument :hich



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

continue to 2e higher than 2e'ore the re&ease o' the 'i&m0+ des,ite c&ear&y :aning interest in sites used as &ocations in the 'i&m 2ut not connected in rea&ity to 4a&&ace.


Film and Television Adaptations o) #iterature

Severa& o' the case studies :ere ada,tations o' high&y success'u& 2oo5s+ inc&uding The *a +inci ,ode+ Pride and Prejudice <'i&m and te&evision versions=+ and Harr" Potter. In &ine :ith the 'indings out&ined a2ove+ the tourism im,act o' &iterature(re&ated 'i&ms is o'ten 'e&t in sites :hich ,&ay a rea& ro&e in the story B A&n:ic5 %ast&e+ the &ocation 'or Harr" Potter8s *og:arts+ sa: a 12#P increase in visitorsD and visitor num2ers to !oss&yn %ha,e&+ St. Su&,ice %hurch and the )ouvre+ a&& &ocations o' great im,ortance in the ,henomena&&y success'u& 2oo5 The *a +inci ,ode+ sa: massive&y increased visitor num2ers since the 2oo5 :as ,u2&ished+ and :e&& 2e'ore the 'i&m :as made. Since so many o' the ,&aces 'eatured in the 2oo5 o' The *a +inci ,ode are rea&+ this case study in ,articu&ar generates the issue o' the extent to :hich a 'i&m can c&aim credit 'or tourism im,act+ :hen it is 2ased on an a&ready 2est(se&&ing+ 12&oc52uster1 2oo5 <such as *a +inci or Harr" Potter=. %ertain&y in these cases the ,o:er o' the 'i&m :as on&y made ,ossi2&e 2y the ,rior over:he&ming success o' the 2oo5. 8' course+ :here the story does not ta5e ,&ace at rea& &ocations <such as in Harr" Potter=+ the 'i&m :i&& 2e res,onsi2&e 'or directing tourists to s,eci'ic sites 2y using them in the 'i&m. *o:ever+ it shou&d 2e noted that these t:o s,eci'ic case studies re&ate to the t:o 2oo5s :hich have set an un,recedented 2enchmar5 'or commercia& success in the 2oo5 :or&d+ and there'ore ,erha,s cannot 2e ta5en as a guide 'or other 2est(se&&ing 2oo5s. In other cases+ such as the ada,tations o' !osamund Pi&cher1s very success'u& nove&s :hich are set in %orn:a&&+ it is s,eci'ica&&y the te&evision ada,tations o' these 2oo5s <rather than the 2oo5s themse&ves= :hich have 2een a ,rimary driver o' 'ans coming as tourists to the South 4est. Another im,ortant theme emerging 'rom the &iterature case studies+ and one :hich is in &ine :ith the 'indings 'or historica& characters and events ex,&ained a2ove+ is that a tourism im,act is o'ten 'e&t in 1associated1 sites connected to the 2oo51s author. Eane Austen1s house %ha:ton sa: a ma?or increase in visitors+ 2oth as a resu&t o' the 100$ te&evision ada,tation+ and again a decade &ater 'o&&o:ing the 'i&m ada,tation. Simi&ar&y+ the site o' the ca'e :here E.K. !o:&ing :rote the 'irst Harr" Potter 2oo5 continues to receive as many as 1# visitors a day as5ing to see :here she sat. Simi&ar&y to historica& 'i&ms+ though ,erha,s to a s&ight&y &esser degree+ 'i&ms and ,rogrammes 2ased on 2oo5s are a2&e to 2ui&d on and contri2ute to a 2roader+ &iterary cu&ture and 12rand1 'or the 6K+ ,articu&ar&y :here the story is recognisa2&y cu&tura&&y(s,eci'ic and 1/ritish1 <as :ith Pride and Prejudice and Harr" Potter=. This can a&so occur :ith 'i&ms that are a2out great &iterary 'igures B there is some indication that the 'i&m &ha'es(eare in ove he&,ed to generate increased interest in seeing Sha5es,eare ,&ays in the theatre+ ,articu&ar&y among audiences :ho might other:ise have 'ound these ,&ays intimidating and unattractive. 8vera&&+ it :ou&d a,,ear that ada,tations o' the 1c&assics1 B such as Pride and Prejudice+ are &i5e&y to create a more ,ersistent e''ect+ since they ta, into a more enduring ready(made 12rand1 :hich has a &i'e o' its
0 "o&&o:ing the re&ease o' the 'i&m+ visitors to the 4i&&iam 4a&&ace monument increased 'rom 4#+### to over 2##+###. In 100 + ta5ings at the monument :ere Q4#+###D in 2###+ they reached Q1 mi&&ion.



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

o:n 2eyond the individua& 'i&m or 2oo5. 4hi&e the immediate im,act o' 12&oc52uster1 ada,tations such as *a +inci and Harr" Potter might 2e greater in the short(term+ there is no evidence to indicate :hat the &ongevity or ,ersistence o' the e''ect :i&& 2e in these cases.


Studio vs+ 1ndependent

There is no dou2t that the ma?ority o' the case studies :hich have had a strong and ,ositive im,act on tourism :ere either ,roduced 2y *o&&y:ood studios+ or 2y 4or5ing Tit&e+ an inde,endent ,roduction house :hich is in 'act o:ned 2y a studio <6niversa&=. This is a&most certain&y a direct resu&t o' the incredi2&e dominance and ,o,u&arity o' 1studio 'are1 on the internationa& 'i&m mar5et genera&&y. Such 'i&ms are characterised 2y 2eing ta&entCstar(driven ,roducts+ :ith extreme&y high ,roduction 2udgets+ as :e&& as mar5eting 2udgets. This resu&ts in massive a:areness o' the 'i&m among consumers and conseIuent&y very high 2ox o''ice 'igures. In the exam,&es o' success'u& tourism(inducing 'i&m ,roductions+ the 2udgets tend to 2e medium to high+ o'ten re'&ecting the use o' ma?or star ,o:er. The one exce,tion to this is ocal Hero# :hich :as &o: 2udget. This indicates that it is ,ossi2&e 'or &o:(2udget 'i&ms to have a very strong+ ,ositive tourism im,act+ a&though this might :e&& 2e a &o:(intensity+ &ong(term im,act. *o:ever+ it is much more di''icu&t to ,redict :hich &o:(2udget 'i&ms :i&& have such an e''ect over the &ong term+ :hereas :ith high 2udget 'i&ms the ,resence o' stars+ and massive mar5eting 2udgets+ ,rovides a stronger indication. Inde,endent 'i&m+ on the other hand+ tends to have &o:er ,roduction and mar5eting 2udgets+ a &imited theatrica& run and there'ore &o:er 2ox o''ice returns. 4hi&e such 'i&ms might over the &ong term 2ecome 1cu&t1 c&assics+ in the short term the im,act on consumers B 2oth as 'i&m audiences and tourists B is much &o:er. The most success'u& <'rom a tourism ,ers,ective= case studies B :ith the exce,tion o' ocal Hero 9 dis,&ayed strong 2ox o''ice success+ or audience 'igures in the case o' te&evision. %&ear&y+ it is essentia& that a 'i&m or te&evision ,roduction is seen 2y a &arge num2er o' vie:ers i' a noticea2&e num2er o' tourists are to trave& in res,onse to the vie:ing+ and this is more &i5e&y to 2e the case :ith *o&&y:ood 'eature 'i&ms. It is there'ore &ogica& that 2ig 2udget+ star(driven hits <the 5inds o' 'i&ms :hich tend to emanate 'rom *o&&y:ood= have the greatest tourism im,act+ and more im,ortant&y are easiest to ,redict as having such+ since a:areness and visi2i&ity o' such 'i&ms is that much higher.


7enre and Tone

/eyond the in'&uence o' historica& and &iterature(2ased screen ,roducts+ an ana&ysis o' the genre and tone o' tourism(inducing screen ,roducts sho:s some c&ear emerging themes. %&ear&y+ the &ist o' ,roductions inc&uded in the case studies re,resent a :ide range o' 'i&ms and te&evision ,rogrammes. *o:ever+ it a,,ears that the characteristic o' story and character(driven dramatic narrative emerges 'reIuent&y+ in di''erent 'orms+ in those screen ,roducts :hich have 2een ,articu&ar&y success'u& at inducing tourism1#. These :ou&d inc&ude such diverse screen ,roducts as %raveheart+ ocal Hero# *a +inci ,ode and $onarch o. the /len.

1# See Section .12 /enchmar5ing 'or ana&ysis o' the most success'u& tourism(inducing screen ,roducts studied.



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

A strong narrative+ ,articu&ar&y in 'i&m+ tends to occur in ,roductions :hich are dominated 2y story and character deve&o,ment. Such screen ,roducts may a&so 'it into <and 'use :ith= more easi&y recognisa2&e genres such as 1*istorica& @rama1+ F"ami&y EntertainmentA and 1!omantic %omedy1. The recurrence o' a dominating narrative in the &ist o' tourism(inducing ,roductions might re'&ect the need 'or the ,roduction to have a strong emotiona& resonance :ith the audience+ either through the story or through a ,articu&ar character+ in order to generate a tourism e''ect. In addition+ it is nota2&e that many o' the most success'u& tourism(inducing 'i&ms and ,rogrammes tend to have a ,ositive+ u,&i'ting tone+ :hi&e some grittier+ inde,endent ,roductions have &ess o' an im,act. This im,&ies that+ in addition to screen ,roducts :ith a strong narrative+ those other genres :hich tend to 2e very ,ositive+ e.g. romantic comedies such as )otting Hill and chi&dren1s ,roducts such as %alamor"+ :i&& 2e more more success'u& at inducing tourism. 4hi&e the im,ortance o' an u,&i'ting tone in 'i&ms may 2e a resu&t o' the dominance o' *o&&y:ood ,roductions+ :hich tend to 2e more ,ositive&y(orientated and &ess cha&&enging+ it can a&so a,,&y to inde,endent ,roductions. "or exam,&e+ ocal Hero+ one o' the 'e: inde,endent ,roductions :hich a,,ears to have had a very strong and ,ersistent tourism im,act+ a&so dis,&ays this 1u,2eat1 tone. This cou&d ,rovide a c&ue to choosing inde,endent+ &o:(2udget 'i&ms :ith the greatest ,otentia& 'or inducing tourism. 8' course+ there :i&& a&:ays 2e exce,tions to this ru&e B the tourism generated 2y Trains(otting+ 'or exam,&e+ sho:s that negative&y(toned 'i&ms 2ased in ur2an &ocations can have an im,act. Tourism agencies may have mu&ti,&e 'i&m ,ro?ects to choose 'rom+ andCor &imited resources :ith :hich to :or5. In Section .12.2+ SPI identi'ies six characteristics o' 'i&ms and te&evision ,rogrammes &i5e&y to induce tourism. In order to address issues o' &imited resources+ these six dominant characteristics o' tourism( inducing screen ,roducts cou&d 2e used as a 2road guide :hen ma5ing assessments and 'unding decisions.


Cult Screen Products and Persistence

Another 5ey 'inding 'rom the case studies is that those screen ,roducts :hich tend to induce a very ,ersistent tourism im,act+ in :hich the e''ect is c&ear&y evident 'or many years a'ter the re&ease o' the 'i&m+ are those :hich have 2ecome 1cu&t1 c&assics. 8' course+ it :ou&d 2e im,ossi2&e to ,redict at the time o' a 'i&m1s ,roduction or re&ease+ or even 'rom its initia& im,act+ :hether it :i&& have a &ong(&asting+ ,ersistent ,o,u&arity and there'ore tourism im,act. *o:ever+ many o' our case studies have ,roved to have some &ongevity B *arvey 7icho&s continues to 2e associated :ith A!solutel" Fa!ulousD the :ider im,act o' %raveheart on the Scottish 2rand continues to have an e''ectD and tours o' )eith in Edin2urgh sti&& ta5e ,&ace on the 2ac5 o' Trains(otting+ to name a 'e: exam,&es. 8ther exam,&es 'rom the case studies inc&ude; Pennan+ the &ocation o' ocal Hero+ :hich sti&& receives a regu&ar stream o' visitors 24 years a'ter the 'i&mAs re&easeD 'ans sti&& '&oc5 to the train station used in Trains(otting 11 years &ater+ des,ite it 2eing the most remote station in the 6KD and in Thet'ord+ *ad:s Arm" tours are ,roving ,o,u&ar+ a&most 4# years a'ter the comedy 'irst aired. A simi&ar theme emerged 'rom SPI1s consu&tations re&ating to other ,roductions not covered 2y case studies B such as $ont" P"thon and the Hol" /rail+ made in 107$+ :hich continues to dra: visitors to @oune %ast&e in Stir&ingshire. A&& o' these can 2e considered to 2e 1cu&t1+ in the sense o' having a sma&&



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

2ut extreme&y devoted 'o&&o:ing over a great num2er o' years+ :hich o'ten :as not re'&ected in the 'i&m or ,rogramme1s origina& success on re&ease. "urthermore+ in each o' these exam,&es it can 2e seen that it1s never too &ate to ,romote a ,&ace1s connection :ith a 1cu&t1 ,roduction. 4hi&e it may 2e im,ossi2&e to ,redict 'uture cu&t success+ initiatives in each case :ere ,ut in ,&ace once cu&t status had c&ear&y 2een achieved and the tourism e''ect demonstrated. In Pennan+ the 'amed ,hone 2ox o' ocal Hero+ a ,ro, :hich :as discarded a'ter 'i&ming+ :as so ,ersistent&y enIuired a2out that the vi&&age insta&&ed one itse&'+ and it is no: a &isted 2ui&ding. In Edin2urgh+ the Trains(otting tour :as on&y esta2&ished in 2##4 in res,onse to demand+ eight years a'ter the 'i&m :as made+ and the *ad8s Arm" tour in Thet'ord :as started in the same year B years a'ter the series 2egan.


9rand Association and Persistence

3any o' the case studies :ere ,roductions :hich :ere a2&e to 1ta, into1 or 2ui&d on a 2roader+ ,re( existing 12rand1+ ena2&ing an a:areness o' the ,roduction 2eyond ?ust those :ho have vie:ed it. The 2rand might 2e &iterary <i.e. &in5ed to an esta2&ished and success'u& 2oo5 or author= B such as Harr" Potter and Eane Austen1s Pride and PrejudiceD historica& B $rs %rown; or ta&ent(re&ated B 2oth ocal Hero and )otting Hill cou&d 2e said to have 2ene'ited 'rom the trac5 record o' the director in the 'ormer+ and the ,roducer+ :riter and star actor in the &atter. %alamor"+ mean:hi&e+ :as ,art o' a chi&dren1s 2rand 2ui&t on the 2ac5 o' the ,rogramme+ 2ut :hich inc&uded merchandise+ a :e2site+ etc. The va&ue o' 2eing ,art o' a :ider 12rand1 is that the im,act is more :ide(reaching. "or consumersCaudiences+ the association is :ith something 2igger than ?ust the 'i&m or ,rogramme itse&'. This ensures greater a:areness 2e'ore+ during and a'ter a ,roduction1s &i'es,an+ and ,revents the tourism im,act 'rom 2eing &imited 2y the ,roduction+ :hether in sca&e+ times,an or geogra,hica&&y. In severa& case studies B %raveheart+ )otting Hill and Pride < Prejudice <T9=+ 'or exam,&e B the :ider 12rand1 has he&,ed the tourism im,act to 2e more ,ersistent than might other:ise have 2een antici,ated.


Tourism/1nducing Television Products

4hi&e many o' the characteristics o' tourism(inducing screen ,roducts descri2ed here can 2e a,,&ied to 2oth 'i&m and te&evision ,roduction+ there are a num2er o' themes emerging 'rom the case studies re&ating s,eci'ica&&y to te&evision(induced tourism. The 'irst is that it is ,erha,s easier to identi'y or ,redict te&evision ,rogrammes :hich are &i5e&y to 2ene'it 'rom 1cu&t1 status at an ear&ier stage. Productions :hich are very &ong(running+ or mu&ti(a:ard :inning+ such as *ad8s Arm" and A!solutel" Fa!ulous+ are &i5e&y to at some stage 2ecome 1cu&t1 vie:ing. "urthermore+ it is ,ossi2&e that a T9 series+ created 'or and consumed 2y audiences on a regu&ar 2asis over an extended ,eriod+ is more ca,a2&e o' esta2&ishing itse&' in a country1s cu&tura& consciousness than a sing&e 'i&m. Such ,rogrammes are &i5e&y to 2e remem2ered 'or &onger and :i&& there'ore have a more ,ersistent tourism im,act. Second&y+ many o' the ,rogrammes :ith the greatest tourism ,otentia& tend to 2e FSunday nightA ,roductions B undemanding+ com'orting ,ortraya&s o' attractive environments+ aired at a time :hen vie:ers are re&axed and orientated to:ard 'ami&y and &eisure rather than :or5. Exam,&es o' FSunday 7ightA tourism success stories are $onarch o. the /len# Pride and Prejudice+ and+ in .ermany+ the 0osamunde Pilcher ada,tations. A&& o' these are 2ased in some o' the 6K1s most 2eauti'u& countryside+ and a&& have 8&s2erg>SPI 18

How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

registered high &eve&s o' tourism res,onses in connected &ocations B )aggan in Scot&and 'or $onarch+ Port Isaac in %orn:a&& 'or *oc $artin+ and the South 4est o' Eng&and 'or 0osamunde Pilcher.11 4here te&evision ,rogrammes a,,ear to have had a strong tourism im,act :hi&e 'a&&ing outside o' these categories+ it :ou&d a,,ear that they re,resent a ,roduct :hich 2ene'its 'rom and ,artici,ates in a :ider 12rand1. The 0ic' &tein ,rogrammes+ 'or exam,&e+ have esta2&ished Padsto: in %orn:a&& as a ma?or tourist destination and is uno''icia&&y re(named 1Padstein1 due to the over:he&ming ,resence o' the !ic5 Stein 2rand. *o:ever+ :hi&e his te&evision career has o' course done much to esta2&ish !ic5 Stein+ it is a&so his 2oo5s and the increased interest in 'ood and coo5ing in genera& :hich has made Padsto: :hat it is B individua&s are dra:n to the vi&&age to eat in Stein1s restaurants and 2uy 2oo5s+ coo5ing eIui,ment and 'ood 'rom his sho,s+ rather than ?ust to visit the &ocation o' the ,rogrammes. Simi&ar&y+ the te&evision ada,tation o' Pride and Prejudice+ :hich argua2&y had a greater tourism im,act than the more recent 'i&m+ is ,art o' a 2roader &iterary Eane Austen 2rand :hich a&ready existed and :ou&d continue to exist on its o:n+ des,ite the success o' the ,rogramme. 7everthe&ess+ it is &i5e&y that the screen dramatisations ex,anded the vie:ing audience to inc&ude those :ho may not have 2een ca,tivated 2y the 2oo5s+ 2ut en?oy the ada,tations ,ortrayed on screen.


#andscape Triggers

4hi&e a :ide variety o' &ocations :ere used in the 'i&ms and ,rogrammes inc&uded in our case studies+ t:o 2road grou,s o' &ocation ty,es emerge as 2eing the most ,o,u&ar among success'u& tourism( inducing 'i&ms. These are; *istoricCre&igious 2ui&dings and state&y homes !ura& vi&&age &andsca,es Exam,&es o' success'u& case studies 'rom the 'irst category inc&ude $onarch o. the /len# Pride < Prejudice and Harr" Potter. "rom the second category+ exam,&es inc&ude ocal Hero+ %alamor"# Pride < Prejudice <again=# *oc $artin and 0ic' &tein. It is ,ro2a2&y not a coincidence that 2oth o' these ty,es o' &ocation ,rovide the 2est chance o' measuring the direct im,act o' screen ,roducts on tourism. In the case o' historic or re&igious 2ui&dings and state&y homes+ such sites are &i5e&y to 2e gated and there'ore visitor num2ers are monitored. 4hi&e such c&ose monitoring is un&i5e&y to occur in rura& &andsca,es or vi&&age &ocations+ these areas under norma& circumstances :ou&d ,ro2a2&y receive re&ative&y 'e: visitors+ so that a sudden in'&ux o' tourists :ou&d 2e extreme&y noticea2&e+ as :ou&d its cause. *o:ever+ it is interesting to note that 2oth 5inds o' &ocation a&so have the ,otentia& to ,rovide a strong ,otentia& 'or dramatic &andsca,es and 2ac5dro,s+ and emotiona& resonance &in5ed to the story.

2+*& Screen Products and the .9ritish. 9rand

There is another manner in :hich screen ,roducts contri2ute to tourism in the 6K+ 2ut in a &ess tangi2&e+ measura2&e :ay. As cu&tura& ,roducts+ 'i&ms and te&evision ,rogrammes ,resent an image o' the 6K+ ,articu&ar&y to internationa& audiences+ :hich enca,su&ates not on&y its &andsca,es+ history+ &anguage and stories+ 2ut a&so a vie: o' its ,eo,&e+ ,ersona&ities and socia& characteristics. These might
11 T:o !osamunde Pi&cher ada,tations 'or .erman te&evision have a&so 2een made in Scot&and over the &ast t:o years+ :ith a third ,&anned 'or summer 2##7.



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

2e de,icted in very a,,ea&ing :ays+ there2y contri2uting to a ,otentia& tourist1s desire to visit the 6K and to interact :ith its ,eo,&e+ rather than to see s,eci'ic sites or &ocations 'rom the 'i&m or ,rogramme. A great many diverse screen ,roducts :i&& have contri2uted to this 1/ritish1 2rand+ 'rom the 4ames %ond 'i&ms to The Full $ont"# 2ut in recent times ,ro2a2&y the highest ,ro'i&e stream o' screen ,roducts to ,er'orm this 'unction has come 'rom :riter !ichard %urtis+ inc&uding Four Weddings and a Funeral+ )otting Hill+ ove Actuall" and the %ridget 4ones 'i&ms. /y reaching a g&o2a& audience :ith a ,ositive+ humorous and endearing vie: o' the 6K and /ritishness+ these 'i&ms have ,ossi2&y done more to ,romote the 6K in genera& as a tourist destination than any other screen ,roducts. "urthermore+ they have created an a:areness o' /ritish cu&ture :hich other 'i&ms and ,rogrammes have 2een a2&e to 2ui&d on+ ,resenting an a&ternative+ sometimes grittier or dar5er side o' the 6K. /ecause this 12randing1 is not &in5ed to s,eci'ic &ocations used in or associated :ith the screen ,roduct+ it is di''icu&t to measure the direct im,act on tourist num2ers. *o:ever+ SPI considers it &i5e&y that much o' the im,act o' this 5ind o' tourism :ou&d 2e seen in )ondon+ the most ,o,u&ar tourist destination in the 6K and a city :here many o' these 'i&ms have 2een set. 6n'ortunate&y+ many o' the s,eci'ic sites associated :ith case studies made in )ondon :ere non(gated+ ma5ing it di''icu&t to measure Iuantitative&y the change in visitor num2ers to s,eci'ic &ocations 2ut there is am,&e anecdota& evidence to suggest that visitor interest to s,eci'ic &ocations driven 2y 'i&ms such as )otting Hill is very strong.


Screen Products / The 7eneralised ))ect

The tota&ity o' the case studies indicate that screen ,roducts he&, to create a :ider aggregated ,erce,tion and a:areness o' the 6K as a destination+ 2ui&ding u, a 12an51 o' 2road images and im,ressions a2out the 6K :hich are on&y indirect&y re&ated to the screen ,roduct itse&'. This means that genera& tourists to the 6K are &i5e&y to 2e in'&uenced to visit to some extent 2y :hat they have seen on screen+ :ithout necessari&y 2eing driven to s,eci'ic &ocations associated :ith s,eci'ic 'i&ms or ,rogrammes. Instead+ the cumu&ation o' images natura&&y resu&ts in an enhanced a:areness o' the 6K as a destination and continues to 'eed a genera&ised ,erce,tion o' the 6K 'or tourists. The case studies indicate that the ,&aces :hich 2ene'it most stri5ing&y and &asting&y 'rom the tourism e''ect are o'ten associated &ocations+ rather than shooting &ocations. "or exam,&e+ 'or historica& 'i&ms &i5e %raveheart and $rs %rown# visitor num2ers increased at sites associated :ith the historica& characters , regard&ess o' :hether those sites 'eatured in the 'i&m itse&'. Screen ,roducts :hich are 2ased on ma?or :or5s o' &iterature+ such as 2oth the 'i&m and te&evision versions o' Pride and Prejudice# sho:ed an increase in visitor interest at sites associated :ith Eane Austen. "urthermore+ the romantic comedy genre can create a ,ositive association :ith a destination+ :hich cou&d 2e 2road&y the 6K or more narro:&y a &ocation 2ac5dro, such as )ondon+ the e''ect o' :hich is seen in overa&& visitor num2ers rather than visitors to s,eci'ic 'i&m &ocations. In such cases it is c&ear that the screen ,roduct is triggering an interest in a destination and its inherent 'eatures <its history+ &andsca,e+ socia& character+ etc=+ rather than sim,&y motivating an interest on&y in the 'i&mC,rogramme itse&'. /ecause these 'eatures :i&& continue to exist and 2e accessi2&e :e&& 2eyond the &i'es,an o' the ma?ority o' 'i&ms and ,rogrammes+ the case studies indicate that it is the e''ects o' this 2roader a:areness(raising that has the strongest and most &ong(&asting im,act. 8&s2erg>SPI 2#

How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

2+*% Success Factors

2+*%+* 9enchmar3ing
In addition to researching and ana&ysing the case studies 'or evidence o' a tourism e''ect o' 'i&ms and T9 ,rogrammes+ SPI a&so undertoo5 a 12enchmar5ing1 ana&ysis o' a se&ected num2er o' the case studies. These :ere chosen on the 2asis o' 2eing considered the most success'u& ,roductions+ 'rom a tourism im,act ,ers,ective+ o' the 1 case studies. Some :ere chosen 'or sheer e''ect on visitor num2ers+ others 'or use o' innovative tourism mar5eting techniIues+ and others sti&& 'or &ongevityC,ersistence o' tourism im,act. 7ine ,roductions in tota& :ere chosen+ these :ere; %raveheart *a +inci ,ode Harr" Potter ocal Hero )otting Hill Pride and Prejudice <'i&m= 0ic' &tein %alamor" $onarch o. the /len SPI then Iua&itative&y ana&ysed these ,roductions across a num2er o' s,eci'ic 2enchmar5ing criteria+ in order to esta2&ish :hat some o' the 5ey success 'actors o' tourism(inducing 'i&m and te&evision might 2e. The criteria 2y :hich the ,roductions :ere examined :ere; .enre Ta&entC1star ,o:er1 B in ,articu&ar in re&ation to on(screen ta&ent /udget /rand association B :as the ,roduction itse&' ,art o' a &arger+ esta2&ished 12rand1J *o&&y:ood studioCinde,endent ,roduction B in re'erence to 'i&m ,roductions /ox o''ice ,er'ormanceCaudience 'igures Ty,es o' &ocations used 4hether the &ocations used :ere 1rea&1 <i.e. re,resented their genuine &ocationCsite= or 'ictiona& <i.e. re,resented a di''erent ,&ace <rea& or imaginary= 4hether there :ere other tourist sites :hich are easi&y associated :ith the ,roduction or story The ,ur,ose o' this exercise :as to try and esta2&ish :hether there might 2e any corre&ation 2et:een these issues <many o' :hich :ere identi'ied in the /rie'= and a 'i&m or ,rogramme1s success in inducing a tourism e''ect. The ta2&e over&ea' sho:s an out&ine o' the resu&ts o' the com,arative ana&ysis.



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

Ta(le *& Title

9enchmar3ing 7enre Talent<Star Power

*istorica&C @ramaC Action RRR


9rand Association
R( *istorica&

Studio< 1ndie

9o0 ,))ice< #ocation Audience Types

S21#m )andsca,esC *istoric /ui&dings *istoricC !e&igious /ui&dings *istoricC !e&igious /ui&dings

Real< Fictional #ocations=


Associated Sites=


*igh <S$ m=

@a 9inci %ode

@ramaC Thri&&er RRR

*igh <S12$m=

RRR ( )iterary



3ost&y rea&


*arry Potter

"ami&yC @ramaC RRR "antasy %omedyC @rama RR !omantic %omedy RRR

*igh <S1##m ( RRR ( )iterary S1$#m= )o: 3edium <S42m= T


S8##m ( S07$m



)oca& *ero 7otting *i&&



!ura&C 9i&&ageC "ictiona& )andsca,es %ontem,orary 3ost&y rea&

7o Kes

RR ( Four Indie 'or Studio S - m Weddings <4or5ing Tit&e= 'i&mma5ing team RR ( )iterary Indie 'or Studio S8-m <4or5ing Tit&e= 7CA

Pride N !omanceC Pre?udice <'i&m= @rama !ic5 Stein /a&amory @ocumentaryC )i'esty&e %hi&drens


3edium <S28m=

*istoric /ui&dingsC State&y homes





RR ( /oo5s+ etc

mi&&ion vie:ers !ura&C 9i&&ageC !ea& )andsca,es 2 mi&&ion vie:ers !ura&C 9i&&ageC "ictiona& )andsca,es 0 mi&&ion vie:ers !ura&C 9i&&ageC "ictiona& <2##2= )andsca,es

Kes 7o 7o

R ( 3erchandise 7CA T 7CA

3onarch o' the @rama .&en

12 A&& 'i&m 2udget in'ormation has 2een ta5en 'rom the Internet 3ovie @ata2ase.



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

2+*%+% Success Factors in Tourism/1nducing Films

8n the 2asis o' the 2enchmar5ing ana&ysis ,rovided a2ove+ it is ,ossi2&e to create some 5ind o' &ist o' success 'actors+ or indications+ :hich tourism ,ro'essiona&s may &oo5 'or :hen trying to identi'y 'i&ms and ,rogrammes around :hich to 2ui&d mar5eting initiatives. These 'actors are indicative and not exhaustive+ neverthe&ess SPI 2e&ieves that the 'o&&o:ing characteristics cou&d suggest the strongest ,otentia& to encourage tourism to &ocations andCor re&ated and associated tourism destinations; 1. Strong narratives in screen ,roducts B i.e. story andCor character(driven 'i&ms and ,rogrammes :hich are ,articu&ar&y emotiona&&y resonant+ as o,,osed to genres :ith greater 1,ure entertainment1 va&ue such as actionCadventure 2. High/visi(ility screen ,roducts B i.e. high(2udget+ star(driven studio 'i&ms :ith a very 2road a,,ea& and6or . A positive, upli)ting tone+ rather than gritty+ de,ressing 'i&ms or those :hich are cha&&enging 'or a mainstream audience 4. "i&ms :hich &in5 in to a :ider+ esta(lished .(rand.+ :hether &iterary+ historica& or cinematic $. "i&ms using historical (uildings andCor rural village landscapes as &ocations -. "i&ms in :hich 1place1 B :hether rea& or 'ictiona& B ,&ays a 5ey ro&e in the story andCor ex,erience o' the characters /ased on SPI1s research+ it :ou&d a,,ear that ,ro?ects :hich have some or a&& o' these characteristics are &i5e&y to have the greatest tourism ,otentia&. Since some tourism agencies may have mu&ti,&e 'i&m ,ro?ects to choose 'rom to 2ui&d mar5eting initiatives around+ andCor &imited resources to :or5 :ith+ these six characteristics cou&d 2e used as a 2road guide :hen ma5ing assessments and 'unding decisions.


How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007


Case Study Analysis (y Region

ast o) ngland Case Studies

Eight o' the case studies :ere 'i&med in the East o' Eng&and region. These :ere; Four Weddings and a Funeral /os.ord Par' Harr" Potter &ha'es(eare in ove A ,oc' and %ull &tor" *ad8s Arm" 7astenders Fo"les War 4hi&e there is variation 2et:een ,articu&ar &ocations used in these case studies as to :hether a tourism im,act :as 'e&t or not B o'ten re&ated to the 5ind o' &ocation and the 5ind o' screen ,roduct B it is noticea2&e that very 'e: o' these ,roductions actua&&y have the setting o' the East o' Eng&and as an im,ortant e&ement o' the story. In many exam,&es it is di''icu&t to identi'y ,articu&ar &ocations 'rom the 'i&m or ,rogramme+ and 'urthermore the ,&ace :here the action is set o'ten does not ,&ay 5ey a ro&e in the characters1 deve&o,ment or ex,eriences. "or the East o' Eng&and to esta2&ish a greater a ,resence as a destination 'or screen tourism+ it shou&d consider encouraging more ,roductions :hich are set in an identi'ia2&e East o' Eng&and setting+ 2ased on ,erha,s &oca& characters or stories :hich esta2&ish an emotiona& &in5 2et:een the audience and the ,&ace itse&'.


ast !idlands Case Studies

The East 3id&ands region ,&ayed host to six o' the 1 case studiesD these :ere; The *a +inci ,ode =nce U(on a Time in the $idlands Pride < Prejudice Pride < Prejudice >T+ Pea' Practice A ,oc' and %ull &tor" The tourism mar5eting cam,aign around the recent 'i&m ,roduction o' Pride < Prejudice is argua2&y one o' the most com,rehensive and success'u& o' recent times. The region :as 2randed as 1 Pride < Prejudice %ountry1+ and the initiative sa: screen and tourism agencies :or5ing together to maximise the area1s ex,osure through the 'i&m. This co&&a2oration is certain&y something to 2e emu&ated in other regions. The te&evision ,roduction o' Pride < Prejudice has a&so ,rovided a ,ersistent tourism im,act on &ocations in the region. The region can o''er ,roductions 2oth o' the 'orms o' &andsca,e identi'ied as most &i5e&y to create a tourism dra: B historic+ state&y homes and rura&Cvi&&age &andsca,es+ so there is su2stantia& ,otentia& 'or more success'u& screen tourism ,ro?ects in the East 3id&ands. 8' course+ these characteristics have &ong 2een a dra: 'or a&& 5inds o' tourists+ and the Pea5 @istrict is a&ready a ,o,u&ar destination. 8&s2erg>SPI 24

How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

%onsideration must there'ore 2e given to the ,otentia& im,act o' 'urther screen tourism on &oca& communities. @es,ite the successes and strong ,otentia& o' the region+ t:o o' the case studies made there B =nce U(on a Time in the $idlands and A ,oc' and %ull &tor" are among the &east success'u& 'rom a tourism ,ers,ective. /oth inde,endent 'i&ms+ the &ac5 o' tourism im,act is ,ro2a2&y a resu&t o' the some:hat grittier tone o' the 'ormer+ and the &ac5 o' emotiona& resonance <and c&ear&y identi'ia2&e &ocations= in the &atter+ since the case studies have sur'aced the 'act that u,&i'ting+ story and character(driven dramatic narratives are more &i5e&y to create a tourism im,act.


#ondon Case Studies

!ecent 'i&ms 'eaturing the ca,ita& city have 2een set in historica& ,eriods <Finding )everland# 'or exam,&e= 2ut those set in modern times have sti&& 'eatured the historic 2ui&dings andCor traditiona& customs o' the ca,ita&. %ridget 4ones: *iar"# $atch Point and ove Actuall" have succeeded in im,&ying that :hi&e )ondon is a cu&tura& and heritage destination as :e&& as a commercia& ca,ita& it is a&so a vi2rant modern city :ith a rich mix o' ,ersona&ities and &i'esty&es+ ,o,u&ar :ith domestic as :e&& as in2ound tourists. The ce&e2rity endorsement o' )ondon as a destination a&so enhances its image 'or domestic tourists. %ase Studies :hich 'i&med in )ondon :ere numerous+ inc&uding; %end it i'e %ec'ham %ride < Prejudice ,loser The *a +inci ,ode Four Weddings and a Funeral Fo"le:s War /os.ord Par' Ka!hi Kushi Ka!hie /ham Harr" Potter )otting Hill $atch Point &ha'es(eare in ove Trains(otting The World is not 7nough A!solutel" Fa!ulous This &arge num2er o' screen ,roducts+ and the incredi2&e variety o' genres+ re'&ects the incredi2&e diversity o' )ondon as a 'i&ming &ocation. It a&so re'&ects the city1s a2i&ity to ,rovide iconic 2ac5dro,s 'or /ritish screen ,roducts. )ondon+ is the ,rimary destination 'or visitors to the 6K in genera&+ is the most &i5e&y to 2ene'it 'rom the :ider 12randing1 o' the 6K :hich ta5es ,&ace in screen ,roducts. This 1/ritish1 2randing creates a ,ositive im,ression o' the 6K1s ,eo,&e+ society and atmos,here+ :ithout tying these to ,articu&ar sites or &ocations. A &arge num2er o' tourists :ho are in'&uenced to visit the 6K 2y screen ,roducts are &oo5ing to ex,erience the 6K and its ,eo,&e in a genera& :ay+ and may not even 2e a:are o' 2eing in'&uenced 2y a ,articu&ar 'i&m or ,rogramme. 3any o' these visitors :i&& 2e 'ound in )ondon+ 2ut not necessari&y at 'i&ming &ocations B as exem,&i'ied 2y %end it i'e %ec'ham+ :hich certain&y raised the ,ro'i&e o' the 6K :ithout an im,act 2eing visi2&e at ,roduction &ocations. 8&s2erg>SPI 2$

How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

4here there is evidence in )ondon that a screen ,roduct has driven visitors to ,articu&ar &ocations+ it is interesting to note that+ in 2oth cases+ the ,&ace itse&' ,&ays a 5ey ro&e in the story B ta5ing the tit&e ro&e in the case o' )otting Hill and+ in the case o' *arvey 7icho&s in A!solutel" Fa!ulous+ e,itomising the &i'esty&e :hich &ies at the heart o' the series.


Scotland Case Studies

Those case studies :hich shot in Scot&and inc&ude; %raveheart The *a +inci ,ode Harr" Potter ocal Hero Trains(otting %alamor" $onarch o. the /len %raveheart undou2ted&y had a ,ro'ound im,act on 2randing and a:areness o' Scot&and as a destination+ and the e''ects are sti&& 2eing 'e&t in associated sites around Stir&ing many years a'ter the 'i&m1s re&ease. It is a :e&& 5no:n industry 'act that some o' the 'i&ming too5 ,&ace in Ire&and. *o:ever+ a,,roximate&y t:o thirds o' the 'i&ming actua&&y too5 ,&ace in Scot&and. EIua&&y+ ocal Hero+ %alamor" and $onarch o. the /len have a&& had a su2stantia& and measura2&e tourism im,act on the &ocations used in the ,roductions+ to a much greater extent than many o' the other case studies ana&ysed. Harr" Potter and The *a +inci ,ode are among the most mar5eted 2oo5s and 'i&ms o' recent years and so shou&d create a signi'icant o,,ortunity 'or tourism mar5eting. The nature o' the ,roductions a&& ,oint ,otentia& tourists in the direction o' very s,eci'ic sites :hich might 2e associated :ith the story B the 4i&&iam 4a&&ace 3onument 'or %raveheart+ Pennan 'or ocal Hero and To2ermory 'or %alamor". It can 2e argued <:ith the ,ossi2&e exce,tion o' Harr" Potter- that every sing&e one o' these Scottish case studies ,resent a strong and unmista5ea2&e Scottish identity to the audiences+ this :ider 12randing1 o' a country1s identity through screen ,roducts is more &i5e&y to have an im,act on a destination :hich tourists :ou&d visit 'irst and 'oremost+ such as )ondon.


South "est Case Studies

%ase studies 'i&med in the South 4est inc&ude; Harr" Potter $rs %rown Pride < Prejudice The Truth A!out ove *oc $artin 0ic' &tein 0osamunde Pilcher Ada(tations The South 4est has 'or many years attracted tourists :ith many o' the same 'eatures :hich ma5e it an a,,ea&ing ,roduction &ocation+ such as dramatic &andsca,es and seasca,es. 3any o' the ,roductions



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

made there ana&ysed in the case studies :ere success'u& at inducing tourism+ though not necessari&y to the South 4est. Pro2a2&y this is a resu&t o' the 'act that these are not identi'ia2&y set in the South 4est B there is &itt&e reason to associate Harr" Potter or Pride < Prejudice :ith the region. 8n the other hand+ t:o o' the case studies are noticea2&e 'or the im,act they have had s,eci'ica&&y in that region+ and it is those t:o B 0ic' &tein and 0osamunde Pilcher B :hich are very much set in the region. @es,ite the 'act that one o' these is a documentary 'ormat+ neverthe&ess the emotiona& resonance 'or audiences :ith the actua& ,&ace is very strong.



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007


Key 1ssues in Screen Tourism !ar3eting

Screen Tourism !ar3eting 1nitiatives

5+*+* Agitating 1nterest in Film #ocations

These initiatives can 2e carried out at any time during a screen ,roduct1s &i'ecyc&e+ 'rom ,re(re&ease+ to theatrica& re&ease+ @9@ re&ease+ and may even 2e used over the &ong(term 'or 1cu&t1 and ,ersistent&y tourism(inducing 'i&ms and ,rogrammes. These initiatives are genera&&y 'i&m(centred+ in other :ords they target and are 2ui&t around an individua&1s interest in a 'i&m or ,rogramme. In addition+ they :ou&d in genera& reIuire the ,artici,ation o' the 'i&m1s ,roducers andCor distri2utors. Initiatives in this category inc&ude; .!a3ing o)1 and .9ehind the scenes. programmes B such as those made 'or The World is not 7nough and Pride and Prejudice <T9=+ have 2een demonstrated to success'u&&y sho:case the &ocations used in a 'i&m+ in'orming audiences o' :here the 'i&m :as shot and genera&&y creating an interest in the story o' the 'i&m1s ,roduction and 'i&ming. >$> 0tras B simi&ar to 13a5ing o'1 ,rogrammes+ audiences :hich have a&ready demonstrated an interest in the screen ,roduct 2y 2uying or renting the @9@ can have their interest in the ,roduction ,rocess and ex,erience o' the 'i&m enhanced :ith additiona& materia&. $ideo ?ews Releases B as used 2y the /ritish Tourist Authority in 2##1 to create the &in5 in audiences minds 2et:een visiting the 6K and Harr" Potter. Tie/in 9oo3s<Products B 2oo5s and other merchandise+ consumed 2y 'ans o' the screen ,roduct+ can esta2&ish a strong association in the consumer1s mind 2et:een the 'i&mC,rogramme and its &ocations. *astings %ounci& commissioned a 2oo5+ Fo"le8s Hastings+ :hich has ,roved high&y success'u&. Cele(rity Promotion o) #ocations B use o' stars and 5ey ta&ent associated :ith a 'i&m to act as advocates 'or the &ocations used can not on&y create the association 2et:een &ocation and 'i&m in audiences1 minds+ 2ut can generate signi'icant attention. Perha,s the c&earest exam,&es :as 4oody A&&en exto&&ing the virtues o' )ondon 'o&&o:ing his ex,erience o' ma5ing $atch Point+ :hich attracted su2stantia& ,ress coverage. Premieres @ he&d in either the 'i&m1s &ocation or in an o2vious associated site. The %raveheart Euro,ean ,remiere :as he&d in Stir&ing+ 'or exam,&e+ creating signi'icant ,ress coverage and ensuring that des,ite 2eing a *o&&y:ood 12&oc52uster1+ the 'i&m :as strong&y associated :ith Scot&and. Fansites B esta2&ishing &in5s and ,roviding content on &ocations used in a 'i&m to its 'ans+ through inde,endent 'an sites+ is a :ay o' creating an interest in trave&&ing to &ocations among those :ho are a&ready strong&y interested in the screen ,roduct.

5+*+% 1n)orming Tourists o) #ocations

These initiatives are &ocation(centred+ rather than 'i&m(centred+ in the sense o' 2eing more s,eci'ica&&y re&ated to individua& &ocations+ areas or regions associated :ith the 'i&m. As such they are targeted &arge&y at those :ho have a&ready 2een trans'ormed 'rom audience mem2er to tourist or ,otentia& tourist+ in other :ords at individua&s :hose interest in trave&&ing to the &ocations o' a screen ,roduct has 2een esta2&ished <even unconscious&y=. 8' course+ these initiatives a&so have strong a:areness( raising ,o:er and can contri2ute to creating an interest in trave&&ing to the &ocations. Tourism agencies :ou&d in many cases have to :or5 :ith ,artners on these initiatives+ :hether the



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

,roducersCdistri2utors o' the screen ,roduct+ individua& &ocations+ ,rivate tourism com,anies+ other tourism agencies or the ,ress. The initiatives in this category inc&ude; !ovie !aps and Factsheets B 3ovie ma,s are increasing&y ,o,u&ar+ and have 2een ,roved to 2e one o' the most cost(e''ective 'orms o' tourism mar5eting 1 . 7ot on&y can these uti&ise the 2randing o' the 'i&ms+ 2ut can ,oint tourists to s,eci'ic sites <rather than to a genera& &oca&ity=+ many o' :hich may not 2e on the regu&ar tourist trai&. >$> 1nserts B some 'i&m distri2utors :i&& agree to @9@s inc&uding inserts :hich mar5et &ocations associated :ith the 'i&m. Again+ this ta5es advantage o' the ,articu&ar 2randing o' the 'i&m and esta2&ished a direct re&ationshi, :ith the audience o' the 'i&mC,rogramme. *o:ever+ such dea&s must 2e negotiated :ith distri2utors very ear&y on. "e(sites B :hether :e2sites 2ased on the 'i&m+ individua& &ocations+ or a geogra,hica& area+ these ,rovide a cost(e''ective and easy :ay to de&iver in'ormation a2out s,eci'ic sites to visit in association :ith a 'i&m or ,rogramme. Press Coverage B a 5ey :ay to ensure a:areness o' the s,eci'ic &ocations used in a 'i&m is created among the 2roader ,u2&ic is to :or5 :ith ?ourna&ists covering the 'i&m+ to encourage mentions o' 'i&ming &ocations. 1ndividual #ocation Promotion @ rights 'or the individua& &ocations used in a 'i&m+ such as state&y homes+ to ,romote their association :ith the 'i&m must 2e negotiated ear&y in the re&ationshi, :ith the ,roducer andCor distri2utor. The di''erence in im,act on &ocations 2et:een those :hich :ere given ,ermission to mar5et themse&ves as Harr" Potter &ocations+ and those :hich :ere not+ sho:s ho: im,ortant this is. #ocal 9randing B as :e&& as ,ointing tourists to s,eci'ic houses and tourist sites associated :ith a 'i&m or ,rogramme+ many geogra,hic &oca&ities have used a success'u& 'i&m to 2rand an entire area+ 'or exam,&es as %raveheart %ountry+ or Pride and Prejudice %ountry. This creates a 1hoo51 to interest tourists in a &oca&ity+ a'ter :hich more detai&ed in'ormation a2out s,eci'ic sites and &ocations can 2e given.

5+*+2 Ta3ing Tourists to Film #ocations

The 'ina& category o' initiatives is that :hich actua&&y ,hysica&&y 2ring tourists to an area+ or to a s,eci'ic &ocation or site. These initiatives may originate :ith ,u2&ic tourism agencies+ or :ith ,rivate tourist com,anies+ or a ,artnershi, 2et:een 2oth. They do more than agitate interest+ raise a:areness and ,rovide in'ormation+ 2y going a ste, 'urther to active&y 2ring individua& tourists to &ocations. Initiatives 'a&&ing under this category inc&ude; Tours o) #ocations B these might 2e :a&5ing tours 'or sma&& areas+ or trans,ortation(2ased 'or &arger areas. These have the 2ene'it o' ,roviding the tourist :ith a strong&y 2randed+ 1themed1 and coherent ex,erience :hich is c&ose&y re&ated to the 'i&mC,rogramme+ a ma?or dra: 'or rea& enthusiasts. 1tineraries B tourism agencies can create itineraries around 'i&mC,rogramme &ocations 'or ,otentia& tourists to 'o&&o: themse&ves+ :hich can create a themed 2ut '&exi2&e visit :ithout the tourist incurring additiona& costs. Accommodation >eals B 2y ,roviding not on&y the interest 2ut a&so a 'inancia& incentive to visit an area associated :ith a screen ,roduct+ ,u2&ic and ,rivate tourism agencies can em,hasise the attractiveness o' an area. vents B These 2oth generate a:areness+ raise ,ro'i&e and can a&so ,hysica&&y 2ring ,eo,&e to a &ocation. Exam,&es :ou&d inc&ude com,etitions+ screenings+ activities+ ,arades. The 2ene'it o'
1 9isit/ritain1s eva&uation o' its 7njo" 7ngland $ovie $a(s ,am(aign indicated that its 3ovie 3a,s had a record(2rea5ing 02(1 return on investment ratio+ unriva&&ed 2y other 'orms o' initiative.



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

such initiatives is that they can easi&y 2e timed to coincide :ith di''erent moments in the &i'ecyc&e o' the 'i&mC,rogramme+ such as the @9@ re&ease.


Use o) !ar3eting 1nitiatives in Case Studies

The initiatives descri2ed a2ove can 2e used singu&ar&y or in con?unction as ,art o' a :ide cam,aign. The se&ection o' the right initiatives must ta5e ,&ace on a case(2y(case 2asis+ and :ou&d de,end on the 5ind o' screen ,roduct <genre+ 'i&mCte&evision=D the timing o' the cam,aign <e.g. is it a ne: re&ease or 2ui&ding a &ong(term cam,aign on an esta2&ished successJ=D the &imitations o' any rights dea&s :hich have 2een negotiatedD the &eve& o' investment avai&a2&eD the target mar5etD and many other issues. *o:ever+ SPI has ,rovided 2e&o: a 2road ana&ysis o' the success 'actors+ and initiatives used 'or the nine case studies identi'ied as most success'u& 'rom a tourism ,ers,ective in Section $+ in order to give an indication o' ho: ,articu&ar cam,aigns might 2e sha,ed around di''erent 5inds o' screen ,roduct.


How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

Ta(le **

!ar3eting Campaign lements in 9enchmar3ed Case Studies

STR,?7 ?ARRAT1$ = H17H $1S191#1TA= UP#1FT1?7 T,? = "1> R .9RA?>.= H1ST,R1C< RURA# #,CAT1,?S= R,# ,F .P#AC . 1? ST,RA= T,UR1S! 1?1T1AT1$ S


Stir&ing Premiere Press coverage Stir&ing 2randing cam,aign 4e2sites Itinerary Promotion 2y individua& &ocations Private tours Events+ e.g. %inema and Te&evision /enevo&ent "undAs F/raveheart %ha&&engeA 3ar5etingCadvertising cam,aign Events+ e.g. FEoin The OuestA Eurostar cam,aign FSee5 the TruthA 9isit/ritain trai& Accommodation tie(ins and dea&s 9isitScot&and Itineraries Tie(in 'i&m on !oss&yn %ha,e& <9isitScot&and= 4a&5ing tours+ ,rivate tours Press coverage .uide 2oo5s Promotion 2y individua& &ocations 3ovie 3a, 4e2sites 9ideo 7e:s !e&ease F/ehind the scenesA T9 ,rogrammes Inde,endent ,rivate tours Promotion 2y individua& &ocations Press coverage

*a +inci ,ode

Harr" Potter


How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK Title STR,?7 ?ARRAT1$ = H17H $1S191#1TA= UP#1FT1?7 T,? = "1> R .9RA?>.= H1ST,R1C< RURA# #,CAT1,?S= R,# ,F .P#AC . 1? ST,RA= T,UR1S! 1?1T1AT1$ S

August 2007

ocal Hero

3ovie 3a, 9isitScot&and itinerary )oca& tourism :e2sites Press coverage Inde,endent ,romotion 2y &ocations Inde,endent ,rivate tours 4e2sites 3ovie 3a, .uided Tours Promotion 2y individua& &ocations @9@ extras 4e2sites Press coverage FPride and Pre?udiceA %ountry re2randing @9@ insert %hats:orth ,remiere 4e2sites Itineraries Private tours Press coverage Promotion 2y individua& &ocations

)otting Hill

Pride < Prejudice >.ilm-

0ic' &tein

4e2sites %e&e2rity ,romotion o' destinations FPass,ort to Padsto:A scheme Press coverage To2ermory+ 9isitScot&and &ocations ma, )oca& tours+ merchandise+ etc 4e2sites Press coverage



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK Title STR,?7 ?ARRAT1$ = H17H $1S191#1TA= UP#1FT1?7 T,? = "1> R .9RA?>.= H1ST,R1C< RURA# #,CAT1,?S= R,# ,F .P#AC . 1? ST,RA= T,UR1S! 1?1T1AT1$ S

August 2007

$onarch o. the /len

F3onarch %ountryA re2randing Scot&and in "i&m and T9 itinerary Promotions 2y the cast Promotion 2y individua& &ocation Press coverage 4e2sites


How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007


Con)licting Timescales

Identi'ying the right ,ro?ects around :hich to 2ui&d tourism mar5eting initiatives is on&y one hurd&e :hich tourism agencies must overcome. 6nder&ying the re&ationshi, 2et:een the audiovisua& and tourism sectors is the ,ro2&em o' timing+ ,articu&ar&y in re&ation to 'unding decisions. "or most tourism agencies+ 'unding is a&&ocated 'or individua& cam,aigns and initiatives on a &ong(term 2asis+ :e&& in advance o' the initiative itse&'. It is extreme&y di''icu&t 'or these organisations to react Iuic5&y :ith &arge(sca&e investments to ne: o,,ortunities that emerge unex,ected&y during the course o' the 'unding year <a&though sma&&er(sca&e reactions+ such as ,ress re&eases etc are o' course ,ossi2&e=. In the screen industries+ converse&y+ and ,articu&ar&y in 'i&m rather than te&evision+ the &ead(time is much shorter. 4hi&e a 'i&m may s,end years 2eing 1deve&o,ed1+ 'ina& decisions a2out 5ey ta&ent+ &ocations and shooting schedu&es are 'reIuent&y not made unti& the very &ast moment. "urthermore+ the sca&e+ duration+ timing and geogra,hic reach o' a 'i&m1s distri2ution may not 2e decided unti& :e&& a'ter ,roduction has 2een 'inished+ ma5ing it im,ossi2&e 'or a tourism agency to accurate&y tai&or initiatives around a 'i&m1s commercia& ex,&oitation once it has 2ecome a:are that ,roduction is ta5ing ,&ace in its &oca&ity. "ina&&y+ in most cases it is extreme&y di''icu&t to ,redict in advance :hich ,ro?ects :i&& 2e success'u&+ and :hich :i&& sin5 :ithout any im,act+ un&ess the ,ro?ect is o' unusua&&y high ,ro'i&e and is guaranteed to 2e high visi2i&ity+ such as The *a +inci ,ode. This ma5es any &arge(sca&e investment 2y a tourism agency in advance an extreme&y high ris5 strategy.


Relationship 9uilding

Another issue 'acing tourism agencies is that the ,roduction ,hase o' 'i&mma5ing is+ in genera&+ hand&ed and underta5en 2y di''erent individua&s+ and in the inde,endent sector 2y di''erent com,anies+ 'rom the distri2ution ,hase. "i&ms emanating 'rom the studio system :i&& 2e ,roduced <i.e. 'i&med and edited= 2y one team+ then ,assed on to mar5eting and distri2ution s,ecia&ists+ 'or ex,&oitation in di''erent territories around the :or&d. Inde,endent 'i&ms :i&& 2e made 2y the ,roducer+ then so&d to di''erent distri2ution com,anies in each di''erent territory+ each o' :hich :i&& 2e res,onsi2&e 'or the 'i&m1s re&ease and mar5eting in each country. This means that re&ationshi,s 2ui&t 2et:een ,u2&ic agencies <e.g. tourism 2odies= and a 'i&m1s ,roducer :hi&e 'i&ming is ta5ing ,&ace is no guarantee that the agency :i&& have access to ex,&oitation rights o' the 'i&m1s 2rand+ or :i&& 2e a2&e to create co(ordinated mar5eting strategies around a 'i&m1s internationa& re&ease.


1mportance o) arly ?egotiations

The di''erence in &ead(in times o' tourism mar5eting cam,aigns and initiatives+ and 'i&m ,roduction and distri2ution ,atterns+ has 2een ex,&ained a2ove. It is essentia& that the 5ey sta5eho&ders+ inc&uding screen agencies+ tourism agencies+ &oca& authorities+ &ocations and visitor attractions <:hether used in a 'i&m or those that have an association :ith the su2?ect o' the 'i&m=+ understand the im,ortance o' entering into negotiations 'or mar5eting rights as ear&y as ,ossi2&e. There are a num2er o' 5ey ,ressure ,oints in the &i'e o' a 'i&m ,ro?ect+ 'rom the ince,tion o' the idea+ through its deve&o,ment+ ,roduction+ 'inancing and distri2ution+ :hen interventions and negotiations might ta5e ,&ace. 8&s2erg>SPI 4

How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

"or individua& &ocations+ tourism agencies and commercia& tour com,anies+ the a2i&ity to negotiate 'or rights to mar5eting :i&& vary at di''erent times in this ,rocess+ 2ut on the :ho&e actua& &ocations and &oca&ities must get in ear&y+ ,re'era2&y at the time :hen &ocation 'ees are 2eing decided+ i' they are to maximise the o,,ortunity. 4aiting unti& a'ter shooting has 'inished+ andCor a 'i&m is 2eing distri2uted+ :i&& ,rovide the &ocations :ith very &itt&e 2argaining ,o:er. The diagram 2e&o: sho:s ho: the di''erent F,ressure ,ointsA 'or intervention to maximise screen tourism might 2e 'ound at s,eci'ic ,hases o' the ,rocess o' ma5ing a 'i&m. It sho:s that ,ro2a2&y the ear&iest ,oint at :hich a 'i&m or tourism agency+ or other entities+ might intervene to deve&o, screen tourism :ou&d 2e during a 'i&mAs scri,t deve&o,ment. I'+ 'or exam,&e+ a tourism agency discovered that a 'i&m :as 2eing deve&o,ed a2out a 'amous &oca& character or author+ this cou&d 2e an o,,ortunity to commence discussions a2out ,ossi2&e :ays o' encouraging tourism shou&d the 'i&m achieve distri2ution.

Starts here=


nds here=

The 1dea

Creative 1nput


Post/ Production

Ancillary Releases


#ocation Selection


Festivals B Cinema Releases

The o,tima& ,hases during :hich the negotiating ,osition o' a &ocation or tourism agency might 2e strongest occurs 'rom the &ocation se&ection ,hase through to the 'inancing. 3ar5eting rights+ as :e&& as &ocation 'ees+ shou&d 2e a standard e&ement o' any agreement 2et:een a &ocation and ,roduction+ ,articu&ar&y :here that &ocation is ,u2&ic&y o:ned. 8nce the ,roduction ,hase ends and a 'i&m moves into ,ost(,roduction+ the a2i&ity to negotiate 'or rights 2egins to disa,,ear.


How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007


1mpact on #ocal Communities

The evidence 'rom the case studies indicates that 'i&m and te&evision can 2e very e''ective in 2ringing tourists to areas :hich other:ise :ou&d have received 'e: or no tourists. The im,act o' 'i&ms &i5e ocal Hero and te&evision ,rogrammes &i5e %alamor" sho:s that even remote+ rura& vi&&ages can receive huge num2ers o' visitors ,ure&y as a resu&t o' 2eing used as a &ocation. At the same time+ a connection :ith a success'u& 'i&m B i' mar5eted correct&y B can have a su2stantia& and noticea2&e im,act on &ess ,o,u&ar visitor attractions+ such as state&y homes+ or those in areas :hich are not ma?or tourist destinations. These &ocations :hich do a,,ear to have en?oyed a noticea2&e tourism im,act as a direct resu&t o' a 'i&m or te&evision ,rogramme are in many cases in ,arts o' the 6K not norma&&y on the ,rimary tourist route. A 'irst visitor to the 6K :i&& most ,ro2a2&y visit )ondon+ and a sma&& num2er o' additiona& destinations are a&so high u, on the 1must see1 &ist 'or 'irst(time tourists. /ut visitors to the 6K 'or a second or third time are &i5e&y to &oo5 'urther a'ie&d to more unusua& areas+ and it is 'or these 5inds o' visitors that a 'i&m or ,rogramme can 2e the deciding 'actor in ta5ing them+ 'or exam,&e+ to ,articu&ar counties andCor sites. *o:ever+ in some cases tourism resu&ting 'rom 'i&m and te&evision is not a&:ays :e&comed 2y the community :hich must :ithstand it. 4hi&e in most cases there can 2e su2stantia& economic 2ene'its+ this does not necessari&y ha,,en B 'or exam,&e+ :hen the area o' interest is not gated and does not have any sho,s+ restaurants or hote&s+ such as in very rura& areas+ there is no:here to s,end money and there'ore an economic 2ene'it is not 'e&t. Even :here there is the ,otentia& to s,end money+ some &oca& communities might resent a sudden mass in'&ux o' visitors B as ha,,ened in To2ermory+ the &ocation used 'or %alamor". Such cases need care'u& management and advance ,&anning i' re&ationshi,s 2et:een communities and the ,roduction community are to 2e maintained B ,articu&ar&y i' the screen ,roduct re&ates to a te&evision ,rogramme :hich may :ish to return to the same &ocation 'or 'uture 'i&ming. Tourism agencies+ there'ore+ need to :or5 :ith &oca& communities and commercia& tourism com,anies to assess and ta5e into consideration :here and ho: screen tourism might 2e considered to 2e negative. *o:ever+ this must 2e 2a&anced :ith the need to manage the e''ects o' screen tourism+ :hich may occur s,ontaneous&y and :ithout the invo&vement o' the &oca& tourism agency. Ensuring that ,re,arations are made to ,rovide a,,ro,riate 'aci&ities and guidance to areas :hich may not 2e adeIuate&y eIui,,ed to dea& :ith tourism is there'ore a&so essentia&.


How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007



SPIAs recommendations 'or deve&o,ing and maximising the im,acts o' screen tourism are; to esta2&ish a 6K Screen Tourism Strategy .rou, to ,u2&ish a Too&5it 'or Intervention 'or interested ,arties to esta2&ish the im,ortance o' 'i&m cre:s <as 2usiness visitors= 'or the tourism sector to create a Screen Tourism Trac5ing 82servatory to conduct a 'u&& economic study on the va&ue o' 'i&m and te&evision(induced tourism to the 6K economy to ensure that ,u2&ic 'unding 'or 'i&m is de&ivered :ith consideration to screen tourism to create a s,ecia& /o&&y:ood Tourism Strategy


UK Screen Tourism Strategy 7roup

A 5ey 'inding 'rom this study is that+ :ith a&& the demonstrated 2ene'its o' 'i&m(induced tourism+ stronger strategic re&ationshi,s are reIuired+ on an ongoing 2asis+ i' these 2ene'its are to 2e encouraged and maximised. This shou&d 2e achieved through the 'ormation o' a high(&eve& Screen Tourism Strategy .rou,+ re,resenting the :ho&e o' the 6K+ :hich :ou&d act as the 2asis 'or a 2road net:or5 o' re&evant 2odies and sta5eho&ders o,erating at a more &oca& &eve& 2oth in the screen and tourism sectors. The Strategy .rou, :ou&d have t:o 5ey aims. "irst&y+ to create and im,&ement a ne: strategy 'or encouraging Screen Tourism to and :ithin the 6K. Second&y+ to ensure that re&evant in'ormation+ advice and action ,oints are disseminated do:n to su2sidiary 2odies and that a,,ro,riate re&ationshi,s are deve&o,ed 2et:een ,u2&ic and ,rivate sector entities. The current study has demonstrated that the range o' organisations invo&ved in screen tourism is very :ide+ and inc&udes tourism agencies <&oca&+ regiona& and nationa&=+ screen agencies+ 2roadcasters+ ,roducers+ distri2utors+ sa&es agents+ &ocations+ visitor attractions and commercia& tourism o,erations+ inc&uding accommodation+ trans,ort and tour com,anies. As this &ist indicates+ screen tourism rea&&y is an area :hich invo&ves and a''ects 2oth ,u2&ic and ,rivate entities in 2oth the 'i&m and tourism sectors. %urrent&y re&ationshi,s 2et:een these entities on&y ta5e ,&ace on an ad hoc 2asis. "urthermore+ di''erences in 2usiness ,ractices and in some cases a &ac5 o' a:areness o' ,ractices in each o' the sectors+ can create o2stac&es to co&&a2oration. There is there'ore a need to create a net:or5+ to 2ring a&& o' these sectors together to ena2&e and generate greater understanding o' the di''erent 2usiness issues and com,&exities invo&ved 'or each in generating screen tourism. The 5ey re&ationshi,s to 2e encouraged at the outset are 2et:een the ,u2&ic sector agencies o,erating in the audiovisua& and tourism sectors <as it is 'rom these that ,o&icy and strategy can 2e originated=. The Screen Tourism Strategy .rou, shou&d there'ore consist o' senior re,resentatives o' Screen and Tourism Agencies+ as :e&& as other government and trade 2odies+ :ho shou&d meet regu&ar&y <,erha,s Iuarter&y= to discuss issues re&ated to Screen Tourism. Any in'ormation+ 'indings andCor decisions can then 2e disseminated to su2sidiary organisations and contacts. The 5inds o' issues :hich the Strategy .rou, cou&d address inc&ude; /est ,ractice in using screen ,roducts to mar5et &ocations and in negotiating mar5eting rights 'rom ,roductions 8&s2erg>SPI 7

How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

Identi'ying s,eci'ic mar5ets andCor territories 'or screen tourism mar5eting cam,aigns %reating nationa& screen tourism cam,aigns around s,eci'ic 'i&ms or ,rogrammes @ata gathering 'rom visiting ,roductions Agreeing terms 'or ,u2&ic 'unding to maximise screen tourism 8rganising events on screen tourism to raise a:areness and encourage re&ationshi,s 2et:een ,ractitioners Identi'ication o' the most tourism(e''ective screen ,roducts 6sing tourism ,otentia& as a means o' 'aci&itating &ocation access 'or screen ,roducers %o(ordinating tourism ,romotion :ith the internationa& distri2ution o' the screen ,roduct "aci&itating the o,tima& timing o' screen tourism negotiations Pre,aring communities 'or unex,ected screen tourism

A Screen "i&m Tourism )iaison .rou, current&y exists in Scot&and+ invo&ving re,resentatives o' some o' the ,u2&ic sector grou,s &isted a2ove. A&though it has not met 'or the ,ast year+ ,revious&y it met Iuarter&y to discuss issues re&ating to 'i&m and te&evision tourism and to share in'ormation. This 'orum ena2&ed ,artici,ating organisations to share inte&&igence on ,roductions+ 'i&ming and re&ease dates+ and this 'unction has continued through te&e,hone or emai& communication even :hi&e meetings have not ta5en ,&ace. It has 2een 'e&t to 2e a very use'u&+ success'u& initiative :hich has 5e,t the issue o' screen tourism on the agenda in Scot&and 2oth 'or the tourism sector and the audiovisua& sector. The ,ur,ose o' the Screen Tourism Strategy .rou, recommended here :ou&d not 2e to discuss individua& 'i&m ,ro?ects+ 2ut instead to share ideas+ sur'ace ,ro2&ems+ and suggest mode&s 'or the di''erent sta5eho&ders and agencies to :or5 together. 3inutes o' meetings shou&d 2e circu&ated to a&& re&evant su2sidiary entities in order to ensure that emerging ideas are dis,ersed and can 2e used as :ide&y as ,ossi2&e. SPI 2e&ieves that+ given the recent and increasing ,rominence o' and interest in screen tourism current&y 2eing seen+ such an initiative :ou&d generate a &ot o' interest and ho,e'u&&y attract a &arge num2er o' :i&&ing ,artici,ants. /y esta2&ishing a structure o' regu&ar meetings and communication+ ,ro2&ems can 2e tac5&ed+ and ,artnershi,s created+ in a more strategic manner than current&y ta5es ,&ace.


Tool3it )or 1ntervention

In addition to creating a 6K Screen Tourism Strategy .rou,+ SPI a&so recommends that a Too&5it 'or Intervention shou&d 2e commissioned and ,u2&ished. This :ou&d in e''ect 2e a hand2oo5+ 'or use 2y tourism and 'i&m ,ro'essiona&s+ giving concrete advice on ho:+ :hen and :ith :hom to intervene+ to maximise the tourism 2ene'it o' a 'i&m or te&evision ,rogramme 2eing made in or a2out a &oca&ity. Though this is not an exhaustive &ist+ to,ics to 2e addressed in the Too&5it might inc&ude; timing o' negotiations+ interventions and initiatives 5ey issues to consider :hen negotiating :ith *o&&y:ood studios+ as against inde,endent 'i&mma5ers and te&evision ,roducers ho: other sta5eho&ders and ,&ayers in the 'i&m industry+ such as sa&es agents+ might ,rovide va&ua2&e dia&ogue ,artners ho: to create regu&ar streams o' communication+ ,articu&ar&y 2et:een ,u2&ic sector screen and tourism agencies+ a2out u,coming ,ro?ects so that a&& screen tourism o,,ortunities can 2e ex,&oited in good time ho: to assess the tourism ,otentia& o' 'i&m and te&evision ,ro?ects ho: to ensure that community re&ations are not damaged 2y the tourism im,act o' 'i&ms and te&evision ,rogrammes 8&s2erg>SPI 8

How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

:hat 5inds o' mar5eting initiatives might 2e o' most va&ue 'or di''erent 5inds o' screen ,roducts ho: to maximise the tourism e''ect over a &ong(term ,eriod

The Too&5it cou&d 2e u,dated on a 'air&y regu&ar 2asis+ and cou&d inc&ude 5ey contacts as :e&& as case studies o' recent screen ,ro?ects :hich have 2een used success'u&&y 'or a tourism e''ect.


conomic 1mpact o) Filmma3ing Tourists

Another as,ect o' screen tourism :hich has received very &itt&e attention+ :hich SPI 2e&ieves shou&d 2e ta5en more serious&y 2y tourism agencies in ,articu&ar+ is the economic im,act o' 2usiness visitors in the 'orm o' cast and cre: o' visiting ,roductions. In many ,&aces+ a &oca& tourism agency :i&& su2sidise the accommodation or other costs o' 2usiness visitors coming to a &ocation 'or a convention or con'erence+ as a :ay o' attracting those events to the area. *o:ever+ such visitors on&y remain in the area 'or a 'e: days in most cases. "i&m cre:s+ on the other hand+ :i&& o'ten come to an area 'or many :ee5s at a time+ hiring &arge num2ers o' hote& rooms and other 'orms o' accommodation+ eating in &oca& restaurants. As &ong(term visitors+ a much greater ,ro,ortion o' the cre:sA income is &i5e&y to 2e s,ent in the &oca& area than a short(term 2usiness visitor. "urthermore+ having 2ecome so 'ami&iar :ith an area+ 'i&m cre: mem2ers :i&& o'ten return on a regu&ar 2asis 'or ,&easure+ and can 2ecome strong advocates 'or a tourist &ocation. !egiona& Screen Agencies co&&ect ,roduction s,end in'ormation to ca,ture economic im,act. In order to 2etter understand and to measure the economic im,act o' 'i&m cre:s+ s,eci'ica&&y as 2usiness tourists+ it :ou&d 2e use'u& to a&so co&&ect detai&ed data 'rom the tourism sector1s ,ers,ective. Screen and tourism agencies shou&d co&&a2orate 'urther in order to ca,ture the data in the most use'u& 'ashion 'or 2oth sectors and :or5 together to assess the economic im,act. The reIuest 'or use'u& data cou&d 2e incor,orated in di''erent existing a,,&ication 'orms. A,,&ications 'or 'unding+ :hether 'rom the screen or tourism sector+ as :e&& as 'or use o' ,u2&ic &ocations such as 7ationa& Trust ,ro,erties+ shou&d 2e su2mitted :ith an o2&igatory detai&ed assessment o' the &oca& s,end o' the ,roduction in terms o' accommodation and ,er diems. Such in'ormation :as co&&ected :ith some success and use'u&ness 2y Pen:ith %ounci& in %orn:a&&+ in re&ation to 'ive 0osamunde Pilcher ada,tations. "i&m agencies have &ong recognised the economic im,act o' 'i&m ,roduction. Its va&ue to the tourism sector+ ho:ever+ shou&d a&so 2e ac5no:&edged and understood+ and 'unding made avai&a2&e 'rom the tourism sector :here ,ossi2&e to su,,ort and encourage these 2usiness visitors 'rom the audiovisua& sector.


Screen Tourism Trac3ing ,(servatory

The creation o' a Trac5ing 82servatory+ to maintain a data2ase o' visitor 'igures at &ocations used in 'i&ms and te&evision ,rogrammes+ is a&so recommended. This :ou&d ,rovide a 'reIuent&y u,dated resource :hich cou&d 2e used to ma5e arguments+ :here needed+ 'or 'unding o' screen tourism initiatives. 7atura&&y+ such data can on&y 2e co&&ected at gated sites+ 2ut :ou&d 2e a va&ua2&e :ay to u,date the in'ormation co&&ected in this re,ort.


How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

The 82servatory cou&d a&so gather inte&&igence on screen tourism initiatives and esta2&ish 2est ,ractice on an ongoing 2asis. "urthermore+ it cou&d 2e a rece,tac&e 'or data on the economic im,act o' 'i&ming co&&ected 2y &ocations and organisations such as the 7ationa& Trust.


Calculating the ,verall conomic $alue to the UK

The Trac5ing 82servatory :ou&d trac5 visitation num2ers on an on(going 2asis. *o:ever+ there is a&so a need 'or sta5eho&der agencies to conduct a one(o'' 'u&& economic ma, o' the va&ue o' screen tourism to the 6K. To date this ,recise and im,ortant tas5 remains to 2e rea&ised. In 2##$+ 8x'ord Economic "orecasting suggested that screen tourism cou&d 2e :orth Q2.- 2i&&ion to the 6K economy. It :as suggested that 2oth 'i&m and te&evision each contri2uted Q1. 2i&&ion res,ective&y.14 This is a signi'icant ,otentia& contri2ution to the economy. 7everthe&ess this 'igure is an a,,roximation. A more ,recise study 'ocussed so&e&y on screen tourism :ou&d ,rovide more exact 'igures o' re'erence to a&& 6K sta5eho&ders and aid them in their advocacy 'or screen tourism strategies. 8nce in ,&ace this economic study :ou&d 2ecome a re'erence ,oint 'or su2seIuent studies and u,dates on the va&ue o' screen tourism to the 6K.


Pu(lic Sector Funding and Screen Tourism

3ost visiting 'i&m ,roducers are a&ready a:are o' the ,o:er o' the economic im,act that 2ringing their ,ro?ect to a region :i&& have. It is essentia&+ ho:ever+ that regions are a2&e to ex,&oit the &ong(term im,act o' hosting ,roduction+ as :e&& as the re&ative&y short(term im,act o' the ,roduction itse&'. .iven that many o' the 'i&ms made in the 6K receive ,u2&ic 'unding o' some 5ind+ SPI strong&y recommends that screen agencies+ 2oth 7ationa& and !egiona&+ shou&d reIuire o' ,ro?ects :hich receive 'inancia& assistance that mar5eting rights 'or tourism ,romotions 2e granted to &oca& ,u2&ic tourism agencies+ inc&uding 7ationa&+ !egiona& and )oca& Authority. These rights must inc&ude access to materia&s such as sti&&s and art:or5 'rom the 'i&m.


9ollywood Tourism Strategy

There is gro:ing a:areness in the 6K o' the im,ortance o' attracting Indian 'i&m ,roductions to the 6K+ and c&ear ,roo' exists o' the ,otentia& o' /o&&y:ood tourism B i&&ustrated 2y a mar5ed increase in Indian visitors to Scot&and in 2## . "igures 'rom 9isitScot&and indicated that num2ers rose 'rom 8+### in 2### to 14+### in 2## . The money s,ent 2y Indian visitors in the region corres,onding&y rose 'rom Q2 mi&&ion to Q7 mi&&ion. A s,o5es,erson 'rom 9isit/ritain says that around $#P o' enIuiries at their o''ices in /om2ay are regarding Scot&and.1$ In recent years the 6K government has made concerted e''orts to o''er incentives to+ and im,rove communication :ith+ the Indian 'i&m industry. In 2##$+ the 'irst ,art o' a co(,roduction treaty :as signed :ith India to encourage c&oser co(o,eration 2et:een the 6K and Indian 'i&mma5ers. The 6K "i&m %ounci& ,roduced a 'act sheet s,eci'ica&&y aimed at Indian ,roducers+ ex,&aining the 2ene'its and ,ractica&ities o' 'i&ming in the 6K.
14 !e,ort 2y 8x'ord Economics "orecasting+The 7conomic ,ontri!ution o. the UK Film 2ndustr"+ 2#.#0.#$ 1$ Scot&and :itnessed a 12um,er1 year o' incoming /o&&y:ood ,roductions in 2###+ :ith eight ,roductions that year. The num2er o' /o&&y:ood ,roductions shooting in Scot&and has stee,&y dec&ined in recent years+ :ith ,roductions in search o' mountain &andsca,es migrating instead to S:itLer&and. 7everthe&ess+ there is sti&& &atent va&ue to Scottish tourism in the 'i&ms that have a&ready 2een shot in the country+ as a 'i&m1s &i'es,an reaches 2eyond theatrica& re&ease.



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

!egiona& 2odies have a&so &aunched initiatives to attract more /o&&y:ood ,roductions. "or instance+ the East 3id&ands @eve&o,ment Agency 'unded the 1)eicester; Euro,ean %a,ita& 'or Indian %inema1 ,ro?ect to 'orge &in5s :ith IndiaAs 'i&m and creative industries. And the Kor5shire Tourist /oard+ in a co&&ective 2id shared 2y /rad'ord+ )eeds+ She''ie&d+ Kor5 and *u&&+ hosted the 2##7 Internationa& Indian "i&m A:ards in ear&y Eune this year. It :as antici,ated that the event :ou&d 2ring in an estimated 1$+###(2#+### extra visitors to the region+ and generate around Q1# mi&&ion. The II"A a&so has a ,roven e''ect on 'i&m admissions; according to its co('ounder+ Sa22as Eose,h+ sa&es o' tic5ets 'or *indi cinema in )ondon gre: 2y $P in the six months 'o&&o:ing the a:ards 2eing he&d there in 2###. "i&m )ondon has more recent&y &aunched its /o&&y:ood movie ma, o' )ondon. In 2##$ $ ,roductions :ere 'i&med in the /orough o' 4estminster a&one. *o:ever+ given the ,otentia& o' /o&&y:ood ,roductions to create a su2stantia& tourism im,act+ sti&& more cou&d 2e done to harness this ,otentia&+ es,ecia&&y in )ondon. SPI 2e&ieves that+ given the sca&e o' the o,,ortunity created 2y /o&&y:ood tourism+ ,articu&ar e''orts shou&d 2e made+ 2y 2oth tourism and screen agencies+ to create a /o&&y:ood tourism strategy. 4hi&e some &oca&ities have a&ready ta5en ste,s in this direction+ and those initiatives cou&d and shou&d 2e ?oined u,+ other regions shou&d a&so 2e invo&ved. The /o&&y:ood strategy shou&d there'ore 2e initiated and deve&o,ed 2y the 6K Screen Tourism Strategy .rou,.



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

Appendi0- Case Studies

A(solutely Fa(ulous C*;;%/*;;5D
8ne o' the de'ining /ritish sitcoms o' the 100#s+ A!solutel" Fa!ulous starred Eenni'er Saunders and Eoanna )um&ey as Edina and Patsy+ a ,air o' sha&&o:+ se&'ish and se&'(a2using 'ashionistas. Their 'avourite ,&aces <F*arvey 7ic5sA=+ ,re'erred drin5s <F/o&&yA= and catch,hrases <FS:eetie+ dar&ingUA= entered the nationAs voca2u&ary and EdinaAs re&ationshi, :ith her conservative daughter+ Sa''y+ 2ecame an archety,e 'or mother(daughter ro&e reversa&. The three //% series earned an audience o' ten mi&&ion vie:ers in the 6K+ and :on a host o' /A"TAs and an Internationa& Emmy. The sho: :as huge&y ,o,u&ar in America+ too+ initia&&y sho:n on //% America and then re(run in 2##1 on %omedy %entra&+ :here the 'irst e,isode attracted 1.24 mi&&ion vie:ers.

The sho: :as shot main&y in 'ront o' a &ive studio audience at //% Te&evision %entreD &ocations around )ondon inc&ude *arvey 7icho&s+ the de,artment store in Knights2ridge made :or&d 'amous 2y the sho:.

Screen Agency 1nvolvement

The series :as shot 2e'ore the esta2&ishment o' the )ondon "i&m %ommission.

Film Tourism 1nitiatives

!ovie !ap
*arvey 7icho&s :as 'eatured on the /ritish Tourism AuthorityAs 3ovie 3a, in 100-.

>$> e0tras
The @9@ contains a 'eature on the &ocations used in the sho: in )ondon and 7e: Kor5+ inc&uding *arvey 7icho&s.

Tourism 1mpact on #ocations

78TE; The interiors o' the main &ocation 'or the sho:+ EdinaAs house in *o&&and Par5+ :ere shot in a studio+ :hi&st the address o' the exterior is not ,u2&icised.

7eneral impact on locations

A&though num2ers are im,ossi2&e to gauge+ there is anecdota& evidence that some vie:ers o' the sho: are 5een to see the &ocations used it in. 8ne 'an on the 9irtua& Tourist :e2site :rites+ FI1m a huge 'an o' A! Fa! so one o' my 'avourite things to do :hi&e in )ondon :as to 'ind re'erences to this sho:. 8&s2erg>SPI 42

How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

Imagine my de&ight as our ca2 :ent 2y *arvey 7icho&s en route to our hote&. I made it a ,oint to visit *o&&and Par5 and thought o' Patsy :henever I ,assed an 8dd2ins.A Another+ on a //% America chat( room+ :rote+ FIAm visiting )ondon in 3ay and other than *arvey 7ic5s+ IAd &i5e to visit ,&aces that :ere on the sho:.A

Harvey ?ichols"or a &ong time overshado:ed 2y its sho:ier neigh2our+ *arrods+ the ,&ace o' F*arvey 7ic5sA in the hearts o' the A!solutel" Fa!ulous characters gave the Knights2ridge de,artment store iconic status. It 2ecame a meta,hor 'or the age+ synonymous :ith excess+ humour and the 'ri,,eries o' the 'ashion :or&d. )ynne "ran5s+ the su,,osed ins,iration 'or the character o' Edina and a&so P! 'or *arvey 7icho&s at the time the sho: :as 'irst aired+ says F*arvey 7icho&s got an incredi2&e amount o' ,u2&icity 'rom me.A The store is no: a Fmust(seeA attraction in )ondon+ mentioned in con?unction :ith the comedy in American trave& guides to the city+ such as the 7e: Kor5 Times+ :hich descri2es it as Fshrine o' the A!solutel" Fa!ulous cro:d.A Since the sho: :as aired+ *arvey 7icho&s has ex,anded 2oth domestica&&y and overseas. The storeAs mar5eting director+ Eu&ia /o:e+ says o' the ex,ansion+ FThereAs an internationa& a:areness o' *arvey 7icho&s a&ready+ he&,ed 2y the 'act that A!solutel" Fa!ulous has gone g&o2a&. 4eAve 2ecome generic 'or a 'a2u&ous &i'esty&e.A

"ider Reaching 1mpact

EA( Fa(F (ecoming part o) language
The nic5name 'or the sho: has 2ecome a 2y(:ord 'or &ouche extravagance+ and severa& com,anies have used it 'or themse&ves+ such as the )ondon(2ased A2 "a2 )imousines.

nhancing the image o) #ondon

There are suggestions that A! Fa! enhanced the image o' )ondon 'or overseas visitors+ ,articu&ar&y those in the 6S. An artic&e in Time magaLine in 2##1 :rote+ F"or those on this side o' the ,ond+ the sho: has made )ondon s:inging again. As :e did in the -#s B attem,ting to trans&ate the dia&ect and identi'y the re'erences to Stra:2erry "ie&ds and /&ac52urn+ )ancashire B :e &isten hard to the ra,id('ire dia&ogue+ chec5 ma,s to 'ind *o&&and Par5 <EdinaAs neigh2ourhood= and 2rag a2out the rea&(&i'e mode&s 'or characters.A It adds+ FA&& in a&&+ Saunders deserves an 3/E 'or her services in reviving the image o' the hi, /rit.A

Pro6ecting a E7ay/positiveF message

The sho:As 'ashion(o2sessed+ &arger(than(&i'e+ donAt(give(a(damn characters have :on them a &arge gay 'o&&o:ing+ ,articu&ar&y in America. In 2##2+ Saunders and )um&ey :ere a:arded the .ay+ )es2ian+ /isexua& and Transgender Pride A:ard at the 7e: Kor5 .ay Pride :ee5 B :hich :as renamed A!solutel" Fa!ulous 4ee5 in their honour. 7e: Kor5 State Senate @emocratic )eader 3artin %onnor said+ GA!solutel" Fa!ulous has huge a,,ea& to the &es2ian+ gay+ 2isexua& and transgender communities+ 2ut even more im,ortant than &aughs+ the sho: has de,icted these disen'ranchised communities in ,ositive and a''irming :ays and that is he&,'u& in the strugg&e 'or civi& rights.H


How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

The 'act that the accessi2&e A!solutel" Fa!ulous &ocations are ,u2&ic areas ma5es it im,ossi2&e to Iuanti'y the tourism e''ect o' the series. Anecdota& evidence suggests+ ho:ever+ that the sho: encouraged some o' its 'ans to visit )ondon+ or+ at &east+ enhanced the visit o' those a&ready decided on coming to the ca,ita&. The sho: has Fcu&tA status in America+ :hich has 2een sho:n to 2e a driving 'actor in 'i&m tourism. As mentioned a2ove+ A!solutel" Fa!ulous may have a&so ,&ayed a ,art in rede'ining the image o' )ondon overseas. 4hi&st decided&y /ritish in its humour and eccentricity+ the sho: a&so ,ortrayed the ca,ita& as 2eing a 'ashiona2&e+ dynamic city+ a5in to 7e: Kor5+ as o,,osed to its traditiona& image as a centre o' heritage and history. The study a&so i&&ustrates o' the 'i&m tourism ,otentia& o' the F,in5 ,oundA. .ays and &es2ians 'orm one o' the 'astest gro:ing tourism mar5ets and are estimated to 2e :orth u, to Q 2i&&ion to the 6K. "or a &ong time ignored+ this mar5et is no: 2eing concerted&y targeted+ and this year )ondon hosts the annua& Euro,ride ,arade and 'estiva& 'or the 'irst time. A s,o5esman 'or the Internationa& .ay and )es2ian Trave& Association+ Ste,hen %oote+ said in 2##-+ F.ay ,eo,&e have more dis,osa2&e income to s,end on entertainment and trave&. They ta5e t:o to three ho&idays a year. It ma5es sense to 'ocus on them.A 9isit/ritain s,o5esman E&&iott "ris2y to&d the !euters ne:s agency+ FThis is a 2ooming mar5et. 4e are ,erceived as a very to&erant society.A "ris2y added that FAmericans are our to, targetsA+ and said that the 9isit/ritain gay :e2site had received 1##+### hits since 2eing set u, in 2##$. FSurveys sho: that 87P o' the gay community in the 6nited States ho&ds a ,ass,ort. The nationa& average is ?ust 20P.A "ina&&y+ the study a&so serves as a reminder o' the ,otentia& ,o:er o' //% America in 2ui&ding a 2ridge across the ,ond to attract 6S visitors to the 6K; 27 mi&&ion homes in the 6S receive the channe&.

9alamory C%&&% / %&&5D

A //% Scot&and ,roduction+ this chi&drenAs drama aired over 2$# e,isodes 2et:een 2##2 and 2##$+ earning around 1 mi&&ion vie:ers in the 6K and 1$ mi&&ion across Euro,e. Aimed at ,re(schoo& chi&dren+ %alamor" 'o&&o:ed the dai&y &ives o' a grou, o' co&our'u& characters &iving in a c&ose(5nit community on a Scottish is&and. Its ,ortraya& o' &ive human ,eo,&e :as intended as an antithesis to sho:s such as Tweenies and Teletu!!ies+ in :hich characters :ore costumes and s,o5e in odd voices. It :on /est %hi&drenAs Programme at the /roadcast A:ards+ and a %hi&drenAs /A"TA 'or /est Pre( Schoo& )ive Action Sho:. "i&ming ceased in 2##$+ 2ut the sho: continues to 2e aired on 2oth terrestria& and digita& //% channe&s.

To2ermory+ 3u&&+ Scot&and. Some &ocations e&se:here :ere used+ such as Archie the InventorAs ,in5 cast&e <7orth /er:ic5= and the nursery schoo& <.&asgo:=.



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

Screen Agency 1nvolvement

//% Scot&and used Scottish ScreenAs &ocation &i2rary.

Film Tourism 1nitiatives

To(ermory locations map
A &ea'&et has 2een ,roduced 2y the area tourist 2oard in con?unction :ith the *o&iday 3u&& 3ar5eting .rou,+ F4hatAs the story in %alamor"JA An initia& ,rint run o' 1#+### co,ies :ere Iuic5&y sna,,ed u,. a&so o''ers detai&s o' &ocations+ and u,dates on 'i&ming and &in5s to 2uy %alamor" 2randed ,roducts.

$isitScotland locations map

The 9isitScot&and :e2site contains extensive in'ormation a2out To2ermory and its &in5s :ith the ,rogramme+ inc&uding a ma, o' the to:n and ,recise &ocations o' the characterAs houses.

#ocal initiatives
A &oca& taxi com,any o''er %alamor" tours o' the is&and. Sho,s on the is&and se&& %alamor" merchandise+ such as t(shirts and do&&s+ :ith a,,rova& 'rom the //%+ :hich co&&ects a sma&& ,ercentage 'rom each sa&e. The 3u&& !ai& steam engine :as re(named The %alamor" Ex,ress.

,ther tourism initiatives

Practica&&y every :e2site mentioning To2ermory &in5s it to %alamor".

Press coverageThe ,henomenon o' Ftodd&er tourismA s,a:ned 2y %alamor" has &ed to severa& artic&es and ne: stories on the ,rogramme and To2ermory.

Tourism 1mpact on #ocations

To(ermory%alamor" had a dramatic tourism e''ect on the is&and o' To2ermory+ :hose ,ermanent ,o,u&ation is under 1+###. According to @r Eoanne %onne&&+ a tourism &ecturer at Stir&ing 6niversity :ho has conducted a study on the %alamor" e''ect+ there :ere a2out 1-#+### extra visitors in 2## + a rise o' a2out 4#P+ and the same in 2##4. In the summer+ num2ers ,ea5ed at $+### to 7+### a day. In those years 82anAs Tourist In'ormation %entre <TI%= :as the 2usiest TI% in Scot&and+ a'ter Edin2urgh+ and c&aimed that 2## :as their 2usiest year ever+ :ith enIuiries to,,ing 7##+### B an 8P increase on 2##2. The year(on(year nationa& average increase :as around 2P. The &oca& tourist 2oard c&aimed they had to extend their des5 and em,&oy extra sta'' to co,e :ith the demand. @r %onne&& c&aims that 3u&& is uniIue in that its tourism 2oom is driven 2y a ,re(schoo& chi&drenAs sho:; GThis has never 2een seen any:here e&se in the :or&d.H This mar5et means that 'ami&ies visit %alamor" a&& year round+ not ?ust in schoo& ho&idays; Sandy /runton+ chairman o' the 3u&& and Iona %ham2er o' %ommerce+ said in 2##$+ G8ur season is no: one o' the &ongest in Scottish tourism as it starts around Easter and goes right through to 8cto2er+ and there is sti&& Iuite a &ot o' trade in 8&s2erg>SPI 4$

How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

@ecem2er and Eanuary.H In the same year+ Eames "raser 'rom 9isitScot&and estimated that the series generated 1$#+### visitors a year to the is&and+ and contri2uted Q$ mi&&ion a year to the tourist economy o' 3u&& and the 4estern Is&ands.

The huge im,act o' %alamor" on 3u&&+ and its ,articu&ar ,henomenon o' Ftodd&er tourismA+ has 'orced the is&and to Iuic5&y ada,t. Previous&y geared to:ards the senior mar5et+ 2usinesses have had to ,rovide chi&dren('riend&y menus+ na,,y changing 'aci&ities and other 'aci&ities that cater 'or youngsters. @r %onne&& re,orts that a study o' %alamor"As im,act on the economy and e''ect on &oca& &i'e had revea&ed ,ositive and negative in'&uences. G3any o' the visitors are day(tri,,ers and+ :hi&e that is good 'or &oca& sho,s and ca'Vs+ it is not so great 'or the accommodation ,roviders. There is a&so a negative ang&e in that a &ot o' 2usinesses are Iuite :orried that their traditiona& mar5ets+ such as those ,eo,&e :ho came to &oo5 at the :i&d&i'e and en?oy the 2eauty o' the is&and+ are 2eing ,ut o'' 2y the in'&ux o' 'ami&ies :ith very young chi&dren.H A&though the sho: is no &onger 2eing 'i&med on the is&and+ the tourism im,act is sti&& strong. A s,o5esman 'rom the To2ermory TI% said+ GTo us in tourist in'ormation it seems as much as ever. 4e get hundreds o' chi&dren a day.H Even :hen the %alamor" e''ect does 2egin to :ane+ ho:ever+ there is ho,e that the tourism generated 'rom the series :i&& have a &ong(&asting im,act. Eames "raser o' 9isitScot&and says+ GA :ho&e generation has 2een 2rought u, on %alamor" and that :i&& &eave a &egacy. These todd&ers :i&& go a:ay :ith very 'ond memories and the vie: is that many o' them :i&& gro: u, and :ant to come 2ac5 :ith their 'ami&ies. 4e see it as a &ong(term investment.H

9end it #i3e 9ec3ham C%&&%D

The s&ee,er hit o' 2##2+ this &o:(2udget 'i&m a2out a 'oot2a&&(mad Si5h gir& :ho has to 2att&e against her communityAs ex,ectations to ,ursue her dreams made stars out o' its t:o &ead actresses+ Parminder 7agra and Keira Knight&ey+ and ,ro,e&&ed its director+ .urinda %hadha+ to *o&&y:ood+ :here her su2seIuent 'i&ms inc&ude another Ang&o(Indian venture+ %ride and Prejudice. "o&&o:ing its o,ening in the 6K on 12 A,ri& 2##2+ %end 2t i'e %ec'ham :as screened in $ countries+ inc&uding+ &ast year+ 2ecoming the 'irst commercia& 4estern 'i&m to 2e sho:n in 7orth Korea. It ,&ayed es,ecia&&y :e&& in %hina+ India and America+ :here it made @avid /ec5ham a househo&d name. 3ade 'or on&y Q .$ mi&&ion+ its tota& gross is a,,roximate&y S -.8 mi&&ion.

)ondon and *am2urg. 3ost o' the )ondon scenes :ere 'i&med in residentia& streets+ ,ar5s and ,rivate houses in *ouns&o:D other &ocations inc&ude ,u2&ic areas such as Piccadi&&y %ircus+ Soho+ *eathro: and %arna2y Street.



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

Screen Agency 1nvolvement

The )ondon "i&m %ommission :or5ed :ith the ,roducers to source &ocations and 'aci&itate 'i&ming+ and the ,roduction com,any used the screen agencyAs o''ices to organise the ,roduction.

Film Tourism 1nitiatives

!ovie !ap
A 3ovie 3a, o' 4est )ondon has 2een ,u2&ished+ :hich inc&udes $ sites in *ouns&o:+ inc&uding .unners2ury Par5+ :here %end 2t li'e %ec'ham :as 'i&med. The "i&m )ondon :e2site ,rovides a &in5 to do:n&oad this 3ovie 3a,+ the 3a, is a&so avai&a2&e in hard co,y 'orm 'rom tourist o''ices and &i2raries across the region.

Promotion (y individual locations

*ouns&o: Tourist In'ormation %entre does not mention the 'i&m on its :e2site.

Press coverage
As the setting and &ocation o' the 'i&m are the same+ revie:s o' the 'i&m invaria2&y mention *ouns&o:. The 'i&m has a&so 2een &in5ed to *ouns&o: in severa& artic&es+ such as one in Time =ut in 2##- in :hich the author o' the nove& ondonstani+ :hich :as a&so set there+ ta&5s a2out :or5 ins,ired 2y the area.

Tourism 1mpact on #ocations

Hounslow*ouns&o: Tourist In'ormation %entre re,orts no enIuiries s,eci'ica&&y re&ating to %end 2t i'e %ec'ham+ as yet.

"ider/Reaching 1mpact
Raising awareness o) Asian culture in #ondon
The 'i&m ,romoted a :ider a:areness o' Asian creative cu&ture in )ondon. In 2##$+ *ouns&o: &aunched a 'estiva& o' 'i&ms ins,ired 2y Asia+ and one o' the stars o' %end 2t i'e %ec'ham+ Ameet %hana+ 'ronted a ,romotiona& video to accom,any a re,ort 2y the 3ayor o' )ondon; FP&ay It !ight B Asian %reative Industries in )ondonA.

1ncreased interest in womenFs )oot(all

The 'i&m a&so ,rom,ted a surge o' interest in :omen1s 'oot2a&& inc&uding+ in India+ the 'ounding o' the 'irst gir&s1 'oot2a&& &eague.

Raised UK pro)ile in China

According to o''icia& 6K re,resentatives in /ei?ing+ %end 2t i'e %ec'ham has signi'icant&y raised the 6KAs ,ro'i&e in %hina+ the 'astest gro:ing tourist mar5et in the :or&d. %hinese ,eo,&e had an image o' the 6K+ &arge&y derived 'rom c&assic 'i&ms and 2oo5s such as Sher&oc5 *o&mes and @ic5ens+ as a traditiona& and reserved country+ and so :ere sur,rised and de&ighted 2y the de,iction o' mu&ti(cu&tura& harmony in the 'i&m. 8&s2erg>SPI 47

How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

There is no evidence either :ay attesting to :hether or not there :as a direct tourism e''ect 'rom %end 2t i'e %ec'ham. This is ,art&y 2ecause o' its ,u2&ic &ocationsD a&so+ as @ennis "irminger+ the "i&m 8''icer 3anager 'or the *ouns&o: %ommunity Initiative Partnershi, ,oints out+ the &ocations used :ere 2enign and domestic+ rather than ins,irationa&+ and ,erha,s di''icu&t to identi'y. *o:ever+ there is anecdota& evidence that the 'i&m has enhanced the 6KAs image in the "ar East+ ,articu&ar&y in %hina+ aiding the governmentAs e''orts to re(2rand the 6K in the Asian mar5et. As a 2##$ re,ort 2y the 6K "i&m %ounci& notes+ 'i&ms such as these may 2e im,ortant in he&,ing to re,&ace outdated notions o' /ritishness :ith more modern ones+ that in turn :i&& he&, 6K ex,orters 'ace u, to ne: cha&&enges and ex,and ne: mar5ets. This ne: ,erce,tion o' the 6K as a modern+ exciting country+ com2ined :ith %hinaAs granting o' A,,roved @estination Status to the 6K in 2##$+ cou&d rea, tourism 2ene'its. In A,ri& 2##-+ an agreement :as made 2et:een the 3ayor o' )ondon and the 3ayor o' /ei?ing to ,romote their cities together. There is ho,e that the annua& visits o' %hinese to the 6K shou&d gro: 'rom the 0-+### recorded in 2##4 to more than 2##+### in 2#1#. The study raises the &arger ,oint o' targeting 'i&ms at ,articu&ar mar5ets+ using 5no:&edge o' their image o' the 6K or o' changes in their o:n societies. An exam,&e is %ridget 4ones+ :hose ,o,u&arity in Ea,an has 2een ,art&y ascri2ed to the 'act that many :omen in the traditiona&&y marriage(2ased society are no: deciding not to marry+ and so cou&d re&ate to the 'ee&ings o' the 'i&mAs heroine. In a ne:s,a,er essay on the su2?ect in Eune 1000+ the critic /ryan A,,&eyard :rote+ FPic5 the right ,henomenon to o2serve and you can instant&y g&o2a&ise your insight.A

9raveheart C*;;5D
3e& .i2sonAs e,ic ta&e o' ho: 4i&&iam 4a&&ace united 1 th century Scots in revo&t against Eng&ish ru&e :as a huge internationa& hit+ rea,ing Q11# mi&&ion :or&d:ide 'rom a 2udget o' Q20 mi&&ion+ and :inning $ 8scars+ inc&uding /est Picture and /est @irector. The 'i&m revived .i2sonAs career+ mar5ing him as a ma?or *o&&y:ood ,&ayer; a ,osition cemented 2y the success o' his su2seIuent 'i&m+ The Passion o. the ,hrist+ :hich &ed "or2es 3agaLine to name him the 4or&dAs 3ost Po:er'u& %e&e2rity in 2##4. %raveheart is a&so credited 'or a:a5ening an interest in Scottish identity that+ some c&aim+ ,&ayed a ,art in the esta2&ishment o' the Scottish Par&iament in 1008.

Scot&and and Ire&and+ ,ur,orting to 2e Scot&and. )ocations in Scot&and inc&uded "ort 4i&&iam+ .&encoe and .&en 7evis. They :ere not+ on the :ho&e+ historica&&y accurate; 'or instance+ the 'amous /att&e o' Stir&ing /ridge :as 'i&med in Ire&and and .&en 7evis+ :here many scenes :ere 'i&med+ is not connected to 4a&&ace+ :ho o,erated main&y out o' Se&5ir5 and the &o:&ands. A,,roximate&y t:o thirds o' the 'i&ming too5 ,&ace in Scot&and. 8&s2erg>SPI 48

How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

Screen Agency 1nvolvement

The 'i&m :as made 2e'ore the esta2&ishment o' Scottish Screen. *o:ever Scottish Screen )ocations+ 'ounded in 1080+ did assist :ith the ,roduction. Scottish Screen )ocations :as su2sumed into Scottish Screen :hen the screen agency :as esta2&ished.

Film Tourism 1nitiatives

Stirling Premiere
The 'i&mAs Euro,ean ,remiere :as he&d in Stir&ing+ thus ,u2&icising the area.

Press coverage
The :or&d:ide interest in %raveheart+ as :e&& as t:o other 2ig(2udget 'i&ms shot in Scot&and around the same time+ 0o! 0o" and och )ess+ a''orded Scot&and virtua&&y 'ree advertising. A study in 100- sho:ed around 21$ ,ress artic&es and $ 2roadcasts 'rom ?ourna&ists+ many o' them 'oreign+ had generated the eIuiva&ent o' Q11.4$ mi&&ion advertising ex,enditure. In the ,eriod A,ri& to Eune 100-+ 'or instance+ an estimated Q7.14 mi&&ion :as generated in the 6S a&one.

Stirling mar3eting campaign

In 1007+ the Stir&ing Initiative &aunched a Q$##+### strategic mar5eting cam,aign ca,ita&ising on the %raveheart ,henomenon. The area :as uno''icia&&y named F%raveheart %ountryA+ and the cam,aign inc&uded cinema advertising+ ,ress advertising and an insert in every video o' %raveheart so&d+ o''ering ,urchasers a chance to :in a F%raveheart 2rea5A in Stir&ing. A ne: statue o' 4a&&ace :as erected+ inscri2ed :ith the name F%raveheartA+ and the museum o,ened a themed exhi2ition.

9isitScot&and mentions the 'i&m severa& times on their :e2site+ in connection :ith .&en 7evis+ Stir&ing and the Angus .&ens+ as :e&& as 'eaturing a F*eroes and 9i&&ainsA itinerary+ high&ighting &ocations connected :ith 4a&&ace and 0o! 0o".

Film location resources

The %raveheart &ocations are 'eatured on as :e&& as tourist in'ormation sites such as'ormation( and accommodation sites such as :::.uniIue( and in severa& 2oo5s such as the Scottish 3ovie Poc5et /oo5.

Promotion (y individual locations

The 7ationa& Trust o' Scot&and does not mention the 'i&m on their o''icia& .&encoe in'ormation :e2site+ a&though a &in5ed site+ g&encoe(scot& does. The car ,ar5 at the 'oot o' .&en 7evis has 2een re(named %raveheart in honour o' the 'i&m.

,ther initiatives
A'ter ten years+ the %raveheart 2rand is sti&& going strong+ and many inde,endent tour o,erators inc&ude F/raveheart %ountryA in their itineraries. 8ther initiatives inc&ude+ 'or exam,&e+ the %inema and



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

Te&evision /enevo&ent "undAs F%raveheart %ha&&engeA 2##-; three days o' activities centred around )och )omond.

Tourism 1mpact on #ocations

7lencoe and 7len ?evis
/y a&& accounts+ visitor num2ers at .&encoe and .&en 7evis increased as a resu&t o' %raveheart+ a&though exact 'igures have not 2een 'orthcoming. Anecdota& evidence inc&udes a Iuote 'rom .&encoe %ommunity 8''icer Iain /ro:n+ :ho says+ F4e didnAt rea&ise ?ust ho: much good %raveheart :ou&d do in attracting visitors to the areaA+ and the 'act that a ne: visitor centre :as o,ened at .&encoe in 2##2 to accommodate the gro:ing num2er o' visitors to the area. 7o:+ managers at 2oth the .&en 7evis and .&encoe visitor centres say that they sti&& get a 'e: enIuiries a2out %raveheart+ 2ut that the ma?ority o' visitors are no: as5ing a2out Harr" Potter.

"ider Reaching 1mpact

sta(lishment o) Scottish Screen
"o&&o:ing the huge success o' the F5i&tA 'i&ms+ the government set u, Scottish Screen+ a sing&e+ centra&&y 'unded 2ody to ,romote and im,rove Scot&andAs 'i&m industry. The *igh&ands and Is&ands "i&m %ommission :as a&so esta2&ished as an indirect conseIuence o' the tourism e''ect o' the 'i&ms.

1ncreased visitors to Scotland

9isitor num2ers in Scot&and rose 2y more than 4P in 100$+ com,ared to the average 6K increase o' 2P. The 'i&mAs success in the 6S &ed to a mar5ed increase in American visitors to Scot&and. A survey in 100- sho:ed that 'i&ms had 2een a 'actor 'or 1 in $ American visitors coming to Scot&and+ and that com2ined tourist income 'rom 0o! 0o" and %raveheart amounted to Q1$ mi&&ion.

Stirling tourism (oom

An increased interest in 4a&&ace resu&ted in Stir&ing en?oying a tourist 2oom B in 100-+ 1$P more visitors headed 'or centra& Scot&and than in the ,revious year. *ote&s in F%raveheart %ountryA B Stir&ing+ "a&5ir5 and %&ac5mannanshire B recorded more 2oo5ings. 9isitor centres hand&ed 0-1+218 enIuiries com,ared to 8 4+418 the year 2e'ore. The 1007 initiative generated around Q mi&&ion 'or the region. According to 9isit Scot&and+ 8#P o' tourists going to the 4a&&ace 3onument in Stir&ing in 100- said that their visit :as ,rom,ted 2y %raveheart. "o&&o:ing the re&ease o' the 'i&m+ visitors to the monument increased 'rom 4#+### to over 2##+###. In 100 + ta5ings at 4a&&ace 3onument :ere Q4#+###D in 2###+ they reached Q1 mi&&ion. A&though visitor 'igures have remained su2stantia&&y higher than 2e'ore the 'i&m :as re&eased+ they have 2een 'a&&ing in recent years; 'rom 1-#+### in 2##2+ seven years a'ter the 'i&m :as re&eased+ to 12 +784 in 2## and 11$+ 22 in 2##4+ 9isitor num2ers at near2y /rannoc52urn 2att&eground rose 'rom -#+### to 8$+### 'o&&o:ing the 'i&m.

There is no dou2t that %raveheart &ed a huge tourism surge in Scot&and+ 2oth in regard to s,eci'ic &ocations and genera& interest in the country. The 'i&m :as so&e&y res,onsi2&e 'or introducing 4i&&iam 8&s2erg>SPI $#

How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

4a&&ace to many ,eo,&e+ and created a ne: hoo5 to interest visitors in Scot&and. In 'act+ the F%raveheart ,henomenonA is the case most o'ten re'erred to :hen the issue o' 'i&m induced tourism is discussed. @avid 7o2&e+ the chie' executive o' the *igh&ands o' Scot&and Tourist /oard said having the *igh&ands ,ortrayed on 'i&m 2rought ,eo,&e to the area+ adding+ Fthere is a de'inite &in5 2et:een 'i&ms and visitors. Survey evidence c&ear&y sho:s it is one o' the most e''ective mar5eting too&s :e have.A 8ne issue ,ertinent to this study is the F,ersistenceA 'actor o' 'i&m tourism. In terms o' genera& interest in Scot&and+ it is hard to te&& to :hat extent the F/raveheart e''ectA has :orn o''+ 2ecause o' other determining 'actors. In 1008 and 1000+ 'or instance+ Scot&and had a decrease in visitors+ 2ut 'actors such as 2ad :eather+ high ,etro& ,rices and a strong ,ound+ :hich discouraged overseas visitors 'rom trave&&ing to Scot&and and ,ersuaded many in the 6K to go a2road+ :i&& have contri2uted to this. It is c&ear+ ho:ever+ that :ith regards to the &ocations used in the 'i&m+ the F/raveheart e''ectA has dec&ined. Evidence o' this is o''ered 2y com,arison o' t:o *igh&and 9isitor Surveys+ one conducted in 1007 and the other in 2##2C + :hich inc&ude research into the motivations o' visitors to )ocha2er+ the region containing the t:o main Scottish &ocations o' the 'i&m+ .&encoe and .&en 7evis. In the 1007 re,ort+ 1$P o' overseas visitors+ P o' Eng&ish visitors and 1P o' Scottish visitors said that %raveheart andCor 0o! 0o" had in'&uenced their decision to visit the region. In the 2##2C re,ort+ on&y 2P o' visitors cited %raveheart as an in'&uence on their visit. This is su,,orted 2y Eoanne %onne&& 'rom the 6niversity o' Stir&ing+ :ho conducted a study on the e''ect o' the 'i&m. She states; FThere :ere 'our or 'ive good years a'ter %raveheart+ 2ut visitor num2ers have dec&ined since. This sort o' mar5eting can have a re&ative&y short &i'es,an and countries have to 5ee, ma5ing ne: 'i&ms to sustain interest.A There is+ though+ evidence that the F/raveheart e''ectA has ,ersisted in terms o' increased a:areness o' 4i&&iam 4a&&ace as a historica& 'igure. 9isitor num2ers to Stir&ing have remained higher than 2e'ore the 'i&m :as re&eased+ a&though they have not maintained the increase incited 2y the 'i&m. %raveheart sho:ed those invo&ved in tourism that it :as essentia& to 2ui&d on the high ,ro'i&e the 'i&m had given Scot&and and to demonstrate a F'i&m('riend&yA commitment to 'urther ,roductions. 3e& .i2sonAs decision to shoot %raveheartAs 2att&e scenes in Ire&and :as a :a5e(u, ca&&+ &eading to the esta2&ishment o' Scottish Screen. In 100-+ %e&ia Stevenson+ director o' Scottish Screen )ocations+ said Fone o' the reasons that 3e& .i2son too5 %raveheart to Ire&and :as 2ecause o' a com,&ete 'ai&ure at a certain &eve& o' 2odies that run our historica& areas. Kou canAt 5ee, a 'i&m cre: hanging a2out :aiting to have ,ermission to use a ,articu&ar g&enWIn a 'unny sort o' :ay+ the 'act that :e did &ose the 2att&e scenes :as not such a disaster. It :o5e everyone u,. To 2e 'i&m('riend&y+ you have rea&&y got to get your act together.A 7o:+ *istoric Scot&and+ ,art o' the Scottish Executive+ is committed to encouraging 'i&m ,roduction and ,rominent&y advertising &ocations on their :e2site. They receive around ##(4## reIuests to 'i&m on their ,ro,erties a year. Preservation o' historic sites remains+ ho:ever+ their ,riority+ and reIuests are ?udged on their ,otentia& im,act on the &ocation. "i&ming :hich :i&& dra: attention to &itt&e(visited sites is encouragedD and 'or 2ig ,roductions+ the organisation :i&& very occasiona&&y c&ose a ,ro,erty to ,aying visitors+ 2ut are re&uctant to do so. A ,ro2&em :ith ,o,u&ar ,ro,erties such as Stir&ing %ast&e is that cor,orate events are o'ten 2oo5ed a year in advance+ and many 'i&ms have short &ead(in times that can ma5e 'i&ming im,ossi2&e.



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

A&so re&evant to this case study is the 'act that the F %raveheart e''ectA :as concentrated on historica& sites &in5ed :ith the rea& 4i&&iam 4a&&ace+ rather than the &ocations in :hich the 'i&m :as shot; Stir&ing rea,ed the most 2ene'its 'rom the 'i&m+ rather than .&encoe and .&en 7evis. In this case+ the historica& su2?ect o' the 'i&m a,,ea&ed to vie:erAs imaginations over a direct res,onse to the &ocations on screen.

9ride and Pre6udice C%&&4D

A /o&&y:ood u,date o' Eane AustenAs c&assic nove&+ directed 2y .urinder %hadha and starring Aish:arya !ai+ the most 'amous actress in India 2ut then re&ative&y un5no:n in the 4est+ %ride and Prejudice :as re&eased on 8th 8cto2er 2##4 in India and the 6K+ and 11 "e2 2##$ in 6S. "rom a 2udget o' around S7 mi&&ion+ it grossed an estimated S12 mi&&ion :or&d:ide. 8n ,a,er+ %ride and Prejudice :as destined to 2e a FnicheA 'i&m in the 4est+ &ac5ing the ingredients o' ,o,u&ar cinema B its star :as not :e&& 5no:nD there is no sex and it is a musica&+ the &east commercia& 'i&m genre. Against the odds+ ho:ever+ the 'i&m reached num2er one in the 6K 2ox o''ice. This success :as &arge&y due to a ,romotiona& cam,aign in :hich the distri2utor :idened the a,,ea& o' the 'i&m+ re,ositioning it as a /ridget Eones(sty&e romantic comedy aimed at young :omen+ and 2y raising the ,ro'i&e o' its star+ !ai. This success'u& ,romotiona& cam,aign :on a ,riLe 'rom 3edia 4ee5 magaLine in 2##$.

India+ %a&i'ornia and )ondon. )ocations in )ondon :ere main&y ,u2&ic s,aces inc&uding the )ondon Eye+ the 7ationa& "i&m Theatre and Somerset *ouse+ :hich ,&ayed the ,art o' a )A mansion+ as :e&& as Sto5e Par5 %&u2 in /uc5inghamshire.

Screen Agency 1nvolvement

"i&m )ondon o''ered the ,roduction advice and su,,ort+ and suggested and he&,ed 'aci&itate the use o' &ocations.

Film Tourism 1nitiatives

Promotion (y individual locations
Sto5e Par5 %&u2 mentions the 'i&m under its F*istory and 3oviesA section.

Press coverage
!evie:s o' the 'i&m invaria2&y mention its setting in )ondon.

,ther in)ormation
The 4i5i,edia entry on the )ondon Eye mentions the 'act %ride and Prejudice :as 'i&med there.



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

Tourism 1mpact on #ocations

#ondon ye
Eoe& /yron+ s,o5esman 'or the )ondon Eye+ says that they have no direct research on tourism induced 2y %ride and Prejudice+ 2ut says FthereAs no dou2t that 'i&ms do he&, in ,romoting the )ondon Eye and )ondon in genera&.A

Sto3e Par3 Clu(

Eu&ia /uxton+ a re,resentative 'rom the c&u2+ says visitor num2ers ins,ired 2y %ride and Prejudice :as not monitored+ 2ut adds that other ,roductions 'i&med at the c&u2 have generated interest+ :ith ,romotions such as the %ridget 4ones Pac5age and the a"er ,a'e Pac5age.

Somerset House
7o 'igures avai&a2&e. Somerset *ouse has conducted surveys into the motivations o' visitors+ 2ut they do not as5 a2out the im,act o' 'i&ms.

"ider Reaching 1mpact

!adame Tussauds
The ,romotiona& cam,aign 'or %ride and Prejudice 'ocused on its star+ Aish:arya !ai+ in a 2id to raise her ,ro'i&e in the 4est. The 'i&m com,any ,ersuaded 3adame Tussauds to ma5e a :ax:or5 o' the actress+ on&y the second /o&&y:ood star to 2e so honoured. This :as unvei&ed to coincide :ith the ,remiere o' the 'i&m+ and :as accom,anied 2y an interactive exhi2ition a2out %ride and Prejudice. 6n'ortunate&y+ 3adame Tussauds says it is not their ,o&icy to revea& admissions 'igures.

The &ac5 o' data on visitor num2ers ma5es it im,ossi2&e to Iuanti'y the direct e''ect o' %ride and Prejudice on tourism. 3ost o' its &ocations are :e&&(esta2&ished )ondon tourist sites and the &ocation most easi&y identi'ied+ the )ondon Eye+ is the most ,o,u&ar ,aid attraction in the 6K. *o:ever+ considering the ,roven tourist a,,ea& o' /o&&y:ood &ocations <see Ka!hi Kushi Ka!hie /ham case study=+ and the attractive image o' )ondon ,resented in the 'i&m+ it is not un&i5e&y that some vie:ers :ere attracted to the city as a resu&t. There a,,ears to 2e a ga, in the mar5et 'or tours o' /o&&y:ood &ocations in )ondon+ considering the ,o,u&arity o' the ca,ita& as a &ocation; in 2##$+ $ /o&&y:ood ,roductions :ere 'i&med in the 2orough o' 4estminster a&one. The study a&so raises a ,oint a2out 'i&ming at 'amous tourist attractions that do not need added ,u2&icity and so can a''ord to 2e discriminating. Eoe& /yron+ head o' mar5eting at the )ondon Eye+ says that he receives around 1$ 'i&ming reIuests a :ee5+ most o' :hich are re?ected 'or not meeting the attractionAs reIuirements. G8ur high ,ro'i&e means that :e are 'ortunate enough to receive a &ot o' ex,osure+ so :e are very se&ective a2out :hich ,ro?ects :e :or5 on.H The )ondon Eye on&y acce,ts 'i&ming reIuests that ,ositive&y ,ortray the attraction+ )ondon and )ondon tourism+ or ,romotes architecture+ design and engineering. They do not a&&o: 'i&ming o' an overt&y ,o&itica&+ controversia&+ denigratory or adu&t nature.


How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

Closer C%&&4D
4ith its su,erstar cast <Eu&ia !o2erts+ Eude )a:+ 7ata&ie Portman and %&ive 8:en=+ veteran director <3i5e 7icho&s= and a:ard(:inning :riter <Patric5 3ar2er=+ there :ere high ho,es 'or this )ondon( 2ased study o' contem,orary re&ationshi,s. The 'i&m+ ho:ever+ :as res,ect'u&&y+ rather than ecstatica&&y+ received at the 2ox o''ice. "rom a 2udget o' around S27 mi&&ion+ it too5 around S 4 mi&&ion in the 6S and Q8 mi&&ion in the 6K.

)ondon. 3any &ocations :ere o,en ,u2&ic s,aces+ such as the South /an5 and various streets. S,eci'ic &ocations inc&ude the 7ationa& Portrait .a&&ery+ 4hite&eyAs Sho,,ing %entre+ the )ondon AIuarium+ the exterior o' the sho, E3 3i&&er and Sons )td and+ most nota2&y+ PostmanAs Par5 in the %ity+ &itt&e 5no:n 2e'ore the 'i&m.

Screen Agency 1nvolvement

"i&m )ondon he&,ed source and 'aci&itate the use o' &ocations+ o''ered the use o' a &iaison service+ and secured re&ated ,ress 'eatures.

Film Tourism 1nitiatives

!ovie !ap
"i&m )ondon and 9isit )ondon ,roduced a movie ma, o' the 'i&m to coincide :ith the o,ening+ avai&a2&e 'or do:n&oad on their :e2sites.

"al3ing tours
9arious )ondon :a&5ing tour o,erators o''er visitors the chance to :a&5 through some o' the &ocations+ such as :::.secret&ondon:a& and :::.?ohns:a&

Press coverage
The 'i&m attracted signi'icant media coverage. As its setting and &ocation :ere the same+ and integra& to the story+ )ondon :as mentioned in a&& revie:s+ and the ,loser 3ovie 3a, a&so generated coverage. As 'or s,eci'ic &ocations+ PostmanAs Par5+ as the most FundiscoveredA &ocation in the 'i&m+ :as a&so high&ighted in severa& artic&es in connection :ith the 'i&m+ such as in Time =ut in 8cto2er 2##$.

Tourism 1mpact on #ocations

78TE; /ecause o' the ,u2&ic nature o' most o' the &ocations in the 'i&m+ demand 'or the 3ovie 3a, is the ,rimary indicator o' ,loserAs tourism a,,ea&. The ma, :as the most ,o,u&ar 3ovie 3a, do:n&oad on "i&m )ondonAs :e2site in 2##$ and+ since its &aunch in Eanuary 2##$+ the ma, has 2een do:n&oaded+ or attem,ted to 2e do:n&oaded+ 2 +1 0 times as o' 22C#$C#-.



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

4ith its most visi2&e &ocations 2eing ,u2&ic areas in )ondon+ ,loser re,resents the ty,e o' 'i&m :hose tourism e''ect is the most di''icu&t to Iuanti'y. It is c&ear+ ho:ever+ that there is interest in the &ocations o' the 'i&m+ 2oth 'rom the num2er o' do:n&oads o' the ,loser 3ovie 3a, and 'rom comments on 'an sites 'or the 'i&m+ such as F@oes the ,ar5 that they visit in the 'i&m rea&&y exist B i' so+ does anyone 5no: the name o' itJA It is 'air to assume that the 'i&m raised a:areness o' &ocations in )ondon ,revious&y un5no:n to most visitors+ name&y PostmanAs Par5 in the %ity. Anecdota& evidence 'rom t:o )ondon :a&5ing tour guides+ @iane /urstein and Eohn !eL5o+ :hose 'i&m &ocation :a&5s inc&ude the &ocation+ suggests that very 'e: o' the ,eo,&e B 2oth 'rom the 6K and overseas B :ho :ent on their :a&5s had heard o' the ,ar5 2e'ore the 'i&m :as re&eased. As :e&& as encouraging ,eo,&e to venture o'' the :e&&(2eaten tourism trai&s in )ondon+ 2eing made a:are o' FsecretA corners o' the city such as the ,ar5 is &i5e&y to enhance visitorsA tri,s to )ondon+ and &ead to :ord(o'(mouth recommendation.

A Coc3 and 9ull Story C%&&5D

A ,ost(modern rom, 'o&&o:ing a 'i&m cre: trying to shoot an ada,tation o' )aurence SterneAs Fun'i&ma2&eA nove&+ The i.e and =(inions o. Tristram &hand"+ A ,oc' and %ull &tor" :as directed 2y 3ichae& 4inter2ottom and starred a &arge cast inc&uding Steve %oogan+ !o2 /rydon and .i&&ian Anderson. "rom a 2udget o' a,,rox Q mi&&ion+ it made Q7##+### in the 6K on &imited re&ease and S1. mi&&ion in the 6S+ :here it :as re(tit&ed Tristram &hand"3 A ,oc' and %ull &tor". The @9@+ to 2e re&eased in Eu&y 2##-+ inc&udes a 'eature on the &ocations.

*istoric houses in the East 3id&ands and the East o' Eng&and; main&y "e&2rigg *a&& in 7or'o&5. A&so+ *eydon *a&&+ .unthor,e *a&&+ /&ic5&ing *a&&+ @eene Par5 in 7ortham,tonshire+ )am,ort *a&& and Ouen2y *a&& in )eicestershire. Shandy *a&& in 7orth Kor5shire :as used.

Screen Agency 1nvolvement

/oth E3 3edia and Screen East 2ecame invo&ved at the ,re(,roduction stage. East 3id&ands &ocations used are registered in the E3 3edia &ocation &i2rary. Screen East direct&y sourced "e&2rigg *a&&D *eydon *a&& and /&ic5ing *a&& are a&so registered on their data2ase. E3 3edia co('inanced the 'i&m to the sum o' Q2$#+###. Screen East :as una2&e to o''er incentives 'or the ,roduction to 2e 2ased in the region 2ut :as a2&e to co(s,onsor a screening at "e&2rigg *a&& <see 2e&o:=.



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

Film Tourism 1nitiatives

Tourist (ody promotion
As ,art o' a ,ress ,romotion ,rior to the 'i&mAs re&ease+ Ex,&ore 7ortham,tonshire high&ighted the &ocations used in the region.

#ocal premiere
The 'i&mAs Euro,ean ,remiere :as he&d at %ox:o&d To:n *a&&+ near to Shandy *a&&+ in su,,ort o' the )aurence Sterne Trust.

Press coverage
)oca& ne:s,a,ers such as the 7ortham,ton Evening Te&egra,h ran stories a2out the 'i&mAs &ocations+ and severa& nationa& ne:s,a,ers have given in'ormation on the &ocations used in res,onse to readersA enIuiries. The 'i&mAs &ocations are a&so mentioned on the //% 7or'o&5 :e2site.

Promotion (y individual locations

"e&2rigg *a&& has a sma&& dis,&ay o' ,hotogra,hs o' the 'i&ming+ and mentions it on guided tours. The estate a&so hosted an o,en air screening o' the 'i&m in Eu&y 2##-+ as ,art o' the %am2ridge "i&m "estiva&+ co(s,onsored 2y Screen East.

Tourism 1mpact on #ocations

Fel(rigg Hall
!ay Sandham+ the ,ro,erty manager+ re,orts Fno signi'icant increaseA in visitors as a resu&t o' the 'i&m B num2ers at the house actua&&y 'e&& s&ight&y in 2##4C$ to -4+#- com,ared :ith -$+7 1 in 2## C4. *e ho,es that their screening o' the 'i&m <see a2ove= might increase a:areness o' the house as a &ocation.

7unthorpe Hall
7ot o,en to day visitors+ venue 'or hire on&y. 7o added interest as a resu&t o' the 'i&m.

9lic3ling Hall
7o added interest. 9isitor num2ers 'e&& 'rom 08+7- in 2## C4 to 0$+7$1 in 2##4C$.

#amport Hall
They have not noticed any increase in visitors+ nor ta5en any enIuiries a2out the 'i&m.

>eene Par3
7o noticea2&e increase in visitors.

Shandy Hall
Patric5 4i&dgust 'rom Shandy *a&& re,orts that since o,ening in 3ay+ the house has received severa& visitors :ho :ere on&y made a:are o' its existence 2y the 'i&m.



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

"ider Reaching 1mpact

#ocal spend
According to the 7ortham,ton Evening Te&egra,h+ the 'i&m 2rought around Q82#+### into the countyAs economy.

A ,oc' and %ull &tor" does not a,,ear to have had a nota2&e im,act on visitor num2ers at its &ocations+ des,ite sho:casing many 'ine historic houses. 8ne reason 'or this B cited 2y a num2er o' the &ocations in Iuestion B is that a &arge num2er o' houses :ere used in the 'i&ming+ and vie:ers :ou&d not 5no: :hich scene :as shot :here. !ay Sandham o' "e&2rigg *a&& ,oints out that :hen characters in the 'i&m move 'rom one room to another+ they o'ten move 'rom one &ocation to another <a techniIue that+ Patric5 4i&dgust o' Shandy *a&& ,oints out+ is a,,ro,riate to the 2oo5As notorious&y non(&inear narrative=. The 'i&m a&so had a &imited re&ease+ so its audience :as not su2stantia&. It is ,ossi2&e that the @9@ re&ease+ :hich :i&& contain additiona& materia& on &ocations+ may increase visitors. There is a&so the ,ossi2i&ity that+ considering its o''(centre tone and art(house sensi2i&ity+ A ,oc' and %ull &tor" may acIuire Fcu&tA status; a 'actor that+ as other studies have suggested+ o'ten ,roduces a s&o:(2urning tourism e''ect. The on&y &ocation that has so 'ar 'e&t a noticea2&e e''ect 'rom the 'i&m+ a&2eit a sma&& one+ is Shandy *a&&+ :here )aurence Sterne &ived and :rote. Pro,erty manager Patric5 4i&dgust is a&so ho,e'u& o' the im,act o' the @9@+ :hich+ un&i5e the 'i&m+ :i&& direct&y re'erence Shandy *a&&+ and onto the cover o' :hich he is ho,ing to get the &ocationAs :e2site address ,rinted. The on(going tourism e''ect at Shandy *a&& :ou&d 2e an interesting case study to trac5+ as the &ocation :as &arge&y un5no:n 2e'ore the 'i&m+ attracting on&y around 2+$## visitors a year. Shandy *a&& a&so raises the ,oint o' ho: 'ar it is ,ossi2&e 'or a &ocation to 2e se&ective in its tourism a,,ea&. 4i&dgust states his aim as getting Tristram &hand" and )aurence Sterne recognised 2y a &arger audience+ 2ut not turning Shandy *a&& and its vi&&age+ %ox:o&d+ into a mass(tourism destination; G2ecause that can :rec5 the vi&&age ( &i5e :e sa: :ith .oath&and+ :here Heart!eat :as 'i&med+ :hich 2ecame c&ogged u, :ith coaches.H To this end+ he has deve&o,ed a study centre and :ritersA residency at the house+ rather than ?ust a museum+ and does not intend to ,rovide 'ami&y('riend&y 'aci&ities such as s:ings in the garden.

The >a $inci Code C%&&8D

8ne o' the most antici,ated B and hy,ed B 'i&ms o' recent years+ the ada,tation o' @an /ro:nAs mu&ti( mi&&ion se&&ing nove& ,remiered at %annes on 17th 3ay 2##-+ and :as re&eased in 1##+### screens :or&d:ide over the 'o&&o:ing three days. Starring Tom *an5s B recent&y named as *o&&y:oodAs most 2an5a2&e star B and Audrey Tatou+ and directed 2y !on *o:ard+ its 2udget :as an estimated S12$ mi&&ion. @es,ite &u5e:arm revie:s+ it 2ro5e the :or&d record 'or 2ox o''ice sa&es in its o,ening :ee5end+ grossing Q82.2 mi&&ion 'rom 82 countries.



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

The 2iggest(se&&ing nove& ever+ :ith over $# mi&&ion co,ies so&d+ @an /ro:nAs controversia& 2&end o' murder+ the 3ona )isa and the *o&y .rai& is a&so one o' the most commercia&ised 2oo5s o' a&& time+ having a&ready s,a:ned a huge industry o' s,in(o'' tit&es+ T9 ,rogrammes and tours o' the 2oo5As &ocations. 7o:+ the 'i&m has s,urred an un,recedented cam,aign o' 'i&m tourism in Euro,e+ ta5ing Fset(?ettingA to a ne: &eve&.

Paris+ 3a&ta and the 6K. The main 6K &ocations are in Scot&and+ )ondon and the East 3id&ands+ inc&uding Tem,&e %hurch in )ondon+ )inco&n %athedra&+ /e&voir %ast&e in )eicestershire+ /urgh&ey *ouse in Stam'ord+ !oss&yn %ha,e& in 3id&othian and 4inchester %athedra&. The &ocations used are genera&&y those sites mentioned in the 2oo5+ a&though 4estminster A22ey re'used 'i&ming ,ermission on Gtheo&ogica& groundsH. )inco&n %athedra& :as used instead.

Screen Agency 1nitiatives

"i&m )ondon+ Scottish Screen+ E3(3edia and Screen East a&& o''ered the 'i&mma5ers a 'ree &ocation service. 8ther assistance inc&uded he&, :ith sourcing a ,roduction 2ase+ extras casting and 2ro5ering re&ationshi,s :ith &oca& authorities.

Film Tourism 1nitiatives

,))icial Paris/#ondon tourism campaign
9isit/ritain+ the "rench tourism agency+ 3aison de &a "rance+ 7ovote& and Eurostar united as o''icia& ,artners o' Sony Pictures and em2ar5ed u,on an internationa& cam,aign to 2oost tourism to )ondon+ Paris and Edin2urgh on the 2ac5 o' the 'i&m. Encouraging tourists to ta5e their o:n *a +inci ,ode Trai& and 'o&&o: in the 'ootste,s o' the stars+ mar5eting and ,romotion inc&uded T9+ on&ine and Eurostar in(termina& advertising. A :e2site+ :as &aunched.

EGoin The HuestF urostar campaign

EurostarAs most &avish mar5eting cam,aign ever+ FEoin The OuestA inc&udes a c&ue(2rea5ing com,etition. "ive 'ina&ists trave&&ed to )ondon in Eune 2##- 'or a semi('ina&+ and the grand ,riLe inc&uded 'ree Eurostar trave& 'or &i'e+ ho&idays at the !itL in Paris and %&aridges in )ondon+ and S2$8+### in ,riLe money. 3ore than ha&' a mi&&ion ,eo,&e visited the ,romotiona& :e2site. In 3ay 2##-+ a train :as ,ainted :ith a ,icture o' the 3ona )isa and o''icia&&y renamed F The *a +inci ,ode:; it too5 the stars o' the 'i&m 'rom )ondon to the ,remiere in %annes. Eurostar came u, :ith the idea 'or the cam,aign a'ter :itnessing the tourism e''ect o' the 2oo5. In 2##4+ says mar5eting manager .reg 7ugent+ the com,any started noticing a gro:ing num2er o' their customers ma5ing *a +inci ,ode ,i&grimages 2et:een )ondon and Paris. The nove& :as a&so the most common item &e't on the train; sta'' recovered more than 1+### co,iesU.

ESee3 the TruthF $isit9ritain trail

9isit/ritain ,romoted the 'i&mAs 5ey &ocations in the 6K as ,art o' a *a +inci ,ode Trai& ca&&ed FSee5 The TruthA+ ,romoted in more than 4# countries. The ma, sho:s the 'i&mAs 5ey 6K &ocations. !egiona& 8&s2erg>SPI $8

How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

tourist 2odies B 9isit )ondon+ 9isitScot&and+ 9isit South East Eng&and B ,rominent&y 'eatured the cam,aign+ :hi&st 9isit )inco&nshire &aunched a s,ecia&ised :e2site+ :::.davincicode& 'inanced 2y East 3id&ands Tourism.

Accommodation tie/ins
7ovote&+ o''icia& ,artners :ith Sony Pictures+ o''ered a *a +inci Pac5age in )ondon+ inc&uding :a&5ing tours. In other &ocations+ hote&s :ere o''icia&&y ,romoted :ith the 'i&m; at )inco&n %athedra&+ visitors cou&d stay at the 4hite *art *ote&+ :here the cast stayed during 'i&mingD in Scot&and+ %ring&etie *ouse :as o''ering a t:o night *a +inci 2rea5 inc&uding entry to !oss&yn %ha,e&.

$isitScotland initiatives
To ensure that the 2ene'its 'rom the *a +inci ,ode :ere shared around Scot&and+ 9isitScot&and inc&uded the *a +inci ,ode in three ne: itineraries that 'ormed ,art o' its Euro,ean Touring %am,aign 'or 2##-. The cam,aign &aunched in S,ring 2##- in 5ey Euro,ean mar5ets. The itineraries encourage visitors to visit a variety o' Scottish &ocations on simi&ar themes. A&& tours 'eature the !oss&yn %ha,e&. The three tours are; Scot&and in "i&m and T9+ &iterature and 3ystery and )egends. 9isitScot&and have a&so ?oined :ith Scottish Screen to 'und a ha&' hour 'i&m on the !oss&yn %ha,e&+ &i'ting the &id on the myths 2ehind the 2ui&ding+ screened at Tartan 4ee5 in 7e: Kor5 in 2##-. Scottish Screen a&so had a ma?or ,resence at %annes 2##-.

"al3ing tours
Severa& )ondon com,anies+ such as 8rigina& )ondon 4a&5s+ have started their o:n *a +inci ,ode tours.

1ndependent tours
3any inde,endent tour o,erators o''er ,ac5ages &in5ed :ith the 'i&m 2et:een )ondon and Paris. 6K( 2ased com,anies inc&ude /ritish Tours )td and )eisure @irectionD there are many internationa& com,anies such as .&o2us+ a %o&orado(2ased tour grou,+ :hich o''ers F/rea5ing the %odeA+ a 0(day ,ac5age to Paris+ )ondon and Edin2urgh+ and a 1$ day FThe Secrets o' @a 9inciA tri, that adds !ome+ 3i&an and .eneva to the tri,.

Press coverage
There have 2een a su2stantia& num2er o' artic&es re&ating to the 'i&m and its ,otentia& tourism im,act+ and a&so on the a&ready signi'icant tourism im,act o' the 2oo5. 3any ?ourna&ists have done the *a +inci ,ode trai& and :ritten a2out it in the internationa& ,ress. )ocations have 2een :ide&y advertised. In A,ri& a&one+ 12# ?ourna&ists did the *a +inci Trai&+ and there :ere eight T9 cre:s.

7uide (oo3s
In 2##-+ severa& guides to the *a +inci ,ode :ere ,u2&ished+ inc&uding "odorAs .uide to the *a +inci ,ode and the !ough .uide *a +inci ,ode. /oth detai& &ocations and suggest itineraries.

Promotion (y individual locations

)inco&n %athedra& discreet&y mentions the *a +inci ,ode on its :e2site. The cathedra& ,ut on an exhi2ition a2out the ma5ing o' the 'i&m+ and arranged tours and ta&5s.



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

4estminster A22ey re'used ,ermission 'or the 'i&m(ma5ers to 'i&m+ 2ecause it :as Fina,,ro,riateA+ 2ut due to an in'&ux o' tourists has ,roduced a 2oo5&et se,arating the 'act 'rom the 'iction o' the 2oo5. /urgh&ey *ouse has set u, FThe /urgh&ey %odeA tour+ and 'eatures the 'i&m ,rominent&y on its :e2site. At Tem,&e %hurch+ )ondon+ the church master+ !everend !o2in .ri''ith(Eones :as giving :ee5&y ta&5s on the *a +inci ,ode and has :ritten a 2oo5+ ?The *a +inci ,ode and The Secrets o' the Tem,&eA+ :hich is advertised on the churchAs :e2site. The church o,ened seven days a :ee5+ rather than six+ to accommodate the tourists. 4inchester %athedra& has an exhi2ition+ F*o&y 3ystery /eyond the *a +inci ,ode:.

Promotion (y French locations

The !itL+ :here !o2ert )angdon stays in the 2oo5 and 'i&m+ organised a F!itL and *a +inci: s,ecia& 2rea5+ and o''ered guests a F*a +inci ,ode coc5tai&A in the 2ar. Air "rance had a 4 night F3ysteries o' *a +inci: ,ac5age.

Tourism 1mpact on #ocations

78TE; It is hard to di''erentiate 2et:een the a&ready esta2&ished and su2stantia& &iterary tourism ins,ired 2y the 2oo5 and the su2seIuent direct im,act o' the 'i&m on tourism. 7everthe&ess+ the 'igures c&ear&y ,oint to:ards the signi'icance o' the e''ect :hich the various 'i&m(ins,ired initiatives contri2uted to:ards.

Rosslyn Chapel
9isitor num2ers at the %ha,e& have dou2&ed every year since the *a +inci ,ode :as ,u2&ished; 'rom 8+### in 2## + to -8+### in 2##4+ to 12#+### in 2##$. In 3ay+ *a&i'ax Trave& Insurance ,redicted that 7##+### ne: visitors :i&& '&oc5 to !oss&yn %ha,e& 'o&&o:ing the re&ease o' the 'i&m.

#incoln Cathedral
In 2##4+ the cathedra& attracted 10$+### visitors. @uring August 2##$+ :hen the *a +inci ,ode :as 2eing 'i&med+ num2ers rose 2y 2et:een 1$+###(2#+###. Since the 2eginning o' A,ri& 2##-+ num2ers are u, +### B a 2-P increase on the usua& month&y admissions. A s,o5esman said he 2e&ieved the Fsu2stantia&A increase :as due to interest in the 'i&m.

9urghley House
Eo Pavey at /urgh&ey *ouse says that visitor 'igures :ere u, around 2#P in 2##- on 2##$As 'igure o' around 44+###+ 2ut that it is di''icu&t to 5no: exact&y :hy; it cou&d 2e eIua&&y due to the houseAs &in5 :ith Pride and Prejudice.

Temple Church
Exact num2ers are unavai&a2&e+ 2ut visitors in S,ring 2##- have increased 'ive('o&d on S,ring 2##2. The !everend !o2in .ri''ith(Eones says the &ocation 'ees ,aid 2y the 'i&m com,any has ena2&ed the church to stay o,en 7 days a :ee5 to :e&come tourists.

French locations
In 2##-+ in Paris+ 2#+### more ,eo,&e visited St. Su&,ice %hurch+ mentioned in the 2oo5+ than the year 2e'ore. The )ouvre recorded a record num2er o' visitors in 2##$+ 7. mi&&ion. This :as u, near&y 2#P



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

'rom 2##4. 8''icia&s said that the *a +inci ,ode :as ,art&y res,onsi2&e 'or the increase in visitors+ and said they ex,ected the 'i&m to ins,ire an even greater num2er o' visitors.

"ider Reaching 1mpact

,ther lin3ed locations
The 9isit/ritain *a +inci ,ode ma, inc&udes &ocations that are not direct&y connected to the 'i&m or 2oo5 2ut have &in5s :ith the themes o' the story+ in an e''ort to s,read out the tourism e''ects o' the 'i&m. These inc&ude the Is&e o' Iona+ .&aston2ury Tor+ @oune %ast&e in Scot&and+ the 7ationa& .a&&ery and Shug2orough *a&& in Sta''ordshire.

The cam,aign 'or The *a +inci ,ode is the most extensive and coordinated 'i&m tourism initiative so 'ar deve&o,ed in the 6K. It is 'air to assume that+ given the remar5a2&e im,act on visitor num2ers at the &ocations mentioned in the 2oo5+ and the huge amount o' ,u2&icity generated 2y the 'i&m+ the cam,aign :i&& have a su2stantia& e''ect on the 'i&mAs &ocations. *o:ever+ the true success o' the various initiatives remains to 2e Iuanti'ied.

>adFs Army C*;8: / *;''D

The //% comedy series a2out the misadventures o' the 442 *ome .uard+ set in the 'ictiona& south coast seaside to:n o' 4a&mington(on(Sea+ ran 'rom 10-8(1077. The success o' *ad:s Arm" B at its ,ea5+ it attracted around 11 mi&&ion vie:ers B &ed to s,in(o''s inc&uding a 1071 'i&m+ a stage sho: and e,isodes remade 'or radio. @9@+ video and overseas sa&es to countries such as /e&gium+ TanLania+ Sri )an5a+ Israe&+ Saudi Ara2ia and .ermany have earned //% 4or&d:ide an estimated Q2# mi&&ion. The series is no: regarded as ,art o' the Fgo&den ageA o' /ritish sitcoms+ and :on 'ourth ,&ace in a 2##4 //% ,o&& o' the 6KAs /est Sitcom. An e,isode is a&so 5e,t on stand2y at the //% 'or use as an emergency 2ac5(u, i' a technica& ,ro2&em ,revents norma& ,rogrammes 2eing sho:n.

3ain&y Thet'ord+ 7or'o&5.

Screen Agency 1nvolvement

"i&med 2e'ore the esta2&ishment o' Screen East. 7o incentives :ere o''ered to the screen agencyAs 5no:&edge.



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

Film Tourism 1nitiatives

#ights, Camera, ActionI Factsheet
The series is inc&uded in the East o' Eng&and Tourist /oardAs ights# ,amera# Action@ "actsheet.

,ther tourism in)ormation

:::.visitnor'o& has in'ormation on the series+ as does :::.ex,&orethet'

>adFs Army Trail

In 2## + the Thet'ord Tourism and *eritage Partnershi, :as &aunched+ a&ong :ith a ne: Tourist In'ormation %entre+ and in 2##4+ in con?unction :ith the *ad:s Arm" A,,reciation Society+ they created the *ad:s Arm" Trai& high&ighting &ocations used in and around the to:n. The &ea'&et had an initia& 2#+### ,rint run+ 'o&&o:ed 2y a $#+### co,y re,rint. The trai& :as deve&o,ed into coach and :a&5ing tours+ using &oca& ,eo,&e as guides.

An exhi2ition o' ,hotogra,hs and ,ro,s+ FThe *ad:s Arm" Ex,erienceA+ :as esta2&ished at the /ressingham Steam 3useum near @iss+ 7or'o&5+ in 2###. In 2##$+ the EET/ ,roduced a short 'i&m a2out the series and its im,act on the &oca& community+ *ad:s Arm" 9 7Atra Time+ :as 'unded 2y the *ome "ront !eca&& )ottery "und and deve&o,ed :ith he&, 'rom the *ad:s Arm" A,,reciation Society. It :as sho:n+ a&ongside an exhi2ition+ at the .ui&dha&& in Thet'ord+ 2e'ore touring.

?or)ol3 Travel and Trade !anual

In 2##-+ *ad:s Arm" &ed 7or'o&5 TourismAs cam,aign to attract the grou, trave& mar5et. Thet'ord( 2ased extras :ho had a,,eared in the series he&,ed &aunch the 7or'o&5 Trave& Trade 3anua&+ :hich inc&uded the *ad:s Arm" Ex,erience in its suggested day out ,ac5ages.

>adFs Army events

According to the *ad:s Arm" A,,reciation Society+ a ,arade organised 2y them in 2### attracted more ,eo,&e to Thet'ord than a visit 2y the Prince o' 4a&es. In 2##-+ a ce&e2ration o' the sho: :as he&d at the *ad:s Arm" 3useum.

Press coverage
There have 2een a num2er o' artic&es in the regiona& and nationa& ,ress a2out *ad:s Arm":s &in5s to Thet'ord.



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

Tourism 1mpact on #ocations

7eneral e))ect on Thet)ord
There has 2een a noted increase in visitors to Thet'ord as a resu&t o' the *ad:s Arm" Ex,erience tours+ :hich 2egan in 3ay 2##4. In 2##4+ 242 :ent on the toursD in 2##$ there :ere 47- and+ so 'ar in 2##-+ there have 2een 18-. 21 'urther tours had 2een con'irmed at the time o' :riting+ 17 'or coach com,anies and 4 'or the genera& ,u2&ic. It :as estimated 2y Thet'ord Tourism that 7## ,eo,&e :ent on the tours in 2##-.

9ell Hotel, Thet)ord

The /e&& *ote& :as used 2y the cast and cre: :hi&st 'i&ming *ad:s Arm"+ and has a sma&& exhi2ition o' ,hotogra,hs. It is no: a sto,(o'' ,oint 'or coach ,arties on *ad:s Arm" tours+ serving morning tea and &unch. Tours come on average t:ice a month over a six(month year&y ,eriod+ :ith 2#($$ visitors each time. 4hen as5ed :hether the hote& has 2ene'ited 'rom the series+ a s,o5es:oman re&ied+ F*eavens a2ove+ yesUA

*ad:s Arm" has increased tourism to Thet'ord+ and s,urred the creation o' the to:nAs Tourist In'ormation %entre and a num2er o' counci&(2ac5ed tourism initiatives in connection :ith the series . This ,roven interest# # years a'ter the series sto,,ed 2eing made+ i&&ustrates the &ongevity o' much( &oved+ cu&t series such as this. *ad:s Arm" tourism initiatives have+ ho:ever+ 2een a re&ative&y recent deve&o,ment+ and it :as the *ad:s Arm" A,,reciation Society+ rather than &oca& tourist authorities+ :ho 'irst sought to identi'y the &ocations used in the to:n. <Tony Pritchard+ 'rom the @AAS+ too5 over - years to research the &ocations+ ,rinting images 'rom the videos and sho:ing them to &oca& ,eo,&e in the ho,e that they :ou&d recognise the ,&aces sho:n=. It is 'air to assume that had these initiatives 2een ,ut in ,&ace sooner+ Thet'ord :ou&d have 2ene'ited 'rom many added years o' *ad:s Arm" tourism.

>oc !artin C%&&4 / PresentD

A ,o,u&ar IT9 series 'o&&o:ing the tria&s and tri2u&ations o' a )ondon doctor :ho re&ocates to the sma&& %ornish vi&&age at :hich he ho&idayed as a chi&d+ *oc $artin stars 3artin %&unes+ a househo&d name since his ro&e in $en %ehaving %adl". The t:o series earned around 0 mi&&ion vie:ers and :on /est %omedy @rama series at the /ritish %omedy A:ards in 2##4. There :as a %hristmas s,ecia& in 2##-+ and a third series is ,ro,osed 'or 2##7. The series has 2een so&d to 1$# countries. *oc $artin is a s,in(o'' o' the 2### 'i&m &aving /race+ :hich 'eatured /renda /&ethyn as a midd&e(aged mari?uana gro:er in a sma&& %ornish vi&&age+ and :as a&so 'i&med in Port Isaac. F@oc 3artinA+ a&so ,&ayed 2y 3artin %&unes in the 'i&m+ :as the doctor :ho 2e'riended her.


How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

Port Isaac+ %orn:a&&. The vi&&age is one o' the most remote in the 6K+ ten mi&es a:ay 'rom the nearest to:n.

Screen Agency 1nvolvement

South 4est Screen did not o''er the ,roduction incentives to 2e 2ased in the area. They 2ecame invo&ved a'ter the ,roduction o' the 'irst series :hen there :ere ,ro2&ems in Port Isaac associated :ith the 'i&ming+ smoothing the :ay 'or a second series 2y :or5ing :ith the &oca& community to deve&o, a %ode o' Practice. They a&so :or5ed :ith the &oca& authority+ 7orth %orn:a&& @istrict %ounci&+ to ,rovide 'i&m('riend&y training 'or o''icers invo&ved in 'i&ming decisions and 2ro5ering re&ationshi,s 2et:een the ,roduction and their %hie' Executive.

Film Tourism 1nitiatives

Tourist (oard promotions
9isit %orn:a&& mentions that Port Isaac has 2een used 'or 'i&ming+ 2ut does not name *oc $artin. 8ther tourism resources+ such as :::.south:estcoast, :::.thisisnorthcorn:a&&.com and :::.corn:a&&(on& ma5e re'erence to the series.

Promotion (y 1T$
The IT9 :e2site has severa& ,ages devoted to the series+ inc&uding detai&ed in'ormation on &ocations used in Port Isaac+ and ran a com,etition to :in a 2rea5 at the S&i,:ay *ote& in the vi&&age. In 2##$+ IT9 4estcountry made a series ca&&ed Holl"wood West that 'eatured 2ehind(the(scenes &oo5s at severa& ,roductions made in the region+ inc&uding *oc $artin.

Promotion (y individual locations

The S&i,:ay *ote& in Port Isaac advertises itse&' as Fas seen on IT9As *oc $artin:.

Press coverage
The Western $orning )ews high&ighted the 'i&ming o' the series+ and severa& intervie:s :ith its star+ 3artin %&unes+ mentioned Port Isaac.

,ther e0posure
The 4i5i,edia entry on Port Isaac re'erences *oc $artin.

Tourism 1mpact on #ocations

7eneral impact on Port 1saac
A s,o5esman 'rom the 4ade2ridge TI% says that a&though they have no 'igures+ visitor num2ers and enIuiries have de'inite&y increased as a resu&t o' the series. Eon %&eave+ the su2(master o' the vi&&age ,ost(o''ice+ 2ac5s this u,. GThere has 2een a huge in'&ux o' day(tri,,ers. This &ast 2an5 ho&iday :ee5end the high street :as &i5e a rug2y scrum. IAve never seen it so 2usy.H *e adds that+ as the ,ost o''ice is one o' the 'e: 2usinesses o,en during the :inter months+ he is :e&& ,&aced to gauge visitor 8&s2erg>SPI -4

How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

&eve&s o''(season a&& year+ and Gnot a day goes 2y :ithout a tourist coming 2y+ :hich never ha,,ened 2e'ore *oc $artin.H

Slipway Hotel, Port 1saac

8:ner 3ar5 "or2es re,orts that the second series+ in ,articu&ar+ has had a Gvery ,ositiveH im,act on 2oo5ings. *e estimates that $(1#P o' 2usiness is as a resu&t o' *oc $artin+ and the ma?ority o' those customers havenAt 2een to Port Isaac 2e'ore.

Anecdota& evidence suggests that *oc $artin has su2stantia&&y increased visitor num2ers to Port Isaac. According to t:o vi&&age Fe&dersA B Eon %&eave+ :ho runs the ,ost o''ice+ and @avid Phe&,s+ the chairman o' the Port Isaac Parish %ounci& B this ,o,u&arity has 2een huge&y 2ene'icia& to the community+ :ith 2ene'its 'ar out:eighing any negative im,act. 3a&co&m /e&& o' South 4est Tourism suggests that the series may 2e 2oth a tourism FdriverA B in that it attracts ne: visitors to the area B and an FenhancerA B in that the 5no:&edge o' the 'ame o' the &ocation may enhance the visit o' someone :ho :ou&d 2e coming to the area any:ay. *e says+ though+ that it most &i5e&y had the greatest im,act on visitors :ho have 2een to %orn:a&& 2e'ore+ 2ut :ho may have 2een thin5ing a2out going some:here e&se 'or their next ho&iday unti& they :ere reminded o' the 2eauty o' the area on screen. *e ex,&ains that a&though 87P o' visitors to %orn:a&& say theyAre going to come 2ac5+ on&y one third actua&&y do B the other t:o thirds+ :hen it comes do:n to actua&&y 2oo5ing their next ho&iday+ decide they shou&d try some:here ne:. *oc $artin is crucia& 'or reminding those t:o thirds that %orn:a&& is :orth coming 2ac5 to. Some interesting ,oints have come out o' the study+ :ith regards to the ,ractica&ities and im,act o' 'i&ming in tiny communities such as Port Isaac that are heavi&y re&iant on tourism+ inde,endent o' any such e''ect the ,roduction itse&' might induce. Port Isaac has hosted 'i&m shoots 2e'ore B Poldar'# Am" Foster and &aving /race :ere a&& shot there B and so+ says Eon %&eave+ the vi&&age :ent into *oc $artin G:ith our eyes o,en.H There :ere+ ho:ever+ a 'e: com,&aints 'rom vi&&agers during the 'irst series that South 4est Screen he&,ed to smooth over+ such as the ,roduction 2&oc5ing o'' access to 2usinesses and 'i&ming carrying over into schoo& ho&idays. This &atter ,oint is+ says %&eave+ the most im,ortant; GthereAs on&y a cou,&e o' months a year :hen :e can ho,e to ma5e good money.H The vi&&age entered into an Fun:rittenA contract :ith the ,roduction com,any+ /u''a&o+ that 'i&ming :ou&d on&y ta5e ,&ace at o''(,ea5 times+ and that 2usinesses that :ere 2&oc5ed o'' :ou&d 2e com,ensated. *e adds that the attitude o' some ,roduction com,anies is to 'ie&d com,&aints 2y saying Fthin5 ho: 2usy youA&& 2e :hen this 'i&m comes outAD 2ut that 5ee,ing non('i&m tourists ha,,y during 'i&ming :as very im,ortant+ too; G:e canAt ?eo,ardise that.H The 4ade2ridge TI% raised another ,oint; that :or&d:ide ex,osure o' a tiny vi&&age has &ed some visitors to thin5 Port Isaac is much 2igger than it rea&&y is. There is re&ative&y &itt&e accommodation in the vi&&age+ and many ,eo,&e canAt 'u&'i& their desire to stay at the &ocation o' *oc $artin 2ecause o' the &ac5 o' rooms. A 'ina& issue arising during this study is the change in a ,&aceAs identity :hen it 2ecomes associated :ith a ,articu&ar ,roduction. A&though genera&&y ,&eased a2out the e''ects o' *oc $artin on Port Isaac+ %&eave says that he sometimes 'ee&s uncom'orta2&e that the vi&&age+ :ith a&& its rich history and 8&s2erg>SPI -$

How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

character+ has 2een reduced to F*oc $artinAs ,&aceA. *e adds that he heard that someone :ho had ,ut their home u, 'or sa&e :as advertising it as 2eing in FPort 4ennA B the name o' *oc $artinAs 'ictiona& home B rather than Port Isaac; something+ he says+ that he 'inds Ghuge&y shame'u&.H

astenders C*;:5 / PresentD

"o&&o:ing the dai&y &ives o' a c&ose(5nit community in the 'ictiona& East )ondon 2orough o' 4a&'ord <the name is a merging o' 4a&thamsto: and Strat'ord=+ 7ast7nders has 2een 2roadcast in a ,rimetime //% s&ot since 108$. 7o: airing 'our times a :ee5+ the soa, has &ong vied :ith ,oronation &treet as the 6KAs most ,o,u&ar soa,. !atings have varied over the decades; an e,isode 2roadcast on %hristmas @ay 108- earned #.1$ mi&&ion vie:ers in the 6K+ the highest rated e,isode o' a soa, in /ritish T9 history+ :hi&e in 2##4+ an e,isode attracted on&y -.2 mi&&ion. Its many a:ards inc&ude+ in 2##-+ a /A"TA 'or /est %ontinuing @rama+ and 7 /ritish Soa, A:ards+ inc&uding /est /ritish Soa,. The sho: is a&so aired in many Eng&ish(s,ea5ing countries across the :or&d+ inc&uding 7e: Mea&and and %anada. In the 6S+ it :as 2roadcast on //% America unti& 2## + and is no: avai&a2&e on ,ay(,er( vie:. FA&2ert SIuareA+ around :hich the action o' EastEnders revo&ves+ :as 2ased on "assett SIuare in *ac5ney+ E8.

A&though the ,rogramme is occasiona&&y 'i&med on &ocation B 'unera& scenes+ 'or instance+ are 'i&med at 7orth 4at'ord %emetery B the series is main&y 'i&med at //% E&stree %entre+ /oreham:ood+ *ert'ordshire+ on the 2iggest ,ermanent set in Euro,e.

Screen Agency 1nvolvement

Screen East ,rovides the ,roduction team at //% E&stree :ith a 'ree su,,ort and advice service. It adds that &ocation managers :or5ing 'or the //% can on&y :or5 on tem,orary contracts so the &ocation manager 'or the sho: regu&ar&y changes+ and Screen East can constant&y assist :ith &ocation suggestions and su,,ort. In addition+ "i&m )ondon has assisted 7astenders :ith &ocations advice and su,,ort.

Film Tourism 1nitiatives

78TE; //% E&stree is c&osed to the genera& ,u2&ic+ and so visits to the set are not ,romoted.

Tourist (ody promotions

7ast7nders is inc&uded in the ights# ,amera# Action@ In'ormation sheet avai&a2&e 'or 'ree do:n&oad on the 9isit East o' Eng&and :e2site. The &ocation o' the set is a&so mentioned 2y En?oy Eng&and <a&though they donAt say it isnAt accessi2&e to the ,u2&icU=.



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

1ndependent )ansites
There are many :e2sites dedicated to the soa,+ 2oth in the 6K and a2road. "ans in )os Ange&es+ 'or instance+ have set u, :::.eastenders( :hich has in'ormation on &ocations.

EAlternativeF tourism guide

A 2##$ 2oo5 ca&&ed %olloc's to Alton Towers 9 Uncommonl" %ritish *a"s =ut inc&udes in'ormation on Fnon( eventsA+ such as an uno''icia& 7ast7nders tour+ :hich invo&ves ,ee5ing through the 'ence o' //% E&stree.

Press Coverage
There have 2een count&ess artic&es :ritten a2out 7ast7nders# inc&uding severa& a2out "assett SIuare <see 2e&o:=.

Tourism 1mpact on #ocations

99C lstree Centre
The studios are c&osed to the ,u2&ic+ due to security and 'i&ming demands; ho:ever+ the //% does organise occasiona& com,etitions to :in a visit to the set. The executive ,roducer o' the series+ Kate *ar:ood+ re,orts+ GThere are &oads o' reIuests 'or a tri, around the &ot :hich are main&y denied.H She adds+ G4e don1t do much &ocation 'i&ming and I havenAt heard o' a rush to visit any o' the <norma&&y= near2y &ocations :eAve shot in+ a&though the cro:ds turn out 2ig time on the day.A

?orth "at)ord Cemetery

%emetery 3anager Eoy .rant says there is a F&itt&e 2it o' interestA 'rom mem2ers o' the ,u2&ic+ 2ut GI :ou&dnAt say itAs a tourism thing.H She adds that she sometimes ,oints out the 'ictiona& graves o' 7ast7nders characters Angie and @en+ i' she considers it a,,ro,riate+ and that occasiona&&y a 2ereaved ,erson :i&& reIuest that their re&atives are 2uried near to them.

"ider Reaching 1mpact

The ?real: Al!ert &Buare "assett SIuare in *ac5ney+ East )ondon+ is ac5no:&edged as the ins,iration 'or 7ast7ndersA A&2ert SIuare+ and is mentioned in connection :ith the series in severa& artic&es and on :e2sites. *ac5ney /orough %ounci& have a&so used 7ast7nders actors to 'ront initiatives+ such as :hen+ in 1008+ Eune /ro:n &aunched a cam,aign to im,rove services 'or o&der ,eo,&e. The sIuare a&so :on a ,reservation order in 1008.

E?egative perceptionsF o) the ast nd

A re,ort 2y 9isit East )ondon in 2##$ to accom,any a ,ro,osed re(2randing o' the East End as FEastsideA said that some ,otentia& visitors to the East End had negative ,erce,tions o' the area 2ecause o' ho: it is ,ortrayed in the series. It stated+ Fa ,o&& in the Trave& Trade .aLette ,ointed out &in5s ,eo,&e ma5e 2et:een the 'iction that is 7ast7nders and the rea&ity o' destination East )ondon.A



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

7ast7nders is an interesting case study. 8n one hand+ anecdota& evidence suggests an interest 'rom its &egions o' 'ans in visiting the &ocations used in the series+ name&y+ the //% studios at E&streeD yet there is a&so the suggestion that its :ider tourism e''ect may 2e a negative one. "irst&y+ the ,ositive tourism ,otentia& o' the series. 4ith its huge 'an2ase+ 2oth nationa&&y and internationa&&y+ it is 'air to assume that i' //% E&stree :ere ever to start 7ast7nders studio tours 'or the ,u2&ic+ these :ou&d 2e at &east as ,o,u&ar as the ,oronation &treet tours run 2y .ranada Studios in 3anchester. The .ranada tours ran 'rom 1088(1000 and :ere a huge success+ attracting 78#+### visitors in 1004 and 2ecoming one o' the to, ten visitor attractions in the 6K. The tours :ere sto,,ed :hen the 'i&ming schedu&e increased as the soa, 2egan to air 'our e,isodes a :ee5+ as 7ast7nders no: does too. As 'or the negative image o' )ondon ,ortrayed 2y the soa,+ :e have yet to see the resu&ts o' 9isit East )ondonAs attem,ts to distance itse&' 'rom the FgrimA :or&d ,ortrayed in 7ast7nders and a,,ea& to American visitors through its use o' the 7e: Kor5(ins,ired moni5er+ FEastsideA. *o:ever+ a &oo5 at :e2 ,ostings 'rom American 'ans o' 7ast7nders sho:s that not a&& 6S vie:ers see the seriesA gritty ta5e on &i'e as o''(,utting. 8ne cou,&e+ :ho :ere invited 2y //% %hoice to visit the set at E&stree+ :rite that they &ove the series ,recise&y 2ecause o' its rea&ism; GItAs di''erent to the ritLy+ ,hony atmos,here o' its 6S counter,arts.H

Four "eddings and a Funeral C*;;4D

3ade 'or a modest S- mi&&ion+ Four Weddings and a Funeral :ent on to ta5e around S2-# mi&&ion :or&d:ide and 2ecame+ 'or a :hi&e+ the highest grossing /ritish 'i&m o' a&& time. It a&so made a star out o' the then(un5no:n *ugh .rant+ mar5ed 4or5ing Tit&e "i&ms and :riter !ichard %urtis as ma?or *o&&y:ood ,&ayers+ and 2ecame synonymous :ith the much(mooted FrenaissanceA o' the /ritish 'i&m industry in the mid 100#s. Its cosy humour+ romanticised ,ortraya& o' midd&e(c&ass Eng&ish cu&ture and casting o' a 'amous American star B in this case+ Andie 3c@o:e&& B amidst a host o' /ritish actors 2ecame a 'ormu&a re,eated to even greater success :ith )otting Hill and the %ridget 4ones 'i&ms. A&though considered a Iuintessentia&&y /ritish 'i&m+ Four Weddings and a Funeral :as made :ith an eye 'irm&y to:ards the 6S mar5et+ even do:n to its theme; the 'riction 2et:een Eng&ish and American cu&ture+ ending :ith the trans'ormation o' the di''ident *ugh .rant character 2y a con'ident American :oman. The 'i&m :as actua&&y re&eased 'irst in the 6S+ t:o months 2e'ore the 6K+ and mar5eted as a Fsmash hit comedy 'rom AmericaA.

)ondon+ the South East and East o' Eng&and. )ondon &ocations inc&ude ,u2&ic s,aces such as the South /an5 and S&oane SIuare+ and s,eci'ic s,ots such as St. /artho&eme:As %hurch in Smith'ie&d+ the !oya& 7ava& %o&&ege %ha,e&+ St %&ements+ 4est Thurroc5 and 22 *igh2ury Terrace. 8utside )ondon+ &ocations inc&ude the %ro:n *ote& in Amersham+ St. 3ichae&As+ /etch:orth+ !others'ie&d Par5+ East Tisted+ A&2ury Par5+ .ui&d'ord+ .o&dingtons+ Sarratt+ *ert'ordshire.



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

Film Tourism 1nitiatives

9TA !ovie !ap
Some o' the 'i&mAs &ocations :ere inc&uded in the 1000 /TA 3ovie 3a,.

ast #ondon !ovie Trail

The 8&d !oya& 7ava& %o&&ege %ha,e& is inc&uded in an East )ondon 'i&m trai& ,romoted 2y 9isit/ritain.

,ld Royal ?aval College !ovie Trail

The .reen:ich "oundation has ,roduced a 3ovie Trai& o' &ocations :ithin the 8&d !oya& 7ava& %o&&ege that have 2een used in screen ,roductions+ inc&uding Four Weddings.

Regional tourist (oard promotions

The 4ycom2e @istrict %ounci& :e2site mentions the 'i&m :as ,art&y shot in the area+ as does Thurroc5.

#ondon wal3s
)ondon &ocations such as St /artho&eme:As %hurch are inc&uded in severa& :a&5ing tours o' 'i&m &ocations.

Press coverage
The 'i&m received a &ot o' ,ress coverage+ some o' :hich mentioned the &ocations+ in ,articu&ar the %ro:n *ote& in Amersham.

Promotion (y locations
The %ro:n *ote& at Amersham has a ,&aIue outside the room used 2y *ugh .rant and Andie 3c@o:e&& in the 'i&m. St /artho&eme:As %hurch mentions the 'i&m on its :e2site.

Tourism 1mpact on #ocations

St !ichael, 9letchworth
The !everend Ste,hen /ai&ey re,orts a Fs&ight increaseA in visitors to the church a'ter the 'i&m came out+ 2ut adds this is hard to Iuanti'y since+ as admission is 'ree+ the on&y indicator o' num2ers is the visitorAs 2oo5+ :hich not everyone signs. G4e certain&y did get an increase in ,eo,&e ,honing u, to get married here.H

St Clements, "est Thurroc3

The church+ o:ned 2y Proctor and .am2&e+ is no: redundant+ and there is no :ay o' recording visitor num2ers. *o:ever+ Eonathan %atton 'rom Thurroc5 @istrict %ounci& says that he is sure that the church attracted visitors in the ,ast as a resu&t o' the 'i&m.

,ld Parish Church, Al(ury

A s,o5es:oman re,orts; GAt the time o' 'i&ming a cro:d gathered 2ut a'ter that the church sett&ed 2ac5 into its Iuiet routine o' dai&y o,ening :ithout any noticea2&e increase in num2ers. I do remem2er 8&s2erg>SPI -0

How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

a day :hen t:o teenagers more or &ess ,assed out as they stood on the su,,osed same s,ot as *ugh .rant+ 2ut that :as a2out it.H

7reat St 9arts, Smith)ield

Eohn !eL5o+ a )ondon :a&5ing guide :ho inc&udes the church on his tour o' 'i&m &ocations+ re,orts that his customers &i5e to have their ,hotos ta5en on the 2ench outside.

,ld ?aval College Chapel, 7reenwich

The cha,e& :as c&osed to the ,u2&ic unti& 1008+ 2ut *arvey Edgington+ :ho :or5ed as a "i&m )iaison 8''icer at .reen:ich at the time Four Weddings :as re&eased+ re,orts many enIuiries B inc&uding 'rom America B 'rom ,eo,&e :anting to get married in the cha,e&. 7o: the cha,e& remains c&osed to ,u2&ic :eddings+ 2ut o,en to visitors. Entrance is 'ree+ and so num2ers cannot 2e o2tained+ 2ut %ha,e& 3anager @e2orah !o2son re,orts that a &ot o' ,eo,&e sti&& recognise the &ocation. GIAm sure that the 'i&m has had an im,act on visitor num2ers.H

Crown Hotel, Amersham

The 2edroom in :hich *ugh .rant and Andie 3c@o:e&& consummated their re&ationshi, :as 2oo5ed u, a year in advance 'o&&o:ing the 'i&m. 7o:+ manager @iane .oosen re,orts there is sti&& much interest in the room+ :ith F&oads o' ,eo,&eA ,o,,ing in ?ust to ta5e a &oo5. 3ore genera&&y in Amersham+ ho:ever+ a tourism o''icer 'rom %hi&tern @istrict %ounci& says there have 2een no enIuiries a2out Four Weddings and a Funeral F'or a &ong timeA.

"ider Reaching 1mpact

Altered perceptions o) the UK
Four Weddings and a Funeral is o'ten credited B or 2&amed B 'or changing ,erce,tions o' the 6K+ es,ecia&&y in the 6S.

3any o' the &ocations used in Four Weddings and a Funeral 'e&t a tourism e''ect as a resu&t o' the 'i&m+ most nota2&y the %ro:n *ote& in Amersham. The rea& im,ortance o' the 'i&m in tourism terms+ ho:ever+ may &ie in something more intangi2&e; the image o' Eng&and it ,romoted overseas+ ,articu&ar&y in the 6S. As the Financial Times :rote in 2## + G%urtis&and+ :ith its 2um2&ing 2ut decent cha,s+ ,o&itica&&y correct rom,s and modernised Ang&icanism is as commercia&&y mar5eta2&e as a tourist destination as many a su,,osed Fheritage /ritainA site.H The &unda" Times concurred; GIt introduced a ne: mode& o' Eng&ishness into the g&o2a& entertainment mar5et,&ace.H !ichard %urtisA romanticised ,ortraya& o' the Eng&ish midd&e c&asses has come in 'or heavy criticism 2y some critics B the ?ourna&ist /ryan A,,&eyard descri2es his :or5 as Fa thin ,arody o' &oca& cu&turesA B 2ut+ &ove him or &oathe him+ it is 'air to assume that his 'i&ms+ 2eginning :ith Four Weddings and a Funeral+ have encouraged in2ound tourism to the 6K. The 6S+ :hich :as the 'i&mAs ,rimary target+ is the 6KAs most im,ortant mar5et+ outnum2ering and outs,ending other nationa&ities visiting the 6K. The resu&t o' this re(2randing o' Eng&and is not on&y seen at individua& 'i&m &ocations associated :ith 8&s2erg>SPI 7#

How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

!ichard %urtisA 'i&ms+ 2ut a&so contri2utes heavi&y to the overa&& 6K Fscreen e''ectA 'igures ,resented in this current re,ort+ :hich sho: that a &arge ,ro,ortion o' tourists are in'&uenced in a genera& :ay to visit the 6K 2y the images ,resented in screen ,roducts.

FoyleFs "ar C %&&% / PresentD

IT9As re,&acement 'or 2ns(ector $orse# Fo"le:s War 'o&&o:s the crusades o' enigmatic detective %hristo,her "oy&e+ ,&ayed 2y 3ichae& Kitchen+ on the home 'ront in *astings during 442. 7o: in its 'i'th series+ the drama is huge&y ,o,u&ar+ attracting u, to 0 mi&&ion vie:ers ,er e,isode. 4or&d:ide+ its estimated audience is a&most -# mi&&ion. The most success'u& ne: drama o' 2##2+ Fo"le:s War :on the )e: .rade Audience A:ard at the 2## T9 /A"TAs.

*astings. 8ther &ocations inc&ude Kne2:orth *ouse+ the Im,eria& 4ar 3useum+ The )o:er !ed )ion ,u2 and Standon vi&&age.

Screen Agency 1nvolvement

Screen East :as una2&e to o''er incentives 'or the ,roduction to 2e 2ased in the region. *o:ever+ it did o''er a 'ree &ocation service and he&,ed to source the ,roduction 2ase at /a&&As Par5 in *ert'ordshire. 8ther &ocations 'rom Screen EastAs &ocations &i2rary inc&uded 4ar&ey *os,ita&+ Kne2:orth+ *at'ie&d+ 8&d To:n *eme& and the Im,eria& 4ar 3useum at @ux'ord+ Standon vi&&age+ the )o:er !ed )ion ,u2 and the *orse and .room. In addition+ "i&m )ondon assisted Fo"le:s War :ith &ocations advice and su,,ort.

Film Tourism 1nitiatives

Tourist (oard promotion
The 9isit *astings :e2site ,rominent&y 'eatures the ,roduction on its home ,age+ and o''ers a &ocation ma, as :e&& as intervie:s :ith the :riter+ 'eatures on 44II and a s&ide sho: o' sti&&s. 9isit South East Eng&and a&so mentions the drama in connection :ith *astings.

Tie/in (oo3 @ FoyleFs Hastings

9isit *astings have ,ut together a tie(in 2oo5# Fo"le:s Hastings+ 'or sa&e on their :e2site and at the TI%.

An exhi2ition at *astings 3useum and Art .a&&ery :as o,ened to coincide :ith the transmission o' the 'irst ,rogramme.



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

,ther tourism initiatives

4e2sites inc&uding and'ormation( mention Fo"le:s War in connection :ith *astings. There are ,ages on 'i&ming in 3idhurst+ too.

FoyleFs "ar "e(site

This inde,endent :e2site 'eatures in'ormation on the &ocations+ as :e&& as severa& accounts o' 'ansA ,i&grimages to *astings to :atch the 'i&ming and visit the &ocations.

,ther e0posure
4i5i,edia mentions the drama in its entries on *astings and St.A&2ans.

Tourism 1mpact on #ocations

There has 2een no s,eci'ic research done on the tourism e''ect o' Fo"le:s War+ 2ut Kevin /oorman o' *astings @istrict %ounci& says there has 2een Fsigni'icant interestA in the &ocations o' the drama+ and F&ots o' very ,ositive visitor 'eed2ac5.A *e adds that an initia& 2+### ,rint run o' the counci&( commissioned 2oo5+ Fo"le:s Hastings+ so&d out in - :ee5s in the midd&e o' :inter+ and the to:nAs museum ty,ica&&y se&&s 'ive co,ies a day. *e adds that he 5no:s the :oman :ho &ives at 1 %ro't !oad+ the &ocation o' "oy&eAs house in the drama+ and she re,orts many ,eo,&e coming to &oo5 at the house+ inc&uding visitors 'rom Austra&ia+ 7e: Mea&and and %anada. The drama a&so attracts interest 'rom 7or:ay+ /e&gium and *o&&and+ :here it is very ,o,u&ar.

G7othing :as done on it+H says !ichard %o&e 'rom %hichester @istrict %ounci&. GIt came and :ent.H

#ower Red #ion+ St Al(ans

The o:ner says that FIuite a &ot o' ,eo,&eA as5 a2out the ,u2As use as a &ocation in the drama; GIt is commented a2out on a :ee5&y 2asisH

7ei& .a&&ini+ "i&m )iason 8''icer at East2ourne @istrict %ounci&+ says that a&though none o' their tourism Iuestionnaires as5 :hether s,eci'ic ,roductions have encouraged visitors to come to the to:n+ G4e do get 'eed2ac5 that ,eo,&e come to East2ourne to &oo5 at &ocations.H *e adds that there are ,&ans to deve&o, a 3ovie 3a, o' East2ourne+ ins,ired 2y the success o' those ,roduced 2y "i&m )ondon.

Kne(worth House
Kne2:orth sa: a huge rise in visitor num2ers since Fo"le:s War started to air+ 'rom 10$+42$ in 2## to $4 +822 in 2##4. *o:ever+ this increase is &i5e&y to 2e do:n to the massive ex,osure given to the house 'o&&o:ing the hosting o' three !o22ie 4i&&iams concerts in 2## + and a very ,o,u&ar exhi2ition o'



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

dinosaurs. 8,erations manager 3ia *er2ert re,orts no interest 'rom mem2ers o' the ,u2&ic in Fo"le:s War.

1mperial "ar !useum

3ar5eting 3anager Tracey 4oods says that it is im,ossi2&e to Iuanti'y any im,act on visitor num2ers as a resu&t o' Fo"le:s War+ as research has not 2een done.

Fo"le:s War has had a ,ositive e''ect on tourism to its &ocations+ ,articu&ar&y in *astings+ :hich has made a concerted e''ort to ,romote its connection :ith the drama. *astings @istrict %ounci& has a&so 2een ,ro(active in 'aci&itating the 'i&ming+ 'or instance 2y ,roviding ,ar5ing attendants+ arranging 'or street 'urniture to 2e changed in accordance :ith the needs o' the ,roduction com,any and :or5ing :ith &oca& residentsA associations. A&ong the coast+ another Fo"le:s War &ocation+ East2ourne+ is a&so nota2&y 'i&m('riend&y+ :ith a :e&&( deve&o,ed %ounci& "i&m )iaison 6nit that recent&y distri2uted a "i&m )ocation .uide to over $## 'i&m com,anies and &ocation managers. In "e2ruary 2##-+ it :as announced that 'i&ming in East2ourne had increased 2y 0$P in a year. Kee,ing the &oca& community Fon(sideA is vita& in ,eriod dramas such as Fo"le:s War+ as these ,roductions reIuire residents to agree to the hiding o' modern tra,,ings such as sate&&ite dishes and 2urg&ar a&arms+ the remova& o' cars and the 2&oc5ing o'' o' streets. It is a&so :orth noting that ,eriod 'i&ms and T9 ,rogrammes o'ten attract other simi&ar ,roductions+ 2ecause o' the di''icu&ties in 'inding authentic &oo5ing &ocations in the 6K. $iss $ar(le+ 'or instance+ :as a&so 'i&med in East2ourne+ :hich has architecture 2e'itting stories set in the mid t:entieth century. This study raises the Iuestion to :hat extent a ,o,u&ar ,roduction can enhance the image o' an area. It is :e&& 5no:n that Fo"le:s WarAs ,redecessor+ 2ns(ector $orse+ gave 8x'ord a &ot o' ,ositive ex,osure+ 2ut *astings is some:hat more cha&&enging. 8ne o' the most de,rived to:ns in the Southeast+ it has &ong 2een associated :ith sha22y+ 2ottom(o'(the(rung accommodation+ crime and unem,&oyment. *o:ever+ in recent years+ the to:n has 2een undergoing nota2&e regeneration+ attracting mi&&ions o' ,ounds o' investment and the re,utation as a ,ro,erty Fhots,otA. Kevin /oorman o' *astings @istrict %ounci& says that he doesnAt thin5 that Fo"le:s War has ,&ayed a su2stantia& ,art in this FrenaissanceA B GPeo,&e are not so naXve that they thin5 the to:n is going to 2e &i5e it is on the screenH B 2ut that it has de'inite&y contri2uted to the to:nAs economy. GThere is no dou2t at a&& that the raised ,ro'i&e o' *astings has something to do :ith the ex,osure given to it 2y Fo"le:s War.H As :e&& as high&ighting the ,ro(action o' t:o district counci&s in ,romoting 'i&m(ma5ing and 'i&m tourism+ the study a&so acts as a reminder that+ in other regions+ 'i&m is not seen as a ,riority. In %hichester+ :here 3idhurst :as used as a Fo"le:s War &ocation+ there is very &itt&e 'i&m(re&ated activity+ and no organisation set u, to ,romote it. GItAs not at the to, o' the &ist in this ,art o' the country+H says !ichard %o&e+ *ead o' Tourism and 3ar5eting at %hichester @istrict %ounci&.


How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

"ina&&y+ Tracey 4oods at the Im,eria& 4ar 3useum raised an interesting ,oint a2out the ,art schedu&ing ,&ays in ,rovo5ing screen tourism. It has 2een noted that T9 ,roductions aired on a Sunday night tend to ,romote re&ated tourismD 3s 4oods adds that the ,eriod 2et:een %hristmas and 7e: Kear is a&so+ in her ex,erience+ a F'erti&eA time. An e,isode o' The AntiBues 0oad &how shot at the museum and aired during that time &ed to a huge in'&ux o' visitors+ 2ecause+ she says+ it is a ,eriod :hen ,eo,&e have &eisure time on their hands and are itching to get out and a2out a'ter days s,ent at home over %hristmas.

7os)ord Par3 C%&&*D

A mu&ti(&ayered murder mystery set in a grand country house in the 10 #s+ /os.ord Par' :as directed 2y !o2ert A&tman and starred a &arge cast ranging 'rom veterans such as 3aggie Smith and 3ichae& .am2on to younger actors such as the American !yan Phi&&i,e. 4ith a 2udget o' S1$ mi&&ion+ it too5 around S41 mi&&ion in the 6S and Q12 mi&&ion in the 6K. Eu&ian "e&&o:es+ the :riter+ :on an 8scar 'or /est Screen,&ay+ and the 'i&m :on a /A"TA 'or the 3ost 8utstanding /ritish "i&m o' the Kear.

4rotham Par5+ in *ert'ordshire. Additiona& scenes :ere 'i&med at Syon Par5 in 4est )ondon.

Screen Agency 1nvolvement

Screen East 2ecame invo&ved in ,re(,roduction+ :hen scouts :ere &oo5ing 'or &ocations; 4rotham Par5 has 2een on their &ocation &i2rary since 1000. 7o incentives :ere o''ered 'or the ,roduction to 2e 2ased in the region. In addition+ "i&m )ondon assisted /os.ord Par' :ith &ocations advice and su,,ort.

Film Tourism 1nitiatives

#ights, Camera, ActionI )actsheet
The 'i&m is inc&uded on the East o' Eng&and Tourist AuthorityAs avai&a2&e 'or 'ree do:n&oad on the 9isit East o' Eng&and :e2site. ights# ,amera# Action@ "actsheet+

Press coverage
Severa& ne:s,a,er artic&es have mentioned the &ocations used in the 'i&m.

Promotion (y individual locations

Syon Par5 mentions the 'i&m on its :e2site.



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

Tourism 1mpact on #ocations

"rotham Par3
4rotham Par5 is a ,rivate home and not o,en to the ,u2&ic. *o:ever+ it re,orted an FinundationA o' reIuests in the :a5e o' the 'i&m 'or cor,orate 2oo5ings and :eddings. The o:ner+ !o2ert /yng+ is not &oo5ing to attract casua& visitors to the house; an attem,t 2y Eng&ish *eritage to :iden the ,ro'i&e o' 4rotham Par5 in 2##2+ 2y inc&uding it on a :e2site ca&&ed FImages o' /ritainA+ :as met 2y o,,osition 2y /yng.

Syon House
The 'i&m attracted Ga 'e: extra visitors+ 2ut the e''ect :as margina&+H says a s,o5es:oman. She attri2utes this to the 'act that the 'i&m :as re&eased in "e2ruary+ :hen the house :as c&osed 'or the :inter+ and that 4rotham Par5 attracted more ,ress coverage.

"ider Reaching 1mpact

1ncreased interest in historic houses
It has 2een suggested that the success o' /os.ord Par' contri2uted to a 'resh interest in historic houses+ ,articu&ar&y in the rea&ity o' &i'e F2e&o: stairs.A Po&&o5 *ouse in .&asgo:+ :here guests can dine in 9ictorian 5itchens+ recorded a 2#P rise in visitors 2et:een 2### and 2##2+ and contri2uted this to nosta&gia 'or the :or&d o' servantsA Iuarters 'ue&&ed 2y the 'i&m+ as :e&& as T9 series such as The Ed:ardian %ountry *ouse. In the year 2##2C2## + visitor num2ers at the 0$ most visited 7ationa& Trust ,ro,erties had increased 'or a&& 2ut - o' them+ in some cases dramatica&&y; /ening2rough *a&&+ :hich has a 'u&&y eIui,,ed 9ictorian &aundry+ sa: num2ers increase 'rom 1#+218 to 04+# 2 in a year. Ear& S,encer a&so c&aimed /os.ord Par' :as res,onsi2&e 'or increasing visitor num2ers to his state&y home+ A&thor,. The house recorded $#+### advance tic5et sa&es in 2##2. GA&thor, Par5 hum2&y than5s /os.ord Par' 'or its he&, in achieving this+H he said+ adding+ Gthis &in5 is ,articu&ar&y evident in the :ay in :hich visitors have :anted to 5no: a2out the re&ationshi,s 2et:een the o:ning 'ami&ies and their servants in ,receding generations.H

@es,ite its ,rimary &ocation 2eing c&osed to the ,u2&ic+ there is anecdota& evidence that /os.ord Par' generated interest in historic houses+ &eading to an increase in visitor num2ers. The 6KAs historic houses ,&ay a huge&y im,ortant ro&e in the countryAs tourism industry. The *istoric *ouses Association re,ort that there are 2 ,rivate&y(o:ned historic houses and gardens in the country :hich o,en regu&ar&y to the ,u2&ic+ and $ :hich ,rovide some 'orm o' ,u2&ic accessD the 7ationa& Trusts o' Eng&and N 4a&es and Scot&and o:n a 'urther 270. !esearch 'rom the /ritish Tourist Authority re,orts that historic ,ro,erties 'orm one o' the ,rinci,a& reasons 'or attracting incoming 'oreign tourists to the 6K; 7 P visited historic 2ui&dings :hi&st here. "igures recorded in the Eng&ish *eritage 3onitor+ /TAC9/ 9isitor Attraction !e,orts and the **AAs Annua& 9isitor Survey sho: that in 2## + the ,rivate&y o:ned houses a&one attracted a tota& o' 1#.$ mi&&ion visitors+ and in



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

addition+ at many o' the ma?or ,ro,erties u, to three times this num2er en?oyed anci&&ary and externa& attractions. "urthermore+ a /TA Internationa& Passenger Survey has sho:n that+ o' the tota& visitor s,end+ on&y 4P is retained 2y the attraction itse&'; the remaining 0-P is s,ent on incoming trans,ort+ accommodation+ catering and the ,urchasing o' other goods and services. There'ore+ a su2stantia& e&ement o' the overa&& tourism contri2ution to the economy derives 'rom ,rivate&y o:ned historic houses. The **A estimates this to 2e around Q1.- 2i&&ion ,er annum. It is+ there'ore+ vita& that the nationAs historic houses are maintained+ and 2oth the &ocation 'ees and increase in visitors ,rovided 2y their 2eing used as 'i&m &ocations are a va&ua2&e too&.

Harry Potter C%&&* @ PresentD

E.K !o:&ingAs series o' staggering&y ,o,u&ar 2oo5s a2out a young 2oy :ith magica& ,o:ers have 2een turned into a series o' eIua&&y success'u& 'i&ms. The 'irst+ 2##1As Harr" Potter and the Philoso(her:s &tone+ is the third highest grossing 'i&m o' a&& time+ ta5ing around S07$ mi&&ion at the 2ox o''ice :or&d:ideD the second in the series+ Harr" Potter and the ,ham!er o. &ecrets+ is the 0th highest grossing 'i&m+ and the 'ourth in the series+ Harr" Potter and the /o!let o. Fire+ the 8th. The 'i&mAs 2udgets range 'rom S1## mi&&ion to S1$# mi&&ion.1The star o' the 'i&ms+ @anie& !adc&i''e+ :as an un5no:n 2e'ore 'i&ming+ 2ut :e&&(5no:n co(stars inc&ude !o22ie %o&trane+ Eu&ie 4a&ters and !ichard *arris. The 'i'th 'i&m in the series+ Harr" Potter and the =rder o. the PhoeniA+ 2egan shooting in "e2ruary 2##- and :as re&eased in Eu&y 2##7 coinciding :ith E.K !o:&ingAs re&ease o' the seventh and 'ina& Harr" Potter 2oo5 in the series. Harr" Potter and the Hal.1%lood Prince :i&& start shooting in Se,tem2er 2##7 and is due 'or re&ease in 7ovem2er 2##8. In 2## + Kim *o:e&&s a:arded *arry Potter an 8utstanding %ontri2ution to Eng&ish Tourism a:ard+ saying G3any visitors cite the 'i&m :as a direct reason 'or visiting the 6K.H

)eavesden Studios in *ert'ordshire+ and many &ocations across the 6K. Those in )ondon inc&ude KingAs %ross Station+ )eadenha&& 3ar5et and the !e,ti&e *ouse at )ondon Moo. In the South 4est+ they inc&ude )acoc5 A22ey in 4i&tshire+ .&oucester %athedra&+ and+ in 8x'ord+ the /od&eian )i2rary and %hristchurch %o&&ege. In the East+ *unton2ury vi&&age and the Ashridge and Ayot Estates :ere used. In Scot&and+ .&en 7evis+ .&en'innan+ )och Ei&t+ )och Shie&+ .&encoe and the "ort 4i&&iam to 3a&&aig !ai&:ay. A&so used :ere A&n:ic5 %ast&e in 7orthum2er&and+ @urham %athedra&+ and the 7orth Kor5shire 3oors !ai&:ay.

1- /udget range ta5en 'rom ,u2&ic&y avai&a2&e sources.



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

Screen Agency 1nvolvement

In the South 4est+ the 'i&m :as shot 2e'ore South 4est Screen :as esta2&ished+ 2ut :as given assistance 2y the South 4est "i&m %ommission. They did not o''er incentives+ 2ut 2ecame invo&ved a'ter the &ocations had 2een se&ected+ :ith cre:+ 'aci&ities and &oca& contacts. In the East o' Eng&and+ the screen agency 2ecame invo&ved :ith the 'i&ms at the ,re(,roduction stages+ assisting :ith &ocations and night shoots. Scottish Screen had &itt&e invo&vement :ith the ,roduction com,any+ 2ut :ere 5e,t a2reast o' 'i&ming. In addition+ the )ondon "i&m %ommission and "i&m )ondon assisted Harr" Potter :ith &ocations advice and su,,ort.

Film Tourism 1nitiatives

78TE; The /ritish Tourist Authority 2ecame 9isit/ritain in 2## + during the ongoing Harr" Potter cam,aign.

!ovie !ap
In 7ovem2er 2##1+ the /TA &aunched a ma?or internationa& tourism cam,aign in con?unction :ith 4arner /ros. to coincide :ith the re&ease o' Harr" Potter and the Philoso(her:s &tone. The F@iscovering the 3agic o' /ritainA initiative 'eatured 2 Harr" Potter &ocations and &in5ed sites on a 3ovie 3a,. 4#+### co,ies :ere ,rinted and the :e2site visited 44+### times during the &ast t:o :ee5s o' 7ovem2er a&one. The cam,aign a&so had a huge im,act overseas; 'o&&o:ing its &aunch+ the %hicago o''ice sa: a ##P increase on the num2er o' F:a&5(inA enIuiries a2out the 6KD the Amsterdam o''ice received 42# emai&s on a sing&e :ee5end in re&ation to the 'i&m. 9isit/ritain continues to ,romote &ocations used in the 'i&ms on their :e2site+ :hi&e 9isitScot&and has a FPottering Around Scot&andA itinerary. 9isit )ondon give in'ormation on Harr" Potter tours and &ocations.

$ideo ?ews Release

In 2##1+ a /TA Harr" Potter 9ideo 7e:s !e&ease 'eaturing the then tourism minister+ Kim *o:e&&s+ :as ,&ayed on T9 channe&s around the :or&d.

E9ehind the scenesF T$ programmes

In 2##1+ a 2ehind the scenes 'eature on Harr" Potter and the Philoso(her:s &tone :as aired on 7/% in AmericaD a simi&ar ,rogramme a2out Harr" Potter and the /o!let o. Fire :as sho:n on IT91 in 2##$.

1ndependent tourism initiatives

3any nationa& and internationa& tour com,anies have themed Harr" Potter tours.

Promotion (y individual locations

.&oucester %athedra&+ A&n:ic5 %ast&e and )acoc5 A22ey a&& mention their &in5 :ith Harr" Potter. In )ondon+ KingAs %ross station erected a ,&aIue signa&&ing FP&at'orm 0YA+ in res,onse to visitor demand. .oath&and Station runs F4iLardAs 4ee5endsA. .&encoe has themed events such as a Harr" Potter sa'ari 'or chi&dren+ in :hich they ,oint out the sets.



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

Press coverage
There :as a su2stantia& amount o' internationa& media coverage on the Harr" Potter &ocations.

Tourism 1mpact on #ocations

Australia High Commission, Strand
This :as regu&ar&y s:am,ed 2y tourists+ and had to c&ose its doors to sto, visitors coming in.

The %athedra& recorded an increase o' $#P on visitor num2ers in 2##2 over 2##1+ 'rom 102+-#4 to 288+0#-. The num2er o' ,eo,&e visiting the tourist in'o centre in .&oucester increased 2y a Iuarter to 4+### in 'irst months o' 2## .

?orth Aor3shire !oors Railway

Sa&es on the rai&:ay rose 'rom 24$+### in 2##1 to 207+### in 2##2+ and reached # +### 2y 2##4. A survey 'ound that 1$P o' visitors :ent to .oath&and Station 2ecause o' the Harr" Potter association <and 8P came 2ecause o' its use as a &ocation in Heart!eatU=

Alnwic3 Castle
6sua&&y receiving around -#+### visitors a year+ the cast&e has seen a 12#P increase since 2eing used as the &ocations 'or *og:arts. According to a 2##$ survey 2y *a&i'ax Trave& Insurance+ 1-P o' visitors said theyAd 2een dra:n there 2y Harr" Potter. The 'i&ms are estimated to have 2rought in Q0 mi&&ion in tourist revenue to the area. This success &ed+ in 2##2+ to the to:n 2eing a:arded Q-#+### under the 3ar5et To:ns Initiative+ :hich :as used to 'inance a F Harr" Potter @ayA o' ,rocessions and events+ re,&acing the to:nAs traditiona& %hristmas %arniva&+ and the ,rinting o' 1#+### extra co,ies o' the A&n:ic5 @istrict ho&iday guide+ :hich :ere distri2uted internationa&&y. The gardens at A&n:ic5 %ast&e sa: a huge gro:th in visitor num2ers+ 'rom 1 +-27 in 2##1 to $0+788 in 2##2 and $1$+81 in 2## .

#acoc3 A((ey
9isitor num2ers rose 'rom $$+#82 in 2### to -4+ 7# in 2##1+ :hen it :as used in the 'irst Harr" Potter 'i&m. 7um2ers continued to rise+ to 77+4 8 in 2##2 and 0 +1 7 in 2## + 2e'ore 'a&&ing to 88+884 in 2##4.

Ashridge state
The $+### acre estate has no :ay o' recording visitors into the grounds+ and ,ro,erty manager+ .raeme %annon+ says that there has 2een the FoddA enIuiry a2out the 'i&m+ 2ut nothing signi'icant. They do not ,romote their &in5 to Harr" Potter.

7len ?evis
Eim 3i&&igan 'rom the 9isitor %entre says they get a &ot o' enIuiries a2out Harr" Potter.



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

7len)innan $iaduct
According to the 7TS+ since the a,,earance o' the viaduct in Harr" Potter and the ,ham!er o. &ecrets in 2##2+ visitor num2ers at the near2y .&en'innan monument increased 'rom 18+### in 2##1 to 22+12$ in 2## . A s,o5esman adds that the truer num2er may 2e even higher+ as this 'igure :as ?ust 'or those :ho came to the tourist in'ormation centre+ rather than inc&uding those :ho :ent straight to the monument.

"irst used in Harr" Potter and the ,ham!er o. &ecrets. 9isitor num2ers to the area have actua&&y decreased since 2##1+ 2ut the im,act on tourism o' that yearAs "oot and 3outh @isease and the Se,tem2er 11th attac5s shou&d 2e ta5en into account. A visitor centre s,o5es:oman says they get a &ot o' enIuiries a2out Harr" Potter. .ordon Ke,,ie+ genera& manager o' the %&achaig Inn in .&encoe+ re,orts a Fmar5ed increaseA in visitors due to the 'i&ms. 8ne day in Eune 2##-+ 'or instance+ the inn catered 'or 1 - American tourists on a Harr" Potter coach tour.

"ider Reaching 1mpact

,ther EmagicalF UK locations
9isit/ritain ,romotes sites on its Harr" Potter ,ages that are not direct&y connected to the 'i&m+ 2ut 'it in :ith its magica& theme+ such as /&enheim Pa&ace+ Se&s&ey *er2 7ursery and the 7ationa& /ird o' Prey centre in .&oucestershire.

))ect on G+K RowlingFs din(urgh

4e&&(5no:n as the home o' Harr" PotterAs creator E.K !o:&ing+ Edin2urgh has received a 5noc5(on tourism e''ect as a resu&t o' the 2oo5s and 'i&m. The ca'e :here she :rote the 'irst 2oo5 B no: a se&'( service restaurant+ /u''et King B receives around 1# visitors a day s,eci'ica&&y as5ing :here she sat.

As :e&& as 2eing among the most success'u& 'i&ms o' a&& time+ the Harr" Potter series are a&so some o' the most success'u&&y B and aggressive&y B mar5eted in terms o' &ocations. The /TAC9isit/ritain cam,aign has &ed to su2stantia& increases in visitor num2ers at se&ected &ocations across the 6K+ and a host o' inde,endent tours have s,rung u, to cater 'or the seeming&y insatia2&e demand 'or Harr" Potter tourism. !e,orts 'rom internationa& 9isit/ritain o''ices a&& re,ort Harr" Potter as 2eing one o' the 'i&ms most enIuired a2out :ith regards to visiting the 6K. *o:ever+ as :e&& as i&&ustrating the huge tourism ,otentia& o' 2&oc52uster 'i&ms+ the Harr" Potter case a&so high&ights one o' the 2iggest cha&&enges in ma5ing the most o' 'i&m tourism B studio contro& over their va&ua2&e 2rands. %ertain &ocations :ere o''icia&&y endorsed 2y 4arner /ros. to 2e inc&uded on the /TAC9isit/ritain itinerary B such as A&n:ic5 %ast&e+ .&oucester %athedra&+ )acoc5 A22ey+ )ondon Moo+ .oath&and Station and KingAs %ross station B and these have a&& seen a rise in visitor interest. *o:ever+ some &ocations in Scot&and+ such as .&encoe+ .&en 7evis and .&en'innan 9iaduct+ :ere not inc&uded.



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

.ordon Ke,,ie+ genera& manager o' the %&achaig Inn+ e&a2orates on the 'i&m tourism situation at .&encoe; G4hen ,eo,&e as5 :here Harr" Potter :as 'i&med+ I ?ust ,oint at the mountain.H There are no signs or advertising mar5ing the s,ot :here 'i&ming too5 ,&ace+ and the area :as c&eaned u, 2y the cre:. *e adds that in the ear&ier 'i&ms+ sets :ere actua&&y 2ui&t on the mountain <and dismant&ed a'ter 'i&ming= 2ut that in the &atest 'i&m+ the sets are 2eing com,uter(generated+ and none o' the cast came to the area. A&& the cre: too5 :ith them u, the hi&& :ere some 2&ue screens and sca''o&ding. "ina&&y+ there is one 'act that can easi&y 2e 'orgotten amidst the hy,ed rush to gra2 a s&ice o' the Harr" Potter ,henomenon; that some &ocations do not need or desire the ,u2&icity generated 2y an a,,earance in a 'i&m. In this case+ @urham %athedra& as5ed to 2e &e't o'' the Harr" Potter ma,. A s,o5es:oman says; G4e are 'irst and 'oremost a ,&ace o' :orshi, that ha,,ens to attract ha&' a mi&&ion visitors a year. 4arner /ros. 5ne: o' our intention not to Fcash inA and their 'ees re'&ected this. A&so+ most o' the &ocations :ithin our ,recincts are not accessi2&e to the ,u2&ic and it :ou&d not have 2een a,,ro,riate <mora&&y or commercia&&y= to Fse&&A the Harr" Potter ex,erience :hen+ :ith the exce,tion o' the c&oisters+ no &ocation cou&d 2e seen.H She adds that+ des,ite ,u2&icising their :ish not to 2e commercia&&y &in5ed :ith the 'i&m+ GA cou,&e o' com,anies tried to 2ring their c&ients here as ,art o' the Harr" Potter ex,erienceWthis sto,,ed very soon :hen their customers rea&ised the guides did not ta&5 a2out the 'i&ming+ ?ust the history etc o' this :onder'u& 2ui&ding. I had a very interesting conversation :ith one American tourist :ho 'e&t :e :ere Fri,,ing him o''A unti& I ,ointed out that the tour com,any 5ne: o' our ,o&icy and &ac5 o' access 2e'ore they so&d him the ho&iday.H

Ka(hi Kushi Ka(hie 7ham C%&&*D

Starring the most 'amous actor in India+ Amita2h /uchan+ and :ith a su,erstar director+ Karan Eohar+ Ka!hi Kushi Ka!hie /ham is one o' /o&&y:oodAs highest grossing 'i&ms and its most success'u& overseas+ earning S mi&&ion in the 6S and reaching num2er in the 6K 2ox o''ice. 4ith a 2udget o' a,,roximate&y S7. mi&&ion+ it is a&so among /o&&y:oodAs most ex,ensive ,ro?ects; the average *indi &anguage 'i&m costs S1. mi&&ion. Trans&ating as &ometimes Ha((iness# &ometimes &orrow+ the 'i&m te&&s the story o' a 'atherAs re&ationshi, :ith his t:o sons+ threatened 2y their &ove 'or unsuita2&e :omen. It :as shot ,art&y in Eng&and+ :here the young men in the story re&ocate to study 'or their 3/As+ re,resenting a recent trend in /o&&y:ood to use a F7on(!esident Indian <7!I= "ormu&aA in order to a,,ea& to a :ider audience.

Egy,t+ Eng&and and 4a&es. 7ota2&e 6K &ocations inc&ude /&enheim Pa&ace <standing in 'or KingAs %o&&ege=D Sto:e Schoo&D 4addesdon 3anor+ /uc5inghamshireD the 3i&&ennium Stadium in %ardi''D the /ritish 3useumD /&ue:ater sho,,ing centreD and street &ocations such as Piccadi&&y %ircus and )eicester SIuare.



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

Screen Agency 1nvolvement

The 'i&m :as shot 2e'ore the esta2&ishment o' "i&m )ondon. The )ondon "i&m %ommission o''ered advice on &ocations and 'i&ming su,,ort.

Film Tourism 1nitiatives

!ovie !ap
The 'i&m :as inc&uded in a /o&&y:ood 3ovie 3a, ,roduced 2y the /TA in 2##1 <see 2e&o:=+ and in a 3ovie 3a, ,roduced 2y the 7orth 4a&es Tourism Partnershi, in 2##-.

Promotion (y individual locations

4addesdon 3anor mentions Ka!hi Kushi Ka!hi /ham in the F'i&mingA section o' their :e2site.

Press coverage
!evie:s o' the 'i&m mention its )ondon setting. It is a&so mentioned in genera& artic&es a2out /o&&y:ood in the 6K.

Tourism 1mpact on #ocations

9lenheim Palace
9isitor num2ers 'e&& s&ight&y in the year o' the 'i&mAs re&ease+ 'rom 411+740 in 2### to 411+ 4 in 2##1+ 2ut rose shar,&y in 2##2 to 4-$+$-2.

Stowe School
Anne 3cEvoy+ visitor services manager at Sto:e+ re,orts that a&most no visitors as5 a2out 'i&ming+ 2ut adds that the schoo& is on&y o,en to the ,u2&ic 1## days a year and they do not ,romote their 'i&m connections. The gardens+ :hich are o:ned 2y the 7ationa& Trust+ have had an increase in visitor num2ers+ 'rom 4-+$$0 in 2##1C2 to -8+108 in 2##2C + 2ut :hat ,art 'i&m tourism ,&ayed in this increase is im,ossi2&e to te&&.

"addesdon !anor
A s,o5es:oman says that visitor num2ers to the manor increase year on year B num2ers increased 'rom 1-$+### in 2### to 170+887 in 2##1 to 217+1$7 in 2##2 B 2ut that it is di''icu&t to assess the im,act o' 'i&m tourism on these 'igures. Their visitor Iuestionnaire does not as5 :hy visitors have come to the house+ nor :here they heard a2out it. *o:ever+ she adds+ ex,osure on the //%As series on the 7ationa& Trust in 2## did &ead to a surge o' visitors :ho said their visit :as ins,ired 2y the ,rogramme.

"ider Reaching 1mpact

1ncreased awareness o) 9ollywood tourism potential
Ka!hi Kushi Ka!hie /ham :as one o' severa& success'u& /o&&y:ood 'i&ms shot in the 6K at the turn o' the mi&&ennium B others inc&uding 1008As Kuch Kuch Hota Hai+ 2y the same director B that encouraged the /ritish Tourist Authority to active&y :oo Indian 'i&m tourists. The /o&&y:ood 3ovie 3a,+ the 'irst 8&s2erg>SPI 81

How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

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o' its 5ind+ detai&ed the &ocations o' 22 'i&ms shot in the 6K since 100# and 17 o&der c&assics. Around $$+### co,ies :ere distri2uted in India and the 3idd&e East.

1ncrease in 9ollywood )ilming in UK

The 'i&m has a&so encouraged other Indian ,roducers to shoot in the 6K. The Indian ne:s,a,er /usiness )ine :rote in 2##2+ GThe success o' Ka!hi Kushi Ka!hie /ham has 2een o' s,ecia& signi'icance 'or the tourism industry in the 6K as it has resu&ted in a num2er o' Indian 'i&ms 2eing shot there.H In 2##$+ nine /o&&y:ood 'i&ms :ere made in 'u&& in the 6K+ com,ared to eight in 2##4 and on&y one in 2##1. 8thers have 2een ,artia&&y 'i&med here.

1ncreased awareness o) 1ndian )ilm in the UK

A c&utch o' /o&&y:ood successes+ inc&uding Ka!hi Kushi Ka!hie /ham+ are credited 'or an ex,&osion o' interest in /o&&y:ood in the 6K. @uring the FIndian summerA o' 2##2+ Se&'ridges dedicated a month to a&& things /o&&y:ood+ Andre: )&oyd 4e2er o,ened a musica&+ /om2ay @reams+ and the /ritish "i&m Institute he&d Imagine Asia+ the &argest /o&&y:ood 'i&m 'estiva& in the 6K. The Shorter 8x'ord Eng&ish @ictionary added the :ord F/o&&y:oodA. Even a *a&i'ax 2ui&ding society advert had a /o&&y:ood theme.

@ue to a &ac5 o' visitor num2er monitoring+ and many o' its &ocations 2eing ,u2&ic s,aces+ it is im,ossi2&e to Iuanti'y the tourism e''ect o' Ka!hi Kushi Ka!hie /ham. *o:ever+ given its huge success 2oth domestica&&y and overseas+ and the ,roven interest o' /o&&y:ood 'ans in seeing the &ocations :here 'i&ms :ere made+ it is sa'e to assume that it has attracted visitors to the 6K. As i&&ustrated 2y the governmentAs measures to attract Indian 'i&mma5ers to the 6K+ the /o&&y:ood tourism ,otentia& is huge+ :ith IndiaAs 2urgeoning midd&e c&ass increasing&y trave&&ing a2road. According to a 2##$ Tourism Trade re,ort 2y 9isit/ritain+ visits to the 6K 'rom India in 2##4 :ere u, 28P on 2## + :ith s,ending u, $ P to reach Q2 8 mi&&ion. The average &ength o' stay in the 6K is 27 days. It is 'orecast that the num2er o' visits to the 6K 'rom India :i&& increase 2y at &east --P 2et:een 2##4 and 2##0. There is a&so much ,otentia& :ithin the 6K+ /o&&y:oodAs 2iggest mar5et outside India; :ith an Asian community o' over 2 mi&&ion+ *indi &anguage 'i&ms account 'or 12P o' 6K re&eases. "or ins,iration+ the 6K can &oo5 to:ards S:itLer&and+ :hich 2ecame /o&&y:oodAs num2er(one country 'or 'oreign &ocation 'i&ming a'ter ,o&itica& unrest made it dangerous to 'i&m in the traditiona& mountain &ocation o' Kashmir. The country has seen a dramatic increase in Indian visitors+ :ith num2ers dou2&ing 2et:een 1002 and 2##$ to around 7$+###+ and it is no: the num2er one Euro,ean destination 'or Indian out2ound tourism. The F/o&&y:ood e''ectA has 2een credited 'or this 2oom; the director Kash %ho,ra+ 5no:n 'or his use o' the S:iss A&,s+ :as ,resented :ith an a:ard 2y the S:iss tourist 2oard in recognition o' the tourism e''ect o' his 'i&ms+ and a &a5e :as named in his honour. 8ther countries ,o,u&ar 'or 'i&ming+ such as 7e: Mea&and+ su,,ort this e''ect. Since 100$ over 1## /o&&y:ood 'i&ms have 2een made in the country+ and Indian visitor num2ers have shot u,. In 2##$+ Prime 3inister *e&en %&ar5 c&aimed that the 2### /o&&y:ood hit &a" Cou ove $e+ 'i&med in Oueensto:n+ :as ,artia&&y credited :ith 2oosting Indian tourists 'rom ### a year in 2### to 18+### in 2##4. Austra&ia+ too+ has seen an mar5ed increase in tourism 'rom India since 'i&ms such as &alaam 8&s2erg>SPI 82

How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

)amaste :ere 'i&med there; according to "ran /ai&ey+ 3inister 'or Sma&& /usiness and Tourism+ Indian tourism :as u, 21P in 2##$+ com,ared to a genera& increase o' -.8P. /o&&y:ood 'irst came to Scot&and in 1001+ 2ut 'i&ming activity intensi'ied in 1008+ 'o&&o:ing the success o' Kuch Kuch Hota Hai. Post Kuch Kuch there :as a mar5ed increase in the num2er o' 'i&ms ,er year . Aside 'rom the tax incentives o''ered and the ready(made vie:ing audience in the 6K+ there are severa& more ,rosaic reasons :hy Indian 'i&mma5ers are turning to the 6K. Prem Su2ramaniam+ the head o' /TA o,erations in India+ to&d the *indu Times in 2##2 that the 6K has 2ecome a ,o,u&ar 'i&ming destination 2ecause o' the easy avai&a2i&ity o' the Fright(&oo5ingA extras+ :hereas the Asian community in countries such as S:itLer&and is sma&&+ and 2ecause o' 'ami&iar 'ood and the accessi2i&ity o' the Eng&ish &anguage. @isadvantages cited 'or /o&&y:ood ,roductions in the 6K inc&ude higher costs and stricter 'i&ming conditions than in destinations such as S:itLer&and. /e&&e @oy&e+ )ocations @e,artment 3anager 'or Scottish Screen+ says+ GThe ,ro2&em has a&:ays 2een :ith Indian ,roducers that un&ess :e can o''er some 5ind o' 'inancia& assistance+ itAs not easy 'or them to come over. %ertain&y+ in the &ast /o&&y:ood ,roduction that :as 'i&med in Scot&and there :ere ,ro2&ems in getting the cre: visas. As a resu&t+ a&& the stu'' that had 2een set u, in various &ocations 'e&& through 2ecause there must have 2een a de&ay o' three or 'our :ee5s.H The 6K a&so 'aces sti'' com,etition 'rom other countries eager to get a s&ice o' /o&&y:ood tourism. Irish Prime 3inister /ertie Ahern trave&&ed to 3um2ai in Eanuary 2##- to meet /o&&y:ood ,roducers+ and other countries have 2een simi&ar&y courting the mar5et. Eastern Euro,e+ :hich has gro:n in ,o,u&arity as a 'i&ming destination as a resu&t o' its &o: costs+ non(unionised &a2our and in some cases 'avoura2&e tax 2rea5s+ has a&so attracted /o&&y:ood. The South A'rican tourism 2oard has recent&y a,,ointed the /o&&y:ood star Ani& Ka,oor as a 2rand am2assador. T:o other ,oints are :orth mentioning. "irst&y+ com,ared to 2ig 2udget *o&&y:ood ,roductions+ /o&&y:ood 'i&ming does not tend to in?ect a &ot o' money into the economy at the time o' shooting; most&y :or5ing on &o:er(2udgets+ ,roducers tend to 2ring their o:n cre:s rather than uti&ise &oca& :or5ers. Kevin %o:&e+ 'ormer )ocations @e,artment 3anager o' Scottish Screen+ noted+ GThere is not a &ot o' &oca& s,end+ 2ut they do generate tourism.H A&so o' note is that 'act that /o&&y:ood tourism ta5es time to mature. A 'eature a2out the su2?ect in the .uardian in 2##2 noted that G/ritain is 'o&&o:ing a trend set 2y S:itLer&and+ once a /o&&y:ood 'avourite. The 'i&ming has no: dried u,+ 2ut the tourism remains. Industry insiders in Scot&and say tourism ta5es years to gro:. Scot&and reached ,ea5 ,o,u&arity 'or /o&&y:ood shoots over the &ast three years B 2ut tourism is ?ust 2eginning to 2oom.H

#ocal Hero C*;:2D

A story o' t:o American oi& com,any em,&oyees sent to the :est coast o' Scot&and to negotiate the sa&e o' an entire vi&&age needed 'or a re'inery+ :ho 'ind their ,&ans th:arted 2y the ingenuity o' the &oca&s and their o:n attachment to the ,&ace. 4ritten and directed 2y /i&& "orsyth and starring /urt )ancaster+ @enis )a:son+ and Peter !eigert+ ocal Hero :as an unex,ected hit; Americans+ in ,articu&ar+ :ere charmed 2y its de,iction o' iso&ated vi&&age &i'e and anti(commercia& message. It grossed around Smi&&ion in the 6S and /i&& "orsyth :on a /A"TA 'or his direction. 8&s2erg>SPI 8

How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

In 2##$+ ocal Hero to,,ed a ,o&& 2y the /ritish "i&m @istri2utors Association 'or the most atmos,heric use o' a /ritish &ocation.

The 'ictiona& vi&&age o' "erness :as most&y 'i&med in Pennan+ on the East coast o' Scot&and. The vi&&ageAs 2each+ :hich ,&ays a crucia& ,art in the 'i&m+ is &ocated 2## mi&es a:ay on the other side o' Scot&and+ at 3orar.

Screen Agency 1nvolvement

The 'i&m :as shot :e&& 2e'ore the esta2&ishment o' Scottish Screen in 1007.

Film Tourism 1nitiatives

!ovie !ap
Pennan :as inc&uded in the /TAAs 3ovie 3a, o' 1000.

$isitScotland promotion
The to:n a&so 'eatured in FScot&and in "i&m and T9A+ one o' 9isitScot&andAs three additiona& itineraries that 'ormed ,art o' its Euro,ean Touring %am,aign 'or 2##-. These initiatives :ere antici,ated to 2e advertised in 'ive mi&&ion inserts in &i'esty&e and ne:s magaLines.

#ocal tourism we(sites

8n Scottish tourism :e2sites Pennan is no: synonymous :ith the 'i&m+ and regiona& tourism in'ormation such as :::.& o,erated 2y 9isit "ort 4i&&iam+ advertise 3orarAs ocal Hero connections.

Press coverage
The success o' ocal Hero &ed to a &arge amount o' media ex,osure o' the &ocations+ inc&uding a Scottish Te&evision ,rogramme in :hich @enis )a:son revisited the 2each at 3orar.

1ndependent promotion (y locations

A'ter visitors to Pennan re,eated&y as5ed the :herea2outs o' the ,hone 2ox 'eatured in the 'i&m+ :hich had 2een a ,ro, and discarded a'ter shooting+ the vi&&age insta&&ed a re,&acement. 7o: a &isted 2ui&ding+ it is c&aimed to 2e the most ,hotogra,hed ,hone 2ox in the 6K.

,ther independent initiatives

The &ocations are inc&uded in severa& inde,endent tours o' Scot&and and mentioned on accommodation sites such as in'ormation( and ocal Hero is a&so 'eatured in :e2sites and 2oo5s a2out 6K 'i&m &ocations+ such as &cotland The $ovie.



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

Tourism 1mpact on #ocations

Previous&y an o2scure 'ishing vi&&age+ Pennan 2ecame a ,&ace o' ,i&grimage in the :a5e o' the 'i&m. There are no ,recise 'igures+ 2ut much anecdota& evidence+ to su,,ort the inundation o' 'ans. A 100$ visitor+ )inda 3urray .reen+ recorded the comments o' the vi&&age 'isherman+ /aden .i2son; GItAs a&most ten years+ and sti&& ,eo,&e come.H As the on&y hoste&ry in the vi&&age+ the Pennan Inn is a signi'ier o' the tourism e''ect. 7orrie .rierson+ the o:ner in 100$+ said that visitors 'rom the 6S and Austra&ia :ere most common+ 2ut he a&so sa: tourists 'rom countries such as S:itLer&and+ !ussia and *ong Kong. In 1000+ a visitor re,orted a 2arman at the Inn as saying that visitors came 'rom countries :here the 'i&m had 2een recent&y sho:n; G8ne year+ it seems &i5e itAs a&& ScandinaviansD the next+ itAs a&& .ermans. 4herever a 'i&m is sho:n+ :e seem to get an in'&ux a 'e: months &ater.H It :as a&so noted that the t:o most ,o,u&ar entries in the guest 2oo5 at the Pennan Inn :ere re&ated to the 'i&m; G4ho moved the ,hone 2oxJH and F4here is the 2eachJA. The ans:er to the &atter disa,,ointed many visitors+ as the 2each scenes :ere 'i&med 2## mi&es a:ay+ in 3orar. The current o:ner+ 9ince 3e&vin+ says that no:+ every day in the summertime someone comes in to the Inn and as5s a2out the 'i&m+ and ma5es a ca&& 'rom the ,hone 2ox. The 'i&mAs im,act on Pennan is 'urther i&&ustrated 2y the 'act that+ in 2###+ a //% drama+ 2000 Acres o. &'"e+ :as mooted to 2e 'i&med in the vi&&age. The ,&an :as 2&oc5ed 2y the &oca& )aird+ &eading to such an outcry that S7P &eader A&ex Sa&mond :as com,e&&ed to intervene. A survey :as conducted :hich determined that 71P o' the vi&&agers :ere in 'avour o' 'i&ming+ 2ecause o' the 2ene'its it 2rought.

The sandy 2each at 3orar has not 'e&t the e''ect o' ocal Hero as strong&y as Pennan+ 2ut there is sti&& anecdota& evidence o' an increase in visitors as a resu&t o' the 'i&m. Angie )e:is+ a near2y resident+ said in 100$+ GI sti&& get strangers 5noc5ing on my door to as5 a2out the 2eachHD %o&in 3ac@ona&d+ the o:ner o' a &oca& garage+ says+ GIt has a2so&ute&y 2een good 'or 2usiness. Es,ecia&&y :ith Americans+ they a&& come here and as5 :here the 2each is.H

Further anecdotal evidence

"urther anecdota& evidence on the 'i&mAs im,act can 2e 'ound in messages ,osted on the Internet 3ovie @ata2ase; many o' the 'i&mAs 'ans comment on their desire to visit the 'i&mAs &ocations. "or exam,&e; GEvery time I see this movie I &ong to visit the coast o' Scot&andH+ GI &oved it so much I made a s,ecia& e''ort on a side tri, :hi&st in the 6K to visit the 'i&m sites in coasta& Scot&and.H

ocal Hero c&ear&y had a dramatic e''ect on tourism in Pennan+ its main &ocation+ and to a &esser degree the 2each at 3orar. This can 2e attri2uted to the setting 2eing integra& to the story; the vi&&age o' "erness is the main FcharacterA in the 'i&m+ sym2o&ising natura& 2eauty and a :ay o' &i'e ,otent enough to trans'orm a manAs vie: o' the :or&d. The 'i&mAs theme o' Fesca,eA may have a&so had an e''ect; the 4or&d:ide .uide to 3ovie )ocations notes that many o' the most ,o,u&ar 'i&ms to ins,ire tourism+ such as Thelma and ouise+ &hirle" +alentine and The %each+ share this theme.



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

It is a ,ity B 2ut not a sur,rise+ given its in'rastructure B that there :as no ,recise visitor monitoring in Pennan+ as it is a rare exam,&e o' a &ocation :hose tourism e''ect can 2e a&most entire&y attri2uted to a sing&e 'i&m. A'ter an initia& in'&ux o' visitors+ ocal Hero has had a s&o:(2urning tourism e''ect+ su,,orting the theory that 'i&ms :ith cu&t status tend to have &ongevity in this res,ect. @oune %ast&e in Stir&ingshire+ a setting 'or $ont" P"thon and the Hol" /rail+ sti&& receives visitors ins,ired 2y the 'i&m+ made in 107$; in res,onse to demand+ the cast&eAs ste:ard 5ee,s a stash o' coconut she&&s 'or those :ho :ant to re(enact scenes. Ki5cud2right+ :here 107 As The Wic'er $an :as 'i&med+ sti&& gets 'i&m tourists. The a&ternative music 'estiva&+ the 4ic5erman "estiva&+ ta5es ,&ace in the area annua&&y. Simi&ar&y+ Ei&ean @onan %ast&e in Scot&and re,orts that ,eo,&e sti&& come to the cast&e 2ecause o' its connection :ith Highlander+ 'i&med over 2# years ago. *o:ever+ in Pennan+ this s&o:+ steady stream o' tourists is not enough to re&y on+ es,ecia&&y since the dec&ine o' its 'ishing industry. In 2### /aden .i2son+ the har2our master+ said+ GThe vi&&age made a &ot o' money 'rom ocal Hero+ 2ut that :as 18 years ago+ and :eAre ready 'or another 2oost no:.H The study a&so high&ights the issue o' the im,act o' 'i&m tourism on tiny communities. The survey conducted in Pennan in 2### sho:ed that the ma?ority o' residents thought that 'i&ming :as 2ene'icia& to the vi&&age+ 2ut the 5noc5(on e''ects o' the ex,osure have not a&& 2een ,ositive. Some residents 'ee& that the money generated 2y the tourists is not :orth the strain they ,ut on the vi&&age. There is a&so the Iuestion o' :hether the 'i&m has exacer2ated the dec&ine in ,ermanent residents o' the vi&&age. 9ince 3e&vin+ the o:ner o' the Pennan Inn+ says that no: there are on&y seven ,ermanent residents in the vi&&ageD many o' the houses have 2een so&d as ho&iday homes+ there are on&y one or t:o ,eo,&e :ho go out to :or5. GItAs 2ecome a theme ,ar5 ty,e vi&&age no:.H /ut he thin5s this :ou&d have ha,,ened any:ay B GThe 7orth East coast is 'o&&o:ing the 4est coast+ &ots o' ,eo,&e are 2uying homes as investments. I donAt thin5 itAs ?ust to do :ith ocal Hero.H A study into the e''ects o' 'i&m(induced tourism on country to:ns has 2een underta5en 2y Sue /eeton+ 'rom )a Tro2e 6niversity in 9ictoria+ Austra&ia. She :rites; GAn in'&ux o' visitors is not a&:ays :e&come or advantageous+ :ith many country to:ns unsuited to su,,orting the concomitant tourism gro:th 2ecause o' &imited in'rastructure+ 'aci&ities and services. In most cases the &oca& community did not see5 to 2e the site 'or the 'i&ming+ yet they are &e't to co,e :ith the conseIuences o' increased tra''ic+ cro:ding and ,o&&ution.H Sometimes+ she adds+ the ex,osure can actua&&y have a detrimenta& e''ect on the &oca& economy. GA ,ertinent exam,&e o' this is the to:n o' .oath&and <the to:n ,ortrayed as Aidens'ie&d in the Eng&ish T9 series Heart!eat= :here it :as 'ound that a&though the to:nshi, o' 2## residents had u, to 1.1 mi&&ion annua& visitors+ hote&iers :ere ex,eriencing &o:er occu,ancy &eve&s than ,rior to the success o' the series. This sma&& country to:n+ once a Iuiet tourist retreat+ no: 'ound itse&' re,ositioned as a signi'icant day visitor attraction. %onseIuent&y+ there has 2een a 'undamenta& change in the nature o' the vi&&age and its re&ationshi, :ith visitors+ :hich has 2ecome more resent'u& due to cro:ding and the &oss o' o,,ortunities 'or the &oca& community to use its o:n 'aci&ities.H Another ,oint raised is the im,ortance o' &oca& communities F'o&&o:ing throughA a'ter ex,osure on 'i&m in order to harness the tourism e''ect. @r Andy Pratt+ 'rom the )ondon Schoo& o' Economics+ :ho has conducted a study on the im,act o' 'i&ming on rura& &ocations+ ,in,oints three 'actors :hich determine the 2ene'it a &ocation :i&& derive 'rom 2eing used on 'i&m; 'irst&y+ that the vie:er recognises the 8&s2erg>SPI 8-

How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

&ocationD second&y+ that the 'i&m is su''icient&y success'u& to attract a 2ig audience and third&y+ that tourists thus s,urred on can easi&y access the site. ocal Hero+ it cou&d 2e argued+ did not 'u&'i& the third criteria+ as the 2each at 3orar is 2ad&y sign,osted and not easi&y accessi2&e. )ast&y+ the case o' ocal Hero+ made in 108 + sheds &ight on ho: 'ans discovered the &ocations used in 'i&ms 2e'ore the Internet made such in'ormation avai&a2&e. 8ne 'an+ @r 4i&&iam Shac5&e'ord+ :ho :as ins,ired 2y the 'i&m to ma5e a tri, to Scot&and in 100 + :rites; G3y 'irst 2it o' in'ormation a2out 'i&m &ocations must have come 'rom the rather vague 'i&m credits at the end o' the movie+ :hich :ere Iuite hard to read on the 9%! ta,e that I sa: severa& times. I must have attem,ted to F,auseA the ra,id&y ro&&ing 'i&m credits. I :ent Zto Scot&and[ on&y :ith the vague notion or in'ormation that it :as 'i&med 2et:een "ort 4i&&iam and :est('acing 2eaches across 'rom S5ye.A 8nce in the area+ he as5ed around &oca& 2usinesses unti& he :as to&d o' the &ocations.

!atch Point C%&&5D

4oody A&&enAs 8th 'i&m+ and his 'irst to 2e shot entire&y in the 6K+ $atch Point starred Scar&ett Eohansson and Eonathan !hys 3yers as an American actress and 'ormer tennis ,ro :ho em2ar5 u,on a &etha& a''air. "rom a S1$ mi&&ion 2udget+ it grossed an estimated Q12 mi&&ion in the 6K and S2 mi&&ion in the 6S+ 2ecoming the 'irst o' A&&enAs 'i&ms to ma5e a ,ro'it in his home country in 10 years. It :as a&so a considera2&e success in Euro,e+ earning \4 mi&&ion in .ermany+ \8 mi&&ion in Ita&y and attracting admissions o' 1.$ mi&&ion in "rance. A&&en moved the ,ro?ect to )ondon a'ter he 'ai&ed to 'ind 'unding in the 6S+ 'o&&o:ing the disa,,ointing 2ox o''ice recei,ts o' his ,revious three 'i&ms. The //% o''ered to ,art 'inance the 'i&m i' he 'i&med in the city and used a main&y /ritish cast. *is 'o&&o:ing t:o 'i&ms B &coo(+ and an untit&ed ,ro?ect that 2egan shooting in summer 2##- B are a&so 2ased in the ca,ita&.

Private homes and contem,orary )ondon &ocations+ such as the Tate 3odern+ the F.her5inA+ the )&oyds /ui&ding+ the !oya& 8,era *ouse+ /&ac5'riars /ridge+ %am2ridge %ircus and the %ovent .arden *ote&.

Screen Agency 1nvolvement

"i&m )ondon ,rovided assistance :ith &ocations and ,ractica& he&, to the ,roduction.

Film Tourism 1nitiatives

!ovie !ap
9isit )ondon and "i&m )ondon &aunched a $atch Point 3ovie 3a,+ sho:ing its 5ey &ocations+ to coincide :ith the re&ease o' the 'i&m.



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

>irectorFs promotion
4oody A&&en+ at the 'i&mAs ,remiere at %annes in 2##-+ exto&&ed the virtues o' )ondon+ 2oth in the creative 'reedom it o''ered 'i&m(ma5ers+ as o,,osed to *o&&y:ood+ and the 2eauty o' the city.

>$> promotion
To coincide :ith the re&ease o' the @9@+ This Is )ondon and 4arner *ome 9ideo ran a com,etition to :in a mea& at /rasserie 3ax+ a restaurant 'eatured in the 'i&m.

Press coverage
The 'i&m received a huge amount o' internationa& ,ress coverage+ and many o' the revie:s mentioned A&&enAs treatment o' )ondon; 'or exam,&e+ 'rom the )ew Cor' Times; GThe !oya& 8,era *ouse and 7orman "osterAs .her5in &oo5 t:ice as good as they do on the Trave& %hanne&.H 8ther artic&es s,eci'ica&&y 'ocused on his ,ortraya& o' the city+ such as+ in the )ew Cor' TimesA trave& section in "e2ruary 2##-+ FThe )ondon o' 3atch Point.A

Tourism 1mpact on #ocations

78TE; /ecause o' the ,u2&ic nature o' most o' the &ocations+ the 'i&mAs tourism a,,ea& can ,rimari&y 2e ascertained 2y the num2er o' do:n&oads o' its 3ovie 3a, 'rom the "i&m )ondon and 9isit )ondon :e2sites. The 'u&& P@" ma,+ &aunched in 7ovem2er 2##$+ had 2een do:n&oaded 0+087 times u, to the end o' Se,tem2er 2##- co&&ective&y on 2oth sites+ ma5ing it the second most ,o,u&ar do:n&oad.

As :ith ,loser+ there is very &itt&e evidence either :ay attesting to :hether or not there :as a tourism e''ect o' $atch Point on its &ocations+ due to them 2eing most&y ,u2&ic areas. As a sho:case 'or )ondon+ it might :e&& have encouraged vie:ers to visit the city+ ,articu&ar&y those 'rom Euro,e+ :here A&&enAs 'i&ms tend to 2e 2etter received than in the 6S. 9isitors to the 6K 'rom "rance+ :here A&&en is es,ecia&&y ,o,u&ar+ tend to 2e young B Tourism Trade 'ound that -2P o' "rench ho&iday visitors to the 6K are under $ B and this age 2rac5et chimes :ith those 'ound most &i5e&y to engage in 'i&m tourism.

,nce Upon a Time in the !idlands C%&&%D

Tagged Fa tinned s,aghetti :esternA+ the 'i&m is the third o' a F3id&andAs tri&ogyA 2y Shaun 3eado:s+ the regionAs most 'amous director+ 'o&&o:ing Twent"Four&even and A 0oom For 0omeo %rass. !o2ert %ar&y&e starred as a sma&&(to:n croo5 returning to his hometo:n to :in 2ac5 an o&d gir&'riend+ ,&ayed 2y Shir&ey *enderson. !hys I'ans and Kathy /ur5e a&so starred. Shane 3eado:s is a /ritish director :ho has achieved critica& success :ith his 'i&ms that ca,ture the essence o' /ritishness.

Private streets and houses in and around 7ottingham. 8&s2erg>SPI 88

How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

Screen Agency 1nvolvement

@uring the ,roduction o' the 'i&m+ the East 3id&ands Screen %ommission 2ecame ,art o' E3 3edia. /e'ore the merger+ the E3S% assisted :ith the &ocations 'or the 'i&mD E3(3edia su2seIuent&y co( 'inanced the ,roduction+ adding Q2$#+### to the 2udget.

Film Tourism 1nitiatives

#ocal premiere
The 'i&mAs /ritish ,remiere :as he&d in 7ottingham.

Press coverage
The //% :e2site 'or the East 3id&ands has a 'i&m &ocation section :hich mentions the 'i&m. !evie:s o' the 'i&m invaria2&y mentioned its 7ottingham setting.

Tourism 1mpact on #ocations

Eoanna 3orrison 'rom Ex,erience 7ottingham says that the 'i&m GdidnAt ring any 2e&&s in terms o' tourismH. She adds that the tourism agency :as not given a 2udget 'or a ,ro(active ,romotiona& cam,aign in connection :ith the 'i&m+ Gso it :asnAt on our radar as a tourism ,ossi2i&ity.H

There is no evidence either :ay o' a tourism e''ect 'rom =nce U(on A Time 2n The $idlands. Severa& 'actors+ 2eyond the 'i&mAs &ac5&ustre ,er'ormance at the 2ox o''ice and a &ac5 o' ,romotion+ are &i5e&y to 2e res,onsi2&e 'or this. There is the 'act that the 'i&mAs setting B &arge&y non(descri,t residentia& streets B is neither dramatic nor ins,irationa&+ a 'actor that may inhi2it 'i&m tourism even i' a 'i&m is success'u&. The 'i&m may have a&so ,ut o'' overseas vie:ers 'rom 2eing simu&taneous&y non(s,eci'ic in its &ocation <Git doesnAt do much to ma5e it c&ear to non(/ritish vie:ers :hat or :here they areH+ com,&ained the %oston Herald= and too Fregiona&A; the $ontreal /aDette :rote that GThe dia&ect is g&orious&y incom,rehensi2&e.H As i&&ustrated 2y The Full" $ont"+ it is ,ossi2&e 'or a gritty+ un(o2vious &ocation to 2ecome a ,&ace o' ,i&grimage as a resu&t o' a 'i&m. A'ter noticing an interest 'rom visitors in the 'i&mAs &ocations+ tourism o''icia&s in She''ie&d &aunched tours to the 'i&mAs &o:(5ey &ocations+ and the /TA inc&uded the cityAs Eo2 %entre on a 3ovie 3a,. The Full $ont" :as+ ho:ever+ a :or&d:ide ,henomenon+ so ,erha,s the com,arison is un'air.



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

!onarch o) the 7len C%&&& / %&&5D

8ne o' the //%As most success'u& &ong(running dramas+ $onarch o. the /len 'o&&o:ed the misadventures o' Archie 3ac@ona&d+ a young )ondoner :ho 'inds himse&' anointed the )aird o' .&en2og&e+ in charge o' a 4#+### acre estate and a vi&&age('u&& o' co&our'u& characters. A&istair 3acKenLie ,&ayed the &ead+ and the su,,orting cast inc&uded Susan *am,shire and !ichard /riers. The drama ended in autumn 2##$ a'ter seven series+ seen 2y an estimated $# mi&&ion vie:ers across 2# countries. Its internationa& success :as &arge&y due to the &oving&y('i&med *igh&ands scenery. It :as very ,o,u&ar in Scot&and+ too; in series 4+ it earned a 40P audience share.

Ardveri5ie Estate+ near )aggan+ and various surrounding vi&&ages.

Screen Agency 1nvolvement

@uring ,re(,roduction a strong &in5 :as 'ormed 2et:een the seriesA ,roducer+ Ecosse "i&ms+ 9isitScot&and+ &oca& tourist 2oards and Scottish Screen+ :ho assisted :ith se&ecting and securing access to &ocations.

Film Tourism 1nitiatives

E!onarch CountryF re(randing
Ecosse "i&ms ?oined u, :ith &oca& tourist organisations in /adenoch and Straths,ey+ inc&uding the *igh&and %ounci&+ The *igh&ands o' Scot&and Tourist /oard and the %aingorns %ham2er o' %ommerce+ to re2rand the area around )aggan F3onarch %ountryA. 1##+### &ea'&ets :ere ,rinted 'or a $# mi&e $onarch o. the /len Trai&+ 'eaturing &ocations throughout /adenoch and Straths,ey+ and a :e2site set u,+ This :as the 'irst time 9isitScot&and had ,romoted an area s,eci'ica&&y &in5ed to a T9 ,rogramme or 'i&m. 9isitScot&and and 9isit *igh&ands ,romote F3onarch %ountryA+ and ,rovide &in5s to the o''icia& :e2site. )oca& :e2sites such as that 'or 7e:tonmore ,rovide a ma, o' &ocations.

Scotland in Film and T$ itinerary

9isitScot&andAs 2##- itinerary+ FScot&and in "i&m and T9A+ inc&udes )aggan.

Promotions (y the cast

In 2##1+ the cast o' $onarch o. the /len :ere as5ed 2y the *igh&ands o' Scot&and tourist 2oard to come to )ondon to ,romote the *igh&ands+ at an event hosted 2y Scottish Secretary *e&en )idde&&. In the same year+ they a&so he&,ed &oca& ,o&iticians overturn a decision 2y Scot !ai& to dro, Kingussie 'rom one o' its ,ea5(time services. In 2## + *amish %&ar5+ one o' the actors in the series+ :ent to 7e: Mea&and to ,romote 9isitScot&andAs heritage site.



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

Promotion (y individual location

The Ardveri5ie estate strong&y identi'ies itse&' :ith $onarch o. the /len+ as does )aggan. Arderi5ie is considering o,ening a visitor centre on the road+ &in5ed to the series+ 2ut are not sure ho: &ong the interest in the series :i&& &ast.

Press coverage
There have 2een many ne:s,a,er artic&es+ 2oth in the 6K and a2road+ a2out F3onarch %ountryA.

99C promotions
The //% site 'or the drama inc&udes a 'i&m high&ighting the scenery o' the 'i&m+ F*igh&and "&ingsA. A 2##1 //% Holida" ,rogramme 'eatured F3onarch %ountryA+ :ith the stars o' the sho: ,romoting the area.

,ther e0posure
In 2##2+ Ardveri5ie 'eatured on the cover o' the $ansion ocations in &cotlandAs most 2eauti'u& country houses. The $ansion ocations in &cotland 2rochure is a ,romotiona& 2oo5&et ,roduced 2y the )ocations @e,artment o' Scottish Screen :ith some 'inancia& su,,ort 'rom 9isitScot&and. The &ocations are a&so 'eatured in the 2oo5 and :e2site+ &cotland The $ovie.

Tourism 1mpact on #ocations

7eneral e))ects on the region
According to a 2##- *igh&and %ounci& !e,ort+ 2et:een 2##2(2##4 the va&ue o' tourism in the 3oray+ /adenoch and Straths,ey region gre: 'rom Q1#$ mi&&ion to Q128 mi&&ion. An increase o' 22P+ this :as a&most three times the annua& average 'or tourism in Scot&and. 4hi&e some o' this increase may 2e attri2uted to the $onarch o. the /len e''ect+ the o,ening o' the %airngorm 3ountain !ai&:ay+ the 3acdona&d Aviemore *igh&and !esort and the designation o' the %airngorm 7ationa& Par5 :ithin this time 'rame must a&so 2e ta5en into account. *o:ever+ there is evidence o' :ide recognition o' the regionAs connections :ith $onarch o. the /len. In a *igh&ands 9isitor Survey 'or 3ay 2##2(A,ri& 2## + 8$P o' visitors to /adenoch and Straths,ey had heard o' $onarch o. the /len+ and o' those num2er+ 72P said that they 5ne: it :as 'i&med in the area.

The house and grounds are ,rivate+ 2ut cottages can 2e rented. The estate does not 5ee, a record o' visitor num2ers+ 2ut !hoderic5 7o2&e 'rom the Ardveri5ie Estate says that there has 2een a huge e''ect 'rom the series. The estateAs .ate )odge+ :hich 'eatures in the series+ is so&id&y 2oo5ed this year and the next. Previous to the series+ it :as never &et so 'ar in advance. *e adds that he can te&& 'rom the enIuiries at the estate o''ice :here the series has 2een recent&y sho:n; in 2##$+ 'or instance+ there :ere a &ot o' Austra&ians and 7or:egians ma5ing enIuiries.

In Se,tem2er 2##2+ /i&& .i&2ert+ the co(o:ner o' the Scots *ouse *ote& in Kingussie+ said+ GA &ot o' ,eo,&e are coming to the area on the strength o' $onarch. ItAs certain&y extended the season. ItAs



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

im,ortant 'or an area sti&& ma5ing u, &osses 'rom &ast yearAs "oot and 3outh. TheyAve he&,ed and :e are rea&&y grate'u&.H

A s,o5es:oman 'or the S:a&&o: *igh&ander *ote& in 7e:tonmore+ :hich has a&so 2een used as &ocation 'or $onarch o. the /len+ says that the series has 2een o' 2ene'it to them+ and tours are sti&& coming; GThe e''ect hasnAt :orn o'' yet.H

"ider Reaching 1mpact

9ene)its o) long/term )ilming )or the community
The series 'i&med 'or 7 months a year. In 2##2+ Patricia Ecc&es estimated that the series :as :orth Q2 mi&&ion to &oca& 2usinesses. "igures 'rom 9isitScot&and in 2##$ stated that 11P o' ?o2s in /adenoch and Straths,ey :ere generated through tourism 'rom the series. In 2##2+ @ave "a&&o:s+ :ho runs the 7e:tonmore Tourist In'ormation %entre+ said+ GA&& the sho,s 2ene'it as the cast and cre: &ive in the area 'rom 3arch to 8cto2er.H

Regeneration o) Ardveri3ie state

Patric5 .ordon @u'' Pennington+ the rea&(&i'e &aird o' Arderveri5ie+ credits the sho: :ith saving his house 'rom ruin. GThe income has 2een use'u& as it has re,&aced much o' the income :e have &ost over the years. 4e have re,aired the house+ re:ired the house and done u, the estate cottages.H

$onarch o. the /len re,resents one o' Scot&andAs most innovative and success'u& mar5eting initatives; a coordinated strategy 2et:een regiona& and nationa& tourist 2oards+ &oca& counci&s+ ,rivate 2usinesses+ the screen agency and the ,roducer to ca,ita&ise on the ex,osure given to an area 2y its a,,earance on screen. The re(2randing o' /adenoch and Straths,ey as F3onarch %ountryA has revita&ised the mid( *igh&ands region. "urthermore+ the use o' a ,roductionAs cast as am2assadors 'or a &ocation+ im,&emented 2y $onarch o. the /len+ has 2een ,roven to 2e a very success'u& mar5eting too&. This can 2e i&&ustrated 2y the Austra&ian Tourist /oardAs use o' ,rocodile *undeeAs Pau& *ogan as the F'aceA o' Austra&ia in :hat turned out to 2e one o' the most success'u& and memora2&e tourist ,romotion cam,aigns o' the 108#s+ and EerseyAs simi&ar use o' Eohn %ergerac 7ett&es. The success o' the $onarch cam,aign has 2een :ide&y recognised. In 2##1+ Patricia Ecc&es+ co(ordinator o' the 3onarch %ountry initiative and director o' the %airngorns %ham2er o' %ommerce+ s,o5e at the Scot&and 6nited Tourism %on'erence in Edin2urgh o' ho: sma&& 2usiness and &oca& tourist 2oards :or5ed together to create the scheme+ and ca&&ed u,on the ,rivate sector to ,&ay a greater ro&e in ,romoting tourism. And+ in 2##$+ the director o' Ecosse "i&ms+ @oug&as !ae+ :as a:arded the Si&ver Thist&e 2y 9isitScot&and 'or his outstanding contri2ution to the deve&o,ment o' tourism in Scot&and. Peter )ederer+ the chairman o' 9isitScot&and+ said+ GA series &i5e $onarch o. the /len+ :hich is sho:n a&& over the :or&d+ is the sort o' advertising money ?ust cannot 2uy.H



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

!rs 9rown C*;;'D

!e&eased as Her $ajest"# $rs %rown in the 6S+ Eohn 3addenAs 'i&m te&&s the story o' Oueen 9ictoriaAs controversia& re&ationshi, :ith her servant+ /ro:n+ 'o&&o:ing the death o' her hus2and. @ame Eudi @ench :as nominated 'or an 8scar and :on a /A"TA 'or her ,ortraya& o' the OueenD /i&&y %onno&&y+ as /ro:n+ :as a&so nominated 'or a /A"TA. 3ade 'or a,,roximate&y S2 mi&&ion+ the 'i&m :as origina&&y intended to 2e aired on //% Scot&and unti& 3iramax ,ic5ed it u, 'or :or&d:ide cinema distri2ution. It :ent on to gross an estimated S0 mi&&ion in the 6S and S4. mi&&ion in other countries. The ,roducer+ @oug&as !ae o' Ecosse "i&ms+ :as a:arded the 'irst /o:more Scottish Screen A:ard in 1007 'or trans'orming $rs %rown 'rom a modest T9 ,eriod drama into an internationa& cinema hit.

Scot&and and the South 4est. Scottish &ocations inc&ude Ardveri5ie+ @uns %ast&e and Taymouth %ast&e. The exterior o' 8s2orne *ouse on the Is&e o' 4ight :as a&so used. The FauthenticA &ocations used :ere 8s2orne *ouse+ Oueen 9ictoriaAs ho&iday home+ and Taymouth %ast&e+ :here 9ictoria and A&2ert s,ent their honeymoon.

Screen Agency 1nvolvement

The 'ormer Scottish Screen )ocations+ no: ,art o' Scottish Screen+ assisted the ,roduction in sourcing &ocations.

Film Tourism 1nitiatives

!ovie !ap
The 'i&m :as inc&uded in the /TAAs 3ovie 3a, o' 1000. It :as a&so 'eatured in "i&m "ourAs .reat /ritish "i&m 3a, o' 2##2.

ST9<,deon promotion
As ,art o' a Scottish Tourist /oard initiative+ 8deon cinemas o''ered Eng&ish audiences o' $rs %rown 2('or(1 o''ers on staying at Scottish hote&s.

EScottish >ayF at Cannes

The &aunch o' Scottish Screen at %annes in 1007 inc&uded a screening o' $rs %rown.

Film location resources

The 'i&mAs &ocations are mentioned on It is a&so inc&uded in 2##2As Poc'et &cottish $ovie %oo'+ an initiative o' Scottish Screen. Ardveri5ie :as a&so 'eatured on the cover o' The $ansions ocations in &cotland+ a ?oint Scottish Screen and 9isitScot&and initiative in 2##2 to entice 'i&mma5ers to Scot&and.


How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

nglish Heritage promotion

In 1008+ Eng&ish *eritage &aunched a ,romotiona& 'i&m+ The %ig Picture+ 'eaturing suita2&e 'i&ming &ocations+ to 2e used at education and trave& 'airs and made avai&a2&e to tour o,erators and visitor sites to he&, create ,ac5ages around s,eci'ic &ocations. 8s2orne *ouse :as inc&uded in this. They a&so introduced a camera sym2o& in their 9isitor *and2oo5 to indicate ,ro,erties that have a,,eared on( screen.

Promotion (y individual locations

@uns %ast&e and Ardveri5ie mention the 'i&m on their :e2sites. 4ith 8s2orne *ouse the 'i&m is not mentioned under the detai&s o' the house+ 2ut is mentioned in the Eng&ish *eritage F'i&ming on our ,ro,ertiesA section.

Press Coverage
A num2er o' artic&es in the nationa& and internationa& ,ress mentioned the 'i&mAs &ocations+ most common&y 8s2orne *ouse.

,ther tourism initiatives

Severa& trave& :e2sites a&so connect 8s2orne *ouse to $rs %rown. An Is&e o' 4ight tourism resource+ has a section ca&&ed "i&m and T9 in'ormation+ detai&ing the 'i&ms shot on the is&and. The &ocation is a&so mentioned in genera& interest sites such as state&y( and the //% site 'or *am,shire+ :hich ,rovides a &in5 to the Eng&ish *eritage site.

Tourism 1mpact on #ocations

78TE; Taymouth %ast&e is not current&y o,en to the ,u2&ic. *o:ever+ there are ,&ans to convert the cast&e into a &uxury hote&.

The estate does not 5ee, visitor 'igures. !hoderic5 7o2&e+ the estate 'actor+ says that there is a 2it o' interest+ 2ut+ com,aring it to $onarch o. the /len+ says+ GIt certain&y didnAt have an e''ect &i5e 3onarch.H In the ,ast t:o years+ he can reca&& on&y one ,erson actua&&y as5ing a2out $rs %rown.

,s(orne House
9isitor num2ers shot u, immediate&y on re&ease o' the 'i&m in 1007+ and the house received $#+### visitors in the ten :ee5s 'o&&o:ing. /y the end o' the season in 1008+ it received 2$#+### visitors+ u, 2$P on the ,revious year. !evenue+ 'rom admissions and sa&es+ :as Q1.1 mi&&ion+ a 2#P increase on 100-. Prior to its screen a,,earance+ visitor num2ers had 2een 'a&&ing 'or severa& years. In 2##$+ the house had 2 $+$$8 visitors+ an increase o' 7P on 2##4.

"ilton House
7ige& /ai&ey o' 4i&ton *ouse does not reca&& any nota2&e increase in visitors as a resu&t o' the 'i&m.



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

"ider Reaching 1mpact

$ictorian Heritage Trail
The trai&+ an initiative o' the A2erdeen and .ram,ian Tourist /oard+ high&ights attractions in the area associated :ith Oueen 9ictoria+ inc&uding /a&mora&. S,o5es:oman /ever&ey Tric5er says that $rs %rown s,ar5ed interest in the trai&. GThe trai& did receive a signi'icant 2oost in interest and rea&&y :ent through a regeneration :hen the 'i&m $rs %rown :as re&eased. I thin5 :hat the 'i&m conveys very+ very :e&& :as that Oueen 9ictoria :as dra:n to this area and it a''ected her very dee,&y and ,eo,&e come to the area to see :hat dre: her here and :hat 5e,t her here so &ong.H

$rs %rown s,ar5ed a signi'icant increase in visitors to 8s2orne *ouse+ and may have contri2uted to a reviva& o' interest in Oueen 9ictoria. The story(&ine and &ocations o' the 'i&m ta,,ed into the esta2&ished interests o' visitors to the 6K; a /TA visitor survey in 1008 re,orted that heritage :as a ma?or 'actor in the decision o' 7#P o' overseas visitors to come to the 6K+ and that 7 P o' them visited historic 2ui&dings :hi&st in the country+ com,ared to 4P visiting art ga&&eries+ and 2P theatres. As :ith %raveheart+ it seems that :hen a 'i&m 'eatures a strong historica& character+ vie:ers are more attracted to &ocations :ith rea&(&i'e associations :ith the character+ rather than the &ocations at :hich the 'i&m :as actua&&y shot. 8s2orne *ouse+ rather than Ardveri5ie or @uns %ast&e+ received 2y the 'ar the greatest tourism e''ect.

?otting Hill C*;;;D

A romantic comedy :ritten 2y !ichard %urtis+ starring Eu&ia !o2erts and *ugh .rant+ and centred on the 'antasy(come(to(&i'e o' a *o&&y:ood 'i&m star 'a&&ing in &ove :ith an ordinary guy+ )otting Hill cou&dnAt rea&&y miss B and it didnAt. 8n re&ease it 2ecame the 2iggest se&&ing /ritish 'i&m o' a&& time in the 6S+ grossing an estimated S11- mi&&ion B near&y t:ice as much as the ,revious %urtisC.rant hit+ Four Weddings and a Funeral. Ta5ings outside the 6S :ere an estimated S247 mi&&ion+ S # mi&&ion o' :hich :as 'rom the 6K. The 2udget :as a,,roximate&y S42 mi&&ion. !ichard %urtisA trademar5 vision o' )ondon as a cosy+ c&ean city 'oregrounding envia2&e &ocations+ has earned him some detractors. Inevita2&y+ his de,iction o' 7otting *i&& :as criticised 'or not sho:ing the grittier side o' &i'e in the area nor re'&ecting its mu&ti(cu&tura& ma5e(u,. *aving said that+ the 'i&m :as genera&&y :e&& received and :as enormous&y success'u& at the 2ox o''ice. 4hatever oneAs o,inion+ ho:ever+ there is no dou2t that )otting Hill :as the u&timate ,roduct ,&acement 'or an area o' )ondon re&ative&y un5no:n outside the city.

7otting *i&& &ocations inc&ude Porto2e&&o !oad mar5et+ 4est2ourne Par5 !oad+ %o''ee !e,u2&ic on Porto2e&&o !oad+ the *em,e& *ote& and the %oronet %inema. 8ther )ondon &ocations inc&ude Ken:ood *ouse and the !itL. A&though it :as not actua&&y used in the 'i&m B the exterior :as 'i&med at an antiIues sho, on Porto2e&&o !oad and the interior :as shot at She,,erton studios B FThe Trave&



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

/oo5sho,A on /&enheim %rescent :as the ins,iration 'or the 2oo5sho, the *ugh .rant character :or5s in+ and to a&& extents and ,ur,oses can 2e considered a F&ocationA

Screen Agency 1nvolvement

The )ondon "i&m %ommission he&,ed source &ocations.

Film Tourism 1nitiatives

!ovie !ap
The 'i&m :as inc&uded on the /TAAs 3ovie 3a, o' 1000+ :hich :as distri2uted to ##+### overseas visitors via o''ices a2road.

Tourist (oard promotions

En?oy Eng&and 'eatures )otting Hill <and Four Weddings and a Funeral= on its site under F!omantic "i&m )ocationsA.

7uided Tours
Severa& )ondon guided tours+ such as the F"o&&o: The StarsA 'i&m &ocation :a&5+ inc&ude )otting Hill.

Promotion (y individual locations

The Trave& /oo5sho, had+ 'or a :hi&e 'o&&o:ing the 'i&mAs re&ease+ a sign in the :indo: reading F4eAre a&most 'amousUA 7o:+ there is nothing in the :indo: to &in5 the sho, :ith the 'i&m+ a&though their :e2site does mention it. Eng&ish *eritage mention the &in5 2et:een )otting Hill and Ken:ood *ouse on their :e2site. In Porto2e&&o !oad+ a ca'V has named itse&' FThe /&ue @oorA in homage to the 'i&m.

>$> e0tras
The @9@ o' the 'i&m inc&uded a ma, o' the &ocation+ :ith addresses o' second hand 2oo5sho,s etc.

1ndependent tourism resources

The :e2site 'eatures )otting Hill+ as do many other trave& :e2sites+ inc&uding some set u, 2y inde,endent trave&&ers. A Ea,anese )otting Hill 'an+ 'or instance+ has a ,age+ F)oo5ing 'or that /&ue @oorA+ :hich chronic&es his search 'or the &ocation.

Press coverage
The 'i&m generated a huge amount o' media coverage+ a&& o' :hich+ o2vious&y+ mentioned the &ocation.

Tourism 1mpact on #ocations

Porto(ello Road and the E9lue >oorF
The area :as+ 2y a&& accounts+ 2esieged 2y tourists. Actua& 'igures are im,ossi2&e to come 2y+ due to the ,u2&ic &ocations and the 'act that Porto2e&&o !oad is a very 2usy mar5et anyho:+ 2ut there is ,&enty o' anecdota& evidence o' the F2&ue door e''ectA. According to the o:ner o' The Trave& /oo5sho,+ GThe second Iuestion+ a'ter FIs this the sho,JA is F4here is the doorJAH 8&s2erg>SPI 0-

How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

The real location o) the Travel 9oo3shop

The manager o' .ong+ a 'urniture sho, on Porto2e&&o !oad :hose 'a]ade :as used as The Trave& /oo5sho,+ re,orts that they receive at &east one visitor a day :ho recognises the 'a]ade o' the sho,+ and that the tourists o'ten ta5e ,hotos. She has noticed a high ,ro,ortion o' S,anish ,eo,&e+ as :e&& as Ita&ians and Ea,anese.

The Travel 9oo3shop

3anager 7ic5 %reagh(8s2orne says that ,eo,&e sti&& come Fin their thousandsA every year+ and that+ on Saturdays+ the sho, is F'u&& o' '&ashing cameras.A Peo,&e o'ten as5 i' they can sit 2ehind the des5+ in the FsameA s,ot as *ugh .rant in the 'i&m.

Further anecdotal evidence

Severa& ne:s,a,er artic&es and :e2 &ogs descri2e 'anAs ,i&grimages to the &ocations o' the 'i&m+ such as one in the 4a'arta Post in 2## ; GI :as so in &ove :ith the '&ic5 that I vo:ed to myse&' that one day :hen I ste, into )imey&and+ I :ou&d retrace s,ot 2y s,ot :hat a,,eared in the 'i&m.H

Strong anecdota& evidence suggests that )otting Hill ,rovo5ed a huge in'&ux o' tourists to 7otting *i&&+ :ho might not have other:ise thought o' visiting+ and has resu&ted in the area 2ecoming esta2&ished as a Fmust(seeA on )ondon tourist itineraries. Eight years &ater+ the e''ect o' the 'i&m is sti&& strong+ as evidenced 2y the &ocations invo&ved. This su2stantia& tourism e''ect is easy to understand. The 'i&m re,resents the u&timate ,roduct ,&acement; its tit&e and &ocation are one and the same+ and 7otting *i&& is ,ortrayed very ,ositive&y+ as a 'riend&y+ attractive Fvi&&ageA :here one ?ust might meet a 'amous 'i&m star and rea&ise ones u&timate 'antasy. Then+ there is the sheer &eve& o' ex,osure; the 'i&m :as huge&y success'u&+ and seen 2y mi&&ions o' ,eo,&e around the :or&d. And+ 'ina&&y+ as &ong as one is not ex,ecting to 2um, into Eu&ia !o2erts in the street or 2e served 2y *ugh .rant in a sho,+ a visit to the area itse&' is un&i5e&y to disa,,oint. 6n&i5e some other 'amous &ocations+ sights 'eatured in the 'i&m B or strong&y associated :ith it+ such as The Trave& /oo5sho, B are sti&& identi'ia2&e+ and the area+ i' not as c&ean and cosy as ,ortrayed on screen+ is one o' the most g&amorous and vi2rant in )ondon. Such a sure('ire tourism e''ect on an area ce&e2rated 'or its uniIue character and vi&&agey atmos,here is not+ o' course+ :ithout its dangers. These :ere ac5no:&edged 2y the 'i&mAs ma5ers around the time o' re&ease+ :hen !ichard %urtis and the director+ !oger 3iche&&+ :arned 7otting *i&& that the 'i&m may resu&t in Fcommercia& c&eansingA as the area ada,ted to its ne: g&o2a& ex,osure. 3iche&& :as Iuoted as saying; GEver since :e 'i&med+ sho,s that :ere do:n(mar5et hard:are stores have turned into Seatt&e %o''ee Sho,sW.7o dou2t our 'i&m :i&& go some :ay to:ards ruining :hat it va&ues most.H *e added that )otting Hill G:as a souvenir o' :hat the area :as &i5e in the &ate 0#sH B in other :ords+ 2e'ore the im,act o' the 'i&m :as 'e&t. *e a,o&ogised in the 7vening &tandard and donated some o' the 'i&mAs ,ro'its to &oca& charities. Such :orries+ ho:ever+ have not 2een :ho&&y rea&ised. Eight years a'ter the 'i&mAs re&ease+ there are more chain co''ee sho,s on the Porto2e&&o !oad than 2e'ore+ 2ut no more than in other :e&&(hee&ed areas o' )ondon B in 'act+ the road retains an unusua&&y high num2er o' inde,endent 2usinesses. 8&s2erg>SPI 07

How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

Pro,erty ,rices and rents have shot u,+ 2ut this cannot 2e 2&amed on the 'i&m; a&& o' )ondon has ex,erienced simi&ar in'&ation+ and 7otting *i&& :as+ even 2e'ore the 'i&m came out+ a high&y desira2&e &ocation. According to 7ic5 %reagh(8s2orne+ the manager o' the rea& Trave& /oo5sho,+ a 2randed Trave& /oo5sho, At&as is one o' the sho,As 2iggest se&&ing items+ G,resuma2&y 2ought as souvenirs 2y tourists :ho :ant to have something :ith the name on.H Sti&&+ he says+ the sho, needs to try more to turn tourist interest into sa&es+ and to this end+ they have moved the F)ondonA section to the 'ront o' the sho,+ :ith the thin5ing that these are the 2oo5s the tourists are most &i5e&y to 2uy. %reagh(8s2orne is adamant+ ho:ever+ that the sho, :i&& continue to 5ee, its integrity and not succum2 to the thra&& o' )otting Hill tourists. GI :ant to avoid the F@isney'icationA o' the sho,+H he says. GIt :ou&d 2e easy to 2ecome a ,arody o' FThe Trave& /oo5sho,A+ 2ut I :ant it to 2e res,ected as a great 2oo5sho, in its o:n rightH.

Pea3 Practice C*;;2/%&&%D

A ,o,u&ar IT9 drama a2out the gent&e goings(on at a @er2yshire doctorAs surgery in the 'ictiona& vi&&age o' %arda&e+ Pea' Practice ran 'or 12 series 2e'ore 'ina&&y 2eing FretiredA in 2##2. At its height+ the drama had 12 mi&&ion vie:ersD the 'ina& series earned around -.7 mi&&ion. 3any actors have ,assed through F%arda&eA+ the most 'amous 2eing Kevin 4hate&y+ Amanda /urton and Simon She,herd.

@er2yshire. %rich+ on the edge o' the Pea5 @istrict 7ationa& Par5+ :as the main &ocation o' %arda&e during series 1(11D )ongnor+ in /uxton+ too5 its ,&ace in the 12th series.

Screen Agency 1nvolvement

East 3id&ands Screen %ommission+ ,rior to the esta2&ishment o' E3 3edia+ assisted :ith &ocations.

Film Tourism 1nitiatives

Regional tourist (oard promotion
@uring the run o' the series+ 2rochures and &ea'&ets re(2randed Am2er 9a&&ey as FPea' Practice %ountryA. 9isit @er2yshire no: &in5s the to:n o' %rich :ith the series.

99C promotion
The //% @er2yshire :e2site has a ,age on Pea' Practice &ocations in %rich.

1ndependent tourism initiatives

:::.der2yshire(, has in'ormation on FPea' Practice %ountryA.



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

Promotion (y individual locations

The 'ish and chi, sho, in %rich has renamed itse&' the F%arda&e %hi,,yA. The &oca& 2a5ery has ,ictures o' the cast on its :a&&.

Tourism 1mpact on #ocations

7eneral impact on Crich
A ne:s,a,er artic&e :ritten at the time o' the seriesA end+ in 2##2+ Iuotes the Tourism @eve&o,ment 8''icer 'or Am2er 9a&&ey /orough %ounci&+ !eg 4hit:orth+ as saying; G Pea' Practice has a&:ays attracted ,eo,&e to the area; one &ady came a&& the :ay 'rom Austra&ia ?ust to see :here the series :as 'i&med.H *o:ever+ he rec5ons that on&y a tiny ,ro,ortion o' -.2 mi&&ion visitors to the area each year :ou&d come ,ure&y on the strength o' the series. GPea' Practice has de'inite&y generated extra 2usiness and :e :ou&d much rather it :as here than not+ 2ut other 'actors are &i5e&y to have a more dramatic e''ect on tourism here &i5e the strength o' the ,ound.H *is comments :ere 2ac5ed u, 2y Ian 4e&2y+ the o:ner o' %rich 7e:s in the vi&&age; G4e get ,eo,&e 'rom across the country and :or&d coming in and as5ing :here the sites are that 'eatured in Pea' Practice.H *o:ever+ he adds+ GI dou2t Zthe series ending[ :i&& have a serious e''ect on the economy o' the sho,s here. 4e :ere never very de,endent on the income it generated.H 7o:+ 3ichae& %ou&tas o' %rich Parish %ounci& re,orts that GOuite a 'e: ,eo,&e sti&& come on the trai& o' Pea' PracticeH+ a&though num2ers are unmonitored.

Crich Tramway $illage

9isitors to the vi&&age increased 'rom 7-+### in 2### to 0#+### in 2##2+ 2ut this cou&d 2e &arge&y due to a revam, and ne: mar5eting cam,aign in 2##1. A s,o5es:oman says o' Pea' Practice+ GPeo,&e certain&y 5ne: a2out it+ and they did a 2it o' 'i&ming here+ and used our 'aci&ities+ 2ut I canAt say :hether it had a direct resu&t on visitor 'igures.H

7eneral impact on 9u0ton

A s,o5es:oman at the Tourist In'ormation %entre says; G4e have had &ots o' ,eo,&e coming in+ some 'rom as 'ar a:ay as Austra&ia+ as5ing :here it :as 'i&med.H *o:ever+ she adds+ interest in the series has died o''. GThree or 'our years ago+ :e :ere getting 2(4 enIuiries a :ee5+ 2ut no: it seems to have eased o''. I donAt 5no: :hether it 2rings ,eo,&e to this area+ or :hether+ :hen theyAre here+ itAs something they &i5e to 5no: a2outH+

Horseshoe 1nn, #ongnor

The exterior :as used in Pea' Practice. The o:ner re,orts that some visitors as5 Iuestions a2out the ,u2As ro&e in the series+ 2ut that itAs im,ossi2&e to say ho: many have come ,ure&y as a resu&t o' it; G4eAre a 2usy &itt&e ,&ace+ any:ay.H



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

There is no research on the tourism e''ect o' Pea' Practice# 2ut anecdota& evidence suggests that the series has had an im,act on visitors to its &ocations+ most common&y as a tourism FenhancerA B a connection that enhances the visit o' a tourist a&ready decided on the area B rather than a FdriverA. It seems that since the series ended the e''ect has died a:ay some:hat+ a&though those intervie:ed do not a,,ear too concerned a2out the economic im,act o' this. A&though tourism is huge&y im,ortant to the region+ and is its 'astest gro:ing industry+ the Pea5 @istrict is a&ready a :e&& recognised and ,o,u&ar attraction; the second most visited nationa& ,ar5 in the :or&d+ more than 22 mi&&ion visitor days are s,ent there each year. It does not de,end on the tourism e''ect o' ,roductions such as Pea' Practice. The tourism issues 'or the Pea5 @istrict are &ess a2out ho: to attract more visitors+ 2ut rather+ ho: to manage the im,act o' those it a&ready receives+ 'or instance+ in terms o' environmenta& damage B 0#P o' visitors to the region come 2y car. There is a&so the 'act that most visitors do not stay overnight B according to the *igh Pea5 Tourism Economic Im,act Assessment 2###+ out o' .2 mi&&ion visitors :ho came to the *igh Pea5 that year+ 2.- mi&&ion :ere day tri,,ers+ :hich resu&ts in a &o: s,end ,er head com,ared to other tourist areas. A&though T9 ,rogrammes such as Pea' Practice+ :hich 'ocus on a tight geogra,hica& area+ can 2e instrumenta& in dra:ing visitors to a &ocation+ ,romoting these ,roductions is not necessari&y the 2est :ay o' tac5&ing s,eci'ic tourism issues such as those 'e&t 2y the Pea5 @istrict. This is i&&ustrated 2y the 'amous exam,&e o' .oath&and+ the &ocation o' Heart!eat+ :here+ a&though visitor num2ers increased 'o&&o:ing the series+ overnight visits actua&&y decreased as inde,endent+ &onger(staying visitors :ere re,&aced 2y coach &oads o' day(tri,,ers.

Pride and Pre6udice C%&&5D

4or5ing Tit&eAs version o' Eane AustenAs most 'amous nove&+ directed 2y Eoe 4right and starring Keira Knight&ey+ :as re&eased on 1-th Se,tem2er 2##$ in the 6K and 11th 7ovem2er in the 6S. Its 2udget :as a,,roximate&y Q28 mi&&ion.17 The 'i&m did :e&& at the 2ox o''ice+ grossing over Q$# mi&&ion :or&d:ide+ a,,roximate&y Q1$ mi&&ion o' :hich :as generated 'rom the 6K. In its 'irst :ee5 o' o,ening it :as num2er one in the 6K 2ox o''ice+ staying in the to, s,ot 'or 2 :ee5s. 8vera&&+ in 2##$+ it :as the 1 th highest grossing 'i&m in the 6K. In the 6S+ it reached num2er six in the 2ox o''ice and s,ent $ :ee5s in the to, ten. It received &arge&y ,ositive revie:s and extensive ,ress coverage. "o&&o:ing a num2er o' a:ard nominations+ inc&uding /est Actress 'or Keira Knight&ey at the Academy A:ards+ those :on inc&uded a /A"TA 'or director Eoe 4right+ 'or S,ecia& Achievement 2y a @irector+ 4riter or Producer in a "irst "eature "i&m+ and severa& others 'or the su,,orting cast+ inc&uding Ke&&y !ei&&y and Tom *o&&ander. The 'i&m+ rated F6A+ has 2road audience a,,ea&. Eane AustenAs nove& has 2een voted the 6KAs second 'avourite 2oo5 o' a&& time and the &arge cast o' this ada,tation a,,ea&s to a range o' ages+ 'rom the young star Keira Knight&ey to Fheavy:eightA actors such as @ona&d Suther&and and Eudi @ench.

17 A,,roximate 2udget source I3@/.



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

9arious &ocations around the East 3id&ands and South 4est. %hats:orth *ouse+ as FPem2er&eyA+ :as used as a &ocation 'or the 'irst time in 'i&m or T9. /urgh&ey *ouse :as F!osingsA+ and Stam'ord vi&&age stood in 'or the 'ictiona& 3eryton. 8ther &ocations inc&ude /asi&don Par5+ *addon *a&& and 4i&ton *ouse.

Screen Agency 1nvolvement

/oth South 4est Screen and E3(3edia 2ecame invo&ved :ith 6niversa& "i&ms in the ,re(,roduction stage. S4S he&,ed to source &ocations+ such as 4i&ton *ouseD E3(3edia o''ered a 'ree su,,ort and &ocations services+ inc&uding cre:+ 'aci&ities and accommodation searches. A'ter the 'i&m had :ra,,ed+ E3(3edia ?oined 'orces :ith East 3id&ands Tourism+ 9isit )inco&nshire and @er2yshire and the *igh Pea5 @estination 3anagement Partnershi,s to ,roduce a cam,aign targeting overseas visitors. The initiative :as 'inanced 2y E3T.

Film Tourism 1nitiatives

EPride and Pre6udiceF Country re(randing
As a resu&t o' the co&&a2orations mentioned a2ove+ )inco&nshire+ the Pea5 @istrict and @er2yshire :as re2randed as FPride and Prejudice %ountryA. 9isit/ritain advertise the initiative on their :e2site+ o''ering a range o' short 2rea5s Fin the rea& &i'e movie setA. These inc&ude a F!osings Pac5ageA+ inc&uding entry to /urgh&ey *ouse and a :a&5ing tour o' Stam'ord+ and a FPem2er&ey Pac5ageA+ inc&uding entry to %hats:orth *ouse and *addon *ouse. The :e2site a&so inc&udes &in5s to the Eane Austen Society and the Eane Austen Society o' 7orth America+ the &atter o' :hich occasiona&&y organises tours to sights associated :ith the :riter in Eng&and. In 2##-+ 9isit )inco&nshire had a stand at the /ritish Trave& and Trade "air+ and gave a ,resentation on "i&m Tourism.

>$> insert
The @9@ re&ease inc&uded an insert ,romoting Pride and Prejudice country.

Chatsworth premiere
E3(3edia a&so ?oined 'orces :ith 9isit )inco&nshire and @er2yshire and the *igh Pea5 @3Ps to host a ,remiere o' the 'i&m at %hats:orth *ouse 'or media and trade.

,ther Austen tourism initiatives

8ther initiatives inc&ude 4inchester %ity %ounci&As advertising o' FEane Austen Short /rea5sA on their :e2site+ inc&uding entry to the authorAs &iterary home at %ha:ton and a guided tour o' Eane AustenAs 4inchester. The :e2site ,rovides &in5s to the o''icia& Pride and Prejudice :e2site. The 7ationa& Trust has introduced an itinerary on its :e2site+ FEane Austen "i&m and T9A+ high&ighting the use o' its ,ro,erties in this and other Austen ada,tations.



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

1ndependent tourism initiatives

In addition+ severa& inde,endent tour com,anies have started Pride and Prejudice tours+ such as /ritish Tours )td.

Press coverage
/e'ore+ during and a'ter the 'i&m :as re&eased+ a,,roximate&y 0# ?ourna&ists 'rom the 6K and a2road visited the Pride and Prejudice &ocations+ generating around Q4 mi&&ion in ,u2&icity+ according to 9isit/ritain 'igures.

Promotion (y individual locations

/asi&don Par5 and /urgh&ey have exhi2itions on the ma5ing o' the 'i&m . %hats:orth *ouse and 4i&ton *ouse a&so have sma&& dis,&ays.

Tourism 1mpact on #ocations

9asildon Par3
In the three :ee5s 2et:een the 'i&m o,ening and the house c&osing 'or the :inter in 8cto2er 2##$+ there :ere 1#+### extra visitors. In 2##-+ over 1## coach tours :ere so&d on the 2ac5 o' the 'i&m+ a 7-P increase.

Stam)ord village
.raeme /ur&ey+ the mar5eting manager o' Stam'ord TI%+ re,orts the centre received 1+48$ extra visitors 2et:een the 'i&mAs re&ease in Se,tem2er 2##$ and 3arch 2##-. 4hat ,ro,ortion o' these came ,ure&y 2ecause o' Pride and Prejudice he cannot say+ 2ut thin5s it is &i5e&y a num2er did+ considering the increase occurred over the usua&&y Iuiet ,eriod o' :inter. *e adds that a &oca& grou, made Pride and Prejudice ca&endars to se&& in the to:n+ and 7$# o' these :ere so&d. *e a&so adds that the tourism e''ect o' Pride and Prejudice on Stam'ord :as minor com,ared to the im,act o' the 1004 T9 series $iddlemarch.

Chatsworth House
Kay !oach'ord at %hats:orth *ouse says there has 2een no signi'icant rise in visitor num2ers since the re&ease o' the 'i&m.

9urghley House
In the month 2et:een the 'i&m o,ening and the house c&osing in 2##$+ there :as a visitor increase o' 4#P at :ee5ends. Since o,ening on 1st A,ri& 2##-+ visitor num2ers increased 2y 2#P on the ,revious year+ on a day(2y(day 2asis. In a survey o' visitors in 2##-+ #P said their visit :as ins,ired 2y the 'i&m.



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

"ilton House
There are no exact visitor num2ers avai&a2&e+ 2ut s,o5esman 7ige& /ai&ey does not 2e&ieve that 'igures since the 'i&mAs o,ening are signi'icant&y higher than the -#(8#+### the house usua&&y receives during its o,en season 'rom A,ri&(8cto2er. There have 2een no s,eci'ic reIuests 'rom mem2ers o' the ,u2&ic :ho have 2een ins,ired to visit 2y the 'i&m.

"ider Reaching 1mpact

1ncreased interest in Gane Austen
Eane AustenAs house at %ha:ton+ no: an inde,endent research &i2rary o,en to the ,u2&ic+ re,orts a Fsigni'icant e''ectA 'rom 'i&m and te&evision ada,tations. This is the resu&t o' a genera& higher ,ro'i&e 'or Eane Austen+ and 'rom media re,orts. In 2##4+ it had 24+### visitorsD in 2##$+ there :ere 20+874+ a rise o' over $+###.

Pride and Prejudice has had an undou2ted+ and+ in some cases su2stantia&+ e''ect on tourism in )inco&nshire+ @er2yshire and the Pea5 @istrict. The ?oint initiative o' the visit,rideand,re? :e2site is &arge&y res,onsi2&e 'or this; the houses 'eatured as the Fstars o' the 'i&mA on the 'irst ,age o' the :e2site B %hats:orth *ouse+ /urgh&ey *ouse+ Stam'ord and *addon *a&& B have a&& had increased visitor num2ers+ and its on&ine 2oo5ing 'or hote&s have great&y 2ene'ited &oca& 2usinesses. Those 'eatured &ess ,rominent&y+ such as /asi&don Par5+ have a&so 2ene'ited+ ,art&y though their o:n ,u2&icity e''orts. Severa& ,oints have arisen 'rom the study. 8ne is the ro&e o' &ocations im,&ementing their o:n ,u2&icity cam,aigns during their negotiations :ith 'i&m com,anies. 7ige& /ai&ey o' 4i&ton *ouse com,ared the insigni'icant im,act o' Pride and Prejudice on visitor num2ers at 4i&ton *ouse to the su2stantia& increase at /asi&don Par5+ and suggested this :as 2ecause the &atter had negotiated ,u2&icity reIuirements :ith 6niversa& ear&y on in discussions+ tying these reIuirements in :ith the 'aci&ity 'ee. 4i&ton *ouse+ :ho did not do this+ 'ound that trying to o2tain ,u2&icity materia&s 'rom the com,any 'o&&o:ing the 'i&mAs re&ease :as extreme&y di''icu&t. "or exam,&e+ 2ehind(the(scenes sti&&s 'rom the 'i&m :ere di''icu&t to o2tain as they each had to 2e 'irst a,,roved 2y a&& the actors ,ictured. A&so interesting is a com,arison 2et:een the tourism e''ects o' the 100$ //% mini(series o' Pride and Prejudice and this recent 'i&m version. 8n the :ho&e+ it a,,ears that the mini(series had a more dramatic e''ect on visitor num2ers. )yme Par5+ 'or exam,&e+ :hich :as used as a &ocation in the 100$ series+ sa: an increase o' 178P. Knoc5(on e''ects :ere simi&ar&y dramatic in the month o' 8cto2er 100$. @uring the transmission o' the series+ %ha:tonAs visitor num2ers more than dou2&ed 'rom 2+$## to $+ #0. This can 2e attri2uted to the 'act that the //% series :as a T9 F,henomenonA+ accumu&ating a &arge amount o' sustained ,ress coverage over its six e,isode run+ and re'&ective o' the 'act that the vast ma?ority o' 6K tourism is domestic; in 2## + domestic ex,enditure grossed Q$0 2i&&ion+ :hi&st+ in 2##4+ overseas visitors s,ent Q1 2i&&ion in the country. "ina&&y+ there is the extent o' interest in the :ider Eane Austen F2randA generated 2y such ada,tations o' her :or5. The ex,erience o' %ha:ton and+ to a &esser extent+ the Eane Austen %entre in /ath+ indicates that there is indeed a 5noc5(on e''ect. /ut another intervie:ee+ Phi& *o:e+ o' the com,any *idden /ritain Tours+ :hich conducts sma&& tours o' Eane AustenAs authentic Fneigh2ourhoodA in *am,shire+ 8&s2erg>SPI 1#

How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

says that the ,u2&icising o' )inco&nshire+ @er2yshire and the Pea5 @istrict as ?Pride and Prejudice %ountryA+ :hen in 'act the author and her 2oo5s have 'e: connections there+ :as mis&eading+ and did not increase his 2usiness. The genera& consensus+ ho:ever+ is that 'i&m and T9 ada,tations o' AustenAs :or5 are 2ene'icia& 'or everyone. GI donAt thin5 many ,eo,&e come to the centre ?ust 2ecause they have seen a recent&y made 'i&m+H says @avid /a&doc5 o' the Eane Austen %entre in /ath. G*o:ever+ there is no dou2t that the continued deve&o,ment o' Eane AustenAs :or5 in the media has a 2ene'icia& im,act on our 2usiness. 4hi&e in itse&' it does not drive visitors to our door+ i' :e co(ordinate our mar5eting activities and associate :ith the ,ositive ,ress :hich surround these re&eases :e can derive very ,ositive 2ene'it.H

Pride and Pre6udice @ T$ C*;;5D

This -(,art //% mini(series+ :ritten 2y Andre: @avies+ :as F:ater coo&erA T9. 7ot on&y :as it the //%As highest rated c&assic seria& ever+ :ith 14 mi&&ion ,eo,&e :atching the 'ina& e,isode+ 2ut it a&so un&eashed a :ave o' F@arcymaniaA around the 6K as :omen s:ooned over Eane AustenAs hero+ as ,&ayed 2y %o&in "irth. *e :as voted the countryAs a&&(time 'avourite actor in a //% ,o&& in 100- and+ in the same year+ Eenni'er Eh&e :on a /A"TA 'or her ,ortraya& o' E&iLa2eth /ennett. The series+ :hich cost around Q- mi&&ion to ma5e+ :as a&so sho:n in the 6S+ Austra&ia+ 7ether&ands and .ermany. A Tenth Anniversary @9@ :as re&eased in 2##$. The series :on an FEng&and 'or Exce&&enceA a:ard in 100$+ in recognition o' its outstanding contri2ution to tourism :ithin and to Eng&and.

9arious historic houses around the 6K+ severa& o' them 7ationa& Trust ,ro,erties. )yme Par5 :as the exterior o' Pem2er&eyD Sud2ury *a&& the interior. A&so+ )acoc5+ Edgcote *a&& as 7ether'ie&d+ /e&ton *ouse as !osings.

Screen Agency 1nvolvement

The series :as made 2e'ore the esta2&ishment o' E3 3edia. The East 3id&ands Screen %ommission assisted :ith &ocations.

Film Tourism 1nitiatives

EPem(erley TrailF
The 7ationa& Trust &aunched the FPem2er&ey Trai&A+ :ith &ocations inc&uding )acoc5 <as 3eryton= and )ongnor <)am2ton=.

!ovie !ap
The seriesA &ocations :ere inc&uded in the /TAAs 100- 3ovie 3a,.



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

99C tie/ins
The //% made t:o documentaries a2out the series+ inc&uding F"rom Page to ScreenA+ and a 2oo5+ FThe 3a5ing o' Pride and PrejudiceA. Its regiona& :e2sites give in'ormation on &ocations used in the series.

Press coverage
8' the many ,ress artic&es a2out the series+ severa& mentioned the &ocations used in 'i&ming.

Promotion (y locations
)yme Par5 and Sud2ury *a&& 2oth he&d exhi2itions o' ,hotos and costumes 'rom the series. The 7ationa& Trust :e2site &in5s its houses to Pride and Prejudice.

1ndependent travellers
There are severa& ,ersona& accounts o' FPride and Prejudice ,i&grimagesA on the :e2.

Tourism 1mpact on #ocations

78TE; The 7ationa& Trust say they cannot give exact visitor 'igures 'or their ,ro,erties during the ,eriod.

#yme Par3
The scene o' @arcyAs F:et(shirtA moment+ visitor num2ers at the house rose 'rom 2+8$2 in 1004 to 01+4 7 in 100$+ an increase o' 178P. In 8cto2er 100$+ there :ere 1#+### visitors+ com,ared to 2+### in 8cto2er 1004.

9elton House
In 8cto2er 100$+ there :ere 1$+2$- visitors+ com,ared to 0+881 in 8cto2er 1004.

Tourism to the to:n :as u, 2#P in the 'irst ha&' o' 100-+ com,ared :ith the same ,eriod in 100$.

Harewood House
The house received 2 P more visitors in 1007.

Sud(ury Hall
9isitor num2ers :ere u, $-P in 100-.

"ider Reaching 1mpact

1ncreased interest in Gane Austen
%ha:ton+ Eane AustenAs house+ re,orts that in 8cto2er 100$ they received $+ #0 visitors+ u, 'rom an average o' 2+$##. The interest &ed the house to stay o,en on :ee5days in 7ovem2er+ rather than shut as usua&. 8n /oxing @ay+ there :as a Iueue outside. /y the end o' 100-+ there had 2een $7+### visitors+ dou2&e the norma& vo&ume. 8&s2erg>SPI 1#$

How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

1ncreased interest in historic houses

As :e&& as signi'icant increases in the &ocations used in the series+ the Eng&ish Tourist /oard re,orted in 100- the 'astest gro:th in visitor num2ers at historic ,ro,erties since 1087+ :ith an increase o' 4P <the overa&& increase to visitor attractions in the 6K :as 2P=. In 1007+ the rise :as 2P. Eo )es&ie o' the ET/ said+ GI' I ran a state&y home+ that is ho: I :ou&d mar5et it+ 2y getting it used as a site 'or a 'i&m. "i&ms dea&ing :ith Eane AustenAs 2oo5s have caused a huge interest in various houses.H "urther evidence inc&udes a 0P increase in visitors at Sa&tram in P&ym,ton+ 'o&&o:ing its use in 100$As &ense and &ensi!ilit"+ and a &arge increase at %hats:orth+ rumoured to 2e AustenAs ins,iration 'or Pem2er&ey+ :here visitor num2ers :ent u, 21P in 1007+ to 480+-72.

Pride and Prejudice ,rovo5ed a mar5ed increase in visitor num2ers to its 'i&ming &ocations+ and had a simi&ar&y su2stantia& 5noc5(on e''ect at %ha:ton+ the home o' Eane Austen. 3ore genera&&y+ there :as a&so a nota2&e rise in visitors to 7ationa& Trust ,ro,erties in the year the series aired B an increase o' 8P B 2ut the 'act that 100$ :as a&so the TrustAs centenary+ and there :ere many s,ecia& events he&d to mar5 this+ must 2e ta5en into consideration. 1# years &ater+ there is sti&& a &in5 2et:een the &ocations and the series. Ten years &ater+ )yme Par5As visitor 'igures remain higher than 2e'ore the series+ at 88+884 in 2##4C$. The house+ :hich hosted the in'amous scene o' @arcy striding out o' the ,ond+ announced in Eune 2##- that it :as considering se&&ing o&d roo' ti&es ,ainted :ith an image o' the scene in an attem,t to raise money 'or restoration :or5. The tourism im,act o' the Pride and Prejudice T9 series may have 2een greater than that o' the 2##$ 'i&m+ des,ite not having the 2ene'it o' the ,re(,&anned tourism initiative a''orded to the 'i&m. This cou&d 2e 2ecause the series gave the &ocations greater ex,osure+ airing 'or one hour every :ee5 'or six :ee5s com,ared to the sing&e FdoseA o' the t:o hour 'i&m+ and may a&so 2e &in5ed to its schedu&ing on Sunday night+ :hich anecdota& evidence suggests is a 'erti&e time 'or inciting screen tourism. A&so+ 2earing in mind that 2oth 'ans o' Eane Austen and those most &i5e&y to visit historic houses tend to 2e midd&e aged+ it is ,ossi2&e that some vie:ers o' the 2##$ 'i&m :ho might other:ise have visited Pride and Prejudice &ocations did not+ 2ecause they had a&ready FdoneA them :hen the series :as aired+ ten years ear&ier. The series a&so ca,tured the imagination o' vie:ers+ ,articu&ar&y in the 6K+ in a :ay the 'i&m did not. The com,arison 2et:een the im,act o' the T9 series and the 'i&m suggests that a structured+ ,re( ,&anned tourism cam,aign can 2e &ess ,o:er'u& than the s,ontaneous e''ect o' a ,roduction that vie:ers ta5e to their hearts.

Ric3 Stein C*;;5 / %&&4D

Since 100$+ !ic5 Stein 8/E has recorded eight //% series+ inc&uding Taste o. The &ea# Food Heroes# Fruits o. the &ea# &ea.ood =d"sse"# Fresh Food and the &ea.ood over:s /uide+ and ,u2&ished nine 'ood 2oo5s. A&though his Iuest 'or 'resh ,roduce has ta5en him a&& over the :or&d+ he is strong&y associated :ith 'ish and Padsto:+ :here he 'irst set u, the Sea'ood !estaurant in 107-. Since then+ he has esta2&ished 8&s2erg>SPI 1#-

How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

three more restaurants+ a de&i+ a ,atisserie+ a gi't sho,+ a Schoo&.

(room hote& and the Padsto: Sea'ood

*is ,art in the regeneration o' Padsto: 'rom a ,oor 'ishing vi&&age into a smart gastro(destination has 2een such that the vi&&age has 2een nic5named FPadstein.A In 2##2+ he :as a:arded a %orn:a&& Tourist A:ard+ and in 2## + he :as a:arded an 8/E 'or services to %ornish Tourism.

Padsto:+ %orn:a&&. A&so+ other ,arts o' the 6K and the :or&d.

Screen Agency 1nvolvement

South 4est Screen had very &itt&e invo&vement :ith SteinAs seriesA. Stein :as a&ready &ong(esta2&ished in Padsto: 2e'ore 'i&ming 2egan.

Film Tourism 1nitiatives

7eneral tourism initiatives
9isit/ritain and 9isit %orn:a&& 2oth &in5 !ic5 Stein to Padsto:.

$isit9ritain Egastro/tourismF scheme

A'ter research revea&ed that ha&' o' a&& visitors to the 6K say that the Iua&ity o' 'ood and drin5 ,&ays an im,ortant ,art in their ho&iday+ 9isit/ritain &aunched a scheme in 2##4 to encourage gastro(tourism 2y getting :e&&(5no:n che's to ,romote their regions. The cam,aign inc&uded a -#(,age 2rochure 'eaturing each regionAs most 'amous ,roducts and a gastronomic trai& o' coo5ery schoo&s+ restaurants+ 'armersA mar5ets and 'estiva&s. Stein :as the am2assador 'or the South 4est.

EPassport to PadstowF scheme

In 2##$+ Stein :as the ,u2&ic 'ace o' the FPass,ort to Padsto:A scheme+ a ?oint venture 2et:een Padsto: Area Tourism Association+ 7orth %orn:a&& @istrict %ounci& and a range o' &oca& 2usinesses+ to encourage visitors to come to the vi&&age out o' season. In the same year+ at the )ord 3ayorAs /anIuet in )ondon+ he coo5ed %ornish ,roduce.

Press coverage
There has 2een much media coverage a2out Stein+ his restaurant and his e''ect on Padsto:.

Tourism 1mpact on #ocations

7eneral e))ect on Padstow
Tina Evans+ chair:oman o' the Padsto: Area Tourism Association+ says that :hi&e there has 2een no s,eci'ic research done regarding the motivations o' ,eo,&e visiting Padsto:+ the !ic5 Stein e''ect has 2een FhugeA+ and the to:n 2ene'its great&y 'rom his ,resence. GThere is a surge o' interest :hen his 8&s2erg>SPI 1#7

How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

,rogrammes are re(sho:n+ and the ear&ier ,rogrammes+ :hich :ere set in the &oca& area+ :ere ,articu&ar&y e''ective at generating tourism.H Evans a&so o:ns a ho&iday ,ro,erty and re,orts that in recent years this has 2een 2oo5ed a&& year round+ and out o' season every ,erson :ho comes to stay :i&& eat at a !ic5 Stein restaurant. She has even had guests come 'rom Austra&ia to eat at the Sea'ood !estaurant. G/usiness is no: via2&e a&& year round in Padsto:+ rather than ?ust in the summer.H

Sea)ood Restaurant
9ivienne Tay&or 'rom the Sea'ood !estaurant re,orts that Stein receives many &etters and emai&s 'rom ,eo,&e :ho have seen his ,rogrammes and no: :ant to eat at the restaurant. It is 2oo5ed months in advance. Peo,&e+ she says+ come to Padsto: 2ecause o' him+ rather than 2ecause o' Padsto: itse&'. She adds that even the ,rogrammes :hich do not 'eature Padsto:+ such as &ea.ood =d"sse"+ :hich too5 Stein around the :or&d+ and Food Heroes+ in :hich he trave&&ed around the 6K+ increased demand at the restaurant.

"ider Reaching 1mpact

#ocal employment
Stein is the 2iggest em,&oyer in the vi&&age+ em,&oying around 2$# sta''+ most o' them &oca&.

Regeneration o) the village

The :e&&(hee&ed visitors that Stein has 2rought to Padsto: have created a mar5et 'or other smart esta2&ishments. Tina Evans+ :ho has &ived in Padsto: since 10$8+ re,orts that 2e'ore 'ive or six years ago+ ,eo,&e :ou&d come to eat at the Sea'ood !estaurant 2ut have no:here e&se to eat a'ter that. 7o:+ there are three 3iche&in starred restaurants in the to:n. *is ro&e in raising a:areness o' &oca& ,roduce and creating the 2rand o' the South 4est 2eing a gastro(destination may have a&so encouraged other T9 che's to come to the area+ such as Eamie 8&iver+ :ho o,ened a 2ranch o' "i'teen in 7e:Iuay in Eune 2##-.

Raising awareness o) environmental issues

In 2##$+ Stein :as made an honorary ,atron o' the 7ationa& Trust 'or his su,,ort o' the TrustAs 7e,tune scheme+ to he&, ,rotect the nationa& coast&ine.

))ects on other parts o) the country

Stein has a&so cham,ioned 'ood su,,&iers and restaurants e&se:here in the 6K+ 2oth on T9 and in 2oo5s. In 2##$+ he said that the 3ag,ie %a'V in 4hit2y served the 2est 'ish and chi,s in the :or&d; as a resu&t+ Iueues 1##(&ong 'ormed+ and &ed to the o:ners 2eing threatened :ith ,rosecution 'or o2structing the ,avement.

!ic5 SteinAs T9 ,rogrammes have 2een direct&y res,onsi2&e 'or 2ringing a &arge num2er o' tourists to Padsto: and 'or regenerating the vi&&age. *e has a&so ,&ayed a semina& ,art in the re(2randing o' %orn:a&& as a gastro(destination; an economica&&y vita& trans'ormation+ as an em,hasis on 'ood gives the county an a&&(year(round a,,ea& that its traditiona& attractions o' sun and 2eaches cannot ,rovide.



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

3a&co&m /e&& o' South 4est Tourism descri2es SteinAs endorsement o' Padsto: as a Fmoving ,osterA; GThose t:enty seconds at the end o' his ,rogramme :hen he stands on the c&i'' to, :ith his dog %ha&5y is an iconic imageH. The Fmoving ,osterA B :hen the environment :or5s as a 'eature at the core o' the 'i&m+ rather than ?ust a 2ac5dro, B tends to have+ he says+ the strongest tourism e''ect. A&though Padsto: has &ong 2een 5no:n as a destination :ithin %orn:a&&+ the ex,osure given to it 2y Stein has &ed to a 'ar greater a:areness o' the vi&&age. According to a %orn:a&& Tourist /oard 9isitor Survey in 2##4(2##$+ 22P o' tourists to %orn:a&& ,&anned to visit Padsto:. There is anecdota& evidence that Stein has he&,ed Padsto: ,u&& in visitors 'rom overseas that might not other:ise have made it as 'ar as the South 4est during their tri, to the 6K. *o:ever+ domestic visitors sti&& 'orm 2y 'ar the greatest ma?ority o' visitors to %orn:a&&; /e&& estimates the 'igure at 02P. *e suggests that the ho,e 'or increased overseas visitors &ies not on&y in ,romotion 2ut in the decision 2y Euro,ean &o:(cost air&ines to o,en routes to 7e:Iuay air,ort. The FStein e''ectA can a&so 2e he&d ,art&y res,onsi2&e 'or an increase in visitor s,end on comesti2&es in %orn:a&&. 3a&co&m /e&& estimates that no:+ #, out o' every Q1 s,ent in the county is s,ent on 'ood and drin5; $#P more than ten years ago. "urthermore+ his im,act on Padsto: has i&&ustrated the F,u&&ing ,o:erA o' T9 che's+ 'urther ,roved 2y the 'act that Eamie 8&iverAs ne: 2ranch o' "i'teen in 7e:Iuay had received+ as o' mid Eune 2##-+ 1 +### reservations+ des,ite on&y actua&&y 2eing o,en 'or ten days. Stein has a&so ,&ayed a ro&e in an overa&& re(2randing o' %orn:a&& as a Fha,,eningA ,&ace to 2e+ :hich has &ed to an increase in ,ro,erty ,rices in the region. According to a *a&i'ax survey in A,ri& 2##-+ !ic5 Stein+ the Eden Pro?ect+ Tate St Ives and 7e:Iuay sur'ers have a&& made %orn:a&& Fcoo&A B and turned it into the Fhottest ,ro,erty mar5et o' the ,ast decadeA. Average house ,rices in %orn:a&& have a&most Iuadru,&ed in the ,ast ten years; in Padsto:+ ,rices rose 'rom around Q11#+### to Q2-7+### 2et:een s,ring 2##1 and 2##4. In 2##1+ 3ichae& Ivens 'rom /rad'ord and /ing&ey in Padsto: said+ GThat man has made this ,&ace. It :ou&d cost mi&&ions to 2uy that ,u2&icity.H )oca& agents in 7e:Iuay estimate that the ne:s o' "i'teen o,ening has a&ready added Q$#+### to &oca& ,rices. This 5ind o' regeneration+ ho:ever+ inevita2&y &eads to a change in the nature o' a &ocation. Ivens added that 0 P o' a&& ,ro,erties so&d :ere to ,eo,&e outside %orn:a&&+ and o' those+ 87P :ere second homes.

Rosamunde Pilcher Adaptations C*;;5 @ PresentD

8ne o' the :or&dAs 2est(se&&ing contem,orary authors+ !osamunde Pi&cher 8/E is es,ecia&&y ,o,u&ar in .ermany+ :here the nationa& T9 channe& M@" has sho:n over sixty te&evised ada,tations o' her stories. These ,roductions are some o' the highest rated on the channe&+ regu&ar&y attracting -(8 mi&&ion vie:ers. Severa& o' her stories have a&so a,,eared on /ritish T9+ inc&uding ,oming Home in 1008+ starring Eoanna )um&ey and Peter 8AToo&e+ and Winter &olstice in 2## + starring Sinead %usac5. /orn in %orn:a&&+ :here her 2oo5s are set+ Pi&cherAs 1087 nove& The &hell &ee'ers :as her 'irst 2ig success+ se&&ing $ mi&&ion co,ies+ and remains her 2est(5no:n :or5. A ne: ada,tation o' the 2oo5 is current&y in ,ost(,roduction. She no: &ives in Perthshire+ Scot&and. *er son !o2in is a&so a nove&ist+ and his 2oo5s have a&so 2een ada,ted 'or .erman T9 :ith great success. *er 100- 2oo5+ The World o. 0osamunde Pilcher+ ta5es readers on a tour o' %orn:a&& and Scot&and. 8&s2erg>SPI 1#0

How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

3any &ocations in %orn:a&& and @evon. A&so+ more recent&y+ t:o !osamunde Pi&cher stories have 2een 'i&med in Scot&and+ :ith a third ,&anned 'or summer 2##7. Severa& &ocations in and around @ornoch+ in the *igh&ands+ and East )othian :ere used.

Screen Agency 1nvolvement

The ,roduction com,any ""P has 2een shooting the Pi&cher ada,tations 'or years+ and uses a S4( 2ased &ocation manager :ho 5no:s the region very :e&& and has his o:n commercia& &ocation &i2rary+ 4est %ountry )ocations. The South 4est "i&m %ommission occasiona&&y he&,ed the ,roduction 'ind &ocations 2ut since the merge into South 4est Screen had 2een rare&y invo&ved exce,t in ,roviding counci& contacts. %orn:a&& "i&m and Pen:ith %ounci& :or5ed hard to attract them to S4 %orn:a&& in 2##$+ ,roviding advice+ o''ice s,ace and discounted dea&s on &ocation 'ees+ eIui,ment hire and accommodation.

Film Tourism 1nitiatives

Tourist (oard promotions
9isit/ritain &in5s %orn:a&& and @evon to !osamunde Pi&cher. South 4est Eng&and 'eatures some Pi&cher &ocations on its "i&m and T9 &ocations ,age.

>AC,! initiatives
The @evon and %orn:a&& 8verseas 3ar5eting grou,+ a consortium o' district authorities and county counci&s su,,orted 2y the 4est %ountry Tourist /oard and esta2&ished in 100$+ has in'ormation in @utch+ "rench and .erman a2out Pi&cher &ocations. In 2##2+ they ,roduced a 2rochure detai&ing $# sites in %orn:a&& and @evon :ith &in5s to her &i'e and the .erman T9 series. It :as re(,rinted three times. They have a&so organised many ,ress tri,s to the region and :or5ed :ith tour com,anies to negotiate access to &ocations and accommodation dea&s.

1ndependent tours advertise the services o' severa& tour guides s,ecia&iLing in !osamunde Pi&cher tours.

,verseas tour operators

Severa& .erman tour o,erators o''er !osamunde Pi&cher(themed tours o' the 4est %ountry. In 2## + an Austrian tour o,erator+ !ai''esien !eisen+ chartered a '&ight 2et:een 9ienna and TorIuay+ 2ringing over 2# tourists every :ee5 'or three months 'or Pi&cher themed tours.

,ther location promotions

Pi&cher &ocations 'eature on severa& inde,endent 'i&m &ocation :e2sites+ such as :::.corn:a&&( ca&&



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

Promotion (y individual locations

Prideaux P&ace in Padsto:+ :here severa& ,roductions have 2een 'i&med+ has a sma&& exhi2ition o' ,hotos 'rom the ,rogrammes. The %ar2is /ay *ote& in St Ives+ :hich has 2een used as a mode& in Pi&cherAs 2oo5s and a&so hosted her $#th :edding anniversary+ mentions the connection on its :e2site and trades on its 'ictiona& name+ The Sands *ote&.

Tourism 1mpact on #ocations

7eneral e))ect on the region
3a&co&m /e&& o' South 4est Tourism re,orts that !osamunde Pi&cher is Fa ,rime driverA in the .erman and @utch mar5et. "igures are unavai&a2&e+ 2ut @A%83 re,ort at &east 'ive com,anies that o''er Pi&cher tours to this mar5et.

Prideau0 Place, Padstow

The state&y home has 2een the &ocation 'or scenes in six !osamunde Pi&cher ada,tations since 100$. E&isa2eth Prideaux(/rune+ the co(o:ner+ re,orts a F,henomena&A res,onse 'rom .erman tourists+ :ho see the house as a F3eccaA. In 2##$+ 7#P o' coach tourists to the house :ere .erman+ and there are even more .erman visitors schedu&ed 'or this year.

Southgate Hotel, 0eter

The Southgate *ote& in Exeter is a use'u& indicator o' the interest 2y .erman tour grou,s in the area 2ecause its ,arent com,any+ 3acdona&d *ote&s+ has &in5s in .ermany and encourages grou,s to stay at the hote&. They recorded Fa 2ig demandA 2y grou,s in 2##$.

"ider Reaching 1mpact

#ocal spend during )ilming
A re,ort 2y Pen:ith @istrict %ounci& in 3arch 2##-+ concerning 'ive 'i&ms made in 4est %orn:a&& in 2##$ 2y the .erman 'i&m com,any ""P 3edia+ gives detai&s o' the ,roductionsA contri2ution to the &oca& economy during 'i&ming. @uring 112 days 'i&ming+ ""P 3edia s,ent a tota& o' Q1+244+8-4 in %orn:a&&. This 2rea5s do:n as 'o&&o:s; 1 ## hote& nights+ ,&us additiona& nights in &ong(rent accommodation ^ Q204+ 0 Ten 'u&& time ,roduction sta'' and numerous dai&ies em,&oyed &oca&&y ^ Q1$8+87 in sa&aries. )oca& actors and extras ^ Q$2+471 in sa&aries. %ost o' hiring and using &oca& 'aci&ities+ eg; taxis+ car hire+ ,ro,s ^ Q200+28#. )ocation 'ees ^ Q2 + 7$. 8''ice rent+ te&e,hones+ ,er diems etc ^ Q2#-+472.

Promotion o) the ?ational Trust

*arvey Edgington 'rom the 7ationa& Trust estimates that one o' their ,ro,erties are used in every Pi&cher ada,tation+ and suggests that this may ex,&ain :hy there are current&y around $+### 7ationa& Trust mem2ers in .ermany. *e a&so adds that 7ationa& Trust houses are a&so visited 2y .erman 'i&m cre:s+ inc&uding a &ongs o. Praise sty&e ,rogramme+ in :hich .erman singers sang !osamunde Pi&cher theme songs. 8&s2erg>SPI 111

How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

The 'i&m ada,tations o' !osamunde Pi&cherAs nove&s have done much to attract 7orthern Euro,ean visitors+ es,ecia&&y .ermans+ to the 4est %ountry+ and to raise its a,,ea& as a romantic destination. The 'i&ming itse&' has a&so in?ected a considera2&e amount o' money into the &oca& economy. The a,,ea& o' Pi&cherAs stories &ies in :hat 3a&co&m /e&& o' South 4est Tourism descri2es as the FSunday night T9A 'actor B GThey ma5e ,eo,&e 'ee& com'orta2&e and recharged.H Pi&cher herse&' says o' her ,o,u&arity+ GI thin5 itAs ,art&y to do :ith a certain :ay o' &i'e 'ound it my 2oo5s. It is very tranIui& and :ithout ,ressure. The other thing is the 2eauty o' the Eng&ish countryside+ :hich is very a,,arent in the 'i&ms.H The vast ma?ority o' interest in !osamunde Pi&cher comes 'rom the .erman and Austrian mar5et. 9ivienne !o2inson+ a /&ue /adge guide :ho s,ecia&ises in !osamunde Pi&cher tours o' %orn:a&&+ says that not s,ea5ing .erman ,uts her at a disadvantage+ and she has &ost :or5 2ecause o' it. She adds that most o' the .erman visitors on her tours are u,mar5et B GKour As and your /sH B and tend to 2e over $#. .erman com,anies such as 3ercedes and /34 are o'ten the instigator o' the tours+ and much o' her 2usiness comes 'rom cruise shi,s that doc5 at "a&mouth. 3a&co&m /e&& suggests that FPi&cher TourismA cou&d increase even 'urther i'C:hen .erman &o:(cost air&ines add 7e:Iuay to their air routes. Another ,oint to come out o' this study is the use'u&ness o' detai&s such as those co&&ected 2y Pen:ith %ounci&+ regarding &oca& s,end during 'i&ming. *arvey Edgington+ 'rom the 7ationa& Trust+ re,orts that 'or the ,ast 'e: years he has 2een attaching Economic Im,act 'orms to &ocation contracts :ith ,roduction com,anies in the ho,e o' getting these 5ind o' detai&s+ :hich are a great aid in Iuanti'ying and ,romoting 'i&m tourism+ 2ut that on&y 1P are ever returned. *e notes that in the 6S+ these detai&s are o2&igatoryD and adds :ere they to 2ecome more common here+ they :ou&d 2e a great he&, 'or the cause o' 'i&m and T9 tourism.

Sha3espeare in #ove C*;;:D

A 'resh+ :itty ta5e on the most venerated o' su2?ects+ &ha'es(eare 2n ove de,icts the :or&dAs greatest ,&ay:right strugg&ing :ith :riterAs 2&oc5 2e'ore his ,assion 'or a :ea&thy no2&e:oman ins,ires him to com,&ete 0omeo and 4uliet. @irected 2y Eohn 3adden 'rom a screen,&ay 2y Tom Sto,,ard and 3arc 7orman+ the 'i&m s:e,t the 2oard at the Academy A:ards in 1000+ :inning /est "i&m as :e&& as a:ards 'or its &ead actress .:yneth Pa&tro: and 'or @ame Eudi @ench+ :ho+ as E&iLa2eth I+ :as on screen 'or a mere 8 minutes. "rom a 2udget o' a,,roximate&y S2$ mi&&ion+ the 'i&m made over S1## mi&&ion in the 6S and Q2# mi&&ion in the 6K.

Some 'i&ming too5 ,&ace in )ondonD a&so+ /roughton %ast&e in 8x'ordshireD *o&5ham /each in 7or'o&5+ ,ur,orting to 2e a deserted 2each in 9irginiaD *at'ie&d *ouse+ standing in 'or .reen:ich Pa&ace.



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

Screen Agency 1nvolvement

The 'i&ming too5 ,&ace 2e'ore the esta2&ishment o' Screen East. The )ondon "i&m %ommission ,rovided &ocations advice and su,,ort.

Film Tourism 1nitiatives

!ovie !ap
The 'i&m :as 'eatured on the /TAAs 1000 3ovie 3a,+ and *o&5ham /each 'eatured in a 9isit/ritain cam,aign in 2##-+ F)ocations 'or )overs.A

#ights, Camera, ActionI Fact sheet

The 'i&m is mentioned in the East o' Eng&and Tourist /oardAs 'i&ming &ocation 'act sheet.

1ndependent location guides

In'ormation( mentions the 'i&m and its &ocations+ as does movie(&

Promotion (y individual location

The :e2sites o' /roughton %ast&e and *o&5ham Estate 2oth mention the 'i&m. The 'ormer giving a run do:n o' ,recise&y :here scenes :ere 'i&med and the &atter a&so inc&udes the 'i&m in its guide2oo5 and during guided tours.

Press coverage
The 'i&m received a huge amount o' internationa& ,ress coverage+ a sma&& amount o' :hich mentioned the &ocations o' the 'i&m.

Tourism 1mpact on #ocations

9roughton House
9isitor num2ers rose 'rom 14+$-8 in 1008+ the year o' the 'i&mAs re&ease+ to 1-+ 87 in 1000.

Hat)ield House
9isitor num2ers rose 'rom 12-+ 87 in 1008 to 1 2+08# in 1000.

Hol3ham 9each
*o&5ham Estate re,orts a Fminima&A im,act on tourism.

"ider Reaching 1mpact

1ncreased interest in Sha3espeare
There is an indication that &ha'es(eare in ove encouraged some ,eo,&e :ho might not have other:ise chosen to see a Sha5es,eare ,&ay to give him a try. In "e2ruary 1000+ Ian !o:&ey o' the !S% said o' the 8&s2erg>SPI 11

How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

'i&m+ GItAs very good ne:s 'or us+ it creates a 'erti&e environment 'or audience deve&o,ment.H Oua&itative research conducted 2y the !S% in 2### amongst six 'ocus grou,s in the 4est 3id&ands+ )ondon and 7e:cast&e(u,on(Tyne revea&ed that GA minority o' res,ondents :ho have never seen a Sha5es,eare ,&ay have 2een encouraged to attend 2ecause o' the 'i&ms they have seen.H 8ne res,ondent said+ GIAve seen a 'i&m+ &ha'es(eare in ove+ :hich I didnAt :ant to go and see 2ut :hen I did I thought it :as 'a2u&ous+ and having seen that I thin5 I might give it a go.H 3ary /ut&in+ head o' mar5et ,&anning at the !S%+ says that the 'i&m might have 2ro5en do:n the ,erce,tion that Sha5es,eare is hard to understand+ stu''y and traditiona&+ G2ut that they :ou&d then need to have some sort o' 'o&&o:(u, B ,erha,s seeing advertising 'or a ,articu&ar ,roduction and 5no:ing the ,rice+ ho: c&ose the &ocation is to them+ having ,eo,&e to go :ith :ho :i&& share the interest+ etc. 4hat the 'i&m might achieve is to 5ee, adding and rein'orcing a ,ositive 'ee&ing Za2out Sha5es,eare[ so that :hen they receive a Fca&& to actionA B 'or exam,&e+ a trave& com,any suggesting to a 6S tourist that they go to Strat'ord B they :i&& res,ond to it.H

The success o' &ha'es(eare in ove is &i5e&y to have contri2uted to a modest 2ut noted increase in visitor num2ers at its t:o gated &ocations+ /roughton *ouse and *at'ie&d *ouse. It may have a&so encouraged visitors to *o&5ham /each+ a&though+ as an o,en ,u2&ic s,ace+ this is im,ossi2&e to gauge. There is a&so evidence that the 'i&m may a&so have encouraged an interest in seeing Sha5es,eareAs ,&ays 'rom those :ho might not other:ise have done so. This study high&ights the 'act that a starring ro&e in a 'i&m may not necessari&y 2ring economic 2ene'its to a &ocation through tourism. 3ichae& @ai&y+ the estate manager at *o&5ham+ says any tourism e''ect on the 2each did not im,act on the estate; G4e 2ene'ited on&y 'rom the &ocation 'ees+ not 'rom tourism.H 9isitors attracted to the 2each did not 'ee& com,e&&ed to then visit the 'ee(,aying ,arts o' the estate+ such as the house. *o&5ham Estate a&so i&&ustrates another ,otentia& ,ro2&em 'or &ocations used in historica& ,roductions. A scene 'rom the 'i&m :as shot at the ,ro,erty 2ut+ 2ecause the house :as 2ui&t 1## years a'ter the 'i&m :as set+ it :as care'u&&y 'i&med so that no give(a:ay distinguishing 'eatures cou&d 2e seen. @ai&y s,ecu&ates that this meant there :as no audience &in5 2et:een the house and the 'i&m. *e adds that a T9 ,rogramme 'i&med at the house in 2##-+ The ,urious House /uest+ had a much &arger e''ect on tourism than &ha'es(eare 2n ove+ 2ecause in that the ,ro,erty :as ,ro,er&y sho:cased.

Trainspotting C*;;8D
An inventive+ dar5&y comic tra:& through Edin2urghAs heroin cu&ture o' the 100#s+ @anny /oy&eAs ada,tation o' Irvine 4e&shAs nove& :as one o' the de'ining /ritish 'i&ms o' the decade. Its sty&e+ energy and con'idence seemed to hera&d a ne: da:n in the /ritish 'i&m industry+ :hi&st an ins,ired mar5eting cam,aign made student icons out o' its cast o' anti(heroes and ,ro,e&&ed the soundtrac5 to the to, o' the 6K charts. The t:o &ead actors+ E:an 3c.regor and !o2ert %ar&y&e+ :ent on to 2ecome *o&&y:ood stars. "rom a 2udget o' a,,roximate&y S .$ mi&&ion+ the 'i&m grossed S1-.$ mi&&ion in the 6S and Q12.$ mi&&ion in the 6K.



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

Trains(otting ran5s num2er 1# in the /"IAs &ist o' a&& time 2est /ritish 'i&ms+ and its ,ortraya& o' the under2e&&y o' Edin2urgh &ed it to come third in a 2##$ "i&m @istri2utorAs AssociationAs ,o&& o' 3ost Atmos,heric "i&m )ocations+ a'ter ocal Hero and The Full $ont".

A&though set in Edin2urgh+ Trains(otting :as shot main&y in .&asgo:. 8utside the cities+ a scene :as 'i&med at %orrour Station in the *igh&ands. )ondon &ocations inc&uded the %ity+ in ,articu&ar the )&oyds /ui&ding.

Screen Agency 1nvolvement

Edin2urgh "i&m "ocus and Scottish Screen )ocations assisted :ith &ocations+ as did the )ondon "i&m %ommission.

Film Tourism 1nitiatives

78TE; 9isitScot&and did not do anything ,ro(active to ,romote the 'i&m at the time o' re&ease. The 2ene'its o' 'i&m tourism :ere not so :e&& recognised then+ and the su2?ect matter did not &end itse&' to their other mar5eting activities. Scot&andAs image at the time B in'ormed 2y %raveheart+ :hich had 2een re&eased the ,revious year B :as very much one o' tradition and heritage+ and it :as 'e&t that Trains(ottingAs gritty+ contem,orary vie: o' Scot&and :as incom,ati2&e :ith this. There is a&so the 'act that the 'i&m does not ,ortray Edin2urgh in a ,articu&ar&y ,ositive &ight. 8ne scene+ 'or instance+ sho:s an American tourist in Edin2urgh 'or the 'estiva& 2eing assau&ted in a ,u2. 4hen it 2ecame c&ear that the 'i&m :as attracting 'ans to Edin2urgh+ the tourist authorities rea&ised that there :as a niche mar5et 'or visitors interested in the seamier side o' the city. A s,o5es:oman 'or the Edin2urgh and )othian Tourist /oard said in 2##4; G3any visitors are interested in seeing something a 2it di''erent :hen they visit a destinationWthe sta'' in our Tourist In'ormation %entres are as5ed a2out Trains(otting Iuite 'reIuent&y.H A&though the 'i&m is not a ma?or ,art o' the tourism strategy+ the TI% no: endorses a Trains(otting :a&5 o' )eith <see 2e&o:=. .&asgo:+ :here Trains,otting :as main&y shot+ does not ,romote the 'i&mAs &ocations. %aro&ine .ray+ 'rom See.&asgo:+ says that this is 2ecause the &ocations used Gare not in the most sa&u2rious ,arts o' the cityH+ and many o' them are no &onger recognisa2&e or accessi2&e. The 'i&m+ ho:ever+ is mentioned in a 'eature on their :e2site+ FA %entury o' %inema %ity.A18

Trainspotting tours
The 9isitScot&and :e2site ,romotes a Fne: com2ined Trains(otting 'i&mC2oo5 tour o' Scot&andAs 2est 5no:n modern storyA+ entered around )eith in Edin2urgh+ :here 4e&shAs nove& :as set. These tours :ere esta2&ished in 2##4+ :hen a &oca& tour guide+ Tim /e&&+ :as contacted 2y t:o @utch ?ourna&ists &oo5ing 'or a Trains(otting tour :hich they ,resumed must exist.

18 htt,;CC:::.seeg&asgo:.comCmedia(o''iceC'eaturesCcinemaCa(century(o'(cinema(city



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

1ndependent location guides

Scot& has a guide to .&asgo: &ocationsD the 'i&m is a&so 'eatured on genera& sites such as 'amous& and :heredidthey'i&

99C Scotland radio programme

In 2##-+ to ce&e2rate the 1#th anniversary o' the re&ease o' Trains(otting+ a radio ,rogramme on //% Scot&and ex,&ored ho: the 2oo5 and 'i&m made ,eo,&e &oo5 at Edin2urgh in a di''erent :ay.

,ther press coverage

There has 2een much media ex,osure o' the 'i&m+ a&& o' :hich &in5s it :ith its settings in Edin2urgh+ :ith occasiona& mentions o' 'i&ming in .&asgo:. There have a&so 2een artic&es on the Trains(otting tours.

Tourism 1mpact on #ocations

78TE; 4ith the exce,tion o' %orrour Station+ most o' Trains(ottingAs s,eci'ic &ocations are no &onger recognisa2&e or accessi2&e. 3any indoor scenes+ 'or instance+ :ere shot at a disused to2acco 'actory at A&exandra Parade in .&asgo:As East End+ no: converted into an o''ice com,&ex.

6, to 2# ,eo,&e a :ee5 go on Tim /e&&As Trains(otting tour o' )eith+ and he says that interest is increasing. $#P o' ,artici,ants are /ritish and $#P 'rom overseas+ and the ma?ority are under the age o' 4#.

%aro&ine .ray 'rom See.&asgo: re,orts a &itt&e interest 'rom mem2ers o' the ,u2&ic as to :here scenes :ere 'i&med+ 2ut 'igures have not 2een noted. GIAm sure it has 2rought visitors to the city+ 2ut it is not something :e have ,romoted.H

Corrour Station, Highlands

In Eanuary 1008+ The &un re,orted on ho: Trains(otting had Gs,ar5ed an un&i5e&y ,i&grimage to the 6KAs most remote station.H It continued+ GKouths catch the ear&y morning train 'rom .&asgo:Wand ho, o'' 2rie'&y three hours &ater ?ust to have their ,icture ta5en.H They Iuoted a 'an :ho had done the ?ourney; GI heard a2out the craLe 'or doing this 'rom a 2unch o' guys :ho :ere drin5ing in my ,u2 and no: it seems to 2e the cu&t ?ourney to ma5e.H A Scot !ai& s,o5esman said+ GIt is a uniIue station and Trains(otting has o2vious&y added to its a,,ea&.H Ten years a'ter the 'i&mAs re&ease+ there is sti&& considera2&e interest in the stationAs &in5s :ith Trains(otting. Eane 3uirhead+ 'rom the %orrour Estate+ re,orts that in one :ee5 in 2##$+ 42 ,eo,&e got o'' at the station ?ust to have their ,hoto ta5en in the same s,ot as the scene o' the 'i&m.

"ider Reaching 1mpact

The re/(randing o) #eith
The ex,osure given to )eith 2y its associations :ith Trains(otting may have contri2uted to a decision to concerted&y ,romote the area. )ong considered dangerous and seedy+ in 2##$ )eithAs city counci&+ 8&s2erg>SPI 11-

How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

9isitScot&and and Scottish Enter,rise Edin2urgh ?oined 'orces to mar5et the ,ort as a tourist destination in its o:n right. -#+### 9isit )eith guides :ere distri2uted at traditiona& city attractions such as Edin2urgh %ast&e+ as :e&& as internationa&&y. The Trains(otting tours are inc&uded in the guide.

Ten years a'ter its re&ease+ Trains(otting continues to exert a ,o:er'u& tourism e''ect+ as ,roved 2y the 'act that %orrour station+ the most remote train station in the 6K+ is sti&& receiving a steady stream o' dedicated 'ans :i&&ing to trave& 'or hours ?ust to stand in the same s,ot as their heroes. It is 'air to assume that :ere the 'i&mAs city(2ased &ocations recognisa2&e and accessi2&e+ they :ou&d have ex,erienced an even stronger e''ect. In the cities+ Trains(otting &arge&y 2ene'ited Edin2urgh+ :here the 'i&m :as set+ rather than .&asgo:+ :here it :as shot. This is easi&y ex,&ained 2y the 'act that .&asgo: did not ,romote its invo&vement :ith the 'i&m+ and 2ecause o' the intrinsic &in5 2et:een 4e&shAs story and Edin2urgh. Tim /e&&+ :ho runs Trains(otting :a&5s o' )eith+ says that a&though some o' his customers are initia&&y disa,,ointed :hen they rea&ise they are not going to see the &ocations o' the 'i&m+ GTheyAre not 2y the time IAve 'inished :ith themH. *e ex,&ains that seeing the origina& setting 'or 4e&shAs story adds huge&y to oneAs understanding o' Trains(otting; 'or instance+ he ta5es his grou,s to the site o' the dere&ict %entra& Station in )eith+ :hich ,rovides the centra& meta,hor 'or the story and an ex,&anation 'or the tit&e o' the 2oo5+ :hich is not mentioned in the 'i&m. Anecdota& evidence suggests that Trains(ottingAs ,ortraya& o' the under2e&&y o' Edin2urgh contri2uted to a shi't in ,erce,tions o' Scot&and. The 'i&m &ent Edin2urgh an energy and seedy g&amour that attracted young ,eo,&e :ho had 2een unmoved 2y the traditiona& image o' the city+ centred around the cast&e and the !oya& 3i&e. It a&so may 2e res,onsi2&e 'or generating interest in ,arts o' the city ,revious&y ignored 2y tourists+ such as )eith. *o:ever+ Trains(ottingAs a,,ea& remains a niche mar5et 'or 9isitScot&and+ and go&' courses+ :his5ey and ruined cast&es remain the cornerstones o' Scot&andAs image a2road.

The Truth A(out #ove C%&&4D

There :ere ho,es that The Truth A!out ove+ a 6K(2ased romantic comedy starring the *o&&y:ood actress Eenni'er )ove *e:itt and Scottish @ougray Scott+ :ou&d 2e the next Four Weddings and a Funeral. *o:ever+ things have not gone smooth&y 'or the 'i&m. It had ,art o' its 2udget :ithdra:n during the ,re(,roduction stage 'o&&o:ing the c&osure o' trading ,artnershi, tax &oo,ho&es+ and :as on&y re,rieved 2y a Q$##+### investment 'rom the 6K "i&m %ounci&As 7e: %inema "und. 8n re&ease it :ent straight to @9@ in the 6S and 4estern Euro,e+ 2ut :as o,ened to cinematic re&ease in the 6K in "e2ruary 2##7. *o:ever+ it did :e&& in Asia+ :here )ove *e:itt is a 2ig name+ and+ a'ter its internationa& ,remiere in Korea+ :ent to num2er one in the 2ox o''ice.

/risto&. The 'i&m+ the 'irst 'u&&(&ength 'eature to 2e shot in /risto& 'or 14 years+ sho:cased some o' the cityAs most 'amous &andmar5s such as the %&i'ton Sus,ension /ridge and the *ar2ourside. In the 'ina&



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

scene+ %ardi'' station stood in 'or /risto& Tem,&e 3eads+ :hich did not a&&o: 'i&ming due to sa'ety concerns.

Film Tourism 1nitiatives

South 4est Screen :or5ed c&ose&y :ith the ,roduction team 'rom the ear&y stages o' ,re(,roduction+ ,roviding detai&s o' &oca& cre: and su,,orting services to ensure that the ,roduction chose to 'i&m in /risto&. /risto& %ity %ounci& :as invo&ved :ith the ,ro?ect 'rom an ear&y stage+ arranging access to &ocations and negotiating discounts on accommodation etc.

Tourism 1mpact on #ocations

7either 9isit /risto& nor @estination /risto& have evidence o' a tourism e''ect 'rom the 'i&m.

There is no evidence either :ay o' a tourism e''ect 'rom The Truth A!out ove. *o:ever+ the 'i&m :as su2?ect to a &imited re&ease. 3oreover+ the ma?ority o' the shooting &ocations are ,u2&ic+ ma5ing tourism increases harder to measure. It is+ o' course+ ,ossi2&e that the 'i&m ins,ired some Koreans to come to the 6K B according to Tourism Trade+ there :ere 1 8+### visits 'rom South Korea in 2##4+ a rise o' 27P on 2## B 2ut this can on&y 2e s,ecu&ation. 7onethe&ess+ this case study high&ights the Korean mar5et+ an increasing&y im,ortant one to the 6K. South Korea is current&y a Ftourism mirac&eA+ :ith out2ound tourism gro:ing at 14.2P this year+ and ,assing the ten mi&&ion mar5. In 2##4+ the Korean 'i&m star @ong Kun '&e: to the 6K as ,art o' a 9isit/ritain on&ine ,romotion+ :hich as5ed Koreans to choose their 'avourite ce&e2rity as an am2assador to the 6K.

The "orld is ?ot nough C*;;;D

The 10th insta&ment in one o' the most ,o,u&ar 'i&m 'ranchises o' a&& time+ The World 2s )ot 7nough starred Pierce /rosnan as the /ritish su,er(s,y and So,hie 3arceau and !o2ert %ar&y&e as his &ove( interest and nemesis. The 'i&m+ :hose 2udget :as around S1 $ mi&&ion+ :as ,redicta2&y success'u&+ grossing S127 mi&&ion in the 6S and S22$ mi&&ion in $8 other countries+ inc&uding Q28 mi&&ion in the 6K. The 'i&m did :e&& on @9@ and video too+ se&&ing over 'ive mi&&ion co,ies 2y Eu&y 2###. Eames /ond is one o' the most 'amous 'ictiona& characters and 'irm&y esta2&ished cu&tura& icons in the :or&d. It has 2een estimated that ha&' the :or&dAs ,o,u&ation has seen a /ond 'i&m. The tit&e seIuence in The World 2s )ot 7nough+ the &ongest ever in a /ond 'i&m+ 'eatured a 2oat race do:n the !iver Thames sho:casing the 3i&&ennium @ome and the 3I- 2ui&ding.



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

The 6K+ inc&uding Pine:ood Studios. )ondon &ocations inc&ude the 3I- 2ui&ding on the Thames+ and the 3i&&ennium @ome <no: The #2=. A scene :as 'i&med in the Sno:donia 7ationa& Par5 in 4a&es+ and others :ere shot at Ei&ean @onan %ast&e in Scot&and.

Screen Agency 1nvolvement

The )ondon "i&m %ommission :or5ed :ith the ,roductionAs &ocation managers+ giving advice and suggestions.

Film Tourism 1nitiatives

ast #ondon !ovie Trail
The 3i&&ennium @omeCThe #2 is inc&uded in an East )ondon 3ovie Trai& ,romoted 2y 9isit/ritain.

@uring 'i&ming+ a :e2 cam :as set u, over&oo5ing the Thames so that internet users cou&d :atch 'i&ming.

E!a3ing/,)F )eaturette
The @9@ inc&uded a 'eature a2out the ma5ing o' the o,ening Thames 2oat scene.

!ovie !ap o) ?orth "ales

The Sno:donia &ocation :a s inc&uded on a 2##- 3ovie 3a, o' 7orth 4a&es+ the 'irst o' its 5ind. -#+### ma,s :ere ,&aced in the 7orth:est and 3id&ands editions o' Em,ire magaLine+ :ith the aim o' attracting #+### visitors and Q1 mi&&ion in income.

Games 9ond themed tours

The &ocations are not inc&uded in a )ondon 3ovie 3a,+ ho:ever+ severa& tour grou,s o''er Eames /ond(themed tours o' )ondon+ such as the )ondon Taxi Tour+ :hich goes ,ast the 3I- 2ui&ding. 8n a more genera& /ond theme+ there are severa& &oca& initiatives+ inc&uding an 8rigina& )ondon 4a&5 named S,ies and S,ycatchersD the Kent Tourism A&&iance ,roduced a driving ma, ca&&ed FThe /old.inger !outeA+ to high&ight Ian "&emingAs connections :ith Kent+ :here he once &ived+ and mentioned in t:o nove&s.

,ther location guides

A 2oo5+ 4ames %ond:s ondon 2y .ary .i2&in+ gives detai&s o' &ocations mentioned in the 2oo5s and 'i&ms. They are a&so inc&uded on and :::.?ames(2ond('i&m(&ocations( and on Eames /ond 'ansites+ such as

Press coverage
The 'i&m generated ,ress coverage+ mentioning its )ondon &ocations+ :hich :ere a&so mentioned in genera& /ond &ocation 'eatures such as FA doLen /ond &ocations to die 'orA+ in Sunday Times 2##2.



How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

Tourism 1mpact on #ocations

78TE; 3any o' the &ocations+ such as the 3I- 2ui&ding+ Pine:ood studios and 7ortho&t air 2ase+ are inaccessi2&e to the ,u2&ic.

Games 9ond Tours o) #ondon

A s,o5es:oman 'rom )ondon Taxi Tours says that there has 2een some interest in the Eames /ond tours the com,any runs+ :hich inc&ude sights such as the 3I- 2ui&ding; Ga cou,&e o' times a month+ :ith u, to 'ive ,eo,&e a time.H *o:ever+ their Harr" Potter &ocation tours are 'ar more o' a dra:.

ilean >onan Castle

The cast&e 5ee,er+ @avid 4in+ says the 'i&m has had no im,act on tourism; the cast&e had &itt&e ex,osure in the 'i&m.

The success o' the 7orth 4a&es 3ovie 3a, has yet to 2e ana&ysed in detai&.

@ue to its nota2&e 6K &ocations 2eing either ,u2&ic s,aces or o''(&imits+ it is im,ossi2&e to get a hand&e on the tourism e''ect o' The World 2s )ot 7nough. *o:ever+ it is &i5e&y that+ given its :or&d:ide 2ox o''ice success and the ,roven tourism a,,ea& o' /ond &ocations+ the 'i&m :i&& have dra:n vie:ers to )ondon. 8ne /ond 'an+ 'or instance+ has a :e2site in :hich he detai&s his F/ond tourismA+ and says that+ :hen in )ondon+ he and his 'ami&y too5 a 2oat tri, on the Thames+ ins,ired 2y the o,ening seIuence o' The World 2s )ot 7nough. 8n a more genera& &eve&+ it is recognised that Eames /ond has enhanced the image o' the 6K overseas+ exem,&i'ying a notion o' /ritishness that is a,,ea&ing to visitors. This is i&&ustrated 2y the 'act that :hen 3I- origina&&y re'used ,ermission 'or the 'ront o' their 2ui&ding to 2e used in The World 2s )ot 7nough+ the then "oreign 3inister !o2in %oo5 instructed the then Arts 3inister+ Eanet Anderson+ to over(ru&e the decision+ saying+ GA'ter a&& /ond has done 'or /ritain+ it :as the &east :e cou&d do 'or /ond.H The a,,ea& o' the /ond 'i&ms can 2e ,ut do:n to t:o 'actors+ 2oth o' :hich are ,roven to 2e drivers in 'i&m tourism; the s,ectacu&ar settings o' the stories+ and the as,irationa& &i'esty&e o' its hero. )ocations o' ,revious 'i&ms+ such as PiL .&oria in S:itLer&and and the is&ands south o' Phu5et in Thai&and+ Go:e their ,rominent ,&ace on the tourism ma, to ##7+H :rote the &unda" Times in 2##2. In Eamaica+ :here /ond creator Ian "&eming &ived+ a 2each has 2een re(named FEames /ond /eachA. Sto5e Par5 %&u2+ :here scenes 'rom /old.inger :ere 'i&med+ created a F/ond 4ee5end Pac5ageA+ :hich ,roved very ,o,u&ar. The internationa& a,,ea& o' Eames /ondAs character and &i'esty&e has 2een :e&& ana&ysed+ most recent&y 2y the 2##4 2oo5+ The 4ames %ond Phenomenon. /eyond his o2vious attraction as a totem o' an exciting+ g&amorous :or&d o' danger+ missions o' g&o2a& im,ortance+ 2eauti'u& :omen and 'reedom 'rom domestic drudgery and commitment+ /ond himse&' is descri2ed as a Fsu,ersa&esmanA; GA rendering o' /ritishness that is characterised 2y a consistent&y suave+ 2ut conservative sty&eH+ :hi&e his S:iss :atches+ .erman s,orts cars and S:edish mo2i&e ,hones give him a GEuro('riend&y exteriorH /ond aside+ this case study a&so high&ights the ,oint that &ocations that tend to 'are 2est :hen it comes to 'i&m tourism are those :hich have an emotiona& resonance 'or the characters in the story. The 8&s2erg>SPI 12#

How Film and Television Programmes Promote Tourism in the UK

August 2007

,ro,erty manager at Ei&ean @onan %ast&e says that the use o' the cast&e in the 'i&m did not &ead to any tourism e''ect+ 2ecause+ he s,ecu&ates+ it :as on&y a 2ac5dro, to the action. *e com,ares this to the 'ar greater e''ect generated 2y Highlander# in :hich the cast&e had an emotiona& resonance 'or the main character; a'ter 2# years+ visitors to the cast&e sti&& as5 a2out the 'i&m. "ina&&y+ the s,o5es:oman 'rom )ondon Taxi Tours raised an interesting ,oint; that ,eo,&e going on &ocation tours are o'ten 5een to vie: &ocations B and ta5e ,hotogra,hs B 'rom exact&y the same ang&e as they :ere sho:n on screen. In the case o' The World 2s )ot 7nough+ this ,roves near im,ossi2&e+ as the memora2&e shots o' the 3I- 2ui&ding and the 3i&&ennium @ome :ere 'i&med as ,art o' a high(s,eed 2oat chase. There do not a,,ear to 2e any 2oat tours o' the Thames :hich advertise on the 2ac5 o' the 'i&m.



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