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1101 15th St. NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20005 USA Tel 202.393.5113 Fax 202.393.5115

Financial Inclusion 2020: The Roadmap Principles

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Financial Capability: Shift the Paradigm

ShlfL Lhe paradlgm from flnanclal educaLlon as knowledge Lransfer Lo flnanclal capablllLy as
promoLlng sound flnanclal cholces and behavlor.

All parLlclpanLs ln flnanclal lncluslon Lo lnLegraLe flnanclal capablllLy bulldlng lnLo every aspecL
of work wlLh currenL and prospecLlve cusLomers.

Addressing Customer Needs: Easy to Say, Hard to Do

rovlders Lo be cusLomer-orlenLed by developlng Lhe ablllLy LhroughouL Lhe organlzaLlon Lo
llsLen Lo cusLomers and prospecLlve cusLomers.

rovlders Lo bulld on Lhe knowledge LhaL already exlsLs on Lhe flnanclal llves of Lhe poor and
lnslghLs from behavloral economlcs Lo creaLe producLs and dellvery sysLems valuable Lo
cusLomers and acLlvely used.

1101 15th St. NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20005 USA Tel 202.393.5113 Fax 202.393.5115

Technology-Enabled Business Models: Paving the Way for Dramatic Change

8egulaLors Lo creaLe faclllLaLlng rules LhaL allow Lechnology-enabled buslness models and
provlders Lo operaLe smooLhly aL Lhe base of Lhe pyramld.

CovernmenLs Lo use Lhelr own resources creaLlvely, such as C2 paymenLs, Lo promoLe
Lechnology-enhanced lncluslon.

Credit Reporting: It Takes a Village

rovlders, governmenLs and credlL reporLlng organlzaLlons Lo make Lhe susLalned collaboraLlve
efforL requlred Lo esLabllsh credlL reporLlng sysLems LhaL work for all parLles and seamlessly
cover Lhe 8C.

Lncourage Lhe use of alLernaLlve daLa Lo enable Lhln flle" cusLomers Lo access flnanclal
servlces, whlle proLecLlng cusLomer rlghLs Lo correcL errors and slgn off on use by Lhlrd parLles.

Client Protection: Everyones Promise

rovlders Lo lncorporaLe consumer proLecLlon lnLo Lhelr professlonal ldenLlLy and, as a
corollary, Lo apply a cllenL blll of rlghLs and relaLed sLandards.

8egulaLors and supporL organlzaLlons Lo seL a global goal of effecLlve consumer proLecLlon
regulaLlon and supervlslon ln every counLry by 2020.

About Financial Inclusion 2020
1hrough Lhe llnanclal lncluslon 2020 pro[ecL, Lhe CenLer for llnanclal lncluslon ls worklng Lo bulld a movemenL LhaL
moblllzes key sLakeholders around Lhe goal of full flnanclal lncluslon, uslng Lhe year 2020 as a focal polnL Lo clarlfy
Lhlnklng and galvanlze acLlon. 8y brlnglng LogeLher prlvaLe secLor players, regulaLors, lndusLry developers,
Lechnology provlders, and oLher acLors, Lhe pro[ecL promoLes reachlng new and underserved markeLs wlLh a full
range of quallLy servlces.
ln 2012 and 2013 Lhe pro[ecL worked on Lhree fronLs. Mapplng Lhe lnvlslble MarkeL ls a research pro[ecL LhaL
examlned ma[or forces LhaL wlll shape Lhe progress of flnanclal lncluslon Lhrough a serles of analyLlc papers,
graphlc presenLaLlons, and onllne lnLeracLlve daLa vlsuallzaLlons. A dynamlc consulLaLlve process called 8ulldlng a
8oadmap Lo llnanclal lncluslon creaLed a seL of prlnclples for achlevlng flnanclal lncluslon globally. 1he flndlngs of
boLh efforLs lnformed Lhe conversaLlons aL a Clobal lorum of leaders who can lnfluence Lhe pace and quallLy of
flnanclal lncluslon ln London on CcLober 28-30, 2013.
1o learn more abouL Lhe llnanclal lncluslon 2020 pro[ecL, please vlslL

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