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Dear students, Krishnamachari Srikant says that we need to follow 3 things for success in any field: passion, hard

work and positive attitude. You have shown that with lots of practice and self-belief, you can achieve your dreams. The second term is a witness to many such successes. Be it in sports or in any curricular activity you have shown perfection. The Annual Athletic Meet and The Parents Day were so stupendous that I feel proud of you all. Very many congratulations to everyone of you. Be grateful to God for the success and be thankful to the teachers who crafted and guided your success story. Show also the same fervor and zeal in academics too. I wish you the very best for the Term II examinations.

"Mistakes are always painful when they happen but years later a collection of mistakes is called Experience which leads you to success"



Examination Time Table For Second Term And Pre-Board (2013-14)

Classes Date 09.12.13 10.12.13
11.12.13 12.12.13 14.12.13 16.12.13 17.12.13 18.12.13 19.12.13 20.12.13 21.12.13 24.12.13 27.12.13 30.12.13 02.01.14





E.Lit Bio E.Lang Comp Hist/Civ Maths -------Phy Hindi Geo. Chem.




------------------------Maths/Bio -------Phy/Acc. -------E.Lang -----Commerce Chem/Eco

Phy/Acc. -----Chem/Eco E.Lang Commerce Maths/Bio -------E.Lit ------B.Tech/P.Ed Comp/Hindi -------------------

--------------------------Hist/Civ. Comp. Hindi. E.Lang Geo ------

Hist/Civ E.Lang Geo. Hindi Maths Bio Chem/ Comm ------Phy/Eco E.Lit

E.Lit Chem Comp Geo. Maths Hist/Civ E.Lang Phy. -----Bio. Hindi

Maths Comp. ---Bio E.Lit Hist/Civ. E.Lang Geo Hindi Chem. Phy

E.Lit ----S.St -----Hindi Comp. -----Maths ----Science E.Lang

Bio/Comm Comp Phy/Eco. Maths E.Lit. Chem.

Bio.Tech/ ------Hindi/P.Ed. Comp. E.Lit. ----------------

Classes 5 to 9 Class 11 Class 10 For all exams from 9 - 12/12/13 All the remaining exams. Regular Classes Regular Classes 8:00 am To 11:30 am 8:00 am to 11:30 am 10:15 am to 1:30 pm 8:00 am to 11:30 am 7:50 am to 10:10 am 8:00 am to 11:30 am 10:15 am to 1:30 pm

From 9 - 12/12/13 For all exams Class 12 From 9 12/12/13 All exams th Reopening on 27 Dec. 2013 at 8:00 am

Message It was their anniversary, and Aisha was waiting for her husband Rajiv to show up. Things had changed since their marriage, the once cute couple couldn't-livewithout-each-other had turned bitter. Fighting over every little things, both didn't like the way things had changed. Aisha was waiting to see if Rajiv remembered it as their anniversary! Just as the doorbell rang she ran to find her husband wet and smiling with a bunch of flowers in his hand. The two started re-living the old days making up for fights. Then was dinner plan, for champagne, light music and it was raining outside! Just perfect to be home. But the moment paused when the phone in the bedroom rang. Aisha went to pick it up and it was a man. Hello maam. Im calling from the police station. Is this Mr. Rajiv Mehras number? Yes it is! Im sorry maam; but there was an accident and a man died. We got this number from his wallet; we need you to come and identify his body. Aisha's heart sank.!!! She was shocked! But my husband is here with me?" "Sorry ma'am, but the incident took place at 2 pm, when he was boarding the train." Aisha was about to lose her consciousness. How could this happen? She had heard about the soul of the person coming to meet a loved one before it leaves! She ran into the other room. He was not there. It was true! He had left her for good!! Oh God she would have died for another chance to mend every little fight! She rolled on the floor in pain. She lost her chance! Forever! Suddenly there was a noise from the bathroom, the door opened and Rajiv came out and said Darling, I forgot to tell you my wallet got stolen today LIFE MIGHT NOT GIVE YOU A SECOND CHANCE. SO NEVER WASTE A MOMENT WHEN YOU CAN STILL MAKE UP FOR YOUR WRONGS!

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