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Ending Confessions By: Kajal Inez Sandrilene A SanRae Production

Dazari slammed her fist down on the coffee table in front of her. What the fuck, Damien?! Dazari shouted, growing more and more angry at her twin brother by the second. He stammered over his words and shuttered uncontrollably. He rarely got this nervous, only when he did something that his sister wouldnt approve of. Even though she was the younger of the two, by 1 minute and 45 seconds, she was the boss. Damien! Dazari yelled, Come out with it and stop acting like a little ass child! Youre 17 for crying out loud! Now answer the question! Im. uh.well, um, I he began, still stuttering. Damien began uncontrollably palming his face. How was he going to explain the totally unspeakable to her? Nothing hes ever done has come close to being this. Well, he couldnt really put a word to it. Damien has always hidden behind his sister and as long as he let her do all of the action, he never had to explain himself. But when he was caught hanging out with Dazaris boyfriend around midnight, his sisters brain began to register that there

Ending Confessions By: Kajal Inez Sandrilene A SanRae Production

was something that was either new, or that she may have missed all of these years. But she just couldnt put her finger on it. DAMIEN!Dazari stood to her feet, determined to get an answer out of the boy. What!? Damien finally spitted. Why are you saying my name like that? I asked you a damn question! Why were you out last night after midnight with my boyfriend? The next words that he let flow irritably out of his mouth changed their relationship. From that moment, everything fell. Nothing was right anymore. Dazaris warm hearted love turned into a crystal ice hate. Nothing stopped her from punching her brother in her face and then storming out of the house leaving him to think about himself and how hes let his life turn out. IF only he didnt let himself fall into the devils traps, he would still be in good terms with his dear sister. But now theres nothing left. With their parents dead, and Dazari taking care of him, the nurturing sister she was, he is now left to fend for his own. If. Damien dropped his head in his hands in shame, remembering the spiteful words that he allowed to come out and into existence so easily.


Ive been sleeping with Samuel! Im Bisexu-

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