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Analysis: Buffalo Wild Wings

COM 339 Brittany Shuler November 19, 2013

Table of Contents
Author Certification........3 Abstract.......4 Company Profile....................4 Research.4 SWOT Analysis: Strengths.5 Weaknesses.........6 Opportunities......7 Threats........7 Solution to Organizational Issues.....8 Theory.10 Conclusion...10 Works Cited.11


Student Signature: Brittany Shuler Date: November 19, 2013

Company Profile
Since 1982, when the very first Buffalo Wild Wings opened in Columbus, Ohio, the sole mission has been to give the fans what they want; Wings, Beer, Sports. Buffalo Wild Wings holds great pride in giving fans the ultimate dining experience. This experience allows them to gather with their friends, drink a large variety of beers, eat flavorful wings and watch all their favorite sporting events. Now with restaurants in every state, except Rhode Island, as well as stores in numerous countries, they are spreading the ultimate fan experience worldwide. It is important now, more than ever, to reduce their weaknesses, minimize all threats and capitalize on their opportunities.

S.W.O.T. Analysis is a research method that outlines a companys strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. After in-depth internal and external researching to discover these components the S.W.O.T. Analysis addresses how to capitalize on opportunities and grow and also how to minimize ones threats. Through S.W.O.T. Analysis an organization can preserve their morals, make their values prominent, strengthen their image and reputation and achieve success overall. This analysis will show how to improve communication with customers and manage employees properly.

I conducted formal and informal research to compile these components. The formal research I conducted was individual surveys. I handed out anonymous surveys to current employees, managers and customers. The surveys were addressing different aspects of the company for three categories: hourly employees, customers, and management. I also conducted informal research as reading and analyzing reviews sites such as; Yelp, Eopinions, and Indeed. Yelp and Eopinions are customer review sites. Indeed is a review site where employees can go and review the company. I

also read the past six years of Buffalo Wild Wings business reports/plans to establish an understanding of their values, morals and outlook for the company. I reviewed stock prices for the company from 2007 to 2013 to determine growth and periods of decline. After researching here is what I have discovered.

Buffalo Wild Wings has great strengths, such as: Internal: Buffalo Wild Wings has outlined and instilled strong morals and values. These morals are to create a welcoming neighborhood atmosphere that includes an extensive multi-media system, a full bar and an open layout, which appeals to sports fans and families alike. We differentiate our restaurants by the social environment we create and the connection we make with our team members, guests and the local community. (Buffalo Wild Wings Inc., 2013) They promise the ultimate fan dining experience. They provide this experience by having a large variety of menu items and beer, flavorful wings, and TVs all over the restaurant. (Buffalo Wild Wings Inc., 2013) It is, at some locations, a great work environment. Employees love the uniforms and discount.
(, 2013)

External: Buffalo Wild Wings offers what no other wing restaurant does, therefore giving them current control of the market. The have previously had growing stocks. They opened in the market in 2007 at $27.16 and are currently at $80.50. Buffalo Wild Wings participates in numerous ways that give back to their local communities such as; Team Up For Kids, their partnership with Boys and Girls

Club of America, PROSTART, and Eat Wings Raise Funds. Corporate has created a great image for the business. (Buffalo Wild Wings Inc., 2013)

Unfortunately, every company has their weak points. Buffalo Wild Wings weaknesses are: Internal: The company has a lack of organizational communication. There is a lack of knowledge on how to communicate and to whom you communicate with within the store. Employees have stated that they often feel stuck or unrecognized. (, 2013) There is a definite lack of teamwork or desire to be a part of a team. There is documentation of low morale and productivity. (,
2013) Management seems to have failed to act properly in crisis situations. (, 2013) It has

been stated that no one owns up to or takes blame for crisis situations. Management has been said to fail at communicating duties or tasks effectively. (, 2013) Policies are not being enforced equally and throughout the stores. (, 2013) External: Customers have stated that there are longer than necessary waits for a table, food and any type of service. (Yelp, 2004-2013) They have brought to my attention that there is a lack of manager visibility on the floor and unpleasant staff members. (Yelp, 2004-2013) Inconsistency in food quality and presentation was at the top of the list of complaints in my research. (Yelp, 2004-2013)

Fortunately, Buffalo Wild Wings has many opportunities. These opportunities can be achieved with simple tweaks and making sure each store is ran by set policies and held to the same expectations. Their opportunities are: 1. Obtain complete control of the wing restaurant market. 2. Have continuously rising stock prices. 3. Become consistent in food presentation and quality to add net value for the company. 4. Provide the highest level of customer service to ensure customer satisfaction. 5. Continue community involvement to connect with customers and create relationships. 6. Provide a fun and exciting work environment to attract the proper employees.

1. Becoming surpassed by competitors who capitalize on their weaknesses. This trend has already been recognized in many locations, where competitors have begun to offer comparable wing nights and strive to offer exceptional customer service. 2. Loss of fan following due to poor customer service and inconsistency in food quality and presentation. 3. Increase in improper employees. Employees, who are not personable, impatience, cannot participate as team players will infect the workplace and drive away fans. 4. Management that is not trained to assess and act in stressful situations, lack communication skills, cannot problem solve or lacking the ability to have concern for those who they cannot relate to, will decrease workplace morale and productivity.

To minimize weakness and threats I would suggest the following: 1. Increase and enforce consistent food quality and presentation. Write or enforce policies that prevent cold food from leaving the kitchen by requiring temperatures be taken of all meat products. 2. Increase consistency in food presentation by writing and/or enforcing policies that prevent sloppy or messy food, platters and boats from leaving the kitchen, making sure wings are not over or under sauced and food is to spec on platters and boats. 3. Introduce new hiring and training techniques of hourly employees to ensure that in all circumstances one can act in favor of the customer. All negative attitudes, anger management issues and refusal to participate as a team player qualities are not in those we hire. Such techniques could be:

Prescreening, multiple interviews Check references and past employment Conduct background checks Clearly define the job and its requirements Ask managerial hiring questions such as: Can you tell me a couple of examples of systems or processes you installed that didnt exist in the company before you worked there? Tell me about a time you identified a problem and took action to correct it rather than wait for someone else to do it. Tell me about the hardest conversation you ever had with an employee. Tell me about the last employee you fired. What led up to it, and how did you do the firing? (Roddy, 2012)

Not only should ask these questions, but during training, have them deal directly with situations like this.

Ask team oriented and conflict style interview questions such as: Describe two situations from your past work experience in which you have determined a team was the best potential solution to a problem, a needed process improvement, or a planned change. What actions and support, in your experience, make a team function successfully? Tell me about a time when you disagreed with an idea your coworker wanted to pursue. How did you approach the disagreement? Think about a situation in which you disagreed with the direction or idea that your boss suggested. What did you do to professionally disagree? If not, what were your thoughts about the situation? (Doyle, 2013)

Not only should you ask these types of questions, but you should have them deal with situations like these during training. Ways to capitalize on their opportunities and strengths would be to: 1. Stay true to their morals and reinforce their values. Continue to create a fun work environment, where everyone works as a team and puts the customer first. Continue to provide the ultimate fan experience. 2. Continue to broaden the menu and offer LTOs and wing nights. 3. Continue and promote the community involvement. Advertise and suggest local organizations, groups, and teams take advantage of the offers Buffalo Wild Wings has for fundraising.

My research suggestions were drawn from and based off of the Human Relations School theory. These theories state that organizations should decentralize and accept opinions from all levels. Organizations should establish proper relationships; have concern for others physical and psychological needs. A manager in such an organization is to design and implement organizational
structures that reward such self-motivation. It say that in doing so, it will drive productivity and

morale. There were other theories, which I have cited, that I used to develop my surveys. (Conrad &
Poole, 1998)

If Buffalo Wild Wings takes these suggestions and acts on them, in all of their stores, they will have nowhere to go but forward. This analysis addressed all weakness and threats that I uncovered during my research. Customers and employees will have nothing, but positive feedback for this company if changes are made. Buffalo Wild Wings could grasp the market and have no worries about another organization surpassing them.


Works Cited
Yelp. (2004-2013). Buffalo wild wings reviews. Retrieved from wild wings&find_loc=Cincinnati, OH&ns=1 (2013). Buffalo wild wings employee reviews. Retrieved from wild wings&l=

Buffalo Wild Wings Inc. (2013). Giving and philanthropy. Retrieved from

Buffalo Wild Wings Inc. (2013). About buffalo wild wings. Retrieved from Eopinions. (2013). Bww reviews. Retrieved from Roddy, J. (2012, 05 12). Hire like you just beat cancer. Retrieved from Doyle, A. (2013). Behavioral interview questions. Retrieved from

Conrad. , & Poole (1998). The human relations approach. Retrieved from


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