Gospel of Mark Study Guide

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How to read your bible

1. Pray before you read. Ask God to help you understand the Scripture passage and learn something about Him.

2. Observe the text as you read. It may help you to ask yourself some questions or write notes in your Bible as you go along a. Ask yourself, Who is in this passage? & What message is the author trying to give me? b. Circle any repeated themes or important words c.Draw symbols to help remind you of what God is teaching you through Scripture i. example: you could draw a fisherman at Mark 1:17 where Jesus shows the gospel is about savingor fishing people!) d. Underline important quotes e. Write what questions you have about the text

3. Interpret & Apply. This is where you answer the prepared questions for each chapter of the book of Mark. Hopefully, they will help you understand truths which the Scripture is communicating about God & faith (interpretation), and how it applies to your own life, your beliefs, your behavior and your relationships with others (application)

What stuck out to you this chapter? Why?

This entire book (Mark) describes what according to Mark 1:1?

What is the good news Jesus preached according to Mark 1:14-15? What do you think that means?

What made Jesus teaching different from the current religious leaders of the day (Mark 1:22)?

What stuck out to you this chapter? Why?

Why did Jesus heal the paralyzed man (Mark 2:2-5)?

What kind of people did Jesus hang out with (Mark 2:15)? Why did He do that (Mark 2:17)?

Jesus saw the faith of the paralyzed mans friends and healed the paralyzed man. How do you think your faith in Jesus can help others?

What stuck out to you this chapter? Why?

Like Jesus cared for a man with a deformed hand, do you look out for people that are different from you? Why/Why not?

Why do you think Jesus decided not to do ministry alone (Mark 3:13-15)?

Rewrite Mark 3:35 in your own words. Why would Jesus say something like that?

What stuck out to you this chapter? Why?

Why do you think Jesus mostly taught in stories (Mark 4:2, 33-34)?

Which seed (in Jesus story Mark 4:13-20) do you most relate with? Why?

What do you think it means to have faith in Jesus (Mark 4:37-40)?

What stuck out to you this chapter? Why?

What did the manwho was formerly demonpossesseddo after Jesus healed him (Mark 5:1820)?

How should we react when Jesus heals us in our lives?

According to Jesus, what made the woman with hemorrhagesconstant bleedinghealed and well (Mark 5:34)?

What stuck out to you this chapter? Why?

Why couldnt Jesus do many miracles in His hometown (Mark 6:5)?

What do you think it means to believe in Jesus?

Is believing in Jesus important? Why?

What stuck out to you this chapter? Why?

What do you think is the difference between tradition and Gods law (Mark 7:5-9)?

In what ways can you get stuck just doing church traditions instead of following Gods law?

According to Jesus, what defiles a person or makes a person unclean (Mark 7:15, 20-23)?

What stuck out to you this chapter? Why?

Jesus favorite name for Himself was Son of Man (Mark 8:31)? Why do you think He liked calling Himself that instead of Son of God or Mighty Healer of Justice Dude!?

According to Mark 8:34-35, what does it mean to truly be a follower of Jesus?

Write Mark 8:34-35 in your own words.


What stuck out to you this chapter? Why?

According to Jesus, anything is possible if what (Mark 9:23)? What do you think Jesus means by that?

What should we do in order to be the greatest in Jesus eyes (Mark 9:34-35)?

Put down this packet. Stop. Take a breath. And Pray to God. And Ask Him how He is calling you to Serve in your family. Serve in your friendships.

Serve in your school. Serve in your community. Serve in your church.

What stuck out to you this chapter? Why?

What do you think Jesus means when He says, The Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like children anyone who doesnt receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it (Mark 10:14-15)?

Why do you think Jesus says its hard for the rich to enter the Kingdom of God (Mark 10:23)?

Why did Jesus, the Son of Man, come to earth according to Mark 10:45?

What stuck out to you this chapter? Why?

In Mark 11:12, it says Jesus was hungry. In what other ways do you think Jesus was human besides having hunger?

In what ways do you think Jesus was God?

What stuck out to you this chapter? Why?

What are the two most important commandments according to Jesus Christ? (Mark 12:29-31)?

What do you think it means to love the Lord your God

(Mark 12:29-31)

With all your heart? With all your soul? With all your mind? With all your strength?

What do you think it means to love your neighbor as yourself?

What stuck out to you this chapter? Why?

Do we know when Jesus will return (Mark 13:32-33)? Why/Why not?

What do you think Jesus means when He tells us to be on guard! Stay alert! (Mark 13:33) or to watch for Him! (Mark 13:37)?

What stuck out to you this chapter? Why?

The Church tradition of communion came from what happened in Mark 14:22-26. Why do you think we do communion at church?

In Mark 14:66-72, we find out that Peter breaks his promise (Mark 14:31) and denies even knowing who Jesus is. Like Peter, have you ever felt like you failed Jesus? Write your story.

What stuck out to you this chapter? Why?

How do you think Jesus family felt, watching Jesus hanging on the cross?

If the book of Mark ended with Mark 15:47, with Jesus being dead and laid in a tomb, where do you think Christianity and the Church would be today? To put it another way, what would the Church look like if Jesus stayed dead and didnt rise again?

What stuck out to you this chapter? Why?

Why do you think the women were frightened when they went to tell the disciples the good news of Jesus resurrection (Mark 16:8)?


You read the whole book of Mark! Great job! Answer some of these reflection questions about your experience. What have you learned about God as a result of reading the book of Mark?

What have you learned about yourself as a result of reading the book of Mark?

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