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The Lunar Sabbath by Arnold Bowen Introduction The evidence provided here will prove that the true

weekly seventh day Sabbath of the Scriptures is observed on the same days of the moon each month, (NOT by Julian or Gre orian !alendars" and that is on the #th, $%th, &&nd, and &'th( The author offers a )$*,*** reward to anyone who can pinpoint a weekly Sabbath on any other day than by the moon( Seventy two weekly Sabbath days, observed by the +oly men of old, have been pinpointed in scriptures and every one of them is on either the #th, $%th, &&nd, or &'th day of the moon( This is no coincidence, the reason for this is that they never counted the day of the New moon when countin out the si- workdays of the week( The New moon is a worship day all by it.s self and is not counted when countin out the week( The ori inal months were by the moon and not /ust a count of 0* or 0$ days and the ori inal weeks were counted from the New moon and NOT by today1s pa an 2planetary week1 as we all were tau ht( The truth is sometimes stran er than fiction( The ates of +is house were to be shut durin the si- workdays and open on the Sabbaths and New moons, which proves that the New moon day is NOT one of the 3 work days of the week( (45( 637$"( (45ekiel 637$80$ Thus saith The 9aster :+;+, the ate of the inner court that looketh toward the east shall be shut the si- workin days, but on the Sabbath it shall be opened, and in the day of the New moon, it shall be opened( 888888but the ate shall not be shut until the evenin ( <ikewise the people of the land shall worship at the door of this ate before :+;+ in the Sabbaths and in the New moons"( =>nd in the be innin s of your months= etc. The day of the New moon was a worship day (Isa( 337&0" and was not counted as one of the si- work days of the week( See also Num &#7$$8$6, Isaiah 66:23, >nd it shall come to pass, that from one New moon to another, and from one Sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith YHWH. The first workday was on the second day of the moon, and the seventh would be on the ei hth day from the New moon, an intermission day, with si- workdays in between( The same is true from one Sabbath to the ne-t, it is ei ht days( N(9(,$(&(0(6(%(3(?($,&,0,6,%,3,?,$,&,0,6,%,3,?,$,&,0,6,%,3,?, @rom Sabbath to Sabbath is # days with 3 work days in8between and from New moon to the $st Sabbath is # days with si- work days in8between( In e-aminin the evidence set forth in this work, you will see the true Sabbath comes after the si- workdays and the day of the New moon is NOT one of them( It is e-citin to read the e-amples set forth in this work based on the oldest history book in the world, and an inspired one at that( AB4STIONS >NC >NS;4DS

A7 Coes the Scriptures say the Doman calendar is for >ppointmentsE >7 No( A7 Coes the Scriptures say the sunFmoon is for >ppointmentsE >7 :es( Gsalms $*67$' says that +e appointed the moon for >ppointments (seasons" and Gen( $7$6 onward says that the reat li hts are for >ppointments (seasons"( A7 >re there any e-amples of anyone ever keepin a weekly Sabbath on any day other than the #th, $%th, &&nd, and &'th or by the moonE >7 No( A7 Cid anyone keep the weekly Sabbath on the #th, $%th, &&nd, and &'thE >7 :es8 4veryone in Scripture( >t least ?& weekly Sabbaths on these days can be pinpointed in scripture( @or e-ample, 4-( $37$8&0 is the first place the word Sabbath, is mentioned and was on the &&nd of the second moon and +e said it is the rest of the +oly Sabbath( The last place the word Sabbath is mentioned is in !ol( &7$3 8 <et no man /ud e you in respectin it( The weekly Sabbaths can be proven before the <aw, under the <aw, and before the !rucifi-ion, durin the crucifi-ion, and after the crucifi-ion and all were on these days and will be in the New +eavenF4arth, and not even one e-ample on any other day other than by the moon( (See HGroof chapterI" A7 If there is no proof of a Sabbath on any other day than by the moon, does the Scriptures say to prove all thin sE >7 :es( (I Thes( %7&$" A7 Co the Scriptures teach that traditions of men would make the ;ord of :+;+ of none effectE >7 :es( (9atthew $%73 and 9ark ?7$0" A7 ;hat does the Scriptures teach would be for days, years, si ns, and seasonsE The +eavenly li hts or a calendarE >7 +eavenly <i hts( (Gen, $7$6" (Gsm8$*67$'" A7 ;as the Old Testament written for our e-ampleE >7 :es( (I!or( $*7$*" A7 ;ere all e-amples of a weekly Sabbath kept on the #th, $%th, &&nd, and &'th , or by the moonE >7 :es, without e-ception( A7 Is all this in the TorahE >7 :es( A7 ;ill he that turneth his ear from hearin the <aw prayers be an abominationE >7 :es( (Groverbs &#7'" A7 Is there any record in the Scriptures of any days or >ppointments bein kept by a calendar other than by the moonE >7 No(

A7 Is there any record of the +eavenly !alendar bein used other than for the SabbathsE >7 :es, many e-amples( A7 Is the ;eekly Sabbath a @eastE >7 :es( <ev8 &070 (One of ?, the rest are also kept by the heavenly li hts"( A7 Is the moon for @eastsE >7 :es( Gen8 $7$6 and Gsm8 $*67$' A7 >m I sayin that the calendar count we use for today is a later inventionE >7 :es, it had to be if it was never used in the scripture( It was introduced by Julius !aesar in 63( J(!( (see Encyclopedia under Calendar) A7 Is there any +istory to prove that the weeks were ori inally by the moonE >7 :es, 4ven the Bniversal Jewish 4ncyclopedia acknowled es it and says the Sabbaths were ori inally by the phases of the moon( >lso men like Ghilo the Jew who lived at the same time as our Saviour acknowled e that the week was by the moon alone with !lemet of >le-andra( See documentations in the book( A7 ;hat are the stron est points for Sabbaths by the moonE >7 Gen( $7$6, <ev8&070 and Gsalms $*67$', and all the e-amples where the Sabbaths are pinpointed, on the #th, $%th, &&nd, and &'th( O@ T+4 9OON A7 ;hat are the stron est points for Sabbath by Doman calendar, accordin to scriptureE >7 There are none( They only be an a seven8day count in 0&$ (Constantine I), and only had a $* month year( A7 Is there a )$*,***(** reward to anyone who can prove a weekly Sabbath on any other day than by the 9oonE >7 :es A7 Cid the Jews (or Israel" keep up with the SabbathE >7 NO( +e caused them to for et it( <am8&73 +e said +e would destroy their place of worship and cause +is Sabbaths to be for otten in Kion( >lso when they were delivered from 4 ypt1s bonda e, +e made +is Sabbaths known to 9oses and it was on the #th, $%th, &&nd and &'th( (4-8$3ch(" They had for otten the Sabbath in 4 ypt also( TDB4 TI94 The oldest calendar recorded anywhere is in Gen( $7$6, which speaks of the reat li hts in the +eavens, it says, =They shall be for days, years, si ns, and seasons(= Sure, we can make an artificial calendar and say a day be ins at midni ht or anytime for that matter, but there is nothin that corresponds to it in Nature( The weekly Dest of :+;+ is mentioned very early in the Jook of Gen( and the remedy of findin when it be ins is found very early also( In Gen($7$6 speakin of the Great <i hts, it says, they shall be !or "easons , which means appointments or rest days( This should settle any doubt about what overns the weekly and all yearly appointments, but for those like myself that have been smothered in traditions of men, I ask that you read this book carefully and prayerfully, before continuin in your doctrine(

4ver wonder what the definition of time isE Time is movement + conjunction of the +eavenly bodies, without movement plus con/unction, true time cannot be measured( ;e can say a month has 0* or 0$ days but it is an artificial count to notch off &6 hours for a day and /ust start countin anywhere you wish without some phenomena or con/unction point in the +eavens( This is true also with months, and years( Sure, you can say a year be ins January $st and ends 03% days later, or a month is 0* or 0$ days, but nothin in Nature will support this be innin or endin ( (by the way, that is where we #et the word $onth% it is !ro$ the $oon !ro$ &ature.) @or true time keepin , you must have a startin point or con/unction found in Nature.s li hts (they shall be !or days, years, si#ns, and seasons). If man sets the startin point for time then it is artificial or man made and NOT real time( The Lernal 4Muino- starts the year and you will always have reen ears of barley at this time and new life rowin everywhere for the New :ear, not like January $st in the dead of winter when the sap is down and thin s are dormant( ;ell, we mention days, months, and years bein found in Nature.s calendar and showed true startin points at con/unction or revolution points( ;hat about the weekE Surely, we can make our own week by notchin off seven solar days, even if we cannot do it for the month, days, and years( There is nothin in Nature to mark seven days like the year.sF4Muino-, the monthsFIllumination every 0* N days or the day.s revolution,Fdark to dark O or is thereEEEEE :es, we find in Nature a phenomenon of the moon every seven days( It seems to set or pauseFrest at the four phases of the moon (New moon, @irst Muarter, @ull moon and Second Muarter", then last sliver and from there everythin starts over a ain( The moon con/uncts at each of these events in Nature and ives us a startin point for countin our weeks and numberin our days( The oldest book in history teaches this is the way it was done, and many e-amples in the ;ord prove it and not one to disprove it( No wonder +e said that +e ave us the moon for >ppointments, or seasons( (Gsalms $*67$' =+e appointed the moon for seasons7 the sun knoweth his oin down(= Gen( $7$6" =<et them be for days and years and si ns and seasons=( The weekly Sabbath is a feast or season (<ev( &070" and was the only feast or >ppointment in Gen( $7$6( They had not left 4 ypt or anythin at the time for the >nnual >ppointments( +e said, they were meant for feastin ( Coesn.t it make perfect sense for the be innin and end of a true week to be first found in Nature the same as the year, day, and monthEEE There is other supportin evidence in the Bniversal Jewish encyclopedias, under Sabbath, where they admit that the weekly Sabbaths was ori inally by the Ghases of the moon( The Jews do not follow this method as they hold from @riday evenin to Saturday evenin as Sabbaths( >lso another $** year old Jewish 4ncyclopedia confirms the same, write or call for a copy( ;e want to et back to Nature on the foods we eat, because we know Nature knows best( ;hy not return to Nature.s calendar for observin our weeks, /ust as we do for observin years, months, and daysE Trash the Roman calendar count and keep YHWH's calendar that is recorded in Genesis $7$6 for true time keepin , and not partake in the chan in of times as spoken of by Caniel

the Grophet( ;hether it is the time the day be ins and ends, or the time the week be ins and ends, the time the month or the year be ins and ends, let us stay with Nature and :+;+.s time clock( Dead Genesis $7$6 onwards and Gsalms $*67$' for the true appointments of :+;+( Then compare it with 'e()23:3 and see that the same word that is used for feast is also used for seasons and has the same meanin ( ;>L4 S+4>@ <eviticus &07'8$$ P>nd :+;+ spake unto 9oses, sayin , Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, ;hen ye be come into the land which I ive unto you, and shall reap the harvest thereof, then ye shall brin a sheaf of the firstfruits of your harvest unto the priest7 >nd he shall wave the sheaf before :+;+, to be accepted for you7 on the morrow after the Sabbath the priest shall wave it(Q It states that, when they come into the land they were to wave the sheaf of the first fruit on the morrow after the Sabbath, and verse $% says *And ye shall count unto you !ro$ the $orrow a!ter the "abbath, !ro$ the day that ye brou#ht the shea! o! the wa(e o!!erin#% se(en "abbaths shall be co$plete:+ This says that they were to be in a count on the morrow after they brou ht the sheaf and verse $6 *And ye shall eat neither bread, nor parched corn, nor #reen ears, until the sel!sa$e day that ye ha(e brou#ht an o!!erin# unto your ,)d: it shall be a statute !or e(er throu#hout your #enerations in all your dwellin#s.+ This means they could not eat parched corn, etc(, until the self8same day they brou ht an offerin ( Now, Josephus and Ghilo both a ree this would always be on the $3th (morrow after the SabbathF $%th" when the Griest would wave the sheaf, and they lived in the time when the <evitical Griesthood was still active( This means the Sabbath will always be on the $%th every year, and the only way this can happen is to count the Sabbaths by the moon( It also proves the Sabbath in the first moon each year will be on the $%th every time, which is i$possible to happen when usin the Doman calendar( In Joshua %7$*8$& P>nd the children of Israel encamped in Gil al, and kept the Gassover on the fourteenth day of the month at even (this +ebrew word e(en is dark" in the plains of Jericho( >nd they did eat of the old corn of the land on the morrow after the Gassover, unleavened cakes, and parched corn in the selfsame day( ($3th" >nd the manna ceased on the morrow after they had eaten of the old corn of the land, (same morrow" neither had the children of Israel manna any more, but they did eat of the fruit of the land of !anaan that year(Q ;e see that they came into the land and did e-actly what was told them( They kept the Gassover on the fourteenth day at even( In verse $*, they ate parched corn, etc( On the morrow after the Gassover ($%th"( This proves the $%th was the Sabbath and $3th was the morrow after, or the $st day of the week as the two +istorians who watched the Griest doin it this way confirm( The manna ceased on the e-act same morrow forty years later( It had be un forty years earlier on the $3th (4-odus $38ch"( In addition, we can prove the 9essiah rose on the $3th of >bib which is the $st day of the week, when the first fruit was to be lifted up and +e was the first fruit of them that sleep( (I

!orinthians $%7&*8&0 =Jut now is !hrist risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept( @or since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead( @or as in >dam all die, even so in !hrist shall all be made alive( Jut every man in his own order7 !hrist the firstfruits, afterward they that are !hrist.s at his comin ("= +e did not rise on the $?th or $#th, as some suppose( +e rose the third day which was the $st day of the week, accordin to the Scriptures, and the only Scripture to be found is the first fruit of the wave sheaf, which was on the $3th, and +e was truly the first fruit, and was waved or presented to the @ather on the $3th accordin to the scriptures( <ev8&07$$, =>nd he shall wave the sheaf before :+;+, to be accepted for you7 on the morrow after the Sabbath the priest shall wave it( J4DI!+O 9>D!+ +ave you ever wondered how the children of Israel could have marched around Jericho without marchin on the SabbathE 9aybe you have, maybe you have not( 9aybe you have thou ht that it was simply allowed by :ahweh, and is a case of e-emption in battle( ;hat ever you have previously understood concernin this colossal event, here is somethin to consider( <et me point out that those who believe the Sabbath to be a reoccurrin seven day count have to admit that Israel marched around the city of Jericho on the weekly Sabbath day( This is seen in the book of Joshua 37&86( -And .ahweh said unto /oshua, "ee, I ha(e #i(en into thine hand /ericho, and the 0in# thereo!, and the $i#hty $en o! (alor. And ye shall co$pass the city, all ye $en o! war, and #o round about the city once. 1hus shalt thou do si2 days. And the se(en priests shall bear be!ore the ar0 se(en tru$pets or ra$s3 horns: and the se(enth day ye shall co$pass the city se(en ti$es, and the priests shall blow with the tru$pets.4 Seein that the march was commanded by :ahweh to last for seven consecutive days, a weekly Sabbath would definitely fall within the period of the seven day march, at least for those who hold to a continuous uninterrupted seven day count, not anchored in any way by nature( Bpon reali5in this, we should notice what :ahweh has revealed to us, in +is holy word, concernin travel on the weekly Sabbath day( Is travel allowed on the SabbathE Or does :ahweh e-plicitly condemn travel on the SabbathE In 4-odus $3 we find the account of the ivin of the manna by :ahweh to the children of Israel( +e makes it known to them (in verses 68% of this account" that they will be receivin manna for si- strai ht days, but on the seventh day they will find none( On the si-th day of this particular week :ahweh commands them to bake that which they will, and seethe that which they will (vs( &0"( @ood preparation is also found in verse % of the chapter( ;e do however find that immediately after :ahweh instructs Israel in that there would be no manna found on the Sabbath day, we find that they simply did not hearken( =>nd it came to pass, that there went out some of the people on the seventh day for to ather, and they found none PmannaQ(= 4-odus $37&? Bpon the children of Israel.s venture :ahweh was very displeased( ;e see this in +is statements to 9oses in 4-odus $37&#8&'( =:ahweh said unto 9oses, +ow lon refuse ye to keep my commandments and my lawsE See, for that :ahweh hath iven you the Sabbath, therefore he iveth you on the si-th day the bread of two days, abide ye every man in his place, let no man o out of his place on the seventh day( So the people rested on the seventh day(= :ahweh here specifically condemns their travelin on the Sabbath( This was merely travelin a short space to ather manna, much less insti atin an attack throu h a battle march( Obviously :ahweh does desire us to travel to our places of worship on Sabbath, but

somethin unnecessary, such as atherin manna or travelin for our own personal edification is somethin alto ether different( ;e also see that limited travel on the Sabbath was understood by the believers of the $st century >(C( This can be seen in the book of >cts $7$& HThen returned they unto Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet, which is from Jerusalem a Sabbath day.s /ourney(I +ere we see that there was a specific distance that was considered to be a Sabbath day.s /ourney( The Rin James Study Scriptures states, A "abbath day3s 5ourney was the distance a /ew was allowed to tra(el on the "abbath (about 263 $ile). Smith.s Scriptures Cictionary has somewhat to add on the passa e in >cts as well( The Sabbath day.s /ourney of &*** cubits, >cts $7$&, is peculiar to the New Testament, and arose from a rabbinical restriction( It was founded on a universal application of the prohibition iven by 9oses for a special occasion7 =<et no man o out of his place on the seventh day(= 4-( $37&'( >n e-ception was allowed for the purpose of worshippin at the tabernacle( >lthou h 9r( Smith.s opinion leans toward this bein an application by man, I think we can see from the passa e in 4-odus $37&' that no unnecessary travel was to be done on the Sabbath( >cts $7$& simply shows us that this is what was understood by Israelites livin in the $st century >(C( So, did :ahweh command a battle attack consistin of a march to take place on the SabbathE ;ell, once a ain, for those insistin on a continual unbroken seven day count for the Sabbath, the answer would have to be yes( >nd I.m sure one could ive a few answers to why :ahweh seemed to allow this to take place( +owever, is there any possibility that :ahweh did not command a march to take place on the SabbathE :es, there certainly is( >ccordin to the teachin which claims the Sabbath to be fi-ed in the heavens accordin to the moon and its phases, a Sabbath falls out to be on the #th, $%th, &&nd, and &'th days of each and every lunation( Deason bein is that the day of the New moon is not counted as one of the si- workin days (45ekiel 637$80" thus the Sabbath count stops once each month at the day(s" of the New moon( If the march of Jericho started on the day of the New moon then it would have ended on the ?th day of that monthS This would allow for Israel to not have traveled on a SabbathS +owever, we do face a dilemma, the book of Joshua does not ive us any conclusive evidence that the march be an on the New moon, althou h the possibility is still there( This is why I would now like to direct your attention to what is known as the book of Jasher( The book of Jasher is mentioned twice in the +oly Scriptures, and was considered as an honorable source of information( This is seen by noticin the conte-t in which it was mentioned( In my book of Jasher on pa e &66, verse $6 throu h $? tells that :+;+ spoke to Joshua on the $st day of the &nd month and told him to rise up and o march around Jericho once each day for 3 days and on the ?th day, seven times for I have delivered the city with all the people in to thy hand( @rom our understandin of the true Sabbaths by the reat li hts, we knew the possibility of not marchin on the +oly Sabbath was there because of the New moon day or days but the Jook of Jasher pinpoints that the march be innin on the 7st day of the month which confirmed our suspicions( I am told that in the 2Sutaphi ra1 or somethin like that, it says if anyone takes counsel to make war on the Sabbath is to be put to death( I will check on this later(

One e-ample is found in The Talmud the Steinsalt5 4dition=, Lolume TIL Tractate Ta.anit Gart II ($''% by Israel Institute for Talmudic Gublications and 9ilta Jooks", pa es &*%8 &*3( It says the followin re ardin the destruction of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem, built by Solomon, and destroyed by Nebuchadne55ar.s army7 Ga e &*%7 =Then late on the day of the ninth, close to ni htfall, they set the Temple on fire, and it continued to burn the entire ne-t day, on the tenth(= Ga e &*37 =;hen the Temple was destroyed for the first time at the hands of Nebu5aradan Pcaptain of the uardQ, that day was the ninth o! A(, and it was the day followin Shabbat, and it was the year followin the Sabbatical :ear(((( >nd similarly when the Temple was destroyed a second time at the hands of Titus, the destruction occurred on the very same day, on the ninth o! A((= > !<OS4D <OOR >T 4TOCBS $3T+ !+>GT4D @or those who are leanin toward the Auails fallin on the $%th (Sabbath" because of the words =between the evenin s,= here are a few thin s we must consider( The only evenin the Scriptures speak of is the type in the book of Genesis( The evenin and mornin was the first day, evenin and mornin the second day( The evenin (ni ht" is what be ins and ends a Scriptural day, and =between the evenin = would have to be somewhere between dark and dark( Demember the li ht +e called day and the darkness +e called ni ht, and the evenin (ni ht" and the mornin (li ht" were the first day( >nother thin to consider is the @ather is oin to prove them whether they will keep +is law or not( 4-($376 states the @ather is oin to ive them a certain rate of manna every day for si- days, and on the si-th day, they shall ather it and it will be twice as much (v(%" because on the Sabbath (&&nd", in it there shall be none( (v(&3" ;hen you are teachin your children ri ht from wron , you do not set a bad e-ample that is contrary to what you are teachin ( Dainin down Auail on the +oly Sabbath for the children to ather on that day to clean and cook, and then tellin them not to even ather manna on the Sabbath day is not what the @ather did or tau ht( The understandin of =between the evenin s= in verse 3( 9oses and >aron both said that in the evenin (ni ht" :+;+ shall ive flesh to eat (at ni ht" and in the mornin (dayli ht" bread to the full( &ote: +e said mornin (li ht" not morrow (ne-t day" O two different words in the +ebrew, morrow is the followin day (tomorrow"( Dead verse $0 O =>nd it came to pass at even, (dark" the Muails came up and covered the round and in mornin (li#ht o! the 76th) dew lay round about the host(= >ll this does not contradict verse $& where the @ather said I heard the murmurin s (on the $%th" of the children of Israel7 =Speak unto them, sayin , at evenin (between the evenin s", ye shall eat flesh, and in the mornin (still between the same evenin at day li ht"EE ye shall be filled with bread(= They ate Muail on the morn of the $3th( Now you have a choice as to the meanin of between two evenin s, one meanin on the $%th Sabbath, makin the @ather work on the Sabbath and causin the children to work instead of rest( Or it is between the two evenin s (the $3th and $?th a workday" the Muail and manna occurred both on the same day ($3th" as the word meanin infers(

The lamb was to be slain on the $6th =between the two evenin s,= and Ceuteronomy chapter $3 says =at the oin down of the sun(= +ere is another specific time, as the sun starts its downward stroke after its >pe- On the $6th( >nother specific time =between the evenin s= is the mornin and evenin Sacrifices where both lambs were sacrificed on the same day, the $st one in the mornin and the &nd one at evenin , (between the evenin s"( The time is specified as mornin , and evenin sacrifices and both are between the even of same day (evenin and mornin of the $3th(" The word evenin used here is =between the evens= and the &nd lamb was to be slain on the same day as the mornin Sacrifice but between the two evens( This proves that between the two evens is referrin to between the two darks (on the same day"( This helps shed more li ht on the sub/ect, and does not make our +eavenly @ather break +is own <aw( It is known that the miracle of Muails could have been an act of mercy on the Sabbath, but upon the preponderance of evidence, it was not( +e would have waited a few more hours until dark before +e would break the Sabbath, especially considerin the lesson +e was about to teach them concernin the manna, not to be athered on the Sabbath day and not only the atherin , but the catchin , cleanin , and cookin of Muails on the Sabbath ($%th"( It would be a bad e-ample in anybody.s book( If anyone does the math he will see the weekly Sabbaths that were made known to 9oses, were with out a doubt on the #th, $%th, &&nd, and &'th( Of the 9OON Jottom line is, we know for a fact that the $st day of manna was on the $3th and continued for si- days and none found on the &&nd because that was the weekly Sabbath, which makes the $%th a Sabbath also, no matter if the Auails were iven on that day or not( Some try to say that they were travelin on the Sabbath day in 4-odus $3th chapter, and in the Rin James translation it seemed to be a possibility but the +ebrew and the Septua int proves otherwise( <et1s e-amine the passa e and I will Muote a brief e-cerpt from a NON <unar Sabbath keeper @red D( !oulture who is the author of the !hristian Gassover and several other works( +e attended the Bniversity of San @rancisco and raduated from San 9ateo State !olle e before raduatin from >mbassador !olle e, Gasadena, !alifornia, with a J> in theolo y in $'36( Jelow is his non bias study, which proves they were not travelin on the Sabbath in 4-8$3th chapter( H>nd they took their /ourney from 4lim, and all the con re ation of the children of Israel came unto the wilderness of sin, which is between 4lim and SinaiU, on the $%th day of the second month after their departin out of the land of 4 ypt( >nd the whole con re ation of the children of Israel murmured a ainst 9oses and >aron in the wildernessI This translation makes it appear that Israel arrived at the wilderness of sin while the $%th day was in pro ress( The +ebrew te-t, however, does not support the assertion that Israel travel on the $%th day( The present of a ma/or lo ical pause between the verb 2came1 and the words 2on the $%th day1 verifies this fact( This lo ical pause is denoted by the use of the atnah, and which resembles an upside down 2L1 under the +ebrew word for 2Sinai1 ("ee Biblical 8ebraic "tuttartessia.) The atnah and other accents are essential to understandin the thou ht that are bein conveyed in the +ebrew te-t( These accent marks are all part of a system that punctuates the te-t and is therefore a very important feature in its syntactic analysis888 this feature of

+ebrew rammar is so important for understandin that medieval Jewish scholars paid more attention to it than to establishin the correct pronunciation of words (;altke, >n introduction to Jiblical +ebrew Synta-, p( &'"( ;altke describes the use of the atnah and other accents to e-press divisions of thou ht in the +ebrew te-t of7 >ccents in the 9asoretic Te-t are of two kinds7 and dis/unctives and con/unctives( Cis/unctive accents, euphemistically dubbed 2lords1 by earlier scholars, mark the len th of pauses from full stop (!omplete break in lo ical thou ht" to various shades of shorter pauses (partial break in lo ical thou ht", and con/unctives, dubbed 2servants1, control the te-t up to the dis/unctive( >ccordin to ;( ;ickes1s comprehensive study of the accents, the dis/unctives mark a continuous dichotomy of the verse, that is, they divide lar e units (of thou ht", be innin with the verse itself (marked off by sillu closin the verse", into successfully smaller half8 units of syntactic (or lo ico8syntactics" basis( > unit endin with a dis/unctive of one rade is divided into halves, and its halves in turn are divided into smaller units by other dis/unctive si ns until the whole verse is divided into sin le words or roups of words /oined by con/unctives( Israel :eivin roups the ma/or dis/unctive accents as follows7 Generally atnah devides the verse, 5aMef the verse halves, pashta or Vrevia the unit endin with 5aMef, and so on (lbid(, emphasis added"( In translatin 4-odus $37 $, Owens indicates the presence of the atnah by parsin the +ebrew word for Sinai as pr(n(paus (proper noun pausal"( The division of thou ht that is e-pressed by the atnah is illustrated in his translation below7 2they set out from 4lim and came all the con re ation of the people of Israel to the wilderness of sin which is between 4lim and Sinai U (lo ical Gause" on the five ten day of the month second after they had departed from the land of 4 ypt and murmured the whole con re ation of the people of Israel a ainst 9oses and >aron in the wilderness1 (>nalytical Rey to the Old Testament, vol( $"( The lo ical pause in 4-odus $37$7 divides the thou hts that follow from the precedin thou hts that are e-pressed in the verse( The Septua int, which follows the lo ical markin s of the te-t very closely, translates this passa e as follows7 2and they departed from 4lim, and all the con re ation of the children of Israel came to the wilderness of sin, which is between 4lim and Sinai, and on the fifteenth day, in the second month after their departure from the land of 4 ypt, all the con re ation of the children of Israel murmured a ainst 9oses and >aron1( The presence of the lo ical pause in 4-odus $37 $ shows that Israel had come to the wilderness of sin and made camp by the be innin of the fifteenth day( ;hen the fifteenth day arrived, Israel complained to 9oses that :+;+ had brou ht them to the desert to die( Thus there is no basis for the claim that Israel was travelin on the$%th day( Wend88 TDB4 S>JJ>T+ The Scriptures teaches that ><< days are ordinary workdays, unless the ;ord of :+;+ deems them otherwise( ;ith no addin to or takin away from the ;ord, all days are ordinary days e-cept the ones +e desi nates as worship days( @or e-ample, the Scriptures teaches us that after si- workdays we are to rest( (Gen( &7&, 4-( $37&3, 4-( &*7#8$$, and <ev( &073" ;e are not only to rest, but it is a worship day, a +oly day set apart, a sanctified intermission from the previous workdays( Intermission or rest from whatE The si- ordinary

workdays( The sun rises and sets on every day alike, but by the 9oon, we are told which ones are not ordinary days( ;ithout the 9oon, we would not know which days +e has chosen because they all look alike( The 9oon will si nal the days with its li ht, which increases and decreases( @or e-ample, the seventh month, fifteenth day of the 9oon is an intermission, alon with the $st, #th, $*th, &&nd, and &'th( ;e are to assemble for worship( <ev( &070 teaches that after si- ordinary workdays, there will be a worship day( Two months are outlined in the Scriptures and specifically tellin which days are +oly !onvocations or worship days( @or e-ample, in the seventh 9oon, the New moon is a worship day7 45(637$80$ HThus saith The 9aster :+;+ , the ate of the inner court that looketh toward the east shall be shut the si- workin days, but on the Sabbath it shall be opened, and in the day of the New moon, it shall be opened( >nd the prince shall enter by the way of the porch of that ate without, and shall stand by the post of the ate, and the priests shall prepare his burnt offerin and his peace offerin s, and he shall worship at the threshold of the ate7 then he shall o forth, but the ate shall not be shut until the evenin ( <ikewise the people of the land shall worship at the door of this ate before :+;+ in the Sabbaths and in the New moons(I (Isa( 337&0, >nd it shall come to pass, that from one New moon to another, and from one Sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith :+;+"( See also Num &#7$$8$6 which refers to worship on all the New moons throu hout the year (Num( $*7&, ?, #, $*, Num &'7$, <ev( &07&6"( ;ithout Muestion the New moon is not one of the si- ordinary workdays( Now it says nothin about day two throu h seven anywhere( Therefore, we work those sidays, but we are admonished to rest after si- workdays, which would be the ei hth day of the seventh 9oon( ;e are not forbidden to work the ninth, but are commanded to rest and worship on the tenth with no food( Now we assume we can eat the other 036 days of the year( ;hy not assume, we can work on ordinary days that are not desi nated worship daysE >fter the tenth, there is no commandment not to work on the eleventh throu h the fourteenth, e-cept on man.s calendar( >fter the tenth has passed, we assume we can eat and work on the eleventh throu h the fourteenth, but we are commanded to rest on the fifteenth( It is a worship day( (Num( &'7$&" Now we are not commanded to fast or worship the ne-t si- days ($3th 8&$st", but we are ordered to dwell in booths seven days from the $%th to the &$st (<ev( &07 6*860" Now we are ordered to keep the ei hth day (&&nd", countin from the fifteenth of the month, which will be the &&nd, another worship day( !ountin on, with the instructions of the +eavenly @ather there is no +oly worship day on the &0rd throu h the &#th, but the pattern of rest and worship after si- workdays applies on the &'th, unless you use man.s calendar( There is a New moon rebuildin and sometimes it starts after the day does, makin the ne-t evenin and mornin the first day of the rebuildin or $st day of the New moon( Sometimes the new month starts rebuildin before the &'th ends, so the first evenin and mornin after the rebuildin would be the first day of the New moon ivin us &'8 and 0*8 day months(

The scripture teaches that the New moon is a worship day( It is a day of no buyin and sellin and is not one of the 3 ordinary workdays of the week (45( 637$, Isa( 337&0, >mos #7%"( =Sayin , ;hen will the New moon be one, that we may sell cornE and the Sabbath, that we may set forth wheat,= >mos #7% >fter that, there is no commandment not to work on the ne-t day of the 9oon throu h seven days, but we must take an intermission on day ei ht for worship because the #th day of the moon is the seventh day Sabbath from the first workday after the New moon worship day( Then, si- more workdays, then rest and worship on the $%th, etc( This oes on year after year from one New moon to another and one Sabbath to another, even into the New +eaven and New 4arth, which +e will make( (Isa(337&0" "And it shall come to pass, that from one New moon to another, and from one Sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the YHWH." Our +eavenly @ather ives us specific instructions as to which days of the year to set apart for rest and worship and ives us the moon to tell which days they are( ;e are not to add to or to diminish from what +e orders, by inventin a calendar of our own( So, chan in the <aws and Times of worship as spoken of by Caniel the Grophet, concernin the Doman 4mpire (Caniel ?7&%" and fulfilled by Julius !aesar the Doman 4mperor (6th beast of Caniel", where he removed the 9oon as a basis for the calendar( ("ee Encyclopedia under Calendar) We must speak where the Scriptures speaks, an be si!ent when it is si!ent. The universe is self contained and has it1s own built in calendar and does not need man to tell when a year be ins and ends, or a month, or a day, or a week( The Doman calendar is a recent invention, an evil instrument desi ned to confuse and destroy the true times and >ppointments of :+;+, /ust as the !alse !ires sent up by the enemy to et us off the true Sabbaths, and New moons( To verify, check your calendar to see if the first day of the month lines up with the first day of the 9oon (month" on :+;+ .s calendar that +e ave to man kind and they (sun, $oon, and stars) shall be !or si#ns and seasons, days and years. (Gen $7$6" In other words, they shall beacon you for the appointment days of :+;+( >ppointments mean seasons and si ns mean beacons( ("ee concordance) To further prove the >ppointments or intermissions occur after the si- workin days (e-cept the New moon", save the tenth day in the seventh month, which breaks up the siworkdays and the twenty8first day in the first 9oon each year( The second day of the New moon (month" is the first workday and the Sabbaths are on the #th, $%th, &&nd, and &'th( The first pinpointed Sabbath is in 4-odus, chapter $3, and is on the &&nd day of the 9oon (4-( $37&&, &0" and, if you count backwards the second day of the 9oon is the first workday O@ T+4 ;44R, and the Sabbaths are on the #th, $%th, &&nd, and &'th( The same thin can be seen a ain in the !rucifi-ion ;eek( The Sabbath is on the $%th( (John $'70$ =and <uke &07%6,8%3" 0$The Jews therefore, because it was the preparation, that the bodies should not remain upon the cross on the Sabbath day, (for that Sabbath day was an hi h day," =and <uke

&07%6,8%3" %0>nd he took it down, and wrapped it in linen, and laid it in a sepulchre that was hewn in stone, wherein never man before was laid( %6>nd that day was the preparation, and the Sabbath drew on(= =That= Sabbath day was not only a weekly Sabbath, but was the $st day of Bnleavened bread( > simple count backwards tells us that the first workday is the second day of the 9oon, which places the weekly Sabbaths on the #th, $%th, &&nd, and &'th every month, and if our Savior had not been killed on the $6th, +e would have kept the $%th Sabbath, as was +is custom( Greachers try to create another Sabbath on the $?th durin the !rucifi-ion ;eek, but if that were so, then the $*th day of that 9oon would have to be a Sabbath also, but the Scriptures proves otherwise in John $&7$( It says that it was si- days before Gassover (Gassover is referrin to the $%th, see <uke &&7$, and compare them(" This 2si n1 is in fact what the 9essiah told the Gharisees in 9at $&70'86*X$376, but told the disciples +e would rise on the third day ($37&$, $?7&0, &*7$'"( Si- days before the $%th would be on the 'th of the 9oon and verse twelve says on the ne-t day, the $*th, +e came to Jerusalem( Now, notice the $*th is when the Gassover lamb was to be put up (+e is the <amb" on the $*th, a very busy day for the Jews, and this was definitely not a Sabbath because, Y$, +e would have broken the @athers law by ridin the ass and causin it to work on the Sabbath, if the $*th were a Sabbath( >nd Y&, they were workin by cuttin tree limbs, etc(, Y0( but most of all they were buyin and sellin on that day, Y6( and +e entered the house of :+;+ and healed a man on the $*th and they said what a wonderful work, instead of accusin +im of breakin the Sabbath( This all proves the $*th was not a Sabbath and therefore the $?th could not have been a Sabbath either( There is another understandin for the three days and three ni hts in the heart of the earth( ("ee Bro) 9athew:s "i#n o! /onas) :ou can prove this in <uke $'70%86%( 9atthew &$7&8$% tells how +e came ridin on an ass and how +e entered the Temple where they were buyin and sellin ( The $*th was a very busy day each year for everybody, it was a scheduled workday by :+;+( It would be pure confusion to have a commanded non8work day, or Sabbath fall on this day, or any workday like the fourteenth day of the first 9oon when everybody is to kill and prepare the Gassover( It is a commanded workday, and would be pure confusion( >nd <uke &&7$" says =Now the feast of unleavened bread drew ni h, which is called the Gassover(= (The $%th is Bnleavened bread" >nother says =It was the preparation of the Gassover and Gilot said behold thy Rin = This proves Gassover was referrin to the eve of the $6th, NOT $%th as Gassover( (See also John $07$" >nother place the New moon and Sabbaths are pinpointed is John '7$6( To prove this compare the followin verses( John ?7& tells us that the @east of Tabernacles was at hand( Lerse $* tells that +e went up to It( Lerse 0? tells us that on the last day of the @east of

Tabernacles, which is the &$st( (<ev( &070& and 45( 6%7&%" and Nehemiah 8#7$# where it says =>lso day by day, from the first day unto the =last day=, he read in the book of the law of G8d( >nd they kept the feast =seven days=, and on the ei hth day was a solemn assembly (&&nd", accordin unto the manner( John #7$ tells us that +e went to the 9t( of Olives and verse & says that early in the mornin +e came a ain into the temple and tau ht (on the &&nd Sabbath" and verse %' says that +e went out of the temple and passed by( !hapter '7$ tells of seein the blind man as +e passed by him( Lerse 3 says +e made clay, and verse $6 says it was the Sabbath (&&nd" when +e made the clay, which proves the &&nd was on a Sabbath( The second day of the 9oon would be the first workday of the week a ain, and the weekly Sabbaths were on the #th, $%th, &&nd, and &'th( +ow could we fail to see these Sabbaths always bein on these set days of the 9oonE 9oreover, Our Savior (the Son of :+;+" was keepin Sabbaths by the +eavenly li hts that were created in +eaven and not by man.s calendar( The +eavenly Sabbath was on the &&nd( +e, also, kept the &'th as a Sabbath( ;on.t you also follow his e-ampleE Gaul was also usin :+;+.s calendar after the !rucifi-ion in >cts &*7? +e mentions the first day of the week, which was on the second day of the 9oon( (>cts &*7%, 3, ?" =They sailed away from Ghilippi after the days of unleavened bread, &0rd or &6th and came unto them in Troas in five days (&3th", where they stayed seven days(= (The five days were five days from the days of Bnleavened Jread, not a five8day boat ride because it is only $%* mi( or less from Ghilippi to Troas" The seventh day of this stay was the second day of the 9oon and Gaul calls this second day of the 9oon, the first day of the week, and that puts the Sabbaths a ain on the #th, $%th, &&nd, and &'th( !ountin the &3th as the first day of Gaul1s stay, the &?th as the second, the &#th as the third, the &'th as the fourth, the 0*th as the fifth day, the first or New moon day as the si-th day of Gaul1s stay, and the second day of the 9oon is the seventh day of Gaul.s stay at Troas and would be the first day of the week because the new moon day is a worship day of no buyin and sellin and is not counted in countin out the weeks( The Scriptures calls this second day of the 9oon the first day of the week, when they broke bread, because they only stayed seven days, and the first day of the week was the seventh day that they stayed and it was the second day of the 9oon, the first workday of the week, this proves Gaul kept the weekly Sabbath on the #th day of this &nd 9oon, then the $%th, &&nd, and &'th( ;on.t you follow +im as +e follows the masterE The Sabbaths were on the #th, $%th, &&nd, and &'th in the second 9oon, /ust like in 4-odus, chapter $3( Demember, this was in the second 9oon also( >postle Gaul remembered the True Sabbath day to keep it +oly and followin the Savior.s e-ample on the #th, $%th, etc( There is much proof( Think on this awhile, Gaul kept the Sabbath on the &&nd day of the second month which was the e-act day and month that 9oses was commanded to keep, many years earlier when the Sabbath was made known to him by these words, =it is the rest of the +oly Sabbath= and it was on the &&nd of the moon( (4-(8 $37&0"(

The &&nd day of the moon will be a Sabbath, /ust as it was when the Savior made the clay on the &&nd( (John '7$6 =>nd it was the Sabbath day when +e made the clay, and opened his eyes(=" Solomon kept the Sabbath on the &&nd in the ?th month( (&(!hronicles?7'8$* =>nd in the ei hth day they made a solemn assembly7 for they kept the dedication of the altar seven days, and the feast seven days( >nd on the three and twentieth day of the seventh month he sent the people away into their tents, lad and merry in heart for the oodness that :+;+ had shewed unto Cavid, and to Solomon, and to Israel his people("= If the feast was kept ? days, from the $%th 8 &$, why not send the people away on the &&nd instead of the &0rdEE ;as it because it was a Sabbath accordin to the <awFmannerEE The same &&nd of each moon will be a Sabbath /ust as +e said to 9oses =it is the rest of the +oly Sabbath= (4-odus $37&0("( This is no coincidence, no more than every time we walk in the rain we et wet( The command to keep the Sabbath is found in the <aw of :+;+ (Torah", and to know when it is, is also found in the <aw of :+;+( :ou do not have to o outside of the Scriptures to find when the Sabbath be ins and consult with man.s calendar( Co we really believe a command that carried the death penalty if not obeyed would be left up to man.s calendar and not the +eavenly calendar for days, years, si ns, and seasonsE (Gen( $7$6" The only calendar that cannot be tampered with by man is :+;+.s calendar( If you have to o outside the ;ord to find when a year be ins (January $st" or when a day be ins ($&7** a(m(" or how lon a month is (&'80$ days", then :+;+.s times are not honored( The same is true with the weekly Sabbath, it is also found in the Scriptures, with ou ht havin to o outside of them( No other 2law1 can determine this in creation( ;ith every !ommandment there are Statutes and Jud ments( The !ommandments tell us what +e wants us to do and the Jud ments tells us what will happen if we don1t do them but by the Statutes we are told how to do the !ommandments( +e does not tell us to do somethin that carries the C4>T+ penalty with ou ht tellin us how it is to be done with ou ht havin to o out side the scriptures to ask someone how to do it( ;e have a !ommandment to keep the @east of Bnleavened bread on the $%th of the $st moon or be cut off from :+;+ and the moon is the statute that shows us how to find it( The !ommandment is to keep the feast, the Jud ment is to be cut off if we rebel, and the moon is the Statute tellin us how to do it( The weekly feast is no different and it is one of his +oly appointments that is listed in <ev8 &0 alone with the other +oly !onvocations that are found by the li hts in the firmament of heaven( If the time of a day, year, month, or week is not found in the Scriptures, then it is not ri ht( >ll of these are found in Nature and Nature has a way of si nalin when the year be ins (4Muino-", or when a day be ins (dark", or when a month be ins (New moon !on/unction", or when a week be ins (phases of the 9oon O New moon, @irst Muarter, @ull, and Second Muarter"( >ll of these are con/unctions found in the Torah, without man.s calendar or artificial time keepin devices( :ou can find the @east days and the +oly convocations by

the 9oon without a man8made calendar, you can find the ri ht month and the ri ht day of the month, all by the 9oon, why not the wee0ly 8oly con(ocations too;;;; @or e-ample, the seventh month, tenth day of the 9oon is the Cay of >tonement, easy to find without a calendar, then the fifteenth day of the 9oon, which is the first day of Tabernacles( If all of these +oly days of :+;+ can be found without oin out of the Scriptures to man.s calendar, then why cannot the weekly +oly days or Sabbaths be found in the Scriptures alsoE They can( Jy findin the workdays, you can determine the non8workdays or Sabbaths (intermissions" and the only way you can find the workdays is by the 9oon( :ou be in each month with the New moon as a worship day (Isa( 337&0, 45( 637$, >mos #7%", then count the si- workdays, and rest on the seventh (the weekly Sabbath", which will be on the ei hth day of the 9oon( This is how the +oly men of old understood it and did it( There are too many e-amples where they did it this way to refute it and no e-amples where they did it any other way( ;e are accused of breakin the weekly cycle, and this accusation is true( It needs breakin because, it is a man8made cycle, not found anywhere in Nature or Scripture, unlike the cycles for the year, day, and month( > man called Julius !aesar broke the true cycle in 63 J(!( (no < day count until Constantine in 327) when he had a calendar made and disre arded the 9oon cycles in the calculations( +e used a 0*80$ day count for the months (72 $onth year ca$e centuries later) no matter what the True 9oon did( Thus, chan in times and <aws as prophesied by Caniel the Grophet( The Doman week is an artificial measurement of time and is not found in Nature or the Scriptures, the same as the year be innin in January, and the day be innin at $& a(m(, and the month, be innin every 0*80$ days( None of these are found in Nature or Scripture, they are artificial measurements of time and traditions of men( There is no where in scripture that teaches that the Sabbath is a (continuous" $ throu h ? count with no interruptions, it is not a +amster in a ca e type thin , the 2no moon1 (in between ? months out of $&" is perhaps a reminder that there were no 2days1 (sunrises" before their creation be an on the 2forth day1 (Gen $7$3"( +eaven is eternal, and only :+;+ overns there (Dev &$7&0" and will overn there +imself in the New Jerusalem (4arth" forever((( INT4DN>TION>< C>T4 <IN4 >nother proof the Doman calendar can.t be ri ht is that all time keepin instruments must have a startin point( If the startin point for dates is an arbitrary, earthly one such as the International Cate <ine (I(C(<(" instead of the heavenly con/unctions of the reat li hts, you will have @riday the si-th day of the pa an 2planetary week1 on one side of the line and Saturday the seventh day of the week on the other side, and both sides of the line are in the same evenin and mornin ( It would be preparation day as the evenin arrives on one side of the line, and Sabbath day on the other side, a whole day apart, and then when one side of the line keeps the Sabbath and the other side keeps the preparation, the ne-t day the other side of the line will keep it.s Sabbath as the evenin be ins and the Sabbath will be over on the other side of the street at the same evenin and they will o back to work on Sunday( One side will be workin and the other keepin the Sabbath( >sk yourself, can the day be +oly on one side of the street and not on the otherEEE Only with man.s calendar does this happen(

:ou do not have this problem with the +eavenly calendar of :+;+ because the startin point is in +eaven( @or e-ample, if both sides of the IC< are lookin at the moon and count si- workdays and rest on the seventh, then as it ets dark, both sides will be keepin the same day, and both sides will be +oly unto :+;+( <et us ima ine the IC< runnin throu h Israel( Now, ima ine Israelites campin on either side of the line( On one side, it will be the Sabbath day and on the other, it will be the preparation day( :+;+ does not work like that, because +e is not the author of confusion( The Sabbath is the Sabbath for all +is people when the evenin starts( !an you ima ine the day bein +oly on one side of the camp and not the otherEEE Now, let us e-amine the currently accepted seven8day cycle, introduced by !onstantine 2in honor1 (worship" of the luminaries, so as to e-tend ods for them, and worship them (Ce $?70"( Geople assume the weeks are solar, when in fact they are lunar( The Scriptures never mentions a seven8day cycle( It is more a pattern of rest after si- workdays, and the New moon is not one of the si- work days( To prove the cycle wron all one has to do is think( The earth is said to spin around once every twenty8four hours, causin a cycle( If someone were to walk east toward the sun while someone else stayed still, then the one walkin would meet the sun earlier and earlier each day than the one sittin still, radually ainin time until they et $* hours, $% hours, and &6 hours ahead of the ones sittin still, a full cycle ahead( Now if the one walkin travels around the 4arth, back to where the one standin still is, he will have ained one whole day, or cycle, because he made an e-tra cycle around the 4arth while the other sat still and waited each day for the sun to rise( The traveler actually ained a sunrise at the end of the /ourney around the 4arth, even if it took twenty years to complete( This is a fact that cannot be denied( Now, iven this fact, people keepin the earth.s cycle by an earthly calendar that was introduced by Julius !esar, have serious problems( If half of a roup of people decide to o into the world to evan eli5e, and they mi rate around the world keepin a seven8day cycle, named after any ods you like, when they meet up with the other half of the tribe twenty years later, or their descendants &,*** years later, they would be one day apart in their Sabbath keepin , even thou h they have the same calendar and neither missed a beat on the seven8day so8called cycle( ;ould you e-pect the travelers to o back around the world to et on the same day as the othersE Or, would you e-pect them to deny the cycle of si- workdays countin the New moon as one of them and /ust et back with the other half by losin a day and chan e the cycle they kept the last twenty years, or their ancestors did for the last &,*** yearsE If someone left Israel and traveled east around the world and came a ain from the west, they would be keepin the Sabbath a day ahead of the ones that stayed( This would not have been noticed if everyone in Israel had mi rated around the world and came back because they were keepin the seven8day cycle and no one could tell them they were in another day, and both days could not be the day that :+;+ rested in the be innin ( :ou can prove all this by picturin two people on a merry8 o8round which would represent the 4arth spinnin and someone countin each time they came around( This person represents the sun( Now, if one person is sittin on the merry8 o8round and the other walks

toward the way they are spinnin , the one walkin will see and pass the person watchin and countin , before the one sittin ( The one walkin sees the counter sooner and sooner and when the one walkin ets back to where the one is sittin , the one walkin will have been counted one more time as they passed the counter, which is representin the sun, in the same way as people mi rate around the 4arth( Jy keepin this cycle and this calendar, it is possible for 0 people to keep 0 different days as the Sabbath, and all be ri ht accordin to the so8called Doman man made cycle This is not so with the moon and the true cycles( The way you et 0 different Sabbaths is if one went east and another west and the other stood still, one would ain a day the other would lose a day or revolution and the one would stay the same, makin 0 different Sabbaths( Geople.s minds are so conditioned that there is a continuous seven8day weekly cycle when in reality it is a yearly cycle of 03% and $F6 solar days that is broken up with intermissions which in the +ebrew are called Sabbaths, they are worship days alon with the New moon worship day.s( It is the year of 03% $F6 solar days which is broken up with days or worship, day.s in which you are to worship and no buyin and sellin ( The new moon is a worship day and a day of no buyin and sellin but it is not a complete intermissionFSabbath because we have scripture where they traveled on that day and 9oses was commanded to set up the tabernacle on that day, it is the dark be innin of the month when 9oses reared up the tabernacle on earth, a type or pattern of the dark be innin when :+;+ reared up his tabernacle in heaven or created heaven and earth and 9oses was commanded to do the same way as :+;+ showed him in the 9ount( Joth Tabernacles were reared up on the dark 2no moon1 day( The same +ebrew word for in the be innin of your months is the same +ebrew word for in the be innin when :+;+ created the heavens and earth or set up his tabernacle( It is not a complete rest but it is a day of worship and no buyin and sellin , therefore it is not one of the si- ordinary workdays of the week( 45echel 637$ Hthe ate of :+;+1s house is to be shut the si- workdays of the week but is to be opened on the Sabbath and day of the New moonI( ;e are commanded to blow the silver trumpets in the be#innin# of our months and we are also commanded to blow the silver trumpets on the Sabbath which is a!ter si- days of not blowin the trumpets( It is a fact that the trumpets are to be blown on these days throu hout the 03% and $F6 solar days each year but not on the si- ordinary workdays as 45echel 637$ proves( The silver trumpets are only to be blown on the special days that :+;+ made special such as Sabbaths, New moon and different feast days throu hout the 03% and $F6 day solar year( To recondition our minds and unlearn some thin s that we have learned, I will demonstrate how the trumpets which are to be blown every Sabbath day is not a cycle of blowin the trumpet every seven days( <et1s say we have our last Sabbath of the month and know that we are to blow the silver trumpets on the Sabbaths and on the day of the new moon( Now let.s say the ne-t day after the Sabbath is a New moon day in which the trumpets are to be blown same as the day before, which was the weekly Sabbath, so when we blow the silver trumpets a ain on the new moon day which would be two days in a row that the trumpets are blown, it will interrupt the previous pattern of si- days of no blowin the trumpets because now we have two days of blowin the trumpets back8to8back the instead of one( Then we would not blow the trumpet for the ne-t si- work days of the work week, because the new moon day is a day of blowin the trumpets and is not counted as a day of not blowin the trumpets, you can not count the New moon day as a day in which the trumpets

are not blown, because it is a day in which the trumpets are blownZ neither can you count the New moon day as one of the si- ordinary workdays in which you can buy and sell, and do all your work because the New moon day is a worship day of no buyin and sellin accordin to the ;ord of :+;+( Therefore the ne-t day a!ter the New moon day of blowin the trumpets is the first day of not blowin the trumpets, because the moon day is a day of blowin the trumpets( In other words the two days of blowin the trumpets back8 to8back breaks up the pattern si-Z no blow then one blow, si- no blow then one blow, sino blow then one blow, then si- no blow then T;O Jlow instead of one blowS This is the fact that cannot be denied( The bottom line is, the cycle of the 03% $F6 solar day year is interrupted with worship days of :+;+ and when +e has back8to8back worship days it interrupts what most people call a weekly cycle, but the intermission worship day is not the cycle, it is a count of si- workdays then worship it is a pattern and not a cycle no more than the Doman ei ht day week that was a cycle every # days, before they adopted this seventh day so8called cycle in 0&$ >(C( also e-tendin the months to compensate( Dead the followin e-amples found in scripture and you will see that we have been followin the blind Jewish leaders in keepin the tradition of men by observin the Sabbath from @riday evenin to Saturday evenin (as I did fore many years"( The followin Scriptural e-amples of the weekly Sabbath, which are on the #th, $%th, &&nd, and &'th of each moon, should convince the honest truth8seeker that the moon is truly for the >ppointments of :+;+( ;hen you understand the word seasons in Gen( $7$6 means >ppointments and they (the +eavenly li hts" shall be for si ns (beacons" and seasons (>ppointments(" (Gs $*67$'" =+e appointed the moon for seasons= (>ppointments"( In both of these verses the word seasons means >ppointments /ust as the word @east in <ev( &070 means >ppointments (see concordance) (=These are my @easts(=" and the first @east is the weekly Sabbath or Appoint$ent( If the weekly Sabbath is an >ppointment and the moon is for an >ppointment (or Sabbath" then the Sabbath must be kept by the moon( That should end the debate for the honest hearted( To prove the New moon is not a workday look at 45ch( 637$( =The ates to :+;+.s house are to be shut the si- workdays and open on the Sabbaths and the day of the New moon(= (See also >mos #7%" and (Isa833"( ;hen locatin the true Sabbath, which follows the si- workdays, we must remember the New moon day is never counted as one of the si- workdays but is a worship day as the followin e-ample proves( The first pinpointed Sabbath is in 4-( $37&&,&0 and if you count backwards the second day of the moon, is the first workday of the week, which proves the New moon was not counted as one of the si- workdays, and the Sabbaths are on the #th, $%th, &&nd, and &'th of the moonSS The same thin a ain in the !rucifi-ion ;eekZ the Sabbath is on the $%th( (John $'70$ and <uke &07%68%3" > simple count backwards tells us that the first workday is the second day of the moon and proves a ain, the New moon was not counted as one of the si- workdays of the week( This also places the weekly Sabbaths on the #th, $%th, &&nd, and &'th of the moon, and if our Savior had not been killed on the $6th, +e would have kept the Sabbath on the $%th, as +is custom was( S>JJ>T+ IN !D4>TION

:+;+ did rest the seventh day, or after the si- workdays, but from the be innin it was the ei hth S4AB4N!4 O@ 4L4NTS that +e rested( (As0 !or the !ree tape called the "abbath in creation) :+;+ created the +eaven and the 4arth before +e worked on them for si- days, the ;ord teaches that they were without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deepFwaters( >ll this was before the first work day( Then the Spirit of :+;+ moved upon the face of the waters, and said, 'et there be li#ht, but the heaven and earth was already here before +e divided the li ht, (which +e calls day" from the darkness, (which +e calls ni ht", then the evenin and mornin were the first workday, but before that, there was a dark earth and a dark +eaven with a dark moon in it, and it is called in =the be innin =( (A space o! ti$e be!ore the !irst wor0 day o! the wee0 the hea(ens and earth were created) The same +ebrew word for in the be innin is used for in the be innin of your monthsFmoons in Num( &#7$$( 4verythin was dark on that day, and it is a worship day before the first workday of the week /ust as in the be innin at creation when the >n els of :+;+ shouted (trumpeted" for /oy and applauded +is handy work( Job 0#7?( 4very where in Scriptures where a New moon is pinpointed, the ne-t day after the New moon worship day is the first day of the week, and this is no coincidence( It simply lets us know how they counted for the weeks before Julius !esar chan ed the months, and the !alendar( The New moon can never be the first day of the week no more than the Sabbath can( 45ech8637$ =The ates of +is house were to be shut the si- work days, and open on the Sabbath and the day of the New moon(= It is as simple as that, the Sabbath, as well as the New moon can never ever be one of the si- work days in which the ates are to be shut( This is why we can pinpoint over seventy two (?&" weekly Sabbaths in the Scriptures, and every one of them is on the ei ht, fifteenth, twenty8second, and the twenty8ninth of the moon( It is simply because the ne-t day after the New moon day is always the first work day of the week( This is why we can safely offer a )$*,***(oo reward to anyone who can prove a weekly Sabbath that is not by the moon( ;e are to worship on the be innin of days and blow the trumpets to commemorate the creation at each New moon, and on the Sabbath we are to blow the trumpets and worship, to commemorate +is rest after workin on +is creation for si- days( ;ould it not make sense for the heavenly calendar to reflect the previous three or four days that were before day 6 (Gen $7$'"E 4-ample7 the sun would reflect a forth work day of the year, instead of day !our bein the $st day of the year, (@rom the 4Muino-" /ust because +e made or appointed the moon for appointments on that day, does not mean that it was the $st day of the month, or that the moon was in a New moon phase( The $st year in creation would have three hundred and si-ty five, and a Muarter days, same as all the other years in the scripture instead of the $st year havin only three hundred, and si-ty one days, or three hundred and si-ty nine days, and there is no other place in scripture where this happens, unless you take into account the times when the sunFmoon were moved in the heavens durin Josh $*7$0, or &Rin s &*7$*( ;e believe the sun would be in a forth work day position in the sky on day four( The moon also would reflect the 6th work day of the month, especially if it was to be for appointments, as the word seasons su ests( It would be a forth work day moon, between a

sliver and a half moon the same as in all the other $# places that it can be pinpointed in scripture( In other words the very $st work day in creation could have been the $st work day of the year, the $st work day of the month( ;ould it not make more sense for the first work day of creation to be the $st work day of the year, month, and week instead of the first day of the week ON<:EEE ;hy can1t the $st day be the $st day of everythin E (year, month, and week" If the 6th work day of the week was also the 6th work day of the month, then the ?th day would be after the si- work days and the #th day of the month if there was a dark New moon before the $st work day in the be innin when the heavens were dark( >nd even if there was not a dark New moon before the $st work day, there would be one in the &nd month in creation( ;hy should it be the $st work day of the week and not the $st work day of the year and month alsoEEE (Ethani$) Nowhere in the scriptures does it say :+;+ created the +eavens and the 4arth in sidays( It does say for in si- days :+;+ 2made1 +eaven and 4arth( The word 2made1 means ad(anced upon not 2created1( +e worked, or advanced upon +is creation for si- days, and rested the seventh, which would be the ei hth event from the creation, or dark moon( :+;+ did # thin s, Y$( +e created +eaven and 4arth( Y&( +e worked on them for 3 days and the 3th work day would have been the ?th thin +e done, because the $st thin +e done was create +eaven and 4arth( $ plus 3 [ ? +e created +eaven and 4arth, and then worked on them for 3 days( Y0( The #th thin +e done was rest and it was on the ?th day that +e rested, after 3 days of workin on +is creation, but rest was the #th thin that +e done( If you cannot accept this line of reasonin then let us look at one you mi ht accept and that is if the sun and moon were created on the fourth workday of the week, instead of appointed or made to rule and that is when +e established +is calendar for days, and years, and for si ns, and seasons( (4-( &*7$$" @or in si- days :+;+ made +eaven and 4arth, the word =made= is not the word for =create= but, rather means ad(anced upon ( Stron .s !oncordance7 +3&$0 OOOO 2aw8saw1 > primitive root, to do or make, in the broadest sense and widest application7 8 accomplish, =advance, appoint,= apt, be at, become, bear, bestow, brin forth, bruise, be busy, T certainly, have the char e of, commit, deal (with", deck, \ displease, do, (ready" dress (8 ed", (put in" e-ecute (8ion", e-ercise, fashion, \ feast, Pfi ht8Q in man, \ finish, fit, fly, follow, fulfil, furnish, ather, et, o about, overn, rant, reat, \ hinder, hold (Pa feastQ", T indeed, \ be industrious, \ /ourney, keep, labour, maintain, make, be meet, observe, be occupied, offer, \ officer, pare, brin (come" to pass, perform, practise, prepare, procure, provide, put, reMuite, T sacrifice, serve, set, shew, T sin, spend, T surely, take, T thorou hly, trim, T very, \ ve-, be Pwarr8Q ior, work (8man", yield, use "(

There are T;O different +ebrew words for 2create1 and 2made1( Cid you know the word that is translated =were= in the e-pression =the evenin and mornin were the first day=, the second day, the third day, etc(, is hayah (Stron .s concordance, Y $'3$", as found in the in the $st( !hapter of Genesis could, have been translated as =followed=E & Sam8&7$* 8Judah followed (were" Cavid( $ Rin s &$8 the people followed (were" Tibni( Now we all know that Judah was not Cavid neither were the people Tibni( >nd if we all had knowled e of the moon Sabbaths and the dark space of time known as the be innin , before day one and that :+;+ rested on the Sabbath, as in all the other places that you can pinpoint a Sabbath in the scripture, >NC T+>T IT ;>S ON T+4 #T+, $%T+, &&NC, OD &'T+ of the moon( ;e probably would have translated this word as =followed= instead of were( It would then read like this, the evening and morning followed the first da (:om in +ebrew meanin a space of time" showin the !o"ica! se#uence of what took place( If the evenin and mornin followed the $st day, then in reality it was dawnin the &nd day, or &NC space of time that you are approachin , the one that followed the first day( If we read it as it is translated, then there would seem to be a lapse of work after Gen $70$, if the even and mornin of the si-th day J4G>N on this verse, rather than what is should mean, 2followed! the si-th day. The main thin to remember is that the New moon is not one of the si- workdays of the week, neither was it in the be innin , and from the e-amples in the Scriptures it never was to be counted as one of the si- work days in which one can buy and sell and do all their work, and after the be innin or New moon, the first workday would be in, and the seventh day will be the ei hth day of that month( Just like in Isa 337&0 !ro$ one "abbath to another is ei ht days in totalZ with si- work days in between, same as from New moon to $st Sabbath is the ei hth day, but is the seventh day after si- work days, the ei hth day countin from the dark 2no moon1( SBN >NC 9OON NOT 2!D4>T4C1 ON C>: @OBD( @or those who believe the sun and moon were 2created1 from scratch on day four, here is somethin to consider( The word appointed in Gsm8 $*67$' =+e appointed (or made" the moon for seasons (@easts or Sabbaths" is the same word found in Gen( $7$6( ;here it says =+e made (appointed" two reat li hts= The word 9>C4 means $%%&'(T)* in +ebrew( The Muestion is, ;hen did +e appoint the moon for SeasonsE ;as it not in Genesis $7 $6 where it says +e madeFappointed the reat li hts for seasonsEE ;hen you make someone captain of a team, or appoint them to be captain, it doesn.t mean they were not already there for you to make or appoint them captain, epically if you had already called the team to ether in the be innin before you made or appointed someone captain( Demember you had evenin and mornin , evenin and mornin , evenin and mornin , before day four( :ou also had li ht, reen thin s, ni ht and day, creation of the +eavens, etc before +e madeFappointed the sunFmoon and stars to rule for the seasons( ;here do you think they were before +e appointed themEEE In the T1nach, Stone edition, commentary by a well known +ebrew Scholar named Dashi, in his comments on Gen8$7$6 it says =The luminaries, which had been created on the first day (Gen $7$", were set in place on the forth= (work day", there is no evidence what so ever to support the theory that the reat li hts were created on day four, but were appointed on the 6th work day, or advanced upon for +is calendar (Gen $7$3"(

4ven if the sunFmoon were created on day 6, it would still be in plenty of time to do what it was created for and that is for a beacon of the appointments( H<et them be for days and years si ns and seasonsI yes, even if the sunFmoon were created on day four they would be in plenty of time to beacon the appointments includin the weekly appointment, after the si- workdays and even if they were 2created1 on day four it would not have made day four the first day of the year or the first day of the month because it does not say what phase the moon was in or what position the sun was at on day four] >s we approach the millennium, we can also see from the calendar of the reat li hts, that a .no moon. happens ?, or # times on a Jubilee yearZ these .no moons. remember, are like reminders of how it was before :+;+ fashioned the reat li hts on the fourth day, and these .no moons. are built in for us to remember about +is promises after the resurrection, the ?th .day. (see 2=ete 3:>) be ins after :ahShua1s return( GOSTGON494NTS Cid you know that there was no such thin as Gostponements of +oly days for over four thousand yearsE ;hat brou ht them onE > man named +eliel (then 8eliel II) set up rules for postponements around the time the week was divorced from the moon, and instead of the Sabbath comin at the end of a lunar week, a 2solar month1 and 2solar week1 was adopted which paid no attention to the moon( Guess whatE The Sabbaths then collided with New moons, Cay of >tonement, etc( so man took it on himself to add Gostponements to keep certain days from fallin ne-t to or on certain other days, which will never happen on the true calendar( This alone proves the Sabbaths were chan ed, because it is confusion for a commanded no work day to fall on a commanded work day such as the day of killin and preparin the Gassover lamb, etc( This was the first step in creatin a calendar that had different names than before8 pavin the way to adopt other calendar weekday and month names, and therefore honorin different ods( "oes it sa in the law, Heven unto the morrow after the seventh Sabbath ye shall number %* days, then find the nearest Sabbath to your own pa an calendar, and ye shall offer a new meat offerin unto :+;+I, or how abo#t, Hin the fourteenth day of the first month, at the even before your nearest pa an Sabbath (on your nearest pa an month", is :+;+1s Gassover(IEE I think not( 9OD4 @>!TS >nother pinpointed Sabbath is in John %7' (compare verses $, 6, and '"( The Sabbath in verse nine is the same day as the @east in verse one( The second day of the New moon is the first workday provin the New moon was not counted when countin out the week and the Sabbath was on the #th, $%th, &&nd, and &'th of the moon( The workdays be in after the New moon worship day( (see 45ech8 637$" There are other places like Numbers &'7$&80' where +oly !onvocations are on the $%th and &&nd and there is no mention of other intermissions throu h the ei ht8day count and they were told specifically what to offer on each day of the ? days( The $%th and the &&nd would have to be the weekly Sabbaths every year in the seventh moon and can only be found by the moonZ it is i$possible to have them without the moonS :ou could say it /ust happened to land on these 2days1, but the ;ord teaches that in every seventh moon of the year, the $%th and &&nd are +oly !onvocations days every year, and there is no mention of a Sabbath in8between them( +e has commanded a seven8day week in the seventh moon( Co you think any other pa an week would be part of :+;+.s commanded weekE

T+4 :4>D ;hen you count from the Lernal 4Muino- to find the seventh moon, you must start the count over each year, instead of a continuous count, one throu h seven, or you lose time each year, the same as with the monthly counts, if you do not start the count over at each New moon( If you drop the ne-t five moons after the seventh moon and startin the count over each year at the startin point, (Lernal 4Muino-8>bib Jarley" you will et the ri ht seventh moon at the set time each year( This is the same with the weekly Sabbath( @rom the time the moon starts to rebuild the first even and mornin after that is a no8work period and the ne-t e(en be ins the first workday of the week a ain( 4ST4D ;e also have 4ster chapter nine to prove, they kept the $%th for a rest day, makin the second day of the month the first workday of the week, and proves the New moon was not counted, and the Sabbaths were on the #th, $%th, &&nd, and &'th in the twelfth moon or month( Notice in the chapter that the $0th and $6th were the days they were victorious, but not the $%th( They kept the $6th alone, with the $%th yearly, every twelfth moon( ;hy not the $0th and $6th instead of the $6th and $%thEE !ould it be they wanted to keep & days instead of threeE So bein that the $%th was already a Sabbath they chose to keep the $6th and the $%th instead of the $0th $6th and $%thS ;hat if they were commanded to remember the fifteenth day, to keep it +oly for with a mi hty hand, +e ave them rest from their enemiesE Co you think they would count one throu h fifteen over and over a ain to remember the $%thE Or would they continue to use the only calendar the Scriptures speaks of, the +eavenly li hts and use the moon to find the $%thE Cid you know that they were commanded to remember the Sabbath day because +e brou ht them out of 4 ypt.s bonda e with a mi hty hand, and it was on the $%th when +e ave them an intermission (rest"E !ompare Ceut( %7$% and Num( 0070( S>JJ>T+ ON $%T+ T;O 9OONS IN > DO; ;atch this, if the Sabbath was on the $%th in the first moon when they were delivered from 4 ypt, (Ceut( %7$%" and a ain on the $%th in the second moon (4-($3th chapter", it would be impossible to use the Doman !alendar count which counts the New moon as one of the si- workdays, and have the weekly Sabbath on the $%th, two moons in a row( It would fall on the $6th in the &nd month by man.s calendar( Co the math( 4-( $'7$, & teaches that the Sabbath was also on the $%th in the third moon, makin three moons in a row that the Sabbath was on the $%th, which is i$possible with man.s calendar( 4-( $'7$ says in the third moon, when =the children of Israel were one forth out of the land of 4 ypt, the sa$e day came they into the wilderness of Sinai, notice the phrase =same day= is talkin about the same day that they went forth out of 4 ypt( =@or they were departed from Dephidim, and were come to the desert of Sinai(= Notice also the phrase, =@or they were departed from Dephidim(= Cid you know the word Dephidim means rest and is only a few miles from the 9ountE ("$ith3s bible dictionary)

They rested in Dephidim on the $%th for Sabbath and when it was over on the $3th they came to the 9ount( Lerse $ says it was on the same day that they went forth out of 4 ypt that they came to the mount, this makes three Sabbaths in a row on the $%th( (1he Boo0 ?! /ubilees Ch.7)()7 also says 9oses ca$e to the $ount on the 76th day o! the 3rd $onth ) ;hich is the same day that they went forth out of 4 ypt( Now what day did they actually o forth out of 4 yptE ;e know they were delivered from their burdens and iven rest on the fifteenth day of the $st moon from the readin of Gsm( #$7083( =Jlow up the trumpet in the @ull moon on your solemn @east day( I removed his shoulders from the burdens and his hands from the pots(= This was on the $%th day of the moon (Sabbath" that this happened, /ust as Ceut( %7$% says that :+;+ thy mi hty one commands you to keep the Sabbath day, because +e ave them rest on that Sabbath day in the first moon, (and we know that 4-8$3th chapter teaches the Sabbath was on the $%th in the second month also" 18I" A'?&E =@?AE" 'B&A@ CEED6"ABBA18, because it is impossible to have three Sabbaths in a row on the $%th by a pa an !alendar( Now, they were delivered on the $%th, (or thrust out and departed from Demises", but they actually left 4 ypt on the be innin of the $3th, (the e(en of the $%th after the Gassover on the e(en of the $6th ni ht", when they went forth because the 4 yptians were buryin there first8born( This was the self8same day that 9oses came to the 9ount ($3th", after they had departed from Dephidim, or rest, which was on the $%th they rested in Dephidim( The 4 yptian.s first born, which were killed about midni ht on the $6th, were not bein buried at dayli ht on the $%th, because that is too soon, and when they went forth, 4 ypt was buryin their dead( (>nd they departed from Demises in the first month, on the fifteenth day of the first month, on the morrow after the Gassover the children of Israel went out with an hi h hand in the si ht of all the 4 yptians( @or the 4 yptians buried all their firstborn, which :+;+ had smitten amon them7 8 Numbers 0070,6 and Ceuteronomy $37$" they went out by ni ht ($3th" =(Observe the month of >bib, and keep the Gassover unto :+;+ thy 24l (mi hty one"7 for in the month of >bib, :+;+ thy mi hty one brou ht thee forth out of 4 ypt by ni ht(8= JOS+B> >lso Josh( %7$*8$& compared with <ev( &07$$ puts the Sabbath on the #th, $%th, &&nd, and &'th of each moon and proves a ain the New moon day was not counted as one of the siworkdays of the week as 45ech8637$ says( The morrow after Sabbath, the Griest waved the sheaf, and then was allowed to eat parched corn( Some try to say that the $6th was the Sabbath in Joshua, chapter %, but if that were so, then countin backwards the seventh day of that moon would also be a Sabbath( Jut if you look at Joshua $7$$, Joshua commands the officers to pass throu h the host and commands the people to =prepare victuals, for in three days ye shall pass over this Jordan(= Now, this had to be the seventh day of the moon because they passed over the Jordan on the tenth day of that moon( (Josh( 67$'" This proves the $6th was not a Sabbath( They would not command the people to prepare food on the Sabbath, which proves the seventh day of that month was not the Sabbath and therefore, the $6th was not either( The ei hth day was the Sabbath then ? days later, the $%th( :ou can mathematically prove the $6th was not a Sabbath by countin day cycles from the pinpointed Sabbath, in the $3th chapter of 4-odus throu h the forty years that they were in the wilderness, you will find

that the $6th was not the Sabbath at the end of forty years when they came into the land( This alone, a ain, disproves any pa an calendar( Jubilees Groves !ycle of Seven Jroken The year of Jubilees breaks off the cycle of si- years of SO;ING then rest, with two back8 to8back land rests on the 6'th and %*th year, same as the new 9oon breaks up the cycle of the si- workdays with two back8to8back worship days at the end of the month( On the last Sabbath of the month and the day of the New moon are worship days( (45echel 637 $" HThe ates of :+;+1s house are to be shut the si- workin days of the week, and opened on the Sabbath and the day of the new moonI( 4T>9G<4, the land is sown for si- years and allowed to rest the seventh year but after ? seven year land rests (6' years" you have another rest on the %*th year which breaks of the cycle of si-8 rest, si-8 rest, because on the seventh si-8 rest, you have si-8 rest, rest countin the 6'th and %*th year rest which broke up the cycle of si-8 rest with two back8to8back rests( This is an abso!ute. The cycle of si- sowin then rest is broken up by a double rest at the end of the 6'th year( The same is true when the New moon worship day be ins( The ates of :+;+1s house are to be shut the si- workin days of the week, and opened on the Sabbath and the day of the New moon( (45echel 637$" this puts two worship days in a row and that is why the Sabbaths are always on the same days of the month, because the workin week be ins after the New moon or Sabbaths( This a!so is an abso!ute. In other words if the New moon is not an ordinary work day of the week in which you can buy and sell (>mos8#7%" and do all your work8 you will only have si- days four times a month where you can buy and sell and do all your work, and one New moon and four Sabbaths to worship :+;+( The same is true with the %*th year Jubilees( If you count the %*th year as the first year to the ne-t Jubilees, you will dama e the cycle of si- work and one rest, thus, comin short when the ne-t ? cycles are met( (Co the math" two Jubilees of %* years is $** years, not ''( $nother abso!ute. >ll because in our minds we think the cycle of si- sowin one rest should not be interrupted, even thou h :+;+ breaks it up with two land rests in a row, same as +e breaks up the ordinary workdays each month with two worship days in a row instead of one, which man disa rees with( 1his is .8C8:s doin# and it is $ar(elous in our eyes. A$ein; G>T4 S+BT ON T+4 3 ;ODR C>:S Isa(337&0 says =from one New moon to another and one Sabbath to another shall all flesh come to worship=( >nd, 7&6 says, e(ery one who trans#resses this will be destroyed. In 45ech( 637$, it clearly states that the Gate that looketh toward the east was to be shut the si- workin days, but open on the Sabbaths and the New moons( Now, was the New moon or Sabbath ever to be called or counted as one of the si- workdaysE If so how can the ate be open and shut at the same timeE Co you know the Griest had strict orders for the ate to be shut on a workday and strict orders to open it on the New moon dayE :+;+ is not the author of confusion( ;ho isE The answer is 9an( +ere is an e-ample, you have the fourth Sabbath of the moon on the &'th, and the ate is open for worship( Then the ne-t day is the New moon, and you leave the ate open also, but the ne-t day (&nd day of the month", you are commanded to close it for the si- workdays until the first Sabbath of that moon or month, which will be on the

ei hth day of the moon( So, after these two days of worship, you have your first week day a ain( This is in perfect harmony with the e-amples iven where the truth is restored, and we rest on the #th, $%th, &&nd, and &'thZ ?& times in all from the ;ord of :+;+( (see 9at 7>:7>.) It works the same way with the year of Jubilees, you have two land rests in a row before you start your si- work years of sowin a ain( >fter your ?th sabbatical year rest, (6' years" you have another land rest back to back, called the Jubilee, it interrupts the ?-? Sabbatical years, same as the New moon interrupts the so8 called ? day weekly cycle, which is not a cycle at all, but are intermissions that are placed within the monthly cycle, which in turn are within the yearly cycle, all speakin of our Savior( Co you et that with your calendarE Geople have no problem skippin as much as &# days to et to the =$st month of the year= but o berserk if you skip one or two New moon worship days to et to the =$st week of the 9onth(= They also skip % months after the ?th New moon, that we are commanded to keep, to et back to the proper startin point, to keep the ne-t ?th New moons, instead of a continuous $ throu h ? count like they do weekly( >fter all didn1t +e say to keep the ?th New moonE ;hy don1t you /ust keep countin $ throu h ? like you do for the weekE I belie(e you would i! the /ews did. If the weekly Sabbath is not by the moon, same as the other +oly convocations are, then what are they byEEEEE if we say they are by a count of $8?, then where do we find in the scriptures, where and when to start the count for the true ?th dayEEEE If the weeks and the ?th day of the week are by the moon, the count for the ?th day intermissions always be ins after the New moon worship days and after the Sabbath worship days( (45ech8037$" The Sabbaths and New moon days are always before the 3 workdays of the week( Josephus The historian Josephus records Sabbaths that can be pinpointed and they are on the #th, $%th, &&nd, and &'th( The Doman.s saw that the Jews, on the Sabbath, did not fi ht unless attacked( They moved their en ines and batterin rams up to the walls on the Sabbath day, which otherwise they could not do, and on the ne-t day, they battered the city( Josephus records that the &0rd was the ne-t day after the Sabbath that they battered them, or the day after the Sabbath when they had everythin in place( This proves that the pinpointed Sabbaths in his time was still on the #th, $%th, &&nd, and &'th of the moon and the New moon was not counted as one of the si- workdays( !oincidenceE :ou be the Jud e( ("ee pa#e 36E I ha(e $ore places, too $uch to $ention here, write or call i! interested. AntiFuities o! the /ews Boo0 7G, Chapter G:3 and !ootnote on pa#e 3<H). Ghilo Ghilo a very Influential Jew who lived at the same time the Savior did keep the weeks and Sabbaths by the moon, said you have a full moon at the end of the &nd week, which proves that the Jews in our Saviors time knew that the weeks were by the moon( "ee =reli$inary "tudies pa#e 373, ch 7E. (7H6) Crite or call !or our history boo0. In Ghilo.s writin s, he records that the feast of Bnleavened Jread alone with the @east of Tabernacles, were assi ned to the weekly Sabbath day, which JOT+ >D4 on the

$%thFSabbath( Ghilo knew the $%th was a weekly Sabbath day, which be an both of these @easts of :+;+, which lasts seven days( "ee =hilo pa#e I32 222 (767) Ghilo knew the Israelites were iven rest on the $%th from 4 ypt.s bonda e and the @easts in the $st and ?th months have to do with their deliverance form 4 ypt.s bonda e on the $%th, a Sabbath and these two feast were assi ned to the weekly ?th day ($%th" accordin to Ghilo who lived in the days of our Savior, these are memorial days, which be an these two festival weeks( ("ee our article on =hilo and the "abbath) I mention Ghilo here, althou h we know, that he is not scripture, he was a very respectable Jew that lived amon the Jewish people, and even led a dele ate to Dome in behalf of the Jewish people, at the time of the 9essiah( I hope to add a history chapter later with 4ncyclopedia reference, and ancient calendars( >lthou h, Ghilo never came ri ht out and said the seventh day is by the moon and is counted from the New moon, he had no need to, especially if it was common knowled e at this time, same as no need to tell people that blood is red, but he did say =the fourth commandment has reference to the sacred seventh day, that it may be passed in a sacred and +oly manner( Now, some states keep the +oly festival only once in the month, countin from the New moon, as a day sacred to :+;+ 7 but the nation of the Jews keep every seventh day re ularly, after each interval of si- workdays(= (Countin# !ro$ the &ew $oon). Ghilo pa e %&3 -- ('3"( +e seems to emphasi5e only once instead of more (four times" each month( >t least countin from the New moon for the Sabbath is nothin new and Ghilo acknowled es that some were keepin it ON<: once a month and they found it by countin from the New moon( > ain, Ghilo mentions the moon with the seventh day( ?n pa#e 26 (i() (>) => ain, the periodical chan es of the moon, takes place accordin to the number seven, that star havin the reatest sympathy with the thin s on 4arth( >nd the chan es that the moon works in the air, it perfects chiefly in accordance with its own confi urations on each "seventh da ." If Ghilo, who lived before durin and twenty years after the time of the 9essiah, is sayin what I believe he is sayin , it is not out of harmony with the Scriptures or other history which I am workin on now, and will add later( +ow can we i nore these facts backed with so reat a cloud of witnesses and +is ;ordE ;e will be /ud ed in the end, and 9oses, Gaul and others will be a witness a ainst us( 4verywhere the Sabbath is pinpointed, it is by the moon( >ll scripture is written for our e-ample to follow and all scripture is inspired by :+;+ and is profitable for instruction in ri hteousness $not pro!itable !or $oney). (II Tim( 07$3" >>DON >NC +IS SONS >aron and his sons were sanctified for seven days, which be an on a New moon, and on the ei hth day, there was an assembly (9oed" of the con re ation( The point bein that durin these seven days, they were not to o out the door of the Tabernacle for seven days and ni hts( <ev( #706, 0%

No calendar Sabbath or assembly could disrupt these seven days that they were bein sanctified in the tabernacle( It was from the New moon until the seventh day thereafter( On the Sabbath, the #th day, which was the seventh day after si- workdays, they assembled the con re ation and not before, which would disrupt >aron and his sons( This proves the >ssembly or +oly convocations ran on the #th, $%th, &&nd and &'th( In 4-(6*7$, :+;+ spoke to 9oses sayin on the first day of the first moon thou shall set up the Tabernacle of the con re ation(= In addition, in 4-( 6*7$&8$%, 9oses was commanded to anoint >aron and his sons and to put them in +oly arments, and verse $? says, =>nd it came to pass in the first moon in the second year on the first day of the moon that the Tabernacle was reared up(= The rest of the chapter tells what was put in the Tabernacle( <ev($7$ says that :+;+ called 9oses out of the Tabernacle and instructs him further, this is still on the New moon( Demember, the ;ord is broken up by man into chapters, verses, and books, when sometimes a thou ht oes on(( <ev(#70 says that 9oses was told to ather the con re ation (on the &ew $oon) and in verses 38$0, 9oses brou ht >aron and sons and put the +oly arments on them and anointed the Tabernacle alone with >aron and his sons as commanded( In verse 00 they were commanded not to o out of the Tabernacle for seven days, but on the ei hth day (Sabbath" :+;+ appeared unto them( (<ev( '7$%, &0" Jy these verses you can pinpoint that they be in their sanctifyin for the ? days and the #th was the assembly of the con re ation, after the New moon( This puts the Sabbaths on the #th, $%th, &&nd, and &'th provin the New moon day is not counted as one of the workdays to et to the first Sabbaths( ;hen people were set apart for cleansin , such as a leper, or when the temple was dedicated, it be an on the =intermissions= or Sabbath /ust as did the sanctification of >aron and sons( SO<O9ON @or e-ample, in II !hr?7# it says also at the same time Solomon kept the feast seven days, the @east of Tabernacles ($%th 8 &$st"( Lerse ' says that on the ei hth day (&&nd" Sabbath they made a solemn assembly for they kept the dedication of the altar seven days, (#th 8 $6th" and the @east seven days ($%th 8 &$st"( If you count backwards you will see that the dedication of the >ltar be an on the #th( Lerse $* oes on to say that on the &0rd, +e sent the people away( ;hy didn.t +e send them away on the &&ndE !ould it be that the &&nd was a SabbathEE ;hen you count from Sabbath to Sabbath, there are ei ht days( One New moon to another and one Sabbath to another( In Isa( 337&0 from New moon to the $st Sabbath of the month is ei ht days( This proves wise old Solomon kept the #th, $%th, &&nd, and &'th of the moon as Sabbaths and never counted the New moon as one of the si- workdays of the week, as 45ek 637$ proves( If the ei hth day was not a Sabbath counted from last Sabbath, then a leper or someone under a Nasserite vow would have had to wash his clothes and shave his body on a weekly Sabbath( !leansin took place from Sabbath to Sabbath( Demember, the Sabbath that ends a week also be ins a new week on an ei ht8day count, you would have a Sabbath then work si- days and rest on the seventh day which will always be on the ei hth from the last intermission day or Sabbath of worship(

Sabbaths are recorded from Sabbath to Sabbath in the Scriptures( The ates were to be shut the si- workin days and open on Sabbaths and Cays of the New moon( (EJ. G6:7 and Isa. 66:23, which says !ro$ one "abbath to another)( The day of rebuildin can be a two8day feast, every other moon( (I Sam( &*7&?" :ou have your New moon day and then ates are shut the si- workin days( Then you rest on the seventh day, which is the ei hth day from the New moon( Then you work si- more days ('th throu h the $6th" and rest on the seventh, which is the #th day a ain, the $%th( Then ei ht days from the $%th which will be the &&nd (Sabbath", and so on. T+4 <>; O@ T+4 <4G4D <ev( $67&8$* is the law of the leper( In the day of his cleansin , he shall be brou ht unto the priest (on the Sabbath"( It oes on to tell how he is to shave his head and beard and wash his clothes on the seventh day and on the ei hth day (Sabbath" offer sacrifice( The point bein that if the count for the seventh day be an anywhere or on any other day e-cept intermission, the leper would sometimes have to do his laundry on a Sabbath( The reason this seventh day is not a weekly Sabbath is because it is not the ei hth day from showin himself to the Griest, which was on the Sabbath, and it was not the seventh day after si- workdays, therefore this seventh day was actually the si-th workday of the week that he washed clothes( 4IG+T+ C>: The ei hth day is many times synonymous with the Sabbath day( +e said unto them that you circumcise a man on the Sabbath day so that the <aw of 9oses be fulfilled( ;ell the law says to circumcise on the ei hth day( ;hat better day to enter this covenant than on the Sabbath dayE (Gen($?7$0" The Sabbath and ei hth day is sometimes synonymous( I believe >braham was circumcised on the ei hth day( >nyhow, the e-amples I /ust ave, puts the Sabbaths on the #th, $%th, &&nd, and &'th of the moon which makes the &nd day of the moon the $st workday, and proves the New moon is not, and was not, counted as one of the si- work days of the week as the Doman calendar does when it i nores the moon in its calculations, therefore creatin a week or ?th day period that is NOT found in scriptures( I have pinpointed weekly Sabbaths by the moon on the #th, $%th, &&nd, and &'th, and I have shown where they were keepin the Sabbaths this way before the law, (4-odus chapter $3", at the time of the law, (II !hron(?7'" before the crucifi-ion (John '7$6", durin crucifi-ion (<uke &07%3" and after crucifi-ion (>cts &*73,?" even up to the +istorian Josephus( >nd we are keepin them that way now, and I showed where we will be keepin them that way in the future Isa( 337&0( @eel free to write and show me otherwise, remember, we are to prove all thin s( Geople have ma/or problems if there is no Scriptural e-amples to support what they believe should be done because the scripture is written for our e-ample( ^Groof that all days are counted by the 9oonZ 4ven the weekly Sabbath day

The Sabbath is a day, /ust as the New moon is a day and all days are days, but not all days are ordinary days because some are special days( @ather :+;+ instructs us which days are special and uses the moon for si ns (beacons" to let us know which are the special days (seasons or >ppointments" (,en 7:7G) Someone said the weekly Sabbath day >ppointment was not included in Gen $7$6 as one of the days for the Great li hts but are only for the yearly feasts( That is a private interpretation to say the reat li hts are not for the weekly SabbathsFfeasts =Sun, moon, and stars shall be for beacons of the >ppointments= Some mi ht think it should say Kall appoint$ents e2cept the wee0ly "abbath appoint$ents: but it does not( The fact is the weekly Sabbath was the only >ppointment at that time, it was years later when they were delivered from 4 ypt.s bonda e (on the $%th day Sabbath(" >nd they were commanded to keep the Sabbath day ($%th" in the $st month because they were delivered from 4 ypt bonda e on the $%th day of the $st month( (Ceut( %7$%XNum( 0070" It was a feast for seven days( >ll days that +e desi nates as worship days are >ppointment days, and are special days, not ordinary days( The New moon day, every month, is a worship day (>ppointment"( (EJ. G6:2, Isa. 66:23, &u$. 7H:7)7H, &u$. 2>:77)7G, &u$. 2E:7, A$os >:I) 4very New moon (month" is positively a worship day appointment (special day" and it is by the ;ord of :+;+ in this world and the world to come, and all flesh will worship +im on this day, and not off somewhere workin ( (Isa(337&0" :ou will know when the special days come, by watchin the moon not man.s calendar( The New moon day was, and is a special worship day, therefore you must use the moon to find and keep it( The same is true for the four weekly Sabbaths of each moon( Nowhere does the Scriptures teach that any of the ne-t si- days after the New moons are >ppointments, but they are ordinary workdays unless otherwise specified as the &$st in the $st month( Now, the Scriptures does say that after si- workdays we are to rest, as +e did, and it is an >ppointment of worship, the same as with the New moon day( >ll appointment days, whether New moons, Sabbaths, Cay of >tonement, and the twenty8first day in the first month, are eMual >ppointments for worship( Sabbath means inter$ission and +e chose to place one on the tenth day (from the evenin of the 'th day to the evenin of the $*th8 %ev &'('&" of the seventh moon and calls it a Sabbath( Others, +e calls Sabbatones, but they have the same meanin as Sabbath from the word means intermission( ("ee concordance) ;eekly Sabbaths are called Sabbatones in (<ev( &070, 4-( 0$7$%, 4-( $37&0 8 look up the word =rest= in these verses(" >ll other days that +e did not choose as worship days are ordinary days for work( >nd the Gates that looketh toward the 4ast of :+;+.s house are to be closed for worship on these days( (45( 637$" +ow did 45ekiel know when the New moon wasE +ow did he know when the si- workdays wereE If he found the si-th workday by the moon, then the seventh day would have to follow and is also by the moon( Stop and think on this a few minutes( The moon counted all days, includin workdays( 4-ample, Solomon be an to build the +ouse of :+;+ on the &nd day of the moon ($st workday of the week"( (II !hronicles 07&" If every place in the entire Scriptures the si- workdays were found by the moon, wouldn.t the seventh or ne-t day be by the moon alsoE Co you really think 45ekiel used two calendars, one of which cannot be found anywhere in scriptureE Demember :+;+ says these are =my @easts= or >ppointments (<ev &0" and +e

names +is @easts throu hout the Scriptures( The >ppointments that are named are after siworkdays then worship, these are throu hout the year( (<ev( &070" :ou have the twenty8 first day in the first moon as a worship day and the tenth day in the seventh moon is a worship day (>ppointment"( 1hese are e2ceptions, but this does not apply to the other moons because they are not specified( The New moon is a worship day, whether we like to or not and will be in New 4arth( Now, to add to the list of worship days and chan in +is >ppointments with a man made count or calendar is no less than blasphemy( (Caniel ?7&%" There are multitudes of honest people who are doin this throu h i norance and not out of rebellion( >ll we have to do is force ourselves to keep only the days +e specified in +is ;ord as special, because you cannot keep a day special that +e did not specify as special( There is no Jiblical proof that any other days are special other than the ones +e chose as special in +is ;ord( ;hy can.t we accept thatE +ere are some important facts7 The New moon days are specified as worship days( (EJ. G6:2, Is a. 66:23, &u$.7H:7)7H, &u$. 2>:77)7G, &u$. 2E:7) ;e have the @east of ;eeks (or Gentecost" which is fifty days after the seventh Sabbath complete (feast of weeks", it is a +oly !onvocation or worship day accordin to the instructions of the @ather( Now Gentecost was after 9oses had fasted forty days and ni hts, and >aron proclaimed it and it was the same day the law was iven to 9oses, and it was at the end of the forty days and ni hts, which would be e-actly !i!ty days from the seventh Sabbath( ;eeks are counted from the time sickle is put to corn( (1he $orrow a!ter the !irst "abbath 'e(. 23:77 and Leut. 76:E) Now %* days are counted from the morrow after the seventh Sabbath is complete (<ev( &07$3" and (4-( 0&7%" (see the section on the true count to =entecost, which pro(es =entecost is in the !ourth $oon not the third.) These are +is >ppointment days out of the 03% days each year( Glease do not use the Doman calendar and add to or take away from +is choosin of the days and the way +e chooses to show which days +e has chosen( (Sun, moon, and stars"( (,en. 7:7G) The bottom line is this( ;e are to keep the intermission days +e has specified, by the moon, alone with the day after si- ordinary workdays( Sabbaths break up the workdays and the ne-t day after an intermission or Sabbath is the first work day a ain, whether it is a New moon worship day or Sabbath worship day, then the count of ordinary days be ins anew( To f#rther prove the New moon is not one of the ) ordinar wor* da s, we find in script#re where special offerings were to be offered in addition to the ordinar dail sacrifices, which proves that the new moon worship da along with the Sabbath worship da s were not ordinar da s. +ere are some scriptures that prove the New moons and Sabbaths are different from ordinary workdays( Caily Offerin s (Numbers &#708#"7 two lambs of the first year, tenth ephah of flour min led with oil, drink offerin ($F6 hin per lamb" ;eekly Sabbath Offerin s (Numbers &#7',$*"7 two lambs of the first year, & tenths ephah of flour min led with oil, drink offerin (plus the daily offerin s" New 9oon Offerin s (Numbers &#7$$8$%"7 two youn bulls, one ram, seven lambs of the first year, 0 tenth8measures of flour min led with oil per bull, two tenth8 measures of flour min led with oil with the ram, several tenth measures of flour min led

with oil for each lamb, drink offerin s (half hin per bull, one8third hin for ram, and one8 fourth hin per lamb", one kid of the oats (plus the daily offerin s" :4>D !:!<4 It is the :4>D<: ;ODR C>:S !:!<4 of pro-imally 03% and $F6 days that are broken up each year with IntermissionsFSabbaths and New moons, NOT the so8called weekly cycle that is broken because there is no true cycle there to break( The word for rest or Intermission in +ebrew is Sabbath, that is what the word Sabbath means, rest or intermission( In 4n lish we say Intermission or rest( +e never lets it o over 3 workdays with ou ht breakin the workday cycle with an Intermission but breaks it up with more than one Intermission at the end of each month, before we be in our count for the 3 work days a ain( That is why you see all throu h the scriptures where it has New moons and Sabbaths mentioned to ether, +e is the One breakin up the ordinary work days of the year with ;ODS+IG C>:S( ;ho can stop +imEEE ;hen +e says in <ev &08 these are + feasts, +oly convocations, +e is speakin of all the Intermissions throu h out the :4>D, includin the weekly convocations, and they are all found the same way, by the moon, not the Doman calendar( >ll days are counted by the moon in the Scriptures so why not the seventh dayE That way we would not have to put confidence in man.s calendar to find .s >ppointments, and you will not have your no8workdays landin on scheduled workdays such as the $6th in first 9oon, with the work of preparin the Gassover lamb, etc( There is no other way to find the special days +e has chosen other than by the moon, because +e appointed the moon for the /ob (Gsm( $*67$'" (8e appointed the $oon !or the seasons M Appoint$ents), try findin any other of +is feast days by Dome1s calendar that is still used today( ",ome o#t of her + people-" :+;+ is shoutin ( The +ebrew word for seasons is appointment or feast and the weekly Sabbath is both( Is it too hard to keep the days +e chose as special (New moon, etc(" then count si- ordinary days and keep an intermission (Sabbath"E :ou need no man8made calendar to do this( Just look up( Same as the %*th year of Jubilee, there are two no work years of sowin the land in a row, therefore the 3 years of sowin and rest one are broken up with two back to back land rests on the 6'th and %*th year before you start sowin the first of the 3 year of sowin count a ain( Same is true each month when the New moon breaks up the ordinary work days with two worship day1s instead of one, J4@OD4 T+4 $ST C>: O@ T+4 ;44R J4GINS >G>IN( This is :+;+1s doin s and it is marvelous in our eyesS >nd knowin too, that on the seventh and ei hth moons, they are back to back 2no moon1 months (of 0* days"Z the pattern is consistent from week, to month, to year, the Jubilee1sSS >nd all of this /ust is one simple study of :+;+1s calendar of the heavens( 9editate on this awhile 8 In the be innin , :+;+ created +eaven an 4arth( The 4arth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep, and the spirit of :+;+ moved upon the face of the waters( This all happened before +e said let there be li ht, and before +e divided the li ht from the darkness and before the evenin and mornin were the first day( The waters, the +eavens, and the 4arth were all here before the li ht or 2day one1( In the be innin it was dark /ust like in the be innin of your moons it is darkZ and the ne-t day after the dark, (moon or be innin " is the first workday of the week and the seventh day from then is the ei hth day from the dark or be innin ( That is why the New moon

(rebuildin of the moon" every month commemorates (memorial of" the creation of +eaven and 4arth, and every seventh day after the be innin commemorates the rest of :+;+, after +e worked on +is creation for si- days, and the seventh is the ei hth day from the be innin or New moon( 4very New moon you have a memorial of blowin the trumpets( The trumpets (shouts" be an soundin before li ht at creation (Cark moon" (See Job 0#7?" The @ather asks Job Muestions concernin creation, =;here were you when the sons (an elic bein s" of :+;+ shouted or trumpeted for /oyE= The an els be an shoutin for /oy at the creation before +e worked on it for si- days, we need to keep this memorial to commemorate the dark be innin (creation" each moon( Then the ne-t day followin the first silver (li ht" is the same as the first workday after the be innin at creation or dark moon, IS T+4 $ST ;ODR C>: O@ T+4 ;44R( Then, the seventh day countin would be the ei hth day from the be innin of the moon (noteZ white throne /ud ment after ?*** years"( The new +eaven and new 4arth will also have a be innin or New moon, Isa( 337&0, !ro$ one &ew $oon to another and one "abbath to another, all !lesh will worship . It will start with a New moon then siworkdays, then rest on the seventh, which is the ei hth day from the New moon or be innin (worship day" then si- more workdays then the $%th a Sabbath, and so on( The $st day of the New +eaven and New 4arth will be both the $st day of the year and the $st day of the month, and the &nd day of the month will be the $st work day of the week( If we believe the New 4arth has a be innin and the first day will be the first day of the moon (New moon", and it will be the first day of the year and on this first day they will be shoutin for /oy (blowin of trumpets"( It will be a +oly !onvocation (worship day"( Then, the ne-t si- days, will be work days, and we know the ne-t day will be a Sabbath (ei hth day intermission"( If the New +eaven and 4arth has a be innin on the New moon and is the first day of the New !reation, then how is it so hard to believe the old +eavens and 4arth did not start the same wayE i.e. Cark, then si- workdays, then rest on the seventh, bein the ei hth from the dark( The very fact that all the pinpointed Sabbaths in the Scriptures are on the #th, $%th, &&nd, and &'th prove that this is the way they counted for the Sabbaths of :+;+ and needed no man8made calendar to show which days +e chose for >ppointments( The author of Genesis understood this( It was from one New moon to another and one Sabbath to another as simple as that( No more special days should be added to +is perfect calendar( +e said these are + feasts and laid them out for our remindin ( +e tells you which ones they are, after si- workdays, e-cept for the e-ception +e made for the first and the seventh moons( There are not si- workdays in the seventh moon from the eleventh throu h the fifteenth, because +e made the tenth day a Sabbath, /ust like the weekly Sabbath e-cept no eatin , it is a worship day not a workday and you are not to count it as one of the si- ordinary workdays in your count for intermissions( :+;+.s calendar (Sun, moon, and Stars" is a simple calendar( It /ust takes obedience to observe it( It is hidden from the wise by simplicity( Demember after the New moon worship day, the $st day of the week be ins anew a ain, /ust like after the Lernal 4Muino- each year, the new count for months be ins anew each year, even thou h we must sometimes have a 2$0th1 month if the Jarley at the end of the $&th is not 2>bib1 (/ust ripenin Z reen eared", before the $st month of that year arrives(

Geople assume there is another way to find these >ppointments without the use of the Great li hts of :+;+, without any Scriptural authority( They have created a man8made uninterrupted weekly cycle based on a mathematical count, like a +amster in a ca e, payin no attention to the moon or nature( >fter si- workdays, the ne-t day (on the seventh" :+;+ rested from all +is work, and they assume we are to continue a mathematical count of one throu h seven to find the >ppointment and i nore what +e said in Gen $7$6 about the +eavenly li hts which were for >ppointments( They assume it now is a continuous count without the use of the Great <i hts to re ulate when to start the count each time for the >ppointments, even thou h the names of those days were named by man after them, and other ods are associated with them( ;hen did we stop 2lookin up1E (see Isa %$73, 9r #7&%" ;e truly do count to seven, but if +e places an intermission (worship day" between the ordinary workdays, it automatically breaks up the workdays and the count starts over( Demember that in the creation week the only >ppointment was the weekly >ppointments of the rest after si- workdays, for they had not left 4 ypt yet (on the $%th" and the moon is the only count for days in the Scriptures( New moon [ new count( Therefore, it is not wise to assume the Great li hts of :+;+ are for yearly >ppointments only, because the Scriptures does not say this nor does it teach this( There is no e-ample of anyone keepin any day without reference to the Sun and moon( The fifty8year Jubilee >ppointment would be by the Sun( The monthly >ppointment by the moon, and there are four weekly >ppointments in every moon( The %*th year also breaks up the cycle of seven years of sowin and rest because the 6'th and %*th year is a rest for the land and then the count for the si- years of sowin be ins anew a ain, /ust like the New moon breaks up the week, with two or three worship days in a row, dependin if the month has &' or 0* days( The %*th year breaks up the G<>NTING and sowin years( There is two years of rest, on the 6'th, a Sabbath, and %*th year, before the $st year of plantin be ins a ain, and two days of rest at the last Sabbath of the month and the New moon before the count for work days be in a ain( Ceut(%7$&8$% says that the Israelites were to remember the Sabbath day because they were delivered from 4 ypt.s bonda e and it was on the $%th and Num( 0070 teaches it was on a Sabbath or the $%th, that they were delivered( Gsm( #$70 teaches it was $%th and the +ebrew =time appointed= means @ull moon, and a Solemn @east day( Their hands were delivered from the pots and their shoulders from the burdens on the $%th, a Sabbath, in the first moon( If the $%th was a Sabbath in the $st month, how could the $%th be a Sabbath in the &nd moon as chapter $3 of 4-odus proves, unless the weeks and Sabbaths were by the moonE If you count the 2no moon1 day as an ordinary workday and /ust count seven over and over throu h the dark phase, then your Sabbath would fall on the ?th, $6th, &$st, and &#th in the &nd moon( The Scriptures teaches it was on the #th, $%th, &&nd, and &'th in the second moon, which proves the no moon day was not counted as a workday, and there is no way a pa an (or Doman" calendar count was used here either( T+4 ;ODC @4>ST Lery important proof the weekly Sabbath >ppointments are determined by the moon is by a ain comparin these three scriptures Gen( $7$6, Gsm( $*67$', and <ev( &070( The word

@east in <ev( &070 (spea0in# o! the wee0ly "abbath Appoint$ent) The +ebrew word @4>ST in <ev &070, is the same word as seasons in both Gen( $7$6 and Gsm( $*67$', and is sayin the moon is for weekly Sabbaths( ("ee concordance) Geople who believe the traditional Sabbath e-tends from @riday evenin to Saturday evenin have ma/or problems( @irst, they have no scripture basis for it and second, they have no e-amples where anyone ever kept a weekly Sabbath that way or any other way, other than by the moon( Demember the breakin of the Sabbath carried the death penalty, so they were many e-amples on how and when the Sabbath was supposed to be kept( 9oses, Joshua, Solomon, The Son of :+;+, and Gaul, all left us an e-ample to follow( Therefore, we are without e-cuse if we refuse to follow these e-amples and teach the traditions of men instead and make the ;ord of :+;+ void and of none effect( In other words, the ;ord of :+;+ will not affect anyone to do ri ht if they continue to hold to the traditions of men( ;e must prove all thin s or we mi ht swallow another tradition, and the ;ord says, that they will taste death for continually, and wontedly disobeyin Torah( Demember in order to prove a case, one of the stron est evidence one can present is witnesses, and second is documentationZ they have neither for the calendar they follow, and we have both for all the Great li hts of :+;+ (see Jn #7$?8$#"( Co it with faith, and you will please +im who made them( >ll the days are alike, for the same sun rises and sets on every day alike( The only thin that can make a day special for worship is the ;ord of :+;+, and the Scriptures is specific as to which ones are special days for worship, and the only way you can find them is by the moon( >ll days not specified for worship are open for work, e-cept the intermission (Sabbath" that occurs after si- workdays throu h out the year( Special worship days are not to be counted as one of the si- workdays( @>!TS >JOBT T+4 S>JJ>T+S J4ING ON T+4 $%T+ Nact O 7 4verywhere the Sabbath is pinpointed in the Scriptures, the $%th is one of them, like in chapter $3 of 4-odus, the Sabbath was on the $%th in the second moon after they left 4 ypt( Nact O2 The Sabbath was on the $%th in the first moon when the children of Israel were delivered from 4 ypt.s bonda e( Ceut(%7$% and Num( 0070 and on the $%th in the &nd month, 4- $3, this should end the debate about keepin the Sabbath every seven days re ardless of the New moon( Jecause, it is impossible to have the Sabbath on the $%th two moons in a row, unless you are keepin the Sabbaths by the moon( It is i$possible on a Doman calendar because it will count the New moon as an ordinary workday and put the Sabbath on the $6th instead of the $%th( Julis !esar booted the moon out of the Doman calendar( ("ee Encyclopedia) No one denies the Sabbath was on the $%th in the second moon (4-( $3", but let us look at some scripture which proves the Sabbath is on the $%th in the first moon also, which kills the calendar count doctrine of the Doman beast( :ou can pinpoint $? separate months the Sabbath appears in the Scriptures and the $%th is one of them every time, without e-ception( The first moon, when they left 4 ypt was on the $%th, that day they actually ot rest from 4 ypt bonda e( Ceut( %7$% says =and remember that thou wast a servant in the land of 4 ypt, and that thy 4lohim (mi hty one"

brou ht thee out ($%th" thence throu h a mi hty hand and by a stretched out arm7 therefore thy mi hty one commanded thee to keep the Sabbath day(= Now ask yourself, what did bein delivered from 4 yptian (or 9itsrayimZ meanin 2dry bank" bonda e have to do with the Sabbath dayE Bnless, it was on the 7Ith, and a "abbath. They were commanded to keep the Sabbath day because they were delivered from 4 ypt bonda e on the Sabbath day, which was the $%th( (see Num( 0070" Just as in the !reation ;eek, :+;+ rested on the Sabbath day( It is a 9emorial Cay of rest, +e now commanded the children of Israel to keep the Sabbath day as a memorial of the deliverance that took place on the $%th, when +e ave them rest and the rest that +e ave them on both accounts were on the Sabbath day( (see Gsm( #$7083" It teaches to blow the trumpet in the New moon and the @ull moon ($%th" on our Solemn @east day ($%th"( =@or this was a statute for Israel and a law of the Ceity of Jacob(= This +e ordained in Joseph (and I believe that Joseph tau ht 4 ypt the true Sabbaths of :+;+ and had the power to see they were carried out and no one worked on the fifteenth day (@ull moon" until another Gharaoh arose, who knew not Joseph( Lerse 3 says =I removed his shoulder from the burden7 and his hands were delivered from the pots(= (+e ave them rest on the $%th, a @ull moon Sabbath, also Num( 0070 says that they departed from Demises in the first moon on the fifteenth day( Therefore, :+;+ commanded them to keep the Sabbath day because +e ave them rest on that day( (Ceut( %7$%" Just as +e rested on the seventh day at creation and that is another reason to remember the Sabbath day( 9ore evidence that the $%th was a Sabbath in the first moon is if you count back throu h the pla ues (three days of darkness, locus, hail, etc(" seven days you.ll find the @ather :+;+ called the ei hth day of that moon a 9oed (or appointment" the same word used for weekly Sabbath in <ev( &070 and Gen( $7$6 where the moon is for @easts( "abbaths were on the >th, 7Ith, 22nd, and 2Eth in the !irst $oon. 4-( '7% is where the word 9oed appears as a set time( <ook up 2set1 in concordance (9oed"( The father said that +e would kill the cattle on a 9oed (Sabbath" the ei hth day of the first moon and if so the $%th was another 9oed (Sabbath" they were made to rest from 4 ypt.s bonda e, that is why +e commanded them to keep the Sabbath day (Ceut( %7$%" because +e @reed them on that day( Demember too, if everywhere else in the Old and New Testament the Sabbath was on the $%th, ;hy not here in the first moonE >nother point to make is the Sabbath day is called a si n day between +im and +is people( (4-( 0$7$08$?" =Speak thou also unto the children of Israel, sayin , Lerily my Sabbaths ye shall keep7 for it is a si n between me and you throu hout your enerations, that ye may know that I am :+;+ that doth sanctify you(= 4-( $07$8' the $%th is called a si n day( In Lerse 0, 9oses said, =remember this day (the $%th" you came out of 4 ypt(= (Lerse '" says, =It shall be a si n that :+;+.s law may be in thy mouth for with a stron hand hath :+;+ brou ht thee out of 4 ypt(= Truly, the $%th was a Sabbath in the first moon as well as the ei hth (9oed"( Gen8$7$6 says =let them be for SIGNS= The $%th is the SIGN C>: and is by the Great li hts of Gen8$7$6, NOT man.s calendar( Demember it is impossible to have a Sabbath on the $%th two months in a row usin man.s calendar, because it will count the New moon day as one of the si- workdays, which will throw the Sabbath off one day, and you can thank Julius !aesar for that(

@ood for thou ht, Caniel was ruler in Jabylon and had power to pass laws( The Rin ave orders to serve the Ceity of Caniel, and that would include keepin the correct Sabbaths( Now do you think that a ri hteous man such as Caniel would allow the <unar Sabbaths to be observed if they were not correct, especially if +e had power to stop themE There are +istorical records provin the Jabylonian1s calendar was by the moon (althou#h the $onths na$es chan#es throu#h ti$e, and are listed in scripture, i.e. Abib to &issan)% >nd what about Joseph, he too was ruler in 4 ypt and had power over all 4 ypt to enforce a <unar Sabbath with no problem( +istory records that 4 ypt at one time observed the <unar Sabbaths, and that the 4 yptians were the first to abandon the lunar calendar( ;e know that another Gharaoh arose who knew not Joseph, and the children of Israel were forced to abandon the rests of :+;+ until the @ather heard their roanin and once a ain ave them rest, and it was on a Sabbath ($%th" when +e delivered their shoulders from the burdens and their hands from the pots( (Gsalms #$70" ;ould not it make sense to restore the weekly rest on a ShabbatE SO<BTION TO ;+4N T+4 D4ST C>:S O@ :+;+ O!!BD The solution to when the rest and worship days are, is by for ettin everythin you have learned about when the Sabbath starts( Start over, usin only the Scriptures for instructions( @or et history, for et tradition of men, even for et what you were tau ht a cycle was and for et everythin but the Torah (law"( +ea Hebrews ,-.,-/00. Is this not the New !ovenant we have with :+;+, by the blood of +is SonE Is the Torah written on your heart and mind or notE If not, then what ospel are you preachin E 8ere is how to start: @ind the workdays( ;ork days are ordinary days not associated with worship or special sacrifices( In order to find them, let the @ather tell us in +is ;ord which days are different or special and sanctified (set apart" for special use (worship", then we know the rest are ordinary work days, the same way +e lets us know which day we are to fast, by doin so then we know the other days we can eat or work( Now, simply look into the Scriptures and see what +e says to do, and which days are +is @easts( No addin to, nor dismissin from( Co the Scriptures teach us the New moon day is different from ordinary daysE If so, then how is it differentE ;hat can we do on this dayE ;hat are we commanded to do on this dayE ;hat do the Scriptures teach was done on this dayE The answers to these Muestions are contained in other pamphlets, and it suffices to say that this is not an ordinary day( ("ee Bro) 9athew3s article on &ew $oon @e#ulations). The Scriptures does not teach that day number two of the moon is special, /ust like the day after the fast day is not specified as special, so we eat( If it is not specified as special, it is safe to count it as an ordinary workday( Demember we will stay with the ;ord, speakin when it speaks, and bein silent when it is silent( ;e all a ree that the Scriptures teach not to o over si- ordinary days without a special day called a Sabbath in +ebrew, but in 4n lish, called an 2intermission1( This will o on all year lon , year after year throu hout the a es, unless the +eavenly @ather breaks up the work cycle of si- ordinary days with another special day for worship, and makin it an un8ordinary day like +e did at the year of Jubilee( :ahshua did not speak of any other day, than the scriptures saidZ this has not chan ed (see +eb 67 #8'"( There is =NO= scripture that says or teaches we can.t have more than =ON4= rest day in a row, before we

start our count for work days a ain and by doin that, somethin is broken up by the two rest days in a row (pa#ans call it a Kwee0end: in their calendarM we call it &ew $oons and "abbaths). The same is true with the <>NC rest, you have two years of land rest in a row at the end of the cycle of ? times ? years and the count be ins anew >@T4D the &nd land rest before the si- work years of sowin the land be ins a ain( +e instructs us what to do and this is so simple, a fool or wayfarin man cannot err therein( Just simply follow the instruction manual( Now, you know that the @ather did choose some days to be special, other than the New moon, and that is the day after the si- consecutive ordinary workdays (Sabbath"( +ere are a couple of e-amples and you can fi ure the rest for yourself, only remember not to let any tradition, or anythin outside the Scriptures influence you( <et +im speak and instruct you to which days are ordinary and which are special( Glease do not add to or take away from the days +e has chosen( One mi ht say you count one thru seven throu h the New moon, and count it as an ordinary day or common day, when the @ather made it special( ;hat +e has made special let us not call common or ordinary( Co not count it in with ordinary days, because it cannot be ordinary and special at the same time( The count starts over every time a special day is introduced and the ne-t day is ordinary unless specified by the 9aker of the days, not man( The weekly Sabbath (intermission" starts the count of ordinary days over a ain, the same as the tenth day Sabbath (intermission" in the seventh moon( ;e have made this whole thin so hard by not simply followin instructions, and lookin at history and tradition, when the ;ord was ni h us e(en in our mouths and ri ht before our eyes( 9any people keep a seventh day, +eathens included, the !hristians on Sunday, the 9uslims on @riday, and the Jews on Saturday, etc.. >nyone can keep a seventh day count, but how many can keep a Sabbath of :+;+E The Intermissions that +e places throu h out the 03%\ days each year( +ow many are willin to for et all the traditions of men that they have inheritedE The lies( ".#r fathers have inherited lies, vanit , and things where there is no profit." (Jeremiah $37$'" @ollow the scriptures they are profitable for doctrine( (Tim(07$3" 9ost people do not believe all scripture is profitable for doctrine, correction, and instruction in ri hteousness( 4verywhere the Sabbath is pinpointed in the Scriptures, it is on the #th, $%th, &&nd, and &'th of each moon( The New moon day was not ever counted as one of the ordinary workdays, but as a special day of :+;+ and all Scriptural e-amples are profitable for provin it( /rove all things. The Sabbath is a si n (beacon" for his people Israel (:israel", and when we start keepin the true >ppointments, (Sabbath or intermission" we will shine forth as the stars, and beacon out for the world to see that we follow +is ;ord( If the same account of 4-odus, chapter $3 happened today, and if you count from the New moon (special day" to the &&nd, it will be a special day today also( Co you think any manna would be found on the &&nd of the moon todayE

=!OBNT TO G4NT4!OST= One of the key scriptures to findin the day that we observe for Gentecost (not feast of weeks" has been misinterpreted by most reli ious roups and it is found in <ev( &07$3 where it says, =even unto the tomorrow, after the seventh Sabbath shall you number fifty days(= It does not say that after the seventh Sabbath is the fiftieth day, but 2ye shall ye number %* days1( Jecause of traditions of men, they be in to number the fifty days from the first Sabbath or wave sheaf, instead of the morrow after the seventh Sabbath( :ou do count seven Sabbaths complete (<ev( &07$3" and you be in to count the weeks from the time you put the cycle to the corn( (Ceut( $37'" but you =number= for the %*th day from the morrow after the ?th Sabbath complete( Therefore, there were two counts to find Gentecost( One is from the morrow after the Sabbath that the priest waves the sheaf, and then you count seven Sabbaths complete( (<ev( &07$3" Then you are to number fifty days after the seventh Sabbath( :ou count the weeks, and then you number your days, and then and only then will all the other scriptures harmoni5e with it( This is why it is called both the @east of ;eeks (forty8nine days" and the @east of Gentecost (Gentecost means fifty, and weeks means sevens"( The @east of ;eeks would be only forty8 nine days and not fifty, so the @east of ;eeks is not fifty days but 6', but at the end of %* days from the morrow >@T4D the ?th weekly Sabbath is the %*th day( The $st count is forty8nine days( Gentecost means fifty( This proves there are two counts even if you interrupt the second count as one day after the seventh Sabbath (forty8nine" instead of numberin fifty days after the seventh Sabbath, both counts whether one day or fifty be in after the seventh Sabbath( Just remember one does not mean Gentecost, but fifty means Gentecost, so we are to number %* days NOT one( :ou have seven weeks (si- workdays plus a Sabbath", ? times which [ forty8nine days and you have fifty days from the morrow after the seventh Sabbath O a total of ninety8nine days( That total, plus one no moon day, i.e. a worship day that falls in between one of the Sabbaths endin the month, to the start of the ne-t [ $** days( This count is the same as the two %* year Sabbaticals of years, as e-plained previously( If you loose count of the days, nature will always keep you ri ht( Now, the hail was on the tenth day of the first moon in 4 ypt, and it did not hurt the wheat because it had not come up( It was probably planted a few days before the $*th, which would ive a correct time for the wheat to mature, and a first fruit could be offered( It takes wheat from $$* to $&* days to mature accordin to the Cepartment of > riculture( 9ine matures before that, and Geor ia is on the same a ricultural plane as Israel( Now, remember there are two kinds of wheat and that is ;inter ;heat and Summer ;heat (or Spelt rye"( The point of all this is that there is no way for wheat to mature in fifty days for first fruit if planted in the first month as the word not rown up (or in dark" su ests( (4-( '70&" and there is no scriptural proof of ;INT4D ;+4>T found anywhere in scriptures, it is ><;>:S SB994D ;+4>T, which is planted in the sprin and harvested in the summer, 6 moons latter( This cattle8killin hail killed every herb and rass of the field( 4-8 '7&& and &%( (<ook up herb in concordance"

Now, if we interpret <ev( &07$3 as to number the fifty days after the seventh Sabbath instead of the first Sabbath, we will have time for a wheat crop to mature( Demember the new meat offerin was to be wheat, and from their labor that they sowed in the field( (4-( &07$3" If they sowed summer wheat in the $st month when they came into the land, then they could have a $st fruit of wheat from their labor they sowed in the field in time for Gentecost, but not in %* days( 4-8&07$3, =>nd the feast of harvest, the firstfruits of thy labours, which thou hast sown in the field7= It is impossible to come into the land in the $st month, reap the harvest there of barley (<ev8&07$*" and sow the field with the wheat and reap a first fruit from their labor which they sowed, in %* days, in time for the 2traditional1 Gentecost( This is an another abso!ute, but if you understand <ev8&07$3 as to number %* days =a1ter= the seventh Sabbath, your first fruit from your labor will be ready in about $$*8$&* daysS It is very specific that they were to sow the land for si- years, which would start the $st year when they came into the land and the land was to rest the seventh year, after bein sown for si- years( <ev(&%7& =>nd the :+;+ spake unto 9oses in mount Sinai, sayin , &Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, ;hen ye come into the land which I ive you, then shall the land keep a Sabbath unto the :+;+( 0Si- years thou shalt sow thy field, and si- years thou shalt prune thy vineyard, and ather in the fruit thereof, 6Jut in the seventh year shall be a Sabbath of rest unto the land, a Sabbath for :+;+7 thou shalt neither sow thy field, nor prune thy vineyard= Notice +e said the seventh year after they came into the land, was the land rest, they were not to sow the seventh year @DO9 the time they came into the land but were to sow the first si- years, which makes the $st year a year of sowin and if they were to brin a $st fruit of wheat from their labors which they sowed in the field, it would have to be %* days =after= the seventh Sabbath because wheat will not be ready in %* days from the wave sheaf, or $st Sabbath( >fter bein 6* years in the wilderness, not havin their own crops, the Israelites are now oin to be able to brin somethin in from their labor which they sowed in the field, instead of havin to use other nation1s crops( This is positive proof that the count for Gentecost or the %*th day, be ins on the morrow after the seventh Sabbath, instead of the traditional %* days from the wave sheaf( >nother point I mi ht make is, they came into the land in the sprin timeF$st month and this would be their $st year of sowin wheat and they would harvest it in the 6th month in time for Gentecost, and they could brin a new meat offerin to :+;+ from their labors, which they sowed in the field in that first year like :+;+ !O99>NC4C, and they would let the land rest after the si- years of sowin ( To think these people did not have enou h sense to sow some wheat that sprin when they came into the land, for food down the road is out of the Muestion( They were instructed to reap the harvest of the land, which would be barley that they never sowed but the wheat would be from their labor which they sowed in the field, because Jericho was shut in because of the fear of the Israelites, Joshua 37$, therefore it was hi hly unlikely that Jericho planted their summer wheat, knowin that this famous and reat army of :+;+ was camped at their borders in their land with one thin on their mind and that was to kill them(

Jottom line is that they sowed the $st year, as <ev8&%7&80 says, =Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, ;hen ye come into the land which I ive you, then shall the land keep a Sabbath unto :+;+( 0Si- years thou shalt sow thy field=( The first fruit of the wheat was from their labors which they sowed in the field as 4-8&07$3 says =>nd the feast of harvest, the firstfruits of thy labors, which thou hast sown in the field7= They came into the land that $st year in the sprin and sowed their wheat and brou ht a first fruit to :+;+ from their labors which they sowed as +e commanded them, but NOT in %* days( There is no scripture for a Gil rima e @east in the third moon, but there is a scripture for a Gil rima e @east in the forth moon( 4-( 0&7% and >aron proclaimed it for it was his /ob to proclaim the @easts of :+;+( <ev( &07&$( Guess whatS It was e-actly fifty days after the seventh Sabbath that >aron said it was a @east to :+;+ and it was the e-act same day the <aw was actually iven to 9oses( 4-( 0$7$# and Ceut( '7$$, provin the count for fifty days start after the seventh Sabbath complete( If we had remembered Ceut( '7$$ we may have not suffered the tra edy of '7$$ because +e says if we for et +im, +e would for et us and brin thin s upon us. 1here is also a study that this was (near) the ti$e o! 9essiah:s birthM ,abriel announced it, brin#in# the Cord to 9irya$ E $oons pre(ious. The word @east that >aron used here in the fourth moon is the +ebrew word used for @east of ;eeks( It is used for any one of the three Gil rim @easts (see concordance", and they were to o up to Jerusalem( This word is used for Gassover, Gentecost, and Tabernacle, and we know >aron was not talkin about the Gil rim @east of Gassover, because it is in the first moon or the @east of Tabernacle because it is in the seventh moon( It had to be Gentecost, which is in the !ourth $oon and it was e-actly fifty days after the seventh Sabbath, not wave sheaf( ;e know >aron was not talkin about /ust a Solar Sabbath that included the New moon days as ordinary days( One throu h seven, one throu h seven, etc(, throu h the New moon days because if you count that way, and count the New moon day you will not hit the same day >aron said was the Gil rim @east( Try it with your count( Co not et cra5y if your count does not work and call >aron a liar or :+;+.s ;ord a lie( :ou will be at least one day out because of the 2no moon1 days which are not counted in countin for the weeks, which proves <unar Sabbath weeks and <unar Sabbaths were bein kept( Now, was it a @east in the fourth moon or notE Is all scripture inspired of or notE Jud e for yourself( If >aron had already kept the Gil rim @east in the third moon +e could not have fooled anybody that there was another @east in the fourth moon( Demember too, that they were ettin manna every si- days and none on the Sabbath, and it be an in the second moon on the si-teenth day of the moon, and so they ot manna for forty years, which would include the time that 9oses was on the 9ount( They knew when the weekly feast days were, and >aron was present when 9oses was told about the Gil rim @east of weeksFGentecost( 4-( &07$%, $3, and 4-( &67$8'( Now, if there was not a feast of :+;+ in the fourth moon it would have been e-posed, as when Jeroboam kept a @east in the ei hth moon on the fifteenth day ($Rin $&70&800" unto oldenE calves( The ;ord declares that the ei hth moon was wron but not the fifteenth day, for the @east of :+;+( It was the moon, which +e devised of +is own heart( Now, the Scriptures lets us know that there is no feast in the ei hth moon, and would have let us know if there was no @east in the fourth moon, the same word for @east is used in both accounts(

Now the @ather did not say anythin a ainst the fifteenth day in the ei hth moon because the day was ri ht, it was the ei hth moon that was wron ( The same thin in >aron.s case, the @ather said nothin a ainst the day or the moon because it was ri ht (fifty days after the seventh Sabbath"( It was the molten calf they made and worshipped that the @ather reproved them for, and not the day or month( ;e cannot i nore the inspired ;ord( If >aron had said that tomorrow is the Sabbath and built an alter and worshipped the calf, and :+;+ rebuked him for the calf and said nothin a ainst the day or moon like in Jeroboam.s case, would you still say it was not the Sabbath /ust because he worshipped the calf on that dayE Demember all scripture is inspired of :+;+, even this one( I am not sure that they were tryin to please :+;+, and throu h i norance, they made the calf, or they wanted somethin that the 4 yptians could see when they returned to 4 ypt( I don.t understand how they could have turned from the One who had done so many miracles that they had witnessed( Now, after 9oses was one for so lon , it can be seen why they would want to o back to 4 ypt( They would be able to rule 4 ypt a ain as Joseph did, because 4 ypt was whipped even before Gharaoh and his army were destroyed, and Gharaoh.s son was dead( They could have easily ruled 4 ypt, and in a natural way of lookin at thin s, it was the best thin to do, but :+;+ had a better plan that they did not understand( >ll they could see was their leader was missin and, it was time for Gentecost( 9oses should have been back and they knew they could have been rulers in 4 ypt if they had returned, knowin the army was defeated and 4 ypt was in a bad position( :+;+ did not want +is people to rule 4 ypt, but to rule the ;orld, so lon as they obeyed +is voice( ;hat we do know is that it was fifty days after the seventh Sabbath (<ev( &0" that >aron said this, and that :+;+ did not say anythin about the day or month bein wron , when >aron said it was a Gil rim @east to :+;+, i.e. Gentecost( NO N4; ;IN4 IN T+4 T+IDC 9ONT+ @OD > 0DC 9ONT+ G4NT4!OST >nother fact that su ests a latter Gentecost is in >cts &7$0 when they were accused of bein full of New wine( There is no New wine (sweet wine" in the third moon (#rapes were not ripe yet) but were at the end of the fourth moon and that is when >aron said it was the @east( Geter could have said there is no new wine for them to be full of, but said they were not drunk as they supposed( (It is only '7** am(" Nehemiah observed men treadin the wine presses and atherin sheaves (wheat" and brin in rapes etc on the Sabbath day( There are no rapes to tread in the third moon and only winter wheat, if they even sowed winter wheat back then, but in the 6th moon he could have seen rapes (new wine" and sheaves of summer wheat bein athered but not in the 0rd month( ;inter sheaves atherin would have been over before rapes were ready( Nehemiah ($07$%" A 0reat embarrassment for 'rd month /entecost doctrine. G>B< R4GT > <>TT4D G4NT4!OST Gaul kept a latter Gentecost because if you !ount the days in >cts &*7380# and &$7$80*( It shows the >postle Gaul keepin Gentecost beyond fifty days from Gassover to Gentecost( Gay close attention to the phrase many days( (As0 !or $y detailed $ap o! =aul3s /ourney)

John %7' put the @east on a Sabbath (&'th" and early church @athers understood this to be the @east of Gentecost because John records all three @easts( John &7$08&0 O Gassover, John %7$8' O Gentecost and John ?7& O Tabernacle( Now if John %7$8' was Gentecost it was on a Sabbath, not the morrow after Sabbath, like most think( Gentecost is on the &'th (Sabbath" of the fourth moon( Same as the other two Gil rim @easts (first and seventh moons" are on Sabbaths( ;hy think it stran e the third Gil rim @east can be on a Sabbath also, instead of morrow after SabbathE It can be on the &#th, the day before the Sabbath but not the day after the Sabbath( Never( Josephus records that Gentecost can fall out on the day N4TT to the Sabbath as thou h it was not always that way every time (dependin# i! there were one or two Kno $oon: $onths in between counts)( +ere is how to fi ure the dates that 9oses was in the 9ount( @irst, we know he was in the 9ount forty days and forty ni hts( (4-( &67$#" Now, 4-( $'7$80 tells us that when he reached the 9ount it was in the third moon and on the same day that they were one forth out of the land of 4 ypt, which was on the Ni ht or be innin of the $3th, accordin to Num( 0070( They departed (pulled up stakes" from Demises in the first moon, on the fifteenth day of the first moon (Gassover" and on the morrow after the Gassover the children of Israel went out ($3th"( It is not sayin the $%th is the ne-t day after Gassover because Gassover is still oin on, on the $%th( The $%th is the day that they were driven from Demises, but actually left 4 ypt the ni ht of the $3th( Now we know the Gassover lamb was prepared (Greparation" on the $6th but, was not over on the $%th because it says it was to be eaten with unleavened bread, which be an on the $%th (or $6th at e(en (ni ht"(" 4-( $&7#8$#( Now if the Gassover was still oin on until the Gassover lamb is one on the $%th, the morrow after Gassover would be the $3th( They were not travelin on the $%th Sabbath, they were delivered from 4 ypt.s bonda e on the $%th (Sabbath Z Ceut( %7$%" but actually /ourneyed on the be innin of the $3th, which is the morrow >@T4D the Gassover( (Num(0070" 4-odus $'70 states that 9oses went up to :+;+ on the day they arrived ($3th" of the third month( Notice verse two( @or they were departed from Dephidim, which means rest, and is only a few miles from the 9ount( They rested on the $%th (Sabbath" in Dephidim, and after rest day was over, they came to the 9t( on the $3th of the third month( This is the same day that they actually went forth on their /ourney out of 4 ypt, even thou h they were driven from Demises on the $%th( Then :+;+ told 9oses to sanctify the people today, and tomorrow, and be ready a ainst the third day ($#th"( (4-( $'70" +owever, it was the ne-t day ($'th" that 9oses went into the 9ount for forty days, (4-( &6768$#" and at the end of the forty days and forty ni hts the Torah was iven to 9oses, not the be#innin#, and it was the same day that >aron said was the @east of :+;+ which was fifty days after the ?th Sabbath from the wave sheaf( 4-80$7$#, Ceut8'7$$ and 4-0&7%( SoZ 6* days after the $'th of the 0rd month, would brin us to the &'th of the6th month( $n abso!uteZ the scripture clearly says that Gentecost was on the &'th day (Sabbath" of the forth moon( No more false doctrine then for your ears to itch after(( 8alillu.ahP >nother positive proof that Gentecost is in the fourth moon is that you must have a wheat harvest( It must be after the years end (solstice or turnin of the Sun(" (4-( 067&&" H>nd thou shalt observe the feast of weeks, of the firstfruits of wheat harvest, and the feast of in atherin at the year.s end(I This happens around June &&nd and to have a @east of ;eeks (Gentecost" on June 3th, #th, etc( =before= the years turnin is not in harmony with 4-( 067&&(

>t %entecost there is a ma/or harvest of wheat and this harvest is four months lon from time seed is sown to time it is harvested( John 670% says "sa not e, there are et fo#r months, and then cometh harvest1 2ehold, 3 sa #nto o#, lift #p o#r e es, and loo* on the fields4 for the are white alread to harvest." They understood that after four moons from the time seed is sown there would be a harvest( ;inter wheat is seven moons to harvest, which proves it was Summer ;heat that was in the round in the first moon in 4 ypt.s pla ue, and would be ready for a first fruit harvest, $$* to $&* days (6 moons" later, not !i!ty days. Now we know there is a spiritual meanin here also( +e often used natural thin s to reveal the spiritual thin s, and we know wheat was a type of souls to be athered into the barns( Notice +e used this harvest in a spiritual sense, like in other passa es referrin to wheat harvest( (John 670%" John &7&0 is Gassover feast, and John %7$8' is Gentecost, after first harvest of barleyZ which remember, must be 2>bib1 (Awbibh) before the first wave offerin can take place( It takes more than four moons to harvest for barley, and winter wheat( The point is this, the wheat harvest was a four moons lon to harvest, from sowin to reapin , sown in the be innin of first moon and reaped at the end of the fourth moon( It had to be Summer ;heat because ;inter ;heat is at least si- or seven moons to harvest( If it is sown in Cecember, you have Cecember throu h June, seven moons, which proves it was not ;inter ;heat we were dealin with, plus it would have been rown up and destroyed with the barley, by the hail on the tenth day of the first moon in 4 ypt, but it would have still been in dark if sown in first moon and not destroyed by hail, and ready for harvest in the fourth moon or fifty days after the seventh Sabbath( (See John 670% for proof the wheat harvest was four moons to harvest(" Just think for a minute, you can have all this harmony by /ust understandin only one scripture differently, and that is =the morrow after the seventh Sabbath shall you number fifty days= instead of numberin from the first Sabbath( That is not too much to ive up for so much harmony, and if not for tradition, you would accept it ri ht away( It is ama5in how people will follow some blind leaders who do not even believe in the Son of :+;+, above what the scripture teaches( Demember the Jews are not scripture, the Japtist !hurch is not Scripture, and the !atholic !hurch only mocks scripture( The Scriptures are scripture so stay with what it says and be saved, and not the tradition of men, and lose your salvation( They teach to be in the count for Gentecost from the first Sabbath instead of the seventh Sabbath( +ere is some more of the harmony you can en/oy by numberin from the morrow after the seventh Sabbath( It will harmoni5e with the time that >aron the +i h Griest of Israel proclaimed the Gil rim @east of :+;+ and that it was in the fourth moon on the &'th day, e-actly fifty days after the seventh Sabbath, and forty days after 9oses went up the mount( (4-( 0&7%" Now it is known this scripture is very detrimental to the doctrine of Gentecost bein in the third moon, so they must discredit what the Scriptures says that >aron said the Gil rim @east was in the fourth moon( One way to do this would be to say that they worshipped the calf, which was wron , and the Gil rima e @east day was also wron , but what if >aron had said tomorrow is the

Sabbath of :+;+ and worshipped the calf on that day, would you say that day was wron also /ust because they worshiped the calf on that dayE ;hat1s the differenceE Jetter yet, what if it had been on the fiftieth day from the first Sabbath, which would match up with their Gentecost in the third moon when >aron said what day it was, would you still say it was not Gentecost because they made the calfE Je honest with yourself( ;ho are we to say that >aron did not know what day it wasE Demember all scripture is inspired of :+;+, and we have no inspired scripture sayin the time was wron like in Jeroboam.s case( It will be the same day the law was ive to 9oses( (4-( 0$7$# and Ceut( '7$$" If that matters to someoneE Demember, the ivin of the <aw was mentioned by Stephen around Gentecost alone with the >n els( >cts ?7%0( Ceut8007& says :+;+ came with $*,*** an els (a cloud of witnesses" with the law on 9t( Sinai to ive us Torah( >lso, Stephen mentioned the calf that was worshiped in those days (Gentecost"( Demember the calf was worshiped on Gentecost %* days after the seventh Sabbath and 0,*** souls died( See my article -could 8is second co$in# be on =entecost;4 It ives a real reason why the wheat was not destroyed, the reason was because it had not come up( (4-('70&" The word = rown up= oes back to bein hid in darkness( ("ee concordance) Some want to say the word for =in dark= means =dark reen,= and was not destroyed by the hail, but this was cattle killin hail( It had no respect of color, because it says it killed every reen herb( >nd all that was in the field( ;heat is a herb and we could ar ue that if wheat was up, it was the summer wheat that was sown in the sprin and was not hurt because it was reen and only a few inches hi h, which would have had a much better chance of survivin the +ail than wheat that was only a few days from bein ripeSS It e-plains the word shall (future" in <ev( &07$3 =tomorrow after the seventh Sabbath shall you number fifty days(= The count starts after the seventh Sabbath( (future, <ev( &07$3" The word shall is always !uture tense( It also e-plains how the disciples could have been accused of bein drunk on new wine, if Gentecost was in the fourth moon, because there was no New wine in the third moon( (>cts &7$ and @east of ;eeks must be after the years end (turnin of Sun or Solstice near June &&nd of the Gre orian calendar(" The first part of June (third moon" is not at the years end( (4-( 067&&" See also article Kthe doctrine o! baptis$s: about puttin New wine into New wineskinsS They were commanded to brin the first fruits of their labors, which they sowed in the field (wheat", when they came into the land( (4-( &07$3" =;hen ye come into the land they were commanded to reap the harvest thereof (barley" then wave the sheaf of the wave offerin , then count seven Sabbaths complete, even until the morrow, after the seventh Sabbath shall ye number fifty days and then brin a new meat offerin to :+;+(= (<ev( &07$*", they were to count seven Sabbaths complete from the day they brou ht the sheaf of the wave offerin (barley", then number fifty days, and then offer the new meat offerin (wheat"( (<ev( &07$3" I have already covered this above( %*U days >@T4D the ?th Sabbath e-plains how Gaul could tarry many days in, >cts &$7$*, and many days do not mean & or 0 days, tracin Gaul.s /ourney from Ghilippi to Jerusalem and countin the days to see if Gaul went over fifty days from Gassover to Gentecost( (>cts &* 8&$7?" :ou don.t have to say many days mean & or 0, if you number the %* days >@T4D

the seventh Sabbath instead of from the wave sheaf( This is an e-ample of Gentecost bein kept past the 2traditional1 0rd month Gentecost of the church fathers( Samson visited his wife in the time of wheat harvest, ot mad at his father8in8law, and destroyed the wheat, alon with the rapes and olives( ;e believe the Scriptural count puts the wheat harvest at the end of July on today1s Doman calendar, and that is when the rapes, olives, and wheat were ripe( Samson was attackin ripe wheat, rapes, and olives to et reven e( It would not have been as effective to attack the trees that were not bearin because they were lookin forward to the ripe fruit that Samson had destroyed( There was no Gentecost in the third moon because there were no rapes in the third moon( Nature workin a ain( In the book of Jud es !hapter $%7% it says7 =$Jut it came to pass within a while after, in the =time= of =wheat= harvest that Samson visited his wife with a kid, and he said, I will o in to my wife into the chamber( Jut her father would not suffer him to o in( &>nd her father said, I verily thou ht that thou hadst utterly hated her, therefore I ave her to thy companion7 is not her youn er sister fairer than sheE Take her, I pray thee, instead of her( 0>nd Samson said concernin them, Now shall I be more blameless than the Ghilistines, thou h I do them a displeasure( 6>nd Samson went and cau ht three hundred fo-es, and took firebrands, and turned tail to tail, and put a firebrand in the midst between two tails( %>nd when he had set the brands on fire, he let them o into the standin =corn= of the Ghilistines, and burnt up both the shocks, and also the standin =corn=, with the =vineyards and =olives=( In the book of Josephus it tells how that it was =Summer= time when the fruit of the land bein almost ripe enou h for reapin that Samson set fire to the fruit of the land i.e. =wheat= and rapes etc( and in the book of Jud es, it plainly tells that it was in the time of wheat harvest when Samson done this( In /osephs C8A=1E@ > C?&CE@&I&, 18E N?@1I1BLE ?N "A9"?&, A&L C8A1 9I"C8IEN" 8E B@?B,81 B=?& 18E =8I'I"1I&E" ?( (&'%" >t this in/urious treatment Samson was so provoked that he resolved to punish all the Ghilistines, as well as her, so it bein then =summer= time, and the fruits of the land bein almost ripe enou h for reapin , he cau ht three hundred fo-es, and /oinin li hted torches to their tails, he sent them into the fields of the Ghilistines, by which means the fruits of the fields perished( In other words the time of wheat harvest is in the summer, NOT sprin ( This proves that this wheat harvest is speakin of =summer= wheat harvest and not sprin harvest of winter wheat( Josephus knew enou h about how many fo-es etc( because he knew the Scriptures, wonder why he didn.t know that the wheat harvest was in the sprin instead of summerE Or maybe he knew that wheat harvest in his time was in the Summer and not Sprin ( :ou Jud e and remember the people knew about farmin in those days, and to say whether he was a Gharisee or Sadducee makes no difference concernin the harvest and nature( The followin Muote from Josephus also proves that they planted "u$$er wheat and not ;inter wheat( $( (0&0" In the meantime +erod.s affairs in Judea were in an ill state( +e had left his brother Joseph with full power, but had char ed him to make no attempts a ainst >nti onus till his

return, for that 9acheras would not be such an assistant as he could depend on, as it appeared by what he had done already, but as soon as Joseph heard that his brother was at a very reat distance, he ne lected the char e he had received, and marched towards Jericho with five cohorts, which 9acheras sent with him( This movement was intended for sei5in on the corn, as it was now in the midst of =summer,= Notice the last verse of this Muote( This is found in Josephus under7 T+4 C4>T+ O@ JOS4G+ P+4DOC.S JDOT+4DQ, ;+I!+ +>C J44N SIGNI@I4C TO +4DOC IN CD4>9S( +O; +4DOC ;>S GD4S4DL4C T;I!4, >@T4D > ;ONC4D@B< 9>NN4D( +4 !BTS O@@ T+4 +4>C O@ G>GGBS ;+O ;>S T+4 9BDC4D4D O@ +IS JDOT+4D, >NC S4NCS T+>T +4>C TO P+IS OT+4D JDOT+4DQ G+4DOD>S, >NC IN NO <ONG TI94 +4 J4SI4G4S J4DBS><49, >NC 9>DDI4S 9>DI>9N4 Jottom line is someone should have a Scripture or some kind of proof that there is a sprin wheat harvest instead of a summer wheat harvest to support their %* day count after the wave sheaf instead of %* days after the seventh Sabbath complete for Gentecost( I can ive many Scriptures and history from people that lived at this time that there is a summer wheat harvest that would have to be %* days after the seventh Sabbath instead of %* days after the first Sabbath( %* days after the first Sabbath can only produce a sprin wheat harvest and %* days after the seventh Sabbath can only produce a summer wheat harvest( ;hich one does the Scripture teachE ;e know what tradition of men teaches( The true count to Gentecost is closely connected to the <unar Sabbaths and can be proven by the true Gentecost( As0 !or our !ree study on =entecost. Gaul said, "After the wa the call Heres , so worship 3 the +ight .ne of o#r 5athers." Nothin can be found that oes a ainst be innin the fifty day count after the seventh Sabbath, e-cept the tradition of men( Glenty of scriptures and nature itself disproves the traditional Gentecost, countin from the first Sabbath or wave sheaf, which also disproves the Doman Sabbath( Crite or call !or $ore proo! because i! I try to put it all in here, I a$ a!raid so$e won3t read it because there is so $uch. In closin , /ust as sure as :+;+ is restorin +is true Name back to +is people, +e is restorin +is true Gentecost, and +is true Sabbaths( Just like the first recorded Gentecost on the day the law was iven to them written in stone there were about three thousand souls destroyed( (4-( 0&7&#" In addition, when the law was written in their hearts on Gentecost years later, they were about three thousand souls saved( (>cts &76$" 0,*** on both Gentecosts( Bntil someone can produce a Scripture showin that there is another ;inter wheat harvest to choose from, found in Scripture of course, I see no room to debate it any other way( I know that ;inter wheat is now harvested in the sprin time after sprin barley harvest, but did ancient Israel plant ;inter wheat or only summer wheatEE >ll Scriptures that I have found is referrin to =summer= wheat( It would be nice to have an =e-ample= of ;inter wheat in Scripture if I was oin to of count %* days after the barley wave sheaf( 4ven on the day of Gentecost when they were bein accused of bein drunk with =new= wine, which is not found in the third month for the traditional Gentecost, Geter said this is that which was spo*en b the prophet 6oel and when you look at the prophet Joel, you see where he said that the floors would be full of wheat and the fats full of wine( Once a ain

there is no new wine in the third month to fulfill this prophecy( The Duach +aRodesh (+oly Spirit" is sayin that the rapes will be ripe to press as well as the threshin floors full of wheat( This universe is self8contained with everythin it needs, includin a built in calendar for times, the year, months, weeks, and days( It does not need man to tell us when a year be ins, or when a month be ins, or when a day be ins, all these are found in nature because the universe is eMuipped with it.s own calendar, so why should we need man to tell us when a week be ins when we have it in the phases of the moon, same as we have the other startin points for the day by the sun, and month and yearEE Demember it is the :ear that is the main cycle of 03% ordinary work days ($* days less for the moon" that is broken up by :+;+1s New moons and Sabbaths worship and rest days and NOT the other way around( ;e certainly know that this does not be in to answer all Muestions pertainin to this very important sub/ect, so we reserve the ri ht to add to or chan e as the eyes of our understandin are opened further by the +eavenly @ather YHWH and if we have to make any chan es to amend or correct we will do so as +e leads us, as all honest truth seekers should do( ;hen we become perfect, we will not have to chan e any more( ;e will be perfect as +e is perfect, and +e chan es not( @eel free to make copies in part or in full to share with others(
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International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia

CALENDAR (kal'-en-dar) (Latin calendarium, "an account book," from calendae, "day on w ic account! were due")" # e $ebrew or %ewi! calendar ad t ree !ta&e! of de'elo(ment" t e (ree)ilic, or *iblical+ t e (o!te)ilic, or #almudic+ and t e (o!t-#almudic, # e fir!t re!ted on ob!er'ation merely, t e !econd on ob!er'ation cou(led wit calculation, and t e t ird on calculation only, -n t e fir!t (eriod t e (rie!t! determined t e be&innin& of eac mont by t e a((earance of t e new moon and t e recurrence of t e (re!cribed fea!t! from t e 'ernal and autumnal e.uino)e!, # u!, t e mont Abib ('ab ib ), t e fir!t mont of t e year accordin& to t e Le'itical law, in w ic t e /a!!o'er wa! to be celebrated, wa! determined by ob!er'ation (E) 01"1+ Deut 02"0), After t e e)ile 3more accurate4 met od! of determinin& t e mont ! and !ea!on! came into 'o&ue, and calculation wa! em(loyed to !u((lement and correct ob!er'ation! and t e calendar wa! re&ulated accordin& to t e *abylonian !y!tem, a! i! e'idenced by t e name! of t e mont ! w ic are deri'ed from it, -n later time! t e calendar wa! fi)ed by mat ematical met od! (!ee t e article "Calendar" in t e %ewi! Encyclo(edia), # e difficulty of a!certainin& t e fir!t day of t e new moon by ob!er'ation, in t e early (eriod, led to t e celebration of two day!, a! !eem! to be indicated in 0 5am 16"17, # i! can be better under!tood t ou& , by ob!er'in& t e calendar w ic Da'id ke(t, a! t i! wa! a 3no moon4 mont (86 day mont ), 9e a'e only four name! of mont ! belon&in& to t e (re-e)ilic (eriod, and t ey are / oenician :f t e!e Abib ('ab ib ) wa! t e fir!t mont , a! already indicated, and it corre!(onded to Ni!an (nican) in t e later calendar, -t wa! t e mont in w ic t e E)odu! occurred and t e mont of t e /a!!o'er (E) 08";+ 18"0<+ 8;"0=+ Deut 02"0), # e 1nd mont of t i! calendar wa! >i' (?iw) (0 @in&! 2"0,87)+ Et anim ('et anim) wa! t e 7 t (0 @in&! ="1), corre!(ondin& to #i! ri of t e later calendar, and *ul (bul) t e = t , corre!(onded to Aarc e!'an (marc e! wan) (0 @in&! 2"8=), # ere were of cour!e ot er mont name! in t i! old

calendar, but t ey a'e not come down to u!, # e!e name! refer to t e a!(ect! of t e !ea!on!" t u! Abib ('ab ib ) mean! &rain in t e ear, Bu!t ri(enin& (Le' 1"0;+ E) C"80)+ >i' (?iw) refer! to t e beauty and !(lendor of t e flower! in t e !(rin&+ Et anim ('et anim) mean! (erennial, (robably referrin& to li'in& fountain!+ and *ul (bul) mean! rain or ! ower!, bein& t e mont w en t e rainy !ea!on commenced, # e full calendar of mont ! u!ed in t e (o!te)ilic (eriod i! &i'en in a table accom(anyin& t i! article, # e name! &i'en in t e table are not all found in t e *ible, a! t e mont ! are u!ually referred to by number, but we find Nican in Ne 1"0 and E!t 8"7+ 5iwan in E!t ="C+ #ammu? in E?ek ="0;, alt ou& t e term a! ere u!ed refer! to a / oenician &od after w om t e mont wa! named+ 'Elul occur! in Ne 2"0<+ @iclew (t e American 5tandard Re'i!ed Der!ion "c i!le'") in Ne 0"0 and >ec 7"0+ #eb et in E!t 1"02+ 5 eb a# in >ec 0"7 and 'Ad ar in E?ra 2"0< and !e'eral time! in E!t, # e!e mont ! were lunar and be&an wit t e new moon, but t eir (o!ition in re&ard to t e !ea!on! 'aried !omew at becau!e of t e intercalary mont about e'ery t ree year!, # e year (! ana ) ori&inally be&an in t e autumn, a! a((ear! from E) 18"02 and 8;"11, w ere it i! !tated t at t e fea!t of -n&at erin& ! ould be at t e end of t e year+ t e 5abbatic year be&an, al!o, in t e 7t mont of t e calendar year (Le' 1<"=-06), indicatin& t at t i! ad been t e be&innin& of t e year, # i! !eem! to a'e been a reckonin& for ci'il (ur(o!e!, w ile t e year be&innin& wit Nican wa! for ritual and !acred (ur(o!e!, # i! re!ulted from t e fact t at t e &reat fea!t of t e /a!!o'er occurred in t i! mont and t e ot er fea!t! were re&ulated by t i!, a! we !ee from !uc (a!!a&e! a! E) 18"0;-02 and Deut 02"0-07, %o!e( u! (Ant, -, iii, 8) !ay!" "Ao!e! a((ointed t at Nican, w ic i! t e !ame wit Eant icu!, ! ould be t e fir!t mont of t eir fe!ti'al!, becau!e e brou& t t em out of E&y(t in t at mont + !o t at t i! mont be&an t e year a! to all !olemnitie! t ey ob!er'ed to t e onor of F-d, alt ou& e (re!er'ed t e ori&inal order of t e mont ! a! to !ellin& and buyin& and ot er ordinary affair!," A !imilar cu!tom i! !till followed in #urkey, w ere t e Ao ammedan year i! ob!er'ed for fea!t!, t e (il&rima&e to Aecca and ot er !acred (ur(o!e!, w ile t e ci'il year be&in! in Aarc :,5, # e year wa! com(o!ed of 01 or 08 mont ! accordin& a! to w et er it wa! ordinary or lea( year, -ntercalation i! not mentioned in 5cri(ture, but it wa! em(loyed to make t e lunar corre!(ond a((ro)imately to t e !olar year, a mont bein& added w ene'er t e di!cre(ancy of t e !ea!on! rendered it nece!!ary, # i! wa! re&ulated by t e (rie!t!, w o ad to !ee t at t e fea!t! were duly ob!er'ed at t e (ro(er !ea!on, # e intercalary mont wa! added after t e mont of 'Ad ar and wa! called t e !econd 'Ad ar (! eni, wa-'ad ar, "and Adar"), and, a! already indicated, wa! added about once in 8 year!, Aore e)actly, ; year! out of e'ery 00 were lea( year! of 08 mont ! (%ewi! Encyclo(edia, article "Calendar"), t i! bein& deri'ed from t e *abylonian calendar, -f, on t e 02 t of t e mont Nican, t e !un ad not reac ed t e 'ernal e.uino), t at mont wa! declared to be t e !econd 'Ad ar and t e followin& one Nican, # i! met od, of cour!e, wa! not e)act and about t e ; t century of our era t e mat ematical met od wa! ado(ted, # e number of day! in eac mont wa! fi)ed, !e'en a'in& 86 day!, and t e re!t 1C, 9 en t e intercalary mont wa! added, t e fir!t 'Ad ar ad 86 and t e !econd 1C day!, ($, /:R#ER)
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