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What is sin & where did it come from? Why does God not like sin?

How did God deal with our sin problem? o Dress up like Moses -number one weve just begun god should be first in your life What are the Ten Commandments o An early set of laws for that God gave for His people to follow Him The fact that God would tell His people how He wanted them to follow Him was a radical notion in the ancient near east The law was a blessing because it gives us knowledge of sin Until the late 1800s, the law of Moses was believed to be a unique code of law, existing nearly 1,000 years before anything like it until the Greek and Roman Laws, written around 1300bc. But in the late 1800s, excavations in Persia uncovered laws set forth by the Babylonian King, Hammurabi, called Hammurabis Code (1700bc) which predate Moses by 400 years! And many of these laws are almost identical to those in the Bible! So did the Bible just copy someone elses laws and claim they were Gods? Not likely. More recent discoveries have produced law codes that proceed even Hammurabis by 500 years and several laws are common to all three of them, so Hammurabi didnt originate all the laws either. The fact is, its not surprising to find similar laws when youre dealing with similar cultures that neighbor Israel. Similar societies would of course require similar codes of conduct in order to ensure justice. In addition, the laws of the Bible are special, because elsewhere in the ancient near east, religious laws (like prayer/offerings) and ethical laws (lying/stealing/murder) were completely unrelated because ethics and religion were considered separate domains. Religious laws were for priests. Ethics were for the regular folks. For our God though, both how we worship God and how we treat others matters! This was a radical thing for ancient times, that every person has a part to play in their relationship with God. What sets the 10 commandments apart: religion (loving god) + ethics (loving others) = for everyone Why did God give the Ten Commandments o Its like driving a car When people get a certain age (16 years old) they may apply for a drivers license. Most teens can hardly wait. Beyond the sheer fun of driving, the reason of course, is that the person who can drive is free. When you learn to drive you can freely zip into town or across town whenever you want. You can visit somebody two towns away. You can go to a drive-in bank, a restaurant or even go to church. You can pick up friends an cart them around eventually too. When you learn to drive, you are free. But as you learn in drivers ed, you need guidance in order to use your new freedom well. You need a set of instructions for your new life. First you need an owners manual for the car you drive. The manufacturer of your car may have designed the engine to run on diesel fuel (instead of unleaded kerosene) for instance. You may personally want to use kerosene, but then the car wont run. In general you need to know how your car operates and how to operate it that way. The first 4 commandments are like an owners manual for your car Second, you need to learn a set of traffic laws so that you can pass your drivers exam and get along with other drivers out on the road. Laws for stopping, turning, yielding, and merging are instructions allowing a whole townful of people to drive at the same time. The last 6 commandments are like the traffic laws concerning other drivers & people

What do the ten commandments mean for us? (Ex 20) 1. you shall have no other gods before me. Make God the center of your life Show money, pic of sports, and a mirror saying should this be your #1 priority? 2. you shall not make yourself an object or image and worship it dont cling to things Show picture of ipod touch, justin beiber, miley cyrus and jesus saying should we worship this? 3. you shall not take Gods name in vain dont use Gods name unless youre talking to Him or about Him What are some commonplace examples of taking Gods name in vain? Why do you think God finds that to be a big deal? 4. In order to remember that God rested from His work on creation, take a day of rest once a week

Break Signs 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Honor father & mother give your parents respect you shall not murder you shall not kill someone for personal reasons you shall not commit adultery dont have sex with someone elses spouse you shall not steal dont steal you shall not bear false witness dont lie you shall not covet your neighbors belongings, family, and lifestyle be content with what you have If we perfectly follow the ten commandments, are we perfect Christians? 1. Matthew 5:21-22 21 "You have heard that the law of Moses says, 'Do not murder. If you commit murder, you are subject to judgment.' 22 But I say, if you are angry with someone, you are subject to judgment! If you call someone an idiot, you are in danger of being brought before the high council. And if you curse someone, you are in danger of the fires of hell. 2. Matthew 5:27-28 27 "You have heard that the law of Moses says, 'Do not commit adultery.' 28 But I say, anyone who even looks at a woman with lust in his eye has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
As Christians, do we have to follow the Ten Commandments?

Gal 2:16-21 If you love me, obey my commandments

2. The ten commandments are good to follow, but not to be saved by

Poster Time 1. Split up kids to do posters that represent each of the commandments 2. Share postersp

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