2013.12 - Box and Spoon

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Monthly Newsletter for

Stewards of
Holy Anargyroi
Sts. Kosmas & Damianos
Greek Orthodox Church
Box & Spoon
Box & Spoon

2013 Standing
Aaron Biedermann-President
Halina Woroncow-Vice Pres.
Tim Kelly
Andru Peters-Secretary
Dan JerghiuTreasurer
Don Jenkins
Tia Maragos
Erline Holman
Robert Lytle
John Maragos Chair
Halina Woroncow
Ari Kolas
Mark Smith
Diana Orbelo
Diana Orbelo Chair
Tia Maragos
Andru Peters
Fr. Mark Muoz
Tim Kelly- Chair
Ari Kolas
Dan Jerghiu Chair
Fr. Mark Muoz
Jacob Peterson
Mark Smith
John Maragos
Brad Holman Chair
Dan Jerghiu Chair
Lorenda Jerghiu Silent
Joe Forrer Set-up/Teardown
Tim Kelly Outdoor Cooks
Johnny Mangouras Marke-
Ari Kolas Marketing
Penny Kolas Pastries
Maria Thomas Pastries
Denise Mangouras Pastries
Martha Voytovich Market
Andru Peters Beverages
Mike Brekke Beer Garden
Ali Ostfeld Children Area
20 13
St. Leo of Rome: Christmas Joy
Our Savior, dearly-beloved, was born
today (Christmas day): let us be glad.
For there is no proper place for sadness,
when we keep the birthday of the Life,
which destroys the fear of mortality and
brings to us the joy of promised eternity.
No one is kept from sharing in this
happiness. There is for all one common
measure of joy, because as our Lord, the
destroyer of sin and death, fnds none
free from the charge, so He comes to free
us all. Let the saint exult in that he draws
near to victory. Let the sinner be glad in
that he is invited to being pardon. Let
the gentile take courage in that he is
called to life. For the Son of God in the
fullness of time which the inscrutable
depth of the Divine counsel has
determined, has taken on him the nature
of man, thereby to reconcile it to its
Author: in order that the inventor of
death, the devil, might be conquered.
And in this confict undertaken for us,
the fght was fought on great and
wondrous principles of fairness. Truly
foreign to this nativity is that which we
read of all others:
no one is clean from stain, not even the
infant who has lived but one day upon earth.

Nothing therefore of the lust of the fesh
has passed into that peerless nativity,
nothing of the law of sin has entered. A
royal Virgin of the stem of David is
chosen, to be impregnated with the
sacred seed and to conceive the Divinely-
human ofspring in mind frst and then in
body: she learns from the angel that what
is to be wrought in her is of the Holy
Ghost. Nor does she believe it loss of
honor that she is soon to be the Mother of
God. Her implicit faith is confrmed also
by the atesting of a miracle, and
Elizabeth receives unexpected fertility: in
order that there might be no doubt that
He who had given conception to the
barren, would give it even to a virgin.
Therefore the Word of God, Himself
God, the Son of God who in the
beginning with God, through whom all
things were made and without whom
was nothing made, with the purpose of
delivering man from eternal death,
became man: The true God and true man
were combined to form one Lord, so that,

as suited the needs of our case, one and the same Mediator between God
and men, the Man Christ Jesus, could both die with the one and rise again
with the other.
Rightly therefore did the birth of our Salvation impart no corruption to the
Virgins purity, because the bearing of the Truth was the keeping of honor.
Such then beloved was the nativity which became the Power of God and
the Wisdom of God even Christ, whereby He might be one with us in
manhood and surpass us in Godhead. For unless He were true God, He
would not bring us a remedy: unless He were true Man, He would not give
us an example. Therefore the exulting angels song when the Lord was born
is this, Glory to God in the Highest, and their message, peace on earth to men
of good will. For they see that the heavenly Jerusalem is being built up out
of all the nations of the world: and over that indescribable work of the
Divine love how ought the humbleness of men to rejoice, when the joy of the lofty angels is so great?
Christians then must live worthily of Christ their Head. Let us then, dearly beloved, give thanks to God
the Father, through His Son, in the Holy Spirit, Who for His great mercy, wherewith He has loved us, had
pity on us: and when we were dead in sins, has quickened us together in Christ, that we might be in Him a new
creation and a new production. Let us put of then the old man with his deeds: and having obtained a share
in the birth of Christ let us renounce the works of the fesh. Christian, acknowledge your dignity, and
becoming a partner in the Divine nature, refuse to return to the old baseness by degenerate conduct.
Remember the Head and the Body of which you are a member. Remember that you were rescued from the
power of darkness and brought out into Gods light and kingdom. By the mystery of Baptism you were
made the temple of the Holy Ghost: and do not subject yourself once more to the devil; because your
purchase money is the blood of Christ, because He shall judge you in truth Who ransomed you in mercy,
who with the Father and the Holy Spirit reigns for ever and ever. Amen.
Feast of the Nativity Liturgical Schedule
Tuesday, December 24th: Nativity Royal Hours with
theVesperal Liturgy of St. Basil 8:00am
Tuesday, December 24th: Nativity of Our Lord, God, and
Savior Jesus Christ Orthros-9pm/Divine Liturgy 10pm
Wednesday, December 25th: No Services!

Today the Virgin gives birth to Him who is
above all being, And the earth offers the Cave to
Him whom no one can approach; Angels with
Shepherds give glory, And Magi journey with a
star; For us there has been born A little Child:
God before the ages.
Merry Christmas!
Ko Xiotocvvo!

Craciun Fericit
Hristos de rodi!
Feliz Navidad!
God Jul!
Joyeux Noel!
A model of faith and the image of gentleness, your life has shown you forth to your sheep-fold to be a master of temperance. St. Nicholas , Dec. 6th
Thy Nativity, O Christ our God, has shined the light of knowledge upon the world . For a new child has been born for us, the God before all ages. Dec 25
Calendar for December 2013
Monday Dec. 2nd AC/DC Adult Religious Education 6pm
Tuesday Dec. 3rd Philoptochos Meeting in Church library 6pm
Wednesday Dec. 4th Ss. Barbara & John the Damascene 8:30am
Orthros/Divine Liturgy
Philoxenia Meeting 6pm
Thursday Dec. 5th VIGIL for St. Nicholas the Wonderworker 6pm
Great Vespers, Orthros, Divine Liturgy celebrated consecutively
Sunday Dec. 8th Parish Council Elections after Divine Liturgy
GOYA Outing to MOA
Monday Dec. 9th AC/DC Adult Religious Education 6pm
Tuesday Dec. 10th JOY Faith Night 5pm
Wednesday Dec. 11th Great Vespers: St. Spyridon the Wonderworker 6pm
GOYA Faith Night after Vespers
Thursday Dec. 12th St. Spyridon the Wonderworker 8:30am
Orthros/Divine Liturgy
Strict Nativity Fast Commences
Friday Dec. 13th Philoptochos Holiday Bake Sale Packaging in Church Hall 9:30pm
Sunday Dec. 15th Philoptochos Holiday Bake Sale Order Pickups during Fellowship Hour
Monday Dec. 16th AC/DC Adult Religious Education 6pm
Wednesday Dec. 18th St. Sebastian the Martyr 8:30am
Orthros/Divine Liturgy
Building Committee Meeting w/ Jerry Minetos from Archdiocese 5pm
Parish Council Meeting 6:30pm
Thursday Dec. 19th St. Philothei Project (GOYA Sponsorship) 6pm
Saturday Dec. 21st Forefeast of the NATIVITY 8:30am
Orthros/Divine Liturgy
Youth Caroling 2pm
Sunday Dec. 22nd Youth Christmas Pageant after Liturgy
Monday Dec. 23rd AC/DC Adult Religious Education 6pm
Tuesday Dec. 24th NATIVITY: Royal Hours & Vesperal Divine Liturgy 8am*
NATIVITY: Orthros/Divine Liturgy 9pm*
Wednesday Dec. 25th No Services
Friday Dec. 27th St. Stephen the First Martyr 8:30am
Orthros/Divine Liturgy
Monday Dec. 30th AC/DC Adult Religious Education 6pm
Wednesday Jan. 1st St. Basil the Great 8:30am
Orthros/Divine Liturgy
* Please note special time
A model of faith and the image of gentleness, your life has shown you forth to your sheep-fold to be a master of temperance. St. Nicholas , Dec. 6th
Parish Council

The Parish Council tried a new format this year for the Fall General Assembly. A month prior to the Assembly the
following reports were submitted to the Parish Council: a yearly summary from each ministry leader, the 2013 year to
date financials and the 2014 budget. These reports were distributed to parishioners via email two weeks prior to the
Assembly and packets were also available in the Narthex the two Sundays prior to the meeting.

Our intent was to give parishioners the opportunity to be more informed and to also host an efficient Assembly. Initial
feedback and impressions were positive. Attendees were more informed. The meeting was more efficient. A majority
of attendees were still present at the end of the Assembly for discussion and new business. Please also note that there
will be a Ministry Sunday hosted after the New Year to focus more time to the different ministries of our parish.

The following stewards in good standing are candidates for the Parish Council Elections to take place on Sunday
December 8th, 2013 after the Divine Liturgy: Aaron Biedermann, Denise Mangouras, Terri Mettler, Andru Peters,
and Jacob Petersen. Three (3) of these parishioners will be elected to Parish Council. All stewards in good financial
and spiritual standing with our Parish are encouraged to vote.

In Christ,
Aaron Biedermann, Parish Council President.

Building Committee

How exciting! We are moving towards the building of our new fellowship hall. We have received three schematic
options from Hammel Green Architects, whittled those down to two options, and will be deciding on the final
recommendation of the building committee to the parish council and then on to the parish assembly for final approval
to begin architectural design(hopefully in early 2014). A special thank you goes out to Gus Chafoulias for financing
the HGA schematic studies. Hopefully you have had a chance to view the two posted options we are considering in
our existing fellowship hall they are posted on the wall up front.

Unfortunately, we have a large obstacle in the way the $377,000.00 in debt outstanding on the loan for the church.
There is little doubt that we will be required to take on additional debt to build a new hall no matter which option we
choose to move forward with. This is a significant concern for the building committee, parish council, and should be
for the entire church. Debt incurs interest expense, and that only benefits the bank. Thank God for the generosity
shown by the parishioners of our church to date we have paid the original debt of $2,200,000 down to where we are
today. That said, we need your help to finish paying off the existing loan.

I am told that it is hard to keep going back to the same well that has given so much already. Well, the money donated
to the building fund for the church and fellowship hall are ultimately our investment in the Orthodox Faiths future in
Rochester. We presently have twenty two families committed to paying off a portion of the debt, totaling about
$157,000.00 in total donations against the remaining balance. In 2013 we had twenty three families donate to the
building fund, eight of which had not formally pledged to this third phase of fund raising. Isnt that wonderful? Where
are the rest of you?

Our existing hall is showing its age (look at the condition of the shingles on the roof and extrapolate that to the entire
facility). If you want something to experience fellowship in that is not crumbling around you as you commune with
your fellow Orthodox Christians then please step up and participate in paying off our debt. Thank you to those who
continue to make the sacrificial gift may your well always run deep with the life giving spiritual water of the
Orthodox Faith.

Tim Kelly Building Committee Chair and humble Parish Council member
Thy Nativity, O Christ our God, has shined the light of knowledge upon the world . For a new child has been born for us, the God before all ages. Dec 25
Youth Team Report

Our youth and their teachers spent another busy month studying our faith and putting it in action as we entered the
Fast of the Nativity.

We present our Grade 1-2 class this month, taught by Kathy Lytle:

Holy Anargyroi's 1st & 2nd grade church school classes meet in the fellowship hall basement. We are enjoying
having our "own" space now. Generally, four or five students arrive -- we have room for more! -- and we get right
down to work! We are getting an overview of the Bible this year, so of course the Old Testament is our starting
place. Ask any of these bright kids what the theme of the Bible is and they (should) be able to tell you. :-) It's not
really work, though; it's fun to incorporate ideas of creation, sin, and redemption into games and crafts and snacks
along with the story. Let me know if you'd like to join us!

This month, GOYA spent Faith Night exploring the difficult but necessary topic of suicide from both a practical and
spiritual perspective.

Our own Dr. Amalyssa Johnson, a clinical
psychologist, joined us for the discussion. We were
encouraged to ACT NOW if we have a concern for
suicidal intent in others: Acknowledge, Care, find
Treatment with an adults help. Spiritually, we were
reminded that Orthodoxy celebrates life as a gift from
God. It is a way of life which is centered on life, and
its goal is our attainment of eternal life. The act of
suicide is a rejection of salvation and a life in Christ.
It destroys the opportunity for repentance and
reconciliation which is possible only during our
earthly lives. As Christians, we are encouraged to
cling to hope in moments of bleakness and despair,
knowing that God is at our side and will provide respite and rescue on His timetable. There is never no hope.
A model of faith and the image of gentleness, your life has shown you forth to your sheep-fold to be a master of temperance. St. Nicholas , Dec. 6th
Youth Team Report
- continued -
GOYA conducted another successful drive for the needy this month, this time collecting canned food and winter

We contemplated our own abundance as we delivered the collection to an urban
shelter, and served up Thanksgiving meals of turkey, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin
pie for a roomful of cold and hungry individuals the faces of Christ on earth.

So you likewise, when you see on earth the man who has
encountered the shipwreck of poverty, do not judge him, do not
seek an account of his life, but free him from his misfortune.
St. John Chrysostom

As we prepare for the great Feast of the Nativity, let us make ready, like Bethlehem,
and open the gates of our hearts to stand with the Old Testament righteous and the
awestruck shepherds, to understand and bear witness that God is with us!
In Christ,
Youth Team Coordinators,
JOY - Loredana Jerghiuta
GOYA - Halina Woroncow and Mike Brekke
Excessive care about worldly matters
is characteristic of an unbelieving and
fainthearted person.
Thy Nativity, O Christ our God, has shined the light of knowledge upon the world . For a new child has been born for us, the God before all ages. Dec 25
Philoxenia House News
November at the Philoxenia house ministry was business as usual, and I dont have a lot of news to share, but that
does not mean that the news I do have is insignificant. In fact, two very important events took place this month.

First, we were excited to welcome to Rochester the Metropolis of Chicago Philoptochos Society board. The members
of the board joined our parish in celebrating of the Feast Day Liturgy of our Parish Saints Kosmos and Damianos.
Following the liturgy, Nina Munoz served as tour guide and led the board members through both houses. All of the
members were very excited and pleased to finally see the ministry in person.

Half way through the tour the Philoptochos board members presented the Philoxenia House a beautiful painting which
is on display in the downstairs apartment of the Philoxenia house. When the tour was complete and all questions
answered, the Philoptochos board members were pleased to present the Philoxenia House Ministry with a check for
one thousand dollars of which we were very pleased. Thank you very much.

Irene Arsoniadis, Chicago Metropolis Philoptochos Society
President, presents a check for one thousand dollars from
the Society to the Philoxenia House Ministry.

Second, I received a text message today at work with the news that the 2013 Philoxenia House Ministry newsletters
had been mailed. The preparation and mailing of the newsletter is a huge task that is led by Calli Kelly. Just filling and
addressing newsletter envelopes takes days, and I want to thank all of those who worked so very hard before and after
Thanksgiving completing the task. Those who helped Calli were Maria Pasalis, Erline Holman, Martha Voytovich,
Jackie Barbes, Karie Pasalis, Maria Thomas, Donald Jenkins, Elaine Jenkins, Anna Ryabova, Anastasia, Maria,
Christina and Stephania Kelly. Over 1110 newsletters were mailed out. WOW!!

Anastasia Kelly demonstrates how to
prepare the newsletter for mailing (left).

Our brother and sisters generously donate
their time preparing the newletters for
mailing. Starting on the left going
clockwise: Donald Jenkins, Anastasia Kelly,
Karie Pasalis, Elaine Jenkins, Anna
Ryabova, Martha Voytovich and Maria
Pasalis (right).

Thank you everyone for an exciting month and God bless.
Bradley Holman
President of the Philoxenia House Committee
A model of faith and the image of gentleness, your life has shown you forth to your sheep-fold to be a master of temperance. St. Nicholas , Dec. 6th
Metropolis of Chicago Philoptochos Board visits Holy
Anargyroi on the Feast Day of Saints Kosmas and Damianos,
Novemeber 1st 2013
They celebrated Divine Liturgy with us and toured the
Philoxenia House which they have generously supported.
With Calli Kelly, Father Mark, and Soula Pampori. Soula is a
Holy Anargyroi longstanding Philoptochos Board Member in-
cluding holding the post of President for 8 years. She is also
honored to be a past Metropolis of Chicago Philoptochos Board
member. Soula and Marilyn Tzakis (first on left standing) moth-
er were Metropolis Board Members together in the 1980s.
freely you have received, freely give Jesus Christ in Matthew 10:8
Enjoying the company of Maria Thomas at a luncheon.
Maria is another longstanding Philoptochos Board Member,
and also an 8 year veteran of holding the post of President.
In addition to meeting past and current
Philoptochos Board and Society Mem-
bers; they also enjoyed meeting future
Philoptochos members. Here President
Irene Arsoniadis and Vice President
Pam Argyris visit with Anastasia,
Stephania, Christina and Maria Kelly.
Left to right: Pam Argyris (Vice President), Pat Gerbanas,
Georgia Sarlas, Father Mark Munoz, Irene Arsoniadis
(President), Marilyn Tzakis and Georgia Gavaris
Thy Nativity, O Christ our God, has shined the light of knowledge upon the world . For a new child has been born for us, the God before all ages. Dec 25
Newer Members: The Johnson Family


Meet the Johnsons, who are among our newest members.
Ben is a pork producer and Amalyssa is a psychologist
with Decision Point Behavioral Health in Rochester.
Each holds a PhD degree: Ben in Molecular Biology and
Amalyssa in Clinical Psychology. They live on the farm
in Dodge Center where Ben grew up.

The oldest of five, Amalyssa was born in Sugarland,
Texas, and is proud of her Mexican heritage. She
graduated from St. Edwards College in Austin with a
major in Psychology and obtained her PhD from Texas
Tech in Lubbock.

So why did she choose this field? She loves kids and wanted to help them but wasnt particularly interested in
teaching. So she figured Clinical Psychology was a good choice. She does work with many children in her practice,
but also with adults and families.

Ben is the oldest of three and graduated from Triton High School in Dodge Center. He went to UW La Crosse where
he majored in biology and then received his PhD in biology from Baylor University in Houston. Why did he choose
science? because he grew up on a farm and there is a strong focus on science in farming. Because he was more
interested in teaching than research, he taught in various high schools, junior colleges, and universities.

Ben and Amalyssa met through mutual friends in Houston and were married in St. Georges Antiochian Orthodox
Church there. In 2008, they moved to Abilene where Ben was a professor at Hardin-Simmons University and
Amalyssa was in private practice. While there, they attended St. Lukes Antiochian Orthodox Church.

Amalyssa was raised Roman Catholic and Ben was raised Protestant. His grandfather was a Lutheran missionary in
Africa and his mother was born there. His grandfather later became an Orthodox Priest. But that isnt the reason Ben
and Amalyssa are now Orthodox.

What influenced them was their mutual desire to be able to worship together as a family. So before they even became
engaged, they wanted to make sure they belonged to the same church. Ben wasnt interested in becoming Catholic and
Evangelical friends in college had influenced Amalyssa, although she remained Catholic. After many months of study,
visiting churches, and, of course, prayer, they decided on the Orthodox Church because of its theology.

Ben enjoyed teaching but missed farming more. So they moved back to his familys farm in Dodge Center. They lived
for a while with his parents, but when his parents moved to another farm nearby Ben and Amalyssa stayed behind in
the house where Ben grew up. So if you like bacon for breakfast, you can thank pork producers like Ben and

Three year old son Kirk wants you to know that he has a dog named Deuce and that he loves all the John Deeres with
buckets they have. His Dad even lets him ride in them.

The Johnsons joined our Parish in June 2012. They like it here because we are neither too large, nor too small in size,
but just right. And, of course, they really like Father Mark. We are so glad that their road through life led them here to
A model of faith and the image of gentleness, your life has shown you forth to your sheep-fold to be a master of temperance. St. Nicholas , Dec. 6th
Please Contact Fr. Mark or Jackie to Donate
The vacuum cleaner has been donated!!! Thank you!!!
Coffee and coffee filters $110 per case
5 cases per year
Candles $4,200 per year
Two AEDs (automated external defibrillator) $1300 each
Metropolis basketball tournament registration fee $300 per year
OCMC support
(Divided between Hoppe and GOYA missions)
$500 per month

Please Contact Fr. Mark or Jackie to Donate
Church School texts/supplies $750 per year
Parish youth activities $1,000 per year
Outreach efforts $500 per year
Repairs: Air Conditioner (7/8/2013) $1,000

I saw the snares that the enemy
spreads out over the world and I said
groaning, "What can get through
from such snares?" Then I heard a
voice saying to me, "Humility."
Thy Nativity, O Christ our God, has shined the light of knowledge upon the world . For a new child has been born for us, the God before all ages. Dec 25
Philoptochos Society

Dear brothers and sisters in CHRIST+

This past month has been filled with many uplifting experiences. At the beginning of the month we were blessed to
spend our Patron Feast Day with members of the Metropolis of Chicago Philoptochos Board on Nov 1st in honor of
Saints Kosmas and Damianos. The Metropolis of Chicago Philoptochos Board and its many chapters have been our
biggest supporters of the Philoxenia House all these years. If it were not for their financial assistance; we would not
have this ministry to provide to those in need here in Rochester. I believe we have changed as a par-
ish in our work for God with the Philoxenia House here at Holy Anargyoi these past nine years. The
Philoxenia ministry has been a stepping stone for us in creating a mission based parish that strives to
offer, as best as we humanly can, Gods love to others. It was a wonderful blessing to meet and
share the Philoxenia House with the Board Members who have given all these years to the House
with faith and love just as our Patron Saints lived by in answering Jesus Christs call to Christians in
Matthew 10:8

freely you have received, freely give.

On Nov. 21st, eleven of our Society Members
hosted the Churchs St Philothei Project in
which we prepared the weekend meals, 450 in
all: breakfast, lunch and dinner for the Roch-
ester Womens Shelter. Our Society also gave
a $200 donation to St Philothei. Nov 21st was
a blessed evening for us because following
the St Philothei Project we hosted a Bereave-
ment Workshop as part of our Magdalene
Ministry to aid the dying and the bereaved.
Society Member Lexie Biedermann, Certified
Nurse Practitioner, (far right in front) gave a
wonderful presentation that covered profes-
sional, personal and spiritual aspects of bereavement care. Father Mark added to the presentation by
discussing the perspective of death in relation to our Orthodox faith. It was a spiritually reflective
evening for those in attendance.

This month many of us donated gift wrapped hats and
mittens to Moms and children at the Healing House
in Minneapolis. The Healing House is a Christian res-
idential recovery center that allows mothers to be
with their children while going through therapy. It is
the only one of its kind in the state of Minnesota.
This donation from our Society is in collaboration
with St. Marys Greek Orthodox Churchs Philopto-
chos Society in their work with the Healing House.
On Nov 30th, we provided the hats and mittens and
St Marys provided blankets and books for the resi-
dents. It is a Christian example of two Philoptochos
Chapters working together to bring a little comfort to
others during a time of difficulty.

Wishing you a reflective and spiritual journey leading to the celebration of our Lords Nativity.

With sisterly love in CHRIST+
Calli Kelly, Philoptochos President
I have much grati-
tude to Metropolis
President Irene Ar-
soniadis for en-
couraging members
of the Philoptochos
Board to visit Holy
A model of faith and the image of gentleness, your life has shown you forth to your sheep-fold to be a master of temperance. St. Nicholas , Dec. 6th
What is Christian Stewardship?

Christian Stewardship is

learning how to be a responsible and concerned caretaker of Christs
Church; it is learning how to enjoy Church life and be happy in Church
work., for in Her dwells the fullness of the Spirit of God.
our active commitment to use all our time, talent and treasure for the
benefit of humankind in grateful acknowledgment of Christs redeeming
caring for the needs of others.
offering ones self to God as He offered Himself to us.
what a person does after saying I believe, as proof of that belief.
devotion and service to God and His Church as persons, as families, as diocese/metropolis, as national Church and
as Church universal.

The Gifts of the Magi icon presents the Wise Men offer-
ing gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to the Christ
Child. These wealthy scholars and priests of the East en-
dured numerous dangers, and traveled great distances to
offer their treasures to Christ, the newborn king. What a
beautiful and meaningful example of stewardship they set
for all future generations, helping us to understand the
blessing of properly using and sharing Gods gifts.

Everything we have is temporal. We dont know for how
long we have it. The fundamental question, though, is
how will we use all that we have for the glory of God?

Christian Stewardship is about becoming good caretakers of all that God
has given us. God has given each of us special and unique gifts. And
through Holy Scripture He teaches us all that we have is a loan. He lends
everything to us, and reminds us that one day He will ask us to give a de-
tailed accounting of what we have done with the gifts He has given us.
Archbishop Anastasios of Albania has noted that we find ourselves by
offering ourselves. Have we learned the blessedness of generously giv-
ing to others of all we have?

One day, a person complained to his priest that the
Church and Christianity is one continual give, give,
give. To which the priest replied, Thank you very
much for the finest definition of Christianity I have
ever heard. Youre right, Christianity is all about a
constant give, give, give. God giving His only Son
to the world to show His unconditional love. His
Son Jesus giving His life on the cross to forgive our
sins and destroy death. Then our Lords disciples
giving all they had to make sure Gods Good News
of love was preached to all people everywhere. They
not only gave away their homes and businesses, but
even gave up their lives as martyrs in gratitude to

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