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Chapter 1 Sharpen your memory 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. What was the name of writers fathers inn?

Who was the first man to lodge in Admiral Benbow inn and what was he carrying? Where did he roam around all day? Why did he give a four penny silver to writers father? What type of stories did he tell? What did writers father think about the impact of his horror tales? Why did seamen get angry with Dr Livesey?

Summary On the insistence of Squire Trelawney, Dr Livesey and others, the writer penned down about the treasure islands. He recollected that once, an old seaman with the sabre cut landed at his fathers Admiral Benn brow inn. He was tall and strong but shabby looking. He often sang an old sea song to please himself. He enjoyed eating eggs and bacon and drinking swallowing up rum. He had a wavering and coarse voice. He moved around the cove or cliff with a brass telescope. He handed over my father a silver four penny on the first of every month requesting him to let him know if he had sighted any sea faring man with one leg. He also started coming in fathers dreams in dreaded forms. He liked narrating tales to other guests and flared. When none asked any question his stories were so frightful that father thought that one day, the guests would stop coming to his inn and wreck his business. But all enjoyed his horrifying tales. Once Dr. Livesey, visited the inn to see the writers father. Doctors pleasing manners and discipline contrasted with rude and untidy behavior of seaman. He was peeved with doctor when doctor ignored his command of keeping quiet. Doctor even abused him for his drinking habits. This infuriated the sea men and he whipped out a knife and threatened the doctor. He was quietened when doctor threatened him to court for punishment. Outlining the character Old seaman: He was a sturdy and tall, wearing torn out clothes. He was domineering and always wanted others to obey him. Whole day, he roamed around cove or cliff with brass telescope. He wanted listeners attention towards the tales he narrated. He gave a silver four penny to writers father to let him know if seafaring man with one leg had been sighted. Dr Livesey:. He was well mannered fellow and particular with tidiness He silenced seaman by issuing authoritative commands. He was also magistrate and threatened the seaman with dragging him to court if he did not mend it.

Brushing up your knowledge 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Describe in brief the appearance of old seaman. What kind of nightmares did writers father see? What was his peculiar style of telling stories? What did Doctor say to seaman angrily? What contrasts does writer draw between Doctor and seaman?

Depicting Character 1. What kind of person was the seaman? 2. Writers father did not dare to ask seaman fir rent when seaman had nothing to pay. What does it show of writers father? 3. Doctor issued a strict warning to seaman if he did not mend himself. What do you draw of doctor? Chapter 2 Sharpen your memory 1. 2. 3. 4. What has happened to writers father? Why did writer and strange man hide at corner behind door? What saved the strange man when captain attacked him with cut glass? Who saved the Captain?

Summary Writers fathers health was on decline every day. It was feared that he would not be any longer alive to see spring. Writer and his mother were entirely responsible for running the inn operation. Seaman rose early and left for beach in a manner that reflected that Dr Liveseys warning still haunted him. A new guest at the inn enquired about his friend, Bill and gave a description about him. He was looking for none other than, the captain. He was not at ease and even he stopped writer from moving out of inn. He had become more friendly with him. He wanted the writer to hide with him behind the open door and wait for Bill, captain. Captain, when returned to inn, was surprised to find his old mate inside. Both comforted themselves by sitting across breakfast table. The writer was asked to leave them alone. Soon, the writer heard from out, angry oaths, clashing of cut glasses and toppling of chairs. Both were fighting with each other and the Black dog narrowingly escaped a swipe of captains cut glass. But soon he fled from there to save his skin. The seaman had a stroke and collapsed on the floor. Dr Livesey arrived at the wink of time to save seaman. Doctor cautioned him against taking liquor anymore or he would die very soon.

Outlining the character Strange man: He visits writers inn and enquires about seaman. He hides himself behind the door, when captain returns from his stroll. Both have brawl and as a result, strange man to save himself, flees from there. Seaman: He is strong and brave. He overpowers strange man and lunges at him with his cut glass. He sinks to the floor and regains consciousness when doctor treats him.

Brushing up your knowledge 1. 2. 3. 4. Who was the new visitor to inn and what did he look for? How did strange man behave with writer? What did the writer hear happening in the room where strange man and seaman were sitting? What advice did Doctor give to Captain?

Depicting Character 1. Doctor Livesey kept advising seaman against his addiction to alcohol. What does it reflect of him?

Chapter 3 Sharpen your memory 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What did the old seafaring man request the writer for? What happened to writers father? Why couldnt doctor be called in emergency? What did writer notice one day when he was standing at the door of inn?4 What did the blind man ask for? What happened to captain when he saw his palm?

Summary Seafaring man who was weakened and lying on the bed , requested the writer for a glass of rum. The writer reminded him of the Doctors advice but he insisted on having on glass. When he was told that he was going to stay one week more until he recovered, he agitated and yearned for moving out of the p lace as soon as possible.

The writer was busy thinking, if he should bring it into doctors notice. Before he could act on, his father breathed his last. The seafaring man, as was his undying habit, couldnt restrain himself from drinking. He was growing weaker and weaker and Doctor was too far away to be called in emergency. He had difficulty in walking and he reeled when he did. One day, after the funeral of father, writer sighted a man who. Wearing shabby clothes, looked ominous in his appearance. He was advancing on the inn tapping the stick on the ground. Beggar asked the writer where he was. He clasped the writers hand with his iron fist and demanded his meeting with captain. He leaned on writer while moving and writer found it difficult to haul it. Inside the inn, the writer spoke loudly the words the man had commanded him to do. When the blindman neared the seafaring man, he thrust something into the palm of old man and made a speedy way out. The captain was startled when he looked at the palm and tried to get up. He lurched and fell like dead weight. Writer discovered that he was no more alive. Outlining the character Captain: He cannot live without drink and requests the writer for it. It upsets him when he is advised to take a bed rest of a week. He collapses onto the floor and dies when he looks at the thing in his palm. Beggar: A man, wearing worn out clothes, tapping his stick on the ground, walks past the writer. He looks menacing. He urges writer to take him to captain. He hands over something to captain and disappears. Brushing up your knowledge 1. When writer told the seafaring man he was required to stay for one week more, what was his reaction? 2. How did the blind man look like? Depicting Character 1. Even after doctors strict advice the captain couldnt live without liquor. How do you interpret his character? 2. The beggar, after pushing something into captains palm, rushed out without support of anybody and disappeared. What does it suggest of him?

Chapter 4 Sharpen your memory 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Where did the writer and his mother hurry? What broke the stillness on road on which the writer and his mother were going? Where did they find the key of sea-chest? Which message was written on one side of the paper? What did the writer think about the black spot? What made them delight when they were searching the sea-chest? What was contained in the canvas bag? Where did they hide themselves?

Summary Writer was not at ease n his inn as captain was lying dead and tickling of clock, crackling of coals over grate and thought of beggar lurking around made him alarmed. He sought somebodys help to disentangle from the situation where they were in. In the frosty evening, the writer and his mother hastened out. On the road, the writer could hear nothing but sound of soft lapping of ripples and croaking from nearby wood. When they narrated their tale to people outside, nobody dared to visit the ill-fated inn. At last, his mother gathered courage and resolved to back to the inn. People were ready to provide them pistol for self-defense and horses for safe return. When they reached the inn, the writer, to open the sea-chest, rushed down to seaman for keys. He discovered a white round paper in captains palm. Paper was blackened on one side and writer thought it could be black spot. On the other side, there was a message which read, you have till ten tonight. The writer searching for key in his pockets, came across various other insignificant items. He finally found key in his necklace. With the help of key, they opened the sea-chest and combed through various items. A bundle tied up in oil cloth and canvas bag which gave a jingling sound upon touch, roused their attention. The bag contained coins of almost all countries. As they were busy counting the coins, the tapping of stick was once again heard but it soon died away. Then, they crept out for hamlet. Out in the open moonlight scattered its splendor as the fog gradually diffusing. They panicked when they heard approaching footsteps. There was figure carrying a lantern. Mother fainted and the writer had to take her wobbling mother below the bridge for safety. Outlining the characters Writer and his mother They were very frightened as the dead body of captain was lying on the floor. They crept out of the inn to seek peoples help. But nobody agreed to accompany them to inn. They, themselves, unlock the seachest and look for contents. Writers mother is very happy as she finds gold coins in one bag. They both hide themselves under the bridge to avoid prying eyes.

Brushing up your knowledge 1. Why was the writer nervous? 2. What did they request people to do and what response did they receive? Depicting characters 1. When writer and his mother solicited help from people, they were not given. What does it tell about the attitude of the people? 2. Writers mother did not keep all the coins to herself. What kind of woman was she? Chapter 5 Sharpen your memory 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Where were seven or eight people hurrying with beggar? What were they looking after? Why dud beggars men run in panic? Who were horse riders? When Mr. Dance asked about the reason of beggars men forcibly entering into inn, what did the writer say?

Summary The writer peeping through the bush of broom, noticed seven or eight men following the man with lantern. The writer also caught the sight of beggar who was also among them and yelling others to break the door. Four or five of them rushed in to discover that the captain was dead. Their feet clattered on the stairs up as per the command of the beggar. Beggars men couldnt find the treasure map which they were after. Blind men ordered them to hunt for inn owners. The beggar was so much fuming the he swiped his stick to hit his fellowmen. They, finding unbearable, cursed the beggar and tried to snatch the stick from his clasp. A pistol shot cracked from the hillside and soon the men dispersed in all directions. The blind man was all alone mouthing foul at his men. From the top of the hill galloped down four or five horse riders. Accidently Pew, beggar was trampled and knocked aside to death. Rest of the men escaped in a lugger which was pursued by Mr. Dance. The writer returned to inn with him. The inn was in a mess when he reached there. When Mr. Dance enquired about the purpose of beggars men barging in the inn, writer revealed that men were after the thing which he had kept in his breast pocket. Mr. Dance and writer, then, left for Dr Liveseys house. Outlining the character Beggar: He landed at inn with his fellow men. He was after the treasure map. When he could not trace it the inn, he got infuriated and lashed out at his men. As a result, there ensued a fight between beggar and his men. Beggar dies when one of the horses trampled over him and knocked him to one side.

Brushing up your knowledge 1. What made beggar angry and how did his anger boomerang him? 2. How did the beggar died? 3. When the writer reached the inn with Mr. Dance, what did he discover? Depicting character 1. Writer expressed his desire of handi9ng the treasure map to Dr. Livesey. Why did writer have so much faith on doctor? Chapter 6 Sharpen your memory 1. 2. 3. 4. Where had Dr. Livesey gone when Mr. Dance and writer reached his house? How did they find the treasure map? What was Squires plan of reaching the treasure island? What advice did doctor give to Squire?

Summary When writer and Mr. Dance reached Dr Liveseys house, they were informed by the maid there that he had left for hall to enjoy dinner and meet Squire. At hall, they were guided into the library where Doctor was sitting with Squire. Mr. Dance related the story to both of them. Squire applauded the writer when he knew about the safe return if his mother to inn. He also had a word of praise for Mr. Dance for annihilating the beggar. Doctor took the oil skin packet and put it in the pocket of his coat. Squire told the doctor that he was familiar with the background of Flint. He and his men had one mission of amassing money. Doctor deposited the packet at the table and unwrapped it. On the first page, they came across scribbles that indicated somebodys idling away with pen with no clear objective. In the following ten or twelve pages, strange entries were found. Insertion of crosses between date and sum of money was not deciphered. As Doctor couldnt figure out meanings of entries , squire clarified that crosses stood for ship or towns they looted. They opened the seals of the paper very carefully. There, before them, lay the map of an island. It had all the details so that reaching the treasure would not be arduous journey. Doctor and Squire were ecstatic with finding of whereabouts of treasure. Squire readied the whole plan of exploring the island. Doctor speculated that any whiff of their search for treasure, might invite trouble from the beggars men who were still stalking for news.

Outlining the characters Squire: He is a friend of Dr. Livesey. He is tall and sturdy fellow. He appreciates what Mr. Dance and writer has done. He is jubilant when he comes to know about the treasure hidden in an island. He makes all the arrangement for visiting the island. Brushing up your knowledge 1. 2. 3. 4. How did Squire look like? Why did Squire applaud the writer and Mr. Dance? What did doctor and his companions find on the first page of packet when it was unwrapped? What was written in next ten or twelve pages that was difficult to grasp?

Depicting character 1. Squires happiness knew no bounds when he came to know where the treasure was hidden. What does it suggest of him?

Chapter 7 Sharpen your memory 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Why was their visit to island getting delayed? Who arranged the ship, Hispaniola? Whom did writer employ in his inn and why? What was Mr. Trelawney suppose to do? What attracted writer in sailors

Summary The plan of visiting the island was not materialized as doctor was in London doing his practice. Squire was engaged with his work at Bristol and the writer, living under the charge of old Redruth, fantasized about exploring the island. After some weeks, they received a letter from Squire addressed to Dr Livesey, informing that Ship, Hispaniola had been arranged and one Mr. Blandly had been instrumental in making it possible. Writer was perturbed over the fact that Squire had leaked the secrets out and it might infuriate Doctor. Squire further wrote down that he had come across a sailor, Long John Silver, who had been a sailor earlier. But now he, being jobless, pleaded him to employ as a cook. Squire was also happy to inform that he had discovered the whole crew of five or six men. Blandy and John Silver arranged two more competent person to give them more company. Squire assured Livesey of Silvers honesty and stature. Squires letter sent writer into frenzy of excitement. He, in next morning, rushed to the Admiral Benbrow inn to see his mother. The Inn was now mended and new boy was employed to assist writers mother. Then, they headed for Bristol where Mr. Trelawney had to supervise the work

upon Schooner. Writer was thrilled as he went past various ships and rigs. He ran into some sailors surging at work, some with rings in their ears, their walk flamboyant etc. The writer, later, met Squire and doctor in a large inn. Outlining character Writer: Before the tour to the treasure began, the writer plunged into different fantasies. He fantasized about clambering the hill of island, fighting with savages there, ominous animals ambushing them etc. He is over joyous when he lands at Bristol. There the sight of ships and sailors inspirit them. Squire: He dashes off a letter to doctor apprising him of the preparedness for sailing to the island. He finds Long John Silver as a cook and some other crew members. His old friend, Brandly, arranges ship for him. Brushing up your knowledge 1. What did Squire inform doctor in his letter? 2. Who was Long John Silver and why did Squire employ him? 3. What made writer excited? Depicting characters 1. Squire pitied on Long John Silver and employed him as a cook on his ship? What do you draw of squires nature? 2. Writer employed a boy in his Inn to help her mother in running Inn. What does it tell of him? Chapter 8 Sharpen your memory 1. 2. 3. 4. Why was writer feeling happy when he was asked to deliver letter to silver? How could writer recognize John Silver? Who was the strange man that rushed out of inn in panic? How did John express his sorrow when Black Dog was not caught?

Summary Squire asked writer to convey a letter to Silver John. The writer was overjoyed over the fact that he would get another opportunity to see more ships and seamen. He reached the tavern where he was to meet John Silver. He located him easily as he limped towards supported by a crutch. The writer had imagined that one legged seaman, would happen as monstrous to hi, but he was well mannered man. Writer introduced himself to him and delivered Squires letter. There, in the inn, writer noticed one man hurrying out of the inn. He was Black Dog. John Sliver bawled at Morgan who was sitting with Black dog and chatting. Morgan immediately rushed to Silver and clarified that he did not know them.

He issued his commands to Ben to get Black dog caught. He flailed while moving frantically in the room, giving order and rapping the tables with his fists. But the men who ran after Black dog, came empty handed. They confessed that they couldnt track him. John Silver lamented that he couldnt get hold of Black dog. He cursed his crutches which kept him bound. He, then, cheerfully, geared up to join other companions on ship. As he went past the ships ans seaman, he related various exciting tales and explained about the work and intricate things which interested to writer. Silver met doctor and Squire at the inn waiting for him. Outlining character Writer: He is thrilled when he gets a chance to go past the ships and seamen. He meets John in the inn and immediately recognizes him. He hands him over the letter which Squire has written. John Silver: He is flared up when he comes to know that Black Dog has dodged them. He orders his boys for his hunt. But it turns out to be futile. He regrets his disability which allowed the safe exit of Black Dog. Brushing up your knowledge 1. What was Johns reaction when he came to know that it was Black Dog who gave them ship? 2. What interesting things did John tell writer when they passed ships and seamen? Depicting characters 1. John Silver was very furious and sad when Black dog was not caught. What does it show of him? Chapter 9 Sharpen your memory 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Where was the ship entangled? Why was Squire angry with the captain of the ship? Why did captain offer to resign from post? What did he say to doctor about the treasure map Squire possessed? What did Captain ask Silver to do?

Summary The ship, Hispaniola disentangled itself from the cables of other ships which were nearby and sailed for its ultimate destination. The captain of the ship was not comfortable with the journey, men on ship and his office and grumbled to Squire against them. Squire got irritated and started asking him awkward question which could have aggravated the captains anger. Doctor calmed down the Squire and asked captain to detail his problem. Captain was not satisfied with the attitude of men on the ship, the

journey to hunt treasure, Mr. Arrows free mingling with the crew and crew members. He advised them to place powder and arms under the cabin and give berths to some crew men beside the cabin. He also complained that Squire had a possession of treasure map. Captain also offered to resign from the post if his precautions were not heeded to. He had heated exchange of words with the Mr. Trelawney. Doctor had a high praise for John Silver and captain. The Captain, when empowered to carry out his orders, brought new changes in the ship. When John Silver enquired about the activities going on the ship, the captain instructed him to go down. The writer was, like Squire, was disgusted with the way captain was ordering. Outlining the character The Captain: He was not content with the awkward behavior of crew members, Mr. Arrows drinking with other crew members, leaking out of treasure map information etc. He offered to resign if his orders were not carried out.

Brushing up your knowledge 1. What were captains complaints? 2. What changes in the ship were brought by captain? Depicting character 1. Doctor Livesey fully sympathized with the captain of ship while Squire fumed at Captain. What contrast in character do you draw between Doctor and Squire?

Chapter 10 Sharpen your memory 1. 2. 3. 4. Why was everybody feeling tired on ship? What made writer excited despite his tiredness? What did John Silver say about his parrots? Why did writer enter apple barrel and what awake him when he slept inside it?

Summary The Voyage All were feeling exhausted by working throughout the night laying things in order. But writers vigor did not cease because for him, the coming day brought with it new challenges and dreams. John Silver sang a song which reminded the writer of his past in Admiral Benbrow.

The ship began its journey with no untoward happening. On ship, Mr. Arrow couldnt contain hid drinking habits and command his men. He was sometimes found reeling on the deck and sometimes in his bunk lying numb. He never admitted that he had drink. One night, he crept out of the ship to the unknown. His absence was felt in the ship but there were other trusted names who could fill his void. John Silver was agile as any man on the deck despite his crutches. He commanded a great respect from his fellows. He maintained his gallery as tidy as possible with gleaming dishes dangling from up above. He had beautiful company of parrot whim he called Hawkins. He has a great love for his bird and he would often say exaggerated claims about his bird. Squire and Captain Smollett were still at logger heads. The ship, Hispanolia could withstand in rough weather and all were happy that it would not betray their trust before gales. The ship was sailing smoothly towards its destination which was drawing closer and closer. The writer while going towards the birth after finishing the work, wanted to eat an apple. He entered the apple barrel but found no apple there. Inside it, he felt sleepy lulled by the gentle tossing of ship and lapping of water. But he was awakened by the sudden shake of barrel. He heard somebody sitting beside the barrel and leaning his shoulders against it. He was uttering something. Outlining the character Mr. Arrow: He was often advised to abstain from alcohol but he ignored it. He was often found stumbling upon the deck or lying unconsciously somewhere in the corner. One day he vanished from everyones sight. John Silver: He had a parrot upon whom he lavished a lot of love. His disability did not lessen his agility. He always kept his galley tidy and dishes flashing. Brushing up your knowledge 1. What was wrong with Mr. Arrow? 2. Describe John Silvers personality in brief. Depicting character 1. John Silver was very active despite his handicap. Everybody on the deck adored him. What do you say about character of John Silver?

Chapter 11 Sharpen your memory 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What did Pew do before he died, according to Jon Silver? Why did writer feel that he should kill Silver? What did writer understand by gentleman of fortune ? Why was Israel Hands angry? Why did Pew and Flint lie? What did writer feel when John Silver asked Dick to get him apple?

Summary Silver was heard blabbering about the past events. He was joined by a young fellow whom writer couldnt recognize. The writer couldnt comprehend what were they conversing. Silver talked about his timber leg, losing of Pews sight, Roberts men, changing names of ships, their safe return from Malabar, money deposited at banks etc. After sometime, they were joined by Dick who muttered against the Captain of the ship and John pacified him by assuring him what to do at appropriate time. John revealed that Flint and Pew have died but crews whereabouts generated curiosity. Then John mentioned about Billy who had been ruthless when he was alive. John claimed that he was a gentleman but he had ill will against Captain. When Israel whispered something in Johns ears, the writer couldnt make out. Meanwhile in the barrel, the writer sighted moonlight falling on thin and heard somebody yelling at the sight of land. Outlining the characters John Silver: While sitting beside apple barrel, John Silver reveals about the past happening unaware that writer, hiding in the barrel, is all ear to him. Dick and Israel join his company. He talks about Pew, Flint, pirates interest, etc. Brushing up your knowledge 1. What did John Silver say about gentleman of fortune ? 2. Why does John Silver ask Israel not to act against Captain?

Chapter 12 Sharpen your memory 1. 2. 3. 4. Why was there hustle bustle on the deck? What did they notice some miles away? By which name was the island called? What news did writer wanted to convey to Doctor?

Summary There were frenzied activities on the Deck. People hurried from their cabins n the excitement of glimpsing the hills of the island as the fog was still covering the peak of large hill. When Captain enquired about the island, John Silver enlightened him with many facts. He disclosed that island was known by Skeleton Island and the main hill was called by name, Spyglass. He described the beauty of Island. The writer could not hide what he had heard from John Silver last night. He related all before Doctor, Captain and Squire who were down below in the cabin. They were all alarmed by what writer told them. They came to know that John Silver with crew was planning a mutiny and they would wait until they lay their hands on treasure. Captain and his two companions geared up themselves to take on the enemies. All the three pinned their great hope on the writer. The writer discovered that they had the support of nine or eight people while rivals were nineteen in number. Outlining the character Writer Jim Hawkins: He alarms the doctor, captain and Squire about ill-scheme of John Silver. He is called down to the cabin where he details about the conversation he heard from John Silver. He also speculated about their strength in overcoming their enemies. Brushing up your knowledge 1. What did John Silver disclose about the Island? 2. What did Captain, Doctor and Squire think about suppressing the mutiny? Depicting Character 1. Jim Hawkins discloses to Doctor the conspiracy hatched by John Silver. Which virtue of him drives him to act like that?

Chapter 13 Sharpen your memory 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What repelled the writer when he sighted the island? What was so strange about the Spy-glass? When they reached, what kind of sound could they hear? Why were some people looking suspicious? Why were some men given pistols? Why was it thought that six people on ship would not be proper?

Summary When the ship neared the island, Grey colored woods cloaked much part of the island. There were some narrow crooked lines of sand among the woods and many tall trees of pine were also sighted. The spyglass which was three or four hundred feet had a weird look. The hill top looked as if it were cut off to put a statue on it. The ship rocking in waters, advanced on the island. The grey woods gave a dismal look. The island looked devoid of any interest to the writer. Sun was blazing and the wind had stopped. The boats were handed out in the water. At the island, hill tops around the pond gave a look of amble theatre. There was no movement in the air. It was sheer still all around. From distance, the lashing of surf at rocks could be heard. A stinking smell wafted in the air as if it were damp leaves and decayed trunks. There were many men in the boat who were looking suspicious by their aloofness and insensitivity. John Silver was all praise for everyone. He mingled with the people and cheered them. He idled away by singing songs to revive the spirit of the people. All the reliable people handed over pistols to get ready to vanquish the enemy. As the captain announced that people could go to shore in the afternoon for happy time, the greedy fellows were very inspirited as they knew that they could reach the treasure. Silver was given the responsibility of captain and he was required to set the things in order. It was decided that six people would be stationed at ship but they would not be able to fight the enemy. The writer crept out in a boat to shore and from there to the dense jungle. He was followed by silver calling loudly at him. Outlining the characters John Silver: He is very sociable and genial. He mingles with people, cheers them by singing songs. Captain entrusts him with the duty of handling the crew and power of taking important decisions.

Brushing up your knowledge 1. Describe the appearance of island. 2. Why was John Silver considered fit to manage the affairs on the ship? Depicting characters 1. Captain Squire and Doctor reposed faith on John Silver and gave him responsibility to run the affairs on ship. Why was he trusted? Chapter 14 Sharpen your memory 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Why did writer give a slip to John Silver? What made him sure that some men were nearing him? What kind of noise did writer hear, that frightened him? Why was Tom angry with John Silver? Why did writer decide to bid goodbye to everybody?

Summary First Blow Unable to subdue his curiosity, the writer dodged Long John Silver to amble in the island. He ran into swampy area full of willows, bulrushes , vast sandy areas with pines and other deformed trees having yellow leaves and one hill with rugged peaks . One venomous snake turned at him viciously, hissing. Suddenly, the writer was startled by the human voice drawing nearer and nearer. It was Silvers voice, the writer recognized. Birds, ducks and other animals, sensing any danger, flew up squealing and flapping. The writer was perturbed over the fact that he was over looking his job and roving with criminals. The writer noticed that Silver was sitting with his group and conversing. All of a sudden, the writer heard angry voice and a long wail from the back of that voice. The area around it reverberated with the sound. The birds again shot up dispersing and screeching in panic. Tom, his companion sprang up to his feet hearing the sound. Other also threatened him to shoot him. Tom was disheartened as silver had shot Alan dead. Tom, dejected, cursed Silver for his heinous act. Silver could not digest it and pitched a branch at the back of Tom who was walking towards beach. He collapsed instantly onto the ground. Silver ran after him and crouching above him, pierced a knife into his still body. Writer spied everything from the hideout. He feared that he might be the next target. He dashed out like a bullet from a pistol. Writer thought of not returning to the group and reached the foot of the little hill.

Outlining the characters Writer: He wanders into the island enjoying the scenic beauty of the place. He also comes across a snake which jerks its head towards him, hissing. He notices John killing Alan and Tom. He flees from there never to return back. John Silver: He is very cruel. He shots Alan dead and kills Tom ruthlessly, first with a branch of a tree and then stabbing him number of times. Brushing up your knowledge 1. What did he find in the island when he roamed about there? 2. What happened to Tom? Depicting character 1. The writer managed to give John Silver a slip to enjoy nature. What does it tell of him? 2. John Silver killed Tom mercilessly. What kind of man is he? Chapter 15 Sharpen your memory 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What did writer notice when gravel slipped down from steep slope of hill? How did writer lessen his fear of strange man? How did he behave when writer fearlessly moved towards him? What did he eat to survive in the island? What did writer do when he heard cannon fire?

Summary There was a stream of gravel going down from the steep slope of ragged hill. The writer noticed that a figure like a man sprang behind the trunk of pine to save himself from being hit. The writer was hemmed in by two fears: one of criminals and another of weird figure behind pine. As t he figure was once again sighted at a distance. It was menacingly advancing on writer. An immediate thought flitted across writers brain that he was carrying pistol and he could vanquish his enemy. When the writer fearlessly moved towards him, he came towards him and knelt in supplication. He was a white man looking shabby. He had not met any Christian fir three years. He had been marooned there. He expressed his wish to have Christian diet. The writer assured him of fulfillment of his desire. When he asked writer if the ship had not belonged to Flint, the writer immediately thought that he got an ally. He suspected that writer might be a man of Silver. The write related the whole story in order to win his confidence. The man revealed that he was in Flints ship when Flint was going to bury the treasure. He killed six of his

fellows but hedged when asked about the treasure. Ben Gunn was in another ship three years back. He entreated the captain to take the ship to the island and hunt for treasure. When it was not found, they abandoned him there on island. While they were talking, they heard the boom of cannon fired. The writer asked him to follow him. The writer, then, sighted national flag of Great Britain flutter in air above wood. Outlining the character Writer: He notices a strange figure behind pines trunk to save himself from falling gravel from hill. The writer, first, gets frightened but the pistol, he carries, reinforces his courage and he takes on the man. he tells him how they landed on the island. Benjamin Glenn: He was left on the island by his fellows who could not find treasure on the island. He is in shabby condition. He ate goats, berries etc to survive. He was all alone on the island. He also made a boat. Brushing up your knowledge 1. How did the strange figure look like? 2. What did the man say about his link with Flint? 3. How was he left in the island? Chapter 16 Sharpen your memory 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Why were captain, squire and Doctor worried? How many mutineers were stationed at ship? Who were the men sitting in gigs and why were they restless? What was Redruth required to do? What advantage did Doctor and his company have over their counterparts? Where were they loading the materials and why? What happened to Gray when he rushed out from cabin at the call of Doctor?

Summary Doctor, Squire and captain were worried about the whereabouts of the writer. Hunter had informed that Hawkins had stolen out to the ashore with the group. They were doubtful about his survival. Six of mutineers were on the deck and some were sitting in the gigs at the shore. Doctor and Hunter decided to row to the shore to know Hawkins. The two men who were guarding their boats seemed agitated when doctor and hunter reached the shore.

The log house encircled the spring and knoll. It could accommodate two score of people. Doctor contrasted his cabin at HISPANIOLA with the log house. He found that spring was the difference. Doctor disclosed his plan to captain. Redruth was expected to keep a vigil between cabin and fore castle. The boat was loaded with powder tins, muskets, cask of cognac etc. The six mutineers tried to attack them from the rear but Redruth who possessed load muskets proved to be stronger than they. Boat was safely rowed to the shore. Materials were then piled onto the stockade. The rivals were more in numbers but captain and his team had advantage of arms. Boat was again loaded with materials. Redruth and Mr. Gray also were ready to leave for shore. Gray had a brawl and sustained a knife injury in his cheek. Outlining the character Dcotor: He hurries to the share of island to find Hawkins. He also heaps material onto the boat to take to the stockade. He is not frightened of mutineers. He describes the construction of stockade. Brushing up your knowledge 1. What contract did doctor draw out between stockade and cabin in HISPANIOLA? 2. How was stockade constructed? Chapter 17 Sharpen your memory 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Why couldnt their boat reach where they wished to go? What fear of round shot and gun powder haunted them? When Squire got ready for taking aim, what did others do balance the boat? Why did they worry that they wont be able to take on mutineers? Why were they concerned with Joycee?

Summary Doctor and his company were sailing ashore for the fifth time. The materials and five men outdid the capacity of the boat. The waves generated as a result of ebb thrust buffeted to the direction of gigs where pirates were lurking. Tide, being relentless, continued to plague them and took them towards westwards. Doctor doubted if mutineers could take out run shot and powder which had been lying in the ship. Doctor saw Israel Hands shot at the deck. The Captain, infuriated, waged Mr. Trelawney to show his prowess in shooting. As Squire fired the shot, it hit the other guy who wailed and fell. Hearing the sound, the other pirates collected to see what happened. The man was not dead but seemed to crawl to safety.

As Squire was about to fire another shot Captain and Redruth jerked back. The Stern dropped into water. The squires shot again missed and did not harm anybody. As they neared the shore, two of five guns were working. Doctor and his company with Joycee who was not at all fit for fight and vulnerable. They reached the shore leaving the boat with good amount of gun powder and other materials. Outlining the characters Squire: He takes aim at Israel Hands and shoots another mutineer. When he stands, the rest of the crew lean to other side to balance the boat. He again misses his shot when captain and Redruth jerk back. Brushing up your knowledge 1. The fifth trip to shore by boat was quite different from others. Explain. 2. Whom did Squire shot at and what happened afterwards? Chapter 18 Sharpen your memory 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Where were doctor and his friends heading for? Who were chasing them and why? What kind of responsibilities were Gray and Squire given? Describe briefly the character of Tom Redruth. What did Tom ask few second before his death? What was cheering news of Jim Hawkins?

Summary Doctor and his company hurried through the forest into the stockade. Mutineers also gave a lot of pursuit of them trampling and slashing through the forest. Doctor had pinned a great hope on Squire so he entrusted him with the captains gun. He also handed over cut glass to Gray who stylishly swished it in air to give a threatening to rival. At stockade, they ran into seven mutineers. They fired at them and one of them succumbed to one bullet shot while rest retreated to the thicket of jungle. All were jubilant. Just then one bullet whizzed past doctors ear and hit Tom Redruth. He collapsed onto the ground and died. He being undaunted, never complained for his sake. A few second before his death, he asked for prayers to be read. The captain bought a flag from the log house and laid it on the still body of Tom. As they were lamenting over the loss of beloved friend, the shots were being fired from mutineers. But they produced no harm to them. Four or five mutineers were very daring. They stole some of the provisions from the stockade and carried them to their boat. Meanwhile, James Hawkins too arrived there, to everybodys delight.

Outlining the character Tom Redruth: He was the oldest member of the party. He always obeyed seniors commands faithfully. One of the mutineers shot Tom dead. He never feared death and complained about his problems. In a few moments before his death, he requests the party members to sing prayer for him. Brushing up your knowledge 1. What happened in exchange of firing from both sides? 2. Why were shots from mutineers ineffective? Depicting character 1. Why did Doctor have a great regard for Tom Redruth?

Chapter 19 Sharpen your memory 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Who did Jim Hawkins suspect staying in the log house? By whom was the log house built? Why did they hide behind the bushes and trunks of trees? Which flag was fluttering from the HISPANIOLA? What did white rock mean to Jim Hawkins? Why were trees hacked inside the stockade and how was it visible? Why did everybody feel suffocated in the room? What cheered James when he woke up from sound sleep?

Summary Jim Hawkins who was accompanied by Ben Gunn, advanced in the stockade. Jim Hawkins was suspicious over the fact that mutineers had besieged the stockade. But Ben assured him that his friends were waiting there for him eagerly. He also told him that stockade was built many years ago by Flint. As they were talking, a bullet zipped past them and pierced the sand some hundred yards away from them. They immediately took to their heels and hid behind the trunks and bushes as the firing of shots did not seize for long. From the shore the pirates flag could be seen fluttering from the HISPANIOLA. After some time, the mutineers battered the jolly boat which was lying ashore. Jim also noticed the white rock sticking out of woods. He remembered that Den had laid a boat there. Soon Jim got united for his party. The floor of the log house stood on or one and a half feet above the ground. There was a porch under which a spring rose to a basin which took after a ships kettle of iron. Pine was used in making its wall roof and floor. The trees encircled the log house to fortify it from aggressor. Inside of the stockade may

trees were hacked to clear obstructions. The inside was filled with smoke as it could make its way out of small square chimney at the roof. Tom was still lying in the corner, waiting to be buried. Captain assigned each of them some or the other work to do and time to time went to each to maintain their spirit. The scarcity of food was threatening all of them. They had one objective either to annihilate all the mutineers or make them flee with HISPANIOLA. Captain reflected that mutineers might escape with the ship and carry out their evil activities. The James, who had a very sound sleep, woke up to hear Flag of truce! He got ecstatic and rushed to peep out. Brushing up your knowledge 1. Describe the construction of stockade and log house? 2. What duties were assigned to each member of the party? Chapter 20 Sharpen your memory 1. 2. 3. 4. Why was one man waving white flag before stockade? Why was Captain careful while meeting John Silver? What difficulties did Jam come across when he climbed the knoll? Why did John Silver ask Captain to let him in the log house?

Summary Two men were standing outside stockade with one waving white flag to indicate the truce. It was chilly out there and low white vapor had scaled up to their knees. Captain was vigilant as one wrong move of their could prove to be fatal. He commanded his party members to keep a watch on them from all sides. When Captain asked the mutineers about the purpose of their coming, John silver proposed for surrendering. Jam Hawkins who was peeping out of the loophole, tiptoed to the rear side of captain. Silver scrambled the knoll with trees stumps, soft hand hampering his movements. Silver requested captain to let him in. Bu this plea was turned down. He expressed his intense desire to join his earlier happy family. Silver insisted on having treasure chart from captain. He also assured him of no harm from them. Also, captain, being courageous fellow, never wanted to surrender. Silver ser some conditions before captain to gain access to treasure chart. Captain, unable to contain his anger, warned him with serious consequences if he blackmailed or threatened him. Silver, seething with anger, departed from there. Outlining the character John Silver: He comes to stockade to have negotiations with captain for bringing out truce. He scrambles over the wall with soft sand and stumps of trees obstructing his movements. To save himself from biting cold, he

requests the captain to allow him inside log house. He, to reach a compromise, puts some condition before captain. Captain: He takes all cautious steps when he invites John for discussion. He instructs all his party members to keep a watch over John Silver. He threatens John with grave consequence if he blackmails him for obtaining treasure map. Brushing up your knowledge 1. What did Captain ask his party members to do for keeping an eye over Silver? 2. What conditions did Silver put before captain compromise? 3. How did captain respond to the conditions set by Silver? Depicting character 1. Captain asked his party members to keep an eye over John Silver. What does it show of him? 2. Silver put forth some conditions before captain to bring about truce. What do you say about his nature? Chapter 21 Sharpen your memory 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Whom did Captain praise? What do you understand by loophole? What happened when Joyce fired at mutineers? Which side of stockade was more vulnerable to attack and why? What happened to Hunter? Why did Jim Hawkins roll down from the slope? How many pirates managed to enter the stockade? What was the ratio between captains party and their rivals?

Summary Captain, after Silver had gone, lauded his team mates for their mettle and loyalty. He stimulated them to meet next imminent danger. He positioned his fellows at different locations to fight the enemy. There were loopholes in the wall through which arms could be fired. Muskets and ammunition were placed on the table made up of firewood. As Joyce fired from his musket, there followed barrage of shots from enemys side. No harm was done to anybody as the bullet good embedded in the wood. Captain feared that if mutineers were successful in landing themselves in stockade, their end would be certain. They were of the view that there will be fierce attack from North side of log house. Some pirates sprang up from north side and charged at stockade. Captain and his members fired at them from all sides. Some of them died; some sped to forest and some sustained injuries but some managed to enter

the stockade. One of them pulled Hunters musket through loophole and thudded him so hard that he at one blow, lay flat on the floor. Another one pounced on the doctor with his cut glass. Jim Hawkins, to save himself from Andersons hanger, jumped thrice on one side and tumbled down on the slope. But three mutineers, who were inside the stockade, were overpowered. The third one sped to the forest. But Captain and his party members were doubtful that they would again storm them, out of revenge. The ratio of numbers between the two rivals declined to four to nine. Outlining the character Captain: He had been truly a guide to his comrades/colleagues. He prodded them to overcome their enemy. He deployed his members at specific locations from where they could target at enemies. Jim Hawkins: While saving himself from Andersons swipe of his hanger, he springs thrice to one side and wheel s down the slope. He slashed one of the mutineers. Brushing up your knowledge 1. Where did he position his mates to defend the stockade? 2. What happened to John Silvers men when they launched the attack on stockade? 3. What fate did four mutineer, who had entered stockade, met? Depicting character 1. Captain praised and encouraged his fellows always stood by him resolutely. What does it show of him? Chapter 22 Sharpen your memory 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. What did Captain and his team mates do when there was a cease fire? What kind of injuries did Anderson have? Why did Hawkins envy Doctor? What did he pick up from bread-bag? Where was Hawkins planning to go? Where was Benn Gunns boat hidden? Which lights did he sight on the shore?

Summary As there was pause in the firing from the mutineers side, captain and his team mates had adequate time to relish food and patients treated/tended. Hunter and one of mutineers had been declared dead

while captain who sustained shoulder blade and calf muscles had been badly damaged and advised not to move his arm. After having talks with Squire and Captain, the Doctor hastened to North side through trees carrying pistol, musket and chart. The Gray, who was sitting with the Hawkins was astonished to see doctor in a hurry. Hawkins was also disgusted with much blood and dead bodies strewn around him. He wished he had enjoyed the coolness of forest which doctor savored. Hawkins, stealthily picked up some biscuits and stuffed his pockets with them, thinking that they might save him from starvation. He devised a scheme to creep out of the place and reach the white rock where Ben Gunn had hidden the boat. As he neared the sea, he could see the spatter of water from the crests of surf. He also notice HISPANIOLA and one of the gigs lying ashore. In the gig, Silver and his other mates were seen laughing and talking. Soon the Captain Flint was also sighted with a bird resting on her wrist. It was getting darker and Hawkins was uneasy. He desperately looked for the white rock. Having clambered it, he saw down a little tent of goat skin in the small valley. He rushed down trending cautiously to the tent. It was made up of tough wood with goat skin covering it. It was clumsily prepared but being light and portable made it advantageous. He waited until the darkness set in. When the fog settled and sun light dwindled, he carried the boat to make his exit. He could sight two lights on shore. One was fire. Around it, mutineers were carousing. The other was lights emitting out from the cabin of the ship. He lay his boat quietly on the water to make his escape. Outlining the character Gray: He is surprised at hastening away of doctor into forest. He called him mad for his abnormal act. Hawkins: He is averse to the place where he is surrounded by a lot of blood and dead bodies. He envies doctor who rushes through the trees to feel the coolness there. He plans to ship out of the island. He carries Ben Gunns boat to the shore. Brushing up your knowledge 1. What action of doctor surprised Gray and what comment did he pass on doctors act? 2. What was he scheming? 3. What did he notice on the shore? Depicting character 1. Hawkins wished he had enjoyed the same coolness of forest as doctor did? What does it show of him?

Chapter 23 Sharpen your memory 1. 2. 3. 4. Why was boat useful to Hawkins? Why couldnt he manage his boat? What did he see through the cabin window? What did he dream of and what terror struck him?

Summary Being light in weight and easy to handle, the boat had been very useful to Hawkins but its tilt to one side and swirling in water made it difficult to govern. As he advanced further, there appeared HISPANIOLA before him. Tides were menacing and they could have taken the ship with them its hawser had been snapped. He started cutting the strand after strand to free the ship. Meanwhile, he heard voices coming from the cabin. They were of Israel Hands and his friend of red night cap. It seemed from the shrill and angry voices they were having brawl with each other. But soon commotion died down. There, on the shore, merry making was going on with somebody singing an old and vapid sailors song. As the breeze blew again, Hawkins was able to cut the last strand of hawser. He, later, grasped the light cord which was trailing overboard. To assuage his curiosity, he craved for one look through the cabin window. He discovered that Hands and his companions were tussling with each other. The coracle in which Hawkins was pursuing the schooner, lurched due to oncoming ripples. The Schooner too staggered in her course. Hawkins lay in the bottom of her oracle terrified by imminent danger of death. But at the same time dreamt of his reaching old Admiral Benbow where his all worries would come to an end. Outlining the character Hawkins: He sails by the boat made by Ben Gunn. The boat is clumsily prepared. He cuts the hawser to disentangle the ship. He peeps through the cabin window and finds the brawl between Israel Hands and a man of red night cap. Ripples in the sea cause his boat toss and swirl. He, terrified, lay in the bottom of his boat dreaming about his safe return to his home. Brushing up your knowledge 1. What was Hawkins cutting and why? 2. Whose voice did he hear coming from cabin and what did he think about the voices? 3. What was merry- making about in the ship?

Chapter 24 Sharpen your memory 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Where did Hawkins find himself in Treasure Island? What hid the sun rise? Where were fallen rocks? Which animals did Hawkins sight in the cape of woods and why didnt he fear them? Why did he change plan of landing at Haulbowline Head? What captivated him in cape of the woods?

Summary Hawkins found himself rocking in his boat southwest end of Treasure Island with spy glass hiding the sun rise and exposing the monstrous cliffs. Haul bowline Head and Mizzen-Mast hill were dark and bare with cliffs forty pr fifty high and top bordered with mess of fallen rocks. There, the roar of breakers and spatter of water roused fear in Hawkins. He also caught the sight of sea lions who barked harmlessly. Surging surfs monstrously at the shore changed his plan of landing. He was averse to idea of going to Haul bowline Head as Silver had talked about the ominous current there. He opted to land upon kindlier looking cape of the woods. Hawkins risked paddling but found himself drenched as her nose hit deep into the wave. He was successful in driving his boat through the lower parts of waves avoiding slopes and crests. He finally decided to give her small pushes towards the shore instead of bungling with it. He was fascinated with the tossing of tree-tops at cape of the woods. But thirst and blazing sun made him uneasy. He went past the point where he was destined to reach and an amazing sight before him made him gape. There, before him, lay HISPNIOLA. He thought that ship was after him but it remained stagnant at one place with sails quivering. The ship drifted in every direction for a minute or two and then came to the same position afterwards. It seemed to Hawkins that ship was not steered by anybody. Hawkins thought of paddling towards it but waves spray obstructed him. The ship moved in the direction of the wind with canvas making cracking sound of cannon and blocks trundling and rapping on the deck. Hawkins was some hundred yards from her when another gust of wind struck her making it toss. He was very near to it when the ship lunged down on the boat and he found his one hand holding Jib-boom and foot trapped between stay and brace. Outlining the character Hawkins: As he nears Haulbowline, he gets frightened by the roar of breakers and rising spatter of water. Instead, the green tree tops at cape of woods charms him. He struggles with his boat as the currents are formidable. He is surprised at the abnormal movements in HISPNIOLA.

Brushing up your knowledge 1. What happened when he tried paddling? 2. What strange did he find in the movements of the ship? Chapter 25 Sharpen your memory 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Why couldnt Hawkins climb over the deck? In what position did he find two watchmen there? Why was man of red cap expressionless? What did Hawkins think about the splashes of blood on planks? What did he collect to eat? Why did he rush to color lines? What was coxswain doing while Hawkins was bustling on the deck?

Summary As Hawkins tried to scramble over deck from bowsprit, the jib flapped and cracked down when it hit the tack. The ship staggered in its course. Hawkins could have been topples from the bowsprit but he managed to gain access to the deck. On the deck, the planks had been untidy with prints of feet and empty bottle rolling to and fro. Hawkins also noticed two watchmen: one was lying with his hands outstretched like crucifix and another, Israel Hands was leaning against bulwarks, with his chin resting on chest. As the wave surged, the ship lurched with sprinkling of water over the deck, sails bulging, boom waving and mast grating. Man of red cap was expressionless although he jerked from his position. Hands too slid ahead with every thrust of the ship but face remained rigid. He could also notice the planks covered with splashes of blood. A little later, Israel Hands emitted a slow groaning sound and dragged himself back. He was so enervated that he could utter only brandy word. There was mess on the deck; the floor was mantled with the thick mud; empty bottles clinked as the ship rocked; and barrels were missing. Hawkins was able to find one bottle with some brandy in it, some biscuits, cheese, fruits, etc. After gulping down the brandy, Hands cursed his luck for not having doctors presence on ship. On enquiring from Hands about Hawkins objective, he projected him as a captain of the ship. He rushed to the color lines; tugged at the black flag of them and flung it overboard. Hands regretted that without his friend, the ship couldnt be sailed, he requested Hawkins to sail it. Hawkins insisted to taking the ship to the north inlet. Hawkins, with soft silk handkerchief of his mother, and other aids, bandaged Hands wounds. Hawkins was very pleased as the time favored him but coxswain eyes manifested insult and smile reflected weakness.

Outlining the characters Hawkins: He succeeds in mounting the deck from bowsprit. He finds the deck untidy with things strewn all over, he also runs into man of red cap and Israel who are lying in a state of dereliction. He helps him by giving brandy and bandaging his wound. He sails the ship to North Inlet. Brushing up your knowledge 1. What mess did he find on the deck? 2. What conversation was exchanged between Hawkins and Israel over destination of ship> Depicting character 1. Although Hawkins knew that Israel was pirate, he helped him in his pitiable conditions. What does it show of him? Chapter 26 Sharpen your memory 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Why didnt Hawkins dare to anchor the ship at beach? What made Israel sentimental? What did Hawkins think when Israel asked for spirit? Why did Hawkins think that Israel couldnt kill him? Why didnt Israel say he didnt have any sharp thing to cut tobacco lump? Describe briefly the ship they discovered on the beach? Why didnt the pistol crack? What saved him when Israel charged at him once again? What made Israel fall from shrouds?

Summary The ship advanced on the mouth of the North inlet but Hawkins didnt dare to station the ship near the beach until the tide died down. Israel while talking to Hawkins, grew sentimental and expressed grief over the death of his fellows. He enquired about the rebirth of the dead and existence of spirits. During the talks, he wished to have spirit instead of brandy. Hawkins immediately grasped that it might be trick to carry out his ill designs. He rushed down the companions to fetch wine for him feigning that he was serious about the job. Hawkins suspicion proved to be true. Israel wriggled his way to port scuppers; drew out a long knife and hid it in jacket. Hawkins doubted that he might kill him and later, move to his mutineers camp. Hawkins was certain that Israel was going to get rid of him as he wanted the ship to be positioned safely and boarded again whenever it was required. Israel asked him to cut a lump of tobacco for him as he did not possess any sharp instrument with him. Hawkins cursed him for his immoral life he led. He was very cautious while reproving Israel. He knew that he could whip out knife at any opportune

moment and slash him dead. Israel recounted his dismal past to Hawkins. When they reached the North Inlet, they ran into a desolated ship in ruin. Shore bushes looming with flowers had grown over the deck and webs of seaweed ambled across it. They decided to anchor their ship at pet bit. Now Hawkins was steering under the guidance of Israel. Hawkins excitement heightened as the ship was going to get anchored at the shore. In ecstasy, he forgot Israels vile intentions. But he detected him through the corners of his eyes that Israel was drawing near to him with the knife in his hand. He charged Hawkins with all his fury but Hawkins managed to spring aside letting go the tiller. It hit Israel on his chest and he fainted. Hawkins had sufficient time to run for his safety and prepare himself against other onslaught. He whipped out his pistol and aimed at him. The pistol did not crack and priming was spoiled by sea water. Israel was advancing towards him menacingly and Hawkins was ready to dodge him. All of a sudden, the ship hit into sand, lurched and stood an angle of forty five in the port side letting splash of water on it. Both Hawkins and Israel tumbled on the deck. Hawkins leapt onto the mizzen shrouds to save himself. But Israel followed him and before he could charge Hawkins, Hawkins fired at him. Israel too with his wounded leg began mounting the shrouds. Israel, not surrendering to easy defeat, hurled his knife at Hawkins and it pierced his shoulders. Hawkins, being in agony, was not conscious that his pistol went off and Israel, being hit, plunged straight to the water below. Outlining the characters Hawkins: He was very circumspect while stationing the ship at beach. He grows suspicious about Israel by his sweet talks and suspicious movements. He, being agile, escapes attacks from Israel. In the process of his fight with Israel, he gets seriously wounded when Israels knife pierces his shoulder. He shoots at Israel and ends threat to his life. Israel: He is very cunning. He tries to engage Hawkins by his sweet talks about life and death. He grabs a large knife from deck and hides it in his jacket. He attacks Hawkins with his knife but misses his leg by a feet or so. He throws it at Hawkins while clinging to the shrouds. He, at last, falls into water.

Brushing up your knowledge 1. What did Israel do when Hawkins went away to bring spirit for him? 2. How did Hawkins save himself from Israels attack? 3. What happened when ship lay at an angle of forty-five degree at port side? Depicting character 1. Israel regretted the death of his friend and asked Hawkins about his doubts related to rebirth and existence of spirits. What do you gather about his character?

Chapter 27 Sharpen your memory 1. Where was Israel lying and why couldnt he rise? 2. Why did vast green water below cross-trees make Hawkins more fearful than the knife in his shoulder? 3. How did he pluck the knife from his shoulder? 4. What did he do with the man of red cap? 5. Where did he go after alighting from ship? 6. Why did he grow suspicious when he saw a large glow of embers? 7. When he reached the black house, what awful noise greeted him? Summary Hawkins was suspended up in the cross trees. Below him was the vast green water which frightened him out of wits. Israel was lying still on the sand which appeared when water from shore receded. He tried to rise but dropped as he succumbed to his injuries. Hawkins did not dread the knife stabbed in his shoulder or the pain it caused but the vast green sand below. When he thought of plucking the knife, he shivered with fear and the shivering loosened the knifes hold in the skin. When he came down onto the deck, he thought of getting rid of the man of red cap. He dragged him by waist and toppled him into the sea from deck. His red cap bobbed up while his numb body was beside his friend. He was all alone in the ship. The sun was setting down lengthening the shadows everywhere; the pines too cast its shadows on the ship. Now to bring the ship to the normal position was painstaking effort as main sail hung upon the water. He descended from the ship to the shallow sea water and from there to the shore. He longed more for going home than stockade. He headed towards black house to meet his companions. He passed by the place where he had run into Benn Gunn. He stumbled upon through the bushes, sometimes tumbled down into sandy pits with spy glass lagging behind. He was very careful while walking fearing that he might be mistaken by his team mates for any other pirate. He could sight glow of the embers near the black house. The glow indicated that it had been a large fire. But he was certain that the captain must not have given permission for such big fire. He grew suspicious and crept to the side of house. He was amused when he discovered that his friends were snoring in unison and making an awful noise that disgusted him. He mused that his companions had been very careless. Had Silver and his mated stormed the place, not one of them would have woken to see next days sunrise. Only Silver parrot was keeping an eye over the intruder. It began its refrain: pieces of eight until all were aroused from sleep. It ran and tripped over one and fell into somebodys arms who immediately encircled his arms around him and seized tightly. Silver commanded Dick to bring torch. Hawkins at once figured out that they were not his friends but Silver and his companions.

Outlining the character Hawkins: He remains suspended in the cross-trees and fears the vast green sea below him more than the knife stabbed in his shoulder. He trembles with fear when he thinks of drawing out knife from his shoulder. He deboards the ship and leaves for stockade to see his friends but there, he is caught by Silver and his friends. Brushing up your knowledge 1. How was Hawkins caught by Silver and his mates? Depicting character 1. Hawkins reached the stockade joyously hoping to get united with his team mates but Silver and his men caught him. What does it show of Hawkins character? Chapter 28 Sharpen your memory 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Why was Hawkins unhappy when he saw the house in light of torch? How many of pirates were there? What did Hawkins think about the pirate who was seriously injured? How did doctor and his team members value Hawkins, according to Silver? Why did one of the mutineers fume at the question of Hawkins? What angered Morgan? Describe the clash of views between Silver and his team members. Why did Silver become more friendly with Hawkins?

Summary As the torch was lit, house was diffused with light baring what was inside. Hawkins was disheartened to discover all the things were in mutineers possession and there were no traces of his friends. There were six pirates and of them one was seriously wounded. Hawkins doubted f the man had been the same fellow as fled to the forest after being shot at by captain and his army. Silver, wearing shabby clothes, urged Hawkins to join his team as doctor and his company wouldnt accept him as their member he couldnt form his own third group. Silver urged Hawkins to ask questions if he liked. When Hawkins enquired about the whereabouts of the doctor and his team members, one of Silvers men was furious but quietened by Silver. Silver acquainted Hawkins with the bargain that ensured as a result of truce. In the bargain, they took possession of stores, brandy, black house, firewood, etc. while doctor and his friends went to an unknown place. Hawkins could contain his outbursts and disclosed that it was he who heard the scheme when he was hiding in the barrel; it was he who severed the cable of ship to take it to place which t hey couldnt access and it was he who killed his

man. Hawkins declared that he had a hand in their ruin and that he was ready to face the music. He added that if he survived, he would save them from gallows and if he was killed, their doom was imminent. One of Silvers men, Morgan who, having heard Hawkins, whipped out his knife to slice him into pieces. But he was chided was Silver to keep quiet and not act like captain, he challenged his members to take on him if they disagreed with him. He also warned them not to harm Hawkins or consequences would be grave. Hs team members gathered at the far end of house and whispered to each other. They asserted for their rights to form a council. They saluted Silver and exited one by one from there. Silver knew that all his members would soon revolt and leave him in the lurch. He turned friendly with Hawkins to save his skin and criticized his team mates. Outlining the character Hawkins: When he views that lighted room of black house, he gets disappointed seeing all the things were captured by mutineers and his own team members were missing. One of the mutineers threatens him when he asks Silver one question badly. He reveals his part in their destruction and readies himself for death in their hands. Silver: He pressurizes Hawkins to join his team as doctor and company will not accept him their member any longer. Silver senses the danger when his team mates stand against him. He sides with Hawkins for his own vested interests. Brushing up your knowledge 1. What did Silver say about the truce reached between him and doctor and company? 2. What did Hawkins say about his role in ruin of Silver and his friends? Depicting character 1. What do you say about the nature of Silver who was friendlier with Hawkins?

Chapter 29 Sharpen your memory 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Why did one of the mutineers come out of council and appeared before Silver? What enraged Silver when black spot was handed over to him? What did Silvers men do with chart? Where was the paper cut off from? What were Hawkins views about Silver?

Summary One of the mutineers, who were assembled for the meeting, appeared before Silver and asked for torch. Hawkins, unable to tame his curiosity, sped out though one of the loopholes. He noticed that one man holding the book and knife was kneeling in front of others who were bending. One of them timidly handed over a paper to Silver. Silver, scanning it, raged at the person who had brought the paper as it was cut off the Bible. Just, then, another mutineer, George intervened and urged Silver to read the black spot. Silver could not digest what George said. As Silver criticized him, there developed an exchange of heated words between them. George blamed him for letting the enemy go unharmed; spoiling the cruise; not allowing them to pursue the enemy and admitting Hawkins in their crew. Silver retorted back; humiliated George in full open and clarified his stance. Hawkins was startled when the Silvers men sprang upon the chart which was lying on the floor. Each one was using his power to wrest it from other hand, with ecstasy. Hawkins declared that he was ready to step down as captain if he was so despised. But all, except George, wanted to continue him as a captain. He attached no significance to the paper which was just a Bible page. He handed over the paper to Hawkins. It was of the size of crown piece with one side blank as it was last page of the book. The printed side had a verse or two of the revelation. But words without are dogs and murderers alarmed him. The printed side was black with wood ash which jerked off and blackened the fingers of Hawkins. Hawkins thought that Silver, being a very shrewd man, united his team mates in his favour and saved his life. Outlining the character George: He is bold enough to criticize Silver. He dares him to quit as a captain as he is not deserving. He holds Silver responsible for their ruin. Silver:

He argues with George over the issue of his continuing as captain. He turns down Georges demand to step down as a captain. He manages to take everybody in hi side except George. He ridicules dick for handing over the paper to him. He gives no importance to the paper. Brushing up your knowledge 1. What did Hawkins see through the loophole? 2. For what did George blame Silver? 3. Describe the paper. Depicting character 1. Silver managed to secure his position as a captain and suppressed the opposition from George. What does it show of him?4 Chapter 30 Sharpen your memory 1. 2. 3. 4. Why did everybody rouse from sleep? What was the purpose of doctors visit? Why did doctor caution Silver and his men against staying in swampy area? Why didnt Hawkins go with doctor?

Summary All were aroused from the sleep as Doctor was hailing outside of Black house. Hawkins gladly dashed to one of the loopholes and peeped out. He regretted that Doctor would be hurt by seeing him in the company of mutineers. Doctor visited there to nurse his patients. Silver tried to surprise Doctor by revealing about the presence of Steve Hawkins but doctor didnt pay much heed and kept attending to his patients. He treated them as one family doctor did. There were some humour moments when Morgan teased Dick about his fever. Doctor was critical of their living in Marshy area as they could be infected with malaria. After giving doses to the patients, the doctor showed his inclination towards meeting Hawkins. Silver wanted doctor to meet Hawkins out of stockade and he himself would accompany him there. He commanded his men of lighting the fire and left with Hawkins to meet doctor. He was tardy as he was walking so as not to raise the doubts of his men of his real intentions. He arranged the meeting of doctor and Hawkins and tried to win the confidence of doctor by appreciating his qualities and classifying his stand. Doctor advised Hawkins to creep out of place. But Hawkins insisted of going back to Silver as he could not betray his trust. But he feared that any physical torture by silver men would make elicit the details about the ship rescuing him.

Outlining the character Hawkins: He rushes to one of loopholes to the doctor who stands out of stockade. He goes with Silver to meet the doctor. He does go with doctor to his friends as he does not want to breach Silvers trust. Doctor: He visits the stockade to see his patients. He is very friendly with mutineers. His animosity does not come in between his duty. He advises Hawkins to escape from the clutches.

Brushing up your memory 1. Describe the element of humour in the chapter. 2. Why was Silver mellowed than what he was earlier? Depicting character 1. Doctor comes to stockade to nurse the injuries of mutineer. What does it reflect of him? Chapter 31 Sharpen your memory 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Why did Silver express gratitude to Hawkins? What did Silvers men do with the food they cooked? Hawkins could not understand some acts of his friends. What were they? What was the main indication that could lead them to treasure? What did they find at the place where one of members was shouting? Why were Silvers men frightened? In what posture, was the skeleton lying?

Summary Silver expressed his gratitude to Hawkins for adhering to his word and turning down doctors proposal to escape from Silvers trap. He always desired that while hunting treasure both would stand by each other. Silvers men were very careless while cooking breakfast. They had overheated the ox and one of them, disgusted with the food, hurled the piece of food into the fire. Even Silver didnt complain to them for their slackness. He wished that they would have ship after they found treasure. He also conveyed to his team mates that Hawkins would also remain a part of their team and get share of booty they would get. Hawkins viewed that if Silver sided with doctor, their lives would be in peril. Hawkins couldnt comprehend why his friends had abandoned stockade; why they had given the chart and doctors last

warning to Silver Look out for squalls when you find it. Hawkins was not at ease. Hawkins followed Silver who was well alarmed and other men carried bread, wine, picks, shovels, etc. They all headed for the beach where two gigs were lying in wait. During treasure-hunting, they looked at the chart and tried to decipher the indication mentioned there. They were at the anchorage in front of which lay plateau of around two to three hundred feet hogh. There were pine trees of different heights and they were looking for tall tree which was the main mark. They scrambled through the marsh and entangled vegetation which hampered their movement. But soon, they ran into bewitching sites. The fragrance of blooms, flowering shrubs and shadows of pines were enchanting. While climbing, Hawkins many times lent a helping hand to Silver who stumbled on the treacherous way. A cry filled with terror from one of the members panicked all. When all rushed to the place from where the voice was issuing, they found there a human skeleton below a pine with few small bones uplifted by a creeper and torn pieces of clothes. The skeleton was straight with hands and feet pointing to some specific direction. They combed the place around the skeleton but couldnt find any of his possession. As Flint had dies there, the mutineers dreaded the spirit of Flint walking there. Outlining the characters Silver: He thanks Hawkins for keeping his promise of not going with doctor. He wishes that Hawkins will be a part of their expedition and he will be given share of the treasure. He is well alarmed when he ventures out for treasure-hunting. Brushing up your knowledge 1. Describe their adventure for search of treasure. Depicting character 1. Silvers men made food unfit for eating by overheating and one of them threw the food into the fire, laughing. What do you say about their mindset?

Chapter 32 Sharpen your memory 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Where did Silver and his men climb and why? What could they behold from the brow of plateau? Describe the featured of tall tree. Why was there a sudden change in behavior of Silver? What made Hawkins uneasy? What disappointed Silver and his men? What was amusing in the chapter?

Summary Silver and his men mounted onto the brow of plateau and from there they could behold cape of woods fenced by surf, anchorage, skeleton island, an expanse great sea and spy glass. Only the sound of waves lashing the shore and chirping of insects could be heard. As they were discussing the issue of Flint, a voice, fifteen men on the dead mans chest- yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum!, startled everybody. Silver allayed everybodys fear by telling that someone alive was teasing them. He managed to summon courage as he spoke. Rest of others were still struggling to regain their lost pluck. They again heard a fainted voice, Darby MGraw, fetch aft the rum. They were speechless and gaping at each other in amazement. Silver remained undaunted and dared to fight man or devil. But his men failed to muster the courage. Silver couldnt make out the reason of echo. It looked unnatural to him. He viewed that it might be of Ben Gunn. For some time, the voice was no more heard. Dick was holding the Bible in his hand so that no evil spirit lurked near him. Silver poked fun at his superstitious thinking. They reached the two trees which had nothing to do with treasure. Third tree was around two hundred feet tall. They thought that seven hundred thousand pounds on gold were buried beneath its sprawling shadow. Fancy about money inspirited Silvers men who forgot their terror in Flint. There was an abrupt change in Silvers behavior. He often tugged the line that was tied to him. Hawkins could perceive anger in his eyes. He viewed that Silver, by greed of treasure, forgot the promise and warning of doctor. The past ghastly incident in which Flint had slain six of his accomplices in the grove, made Hawkins edgy. Suddenly, on the way, they came across an excavation. From the look, it seemed it had been dug a long time back. Inside it, many packing cases with the mark of WALRUS and broken pick were lying. Evidently, the treasure was seized. Outlining the character Silver: When all were panicked at hearing the song in the forest, Silver tried to lessen their fears by telling them that some living being had emitted the sound and it was not work of any spirit. He, being fearless, dared to take on devil or man who threatened them. He mocked at Dick for his keeping Bible in his hands. He often casts angry looks at Hawkins because of his greed.

Brushing up your knowledge 1. How did Silver lessen the fear of his men? Depicting character 1. Dick carried Bible book in his hand during their expedition in quest of treasure. What do you say about such behavior? 2. Silver tried to comprehend the cause of the echo the strange song made. What does it reflect of him? Chapter 33 Sharpen your memory 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. How did Silver and his men behave when they did not find treasure? Who found a piece of gold in the pit? What did Merry do with a coin? Who fired the shots from the thicket and why? Why did doctor ask his men to chase the running mutineers? Why did doctor give chart and store to Silver? Who guarded the cave?

Summary As disappointment was writ large on the face of all mutineers, Silver maintained his composure and conceived a new plan. He alerted Hawkins and handed him over a pistol. He moved ahead to northward direction with Hawkins. As Silver did not appear friendly, Hawkins was perturbed. Meanwhile, Silvers men sprang into the pit and hollowed the ground with their fingers. Morgan was fortunate to have found a piece of gold. Merry holding the coin in his fingers and pointing it to Silver, blamed him for their futile visit. But Silver instead of being serious turned humorous and asked them to dig for pig nuts. This enraged the five mutineers who grouped themselves and stood in opposite to Hawkins and Silver. Merry was in favour of talks before situation took an ugly turn. As Merry gesticulated for talks, three shots were fired from the thicket. Merry and man with bandage collapsed. There appeared doctor, Gray and Ben with smoke wreathing from their muskets, from nutmeg trees. Doctor yelled at us to prevent the rest of the mutineers from reaching the boats. All, at once, at command of doctor followed the three running pirates. Doctor revealed that it was Ben Gunn who discovered the treasure and brought it to the cave located on two pointed hill. As Ben acquainted the doctor with the facts about treasure, doctor thought it befitting to hand over chart as well as stores to Silver and shifted to Bens cave where treasure could be guarded and besides it, they could prevent themselves from being infected with malaria. As soon as all reached the gigs were lying at the shore, the doctor battered one gig. They, then, boarded the other one and left for North Inlet where HISPANIOLA was lying in wait. They passed by the Bens

cave at whose door Square was keeping vigil. Gray was instructed to guard the ship while rest of team set out for Rum cove. The cave was spacious, airy with little spring and a pool of clear water, straggled with ferns over it. The floor was sandy. There was fire glowing inside and captain was beside it. In the corner, heaps of coins and bars of gold flickering, adorned the place. The treasure, Hawkins thought, had claimed many lives and witnessed sorrow, deceit, firing of shots, wrath, greed and what not! but settled with fortunate and happy people. All, gaily, enjoyed the dinner beaming with satisfaction but also regretting the loss. Outlining the characters Merry: He displays his anger at Silver by pointing to him the only coin they found in the pit. He accuses Silver for all his bungling. There develops a clashing situation there with merry standing in group some distance away from Silver and Hawkins. As Merry looked menacing, he was shot from thicket. Ben: He has been an actual hero as he discovered the treasure and hoarded it safely from prying eyes. He tells doctor every fact about the treasure. Brushing up your knowledge 1. What made mutineers furious with Silver and what, as a result, did they do? 2. What did Hawkins find in the cave?

Chapter 34 Sharpen your memory 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Why was it difficult to carry the treasure to HISPANIOLA? Why did Hawkins back and finger ache? Why did Silver advise doctor not to go to see three mutineers? What was decided in the meeting about the fate of three mutineers? What did three mutineers, kneeling on sandy pit, supplicate before doctor and his members? What did one of the mutineers do when their request was turned down? Why did they opt to have a halt at Spanish America?

Summary It had been cumbersome for all to carry the treasure from land to beach and from there to HISPNIOLA. There was no immediate danger from three mutineers who were alive but harmless. Some piled treasure onto the beach. Hawkins was engaged at packing. Hawkins was thrilled to peer at coins of

different countries, shapes and designs. Some had holes in the middle of them so that they could adorn ones neck. Hawkins back and fingers started smarting as it took long while sorting. One night, when doctor and Hawkins were lazing away on the shoulder of the hill, they were startled at hearing the shrieks and singing. Doctor viewed that one of the mutineers was not well and needed his services. Silver expressed his concern about the doctors life if he visited them. It was decided at the meeting that these mutineers should be abandoned in the island with some provisions. As doctor and team members left the island, they ran into the three mutineers, kneeling on sand and humbly appealing to them not to leave them for rotting in the island. One of them was very wrathful and he whipped out his musket and shot at them. The bullet whizzed past Silvers head. After sometime, they were not seen there and the sandy spit disappeared from their sight. Captain couldnt recover fully and rest were exhausted by unceasing work. They preferred to have a halt in Spanish America before heading for home. When they anchored the ship, they saw many boats with many Mexican Indians and Blacks sitting on them. The sight of many cheery faces and the glittering and flashing lights soon inspirited them. All except Ben and Silver deboard ship and headed for shore to enjoy a new life. When they returned to ship, news of escape of Silver with one sack of coins shocked them. On return, captain quit his job and retired to a peaceful life. Gray having lofty aims used his money in his studies. He later became the part owner of the ship. He married and set about a new life. Ben Gunn received a thousand pounds which he squandered away in three weeks time. Silver might be living comfortably with his Negress and dreams of surfs lashing the shore and Captain Flints voice pieces of eight, pieces of eight often roused hi from sleep, frightening. Brushing up your knowledge 1. What fascinated Hawkins when he had a look at coins? 2. Landing at port changed their mood from gloomy to cheery. How and why? 3. How did each of t hem use money when they returned to their homes? Depicting character 1. Three mutineers supplicated before Doctor and his friends for not abandoning them in the island to die. When their appeal was not heeded to, one of them in anger, fired at doctor and his company. What does t reflect of the character of the mutineer?

Summing up 1. Describe old seamans stay at Admiral Brown Inn. Once, an old seaman with a saber cut in one cheek, landed at Admiral Brown Inn. He was tall, sturdy and bulky reflecting an untidy look. He whistled and sang to please himself. He whistled and sang to please himself. He relished eating eggs, bacon and drinking rum. He had a wavering and coarse voice. He idled away most of his time at around cave and cliff with a brass telescope. He bribed the writers father with a silver four penny on the first of every month, imploring him to enlighten him about a sea faring man with one leg if he sighted. His presence and queer conduct made many eyebrows rise. Even he came in writers fathers dream looking threatening. He related many tales to the visitor to the on and got enraged when none asked any questions. His stories were so terrifying that father thought his business would collapse. He was furious with the doctor who overlooked his narrating accounts. Doctor warned him to mend his way or he would drag him to court and award him appropriate punishment. 2. How did the old man die? One day, writer standing at the door, pensive with the thoughts about the death of his father, noticed a man passing by the inn. The man was blind wearing worn out clothes and often tapping his stick on the road. His manner and look caused suspicion. As he neared the writer, he enquired about the place where he was standing. He asked writer to let him meet captain. He lurched while moving and often leaned on writers shoulder. Inside the Inn, he was introduced to Captain. As he drew nearer to Captain, he pressed something in captains palm. When captain had a close look at his palms, he tried to get up but staggered and slumped onto the ground. He was dead. 3. Why were writer and his mother frightened and what did they find in the chest? Captains body lay sprawled on the floor in the Inn. Both writer and his mother were dismayed by the ghastly sight. Ticking of wall clock and crackling of coals over the grate were the sounds to be heard in the stillness of night. There was none who could lend helping hand to them. They hurried out of the inn to the road in the piercing cold. They were in dire need of help. On the road, the sound of ruffling of water and croaking from nearby wood produced more terror into hem. They sought peoples help and to their utter shock, it was not rendered. At last, mother gathered courage and determined to return to inn. People provided them pistol for deterring the enemy and horse for safety. At inn, the writer came down to search captains body for keys of sea-chest. He, first, drew the white paper from his hand. It was black on one side; on the other side, there was a message which read You have till ten tonight. He hunted for the j=key which he found, at last, in his necklace. With the help of the key, they unlocked the unlocked the chest and rummaged through contents. They discovered a bundle tied with oil cloth and canvas bag containing coins of almost all countries.

4. What was found in the bundle wrapped in oil cloth? Hawkins (writer) handed over the bundle to Doctor who was sitting with Squire. Doctor laid the packet on the table and unwrapped it. On the first page, they discovered some scribbling that showed that somebody was toying with pen and page. In the next ten or twelve pages some bizarre entries written. Insertion of crosses between dates and sum of money was beyond comprehension. As doctor could not grasp the meanings of entries, Squire cleared up that crosses meant ships or town they plundered. When they opened the seals of the paper, they became very ecstatic to find the map of island.

5. What preparations were carried out by Squire? The visit to treasure island was delayed as doctor was busy doing his medical practice in England and Squire was occupied in Bristol. A few weeks later, the letter addressed to doctor by Squire enthused the writer. Squire informed that a ship HISPANIOLA had been arranged and Mr. Blandly had a major role in making it possible. Squire also added that he had employed a cook, Silver who had been unemployed for a long time and pressing him for a job. He was also pleased to inform that he had recruited five or six crew members. Blandly and Silver engaged the services of two more deserving men to give them assistance. Squire assured doctor of the honesty and loyalty of Silver.

6. How did Island look like when captain and his team members neared it? As the ship, HISPANIOLA, drew near to the island, all aboard the ship sighted grey colored clouds had shrouded a large part of island. Among the wood, narrow and meandering lines of sand could be seen. There were tall trees of pine family towering others. The hillock, Spy glass which was of three or four hundred feet height was queer in appearance. The top of the hill was sliced in such a way as a statue could adorn it. The Grey woods had an awful look. Lack of charm in the island dampened the spirits of writer. The son being merciless was blazing. The wind has stopped blowing. It was back-breaking job to haul the boats. Around the pond the hill tops looked like ample theatre. The sound f surf lashing the rocks could be heard. One could sniff a stinking smell as if it were coming out of damp leaves and decayed tree trunks.

7. When Hawkins wandered into the island to enjoy the natures beauty, he witnessed a gruesome act. What was that and who perpetrated that? Writer could not tame his curiosity to feel the nature from close and ventured into the woods. He waded through the marshy area full of willows, bulrushes, vast sandy areas and other deformed trees with yellow leaves and a hill with jagged peaks. As he was cautiously treading through, he heard Silvers voice. He was accompanied by some of his team members. The birds and other small animals, sensing any danger flew up or flitted across trees in panic. Hawkins heard an angry brawl between Silver and his member followed by a sad howl. The birds

screeching again flapped their wings and soared up in the sky. Tom, another companion, unable to bear his agony at the death of Alan, cursed Silver and walked away from there dejectedly. Just then, Silver flung a branch at the back of Tom who flopped to the ground instantly. Silver ran after him and crouching above him, stabbed his numb body several times leaving no chance of survival. 8. How did Hawkins meet Gunn and what did he tell Hawkins about him? As Hawkins ascended the hill, he noticed a lot of small stones and pebbles rolled down the steep slope of jagged hill. He caught a sight of man down springing and hiding behind the tree trunk to avoid being hit by gravel. He was already trying to elute Silver and now another danger loomed before him. The figure menacingly drew toward shim but he dared to take on him as he was carrying pistol. When the figure came close, he knelt before Hawkins and supplicated. He was a white man in tattered clothes. He disclosed that he had not seen any Christian for three years. He had been marooned there in the island. He expressed his intense desire to eat Christian food. The writer assured him of possible help. He further enquired if the ship had not belonged to Flint. The writers fear was lessened and he thought the man could be his ally. The man also suspected that writer might have connection with Silver. Hawkins gave him full account of past events he underwent. He revealed that he was in Flints ship when Flint was going to bury treasure. He killed six of his accomplices. Three years back, Ben set out for another. He entreated the captain to steer the ship to the island and look for hidden treasure. When no traces of treasure were found, Ben was humiliated and left above in the island to fend for himself. 9. Why couldnt truce be reached? There appeared two men outside stockade with one flourishing a white flag signaling truce. It was biting cold out there and low white vapour had enveloped the land and ascended up to two mens knees. Captain was very alert as one wrong move could jeopardize their lives as Silver was not trustworthy. He directed all his men to take position and keep a watch on them from sides. When Captain asked them what made them come there, Silver offered to surrender before certain conditions of them were accepted. Silver was invited for talks and he crawled up through three stumps and soft sand, lurching many times on the way up. He requested the captain to let him in but captain, being suspicious of him, denied him entry. He wished that he, once again, would be part of his earlier happy family. Silver demanded treasure chart from captain and in return, he assured him of no danger from them. Captain, being valiant, never wanted to compromise with Silver. Captain warned him of grave consequences if he used blackmailing tactics. Silver, defeated in his design, retreated to thicket.

10. How did Hawkins find Ben Gunns boat? As the fight between captains team and Silver and his men ended in bloodbath, Hawkins found himself hemmed in by blood and dead bodies sprawled all around him. He was repulsed from the ghostly sight and he craved strolling in forest and enjoying the nature. He gathered

some biscuits and crammed his pockets with them, thinking they might save him from starvation. He sneaked out from the place to the thicket. He wished to reach the white rock where Ben Gunn had hidden the boat. As he advanced on the sea, he could watch the spatter of water from the crests of surf. He also came across HISPANIOLA and one of the gigs lying ashore. In the gig, Silver and his men were seen laughing and talking. The darkness had set in and Hawkins was feeling edgy. He desperately looked for white rock. When he discovered it, he scrambled over it and peered down. He could see a little tent of oat skin in the small valley. He hurried down putting each step carefully. The tent was made up of wood with goat skin shrouding it. The boat was crude but it was light and portable. He waited there until darkness spread its cover.

11. How did Hawkins get himself in Silvers trap? After Israel had plunged to the shallow water of shore from cross-trees, Hawkins descended cautiously from the ship to the shore. He did not dare to pluck out the knife from his shoulder, although it gave him excruciating pain. He, after toppling the man of red cap from deck to the sea, longed to reach stockade and meet his friends. He headed towards the Black house fantasizing his union with his friends. He passed by the place where he had a dreadful encounter with Ben. He also feared that his team mates might mistake him for pirate. When he drew near the house, he noticed a large glow of embers. He speculated that how captain might give permission for lighting such a big fire. He tiptoed to the house so as to not to interrupt their sleep. But parrot got startled and began its refrain: pieces of eight until all aroused from their slumber. Hawkins tried to run but stumbled upon one of the sleeping men and fell into somebodys arm. The man enfolded him lightly lest he should escape. Silver commanded Dick to bring torch and Hawkins immediately figured out that he landed at enemys den.

12. How did doctor, Gray and captain save the life of Silver? As mutineers could not find the treasure, they were feeling dejected and enraged. Silver, on the other side, maintained his composure and devised a new strategy. He asked Hawkins to be vigil and gave him the pistol. Since Silvers movements and expressions were beyond comprehension, Hawkins was riffled. Meanwhile, Silvers men, still hoping against hope, plunged into pit and began hollowing the ground with their hands. Morgan was lucky as he found a piece of gold. Merry could not suppress his frustration and he held the coin in his hand and motioned Silver to have a look at it, blaming him for their failure. Silver aggravated their anger by telling them to hunt pignuts in the pit. The mutineers gathered, on one side, some distance away from Silver while Hawkins and Silver stood in opposite direction. To sort out the matter, Merry offered to have talks. As Merry raised his arm and voice, Gray, captain and doctor fired shots at Merry from nearby thicket and Merry at once collapsed. Rest of the mutineers fled from there , saving their lives.

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