Health Education: How To Maintain Great Health

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Health Education

How To Maintain Great Health

You will learn:

-What is health? -What is a communicable disease? How can we prevent communicable diseases?

What is Health?
Health relates to the state of a person
concerning their mental, physical, and emotional shape. Physical Health- visible characteristics of your body (skin, teeth, ect) Emotional Health- characteristics concerning your emotions (happy, sad, angry) Mental Health- characteristics of your brain and how you think

How is Health Affected?

There are numerous factors that can affect your health:

1. Heredity- innate characteristics

from your parents

passed down

2. Poor Diet- eating the wrong foods 3.Stress- pressure on an individual that comes from


How Do We Maintain Good Health?

-Drink lots of water -Eat healthy foods

Excersize, and say no to drugs

What is Tobacco?
Tobacco is a harmful substance most
commonly found in cigarettes that contain nicotine and is highly addictive. -Its the most common cause of cancer is very harmful to your body and organs

How Is Tobacco Bad For You?

Smoking can lead to diseases such lung cancer and heart disease. It can also cause cardiovascular disease.

Smoking is also associated with illnesses such as asthma.

Life Expectancy of Smokers and Nonsmokers in the U.S

France, 77.3 U.S, 85.2 Canada, 74.7

Japan, 76.5

The average life expectancy for smokers: Canada: 55 U.S. : 63 France:61 Japan: 62 * SMOKING DRASTICALLY REDUCES THE AMOUT OF YEARS YOU LIVE*

What is a Communicable Disease?

A Communicable Disease is a disease that can be transmitted from one person to another.

Ways communicable diseases can be spread: 1.Through the air/ inhaling 2.Exchanging of fluids and direct contact with the disease


Wash hands frequently

5 Ways To Prevent Communicable Diseases?


Keep hands out of mouth

Dont share personal things with people -lip balm, drinks, food utensils, ect. 4. Clean and disinfect objects when needed 5. Get immunized Demonstration of How To Properly Wash Hands

Proper Hand Wash Technique

Step 1: Wet hands Step2. Apply Soap

Step 3. Lather the soap with your damp hands.

Rub your hands together for at least 30 seconds. Dont forget to include your wrist, the back of your hands, between your fingers, a well as your finger nails Step 4. Rinse your hands and dry them with paper towel. Also use paper towel to turn off faucet.

Practice Making Good Decisions?

Decision making is a very important leadership skill. When making a decision do as follows: 1. Think before making a decision. 2. Weigh the possibilities and consequences of your decision.

Be Respectful When Working With Others

Being respectful tells people you not only care about others , but you also care about yourself. 1. Show kindness and courtesy 2. Have respectable manners 3. Think before you speak 4. Respect yourself

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